The vices of others we keep before our eyes, our own behind our back; it happens therefore that a man does not pardon another's faults who has more of his own.
The picture of me I took today, I am hoping to lose some weight and become slim and curvy! I have recently split up from a fiancé, he does not love me anymore. I was very sad. But i am single.
For six or seven years Harry had been telling me about a dream. I thought nothing of it,because nearly everyone has dreams;some of them are pleasant,others very disagreeable,but,otherwise,Icould never see anything in a dream to become upset about. Each time I dreamed I remembered what happened in the dream for a day or two,and afterwards never thought of it again. But Harry had been having the same dream regularly each month all that time. Exactly the same thing happened on each occasion,the time and place were invariably the same;and the two people had not changed in dress or appearance since the begining. Harry was one of them;the other was a young girl.
Thanks for your photo. To be honest I wanted to have one :p ( couldnt ask *g*) I would like to send you a photo of mine, but his ***** cellphone doesnt have a photo function. hmm... I will ask his cousin. But it shouldnt be a problem.
“Sustained and coordinated external support will be crucial for progress,” he stresses, noting also the momentum gained from a meeting last month in Geneva of the so-called Group of Friends - France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States - which brought both sides together for the first time since suspension of the contacts in July 2004.
>>33 To be honest I wanted to have one :p ( couldnt ask *g*) ここの意味です。長い文章を出してすみません。 I wanted to have one…つまり写真は一枚だけほしかったってことでしょうか? この文章からして、彼は私が送った写真を喜んでくれているのでしょうか?
「A matrix P(t) is called a Lyapunov transformation if P(t) is nonsingular, P(t) and Pdot(t) are continuous, and P(t) and Pinv(t) are bounded for all t.」
Summer days, I can't stand the summer days Frozen cocktails and night fireworks What's so great about them anyway? Summer day, let it be some other day Seaside motels and sex on the beach Don't be thinking I went all the way I hate summer days! お暇があったら訳お願いします。 長文スマソ
With an invincible drive, ROC-A-FELLA's finest new family member Kanye West reveals how his pathway to an accomplished life, love, and success are critical to the glory of his victory. Kanye West, a 26-year old Chicago native is on his way to staking a solid claim as one of hip-hop's elite. He is the new sound, style and culture of today's hip-hop. Blessed with a creative passion set aside for a chosen few. The producer/rapper has a gift so powerfully instinctive that it is as natural to him as the air he breathes. Kanye exudes this gift through his being and becomes it. This is the intensity for which he reveres his emotion for life; the people in his corner, and of course his music.
He got his start back in the third grade when he discovered his passion, writing and rhyming. He progressed and began making beats when most kids were still playing hide and seek on the playground. His favorite past time became an occupational goal as a teenager when he came across NO I.D. a Chicago beat mastering producer who at the time produced an up in coming rapper who at the time went by the name Common Sense (now Common). This was a chance encounter that would become the pivotal opportunity to shape his future career in music. NO I.D. encouraged Kanye to sample from soulful old school hits and revive them with a new school flavor. In a MTV interview, Kanye explains, "NO I.D. told me 'you need to sample off records' when I found that out, it was all over." Kanye was signed to ROC-A-FELLA in 2002; the reality of a fathomable vision finally came in to view. Several big name labels had courted him at the time including Cash Money Millionaires, but the “R-O-C" had the stepping-stone he was looking for. Rather than his wildest dream come true, Kanye saw
this as a calculated step to achieve the goals he had implemented for himself. "I am always confident in myself that what I put my all in, I could do it", he tells the MTV reporter. This is also the unwavering confidence he fiercely brings in to the ring to fight for an MC heavyweight title. This direction was put on the backburner for while but he always intended to step in the studio as an artist once his career as a producer took off. His focus is to establish himself as a dynamic one man, bringing the rhymes and the rhythm with innovation and originality.
よろしくお願いします。 A suspicious package found at a Travelodge was determined not to be a "credible device," West Midlands police said. The evacuation was lifted just after 6 a.m., police said, but authorities remained in the area as it returned to normal.
The concept of youth resistance employed by the CCCS is adapted from the work of Gramsci,who argued that classs relations in late capital societies centred around an ongoing hegemonic struggle.
Does the organization perform a layout inspection and a functional verification to applicable customer engineering material and performance standards for all products at a sufficient frequency as specified in the control plan?
a layout and a functional verification=レイアウト検査と機能試験 です。 よろしくお願いします。
These act as signals for genes to be expressed or to stop being expressed or they act as signals for the production of RNAs and proteins that themselves act as inducers, promoters, and enhancers of gene expression or as repressors and terminators of gene expression. 宜しくお願いします。
Genes for defense reactions in the host, e.g., the production of phytoalexins, apparently are triggered to expression by certain signal compounds activated by inducer molecules (elicitors) produced by the pathogen. 宜しくお願いします。
The resistant qualities of any given subcultural style is ultimately compromised because of its incorporation(組み込み) and commodification(商品化) by the fashion industry.
Reports in London newspapers Sunday identified a possible suspect as Mustafa Setmarian Nasar — a Syrian suspected of being al-Qaida's operations chief in Europe and the alleged mastermind of last year's bombings in Madrid.
The CCCS(社会文化研究学会) thus offered a bitter-sweet analysis of subculture,one that celebrated its achievements at the same time as noting its inevitable limitations.
ありがとうございます。訳はそれで間違いないと思うのですが、ちょっと した疑問があります。 "identify a possible suspect as A"で、「Aを、有力な容疑者として 特定する」 という意味になるのですか? 何だか私の感覚からすると、"identify A as a possible suspect"の 方が自然に思えるのですが。
``I came to the ballpark with my bags packed for Detroit. I talked with the medical staff and they said it was best to rest it for four days.'' ``I see being voted in as an honor and a sign of respect. Me not going hopefully will not be taken as a sign of disrespect.''
ケガでメジャーのオールスターを欠場することになったローレンの言葉なの ですが、最初の文の「with my bags packed for Detroit」とはどういう 意味なのでしょうか?(デトロイトはオールスター開催地) また、最後の文章の「be taken」はどういう意味でしょうか? (全訳は必要ありません)
The Senate can handle more than one Supreme Court nomination at a time if Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist decided to join Sandra Day O'Connor in retirement, a leading senator said Sunday.
So I go not on holidays. I will make next year if we life in the new house one month holiday. So I can rest a long time. I had a very busy year. I must work in the office from oktober last year until march this year for 2 persons, because the office colleague goes and until we find a new employee it's during a long time. So because I'm very tired now.
Yes listen to me boast when you're chewing on your toast With Jam, cause my jam will make you say God - <watch it> Darn This, I pull like a harness with the hardness or farness, no you can't discard this in the trash, I bash like a birthday
>>158 You guys rule!! - Topic Powered by Infopop - [ このページを訳す BETA ] You guys rule!! ... You have inspired me to join the military. I am hoping to go to war to help you guys in two years, that is if we are still in the war (I hope not). I would love to fight by your side to help out in the ways that I am ... a/tpc/f/3991901033/m/1110038200001 - 56k - キャッシュ - 関連ページ
hashai: Comment on You guys RULE. - [ このページを訳す BETA ] Comments: You guys RULE. And while they are at it, can they send me a Dyson? Thanks! Posted by Amy at June 25, 2004 12:30 PM. What about a houseboy named Jimmy Choo? Thats about the only thing I can offer. Posted by bmh at June 25, ... - 10k - キャッシュ - 関連ページ
hashai - [ このページを訳す BETA ] You guys RULE. Thanks, everybody, for your mad searching skillz. I now have more Redon options than I know what to do with. Now, if someone would just send me a big box of money, an Eames rocker, a houseboy, some Jimmy Choos, ... - 15k - キャッシュ - 関連ページ
[Spambayes] you guys rule! - [ このページを訳す BETA ] [Spambayes] you guys rule! Joshua Dorward josh at Sun Jul 13 01:23:04 EDT 2003. Previous message: [Spambayes] Feature or Bug? Next message: [Spambayes] more on exceptions while parsing messages; Messages sorted by: [ date ... spambayes/2003-July/006131.html - 3k - キャッシュ - 関連ページ
Before the rest of us accept this premise, though, we need to consider an alternative: that the breakdown of the family is a good thing, that the traditional family medel has failed and that woman especially are creating new living arrangements that are more democratic, fulfilling and practical.
162 の続きです。。。 It may be one of the most important turning points of the West, the creation of a new social base that will produce an advanced and improved democratic political structure.
There are big ones,small ones,and many medium-sizes ones. Some are imported and others domestic. Some are new and many used. They come in all colors---red,white,green,even pink! There are expensive ones that only a few people can buy. And there are some that are expensive ones that sive. What am I talking about here? Well,America's favorite machine-the car,of course.
Driving is very much a part of American culcure. The roads are good. There are many things to see. And there are many places that are "car friendly":roadside restraurants and stands,drive-in theaters and banks,and plenty of shopping malls.
Usually it is not expensive to rent a car in the U.S. And driving is often the best and sometimes the only way to get to your destination. Remember that some cities and towns don't have subways or other kinds of public transportation. But before you get into that big pink Cadillac for that exciting holiday tour,remember to fasten your seat belt. Know the speed limit in the state that you are in. And also remember that Americans drive on the right. Have a safe trip. Good bye. 長くてすいませんがよろしくおねがいします
identify process control documents including drawings, FMEAs, control plans, and operator instructions with customer's special characteristic symbol or the organization’s equivalent symbol or notation to include those process steps that affect special characteristics?
special characteristics=特性 一文が長くてどのように訳したらよいかわかりません。 すみませんが、よろしくお願いします。
I was not at the presentation, so I can’t speak to the intent of the slide, but it seems clear that James is implying that a skilled investigator might follow these steps.
ここで"can't speak to the intent of the slide"の訳は、 「そのスライドの意図に言及することはできない」でOKでしょうか? あと、speak to the intentは成句として使われているようなのですが その意味をご存知だったら教えてください。 よろしくおねがいします。
すみません。実は以下の文に続いてる箇条書きです。 箇条書きが幾つかあるうちの一つなのですが・・・。 Does the organization identify special characteristics and : 「組織は、次の事項と特性を明確にしているか。」といった感じで 続くと思われるのですが。 よろしくお願いします。
My Alsatian Tito, the great-great-great-great-great-grandmother of the dog I now possess, knew, by "telepathy", exactly which people got on my nerves, and when. Nothing could prevent her from biting, gently and surely, all such people on their posteriors.
Good, Nanashi. I look forward to it. I hate to say it, but there is one thing I ought to remind you about, though: the fact that you did not give your presentation in class would reflect on your grade. I hope you understand, as I stated my policy at the orientation as well as on the syllabus that attendance, class performance, and presentations would all count.
We returned to London a couple of days after the bomb attacks which shocked the city in an expected sort of way, if you know what I mean. We'd been warned for so long that a terrorist attack was likely that many of us felt it was only a matter of time.But that of course doesn't make us any less sympathetic to the pain and loss that so many people have suffered.The attacks have understandly left the city feeling on edge, though most people feel that life must go on and that to cower away would be to give in to the attackers.
和訳お願いします! Customers of several types.It may happen that there are several types of customers,each type having its characteristic distribution of service-time. If the queue-discipline takes no account of the differences between the types of customer,we may be able to ignore the differences between the customers and take the distribution of service-times to be the pooled distribution obtained by combining the separate distributions in appropriate proportions.In general,however,the distinction between the distributions will be important. (ii)Service capacity The next aspect of service for discussion is the capacity,the maximum number of customes that can be served at a time.The case most commonly discussed in mathematical work is when the capacity is one.Practical examples of such systems were given at the beginning of the chapter. Systems with capacity m,for a general integer m,were also described there.Another example is in the study of hospital appointment systems, in which the aspect of interest is not the length of time spent queueing after arrival at the hospital,but instead the number of days elapsing from first requesting an appointment until the day of the appointment. In this case the capacity of the system is the maximum number of patients that can be dealt with in one clinic.Systems of unlimited capacity can arise in mathematical work,when we assume that the only restriction on service is in its availability;for example,in a study of pedestrian crossings,it might be assumed that as soon as a sufficient gap develops in the traffic,an unlimited number of pedestrians can cross. 長くてすいません;;
>>162,>>163 のさらに続きです。 The traditional family model can be beautiful, especially in its promise of “true love.” But its beauty should not disguise its repressive ness. The traditional family, as it is celebrated in Western art, teaches authoritarian psychological patterns and a belief in the unchanging rightness of male power. It offers an order where love and power are inseparably linked, damaging not only to all family members but to the politics of the wider society. Now that families are becoming different, we are seeing people question things that for centuries have not been questioned. We are beginning to see people ask themselves exactly what “love” is , and try to build families based on love that often do n9ot exactly fit the old model. The family, that is, human love and support systems for raising children, is not in danger of breaking down. What is happening is that finally democracy is catching up with the old father-dominated family democratized. We are all, many of us, talking part in the process. おねがいします。
@I was put in a boarding school that seemed very strict. AGradually the poorer students came to be iooked down on. BWhat was worse was that one day I fought with an older student. CHe warned me to be careful when I was walking down the hall with my hands in my pockets. DFor that, I was suspended from school for a month. EIt was at a bookstore there that I found Uemura Naomi's book, Seishun wo Yamani Kakete. FNever did I imagine that it was going to change my life. GBack in Britain, school was as boring as before. HClimbing with an ice ax in my hand and crampons on my shoes was quite an experience. IIt was the first mountain that Uemura had climbed outside Japan. JFor an eleventh grader like me, climbing Mont Blanc was a great adventure. KThere was a place where rocks fell in great numbers. LFinally, we made it to the top. MIt was the last and the highest of the seven mountains that I wanted to climb. NI was afraid that I wouldn't get another chance. OI had already failed to reach the top of Mount Everest twice before. PFrom here on up is a world of death. QWith an oxygen mask that looks like a horse's nose, I can't see my feet, and, with my goggles on, I can't see up. RWith my feet set firmly on that spot, I thought. SNow I remember how much I owed my success to the Sherpas. 21 What is not known is that each year many Sherpas lose their lives. 22 It is especially shocking to see how much garbage Japanese climbers have left. 23 To be honest, I too was so tired after reaching the summit that on the way down I left a used oxygen tank.
1The opening of Japan to the West would reveal the real strengths of Japanese society a national vigor that would draw admiration as well as create anxiety as Japan challenged the West. 2They also admire people who dedicate themselves without regard for thier own welfare to good causes. どうぞよろしくおねがいします。
すみません、これ何が言いたいんでしょうか? >>344 Sorry but I do ignore your respond I don't think I have to tell you about my life or anything at all >>345 Sorry but my ex wasn't black,do not say anything bad about Mr.Hanjou Okay? I am pretty upset w/you guys!Fuxk u!!
JAPAN TTIMESを読んでいたのですが、この二つの部分が訳せませんでした。 日本語訳をお願いします。
Maligned by mainstreamsociety, here they stayed,their tastes and habits transforming the area also known as Electric Town into what sociologists are calling an urban first:a ghetto of geeks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eyeglass-ad-justment kiosks compete for space with shops selling-non-descript dress shirts and thick leather shoes. With some analysts estimating the geek market to be worth as much as $19 billion a year,companies are jostling
化学の文献です。明日の12:00までが 提出期限です。途中までいいんでよろしくお願いします。 Effect of addition of silver on anatase-rutile transformation as studied by impedance spectroscopy 理化学英和辞典
Titanium oxide (TiO2) is considered important due to its applications as a photocatalyst, an opacifier, a white pigment in paints and an ingredient of enamels and glazes as well as for its use in electronic devices [1-3]. Impurities or additives can considerably affect the properties of TiO2. Low temperature anatase is generally used as a photoactive catalyst, whereas high temperature rutile is required for pigments and ceramics used in structural and electronic applications. The anatase−rutile transformation is usually reported in the temperature range 600−700°C[4] but it can be lowered or raised by the presence of impurities. Furthermore, to sinter the titania at lower temperatures and also to improve its fracture toughness, certain metals such as silver and nickel [5] are added to it. Additions of silver to aluminium oxide have considerably improved its fracture toughness [6]. Titanium oxide for similar treatment is prepared from alkoxide by hydrolysis; the resulting precursors are generally amorphous to X-rays [7], so other methods may need to be used when monitoring phase transformations and the influence of additives. Sensitive electrical measurements are the best way to characterize the phases in titanium oxide systems.
part2です Conventional electrical measurements of dielectric loss and impedance are limited to certain fixed frequencies and they are time-consuming. But the impedance spectral method also covers high frequencies, measuring gain and phase angle over a wide range. Plots of imaginary components versus real components can then be used to analyse a device in terms of equivalent circuit parameters [8]. This method has successfully been applied to analyse doped and undoped zinc oxide varistors [9], the hydration of cement [10] and the phase formation in high Tc superconductors [11]. Undoped zinc oxide showed a resistive contribution from the grain interior, but the doped zinc oxide showed a semicircle, indicating a contribution from the grain boundary [9]. Impedance measurements have also been used to study the role of microstructure in the electrical behaviour of sensor materials based on anatase [12]. This study employed impedance spectral measurements to investigate the anatase-rutile transformation in the presence and absence of silver as an impurity phase, starting from the hydrolysis of titanium isoproproxide. The findings have been further supported by techniques such as thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD) data. Impedance spectral measurement appears to be an appropriate method for studying thermal transformation in titania sol-gel precursors.
part3です Titania samples were prepared by the direct hydrolysis of titanium isopropoxide in distilled water [13]. In a typical experiment, 20 cm3 of titanium isopropoxide was added dropwise to 400 cm3 of distilled water during stirring by keeping the pH of the mixture at 4. The whole mixture was stirred for about l h. The precipitate was filtered and divided into two parts. Silver nitrate was added to one part to achieve 2 wt% silver in the mixture with respect to Ti02; the mixture was dried in an oven for 3h. The other part was also dried and did not contain any silver. The samples were heated at 200 °C, palletized, heated at 400, 600, 800 and 900 °C, then electroded with silver. Impedance spectral measurements were recorded using EQUIVCRT software (Enschede, Netherlands). Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was carried out on the precursors (Shimadzu DTA 50H, Japan) and SEM photographs were taken of the heated samples (Jeol 35C, Japan). Two more samples were made: one containing 5 wt% silver for DTA, and another containing 0.5wt% silver for measurement of its impedance spectrum after heating to 900 °C .
While some interpseters are American born, most are not, coming from 22 nations at last count. Meny interpreters learned their languages as children, at the knees of multilingual parents or from growing up in more than one country, but others picked them up in school. A few studied at foreign languages iostitutions in Rossia or Chaina, closely monitored iostitutions that in such forbidden fare as the Bible.
It also appeared with both cultivars that the greatest reduction in stem number in plants from seed tubers stored in the light occurred between 8 and 12℃ while in the dark the difference was greater between 4 and 8 ℃, perhaps indicating that light had a negative effect on apical dominance.
The optimism of all these reforms, these elections, I hope that at the end of the day, whatever part America's played in it will get the credit for making the Middle East a better place.
For the full year, AT&T reported a net loss of 6.1 billion dollars, or loss per diluted share of 7.68 dollars. The company's net loss included significant non-cash asset impairment charges, as well as net restructuring and other charges.
The only reason that some one is interested in through you is that whatever the arrangements which exist in Japan are not too attractive or easy and hence they came to you.
初めまして。一つ和訳お願いいたします。 Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. It's not enough to do it today. A wise man finished it yesterday. 和訳できる方よければおねがいいたします。お願いいたします。
Harry,while he was at home the winter before,had consulted a psychiatrist. The man had a reputation for correcting and curing practically every case of minor mental disorder he had undertaken,and Harry felt certain that if there was anything wrong with him the psychiatrist could help him. He went,however,to see him only once. Harry explained that the dream was recurrent each month,but the psychiatrist said there wasn't anything to it. He said it was all utterly silly. He told Harry to forget it.
Paris lies spread before you in dusky vastness, domed and fortified, glittering here and there through her light vapors, and girdled with her silver Seine.
So I go not on holidays. I will make next year if we life in the new house one month holiday. So I can rest a long time. I had a very busy year. I must work in the office from oktober last year until march this year for 2 persons, because the office colleague goes and until we find a new employee it's during a long time. So because I'm very tired now.
His eyes were fixed in idle wistfulness on the mighty human hive before him.
He was fond of rural things, and he had come to Saint-Germain a week before to meet the spring half-way;but though he could boast of a six months' acquaintance with the great city,he never looked at it from his present standpoint without a feeling of painfully unsatisfied curiosity.
後半はneverで動詞の強否定と副詞句の否定で全体では肯定になっている のでしょうね。それと>>362の後半部分と >>349-350の原文 from his present vantage without a sense of curiosity still unappeased. とはちょっと違うみた いね。 別の人かな?
Though not in the least a cynic he was what one may call a disappointed observer, and he never chose the right-hand road without beginning to suspect after an hour's wayfaring that the left would have been the better
Though not in the least a cynic、 he was what one may call a disappointed observer, and he never chose the right-hand road without beginning to suspect after an hour's wayfaring that the left would have been the interesting one
Summer days, I can't stand the summer days Frozen cocktails and night fireworks What's so great about them anyway? Summer day, let it be some other day Seaside motels and sex on the beach Don't be thinking I went all the way I hate summer days! Rushing down the traffic, to the beach, That's jammed for blocks and blocks They ain't getting nowhere, Still miles and miles left to go Strutting down the street, the girls, they try to impress their boyfriend to be I give up and don't try Every day is a bad hair day Guys, they come up with lame pick-up lines, Desperate to just get laid Damn, give me a freaking break! Goddamn summer days! Kate was the one, who said that life was made to be enjoyed Stop crinkling your face Everything will turn out okay Serving table to table up and down the isle Had on a face I'd never seen Whatever happened to her? Who has stolen your smiles away? Who said that summer can brighten the mood of fate? Nothing is going to change Damn, give me a freaking break Who needs summer days! Summer days, they have never been the same Once you left and were out of my sight Leaving no trace behind Summer day, why oh why on a summer day? You were gone without saying goodbye Taking it all away No more summer days!
すみません、これ何が言いたいんでしょうか? >>344 Sorry but I do ignore your respond I don't think I have to tell you about my life or anything at all >>345 Sorry but my ex wasn't black,do not say anything bad about Mr.Hanjou Okay? I am pretty upset w/you guys!Fuxk u!!
>>382 "ex" is short for "ex-girlfriend" (元カノ) or "ex-boyfriend" (元カレ) "pretty upset" is fine. pretty=結構 ex. "i'm pretty hungry" or "this movie is pretty funny"
Sorry but I do ignore your respond I don't think I have to tell you about my life or anything at all 悪いけど、あんたの返信は無視するよ あんたに自分の人生とか何についてでも言わなきゃいけないわけじゃないだろ Sorry but my ex wasn't black,do not say anything bad about Mr.Hanjou 悪いけど、自分の元カノ(元カレ?)は黒人じゃない Mr. はんじょー(?)について悪口言うな。いいか? あんたたちにはかなりむかついてる。ふぁっくゆー
He would probably have risen to execute this project if he had not noticed a little girl who, wandering along the terrace, had suddenly stopped short and begun to gaze at him with round-eyed frankness. For a moment he was simply amused, the child's face denoting such helpless wonderment; the next he was agreeably surprised. "Why this is my friend Maggie," he said; "I see you've not forgotten me."
He would probably have risen to execute this project,if he had not observed a little girl who, wandering along the terrace, had suddenly stopped short and begun to gaze at him with round-eyed frankness. For a moment he was simply amused, for the child's face denoted helpless wonderment; the next he was agreeably surprised. "Why, this is my friend Maggie," he said; "I see you've not forgotten me."
We had known each other for ten years. Each summer we came up to Maine with our families and stayed through the season. Our camps were on the same lake,and we saw each other almost everyday. We went on fishing trips together,and we went swimming two or three times a day. Once a week we went somewhere to a dance,and more frequently,over to the village to the movies. Whenever we talked about the dream Harry always said it was as bad as ever. He said the fact that he continued having the recurrent dream was what was bad;the dream itself,however,was very pleasant.
The intensity of the dream was as memorable as the events of it. Nothing really happened,he said;it was the feeling and lifelike reality that caused him so much worry. He had told me about it so many times I believed I knew how he felt. Each time,he was walking along a lonely road through a forest in northeastern Maine. The moon was out,but a thin veil of graysh clouds darkened everything and left the road and forest in a dull glow like the soft light of a shaded lamp. After he had walked a mile and a harf along the road he came to a bridge over a stream. It was a timber bridge,about four and a half feet wide. He had not heard a sound or seen a single living thing until he reached the bridge. But the moment he put his foot on the bridge he heard someone call his name very softly. He looked up,and in front of him,in the center of the gravel road,was a young girl. She was about eighteen. She stood in the road ahead of him,bathed in this dull yellowish light of the clouded moon. He stopped on the bridge and looked at her.
He would probably have risen to execute this project,if he had not observed a little girl who, wandering along the terrace, had suddenly stopped short and begun to gaze at him with round-eyed frankness. For a moment he was simply amused, for the child's face denoted helpless wonderment; the next he was agreeably surprised. "Why, this is my friend Maggie," he said; "I see you've not forgotten me."
さきほど、EU憲法の記事を訳して頂いた者です。 その記事の中でEUのmottoとして挙げられてるものが、 うまく日本語に落とせません。 everything for the people,but without the people です。どなたかよろしくお願いします。 あと、前にお願いした文の訳も、今見なおすとよく分からなかったので、そちらも暇があったらよろしくお願いします。
Learning a different language can be tough, especially if that language isn't used so often compared to one's own native language to practice like English in Japan. It's can be tough to practice when you're not forced to use English too.
Invited then to explain her appearance at Saint-Germain, she embarked on a recital in which the general, according to the infantine method, was so fatally sacrificed to the particular, that Longmore looked about him for a superior source of information.
she embarked on a recital in which the general, according to the infantine method, was so fatally sacrificed to the particular, that Longmore looked about him for a superior source of information. ここだけでいいです
But there is a big gap between leaders and voters today and we cannot go on with European integration as we always have: The motto of enlightened despotism - everything for the people but without the people - no longer works.
「ポーランド人の鉛管工」は EU の経済的統合の問題点を語る際に しばしば引き合いに出される言い回しです。 ヨーロッパ統合が進んで域内の人の移動が自由になるとポーランド などの東欧諸国から安い賃金で働く労働者が押し寄せてくる。 その結果、古くからの EU 加盟国であるフランス、オランダ等の 鉛管工が彼らに職を奪われたり、安い賃金で働かざるを得ないという 圧力がかかる。 EU 憲法の批准に反対の投票をしても経済統合が崩壊するわけでは ない( EU 憲法の批准の問題は政治的統合の意味合いが強く、経済的 統合にはあまり影響しない)ので、東からの労働者の流入という (フランスなどの労働者の)怖れが消滅するわけではない、ということ。
A love hotel the popular men's weekly does not name has apparently worked out how to make a buck for couples with a yen for partaking in the pleasures of the flesh.
Visitors expecting to see an opera in Sydney one night and meet Crocodile Dundee the next will have to re-think their grasp of geography in this huge country. It is this sheer vastness that gives Australia - and its diverse population - much of its character.
iam a 19 year old Indonesia geezer from holland and i saw you posted something on BBS or something i like to know some Japanese peeps so that iam not alone for when i want come over hope you like to write me
Life,in his famous description would consequently be solitary, poor, nasty, bruthis and short.There would be no security of property“no thine and mine distinct; (but only that to be everyman's,that he can get; and for so long as he can keep it”.) He points out, to those who many doubt his pesimistic analysis, that a man already arms himself when taking journey, locking doors and chests at night, even when he knows there are officers whose job it is to protect him.(“Does he much accuse all mankind by his actions?”)Hobbes goes on to argue the need for a sovereign power, a Liviathan, to impose order on society, to quell the inherent civil war of“all against all”.
The search for the answer to the question of what is lodestone has led via action at a distance through electromagnetic fields to QED, GUTs, and a possible TOE.
These answers work so well that we are left with the stuning awareness that we live in a universe in which at least one form of consciousness has emerged that has the capacity to comprehend not only its own existence but its origins as well.
She had never heard of Longmore, but she now perceived that her companion had crossed the ocean with him, had met him afterwards in travelling, and(having left her husband in Wall Street) was indebted to him for various small services. 彼女はロングモアについて聞いたことがありませんでしたが、彼女は今、マギーの母親たちが彼と海洋を横切り、その旅行の後で彼と会いそして様々な小さな奉仕を受けている(ウォール街に彼女の夫を置き去りにして)ことがわかりました。 Maggie's mamma turned from time to time and smiled at this lady with an air of invitation; the latter smiled back, and continued gracefully to say nothing. マギーの母は、時々振り向き、この女性にそよ風のいざないと共に微笑みかけました、彼女も、微笑み返して、おしとやかに沈黙を続けました。 For ten minutes Longmore felt a revival of interest in his interlocutors; then (as riddles are more amusing than commonplaces) it gave way to curiosity about her friend. 10分間の間、ロングモアは、彼の対話者への興味がよみがえるように感じました そして(その謎が日常よりおもしろいので)、彼女の友人に関する好奇心に屈しました。 His eyes wandered; her volubility was less suggestive than the letter's silence. 彼の目はきょろきょろしました、彼女のおしゃべりは彼女友人の沈黙ほど思わせぶりなものではなかったからです。
Hi.?A I'm sorry for not answering sooner;?A I've been out of town for the past 4 days. I got your payment OK for the NYTRO 12", but have misplaced it.?A I've been searching everywhere for it, and am going to dig through every box I have this weekend.?A I hope to have it sent out to you as soon as possible.?A Best,?A?A?A
Feminazi is an invective neologism used predominantly in United States conservatives' political rhetoric to characterize women whose ideas they disagree with as misandrous; that is, as having an irrational and extreme hatred of men. The word is a portmanteau derived from the words the words feminist and Nazi. お願いします。
Her throat and bust were slender, but all the more in harmony with certain rapid, charming movements of the head, which she had a way of throwing back every now and then, with an air of attention and a sidelong glance from her dove-like eyes ここの訳がわからないのですが・・・
To an American reporter there is something very special about the people of this city this island, this nation. Never in the long and stormy history of Great Britain have her fortunes been as low as they are in this spring of 1941. Britain is fighting alone for her very existence fighting desperately. Yet her people remain steadfast and unflinching.
Along with a net reduction in fixed personnel numbers, the wage systems of central and local government officials need to be reviewed. ここでのnetは、どういう意味ですか。お願いします。
The stranger was perhaps not obviously a beauty nor obviously an American, but essentially both、on a closer scrutiny. より精密に吟味したが、彼女の友人は、明らかに彼女よりかわいくなく、明らかにアメリカ人ではありませんでした。 She was slight and fair and, though naturally pale, delicately flushed, apparently with recent excitement. 彼女は、細くて色白で、生まれつき青白いのにもかかわらず、繊細でほほは紅潮していて、一見興奮しているようでした What chiefly struck Longmore in her face was the union of a pair of beautifully gentle, almost languid gray eyes, with a mouth peculiarly expressive and firm. みごとに上品で、ほとんど灰色の物憂いし瞳と特殊な形でしっかりした口元を合わせもつ彼女の顔の何かがロングモアの心を打ちました。 Her forehead was a trifle more expansive than belongs to classic types, and her thick brown hair was dressed out of the fashion, which was just then very ugly. 彼女の額はふざけて言うと上品なタイプに属すというよりは広々としていて、そして、彼女の毛深い茶髪はそしてとても不快なファッションを着飾っていた。
>>495 文の構造は ・Visitors ( ← expecting to see an opera in Sydney one night and meet Crocodile Dundee the next ) will have to re-think 〜 . 直訳は 「ある晩シドニーでオペラを見、次の晩には(映画のクロコダイル・ ダンディーで有名になった)ワニ狩りの名人に会うことを期待している 観光客はこの広大な国の地理の把握をもう一度考え直さなければ ならないだろう」
・It is this sheer vastness that gives Australia - and its diverse population - much of its character. It is 〜 that の強調構文。 「オーストラリアに、そしてその多様な人種から成る国民に、 その性格の多くを付与したのはこの途方もない広大さなのである」
>>567 自分の訳を載せているし、>>567を丸投げとは言えない。 修正してくれる人がたまたまいなかったのはしょうがない。 文句言ってるやつは出来ないから( ry 気にするな
The stranger was perhaps not obviously a beauty nor obviously an American, but essentially both、on a closer scrutiny. その見知らぬ人は、よりよく見ると、明らかに美人(美男)ではなく、また、明らかに アメリカ人ではありませんでした。 She was slight and fair and, though naturally pale, delicately flushed, apparently with recent excitement. 彼女は、細くて色白で、いつもは青白いのにもかかわらず、最近興奮したため 頬はうっすらと紅潮していました What chiefly struck Longmore in her face was the union of a pair of beautifully gentle, almost languid gray eyes, with a mouth peculiarly expressive and firm. 彼女の顔でロングモアの心に印象づけたのは、みごとに上品で、灰色のほとんど物憂いともみ える両の瞳と特に表情豊かでしっかりした口元の調和でした。 Her forehead was a trifle more expansive than belongs to classic types, and her thick brown hair was dressed out of the fashion, which was just then very ugly. 彼女の額は伝統的なタイプより広々としていて、そして、彼女の豊かな茶髪は当時の 不快なファッションとは異なってセットされていました。
Perhaps, too, there are people on those other earths who think and feel much as we do and who look to their sun as we do to ours for light, warmth, and life.
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何人かにきいてみたんですがみんな違って正解がわかりません Unfotunately,a recent Amnesty Internatiomal broadside against U.S.detention of terror suspects goes so far in the otherdirection that it can only harm the effort to end prisoner abuse and hold the culprits accountable. 新聞記事の文ですか…だれかよろしくお願いします
The force of this offer in making him punctual at the Hotel de l'Empire Longmore doubtless never exactly measured; and it was perhaps well that he did not, for he found his friend, who was on the point of leaving Paris, so distracted by procrastinating milliners and perjured lingeres that she had no wits left for disinterested narrative. すいませんお願いします。
The other side of love * In my heart, I know I must be right darkest shadows will someday come to light I've been down, but I can rise above I keep searching for the other side of love
looking for fun was just a game to me never knew what each lonely day would bring now I'm so tired of trying to run away I've got to find a love that's here to stay
** In my heart, Í know the day will come we'll be laughing and dancing in the sun what I've found has never been enough I keep searching for the other side of love
I always heard that love's supposed to be more than a word and more than just a dream someone to share your every joy and pain someone who's there for sunshine and the rain
* repeat ** repeat
I know what I see I see exactly how it'll be he'll be strong enough to be kind he won't need to be tough to know he's mine
and I must believe what I feel I'll feel it deep inside when it's real and I know when day is done he'll be so close to me that we'll be one on the other side of love ...
The song splashed onto Oricon, one of the nation's most influential music charts, on Monday. It is the first time a “shaka," or corporate anthem, has made the chart, according to Oricon Inc.
>>608 It is the first time (in history) (that) a “shaka," or corporate anthem, has made the chart, according to Oricon Inc. = That a “shaka," or corporate anthem, has made the chart is the first time (in history), according to Oricon Inc.
you so old and beutyful.Dont want to talk o.k. new generagation leaw pep d. THOUGT THAT WERE STORY IN MY MAIL. NO ONLY VIAG ADS AND NOTHING. BACK BRAIN COULD USE SOME LOVE
From one point of view our existing system is superior to any direct method, whether using ballot boxes or new technology, as many popular attitudes are authoritarian and illiberal.
1、Still others accept the difficulties of scale and number and advocate instead the devolution of decision making down to the lowest level compatible with efficiency.
2、They can also be nationalistic and xenophobic.At least our existing system allows these extreme to be filtered out in favor of views which are the result of rational debate and intensive research.Still other〜
News of the FDA approval sent the company's shares up 8 percent in after hours trading to $48.50. Those gains were pared back to $47.50 before after hours trade was through.