We, the present registrant of *** title agree to register the present all registration in trade marks, copyrights, utility model and others made under above title in Japan, in new registrant names of AAA, BBB and other which AAA approuves upon BBB's recommendation, upon the expiration of the contract with BBB.
you are right the man need to come to the lady. i will come to japan next month and hope we can meet for a nice dinner, what do you think? will you please let me know your email address so i can send you some new pictures. my email; @@@@@yahoo.com thank you and hope to hear from you soooooon
I'll lift you up I'll take you higher baby I'll lift you up Higher than you've been before I'll lift you up *Don't you know if the sky is the limit Its me you're looking for*
I am going to California in about two weeks – so I am totally overloaded with stuff to do – before I go as I have lots of work right now... I will leave on FEB 10th - be back the 22nd ... Normally - I have weekends free !!! ... Look forward to hearing from you : )
Behavior control is the regulation of an individual's physical reality. It includes the control of his environment---where he lives, what clothing he wears, what food he eats, how much sleep he gets---as well as the jobs, rituals, and other actions he performs. This need for behavior control is the reason most cults prescribe a very rigid schedule for their members. Each day a significant amount of time is devoted to cult rituals and indoctrination activities. Members are also typically assigned to accomplish specific goals and tasks, thus restricting their free time and their behavior. In destructive cult there is always something to do. In some of the more restrictive groups, members have to ask permission from leaders to do almost anything. In some groups, a person is made so financially dependent that choices of behavior are narrowed automatically.
A member must ask for bus fare, clothing money, or permission to seek health care, choices most of us take for granted. He must ask permission to call a friend or relative not in the group. Every hour of his day has to be accounted for. In these ways the group can keep a tight rein on behavior and therefore on thoughts and feelings. Behavior is often controlled by the requirement that everyone act as a group. In many cults people eat together, work together, have group meetings, and sometimes sleep together in the same room. Individualism is discouraged. People may be assigned a constant“buddy”or be placed in a small unit of a half dozen members.
カナダの育児休暇適用例についての文章なんですけど An eligible worker needs 600 insured hours of work in the last 52 weeks のinsured workの良い訳が思いつきません。 育児休暇が適用されるには雇用保険にはいって600時間働けばいいみたいですが。
The description of the categories of knowledge relevant to KADS is described in what information systems people might feel is a bottom-up way and that it might be better if a top-down view were adopted.
Only Jedi Knights can use one as the "Force" is required to activate the saber. The Lightsaber has a very important role in all the Star Wars episodes as it represents the Jedi Knights who owns it.
Having fought so hard for the opportunity, you could only sympathise with Baghdatis as he raised his arms to the heavens in disbelief as he trudged off Centre Court to await the closing of the Rod Laver Arena roof.
この文に2箇所に出てくる as が分かりません。 <as he raised 〜 dinsbelief> <as he trudged 〜 roof> という2つの副詞節がそれぞれsympathiseを修飾してるんでしょうか?
お願いします Many supermarkets in southern Foshan had reported a 50 percent increase in sales of adult diapers for the train trips, the China Daily said in what some local commentators called the "shame of the nation." It did not mention other cities.
1)There's also a lot of underage shows that stay under the radar that don't feel the need to contact us at us.
2) We're here if they want help and are just as happy if they don't.
3) We've had our fun, and whether or not things have another peak period of not under the "Big Apple" moniker or not, the world won't end.
4) Having said that, I just got an email from Chris saying it's time for me, him and Cathy to get together and talk about things... who knows what could transpire?
When you do not give any respect to large sections of the population, and when they do not hane the right to work and the right to proper assommodation, what is surprising is not that the cars are burning but that it does not happen more often.
And you want a credit! No sorry no credit or refund. We ship all the time this never happen, i will be glad to mail you new ones but you need to send the broken one first with your full name as on order and mailing address. お願いします。
Back in the days,I had my share of being, I guess you can say, a drug dealer coming out here and gettin' involved with drugs. I came out here to become big time because I saved my money and was like one of the big drug dealers where I got my nice cars and stuff.
The description of the categories of knowledge relevant to KADS is described in what information systems people might feel is a bottom-up way and that it might be better if a top-down view were adopted.
We've got this failed shopping mall that takes up the entire downtown that they're about to knock down. Unfortunately, we'll all be close to retirement age by the time something new comes to replace it.
And you want a credit! No sorry no credit or refund. We ship all the time this never happen, i will be glad to mail you new ones but you need to send the broken one first with your full name as on order and mailing address.
It is frusturating not being able to speak with you. I don't normally hold long phone conversations as I do not like talking on the phone but the language barrier between us makes it more difficult. I enjoy sharing e-mail with you and look forward even more to spending time with you in person so I don't want you to think I'm rude when you call. Sometimes I worry that there is something wrong because when you call I think you don't know how to say what you want. I have a computer now and check e-mail more regularly so please write as much as you wish. I hope everything is O.K.
Limits also were set on players in the tournament from any major league team: 14 from an organization and 10 from its active 25-man roster or disabled list last Aug. 31. A major league team is allowed to waive the limit for its players. The tournament organizers — the commissioner's office and the players' association — also may block "players whose participation would otherwise impose an undue hardship" on their major league team. The rules gave the examples of "too many starting pitchers, too many catchers."
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE. Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.
なるべく早く御願いしますm(_ _)mA lot of people over fiftyfiveyears old,who would not usually add new technology to ther lifestyle,want to use the Internet as a way to stay in touch with ther friends and families.
It is funny that "Ai" is the theme.We do pay attention to diplomatic happening from Japan and we are excited to hear about the Emperor's daughter getting married. We have a little "Ai" that has come into me and Debby's life. We found out that we are going to have a little baby girl on the way. In May we will become parents. Truly the priestess was right when she declared love for the year.Anyway it is a little testament to what has happened in our life.
I found so much of this information by spying. Did I spy for control of my X? Did I spy for any bad reasons? I spied on her to protect myself and to find out what was going on. She would not talk to me, she would not tell me the truth.
>>126 >A lot of people over fifty five years old, who would not usually add >new technology to ther lifestyle,want to use the Internet as a way to >stay in touch with their friends and families.
和訳お願いします。 It is very plausible that women are more sensitive to spase impositions,and as a result they more readily apologize for intrusions on another space. An apology can save to make it clear that the contact had been unitentional.
1)There's also a lot of underage shows that stay under the radar that don't feel the need to contact us at us.
2) We're here if they want help and are just as happy if they don't.
3) We've had our fun, and whether or not things have another peak period of not under the "Big Apple" moniker or not, the world won't end.
4) Having said that, I just got an email from Chris saying it's time for me, him and Cathy to get together and talk about things... who knows what could transpire?
15.She continued to say, "Why do many Japanese use diplomatic expressions?" 16.It was then my turn to be perplexed. 17.At one time I had similar doubts about such greetings (イ) 18."Please stop by when you come this way" 19.and "Thank you. I'd love to." 20.[A] I explained them to her. 21."These greetings mean 'you are close enough to call at my house any time' and 'of course, I know.' 22.Such diplomatic expressions are not intended to produce a concrete action. 23.On the other hand, my own invitation was offered in concrete terms, 'my mother would like you to taste Japanese homemade dishes to next Sunday.' 24.With a specific date mentioned, it was not and was never intended to be a diplomatic expression." 25.I emphasized to her that I was truly disappointed that she had not actually visited us. 26."Some aspects of Japanese culture are difficult to make out, but I'm glad to learn that you really did welcome me." 27.Her sincere smile relieved me.
どなたかわかる方いましたらよろしくお願いします。 Japan has begun to make adjustments in its lifestyle and can back up its renewed commitment to a philosophy that supports an environmentally sound lifestyle with concrete examples of legislation that will introduce changes in the lifestyle of the Japanese
Hamas and Fatah gunmen exchanged fire in the Gaza Strip on Friday, fuelling fears of Palestinian turmoil following the Islamic militant group's crushing victory over the long-dominant faction in a parliamentary election.
I don't know how much the Jazz scene affects anyone outside of the people doing things within it. It's really hard for bands to attract an audience that isn't their close friends or co-workers because there's really not many outlets (outside of small stations that few people listen to) for new audiences to hear the groups to make the decision to go out to hear them play live.
(g) In some non championship games (such as the Major League All Star Game) it is provided in advance that each pitcher shall work a stated number of innings, usually two or three. In such games, it is customary to credit the victory to the pitcher of record, whether starter or reliever, when the winning team takes a lead which it maintains to the end of the game, unless such pitcher is knocked out after the winning team has a commanding lead, and the scorer believes a subsequent pitcher is entitled to credit for the victory.
If you are indecisive and plan to do somerhing about it, you can take immediate comfort in the fact that indecision is not necessarily due to ignorance and slow thinking. On the contrary it is often thinking of so many things and consideration of so many doubts that result in the difficulty to reath and act on asimple decision.
"If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth."
>>12 ホリエモンは live music とかlive showとかの「ライブ」のつもりで、それに ポータルの意味でdoorをくっつけたんだろうが。liveとdoorというのはかなり 唐突なく見合わせではある。live wire というと「電気が流れれている電線」、 live load というと船などの「積載荷重」になる。
難聴になって、コンピュータで作った音とか細かい違いが聞き取れなくなった。という背景で、 I drift back to the familiar tools of acoustic guitar and piano with my experimental tail between my legs. と続きます。上一行は慣れ親しんだ楽器に立ち戻ったんだということがわかるのですが、 下一行はどういうことでしょうか。差してるものは漠然とわかるのですが、繋がりがわかりません。
Perhaps the late Julian Simon, noted economist and optimist, was right to think that, apart from natural misfortunes, the next century will continue unperturbed.
The statement that the room at first was bitterly cold,but after a while was reasonably warm,does not convey so exact a meaning. One effect,then,of applying heat to a substance is to produce a rise temperature. These men must work in shadeless temperatures so great that a risk even more dangerous than that of sunstroke is what is called dehydration. この3文がうまく訳せません。お願いします。
>>269 >math courseが固有名詞的に使われている場合、冠詞が付かない。 math course が固有名詞的に使われている場合、大文字がいります。 それとも、何かコードが付きます。 I will be taking math course 2A. ○ I will be taking Math Course. ○ 〜 △ I will be taking math. ○ I will be taking math course. × I will be taking a math course. ○ I will be taking the math course. (○が、a の方が頻繁に使ってます)
>>274 >I will be taking math. ○ >I will be taking math course. × > >この違いがわかりません。 >I will be taking the mathとは言えないのですか?何故?
math,maths,mathematics は不可算名詞として扱っています。 One math, two maths, three mathsってほとんど無意味です。 "math course"の course は可算名詞です。 There are two math courses you can take.って全然問題ありません。
Today Chen Shui-bian appears to be a spent force. The Taiwanese president's approval ratings are near all-time lows. His Democratic Progressive Party was trounced in local elections last December. Some DPP legislators are in open revolt against their own president. And to add insult to injury, the legislature has just cut the presidential office's discretionary budgets in order to prevent Mr. Chen from getting into more mischief.
>>289 Googleで調べてみると、以下のケースが多い。 take math take Mathはあまりない take Math 130 take Mathematics take mathematicsの方が少ない take Mathematics 130
take math courseの用例もある。 (言うまでもなくtake a/the math courseもある。) Students now take math course earlier in their sequence prior to CIT120. A student should take math course in the fall.
サイトを見ると a math course と two math courses を取る ことが出来そうです。
その場合、 A student should take math courses in the fall only if ... か A student should take math course(s) in the fall only if ... (前者の英語がいいですが、後者の方が的確です)
... level of difficulty of computer classes, need for more math before advanced computer class. The ASCIT has been revised and re-sequenced: All courses revised based on instructor and student feedback. Students now take math course earlier in their sequence prior to CIT120.
この場合、"their math course" がいいと思います。the math course もいいでしょう。(math の必要が前に話題になったから) a math course も問題ないと思います。
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you... " These familiar words are sung all around the world when celebrating a birthday. Just about every culture in the world has some type of birthday celebration which pays respect to a person on the day he or she was born.
In the United States, these are several milestone birthdays: 16, 18, 21, 30, 40, 50, etc. For American children, birthday parties are a very important part of growing up. Parents often invite the child's friends and relatives to the birthday party. "Home parties" are the most common for celebrating a child's birthday, but sometimes parents will rent a room in a restaurant, attend a movie, spend a day at the zoo, or visit the circus.
The first important milestone is a person's sixteenth birthday. At this age, an American teenager is allowed to get a driver's license and to drive a car alone. In old days, this was the age when young women were introduced into society by attending a debutante's ball. This custom is rather rare today, but still seen in certain social circles, particularly in the eastern and southern areas of the United States.
The next important milestone is the eighteenth birthday, which signifies adulthood in America. At this age, teenagers finish high school and are allowed to live on to vote in local and national elections. For he first time, the teenager can participate in the democratic system like adults.
Although a person is considered an adult at eighteen, teenagers don't feel like "adults" until their twenty-first birthday. In most states, the legal drinking age is twenty-one, and on their birthday many people will go bar-hopping with older friends. The reason for this is that many pubs and bars will give the birthday person a free drink on his or her twenty-first birthday. Hence, it is a good idea for the new "adult" to go around from bar to bar to get as many free drinks as possible. This is truly a once-on-a-lifetime chance.
The US government is expected to file a report based on the investigation, but Mr Johanns stressed that this would not be done in a hasty manner. Mike Johanns / US Agriculture Secretary 以下質問したい英文↓ "One of the things I emphasize, though, is that I was not going to sacrifice thoroughness for trying to get it done. We are going to be very, very thorough."
""内のセリフをどうかよろしくお願いいたします。 特にI was not going to sacrifice thoroughness for trying to get it done. がいまいちよくわかりません<(__)>
*These must be capable of travelling over miles of camel track or even stretches of trackless desert. *It is hardly surprising that the firms who sent out the oil-ring teams soon decided to take steps that would ensure an adequate supply of fresh water on each site where they were operating. *Thus,the now familiar device known as a pendulum came into being. 以上の英文をお願いします。
Saddam and seven senior members of his regime are facing charges that they ordered the killing in 1982 of nearly 150 people in the mainly Shiite village of Dujail north of Baghdad after a failed attempt on the former dictator's life.
「senior members of his regime」と、「attempt on the former dictator's life」の訳し方が判りません。その二箇所だけで結構ですから お願いします。
>>358 *These must be capable of travelling over miles of camel track or even stretches of trackless desert.
*It is hardly surprising that the firms who sent out the oil-ring teams soon decided to take steps that would ensure an adequate supply of fresh water on each site where they were operating.
Its neurological study will therefore elucidate not only the source of one of the richest subjective experiences of which we are capable but also the determinants of the variability in its creation and appreciation. 「the source of one of the richest subjective experiences」の部分の 訳だけでもよいので、宜しくお願いします。
1、I particularly liked the saying about "teachers running. " Does that mean that people think teachers are lazy or just slow-moving? 2、I was wondering if you would mind translating some short Japanese letters for me. My host family from Kurume have written some short notes all in Japanese and I can't read them. Perhaps you can help me?
After a last-minute scandal with the world-famous prima donna she saves the first night of her lover's show in the presence of audience of six million people by singing Gounod's slightly adapted sing("If you would my tootsie-bootsie,Iwould be your tootsie-bootsie").
>>385 >After a last-minute scandal with the world-famous prima donna >she saves the first night of her lover's show in the presence of >audience of six million people by singing Gounod's slightly adapted >sing("If you would my tootsie-bootsie,Iwould be your tootsie-bootsie"). 開幕直前の世界的に有名なプリマドンナとのスキャンダルの直後で、 彼女は600万人の聴衆がいるところで、グノーの歌をほんの少し 替えた替え歌※(「あなたがわたしの愛しい人でいてくれるならば、 わたしもあなたの愛しい人でいましょう。」)を歌うことで、恋人の 公演の初日を救う。
Johnny's been a printer all these years, most of which time he provided the scene with free posters and which allowed him to print the news paper whenever he felt like it.
Japanese women have few aspirations to sexual emancipation when it comes to breadwinning, with almost 70 per cent of respondents reluctant to marry someone earning less than them.
As a student of literature, I am often asked to consider the life stories, motives, and intentions of the authors whose work I examine. 「am (中略) asked to」「the life」の訳部分で特に引っかかっています。 どなたか日本語訳をお願いします。
They have discoverd somehow that the majority of the public does not consist,after all,of idiots,and that an intelligent film is not necessarily foredoomed to nature.
I took my chances in the batting cage at the MLB tent. I hadn't swung a bat in years, save that one night in Reno, but I wasn't playing baseball....Anyway, it was a blast, my Dad would have been proud to know that I haven't lost IT.
All through history, and all over the world, it seems that women have been willing to suffer pain, and even risk an early death, in order to make themselves appear more beautiful. 全歴史上、世界中で女性は痛みを伴っても、時に早死にのリスクを冒してでも自らを美しく見せようとするように思える。
Though listening to a personal tape player this way has some virtue in that you don't usually disturb others,it allows almost no human contact. You are alone with your machine.
For many counties women in both East and West applied thick masks of white paint to their faces. Though most often lead-based, this paint was also sometimes made from mercury. It had the effect of slowly poisoning the women who put it on their faces everyday. The minerals passed into the body, (A) they damaged the internal organs, caused tooth decay and bad breath, and , most ironically of all, destroyed the skin, turning it gray and scarring it with deep marks. Women with this skin condition would in turn apply even thicker layers of white paint to their faces. In Europe in the eighteenth century, (B) white faces were the height of fashion among the rich, many young women died as a result of their makeup.
>>425 They have discoverd somehow that the majority of the public does not consist,after all,of idiots,and that an intelligent film is not necessarily foredoomed to failure.
こんばんは、はじめまして。 申し訳ありませんが、下記の和訳を教えてください。 ある論文の一部分なのですが、 The average span of use(from first to last session)was 135days(SD=119.9). Each person had on average 35sessions (SD=57),with 1.8 sessions a week (SD=2.49).です。 SDとはなんなのでしょうか。。。
>>434 訳していただきたいのは山々なのですが、それで一文全部かと思いまして… あまり長くてもあまり良くないとのことなのでそこだけ貼らせていただいたのですが すみませんでした。前後も貼らせて頂きますね You can find me sleeping in the van, sweatin' behind the skins,or currently kicking back with a cold one recovering from a tattoo/piercing extravaganza. But enough about me, explore! enjoy yourself.
20.Each time ten years have passed, a bigger than usual celebration is held. 21.A humorous tradition in the united states is to have a big party for a person turning forty. 22.This is the age when people were traditionally considered to be "middle-aged" and "over-the-hill."
With opposution to terrorism being so universal and so strong, it is perhaps difficult to understand why an oppressed group tries to challenge their oppressors in this way.
>>441さんどうもありがとうございます。 これもお願いします。 The study took over six months to complete, and required 2-3 full time study administration and technical support staff.
>>443 >I wrote vers d' occasion,semi-comic poems which I could turn out >at what now seems to me astonishing speed. 私は半喜劇詩(?)vers d'occasionを書いたが、今となれば 驚きを覚えるような速度で書けるようになった。
>>456 >The study took over six months to complete, and required 2-3 full time >study administration and technical support staff. その研究を完成させるのには、6か月以上かかり、2〜3人の フルタイムの研究の管理および技術支援のスタッフを必要とした。
>>463 >The difference between the mile and the marathon >is the difference between burning your fingers with >a match and being slowly roasted over hot coals. 1マイル競争(?)とマラソンの違いは、マッチで指を焦がされるのと、 熱い石炭の上でゆっくりとあぶられるのとの違いである。
すみませぬこれもお願いします。。 Over 30% of patients were sent home in the second and third months of the study, leading to low retention rates in the 2nd and 3rd month. As a consequence, results are discussed in terms of the first monthe of the study.
>>465 >All bodies and associations formed to preserve >the purity of the English soul should note that >I do not agree with the habit-I simply record it. イギリス精神の純粋性を維持するために組織されたあらゆる 組織や団体は、私がその習慣について同意しないことを留意 すべきである。ー私はそのことをそのとおりに記録する。
>>476 habit-I simply record it -> habit -(dash) I simply record it
But as it is a habit,the author readily agrees to supply by correspondence a further list of the most expressive military terms which would make any new film surprisingly realistic.
・It would cost to keep the air of the meeting room in her building really clean. ・He went in to see the doctor,remembering a young,handsome student,and was sad to see how old and heavy and gray this man looked. ・He had just left his garbage there,when a young man arrived in a very old,beat-up car,turned around,drove backwards down the hill where the garbage was piled and unloaded his. それぞれの文はつながっていません。よろしくお願いします。
再度すみません。。。(>_<); Over 30% of patients were sent home in the second and third months of the study, leading to low retention rates in the 2nd and 3rd month. As a consequence, results are discussed in terms of the first monthe of the study.
Hailed as a ゙blue revolution゙ 25 years ago, shrimp farming and other types of aquaculture were promoted as a way to provide a nourishing, inexpensive source of protein for the growing world population as well as to reduce the pressures on already dwindling supplies of wild seafood.
All bodies and associations formed to preserve the purity of the English soul should not that I do not agree with the habit - I simply record it. But as it is a habit, the author readily agrees to supply by correspondence a further list of the most expressive military terms which would make any new film surprisingly realistic.
>>529 1. Last time i slipped my mind to tell you something about myself. I`m male and i come from a beautyful country----China.Do you know about it ? タイプミスもしく、ただの間違い。 2. I slipped - my mind is wandering... False positive - 無効 3. There was something about the supermarket but I slipped my mind. Oh god, i've turned into my grandma. She talks like that. I need a job! 意味が「It slipped my mind」で、間違いのは承知の上です。 4. I slipped my mind - sorry 意味が「It slipped my mind」で、多分タイプミスです。 5. Whenever I felt slightly tense, or just not relaxed, I slipped my mind into the memory of when I was relaxed, confident and positive. 「心のうちを読まれた」の意味ではなくて、「It slipped my mind」の 意味もありません。 6. "I slipped my mind" 韓国語のページのではっきりと分かりませんが、 同じページに "It slipped my mind" の例文と訳文があるので、 7. ポルノのページの出鱈目 8. ポルノのページの出鱈目 9. Sorry kinda got sidetracked but i had to write that down somewhere before i slipped my mind again. "It slipped my mind" の意味で、タイプミスだと思います。 10. Good call on Dominic's Preview MarkO - glad someone mentioned that, cos I slipped My mind completely. "It slipped my mind" の意味で、タイプミスだと思います。 「心のうちを読まれた」の意味がする文 = 0 "It slipped my mind" の意味がする文 = 6 どっちもないと無効 = 4
Back in the days,I had my share of being, I guess you can say, a drug dealer coming out here and gettin' involved with drugs. I came out here to become big time because I saved my money and was like one of the big drug dealers where I got my nice cars and stuff.
その料金の必要性及び意味が理解できません。 我々、下記に署名したものは、料金の必要性の説明を求め、 それが無ければ支払いを拒否します。 We do not understand the meaning of the Fee and necessity. We, all who signed below, require you to explain the necessity of the fee or we will reject your demand for the fee.
Philosophy is merely the attempt to answer such ultimate questions,not carelessly and dogmatically,as we do in ordinary life and even in the sciences,but critically, after exploring all that makes such questions puzzling,and after realizing all the vagueness and confusion that underline ordinary life.
With Japan seemingly incapable of shaking off its economic woes, the suevey suggested that the chief motivation for getting married has reverted to one of its earliest purposes, assuring finaicial security ahead of"chemistry"and sense of values.
Love scored badly in the marriage stakes with only 18.7% of women in their 20s idealistic enough to consider it the most important prerequisite, while the figure plunged to just 5.9% among worldly-wise female thirty-somethings.
Sorry for the longsentence;I'm felt only the rationarity of free man by me compared with your sex theory. The man and woman discrimination arises there,and a mean idea to the woman from the man might spread to the genenal public gradually.
At eleven,when the war or 1914-18 broke out, I wrote a patriotic poem which was printed in the local newspaper,as was another,two years later,on the death of Kitchener.
全体の流れとしては、筆者は作家志望で子供の頃から 他人の文章の盗用ばかりしていたっていう感じです。
the war or 1914-18 broke out ってあるのですが このorはonのタイプミスじゃないのか…と思うんですが こんな使い方もありますか??
>>557の訳をどなたかお願いしますm(__)m 以下の文です!Philosophy is merely the attempt to answer such ultimate questions,not carelessly and dogmatically,as we do in ordinary life and even in the sciences,but critically, after exploring all that makes such questions puzzling,and after realizing all the vagueness and confusion that underline ordinary life.
長いですが、どなたかお願いします。 A powerful mood was created,and I came almost to believe that these men could see through walls,through pillars,and around corners,all the way to another world from which the important person they were watched and waiting for would finally emerge.
In daily life,we assume as certain many things which,on a closer scrutiny, are found to be so full of apparent contradictions that only a great amount of thought enables us to know.
Ben Bernanke's first challenge as chairman of the Federal Reserve will be deciding when to end the central bank's nearly two-year-old rate-raising campaign.
「Federal Reserve」と「the central bank's nearly two-year-old rate-raising campaign」の意味を教えてください。
>>597 >Ben Bernanke's first challenge as chairman of the Federal Reserve will be >deciding when to end the central bank's nearly two-year-old rate-raising >campaign.
Ben Bernanke氏の連邦準備制度理事会議長としての最初の挑戦は、 中央銀行による2年近くになる高金利政策をいつ終わらせるかを 決定することであろう。
>>596 In daily life,we assume as certain many things which,on a closer scrutiny, are found to be so full of apparent contradictions that only a great amount of thought enables us to know.
The discovery was orginally made by Mr.Noel Coward,who is reported to have met a man who knew someone who had actually seen a cockeney from quite near.
Mulch is important to farmers. Mulch is a protective cover of material that is spread on top of soil. It is usually made out of organic material, like crop waste. Farmers may keep the remains of maize or other crops on top of the soil. This creates mulch on the soil surface. The plant remains help protect the soil against wind and water damage. This is called conservation tillage.
We need to be media literate so that the media serves us, not the other way around. We have the power to use the media for our benefit, but we first have to understand how the media seeks to influence us.
(c)The Maintainer (acting reasonably) may amend the thirty (30) year whole life costs set out in Part 2 of this Schedule 12 to reflect, and to the extent that, any changes have been made to: (i)the scope of the maintenance regime under this Agreement; and/or (ii)the cost to the Maintainer of maintaining the Designated Depot, in each case, since date of this Agreement or the previous Scheduled Expiry Date whichever is the later in time except to the extent that the same have resulted from a Maintainer Fault or a Manufacturer Fault (as defined in the MSA).
It has been decided that the more often the adjective referring to the sanguinary character of certain things or persons used and the exclamation "Damn!" is utterd,the more realistic and more convincing the film becomes,as able seamen and flight-sergeants sometimes go so far as to say"Damn!"when they are carried away by passion.
Mulch is important to farmers. Mulch is a protective cover of material that is spread on top of soil. It is usually made out of organic material, like crop waste. Farmers may keep the remains of maize or other crops on top of the soil. This creates mulch on the soil surface. The plant remains help protect the soil against wind and water damage. This is called conservation tillage.
"This is the chance of a lifetime!" Scott,one of my brothers, said to me. "I would do anything to go the South Pole." My other brother, Eric, an engineer for an aerospace company, asked, "Do you think they need engineers? I would go, too, if I had the chance." お願いします
Soon after Rosa Parks was arrested,black leaders including Martin Luther King,Jr.had a meeting and planned a bus boycott. They asked all black people not to ride buses on the day Mrs. Parks went to court. That morning,the black people of Montgomery stayed off the buses. Some walked to work. Some rode wagons. Some rode bicycles. All day long almost all the buses on the streets were empty.
以下,お願いします. It may be well be that the sympathetic-afferent coupling summarized above only constitutes one stage of the pathology, accompanied or followed by the numerous complex and multifarious mechanisms which are at the basis of nociceptive signal origin, transmission and processing, consisting of both receptor and central sensitiziation, as well as alterations in neuron phenotype.
"One of the key public messages that they will wish to give at the end of this visit is that they stand absolutely shoulder-to-shoulder on what needs to be done next," "The question is, can this faltering operation be saved, be turned around, or is it too late? This is a joint enterprise, and it's not going well."
I have been predicting that world oil production would reach its peak on Nov.2005. Today, with high oil prices pushing virtually all oil producers to pull up every barrel they can sweat out of the ground, I think it might happen even earlier.
It may be well be that the sympathetic-afferent coupling summarized above only constitutes one stage of the pathology, accompanied or followed by the numerous complex and multifarious mechanisms which are at the basis of nociceptive signal origin, transmission and processing, consisting of both receptor and central sensitiziation, as well as alterations in neuron phenotype.
・It would cost to keep the air of the meeting room in her building really clean. ・He went in to see the doctor,remembering a young,handsome student,and was sad to see how old and heavy and gray this man looked. ・He had just left his garbage there,when a young man arrived in a very old,beat-up car,turned around,drove backwards down the hill where the garbage was piled and unloaded his. 以上の文をお願いします。
some shit haopended with it you can send money order priority mail and i will upgrade your shipping to priority or you can send money order express and i will shp cds the same way or you can wait for paypal to clear up which should be the middle or end of next week, let me know how you wanna do it, make sure if you send money order send with a way to track i recomend to all buyers thanks here is address if you choose to send money order but let me know if you are going to do it that way thanks
In global terms, development of a fast-breeder reactor is being conducted jointly by 10 nations, including Japan, the United States and France, as well as an agency.
What is surprising about this practice is that it began in ancient times and continued for some 2000 years. In Babylon and Assyria lead face-paint was in common use as a beautifying cosmetic. The ancient Greek doctor, Galen, was already warning several centuries before Christ that some makeup was poisonous, and doctors continued to do so for centuries afterwards -without any success. Governments tried to ban it, but women continued to use it and continued to die. In Japan and China the same practice lasted, as it did in the West, until the early part of the twentieth century. In America, for example, lead-based face products were still on sale in the shops in 1911. This means that there are women alive now whose mothers used lead on their skins.
this have gone on for thousands of years, it becomes hard to blame fashion magazines or television. Perhaps it has something to do with the setting of impossible ideals, the desire to possess the perfect beauty of the gods. And perhaps some women - and some men, at certain times in history, and in certain cultures - have always been willing to die in exchange fo
Despite the damage to their health, why have women so universally sought to attain a certain standard of beauty? When one realizes that things such as this have gone on for thousands of years, it becomes hard to blame fashion magazines or television. Perhaps it has something to do with the setting of impossible ideals, the desire to possess the perfect beauty of the gods. And perhaps some women - and some men, at certain times in history, and in certain cultures - have always been willing to die in exchange for a brief moment of apparently immortal beauty. すいませn。。。
Dad was not so sure. "It's migthty cold there," he said. "You know, there is no way out of there. If your friends get sick or die, there will be only you to take care of them. It's a big responsibility. And if you get sick, there will be no doctor to take care of you." お願いします
He continued, "What if you get appendicitis, or even cancer? You can save everyone else, but could you save yourself? Would you have the courage to operate on yourself to save your own life?" おねがいします
Mulch is important to farmers. Mulch is a protective cover of material that is spread on top of soil. It is usually made out of organic material, like crop waste. Farmers may keep the remains of maize or other crops on top of the soil. This creates mulch on the soil surface. The plant remains help protect the soil against wind and water damage. This is called conservation tillage.
An electric current is applied to each sensor, and charged molecules carry the current from one end of the polymer to the other. When an odor wafts onto a sensor, both the quantity and the mobility of the charged molecules change, and the sensor's resistance either surges or drops. Each of the 12 sensors responds to the smell, producing a graph of 12 peaks, each peak varying in intensity and duration. These unique smellprints can then be categorized and statistically analyzed by a computer.
"Of course, she would," said both brothers simultaneously. Dad just shook his head, and Mom, as usual, had the last world. "You've always been a survivor. Lead the best life that you can imagine. A life is not just measured in years." お願いします
The figures in fairy are not ambivalent--not good and bad at the same time,as we all are in reality.Butsince opposites dominate the child’s mind,they also dominate fairy tales. A persons is either good or bad,nothing in between.
Oppisite characters are not placed next to each other for the purpose of stressing right behavior, as would be true for cautionary tales. だいたいでいいのでお願いしますッ。。
For many throughout the history of thought it has been the most obvious of truths that all natural processes can be described,and sometimes explained, in purely material terms. お願いします。
"Of course, she would," said both brothers simultaneously. Dad just shook his head, and Mom, as usual, had the last world. "You've always been a survivor. Lead the best life that you can imagine. A life is not just measured in years."
Thus my plan to be the South Pole Station doctor was supported by my family. But never did I dream that my fathar's fear would become a reality several months later. お願いします
The figures in fairy are not ambivalent--not good and bad at the same time,as we all are in reality.Butsince opposites dominate the child’s mind,they also dominate fairy tales. A persons is either good or bad,nothing in between.
Oppisite characters are not placed next to each other for the purpose of stressing right behavior, as would be true for cautionary tales. だいたいでいいのでお願いしますッ。。
For many throughout the history of thought it has been the most obvious of truths that all natural processes can be described,and sometimes explained, in purely material terms. お願いします。
The Pittsburgh show has been rescheduled for December 19th, but as for our neighbors up north, we don't have word on if the shows will be made up. ピッツバーグのショウは12月19日に変更になりました。 しかし私達以外が行くことになってます。 私達はショウがどうなるのかわかってないんです。
>>701 日本原子力研究開発機構 Japan Atomic Energy Agency は記事の上のほうで言及されて いるのでもしここで出てくるなら the agency でないと不自然。 おそらくここで言われている10カ国+1機関というのはこのページにあるGIFのことだろう。 http://www.mext-monju.jp/qa/sonota/qa025.html >このGIFにはアルゼンチン、ブラジル、カナダ、フランス、日本、韓国、南アフリカ、スイス、 英国、米国の10カ国と欧州原子力協同体(EURATOM)が参加しています
すいません Though understanding no Spanish,she was able to communicate with the other students. の英訳をお願いします。 後ひとつきになることがあるのですが、Though understanding no Spanish となっていますが学校では否定文にするときは分詞や動名詞の前に否定の語を もってくる、と教わったのですがここではunderstandingの次に否定の語がきています。 どうしても気になるのでその理由とかも教えてもらえませんか?おねがいいたします。
some shit haopended with it you can send money order priority mail and i will upgrade your shipping to priority or you can send money order express and i will shp cds the same way or you can wait for paypal to clear up which should be the middle or end of next week, let me know how you wanna do it, make sure if you send money order send with a way to track i recomend to all buyers thanks here is address if you choose to send money order but let me know if you are going to do it that way thanks
お願い致します。 CANBERRA (Reuters) - One of the world's top shopping mall owners has paid A$50,000 ($38,000) to the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Australia after mall wheelchairs were taken from two brothers with the disease, forcing one to crawl to his car.
The other brother had to be carried to the car by his sister.
A security guard at a Westfield shopping center in the southern city of Melbourne stopped the brothers when they attempted to take the wheelchairs, which belonged to the shopping mall, outside.
"Westfield apologizes for the circumstances which led to the incident and deeply regrets the indignity suffered by the brothers," the company, which is the world's top shopping mall owner by market value, said in a statement
being conducted jointly by 10 nations as well as an agency.
being conducted jointly by 10 nations and an agency.
being conducted jointly by 10 nations plus an agency.
In global terms, development of a fast-breeder reactor is being conducted jointly by 10 nations, including Japan, the United States and France, as well as an agency.
シャロン首相についてです。 he suffered〜の"he"は、首相を指しています。 お願いします。
Neurosurgeons said it could be days before they were able to assess the extent of the damage he suffered from a January 4 brain hemorrhage. As Israelis kept vigil for the man many had seen as their best hope for peace with the Palestinians, the first cracks formed in a week-old moratorium on electioneering ahead of a March 28 ballot that he had been favored to win easily.
But statements like that have led the guardians of the first president’s historical legacy to conclude it is time to launch a campaign to counter ignorance about him that pollsters have found is all too common , especiaaly among young Americans.
(the guardians of the first president’s historical legacy.=初代大統領の歴史的な遺産を管理する人)
Grey Pouponはデジョンマスタードの商品名です。昔からある定番もの。 その商品のコマーシャル(人気がある)の中で出てくるセリフが”Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Pupon?”です。 実際の映像を見ないと笑いが伝わらないかも。 場面的には、紳士っぽい男性が高級車の窓を開けて通る人一人ひとりに「Grey Pouponを持ってますか?」と聞いていく。 それを真似して(引用して?)おもしろおかしく言ってるだけ。笑いを言葉で説明するのは難しい…。
>>812 英文) Many city governments urge commuters to use car pools, vans, or - best of all - public transportation. 訳) 多くの市の自治体は通勤者に、車やバンの相乗り、あるいは、 なによりも公共交通機関の利用を勧める。
The Colorado Rockies have spent the better part of three years trimming large contracts off the books, and for the most part have stuck with a plan that depends heavily on young players from within the organization.
and for the most part〜以降だけで結構ですから、お願いします。 「若手に依存していた」という文意はわかるんですが、 from withinと前置詞が重なっていたりして、どうも釈然としないんです。
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Twenty years ago most American said they bought a home mainly because they liked the area, or neighborhood it was in. The Home Builders Association says"neighborhood" is not as important today as the distance to work.It says home buyers now consider the time and money they must spend on commuting to be bery important in the choice of a home.
Do Americans and Japanese see things in the way? An American psychologist says no.
You are sitting in front of a televison. A picture appdars. It is a picture of the bottom of the sea. There are some little fish swimming around and there are shells,sand,and seaweed. Then three big fish swim by. They have bright colors and they seem to be going somewhere. You watch this picture for a short time. Later you are asked to describe what you saw. This was a psychology test. You knew it was a test,but you don't know what they are testing. What did you see? If you are an American,you probably saw big, colored fish swimming across the screen. If you are Japanese, you also noticed the little fish, the sand, the shells, and the seaweed. Asians who take this test are 70 percent more likely than Americans to notice the background. They make twice as many comments about the shells, sand, and seaweed. Americans are more likely to see only the big fish.
Three foreigners had claimed that the refusal of a public bathhouse in Otaru to grant them admission amounted to a violation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which Japan has ratified.
The court also ruled that the city government had taken measures to end the ban against foreigners and that it should not be held responsible for the actions of the bathhouse, since a local government is not obliged to perform duties under international law.
I would like to emphasize that conserving diversity within a given species is just as important as it is to conserve different species. Every individual plant has its own characteristics, giving it an advantage in a particular environment. The more varieties there are for a given speacies, the greater the chances are for the species to survive. お願いします。
Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and the United States all also have sub-replacement fertility levels, but have high rates of immigration that leads to a growing population. These countries will still see population ageing, but to a lesser degree, due to the Post-WWII baby boom.
"More children are going to bed with TVs on, and there are more opportunities to stay awake, with more homework, the Internet and the phone." says Dr. Mary Carskadon.
She says these stimulating activities at bedtime can get kids excited and make it hard for them to calm down and sleep.
Experts say teenagers have the shortest sleep of all, and its not just because they are busy.
What I am really talking about is the advances that science and medicine have made in the area of prolonging the lives of those who have sufferdd a major injury or organ damage. お願いします!!
>>853 The court also ruled that the city government had taken measures to end the ban against foreigners and that it should not be held responsible for the actions of the bathhouse, since a local government is not obliged to perform duties under international law.
We've been so busy lately that I need to come home just have time to think about everything we just accomplished and appreciate it to its absolute fullest.
what does it mean for ''certain members of congress who needed to know" about his wire tapping? he needs his approval from the congress not the specific few who were on a need to know basis. i loved that even republicans weren't standing up to applaud to the "we need to reinstate the patriot act". i am laughing my ass off to the "we're cutting programs that weren't performing well". meaning educational programs. you jackasses voted for him. i'd be laughing even harder if it weren't for the fact that somewhere somehow there was an error in judgement and the majority of the american people fucked up so bad.
let's see how morality and good old american values comes to play next election. because apparently the republicans are stock full of them.
You are involuved in some big accident and wake up the next day breathing out of somebody eles'slungs,or worse,seeing out of somebody eles'eyes!お願いします!!
She have found that changing levels of hormones not only make teenagers' bodies develop adult characteristics, but also make it hard for teens to fall asleep before 11 p.m.
Studies of volunteers who go without sleep have shown that they have trouble with memory and can not concentrate well enough to do such simple tasks as adding two numbers.
Most states as they emerged were ruled by a monarch, and this was no less the case with those which began with nominally 'republican' constitutions. Most of [these monarchs extinguished those persons who could claim to be their partners in the exercise of authority or nobilities who by 'jus feudorum' claimed to participate. And those monarchs who did not take this course, either incorporated themselves with the partners they did not evict (as in France and England), or (as in Bohemia, Hungary, and Poland) surrendered to their partners, postponed the transformation of their realms into states, and presided over anarchies incapable of resisting the destruction of their independence.]
For many throughout the history of thought it has been the most obvious of truths that all natural processes can be described,and sometimes explained, in purely material terms. お願いします。
Rodriguez Mendez trained her e-nose to identify smells released by eight parts in the Renault Clio. It's start. Eventually, Renault may have to screen more than 100 separate car part odors in order to sniff out the stinkers and soften the stench.
749と同じページの文なのですが、全然この3行だけ全然分からないです・・ お手数ですがお願いいたします。 Renault Clio ルノー社のクリオ sniff out 見つけ出す stinkers におうもの です。お願いします
>>882 >She have found that changing levels of hormones not only make >teenagers' bodies develop adult characteristics, but also make >it hard for teens to fall asleep before 11 p.m. 彼女は、ホルモンのレベルの変化が十代の若者の身体をおとなっぽくする のみならず、夜11時前に寝入ることを難しくすることを見出した。
>Studies of volunteers who go without sleep have shown that they >have trouble with memory and can not concentrate well enough to >do such simple tasks as adding two numbers. 睡眠を取らなかった(実験に協力する)志願者についての研究で、 彼らが、記憶に不具合が生じ、2つの数を足し合わせるといった 単純な仕事をやれるだけ十分に集中できないことが示された。
He is never Japanese, he seems Korean, Korean often angry like that. sometimes died,suicide or murder . It is Unique sickness of the Korean. Called "Fabiyonn??"
"We have to talk." To women, usually the ones saying this to men, these four words are often an expression of a desire to connect, to address something with a man on a deeper, more satisfying level. It often means, "Let's get together and see if we can move things to a better place. "Saying this to a man can feel dangerous. As one woman put it, "Get ready for World War Three."
"We have to talk." To women, usually the ones saying this to men, these four words are often an expression of a desire to connect, to address something with a man on a deeper, more satisfying level. It often means, "Let's get together and see if we can move things to a better place. " Saying this to a man can feel dangerous. As one woman put it, "Get ready for World War Three."
Early morning having breakfast Taking a shower washing dishes Reading the paper 'cause I've got the time Curious about the CD reviwes
Skipping through sports pages there it is Somebody's heart in black and white picked apart Emotions exposed right in front of my eyes Caught and explained leaving nothing to find What's our bind
When we think of brilliance we see Einstein, deep-eyed, woolly haired, a thinking machine with skin and mismatched socks. High achievers, we imagine, were wired for greatness from birth. But then you have to wonder why, over time, natural talent seems to ignite in some people and dim in others. This is where the marshmallows come in. It seems that the ability to delay gratification is a master skill, a triumph of the reasoning brain over the impulsive one. It is a sign, in short, of emotional intelligence. And it doesn't show up on an IQ test.
For most of this century, scientists have worshipped the hardware of the brain and the software of the mind; the messy powers of the heart were left to the poets. But cognitive theory could simply not explain the questions we wonder about most: why some people just seem to have a gift for living well; why the smartest kid in the class will probably not end up the richest; why we like some people virtually on sight and distrust others; why some people remain buoyant in the face of troubles that would sink a less resilient soul.
It turns out that a scientist can see the future by watching four-year-olds interact with a marshmallow. The researcher invites the children, one by one, into a plain room and begins the gentle torment. You can have this marshmallow right now, he says. But if you wait while I run an errand, you can have two marshmallows when I get back. And then he leaves.
Some children grab for the treat the minute he's out the door. Some last a few minutes before they give in. But others are determined to wait. They cover their eyes; they put their heads down; they sing to themselves; they try to play games or even fall asleep. When the researcher returns, he gives these children their hard-earned marshmallows. And then, science waits for them to grow up.
By the time the children reach high school, something remarkable has happened. A survey of the children's parents and teachers found that those who as four-year-olds had the fortitude to hold out for the second marshmallow generally grew up to be better adjusted, more popular, adventurous, confident and dependable teenagers. The children who gave in to temptation early on were more likely to be lonely, easily frustrated and stubborn. They buckled under stress and shied away from challenges. And when some of the students in the two groups took the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the kids who had held out longer scored an average of 210 points higher.
To men, these may be among the most feared words in the language. They often stimulate what we call male relation dread. One man's response was, "Let me out of here!" another man said, "to men those words mean: 'next stop, divorce.' "
When women say to other women, "We have to talk," it can mean a multitude of things. If the other woman is someone new with whom the woman feels friendly, it can mean, "let's get to know each other." If it's an old friend whom she hasn't seen for while, it can mean, "Let's catch up - do I have things to tell you!" and if it is a friend with whom she is in frequent, even daily contact, it can mean, "We've got something serious to talk about.
He is certainly not Japanese, he seems to be Korean, Korean's are often angry like that. They sometimes commit suicide or murder. It is a unique sickness of the Koreans. Called "Fabiyonn"(?) or something like that.
How do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values, which then become subject to unexpected and prolonged contractions as they have in J apan over the past decade? And how do we factor that assessment into monetary policy?
When women say to other women, "We have to talk," it can mean a multitude of things. If the other woman is someone new with whom the woman feels friendly, it can mean, "let's get to know each other." If it's an old friend whom she hasn't seen for while, it can mean, "Let's catch up - do I have things to tell you!" and if it is a friend with whom she is in frequent, even daily contact, it can mean, "wait till you hear this. I've got to tell you about last night." It can also mean, "We've got something serious to talk about."