>>949 another major cause of poverty is war , devastating when it happens , but almost as ruinous when it is merely a future threat-many poor countries spend over a tenth of their income on defense 貧困をもたらすもう一つの大きな原因は戦争であり、戦争になれば 荒廃してしまう。 しかしその戦争が単なる未来における脅威であるとしても、ほとんど 同じように破壊的である、というのも多くの貧困国は歳入の十分の一 以上を国防に費やすからである。
little did she know that her literary and scientific passion would go hand in hand for the rest of her life, forming an inseparable bond that allowed her to communicate the environmental concerns of the planet to the humans inhabiting it.
An extended normal costing (also known as budgeted costing) method traces direct costs to a cost object by using the budgeted direct-cost rate(s) times the actual quantity of the direct-cost input and allocates indirect costs based on the budgeted indirect-cost rate(s) times the actual quantity of the cost-allocation base(s).
The human cost of the loss of plants would be even more terrible. Plants provide food, fuel, and building materials. Plants are the source of a great many medicines. Already, 25 percent of our medicines come from plants. Yet less than one-fifth of the world’s plants have been studied for the possible benefits they could bring. We have to keep in mind that plants are often lot before we know anything about how much good they could bring to society. お願いします
お願いします Many supermarkets in southern Foshan had reported a 50 percent increase in sales of adult diapers for the train trips, the China Daily said in what some local commentators called the "shame of the nation." It did not mention other cities.
little did she know that her literary and scientific passion would go hand in hand for the rest of her life, forming an inseparable bond that allowed her to communicate the environmental concerns of the planet to the humans inhabiting it.
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