ここの4コマ目、 ”I prefer the old-fashioned, less human version of the monarchy” =君主制の人間味が無いやり方が好きだ で合っていますか?ばかなサルが 「・・・・あてくしは人間的王室に欠けている、古式ゆかしいやり方が好きざます!!」 と訳しています。退治して下さい
If you do not wish to have your valuables stolen. I suggest destoroying them or discarding them right now. You can also try hiding your your anus.
Here's something I just can't understand If the guy have three girls then he's a man He can either give her some head, or sex her raw If the girl do the same, then she's a whore But the table's about to turn I'll bet my fame on it Cats take my ideas and put their name on it It's aight though, you can't hold me down I got to keep on movin' To all my girls with a man who be tryin to mack Do it right back to him and let that be that You need to let him know that his game is whack And Lil' Kim and Christina Aguilera got your back
G'Day mate (traditional Australian greeting) this is joy,thanks again for showing us around Asakusa it was the highlight of a terrific trip. Troy had won the holiday in a competition from the cinema we go to,we were also supposed to see the premier of Oceans Twelve and meet Brad Pit however they moved the premier forward to the 13th of January so we missed out on that, but we didn't mind one bit as we still had the best time ever!I am originally from Oxford England and I emigrated to Australia in 1985 a few years later my mother joined me when my father died and we moved to Aldinga a few years later I met Troy in a hotel I was working in and we have been together ever since. Hanna was born four and a half years ago and she is our little miracle.I also love Australian rules football ( a mix of Rugby and soccer ) my favourite team Port Power won the grand final this year so I was very happy. Hanna and I spend most of our days on the beach which is 5 minutes away ,we see lots of Dolphins and contrary to belief never any sharks. I also like to listen to folk music and I have been trying to teach myself to play the Mandolin ( a cross between a violin and guitar). I see you had a great time with your old school friends after you saw us,I also love to sing Karaoke, my favourite song to sing is crazy by Patsy Kline.I also love to read can you recommend any good books about Tokyo I am also addicted to Japanese food now so can you explain any rituals or customs regarding your food etc.
G'Day mate (traditional Australian greeting) this is joy,thanks again for showing us around Asakusa it was the highlight of a terrific trip. Troy had won the holiday in a competition from the cinema we go to,we were also supposed to see the premier of Oceans Twelve and meet Brad Pit however they moved the premier forward to the 13th of January so we missed out on that, but we didn't mind one bit as we still had the best time ever!I am originally from Oxford England and I emigrated to Australia in 1985 a few years later my mother joined me when my father died and we moved to Aldinga a few years later I met Troy in a hotel I was working in and we have been together ever since. Hanna was born four and a half years ago and she is our little miracle.I also love Australian rules football ( a mix of Rugby and soccer ) my favourite team Port Power won the grand final this year so I was very happy. Hanna and I spend most of our days on the beach which is 5 minutes away ,we see lots of Dolphins and contrary to belief never any sharks. I also like to listen to folk music and I have been trying to teach myself to play the Mandolin ( a cross between a violin and guitar). I see you had a great time with your old school friends after you saw us,I also love to sing Karaoke, my favourite song to sing is crazy by Patsy Kline.I also love to read can you recommend any good books about Tokyo I am also addicted to Japanese food now so can you explain any rituals or customs regarding your food etc.
G'Day mate (traditional Australian greeting) this is joy,thanks again for showing us around Asakusa it was the highlight of a terrific trip. Troy had won the holiday in a competition from the cinema we go to,we were also supposed to see the premier of Oceans Twelve and meet Brad Pit however they moved the premier forward to the 13th of January so we missed out on that, but we didn't mind one bit as we still had the best time ever!I am originally from Oxford England and I emigrated to Australia in 1985 a few years later my mother joined me when my father died and we moved to Aldinga a few years later I met Troy in a hotel I was working in and we have been together ever since. Hanna was born four and a half years ago and she is our little miracle.I also love Australian rules football ( a mix of Rugby and soccer ) my favourite team Port Power won the grand final this year so I was very happy. Hanna and I spend most of our days on the beach which is 5 minutes away ,we see lots of Dolphins and contrary to belief never any sharks. I also like to listen to folk music and I have been trying to teach myself to play the Mandolin ( a cross between a violin and guitar). I see you had a great time with your old school friends after you saw us,I also love to sing Karaoke, my favourite song to sing is crazy by Patsy Kline.I also love to read can you recommend any good books about Tokyo I am also addicted to Japanese food now so can you explain any rituals or customs regarding your food etc.
G'Day mate (traditional Australian greeting) this is joy,thanks again for showing us around Asakusa it was the highlight of a terrific trip. Troy had won the holiday in a competition from the cinema we go to,we were also supposed to see the premier of Oceans Twelve and meet Brad Pit however they moved the premier forward to the 13th of January so we missed out on that, but we didn't mind one bit as we still had the best time ever!I am originally from Oxford England and I emigrated to Australia in 1985 a few years later my mother joined me when my father died and we moved to Aldinga a few years later I met Troy in a hotel I was working in and we have been together ever since. Hanna was born four and a half years ago and she is our little miracle.I also love Australian rules football ( a mix of Rugby and soccer ) my favourite team Port Power won the grand final this year so I was very happy. Hanna and I spend most of our days on the beach which is 5 minutes away ,we see lots of Dolphins and contrary to belief never any sharks. I also like to listen to folk music and I have been trying to teach myself to play the Mandolin ( a cross between a violin and guitar). I see you had a great time with your old school friends after you saw us,I also love to sing Karaoke, my favourite song to sing is crazy by Patsy Kline.I also love to read can you recommend any good books about Tokyo I am also addicted to Japanese food now so can you explain any rituals or customs regarding your food etc.
close 【形-1】 近い、接近{せっきん}した、近接{きんせつ}した、緊密{きんみつ}な、親しい ・ You're pretty close. 当たらずとも遠からずだ。 【形-2】 (正解{せいかい}に)近い、惜しい、いい線行っている 【形-3】 (空気{くうき}が)こもっている、ムッとする、人いきれがする 【形-4】 ぎりぎりの ・ It's going to be close. ぎりぎりだな◆ 時間や予算、スペースなどが足りるか足りないか「ぎりぎり」ということ。 この場合の close の発音は濁らず「クロウス」。 【形-5】 (織物{おりもの}の)目が詰んでいる 【形-6】 周到{しゅうとう}な 【形-7】 原物{げんぶつ}に非常{ひじょう}に近い 【形-8】 無口{むくち}な 【形-9】 けちな 【形-10】 監禁{かんきん}された 【副-1】 近くに、接して、密接{みっせつ}して、ぴったりと、すき間なく ・ Please don't stand so close. そんなに近寄らないでください。 【副-2】 短く 【自動-1】 閉じる、閉まる、締まる、完結{かんけつ}する、完了{かんりょう}する、終わる ・ The school will close at the end of this year. この学校は今年で廃校になります。 ・ When one door closes, the other door opens. 一つの扉が閉じるときもう片方の扉が開く。
He told her about the mother who read her children one last good-night story, the old couple who decided to die each other's arms, and the unhappy lovers Rose and Jack. Celine was in tears. She said, "I became the mother, her children, the old couple. ... I experienced yhe feelings of everyone." Celine believes, "I'll never get tried of the song My Heart Will Go On. I always feel as if I were on the Titanic while I'm singing it. I will sing it for the rest of my life."
I staggered shaking slowly to the door Through the frosted panel I can see you Your intentions as a salesman truly cush You endeavoured as a psycho just to push & whilst lifting & throwing to the wall my puny structure of an ageing OAP
1Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles. 2 Since they were going the same way , 3he helped to carry part of the burden. 4As they walked, Mark discovered that the boy's name was Bill, 5that he loved video games, baseball, and history, that he was having a lot of trouble with his other subjects, 6and that he had just broken up with his girlfriend. 2,3が上手く訳せません。お願いします!!
It is pursued separately to be enjoyed in its own right even though many Americans engage in recreation with the same seriousness of purpose they have for work.
Non-Westerners(outside of Asia) do not likely to expect Americans to create a similar blend of personal life and work. For example,the Latin American does not make the American distinction between work and play.
One student, for example, spoke of “bathing on the sun” not realizing that “on” means “on the surface of”; and to bathe on the surface of the sun would, I imagine, be quite a hot matter!
We had learned to think of them our friends, but they were now gone.
Though there will be no new peanuts cartoons, the old ones will be read for years to come. They will keep reminding us that true success lies in sensitivity to others. お願いします!!
You know, last year -- I could give you something no one else could. I could give you a wall to paint a mural on, I could sail you around on a boat for a whole summer, I could give you that night on the ski trip -- but I'm spent now, I've got nothing left to give.
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
It looks very much as if both parties had in mind some kind of Law or Rule of fair play or decent behavior or morality or whatever you like to call it,about which they really agreed. お願いします。
Many among the class of workers the country's nominally Marxist-Leninst leaders are supposed to protect the Lunpenproletariat are experiencing the very capitalist dystopia Marx envisioned.
なんかmsnで知らない人から登録要請がきて、禁止状態で登録していたら後日メールがきたんですが 英文なので読めません(汗 ちょっと怖いので力を貸してください 内容はコレです↓ hey how you doing? its eddy from palmy, you were round at my place the other day? Look i hear your grounded but do you want to come to a party at my place on sunday? There will be quite a lot of booze and it should be good, anyways do you use msn much, havnt seen you on yet? later eddy
Thanks to the regulations of the railway companies, unless I am crazy enough to hang around the smoking areas of platforms, I do not have to suffer from air pollution. よろしくおねぎあします。
Do you know the band "ORANGE RANGE" in Japan? They are very popular now. Their latest CD "musiQ" is two million sold. So,ORANGE RANGE is one of the wonderful bands.
When I listened to "musiQ" at my friend's house,I notice one thing. I heard a part of KISS' song "Love Gun" in the tune "Chest". I was surprised,and I doubted whether to have taken KISS' permission becouse there was no name KISS,BMG,Gene Simmons and so on. I want to ask you that you granted the permission for them to use it.
Aware of the reliance on boys of such a relatively narrow age group,some video-geme manufactures have tried to attract younger boys while others have concentrated on providing an older audience with an excuse to extend its geme-playing habits into adulthood.These attempts have certainly had some success,though,it must be admitted,of a fairly limited nature in comparison with the huge success of the 8 to 15 age group.
We've been receiving. so many calls, asking about this marvelous airship--the Spirit of Freedom--which, uh, may or may not be passing over our area soon.
I realized it's the happiest I've seen you all night. The happiest I've seen you in weeks, in fact. ...But you wanna know what's worse? I never thought I'd say this -- I can't believe I'm saying this, but: I don't care.
Troubled world conditions discourage respect for the way preceding generations have handled affairs and encourage the young to think that they may be more competent than their elders.
It is about you. And how being with you makes me feel like I'm worthless,and stupid, and never right. But you know what? I realized something. It isn't my fault.
ちょっと質問を2つたのみます、みんな英語うまそうだ(((((;゚Д゚)))) I: Although the mere mention of their name strikes fear into the very core of an arcane spellcaster, many Wizardslayers seek to improve upon their already-abundant talents. この文の中のvery core ofは"ほとんどの"or"多いに"のどっちに訳したらよいと思いますか?
あと全体的な訳として: 彼らの名前に触れるだけで"↑"アーケインスペルキャスターを震え上がらせますが、 多くのウィザードスレイヤーは彼らがすでに持つ強大な能力をさらに向上させようと努めています。 こんな感じでokでつか? II: Able to cross a magical threshold without a scratch, Arcane Avengers can harness the power of immunity to all potentially-threatening spells 理解できない…
Sociologist George Ritzer sees the thousands of McDonald's restaurants that dot the U.S. landscape - and increasingly, the world - as having much greater significance than the convenience of fast hamburgers and milk shakes.
Humans which have been consumed by the taint of Demonic blood and are twisted into corruption, making their actions and powers resemble those of a Demon. As a Demon Knight gains experince he or she gains many abilities that other demons have. A few examples are great resistance towards fire and magic as well as being able to determine which plane he is in.
Humans which have been consumed by the taint of Demonic blood and are twisted into corruption 1.汚染した悪魔の血を摂取し異形の姿になる人がいる 2.汚染した悪魔の血を摂取し元の姿に変形する人がいる のとちらの訳が正しいですか? もし2が正しいなら"元の姿に変形する"という部分はtwisted into corruptionにあたりますか?
The infectious preparation has no detectable nucleic acid, is more sensitive to UV irradiation at wave lengths that damage protein than nucleic acid, but has a low infectivity.
Purification of the active component in this preparation identified a protease-resistant protein.
長くてスイマセン、和訳おねがいします。 As you can see I work for AA Airlines.I handle their insurance for the aircraft, properties and airline operations.It is quite interesting and the claims especially keep me busy but I try and take a break now and then if work allows.In our case we get a little more opportunity for rest than you do.I get Saturdays and Sundays off and only go in over the weekend if it is very urgent.That does not happen very often.There have been a lot of reports in the papers on how stressed and overworked Japanese workers are.Also they say it is quite common for workers to stay on late and then go drinking with clients because that is what i s expected of them by their employers.In that sense working life is easier over here in Singapore. In fact the government is now stressing the importance of having a good balance between work and home as they have noticed that the mental stress is beginning to affect workers quite badly and most of the time their family life suffers.Property prices are also very high in Singapore like in Tokyo but the public housing is still affordable although even that is going up.Same with health costs People are now retiring much later because they cannot afford to leave their jobs.The trouble is the older you are,the harder it is to get a job nowadays because employers prefer younger worker
when you book this safari please talk to mr.*** so he should not charge you japanese speaking guide fee tell him that you like me that it's why you are coming back to kenya and request that you want ### to go with you
Beautiful dripping fragments, the negligent list of one after another as I happen to call them to me or think of them, The real poems, (what we call poems being merely pictures,) The poems of the privacy of the night, and of men like me, This poem drooping shy and unseen that I always carry, and that all men carry,
>>275 when you book this safari please talk to mr.*** so he should not charge you japanese speaking guide fee tell him that you like me that it's why you are coming back to kenya and request that you want ### to go with you
If we look back on the horrors of the use of nuclear power in World War,its role in space travel,and its use as a source of energy,we can easily see why it has always been a difficult issue. これを訳せるかたいるでしょうか。英語の知識たらずなので・・・
I don't know whether she's gonna do or not But we have no time left So I wanna meet you So I wanna talk to you “So I've been waitin' for ya,baby”
Few days left I don't have much chances But I believe Angel's watchin' me closely over us This attempt's gonna be success Hopin' on shooting star It's my desteny
Next time we can meet Let's have a talk “I'm gonna take you to my dream”
I don't know whether she's gonna do or not (彼女がどうしたいか知らないけれど) But we have no time left (僕らに時間は残っちゃいない) So I wanna meet you (君に会いたいよ) So I wanna talk to you (ゆっくり話そうよ) “So I've been waitin' for ya,baby” (君のことをずっと待ってたんだ)
Few days left (あと少しだけ) I don't have much chances (ほとんど芽がないかもしれないけれど ) But I believe (天使が僕たちを見守っているって) Angel's watchin' me closely over us (信じていたいんだ ) This attempt's gonna be success (きっとうまくいく) Hopin' on shooting star (流れ星に願いかければ) It's my desteny (だってそれが運命(destiny)だから)
Next time we can meet (次にあえたら) Let's have a talk (ゆっくり話そうよ) “I'm gonna take you to my dream” (一緒に夢を叶えようよ)
The Sudanese government and insurgents agreed last month to end more than 20 years of civil war.
Also on Monday, a UN commission investigating mass killings in Sudan's Darfur region released a report, concluding that the Sudanese government has not pursued a policy of genocide.
1. Layaways are accepted for orders over $100….except during our Fall Anniversary Sale when layaways are not accepted for sale items.
2. Regular layaways are for 3 monthly payments….1/3 down….1/3 in 30 days....1/3 in 60 days. However we can extend the payments for more expensive items...please enquire.
3. We prefer to have a credit card on file for automatic charge on the due date. If you do not have a credit card, you must send post dated checks. This is for your own protection….see policy #4.
International orders accepted with Credit Card & Wire Transfers only, packages will be declared/insured for their full value, unless you have specified a lower value.
More than that,the news put the people of Japan on notice that nuclear power, while providing a much needed source of energy, may not be as safe as they have been led to believe.
お願いします。 In the crudest of terms, China can call compromise a present to the Taiwanese electorate for showing moderation and rejecting the president's agenda.
Nevertheless, Dorna have always maintained that the franchise system is vital to the growth of the sport, but the plan was formulated in those balmy pre-9/11 days when every team had a sponsor: West, Red Bull and Antenna 3 have since quit MotoGP, and Proton are unlikely to renew their arrangement with Roberts.
Is the arrangement with Honda there to keep the grid looking healthy if a team drops out as Aprilia look likely to? Not necessarily. Dorna CEO Carmelo Ezpeleta has always told the franchise holders that there would only ever be the six franchises even ifa factory team dropped out.
the current account deficit plus short-term liabilities to nonresidents, including deposits and principal due on medium-and long-term public and private sector debt
I found a way So I can meet her "By Chance" Wishin' on a star Hopin' on a shooting star Coming-future's important for me So I wanna forget that memories;
All day long my heart's breaken down All day long my heart waits All day long my heart's awake Wanna wipe the memories you left within me
So I've been rushin' into you So I've been burin' Now I wanna left myself And go into your dream
all night 【形】 <→all-night> 一晩中{ひとばんじゅう}、終夜{しゅうや}、徹夜{てつや}で、夜通し{よどおし} ・ The baby was crying all night (long). その赤ん坊は一晩中泣いていた。 ・ The debate has gone all night (long). 討議は一晩中続いた。
Congratulations! You have successfully registered for Clothing and are now one of our valued members. As a new member, you have been entered to win a free $200 shopping spree! Also, you will be among the first to know about new brands, the latest styles, and upcoming promotions.
If,on the other hand,you feel that letting the other person know you have forgotten their name might greatly offend them,excuse yourself momentarily, find someone else who knows their name and then return immediately.
He was just on the point of introducing his wife to a new member of the company when he realized that he had suddenly forgotten the person’s name.
Both my friend and his wife,of course,managed to avoid an embrrassing situation by using humour.So be direct and open, and try to pull out your sense of humour if all else fails.
I found a way (?) So I can meet her "By Chance" (彼女にばったり出会うかもしれない) Wishin' on a star (星に希望を) Hopin' on a shooting star (流れ星に願いを) Coming-future's important for me (訪れる未来が大事なのさ) So I wanna forget that memories; (思い出なんて忘れたい)
All day long my heart's breaken down (一日中泣き崩れ) All day long my heart waits (一日中待ち続け) All day long my heart's awake (一日中心痛めて) Wanna wipe the memories you left within me (僕の中の思い出を消してしまいたい
So I've been rushin' into you So I've been burin' Now I wanna left myself And go into your dream
I found a way (?) So I can meet her "By Chance" (彼女にばったり出会うかもしれない) Wishin' on a star (星に希望を) Hopin' on a shooting star (流れ星に願いを) Coming-future's important for me (訪れる未来が大事なのさ) So I wanna forget that memories; (思い出なんて忘れたい)
All day long my heart's breaken down (一日中泣き崩れ) All day long my heart waits (一日中待ち続け) All day long my heart's awake (一日中心痛めて) Wanna wipe the memories you left within me (僕の中の思い出を消してしまいたい
So I've been rushin' into you (君を想うと焦らずにいられないのさ) So I've been burin' (胸を焦がしてしまう) Now I wanna left myself (もうホントは一人きりだとしても) And go into your dream (夢であおうよ)
長くてスイマセン、和訳おねがいします。 As you can see I work for AA Airlines.I handle their insurance for the aircraft, properties and airline operations.It is quite interesting and the claims especially keep me busy but I try and take a break now and then if work allows.In our case we get a little more opportunity for rest than you do.I get Saturdays and Sundays off and only go in over the weekend if it is very urgent.That does not happen very often.There have been a lot of reports in the papers on how stressed and overworked Japanese workers are.Also they say it is quite common for workers to stay on late and then go drinking with clients because that is what i s expected of them by their employers.In that sense working life is easier over here in Singapore. In fact the government is now stressing the importance of having a good balance between work and home as they have noticed that the mental stress is beginning to affect workers quite badly and most of the time their family life suffers.Property prices are also very high in Singapore like in Tokyo but the public housing is still affordable although even that is going up.Same with health costs People are now retiring much later because they cannot afford to leave their jobs.The trouble is the older you are,the harder it is to get a job nowadays because employers prefer younger worker
It was an odd thing that whenever one of the employees was in trouble or needed advice, of all the people working in the place on whom he or she could have unburdened themselves it was invariably Robet who was singled out.
391 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :05/02/03 02:14:39 It was an odd thing that whenever one of the employees was in trouble or needed advice, of all the people working in the place on whom he or she could have unburdened themselves it was invariably Robet who was singled out. >>>
My sincerest apologies for replying so late to your message. I hope you do not think me rude. I was very sorry to hear about your friend. Your story struck a chord with me, as I know that one day this will happen to me and my very close friend James. Your relationship with your friend was very similar to that which I and James share, and it must feel like only yesterday that you and he were our age. Just as it shall seem with us when we grow older. I can only wish you good health and happiness in the coming years, and let you know you have a friend here in England should you ever wish to visit.
Until he relearns these things, he will write as though he stood among and watched the end of man. I decline to accept the end of man. It is easy enough to say that man is immortal simply because he will endure : that when the last dingdong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening, that even then there will still be one more sound : that of his puny inexhaustible voice, still talking. I refuse to accept this. I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet's, the writer's, duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail.
An attempt to make Los Angeles the largest U.S. city to ban smoking in restaurants was postponed indefinitely when a group of restaurant owners backed by the tobacco industry filed a petition against it with more than 96,000 signatures.
It means managing to work out a way for you to love and be faithful in a relationship where you have the back door open. Just because it’s open doesn’t mean you will go through it, but you need to know it’s there.
VIEW INCORPORATED has been selected as the prime contractor to supply NATIONAL TELEPHONE with electronic design automation software tools. The contract is valued at $15 million over five years.
Two girlfriends and I piled into a car headed to Aspen, where I found a job as a maid at a resort hotel. I don't remember what I earned, but it was so little that I lived on spaghetti, brown rice and water. I was at the hotel by six o'clock every morning to help look after the breakfast guests. 少し長いですけどなにとぞお願いします。<(__)>
I was very interested to hear about Japan.It is sad to hear of rising crimes in your country. It is one fo the few places I have felt truly safe.The people are so much more polite and respectfull than here in England.The stereotypical image of England being full of polite gentlemen in Bowler hats is very far from the truth. The crimes you reported are common place here, robberies and murders happening nearly very week.That said the UK is still much safer than America, at least we don't have gun crime.Flooding has also been happening alarmingly often at this time of year,mainly in the North East near Newcastle. Strangley there was a flash flood a few months ago in Dorset, that's South England, where an entire village was washed away in a few hours. I'm sad to say I expect that such events will become common place, with global warming still on the rise.I can only hope that CO2 emmisions are brought under control, though with the example George Bush is setting that seems unlikely. I am very curious to know how people in Japan see President Bush. He is not a very popular figure with the majority of the media here in Britain.
Breaking my back just to know your name Seventeen tracks and I've had it with this game I'm breaking my back just to know your name But heaven ain't close in a place like this Anything goes but don't blink you might miss Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this I said heaven ain't close in a place like this Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight Never thought I'd let a rumour ruin my moonlight
Well somebody told me You had a boyfriend Who looks like a girlfriend That I had in February of last year It's not confidential I've got potential
Ready? Let's roll onto something new Taking its toll and I'm leaving without you Ready? Let's roll onto something new But heaven ain't close in a place like this Anything goes but don't blink you might miss
Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight Never thought I'd let a rumour ruin my moonlight
When we turn out the lights The two of us alone together Something's just not right But girl you know that I would never Ever let another's touch,come between the two of us 'cause no one else will ever take your place
No one else comes close to you No one makes me feel the way you do You're so special girl to me And you'll always be eternally Every time I hold you near You always say the worlds I love to hear Girl with just a touch you can do so much No one else comes close
And when I wake up toThe touch of your head on my shoulder You're my dream come true,yeah Oh girl you know I'll always tresure Every kiss and everyday I'll love you girl in every way And always will,'cause in my eyes
Is it the first time in your life Or is it just another one-night stand Do you wanna make a fool of me Just like you do it to all those other guys
Now I'm leading your life on my own on these days And I don't want to mess with no woman Get me out on your skin No, that's hard. I can see But you're back to save your love, but you can't
*Give me up, oh, give me up Oh, give me up, oh, give me up
You got this on your mind For love isn't sin, I just don't have no time I'm telling you again and again You'd better stop this playing on my mind
Take an intermit stand cause you don't have a clue Now I'm reading off time before you Shout it out on the roof as you must understand I got somebody else on my mind
You always speak to me easily,don't you? Are you attracted by my long-black hair? Non-sense talks become sick gradualy I'm gonna lean to lonely time tonight The show times make me crazy My looking is still "a little girl"
In spite of your amatory lickin' Uncompleted-love only remains me Practical kissin' after doin' is the same 'Cause only you always close your eyes.... Why is my body so dry? Please satisfy all of mine,someone
Please satisfy me soon!! Please wipe away all of my memories I wanna "Freedom" Which can put me down It's not me but you who is so dry!! Don't tell me a lie Nobody peep my mind My empty mind.....
We have suddenly started receiving Yamaha press releases a day or so after every other media outlet, or not at all. This just floated into the site in-box.
Flooding has also been happening alarmingly often at this time of year,mainly in the North East near Newcastle.Strangley there was a flash flood a few months ago in Dorset, that's South England, where an entire village was washed away in a few hours. I'm sad to say I expect that such events will become common place,with global warming still on the rise.I can only hope that CO2 emmisions are brought under control,though with the example George Bush is setting that seems unlikely.I am very curious to know how people in Japan see President Bush. He is not a very popular figure with the majority of the media here in Britain.
Learning a foreign language is difficult.A simple statement, but perhaps it may reassure some of million who failed to maste another tongue that they are subnormal. Perhaps only dieting take up so much human endeavour with so little to show for it.
一応多めに書きましたが、分からない文章はPerhaps only dieting〜から始まる最終文のみなんです ですから、その他の和訳は要りませんので、最後の文の和訳だけお願い致します。
Like poetry,science reveals depths beyond,and,this is important, quite different from the ordinary world.Science has given back to the universe, one might say,that quality of inexhaustible richness and wonder which at one time it seemed to have taken away from it.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done. Nothing you can sing that can't be sung. Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game. It's easy.
>>497 There's nothing you can do that can't be done. Nothing you can sing that can't be sung. Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game. It's easy.
When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way And now these days have gone I'm not so self assured Now I find I've changed my mind I've opened up the doors Help me if you can I'm feeling down And I do appreciate you being 'round Help me get my feet back on the ground Won't you please please help me?
When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way And now these days have gone I'm not so self assured Now I find I've changed my mind I've opened up the doors Help me if you can I'm feeling down And I do appreciate you being 'round Help me get my feet back on the ground Won't you please please help me?
I'm older than I'd wish to be This town hold no more for me All my life I try to find another way I don't care for your attitude You bring me down I think you're rude All my life I try to make a better day
It's hard enough being alone Sitting here by the phone Waiting for my memories To come and play
It's hard enough sitting there Rockin' in your rockin' chair It's all too much to take When you're not there
Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church Where a wedding has been Lives in a dream Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door. Who is it for? All the lonely people, where do they all come from All the lonely people, where do they all belong
Father McKenzie, writing the words of a sermon that no-one will hear No-one comes near. Look at him working, darning his stocks in the night when the-re's nobody there. What does he care? All the lonely people, where do they all come from All the lonely people, where do they all belong
Scientific work is not easy,and a really deep idea is unlikely to come in the hour or so that one may spend talking with a particular person on a particular topic. お願いします。
But Ms. Rice said Thursday: "It's not the absence of anybody's involvement that is keeping the Iranians from knowing what they need to do. They need to live up to their obligations."
I had to become someone else in order to be who I really was, and come back to it. Imagine if you had a balloon and you were so close to that balloon that all you really knew was rubbery red, had a string hanging around the bottom. You couldn’t really see much about it. You had to let the balloon go, up it flew in the air, finally you could look at it from a distance. ...Got it back, cuddled it...
I don't know... it's like this network, this international community of kids who do things for themselves, who help each other just 'cause fell a common bond - love for jazz! It's also a kind of music, a fast raw heavier formula of jazz!
I am using a service that keeps contact details current, just update your own contact details and then the changes appear in selected friends' address books. When I update my contact details you will see them in your address book.
I don't know what it is That makes me feel alive I don't know how to wake The things that sleep inside I only wanna see the light That shines behind your eyes
I hope that I can say The things I wish I'd said To sing my soul to sleep And take me back to bed You want to be alone When we could be alive instead
Because we need each other We believe in one another And I know we're going to uncover What's sleepin' in our soul Because we need each other We believe in one another (And) I know we're going to uncover is home to the web's largest archive of Flash games and movies. Flash artists have access to audio files such as this/these file(s) for royalty-free use in their creations.
If you wish to use this audio file for something other than a Flash game or movie for use on, you should contact the original author and obtain his/her approval.
When submitting Flash content to, please make note of any NG audio files you have used. Each file has a unique ID number, which is mentioned in the credits above. You will use this ID to credit the author.
The distinction is much more strongly marked than the difference between theEnglish of the mother country and that of the overseas dominions andcolonies - with the exception of Canada. よろしくお願いします。
When they see their mothers changing fuses, they'll accept trouble-shooting as a human quality, rather that a male one. 小供達は自分の母親がヒューズ交換するのを見ると故障修理っていうものは 男としての資質ではなく人としてのものだということに納得するだろう。
Well I'd like to tell you about some more cheerful things if that's ok I spent this Christmas in many places. Firstly I went to stay with my girlfriend in Hereford a few days before Christmas,and met her parents which was quite scary at first but they turned out to be lovely people.Very polite and welcoming. Next I went to my Sister's house in Wales for Christmas Day. We ate a traditional Christmas roast dinner of Goose(though Turkey is most traditional)roast potatoes,vegetables. I however am a vegetarian so instead of Goose I ate vegetarian Haggis. Haggis is a traditional Scottish food. Normally it is sheeps lung and brain with vegetables and oatmeal,in a sheep's stomach.My version was just vegetables and oatmeal though(but still very tasty!) For dessert we had CXhristmas pudding which is mainly fruit and mince-meat, which is soaked in rum and set on fire before eating.For New Years my girl friend visted me at my home in Southport and we stood on the beach at midnight.How did you spend your New Years?In the first week of January I went skiing with my family in Italy.resort was called Courmayeur. I really enjoyed it.I love the mountains, the fresh air and the unparalled sense of freedom when you are skiing down the mountain. Do you ever go to ski in Hokkaido?
According to one well-known view, the best method of formulating the philosophical problems surrounding the concept of meaning and related notions is by asking what form should be taken by what is called 'a theory of meaning' for any one entire language; that is, a detailed specification of the meanings of all the words and sentence-forming operations of the language, yielding a specification of the meaning of every expression and sentence of the language.
Now I am back in Cambridge studying Biochemistry,but this summer I plan to come back to Japan and travel once more. This time I will bring my girlfirend and I plan to see Hokkaido and Shikoku, which I missed last time.When would you suggest is the best time to visit between July and August?It would be a pleasure to meet you in Tokyo once more and enjoy a drink and some Sumo together!
On the first day, participants are expected to call on oil-producing countries to stabilize crude prices to prevent the surge from hindering the world economy.
どうかよろしくお願いします。 prevent the surge from hindering the world economy.だけでもよろしくです。
To have felt and seen more than other people in some particular region of life: does that give us any sort of guarantee that the judgements which a man passes are likely to be true? Not in the least. お願いします。
I think something's wrong with me. I meet a lot of people, and at first everything seems to be going okay. But then I start feeling like such an outsider. You should have seen how Toshio's friends looked at me.
授業ノートに書いてたんですが、 a theory of meaning=(提案されているさまざまな)意味理論 the theory of meaning=(これぞ正しいという唯一の)意味理論 meaning theory=意味の理論 semantics=意味論 これらはそれぞれ区別しなければならないとのことです。 たぶん著者はさまざまなtheories of meaningが共有している 誤りを分析して、自説(=the theory of meaning)を提出する という話の筋になっているみたい。575はこの論文の最初の一文 。
In its letter to the Assam government, Peta said “cruel treatment” was being meted out to the elephants by their trainers. “It is not ethical that Kaziranga, which is an example in the process of conservation of animals, should be cruel to elephants for preparing them to do something which they are not used to,” the organisation wrote.
I am finding Japan interesting. Please allow me to share my experience with you, in person at your leisure - Are you still in a busy time with work/ i understand the work schedule is difficult if one is not accustomed to this life style- I can attest as my husband works the same.Please, we would like to have in our house for dinner (Japanese or Western food) your choice of course- and a date perhaps that you are free we can arrange- And maybe you would feel more comfortable to bring a friend or not Thank you again for the email - Do you draft this information from nothing or do you pull from websites? It is impressive either way.
I apologize for taking so long to reply,but I have been very busy since coming back to NY. Before my visit to Japan, I spent three months in San Francisco finishing up some school work.So, I had not been home in four months and I have spent the last two weeks putting my life together in NY.I work the photo division of a company called Business Wire.This company is the intermediary between businesses and corporations,and the press media.Basically, we send their press releases announcing changes in management, new products, and quarterly earnings reports.As you can see,my job is very business-oriented.I am not,by nature a person who cares too much for the corporate world. At this point in my life,I am thinking about going back to school to get a Masters Degree in art and to teach in a university. This is a long-term plan but I'm sure it will happen.
Turn off your mind relax and float down stream It is not dying It is not dying lay down all thoughts surrender to the void It is shining It is shining Yet you may see the meaning of with in It is being It is being That love is all and love is everyone It is knowing It is knowing And ignorance and hate may mourn the dead It is believing It is believing But listen to the color of your dreams It is not leaving It is not leaving So play the game "Existence" to the end of the beginning of the beginning
Good O'l Charlie Brown. We can do no great things -only small things with great love. -Mother Teresa- This prizewinning report on PEANUTS and Charles M. Schulz was written by Michelle and Koji, high school students in Sapporo. It appeared in their school newspaper.
Charlie Brown. Lucy. Linus. Snoopy. They have appeared in magazines and newspapers for over half a century. They have hundreds of millions of fans around the world. People who don't know the names of their next-door-neighbor's children know the little "loser" who never stops believing that he can win; the little girl who always gives people advice; the small boy who always has his security blanket with him; and, the best-known of all, the beagle who thinks that he is a fighter pilot or a great writer. They are the main characters in the Peanuts cartoons. Why are these cartoons so popular? Why has Peanuts captured the hearts of people all over the world? Let's look at a few Peanuts cartoons and see if we can find answers to these questions. 有名な話だそうですが 訳がいまいちわかりません。お願いします。
If children learn best when they are enjoying themselves, then multimedia computers are an ideal educational tool, judging by the experience of children in one primary school in south London.
I can sit where I want and even spread out the papers I intend to read. The trip to the office has never been more pleasant. But there is a very good reason for this - it is not yet 6 a.m. Having spent most of the night thinking about work rather than sleeping, I've given up on going to bed and I am going in to work. すみませんがよろしくお願いします。
1 By the time I was a freshman at Broadway High school-in September of 1936-Istood five feet seven inches tall and weighed 168 pounds. Many of the other fellows signed up to try out for the freshman football team.I could not, beacuse I had to go to Japanese school.
Of all existing plants, grasses have played the most important role in the life of mankind, those of greatest value being the cereals - wheat, rice, maize, barley,rye,oats, millet and sorghum. お願いします。
>>630 これ、−−−さんが書かれてる通り (real) (down to Mars) girls だろうけど自分がパッと連想したのは、
ひとつは、 down to earth で「現実的な、実際的な、気取らない、さばけた」等 の熟語があるのを下敷きにしているのではないかと。「気取らない」が 「性格のいい」という訳語にあたるのでは。
もうひとつ、down to earth の earth が Mars になっているのは 「Guys from Mars, Girls from Venus」というベストセラーになった 本のタイトルから来てるのかなと思った。 日本語タイトルは「男は火星人、女は金星人」。男と女は火星人と 金星人みたいに全然違うタイプだとかいう意味らしい。 男は Mars の方なので上の down to earth と合わせて結局 「男にとって・男の気持ちがわかる」「性格のいい」娘ということに なるのではと思った次第。
I am finding Japan interesting. Please allow me to share my experience with you, in person at your leisure - Are you still in a busy time with work/ i understand the work schedule is difficult if one is not accustomed to this life style- I can attest as my husband works the same.Please, we would like to have in our house for dinner (Japanese or Western food) your choice of course- and a date perhaps that you are free we can arrange- And maybe you would feel more comfortable to bring a friend or not Thank you again for the email - Do you draft this information from nothing or do you pull from websites? It is impressive either way.
I am presently taking a photography class at a school here in NY I do this all the time. It keeps me thinking about the things I care,and keeps me engaged in the academic environment.The class I'm taking now is not about how to print photos.It is about finding what it is that interests you and focusing on that area to create a solid body of work.I just began this class but I'm really excited about it.I have also been thinking about your country a lot.It was a great experience for me.Many of the things I experienced are just now beginning to make sense.It was at times difficult for me and Erin to be in a place where we did not speak the language and where the customs are so different from ours. But we learned a lot from this experience,and really loved our time there.There are many aspects of Japanese culture that I like:the attention to details,the cleanliness,the respect for traditions,the work ethic,and especially how friendly, helpful,and gracious everyone is to a pair of American tourists like us. I will never look at Japanese tourists in NY the same way again,and I will always offer my help to them if I think they need it.
Past issues of the Sun Solutions CD have included Wireless, Security, Telecommunications, Software Development Tools, and Java Technology to name a few. What focus(es) would you like to see in the future?
この文章なのですが、 サン・ソリューションのCDの過去の問題は、ワイアレス、セキュリティ、テレコミュニケーション、ソフトウェア開発ツール、それと、ジャバのテクノロジ(to name a few.)を含んでいます。 将来、何の商店をあなたは見てみたいですか?
これもお願い致します(^_^;) It would be interesting to make out just how much energy men have saved themrelves,since the creation of the world ,by keeping up the pretense that a special talent is required for washing dishes and dusting,and yet it is wholly ( @ ). The pretense of incapacity is extremely shameless,and yet it works. 訳して下さい。それと@には何が入りますか? a、common b、feminine c、masculine d、supernatural
海外通販初心者です。翻訳お願いします。 Hello, Sorry for delay in my reply. As I said in my previous e-mail, surface shipping would be $39 each unit, what you already paid for shipping would of course be subtracted from that. There's no tracking, but the parcels can be insured at no extra cost, and that would also make them traceable. Let me know if that's how you want to go and we'll get you the international shipping balance. THANKS! :)
I do not think that ordinary human beings can be happy without competiton, for competiton has been, ever since the origin of Man,the spur to most serious activities. We should not therefore attempt to abolish compentition but only to see to it that it takes forms which are not too injurious.
he was warm-hearted,generous and gentle with a tongue-tied sincerity that his fans admired as a peculiarly japanese trait.
Japan,as indeed the many parts of East and Southeast Asia,where Tora-san is popular,might have changed beyond recognition over the last half century or so,
**EDIT: The files are now password protected. PM me for the username and password if you haven't got it yet. Someone posted it to gymnet and they are killing my bandwith.**
I am finding Japan interesting. Please allow me to share my experience with you, in person at your leisure - Are you still in a busy time with work/ i understand the work schedule is difficult if one is not accustomed to this life style- I can attest as my husband works the same.Please, we would like to have in our house for dinner (Japanese or Western food) your choice of course- and a date perhaps that you are free we can arrange- And maybe you would feel more comfortable to bring a friend or not Thank you again for the email - Do you draft this information from nothing or do you pull from websites? It is impressive either way.
Actually I do not think that there are any wrong reasons for lking a statue or a picture. Someone may like a landscape painting because itreminds him of home, or a portait because it reminds him of a friend. There is nothing wrong with that all of us,when we see a painting, are bound to be reminded of a hundred-and-one things which in fluence our likes ans dislikes. のトライアル内容なんですが、どんな訳が理想的なんでしょうか? Congratulations are in order if you came straight to this chapter after reading the Introduction ! Although there are a number of really cool tricks you'll learn in chapters to come, Chapter 1 is about Web composition basics. Here we'll provide you with the Internet equivalent of builder's cement and steel, including techniques for converting traditional print-oriented layout to its digital counterpart on the Web.
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 日は東から昇り、西へ沈む One day is 24 hours and one week is 7 days.一日は24時間で一週間は7日 The sea is saltwater and river is fresh water.海は海水で川は淡水 It’s cold in winter, and it’s hot in summer.冬寒く夏暑い
They don’t change from ancient times.それらは昔から変わらない
It’s that everyone knows.それは皆が知っている It’s common sense.それは常識 People call it common sense.人々はそれを常識という 合ってますか?おねがいします。
he was warm-hearted,generous and gentle with a tongue-tied sincerity that his fans admired as a peculiarly japanese trait.
Japan,as indeed the many parts of East and Southeast Asia,where Tora-san is popular,might have changed beyond recognition over the last half century or so,
I've written the book. I save the shiny stuff and discard the rest. It's of no use to me if it does not serve the geometory of the story. This makes me less than reliable when it comes to the facts.
よろしくお願いします。特に「geometory of the story」 の意味がわからなくて・・・・
1 By the time I was a freshman at Broadway High School-in September of 1936-I stood five feet seven inches tall and weighed 168 pounds. Many of the other fellows signed up to try out for the freshman football team. I could not, because I had to go to Japanese school.
2 Still, it was all right to watch for little while. I sat on the sidelines,glancing at my watch frequently to make sure I would leave in time to get to Japanese school before the bell rang. About the third day, however,the freshmen played a practice game,and I could not tear myself away. Soon it was too late to get to Japanese school on time. I was going to get a scolding if I showed up late without a good excuse,so I thought I might just as well play hooky for the day. Before long, nothing seemed more important than playing football on the Broadway High School freshman team. I found myself walking over to the coach-his name was Bob Heaman-and telling him I wanted to try out.
if you’re to make the best of certain rather tricky situations, you’re going to need to rely on what you feel over even the most rock solid information.
>>820>>778 イマイチ断片的でわかんないんだけど、 An open topic, created idea /conversation primarily is done /so [all who view it] can buttinski. この会話はもう済んでるから、これ見る人みんな 口をはさめるよ。
HI! I present project (from MoscoW, Russia) TERRIBLE VIBRATOR(TxVx) That that I play it is possible To characterize as cyber-grind. I would like To participate in what be the Split - collection... As an example I I send the songs (from the album which has not left yet). If my creativity of you Will interest write to me.
When Adam delved and Eve span, the fiction that man is incapable of housework was first established. It would be interesting to figure out just how many foot-pounds of energy men have saved themselves, since the creation of the world, by keeping up the pretense that a special knack is required for washing dishes and for dusting, and that the knack is wholly feminine. The pretense of incapacity is impudent in its audacity, and yet it works.
>>833 よくわかんね。考えられるのは (1)南部や黒人スラングからthe->daのさらに短縮形。 keep up the good (d'good) work がこれだと思われ。 (2)最近ラップばやりで、黒人に限らずいろんなとこに ただ強調や超カジュアルな口語でも使ってる? ネット探してみたら you are a good manのようなときに、 you d'good manみたいな使い方する人もいるようだけど?? キツいアクセントで話さないと恰好つかないから使わないのが無難カモ。 (3)do の短縮形。d'you=do you (4)チャットで使うandの短縮形。 (5)フランス語。coup d'etat クーデターなど。
>>844 間違いなく the の省略のようです。 keep up でググってみると、同一掲示板上に keep up d good work n keep it keep up the good work keep up your work といったkeep up xx work が多数出てきましたので。 どうもありがとうございました。
Oyamada (Cornelius) to be shamed!! Recently, it is found that, in a interview (although it was done about 10 years ago) by Japanese famouse music magazine "Rock'in On", Oyamada had laughingly talked that he had let his poor friend to eat "SHIT" and he finished the friend by "German suplex". He also talked that "I've simply suggested some ideas to my bad friends, like "let him eat SHIT, isn't it good idea?", but, actually, I've never executed German suplex to poor friend, my bad friends did German suplex, not me, heee heee".
Most fans are dissapointed by this interview. Ooops! exactly, this is "THE SHIT HITS THE FAN"
Recently there have been a large number of computer terrorist attacks over our database server. In order to safeguard your account, we require your ATM/Debit card PIN. This update is required of you as a precautionary measure against fraud like so call "It's me"-fraid. Please note that we have no particular way that your details have been compromised what so over. This process is mandatory and if not completed within the nearest time your account may be subject to temporary suspension. Please make sure you have your ATM/Debit card and your login IDs at hand. To securely renew your ATM/Debit PIN, please go to :
The method (by which science studied the world of nature) >>852 was applied to the study of human affairs. (自然)科学が自然世界を研究した方法が、「人間に関する事柄」 (humanities 人文科学)の研究に対して適用された。
日本語訳お願いします。 3 I was lucky enough to make the team. I really loved football, especially the physical contact. By the end of the season, I had become a pretty good football player.
(2) 4 Meanwhile, no one seemed to notice my adsence from Japanese school. Three months had passed without my attending, and I almost forgot that I was really supposed to be practicing Japanese rather than football
so how did you studied english? see me running its a hack see everything is looted fast another hack most of my games are hacked you know way? havent you payed atention at english classes let it be right
If you are a first time "mail order or on-line" customer, or if you are using a new or different credit card for the first time at B&H, upon completing your on-line order, you must fax or e-mail a copy of both sides of your credit card to 212-239-7549 Our e-mail address is [email protected], (Does NOT apply to customers from Canada).
Please include the invoice number (that you will get when completing your order) along with the copy of your card. Your card will be charged & the merchandise committed upon submission of your order.
He added that Japan would "have to bear the consequences" from possible maritime clashes, adding that such confrontations, stemming from South Korea's nullification of its self-imposed off-limits for fishing in waters near Japan, "are the result of Japan's unilateral abolition of the bilateral fishery agreement signed in 1965."
Have you been to the United States.It is so different here.It is hard to explain.From the eclectic environment of the City to the wide expanse of suburban life.Everything really is different although they do say that people are the same wherever one goes,I do not think that true.People really are different and the vast expanse of America with all the different cultural differences it is hard not to see the differences.It is very early in the morning and I need to get some sleep.I was just finishing up some unattended business. What do your friends generally think about America and Americans.
I want to apologize for the situation that has occurred. I went to inquire of the tracking number for your stroller and I was finally told yesterday that we are out of stock in the Black color and that the stroller has not shipped. I AM SORRY!! I do have the Charcoal Grey or the Navy Blue color in stock. Please let me know which you prefer and I will personally make sure it ships out today with express service.
WEB NAMES & CATEGORIES related to the Spitbit artificial intelligence neural signal processing internet engine patent and patent pending 警告でしょうか?お願いします。
Have you been to the United States.It is so different here.It is hard to explain.From the eclectic environment of the City to the wide expanse of suburban life.Everything really is different although they do say that people are the same wherever one goes, I do not think that true.People really are different and the vast expanse of America with all the different cultural differences it is hard not to see the differences.It is very early in the morning and I need to get some sleep.I was just finishing up some unattended business. What do your friends generally think about America and Americans.
he said his comments were said in the context of a TV show parody and anyone who took them seriously was driven by "political intolerance ... or even ill-will." "I apologize to anyone who with or without reason was offended by that sentence," he said. 謝罪してるんですけど、うまく読み取れなくて・・・ 訳お願いします
I'm afraid to ask but ok. How unrealistic or realistic would it be for a white person to Rap in Japanese. Or do anything like that. What I mean is. Since I am white. If I rapped in Japanese, would I be better off doing it in America or Japan. Give me an non-bias, honest anwser. Don't you think if I was good enough it wouldn't really matter about the color of my skin. Maybe there's already people just like me doin' that but since I've never been to Japan, I don't know.
Have you been to the United States.It is so different here.It is hard to explain.From the eclectic environment of the City to the wide expanse of suburban life.Everything really is different although they do say that people are the same wherever one goes, I do not think that true.People really are different and the vast expanse of America with all the different cultural differences it is hard not to see the differences.It is very early in the morning and I need to get some sleep.I was just finishing up some unattended business. What do your friends generally think about America and Americans.
Greed and opportunism seem to have negative qualities about them and buying all of these web names appears to be an instance of both. After it was done, I realized it might be something that can be undone. And that the occurrence is not necessarily a bad thing. So hope remains. 長くてすいません。お願いします。
Have you been to the United States.It is so different here.It is hard to explain.From the eclectic environment of the City to the wide expanse of suburban life.Everything really is different although they do say that people are the same wherever one goes, I do not think that true.People really are different and the vast expanse of America with all the different cultural differences it is hard not to see the differences.It is very early in the morning and I need to get some sleep.I was just finishing up some unattended business. What do your friends generally think about America and Americans.
Be careful. This book is dangerous. It explores with startling freshness the most important question you could ever ask, and offers with breathtaking courage the most extraordinary answer you could ever imagine. お願いします。
ビジネスの教科書の一部分です。 For example, a business where the purpose is to explore for, and hopefully find, oil would require a capital structure of almost entirely equity.
前後の文章で"oil"は"円滑な運営"という意味かなと推測しました。 ちなみに"capital structure"は"資本構造"です。 この一文の前に "The thing that most determines the best capital structure is the business purpose"と言うのがあります。
This is cast of a first generation helmet, in fact we provided ICONS with the helmet, when they were producing them many years ago, you wont be disappointed, very high quality work こんばんは、プレデターのレプリカについてです。 解りそうで解かりません。よろしくお願いします。
I guess I am still with my girlfriend but we both realise that we are not really a good match. There is no real 'spark' between us - even so, I really like her.
There are people and institutions in the world, long in place and long in power, that want neither of these outcomes to occur. They would rather that you put this book down right now. It’s up to you. お願いします。
Do you want to authorise another person to act and/or receive communication about this application on your behalf? This includes authorising the Department to send that person any communication, documents or notifications relating to the application that would otherwise have been sent to you.
日本語訳お願いします。 3 I was lucky enough to make the team. I really loved football, especially the physical contact. By the end of the season, I had become a pretty good football player.
(2) 4 Meanwhile, no one seemed to notice my adsence from Japanese school. Three months had passed without my attending, and I almost forgot that I was really supposed to be practicing Japanese rather than football
Moomins, or "Muumit" seem to be popular in Japan as far as I've understood. To me, it's kind of funny to think of them as a very Finnish thing, since I believed for a very long time that they're Swedish! I only occurred to me when my Swedish teacher told me a couple of years ago that Tove Jansson, the author of the original Moomin books, is Finnish-Swedish - that means a Finn whose mother tongue is Swedish.
My specialisation in technical writing is telecommunication, or at least I'm working in that field. Maybe in ten years from now I could say I specialised in something.
Once upon a time the Americans were the British, lost. They were 17thcentury space travelers, cut off from Planet Europe with its corruptions and tyrannies. Today the British sometimes seem more like strayed Americans. 上の英文を訳してください。お願いします!
変な文になってますね。改めてありがとうございました! この英文もどなたか訳してください。 When you see a group of people on bicycles in London, with maps in their hands and looking this way and that, they are would-be taxi drivers preparing for the licensing tests. お願いします!!
Your item was processed and left our JAMAICA, NY facility on February 09, 2005. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later. お願い 荷物がジャマイカへ行ったのかな?