This thread is for those who try so-called extensive listening. That sounds ok with me. But if you introduce English expressions you think are interesting and meaningful to know, when you post your record here, I'd be more pleased to read the thread. So how does it sound to you? Do you mind picking up one expression or one word everytime?
NPR fresh air 43'45"×1 長いので集中力が続かなかった。後半はぼーっと聞いてただけ。 NPR houry newscast 4'45" earth and sky 1'30 今日は土星とその衛星タイタンについて NPR all things considered (Arrest of Chicago Priest Renews Abuse Concerns)3'55" fresh air 以外はなんとなくリピートしながら合計で1時間位
NQR All Thngs Considered ウィティントン氏退院 2'08" 身近な鳥の個体数調査 3'15" グリーンランドの氷 5'08" Earth and Sky Solar Super Storm 1'30" Earth and Sky Kids Thirsty Camels 1'30" 1時間30分リピート
3/1分 NPR All Things Considered Parade of St. Anne Doesn't Disappoint 7'49" Demolition Looms for Ninth Ward of New Orleans 4'40" Pastor Takes Faith on the Road for Scattered Flock 5'05"
Fred Durst is A great business man, but he is not an artist. I don't feel life for a minute. i don't give a f*ck if he's got ten bajillion dollers. He is not an artist to me. And, you know, as nothing to do with him as a person, it is what he is doing. He is pre-packaging, and he is pre,, he is proccesing music that a lot of kids feel.
He's been super fat. We already know them, you know what I mean. That's the whole thing. That's the ???, that's the thing. Sort of like, "that's cool". Maybe, all the hate that's going around the world is from ???? That's why send "you wanna hate me?" 'Cause hate, his all world even seems like.
303 名前:L2VL ◆ilMFhy8AUA :2005/10/30(日) 22:47:20 That necronation guy is ever developing its cheep way of pretending to be many different people. It is quite easy to distinguish it from other participants of the Aちゃん related threads. And it is also threatening those who are trying to stop its harmful acts on the related threads. Just "do not touch the suspicious posts" is the best way. Ignore it and its posts, this is what I'd like you all to do.
(Attention, passengers, ???? 877 to Mars are delayed to ...)
RECEPTIONIST: There, thanks. ... Ha? A PASSENGER: ????????????? RECEPTIONIST: I can check that for you.
(Attention passengers, All flight to cross the MGC 7492 of the curious constellations have been canceled due to magnetic storms. please deal ...)
FATHER: So long, son. MOTHER: Take good care of the house, ???, and watch her to read, OK? KAZUTO: Don't worry about things, Mum, you don't count on me? FATHER: Do you still intend to keep that your likable bath house open? KAZUTO: Oh, yeah. MOTHER: Really? Kazuto, you are just being stubborn. Nobody goes to a bath house anymore.
PRINCESS: Kazutooooo! KAZUTO: Eh? DOG: Kazutooooo! ... Uguuuu....uuu.... PRINCESS: Hyahahahaha.... hahaha ... Yeah! Let's play! Kazuto! KAZUTO: Ah, ... No, not again. I have to open the bath house now.
KAZUTO: I'm trying to operate business here, remember? PRINCESS: But kazuto, I wanna play!
ERIKA: Sorry guys, we went a little late today. KAZUTO: Oh, hey, Erika, so how's your practice test? ERIKA: I guess I did pretty well, so what happened to Mum and Dad? Did they really? KAZUTO: Afraid to go without each.
AN OLD MAN: Excuse me, are you guys are open? KAZUTO: Yeah, come right in, sir!
A MAN: Hey, guess where do you think you're going in, Chee? A BOY: Huh? THE MAN: ??? ??? you can get in, ANOTHER MAN: Are you just contaminating the bath water? THE BOY: Oh, sorry ... THE MAN: Earnest, ??? ????! THE OTHER MAN: No bath house manner!
AKINA: Enjoy your bath. ERIKA: Oh? Oh, Akina! It's you again! AKINA: Yeah, my bathtub's still broken... Um.... OK, let's hear this. I'm going up the bigger bathtub and more clean them up! Isn't it? ??? John?
PRINCESS: I wanna play! Come on! Kazie!! KAZUTO: Stay back, this isn't a place for bowling games. PRINCESS: I don't matter! MISS SONITA: Princess, KAZUTO: Oh, hey there, Miss. Sonita. MISS SONITA: Princess, why don't we leave our master to his work for a while?
MISS SONITA: Come on. I'll play with you. PRINCESS: I don't matter! You can't make me!
A SCHOOLBOY : Later. KAZUTO: See you. PRINCESS: Kazieee!! KAZUTO: Hua? ... Valkyrie? PRINCESS: Kazuto! KAZUTO: Hey, ... Wow ... PRINCESS: Valkyrie came to your highschool to walk you home!
KAZUTO: So Valkyrie, do you mean, to see me you came all this way by yourself? Alone? PRINCESS: Yap. ??? anyway she wants to by herself because she is a big girl. KAZUTO: I see that. That's very impressive. PRINCESS: Yap. Kazuto wants her to walk to home everyday. KAZUTO: Yes, sounds wonderful.
A SCHOOLGIRL: Hey look, isn't that Kazuto over there? ANOTHER SCHOOLGIRL: Hey, I think you are right. It is Kazuto! THE SCHOOLGIRL: Don't you think he's weird? He's hanging out with a little girl all the time.? THE OTHER SCHOOLGIRL: You think he could be one of those, ... those 'watching for carnaps'? THE SCHOOLGIRL: She looks like it, doesn't he? THE OTHER SCHOOLGIRL: Hey, Akina, You two have known each other since grade school. So what's the deal with your creepy pal, Kazuto? AKINA: Not a friend of a dead pedophile! Hun! THE OTHER SCHOOLGIRLl: She isn't sorry!
PRINCESS: Kazie, what's that thing over there? KAZUTO: What? Over there? That's the docking tower for space craft. PRINCESS: A Donkey flower? KAZUTO: Docking tower. ... See? The upper level is still under construction. But the catapult's operational and that's not a really matter soon. PRINCESS: What's it? Catteto? KAZUTO: So, the word's catapult. Spaceships can use it to lanch themselves into space. PRINCESS: Wow, then you mean that's the way you get spaceships out of space?
KAZUTO: Valkyrie? I can't help it wonder. It is still you in there?
MISS SONITA: Really, highness, that's not the way for princess to eat. There's more food around your mouth than it. ... Don't cry, ERIKA: Well, I wish it comes with no surprise, but calling to my calculations are broke. MISS SONITA: Open mouth, princess. ... ERIKA: It's no wonder that has a family about just to her money ??? You should really consider to sell it, Kazuto, move overseas like Mum and Dad, That's what I'm gonna do when I graduate from college. KAZUTO: Why, I don't care because I grandpa loved this bath house. ERIKA: Yeah, yeah, we know. MISS SONITA: Miss Erika, please, I feel wonder if young master's intentions every storing his late grand father's beloved bath house are the noblest order. He'll make a fine prince indeed.
ERIKA: Oh, brother. How's he gonna restore the bath house if he's too shy to be in it, huh? KAZUTO: What's that suppose to mean? ERIKA: Nothing. ... By the way, Akina came by again last night. She's got such a magnificent body, it's shame you went there to see it. KAZUTO: So what's that got to do anything? ERIKA: Why said we so hard for to be around her, huh? And by her, they don't do difficulty, and cats my date. KAZUTO: You're pervert, Erika! ERIKA: And you're just a chicken!
PRINCESS: Aaaaaghuuu.... KAZUTO: Hua? PRINCESS: No, no, ... no, no, noooo! Don't gota! don't gota! don't gota! Can't make me, can't make me, can't make meee! KAZUTO: Come on, Valkyrie, time for bed. PRINCESS: You make me sex, why don't you shut up! KAZUTO: Hey, that's not a nice thing to say! What are you talking about? What did I do to you? PRINCESS: Shut up! I hate you! I hate you! I hate yoooou! KAZUTO: Just cut it out, already!
MISS SONITA: Ohooo! Where is me? What am I going to? I got it. Why don't young master agree to belong side highness. KAZUTO: Does it look like how long I read a complex to you? ERIKA: Augaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa, ..... Shut up!
Three agent men are sent prison for life for the murder of a black man in Birmingham. The judge said the twenty three old was the victim of a racist attack fueled by mob violence. Cases highlighted the tensions between Asian and Afro-Caribbean communities in the West Midlands.
Also tonight ...
More bombings in Bagdad on the day Tony Blair arrived to back the New government. Sorting the worklife balance, the tories say it's not all about money but happiness, too.
Wealth (Health?) is a buy so much more than pounds and dollars and euros.(?) It's time that we admitted that there's more to life than money.
And Britons' endless appetite for cocaine. We report the impact at home and brought. In BBC London news, after two years' treatment, the NHS pulls a plug on womon's life saving cancer drugs. And from Swan Lake, too Rubbish ton. The fly papers(?) has destroyed it, a wild life century.
This week, ABC news is taking an in-depth look at the problem of global warming, and tonight, we introduce an major new poll conducted by ABC, TIME magazine and Stanford University.
A vast majority of Americans, 85 percent, now believe global warming is probably happening, and that it'll become a serious problem in the future.
ABC's Bill Blakemore who has covered this subject extensively joins us tonight with details, ... Bill.
OK, there's now consensus among virtually all scientists the global warming is happening is underway. And almost all the sientists agree man-made green house gas emissions are a significant cause.
Now scientists tell us, the only questions are how we're going to deal with it and try to prevent it getting far worse.
Already hundreds of scientific studies and video tape from all over the planet show variety of global warming impact.
Polar bears're facing extinction as the sea ice they need for hunting on vanishes along with masses of ice at the South Pole.
Glacier's disappearing from Rockies, Alps, Andes and Himalayas, even faster than scientists expected, and robbing millions of drinking water.
And a kind of extreme weather scientists warned of twenty years ago. This past years' hurricane season, for the first time ever, ran out of letters. Americans are taking it all in.
56% in our poll believe the world's temperatures have been rising in the past three years. 70% think the world's weather patterns more unstable.
Half say they've experienced the same in the last three years where they live.
All over America folks have stories that they relate the climate change. Near to River Ohio, Lake Erie was ice-free in midwinter. This ferry line ran for the first time ever through January
Sophia Shroeder, 7, love to past February birthday party with everyone out on the ice, where they even built bon fires. Not this year.
"I wanted everything on the ice again. but there wan't and so I had my birthday on this place, called Tonis."
Most surprising in our poll, about half of Americans say they're now experiencing warming. 64% still mistakenly think that there is a lot of disagreement among scientists, about weather global warming is happening.
"Americans are actually quite off target in their beliefs about scientists. The scientific community is remarkably nonce(?)."
And that mistaken belief may have consequences. This poll shows us that those Americans who believe the scientific community is united in thinking that global warming is real a problem are the most support of a government action to solve the problem.
In other words, the 1/3 of Americans who are aware that credible scientists all agreed global warming 's underway.
A farmer like to be seriously worried about them, and Kate, too,
So important, understand, Bill Blakemore, thank you. And you can find the full poll on global warming by logging on to the broadcast plus section, of our web site that's at
And our poll finds American attitudes about global warming are shifting. It has taken years for the public perception of the problem to catch up with the warnings, tonight ABC's Geoff Morrell reports that lack of concern may have been just big oil wanted.(?)
"Tick, tick, ..., tick, ... " Time is running out. This new ad warns to combat climate change. "TICK!, tick, ... our future ..., tick, tick, .. is up ..., tick, TICK!, ... to you."
But Virginia's top climate meteorologist doesn't buy it. "The American people just been lodging with ... climate disaster stories, God knows how long, and they're just ... they've got a disaster for thieve."
Pat Micheals is one of a handful skeptics still downplaying the danger.
They are tiny minority. The vast majority scientists have determined global warming to be a real threat. So why is it taking so long to convice Americans?
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Ross Gelbspan brains a 15 year miss information campaign by the oil and coal industories.
"The point of this campaign was not necessarily to persuade the public global warming is in happening. It was to persuade the public that there is this state of confusion."
This 1998 memo by the American petroleum institute says victory will be achieved when every citizens recognize uncertainty in climate science.
"Aha ..." To redefine global warming's theory is not fact the industory funded research by friendly scientist, such as Pat Micheals. The industries' influence even extends into the White House. Up until a few months ago, former oil industry lobbiest was one of the President's top environmental advisers adding scientific reports to make global warming seem less threatening.
"From now on, we don't have scientist write report and just take them. We pass them through the White House filter before they are ever published. And that's scandalous."
"Are you worried about global climate change? ... we need ..."
A few oil companies led by BP, have changed their tune in our aggressively addressing the problem. But some continue to promote the idea there're uncertainties in the science. Geoff Morrell, ABC news, Washington.
And ABC news will have much more on this important global warming series tommorrow, we have two sports related notes tonight, there was ....
念のため書いておきますが、I'm strong to the finich = I'm strong to the finish.で、 Cause I eats me spinachのeatにsがついてるのは、詳しくはよくわかりませんが、 ポパイは船乗りであまり頭のいいキャラクターではないので、文法の間違いをするからのようです
A baby shower is a party in which expectant parents receive gifts for their expected child. By convention, a baby shower is intended to help parents get items that they need for their baby, such as baby clothes. It is a popular tradition in the United States and in other cultures influenced by American culture or media.
time-out 1. (Sports.) A brief cessation of play at the request of a sports team or an official for rest, consultation, or making substitutions. 2. A short break from work or play. (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is a 1954 film starring Kirk Douglas as Ned Land, James Mason as Captain Nemo, Paul Lukas as Professor Aronnax and Peter Lorre as Conseil. The film has become the most well-known adaptation of the book of the same name by Jules Verne.,000_Leagues_Under_the_Sea_(1954_film)
FULL HOUSE, Episode 99 "The King and I" - 20 minutes * 3 times = 1 hour 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [2nd time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 3 hours, Total 12 hours
FULL HOUSE, Episode 110 "Crushed" - 20 minutes * 3 times = 1 hour 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [3rd time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 3 hours, Total 15 hours
FULL HOUSE, Episode 98 "Oh where, Oh where has my little girl gone?" - 20 minutes * 3 times = 1 hour 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [4th time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 3 hours, Total 18 hours
When the red light is on, it means that I am recording and I am not to be disturbed for anything whatsoever.
- What about if Godzilla attacks like in those old Japanese movies? Godzilla is attacking. We must inform Jesse. ... We can't. The red light is on. (FULL HOUSE)
FULL HOUSE, Episode 97, "Take My Sister, Please" - 20 minutes * 3 times = 1 hour 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [5th time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 3 hours, Total 21 hours
The two elder sisters are trying to persuade the youngest sister, Michelle, to give her room to the eldest sister and live with the second eldest sister in the other room.
FULL HOUSE, Episode 111, "Spell Bound" - 20 minutes * 3 times = 1 hour 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [7th time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 3 hours, Total 26 hours
今日は通勤途中に聞くためのmp3ファイル作成作業 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVDから録音して、chapter 1 - 4のmp3ファイルを作成
こないだツタヤで「20,000 Leagues Under the Sea」のDVDをもうひとつ見つけたので、それもちょっと見たいというのと、 同じ潜水艦モノのThe Hunt for Red Octoberも見たいなと思う今日この頃^^
All stations ready. Prepare for diving. - Yes, sir. All stations ready. Prepare for diving. Ahead slow. Trim your forward ballast. - Trim your forward ballst. Three degrees down. - Three degrees down.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [11th time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 33 hours
The Hunt for Red October, Deap Sea 20,000借りてきました、そのうち見てみようと思っています^^
The sentences that first appear in the movie:
ALARMING RUMOURS! In the year 1868 the shipping world was alarmed by rumours of an avenging monster on the loose. A series of strange events befell certain vessels cruising the great South Seas and travel along this nightmare sea lane dwindled to a few bold ships.
* rumour [British English]; rumor [American English] (noun) information that is passed from one person to another and may not be true * avenge : (verb) (literary) to punish someone because they have harmed you or your family * befall : (verb) if something unpleasant or dangerous befalls you, it happens to you * dwindle, dwindle away : (verb) to gradually become less or smaller (LASD4)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [12th time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 35 hours
At the port, sailors are arguing about the monster:
I say there ain't no monster! But we need men, ... and just to treat you fair and square, ... we're paying double wages and a bonus ... from Frisco to Shanghai and back, all found.
- All dead, you mean! Don't sign with him, mates. You can't buy off the monster with double wages and a bonus. You'll never get back to Frisco to collect your pay. I got a man here that sailed on the Golden Arrow ... and lived to tell about it. Come on, Billy. Tell them what you saw, Bill.
- It was the monster, all right. A cable's length long from beak to tail. And it came a-bellering out of the night ... with one big eye like a lighthouse. We were thrown into starboard! We were smashed to port. And then it came up at midships ... and broke our backs and sunk us ... 40 poor sailor men drowned dead.
* cable length [also cable's length] (noun) (Nautical) A unit of length equal to 720 feet (220 meters) in the United States and 608 feet (185 meters) in England. (AHD3)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [15th time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 41 hours
An officer of the United States government came to see Professor Aronnax :
Howard: Excuse me, Professor Aronnax. Conseil: Oh, no. No more reporters. You've done damage enough. Professor is very busy now. Howard: But I'm not a reporter. I represent the United States government. Conseil: United States government? Howard: May I come in? Conseil: Will he come in? Aronnax: Of course, sir. Please do come in, Mr. Howard. Conseil: Of course. Howard: Thank you. I'll be brief, professor. I understand that your destination is the Orient ... and that you've been delayed. ... What would you say if we could get you there ... but by a round about route, ... a cruise of three or four months through the South Seas? Would you accept? Aronnax: Well, I would be interested, yes, naturally. ... Sit down. Howard: Thank you. I can see no reason ... why you and your apprentice shouldn't consider yourselves .... guests of the United States government ... until we can set you ashore at Saigon, do you? Conseil: May I ask why have you honored the professor this way? Howard: Well, I think the honor is ours. As the foremost authority on the sea and its mysteries ... you can be an excellent observer. ... Your observations will greatly influence public opinion, ... and we can either confirm or deny certain rumors. Conseil: I knew it, -- concerns the monster.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [16th time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 43 hours
調査船が怪物を発見。砲撃すると怪物は逃げ始める Look alive, there! Get your range and fire, Carson! ... What's the matter? - She's showing us her heel, sir! - Hit her in the heels, then! - Aye, sir! ... Run her out smartly!
砲撃が命中すると、怪物は身をひるがえし船を沈めようと近づく - We hit her, sir! ... She's turning! - She's turning around!
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [17th time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 45 hours
戦艦から攻撃により損傷し、水圧で床が落ちてシャフトにのしかかりエンジンが動力を失い ノーチラス号はどんどん沈んでいく。沈没の危機にNemo船長は冷静に指示を出す。 How much water in the power compartment? - 5 feet and rising, sir. Break out a spare shaft. - Break out a spare shaft. We must use leverage. Bring it thwartships. * thwartships [= thwart + ships] < thwart (adv. & prep.) (Archaic) Athwart; across (AHD3)
Put the aft end down to the leak. And lift with the hoist. ... Take up the slack. Make a strain. * hoist (n.) a piece of equipment used to lift heavy things [=crane] (LASD4) * take up the slack = to pull a rope so that it is tight and not loose (LASD4)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997) (ディープ・シー20000) DVD [1st time, subtitles off] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 51hours いつもどおり初見字幕なしでは10〜20%程度しか理解できません^^;
Gentlemen, please be seated. The minutes of the previous meeting being waived, we can now proceed with our presentation. Now at last, we welcome to the Amercan Academy of Maritime Science, Pierre Arronax, junior instructor at the Paris Museum of Natural History.
Ah ..., My title is, excuse me, asistant professor, not junior instructor. Ah ..., oh, if, ah ..., someone could please close the shutters, ... thank you. Let me begin.
* minutes (n.) An official record of the proceedings at a meeting (AHD4 paperback) * waive (tr.v.) 1. To give up (a right or claim) by one's own choice 2. To set aside, dispense with, or postpone (American Heritage Student Dictionary)
July 20, 1866, the captain of the Governer Higginson, sights a huge mass, off the western coast of Australia. A mass which misteriously outraces him to the horizon line. July 26, 1866, the Christbow Clone, sights a similar mass in the Pacific, this captain determines the creature itself larger than any whale, but how can it have traveled so far, ... so fast?
March, 1867, the Malaybean strikes a huge rock in the middle of open waters where no such rock exists. April, the Scotia, pride of the crude oil line, sees the creature from a distance and tries to investigate. For its troubles, the Scotia's land, by some unseen force, again nearly sinking the ship, the hole found in the hull is a clean cut as if made by a giant knife.
- All this is known to us! What is your theory? Debate has raged in about scientific community, and the popular press, of the nature of the creature. - No, stuff. It's quite obvious some great undersea craft is stalking the waters. And who could build this craft and keep it secret?
* outrace (v.) to surpass in speed or performance (AHD4) * pride (n.) the best of a group or class (AHD4 paperback) * unseen (adj.) 1. Not directly evident; invisible 2. Not previously read or studied: an unseen translation (AHD4) * hull (n.) The frame or body of a ship (AHD4 paperback) * stuff (n.) 2b. worthless object 3. (slang) Foolish or empty words or ideas (AHD4 paperback)
Such an effort would require the strength and the talents of men across the world. When have the world's governments ever permitted such an exchange(?)? Are you prepared to believe in some master inventor who lives outside the national boundaries? Some freelance genious surpasses(?) all known naval technologies?
- So it's not a man-made craft, what do you think it is, little man?
Sir, we know each other, many times I have listened to your tirades(?). Indulge me this once. ... I propose, ... the existance of a gigantic narwhal.
* boundary (n.) the limit of what is acceptable or thought to be possible (LASD4) * tirade (n.) a long angry speech criticizing someone or something (LASD4) * indulge (vt.) to let someone do or have whatever they want, even if it is bad for them (LASD4) * narwhal (n.) An Arctic whale marked in the male by a long spirally twisted ivory tusk. (AHD4 paperback) (?)がついてるところはもう何十回聞いてもこれ以上はわかりません、かなり怪しいです>_<) すぐわかるようでしたら教えてください
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997) (ディープ・シー20000) DVD [4th time, subtitles off] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 57hours
Nemo: If you should contemplate visiting the engine room without me, ... . Thank you. Attucks: Thought you said we could go on anywhere we wanted on the ship. Nemo: You can try.
Arronax: You have engineered a masterpiece, Captain. What wouldn't(?) nations of the world give such a craft?
Nemo: That is why the utmost secrecy was employed in its construction. The components of the Nautilus, ... were built by contructors in nine different countries. None of them knowing the end goal for their work, the elements were shipped to an island to be assembled by my men, ... unknown to the world.
Arronax: How the world would've changed if navies had just that power to command!
Nemo: We shall all die before that happens. I carry on my person the means to destroy the ship at moment's notice. No one will ever use the Nautilus as a weapon of conquest. No one.
* contemplate (v.) to think about something in a serious way (LASD4) * engineer (v.) to arrange something secretly (LASD4) * on/about your person (formal) if you have something on or about your person, you have it in your pockets or attached to you (LDOCE4)
The Hunt for Red October, DVD [1th time, English subtitles on] - 1 hour Today 1 hours, Total 62hours
In 1984, the USSR's best submarine captain in their newest sub violates orders and heads for the USA. Is he trying to defect, or to start a war? * defect (v.) to leave your own country or group in order to go to or join an opposing one (LASD)
>>235 > カールルイスのインタビューを普通に聞き取れた。 よかったですね^^ 私はスポーツ中継は未だに何言ってるのかさっぱりわかりません^^; 野球は見ないのでいいですけど、F1, Wimbledon, World Cup, Olympicの中継はわかるようになりたいです><
The Hunt for Red October, DVD [2nd time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 64hours
Ryanが専門家にソビエト新型潜水艦の写真を見せて意見を聞く場面: Tyler: Bigger than a regular typhoon. What are these doors? Ryan: You don't miss much, do you? Those are too big to be torpedo tubes. Woud you launch an ICBM horizontally? Tyler: Sure. Why would you want to? ... They're symmetrical. Right down the long axis of the sub. Ryan: How about a towed sonar array? Tyler: Nope. Too close to the screws. ... I'll be-- ... This ... This could be a caterpillar. Ryan: A what? Tyler: Uh, a caterpillar drive. Magneto-hydrodynamic propulsion. You follow? Ryan: No. Tyler: It's like a ... a jet engine for the water. Goes in the front, gets squirted out the back. Only it's got no moving parts, so it's very, very quiet. Ryan: Like how quiet? Tyler: It's doubtful our sonar would even pick it up. And if it did, it would sound like whales humping. or some kind of a seismic anomaly. Anything but a submarine. We messed with this a couple of years ago. Couldn't make it work. They really built this? This isn't a mock-up or anything? Ryan: She put to sea this morning. * magnetohydrodynamics (noun), magnetohydrodynamic (adj.) The study of the interaction of magnetic fields and electrically conducting liquids or gases, such as molten metal or plasma.(AHD) * squirt (verb) if you squirt liquid or if it squirts, it is forced out of a narrow hole in a thin fast stream (LASD) * seismic (adjective) (technical) relating to earthquakes (LASD) * anomaly (noun) (formal) something that is noticeable because it is different from what is usual (LASD) * mess with (phrasal verb) (informal) to get involved with someone or something that is dangerous or could cause problems (LASD)
The Hunt for Red October, DVD [3rd time, English subtitles on] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 66hours
新型推進装置に切り替えると、アメリカの潜水艦はRed Octoberをソナー探知できずに直進してしまう Is the American turning to follow us? - No, Captain. The American is continuing in his original course. He's continuing northwest. He can't hear us.
確かに上に上げられた例だと全くと言っていいほど違いがないですね。。。 もしかして映画だと違いが無いのかもしれない。 自分はプリズンブレイク等のシリーズ物を見てるけど、40%ぐらいは違う。 例えばyou knowとしゃべってる部分でas you can seeと書かれてたりするし。 基本、字幕は聾唖者の為に作られたのではないかと。
10.5 (2004TV) DVD [1st time, English subtitles off] - 2.5 hours Today 2.5 hours, Total 82.5hours
10.5 (2004) (TV) An earthquake reaching a 10.5 magnitude on the Richter scale, strikes the west coast of the U.S. and Canada. A large portion of land falls into the ocean, and the situation is worsened by aftershocks and tsunami.
10.5 (2004TV) DVD [5th time, Subtitles off] - 2.5 hours 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [20th time, sounds only] - 2 hours Today 4.5 hours, Total 94.5 hours
10.5 (2004TV) DVD [6th time, sounds oly] - 2.5 hours 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [21th time, sounds only] - 2 hours Today 4.5 hours, Total 99 hours
10.5 (2004TV) DVD [7th time, sounds only] - 2.5 hours 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [22th time, sounds only] - 2 hours Today 4.5 hours, Total 103.5 hours
10.5 (2004TV) DVD [8th time, sounds only] - 2.5 hours 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [23th time, sounds only] - 2 hours Today 4.5 hours, Total 108 hours
Movie/DVD: "The Manchurian Candidate (2004)" [1st time, without subtitles] - 2 h Today 2 hours, Total 120 hours
The Manchurian Candidate is a 2004 U.S. American film based on the 1959 novel The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, and a reimagining of the previous 1962 film. The film stars Denzel Washington as Bennett Marco, a tenacious, virtuous soldier, Liev Schreiber as Raymond Shaw, a U.S. Congressman from New York, manipulated into becoming a vice-presidential candidate, Jon Voight as Tom Jordan, a U.S. senator and challenger for vice-president and Meryl Streep as Eleanor Shaw, also a senator and the manipulative, ruthless mother of Raymond Shaw.
NPR Fresh Air 45m 'Fair Game' Tells Plame Saga from Her Viewpoint Story: The scandal that came to be known as "Plamegate" began in 2003 with the publication of a CIA agent's name. It eventually encompassed the perjury conviction of a senior White House official. Now the agent tells her side of the story -- or at least t NPR 46:25 2007/10/24
Movie/DVD: "The Manchurian Candidate (2004)" [5th time, English subtitles] - 2 h Movie/DVD: "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)" [29th time, sounds only] - 2 h Today 4 hours, Total 130 hours
1h25m CBS Evening News, 10.24.07 Wednesday: Katie Couric anchors complete coverage from Southern California, where fierce wildfires continue to wreak havoc. CBS Evening News, 10.25.07 Thursday: The hunt for arsonists investigators say set two of the California wildfires. The Bush administration confronts Iran one-on-one. And, secrets from deep within the Vatican vaults. NPR: 10-25-2007 Fresh Air Stories: 1) Parsing Petro-Politics in the Caspian Sea 2) Terence Blanchard: Musical Musings on 'God's Will'
CBS Evening News, 10.26.07 20m The enormity of the wildfire destruction is becoming clear. Taxpayers are getting squeezed by the grape industry. And, a FEMA news conference complete with fake reporters.
NPR: 10-26-2007 Talk of the Nation 1h30m 1) Seeking Solutions to Improve Global Health 2) Building Safer Bridges in Wake of I-35W Collapse 3) China Launches Orbiter, Shoots for Moon by 2020 4) Biography Chronicles von Braun, 'Dreamer of Space' 5) Study: Voters Take First Impressions to NPR
CBS Evening News, 10.30.07 20m A raging battle over government safety regulation of toys and other products. A violent video game sparks an international outcry. And, Iraq's largest dam is in danger of collapse.
CBS Evening News, 10.31.07 20m: Obesity is catching up to smoking as the leading cause of cancer. Underdogs attack Hillary Clinton at debate. And, the lottery addiction.
NPR: Fresh Air 45m 1) 'Conchords': Music, Comedy, Clueless Kiwis 2) Author Reynolds Price, Meditating on Faith and Art 3) Coen Brothers Return with 'No Country for Old Men'
Movie/DVD: "The Manchurian Candidate (2004)" [9th time, with English subtitles] - 2 h Encyclopeida: Oxford Children's Encyclopedia (OCE), "Blood", dictation - a few minutes ^^; Today 3 hours, Total 136 hours
Blood (OCE) If a vein or artery is damaged, the blood it carries tries to mend the wound. Tiny fragments, called platelets, come together to plug up the opening and slow down the flow, then a network of fine strands, made of fibrin, strengthen the clot. Collagen draws and tightens the edges of the wound to form a scar, which completes the healing,
* platelets < platelet (noun) one of the very small flat round cells in your blood that help it become solid when you bleed, so that you stop bleeding * fine (adj.) very thin or narrow, or made of very small pieces: a fine layer of dust, a fine thread, fine sand * strand (noun) 1. a single thin piece of thread, hair, wire etc 2. one part of a story, problem, idea etc. * fibrin (noun) An elastic, insoluble, whitish protein produced by the action of thrombin of fibrinogen and forming an interlacing fibrous network in the coagulation of blood. * clot (noun) a mass of blood which has become almost solid * collagen (noun) a protein found in people and animals. It is often used in beauty products and treatments to make people look younger and more attractive.
CBS Evening News, A look at how the case against baseball's Barry Bonds could shape up. Army desertion rates have spiked since the Iraq invasion. And, Steve Hartman's Assignment America.
CBS Evening News, 20m A new message from bin Laden shows signs he may be in trouble. Rudy Giuliani answers ethics questions involving an old affair. And, a new way for criminals to hijack your computer.
CBS Evening News, 20m Nine dead in Omaha mall massacre. Mortgage relief for homeowners in subprime loan crisis. More questions for the candidates. And Knut the bear's birthday.
CBS Evening News, 20m Clinton, McCain win the New Hampshire primary; Balmy weather brings killer tornadoes and floods to the Midwest; and the U.S. sends a warning to Iran over a Navy standoff.
Video/VHS: "The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show, Snoopy's cat fight, and other stories" [1st time, without subtitles] - 1 h Today 1 hours, Total 149 hours
CBS Evening News 20m Bank of America to rescue Countywide mortgage; Mitt Romney limps into Michigan; Wild weather in the Midwest; and employer-enforced good deeds in North Dakota.
Master and Commander, DVD [1st time, without subtitles] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 161 hours
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World is a 2003 film directed by Peter Weir and starring Russell Crowe as Jack Aubrey, with Paul Bettany as Stephen Maturin. It is adapted from three novels in the Aubrey-Maturin series by Patrick O'Brian.
Captain Aubrey of HMS Surprise pursues a French frigate into the Pacific Ocean, there are a number encounters between the ships before the climactic final battle but much of the film deals with the relationships and life aboard the British ship. A subplot involves his friend, the ship's surgeon, Stephen Maturin's desire to explore the Galapagos to examine its fauna and flora; the hunt of Acheron repeatedly frustrates this desire in spite of Aubrey's intentions. The final battle leads to both triumph and sadness at the many friends lost in battle.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [34th time, with English subtitles] - 2 hours Master and Commander, DVD [2nd time, with English subtitles] - 2 hours Today 4 hours, Total 165 hours
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), DVD [35th time, with English subtitles] - 2 hours Master and Commander, DVD [3rd time, with English subtitles] - 2 hours Today 4 hours, Total 169 hours
NPR: Fresh Air 45m 1) Mark Wahlberg, Breaking and Playing the Law 2) Colin Firth: 'Pride' Goeth Before the Fame 3) Oscar-Nominated 'Taxi' a Grim Wartime Ride
CBS Evening News, 45m Baseball star Roger Clemens faces Congress -- and his former trainer; Obama rides a wave after eight primary wins; Tackling Antarctica's trash; and Japanese men who adore their wives.
NPR Hourly News Summary 5m
CNN Student News 10m A deadly school shooting takes place in Illinois, White House hopefuls adjust to exhaustion, and thieves strike a Swiss museum.
CBS Evening News, 20m New insight into the NIU shooter; Questioning campus security; Flu shot misses; Hillary's wavering support base; Michelle Obama speaks; and a basketball team's "Cylie Rule."
NPR: Fresh Air 45m 1) Milos Forman, Orphan, Immigrant and Oscar Winner 2) Hopping Bad: Liman's 'Jumper,' Going Nowhere Fast 3) Sliced, Diced 'Dexter' Moves from Cable to CBS
Master and Commander, DVD [5th time, with English subtitles] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 173 hours
Today's note:^^
Slade: Starboard bow ahoy! Hollom: What is it, Slade? Slade: Thought I heard somethin'. Sounded like a bell. Hollom: Native fishermen, perhaps. Slade: Or a reef marker, sir. Hollom: Mr. Calamy, the lead, if you please! [Man]: By the mark, five fathom! Calamy: Five fathom!
* reef marker (noun) < reef + marker (noun) an object, sign etc. that shows the position of something * lead (noun) A lead weight suspended by a line, used to make soundings. * sounding (noun) A measured depth of water. * fathom (noun) A unit of length equal to 6 feet (1.83 meters), used principally in the measurement and specification of marine depths.
Fresh Air 45m Bart Ehrman, Questioning Religion on Why We Suffer Religious studies professor Bart D. Ehrman joins Fresh Air to discuss human suffering as it is addressed in the Bible. If there is an all-powerful and loving God, he asks, why do human beings suffer?
World Storyof the Day 5m Castro Resignation Paves Way for Change in Cuba Fidel Castro says he will not continue as president of Cuba, opening the way for his brother or someone younger to consolidate power when parliament appoints a new president next weekend. The announcement was made early Tuesday.
CNN Student News 10m Cuba's Fidel Castro calls it quits, White House hopefuls fight for delegates, and officials find two masterpieces in a parked car.
CBS Evening News, 20m Tuesday: All eyes on Wisconsin primary; Fidel Castro steps down; Electric shocks used to treat pain; Sony's Blu-ray wins the hi-def DVD war; and Big cats return to the San Francisco Zoo.
Master and Commander, DVD [7th time, with English subtitles] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 177 hours
Aubrey: Do you see those two weevils, Doctor? Dr. Maturin: I do. Aubrey: Which would you choose? Dr. Maturin: Neither. There's not a scrap of difference between them. They're the same species of curculio. Aubrey: If you had to choose ... if you were forced to make a choice ... if there was no other response but to ... Dr. Maturin: Well, then, if you're going to push me. I would choose the right-hand weevil. ... It has significant advantage in both length and breadth. Aubrey: There! I have you! You're completely dished. Do you not know that in the service ... ... one must always choose the lesser of two weevils? [Boisterous Laughter] Dr. Maturin: He who would pun would pick a pocket. ... Really. "Weevils." Aubrey: To the lesser of two weevils. All: To the lesser of two weevils!
* weevil (noun) Any of numerous beetles, of the superfamily Curculionoidea, especially the snout beetle, that characteristically have a downward-curving snout and are destructive to nuts, fruits, stems, and roots. (AHD) * weevil (noun) a small insect that feeds on grain, flour etc and spoils it. (LDOCE) * scrap (noun) a small amount of information, truth etc. * cuculio (noun) Snout beetle. < snout beetle (noun) A weevil of the family Curculionidae, having the front of the head elongated to form a snout. Also called curculio. * dish (verb) to serve (food) in or as if in a dish; (Chiefly British) To foil or cheat; ruin * service (noun) The armed forces of a nation; A branch of the armed forces of a nation * lesser (noun) (formal) not as large or important as something else; [the lesser of two evils] the less unpleasant or harmful of two bad choices * boisterous (adj.) noisy and full of energy * pun (noun) a joke that is funny because it uses two words that sound the same but have different meanings.
CNN Student News 10min Political frontrunners pull further ahead, President Bush gives straight talk in Africa, and a meteor lights up the Northwest.
CBS Evening News, 20min A daunting task for Hillary Clinton; Inflation heats-up; A new approach to pain killers; Asleep In The Pilot Seat?; and A teenager fights for drug-screenings on pregnant women.
NPR Fresh Air 45min That guilty feeling after a big meal? It might be about more than calories and cholesterol. New Yorker science writer Michael Specter explains how carbon emissions released during food production are having an impact on the environment.
CNN Student News 10min Protests turn violent in Serbia, a U.S. missile meets a faulty spy satellite, and a high school team plays hockey underwater
NPR Fresh Air 45min Journalist Patrick Cockburn on Iraq's Tenuous Calm The cease-fire that's kept Shiite militias in check for months is in danger of unraveling. And some U.S.-backed Sunni militias are growing restless. Patrick Cockburn, author and Iraq correspondent for The Independent in London, offers observations
CBS Evening News 20min Angry mobs attack the U.S. embassy in Belgrade. New studies about babies' pain thresholds. More snow means more deadly avalanches; And a special boy goes to Calif. state capital.
ABC World News 15min McCain Denials; Missile Strike; Bush in Liberia; Best Paparazzi Photos
Fresh Air 45min 1) Anderson, Recreating 'Blood' History 2) A Conversation About 'Eastern Promises' 3) An Oscar with your 'Ratatouille'? 4) Tamara Jenkins' Film Nominated for Oscars 5) 'Juno': Not Your Average Teen Pregnancy Movie 6) Review, 'Be Kind, Rewind'
CBS Evening News 20min The Northeast digs out from a big winter storm; It's not too late for a flu shot; Cell phone providers prove unhelpful with ring tone scams; and A junior anchorman with big dreams.
ABC World News, 16min Inside North Korea; Texas Showdown; Nature's Edge; Canine Crime?; Oscar Preview
CNN Student News - Feb. 28, 2008 10min A quake shakes Britain, two congressmen question Roger Clemens' testimony, and school's segregation experiment causes controversy.
CBS Evening News, 02.27.08 Wednesday: 20min Hillary Clinton loses a high profile endorsement; a new recommendation for child flu shots; marketing to minors increases; the life of William F. Buckley; and the NHL's black pioneer.
NBC Nightly News 20min
ABC World News, 02.27.08 15min Democratic Debate; Swat Valley; Kenyan Violence; Mary Poppins Investigation
NPR: Fresh Air 45min 1) Political History Gets Animated in 'Chicago 10' 2) From Vampire Weekend, World Music with a Bite
Freedom Strike, VHS [1th time, without subtitles] - 2 hours Today 2 hours, Total 187 hours
On June 3rd, 2001, the United Nations passed bill #45-987932 approving the creation of an International Special Operation Strike Force Team to use at their disposal. Their purpose: infiltration of hostile envioronments for recovery of stolen and/or manufactured technical hardware, hostage situations and neutralization of enemy targets. Code name ... FREEDOM STRIKE
* disposal (noun) when you get rid of something [at somebody's disposal] available for someone to use * infiltration (noun) < infiltrate (verb) to secretly join an organization to find out information about it * hostile (adj.) belonging to an enemy * hostage (noun) someone who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy, and may be hurt or killed in order to force other people to do somthing * neutralization (noun) < neutralize (verb) to prevent something from having any effect
VOA Special English: "International Red Cross Helps Victims of Natural Disasters" - 15 minutes * 4 times = 1 hour The Red Cross is leading efforts to help victims of the cyclone in Burma, earthquake in China and starvation in Ethiopia.
Nausicaa of the Valley of The Wind, YouTube, [1th time, without subtitles] - 2 hours Total: 201 hours 10 minutes
Nausicaa of The Valley of the Wind Part 1 of 12 (in English) "After a thousand years since industrialized civilization, a toxic jungle is spreading, threating the survival of the human race."
I like this story. I bought the DVD of this movie a few years ago, unfortunately it doesn't have English sound like this, it has only English subtitles. So I am glad to have found these videos on YouTube today.^^ I also read its comic books in English, they are a little difficult, but more interesting than the movie.
Nausicaa of the Valley of The Wind, YouTube, [5th time, without subtitles] - 2 hours Star Blazers - Quest for Iscandar 01 - 20 minutes Total: 209 hours 30 minutes
Nausicaa of the Valley of The Wind, YouTube, [6th time, without subtitles] - 2 hours Star Blazers - Quest for Iscandar 02 - 20 minutes Total: 211 hours 50 minutes
Hi, good evening. I'm , ... uh ... first, I'd like to say .. uh ... send my appologies for not being able to be there in person, ... uh ... to ... uh ... accept this, ... uh... very prestigious award, ... um .... and also I'd like to say, uh ... first and foremost, thank you very much for voting for me, it's a ... it's ... uh ... unbelievably .... uh ... touching and ... a ... real honor, privilege, and I'm very proud, ... as a matter of fact, if I was there , I'd like to thank every single solitary one of you, ... shake you by the hand uh ... take you out for breakfast, ... but I'm not there, ... so, uh, ... next time, ... maybe next time, I was so ... I would like to say thank you to Tim Burton, for ... um ... giving me the job, .... and ... uh ... not firing me ... and for believing in me, ... uh .... anyway, that's about it ... Thanks very much, and uh... much appreciated. ... Thank you.
"uh ... ", "um ..." などは、何を言おうか考えてる場合などのつなぎの言葉で、 "I'm ... fist, I'd like to say ... "などは、途中から言い直してますので、注意が必要かと思います。
Hi, good evening. : やあ、こんばんは。 First, I'd like to send my appologies for not being able to be there in person. : まずは、その場にいけなくてどうもすみません。 to accept this very prestigious award, : この、とても有名な賞を受けるために。 and also I'd like to say, first and foremost, thank you very much for voting for me, : それと、何よりもまず、私に投票して下さって本当にありがとうと言いたいです。
it's an unbelievably touching and a real honor, privilege and I'm very proud, : 信じられないくらい感動的で、本当に光栄で、名誉で、ほんとうにうれしいです。 as a matter of fact, if I was there, I'd like to thank every single solitary one of you, : 実際、もしそこに私がいたら、全員ひとりひとりに感謝の気持ちを伝え、 shake you by the hand take you out for breakfast, : 握手をして、朝食でも一緒にどうですか?と言いたいくらいなんですが、 but I'm not there, so next time, maybe next time, : でもまあ、私はそこに行けませんでしたので、なのでそれは次回に、また次回ということで。
I also ... : それと、、、 I would like to say thank you to Tim Burton, for giving me the job, and not firing me, and for believing in me, : ティム・バートンに感謝してます。仕事をくれて、クビにせず、私を信じてくれて。 anyway, that's about it. : とにかく、それが受賞についての気持ちです。 Thanks very much, and much appreciated. Thank you. : 本当にどうもありがとうございました、ほんとうにうれしいです。ありがとうございました。
As >>31 said before, it's not very interesting for other people to see only what and how much time someone else listened to, so it might be better to pick up and write some English sentences from them, I'll delete the video after a week or so.
From "Neon Genesis Evangelion Episode 1",
May I have your attention. As of 12:30 PM today, a special state of emergency has been declared for Kanto and Chubu regions surronding the Tokai district. All residents must evacuate to their designated shelters immediately. Repeat. As of 12:30 PM today, a state of emergency has been declared for Kanto and Chubu regions surronding the Tokai district. All residents must evacutate to the shelters immediately ...
"Damn ... why did I have to lose him at the time like this? Why now? Huh ..."
"We are sorry. Due to the state of special emergency, no lines are currently available. This is a recording ... "
"Uh ... it's no use. This is damn. ... I shouldn't come here. ... uh ... I guess we won't be meeting here ... maybe I should find a shelter ... uh? ... "
* AT Field : "AT Field" is short for "Absolute Terror Field." A barrier that the "Angels" can erect, which is impervious to almost all conventinal weapons. * impervious (adj.) (formal) 1. not affected by something 2. not allowing liquid to pass through
>>420 Excuse me for not responding for long, but I was involved in a writing prohibitation. (^-^; Movies, dramas, books and newspapers would be fine. That's good for you. ^^
The Bridge on the River Kwai, 2 hours Total: 238 hours
The Bridge on the River Kwai is a British 1957 World War II film by David Lean; The film is a work of fiction but borrows the construction of the Burma Railway in 1942-43 for its historical setting.
The Bridge on the River Kwai, (2nd time), 2 hours, Total: 240 hours
Speed, speed, speed! ... Finish work! Speed! Go to hut! Yeah. That figures. There the new prisoners see us digging graves. They might all run away. No time for jokes. Finish work! Speed! Dig, dig! Hey ... how about putting us on the sick list ... Have a heart, Captain, put us in hospital. You now sick? You never sick. Why you always play sick to me, Shears? Don't want one of these over my head, I guess.
Ahead of the dissolution of the Lower House scheduled for Tuesday, governing parties defended reform policies taken over from former prime minister Junichiro Koizumi, while opposition parties called for changing them. (July 19th, 2009) NHKニュース
* strain (noun) (Biology) A group of organisms of the same species, having distinctive characteristics but not usually considered a separate breed or variety : a superior strain of wheat; a smooth strain of bacteria
NHK World News、AP News etc. - 1 hour, Total: 249 hours
Japan estimates 150,000 new flue patients per week
The number of people infected with the H1N1 influenza last week in Japan is estimated at 150,000 showing that the virus is spreading rapidly.
I'll be away for a while because I have to live with my old parents in a rural area and find a new job there. I don't know when I can come back, thank you very much for your kindness and good luck.
Students need to do a lot of listening in order to really learn well. The way to listen to a lot of English is to do "extensive listening". When you do "extensive listening", you do NOT have to understand 100%. You only have to try to understand MORE than you did at the beginning.
So, if you understand 20% the first time, and then understand 25% after listening a few times, then you have succeeded. Or if you understand 90% at the beginning, then 93% after studying is good. Students sometimes feel uncomfortable if they don't understand 100%, but this kind of listening is very valuable.
"Extensive listening" is not only more interesting than "intensive listening", but it gives you the opportunity to hear so many different voices, so many different styles. It also helps you get used to the natural speed of spoken English.
As you listen to more and more videos and songs, you will see that the most important words and sentence structures come up again and again. You will be able to learn them naturally.
On the negative side, students who do only "extensive listening" sometimes get lazy when they speak and make too many mistakes. That is why students must do BOTH "intensive listening" and "extensive listening".
(英米人3〜4歳向け) Caillou the Chef Caillou is a children's television show based on the books by Christine L'Heureux and illustrator Helene Desputeaux. Many of the stories in the animated version begin with a grandmother (who is also the show's narrator) introducing the story to her grandchildren, then reading the story out of the book. Caillou first aired on Canada's Television channel in 1998; it later made its US debut on PBS on September 4, 2000. The action of the story takes place in Canada, though that is never explicitly referenced in the dialogue.
(英米人小学レベル) Arthur's Chicken Pox 1 Arthur is an American-Canadian educational television series for children, that airs on PBS in the United States; Radio-Canada, Knowledge and TVOKids in Canada; ABC2 in Australia and BBC One/ CBBC in the UK. It is aired internationally in 82 countries.
(上級向け) Video - Breaking News Videos from Watch the latest breaking news, politics, entertainment and offbeat videos everyone is talking about at Get informed now
Cable News Network, almost always referred to by its initialism CNN, is a U.S. cable news network founded in 1980 by Ted Turner. Upon its launch, CNN was the first network to provide 24-hour television news coverage, and the first all-news television network in the United States. While the news network has numerous affiliates, CNN primarily broadcasts from its headquarters at the CNN Center in Atlanta, the Time Warner Center in New York City, and studios in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. CNN is owned by parent company Time Warner, and the U.S. news network is a division of the Turner Broadcasting System.
NHK World News、AP News etc. - 1 hour, Total: 250 hours
Stomy weather leaves 1 dead, 46 injured in Japn
Strong wind swept through a wide area of Japan over the weekend, killing one person and injuring dozens of others. In Kita-Kyushu, southwestern Japan, a woman was found dead at a parking facility on Saturday apparently from being hit by a falling part of the roof. In Tokyo, 3 people were injured early on Sunday morning when they were hit by a shutter of their home whipped by strong wind.
NHK has learned that 46 people were injured in 10 prefecures. The gusts of wind forced the cancellation of 109 domestic flights at Tokyo's Haneda Airport and some regional airports. Poor visibility also contributed to the problem, linked to the wind carrying yellow sand from China's desert areas.
Airline companies say other flights into and out of Haneda are still scheduled despite some delays as the wind has subsided. 2010/03/21 15:01(JST) NHK World, Daily News
(MOVIE) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, sound only - 2 hours (INTERVIEW) YouTube, interview with Jennifer Connelly, sound only - 30 minutes, Total: 258.5 hours