Long ago a priest lived in Guatemala. He gave everything to poor people. So he was also very poor. One day he met a man on the street. The man was crying. “Why are you crying, my friend?”the priest asked. “My wife is sick and my children are hungry. But I have no money. What can I do?”the man said. The priest wanted to help the man, but he was poor, too. He prayed,“Oh God, please help me.” Then he saw something at his feet. It was a bright green lizard. He caught it and put it in the man's hands. The man was surprised. The lizard turned hard and heavy. It was now an emerald lizard. “Go and sell it,”the priest said. The man took it to a store and got a lot of money. He bought medicine for his wife and food for his children. Then they were all happy. They worked hard for many years and made a fortune. But they lived a simple life and shared their fortune with poor people. One day the man remembered the priest. He bought the emerald back from the store and went to find him. “Do you remember me?”asked the man.“You gave me this emerald.” “Oh, yes. How is your wife? How are your children?”the priest said. “They're fine. And I'm here to give this back to you. For many years you worked hard for poor people. Please sell this and get some rest.” The man put the emerald in the priest's hands. The priest smiled and gently put it on the ground. Then it turned back into a green lizard and ran away.