I have let it stand, but the way the first paragraph is written makes it sound as though 〜. Maybe someone can reword this to make it clearer? 英語版ウィキペディアのノートに書かれていたものです。全体の意味はなんとなくわかりますが、前半の文の正確な訳、特に話者が「〜」の部分は正しいと思っているのか間違っていると思っているのかがわかりません(ちなみに間違ってます)。
I'm updating my address book. Please take a moment to update your latest contact information. Your information is stored in my personal address book and will not be shared with anyone else. Plaxo is free, if you'd like to give it a try. I've attached my current information in a vcard. If you get Plaxo too, we'll stay in touch automatically. If you do not wish to receive update request emails from AB, click here to opt-out.
Regarding religion in japan - it is interesting to think about the parallels and differences between the American and Japanese views of religion.The mixture of religious views in America differs greatly. There are many people (and perhaps the majority) who share a similar view of religion --that it is a ritual and they do not really think of themselves as religious.However,there are also many who take their religion extremely seriously (perhaps too seriously).People with such 'Fundamentalist'views are common and I imagine that you have come across them in the form of American missionaries from various sects such as the Mormons or the Jehova's witnesses. The variety of religious sects in the US is enormous.Sometime these groups do have a great deal of power in the workings of US society and government(e.g.the christian coalition,or the fundamentalist group that limited the mention of evolution in Kansas textbooks.) as an organized minority can easily dominate over a disorganized majority. It all makes things very interesting over here.Perhaps you have heard the recent news of Tom Cruise's religious belief in Scientolotgy?
These items will be ready by Thursday. If it's okay, I will hold the other merchandise and ship it all out together then. Or I will ship what's ready and these pcs later????
There is a combination of strength and sensitivity to this birthday. People born on this day want to live life on the edge. You are charismatic and resourceful. Although you are mate oriented, it is important that you develop a strong sense of self or you may find yourself in some challenging situations that force you to take action and become independent. Your personal color helps you integrate the qualities of assertion tenderness. Wearing, meditating or surrounding your self with "Rapture Rose" enables you to make firm decisions and assists you in following through on your goals.
All these factors conspire to starve that sense of mutual confidence, goodwill, and friendship that is so necessary for the free play and open exchange of ideas. よろしくお願いします。
Capital-intensive nature of steel manufacturing results in a high expense percentage for interest to finance the manufacturing facilities,which serve as collateral for the borrowing.
Such approximations can yield an indication of whether our result is of the right order of magnitude, but we also need some systemtic way to determine from the data themselves how much confidence we can have in our experimental results.
Longmore's first visit seemed to open to him so large an opportunity for tranquil enjoyment, that he very soon paid a second, and, at the end of a fortnight, had spent a great many hours in the little drawing-room which Madame de Mauves rarely quitted expect to drive or walk in the forest.
Although technically feasible, a hydorogen refueling infrastructure would be expensive: initial cost would likely exceed $5000 per vehicle even if one assumes large economies of scale.
Such approximations can yield an indication of whether our result is of the right order of magnitude, but we also need some systemtic way to determine from the data themselves how much confidence we can have in our experimental results.
Although technically feasible, a hydorogen refueling infrastructure would be expensive: initial cost would likely exceed $5000 per vehicle even if one assumes large economies of scale.
Hitherward, more than once, she wandered with him, bareheaded and meaning to go but twenty rods, but always strolling good-naturedly farther, and often taking a generous walk. こちらへ、一度以上、帽子をかぶらずにほんのしばらく歩くつもりで、彼女は彼と歩き回り、しかしいつも穏やかにぶらぶらして、そしてたびたび大まかに散歩しました。 They discovered a vast deal to talk about, and to the pleasure of finding the hours tread inaudibly away, Longmore was able to add the satisfaction of suspecting that he was a "resource" for Madame de Mauves
some events will not enter the regular day-to-day recording process during the period because no explicit transaction between the firm and some external party (such as a customer,creditor,or governmental unit) has taken place to require a journal entry.
But he very soon perceived that her sorrow, since sorrow it was, was not aggressive one; that it was not fond of attitudes and ceremonies, and that her earnest wish was to forget it.
Madame de Mauves, he instinctively felt, wasn't sweeping the horizon for a compensation or a consoler; she had suffered a personal deception which had disgusted her with persons.
Hitherwards she more than once strolled with him, bareheaded and meaning to go but twenty rods, but always going good-naturedly further and often stretching it to the freedom of a promenade
They found many things to talk about, and to the pleasure of feeling the hours slip along like some silver stream Longmore was able to add the satisfaction of suspecting that he was a "resource" for Madame de Mauves.
She was not striving to balance her sorrow with some strongly flavored joy; for the present, she was trying to live with it, peaceably, reputably, and without scandal,--turning the key on it occasionally, as you would on companion liable to attacks of insanity. すいません、長いですがこれを、お願いします。
Her delicate beauty acquired to his eye the serious cast of certain blank-browed Greek statues, and sometimes, when his imagination, more than his ear, detected a vague tremor in the tone in which she attempted to make a friendly question seem to have behind it none of the hollow resonance of absent-mindedness, his marvelling e yes gave her an answer more eloquent, though much less to the point, than the one she demanded.
It is comparatively expensive to reduce pollunt emissions by using hydrogen because regulation-driven technological innovation has reduced emissions from gasoline-powered cars to the point where they have very low emissions per-unit-energy compared with other sectors and other transportation modes.
She had not married a French-man to be near Paris and her base of supplies of millinery; he was sure she had seen conjugal happiness in a light which her present life, with its convenience for shopping and its moral aridity, was the absolute negation. これもおねがいできますか?
The gardener has a precise knowledge of the best way to keep his lawn in good condition, but the angler is much more uncertain about the waters in which he fishes, even though he may claim considerable knowledge. This is presumably because fish live in water and their activities and needs are less easily seen, and so the angler's attitude is based more on guess-work than on knowledge.
The nation in which the average individual economizes his energy and his power, or which means the same thing, spends them wisely, will always be a prosperous nation. お願いします。
Another interesting contrast is the willingness of the Japanese to freely blend and mix from various religions while still maintaining the separateness of each individual tradition. In contrast, what often happens here is that instead of blending various tranditions, a new sect will emerge that may combine many aspects of different traditions. This may explain some of the variety in the US religious environment.
How is the family and your students? Send my love to everyone. Having you been reading my journals. Did you get my postcards. Did you recover your photos? i am really sorry, I hope you did.
The Edgeware Road station where one of the bombs went off was just next door to an apartment bulding where I used to live from 1993-1996. None of my friends or relatives were anywhere near the blasts, thank god.
Hey, things are going as well as they could be. I'm thinking about going back to Japan to teach english. Let's hope that happens! How has everything been? Still hot there? Colorado has been having a bad heat wave but I have to say it does not compare to the humidity in Japan.
Some events will not enter the regular day-to-day recording process during the period because no explicit transaction between the firm and some external party (such as a customer,creditor,or governmental unit) has taken place to require a journal entry.
He used to tell us that doctors could bury their mistakes, but lawyers couldn't.And he'd drive home to us that we would be competing not only with white lawyers but really well-trained lawyers, so there just wasn't any point in crying in our beer about being Negroes. And I'll you- the going was rough.
the direct methods reports the amounts of cash received from customers less cash disbursed to various suppliers.employees,lenders for interest payments,and taxing authorities.
二行目のreceived from customersの後にless cash と来て読めないんですが
C:\Documents and Settings\川井純平\Local Settings\Temp\CC9.tmp is a container file of type MIME msg-456-360.txt is clean and non-malicious. This file is contained by C:\Documents and Settings\川井純平\Local Settings\Temp\CC9.tmp Norton AntiVirus が削除しました1.txt This sample has been analyzed by a variety of automated means and was not immediately identified as malicious. This file may be passed to an engineer for further inspection. Thank you for your submission. This file is contained by C:\Documents and Settings\川井純平\Local Settings\Temp\CC9.tmp
This submission has been analyzed by a variety of automated means and was not immediately identified as malicious. This file(s) may be passed to an engineer for further inspection. Thank you for your submission.
I have had the feeling all along that I am much more of an outside man than inside man...I usually break down under too much routine.Certainly, for the present, I will grow much faster and be of much more service if I keep free to hit and fight wherever the circumstances call for action.
What determines the average temperature of the Earth? The amount of heat trickling up from the center of the Earth is negligible compared with the amount falling down on the Earth's surface from the Sun. Indeed, if the Sun were turned off, the temperature of the Earth would fall so far that the air would freeze solid, and the planet would be covered with a layer of nitrogen and oxygen snow 10 meters thick. Well, we know how much sunlight is falling on the Earth and warming it.
I was injured very badly diving there a couple of years ago.
In cliff diving you've got this emotional preparation that takes sometimes a half hour forty five minutes to get ready. In rock crawling 15, 20, 30 minutes of preparetion and then you've got 15 minutes of terror in front of you.
In the decades following the Declaration of Independence English was one of the lesser languages of Europe in number of speakers.The Victorian years of imperial expansion carried it to the four corners of the world,mainly as the language of the master to the servant,but its most potent settlement had yet to asser itself. The settlement itself had taken place 200 years earlier when colonists from England settled in North America.By 1800 more than a quarter of all English-speakers were American,and now the position is reversed;for every native English-speaker in Britain there are at least four speaking English in America.
【Note】 Declaration of Independence English : イギリス独立宣言(?) The Victorian years : ヴィクトリア朝時代 four corners of the world : 世界のあちこちに
>212 前の文は ,there was not much space in his head for anything else. で質問した文のあとは、 ,the more clearly the prime Minister could see the gloating face of one of his political opponents. です。あと質問した文のははじめがsheになっていましたがheの間違いです。
I had imagined, what most pacifists contented, that wars were forced upon a reluctant population by despotic government.
The nation in which the average individual economizes his energy and his power, or which means the same thing, spends them wisely, will always be a prosperous nation.
The writer of people’s song, as we are told, may even have a more powerful influence than the maker of their laws.
If this be your aim, as it should be, you will not be impatient if it takes a long time. お願いします。
I guarantee that all the people you see out there who are wanting to ride those waves want to ride those waves because of the feeling they's going to get an just the unbelievable rush that you get out of riding a big wave.
ですから「直前に書かれている」とはどの部分なのだろうか。 前スレの997で「994さんの解釈では the difficulties of scale and number は前の 文章のどの部分にあたるのですか?」と聞いているのに なぜ率直に答えていただけないのだろうか・・・
自分としては、ここの the の使い方にふたつの可能性があり、ひとつは ずっと前の部分に直接民主制の説明があってそこで scale and number に関して difficult であるという説明が出ており、それを受けて簡潔に ここで the difficulties 〜 としたというもの。 しかしこの考え方が 正しいかどうかはもっと前を大規模に引用してもらわないと判断できない。 だから前スレで「もっと手がかりがないと無理みたい」と書いた。
もうひとつの the の使い方は、別に前の表現を受けてのものではなくて、 ここで直接民主制について述べているのだから「今ここで述べている その直接民主制の」という「その場の状況で何を指すかわかる場合」に つける the の用法。 とりあえず自分の当初の解釈はこちらで、結局 accept the difficulties of scale and number は「直接民主制のスケールと数の難しさを 受け入れる」。そしてこれは結局、「直接民主制を受け入れる」と同じ 意味なわけです。
others と still はそれぞれいろいろな用法がありますが、ここでは still others でひとまとまりと考えてもらいたい。 取りあえず下の例文に眼を通してください。出典は「シカゴ・トリビューン」 、「ニューズウィーク」、「フィナンシャル・タイムズ」などです。
Others think of the French fight for Algiers; still others point to the aftermath of the Great War and Versailles
Why do some donors reduce the size of their gifts while still others stop giving altogether?
In the calm of this week, Afghans are reflecting on what led to the protests. Many believe that people were only reacting to reports about the desecration of the Koran. Others believe people frustrated with the lack of progress in Afghanistan were willing to protest for any reason. Still others believe outside forces were at work, manipulating the emotions of Afghans to destabilize the government.
Some of our reporters were struck by the level of denial. (一文省略)Others were struck by the sadness and waste. (一文省略) And still others were struck by the sheer ignorance and confusion.
Since color dyes may in time change, this film will not be replaced for, or otherwise against, any change in color. フィルムの現像に関する文ですが、or otherwise againstの部分は どういう意味になるのでしょうか?教えてください。
コンクリートの英論です。翻訳できるかたいたらおねがいします ice in the capillaries of frozen cement paste is surrounded by unfrozen water in the gel pores. if the gel is saturated the gel water has the same free energy as that of ordinary water in bulk. water and the ice in the capillary at 0C, assuming that both the ice and the gel water are under a pressure of one atmosphere and if the capillary is so large as to have negligible surface energy. if the temperature drops below the temperature at which the water in the capillary freezes the gel water is no longer in thermodynamic equilibrium with the ice ; its free energy is higher than that of the ice. the gel water thus acquires an energy potential enabling it to move into the capillary cavity, where it freezes and causes the ice crystal to grow and enlarge.
問題文の Still others が対応しているのは、From one point of view our existing system is superior to any direct method, に暗示される、 筆者および筆者の考えに同調する人々のことだと考えることができます。 上の文は Some people (including me) view our existing system as superior 〜 (自分を含むある人々は間接民主制を優れているとみなす) と書き換えられそうです。 するとこれに対応して Still orthers accept 〜 (さらにある人々は、直接民主制を受け入れる けれども権限を〜すべきだと主張する)、(すなわち、やはり直接民主制を そのまま100パーセント受け入れるわけではない) となって筋が通りそうです。 ( still others の前に some や others などが見あたらない例は滅多に ないのでそこがまだひっかかるところですが)
前スレに書いた「でも結局、many popular attitudes 〜、They 〜 、 のふたつと(still) others が対応していると考える他なさそうです」は 取り消します。
I was supposed to be in Nias,an island off the coast of Sumatra this week.I had volunteered to work in an orphanage for tsunami survivors but I got a cough about a month ago and it turned out to be "walking pneumonia". So I am home and taking antibiotics. It should go away in a couple of weeks but I will have to take it easy.I miss exercising. I had been walking in the nature reserves here to get in shape for going to Indonesia where the conditions are a little primative. The jungle is very beautiful here with all kinds of flowers and fruit trees and butterflies and birds and monkeys.I even saw a monitor lizard about six feet long. The weather is very hot but I am getting used to it. It is not much different than Tokyo weather in the summer when it gets so hot and humid.My husband is going to Korea tomorrow and then to Japan. I will come with him on one of his business trips to Japan when the weather is cooler.
Late,always,but good there is not male work in moment (it is rare in July).It is very impressive, which you say to me on monsoon (in Asia, when it rains, it rains!!)I had there already one can tasted in Thailand into 96...... Good,I will say you,why I am late:Veiled,for a long time I wante to do something musicalement spoken(because my trick at the beginning,it is + the super robot taisen and tournaments of Soulcalibure,IF you know!!)I discovered the jpop and the visual rock'n'roll in 95 env.and since,I do not know + riens Europeans since!!! now,that do one can less than 1 year that I try to develop,something francojaponnais in music, and 2 months ago,I obtained with 1 good software one resulted satisfactory that I have make listened with person knowing or not music jap and the results were good.(I have make,1 can from musical theory and 1 year of wind instrument for my exp.Musical but they are my years college!!!)
I also want to go to Australia with him. We used to have two cats -- bluepoint Himalayans. They lived to 18 and 20 years respectively.The younger one died over a year ago.We would like to get two more cats and my husband wants to get pedigree cats again.There aren't many breeders in Singapore but there are a lot in Australia so we will probably get two cats there.I haven't been able to find work here so am thinking about going back to school. I don't know what I want to do but maybe will start with Chinese and Japanese lessons.What is new with you?
Since color dyes may in time change, this film will not be replaced for, or otherwise against, any change in color. フィルムの現像に関する文ですが、or otherwise againstの部分は どういう意味になるのでしょうか?教えてください。
In the penny postcard she sent home, she was pictured standing in a white high-collared waist. Twenty-five buttons could be counted down the front. The rest were lost in a voluminous skirt that skimmed her ankles.
Fujimoto Pharmaceutical Corp. said Wednesday it will begin clinical trials on thalidomide for treatment of bone-marrow cancer as early as August, more than 40 years after the drug -- infamous for causing severe birth defects -- was banned in Japan.
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To uninstall 180search Assistant: . From the Start menu, choose Control Panel. . Choose "Add or Remove Programs". . Select 180search Assistant and click "Change/Remove Programs". . Follow onscreen instructions.
"Vote early and often" is a cynical phrase that witnesses the long history of manipulation in registration phase. We've all heard the stories of dead people being registered to vote, eligible voters begin purged from the rolls, and so forth.
長くて申し訳ありませんが、お願いします。 電子投票に関する文章の一部なんですが、 文の最初の"vote early and often"がどういう皮肉なのか? ということが特にわからないので、解説していただけたら嬉しいです
Regarding the incident of derailment in JR Fukuchiyama line, its cause lay in the peer pressure in a group that doesn’t allow any delay. This catastrophe must come from the punctuality in keeping everything in order and in a good shape, which can be blamed on the contemporary society for time-pressure. Society runs in the strict time schedule. How can we human being catch up with the speed? There is more to it than that when we saw the victims in distress.
One of the factors, which led to the recent derailment accident at Fukuchiyama line, was reportedly blamed on the JR's culture, which would not allow any delay behind the schedule for a minute or even a few seconds. So much so that the driver was forced on the edge, and eventually clashed into the disaster. The root cause of the accident, I think, now lies deep in our society, where we are struggling to keep up with the time. It demands us to be strict about time and has no tolerance. Can human really keep the pace set by our modern society? Grieving looks of the victims and the bereaved remind me that we do have a thing or two which we should place ahead of the time.
But against what have you exchanged your temper, your freedom, and your fine baritone voice? You have exchanged them for an old hat that does not belong to you and a shabbiness you have not merited by suffering neediness.
>>303 Photovolatic electricity. Similar to a wedge of wind electricity, a wedge from photovolatic electricity would require 2000 GW of installed capacity that displaces coal electricity in 2054. お願いします。
From one point of view our existing system is superior to any direct method, whether using ballot boxes or new technology, as many popular attitudes are authoritarian and illiberal.For example on penal policy the public tend to favour harsh sentences for criminals and the death penalty for murderers. They can also be nationalistic and xenophobic.At least our existing system allows these extreme to be filtered out in favor of views which are the result of rational debate and intensive research. Still others accept the difficulties of scale and number and advocate instead the devolution of decision making down to the lowest level compatible with efficiency.
私の質問「994さんの解釈では the difficulties of scale and number は前の 文章のどの部分にあたるのですか?」はあくまでも 「原文の英文のどの部分か、それを抜き出してほしい」という 意味なのですが・・・ 「大衆は権威主義や排他主義のような極端な指向を持ちやすい」と いう答えは 994さんが自分でまとめた表現でしょう。
the difficulties of scale and number に相当する表現は 少なくとも引用された範囲の前の部分には明示的に書かれている とは思えません。
(続き) many popular attitudes are authoritarian and illiberal (多くの一般人の態度は権威主義的であり、リベラルではない) They can also be nationalistic and xenophobic. (彼らはまた国粋主義的にそして外国排斥的になりうる)
大衆が authoritarian and illiberal また can be nationalistic and xenophobic であるのは直接民主制の「難点」とは言えない。 間接民主制の下でも大衆はやはりそうであろうからです。 直接民主制から間接民主制にかわったからといって大衆の性向が 変化するものではないでしょう。 直接民主制の「難点」は「そういった大衆の性向がストレートに 政治に反映されチェック機能が存在しない」ことにあるはずです。 ところが原文にはこの「大衆の性向がストレートに政治に 反映され〜」という表現が見当たりません。 994さんが 「筆者はそれを(大衆の意向を直接反映させる)直接民主制の難点と 考えているわけです」 と書いたとき、筆者が明示的に書いていない部分をまさに(大衆の 意向を直接反映させる)と自分で補っています。
すなわち、この問題文には本来書かれてしかるべき直接民主制の 「難点」が明示的に示されないままになっているわけです。 ただし引用された問題文のずっと前の部分でこの「難点」を 詳細に説明しているのかもしれず、その点については the の問題 とからめて前のレスに書きました。
>>333 hesitate 【自動】ためらう、ちゅうちょする、遠慮する、気後れする、はばかる、迷う、もじもじする、ぐずぐずする、二の足を踏む、気が進まない、口ごもる、気兼ねする、(〜することに)抵抗を感じる、(〜することに)難色を示す ・Don't hesitate to ask any questions. どんな質問でもためらわず聞いてください。 ・Aristide hesitated for another 11 hours. アリスティドはさらに11時間ためらった。 ・Don't hesitate to contact us if you require any further information. さらに情報が必要な場合は、遠慮なくご連絡ください。 ・He who hesitates is lost. 二の足を踏む者は敗北する/ためらう者は敗れる。/《諺》ためらう者は機会を逃す。 ・I didn't hesitate at all. 私は全くためらわなかった。 ・Never hesitate to do what you think is right. 良かれと思われることを行うのをためらうべからず。◆《諺》善は急げ。 【@】ヘジテイト、ヘズィテイト、【変化】《動》hesitates | hesitating | hesitated、【分節】hes・i・tate
ロック・ミュージシャンのサイトから。読んで見たが引用の引用で 今ひとつ分からない。手がかりは出題の前に It's like the Oo-Gla Oo-Gla tribe. が付いているアメリカ・インデアンのことらしいので 検索すると次が出て来ました。これは1865年に時のアメリカ政府が各 部族と取り交わした覚書ですね。その中にOo-la-what-tee, Samuel Smith.の名前も見える。
The only real risk in the tallying phase is digital. The risk here primarily involves changing votes because adding or subtracting votes would result in different numbers from those reported by subordinate jurisdictions. Changed votes, however, could escape detection.
1)As Millie McHugh,a long-time staff member,introduced Maegaret to people at the center,she noticed a look of sorrow in Margaret's eyes when she gazed at the piano.
2)Before my stroke,music was everything to me. (最初の部分が分かりません;
下線部に同じ単語を入れて下さい。 (1)I have never met him _____ to _____. Many students _____ this problem when they go to study abroad. (2)He is not here. Will you call _____ later? Jim has a pain in his _____ and went to see a doctor.
In earlier years the United States was quite a successful “melting pot” The original settles were of similar background, coming largely from northern Europe. The early immigrants continued to come chiefly from that area, and they were [A] easily absorbed. お願いします。「A」にはいるのはfurthermoreでいいでしょうか?
Late,always,but good there is not male work in moment (it is rare in July).It is very impressive, which you say to me on monsoon (in Asia, when it rains, it rains!!)I had there already one can tasted in Thailand into 96...... Good,I will say you,why I am late:Veiled,for a long time I wante to do something musicalement spoken(because my trick at the beginning,it is + the super robot taisen and tournaments of Soulcalibure,IF you know!!)I discovered the jpop and the visual rock'n'roll in 95 env.and since,I do not know + riens Europeans since!!! now,that do one can less than 1 year that I try to develop,something francojaponnais in music, and 2 months ago,I obtained with 1 good software one resulted satisfactory that I have make listened with person knowing or not music jap and the results were good.(I have make,1 can from musical theory and 1 year of wind instrument for my exp.Musical but they are my years college!!!)
They avoided the customs and languages of their parents and grandparents, even feeling ashamed of their non-American ways and their "broken" English. This, of course, led to unpleasant family relationship and to feelings of inferiority.
1. On the whole this attitude toward one's old-world background has changed markedly, especially since the middle years of this century. 概して、特にこの世紀の半ばの年から、その人の旧世界の背景に対するこの態度は、著しく変わりました。
>>420の続き〜 People of various origins have been interested in their "foreign" past and proud of their cultural heritage. いろいろな起源の人々は、彼らの「外国の」過去に興味を持っていて、彼らの文化的な遺産を誇りに思いました。
最後に、以下の部分がうまく訳せないので、どなたかお願いします。 Spirituality is the key. Music is the current through which it travels. And these things are getting so lost in the whirl of technology it's getting to the point where music is losing its meaning altogether.
Thank you for taking the time to email us. When the package comes back to us we will credit you back on your accout. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please feel free to contact us.
The 7D has the visibly cleaner gray patch but it also appears to be losing some detail to its stronger noise reduction algorithms and drop off in automatic sharpening. The EOS 20D maintains good detail through to ISO 1600 where the 7D's image has become quite soft. At ISO 3200 (the 7D's "boost sensitivity") colored red and blue speckles are fairly noticeable on the gray patches.
Together with my 6 Japanese colleagues from Seoul, I would like to extend you my sincere gratitude and thankfulness for your inviting all of us and for your giving us valuable information & knowledges on Iki, a fantastically historical Island. Owing to your kindness, we also enjoyed dinner with having so tasty drinks which you kindly provided us at the hotel on that evening.
Looking forward to seeing you again in the near future, I thank you all of your kindness during our stay at Iki last week.
Please convey our sincere thankful mind to Mr.Aizawa & Mr.Okada who also took good care of us.
【Amy is a foreign student who has just started her university in Tokyo.】 Paul:Good morning.I'm Paul.I'm from Canada.Nice to meet you. Amy:Nice to meet you,too.I'm Amy from Vancouver,Canada.Are you a new student,too? Paul:No.This is my second year.I hope to stay here one more year,and go back to my university in Toronto.How about you? Amy:I haven't decided yet.But,if it's possible,I want to graduate from this university. What do you think? Paul:I don't think it's easy,but it's worth trying.It depends on how good your Japanese gets. Amy:I'll try hard.By the way,have you been to many places?I'm sure you know a lot about Japan by now. Paul:Actually,I haven't done much traveling yet.Of course,this doesn't mean I know little about Japan. Amy:Oh,you don't like traveling?That's too bad.I was kind of expecting that you could answer my questions. Paul:Are they something to do with traveling?Well,even though they are,I may be able to answer some.What are they?
Amy:I guess they are pretty basic questions you need to know when you go abroad.I think I know things in general.Let me see, just one thing,Paul,what do I have to know other than common sense about traveling here in Japan? Paul:Wow,that's a tough one.But,I think I know what you mean.As far as I know,the common sense here is not much different from the one we apply to situations back home.Probably it's safer here than in Canada.I know it's not fair,but you as a woman,run the risk of being an easier mark than a man even in Japan.At least you should take some easy precautions,such as trying not to walk alone after midnight,or walk with an air of confidence and purpose esrecislly when you're in unfamiliar areas.And more importantly,you should keep in mind that cultural differences can create confusing situations. Amy:You're absolutely right.I've only been thinking about my own safety.But,now I've realized that I should pay attention to what I do in order not to create any problems myself.I should respect the local culture.Being a foreigner cannot be an excuse for making mistakes,right?
Paul:Yes.Even some knowledge about the local customs can come in handy.I think you'd better do a little homework before you leave wherever you go.Of course,safety is extremely important.So,you should avoid calling unwanted attention by doing your best to blend in. Amy:Thank you very much for your advice.You've just reminded me of the reason why I'm now in Japan.I've come here not only to study the language but also to experience this different society.Sometimes it is very important to look at things from a different point of view. Paul:As you can tell,traveling is not my favorite thing to do.On top of that,I haven't been able to afford traveling. I've been trying to save money working as a part time English teacher.Now I'm hoping to start making a short trip in the Tokyo area soon. I'm very much looking forward to my trip.I'm expecting to see various places and meet many interesting people. After all,I'm one who is attracted to Japanese culture. 長いですがお願いします。
It is now hardly conceivable that the ultimate minimum effective unit of the industrial system can be anything less than the entire utilizable surface of the planet and the whole of mankind. And, on the political plane, likewise, the minimum unit is showing a tendency to increase in scale, in sympathy with the extension, to a world-wide range, of the operations of industry.
You should be very grateful for the rain as Australia has had a major drought for over 5 years. And when it rains it doesnt seem to fall in uor dams so our drinking water levels are very low.we have been put on water restrictions for sometime now and while that helps it does not solve the problem.They are now looking at making sea water drinkable, I think they should try to recycle as much as possible but they dont listen to me.I have been very busy at work as we publish Harry Potter in Australia so we have all been working very hard to make sure everyone has enough books - Is harry potter big in Japan? I'm not sure if I am going to go away yet or not -I am heading down to tasmania to visit my older brother in a couple of weeks so at least I will have a few days off-he has told me that it is very cold down there so i have to take lots of jumpers.
This Artist Record Book is issued in conformity with Department Order NO.10 series of 2001 to herein named performing artist who has been screened and qualified and therefore accrobited to practice to his/her craft.
It's already summer in Japan too I guess? Hey, you won't belive it, but my parents have a Japanese Cherry-Tree in the Garden! :) It's really very beautiful.. and it's the first tree here to show the flowers in Spring!
Our dispersion results are in qualitative agreement with the dispersion profile reported recently by Ouzounov et al. [Science 301, 1702 (2003)] though our results suggest that the observed long-wavelength anomalous dispersion is due to an avoided crossing (with surface modes) rather than band-bending caused by the photonic band-gap boundary of the cladding.
When I was growing up, U.S. politicians called Russia an "Iron Curtain" country, which implied terrible shame. As I got older I learned that there wasn't really a curtain made of iron around the Soviet Union; I was later disappointed to learn that the wall in Berlin was made of concrete, not iron. Now the U.S. government is building a steel wall twelve feet high which eventually will span the entire length of the Mexican border. The steel wall already spans four-mile sections of the border at Mexicali and Naco; and at Nogales, sixty miles south of Tucson, the steel wall is under construction.
Immigration and Naturalization Services, or the Border Patrol, has greatly expanded its manpower and checkpoint stations. Now when you drive down Interstate 10 toward El Paso, you will find a check station. When you drive north from Las Cruces up I-25 about ten miles north of Truth or Consequences, all interstate highway traffic is diverted off the highway into an INS checkpoint. I was detained at that checkpoint in December 1991 on my way from Tucson to Albuquerque for a book signing of my novel Almanac of the Dead. My companion and I were detained despite the fact that we showed the Border Patrol our Arizona driver's licenses. Two men from California, both Chicanos, were being detained at the same time, despite the fact that they too presented an I.D. and spoke English without the thick Texas accents of the Border Patrolmen. While we were detained, we watched as other vehicles were waved through the checkpoint. The occupants of those vehicles were white. It was quite clear that my appearance--my skin color--was the reason for the detention.
The growth of scientific knowledge has increased its impact on technology, medicine, and agriculture to such an extent as to alter decisively the nature of the interdependence between the sciences and their applications for social purposes.
These partners possess much of the data,expertise,and skills needed to keep the international community alert to outbreaks and ready to respond. よろしくおねがいします。
Did you drop it or sit on it? I haven't been able to get to my email because someone sent me a very very very long email in japanese. I had to delete it because it was freezing up my inbox.
>>445 7Dのほうがグレイパッチは目に見えてきれいだが、より強力なノイズ軽減ア ルゴリズムのためにいくらかディテールを失っているようだし、自動輪郭強 調も弱くなっているようだ。 EOS 20Dは、7Dの画像がかなり甘くなるISO1600に至るまで十分にディテール を保っている。 ISO 3200(7Dの「拡張感度」)になると、赤と青の斑点がグレイパッチの上 で相当目立ってくる。
グレイパッチはその上でノイズの多さを測定する灰色のカードみたいなもの、 らしい。
to its stronger noise reduction algorithms のtoのニュアンスがいまいち ワカラナス(´・ω・`)なのでてきとうに訳してしまったが。
意図をくめずすみません。英文では >many popular attitudes are authoritarian and illiberal これがdifficultyの1です。For example以下が補強証拠です。 >They can also be nationalistic and xenophobic. これがdifficultyの2です。they=the publicです。
注意していただきたいのは、文中に「直接民主制」という語はまったく使われていない ということです。あくまで「大衆は極端に走りやすい」と言っているのであって、 直接民主制がどうこうとは言っていない。 それは最後の文においても同じです。scale and numberは大衆の特徴そのものです。ですから the difficulties of scale and numberは「大衆というものの難点」となり、上記dificulty1&2と きちんと対応します。 (続く)
(続き) >>325 >大衆が authoritarian and illiberal また can be nationalistic >and xenophobic であるのは直接民主制の「難点」とは言えない。 > 間接民主制の下でも大衆はやはりそうであろうからです。
それは違います。 なにより、authoritarian and illiberalを筆者がよくないことと考えているのは明らかですから、 最初の文の骨格は our system is superior as popular attitudes are bad. というようなことになります。popular attitudesが悪いと、「our system」が優れるという わけですから、文中においてour systemはpupular attitudesあるいはthe publicと対立するものと 考えられていることになります。同時に、our systemがsuperiorであるからには、inferiorな systemがあるわけで、それはthe publicと対立しない、むしろpopular attitudeそのものの 反映であるようなsystemであるはずです。
つまり、この筆者は間接民主制を選良制ととらえ、直接民主制を衆愚制ととらえているのです。 大衆がauthoritarian and illiberal また can be nationalistic and xenophobic であることは、 衆愚制では難点ですが、選良制では難点になりません。なぜなら選良の理性的な討論等でこれらの 難点をカバーできるから、と筆者はAt least〜の文で(非常に楽天的に)言っています。
Scarcely a year later, my friend and I were driving south from Albuquerque, returning to Tucson after a paperback book promotion. There are no Border Patrol detention areas on the southbound lanes of I-25, so I settled back and went to sleep while Gus drove. I awakened when I felt the car slowing to a stop. It was nearly midnight on New Mexico State Road 26, a dark lonely stretch of two-lane highway between Hatch and Deming. When I sat up, I saw the headlights and emergency flashers of six vehicles--Border Patrol cars and a Border Patrol van blocked both lanes of the road. Gus stopped the car and rolled down his window to ask what was wrong. But the Border Patrolman and his companion did not reply; instead the first officer ordered us to "step out of the car." Gus asked why we had to get out of the car. His question seemed to set them off--two more Border Patrolmen immediately approached the car and one of them asked, "Are you looking for trouble?" as if he would relish the opportunity.
>>532のつづきです I will never forget that night beside the highway. There was an awful feeling of menace and of violence straining to break loose. It was clear that they would be happy to drag us out of the car if we did not comply. So we both got out of the car and they motioned for us to stand on the shoulder of the road. The night was very dark, and no other traffic had come down the road since they had stopped us. I thought how easy it would be for the Border Patrolmen to shoot us and leave our bodies and car beside the road. There were two other Border Patrolmen by the van. The man who had asked if we were looking for trouble told his partner to "get the dog, " and from the back of the white van another Border Patrolman brought a small female German shepherd on a leash. The dog did not heel well enough to suit him, and I saw the dog's handler jerk the leash. They opened the doors of our car and pulled the dog 's head into the car, but I saw immediately from the expression in her eyes that the dog hated them, and she would not serve them. When she showed no interest in the inside of the car, they brought her around back to the trunk near where we were standing. They half-dragged her up into the trunk, but still she did not indicate stowed-away humans or illegal drugs.
さらにつづきです Their mood got uglier; they seemed outraged that the dog could not find any contraband, and they dragged her over to us and commanded her to sniff our legs and feet. To my relief, the strange anger the INS agents had focused at us now had shifted to the dog. I no longer felt so strongly that we would be murdered. We exchanged looks--the dog and I. She was afraid of what they might do, just as I was. The handler jerked the leash violently as she sniffed us, as if to make her perform better, but the dog refused to accuse us. The dog had an innate dignity, an integrity that did not permit her to serve those men. I can't forget the expression in her eyes; it was as if she was embarrassed to be associated with them. I had a small amount of prescription marijuana in my purse that night, but the dog refused to expose me. I am not partial to dogs, but I can't forget the small German shepherd. She saved us from the strange murderous mood of the Border Patrolmen that night. In February of 1993, I was invited by the Women's Studies Department at UCLA to be a distinguished visiting lecturer. After I had described my run-ins with the Border Patrol, a professor of history at UCLA related her story. It seems she had been traveling by train from Los Angeles to Albuquerque twice each month to work with an informant. She had noticed that the Border Patrol officers were there each week to meet the Amtrack trains to scrutinize the passengers, but since she is six feet tall and of Irish and German ancestry, she was not particularly concerned. Then one day when she stepped off the train in Albuquerque, two Border Patrolmen accosted her. They wanted to know what she was doing, why she was traveling between Los Angeles and Albuquerque. This is the sort of police state that has developed in the southwest United States.
On average, children watch television from two and a half to three and a half hours per day according to age and the reasons why they watch are multiple and varied. However, the way they watch is another important factor to take into account when investigating the nature of children's relationship with the media.
I have just started a book group at my work and it is very sad (i.e. geeky!)that I have got so excited by it.I think due to my Oxford education I have a love of books and so always wanted to join a book group.However, when I couldn't find one to join I decided to start my own, and thankfully the people in my office are very keen too! We have decided on our first book which won the Orange Book Prize Award. Not sure how much of the book we will actually discuss at our meeting since it will probably be held down the pub and thus gossip and drink may be of more importance! Do your enjoy reading literature? Do you ever read English literature?
>>470 >It's just that seeing a piano brings back memories. >これもお願いできますでしょうか・・ ただ、ピアノを見るといろいろと思い出してしまうんです。 >>472 >ただピアノを見ては、思い出をさかのぼるだけである。 まちがい。回答するのはまだ早いと思うよ。
前文;ケンブリッジ大学は世界的にも有名な大学である。 However, it is a fact that many highly-qualified sixth-formers(六年生) are discouraged from applying. Whether frightened by the University's academic reputation, or possibly fearful that they are from the 'wrong' school or background, they often underestimate themselves or their abilities and do not even think of listening Cambridge among their University choices.
Don't lose your way With each passing day You've come so far Don'tthorw it away Live believing Dreams are for weaving Wonders are waiting to start Live your story Faith, hope and glory Hold to the truth in your heart 《〈If we hold on together I know our dreams will never die Dreams see us through to forever〉 Where clouds roll by for you and I》 Souls in the wind Must learn how to bend Seek out a star Hold on to the end Vally,mountain There is a fountain Wishes our tears all away Words are swaying Somebody's praying Please let us come home to stay 《繰り返し》 When we are our there in the dark We'll dream about the sun In the dark we'll feel the light warm our hearts every one 〈繰り返し〉 As high as souls can fly The clouds roll by for you and I 繰り返しの部分はスルーしてください。 一度テレビで見て良い歌詞だったので。
ところで It was the yesterday's email, but did not understand a meaning of the first one. Can you wri te it intelligibly? ↑これは自分が相手に送ったメールなんだけど、これに対して↓ for your information, this statement can be an insult & letting me know that you do not like my writing or explanation at all. これって怒られてます?侮辱とも取れるってこと?
I have just started a book group at my work and it is very sad (i.e. geeky!)that I have got so excited by it.I think due to my Oxford education I have a love of books and so always wanted to join a book group.However, when I couldn't find one to join I decided to start my own, and thankfully the people in my office are very keen too! We have decided on our first book which won the Orange Book Prize Award. Not sure how much of the book we will actually discuss at our meeting since it will probably be held down the pub and thus gossip and drink may be of more importance! Do your enjoy reading literature? Do you ever read English literature?
おねがいします If we truly had a representative democracy in the United States, I do not think we would see such a shameful level of racism in this country. But so long as huge amounts of money are necessary in order to run for office, we will not have a representative democracy. The form of government we have in the United States right now is not representative democracy but "big capitalism"; big capitalism can't survive for long in the United States unless the people are divided among themselves into warring factions. Big capitalism wants the people of the U.S. to blame "foreigners" for lost jobs and declining living standards so the people won't place the blame where it really belongs: with our corrupt U.S. Congress and president.
As I prepare to drive to New Mexico this week, I feel a prickle of anxiety down my spine. Only a few years ago, I used to travel the highways between Arizona and New Mexico with a wonderful sensation of absolute freedom as I cruised down the open road and across the vast desert plateaus in southern Arizona and southern New Mexico. We citizens of the United States grew up believing this freedom of the open road to be our inalienable right. The freedom of the open road meant we could travel freely from state to state without special papers or threat of detainment; this was a "right" citizens of Communist and totalitarian governments did not possess. That wide open highway was what told us we were U.S. citizens. Indeed, some say, this freedom to travel is an integral part of the American identity.
Newspapers usually cost the reader money, but this alone is never enough to pay for the whole cost of producing them. More than half the cost is paid for by advertising. Advertisements are very expensive because newspapers are often read by millions of people. A full-page advertisement in a national newspaper in the United Kingdom, for example, can cost thousands of pounds.
Take a drive down Interstate 8 or Interstate 10, along the U.S.-Mexico border. Notice the Border Patrol checkpoints all vehicles must pass through. When the Border Patrol agent asks you where you are coming from and where you are going, don't kid around and answer in Spanish--you could be there all afternoon. Look south into Mexico and enjoy the view while you are still able, before you find yourself behind the twelve-foot steel "curtain" the U.S. Government is building.
To deny this right to me, to some of us who because of skin color or other physical characteristics "appear" to fit fictional profiles of "undesirables," is to begin the inexorable slide into further government-mandated "race policies" that can only end in madness and genocide. The slaughters in Rwanda and Bosnia did not occur spontaneously--with neighbor butchering neighbor out of the blue; no, politicians and government officials called down these maelstroms of blood on their people by unleashing the terrible irrational force which racism is.
>>585 581の下手くそな訳文を読む限り、 一段と難易度のあがった続きの585を訳すのは無理というもの。 ついでに、581はfind yourself behind the twelve-foot steel "curtain" the U.S. Government is building の訳をを完全に間違えてます。
>>582 sが落ちている、というのは想定しなかった。 State that you are a female in your pen pal bio, go back in there and fix it. と解釈したわけだが。ばか者は撤回しておきます、ひょっとすると、と言えないこともない。 どちらにせよ後ろとのつながりが悪いな。 ごめん。
>>750 一応教えて置くけど、その書き方は侮辱ととられるおそれがあるよ、うんぬん、 だから、心の広い人で>>750がいい人で英語が上手でないということを知っていてくれるなら 大丈夫かもしれないね。 文通を続けたければ。 I am sorry to have hurt your feelings. It's because of my poor English and I didn't mean to say any thing bad. とでも書いて見たら?
I have just started a book group at my work and it is very sad (i.e. geeky!)that I have got so excited by it.I think due to my Oxford education I have a love of books and so always wanted to join a book group.However, when I couldn't find one to join I decided to start my own, and thankfully the people in my office are very keen too! We have decided on our first book which won the Orange Book Prize Award. Not sure how much of the book we will actually discuss at our meeting since it will probably be held down the pub and thus gossip and drink may be of more importance! Do your enjoy reading literature? Do you ever read English literature?
>>603 フライドポテト野郎のわめきちらすことなんざ、国際語としては 失格だ!ってのも、野郎どもの言葉ときたら数数えることすらで きないんだぜい! You know they say "four twenty ten nine" for just ninety nine. Do you think you can really count numbers in such a complecated way? Really incredible! But actually I like french culture and literature, as you know as a novelist or a kind of writer.
Silica-air micro-structured optical fibers are generally attracting a considerable interest because of their novel and unique optical properties (for recent reviews we refer to Ref. [1] and references therein) and the discovery of photonic band-gap (PBG) fibers [2, 3] has in particular strongly stimulated the strive for a low-loss PBG fiber with also a low dispersion and a high power threshold for non-linearities.
From a modeling point-of-view the fiber structures have usually been considered ideal with circular air-holes but in order to model realistic PBG structures with large air-filling fractions one has to go beyond the circular representation.
investigation by the US Department of Justice on suspicion that the standardization of DVD technology led by Japanese mnufacturers violates the anti-monopoly law お願いします
「scale and number = 大衆」。これは舌足らずな表現ですね。 「scale の大きいこと、number の大きいこと」が大衆の特徴でしょう。 scale と number だけでは何も意味しません。 the difficulties of scale and number 「スケールと数の難点」 と言われてはじめてなんとかこれが前後関係から「直接民主制の難点」 を意味するのだと推測できるだけです。
なるほど。筆者はそういう風に考えているのかもしれない。 そして「そういう風に考えること自体が論理的でない」と自分は 言っているわけです。 一体どうやって our system が popular attitudes や the public と 対立するものと考えられるでしょう。 普通は、our system と対立するのは our 以外の system でしょう。 popular attitudes と対立するのは elites' attitudes とか upper class attitudes という風に設定するものだと思います。
お願いします。 Finally sweeping into the scene like a quiet whisper, that something other than lust was controlling them, even though she knew that he thought otherwise.
As a person of mixed ancestry growing up in the United States in the late 1950s, I knew all of the cruel epithets that might be hurled at others; the knowledge was a sort of solace that I was not alone in my feelings of unease, of not quite belonging to the group that clearly mattered most in the United States.
Human beings need to feel as if they "belong"; I learned from my father to feel comfortable and happy alone in the mesas and hills around Laguna. It was not so easy for me to learn where we Marmons belonged, but gradually I understood that we of mixed ancestry belonged on the outer edge of the circle between the world of the Pueblo and the outside world The Laguna people were open and accepted children of mixed ancestry because appearance was secondary to behavior. For the generation of my great-grandmother and earlier generations, anyone who had not been born in the community was a stranger, regardless of skin color. Strangers were not judged by their appearances--which could deceive--but by their behavior. The old-time people took their time to become acquainted with a person before they made a judgment. The old-time people were very secure in themselves and their identity; and thus they were able to appreciate differences and to even marvel at personal idiosyncracies so long as no one and nothing was being harmed.
I agree that these were dispicable acts.Sadly it doesn't seem like there will be an end anytime soon.A man was shot dead by police on the tube about three days ago and there have been other explosions.I have never heard of police shooting suspects in England before.I truly hope this will not become the normal state of affairs. I read in the Japan Times an article that suggests Japan fears it will be the next target. Is that the general feeling in Tokyo? I do not think Japan is a major target for these terrorists, but it is hard to say for sure after Koizumi decided to back the war on Iraq and send in Self-Defence-Force troops. We can only go about our lives as normal. If we begin to live in a state of fear then the terrorists will have acheived their goal.
Finally sweeping into the scene like a quiet whisper, that something other than lust was controlling them, even though she knew that he thought otherwise.
If your resources are limited, as is the case with most small-businesses, try focusing on just one or two of the market segments you identify, setting the others aside until later. The benefits of this approach include generating the cash flow needed to fund the marketing program's further expansion, market testing to validate the approach prior to a larger rollout, and more confidence that the manufacturing and operational process can handle the level of demand generated by your outreach.
I have just started a book group at my work and it is very sad (i.e. geeky!)that I have got so excited by it.I think due to my Oxford education I have a love of books and so always wanted to join a book group.However, when I couldn't find one to join I decided to start my own, and thankfully the people in my office are very keen too! We have decided on our first book which won the Orange Book Prize Award. Not sure how much of the book we will actually discuss at our meeting since it will probably be held down the pub and thus gossip and drink may be of more importance! Do your enjoy reading literature? Do you ever read English literature?
I have heard about the "Cool-biz" proposition. I think it is a very good idea. Not only is it more comfortable for workers, it also saves energy which I think is very inportant. Do you think that it will be successful?In England we are not so formal about our work as in Japan, and people would be less worried about being different to their superiors.
Jeffrey Baenhart recommends creating a multipronged marketing program aimed at schools of podiatric medicine, podiatric associations, and medical specialists in the field. Such a program would need to include a comprehensive brochure- typically, a three-panel ゜trifold″-that explains the benefits of your product,details of its applications and the results it has achieved, and most important of all, its availability, Barnhart says.
Johnson : Your father is director of operations? Smith : I'm afraid it is. Johnson : Tell him we don't want to go to sea. Smith : It's my fault, really. Smith : I thought you blokes would like a couple months in England. Johnson : You're kidding. Smith : Not at all. Smith : My girl's in London.
I thought you blokes would like a couple months in England.
These numbers are all estimates from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Richard Manning of the O.E.C.D. says Africa is expected to receive an additional twenty-five thousand million dollars. That will bring the level of aid to the continent to around fifty thousand million dollars in two thousand ten.
"Any time you see a number of deaths like this, it's reason for concern, and it bears close looking at. Having said that, we're very comfortable with the way China has responded to this, they've pretty much done a textbook response," he said.
i dont think it will happen. I am afraid of a nuclear war....because if one drops all life in a certain distance is gone as we know it. I fear that hawaii maybe a big target for the north koreans....who does not like the U.S.
But what the korean people should know is that it is our goverment our leaders who make us look but not us the people. Yes I agree...here in Hawaii we have alllll kinds of races.
I think we have every race living here in Hawaii. So growing up here its easy to accept other races and such. Sister eh? How do you say sister in korean? Do you know? I forgot.
In an attempt to establish a standard for road signs throughout Europe and to get over the obvious language difficulties, the use of pictorial signs and symbols is widespread, even if drivers' understanding of what the signs mean may not be.
I have just started a book group at my work and it is very sad (i.e. geeky!)that I have got so excited by it.I think due to my Oxford education I have a love of books and so always wanted to join a book group.However, when I couldn't find one to join I decided to start my own, and thankfully the people in my office are very keen too! We have decided on our first book which won the Orange Book Prize Award. Not sure how much of the book we will actually discuss at our meeting since it will probably be held down the pub and thus gossip and drink may be of more importance! Do your enjoy reading literature? Do you ever read English literature?
A blonde is terribly overweight, so her doctor put her on a diet. "I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for 2 weeks. The next time I see you, you'll have lost at least 5 pounds."
When the blonde returned, she shocked the doctor by losing nearly 20 pounds. "Why, that's amazing!" the doctor said, "Did you follow my instructions?" The blonde nodded... "I'll tell you though, I thought I was going to drop dead that 3rd day." "From hunger, you mean?" asked the doctor." No, from skipping."
A lawyer finds out he has a brain tumor, and it's inoperable, in fact, it's so large, they have to do a brain transplant. His doctor gives him a choice of available brains; there's a jar of rocket scientist brains for $10 an ounce, a jar of regular scientist brains for $15 an ounce, and a jar of lawyer brains for the princely sum of $800 an ounce.
The outraged lawyer says, "This is a rip off, how come the lawyer brains are so expensive?" The doctor replies, "Do you know how many lawyers it takes to get an ounce of brains?"
5th special privilege: Work VISA. Singaporeans with 5-year VISA can stay for up to three months in India and vice versa. Short-term contract workers can stay up to 90 days in the first instance. Professionals employed in 127 occupations can stay for up to 1 year. お願いします。
in the center of Rome traffic still rattles over a bed of roughly hewn basalt cobblestones, much as it did 2,000 years ago.
The square-topped stones used in the city since the 17th century are smaller than the huge slabs made by the ancient Romans.
Yet even those may soon disappear, relegated to a few tourist-friendly pedestrian squares.
However picturesque Rome's streets may be, municipal authorities say the stones must go: The city council is gradually paving over the streets with smooth asphalt.
Before about 15000years ago,much of the northern part of Europe was covered by a sheet of ice,for the world was still in the grip of the last ice age. Then the ice began to retreat,and bare ground left behind grip behind became available for growth. Although plants are generally perceived as standing still,lacking the faculty of movement common to animals,seeds of plants travel great distances by varied means.
@Cameron is fed up with looking into the mirror after thirty years,which means she totally lost confidence in herself.
A"As you get older,you climb the hill of life.And you're able to see a little farther as you get higher.Consequently,you become more objective and um... less....less about yourself,more about circumstances. So,rock'n'roll means to me...um...is a journey... is a vehide that's taking me through my life."---lan GILLAN
Orlando considers that an acter can "Shed light" for people by playing a certain character in films,which means he can give them a little pleasure or hope.
I have just started a book group at my work and it is very sad (i.e. geeky!)that I have got so excited by it.I think due to my Oxford education I have a love of books and so always wanted to join a book group.However, when I couldn't find one to join I decided to start my own, and thankfully the people in my office are very keen too! We have decided on our first book which won the Orange Book Prize Award. Not sure how much of the book we will actually discuss at our meeting since it will probably be held down the pub and thus gossip and drink may be of more importance! Do your enjoy reading literature? Do you ever read English literature?
We left Japan at Osaka and tried Sake the last evening (without getting hangover the day after!).I personaly prefer rice alcohol to apple alcohol which is producted in my region ("calvados" from Normandy) but it's less good than Champagne! Have you ever taste some?
A huge red herring when trying to make all tracks sound as loud as each other is peak normalisation. In this process, the level of each track is adjusted so that the loudest moment (technically the largest sample value) is adjusted to peak at the largest allowed value by turning up the gain the required amount. By making all the tracks peak at the same level, you might expect that they would all sound equally loud.
Unfortunately the peak level is a very poor indicator of perceived loudness. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the human ear responds to average energy over time, rather than instantaneously short peaks. Secondly, many records are mastered via compressors and limiters, which aim to raise the average level of the sound as much as possible, whilst still squashing the peaks to (just) within the limits of the system. An uncompressed symphony can sound less than one quarter as loud as a compressed pop music track, even though the peak level may be the same. Even different pop records use different levels of compression, making the peak level useless for determining the perceived loudness of a track.
As he sat in the usual morning traffic jam, he couldn't help noticing that there seemed to be a lot of strangely dressed people about. People in cloaks. He couldn't bear people who dressed in funny clothes -- the getups you saw on young people! He supposed this was some stupid new fashion.
-- the getups you saw on young people! これはなんて訳すのですか? どういう構造ですか? このyouは誰ですか?
But the average suit bought on the high street only has them for show, in an attempt to replicate the Savile Row look without replicating the craftsmanship.
お願いします。次の文を和訳してください。 It is one of those things which you want to keep people's attention on and at the same time not panic. 文脈は隕石を地球に衝突させない技術の研究者の話で、このような研究は笑い話にされてしまうので静かに 進めるべきだ、という文に続く研究者のコメントです。 よろしくお願いします。
Unaware of the scope of simple equations, man has often concluded that nothing short of God, not mere equations, is required to explain the complexities of the world. 物理学の教科書です。多様で複雑な現象がシンプルな方程式で説明される、 という文脈に続いて。 Feynman, R.P., Lectures on Physics, p.41-11, Addison Wesley, 1964
勉強中です。。It is safe to say that the Japanese people are the most religiously detached in the world. It is often said that Jaoanes are Shintoist at birth, Christian at their wedding ceremonies and Buddhist at death. お願いしますだ><
Angel's chained. By upheaves, locked in slumber. Seeing washed, I were by the swift flow of time.
I may know the answers. Though one questioned I still onto you What twist in fate hast flauters To world they rest I knew.
This one world's to gather We work curse from brought, sweet you all. Then mark my words inside me To sing to you the song, To sing with you the song, To sing to you the song.
417 :既にその名前は使われています :2005/07/24(日) 19:38:15 ID:bqNCgcJn I may know the answer no one questioned I still true And twist ??? ??? as flutter to ??? and ??? on me って聞こえるかも、、。 あと、途中 that was wound into present worlds and chain our hearts when they went warって言ってないかな。 だめだ、わからないorz
561 :既にその名前は使われています :2005/07/25(月) 20:22:22 ID:pZf/chG8 最初が she`s been waiting the evening song だと思う -----