Chat in English (Part 17)

Commander, I would like to go into a description of what you might describe as
a coon, unless you like to.

Well,Martin luther coon is a good example, I would say. I would say this:
If I had a fund to do it,and I could ship 5000 n*groes ,let us
call them,
up to your city tommorow morning , you'd have a n*gro problem,and it would't be long
before you'd be saying, now "what are we gonna do about this thing".

Would you put them up in cattle cars, or Grayhound buses, commander?

Well, I think n*gros would be more comfortable most of 'em on a cattle cars.

Yes,but I just wonder which way you would rather see them go.

Well,I think the n*gros themselves would prefer to go the way they live.I think they'd
like to get a couple of wine bottles, and their heroin, and then numbers
game, and get in the cattle car where they all throw all over each other

commander, that's not a very good description of the n*gros we have in canada.

N*gros simply are not fit to associate in modern, urban civilazation.
They just can't make it. Or you can, there are a few of 'em, always are mixed with
the white blood by the way. But real black n*gros, you won't find very many who can
make the grade in urban civilazation.