Tomorrow we expect your important friends. Are you okay while you are rather in a bad condition? Tell me whatever I can do for you. I cannot represent you entirely, but I can manage some works such as a meeting him at airport or being a guide in the neighborhood.
They are all I may be able to do for you. But if something else, Don’t hesitate. I will do anything that I can do.
I just faxed you the new proforma invoice and passed your order to factory already. After you received my fax, please check and confirm back again. Please note that bag gloves in full thumb, if you need them in open thumb, let me know urgent.
The goods will be delivered by mid of July by air freight.
Thank you for the reply and the fax. I would like to in this order. I need tmem in full thumb. It is a remittance schedule on July 1.
>>56 I have a feeling that when I lived in that town, I heard a story from someone about there being lots of secret underground tunnels under it. But I don't remember much... Where did you see those photos of the tunnels?
自分で言う日本語をすべて英語で言えれば英語マスターしていると 言えますよね。あとはその表出時間を短くしていくとよいのですが。最近は学校で和文英訳の 授業をやっていないからどうもいけませんね。英語を読んで語彙を増やすのと 日本語から英語の語彙を増やすという、両方が必要だと思います。 集中豪雨 torrential rain? 話していても、書いても、あれ、これ なんて言うんだろ、と考えるとそこで止まってしまいます。単語量は基本だと つくづく思います。 >>75 Look at the flag. Come under the flag. Hold this flag. This flag is our life. (We have to keep this flag. We need this flag.状況 に応じて、大事、はいろいろな意味があるのでは?
英訳 This is inform you that the paymenet for your invoice No.123 has been made as follws:
Amount of payment:$3000.00 Date of remittance:June 29 From:●●BANK To:××BANK remittance number:203
Let me know receipt money service charge pleas. When the amount of money is insufficient, I will order the addition. Please adjust when you will order next time when the amount of money is excessive. When you confirm the transfer,pleas let me know by email.
>>59 >久しぶりの貴方からのメール、すごく嬉しかったです。 >ずっとメールがこなかったので、貴方に何かあったのではと、 >心配しておりました。元気な様子、ほっとしました。 I am so happy to hear from you. I've been very worried if something must have happened to you, because it took you so long to reply. Now that I know you are doing fine, I am relieved.
>>62 >このままのペースでゴミを捨て続けると国内では捨てる場所がなく、 >他国に廃棄処理を依頼することになる。 >ゴミを減らすには生ゴミは家庭で処理したり >無駄な包装をしないなど地道なことをしていくしかない。 If we keep disposing garbage at this pace, we will soon run out of space in this country. Thus, leading us with no option but to ask other countries to dispose our garbage. To reduce rubbish, hard-working efforts must be made, such as raw garbage being composted at home and avoid use of plastic bags and wrapping paper.
>>63 >あなたにメールを出した時は 雨や曇りの日々が続いていて、 >まさしく梅雨と言う感じでした。 >でもそのあと一転して東京では、ここ数日 真夏の様な暑い日が続いています。 >来週 子供さん、日本の家庭に体験研修に来るって書いてあったけど、 >何処の町に泊まるのですか? When I posted my Email it was a rainy season, with everyday being a cloudy or a rainy day. Though, in Tokyo the weather has changed dramatically. Now steamy days has been continuing, like summer is emerging. I see your child is coming to Japan for experience next week. Which town is he/she visiting?
>>65 >あなたが私に言ってくれたことばを今 思い出しています。 >たくさん親切にしてくれてありがとう。 >いつかあなたの期待に応えられるようにこれからも努力していきます。 I am recalling what you have said to me. Thank you so much for being very kind. I will try hard and do my best to meet your expectations.
>>66 >飲み会の日のことだけど、日曜日のどれかよね? >○日と○日以外ならいつでも良いのだけど >日にちが決まったらなるべく早く教えてね! >ギリギリだと他の予定がたてられないから。 About the party, you mean Sundays right? Though, I'm alright anydays except for ○th and ○th... Just please tell me the date as soon as possible! Otherwise I can't make up my schedules.
>>67 >久しぶりに あなたの家族の写真を拝見しました。 >Zhen が大きくなったのには、びっくりしました。 >だいぶ顔つきも、おにいちゃんポクなりましたね。 >小さい時から外国の文化に触れる事は、彼の将来にきっとやく立つ事と思います。 I haven't seen your family's photo for a long time. I am surprised to see Zhen has grown so big now. He looks more mature and responsible. I think it's good for his future to be in a foreign culture and traditions from a young age.
72 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2005/06/28(火) 16:30:28 >東京の蒸し暑さには、参ったのでは...。 Probably got caught in the Tokyo's heat wave...
>>73 >新潟県の集中豪雨の件、テレビのニュースで盛んに放送しています。 >あなたの住んでいる所は 大丈夫でしたか。 The Niigata's cyclone has been mentioned on the news channel so many times. Was everything fine where you live?
>>75 >「この旗を見ろ」「この旗の下に集まれ」「この旗を持て」 >「この旗が大事」 "Look at this flag" "Gather around this flag" "Hold this flag" "This flag is important"
>>82 This is to inform you that the paymenet for your invoice No.123 has been made as follws: <<省略>> Please let me know of any service charge for money receipt. When the amount of money is insufficient, I will make an additional order.. Please adjust next time you order if the amount is excessive. When you have confirmed the transfer, please let me know by Email.
>>95 >人口の増加に伴い、おそらく食糧難が訪れるであろう。 >そこで活躍を期待されているのがクローンの技術による大量生産である。 >また、モラルに対する問題をもちながら、今日では人間のクローンまでなされる。 >クローン技術は私たちの生活を豊かにするために存在するべきだと考える。 With increasing population, limited natural resources and supply of food may become a major issue. To overcome this problem, modern cloning technology has become a key solution by mass production. Although, it may be against our morals but human cloning has also come into practice. It can be believed that cloning shall help sustain our lifestyle by maintaining our high living standards.
>>96 >都会の生活も、田舎の生活も、それぞれ長所と短所がある。 都会の生活は、華やかで便利ではあるが、多くの危険が潜んでもいる。 >一方田舎の生活は、ゆっくりとしていて安心できるものであるが、不便である。 Lifestyle in the rural area and urban area, each has both advantages and disadvantages.The city may be exciting and convenient, but there are many dangers. On the other hand, you can relax in the country as it's more laidback, but consequently it's inconvenient. __/、冫、)_ホンジャマタ
>>103 薬の摂取量が運動機能に影響が与えるかどうかや どのように影響するのかはまだはっきりしていない。 It is still not clear how much amount of drug would make difference to the output that is made. 又は It is still not clear how the amount of drug influences the body, either positively or negatively.
I agree with the cloning technique, because the incentive of the cloning technology is mass production of the domestic animals that the solution of the food difficulty. Therefore, it can be said that it is even sublime far from never bad about the domestic animal such as cow . In a word, if it uses it well, the cloning technique can become a terrible technology.
>>110 I agree with the cloning technique, because the incentive of the cloning technology is to mass produce domestic animals, which solves food difficulty. Therefore, it can be said that the objective of cloning cows is not bad at all, it could even be thought sublime. In a word, if it uses it well, the cloning technique can become a wonderful(又はgreat。terribleは酷いという意味になる) technology.
>>131 I heard that the customs in your country got stricter with any goods, so the postal service is delayed now. Then, I sent you the goods in express delivery. You don't need do so because the Japanese customs is not so strict. I can get them so soon in regular delivery as in express one. You don't need to pay so much.
I heard that the customs officials in your country have gotten stricter recently, and it's causing frequent postal delay. That's why I sent the package by express. You don't need to do the same thing for me because our customs officials are not that strict as yours. Actually, regular mail is delivered almost as fast as express mail. So you don't need to waste your money on express.
>>142 I love fruits, too. I like all kinds of fruits but grapefruit is the best. I love it when the tart flavor of it gives me agonizing moments. Maybe I'm a masochist.
>>146 the american football games which i have watched are only superball and japanese one. what is your favorite team? i want to cheer the team you love as well.
>>166 I've never been abroad because I am too busy at work to take a long holiday. Besides, I have a fear of heights and don't like to travel by plane.
>私は日本人です。 I'm a Japanese. >>137>>203 >あなたの学校に6ヶ月以上の登録を考えています。 I'd like to register for your school on a contract of at least half a year, >それで、長期ビザをとる為には週に20時間以上そちらで勉強しなければ >いけないと、日本の大使館が言っています。 while Japanese tells that I have to learn more than 20 hours per week. >そういった条件を満足するカリキュラムを組めますか? Can I have such a curriculum that meets my requirement ?
「大使館」も入っていなければ、「長期ビザをとる為には」も入っていなかった。 (追加と訂正)>>213 >それで、長期ビザをとる為には週に20時間以上そちらで勉強しなければ >いけないと、日本の大使館が言っています。 while the Japanese Embassy tells that I have to learn there at your school more than 20 hours per week in order to have a student visa.
514って消すの忘れた・・・ >>219 My apologies for the delay in gettig back to you. I have a serious cold. (My cold worsened.) Please wait a while for my reply until I get better. (I will reply to you as soon as I get better.)
>>218 "What would you like for your present?"(誕生日には何が欲しい?ならpresentの代わりにbirthday) "Hmm. That's a difficult question." (決めるのが難しいな〜〜なら"That's a hard decision to make")
>>219 Sorry for the late reply. My flu has worsened. I will reply as soon as I recover.
>>226 The work you were talking about is the one called "Buji", isn't it? I like it the best, too. (That's also my favourite.) The word "Buji" means "safe" or "all right".
"Are you talking about that artwork 'Buji'?"(映画ならartworkをmovieに、本ならbookに置き代えれる) That (artwork/movie/book) is my favourite also. (myの前にalsoを置くも良し) The term 'BUJI' has meanings such as 'safe' and 'alright'.
>>242 I like travelling by plane. It is a fun to look at a view from a window in a plane. (or it is enjoyable to look out of a window in a place) ― aかtheかなしか、自信ない。
再度こんにちは__/、冫、)_パカッ(こいつも懲りないなー >>243 >私が青森県出身というと殆どの人が >「じゃ、スゴイ訛りで話すんだね。」と聞いてきます。 >しかし皆が想像するような訛りで話すのは青森でも一部の人間だけで >私が育った地域はあまり訛りが無いので >私は皆が想像するような訛りで話す事は出来ません。 Whenever I tell someone that I come from Aomori, people ask me "then you must have a very strong accent". Where I grew up, the accent was not so strong. That's why I cannot speak with a strong Aomori accent.
>>236 I appreciate your kind offer. If we travel all the way to America, I would like to stay there for at least 10 days. Unfortunately, I am very busy at work and it is almost impossible for me to take such a long holiday. At moment, I am not sure if I can take even 5 days off. (I don't think the current situation at work would allow me to take even 5 days off.) However, when I have a chance to visit America in the future, I would love to board your boat.
>>246 >大坂にも見物に来ると書いてありましたが、大坂の何処の宿に、 >いつ泊まるのですか。 >何故かと言うと、何か私からのプレゼントをと思って...、日本茶を考え >ているのだけど。日本茶だったら荷物としても、ほとんどがさばらないし。 >面会できればいいのだけど、多分 団体行動で忙しいと思うし、私の方も >仕事の関係で何とも言えないので、泊まる所を教えて貰えれば、プレゼント >を受付に預けておけますので。 You mentioned coming to Osaka, but which hotel are you staying at? I'm asking because I wanted to give you a little something...Japanese tea. It won't take up much space in your luggage. I know you will be busy touring as a group, and so as to me with my work and all... I thought it would be convenient if you tell me where you're staying at, so then I could leave the present at the reception for you to pick up later.
I'd like to spend the rest of my life in my birthplace, >>276 which is deep in the mountains , free from care, leading sort of a sheltered life as a hermit would do.
Thank you for the reply. Please adjust USD7 when you will order next time. Also, please send me price list including other models. Please contact me when you send it.
>「大きな象の重さはどうして量るか。」 >>282 >「象を舟に乗せ、舟が水中にどれだけ沈んだか印をしておく。 >次に象を降ろして、同じ深さになるまで石を載せその石の重さを量ればよい。」 (「は げ み」第1章 さとりへの道 3.仏のたとえ」より ttp:// >"How can you weigh a large elephant?" >"Load it on a boat and draw a line to mark how deep the boat sinks into the water. >Then take out the elephant and load the boat with stones >until it sinks to the same depth, and then weight the stones." (THE WAY OF PRACTICE Chapter One: The Way of Purification III. Teaching in Ancient Fables) ttp://
>>283 Thank you for your reply. Please adjust USD7 on the next order. Also, please send me a price list including other models. Please notify me when you have sent ○●.
Draw a line to mark the intersection >>282>>295 between the outside of the boat and the water surface. The gross weight of stones on the boat equals the weight of the elephant. >『水面とボートの接する位置に線を引く』 >『船にのせた石の総重量が象の重さになる』
>>294 Then it'll leave scars on your hands? I'm really sorry (相手の名前). Does it still hurt? I know how much you enjoy skateboard but do take care of yourself, will you?
In ancient Japan, there is no social distinction between two sexes. >>299 In the eighth century, however, there came and settled an concept of the male chauvinism. The male chauvinism means predominance of men over women. For 1,300 years since then, Japan's become gradually such a society that the male chauvinism is predominant. Consequently, the stereotypical consensus that "male only for business, female only for chores and child-cares" has been accepted. Thus, this "gender role" has spread among Japanese people.
>>326 Thanks for your email. You've already forgotten my name? You called me Nancy in your email, but I'm Emili. Good luck with your work, don't chat up too much. Thank you I had a very nice time with you. Keep in touch!
>>313 >「以前あなたに、あなたの所有するライブ音源CDのコピーを >お願いしたことあるのですが、私のこと覚えてますでしょうか? >又、コピーお願いしたいのですが...」 I've once asked you for a copy of a live recording CD that you own. Do you remember me? Could I ask the same favour of you again?
By your E-mail, now I know >>359 that you have enjoyed your travel abroad. I'm really jealous, for you have come into contact with different cultures of their own by visit famous and historical places.
Let's meet up together at your visit to Japan this autumn! >>358 Please let me know about your itinerary as soon as it is made. I'm going to look forward to my meeting with you.
>>356 Happy birthday, XX! I wish I could spend the day with you. (I'm sorry I can't spend the day with you.) Next year, we will celebrate your birthday together definately. It is a promise between us. ロマンチックな文章やね。
>>358 I should meet up with you when you come to Japan in autumn. Please let me know when you decide your itinerary. (Please let me know when you decide detailed plans of your visit.) I am looking forward to seeing you.
They looked upon their project as an aircraft rather than as a modified kite or as a machine that would be merely steered in the air as a boat in the water.
>>377 I go to ( ) every year, but i don't think i can make it this year. Are you going there? I'd definetly go if you are going. As usual I'm very busy with my work every day. I'd like to go out and play but I have no money nor time. recently I met someone I really like. He is 45 years old and lives in Tokyo. I cannot get close to him beause he's married. I want to be his lover. How can I seduce him? Sorry if it sounds strange.
I've read novels written by Akira Yoshimura. I read his several novels about the disturbance of Japan in the last years of Edo, but I forgot the titles. He is a pretty popular novelist in Japan.
>>348 Well, that makes sense. Like you said, schools should require students to wear uniforms to avoid having unneccesary vain. I feel sorry for students feeling embrassed in a class because of thier simple cloths. The sense of superiority or inferiorty which had awakened at the eary life stage would remain throughout thier lives. I agree with school uniforms because I believe no student should have wrong sense of superiority or inferiority.
>>351 I saw a beautiful film called xxx. I had always hated movies that talk about something like death of a lover or a partner. Every time I see those movies I get terribly depressed afterwards and it gets hard for me even to sleep. This film however didn’t get me so depressed like the other ones did. I figured that it is because this particular film deals with “recovering form the sadness of a loss”.
Just like in Japan, we had lots and lots of rain in May and Juni. And also lots of snow in the mountains, sometimes even hail in Munich.The plants have suffered from the cold, and they started growing and blossoming later than usual. Since I love hiking so very much, it was a hard time for me because either the weather was bad or there was too much snow to go up in the mountains. For 3 weeks now, we have hot summer weather, and I tried to get out as much as possible. Last weekend, I went hiking again, up to 2600 m, and finally, there was no more snow.The mountain flowers were in blossom,and it was a wonderful sight.Especially one plant is very beautiful at this time of the year, it has pink blossoms and looks like this:
>>422>>421はオバチャンなのか? Congratulations on your new born baby! Does he/she look more like his/her father or mother? I wish he/she will be growing up in good health.
ワァー、赤ちゃん 産まれたんだ Wow, your baby was born. Congratulations! 直訳するとこうなるけど、あんまりこういう風にいわない気がする…
>>438 Dear Kivin, I would like you to make a presentation at the next meeting. Please let me know what date and time you will be available next week. Thank you and best wishes, Yamamoto
>>439 どういたしまして。こういう英文は得意なのです。 >> I envy that person for not getting weight easily. I envy that person because s/he doesn't get weight easily. It is a bit hard for me to control my weight because I am apt to gain and lose weight easily. だろうか…
と思ってググったら出てきた "And somewhere at the bottom he fell into darkness. That much he knew. He had fallen into darkness. And at the instant he knew, he ceased to know."
>>451 When you touch others around you by mistake in European cities and transports, they never fail to utter apologies like "Excuse me." or "Sorry" to you.
Your mails are far from being boring. (言い換え:I really enjoy reading your mails.) I am worried if my mails written in poor English might make you tired. I feel sorry that my mails written in poor English might make you tired. など
According to some source from the Internet, there are two reasons that students don't want to have a part time job(don't want to work.): busy with club activities and prohibited in a school rule. 25% of total highschools(schools) prohibit students to have a job because of the concern of students tend to skip classes if they have a job.
And also, there are other reasons to prohibit students to have a job like neglect on studying, club actibities, and bad influence on grades.
Wine is one of the popular drinks in Japan as well. I sometimes drink too. We have domestic wines, but imported wines are more popular like from France, Italy, California etc.
Wine is popular in Japan, too. I myself drink it from time to time. We have our own wines but imported wines are more popular, such as French, Italian and Californian. ────────── ワインはいいんよ。Wine not?
>>511 We are really sorry for the inconvenience the other day. We will let you know right away when the product is available. Thank you for your understanding.
みたいな感じかね。 the other day は「先日」だから、昨日のことだったら yesterdayに変える
>>542 Right after I moved in Tokyo, I started learning piano and ballet. I quit ballet after learning it about two years because ballet instructor left Tokyo. When I look back, I think I should have kept learning ballet even after she moved out of Tokyo.
>>538 I am so shy that it's kind of tough for me to talk with a girl looking at her eyes. I tend to keep my head down so girls misunderstand me and think I am looking her boobs.
>>548 Yeah. I agree with you. I hope world peace will be realized. As you say, wars and manufacturing nuclear weapons have to be avoided. In my opinion, race discrimination in people's minds has to be deminished. No matter how defferent we are, in terms of color of skin and eyes, we are after all brothers and sisters on this planet. You and I are brother and sister in this regard, too.
I have some inquires today. Will we be able to stay longer after the check-out time? In that case, how much would you charge us if we stay until 6pm. hope to hear from you soon. thanks はどう?
1 What kind of music do you like best? 2 If you have a song which you like now, tell me when it was released. 3 Do you know any Japanese songs? If so, tell me their titles. 4 What is the most popular song in OO now? 5 What kind of music do young people in your country listen to?
>> __/、冫、)_パカッ is really a master of both languages. I alwasys learn a lot from his translation. All his translations sound quite natural and are grammatically correct. I wonder how he learned English.(Let us know how once in while.) Anyway,I really hope he keeps coming here to show good examples.
I think I should stop here, because I still have a headache. I will complete the discontinued letter, as soon as I recover. Please wait a little , so you can get my letter soon.
I asked my boss about the extra pay for my extra work I did and he said that I would get the pay as a part of the bonus I get this month. He also said that I should get paid ************. ********** My efforts were well rewarded.
A 私は今の日本の死刑制度には反対です。死刑は非常に残酷な刑だからです。 B 私はそんなに残酷だとは思いません。死刑を廃止してしまったら凶悪犯罪は増えてしまうと思います。 A そんなことはありません。調査によると死刑廃止と犯罪の増加は関係ないことがわかっています。 B 最近だって許せない犯罪は起こっていますし、被害者の気持ちを思えば死刑は欠かせないと思います。 A それは犯人を死刑にしたところで解決できるとは思いません。たとえ犯罪者でも命は奪ってはならないと思う。 B 確かにそうですが、これでは犯人と被害者が不公平で、被害者は納得できないと思います。
>>523 @お伽話の様な人生を送ろう A夢のような夢の話 B美味しい心を育てよう C空高く飛んで虹を歩こう 1. live a life like a fairy tale 2. story of a dream like a dream 3. bring up a delicious heart 4. fly high and walk on the rainbow
A: I'm against the capital punishment system of the current Japan because it is a very cruel penalty. B: I don't think it's cruel so much. I think that the abolishment of the death penalty would lead to an increase in numbers of violent crimes. A: I doubt it. Some researches show that the abolishment of the capital punishment and increase of crimes have no relevancy. B: We see unforgivable crimes these days and thinking about the pains of the victims, the death penalty is necessary. A: The death of the criminal won't be a sollution. We must not take a life even if it's from a criminal. B: You got a point, but that would be unfair for the victims and they won't accept it.
I hope he is the man who doesn’t easily give up conversation even if we have severe language difficulties in communications. I want to cover each other in those ways of conversations.
>>628 >こんなに長い事あなたに連絡しなくてすみませんでした。 >実は、去年の冬に急な転勤で愛知に引っ越したんです、そして今も愛知にいます。 >こちらでの仕事はとても忙しくて、そのせいでここしばらくすっかりパソコンから遠のいていました。 >あなたはどうしていましたか? I must apologize for my long silence. Last winter, I was transfered to Aichi prefecture on short notice, and I'm still in Aichi. The work here is very busy which kept me away from my computer for quite some time. How have you been doing?
Capillaries are permeable, so the watery part of the blood leaks out. The cells are bathed in this watery fluid, called tissue fluid. Food and oxygen diffuse from the blood to the cells via this tissue fluid. Waste products diffuse througy it in the opposite direction. 全然わかりません。 お願いします。
添削おねがいします。 I have a married sister who lives far away and my mother who l ives with me.We must stay with our parents genelally in Japana, and My mother must be able to live with me when I get married. Of course I have been in a relationship with someone for some time but she has a job, and she lives with her mother.She must also be able to live with her mother when she gets married, and the husband must be understanding of her desire to continue her career.As you can see, there are many obstacles to our marriage.
>>681 I don't have any photo software installed on my computer, but I can see pictures that people send to me. The reason being, I'm not really that good with computers, nor do I use them that much personally. But since I plan to buy a computer next year, I'm thinking of installing software at that time.
Japan is in fact controled by America. The government of Japan provide America with its enormas land. And to tell the truth the airspace of Japan is the thing that American air force leaves. What we should consider the best is that Japanese young people don't pay atention to such a state and tend to ignore their traditional culture but then respect Western culture. This policy of America that suggest superficial frienship and contcol of japan scares me. However it is too late to recognise it.
添削おねがいします。 I have a married sister who lives far away and my mother who l ives with me.We must stay with our parents genelally in Japana, and My mother must be able to live with me when I get married. Of course I have been in a relationship with someone for some time but she has a job, and she lives with her mother.She must also be able to live with her mother when she gets married, and the husband must be understanding of her desire to continue her career.As you can see, there are many obstacles to our marriage.
TVを見ると同じニュースの繰り返し。I watching TV, a round of same news.分かった様な顔した評論家達がまた誰かを批判。commentator who understood and who wore the face comment someone again. そしてその言葉をニュースキャスターが正当化する。And a newscaster justifies the language. あんたらに一体何が分かるんだい?What is understand you? あんた等はそんなにすごいのかい?Are you so great? くそったれな人間、くそったれな社会、くそったれな未来。Fuck’in people. Fuck’in society. Fuck’in future. このままじゃいけないだろ?僕は思うんだ。I think ,not so good. 誰だって間違いを起こすもの、something missed everyone, 何故ならそれが人間だから。僕は思うんだ。Because, it like people. I seem. 誰だって間違いを起こすもの、何故なら完璧な人間なんていないからsomething missed everyone, because, perfect people is nobody. 間違いに気づいたなら思い悩めばいい。you realize missed if you bother そして悔い改めればいいのさ。So, going to be repent. ある日先生が僕にこう言ったんだ。One day, teacher told me that. おまえ等みたいな奴らを社会のクズっていうんだって。you are the social waste じゃあ何かい?勉強ができればいいのかい?What? I can study well?
所詮人は己の知ることしか知らぬさ! After all, One know only what he knows! だが、世界は歌のように優しくはない! But the world is not so gentle as songs are! 知れば誰もが望むだろう!君のようになりたいと! Anyone will wish they could become like you, if they knew!
>>744 You can see one of the best collections of jewels there full of dazzling jewels. Each jewel has their own histories and you can understand a part of their countries histories
Opera or ballet performance is held almost every day. Gorgeousness of the theater and its interior and performances themselves are very popular among tourists.
>>758 I was in girls-only school, so I didn't see any couples of a boy and girl kissing caressing or hugging at school. Instead of that, I 've seen two girls kissing on hallway a few times.
@ 「もしかすると8月に休暇が取れるかもしれません。もし休暇が取れたらあなたに逢いに行っても良いですか?」 A 「今回はホテルを予約しないで行くので、あなたの部屋に泊る事になります。都合が悪かったら連絡してください。」 B 「約束どおりあなたから貰った寝間着を着て寝ているよ。でも、これを着て寝ると必ずあなたの夢を見るんだ。」
>>808 On Aug 6th when you come back, I will leave for Osaka. A my grandmather in Osaka does not feel so well. So I go there to see her. I will be back on Aug.20. So I can't see you very often this summer. I miss you.
>>817 I'm sorry I have lost your mail. My brother erased your mail from my mail box while I was travelling. I'm really sorry. I gave him A LOT OF PUNCHES for you. I've changed the passwrod for my mail, So, only I can read the mail for me from now on.
>>831 どうぞオバチャン 4th of July is the independence day in the United States, isn't it? Japanese TV news programmes broadcast the ceremony every year. Have a nice holiday.
>>844 Do keep this in mind. Basically bald men are sexually strong, and I will automatically become a sexually vigorous male in the future. I would not jack off like you fags do.
>>846 This CD was released by East West Record and now I heard that it is going to be released again by another Japanese record label. You are lucky. Details such as what songs are included in the album hasn't been available.
>>693 I want to trot around the world and see various cultures and customs in the future. I hope to get a job where I can do that. But even if I can't, I want to travel around the world when I take a vacation.
>>693 I would like to travel around the world and experience various cultures and customs. It would be great if I get a job that allows me to do that. Even if i can't, i hope to spend my holidays in overseas countries.
>>871 I spent three years with the same members in the homeroom class, which is why we got along really well. We still keep in touch, go places together and have a party with those members. かなぁ・・・ 欧人に、学校のクラスという感覚を説明するのは難しかった、という経験が あるなぁ俺。
>>855 I am XX who sent you an application form on 1st of July. I haven't transfered the fee to your account yet, but I wonder whether there is a vacancy in the course which I hope to take.
>>694 I have a sister who is married and lives far away... a married sisterとすると、そうでないsisterもいる感じがするので。
In Japan, it is normal to live with one's parents after he/she gets married. In Japan, one of the children in a family usually lives with his/her parents after marriage. I am supposed to find a partner who doesn't mind living with my mother.
She must be able to → She has to でいいのでは? 下から2行目 the husband - her future husband
>>900 The sport club I belonged to was short of members and we were not able to take part in matches. Still, we got along really well and I enjoyed myself in the club.
>>900 The club I belonged to didn't have enough members to participate in competitions. Members got along well together and I enjoyed the club activity.
>>920 My office is located on the 5th floor of one of the buildings in front of the Ueno Station in Tokyo. It is not particularly big, but is kept tidily, so we can work here nicely.
>>942 The school kids who came swimming in the sea all seemed to be enjoying themselves. However one of the boys didn't look happy. He was playing with his float on the beach all the time.
>>12 I know you are expecting an important friend tomorrow. But you don't feel good today. Will you be all right tomorrow? If not, please tell me what I can do for you. For example, I can see him at the railway station and take him around the town. Off course, I would be your poor substitute. But please remember I want to help you anyway I can.
>>945 In Japan, Dragon Quest was more popular than Final Fantasy. Then, Street Fighter II and Virtual Fighter took over Final Fantasy as the most popular computer games. At present, I am busy preparing for school examinations and cannot afford to play computer games.
>>945 A while ago, Dragon Quest was more popular than Final Fantasy in Japan. After that Street Fighter U and Virtual Fighter became popular. Right now I am too busy to play games, studying for the exams.
>>920 I work in the office on the fifth floor of a multi-tenant building in front of JR Ueno Station in Tokyo. The office is not quite large but well organized and we can work quite conformably.
>>952 I am utterly busy every day having almost no time to take a break. It is often said that student life is easy, but I would say that is a terrible lie.
>>817 I am sorry. I have lost your e-mail. While I was away from home on a trip, my brother had deleted all you e-mail. I harshly scolded him on your behalf. Now I have changed a pass word to my mail program and I promise this will not happen again.
>>751 Moreover, an increasing number of Caucasians moving from the mainland is threatening the social and economic status that the second generation of Japanese-Hawaiians have painstakingly achieved. Now you can see that Caucasians are taking over the positions that have been held by Japanese-Hawaiians. I wonder how Japanese-Hawaiians, and Hawaiians in general, will respond to this new trend.
>>983 I took a trip to Italy with my friends this spring. Italy's cityscape impressed me much. I was moved to see トレ日の泉やピサの斜塔、which I had just seen on photos. Italian dishes were really good and I was amazed. I definitely want to visit there again.