Akihiro Arimoto, the father of Keiko, said before learning his daughter had died that the impasse over the abductees had been tremendously frustrating.
The government is set to argue that the DNA tests, which showed the remains were not those of Ms Yokota, have internationally recognized, objective ground.
>>15 Akihiro Arimoto, the father of Keiko, said before learning his daughter had died that the impasse over the abductees had been tremendously frustrating.
"That's what's wrong with Japan," he said. "All the evidence was on the table - that she had been taken to North Korea.
impasse 【名-1】 〈フランス語〉行き詰まり、こう着状態{ちゃく じょうたい}、 袋小路{ふくろこうじ}(deadlock)、手詰まり{てづまり}、難局{なんきょく} ・ They reached an impasse in the negotiations. 彼らは交渉に行き詰まってしまった。
WEB NAMES & CATEGORIES related to the Spitbit artificial intelligence neural signal processing internet engine patent and patent pending 警告でしょうか?お願いします。
No Fan Flare-Ups as Japan and North Korea Square Off at Soccer Los Angeles Times
the North Korean national anthem finished to polite applause, and fans entered and left the stadium without violence. "The game was played in a friendly atmosphere, and our players fought with the utmost effort, so we are pleased with that," North Korean coach Yun Jong Su said after the loss Grudge match fans play it cool Guardian, UK
Japanese football fans reverted to type last night, behaving impeccably as they watched their team secure a last-gasp 2-1 victory over North Korea The home supporters among the 63,000 crowd at Tokyo's Saitama stadium had booed the North Korean players and their fans before the game, but by the time the Stalinist state's national anthem was played at ear-splitting volume they were listening in respectful silence, even breaking into applause at the end.
日本語訳お願いします。 3 I was lucky enough to make the team. I really loved football, especially the physical contact. By the end of the season, I had become a pretty good football player.
(2) 4 Meanwhile, no one seemed to notice my adsence from Japanese school. Three months had passed without my attending, and I almost forgot that I was really supposed to be practicing Japanese rather than football
Thank you for your note. I am sorry that I deplayed the shipment due to the out of stock. I thought I already sent you email to notice the situation. But it looks like I fail to send you the email. We have less than 10 pcs ○○ now, but we do have a shipment in next 2 weeks. We will send you the shipment as soon as we get the stock. I am sorry for the inconvenience, please feel free to send us email to ask the shipment status.
>>56 英語変、due to the out of stockとかI fail to send you the emailでfailが現在形とか色々。 意味は 「連絡有難うございます。申し訳ありませんが、在庫が無かったので出荷を遅らせました。 その状況を知らせるメールをもう送ったと思いましたが、送り損ねたようです。 現在○○は10 pcs以下しか有りませんが、次の二週間で入荷します。 在庫がそろい次第出荷します。不便をお詫びします。出荷状況については気軽にお尋ね下さい。」 という感じ
I apprecaite your inquiry on the shipment status (商品名) on (問い合わせ日). We are sorry however, we currently do not have enough number of the product in our inventory to fulfill your request. We believe we send you an e-mail explaining our current status, however, it looks like there was some e-mail system failure. We only have less than 10 pieces of the producdt, however, we expect to receive shipment from our manufacturer in next weeks. We will send you the shipment immediately after the product arrives. We are apologize for your any inconvenience caused by this delay. If you have any further questions in the shipment status, please feel free to contact us via e-mail at any time.
私が書いた英文の方で、 I apprecaite〜statusの後、status of のofが抜けておりました。 We believe we send ではなく、sent 10 pieces of producdt ではなく product in next weeks ではなく、 in next two weeks です。 We are aplogizeではなく、 We apologizeです。
I apprecaite your inquiry on the shipment status of (商品名) on (問い合わせ日). We are sorry however, we currently do not have enough number of the product in our inventory to fulfill your request. We believe we sent you an e-mail explaining our current status, however, it looks like there was some e-mail system failure. We only have less than 10 pieces of the product, however, we expect to receive shipment from our manufacturer in next two weeks. We will send you the shipment immediately after the product arrives. We apologize for your any inconvenience caused by this delay. If you have any further questions in the shipment status, please feel free to contact us via e-mail at any time.
>>71 consumeは受け身じゃないですよ。 The subject of what is expected of us by Deity has consumed humanity for thousands of years. the subjectがhumanityを数千年に渡ってconsumeしてきたのです。
has intrigued, if not consumed.... the subject は 仮にconumeでないとしたら、intrugue してきた このif not とかは、程度、頻度の話をするときにでてくるよね。A, if not B 意味的には「もし仮にBでない(が言いすぎ)だとしても、Aだ」と言う感じで、 Bのほうがextremeな感じかな。結構いろいろ使える >>55に似た感じで文章を作ってみると、 the subject has been discussed quite often, if not everyday, on our breakfast table.
日本語訳お願いします。 3 I was lucky enough to make the team. I really loved football, especially the physical contact. By the end of the season, I had become a pretty good football player.
(2) 4 Meanwhile, no one seemed to notice my adsence from Japanese school. Three months had passed without my attending, and I almost forgot that I was really supposed to be practicing Japanese rather than football
World leaders expressed concern Thursday after North Korea said it will quit nuclear disarmament talks and will "bolster its nuclear weapons arsenal." U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said North Korea is risking further isolation as the international community has been "very clear that there needs to be no nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula." お願いします。
>>94>>95 ありがとうございました! So what does the rest of the world think of America? The BBC commissoned polls across a spread of countries to try to find out. これの和訳もお願いします!
Greed and opportunism seem to have negative qualities about them and buying all of these web names appears to be an instance of both. After it was done, I realized it might be something that can be undone. And that the occurrence is not necessarily a bad thing. So hope remains. 長くてすいません。お願いします。
Greed and opportunism seem to have negative qualities about them and buying all of these web names appears to be an instance of both. 筆者はネットでたたかれたが、それらを受け入れた(buy all of these web names)。 それがgreedとopportunismの一つの見本のようだと言っている。 nameは「評判」。よい評判もあるけど「悪い評判・悪口」の意味で使うことが多いと思う。 buyは多分「受け入れる」。でもひょっとしたら「買う」という意味で、 「buy all of these web names」は「名声を金で買う」なのかもしれない。よくわからない。
opportunismは、自分の使ってる英和辞書では「便宜主義、日和見主義」とあったけど、 便宜主義って意味わかんないし、日和見主義は何か違う気がする。 そこでネットの英英辞書を調べたらこんな感じだった。 taking advantage of opportunities without regard for the consequences for others. だから、どちらかというと生き馬の目を抜くようなしたたかさ、ってくらいの意味じゃ無いだろうか。 たしかに、greedと同様に、ネガティブな性質があるといえるよね。
とにかく、筆者はその後で「やっちまった〜」と後悔したようだ。 After it was done, I realized it might be something that can be undone. And that the occurrence is not necessarily a bad thing. So hope remains. 「そのあとで、私は、コレは取り返しのつくこと(変な日本語だ)なのではないかと気がついた。 この出来事は必ずしも悪いことではない。希望は残っている、と。」
A bullet with a weight of 9 grams is shot horizontally with a muzzle velocity of 780 m/s. When leaving the barrell the bullet is 1,75 m above the perfectly horizontal ground. At the exact same time an identical bullet dropped from the same height. The bullet that was shot hits the ground after exactly 2451 ms. How many ms does it take for the bullet that was dropped to hit the ground?
男のところに封書が届き、 開封する前から男はその中に入っているものがゲラだと断言します。 その後の会話 女:"You can tell that from the package?" 男:"In the dark. " He said "and blindfolded" He pointed to the colophon on the envelope."It's from xx Press, see?"
In the dark, and blindfolded がよくわかりません。 どなたかお願いします。
People tend to forget that we were friends. There is this idea that we me, made music for six weeks, beat the shit out of each other, then never spoke again. They forget how much time we spent together and how much we were involved emotionally.
There is this idea that we meは There is this idea that we metじゃないかと思っているんですが… どなたか翻訳お願いします。
1. If you've got a website, put up a code. 2. Don't direct link. 3. Keep the code up at all times. If you don't, I'll delete your URL from the members list. Oooh, yeah. Now you're scared. Mwaha.
Please take note of the rules before applying to the “○○ fanlisting” 1. You must be a fan of the Dragonball epsiode “○○” otherwise what's the point in joining? 2. You don't have to have a web site. 3. If you have a web site, please add one of the codes/buttons to your site so others can become aware that we exist. 4. No porn or hate sites will be accepted. 5. If you move your site or get hosted somewhere else please let me know so I can update any links. Okay ... if this all sounds good to you, then please go ahead and pick up a code/button.
There may be many other nights like this, And I’ll be standing here with someone new. There will be other songs to sing, Another fall...another spring... But there will never be another you.
There may be other lips that I may kiss, But they won’t thrill me, Like yours used to do. And, I may dream a million dreams, But how can they come true, If there will never, ever be, If there will never, ever be, If there will never, ever be, another you?
僕のなんとなくの雰囲気意訳は以下。 「今は違う歌を歌って、 違う春を迎え 違う秋が過ぎ… もうあなたは私のもとには帰ってこない」 まぁ、たぶん大外しではないと思うのですが、文法的にはまったく意味不明状態です。(TOIEC356点) 特に「there will never be another you. 」はどういう文構造なのですか?
>>148 Perhaps they fear us more, which is [the reasen] why we were left alone until you came here and rudely interrupted our dinner. もしかしたら彼らのほうがもっと私を恐れているかもしれん、そしてそれが、お前たちがここへやってきて私達のディナーを粗野に邪魔するまでずっと我々だけでここに放置されていた理由だ。 whyが先行詞the reasonを含む関係副詞と考えられるかもです。 つまりwhy = the reason whichではないかと
>>148 訂正 Perhaps they fear us more, which is [the reasen which] we were left alone until you came here and rudely interrupted our dinner. もしかしたら彼らのほうがもっと私を恐れているかもしれん、そしてそれが、お前たちがここへやってきて私達のディナーを粗野に邪魔するまでずっと我々だけでここに放置されていた理由だ。 whyが先行詞the reasonを含む関係副詞と考えられるかもです。 つまりwhy = the reason whichではないかと
>>153 There may be many other nights like this, この(今夜の)ような夜はこれからもたくさん来るわ And I’ll be standing here with someone new.私は新しい誰かとここに立っているでしょう There will be other songs to sing, 歌う歌も別の歌があるでしょうし Another fall...another spring... 別の秋、別の春も来るでしょう But there will never be another you. でも別の(もう一人の)あなたなんて決していなのよ。
There may be other lips that I may kiss, 私がキスする別の唇があるかも But they won’t thrill me, でもその唇が私をときめかせることはないわ Like yours used to do. あなたの唇がしたようには And, I may dream a million dreams, そして私は何百万の夢を見るかもしれないけれど But how can they come true, どうしてその夢が叶うというの If there will never, ever be, もしいなかったら If there will never, ever be, もしいなかったら If there will never, ever be, another you? もしもう一人のあなたがいなかったら
We went for our walk. The street we took was dubbbed an avenue early in the century, though it barely qualifies. The houses along the way are old shingled places with copper gutters bleding green.
どなたかよろしくお願いします。 特にわからないのは、 early in the century は直訳すれば「世紀の初頭に」ですが、 この場合、どう訳すればぴったりくるかということです。 ちなみにこの文の背景は「現代」です。
>>176 ありがとうございますm(__)m こちらが全体の文です、すみません It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen emanating from the stones.
>>180 ありがとうございます! すごいスペルミスでしたね、スンマソン。 early in the centuryですが、 21世紀初頭というのはわかったのですが、「世紀の初頭に」という そのまんまの訳でいいのかどうか迷ったのです。 なにか小説らしい表現が他にもあるのかなあーと。 あまり「世紀の初頭に」という文を小説などでは見かけないような 気がするんですが、これでも違和感ないですかね? とにかくありがとうごさいました。
The number of gay and lesbian service members discharged under the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy has dropped by almost half since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and is at its lowest level since the Defense Department began keeping such figures in 1997
疑問 half since the Sept〜は具体的に何の半分なのかな? 2001年度(2001年9月-2002年8月)の除隊者数の半分かな?
下のほうにこういう記述があったんで、多分そうじゃないかと思います。 Overall, the total number of service members discharged under the policy on gays in the military has dropped from a high of 1,227 in 2001 to 653 in 2004.
Tomorrow you will feel very lonely because you won't be given a chocolate by a girl. and you will spend tomorrow jerking off. But I will get at least 50 chocolates from my numerous girlfriends, You may envy me. I wanna beg some chocolates to you.
The good news for Americans is that our basket of countries regarded them as friendly, united, religious and free. The bad news is that they are also seen as arrogant and are disliked over a wide range of policies, from Israel-Palestine to world poverty and global warming. この英文の和訳お願いします!
Karachi, Feb 13 (IANS) The 20-member Pakistani football team that won the gold at last year's South Asia Federation Games (SAF) by defeating India has been honoured with a cash prize of Rs.1 million.
While presenting the award here Saturday, Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz also announced a one-step promotion for the players and their coach, all of whom are associated with government departments or the uniformed forces.
Pakistani athletes who had won gold, silver and bronze medals at the SAF Games in Islamabad in March-April 2004 had been given cash rewards at a grand function last year.
The ceremony to honour the footballers was deliberately delayed as the prime minister wanted to greet them separately, The News reported Sunday.
The ceremony lasted 90 minutes and "(was) one of the happiest occasions for the poor footballers as Shaukat Aziz met with each and every member of the team and the officials and handed over a cheque of Rs.50,000 to each player", the daily said.
A delighted Aziz, while complementing the players, hoped they would continue to put up such performances.
Is ok that I buy 1 piece to take a look at the version of Japanese first?? My buyers wants to see a version of Japanese before they order. Its ok forthe price of 29000 yen.
日本語訳をお願いします。 5 But my secret came out when my sister Betty brought home her report card from Japanese school right after the football season ended. As usual she had done very well in her studies, and Dad nodded his approval as he examined her record. I knew what was coming next. He turned to me and asked to see my report card.
6 “Sir,” I said, “I don't have one.” His eyebrows shot up. “Why not? Did you lose it?” “No, sir. I haven't been attending Japanese school.” It was scary the way he stared at me.
7 “Explain yourself,” Dad ordered. I was worried, but my real concern was whether or not Dad would let me play football next season.
8 I told hime the whole story, and his frown grew darker and darker. “Bakatare!” he finally shouted in a fury.
9 First, he lectured me about how wrong it was to deceive one's parents, and I had to agree with him. But eventually he began to talk about football. “I can understand why you would want to play the game,” he said. “It is a rough game, and it is natural for boys to want to engage in rough sports. But you must remember you are the son of Japanese parents, and therefore you should take an interest in Japanese sports like kendo and judo.”
10 Just then I saw an out. I apologized for what I had done. I was truly sorry. I agreed to go back to Japanese school and try me best to make up for what I had missed. And I said I would go to judo class-if I could play football again next year.
Never forward clients - if you have a firewall with open ports check this, so that clients don't have to override the firewall through the lobby server.
There he worked among the poor, devising new structures for uplifting the people out of their poverty, giving them hope, and helping them to face the future with faith and courage.
Thank you for your emails and purchasing the above. I'm afraid I can only acceopt cash or cheque as a Postal Order is only cashable in in the country its issued in, therefore I could not cash it.
LONDON (Reuters) - A Welsh rugby fan cut off his own testicles to celebrate Wales beating England at rugby, the Daily Mirror has reported.
Geoff Huish, 26, was so convinced England would win Saturday's match he told fellow drinkers at a social club, "If Wales win I'll cut my balls off", the paper said on Tuesday.
Friends at the club in Caerphilly, south Wales, thought he was joking.
But after the game Huish went home, severed his testicles with a knife, and walked 200 metres back to the bar with the testicles to show the shocked drinkers what he had done.
Huish was taken to hospital where he remained in a seriously ill condition, the paper said. Police told the paper he had a history of mental problems.
We all wished, however, afterwards, that we had stopped at Penton Hook. Three or four miles up stream is a trifle, early in the morning, but it is a weary pull at the end of a long day. You take on interest in the scenery during these last few miles. You do not chat and laugh. Every half-mile you cover seems like two. You can hardly believe you are only where you are, and you are convinced that the map must be wrong; and, when you have trudged along for what seems to you at least ten miles, and still the lock is not in sight, you begin to seriously fear that somebody must have sneaked it and run off with it.
10 Just then I saw an out. I apologized for what I had done. I was truly sorry. I agreed to go back to Japanese school and try me best to make up for what I had missed. And I said I would go to judo class-if I could play football again next year.
11 “All right,” Dad said with resignation. “Play football if you must, if it's that important to you. But remember there are things that are important to me, too.” We shook hands, and I think I understood Dad better that night than ever before.
これの日本語訳お願いします。 A Quote by Ichiro In baseball, even the best hitters fail seven of ten times, and of those seven failures there are different reason why. Some are personal failures, other are losses to the pitcher. You just get beat. In those personal failures, I felt I could have done better.
Menacar was a very unusual halfling, he liked to adventure, fight battles and work in a forge. With his forging skills he created this shield to help him on an upcoming adventure.Poor foolish Menacar and the companions he bribed him to help them.
First thing: in March I can be free any time, so come whenever it is best for you. But come over, please.
Second thing: I did not answer quickly to your prevoius mail because I wanted to write in Japanese. And because it takes time I kept postponing it from one day to the next... Sorry, I should have written in English.
Third thing: Happy Valentine's Day!
Fourth thing: (this should have been the first, really) How are you, yoko?
It won't be long before we view each other on screens as we chat on our telephones, a change that is bound to bring more make up and fashion into our homes. There's no denying that the age of communication is upon us. I'm in love with my computer and fac machine. With them, my writing deadlines are easier to make; I have extra days to prepare and can send my stories off right at the last minute when pressed for time. 少し長い文ですけど宜しくお願いします。!!!m(__)m
10 Just then I saw an out. I apologized for what I had done. I was truly sorry. I agreed to go back to Japanese school and try me best to make up for what I had missed. And I said I would go to judo class-if I could play football again next year.
11 “All right,” Dad said with resignation. “Play football if you must, if it's that important to you. But remember there are things that are important to me, too.” We shook hands, and I think I understood Dad better that night than ever before.
“I, (name), take thee (name), to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us.
Green Day took home the Grammy for Best Rock Album so far. They also performed American Idiot,←アルバムのタイトル and it fucking rocked! There's more awards and pictures to come! Stay tuned! よろしくお願いします。
this clip has been through the UJ forums from various sources, but you were the first to send it as a story to .com, so you get credit for it in the December $150.00 story submission cash giveaway. お願いします。
"I am totally at peace with my decision," he said. "My family has been through ups and downs. My kids have grown, they've seen Dad happy, they've seen Dad mad, sad. They've seen Dad cry. Show me one man that doesn't cry, and you're not a man. Because grown men do cry. I have. I do." お願いします。
The leftmost column shows the normal situation in which PrP protein extracted from an infected mouse will induce disease when it is injected into a recipient mouse.
The name conjures up a certain magical, mouth-watering vision: mounds of juicy, hot spareribs and chicken coated with rich, spicy sauce. New Reigel means the New Riegel Café, the place that serves great barbecue-“the best in the Midwest,” devotees say.
crap 【1-名】 くず、糞{ふん}、うんち、ナンセンス、たわごと、でたらめ、価値{かち}のないもの ・ His information is so useless it's nothing more than crap. 彼の情報は使い物にならず、くず同然だ。 【1-形】 全くひどい、無意味{むいみ}な
We all wished, however, afterwards, that we had stopped at Penton Hook. Three or four miles up stream is a trifle, early in the morning, but it is a weary pull at the end of a long day. You take on interest in the scenery during these last few miles. You do not chat and laugh. Every half-mile you cover seems like two. You can hardly believe you are only where you are, and you are convinced that the map must be wrong; and, when you have trudged along for what seems to you at least ten miles, and still the lock is not in sight, you begin to seriously fear that somebody must have sneaked it and run off with it.
12 Several nights later, when I came home from Jpanese school, Dad introduced me to a handsome, curly-haired fellow eight or ten years older than I. His name was kenny Kuniyuki; he was an instructor at the Tentokukwan Judo School and the son of one of Dad's best friends. Dad told me Kenny would be my judo teacher. Kenny was a little taller than I and powerfully built, with broad, square shoulders and the muscular legs of an athlete. I liked him immediately.
13 For the next three weeks, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I went to the school and learned to sit Japanese-style and to fall. Then Kenny begam on the holds and throwns.
14 "Come on,Yoshida," Kenny would say. He would let me throw him a few times, then wham, I would find myself thrown flat on the mat. "Get up," he would say. "We do not have time to sit around." Wham, I would go down again. He would pick me up, sweep my legs from under me and slam me to the mat, scolding me all the time for not taking the offensive. Once he put the choke hold on me, and I was too exhausted to struggle. The bright lights overhead dimmed and I blacked out.
15 I must admit that I thought about quitting, especially on mornings after a particularly hard workout. But I knew that if I gave up judo I wouldn't be able to play football. I also suspected that Dad had given Kenny orders to make it especially rough for me, and that only made me more determined to continue.
this clip has been through the UJ forums from various sources, but you were the first to send it as a story to .com, so you get credit for it in the December $150.00 story submission cash giveaway.
Karen going to an international university of Tokyo visits a woman named Emma by visit care of a part of a class. Therefore Karen meets absent Emma. A sound to be eerie from the second floor is ...... then.
訳してくださいませんか(((*^‐^)八 It is easier to understand the relationships at work in a simple environment than it is in a forest where there are more interaction.
EARLY model Infinities in gift tins with new battery LED colors are red or yellow Part # Inf-Tin (specify color of LED)....$12.00 O4 Task Lights white or blue LEDs.......$5.00 When these are gone, they are GONE.
もう少しわかり易い日本語訳をお願いいたします。 14 "Come on,Yoshida," Kenny would say. He would let me throw him a few times, then wham, I would find myself thrown flat on the mat. "Get up," he would say. "We do not have time to sit around." Wham, I would go down again. He would pick me up, sweep my legs from under me and slam me to the mat, scolding me all the time for not taking the offensive. Once he put the choke hold on me, and I was too exhausted to struggle. The bright lights overhead dimmed and I blacked out.
15 I must admit that I thought about quitting, especially on mornings after a particularly hard workout. But I knew that if I gave up judo I wouldn't be able to play football. I also suspected that Dad had given Kenny orders to make it especially rough for me, and that only made me more determined to continue.
White woman thought. Japanese man pig-dogs. Go and boil your bottom. sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you. you empty-headed animal,food trough wiper. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. You think you could out-clever us White folk with your silly knees-bent running about advancing behaviour. you cheesy lot of second-hand electric donky-bottom biters. Japanese bed-wetting types. I burst my pimples at you. You tiny-brained wipers of other people's bottoms.
Under New South Wales law, a person's criminal record cannot be destroyed.
However, under the Criminal Records Act 1991 if you complete a period of crime free behaviour after being convicted for a relatively minor offence, in some cases the conviction ceases to be part of your criminal history. When this happens under the Criminal Records Act 1991 it is then called a 'spent conviction.'
>>399 白人の女はな、日本の男なんて豚と思ってんのさ!てめーのケツ茹でてこいや! 馬鹿の息子ちゃ〜ん てめーなんて鼻息かけてやる! 頭空っぽの動物が!food trough wiper.(わからん) お前のかあちゃんハムスター!お父ちゃんはニワトコの実の匂いがするだろ(調べたところ、黒紫色の実らしい) You think you could out-clever us White folk with your silly knees-bent running about advancing behaviour. (むずかしぃ・・) ググってみたら、同じ表現が沢山出てきた・・ 決まり文句っぽいなー。誰か知らないですか? http://www.google.com/search?q=%22advancing+behaviour&hl=ja (続き) てめーはチーズくさい中古の電気仕掛けのトンマのケツ噛んでろ! お前にニキビを潰して知る飛ばしちゃうぞ! お前は低脳のケツ拭きだってんだ、このやろう!
because the old is slowing you down. I know easy to say but hard to do. The trick is wanting it bad enough. Escapes are not the answer,changes are or plain accepting life as it is,your choice.
They needed another sax player so they asked me to join because they liked the way I played and looked and the way I used to run around the stage all the time.
I went to the Tsujiki fish market the next morning as you recommended. We also have a fish market here in New York but not nearly as large of that. Every tourist in Tokyo should visit there.I was surprised by the small trucks racing around just outside the market with deliveries I had to be careful to stay out of their way.As you mentioned, the Kabuki-za did not have a performance that evening because they were changing to a new production. I am even more interested in seeing a Kabuki performance, so I will try to see one if a production comes to New York City.
I have much to work like you last year.But I hope it will come better in the next time. I go now early in the morning to work and come late in the evening back at home.I'm so sad because your friend. It's not easy to how someone is ailing. We have a colleague who's come sick in leukaemia. He had the badest sort of this illness. It was sad to see him while he stays in the hospital. But now, and I hope it will stay so, he's at home and can work normaly.At the moment Switzerland has much snow. And it snows, and snows. We had long time no snow, until end of January. It is not normal. But the snow come all year.It's wonderful to skiing now, but very very dangerous because the avalanche Much people die every year because the avalanche.They stay not on the marking pists an so its very dangerous. Nobody can hinder them. Sad. The mother of my boyfriend Peter go away from her home. She live then in the village. The old house, it's a little bit away from the main village. So we can have her house. We rebild this summer this house. So we have a big house only for us. I'm looking forward this house.
I become a meat rest room to be able to satisfy sexual desire of a man at least even if I live because it is a nonsense woman. It is ejaculated every day by a man, and I am worth living.
I appreciate your clarification of the Japanese view of religion in your email. As you know, we now have a conservative and religious President.Since he was elected in 2000,there are many more conservative and religious people appointed to public positions that seem to be trying to impose their beliefs. Although I was raised Catholic and attend a Catholic church, I am very liberal on social and political matters.The parish I attend organized protests of the war in Iraq and the treatment of the war prisoners. This particular parish is very active in social and political causes.There are many religions practiced here in the US.I am not happy that the President is a Conservative Christian and wants to impose his religious beliefs on the entire country when the country is made up of so many people of many religions.
About English accents: Yes, there are many many English accents. Within the UK, English is spoken with a number of accents. Sometimes it may even be hard for me, as an American, to follow British accent if they speak fast.Also,the people in Ireland and Scotland speak English with a very heavy accent which is called a brogue. They can be hard to follow since they use many words we do not know in the US.As I mentioned they use some words differently in the UK.One example is that in the US we rarely use the word toilet when we want to use the bathroom. We would ask for, or look for the sign, that is marked 'Rest Room".In the UK,a person might ask for the toilet or 'the loo'.I was surprise by this when I first visited England and Europe because in the US,using the word toilet would sound rude or impolite.We do not know the word "loo",so most Americans do not know what that mean In England, when you wait in a line for a movie,you would be in ueue.In the US we say,"on line".Again, if someone used the word "queue",an American would not understand unless they had visited England.I'm sure it is the same in Japan, but in different regions words are used differently. In the Southern US,they use the word "pop" for Coca Cola or any carbonated drink. We use "soda" in the North. Also, it seems each state in the US has a different accent although we can easily understand each other. Even within New York State, there are several regional dialects. New York City natives tend to speak fast often drop the letter "R"off the end or from the middle of a word.I am originally from northern New York State.In my hometown of Troy, NY, many of us tend to speak with very little accent.But further north or east or west of Troy,there is an accent.It is never a problem to understand.
It's so real that it's kept me moving, mostly running from it, never ready for it He's tied to my childhood, and it's a love that is pure and eternally innocent.
Also, we only have 1 of the 3 Levis Boot cut jeans in size 29 that you ordered. All of the remaining items are in stock and will remain on hold until we receive your faxed information.
U.S.agreed to mock combat at 3-to-1 odds and without the use of simulated long-range, radar-guided AIM-120 AMRAAM that even the odds with beyond-visual-range kills.
You're off the hook. I've never really put much faith in all that "if you love someone, set them free" crap, as evidenced by everything I've done in my life up to this very moment, but I am determined to be happy, Happy in this life.
As for me, I had sex with a boyfriend in a physical education warehouse after school. A boyfriend licks my nipple with great relish. I was able to shoot a finger to my sexual organs in the next which I became very comfortably.
14 "Come on,Yoshida," Kenny would say. He would let me throw him a few times, then wham, I would find myself thrown flat on the mat. "Get up," he would say. "We do not have time to sit around." Wham, I would go down again. He would pick me up, sweep my legs from under me and slam me to the mat, scolding me all the time for not taking the offensive. Once he put the choke hold on me, and I was too exhausted to struggle. The bright lights overhead dimmed and I blacked out.
15 I must admit that I thought about quitting, especially on mornings after a particularly hard workout. But I knew that if I gave up judo I wouldn't be able to play football. I also suspected that Dad had given Kenny orders to make it especially rough for me, and that only made me more determined to continue.
But our timing has just never been right. And the way I figure it, time is no man's friend. So I have to get right with that and be happy, now. Because this is it. I mean, this is all that we get. If there's one thing I've learned from losing her, that's what I've learned.
I am sorry that my story about the events of September 11 was not clear.It is quite a long story.I had gotten sick in July of 2001 with appendicitis.It is a very common problem (Inflammation of the vermiform appendix). Usually the appendix is removed and it is minor surgery. I was put in the hospital but I was not diagnosed correctly. My company closed its doors while I was in the hospital and I did not have a job. I applied for Unemployment Insurance through New York State.(This is very common in the US and it was very common from 2001 -2003 when the economy was not doing well.)I had a second episode of appendicitis on September 10, 2001.I had to report at the local Unemployment Insurance office on September 11, 2001. I felt very sick but was preparing for the appointment.One of my friends was on vacation that week. he worked for a bank across from the World Trade Centers. He called to say that a plane had crashed into one of the Trade Center towers. "It is an attack!", he screamed.I believed that he was being overly dramatic and laughed at him. But I turned on the TV and while he was on the phone I watched as the second plane hit. My friend and I were both in shock.
Sorry you were sent the wrong items. Cab you please send the item number of the items you want so we are sure. The( A) is the one pictured in( B) in the picture you sent. Is that the top you wanted? The (C) is the right one in the picture.
I was reading a letter the night before I wrote you and it made me almost cry!You are a wonferful person and I was so sad when you left, I still have many great feelings for you!
Actually, um, hold on. I'm not done yet. Because I also want for you to be happy. It's really important for me that you be happy. So I want you to be with someone, whether it be him or New York guy orsome man that you haven't even met yet. But I want you to be with someone who can be a part of the life that you want for yourself.
It's not easy to improve something that is already good; most of the times you can only give it some little touches to improve a tenth or two... You build a wall stone after stone, you'll never make it at once, just like appearing from nothing.
According to this old urban legend, certain ladies' fitting rooms in the Robinson's Galleria shopping mall are supposedly equipped with trap doors in the floor, which swallow up women without warning. These trap doors lead to the basement of the mall, where there lurks a mutant beast, half-snake, half-man, who kills and eats the women who fall through. One version of the rumor claimed that the snake-man was actually a mutant offspring of the Gokongwei family, and the trap doors had been installed as a way of caring for it. That's why the R of the Robinson's logo is in the shape of a snake. Another version had it that the Robinson's Galleria fitting room mirrors were actually one-way windows, from which the snake-man could view its prey before activating the trap door. Milder variants claimed the one-way windows were merely for the lewd enjoyment of people watching from behind.
U.S. agreed to mock combat at 3-to-1 odds and without the use of simulated long-range, radar-guided AIM-120 AMRAAM that even the odds with beyond-visual-range kills.
英文: Once the Internet is more fully understood, a consensus seems likely to emerge : that to some as yet-undetermined degree, cyberspace must be dealt with as a place in itself, independent of geography.
I want you to be with someone who makes you feel like I feel when I'm with you. So, I guess the point to this long run-on sentence that's been the last 10 years of our lives is just that the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me.
It's so real that it's kept me moving, mostly running from it, never ready for it He's tied to my childhood, and it's a love that is pure and eternally innocent.
I'm inspired by style of the picture on the right (stochastical art by Peter Struycken) And now I'm trying to deform this square into a fluid form (with keeping the 3-dimensional characteristics of the original)
Although I was sick and was in shock about the planes hitting the World Trade center,I took the subway to went out to keep my scheduled appointment.The appointment was on West 55th Street.This is not near the World Trade Center.I immediately told the receptionist that I was sick and that something awful happened in lower Manhattan but she told me to go to appointment room.There were many others there but after about 15 minutes someone came in with the news and ordered us to evacuate.At is point, everyone in the streets knew what had happened. There was much confusion.The subway was no longer running so I had to walk back home.The bars, restaurants and stores had their doors open and were following the events on TV and radio.When I got home I lay on my couch. The TV reception did not work on some channels because the towers had some reception equipment on them.I did not have a cell phone and my regular telephone service was not working correctly. Since I was very sick and in pain I called my doctor. He worked at St Vincent's Hospital,which was the primary medical facility for anyone who was hurt.It was a short distance directly north of the World Trade Center site.The doctor was overwhelmed and was quite rude. I made it through the night somehow. The next day my doctor called. Parts of Manhattan were closed off but advised that I should try to come to his office.I took the bus most of the way to his office and then walked when the bus was stoppepped.
This is one of the vintage urban legends of Metro Manila, with all the classic elements of outlandish horror and even some scandal. Such strangeness was passed on for years, and is still joked about today. Needless to say, there were never any headlines about people mysteriously disappearing from the ladies' fitting rooms in any Robinson's mall, and no one has ever seen or heard from the mutant snake-man. As for the one-way window rumor, the best way to confirm this is with the "fingernail test" for mirrors. If, when a finger is pressed to the glass, there is some space between the finger and its reflection, it is a mirror.
Ironically, once you’ve learned more about what they’re suggesting, and how they fit with the changes currently taking place, even what seems least likely could be prove to be ideal.
Jammed into his living room were all of my 59 subscribers!! In the middle of the room was a brand-new bicycle. It was *candy-apple red with a canvas bag bulging with colorful envelopes hung from the *handlebars.
once you've learned を あっという間に学んだ などと訳す人がいるとは!!! あるとき学んだ??????
それにしても、>>553は口語としては成り立つんだけど、文語としてはなりたってない。 きちんと意味がわかるように訳すにはyouを訳しちゃいけない。だから、>>554はbe proven to be を「わかる」なんて訳しちゃうし、>>556にいたっては意味がわからない。 皮肉なことに、それらが示唆するものやそれらが現在起こっている変化にどのように適応するのかもっとわかるようになれば、もっとも起こりそうでないことですら理想的であると証明されうる。
Ironically, once you’ve learned more about what they’re suggesting, and how they fit with the changes currently taking place, even what seems least likely could be prove to be ideal.
SPANAWAY - The chief at Central Pierce Fire and Rescue says his firefighters respond to about 14,000 calls a year -- and in his 27 years on the job he has never seen anything quite like this.
Investigators believe a Nintendo 64 game console in a bedroom started a massive house fire on Thanksgiving. They are not sure why, but somehow the game unit got so hot it started the fire.
Ken Boyovich owns the house and is a single father with five children. He said he has lost just about everything.
Kenny Boyovich, 14, said the Nintendo game was in the corner of his bedroom when he went to sleep. He said it was plugged in but turned off.
"When I woke up there was a flame about as tall as I am," said Kenny. "It was underneath the desk coming up towards the television. At first I was in shock and it wasn't until I heard my little sister's voice that it registered that it was on fire."
"If I had know that was going to happen I wouldn't have had one, it wouldn't have been in my house because I almost lost my son," said Ken.
>>588 主語がYOUになるって? what seems least likely could be proven to be ideal.の主語は what seem leastlikelyじゃん? #The news proved to be truth. ## The news was proven to be truth. これの##の訳を、君は{ニュースが本当であると証明された}と訳すわけ? 両方{ニュースは本当であった}だろー?ふつう。
消防士のコメント I think we're all extremely surprised. But, I think it's a one of, whatever, you know, high number incidences that something like that would occur.
その意味 I think we're all extremely surprised. But, I think it's a one of, whatever, you know, high number incidences that something like that would occur. 私達はとても驚かされた。 だが私は、あなたも良くご存知のように、こういった事が起こる高確率の火災原因の一つだと考えている。
Investigators believe a Nintendo 64 game console in a bedroom started a massive house fire on Thanksgiving. They are not sure why, but somehow the game unit got so hot it started the fire.
I'm in the kitchen And all want is just acup of tea Look at this picture Sometimes I wonder what you mean to me
When you talk in your usual way I need your body,you make my day Early morning is my favorite time Oh baby,you are mine
If you're ready or notRight here is my love There is a secret The rising sun belongsto you and me No othersecrets This is the way I like,oh can't you see?
I was very nervous especially during practical Japanese oral exam. The professor is a Japanese married to a Polish woman(who, by the way, is also Japanese Studies professor) and we would all a little bit afraid of him. During exam I had to translate several sentences into Japanese, answer a few questions and describe my family.Later he said(in Polish, because he would been living here for about 20 years), that his general impression about me is very good but I seem to be shy.If only he knew that I was already twice in Japan! A shy person would be able to survive in a foreign country with almost no language skills , right?
The doctor advised me to go over to the hospital immediately.I did not want to go to that hospital but the doctor insisted and told me that the hospital had released many of its patients in order to treat those injured in the World Trade Center. He said that there may not be any more survivors.I was immediately put in the hospital. My room was on a high floor looking south toward the smoking World Trade Center site. I watched the smoke from it from my bed for several days after they collapsed. It was very sad, though like most New Yorkers, I believe I was in shock for several days.I was released later that week since they still could not figure out why I was having such terrible abdominal pain and it subsided for several weeks.Another friend worked near the site. He was coming out of the subway when the first tower collapsed. He ran to his office as they were evacuating and then ran with the crowds. He tried to get shelter in a small bank but it immediately filled up with people.He was afraid that he would be crushed but people were afraid of more attacks and continued running. My neighbor was at his office directly across the street from the World Trade Center site.Later,the bottom floors of his office building were used as a morgue for the bodies.He ran as far as he could and eventually walked home although he was covered with soot.Most people that I know walked home from their jobs even if it was a long distance.Some people were forced to leave their homes if they lived near the site.
For weeks, the World Trade Center site burned.The lower Manhattan area smelled from fumes for many weeks.Buses were parked all around the streets for several weeks so that people could not walk or look down the streets and see the rescue and digging operations.Eventually they opened some of the streets and allowed people to get closer to the site.It is quite active with visitors on weekends with people paying their respects. I was finally operated on and they found and removed by ruptured appendicitis in November 2001.I then found a job right away and started working in December 2001.I now work at an office building located in Times Square.For a long time, I got tense when I hear sirens from police cars or ambulances,or when I hear any loud crash.Usually the loud crashes are from building construction of some sort.I am sorry that the story is slightly complicated. I hope that I cleared up any confusion that I may have caused. (I tend to talk fast.)
・Industry-standard replacement for National Semiconductor's VSA2
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It's so real that it's kept me moving, mostly running from it, never ready for it He's tied to my childhood, and it's a love that is pure and eternally innocent.
U.S. agreed to mock combat at 3-to-1 odds and without the use of simulated long-range, radar-guided AIM-120 AMRAAM that even the odds with beyond-visual-range kills.
Lest anyone be dissuaded from purchasing this masterpiece because they believe it is not presented in its original aspect ratio, it should be known that THE 1:33:1 ASPECT RATIO ON THIS DVD IS CORRECT. Akira Kurosawa did not begin working with the widescreen format until later in the 1950s. Anyone who asserts otherwise is mistaken.
This is a true 5 star films that ANYONE will enjoy. It's particulary recommended to those who would never dream of watching a movie with subtitles. Anyone looking for a great action movie should take a chance on this. Unlike that copy of Armageddon you watched once and is now collecting dust on your shelf, this is something you'll watch again and again. For those who love John Ford-type westerns, The Seven Samurai puts a marvelous spin on that classic genre. Even if you don't like action movies, you'll respond to this movie. It offers genuine human drama with an insight into a different culture and time that becomes increasingly fascinating with repeated viewings.
Of course, it's also recommended to those who already know and love this film. The picture on this DVD is much sharper and crisper than the one you're used to seeing on that worn-out VHS tape. As a bonus, it has a very insightful secondary audio track with commentary from a Japanese film historian that will help you develop a new appreciation for one of your old favorites.
『pour △ in ○』で『△を○にそそぐ』と教わったことがあるのですが、 私の本には以下のような文章がありました。 Melt some butter in a pan and pour in the eggs? 私の解釈では『バターを溶かして、卵にかけろ』となってしまいます。 (普通、卵に溶けたバターを入れたりしないですよね?) 果たしてこれで合っているのでしょうか。
Their music was very focused while our music was a combination of many disparate elements and a sarcastic sense of humor. The songs mocked teen culture... pretty far from the mainstream at the time and that rebellious, sarcastic, attitude eventually became associated with rock.
Store policy requires that international shipments be paid in full via wire transfer only. You are also responsible for additional shipping charges and duty. Please let me know if you are able to proceed.
Many greetings from my work. Right now Iam sitting in the office and train the new flight attandant course which has began Last Friday. I like this work. It is a great combination, office and fly. How are you I think that you work a lot too. ○○,I have a quastion. Do you know how much is a:Canon EOS 300D black Kit 18-55 It would be very interesting to know how much does it cost in Japan. If you have the possibility and time to look I would appreciate it very much. The price in $ or ・ OK, thank you very much forward Have a nice weekend. I will stay at home, I will do laundry, paperwork, maybe fitness or sauna.
Gosh,I haven’t written to you in such a long time…it’s really kind of embarrassing.It was wonderful though when I got your letter the other day…as I had to take a whole bunch of tests over the last couple of weeks though I wasn’t able to answer it right away. See, I had to learn classical, ancient Chinese this semester, because as you probably know I am trying to major in Korean studies and lots of older Korean literature is actually written in ancient Chinese, so learning this rather difficult language is mandatory.
For weeks,the World Trade Center site burned.The lower Manhattan area smelled from fumes for many weeks.Buses were parked all around the streets for several weeks so that people could not walk or look down the streets and see the rescue and digging operations.Eventually they opened some of the streets and allowed people to get closer to the site.It is quite active with visitors on weekends with people paying their respects.I was finally operated on and they found and removed by ruptured appendicitis in November 2001.I then found a job right away and started working in December 2001.I now work at an office building located in Times Square.For a long time, I got tense when I hear sirens from police cars or ambulances,or when I hear any loud crash.Usually the loud crashes are from building construction of some sort.I am sorry that the story is slightly complicated. I hope that I cleared up any confusion that I may have caused. (I tend to talk fast.
As you can probably imagine I did have a few problems with the language and it took me an awful lot of time to memorize the grammar and the complex Chinese characters,but I actually put a lot of effort in it and I guess the exam wasn’t too bad. Learning Chinese can also be pretty useful though, for example right now when I walk through the streets of Bochum, the city where I go to college,I am able to read the characters that many people have tattooed on their bodies or which are printed on numerous baseball-hats, which can actually be pretty funny. Sometimes people have some really weird characters tattooed on their arms or legs, let me tell you that. Well, other than Chinese I learned a lot about Korean literature this semester, which for me was very interesting and a lot of fun.Besides that I haven’t really done a whole lot…I don’t know if I told you, but I last year in September I spent five weeks in Korea, which was fantastic. I really had a great time there, the weather was perhaps a little too hot and humid, but other than that it was fabulous.
For weeks,the World Trade Center site burned.The lower Manhattan area smelled from fumes for many weeks.Buses were parked all around the streets for several weeks so that people could not walk or look down the streets and see the rescue and digging operations.Eventually they opened some of the streets and allowed people to get closer to the site.It is quite active with visitors on weekends with people paying their respects.I was finally operated on and they found and removed by ruptured appendicitis in November 2001.I then found a job right away and started working in December 2001.I now work at an office building located in Times Square.For a long time, I got tense when I hear sirens from police cars or ambulances,or when I hear any loud crash.Usually the loud crashes are from building construction of some sort.I am sorry that the story is slightly complicated. I hope that I cleared up any confusion that I may have caused. (I tend to talk fast.
I'm not good at good-byes, but I guess that's what this is. A real one this time. Because as much as I thought I wanted us to be together, I guess what I want more is to be one of those people who lives every moment of his life without indecision and without regrets. Someone who dares to disturb the universe without a thought to the consequences. And you're not one of those people, at least not yet. Maybe you'll prove me wrong about that one day. I hope you do. But who knows? Maybe people can't change. Maybe we're doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again no matter how hard we try. I always hope for a happy ending. How crazy is that? Take care of yourself.
あと、もう一つ。 お客『マネージャ呼んできてちょうだい(怒)』 店員『I'll go get him for you.』 この文なのですが、『go get』と動詞が二つ続いています。 今まで、このような文法は習ったことが無いのですが・・・ もしかして『I'll go (and) get him for you』 ということなのでしょうか。
For weeks,the World Trade Center site burned.The lower Manhattan area smelled from fumes for many weeks.Buses were parked all around the streets for several weeks so that people could not walk or look down the streets and see the rescue and digging operations.Eventually they opened some of the streets and allowed people to get closer to the site.It is quite active with visitors on weekends with people paying their respects.I was finally operated on and they found and removed by ruptured appendicitis in November 2001.I then found a job right away and started working in December 2001.I now work at an office building located in Times Square.For a long time, I got tense when I hear sirens from police cars or ambulances,or when I hear any loud crash.Usually the loud crashes are from building construction of some sort.I am sorry that the story is slightly complicated. I hope that I cleared up any confusion that I may have caused. (I tend to talk fast.
I want you to be with someone who makes you feel like I feel when I'm with you. So, I guess the point to this long run-on sentence that's been the last 10 years of our lives is just that the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me.
U.S. agreed to mock combat at 3-to-1 odds and without the use of simulated long-range, radar-guided AIM-120 AMRAAM that even the odds with beyond-visual-range kills.
"This, plus our advantage of playing in our own turf with our countrymen rooting our players are factors that make me feel that our long wait for a medal can end in this year’s Games,"
The public mood in each country is souring toward the other, prompting some experts to wander whether leaders will keep a lid on natinalistic tensions,
Gibernau, pleased with his progress over the course of the test, decided to leave Australia a day early while the rest of the his Telefonica Honda MotoGP team continued to test with team-mate Marco Melandri. Rossi, almost seeing an opportunity to ‘get one up' on the Spanish rider before the season's racing starts, stole the glory by beating Gibernau's fastest time of the test.
分かりやすいように長めにコピペしましたが、四行目の「get one up」を どう解釈したら良いか教えて頂きたいんです。 ちなみにGibernau,Marco Melandri,Rossiは人名です。 それと四行目のSpanish rider=Gibernauです。 よろしくお願いします。
the process of idelogical interpellaton through which the subject recognizes itself as the addresse in the calling up of the ideological cause implies necessarily a certain short circuit.
For weeks,the World Trade Center site burned.The lower Manhattan area smelled from fumes for many weeks.Buses were parked all around the streets for several weeks so that people could not walk or look down the streets and see the rescue and digging operations.Eventually they opened some of the streets and allowed people to get closer to the site.It is quite active with visitors on weekends with people paying their respects.I was finally operated on and they found and removed by ruptured appendicitis in November 2001.I then found a job right away and started working in December 2001.I now work at an office building located in Times Square.For a long time, I got tense when I hear sirens from police cars or ambulances,or when I hear any loud crash.Usually the loud crashes are from building construction of some sort.I am sorry that the story is slightly complicated. I hope that I cleared up any confusion that I may have caused. (I tend to talk fast.
As you can probably imagine I did have a few problems with the language and it took me an awful lot of time to memorize the grammar and the complex Chinese characters,but I actually put a lot of effort in it and I guess the exam wasn’t too bad. Learning Chinese can also be pretty useful though, for example right now when I walk through the streets of Bochum, the city where I go to college,I am able to read the characters that many people have tattooed on their bodies or which are printed on numerous baseball-hats, which can actually be pretty funny. Sometimes people have some really weird characters tattooed on their arms or legs, let me tell you that. Well, other than Chinese I learned a lot about Korean literature this semester, which for me was very interesting and a lot of fun.Besides that I haven’t really done a whole lot…I don’t know if I told you, but I last year in September I spent five weeks in Korea, which was fantastic. I really had a great time there, the weather was perhaps a little too hot and humid, but other than that it was fabulous.
I thought I entered a lavatory at the country in having gone to Tokyo for a trip, a shop of Tokyo, and to take a shit, but I could enter a vinyl bag and took shit home because a poster was done when "a thing except toilet paper did not drain" it. I felt inconvenience very much. May I hear how there will be all of you for reference?
>>757 私も疑問だったので栄二郎で調べてみたら、色々いけるみたい # right to a clear explanation of 〜についての明確{めいかく}な説明{せつめい}を受ける権利{けんり} # right to a fair trial 公正{こうせい}な裁判{さいばん}を受ける権利
As you can probably imagine I did have a few problems with the language and it took me an awful lot of time to memorize the grammar and the complex Chinese characters,but I actually put a lot of effort in it and I guess the exam wasn’t too bad. Learning Chinese can also be pretty useful though, for example right now when I walk through the streets of Bochum, the city where I go to college,I am able to read the characters that many people have tattooed on their bodies or which are printed on numerous baseball-hats, which can actually be pretty funny. Sometimes people have some really weird characters tattooed on their arms or legs, let me tell you that. Well, other than Chinese I learned a lot about Korean literature this semester, which for me was very interesting and a lot of fun.Besides that I haven’t really done a whole lot…I don’t know if I told you, but I last year in September I spent five weeks in Korea, which was fantastic. I really had a great time there, the weather was perhaps a little too hot and humid, but other than that it was fabulous.
For weeks,the World Trade Center site burned.The lower Manhattan area smelled from fumes for many weeks.Buses were parked all around the streets for several weeks so that people could not walk or look down the streets and see the rescue and digging operations.Eventually they opened some of the streets and allowed people to get closer to the site.It is quite active with visitors on weekends with people paying their respects.I was finally operated on and they found and removed by ruptured appendicitis in November 2001.I then found a job right away and started working in December 2001.I now work at an office building located in Times Square.For a long time, I got tense when I hear sirens from police cars or ambulances,or when I hear any loud crash.Usually the loud crashes are from building construction of some sort.I am sorry that the story is slightly complicated. I hope that I cleared up any confusion that I may have caused. (I tend to talk fast.
The computer revolution is not simply another chapter of change to which we must all adjust. It's a move away from proven traditions ーーー ones that encourage students to develop their imagination,all their abilities to communicate with people in a proper way.
Seoul is a beautiful city, you have ancient temples and palaces from the Choson period right next to huge skyscrapers and gigantic underground malls…it was an awesome experience. Well, semester break started about a week ago and next Tuesday my girl friend Annette and I will fly to Barcelona for a week. A friend of mine owns an apartment in a side street of the famous Rambla, the main street which runs right through downtown Barcelona,and she said that it would be no problem if we lived there for a while, which I thought was pretty cool. Well,on Wednesday there will be a big soccer game in Barcelona, the Champions League quarter-final between the FC Barcelona and Chelsea London, so I might try to get some tickets for that game when we get there.
"I'd left lots of candles burning on the mantlepiece and they set alight a big wooden mirror. "We both ran naked towards the flames and started blowing, which I later discovered is the worst thing you can do. It was a very memorable first date."
Seoul is a beautiful city, you have ancient temples and palaces from the Choson period right next to huge skyscrapers and gigantic underground malls…it was an awesome experience. Well, semester break started about a week ago and next Tuesday my girl friend Annette and I will fly to Barcelona for a week. A friend of mine owns an apartment in a side street of the famous Rambla, the main street which runs right through downtown Barcelona,and she said that it would be no problem if we lived there for a while, which I thought was pretty cool. Well,on Wednesday there will be a big soccer game in Barcelona, the Champions League quarter-final between the FC Barcelona and Chelsea London, so I might try to get some tickets for that game when we get there.
コメントありがとうございます。しかし訳せないんです。through which 以下から causeまでが the processを修飾するとみていいんでしょうか? >TYPO 大杉。 「みて」も不要 あと、このコメントの意味がよくわからなかったんですが・・・。 the process of idelogical interpellaton through which the subject recognizes itself as the addresse in the calling up of the ideological cause implies necessarily a certain short circuit.
I mean there are like 100000 seats in the Camp Nou Stadium,there should be two tickets left for the two of us. The new semester will start April 11th and until then I will probably work a little bit at my uncle’s factory and earn some extra money so that I’l be able to come to Japan again in the near future,that would be awesome.Maybe you can give me your new address so that I can send you a postcard from Spain…The German Bundesliga started about four weeks ago and Bayern Munich, the team Oliver Kahn is on, is at the top of the league right now. They lost to Armina Bielefeld though last week and thus runner-up Schalke 04 from Gelsenkirchen is only like two points behind them. I guess it’ll be pretty close this year as to who will win the German championship.Well, dinner’s ready so I guess I’ll have to let you go now.
>>795>>742 TYPO=タイプミスのこと。 the process of ide[o]logical [?interprettaion, ×interpellaton] through which the subject recognizes itself as the [?address, ×addresse] in the calling up of the ideological cause implies necessarily a certain short circuit.
Demand durves are drawn with Price on the vertical axis and Quantity on the horizontal axis. In general, demand curves slope downwards. A normal good is not defined in terms of price and quantity but rather in terms of demand and income. A normal good is one for which an increase in income leads to an increase in demand, that is, a positive relationship exists between demand for the good and income.
>>806 そういえば、the processが無生物主語なんですね。いつも見落としてしまう。 あと、through whichの部分を継続用法で訳したんですね。カンマがなかったので制限用法かと 思ったんですが、読み直してみて、制限用法だと「短絡」の内容が既に主語になってしまって、 ちょっとまずいですね。内容で区別すべきなんですね。反省します。 call up of 〜 が「〜を訴えかける」で、 in the calling up of ideological causeがaddresseeを修飾してると考えていいですか?
I'm not good at good-byes, but I guess that's what this is. A real one this time. Because as much as I thought I wanted us to be together, I guess what I want more is to be one of those people who lives every moment of his life without indecision and without regrets. Someone who dares to disturb the universe without a thought to the consequences. And you're not one of those people, at least not yet. Maybe you'll prove me wrong about that one day. I hope you do. But who knows? Maybe people can't change. Maybe we're doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again no matter how hard we try. I always hope for a happy ending. How crazy is that? Take care of yourself.
Tell me.where you were last night君に電話したのに ah No answer tell me why抱きしめ合いたいのに 他にいるんだね So stop lying to meごまかさないで baby But.believe in heart. My body's hot for you,I adore you. そばへ来て 君なしではいられない。 Don't wanna be without ya so come with me I can't breathe without ya so be with me baby. I'm gonna call the shots from now on 僕の方がいいよcome with me I won't leate without ya so be my girl They'll never be another number 1 in my world baby. I see you as my Lady When you're with him it drive me crazy I need you to be my baby Come over here when I say and baby take me. I know今すぐ抱き締めたいI wanna kiss your body right包み込むように 僕ならもっとI'll take good care of you ladyそう思うのならbaby I only wanna make you happy. I wanna cuddie up in the sudsこのまま二人寄り添って Girl you and I been together for sometime Come and take my hand and together we'll do fine alright. I'm tired of his story僕とこれからの話しをしよう。 I wanna be with you till the end of my life And girl you know qualify. Everytime I hold you never永遠に 話さないこのままずっとoh baby you just can't leave me by myself Rigit to the arms of someone else. Don't let nobody touch you or come between usだからそろそろ知りたいYour heart oh hey And I wanna know what it's gonna be Him and you or you and me.
I mean there are like 100000 seats in the Camp Nou Stadium,there should be two tickets left for the two of us. The new semester will start April 11th and until then I will probably work a little bit at my uncle’s factory and earn some extra money so that I’l be able to come to Japan again in the near future,that would be awesome.Maybe you can give me your new address so that I can send you a postcard from Spain…The German Bundesliga started about four weeks ago and Bayern Munich, the team Oliver Kahn is on, is at the top of the league right now. They lost to Armina Bielefeld though last week and thus runner-up Schalke 04 from Gelsenkirchen is only like two points behind them. I guess it’ll be pretty close this year as to who will win the German championship.Well, dinner’s ready so I guess I’ll have to let you go now.
pretentious 【形】 うぬぼれた、もったいぶった、大げさな、見栄{みえ}を張った、思い上がった、 気取った、いいかっこしいの、偽りの ・ There's nothing pretentious about him. 彼は飾り気のない人だ。 ・ His paintings were pretentious and more about publicity than art. 彼の絵画は大げさなもので、芸術というよりは宣伝広告のようだった。
I want you to be with someone who makes you feel like I feel when I'm with you. So, I guess the point to this long run-on sentence that's been the last 10 years of our lives is just that the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me. よろしくお願いします。
和訳お願いします。 It's so real that it's kept me moving, mostly running from it, never ready for it He's tied to my childhood, and it's a love that is pure and eternally innocent.
We got your orded again, still your card wasn't charged. The order comes through VISA's Verified By Visa service and they didn't comfirm it. Please order again or send your credit card info by e-mail (few seperate e-mails).
海外通販 和訳スレも使ってね。 また,あんたの注文が着たけど,カード使えなかったよ。 注文は VISA の Verified By Visa service を通してきたんだけど, 情報がホントだと確認できなかった。 また注文出すか,カードの情報をメールで送って。 (情報読まれたら困るから,いくつかに分けて,複数のメールでね。)
I mean there are like 100000 seats in the Camp Nou Stadium,there should be two tickets left for the two of us. The new semester will start April 11th and until then I will probably work a little bit at my uncle’s factory and earn some extra money so that I’l be able to come to Japan again in the near future,that would be awesome.Maybe you can give me your new address so that I can send you a postcard from Spain…The German Bundesliga started about four weeks ago and Bayern Munich, the team Oliver Kahn is on, is at the top of the league right now. They lost to Armina Bielefeld though last week and thus runner-up Schalke 04 from Gelsenkirchen is only like two points behind them. I guess it’ll be pretty close this year as to who will win the German championship.Well, dinner’s ready so I guess I’ll have to let you go now.
The directors meeting authorized spending half of total budget prior to mext directors meeting at which time the balance would be released pending agreement to the complate recomendation.
although is a Spanish postcard and as it's logically you won't understand nothing I liked quite a lot! it says it doesn't matter how many years you do, what's important is to be happy!
So, do you plan on borrowing her or stealing her from your best friend? Well, I'm hoping that it's a little different now and maybe we've moved beyond that.
これってどういう意味? 特にa bit japのところ。 Well, once again, if I get pay to go visit, I will choose Tokyo slightly over Seoul due to the fact that I know a bit Jap. and I know nothing about korean language. Tokyo nite life is 24/7!
Authors of a Dutch study in this week?s issue of THE LANCET conclude that medical explanations cannot account for the phenomenon known as near-death experience (NDE). Only a relatively small proportion of patients who became clinically dead (resulting in oxygen deprivation to the brain) reported NDEs after successful cardiac resuscitation. おねがいします。
I can't type in japanese. However I can read japanese. so you can send in japanese. call me letter!! I don't know whether I can answer the phone or not.
I can't type in japanese. 日本語では打てない。 However I can read japanese. でも,日本語で打ってきたのは読める。 so you can send in japanese. だから,メール日本語で送ってきてもいいよ。 call me letter!! Call me later. の誤りだと思われる。 あとで電話して。 I don't know whether I can answer the phone or not. 電話に出れるかどうかは分からないけど。
Easy access to preview and forward quarantined or filtered mail. Domain level approval or disapproval (Ex: @goodsite.com or @spamsite.com). Email address approval or disapproval (Ex: [email protected] or [email protected]). Manual training option allows you to mold iCAT filter to your personal standards. Filters Incredimail + AOL, Hotmail, MSN, & Yahoo web mail when POP3 option used. Integrated with Bsafe Online痴 All-in-One Security Control Center.
We received another large shirt and compared it to the medium size flawed one and there was very little difference so we decided to send it to you to see what you think. If you are not happy with it we will refund you fully. We did not want to delay any further your delivery.
I mean there are like 100000 seats in the Camp Nou Stadium,there should be two tickets left for the two of us. The new semester will start April 11th and until then I will probably work a little bit at my uncle’s factory and earn some extra money so that I’l be able to come to Japan again in the near future,that would be awesome.Maybe you can give me your new address so that I can send you a postcard from Spain…The German Bundesliga started about four weeks ago and Bayern Munich, the team Oliver Kahn is on, is at the top of the league right now. They lost to Armina Bielefeld though last week and thus runner-up Schalke 04 from Gelsenkirchen is only like two points behind them. I guess it’ll be pretty close this year as to who will win the German championship.Well, dinner’s ready so I guess I’ll have to let you go now.
"I'd left lots of candles burning on the mantlepiece and they set alight a big wooden mirror. "We both ran naked towards the flames and started blowing, which I later discovered is the worst thing you can do. It was a very memorable first date."
自分で訳そうとしましたが、できませんでした。 よろしくおねがいします。 At a certain moment, a doctor will decide that my brain has stopped functioning. When that happens, do not attempt to revive my body by the use of a machine. And don't call this my 'bed of death.' Call it my 'bed of life' and take my body away from it to help others live fuller lives. Give my eyes to a man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby's face, or love in the eyes of a woman. Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused him nothing but days of pain without end. Give my blood to a teenager who was seriously injured in a traffic accident, so that he or she might live and see his or her grandchildren playing. Give my kidneys to one who has to depend on a machine to live from week to week. Take my bones, every muscle, and every nerve in my body and find a way to make a disabled child walk.
These good results have been achieved,not only by informative,but by persuasive and intimidating advertisements.The prime object was not,of course,to benefit humanity but to sellmore cars,more toothpaste,more alcohol.
>>899 Work is not the purpose of life any more than play is. 遊ぶことが人生の目的ではないのと同様に、 働くこともまた人生の目的ではない。 Another step, and you would have been run over by a truck. あと一歩進んでいたら、君はトラックに轢かれていただろう。
"even when such aid may be necessary to secure life, liberty or property interests of which the government itself may not deprive the individual." どなたかお願いします。
You will receive a bathrobe, slippers and towels for the treatments. So you must bring a bikini and two towels for the w-swimming pools. You can lend a towel (3 ) but not bathing suit.
I mean there are like 100000 seats in the Camp Nou Stadium,there should be two tickets left for the two of us. The new semester will start April 11th and until then I will probably work a little bit at my uncle’s factory and earn some extra money so that I’l be able to come to Japan again in the near future,that would be awesome.Maybe you can give me your new address so that I can send you a postcard from Spain…The German Bundesliga started about four weeks ago and Bayern Munich, the team Oliver Kahn is on, is at the top of the league right now. They lost to Armina Bielefeld though last week and thus runner-up Schalke 04 from Gelsenkirchen is only like two points behind them. I guess it’ll be pretty close this year as to who will win the German championship.Well, dinner’s ready so I guess I’ll have to let you go now.
I would not locate our obligation in rights, unless by "right" we mean a conventional response to need a response some particular community has institutionalized.
なんとなくはわかるのですが自信がないのでどなたか訳おねがいします。。 Of course I remember you. How are you doing? Are you really going to live in Hawaii, That would be really cool, you could teach me some more nihongo and I could teach you English.
You are the cutest girl i met that night :D You are lucky you live in japan. Japan has so many fun things to do!! That is why i want to live in japan. Hawaii is beautiful yes but it is boring... Do you have friends that live here?
よろしくお願いします。 I am still in Iraq and do not get a chance to check my email account very often. Everything is fine here, how are you and your friends doing? What new trips and adventures have you been on? Write when you get a chance. I will respond when I can. Take care.
I mean there are like 100000 seats in the Camp Nou Stadium,there should be two tickets left for the two of us. The new semester will start April 11th and until then I will probably work a little bit at my uncle’s factory and earn some extra money so that I’l be able to come to Japan again in the near future,that would be awesome.Maybe you can give me your new address so that I can send you a postcard from Spain…The German Bundesliga started about four weeks ago and Bayern Munich, the team Oliver Kahn is on, is at the top of the league right now. They lost to Armina Bielefeld though last week and thus runner-up Schalke 04 from Gelsenkirchen is only like two points behind them. I guess it’ll be pretty close this year as to who will win the German championship.Well, dinner’s ready so I guess I’ll have to let you go now.
FROM:SUNSWEETWIN/PRIZE AWARD DEPT REF: SUN/2010-968091/03 BTCH: 54/010/IPD DATE 22/02/2005 WINNING CONFIRMATION NOTICE WEB SITE:(www.swisslotto.org). We are glad to inform you that your E-mail address appears as the confirmed Winner of our last SUNSWEETWIN email lottery program held on the 21th FEBRUARY 2005. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 20675543256-786 with Serial number 3765-75 drew lucky numbers 7-12-18-24-32-45, which Consequently won in the 2nd category, you have therefore been approved For a lump sum payment of Eight hundred thousand united state dollars(US$800,000,00). CONGRATULATIONS!!! This promotional program takes place every year. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 100,000 companies and 50,000, 000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world. In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence.We ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money remitted to you. Remember all winnings must be claimed not later than 22th of MARCH2005. After this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake. To file for your claim or for further details, please contact our agent. MR F James at [email protected] In respect of our commitment towards helping the less previledge, we ask that you voluntarily contribute 1% of your Global winnings to any charity organization you desire at your convinience. Congratulations once more from our members of staff. Mrs. m.martiez Global Winning co-ordinator このメールが突然来たんですが何て内容なんでしょうか・・ガクブル
I am still in Iraq and do not get a chance to check my email account very often. Everything is fine here, how are you and your friends doing? What new trips and adventures have you been on? Write when you get a chance. I will respond when I can. Take care. (私はまだイラクにいます。 だからほとんどメールを確認することができません) (ここは凄くいいところですよ。 あなたとあなたの友達はお元気?) (新しい旅行や冒険をなにかしましたか?) ← ちょっと自信ないです。 (チャンスをGET出来たときには(手紙を?)書いてください。 出来る限りお返事書きます) (それではお気をつけて)
I mean there are like 100000 seats in the Camp Nou Stadium,there should be two tickets left for the two of us. The new semester will start April 11th and until then I will probably work a little bit at my uncle’s factory and earn some extra money so that I’l be able to come to Japan again in the near future,that would be awesome.Maybe you can give me your new address so that I can send you a postcard from Spain…The German Bundesliga started about four weeks ago and Bayern Munich, the team Oliver Kahn is on, is at the top of the league right now. They lost to Armina Bielefeld though last week and thus runner-up Schalke 04 from Gelsenkirchen is only like two points behind them. I guess it’ll be pretty close this year as to who will win the German championship.Well, dinner’s ready so I guess I’ll have to let you go now.
The best reason for asserting so bluntly that there are not such rights is indeed of precisely the same type as the best reason which we possess for asserting that there are no unicorns : every attempt to give good reasons for believing that there are such rights has failed.
All the organs of his body were working--bowels digesting food, skin renewing itself, nails growing, tissues forming--all toiling away in solemn foolery. どなたかお願いします。後半部分がわかりません。
Salute, I am Mrs Awatif Al-kamil woman bassed in bagdad in iraq,i got your contact from a friend of mine one time resident in your country,it is with that i wish to contact you for a little assistance you can render to me. Due to the situation here in in iraq,those of us in the business circle are finding it very difficult to cope with the situation here,no stable goverment,bomb explotion at strategic places every now and then,sometimes people find it very difficult to go about their normal businesses due to fear of being victim of terrorist attack,above all.the crisis in iraq now has made business activities totaly parallised for quite sometime now.for intance,no good telephone facilities,no adiquate security,infact,all most all the basic infrastructure were destroyed during the recent war in iraq,ever since then .the enveroment in iraq has never been condusive business wise. Please,why i need your assistance is that i have about (us$ 40.000.000)fourty million united states Dollars in my custody.i inherited the money from late my husband who was a major general in iraqi army in charge of purchase and maintainance in the immediate past regime. My intention is to move the money out of iraq and invest the money in stock market or real estate in your country with the help of an honest person who will work with me as my foreign associate, i want to invest most of the money abroad to avoid lossing the money, because it is not wise doing business in the atmosphere of fear here in iraq,that's why i am calling on you. If you can honestly collaborate with me ,i am ready to pay you up to 20% of the total amount if you can sincerely assist me to actualise this project soon,because the situation here in iraq is very critical,the everyday bomb explotion seems to have no end. I wait patiently for your urgent response. Best regards
Global warming is the additional warming of the earth's atmosphere caused by more greenhouse gas being in the upper atmosphere than is usual. Greenhouse gas keeps heat waves within the earth's atmosphere that would normally go through it and continue on into space.
To save embarrassment to people still living I have given to the persons who play a part in this story names of my own contriving, and I have in other ways taken pains to make sure that no one should recognize the.
I was seated next to a man whose extreme nervousness disturbed even the whiskey in my glass. I stole a glance at him, unwilling to involve myself in his dilemma, but there was no ignoring the fact that he was either ill or in the grip of a nightmare. この1文がどうしても分りません!すみませんがお願いします.
One characteristic of modern inventions is their perplexing combination of advantages with disadvantages. Considering the particular purpose for which they are invented, one can't help seeing their practical advantage. Otherwise thay wouldn't have been invented, still less marketed.