こんにちは。気になる人からこういう歌詞の内容の曲が送られたのですが、いまいち意味がわかりません。 raptureって歓喜、とか有頂天という意味ですがどうも歌詞にあった和訳ではないので・・。わかる方いたら教えてください。 lingering around like the clouds i'm caught in your rapture blanketed by your scent the longing makes me stay lingering around like a mouse caught in your rapture and i know just what your thinking but the longing makes me stay. you keep me hanging on you keep me coming back, back again you keep me hanging on you keep me coming back again.
>>3 雲のようなものが周りから消えず 俺は香水の臭いに包まれたraptureに虜さ 憧れが俺をとどまらせる lingering around like a mouse caught in your rapture 俺はお前が考えてることなどお見通し でも憧れが俺をとどまらせる おまえは俺を虜にして戻させる おまえは俺を虜にして戻させる
been a long road to follow been there and gone tomorrow without saying goodbye to yesterday are the memories I hold still valid? or have the tears deluded them? maybe this time tomorrow the rain will cease to follow and the mist will fade into one more today something somewhere out there keeps calling am I going home? will I hear someone singing solace to the silent moon? zero gravity what's it like? am I alone? is somebody there beyond these heavy aching feet still the road keeps on telling me to go on something is pulling me I feel the gravity of it all
Three for three. That's how I'm going to describe the past three days. Three for three. Right now I am sitting in a hotel room on the 5th floor at a Drury Hotel in St. Louis.
Three for threeがなんなのかわかりません。ことわざみたいなもんなんでしょうか… よろしくお願いします。
It's often good to be young. Consider the words of Walt Whitman: "Youth, large, lusty, loving -- Youth, full of grace, force, fascination." Of course, Whitman followed that up with "Do you know that Old Age may come after you with equal grace, force, fascination?" Let's consider instead a more pessimistic view, from Friedrich Nietzsche: "Youth is disagreeable time, for it is neither possible then nor prudent to be productive in any sense whatsoever." This seems unduly harsh, but in light of some statistics I recently ran across, perhaps it's rather true, too.
One explanation is that it can often be quite embarrassing to be alone in the company of someone you are not acquainted with and not speak to them. おねがいします
The US Agriculture Department's inspector general has asked the department to do more to ensure that high-risk parts are removed from US beef.
In a report released on Thursday, the inspector general's office lists 22 points to be improved, including checks at all slaughterhouses and meat-processing plants.
inspector general(監察官)
2段落目のthe inspector general's office lists 22 points to be improved, をどうか訳してくださいお願いいたします。
Three for three. That's how I'm going to describe the past three days. Three for three. Right now I am sitting in a hotel room on the 5th floor at a Drury Hotel in St. Louis. I'm completely drained; physically and mentally exhausted. My upper lip is still swollen from a scuffle with my microphone stand in Ann Arbor. (Microphone Stand: 1 Me: 0)
>>11 若いことは素晴らしい Walt Whitmanの言葉とおもわれる 若さ、それは寛大であり、逞ししく、愛すること 若さ、それは優美、強さ、魅力に満ちている もちろんWhitmanはあなたは老いが等しく優美、強さ、魅力を伴ってやってくるであろうことを知っているであろうか? という言葉も付け加えている 代わりにより悲観的な見方をしてみよう from Friedrich Nietzsche: ""Youth is disagreeable time, for it is neither possible then nor prudent to be productive in any sense whatsoever." これは過度に厳しく見えますが 私が最近出くわしたいくつかの統計の観点から 恐らくそれもかなり妥当です。
Language is not simply a means of communicating information-about the weather or any other subject. It is also a very important means of establishing and maintaining relationships with other people. Probably the most important thing about the conversation between our two Englishmen is not the words they are using, but the fact that they are talking at all. 長いですけどお願いします
これお願いします。 On the earnings front, Amazon.com Inc. traded 9 percent lower in Frankfurt after its 17 percent quarterly sales rise came in below consensus expectations.
>>前スレ990 >?@Some writers are not as famous as the characters they have created. 作家の中には自分が作り出した登場人物ほど有名でない人がいる。 >?AYou must have heard of James Bond. ジェームス・ボンドのことは聞いたことがあるに違いない。 >?BYou probably remember how he runs around the world with beautiful women in tow きっとボンドが悪いやつを追いかけながら美人と世界中をかけずり 回っているのを覚えているだろう。 >while chasing evil villains. >?CBond wears very smart clothes, and his manners are those of a gentleman. ボンドはおしゃれな服で身を包み、立ち居振る舞いは紳士のものである。 >?DIt is common knowledge that he alwaus gets the girl in the end. よく知られているように、ボンドは最後には女の子をものにする。 >?EBut,perhaps you didn't know that 007 was created by a writer named Ian Fleming. でも、もしかして、007がイアン・フレミングという名前の作家が 創造したものだということを知らなかったんじゃないか。
>?@Sherlock Holmes is another famous gentleman detective. シャーロック・ホームズは、今一人の有名な紳士の探偵である。 >?AHolems lived in Baker Streer, London, and to this day each week he receives quite a lot >of mail from his fans. ホームズは、ロンドンのベーカー街に住んでいたのだが、今日に至っても 毎週のようにファンからの手紙を大量に受け取る。 >?BThis is quite surprising since Sherlock Holmes was a fictional >character made by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887! このことはとてもおどろくべきことである。なにせシャーロック・ホームズ がアーサー・コナン・ドイルが1887年に作り出した架空の人物なのだ。
>?@If Tokyo's most famous animal is a 75-year-old mouse,then England's >must be a 110-year-old rabbit called Peter. もし東京の一番有名な動物が75歳のねずみだとしたら、イングランドのは、 ピータという名の110歳のうさぎに違いない。 >?ABeatrix Potter created Peter Rabbit and his friends when she >wrote a letter to a boy who was ill. ベアトリクス・ポッターは、ピーター・ラビットとその友人たちを病気の 男の子に手紙を書いた時に作り出した。 >?BThough Peter lives the life of a vegetable thief, his popularity, especially >among Japanese young ladies.comtinues. ピーターは、その人生を野菜泥棒として過ごしたのにもかかわらず、その 人気は、特に日本の若い女性たちの間で、続いている。
>>前スレ989 >The term tapestry in its true traditional sense refers to a fabric in >which the weft yarns cover the warp completely, so the weft colors >alone form the design.Characteristically, tapestry is built up with >many small areas of color within which the weft yarns travel back and >forth. 真の伝統的な意味でのタペストリーという用語は、横糸が縦糸を完全に 覆っているために横糸の色だけがデザインを形作るような布を指す。 特徴的なこととしては、タペストリーは、その中で横糸が前後に行き来 しているようなたくさんの小さな色の領域から構成されている。
And here I must leave,in the fulness my soul,to regret the abolition,and doing‐away‐with altogether,ofthose consolatory interstices,and sprinklings of freedom,through the four seasons. よろしくお願いします
私も一つ投下、 We should maintain a balance in our environment. We should learn how to use fertilizers and pesticides wisely,and keep our rivers,lakers,streams,and ponds clearn. よろしくお願いします
>>24 英文) All shirts are as described. If there are any pulls, snags or holes then they are mentioned. 訳) すべてのシャツは記述されているとおりである。 もし何らかの引きつれ、ほつれ、もしくは穴がある場合は、 そのことが記載される。
>>4 >I'll tell my ma when I go home >The boys won't leave the girls alone >They pulled my hair, they stole my comb >But that's all right till I go home. 私はお母さんに言うよ。いつ家に帰るかを。 男の子たちは女の子を一人にしておかない。 髪を引っ張ったり、櫛を盗って行ったりする。 でもそれは構わないの、家に帰るまでだから。
>When she gets a lad of her own >She won't tell her ma when she goes home >Let them all come as they will >For it's Albert Mooney she loves still. 彼女が好きな男の子ができたら、 彼女はお母さんに言わない。いつ家に帰るかを。 男の子が来たければ来させればいい。 だって彼女が好きななのは、アルバート・ムーニーだから。
>>41 英文) We should maintain a balance in our environment. We should learn how to use fertilizers and pesticides wisely, and keep our rivers, lakes, streams, and ponds clean. 訳) 私たちは環境におけるバランスを維持しなければならない。 私たちは肥料や農薬を賢く使う方法を学ぶことにより、 川や湖や小川や池をきれいに保たなければならない。
The term tapestry in its true traditional sense refers to a fabric in which the weft yarns cover the warp completely, so the weft colors alone form the design.Characteristically, tapestry is built up with many small areas of color within which the weft yarns travel back and forth.
>>50 英文) While in China, he met the great ruler, Kublai Khan, and so impressed him that the Khan made Marco his special messenger. 訳) 中国に滞在中、彼は偉大な支配者クビライ・カーンに会い、 クビライ・カンは、マルコを大変気に入ったので、マルコを 特別の使者にした。
However, despite immense pressure (also from international organizations such as the UN and the EU) the Danish government refused to call the newspaper to account.
Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes shoud be optional for students.
>>70>>80 ぐぐって出てくる原典1ページをおもしろく拝読しました。 その虫は舌を口に引っ込め、へこんだところに舌をそっとして置いた。 そして clearing the long tubular passage that ran down the length of the worm. その虫の中を通る長い管を障害物がないようにした。 という意味かと思います。つまり次に尾部からその管を通り虫の口から少女の子宮に 注入される液体が通るための準備動作ということだと思います。
宇多田ヒカルのPassionて曲で、逆再生すると英詞になる部分があるんですが これ何て言ってるんでしょうか? 「?????I need more affection than you know.?????」 ?????の部分がわかりません。 ttp://www.yonosuke.net/dtm/6a/14346.mp3
Please stow the baggage you bring with you in the overhead bins or under the seat in front of you. As an added protection for yourself and others, check to make sure the items you place in the luggage bins will not slide out when the bin is opened again.
As an added protection for yourself and others の訳をお願いします Asがどういう意味かも教えていただけたら嬉しいです
Every persons has the potential to be a leader. Elicting the cooperation of others, listening well,and placing the needs, of others above your own needs are qualities that any person can choose make their own. That is what we mean when we say that every person has the potential to be a leader.But you have to choose to be a leader. After choosing to make your character central to your character and matter of time and circumstance before you are recognized as a leader in some way.
Every night I meet new people that have just recently gotten into our band, and are seeing us perform for the first time. And every night I see familiar faces, with looks that still rival the excitement that I saw when THEY saw us perform for the first time.
The indifference of laymen however is mainly due to the fact that educational theoly,like other special subjects, inevitably acquires a jargon of its own,an indispensible shorthand,as it were,for experts,but far too abstract and technical for outsiders.
Presenting opposite characters permits the child to comprehend easily the difference between the two, which he could not do as readily were figures drawn more true life, with all the complexies that characterize real people. 至急お願いします!!すいません。
This signalled the start of an interdependence between the United States and Western Europe that went far beyond the exchange of goods to include a cross-fertilization of ideas, culture and talent
>>118 両極端のキャラを示すことで、その子供は2人の違いを容易に理解できるようになります。 もし現実の人々を性格づけている諸々の複雑さを伴ったより実生活に近いキャラを描いたら、 その子は同程度の容易さでは理解できないでしょう。 were figures drawn = if figures were drawn
3) An international group of scientists says it has found that a Vietnamese patient had died of bird flu after developing a virus that is resistant to the antiviral medicine Tamiflu. お願いします。
In considering,then,tha place of literature in education, I poropose to keep constantly before my eyes the people with whose education I am personally familiar.
Moss struggles to find a consistent release point. He also throws across his body, which causes control problems with all his pitches. Because he rarely repeats his delivery, his fastball has a tendency to sail out of the strike zone. Both his curveball and changeup are above-average pitches, but he fails to throw them for strikes often enough. Compounding his control problems is his approach. Moss prefers to nibble around the plate rather than go after hitters. That only adds to his walk totals. Because he throws so many pitches and always seems to be working out of jams, he almost never works deep into a game.
>>135 わかりました、いや別に謝らんでも。。その文だと Password must contain at least 1 letter. ということだと予想されるが 「パスワードは2文字以上でなければなりません」 という意味になる。でもパスワードにはアルファベット何文字かを入力した わけだよね。だとしたら、なぜそのエラーが出るのかはわからない。
>>141 They are either presenting oppostite characters(characteristics) or they are presenting characters who are opposite in their character. It's the difference between saying you are presenting "Good vs Evil" to presenting "Evil witch" against the "Good princess".
Both interpretations work in contrast to "the complexiTies that characterise real people."
Men rarely say this to other men. When they do, sometimes it has a sense of invitation, as in, "Hey, let's catch up!" But often it has the connotation of "you're in big trouble with me. Get ready for a hassle."
Gender differences in the meaning of these words start early. In our gender dialogues between seventh-grade boys and girls, their comments and questions often focus on "talk":
Gender differences in the meaning of these words start early. In our gender dialogues between seventh-grade boys and girls, their comments and questions often focus on "talk": BOYS: Girls talk for most of the conversation so we don't have to talk. GIRLS: How come boys don't talk first? How these gender differences can be used in dialogue to heal the relationships between women and men is the topic of our discussion.
Please tell me a image of Tokyo city from a view of foreigner. Because I am interested in foreigner's view about our Japanese culture, economy, nationality. I think that all Japanese have already lost our nationality completely, so the all the Japanese are not be able to speak about our own country with certainly evidences, recently. As long as the Japanese is not aware of their difficult situation of Japan in the world community, Japan will die out certainly in the near future.........
It may perhaps be held that literature in its most literal sense is a name for anything that is expressed by means of intelligible language--a use of the word which certainly admits of no comparison with the meaning of science, but which also leads to no ideas of any educational interest.
“The dead people secrete a liquid underneath your eyelids, top and bottom, they communicaue through this liquid as I have found out when a baby is baptized, they put it in then and later in life people on top do it, who I cannot say. The only remedy I can recommend is letting the wind into your lids, or swirl them in the dark...” 好きだったCDの歌詞カードに載ってた言葉ですがさっぱり意味がわかりません。お願いします。
>>100 >Even the average teacher,who is himself,if only he realised it, >inside the circle,pays little heed to the broader aspects of >education. 平均的な教師でさえ、これは彼自身のことで、自分自身のことである ことを気がついてくれるといいのだが、仲間の中にいて、教育のより 広い側面にほとんど注意を払わない。
Once we informed you about the problems with the blood of Marc and the ferrutin. It is a defect gene. His doctor found the problem and the solution:twice a month Marc had to spent 500ml of blood - and today his blood is o.k.
We wish to inform you of "Ferrutin?" and a problem in the blood sampled from Marc. it has a defect gene. Luckily, his doctor found out the cause and cure. The case needs an amount of fresh 500 ml. blood per month. Today he looks all right with a fresh pack of blood.
In considering,then,tha place of literature in education, I poropose to keep constantly before my eyes the people with whose education I am personally familiar.
Please note, a percentage of candidates are randomly selected for audit after payment is remitted. For these candidates, the eligibility clock will stop and will be reset when the requirements for audit are satisfied. お願いします!
A growing number of husbands and wives live and work in different cities too far apart to commute each day. They do not enjoy their "long-distance" marriages, but they accept the situation temporarily because the jobs they have are good ones.
In the overwhelming majority of cases,the species recognized by an average ctizen are,like the citizen,large ones. Most people are quite surprised to leran that what they think of as one species may actually be several.
In addition,remember,the vast majority of specirs are small, and belong to groups of plants and animals that we think of as exotic. Small size and lack of information also contributes to our uncertainty about what constitutes a species among these relatively unknown organisms.
>>232 ありがとうございます。 続きなんですがよろしければお願いします Most biologists use structural characteristics to distinguish species of organisms we call plants, animals, and, fungi. Microbiologists may use some functional characteristics to distinguish between bacteria─for instance, the ability to grow in a certain kind of broth. Modern science has produced chemical methods for distinguishing between kinds─most notably the use of DNA(raw genetic information)─but it’s still not clear how best to use such methods.
The steps by which she had acquired him and the way in which she had finally fallen in love with him were all part of a regular progression in which she had built herself a new life and he had traded away what remained of his old life.
>>233の続きです In current discussions of ecology, especially if politics is involved, one often hears about “known species”, “unknown species”, and “endangered species”. I’ll deal with these subjects in a moment, but before I do, there are two additional things one needs to know about species. First, they are generally considered to be reproductively isolated from one another. That is, in the vast majority of cases, two different species either cannot or do not interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
In a world in which there is more information, more education, more so-called communication than ever before, this may appear to be unlikely ; but anybody who considers the behavior of his fellow men will understand it to be true. The reason for this is that all our methods of communication are concerned not so much with the discovery of truth as with the creation of images of how we think reality should be.
The most obvious example of this is that form of communication we refer to as mass communication. First of all there is that part of it which is particuarly concerned with the making of false images ; that is, the world of the television commercial or newspaper advertisement.
こんばんは。長くてすみません。慶應の入試問題らしくて、私レベルには全然訳すことができません。どなたか訳していただけませんか The U.S. has more lawyers than all the rest of the world put together. 中略 So if, say you smoke eighty cigarettes a day for fifty years and eventually get cancer, then it must be everyone else's fault but your own, and you sue just about everybody involved in making and selling cigarettes.
According to a recent TV documentary, because of the ever-growing legal costs, consumers in the U.S. pay $500 more than they need to for every car they buy, $100 more for football helmets, and $3,000 more for heart pacemakers.
>>239のつづきです。お願いします Second, the species is considered to e an evolving unit. In other words, species (reproductively isolated kinds) evolve from other species and eventually evolve into still other species. Species disappear from the face of the Earth, a process known as extinction. A species that dies out, down to the very last individual, has become extinct. So has a species that’s evolved into another one.
どんどんうpして申し訳ないのですが>>247の続きです。 “Known” species are better called “described” species. By “described”, we mean that someone has taken the trouble to study the organism very carefully, decided which structures are best used to distinguish it from others, written a paper containing the results of such study, and published this paper in a scholarly publication so that other scientists have access to the information. In many instances, and ideally, specimens of the new species have been deposited in a museum. Thus if a scientist collects some organisms─say, ants─and wants to know what kind they are, then he or she consults the published scholarly works on ants, in order to learn how to identify the specimens, and may actually borrow museum specimens to use in accomplishing the task.
>>253の続きです。 For this reason, museum research collections are exceedingly valuable, and the expertise needed to maintain such collections helps dispel our ignorance about the natural world. Attempts to identify specimens sometimes end in failure. You simply cannot always determine, from the scientific literature, what kind of organism you have in hand. At this point, you begin to suspect that you’re looking at a new species that must be “described” as above.
1.There are a couple of basic principles of saying no that we'd like to emphasize here. 2.First, saying no without guilt is much easier for all concerned when it's done in the context of generosity. 3.This means being helpful and available to family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors whenever you possibly can - in order words, when it won't cause significant stress or inconvenience and when you can say yes without resentment. 4.Just us important, give yourself a little credit for being a generous person. 5.Recognizing the many things you do for others with a willing spirit, you'll feel more confident and less guilty at times when you really do want to say no to them. 6.The second basic principle of saying no: Less is more. 7.The most powerful and effective "nose" are the least complicated, but most of us have a great deal of difficulty saying no politely and leaving it at that. 8.Whether we're telling the boss we can't work late or telling a neighbor we can't walk his or her dog, we feel obliged to justify our "no" with a detailed explanation - often a fictitious one. 9.Yet elaborating is seldom necessary, and it leaves you on shaky ground.
10.The more specific information you supply, the more likely the other person will be to: try to figure out a way to "solve the problem" so that you can actually do the thing he or she wants you to do, decide that your reason for saying no isn't good enough and be offended by it, or catch you in a lie (if you're lying). 13.On the other hand, when you make a statement like "I'm sorry, I won't be able to" or 14."I'm afraid I'm busy that day," you sound clear and decisive. 15.If the other person insists on knowing why, the burden of prying will be on that person. 16.When that happens, don't fall into the trap of trying to come up with new, more creative excuses to satisfy someone who can't take no for an answer. 17.Instead, repeat yourself as often as necessary. 18.You can emphasize different words, change the language around a bit, or offer some other vague comment. 19."I'm busy that day" can also be expressed as "I've got plans," "I have a previous engagement," 20."I've got an appointment I can't break," or "I've had something on my calendar for weeks." 21.Hold your ground in the face of a rude, nosy, or aggressive person. No one has the right to violate your privacy. 22.This doesn't mean it's a mistake to tell people the reason you're saying no. 23.Especially when the relationship is a close one, it doesn't feel natural to be too cryptic. 24.But remember that by keeping explanations to a minimum and repeating yourself as often as necessary, you'll be in a stronger position.
>>258の続きです。本当申し訳ないのですがお願いします Then you do hundreds of measurements, make dozens of drawings, compare structures with those of known species, write the paper summarizing the results of all this work, and then submit the paper to a learned journal. Experts review the research, and if they find it acceptable, the paper gets published. You are then known in the discipline as the describer of a new species. Described species must have scientific names assigned to them. Scientific names are much more than arcane professorly jargon; they are guides to the literature.
すみません。次の英文をどなたか訳して下さい。 They even pay a little extra for haircuts, because several customers successfully sued their barbers after being given the sort of embarrassing haircut I receive as a matter of routine.
和訳お願いしますm(__)m Not everyone agrees with Professor Nisbett that people in the East see things differently from those in the West. Nearly everyone finds it very strange to think that two people looking at the same picture see different things. Perhaps Professor Nisbett makes a mistake in talking about “East”and“West.” When you compare China,Korea,Thailand,and Japan,you will notice many cultural differences. When you start talking about“East”and“West,”you are probably making a kind of stereotype. Even so,Professor Nisbett's theory about Eastern and Western ways of seeing things is of gregt importance for cross-cultural understanding.
Mutual understanding between people with different cultural backgrounds starts with recognizing differences. If we are not aware of the possible differences,we might end up misunderstanding each other. If so,although we need to take Professor Nisbett's theory with caution,it is one step toward mutual understanding. Actually,Professor Nisbett himself says,“The more I get to know about the ways of thinking in the East,the more respect I have for them. Asians have a lot of thinking habits that we could learn. I'd like to see more things that I do.” 長いですが訳してください。よろしくお願いします
>>264の続きです。 Through use of a scientific name, a scientist can discover a massive amount of information about a species, because all of the scientific literature about that species also uses the same name. Sometimes scientific names are changed, because people do additional research and discover that the names need to be changed for a variety of reasons too involved to be included in this book. But someone skilled in the use of scientific names can trace these kinds of decisions backward in history to the original published description. Scientific names of the hundreds of thousands of known plans, animals, fungi, and bacteria consist of two words: a genus name and a specific name. For example, the familiar pet dog is Canis familiaris.
>>272,>>274ありがとうございます!! >>270の続きです。 Canis is the generic name; familiaris is the specific name. This is the name given to the dog by Carl von Linne (Linnaeus), the man who invented this system of nomenclature in the 1700s. In print, scientific names are italicized. Some times species are named in honor of people─for example, Salsuginus thalkeni, a worm named after a landowner (Mr.Thalken) who gave scientists permission to use his property, or Actincephalus carriynnae, a species named after the describer’s sister Carri Lynn. Species may also be named from some notable character they have, the place they were found, or other reasons.
Nothing can be said to be moving or not moving without specifying "relative to what?" Motion is motion only when it is compared to some independent reference point. 和訳お願いします
>>275の続きです。 Usually the newly discovered species belongs to a known genus, and this fact dictates the generic name. If the species does not belong to a known genus, the scientist must describe a new genus, too, to go along with the new species, and make the case convincingly to the anonymous editorial reviewers. Unknown species are those living in nature, unstudied, in many cases undiscovered, and certainly undiscovered by scientists. Most people are very surprised to learn how common unknown species are. They are everywhere. We have a long way to go before we discover all the species that occupy this planet. The fact that most organisms are small means that a great many evade discovery. The fact that most organisms live in the tropics, where fieldwork is expensive and difficult, further contributes to their obscurity.
>>285 ありがとうございます。 >>281の続きです。 In addition, human scientists are large animals that generally prefer to study large organisms, so tend to ignore the small ones. Unknown species are so common that almost any serious undergraduate biology student can discover and describe one, even in the United States and Europe, sometimes in a local meadow, especially if that student is willing to learn how to use a microscope well. One of the central issues in the current environmental debate concerns biodiversity, a term that refers to numbers of species. The main reason biodiversity is an issue is this ease of finding unknown, by which I mean new, in the scientific sense, species. Thus scientists are able, by virture of their knowledge about the number of unknown species they discover, to predict how many are yet to be discovered.
>>286の続きです。 From this kind of scientific activity, we know that our current inventory o known species, even though it numbers well over a million, is far from complete, and in fact may be but a small fraction of the kinds of organisms that actually occupy Earth with us. Scientists get uncomfortable in the presence of ignorance, especially when they can see decisions being made without sufficient knowledge to understand the consequences. This is the reason biodiversity in an environmental hot button. “Endangered species” are those whose populations are low. Every species needs to be present on Earth in certain numbers to ensure survival. That is, the individuals must be able to find mates and produce offspring, or else the species will become extinct. A species needs a certain kind of habitat─for instance, prairie, marsh, mountaintop, desert─to live in.
>>290の続きです。 If the habitat begins to disappear, then the species does too, and if enough of the habitat disappears, then the species becomes extinct. Species’ populations also need to be numerous enough to maintain genetic diversity through interbreeding. Although different species do not interbreed (in theory and usually in practice), individuals within a species (for example, your friends) vary genetically. When genetic variation in lo, especially in small populations, then the species becomes susceptible to the effects of inbreeding─mainly, an increased frequency of genetic defects and increased susceptibility to disease.
The more specific information you supply, the more likely the other person will be to: try to figure out a way to "solve the problem" so that you can actually do the thing he or she wants you to do, decide that your reason for saying no isn't good enough and be offended by it, or catch you in a lie (if you're lying).
actually i was gonna give it to u for free if u came earlier. but u buzy. i also got some e that make u wanna uh! called hot n wet. it was awesome. 6sen is very cheap. i was gonna do it for u because u r nice to me and u seem fun. 何を言いたいのかまったくわかりません
I don't intend to suggest by my cautionary remarks above that we should adopt a handwringing passivity simply because we can't always be certain of the effects of our actions; I do mean that chaos theory (and much else) counsels that skepticism and a certain humility should accompany the adoption of any political, economic, or military policy.(For want of a nail, the battle was lost and all that.) の訳お願いします。できれば文の構造もお願いします。
Hi im Dante im 30 years old, im the lead singer of EL PRESIDENTE when om not with the band on tour I like to ride my bicycle, enjoy spending time with my family – I also like cooking I find it relaxes me riding horses is also another favorite past-time. I also recently joined a cigar club where I can have the space to gather my thoughts over a nice Cognac and reading my favorite magazine “intelligent life” ultimately my moment of total bliss and paradise is when im on stage I find it as the one and only reason of my existence.
Dramatic poetry is any poetry that uses the discourse of the character s involved to tell a story or portray a situation. The major types of dramatic poetry are those already discussed, to be found in plays written for the theatre, and libretti. There are further dramatic verse forms: these include dramatic monologues.
On the other hand, when you make a statement like "I'm sorry, I won't be able to" or "I'm afraid I'm busy that day," you sound clear and decisive. If the other person insists on knowing why, the burden of prying will be on that person.
When that happens, don't fall into the trap of trying to come up with new, more creative excuses to satisfy someone who can't take no for an answer. Instead, repeat yourself as often as necessary. You can emphasize different words, change the language around a bit, or offer some other vague comment. "I'm busy that day" can also be expressed as "I've got plans," "I have a previous engagement," "I've got an appointment I can't break," or "I've had something on my calendar for weeks." Hold your ground in the face of a rude, nosy, or aggressive person. No one has the right to violate your privacy. This doesn't mean it's a mistake to tell people the reason you're saying no. Especially when the relationship is a close one, it doesn't feel natural to be too cryptic. But remember that by keeping explanations to a minimum and repeating yourself as often as necessary, you'll be in a stronger position.
The group always comes first in Japan,whether the group is the family,the company or the nation. Individuals are expected to be loyal to each group of which they are members and to prmote the progress of each group. Only when the group gains an advantage are its members rewarded. この訳をおねがいします
ある研究論文の1文です。 However, the heavy users themselves reported significantly lower educational attainment (P<0.001) and income (P=0.003) than the controls, even after adjustment for a large number of potentially confounding variables. しかしながら、ヘビーユーザー自身、制御できる者と比べた場合、学習到達や、所得が劣ると話している。 たとえ潜在的に混同する変化を調節したとしても。
Though it is easy,how should this feeling you that it is not possible for difficult...words to convey all of thought be able to stream down that I spin words.
All my life I wanted to be somebody and here Iam! I know what I’ve got and there ain’t nobody gonna take it away from me. So let me tell you what I am.
Now let's take a brief look at the history of Aborigines. In 1988, Australian celebrated 200 years of settlement, but Aborigines had little to celebrate. "Discovered" around 1700, Aborigines were pushed out of their land, called "savages," and even killed. Between 1910 and 1971, the government took thousands of Aboriginal children from their families and brought them up in white communities. It was hoped that they were cut off from the land meant a lot for them, because the land is where their people's spirit and soul had been grounded. Archine Roach, a popular Aboriginal musician, sings about the plan of this "Stolen Generation" : The sun is round, the moon is round your life journey goes round in a circle too. But, if the circle is broken, then you don't know which way to go. You're drifting in space, you're nowhere. In recent years there has been a movement to bring Aborigines and other Australians together. Since the 1970s large areas of land have been returned to Aboriginal control. Uluru, or Ayers Rock is an example. As more Australians come to learn and appreciate Aboriginal culture, they want to compensate Aborigines for what happened in the past. Aboriginal art can be seen as a way to overcome pain and discrimination and express the meaning of life. It is an art of living.
13.On the other hand, when you make a statement like "I'm sorry, I won't be able to" or 14."I'm afraid I'm busy that day," you sound clear and decisive. 15.If the other person insists on knowing why, the burden of prying will be on that person. 16.When that happens, don't fall into the trap of trying to come up with new, more creative excuses to satisfy someone who can't take no for an answer. 17.Instead, repeat yourself as often as necessary. 18.You can emphasize different words, change the language around a bit, or offer some other vague comment. 19."I'm busy that day" can also be expressed as "I've got plans," "I have a previous engagement," 20."I've got an appointment I can't break," or "I've had something on my calendar for weeks." 21.Hold your ground in the face of a rude, nosy, or aggressive person. No one has the right to violate your privacy. 22.This doesn't mean it's a mistake to tell people the reason you're saying no. 23.Especially when the relationship is a close one, it doesn't feel natural to be too cryptic. 24.But remember that by keeping explanations to a minimum and repeating yourself as often as necessary, you'll be in a stronger position.
1,Considering these and many other functions that computers are capable of, 2,it is undeniable that man has developed 'thinking machines' with powers 3,often equal to and sometimes even superior to his own. 長文の一部なんですが2,3を訳してください。お願いします。m(__)m
Japanese School must be "hard" because people said me students sleep only 4 hours the night and have night studies? it's true? In france, studies are obliged to finished at 17:30. Forbidden to continue and students can sleep 8 hours the night. What do you think?
>>456 I think Japanese School must be "hard" because people said to me that students sleep only 4 hours a night and have night studies. Is that true? In France, classes are obliged to stop by 17:30. They are not allowed to continue working and students can sleep 8 hours a night. What do you think?
>>462 英文) Human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. 訳) 人間が農業用地、住宅用地、工業用地を必要とすることは、絶滅の危機 にある動物のために土地を確保することよりも、ずっと大事である。
Got stains on my t-shirt and I'm the biggest flirt Right now I'm solo, but that will be changing eventually, Got bruises on my heart and sometimes I get dark If you want my autobiography…,Baby just ask me!!
But these are not negative, or racist in the negative way you may be looking for. Are there any specific groups of peopleas far as Japanese racism is concerned that you want to know more about?
From Reichenau, the Rhine flows north as the Alpenrhein passing Chur and forming the frontier with Liechtenstein and then Austria, and then emptying into Lake Constance. Emerging from Lake Constance, flowing west as the Hochrhein it passes the Rhine Falls and is joined by the Aare river which more than doubles its water discharge to an average of nearly 1,000 cubic meters per second.
St. Gotthard Pass is a pass in Switzerland at 46°33.3′N 8°33.9′E, between Airolo, Ticino, and Andermatt, Canton of Uri, connecting the northern (German speaking) part of Switzerland with the Italian-speaking part Ticino, and the route onwards to Milan.
One thing makes me sad, though. There is something big which I don`t have but you do : a future. I don`t have much longer to live. For example,I am sure I won`t be able to see the 21st century. But you will. You will not only live to see your fill of the 21st century, but you will be its leaders.
What was billed as the biggest night of the week and the most anticipated baseball game in the country in more than 15 years, the finale of the 2006 Caribbean Series lived up to the hype on Tuesday night at Estadio Jose Perez Colmenares. 野球のカリビアン・ワールド・シリーズについての文章です。お願いします。
Looking at historic photographs helps us imagine what it was like when the first airplane took off, or when the first human being stepped onto the Moon.
After 1900 readers expected newspapers and magazines to carry timely and dramatic photographs with their articles. Businesses increasingly used photographs to sell goods and services.
Dad just shook his head, and Mom, as usual, had the last word. "You've always been a survivor. Lead the best life that you can image. A life is not just measured in years." お願いします。
With the teams carrying out such varied programmes at testing, judging form is never easy and it gets even harder the further down the grid you go. Williams have so far conducted just one full test with their new Bridgestone-shod FW28, Nico Rosberg putting in some impressive times at Valencia.
If after millions of progress we are still so selfish, how much longer will it take us to become truly advanced and civilized people? Sometimes we read about other periods of history and think they were better than ours,that their culture and civilization were even more advanced than ours! At such times we may doubt that our world is going forward. Our own country has surely had wonderful periods in the past, far better than our present in every way.
To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall mot always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall not hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom.お願い致します。
There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.
There is not this by the ending that I expected.However,I think that that means that there is nohelp for it. Because this is the ending that you. Therefore I want you to give me up. But do not forgot it. your still loving me most in the world.
One of our old ASanskrit books says:゙For the family sacrifice the Soul the individual,for the group the family,for the country the group, and for the Soul the whole world.゙ No one can tell us just what the Soul is,and each of us may take it in his own way. But the lesson this passage teaches us is the same @one of cooperation and sacrifice for the greater good. We in India had forgotten this road to true greatness for a long time,and so we had fallen. But we are now beginning to see it again and all the country is waking up.
I have the article downstairs somewhere. He had made some comment about choices you make and say "what the hell was I thinking?" Then he went on to say it depends on how much he had had to drink. Then he said something about it being great in Canada where they film because there are fifteen year old girls who can drink him under the table.
15.She continued to say, "Why do many Japanese use diplomatic expressions?" 16.It was then my turn to be perplexed. 17.At one time I had similar doubts about such greetings as 18."Please stop by when you come this way" 19.and "Thank you. I'd love to." 20.It took me quite a while to grasp the meaning of greetings. I explained them to her. 21."These greetings mean 'you are close enough to call at my house any time' and 'of course, I know.' 22.Such diplomatic expressions are not intended to produce a concrete action. 23.On the other hand, my own invitation was offered in concrete terms, 'my mother would like you to taste Japanese homemade dishes to next Sunday.' 24.With a specific date mentioned, it was not and was never intended to be a diplomatic expression." 25.I emphasized to her that I was truly disappointed that she had not actually visited us. 26."Some aspects of Japanese culture are difficult to make out, but I'm glad to learn that you really did welcome me." 27.Her sincere smile relieved me.
about a century ago many historians decided that it was high time to study rather more of the population than top 3 percent from whom were drawn the political and social elite.
He said it will be more crucial from next month to make a judgment at the bank's policy board meeting on the consumer price index based on the entire outlook for the economy.
メディアに関する文です。 長文ですがよろしくお願いします。 One could take as an example the image of the motor car as a symbol of comfort, power and success, and contrast this
with the reality of it caught in heavy traffic, a hot, dirty source of frustration for the person inside and
everybody and everything outside, a perfect example of the impractical and foolish dreams of civilized man. The image making in this case has a simple function ; the selling of an object which nobody in his right mind could
ever want to have, since his having it must imply everybody else's having it. However, one must not think then that contemporary image making is all a result of conscious human cunning, since
the entertainment and information provided by the media create images which seem to be for nobody's direct benefit. For example, the popularity on television of that kind of drama which deals with everyday life would be difficult to
account for it one imagined that such dramas portrayed the truth, since why should people wish to be remained of the dullness of their lives?
>>589は>>242 (>>305)の続きです。 変な改行かつ汚い文で申し訳ありませんが、どうか和訳のほうよろしくお願いします。 One could take as an example the image of the motor car as a symbol of comfort, power and success, and contrast this with the reality of it caught in heavy traffic, a hot, dirty source of frustration for the person inside and everybody and everything outside, a perfect example of the impractical and foolish dreams of civilized man. The image making in this case has a simple function ; the selling of an object which nobody in his right mind could ever want to have, since his having it must imply everybody else's having it. However, one must not think then that contemporary image making is all a result of conscious human cunning, since the entertainment and information provided by the media create images which seem to be for nobody's direct benefit. For example, the popularity on television of that kind of drama which deals with everyday life would be difficult to account for it one imagined that such dramas portrayed the truth, since why should people wish to be remained of the dullness of their lives?
Do the poor live in regions with fewer resources?No. Is it because the poor don't work hard? This is not true. "Development" doesn't get rid of poverty; it brings poor people into the world economic system, and uses their poverty to create wealth, which mostly benefits ― guess who? People are not responsible for where they are born, but only for what they do, or fail to do. but it does mean that our "100-person village" is both unjust and unstable. And so there is much to be done, and many changes to be made, before we can call it a decent and safe place to live.
But over the past decade we have begun to do things differently and by working together we will create a minefree world. By buying this CD you can be avoice for change.
Now based in West London, Daniel's a Middlesbrough supporter and although he'll happily talk football all night, his private life is off limits.
'I don't really want to talk about my girlfriend,' he says. 'She's not in the acting business - she works in textiles - and she's really quite shy.'
'I saw her across the room, I was knocked out and we've been together since. We've set up home, I've got my first mortgage and we've bought a fast car. Can life hold more ?'
Life has already been good to Daniel, who made his debut, aged 11, when his TV presenter father Luke intorduced him to the screen. 'I did a five-minute spot when Dad was on The Money Programme. I talked about banking opportunites for children,' he admits with a blush. 'If I ever get conceited now, all I have to do is get out that tape. The white trainers were dreadful - and the jeans!'
The reason for this trend is that it has been costing these stores, banks, and credit companies more and more money to offer credit. As inflation has increased in the US they have been forced to pay higher and higher interest to borrow the money they need to supply credit.
1)Fill bottle 1/3 full of ACV (my increase or decrease amount of vinegar to suit your own skin type, add more for oilier skin and less for dry skin. 2)Heat 2/3 cup of distilled water and bring to boil, then add 3-4 green tea bags (you want to make the tea solution REALLY strong!!) and let it steep for 30 minutes or longer, then remove teabags. Once the green tea has cooled completely, pour into bottle with ACV (do not fill bottle completely full because you'll need room to add the Ylang Ylang and/or other EOs).
He In Japan, it's specially true that the right university makes all the difference. In the States, you know, you can go to a lot of different universities and still have a very good future.
In Japan, it's specially true that the right university makes all the difference. In the States, you know, you can go to a lot of different universities and still have a very good future. Heは、不要です。お願いします。
Calling all friends,familiy, and strangers.Hug me!please step right up and squeeze away.I have been going through hug withdrawal since I arrived in Japannand it isn't pretty.This condition will only get worse if I don't receve the proper attention.
Both myself and Giorgia were pleasantly surprised of your lines this is not because we did not expect you to dare so, but because we try to underestimate people’s enthusiasm,specially when you just run into those during your unusual vacations, on the other side of the planet.We really must tell you that we both did enjoy your warm hospitality and disposal,while driving us in Tokyo’s most profound areas,specially while the sun was setting:we still clearly remember the lights and smells of that Saturday of celebration, the colours, the great time we had in Japan, wholly.
Gauloises was pulled from the U.S. market due to the Master Settlement Agreement.� There is a cigarette called Merci, but they have not come out with a RYO blend yet.� Keep an eye out for it on our website.
As you can file an action to annul Item 3 below nuder reference,we inform you of the person who is to be named as Defendant in an action for annulment and the period in which you can bring an action in accodance with Article 46 of the Administrative Litigation Law as follows. 続きがありますが、どうしても分かりません。 分かる方宜しくお願いします。
>>665 >When the pattern is compared to memories of block letters, >the lines correspond to where the shadows of the letters >of a word would fall. その模様(パターン)を活字体の文字の記憶と比較すると、 (何本もの)線(が引かれているところ)は一語を構成する 文字の影が落ちるところに相当する。
Three prefabricated two-storied buildings are inside. The buildings are heated, but the dome itself is not. Inside the dome it is nearly as cold as outside. お願いします。
続きです。 1,Person who is to be named as Defendant in an action for annulment: The State 2,period in which you can bring an action: (1)Within the period of 6 months from the day on which Item 3 below under reference became known to you,However,this does not apply if there is a valid reason for delay. (2)You cannot file an action for annulment after 1 year has lapsed since the day of Item 3 below under reference,even during the above mentioned period. However,this does not apply if there is a valid reason for delay. 3,Disposition to reject application for extension of period of stay. 723の続きです。 どうか宜しくお願いします。
During the winter time - for eight and a half months between February and October - the Antractic is completely cut off from the rest of the world because it is too cold for an aircraft to land. Furthermore, half of that time is spent in darkness because there is no daylight. お願いします。
>>703 >"The next words that come out of your mouth better be >some brilliant Mark Twain shit >because it is definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone." 「君の口から次に発せられる言葉はマークトウェインばりの すばらしい冗談にしておいた方がいいよ。絶対君の墓石に 刻み込まれちゃうから。」
Gauloises was pulled from the U.S. market due to the Master Settlement Agreement. There is a cigarette called Merci, but they have not come out with a RYO blend yet. Keep an eye out for it on our website.
William Hundert, a dedicated classics instructor at a small, private boys school, wants to be a great teacher. He drills his students on the moral lessons to be learned from the Greek and roman philosophers. But he runs into a challenge in the form of Sedgwick Bell, the son of a powerful senator, who defies William in class and flouts the school's rules. William tries to help the boy, but Sedgwick betrays William's trust and cause him to doubt his abilities. お願いします。
>>750 William Hundert は小さな私立男子校で熱心に古典を教えていて、立派な教師 になりたいと思っている。ギリシャやローマの哲学者の本から学ぶべき教訓を 生徒に叩き込んでいる。しかし、彼は Sedgwick Bell という難題に出くわす。 彼は有力な上院議員の息子で、授業では William に反抗し校則を平気で破る。 William は彼の助けになろうとするが、Sedgwick は William の信頼を裏切り、 William は自分の能力に疑問を持つようになる。
Gauloises was pulled from the U.S. market due to the Master Settlement Agreement. There is a cigarette called Merci, but they have not come out with a RYO blend yet. Keep an eye out for it on our website.
>>760 >>764 逆訳すると、 1. Is it the safe options to make hotel reservations in advance in the case that you are travelling alone? 2. When going on a trip where can you make hotel reservations?
>>665 When the pattern is compared to memories of block letters, the lines correspond to where the shadows of the letters of a word would fall. 高校1年の教科書らしいが恥ずかしながらこれがさっぱり分からんのですよ
Can I ask you a question? In Japan, thegovernment does not draft people to the army, right? It is only by choice. But do they have television advertisements and in magazines and on radio? I know it's a weird question, but I was curious.
I would rather tell you that we would re-consider one more time to collect our pennies off our pockets and jump on the next plane to Japan, as soon as possible.
The panel, however, chastised Dr. Schatten for not displaying the oversight and critical judgment expected from a senior scientist, and for his "concerted and deliberate" effort to distance himself from his South Korean collaborators when he testified.
The earth is not the center of the universe, nor do heavy bodies seek the center of the earth as their natural resting-place, nor is the earth sorrounded by series od circles on which the other heavenly bodies revolve.
As for the brief communication to Nature about the cloning of the dog Snuppy, for which Dr. Schatten was a listed co-author, we have no reason to doubt Schatten’s statement to us that his major contribution to the paper was a suggestion that a professional photographer be engaged so that Snuppy would appear with greater visual appeal.
I wasn't slowing him down in the slighttest;if anything, I was giving him a new prop. So it was working out our mutual benefit. And I was going through the roof with new experiences.
In the U.S., the popularity of "boy bands" has for the most part, been due to pre-teen and teenage girls with raging hormones and tender hearts. (Yes, I remember being one myself.)
But here in Korea, it seems to me that it doesn't matter how old you are or even if you're a guy or a girl: these boy bands have a universal following that makes it quite hard for me to understand.
Rain" mania has definitely made it's mark on all generations
お願いします。 However, one must not think then that contemporary image making is all a result of conscious human cunning, since the entertainment and information provided by the media create images which seem to be for nobody's direct benefit. For example, the popularity on television of that kind of drama which deals with everyday life would be difficult to account for it one imagined that such dramas portrayed the truth, since why should people wish to be remained of the dullness of their lives?
byを使うのはbyの用法で [動作を受ける部分](身体・物の)〜を(つかんで・引っ張ってなど) があるからです。 He caught me by the arm.とか試験でよくbyを空欄にして聞かれます なぜ、と聞かれても答えられない種類の質問なので 私は「腕をつかむときはbyを使う」とただただ覚えました。
よろしくお願いします。 What happens is that they are not reminded of that dullness, it being changed into a pleasing image of what their lives never are, in the same way that nobody in real life walks accompanied by music like heroes of the screen.
It is the very essence of the media that they cannot tell the truth ; a world in which wars last for thirty seconds, and heartbroken heroines fade away into images of the pleasures of dish-washing, is one which must deny what lived experience is like. And, unlike reality, it can always be switched off.
次の英文を和訳してください。よろしくお願いします。 @"If the World Were a Village of 100 People" sells well because it shows us 100 vivid pictures of the people around the world. AThe word "village" is effectively used because villagers today no longer share their wealth or help each other. BIt is so easy to notice the rich-poor gap that its developing process is not written in the book. CThe rich-poor gap has come into being because the poor countries are not as developed as the rich countries.
>>832です 友達からのメールなんですけど、 So, what do you plan to do after you get out of collage? Do you want to have kids? If so how many? what kind of house would you like to have? what country would you like to call home? と来ました。もういちどお願いいたします。
Enough of that, the United Kingdom...you couldn't have made me happier. My deepest thank you's to everyone who made our first shows in the UK sold out.
According to our records your attempt to make a purchase at DamselWorld.com on 1/24/06 was unsuccessful. Your credit card was never charged; therefore your order was void.
Please contact your credit card provider and confirm this information.
If you still like to make a purchase, please use PayPal as your form of payment. お願いします
I thought there is no such thing as Unchanging over a thousand years I wonder how I could miss it My friends I thought there is no such thing as Unchanging until it ends I wonder how I could miss it
Once Lars said in an interview, the song "To Live Is To Die" is actually based on a number of riffs that Cliff wrote a couple of years ago. Metallica thought it would be cool if there would be something written by Cliff on the "... And Justice For All" album. So in this way he took part on that record.
>>860 かつてLarsはインタビューで、 "To Live Is To Die"は、実はCliffが2〜3年前に書いたいくつかのリフに基づいていると言った。 メタリカは、もしアルバム"... And Justice For All"に、Cliffによって書かれたものがあれば、素晴らしいものになるだろうと思った。 そして、このようにして彼はそのレコードに参加した。
what it took was using Sonny Bono's Bel Air address as my home address. Connie had left my dad for Sonny,who had recently split with Cher. ..(略)..I'd met Sonny on my previous visit ...(略)
Later that day,after Mrs.Parks was found guilty,black leaders held a meeting at a church and decided to continue the bus boycott.They elected Dr.King leader of the group. In his speech to a crowd gathered at the church,he said:"To those who have mistreated us so long we want to say this.We have always been kicked about.Now we are tired of it."When he was finished,Mrs.Parks stood up.She did not speak;there was no need to.Her silence said,"Here I am among you."
From that day on,black people in Montgomery did not ride the city buses.It was not easy for them to give up riding the buses.For most of them,buses were their only way of transportation.The bus boycott lasted for more than a year.Day after day,the buses ran almost empty.Then,in 1956,the Supreme Court of the United States decided that bus segregation was against the U.S.Constitution.The Montgomery bus company finally gave in and changed its rules. In this way,black people in Montgomery won their first victory in the fight against segregation―peacefully. They also found a great civil rights leader in Martin Luther King,Jr.This all started with one woman's courage to say"No"to injustice.
I tease Karen every now and then with bizarre ideas and plots, by simply saying that everything is set and ready:I am going to book everything(which is something that characterizes the most) and after 10 hours we will be back there.She never saw Hokkaido (I did!),so it means that it would be worthy at least to pay a tour of few days, unless you are very fond of Nature and outskirts; but I still believe that we would definitely come back to the Capital and maybe back to other places we loved, really and deeply.But I think that just being there,surrounded by typical Japanese discreteness and privacy, the noises and sounds,the scents, well it would make us feel great…or simply taller, I guess (only joking!).
>>892 Full moon's _today_! It seems what I saw yesterday wasn't (strictly) a full moon. The sky is full of stars, it's so clear it looks you could just reach out and touch them. かなり意訳しました。;-)
Kids are often told to turn off their video games and get some exercise. 子供たちはテレビゲームをやめて、少しは運動するようによくいわれる。 Schools in West Virginia have found a way for kids to work out while playing a video game. ウェストバージニアの学校では、テレビゲームをしている最中に、子供たちに解決する方法を見つけた。
I am just going to write something off the top of my head. Let's see,,. I have tutored many American students (mainly community college students) in math, bio, and music. The most fun part was that I explained difficult terms in English to people whose first language was English. I thought it was kind of interesting that some people had no clue about the difference between null and alternative hypothses. I had to make up some easy examples about it to make people understand better.
この文章の間違ってる部分を指摘してください。 どうしてThe most funny partじゃなくて、The most fun part なのでしょうか?
>>915 >The best results came from outdoor dogs, who obtained the food, >on average, in one-third the time. > (outdoor dogsは)平均して三分の一の時間で食べ物を手に入れる ことができた。
Cause the world is lonesome enough to me The world is crazy enough to me It keeps turning around and around and leaves me behind I say the world is lonesome enough
When I've got a feeling that I am betraid I blame myself to have expected The way you see it through your eyes could be different slight
Of all public building,It was the temples upon which the Greeks concentrated to the greatest effect their artistic skiil and their feeling for restrained beauty.
It...whichの強調構文と考え、 Greeks concentrated upon the temples (ギリシャ人は神殿に集中した)は見えるのですが、 2行目の<to the greatest〜beauty.>が訳せません。 to以下は副詞句だと考え<to the greatest effect=「最大限の効果で」>と訳しても、 後のtheir artistic以降がドコに掛かるのかが分りません。
>>927 文法弱いので説明できないけど、言い換えるとこういうこと? ↓ The Greeks concentrated their artistic skill and their feeling for restrained beauty upon the temples (of all public buildings), to the greatest effect.
You know what I say? I say you should just stfu cause your not even making sense right now. Why don't you go think of getting a life? Or in fact, why don't you go kill yourself now?
昼食語の会話。 Owen:That was an amazing sandwich. Jay:Well, you ate it so fast I'm surprised you could taste it Yuki:He is right. Did you even chew? Owen:Oh, give me a break.
Every individual plant has its own characteristics, giving it an advantage in a particular environment. The more varieties there are for a given species, the greater the chances are for the species to survive. お願いします。
In one place we can keep seeds for all kinds of plants from all over the world - grasses from the tropics, plants from our fields and gardens, and wild plants that have never been changed by the hands of human beings. おねがいします
Please let me know if you need details or alternatively, please order 150 at a time or whatever you card can handle. The order you placed below has been authorised on your card
Time isn't the only blood I have on my hands. Or is it the other way around... Blood isn't the only time I have on my hands...? I can't remember right now.