In the river there was a very big crocodile waiting to welcome me with its mouth wide open.
とても大きなワニが待っている、でいいんだよ。 There is/are〜構文には、その発展形として There is/are〜+分詞、There is/are〜+不定詞というのがあるのは知ってるのかな? 意味上の主語(ここではa very big crocodile)が××している、というふうに 解釈するだけ。 たとえば、こういう感じ。 There are many SPAM messages coming in through my cell phone. There are no cops hanging around.
to welcomeは不定詞の副詞的用法で意味は目的、ということでいいんじゃない? 大口あけて歓迎してるわけよ、ごちそう(=me)が来たから。
>>14 In the river〜副詞句でwasにかかる there〜これの後ろに主語があるよっていう副詞。主語を誘導する性質があるため誘導副詞とも言われる was〜第一文型の動詞 a very big crocodile〜これが主語 waiting〜現在分詞の登場。現在分詞というのは準動詞の仲間。 準動詞というのは本来の動詞の働きの他にもう一つ役割を持った動詞のことを言う。 動詞の働きは第三文型と考えると目的語が必要になる。まあ置いておこう。 そしてもう一つの役割を探そう。これはa very big crocodileを補足説明している形容詞と考えると正解。 to welcome〜これも準動詞。二つの役割は第三文型の動詞とさっきのwaitingの目的語。ようやく出てきた。 me〜to welcomeの目的語。 with its mouth〜welcomeにかかる副詞句。 wide open〜mouthの説明。準補語かな。文法的になんと言えばいいのかよくわからない。
>>21 most は、もともと many や much の最上級であるから、これらが形容詞 としても使われる以上、most も形容詞であり、また、これらが名詞として も使われるのだから、当然名詞でもある。 most が副詞なのは、音節数の多い形容詞を最上級にするためにくっつく ときであって、その他の場合は、形容詞、あるいは名詞として考えるほう がよいだろう。
ヤフーの辞書で「be」を調べたら 使い方の例で ------ Wasn't [((米))Was] it a beautiful wedding! すばらしい結婚式でしたねえ(▼否定疑問文はしばしば感嘆文として用いる) ---- こんなのがあったんですけど、Wasn't はwas notの略。 となると「Wasn't it a beautiful wedding!」は「素晴らしくない結婚式だった」に なりそうなんですが、どうしてnotを使用をしているのに、「素晴らしかった」となるんですか?
1,If you take this subway, you can get to Grand Central Station. 2,Whenever we listen to his speeches, we are moved. 3,If you do some exercise, you will lose weight. 4,Because of the cold weather, the plants may not bud. 1,this subway 2,his speeches 3,some exercise 4,the cold weather の無生物を主語にして次の文の書き換えをお願いしいます。
>>58 This subway will take you to ~~ His speeches always move us Some exercise will help you lose weight Cold weather may prevent the plants from budding
ただ「thougt of natural」にすると、「for a child...」が続かなくなるのですか? 「natural for a child」を直訳「子どものために自然」→意訳「子どもにとって自然」と訳します。 そして「to work...」以下が不定詞の副詞句で、「natural」にかかるとして、 「日の出から日の入りまで働くこと」と訳せば、繋がるように思えるのですが…。
We have to keep in mind that plants are often lot before we know anything about how much good they could bring to society. If a plant should become extinct in the wild, with its seeds kept in a seed bank , it will not be lost forever . They can be used in scientific research to find new ways in which plants benefit society such as in medicine , agriculture, or industry .
ホールニューワールドの歌詞です。どなたか訳してください。 I can show you the world Shining shimmering splendid Tell me princess,now when did You last let your heart decide? I can open your eyes Take you wonder by wonder Over side ways and under On a magic carpet ride A whole new world A new fantastic point of view No one to tell us no Or where to go Or say we're only dreaming A whole new world A dazzling place I never knew But now fron way up here It's crystal clear That now I'm in a whole new world with you Unbelievable sights Indescribable feeling Soaring tumbling free wheeling Thraugh an endless diamond sky A whole new world A hundred thousand things to see I'm like a shooting star I've come so far I can't go back to where I used to be With new horizons to persue I'll chose them any where There's time to spare Let me shore this whole new world with you
>>114 たしかに、there were の there はいらんかもしれないが、文法的には。 関係副詞でないとすると、 In the ball room were a large number of people present. だよね。でもやっぱりこういうときはm、 There were a large number of people present in the ball room. だろ。だから there がいるんだよ。
あと、a large number of は、many よりも多い感じだし、many は、 肯定文では普通さけるので、a lot of よりも、「たーくさん」な 感じを表しているね。数人、十数人ではなく、たぶん、数十人か 百人か、っていうイメージ。
>>165 3 I use a car that I borrowed from my brother. 5 これはわからんな。どこで二つの文があるのかわからんぞ。 Smething that I can do is watching TV. か? 変だな。 6 Can you see those children who are playing soccer.
お願いします。 1.( )will be elected president of the U.S.A ? @Do you think who AWho do you think BDo you think whom CWhat do you think 2.Stop singing , ( )? @Won't you Adon't you Bshall we Caren't you 3. Little ( )how important this meeting is . @he does realize Adoes he realize Bhe realizes Crealize he
understanding is ( ) penetetrating knowledge that grows from theory,practice,and humility. 1.that 2.that the 3.thatwhich 4.what 答えは1なんですが、なんで答えが1か2.3.4が違うのかわかりません。解説お願いします。
1,You shouldn't identify being rich ( ) success. 2,We should ( ) the best we can to solve the problem. 3,His great success was due ( ) his hard work. 4,The only way ( ) of this situation is to get help. ( )にはいる適語を教えてください。
1,She will (finish) writing a long letter by tomorrow morning. 2,I worked hard only (fail) in my exams. 3,They will (arrive) at Osaka by this time tomorrow. 4,His grandfather lived (be) a hundred years old. ( )内の語を適当な形してください。ただし一語とは限りません。 お願いします。
1,朝起きてみると、彼らは海の上に浮かんでいることに気づいた。 They ( to/ floating/ themselves/ find/ woke up) on the sea. 2,あなたは、明日の今頃は何をしていますか。 What ( doing/ you / at this time/ will/ be) tomorrow? 3,彼は来週までにはその仕事をやり終えていることでしょう。 He ( the work/ will/ by/ have/ finished) next week. ( )内の並び替えをお願いします。
1、ガンを完全に治す薬はまだ発見されていない。 The medicine to cure cancer completely ___________________________. 2,机がほこりでおおわれているので、掃除しなさい。 You should clean your desk because it ____________________________. 3,ルーシーが戻ってくるまでには、わたしたちはケーキを食べ終わってしまうだろう。 ______________________________________ by the time Lucy comes back. 日本語を参考にして英文を完成させてください。お願いします。
>>201 1.They woke up to find themselves floating on the sea. 2.What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? 3.He will have finished the work by newt week.
>>193 すいません間違えました。 Understanding is ( ) penetrating knowledge that grows from theory,practice,and humility. 1.that 2.that the 3.that which 4.what 解説お願いします。
>>242 悪くないです。 でも、SMAPと、村上春樹はあまりにもジャンルが違うので、ちゃんと マトモな英語を考えましょう。もちろん、ベースの日本語もですが、 普通、日本語でも、 「私が好きな音楽関係っていうか、そういうのだと、SMAPで、小説とか っていうと、やっぱり村上春樹かなぁ、とかおもったりしちゃってぇ」 とかいうじゃないですか。 Well, one of my favourite musicians or something like TV talents is SMAP, you know, and I actually read a lot of books, and my favourite writer is, well, maybe, Murakami Haruki, do you know him? みたいな。
1、ガンを完全に治す薬はまだ発見されていない。 The medicine to cure cancer completely ___________________________. 2,机がほこりでおおわれているので、掃除しなさい。 You should clean your desk because it ____________________________. 3,ルーシーが戻ってくるまでには、わたしたちはケーキを食べ終わってしまうだろう。 ______________________________________ by the time Lucy comes back. 日本語を参考にして英文を完成させてください。お願いします。
>>254 1、ガンを完全に治す薬はまだ発見されていない。 The medicine to cure cancer completely remains undiscovered (remains to be discovered). 2,机がほこりでおおわれているので、掃除しなさい。 You should clean your desk because it is covered(coated) with dust. 3,ルーシーが戻ってくるまでには、わたしたちはケーキを食べ終わってしまうだろう。 We'll finish having the cake by the time Lucy comes back.
It is unfortunate that many a student has never had an education in human relation-ships: yet his understandings in this field, or lack them, may offer a convincing explanation for his success or failure in adjusting to others.
what does it mean to say that a correlation between parenting behavior and child outcome could be due -partly or entirely - to genetic influences? in order for this to happen , a necessary condition is that there has to be some genetic influence on parents behavior. one way this can come about is that variations in parenting behavior are due,atleast in part, togenetic variations amongparents.
(1)This is the house (which) he lived in his youth. (2)The heart doesn't grieve over (which) the eye happens not to see (3)She accompanied her blind husband (whereever ) he had to go. (4)The man (whose)book you borrowed the other day wants to see you. (5)They thought him shy,(what) he was. (6)Every girl must dance with (what) asks her.
>>297 1) where か、in which これは、彼が若いころ住んでいた家です。 in his youth があるので、in があるようにみえるが、in はないので、which ではダメ。live は、目的語で場所を とることはないし。 2) what 心臓は、目では見えなかったことを悲しむことはない。 what the eye happens not to see. 目がたまたま見ることがなかったもの。 3) wherever, whenever も可能か? whereever はおかしい。 彼女は、盲目の夫がどこにいこうとついていった。 4) OK 以前貴方が本を借りたくだんの男が貴方に会いたいとか。 5) as だろう。 彼があのとおりなので、彼らは引っ込み思案だと思った。 6) whoever 女の子たちは、誰であれ頼まれたら一緒に踊らなくちゃいけない。
>>297 (1)This is the house (where) he lived in his youth. これは若いころ住んでいた家だ。 (2)The heart doesn't grieve over (what) the eye happens not to see 目には見えぬものは意に介さず。 (3)She accompanied her blind husband (wherever ) he had to go. 盲目の夫が行かねばならないところはどこでも彼女は同伴した。 (4)The man (whose) book you borrowed the other day wants to see you. きみが先日借りた本の持ち主がきみにあいたがっている。 (5)They thought him shy,(as) he was. 彼らは彼を恥ずかしがり屋だと思ったが、実際彼はそうだった。 (6)Every girl must dance with (whoever) asks her どの女のこも、頼まれた人がだれであれ、その人と踊らねばならなかった。
>>301 これは、どちらも、SVCです。 English is a language. だけ。Sは、English, Vは、is Cは、a language です。 people speak all over the world. の前には、that か which が隠れています。たんなる関係代名詞節です。 次は、過去分詞の形容詞用法で、spoken all over the world が、 a language を修飾しているだけです。 以上。
1.There is no one (which )has his faults. 2.You had better read such books (as)are easy. 3.(What) money he earns he spends on drink. 4.He is(what) you call a fine gentleman. 5.He has made the school(?)it is. 6.A time will come (when) you will regret your words. 7.Don't keep company with those (who) you think are dishonest.
>>306 There is no one but has his faults. これがなかなかおもいつかず、、。そうそうこんなの高校でならった かなーとか思い出した。but の関係代名詞用法かな。 「欠点のない人間はいない。」 You had better read such books that are easy. これは、such ... that の構文ね。 Whatever money he earns he spends on drink. 彼は稼いだいかなる金も飲みに使う。 He is what you call a fine gentleman. 彼は、あんたが、「いけず」ってよぶようなやろうだ。 He has made the school as it is. 彼がその学校をいまあるがごとくにした。 A time will come when you will regret your words. あんたがいま言ったことを後悔するようなときもくるさ。 Don't keep company with those who/whom you think are dishonest. しょーもないと想うような連中とはつきあうな。
Genes of a parent could influence parenting behavior directly. The new methods of molecular genetics have not yet identified in people any specific `parenting genes` . Researchers who investigated genes in the mouse,however, succeeded inadvertently. Brown,Ye,Bronson,Dikkes,and Greenberg(1996) were studying a gene called fosB. Like a symphony conductor who directs the action of many instruments, the fosB protein activates and controls the expression of many other genes.
The special character of the Church upon which he had insisted in his earlier work- the apostolic succession - disappeared, and the sovereign interpreted Scripture just as he interpreted all other disputed texts.
>>346 文の主語と、while以下の主語が一致する場合は、 while doingとして良いという決まりなんだよ。 だから文法上の分類とかは特に無し。あえていうなら、 主語とbe動詞を省略した形、ってとこかな。 例えば、 I wrote a letter while I was watching TV. は主語が"I"同士で一致してるから主語とbe動詞の部分は省略できる。 I wrote a letter while watching TV. となる。 決・ま・りだから。数学で言う定義ね。
1. With the return of peace following the Second World War , America entered a lengthy period of economic prosperity never before seen in its history. 第二次世界大戦に続く平和の回復で、アメリカはその歴史でそれまで見られなかった 経済的な繁栄の長い期間に入った。
2.Learning to play a musical instrument will require practice. In the same way, learning to speak a second language fluently cannot be accomplished without practice . 楽器を演奏するのを学ぶことは練習が必要だ。同様に、第二言語を流暢に話すのを学ぶことは 練習なしでは成し遂げられない。
1.he took a room at the hotel (where)he had been instructed to stay. 2.This is the place (which)I've wanted to visit for a long time. 3.This is the person (whom) I think she saw in New York. 4.This is a proverb ( )( ) I don't understand the meanings. 5.I was told to go thereby train,(whichever)advice I followed. 6.The ease (with )(which) he answered the question surprised us. 7.The president of the company,( )( )I introduced you last Friday,wants to see you again. 8.she wears a dress ( )( ) he has not yet seenher.
1) OK 彼は滞在する場として教えられた通りそのホテルに部屋をとった。 2) OK ここは、私がずっと訪問したかったところです。 3) OK この人は彼女がニューヨークで見たと私思っている人です。 4) of which このことわざは、私が意味が理解できていないものです。 5) which thereby は、there by だよな。くっつくと意味がわからん。 私はそこに列車でいくようにいわれて、その忠告をそのまま実行した。 6) at which じゃないかな。 彼がその質問に答えたときの気楽さに私たちは驚いた。 7) to whom 金曜日に私が貴方を紹介した会社の社長が貴方にまた会いたいそうだ。 8 in which かな。putting/having が後ろにあったら、on which かな。 彼女は、彼が彼女が着ているところをまだみたことないドレスを着ていた。
>>373 基本的にはふつうは後におくものを前に持って来た場合、コンマをうちます。ただ、ものによっては、 コンマをうつかうたないかによって、いみがかわるものもあるので注意。 だから I wrote a letter while watching TV が while watching tv, i wrote a letter. そのほか、コンマには色々なつかいかたがあるので、本とか読んで勉強してください。
It is widely recognised that the database technology has been developed significantly with the technique of data warehousing since the file management systems were handled on computers although a small number of organisations still use a paper-based manual system.
>>390 HIs email saved me the trouble of getting there. Illness prevented him from doing his studies. My son's weekly letters bring me happiness. My grandfather's legacy alowed me to go to a university. The results of the end of term exams dissapointed me. あきた、残りはこれ参考にして自力でやれや。
Even if he thinks that he cannot get along with this father any longer, it is hard for him to get out of the house and to become independent, as he is still fourteen.
高2の模試の英作文で書きました。日本文は、 「こんな父親ともうやっていけないと思っても、まだ14歳では家を出て独立するのも難しい」 です。マズいところありますか? あと「ボールを投げあう」ってthrow a ball to one anotherでいいですか?
You may think learning English is difficult.That is true, but learning any language is difficult.This story shows us that we can learn by our mistake.A child learning his or her mother tongue makes a lot of mistakes.For example, a two-year-old Japanese girl said,“fusen okkochita”when a balloon left her hand and flew up.She thought tha Japanese word“okkochita”described“something leaving one's hand.” Most things fall when they leave one's hand,though a balloon filled with helium doesn't.You learn a language by using it and making mistakes. So don't worry about making mistakes in your English. Sometimes it can be amusing.Mistakes may make people laugh.Enjoy your funny mistakes and learn from them. Laughter is one of the best forms of international communication.
(The)(fresher)the fish is, (the)(better)it tastes. The children like her (all)(the)(more)because she takes good care of them. Today English is becoming(much)(more)important as a tool of communication. The baby's hand is (no)larger(than)this leaf.
1.I may work this summer,( ) I may take a long vacation. 1 More and more 2 On the contrary 3 On the other hand 4 at first hand
2.( )we must do this and then we must do that. 1 At first 2 At first sight 3 Finally 4 First 5 For the first time
3.“Do you want another piece of cake ?” “No, thank you.( ) ” 1 I have got still some left. 2 I have still some ones left. 3 I have still got some left. 4 I still have some ones left. 5 I still have got it.
A team of American researchers visited several kindergartens in japan. These included American schools and international schools strongly influenced by Americans (in staffing, language used and enrollment). Others were yochien Japanese kindergartens.
1.He told the story to (what) would listen. 2.Who is there (what) desires peace? 3.There is as much money(as) is needed. 4.Men and horses (who) were killed in the battle were innumerable. 5.He has no friends upon (whom) he can rely. 6.He may be late,in (which) case you must not let him in. 7.There is nothing in the world (which) is not affected by the sun. 8.Tell me (whatever) you think he believes in God.
>>457 1. A couple of problems are so difficult for us to solve. A couple of problems are so difficult that we could never solve them. 2. Using this apparatus, we could locate you wherever you go. using の前にwith をくっつけるのは古い。
>>494 了解です。ありがとうございました。 ようするに、不可算名詞が、可算名詞 be動詞の補語にはならんという ことですよね。 ところで、ついでに質問させていただきます(中高生ではありませんが)。 不定冠詞の a の用法として、「have a 動詞」って多いですよね。 Please have a look at the page 145. Let's have a think about that. この場合、動詞は、ある意味、原型で名詞化されていると思うんですが、 こういう場合は、動詞は、可算名詞扱いってことですか?
あのよ>>492のHe is fun to be withにずっと違和感あるんだが、 >>490って、He is a fun (guy) to be withで省略があったような気がしねぇ? funで人の性格とかを現すときって、good fun,great funとかだけじゃないのん? あと、このto be withは副詞的用法?混乱するわー。
We use desks made of wood in our school.私たちは木で出来た机を学校で使う。 分詞の英文なのですが、ここでWe use desks made of woodの部分でわからないところがあるのですが be made of 〜 = 〜でできている という熟語は知っているのですが We use desks made of woodの文にはbe動詞が見当たりません。 be動詞がないのに〜でできているという意味が成り立つ理由をおねがいします。
One afternoon Tom sat on the front sterps of his house eating some sandwiches given to him by his mother when he came home from school. 俺はこの英文におけるeatingが何故ing系なのか質問して、 >>335のリンクをもらったのでそこを読みなんとなく理解した気になっていたのですが やはり頭の中で整理できてないみたいですorz
そこでもう一度質問にきました。すみません。 上の英文は、One afternoonとTom sat on the front sterps of his house.と、 それにhe was eating some sandwiches given to him by his mother when he came home from school. という三つの文章をミックスさせたものと考えていいんでしょうか?
(1). I am so tired that I am unable to give thought to ( ). 1 something 2 nothing 3 things 4 anything 正解→4 unable(notの意味)に対応して
(2) We looked at four cars today . The first two were too expensive, but ( )ones were reasonably priced . 1 another 2 other 3 the other 4 those 正解→3 ones wereなので。
(3) The beaches in the national parks are very quiet and sometimes you won't see ( )else all day. 1 someone 2 anybody 3 everyone 4 no one 正解→2 won't に対応してanybody
(4)“Which suit did Susan buy ?” “She bought ( )with the gold buttons .” 1 one 2 the one 3 it 4 that 正解→2 金色のボタンの と特定してるので
>>526 We use desks are made of wood in our school. はまちがい。もしいいたいなら、関係代名詞をつかう。 in our school, we use desks which are made of wood. なぜなら、一つの文には基本的には一つの本動詞だから。 節にわけないといけない。分詞は動詞じゃないから、 修飾語としてつかわれるときは、関係代名詞による 節ぬきでつかえる。
The care of infants has usually been a female task. In most normal families, the mother has been the central figure in the child's early life. But this is changing. Now many husbands and wives share family jobs, worries and responsibilities. They also make more decisions together. "Tackle it together!" is the theme and this is meant to apply equally to things like holiday plans, modernizing the kitchen and buying a new car. Some surveys show that the wife is still the main spender of the family income. But makers of "do-it-yourself' equipment acknowledge that it is usually wives and husbands together who decide whether the living-room needs to be redecorated. In fact, they often do the actual work together. The old joke about husbands washing the dishes is not so funny anymore.
1st paragraph (Words and phrases) infant:( ) task:( ) central:( ) 従来、子供が幼い間、生活の中心となっていたのは( )であった。 2nd paragraph (Words and phrases) responsibility:( ) make decision:( ) be meant to do:( ) apply to:( )equally:( ) しかし、今では( )と( )が共に物事を決めるようになってきている。 ☆things like holiday plans, modernizing the kitchen and buying a new car likeは( )詞で「 」 ここでは( )が3つあり、後の2つは( )となっている。
3rd paragraph (Words and phrases) the main spender:( ) do-it-yourself:( ) it is ~ who …:( ) the living room:( ) be redecorated:( ) not … any more:( ) 収入の主な使い手は( )であるが、居間の改装について決めるのは( ) である。( )についての冗談はもはや( )ではない。 ☆Some surveys show that:( ) ☆it is usually wives and husbands together who decide whether the living-room needs to be redecorated. It is ~ that〔who〕…:【 】(訳) ここでは( )を強調している。 <強調構文の特徴> ( )を取り除くと( ) ※3段落1文目はどういうことを意味しているのか?
>>534 省略じゃないってば! be made of... は動詞をふくんだ熟語(熟語としておぼえてるからいけないんだよ。) それでも、まだmadeは分詞でしょ。beが動詞。まず動詞がふたつ本節にはこれない、 と理解。もう少し、休んでから見直したらわかるとおもうよ。日本語だってそうじゃない。 in our school、 we use desks made of wood. と in our school, we use desks which are made of wood. をくらべて、関係代名詞、それから分詞がどのように使われているかくらべてごらん。
>>545 したのリンクを参考にしてみてください。べつのとこで書いたものです。ただ熟語として 変な覚え方するのやめたほうがいいとおもいます。make のあとに of がきて、材料やなん だらかがきたときは、何とかでつくられている、だとか適当にカンがはたらくでしょう。まあ
>>508 直接形容詞的用法で過去分詞は名詞の前にでも後にでも用いられます。名詞の前にくる 過去分詞はいっそう純然たる形容詞の性質にちかいのです。 i met a lost child. 迷子にあった the child lost in the wood was found.林でまよった子供はみつかった。 そのた、分詞をまえにおいたケースでは a used car の様に本来の意味から すこし離れた意味をもつことがあります。(つかわれた車じゃなくて中古車)
>>546のi met a lost child。とかa used car も一緒 ただ、一つ規則が加わるだけ。
I met a lost child. I met a child who was lost. I met a child (who was) lost. ここで規則「名詞を修飾する分詞が1語のときのみ名詞の前にひっつける」が発動 I met a lost child. こうなる。a used car は自分でやってくれ。
1.There are cases (where) the rule doesn't hold good. 2.You had better apply for the job (which) your skill would be of use. 3.The enemy was within about twenty paces of (which) we had been sitting. 4.We gave the road map to (which)was not familiar with the country. 5.You carried the baggage yourself,(which) wasn't necessary. 6.She was a girl (as) itwas difficult to know well.
Rarely, do we stop to think how many of pollution hazards we face are right in our homes, often created by our own ignorance. という文で、createdは文法的に何なんでしょうか? are created と受身なのでしょうか?
>>567 rarely (adv), do we stop to think (= we stop to think) how many pollution hazards (, which we face,) are right in our homes, [(which are = 非制限的関係詞)] often (adv) created (ppt) by our own ignorance. ただ[]のは、分詞構文にしてとりのぞける。
>>573 shall should will would may might can could が一応のひとまとまりね。それ以外は、 have had do did make made あたりが助動詞的でもあり、かつ本動詞的でもあるもの。 あとは、後ろに動詞原型を取り得るものは助動詞的といえなくもない。 アメリカ英語だと、helpとかあるし。あと、getも微妙だな。
(1) I don't support the police using unnecessary ( ). 1 force 2 power 3 strength 4 might 正解→1 武力の意味なので。
(2)That was ( )first time I had ( ). 1 a/a part time job 2 a/part-time job 3 the/a part-time job 4 the/part-time job 正解→3 初めての なので定冠詞〜。 アルバイトをする はhaveときたらaがつく。
>>559 1) ○ when でもいいが where の方が普通。 2) よく分からん。 2語でいいのなら in which だと思うけど。 3) sit が自動詞であるので関係副詞が入る。the place where の the place を省略して where 4) who 関係詞の格は、関係詞節の中での働きで決まるから。 5) ○ 6) it was difficult to know her well の her が関係詞になってるから whom.
>>589 そうだね。gives だね。文法書チェックしたよ。感嘆文では、語順 以外は、平常文と同じだよね。なんかもしや、原形がくるかなんて よろめいたので、チェックいれた。fragrance が不可算なのは事実 だが、何種類かの香りがある場合ってばどうなん? I sensed three different fragrances coming from the greenhouse. みたいな英文はあり得るか?あり得るなら、a fragranceとか、 あるいは、the fragrance とかもありそうだ。
Singlish bad; English Good There is no such things as an ugly language. -Elias Canetti- There are American English, British English, Indian English, and several other "Englishes." Is any one better than another? Here is a newspaper report about the Speak Good English Movement in Singapore.
SINGAPORE-The Singaporean Government says that Singlish is no good, and that their people must learn how to speak good English. Is it possible for the government to make their people speak good English? Singapore's leaders have begun the Speak Good English Movement to get rid of a dialect known as Singlish. This project may be more difficult than it sounds. It is a fact of linguistic life that languages change. As the English language grows in the world, it is creating new dialects called "Englishes." Singlish is one of them. So is Taglish, a mixture of English and Tagalog, one of the languages of the Philippines. There are many more, particulary in India, Jamaica, and Nigera, which all used to belong to Britain. "Singlish same for everybody," said Neo Lolaine, who, like other taxi drivers,is good at speaking Singlish. "Every Singaporean speak. Me too. It not a dialect. But Ms. Lolaine says she sees the need for change. "Because we a small country, cannot be not organized," she said. "Strict is good. That why we have a nice city." で 1,What does the government of Singapore say about Singlish? 2,Why have Singapore's leaders begun the Speak Good English Movement? 3,What kind of language is Taglish? と聞かれたらどのようにこたえるのがベストでしょうか?
@(One/Everybody/Whoever/All that)wishes to join our club will be welcome. AIt was getting very late and,(by the way/in any case/most of all/what was worse)the wind started yo blow. BI have never seen(as/so/such/same)horrors as she described.
@はWhoever Aはwhat was worse Bはsuchでいいのでしょうか? あとAの訳なのですが 「それはとても遅れていた、そしてさらに悪いことには風も吹き始めた」でいいでしょうか?
1、She seems to have ( ) ill these ten days. 2、She hoped to have ( ) him. 3、He was so kind ( ) to help me. 4、He made love to her only to ( ). 5、I want something for my baby to ( ). 6、I have no friend to talk ( ) the matter ( ).
a,私はあの双子を両方とも知っているわけではない。 I don't know (both/neither) of the twins. b,私はあの双子をどちらも知らない。 I know (both/neither) of the twins.
a.彼らの全員が私の友人というわけではない。 (Not all/None) of them are my friends. b,彼らの誰も、私の友人ではない。 (Not all/None) of them are my friends.
a,医者はその病気についてすべてを知っているわけではない。 The doctor does not know (everything/anything) about the illness. b,医者はその病気について何も知らない。 The doctor does not know (everything/anything) about the illness.
1,The boys were seen swim across the river. 2,The stone was so heavy that he could no lift. 3,The stone was too heavy for him to loft it. 4,She was impossible to find it out. 5,He advised him to not work too much. 6,It is stupid for you to make such a mistake. 7,Are you difficult to write English? 8,How did you become to know him? 9,You had not better smoke here.
>>631 1,The boys were seen to swim across the river. 2,The stone was so heavy that he could not lift it. 3,The stone was too heavy for him to lift. 4, She was not able to find it out. (It was impossible for her to find it out.) 5,He advised him not to work too much. 6,It is stupid of you to make such a mistake. 7,Is it difficult for you to write English? 8,How did you get to know him? 9,You had better not smoke here.
>>631 1,The boys were seen to swim across the river. 2,The stone was so heavy that he could not lift it. 3,The stone was too heavy for him to lift. 4,She was unable to find it out. 5,He advised him not to work too much. 6,It is stupid of you to make such a mistake. 7,Is it difficult for you to write English? 8,How did you come to know him? 9,You had better not smoke here.
>>631 1はおいかい 2はおいかい 3は、loft でも意味が通じることがわかった。 4は間違いだろうな。 she was inable/not able to find it out. 5はおいかい 6 It is stupid [of] you to make such a mistake. じゃないか? 7 Do you feel it difficult to write English? とか、Is it difficult for you to write English? だね。 8 How did you come/get to know him? じゃないか。 become to は変だな。 9 You had better not smoke. だね。not の位置は、better の後ろ
1,その事故では、乗客にけが人は出なかった。 (none, were, the passengers, of, injured) in the accident. 2,彼女はパーティーには来ないと思いますよ。 (not, will, she, I, think, do) come to the party. 3,ビンに牛乳はほとんど残っていませんでした。 (milk, there, left, was, little) in the bottle. 4,近頃は、家族のひとりひとりが携帯電話を持つのは珍しいことではない。 (for, not, it, unusual, is) each member of a family to have a celluar phone these days. ( )の並び替えをお願いします。
たとえば、She sat reading a book. ってのは教科書的なものだが、 これを日本語的に訳すなら、どうする? 彼女は、本を読みながら、座っていました。か? 違うだろう。 彼女は、座って、本を読んでいました。だろ。 Reading a book, she sat still. みたいなのなら、「本を読みながらも、彼女はじっと座っていた」と なる。
>>640 1,その事故では、乗客にけが人は出なかった。 (None of the passengers were injured) in the accident. 2,彼女はパーティーには来ないと思いますよ。 (I do not think she will) come to the party. 3,ビンに牛乳はほとんど残っていませんでした。 (There was little milk left) in the bottle. 4,近頃は、家族のひとりひとりが携帯電話を持つのは珍しいことではない。 (It is not unusual for) each member of a family to have a celluar phone these days.
merriam-websterのDictionary of Synonyms and Antonymsより
"Power" may imply latent or exerted physical, mental, or spiritual ability to act or be acted upon.
"Force" implies the actual effective exercise of power.
"Strength"applies to the quality or property of a person or thing that makes possible the exertion of force or the with standing of strain, pressure, or attack.
"Might" implies great or overwhelming power or force.
>>682 Seeing what the dog wanted, 犬が何を求めているかわかったので Tom held out a piece to him; トムはひとつ犬に差し伸べました but just as Ponto was going to take it, でもポントがそれをとろうとしたそのときに Tom hit him on the head with his other hand. トムはもう片方の手で犬の頭を叩きました
Information about birth control is starting to filter through the media and schools and awareness of the practice has been raised. 出産のコントロールについての情報がメディアや学校、今までにもたらされてきた習慣という意識を通して知れ渡ってきている。
>>695 that broken television set is quite impossible to repair they have recently built a cottage overlooking a beach in hawaii in hawaiiをbuiltの後ろにしてもいいかもしれん 他も同工異曲だから自分でやってみ
次の設問に英語(主語と動詞を含む文)で答えなさい。 A:Do American students bring obento to school? B:Some bring a sack lunch.Others buy lunch in the school cafeteria. A:Does every student eat in the cafeteria? B:No.Some go home to eat lunch,and some go out to fast food restaurants.
問1、Do some students bring a sack lunch to school?
問2、Do all American students eat in the school cafeteria?
問3、Is it true that some students go home to eat lunch?
問4、Do some students go to fast food restaurants at lunchtime?
1. Yes, they bring a sack lunch to school. 2. No, some of them eat in the school cafeteria. 3. Yes, they go home to eat lunch. 4. Yes, they go to fast food restaurants then.
この問題お願いします。 If I wait too long to buy that car, I may never have another chance to buy it so cheaply. HINT: hesitate
上記の英文とHINTを見てそこから連想される英語のコトワザをそのHINTの単語を全くそのまま用いて答えよ、という問題なんです。 例えば Some things are not as valuable as they may appear to be. HINT: gold なら答えは AII that glitters is not gold.(光る物必ずしも金ではない=見かけは人を欺く事がある)というコトワザになります。
going to 《be 〜》〜しようとしている、〜になるであろう ・ Reggie is going to paint his kitchen this weekend. レジーは今週末に台所を塗り直すつもりだ。 ・ I want to know where you're going to take me, and what you're going to do to me. 私をどこに連れていって何をするつもり? going to ask someone about 《be 〜》〜について(人)に聞こう[尋ねよう]と思っている、〜について(人)に聞く[尋ねる]つもりだ going to be a bad person 《be 〜》悪い人間{にんげん}になる going to be a long day 《be 〜》忙しい日になりそうだ ・ Tomorrow's going to be a long day. 明日は忙しい一日になりそうだ。 going to be harder than 《be 〜》〜より難しくなりそうだ going to be seriously ill 《be 〜》重篤{じゅうとく}な病気{びょうき}になる(運命{うんめい}だ) going to be sick 《be 〜》もどしそうになる、吐きそうになる going to be the mother of someone's child 《be 〜》(人)の種を宿す going to be willing to 《be 〜》喜んで〜しようとする going to certainly have to be leaner 《be 〜》もっと確実{かくじつ}に無駄{むだ}をなくすようにしなければならない going to continue for a while 《be 〜》しばらくは続くだろう[続きそうだ] going to cry 《be 〜》泣きべそをかく going to decline in society 《be 〜》社会{しゃかい}の中で衰えていく
>>751 I want to enter the same university that my sister went. He was born the same year as the country gained independence. There are quite a lot of countries where a number of children cannot have proper education. I can't figure out why you don' t want to go out.
1,特に、先生と恵の作ったスパゲッティはおいしかったわ。 The spagetti cooked by the teacher and Megumi tasted good in particular. 2,先生が教えてくれたトランプ遊びは面白かったね。 Cards the teacher told us was fun wasn't it. 3,私は先生が入れてくれたコーヒーに満足したわ。 I was satisfied with the coffee the teacher made for me. 4,先生にお礼のカードを書きましょうよ。 Let's write a thanks-card to our teacher.
1. This past Thursday, the NCAA release the findings of a study on athletic spending in schools. 2. We will offer a rental special on our canoes and kayaks now. 3. Since he was employed here, he was often offerd the position of vice president of the international department.
次の各組の文を関係副詞を用いて1つの文にしなさい。 1)We are living in an age. Science plays an important part in our age. 2)She visited some countries in Africa. People are suffering from a food shortage there. 3)There is good reason. He refused to take the money for that reason. どなたか教えて下さい。
Throughout the world there are more native speakers of Chinese than there are of English, but English is by far the world's most dominant second language. Today, 350 million people speak English as their mother tongue, but more than a billion speak it as a second language, at least a little. Most of them are in Asia. And as with Western music, fashion, food, and politics, people in Asia are changing the language. "Now it's not native speakers that are moving English forward," said Larry Smith, a professor of international English. "It's the non-native speakers, the people in Singapore, the people in Malaysia." Standard English is the common language of Singapore's population of 4 million, one of the four official languages that also include Malay, Mandarin Chinese and Tamil. Singlish combines parts of all of these. It is simple and clear. Get to the point. Got coffee or not? Got! "We are learning English so we can understand the world and the world can understand us," said a government leader of Singapore. "It is important to speak and write standard English. Standard English is also a common form of communication in a nation with many languages. If the less educated half of our people end up learning to speak only Singlish, they will suffer economically and socially." English is the language of the Internet, of movies and music, of airplanes and ships at sea. It is needed for international business. で 1,How many people speak English as a second language today? 2,What kind of people are moving English forward? 3,In what fields is English used? と聞かれたらどのように答えるのが適切でしょうか?
For thousands of years, Japanese have eaten the fiber-rich crops that grow well in Japan's climate. In recent years nothing has changed more drastically than the Japanese diet. Many of the traditional foods are no longer eaten, and now many Japanese suffer from intestinal diseases. Fermented foods promote digestion. Yogurt is probably the most famous of them. At the beginning of the 20th century, a Russian scientist was traveling in Bulgaria. There he met many healthy men and women over the age of 100 and learned that they all ate a good amount of a sweet-sour fermented milk. At that time, it was not yet known as yogurt, however. He found that this fermented milk was the reason they lived a long life and didn't get sick easily. News of the discovery of the "elixir of life" spread around the whole world. Yogurt is now a global food that is eaten almost everywhere. There is another fermented food that we shouldn't forget. That is Japanese tsukemono. In the making of tsukemono, the moisture of the vegetables is reduced, so that the final product basically consists of fiber. Thus, by eating even just a little, you can increase your intake of fiber. Besides, as tsukemono is never heated, vitamins aren't lost で 1,What do many Japanese suffer from now? 2,What kind of food did a Russian scientist find in Bulgaria? 3,What can we get from tsukemono? と言われたらどんな風に答えるのが一番良いでしょうか?
>>800 誰によって考えさせられたかが分からないと英語にしにくい Somebody made me think a lot about the book. どうしても直訳なら I was made to think a lot about the book. 本によっていろいろ考えさせられたなら、 The book made me think about a lot of things.
>>804の She ran to the station so as not to be late.ってこれが普通なん? ネイティブに昔言われた一言だけど、so as to とかin order to使ったら 「なんか科学者みたいなしゃべりだねw」って笑われたんだが。 She ran to the station not to be late.って普通に使われてねぇ?
When you have lived as long as I have, you will discover, I hope, that it is not what one sees on the outside, so much as what is in the inside of a man, which makes him happy and contented, or the contrary.
you would succeed in anything everyone is welcome to join our club any line will take you to sinjuku many fans follow the singer to anywhere he/she goes he always answers my email however busy he may be
Throughout the world there are more native speakers of Chinese than there are of English, but English is by far the world's most dominant second language. Today, 350 million people speak English as their mother tongue, but more than a billion speak it as a second language, at least a little. Most of them are in Asia. And as with Western music, fashion, food, and politics, people in Asia are changing the language. "Now it's not native speakers that are moving English forward," said Larry Smith, a professor of international English. "It's the non-native speakers, the people in Singapore, the people in Malaysia." Standard English is the common language of Singapore's population of 4 million, one of the four official languages that also include Malay, Mandarin Chinese and Tamil. Singlish combines parts of all of these. It is simple and clear. Get to the point. Got coffee or not? Got! "We are learning English so we can understand the world and the world can understand us," said a government leader of Singapore. "It is important to speak and write standard English. Standard English is also a common form of communication in a nation with many languages. If the less educated half of our people end up learning to speak only Singlish, they will suffer economically and socially." English is the language of the Internet, of movies and music, of airplanes and ships at sea. It is needed for international business. で 1,How many people speak English as a second language today? 2,What kind of people are moving English forward? 3,In what fields is English used? と聞かれたらどのように答えるのが適切でしょうか?
1)He will give a great reward to ( ) will cure him. 2)I will do ( ) you ask me to. 3)We found the people friendly ( ) we went. 4)The littel girl cried ( ) she saw a doctor. 5)( ) I meet my daughter, I feel happy. 6)( ) problems I have, I will never give up hope. 7)( ) opinion is right, it makes no difference to me. 8)( ) hard he tries, he cannot finish it in a week.
明日までの宿題なんです。どなたか訳していただけないでしょうか。よろしくお願いします The state stopped Marta from singing on stage, thus taking her out of the Czechoslovakian music world. Even records hidden in the ground by fans were found by the secret police and destroyed. With the loss of her songs and music, marta suddenly became very poor. Her fight lasted 19 years, throughout her 20s and 30s, but she kept on believing in the future. And the song "hey jude" was never to be heard or sung.
>>910 詳しくは文法書見たほうがいいよ。応急処置としては... 1)аとtheは、根本的に違うもの。 2)数えられる名詞か、数えれない名詞か。例えば、犬は数えられるから、а, 水は数えられないから, аはつかない。 3)物質名詞、抽象的な名詞にはa/anはつかない。例えばlight, chalk, kindness 4)3)の名詞に不定冠詞をつけると、抽象的なものが具体的になる。a kindnessは親切な行い kindnessは親切 だから違う意味になる。 a light は光るもの、light はひかり 5)2)の名詞に定冠詞をつけると具体的なことが抽象的な意味になる。a dog 犬 the dog 犬(種類としての)、a treadmill (ふみ車)the treadmill(単調な仕事) 6)まえに出てきたものをさして、または、明らかに話してがわかっていることにたいして。the 7)慣用句(曲者) 8)修飾句に限定されたらtheがつくこともある。e.g. the first country, the tallest person in the world あとは自分で文法書をみて。個人的に大切だとおもうのは、2)、3)、4)の理解 じゃあがんばってね...
1,濃い霧で、自分の足さえろくに見えなかった。 We _______________________ our own feet in the dense fog. 2,どんなに被害が深刻だったかを、すべての市民が理解していたわけではなかった。 _______________________ realized how serious the damange was. _____________のところに入る英語を教えてください。
例として、bookを使って考えると、 "a book"なら、お互いの認識では「何だかわからないけど、とりあえず一冊の本」 "the book"なら、お互いの認識で「具体的にどの本か分かっている場合の、その一冊の本」 となるんだ。 何の本か特定できていて、数冊あるのなら、the booksになる。 何の本か特定できなくて、数冊あるのなら、booksになる。
下から適当な語句を選び会話を完成しなさい A:Wat's wrong?Are you worried about something? B:The test is next week.I haven't studied enough. A:( )!I'll study with you after school. B:Thanks a lot.I( )you too much. A:Not at all.( )we study together,( )we will do. [cheer up/depend on/the better/the more] という問題なのですがわかりません。訳もできれば教えてほしいです。よろしくお願いします(;_;)
>>950 cheer up (元気出せよ〜みたいな、決まり文句) depend on (〜に頼る。depend は on があとにきて何々に、となる。) the more〜、the better〜. theー、 theー. の使い方。何々すればするほど、何とかになる。みたいなかんじ。 訳は、自分でしてごらん。
I'm afraid of nature,since pressure increases as the depth of the ocean increases and since temperature decreases as the height of the mountains increases,〜.