In the silence which followed, my ear caught another sound the like of which I had never heard before. A dozen clocks being wound by quick turns on all sides of me would, I fancy, have produced a similar effect.
In fear for life and limb, heart beating like a drum, he leapt frantically toward the closing doors, only to land on the floor in a crumpled heap. Gazing up into the pitch black, he was sure he could hear his mother's voice calling his name, but in a moment it had passed, and all was silence.
Although Al is the best shot, he still doesn't have the best chances of winning, and he might be tempted to double-cross Ben. But if he fails to knock Ben off with the double-cross dart, Ben could fire back―and the calculus of chances of winning would change again.
Mexico Arrests 8 Agents in Filmed Drug Execution Mexico said on Thursday it had arrested 10 people, including eight federal agents, in the kidnapping of four suspected drug gang hitmen and the filmed execution of at least one of them.
The case has thrown the spotlight on the often cosy relations between Mexican authorities and organised crime. Drug gangs routinely bribe police, officials and judges to protect them or carry out their dirty work.
Four men, beaten and bruised, were shown on a homemade DVD confessing to being members of the infamous Gulf Cartel of drug traffickers. One of them was then shot in the head.
以下をお願いします。主語述語の関係が分かりません。 Without the severe constraint imposed by the principle that thought about a particular object requires the subject to have discriminating knowledge of that object.
1. The theoretical specific energy (based on the active anode and cathode materials only) 1.理論エネルギー(活性なアノード材とカソード材のみ) 2. The theoretical specific energy of a practical battery (accounting for the electrolyte and non-reactive components) 2.実用バッテリーの理論エネルギー(電解質(液)と反応しない成分からなる) 3. The actual specific energy of these batteries when discharged at 20℃ under optimal discharge conditions. 3.20℃の最適な放電状態において放電したバッテリーの実際のエネルギー
These data show: これらのデータを示す
・That the weight of the materials of construction reduces the theoretical energy density or of the battery by almost 50 percent, and
・That the actual energy delivered by a practical battery, even when discharged under conditions close to optimum, may only be 50 to 75 percent of that lowered value 最適に近い状態の実用バッテリーから出る実際のエネルギーは50~75%にすぎないかもしれない
Instead of cooperating with Ben, whether or no he double-crosses him, Al might try another strategy, discussed in the book Game Theory in the Social Sciences: Concepts and Solutions, by Martin Shubik, professor of mathematical institutional economics at Yale University.
>>31さん >>32さん >>33さん >>35さん ご検討ありがとうございます 実はこの文は非常に長い文なんです。 The model holds out the promise of extending the class of singular terms beyond the constricting limits imposed by Russell's model of acquaintance, with an argument of the first kind, but without the severe constraint imposed by the principle that thought about a particular object requires the subject to have discriminating knowledge of that object.
A mental state can represent a particular object in virtue of that object's playing a suitable role in its causal ancestry. 『精神状態はある特定の対象を表象しえるんだ』とまでは訳せるんですが、 in〜の訳ができません よろしくお願いします
Unfortunately,quite a few couples are unable to have their own children. These couples used to have only two alternatives:adoption and remaining childless. Today,thanks to advances in modern medicine and reproductive technology,there are other ways to help many of these couples. When medical techniques are not successful,however,the one remaining way for a couple to have genetic offspring is to have another woman carry and give birth to their child:a surrogate mother. テストなんで訳教えてもらえますか?お願いします。
9.11事件が起きる直前、あるニュース・レポーターがブッシュに質問したそうです。 その質問に、ブッシュが正確に何と答えたのか、意味がよく分からないでいます。 できれば以下の文のところが知りたいのですが、手短に、"He said he did"のdidと、 "he said he will have something about it later."のhaveだけでもけっこうです。 よろしくお願いします(もしかして解釈は人によってまちまちだったりしますか)。
JOHN COCHRAN reporting: Peter, as you know, the president's down in Florida talking about education. He got out of his hotel suite this morning, was about to leave, The reporter said to the president, 'Do you know what's going on in New York?' He said he did, and he said he will have something about it later. His first event is about half an hour at an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida.
>>38 an argument of the first kindが何であるのかが、これだけではわからないんで いまいちピンとこないけど、やはり形からして、>>46のようにとるのではなく with.., but without... つまり「with ...だが、without...」という対句じゃないかなあ。 この場合、the principleは、「ある対象の観念を持つためには、主体(主観)はその対象 をそれとして識別する知識をすでに有していなければならないという原理(が課す 厳格な制約)」 ということでしょう。
第一(種)の argumentにおいて、しかしある対象の観念を持つため には主体(主観)はその対象をそれとして識別する知識をすでに 有していなければならないという原理が課す厳格な制約なしに、 そのモデルはラッセルの知識モデルの制約を越えて、the class of singular terms の拡大を約束する。
>>60さん >>63さん 重ね重ね本当にありがとうございます。 御二人の英語力を見込んで、簡単でいいので次もお願いいたします。 A mental state can represent a particular object in virtue of that object's playing a suitable role in its causal ancestry. 『精神状態はある特定の対象を表象しえるんだ』とまでは訳せるんですが、 in以降の上手い訳ができません よろしくお願いします
単語とか調べたんですがよくわからなくて...。よろしくお願いします。 kimi and liL suggest that she might have a crush on him, But after tommyapproaches flancine about it,she dumps him into a trash can.
Denise Donlon,Lisa Zbitnew-for watching my back,Don Oates,and everyone that I may have forgotten for all the support through the process of writing/recording the album.お願いしますm(__)m
>>97 ありがとうございますm(__)mTo Tawgs,Gavin Brown,Lenny Derose,and everyone in the studio at SONY BMG for making the recording of this album...not boring,boring,but very fun for me.続きなんですがお願いしますm(__)m
誰かこのドキュソめに教えてやって下さいませ。 Why dont' Japanese people get to the point more quickly? □, they usually try to get to the core of the matter by first understanding the background and context of the problem.
よろしくお願いします。多分これ会話だと思います。 YOU really want to advertise the fact than you own tights? SEE whats I mean? ever since IZZY happened no one's paying attention to the safety commissinnerraice! NO chuckie,ever since THE dawn of time, no one's paid affention to that race.
続けてごめんなさい。よろしくお願いします。 WHY are you so freaked?YOU can win! I still don't ever khow WHO this Amelia is. I wouldn't recognize her if she walked right up to me and loogied on my shoes. WOW!Amelia sure doesn't look like the mudslinging-type
まぢでお願いします。 YOU khow what they say about THE quiet ones...silent but deadly. You'er barking up THE wrong bomit wheel.I didn't nominate IZZY shaundid.This is just beyond whack.I khow I don't want to trash talk my mine bro,ButIZZY has no business running.
面白そうなんで誰か訳しお願いします。 HE's not excacty THE safest imaginary alien I ever met. Nice button. IT is my duty as a friend to be supportive,ever if I think he's making a bad call. What about me?aren't we friends too?
For example, when giving an overview of a company, a Japanese person will first explain how the business arrived at the present situation. □, he will the company's current affairs and future outlook.
A study shows that surrogate mothers express some degree of disappointment later in life about their roles as surrogates. ゜We found that the quality of the relationship with the couple after birth may influence the degree of long-term satisfaction and regret of surrogate mothers,” said a researcher,who will present the results of her study today. The term of researchers interviewed 10 women who served as compensated surrogate mothers and gave birth to a healthy single newborn before 1988. Since the surrogate birth,four of the seven women had divorced and re-married at least once. In three cases,women had experienced 1-2 additional surrogate pregnancies for different couples. Although four women were highly satisfied with their experience as a surrogate mother and no one expressed remorse, six women felt some degree of disappointment ranging from sadness to betrayal resulting from the adoptive couples´unmet promises to maintain contact. Five women made at least one unsolicited attempt to initiate contact and in two cases,relationships were temporarily resumed. 訳お願いします。あと問題が4つあってその答えも教えていただけたら幸いです。 @What affects the level of satisfaction of the surrogate mothers the most?
AHow many of the women in the study became surrogate mothers again?
BHow many women felt that they had done something wrong?
CWere some of them able to contact the adoptive couple again?
American football, for example, with its massed bands, split-second gymnastics, and anthem-singing supporters reminds me of nothing so much as Prussian military drill in Wilhelmian Germany.
When you slide the magic wand through two holes at the end of the kaleidoscope and attach a tiny O-ring to each end, the magic begins! Slowly rotate these kaleidoscopes to activate the liquid and glitter in the motion tubes. Watch the amazing images created by the interaction of a prism with the sparkling flow of glitter. The liquid inside the tube flows in front of the kaleidoscope mirrors creating a fireworks display for your eyes.
Science divides all the fundamental elements into metals and nonmetals Iron and steel are metals Iron, mined from the earth,and steel,produced from iron,are employed to manufacture machines. どうかよろしくお願いします。
while being frightened of the loneliness which looks beautiful in the window which is gently held to and sleeps feeling the sea son of small tomorrow and a few the compensation by people is piled up and trying oneself in continued
>>149 そうなんですか。 I would have thought you'd be happy to have a NATIVE English speaker trying to help out. Since you're so bloody good at English... how about we switch the discussion to that instead?
私は、英語人さんじゃないですけど、 The word ''twisted'' recalls the notion of a ''twisted mind'' which has the conotation of ''perverted mind''---whereas ''twisting'' has no such implication.
UJI, Kyoto -- Yu Hagino, the 23-year-old teacher arrested for stabbing a 12-year-old cram school student to death here, purchased two knives in advance, planning to kill the girl from the outset, police said.
この文の here はどう訳したらよいのでしょうか? hereは宇治を指しているのでしょうか?どなたかお願いします。
Minshuto plans to elect a successor to leader Katsuya Okada, who resigned his post following the party's crushing defeat of losing 64 seats to now hold only 113 seats.
最後の to now 〜113 seats が、文の構造として どこにかかるのでしょうか? hold の主語はMinshutoでしょうが、文法としてどうなのでしょうか。 to now が、今では、という時制をさす副詞?とすると Minshuto plans 〜,(to now) hold〜って動詞の並列かとおもったけど hold にsついてないし、さっぱりわかりません。 どなたか、すごい方、宜しくお願いします!
As long as Michael could remember he had dreamed of flying. His mother had read him many stories about flying when he wasgrowing up. these stories always described the land from a bird'seye view. They filled his dreams with color. He felt like the birds in the stories.
The international mission to Saturn - Cassini - Huygens - has successfully entered an orbit around the planet.
The $3.3 billion people fired its main engine for 95 minutes on Thursday to slow sufficiently to be captured by the gravity of the sixth planet.
The spacecraft has travelled for more than six years and covered over three billion km to get to Saturn.
The joint U.S European mission can now start a four year study of the ringed planet and its 31 known moons.
There were cheers and clapping in the mission control at the U.S. space agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California when confirmation came though that Cassini was in its correct orbit.
Scientists hope the mission will provide important clues about how the planets formed.
The Cassini Huygens mission is a cooperative venture of the U.S space agency(NASA), the European Space Agency(ESA) and the Italian Space Agency.
South Korean researchers reported Thursday they have created human embryos through cloning and ectracted embryonic stem cells, the universal cells that scientists expect will result in breakthoughs in medical reserch. The findings by a team of researchers lad by Dr Hwang Woo Suk of Seoul National University were presented to South Korean scientist and will be published in the U.S journal Science. The paper describes a detailed process of how to create human embryos by cloning , saying, the scientists used the eggs donated by Korean woman. The technique, scientists said, was not designed to make babies but to further the process know as therapeutic cloning, a possible treatment for a multitude of diseases. Advances in stem-cell technology have been hailed as holding potential cures for many crippling illnesses, such as diabetes, spinal cord injuries and Parkinson's diseace. According to the U.S National Institutes of Helth, stem cells can be maniqulated by scientists to develop into many other human cells. While they can be found in adults, those found in days-old embryos are far more easily maniqulated into specialized cells, which the could be used to create cures or even grow replacement organs, the NIH reports.
The Japanese tries to offer the life and to defend. At friend's true crisis. However, it cannot be said that a recent dispute is a true United States crisis.
The United States is substantially a lord(syogun or mikado or king) in Japan today. First of all, to defend lording, we offer the property as much as possible. If it is a crisis by no solution by money, the life is presented by Samurai's thought. Or, it cooperates in ninja's guerrilla tactics.
We pray for long prosperitys of you who is our lord. I'm sorry in unskilled English.
ワムのラストクリスマスの歌詞です。重複するところは省きました。 よろしくお願いします Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year To save me from tears I'll give it to someone special
Once bitten and twice shy I keep my distance But you still catch my eye Tell me baby Do you recognize me? Well It's been a year It doesn't surprise me "Happy Christmas" I wrapped it up and sent it With a note saying "I love you" I meant itNow I know what a fool I've been But if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me again
A crowded room Friends with tired eyes I'm hiding from you And your soul of ice My god I thought you were Someone to rely on Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart A man under cover but you tore me apart Now I've found a real love you'll never fool me again
ナスレディンという人が市場でロバを買って家に連れて帰る途中、 こっそり泥棒にロバを盗まれてしまっていた。家に着いたとき 振り向くと見知らぬ男がいた。彼は「お母さんに悪いことを言ったために ロバに変えられてしまったが、あなたに買ってもらえたため人間に戻れた、ありがとう」 と言った。 次の日ナスレディンが市場へ向かうと昨日買ったロバが別の泥棒に売られていた。 ナスレディンはロバに近づいていき、ロバの耳に囁いた。 「Young man,some people will never learn!」
お願いします It is not good-looking enough to suit many home cooks. Cutting food like cerely or garlic into very fine peices is a job that can be done skillfully with a French cook's knife.
Rays executive vice president of baseball operations Andrew Friedman maintained that the team did not feel pressure to make any deals while it continued to field all offers and exhaust all possibilities.
次の2つの文をお願いいたします Let us tell the story of the steel balls rather differently, so that our subject briefly sees one ball rotating by itself on one day, and the other on a later day.
And let us further suppose that the subject retains no memory of the first episode, because of a localized amnesia produced by a blow to the head.
以下の文章の日本語訳をおねがいします。 @ With the of the Cold War, as suggested in Huntngton's thesis, culutural and civilizational commonalities are increasingly overcoming ideological deferences.
A Huntington places great trust in different religions of the world which play an important role in promoting world peace and harmony.
B Huntington thinks that East Asia as a whole has already attained a position of being one of the world's major economic zones.
C The future of East Asia will remain unstable, and China is and will be a main destabilizer of the region, according to Huntington's thesis.
D Both Wahid and Aoki are critical of Hungtington's thesis, and they emphasize economic disparity as far greater factor in conflicts among nations.
>>226 Let us tell the story of the steel balls rather differently, so that our subject briefly sees one ball rotating by itself on one day, and the other on a later day. これですが、the steel balls とありますので前文からの繋がりに依存 していると思われ、この文だけでは一体どういうものであるのかが探り かねます。この文自体そのまま訳したのでは生きた意味のある文になりま せんので前文からの流れで解釈していくしかないと思われます。
And let us further suppose that the subject retains no memory of the first episode, because of a localized amnesia produced by a blow to the head.
>>228 @ With the ( ) of the Cold War 抜けてる。。 Aハンチントンは世界中の様々な宗教が世界の平和と協調を推進する上で 重要な役割を果たすとして多大な期待を寄せている。 Bハンチントンは、東アジアが全体としてすでに世界における主要な経済 区域のひとつとしての地位を確立したと考えている。 Cハンチントンの主張によれば、東アジアの将来は引き続き不安定で、 中国は現在と同様、地域における中心的な不安定要素であり続ける Dワヒドと青木はともにハンチントンの主張に対し批判的で、経済的 な非対称が国家間の紛争のより大きな要素として強調している
Let us tell the story of the steel balls rather differently, so that our subject briefly sees one ball rotating by itself on one day, and the other on a later day.
Every last thing about this elevator was worlds apart from the cheap die-cut job in my apartment building, scarcely one notch up the evolutionary scale from a well bucket.
もうたくさん。日本人はもうおしまいだ。惑星『ジャパニア』へ帰ってよし――地球上の すべての人々はひどく混乱させられ、一生消えない傷を抱え込むことになる That’s it. The Japanese are done. They can now return to planet Japania, leaving all the people of Earth horribly confused and scarred for life.
Monet’s touch is here rapid and fluid, a far cry from the density of Courbet’s almost weighty paint surface and at opposite extremes from the meticulous descriptive surface of Frith.
We feel, instead, a perfect correspondence between a scene that capture an instant of agreeable confusion and technique that swiftly slurs over details, reducing say, the foreground parasol to an almost paper-flat scalloped pattern of gray and beige, or fusing, at the right, the elaborate bonnets, ribbons, and shawls of Second Empire costume to a confetti-like sprinkle of sharp-hued pigments.
Denzi had a small patrimony to lead off with, and that he dissipated before he left college; thenceforth, he was dependent upon his admirer, with whom he lived, filling a nominal post of bailiff to the estates, and launching forth verse of some satiric and sentimental quality; for being inclined to vice, and occasionally, and in a quiet way, practicing it, he was, of course, a sentimentalist and a satirist, entitled to lash the age and complain of human nature.
One adventurous person betook herself to the herald’s college, and there ascertained that a griffin between two wheatsheaves, which stood on the title-page of the book, formed the crest of Sir Austin Absworthy Bearne Feverel, Baronet, of Raynham Abbey, in a certain western county folding Thames: a man of wealth and honour, and a somewhat lamentable history.
>>268 [Monet’s touch](S) is (V) here(adv) rapid and fluid (pred. adj,), [a far cry] (=pred.) [from the density of Courbet’s almost weighty paint surface](adv. phrase) and [at opposite extremes from the meticulous descriptive surface of Frith.](pred. phrase) マネのタッチは、ここでは、rapid(適当なのが思い浮かばない、す早く、さっと流れるって感じ)で流れるようだ、また Courbetの、重厚なpaint surfaceからも、そしてFrithのこまこまときれいに描かれたものとは、正反対だ。
>>268 We(S) feel(V) [(that), instead, {a perfect correspondence between a scene (1)} {that capture an instant of agreeable confusion (->1)} and {technique(2)} {that swiftly slurs over details, reducing say, the foreground parasol to an almost paper-flat scalloped pattern of gray and beige, or fusing, at the right, the elaborate bonnets, ribbons, and shawls of Second Empire costume to a confetti-like sprinkle of sharp-hued pigments.(->2)}](that-clause)
Their attitude is that because life can no longer be devided into different and separate parts for men and women,clothes cannot be divided in that way either.
ありがとうございます! but alsoの前は This is especially true in the science of the Earth,geology,where we are not only intersted in the surface of our planet,but also〜 です、分かりづらくてすいません!
If the film they were making was set in modern times, they were expected to provide their own clothes, although period costumes were provided by the studio.
この2つの文が個々では訳せるのですが一つの文章として上手く繋げられません よろしくお願いいたします I assume, as I think I am entitled to, that he would not think of distinguishing the ball he is thinking of as the one from which his current memory derivers.
This subject will certainly behave as though he subscribed to Principle, interpreted as requiring discriminating knowledge.
この文の翻訳をお願いします I assume, as I think I am entitled to, that he would not think of distinguishing the ball he is thinking of as the one from which his current memory derivers.
This subject will certainly behave as though he subscribed to Principle, interpreted as requiring discriminating knowl
>>325 ご忠告ありがとうございます。例えば上の文で言いますと、 from which his current memory derivers. この部分が分からなかったり、 下の文で言うと interpreted as requiring discriminating knowledge. この部分は、どのような働きをしてどのように主文とかかわりがあるのか、 ということが分からないのです。 もし不快な思いをされたのであれば、私の不徳のいたすところです。 申し訳ございません。
>>328 あー、それだったら、最初のは I assume that he would not think of distinguishing the ball he is thinking of as the one His current memory derives from the one. という感じで、二つ目は repuirining discriminating knowlとして解釈されている原理(Principle)、 だと思う。
Even though the job they do may be boring, they are pleased because it gets them out of the house and also allows them to earn some money, with which they buy things for themselves and for their families.
In the light of the Bhopal disaster, as well as accidents involving nucler materials here in Japan, in patrticular the accident at the Tokai Nucler Plant run by JCO, it is important to ask serching questions about the storage of dangerous materials in residentas areas.
The result is that , to people , they do not look clean , which caused so much anger and dislike that everything else connected with them becomes automatically bad.
The political experience of World War U, in which thousands of apparently normal people were involved in projects such as the operation of concentration camps where millions of Jews and others were killed, provoked considerable interest among psychologists.
How was it that people who had led ordinary lives prior to Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany became involved in a deliberate attempt to exterminate a whole group of people? Thousands of social psychological experiments have been conducted since World War U, yielding great insights into the various ways people are influenced, both as groups and as individuals.
The other editors and I are very disappointed to learn that these ethical violations now taint what was the otherwise remarkable scientific achievement of Dr. Hwang. We have known about the allegations against him since 2004, when Nature made them public, but Dr. Hwang has steadfastly protested his innocence. In the absence of hard facts to substantiate a case against him, we felt it was wrong to hold rumors against him indefinitely, which was why we decided to include him on the SA 50 this year.
I wondered if they remembered what they had said to one another. I wondered if it sseemed to him strange now that for that old woman he had left the home of his fathers, his lawful inheritance, and lived an exile's life.
"I said I'd never marry anyone but you, Emily and I never have." He said this not with pathos ot resentment, but as a mere statement of fact, as a man might say, "I said I'd walk twenty miles and I've done it." There was a trace of satisfaction in the sppech. "Well, you might have regretted it if you had," she answerd. I talked a little with the old man about China. "There's not a port in Chaina that I don't know better than you know your coat pocket. Where a ship can go I've been. I could keep you sitting here all day long for six months and not tell you half the things I've seen in my day." "Well, one thing you've not done, George, as far as I can see," said Mrs Meadows, the mocking but not unkindly smile still in her eyes, " and that's to make a fortune." "I'm not one to save money. Make it and spend it ; that's my motto. But one thing I can say for myself ; if I had the chance of going through my life again I'd take it. And there's not many as'll say that." "No indeed." I said. I looked at him admiration and respect. He was a toothless, crippled, penniless old man, but he had mde a success of life, for he had enjoyed it.
Fish have been swimming in the seas of our planet for hundreds of millions of years,so it's no rurprise that they're really effciant at it.Engineers know that there's no point in re-inventing the wheel,so they've started copying the supremely efficient designs of nature.That's how come we have a ‘tuna' called Charlie ― the first robofish ― swimming in a tank at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There are many good reasons why scientists there are trying to copy fish.Your average fish can do a U-turn without slowing down,whereas a ship has to slow down by over 50 percent to reverse its direction.And fish can do their complete U-turn in a very tight curve,with a radius only about one-fifth the length of their bodies,while ships need to have a curve ten times larger.A very maneuverable ship could avoid many accidents.
Like fish,dolphins are remarkable ocean-going creatures.They can produce about 4 horsepower and can tiavel at 80 kilometers per hour―but if we want a boat to travel at that speed,we have to give it a 70 horsepower engine!Each year,billions of tons of goods are moved across the oceans by large ship―if we could increase their efficiency,it would mean an enormous saving in fuel costs. And of course,there are the military applications.Propellers are noisy,and the Navy would like quiet ships. These reasons-maneuverability,efficiency and low noise-are just a few ofthe reasons why Charlie the Robofish was invented.
Why is a fish much more efficient at moving through the water than a ship with a propeller?Well, a propeller creates a long spinning stream of water called a vortex that stretches behind the ship, robbing energy and slowing the ship down.
Women's apologies more often than men's serve as remedies for spaceand talk offences -----areas of interaction where women are particularly vulnerable and where they may have developed a greater sensitivity. Men,on the other hand,pay particular attention to time offences, suggesting that they may have different priorities from women.
Hi Fans! This is Micheal writing from Australia. Greetings from Down Under. It is great to be at home and relaxing a little. My back has fully recovered and next week I will begin my off-season training. I am looking forward to starting up again. I would like to thank you for your support. You have been terrific fans and I will be training hard for you for next season.
a movement which perhaps started when girls discovered that woolen sweaters for men, which were warm and comfortable and could be brightly coloured,were also suitable for women.
If he plunged into it, a vapour and a steam would arise enough to cover all the land with a mist for days; but the lake was mighter than he, it would quench him before he could pass through.
The skin, and the flesh, and the muscles, and the bones, and the firm structure of the human body that I thought to be unchangeable, and permanent as adamant, began to melt and dissolve....
Here too was all the work by which man had been made repeated before my eyes. I saw the form waver from sex to sex,dividing itself from itself,and then again reunited.
Then I saw the body descend to the beasts whence it ascended, and that which was on the heights go down to the depths, even to the abyss of all being.... I watched, and at last I saw nothing but a substance as of jelly.
The Earth is a small rocky planet,one of several orbiting a fairly ordinary star that we call the sun, in what is known as the Solar System. 行き詰まりました、お願いします。
Licensee agrees that it will not use or register in Italy or any other country any trademark or trade name which resembles or is confusingly similar to "A Electric" or "AKK" and without limitation thereto, will not use any trademark or trade name which includes the word "A Electric" or its equivalent in the Italian language of AKK or any other language AKK.
There is a growing range of such furniture,which no longer cause much comment, but which were unknown in Britain 20 years ago and which would not have been allowed then.
Far more important than either men's or women's clothes taken separately is the movement nowadays towards the same clothes being worn by both men and women.
大変長い文ですが誰か暇な方いればお願いします The government has drafted an outline of a bill to provide financial aid to sufferers of asbestos-caused cancer and mesothelioma, a cancer of the membranes surrounding the lungs, and to bereaved family members of victims. The government hopes to have the Diet enact the bill next year. Health damage from asbestos as well as worries about ill effects in the future are spreading nationwide. The fears have been touched off by revelations since June that the mineral has killed thousands of people over the past few decades. Drafters of the bill thus far should be commended for covering sufferers not eligible for labor-accident compensation -- such as family members of workers who handled asbestos, people who lived near asbestos-related factories, asbestos-affected workers for whom the statute of limitations has expired, and family members of such workers who died five or more years ago. All the same, the bill should be designed so that any person likely to have suffered from an asbestos-related lung disease, or a bereaved family member, can receive financial aid without going through rigid eligibility tests.
(>>487つづきです) The government has not yet worked out details for determining which people will be eligible for aid. In principle, however, assistance should be extended even to suspected cases in which people may have difficulty proving a relationship between asbestos and their disease. This is important because the incubation period before the symptoms of asbestos damage appear can be as long as 20 to 40 years. Sufferers of mesothelioma would receive aid almost automatically because asbestos is considered the most likely cause of this disease. Other people may have difficulty gathering the necessary evidence such as medical records and X-ray charts. The recognition procedure should be simplified as much as possible so that no sufferer or bereaved family member gives up applying for financial aid. The bill introduces many other points that have yet to be hammered out. The government must decide on the details of financial aid. Authorities are considering providing medical fees and monthly benefits to people with asbestos-related lung diseases while making lump-sum payments and funeral-cost compensation to surviving family members. Reportedly, the amount of a lump-sum payment for bereaved family members of nonworker victims would be several million yen -- possibly lower than that provided under the workers' compensation system. Nonworker victims should not be treated differently from worker victims. The bill incorporates the idea that the industries and companies concerned should contribute to a fund from which sufferers would receive money. Some companies and industries are said to fear being singled out as sources of contributions solely because of their good business performance. The government must devise a plan that obliges businesses to take due responsibility; at the same time, the plan must be convincingly equitable.
(>>488つづきです) The bill should also make clear the state's responsibility for health damage from asbestos. As far back as 1972, the International Labor Organization pointed out the harmful nature of asbestos. The labor ministry and the environmental agency at the time became aware of the risk, but it wasn't until 1995 that the government banned the production and use of the very harmful brown and blue asbestos. Although the use of white asbestos, whose carcinogenic nature is said to be weak, was banned in October 2004, use of asbestos is still allowed in products for which suitable substitutes have not been found. The government denies administrative nonfeasance, although it failed to act on the need to take a preventive approach. There was also inadequate communication between government ministries and agencies. With cases of asbestos-related diseases being reported one after another, it would not be far-fetched to say that there was some negligence on the part of the government. Although enterprises should take direct responsibility for the asbestos-related lung diseases of workers on the job, the government should accept some responsibility, since, in some cases, people came down with lung diseases from asbestos fibers that scattered into the air from nearby factories. Asbestos remains in the structures of many buildings in Japan. The government should set up a powerful permanent body to develop measures to deal with the issue as soon as possible, including measures to prevent the scattering of asbestos when old buildings are razed. It also should carefully listen to the opinions of sufferers as the details of the bill are worked out. The government plans to completely ban the use of asbestos in 2008. It should do so sooner, say in 2006, as Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Hidehisa Otsuji has suggested.
すみませんが教えてください。 以前英訳スレでもお聞きしたのですが、昨年祖父がなくなり 今年は父が亡くなり2年連続喪中です。 2年連続で年賀状が出せないので年内に季節の挨拶状的なものを 出したいと思ってます。ただ、職場の上司にも送るし (親しくないのですが留学経験のある人やネイティブの方もいます) こちらが喪中で送り先も喪中の先が今年は多いので 「楽しい冬を」的なメッセージやカジュアルな文面は避けたいと思ってます。 で、英訳スレで「心休まる冬をお過ごしください」というメッセージをお願いし Wish a peaceful holidays という文面をご回答いただきました。で、先日たまたま If winter comes,spring is not so far という文面を今年のカレンダ−に見ました。もしこれが 「寒い冬がきても、春はそう遠くない」的なメッセージであれば 今の私の心情にぴったりなので挨拶状に使いたいと思ったのですが 挨拶状に使うには不適切な文面でしょうか? 知識がなくて申し訳ありませんが、宜しくお願い致します。 (スレ違いであればすみません)
To Pindar, even as he glorifies the victor in the games, life is "a shadow's dream." But never, not in their darkest moments, do they lose their taste for life. It is always a wonder and a delight, the world a place of beauty, and they themselves rejoicing to be alive in it.
I have a little question. Ms. Marin is whether to make the thread started by free killing time... That also of having also resisted thread starting on and after this time is a reason. How do you think? You are separations for a while, having ... and a question. Moreover, it is the day which meets!
The second day of Dodger Stadium meetings with Garciaparra further fueled speculation that the one-time Fenway Park hero would accept the Dodgers' offer to be their No. 5 hitter, in part because of the hometown connection (with a Boston flavor) and in part because of a willingness to overpay for short-term contracts.
I have a little question. Ms. Marin is whether to make the thread started by free killing time... That also of having also resisted thread starting on and after this time is a reason. How do you think? You are separations for a while, having ... and a question. Moreover, it is the day which meets!
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YOUR hearty personality is an inspiration to others. You are warm and loving and everyone seems to want a piece of you. Taking time for yourself is imperative to your well-being and will help you guard against being taken for granted or being pushed and pulled in too many directions. There is far more to you than meets the eye and there may be times when you feel that few people know the real you. Wearing, meditating or surrounding yourself with Caribbean Sea helps you release negative emotions so you feel continually replenished and refreshed.
YOU have a complex nature and are not satisfied with the superficial. There is a longing inside of you for something more that wants to be embraced. Discipline, action and flexibility should be integrated for you to feel calm and balanced. Deep emotions should be explored with love and compassion or your thoughts can become negative or antagonistic. Your personal color helps you release limiting thoughts and beliefs. Wearing, meditating or surrounding yourself with Grape Royale connects you to your royal nature. It helps activate your intuition and your strong sense of truth.
Not only does it get unpleasant in Tokyo in August, not only does it cause 90 percent of the coral in Okinawa to die, not only does it cause higher rates of mutations, but more worrisome still, it could even cause the planet to jump from being too hot to quickly being too cold. のbut more worrisome still以降の文と、
Wars would affect the rest of the world. と、 The mid-case scenario would be a period like the “little ice age” of a few centuries ago that disrupted worldwide weather patterns leading to extremely harsh winters, droughts, worldwide desertification, and wars around the world. の「中程度のシナリオは〜」から始まる翻訳をお願いできませんでしょうか? 家庭教師の先生に聞いてみたんですが、うまく訳せませんでした。 分かる方がいらっしゃれば、お願い致します。
The Osaka High Court on Friday found unconstitutional Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's three visits to Yasukuni Shrine from 2001 to 2003. The court said the visits violated Article 20, Section 3, of the Constitution, which prohibits religious education and any other "religious" activity by the state and its organs. The ruling came only a day after a separate decision by the Tokyo High Court dismissed an appeal by 39 plaintiffs who had sought damages for Mr. Koizumi's August 2001 visit to the shrine. Even so, the Osaka High Court's decision carries great weight in that it represented the first decision by a high court to find Mr. Koizumi's Yasukuni visits unconstitutional and marked the second "unconstitutional" ruling to date following the one by Fukuoka District Court in April 2004.Technically, however, the prime minister and the state won the Osaka lawsuit because the high court denied any compensation to the plaintiffs, who had claimed that they suffered psychological pain as a result of the Yasukuni visits. If the plaintiffs decide not to appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court, the ruling will become final since the prime minister and the state, as victors in the lawsuit, cannot appeal. After becoming prime minister, Mr. Koizumi visited the shrine -- which memorializes 2.46 million war dead and 14 convicted Class-A war criminals, including wartime Prime Minister Hideki Tojo -- four times by Jan. 1, 2004. As to whether he will make a Yasukuni visit this year, he has said only that he will "make a proper judgment." He said Friday's court ruling will not affect that judgment, although it is expected to restrain him. It should be noted that none of the eight previous judicial rulings concerning his Yasukuni visits had explicitly affirmed them as constitutional; in fact, the constitutionality question was avoided for the most part.
If Mr. Koizumi does visit Yasukuni again while he remains a public official, he will contravene the spirit of the apology he made Aug. 15 for Japan's colonialism and aggression in East Asia before and during World War II. Such a visit would surely work to Japan's disadvantage in its relations with neighboring countries, especially China and South Korea. The lawsuit handled by the Osaka High Court had been filed by 188 people. Symbolically, 116 of them were non-Chinese native Taiwanese whose relatives had died as soldiers or civilian workers of the Imperial Japanese armed forces during World War II and were enshrined at Yasukuni. Taiwan was a Japanese colony from 1895 until the end of the war. The plaintiffs had protested the enshrinement of their relatives at Yasukuni together with the Japanese "aggressors." The lawsuit concerned Mr. Koizumi's Yasukuni visits on Aug. 13, 2001, April 21, 2002, and Jan. 14, 2003. The court said his visits should be regarded as having occurred in his official capacity as prime minister in view of the surrounding circumstances including that (1) the visits appeared to comply with political promises he had made before becoming prime minister, (2) the motives and purposes expressed in his statements concerning the visits were political and (3) he never denied that his visits were official.
「カイロプラクティック(触診療法)というのは、1985年、ダニエルの提唱により始まった。」 に続く文章なのですが、 Since then, it has developed as a recognized practice worldwide, and the profession has developed a system of certification to ensure proper training of practitioners. According to the British Chiropractic Association(英のカイロプラクティック協会によると), “practitioners treat problems with joints, bones, and muscles, and the effects they have on the nervous system. They use their hands to make often gentle, specific adjustments. Many claim that the manipulations of their bones and muscles helped correct the physical cause of pain.
また、最後に「カイロプラクティックはいかなる薬や外科手術をともなわない。」に続く一文なのですが、 It is particularly this last aspect-the fact that chiropractic treatment does not use drugs or surgery- that appeals to may patients.
>>620 a recognized practice (法的その他公に)認知された療法 a system of certification 認証(免許)システム
Many claim that the manipulations of their bones and muscles helped correct the physical cause of pain. 多くの患者が骨や筋肉に対するカイロプラクティックの施術は痛みの原因 を取り除く助けとなったと証言している。
It is particularly this last aspect-the fact that chiropractic treatment does not use drugs or surgery- that appeals to may patients. この最後の側面、すなわちカイロプラクティック療法は薬品や手術を利用しない ということが多くの患者にアピールしている。
This feeling won't leave me I need to relieve thee By maiming and hilling this bitch In total secrecy From some dark place In my soul comes a new Realm of depravity Like a beast I overcome her and utterly destroy her
For I must surrender To my feelings of anger Hurting her Derived intense erotic pleasure
Playing inside brings a new high A paradise from which I can't hide
This feeling won't leave me I need to relieve thee By maiming and hilling this bitch In total secrecy
She suffers beautifully As I rip and cut her internally I know she still loves me She was my wife
You may not think that people notice your tone of voice, but they do. In fact, people often respond to your tone instead of to your words. It tells people a lot about your attitude and the mood you are in. For example , consider the different ways the little word "yes" could be side in answer to the following questions. "Do you want an ice cream cone?""Will you clean up the kitchen tonight?" "Do you think I'll win the contest?" "Is my cigarette smoke bothering you?" People also notice your manners. Good manners are more more than knowing which fork to use and when to say "Thank you." Manners also mean paying attention to how other people are feeling. Good manners are basically another way of saying "I like you" or "I respect you" They express consideration for other people's rights, needs, and feelings.
These three factors are known in psychological terms as “influence processes.” One of the most remarkable discoveries of social psychology is that in our attempts to find the most appropriate response to a social situation, we sometimes respond to information that we receive unconsciously.
My heart's in the Highlands, my hearts is not here, My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer - A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe; My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North - The birth place of Valour, the country of Worth; Wherever I wander, wherever I rove, The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high cover'd with snow; Farewell to the straths and green valleys below; Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods; Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.
あとスラングだと a sexual position that includes 2 women and one man; the man stands up and holds the two women that are balancing on their forearms upside down with their legs wrapped around the guys waist. The man then alternates from one vagina to the other and the position looks like a literal hill, or pyramid.
Unfortunately,quite a few couples are unable to have their own children. These couples used to have only two alternatives:adoption and remaining childless. Today,thanks to advances in modern medicine and reproductive technology,there are other ways to help many of these couples. When medical techniques are not successful,however,the one remaining way for a couple to have genetic offspring is to have another woman carry and give birth to their child:a surrogate mother 訳お願いします。
By which one means that it has all the virtues we've come to expect when he is working at his highest levels. スティーブン・スピルバーグの新作「Munich」についてのTIME誌の記事の一文なんですがピンと来ません 訳お願いします
「Strangely enough, the web took off very much as a publishing medium, in which people edited offline. Bizarely, they were prepared to edit the funny angle brackets of HTML source, and didn't demand a what you see is what you get editor.」
なんかDeeds of Fleshの歌詞でもりあがっていますが、 私が持っているCDについている歌詞カードにはkilling、theeに なっています。 私が最初にお願いした歌詞はdark lyricsというネット上から そのままコピーしてきました。そこにはhilling、theeになっていました。 どちらが正しいのかはよくわかりませんが。 ちなみにDeeds of Fleshというバンド名はメンバー曰く I was reading the book Helter SKelter and I came across this sentence that said "deeds of the flesh" and I looked at Erik and said "deeds of the flesh dude,let's call ourselves that" and he's like "No, let's call ourselves Deeds Of Flesh" and it just sort of stuck. とコメントしています。ちなみになんと言っているのでしょうか? なんとなくわかるのですが。
お願いします。ハリーポッターの六巻からです。 ・There was a silence in which every bubble and gurgle of the surrounding potions seemed magnified tenfold.
・There was a scraping as everyone drew their cauldrons towards them, and some loud clunks as people began adding weights to their scales, but nobody spoke.
A class of psychology students once “conspired” to use behavior modification techniques on their teacher. As the professor lectured, the students would smile and act attentive when he moved toward the left of the room. When he moved to the right, the students appeared to be bored and listless. Before long, the professor began to drift to the left, and after a few classes he spent each lecture leaning against the left wall.
The present invention relates generally to computer systems, and more particularly to a system and method for improving man-machine command and control situations via utility-based determinations over time given uncertainties about a user's intentions and utterances. よろしくお願いします。
There you go through the biggest muscle groups with music. The killer combination of getting to shape: Spinning + Bodypump. :D I also go to the gym. I really don't like any teamsports. I just suck at them :D But these sports here I love them.
It is one that is of major importance in reading and education generally. 辞書で細かく調べて和訳してみたんですが、「大きい重要な事の一つは一般に読む事と教育だ」 …って感じになりましたιどう考えても固くて変な訳し方しか出来ないのでどなたか教えて下さい!
But here is the key point: when the students let the professor in on the joke, he insisted that nothing of the sort had happened at all---that they were just pulling his leg! He saw nothing odd about leaning against the wall, and angrily insisted that it was merely his personal lecturing style---something he had chosen to do of his own free will. He was clearly unconscious of how he had been influenced.
In summer,they head to the southern and eastern shores,where swells arrive from storms in the south pacific. Im winter,big waves generated in the North Pacific roll onto the northern and western shores of the island,and that is where the suffers gather.
The distance of open water over which the wind is blowing.
Since Hawaii lies in the zone of the trade winds blowing from the northeast,it receives numerous swells generated from deep lows tracking across the North Pacific.
翻訳はあってますか? she stepped out of the lobby of her apartment building into a gray 彼女は、灰色に彼女のアパートのロビーから踏み出しました どうも、the lobby を修飾するof her apartment building into a grayが 訳せません。アドバイスお願いします。
おそらくカンマが入っていますので、次の文はsleety rain that からと 思います。ですがsleety rain that という主語はthat が入っているので 動詞 fellの前にthatってわからない....orz she stepped out of the lobby of her apartment building into a gray , sleety rain that fell impartially on sleek limousines driven down Market Street by uniformed chauffeurs , and on the abandoned and boarded-up houses huddled together in the slums of North Philadelphia.
Getting more information is learning,and so is uhderstanding something that you did not understand before. But the difference between these two kinds of learning is important. To be informed is to know simply that something is a fact.
>>735 わかりました!ありがとうございます she stepped out of the lobby of her apartment building into a gray , sleety rain ここまでが一文で thatは sleety rain を指しているのですね into a gray , sleety rain を 灰色のみぞれの空に と訳すのは センスになってくるのでしょうか。。。。
The collective concern stems from growing scientific proof that the world environment is in desperate trouble, and from disturbing stories that reach us every day.
YOUR hearty personality is an inspiration to others. You are warm and loving and everyone seems to want a piece of you. Taking time for yourself is imperative to your well-being and will help you guard against being taken for granted or being pushed and pulled in too many directions. There is far more to you than meets the eye and there may be times when you feel that few people know the real you. Wearing, meditating or surrounding yourself with Caribbean Sea helps you release negative emotions so you feel continually replenished and refreshed.
To business people and filmmakers, he was a role model; to the public at large, he was "Uncle Walt"―the man who had entertained them all their lives, the man who represented all that was good about America.
長いですけどお願いします。 Thank you very much for your email. How wonderful to hear from you, finally.
It was a pleasure having you around, and I learned as much from you as you did learned from your visit to Nanaimo. Thank you for showing me how to cook some Japanese dishes. You are always welcome to stay with us whenever you have the chance to come visit or study in Canada again. Yes, it is already winter in Canada,and we already had our first snowfall on the last week of November.It's been very cold lately, and everybody are getting ready for the Christmas holidays.
I hope you're doing well, as well as your family.We wish many blessings at Christmas time, and throughout the coming New year.Take care, and keep in touch.
It was also DC's first experience of F1's new 2.4-litre V8 format, but he said that he was two entranced by his new toy to be all that bothered by the drop in power.
Builds your roofs of dead wood. Builds your walls of dead stone. Builds your dreams of dead thoughts. Comes crying laughing singing back to life, takes what you steal, and pulls the skins from your dead bones shrieking.
中世ヨーロッパ風の世界観のゲームで、この英文は、 廃墟の寺院に刻まれた、古代の神に関する詩という設定です。 dead wood, dead stone, dead thoughtsは、この作品内の架空の神話に 繰り返し登場する単語です。
YOU have a complex nature and are not satisfied with the superficial. There is a longing inside of you for something more that wants to be embraced. Discipline, action and flexibility should be integrated for you to feel calm and balanced. Deep emotions should be explored with love and compassion or your thoughts can become negative or antagonistic. Your personal color helps you release limiting thoughts and beliefs. Wearing, meditating or surrounding yourself with Grape Royale connects you to your royal nature. It helps activate your intuition and your strong sense of truth.
It is just our imagination, or are the summers really getting hotter recently? A US government study claims that the average temperature around the world has actually been rising only moderately. However, the range in temperatures has been increasing. This means that there are more unusually hot periods as well as unusually cold periods. More troubling, scientists say that the pace of global warming seems to be quickly increasing. Some predictions warn that the world could warm by two or more degrees by the end of this century, if present trends continue. As an example of these changes, in the summer of 2003 a massive heat wave spread across Europe. In France, where temperatures soared to 42℃ and remained hot for weeks, 10000 or more deaths were attributes to the heat.
Sudden temperature changes put out bodies under great stress and can cause health problems especially for the very young, the elderly, and people who are overtired or in poor health. Children and babies are especially vulnerable to becoming overheated and dehydrated, so parents need to be particularly careful in very hot weather. Older people also need to take extra care, as there is a 40 percent higher risk of strokes among the elderly during extremely hot weather. Strokes are caused by blood clots in the brain, and these occur more easily in hot weather for two reasons.
First, dehydration can thicken the blood and make it more likely to clot, and second, the body’s attempt to cool itself puts increased strain on the circulatory system, which adds to the danger of clotting. But heat problems can dangerously affect people of all ages. Runners and other athletes are especially susceptible to heat stress and stroles-occasionally leading even to death. Heat stress, as Dr.Bird describes it, “is due to dehydration and is characterized by muscle cramps, drowsiness, sickness, headache and a cold, clammy skin. If left unchecked, this can lead to heat stroke, which is a medical emergency.” 00the most important measures for preventing heat problems are drinking plenty of liquids, avoiding excess expose to sun and heat, and avoiding excessive exercise.
Many people don’t realize how important it is to drink extra fluids when it is hot. When it is hot, we may need four liters or more, depending on how much we sweat. Some people think they need extra salt or “sports drinks” when it is hot, but Dr.Bird advises, “the loss of salt when sweating will tend to occur only during exercise. It is therefore not necessary to drink isotonic sports drinks unless you are really exerting yourself for over an hour or two.”
next year i will graduate from college. you know now it is hard to find a good job. i am so bewilder about my futuer. do you have anything interesting there?
Why did'nt she turn and smile and call to him ,saying,“Don't you like my company?” If she did,he would smile faintly and approach with eyebrow questiongly raisd.
It is worth nothing in this connection that the possibility in principle of codifying rules of the kind just described was emphatically rejected by transformationalists of the early 1960s.
"What we do not understand is how one person could have hoaxed all 24 of the collaborators on the papers - all of whom seemed eager to claim the work as 'our' work at the time," Dr. Zoloth said. "Did we see only what we yearned to see?"
I made a mistake and went straight to sleep as soon as i got home yesterday and never got to write back so i made sure to do it before i started work cause i wanted to make sure you knew i cared. お願いします。
お願いします。 Japan's Tadahiro Nomura became judo's first triple Olympic champion and compatriot Ryoko Tani broke new ground by taking her second gold on Saturday. Tani, who won in Sydney and took silver in 1992 and 1996 as Ryoko Tamura, was fighting a month after injuring her ankle. She was her normal electric self as she beat France's Frederique Jossinet by waza-ari in the final, becomeing the first woman to win two golds. Nomura went into the under-60kg cetegory as favourite to add to his titles from 1996 and 2000. Nomura won his semi-final in just 23 seconds. He won the final though he showed none of his usual brilliance against Georgian Nestor Khergiani. Nomura's gold came 10 minutes after six-time world champion Tani had taken the women's under-48kg title. Her defeat of Jossinet was a repeat of the world championship final in 2003 and the French woman was too defensive again. She was twice penalized for passivity and Tani scored the crucial waza-ari 15 seconds remaining.
Japan's diminutive Mizuki Noguchi put on an extraordinary display of front-running to win the Olympic women's marathon title in Sunday as Paula Redcliffe's challenge ended in bitter tears. Noguchi, the world silver medalist who weighs just 88 pound and is 4 feet 9 inches tall, produced a killer surge up a series of tortuous inclines just after the halfway mark to break clear. She hung on to win by 12 seconds, timing two hours 26 minutes 20 seconds. Noguchi's success followed Naoko Takahashi's win in Sydney. Silver went to fast-finishing world champion Catherine Ndereba of Kenya in 2:26:32, with bronze for Deena Kastor of United States in 2:27:20. Noguchi managed a few words and then had to be carried out of the stadium after collapsing, overcome by heat and humidity. Big pre-race favorite Redcliffe, who led for the first half of the race, failed to finish, breaking down in tears at the 22 mile mark as she slipped back to fourth after two hour's running.
What I mean is about the castle of Howl. But I dont think Ryunosuke Kamiki is so cute. But his vois is cute a lot. and I think whitch of west:Akihiro Miwa's vois is waving a lot late afternoon! Its so much fun to made a vois attraction! So core neet hide ted were it can I nore that zone.
MEDICAL RHUBARB This thick-rhizomed perennial has large long-stalked leaves and a tall branched stem of densely clustered,small,green-white flowers in summer. The leaf stalks are edible and mildly laxative,but this variety is not the usual Garden Rhubarb(Rheum×Cultorum). The rhizome is a purgative irritant used for constipation,although in small amount its astringency treats diarrhea and is an appetite and digestive stimulant added to tonic wines.
In China, the rhizome is used to disperse blood clots,to cleanse the liver,and to treat jaundice,fevers,and abdominal pain. It is applied as an antiseptic, antiinflammatory compress for boils,ulcers,and burns. Chinese researchers have identified properties that inhabit cancer cells. The rhizome removes rust stains,de-scales pans,and yields a yellow dye.
The seet potato suggests the Irish potato,or−as it is generally known−merely the potato. It is a far-traveld plant. Having origineted in Chile, it was clutivated in Peru by the Incas, and thence taken by the Spaniards to Spain and returned to Flirida. From Florida it was brought by the buccaneer Hawkins to England and thence to Ireland. As the Irish potato it made its fourth transtalantic passage, and was cultibated in Pennsylvania as early as 1685. The English, however,were apparently not paericularly fond of it, the earlu part of the eighteenth century did the potato become important in the Amerivan diet.
In previous chapters, when discussing the prices of goods and services and the wages of labor, I have repeatedly asked the reader to disregaed what the payments mean as income to people. Here I want to keep the promise to consider the income aspect of the payments. In doing thisI am afraid I shall annoy many people, both on the right ando on the left. Conservatives will think that I am much too easy going about taking property and income away from people. On the other hand, many liberals or progressives will feel that I am trying too hard to justify the inequalities of capitalist society.
The sub-title of this chapter is【How much inequality do we need?】 How can we measure inequality? It is not at all easy. We cannot talk about a yard or a paint of inequality. Most of the difficulties don't appear if we talk about only two people. It one man has an income of ten thousand dollers a year and the other has twenty thousand, there is a certain degree of inequality. If they had incomes of five thousand and tewnty-five thousand, we would say the inequality is greater. It is fairly easy to see here what is meant by a greater inequality. It is simply a greater ratio of tha large to the smaller number. But as soon as we get to three people, the problem becomes troublesome. Compare a situation where the three people have incomes of ten, fifteen, and twenty thousand dollers respectively, with another situation where they have ten, eleven, and tewnty thousand. Has the inequality become greater,or less?Or is it the same? Take the case where the incomes are ten, nineteen, and twenty thusand dollers. Which of these arrangements are more equal and which are less eaual?
Too often people pay attention to the inicomes not of individual persons or families, but of organizations like corporations. I am not at all concerned about corporations being too rich or too poor. A corporation is simply a large number of people doing something together somehow, and until we know what other incomes or wealth of the corporation is divided among them, we haven't even begun to deal with the income or wealth of people. So I shall not talk at all in this connection about corporations or other organizations, considering them as being merely a part of the apparatus which influences the income or wealth or consumption of people through their receipt of dividends, interest, or salaries, and their ownersship of stocks and bonds. I shall considr only the inequalities in income or wealth of individuals or families.