レストランで @ I'll have some lemonade,please. And could you bring me some berad to start?
という文で最後の to start とはどのように訳されますか? そしてtoは何用法でしょうか? A A:I like this place. They have really good service. B:Just follow me and you won't go wrong. A:Not with restaurants,at least.
の最後の文、Not with restaurants,at least.の意味が 全く分かりません。。どのように訳されるのか教えて下さい。
【他動-1】 (悪い方向{ほうこう}へ)運命{うんめい}づける ・ The plan to build the new store was doomed from the beginning. 新しい店を建設する計画は最初から失敗する運命にあった。 【他動-2】 (失敗{しっぱい}などを)決定的{けっていてき}なものとする 【他動-3】 (望みを)くじく、なくさせる
UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Kevin Kennedy said, "What the teams are finding along those coasts is truly staggering, underlines the enormous devastation caused by the tsunami and the enormous extent of human suffering.
Sri Lankan Ambassador to US Devinda Subasinghe said, "I see a road for the trade relief to be addressed as well. That directly supports the private sector in Sri Lanka."
"I see a road for the trade relief to be addressed as well. はなんと訳せばいいのでしょうか?お願いいたします。
”The behavior my son exhibited,was the kind of behavior you wanted to correct. Britney,on the other hand.very quiet,not hyper,but dreamy ...out of focus,” Joyal said. "It took a lot of time and effort for the school to agree to test her,"said Joyal. "And it took a lot of detective work to eliminate all the other possibilities before we realized that this might not be an educational issue but a neurological one." 本当にお願いします‥!!
Note: D/on't wo/rry if your site is wri/tten in for/eign lang/uages as Fre/nch, Spa/nish, etc. Non-En/glish or Non-Japa/nese site is also com/pletely fine to link from my site.
This is prob/ably not a very out/sta/nding site, but if you wo/uld like to have a li/nk from Li/nk Page, ple/ase email me the foll/owing (of cour/se this is all fr/ee of cha/rge now and fr/om now on.)
Your name (or nic/kname) e-mail add/ress URL Bri/ef introd/uction of your p/age: wha/t it is and w/hat it inte/nds to beco/me, etc.
I received your fax. The information does not show up. If you wish to keep the order, do a wire transfer for 628.51. If you wan me to send you the bank information, reply to this e-mail.
He encouraged the staff to continue working on the democratization of the Middle East and on the nuclear arms threats he said are posed by Iran and North Korea.
hthe nuclear arms threatse said are posed by〜 のhe said ですけど、これ特に訳さなくてもいいでしょうか? 関係代名詞の代わりといっちゃあなんですけど、よく挿入されているのですが。
『>「核兵器の危機」(、ってまあ彼が言っているんですが)』>>35 話者は、「核兵器の危機」について彼の表現に対して そのまま伝えるには忍びないが、かといって異議を大きく唱えているわけではない。 the nuclear arms threats, according to his expression,
The subjects were some 41000 newspaper readers, radio listeners and TV viewers. Sir Robin Day was interviewed twice on fairly neutral topic ---- his favorite films. He lied all the way through one interview, and told the truth all the way through the other. People were asked to decide which interview told the truth and which contained the lies, and to phone in with their answer.
His unexpected announcement shocked and confused scientists who thought it colud'nt be done. Similarly, it greatly surprised geneticists. They noted that the funding necessary to carry out such an experiment would not have been available to genetic laboratories. Such research was looked down on after the faked experiment of 1983. Because he and his colleagues were working in the field of animal breeding, they were able to get funding and to continue their work. The primary purpose of his cloning research was to produce animals whose protein could be used to develop drugs to fight human diseases.
長文申し訳ございません。前にも書いたのですが、どなたかお願い致します。 In recent years, some people have questioned whether the marketing concept was an appropriate organizational philosophy in an age of environmental deterioration, resource shortages, explosive population growth, world hunger, and poverty and neglected social services. The question is whether companies that do an excellent job of sensing, serving, and satisfying individual consumer wants are necessarily acting in the best long-run interests of consumers and society. The marketing concept sidesteps the potential conflicts between consumer wants, consumer interests, and long-run societal welfare.
Consider the following criticisms;The fast-food hamburger industry offers tasty but not nutritious food. The hamburgers have a high-fat content, and the restaurants promote fries and pies, two products high in starch and fat. In satisfying consumer wants, they may be hurting consumer health. The American auto industry traditionally catered to the American demand for large automobiles, but meeting this desire resulted in high fuel consumption, heavy pollution, more fatal accidents to those in small cars, and high fuel consumption, heavy pollution, more fatal accidents to those in small cars, and higher auto purchase and repair costs. The soft-drink industry has catered to the American desire for convenience by increasing the share of one-way disposable bottles. However, the one-way bottle represents a great waste of resources in that approximately seventeen bottles are necessary where formerly one two-way bottle made seventeen trips before it was damaged; many one-way bottles are not biodegradable; and these bottles often litter the environment. The detergent industry catered to the American passion for whiter clothes by offering a product that polluted rivers and streams, killed fish, and recreational opportunities.
大変お手数ですが、宜しくお願いいたします I would like to know or receive some information of a special part of the tour generally organised for the tourist: the shopping!!!!How is the shopping tour for the Japaneese persons organised and set up in Italy and in particular in Milan? I am interested to understand how the Japaneese travel / tourist agencies organize the shopping tours (if they do it) in Milan and in the other italian cities in general. Do they organise simply prepare some map-tour through the various known shops, or do they ask the support of a local (italian) organization, or do they ask the support of local single person (shopping managers).
Many times I hear Japanese students say that they have read certain books; but if I ask them some questions regarding the book, I find that they are not able to make any answer, or as best they will only repeat something that somebody else has said about what they think that they have been reading.
As encounters with uncivil behavior rose,so did symptoms of anxiety and depression. Those who said or did nothing about maltreatment had the worst mental health. Incidents of rude behavior were tied to less job satisfaction for the employee and lower productivity. 恐れ入りますがお願いします
お願いします。 I'm pretty sure that my closet needs to be fumigated (?) because the amount of clothing that I pull out of there to put on that has a weird smell to it is unnecessary.
More than once he sold human blood by obtaining the conviction of the innocent,but,on the other hand,he brought murderers to justice with no worse motive than the hope of gain.
I wrote:"I was referred to you by the Hornocker Wildlife Institute. I would greatly appreciate if you can give me any details as to the Amur tiger predation on brown bears during the Siberian Tiger Project. I was amazed to read in brief that a single tiger was responsible for killing eight bears almost twice his weight."
Dr. John Goodrich's response:"This tiger weighed about 450 pounds. Of the bears that we found that he killed, the biggest were adult females, which very rarely weigh over 400 pounds. He ate the bears that he killed, so we couldn’t weigh them, but I doubt any weighed more than he did. It is true that the biggest adult male bears in this area may top 800 pounds, but we found no evidence that he or any other tiger killed bears this size. Still, I was absolutely amazed the first time I found a brown bear killed by a tiger." I wrote:"However I have been unable to find any details as regards this predation such as, regularity of this type of predation"
Dr. Goodrich:"Killing and eating bears by adult male tigers is common, but the regularity with which the aforementioned tiger killed bears is unusual," I wrote:"condition of the brown bears"
Dr. Goodrich:"Hard to say for sure because there were usually few remains to examine, but there were no cases when we found any evidence that the bears were in weakened condition. We recorded one instance when a tigress with cubs attempted to prey on an Asiatic black bear in its den and another case where a tiger killed a radiocollared black bear that may have been in a den, but we couldn’t tell for sure. Female bears with cubs seem to be particularly vulnerable, probably because they attempt to defend their cubs instead of running away or climbing a tree (contrary to popular belief, brown bears can and do climb just fine when they have to).,"
I wrote:"and a reason as to why this particular tiger began specializing in bears when less formidable prey was available"
Dr. Goodrich:"Bears are compete with tigers for food, sometimes usurp their kills, and sometimes kill tigers (especially cubs) ? all good reasons for tigers to kill bears in addition simple predation.
This poses a problem, however, for any application that needs to query a page that lies behind such a form because you cannot specify posted data in the URL line. お願いします。
I wrote:"I was referred to you by the Hornocker Wildlife Institute. I would greatly appreciate if you can give me any details as to the Amur tiger predation on brown bears during the Siberian Tiger Project. I was amazed to read in brief that a single tiger was responsible for killing eight bears almost twice his weight."
Dr. John Goodrich's response:"This tiger weighed about 450 pounds. Of the bears that we found that he killed, the biggest were adult females, which very rarely weigh over 400 pounds. He ate the bears that he killed, so we couldn’t weigh them, but I doubt any weighed more than he did. It is true that the biggest adult male bears in this area may top 800 pounds, but we found no evidence that he or any other tiger killed bears this size. Still, I was absolutely amazed the first time I found a brown bear killed by a tiger."
続きです。 I wrote:"However I have been unable to find any details as regards this predation such as, regularity of this type of predation"
Dr. Goodrich:"Killing and eating bears by adult male tigers is common, but the regularity with which the aforementioned tiger killed bears is unusual," I wrote:"condition of the brown bears"
Dr. Goodrich:"Hard to say for sure because there were usually few remains to examine, but there were no cases when we found any evidence that the bears were in weakened condition. We recorded one instance when a tigress with cubs attempted to prey on an Asiatic black bear in its den and another case where a tiger killed a radiocollared black bear that may have been in a den, but we couldn’t tell for sure. Female bears with cubs seem to be particularly vulnerable, probably because they attempt to defend their cubs instead of running away or climbing a tree (contrary to popular belief, brown bears can and do climb just fine when they have to).,"
I wrote:"and a reason as to why this particular tiger began specializing in bears when less formidable prey was available"
Dr. Goodrich:"Bears are compete with tigers for food, sometimes usurp their kills, and sometimes kill tigers (especially cubs) ? all good reasons for tigers to kill bears in addition simple predation.
had 以降の節が条件節だというのは教わったのですが、 3行目の for がどういう働きをしてるのかが特にわからなくて・・・。 for 以降だけでもいいのでおねがいします。
Had they thought in terms of consonant-plus-vowel, they would not have been able to leap beyond a syllabary of seventey-odd symbols, for Medeiterranean man was not yet ready for the concept of vowels and consonants as independent partners in language.
飛んでしまったのでまた、貼りつけをお許し下さいませ 大変お手数ですが、宜しくお願いいたします I would like to know or receive some information of a special part of the tour generally organised for the tourist: the shopping!!!!How is the shopping tour for the Japaneese persons organised and set up in Italy and in particular in Milan? I am interested to understand how the Japaneese travel / tourist agencies organize the shopping tours (if they do it) in Milan and in the other italian cities in general. Do they organise simply prepare some map-tour through the various known shops, or do they ask the support of a local (italian) organization, or do they ask the support of local single person (shopping managers).
The way you look to others is apt to be nearer the truth than the way you look to yourself. 本に載ってる訳は「他人の目に映る姿のほうが、自分の目に映る姿よりも真実に近い」 と書いてあるのですが、どう訳せばこんな風な文に成るのでしょうか? 自分が訳すと「自分自身を見るよりも、他人を見ることのほうが真実に近い」 としか訳せないです。
I might come to Japan this summer. because I've spared money for the plane, But I have to find some where to sleep, cause hotels are too expensive, If I come we should meet!
>>97 理解できました。つまり The way you look to others (他人にとってあなたがどうみえるかということが) [is apt to be nearer the truth than] the way you look to yourself. (あなた自身にとってあなたがどのように見えるか) という風に考えればいいのですね。どうもありがとうございました
More than once he sold human blood by obtaining the conviction of the innocent,but,on the other hand,he brought murderers to justice with no worse motive than the hope of gain.
You should come to France, it would be great! Andmore over from here it's easy to visit many countries in Europe.cause it's not far! And you could stay at my place. お願いしますm(_ _)m
I would like to know or receive some information of a special part of the tour generally organised for the tourist: the shopping!!!!How is the shopping tour for the Japaneese persons organised and set up in Italy and in particular in Milan? I am interested to understand how the Japaneese travel / tourist agencies organize the shopping tours (if they do it) in Milan and in the other italian cities in general. Do they organise simply prepare some map-tour through the various known shops, or do they ask the support of a local (italian) organization, or do they ask the support of local single person (shopping managers). (訳) 私は旅行者のために、作られている特別なショッピングツアー のいくつかの情報知りたい(受け取りたい) どうやって、日本人のためのショッピングツアーが組織されているのか? また、特にミラノやイタリアで作られたのか? 私は、理解する事に興味がある「どうやって、日本人の旅行者が作られたか?」 旅行会社は「ショッピングツアーを作ったか?」ミラノや他のイタリアの都市 彼らは、いくつかの有名な店のツアーマップをわかりやすく準備しているのか? 彼らは、イタリアの地方の組織にサポートを頼んでいるのか?あるいは、 地方のシヨッピングマネージャーに頼んでいるのか?
Royal jussive letters were still necessary in 1559 to impose a bearded bishop or archbishop on recalcitrant chapters, who had tradition and ancient fashion on their side. おねがいします。
お願いします。 Last week, the entire 13-member electoral commission in Anbar province resigned after being threatened by insurgents. The members have since gone into hiding. U.N. officials, overseeing the vote, deny reports of mass resignations, and claim that all those who had stepped down have been replaced.
George Mikesの"How to be Poor"の一節です。 二人の女の人(友達同士)が喫茶店で話をしていて、一人のほうは高価なダイアモンドの 指輪をしているのでそれをもう一人のほうにそれを自慢しているところです。
When her friend goes into raptures over this ring for the fifth time, its owner well, yes, she supposes the famous Platnik diamonds really are very fine. The other is impressed, but admits that she has never heard of the Platnik diamonds. "This ring is part of them,"says the wearer of it. "They are very beautiful and worth a vast fortune. But, unfortunately, there is a curse upon them," "What's the curse?" "Mr Platnik." Yes, that's how it is. The Platniks of this world might as well resign themselves to it.
Unfortunately since we began our correspondence we no longer have availability for the 21-23 Feb. If you can alter your dates please get in touch with us. Once again I am sorry the dates are no longer available.
The guards grabbed the poor furrier , dragged him outside , stood him up against a wall and blindfolded him. The furrier could see nothing, but he could hear the movements of the guards as they slowly shuffled into a line and prepared their rifles, and he could hear the sot ruffling sound of his clothing in the cold wind.
よろしくおねがいします。特に they slowly shuffled int a line のところがわかりません。
When I think about who I can talk to about this, who will understand, the only person that comes to mind is you.And that's a problem. Because you are the one that I feel this way about. I think about you constantly.
I know what I said and how I said it,and I get sick every time I think about it. Blaming you for my insecurities. Making you feel guilty for all of your accomplishments when you should be nothing but proud. Because I am so proud of you. 和訳よろしくお願いします。
More than once he sold human blood by obtaining the conviction of the innocent,but,on the other hand,he brought murderers to justice with no worse motive than the hope of gain.
Do you believe there is someone out there who would be "the one" for you? Many people believe in such that there is someone out there who you are destined to be with. I don't know wether I believe in such, although it would be rather encouraging idea.
However, no one knows today what negative results these experiments might bring to our lives in the future. By then it might be too late, and the effects these experiments will have had on people could be unchangeable.
論文からの抜粋です。 Under certain conditions, involving primarily complete absence of any threat to the self-structure, experiences which are inconsistent with it may be perceived, and examined, and the structure of self revised to assimilate and include such experience.
"Never solidify one's fluidity, Respond like an echo, Fit in with an object like a shadow, Daily minimize instead od daily increase, Then return to the original freedom."
Well if I have the chance to come in Japan(but it's goona be tough). We'll meet of couse. That's great you want to visit many countries, So do I, If you come to London. I want to see you too! お願いします!
Kenta was late for school this morning. It took him more time than usual. Why? Kenta broke his leg in a soccer game yesterday, so he had to use crutches. "There were so many difficulties on the way," he said to his teacher.
At the station, he couldn't walk through the ticket gate easily. Then it was so hard to go up and down the stairs. And when he got on the train, he almost fell between the platform and the train.
Kenta thought, "Things should be easier for everyone to use, including the old and the handicapped." But what sort of an environment is best?
Some people are trying to make things easier to use. These stairs are short, but there in an escalator beside them. The numbers on this phone are as big as one-hundred-yen coin. Now, it's your turn. look at the picture. Someone in a wheelchair cannot buy drinks from this vending machine. How can you improve it?
your hope is rather extraordinary after what I have said! I am perfectly serious. You could not make me happy, and I'm convinced I'm the last woman in the world who would make you happy.
Charlotte's parents were delighted to agree to the marriage, and Lady Lucas began to work out, with more interest than she had ever felt before, how many more years Mr. Bennet was likely to love.
More than once he sold human blood by obtaining the conviction of the innocent,but,on the other hand,he brought murderers to justice with no worse motive than the hope of gain.
Charlotte's parents were delighted to agree to the marriage, and Lady Lucas began to work out, with more interest than she had ever felt before, how many more years Mr. Bennet was likely to love. Charlotte herself was quite satisfied. Mr. Collins, certainly, was neither sensible nor agreeable, but still he would be a husband. She did not think highly of men or of marriage, but she had always intended to marry. Although marriage might not always bring happiness, it was the only honourable way in which a well-educated woman with little income could provide a home for herself. Now twenty-seven, and lacking beauty, she felt she was lucky to have found a husband.
前後を読んだら、いらない男を他の女に押し付けた女の話っぽいです。 よろしくお願いします。
and Lady Lucas began to work out, with more interest than she had ever felt before, how many more years Mr. Bennet was likely to love.
But his terrible pride, his shameless confession of what he had done to separate Jane and Bingley, and his cruelty towards Wickham soon removed and pity she might have felt for him.
Every little thing you do. The Elvis Costello sticker you just put on your spiral notebook. The way your bangs have grown out every day now for six months until Monday when you were finally able to put it all in a pony tail.
Some protocols have specific purposes that help keep Internet traffic flowing and make using the network easier. These utility protocols may not be required for every network application; however, because these are niche technologies, many developers may not know how to implement such features. By leveraging these technologies, it may be possible to add unique features to your products, which may provide that competitive advantage.
Now, since she was almost sure that if she wanted, she could encourage him to propose to her again, she only had to decide how far she wished to be involved in his future happiness, in which she already felt a real interest
We expected to retrace some gains when this inevitable USD correction came, holding our cross trades such as short EUR/long JPY ,which are intended to protect us a during a USD recovery.
We expected to retrace some gains when this inevitable USD correction came, holding our cross trades such as short EUR/long JPY ,which are intended to protect us a during a USD recovery.
More than once he sold human blood by obtaining the conviction of the innocent,but,on the other hand,he brought murderers to justice with no worse motive than the hope of gain.
Thought I ran into you down on the street. Then it turned out to only be a dream. I made a point to burn all of the photographs. She went away and then I took a different path. I can remember the face, but I can't recall the name. Now I wonder how she has been seems that she disappeared without a trace. Did she marry old what's his face. Remember, whatever, it seems like forever ago. The regrets are useless, in my mind. She's in my head. I must confess, the regrets are useless. From so long ago and in the darkest night. If my memory serves me right. I'll never turn back time.
Dr.White works at a center for boys with learning problems. He struck the door a heavy blow. Scientists have much more to learn about environmental issues. We breathe,eat,and drink.
Every little thing you do. The Elvis Costello sticker you just put on your spiral notebook. The way your bangs have grown out every day now for six months until Monday when you were finally able to put it all in a pony tail.
>>226 道で君にばったり出会ったのかと思った。それはただの夢だったとわかった。 I made a point to burn all of the photographs. 彼女はどっかに行ってしまった。それから私は違う道を歩んだ。顔は覚えているけど、 名前が思い出せない。彼女は跡形もなく消えてしまったように思える。 彼女はあの、顔も思い出せない(知らない?)やつと結婚したのか。ともかく、 ずっと昔の話のように思える。後悔は意味がない。彼女は心のなかにいる。 正直、後悔は意味がない。ずっと前から夜の闇の中で。俺って、時を戻すことは しないんだよな。
なんかの詞みたい。I made a point to burn all of the photographs. はよくわからん。
The first time I traveled to Japan was a two-week trip several years ago. During my travels around the country, I remember meeting a man at a ryokan in Hiroshima. Although I spoke no Japanese and he could barely speak English, after a few minutes with him, he suddenly offered me a free ticket to visit Tokyo Disneyland.
1)A 1999 government report indicated that Japanese women worked an hour a day more at outside jobs and at home than their husbands. It also noted that Japanese men spend less than a tenth of the time their wives did on housework and fifth of the time on child care.
2)If men don't start pitching in at home,they might not have a family to come home to after work. American women who entered the workforce but weren't helped at home by their husbands faced incredible strain.
>>243 one hour a day more... than their husbands. It=the government report だから、 「1990年の政府の報告によると、日本人女性は、家庭の内外で 夫より一日一時間分長くはたらいている。 また、同報告は日本人男性は妻が家事に費やす時間の十分の一、 育児は五分の一しか費やさない。」
pitch in = support but weren't helped の主語は American women strainは思い負担とかでしょう?どこから素質が出てきた? 「もし、男性が家庭で協力し始めないと、仕事が終わって帰る家庭 をなくす羽目になるかもしれない。 (>>242 ここでピリオドありでしょう?) 家庭で夫の協力を得られない働くアメリカ人女性は、 非常な負担を強いられた。」
1.Gena got out of her car and went over to Shirley's vehicle to yell at her. That's when Shirley reached into her glove compartment,took out her gun,and shot Gena.
2.The term'read rage'is new to the American lexicon and bespeaks an explosive, behind-the-wheel ugliness that sometimes ends in tragedy.
More than once he sold human blood by obtaining the conviction of the innocent,but,on the other hand,he brought murderers to justice with no worse motive than the hope of gain.
This network traffic could include confidential or privileged information that you transmit from your computer. このネットワーク・トラフィックは、あなたのコンピュータから送信された、機密か特権を与えられた情報を含んでいる可能性もあります。
The first section describes how encrypted data is cracked how to recognize weak encryption, which effectively makes your data less secure than plain text. お願いします。
お願いします。 Even God was fingered as a scapegoat for the disaste.r Just as the Rev. Jerry Falwell saw the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks as divine punishment for America's godlessness, some self-appointed prophets have painted the tsunami's devastation as God's wrath against militancy, or the lack of militancy, or religious fanaticism, or religious indifference, or whatever failing it was they deplored in the nearest affected populace.
This increased appreciation for leisure time along with greater emphasis on domestic consumption could have been reflected in the way many Japanese embraced both the J.League and Air Max athletic shoes.
For example: Indian students generally use the variety of English common in India, even when they travel abroad; as Italian businessman often speaks English with an Italian accent.
The government has adopted this system in an attempt to avoid accusations that not all posible emergency medical measures were undertaken to save a donor's own life before his or her organs were removed. Of course,no one wants an illegal trade in organs to develop,with the unscrupulous getting rich from premature deaths. But clearly there is a problem with the system governing organ donations and transplants in Japan.
1)How safe are nuclear facilities in Japan? They certainly are not infallible. Several recent accidents at nuclear processing plants in the country have resulted in dangerous radiation leaks.
2)Workers at the nuclear plant used buckets to mix seven times as much uranium as was deemed safe with nitric acid in a storage tank.
3)The mishap set off a chain reaction inside the processing plant that became self-sustaining.
And today when you invited me to stay and talk with you after he left, it occurred to me that you must think about me too. If I tried to tell anyone else, they would say that you and I are impossible, that our lives are too different, that we could never be right for each other.
Why do people get so excited over Celine? Some say, "She's a real superstar, but she's still our best friend. We feel she's always near and dear to us." Celine says, "I have great fans who want to travel with me through my music. I'm very proud of that; it's my greatest reward."
Celine says she's always moved when she hears that a new couple has chosen one of her songs, "The Power of Love", for their first dance at their wedding, or that the "Titanic theme song" was played at a funeral. After the school shootings in Arkansas and Oregon, "My Heart Will Go On" was played at the children's funerals.
"It teaches me how important my job is. A song touches people's lives when they love someone, when they break up, when they are suffering, or when they are dying," said Celine.
Celine knows what it means to sing for someone who is dying. In 1993, her 16-years-old niece, suffering from a serious disease, was about to die in a hospital. Celine kept singing at her bedside. Rene said to her, "She really needs you now. Be strong for her. You can cry later."
Psychologists feel that video games may serve chiefly as a refuge for boys,who develop at a far slower rate than girls do in their early teens. Aware of the reliance on boys of such a relatively narrow age group,some video-game manufactures have tried to attract boys while others have concentrated on providing an older audience with an excuse to extend its game-playing habits into adulthood.
@Primitive one-celled life floating in a sea would naturally assume a spherical from. But onece it settles on the sea bottom or onthe land,an up-down difference is created.
@naturally assume a spherical fromのnaturally assumeをどう訳せばいいかわかりません ここでは想定という意味だとおかしいですよね? 後But oneceはどうやくせばいいでしょうか?
AAt the same time,the force of gravity was causing similar differences between an animal's top and bottom. What about right and left? ※You will easily realize that there is nothing in the sea to make a difference between right and left important.
Adifferences between animal's top and bottom.のbetweenは〜の間って訳してよいのでしょうか?※の部分はこんがらがってうまく訳せません。
Hello Sir, I thank you for the interest which you carry to our collections. However, I regret to announce to you that the Media library of the French Community of Belgium is a non-profit-making association which diffuses only on the territory of the French Community (Brussels and Wallonia) the media for which it obtained the authorizations of noncommercial exploitation (public loan) near its members. It thus does not sell them. In these circumstances, you will understand that we cannot answer your request favorably. I wish you profitable research. The Webmaster
Immediately following that, is a description on how emails may be received, again, by either using a socket level approach, or a higher-level methodology, leveraging Microsoft Outlook. お願いします。
>>317 こんにちは 我々のコレクションに興味をもってくれて光栄に思います しかしあなたに残念なことをお伝えしなければなりません ベルギーのフランス共同体のメディアライブラリは フランス共同体(ブリュッセルとワロン)の領土だけで利用でき the media for which it obtained the authorizations of noncommercial exploitation (public loan) near its members(←誰か訳して! 非営利組織として許可されているということでしょう) ですのでコレクションはお売りできません これらの事情から我々はあなたの依頼に応えることはできませんのでご理解ください I wish you profitable research. (←あまり重要ではないので省く) The Webmaster
Isn't that a healthy and positive lesson for other,more complicated areas of life, where success is not so clearly defined? Won't their own skills and determination be renewed and energized?
But I haven't shown you that. Instead I turned into the s tereotypical guy who can't handle the fact that his girlfriend has a better job than him. I hate that guy.
I can easily understand your problem, because I always buy alot of things too and I often spend money in nights out with my friends So that's difficult for me too to save money.
>>17 UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs のケビン・ ケネディーは「そのチームがこれらの海岸で発見しつつあるのは まったく想像を絶するものだ。津波によって引き起こされた途方もない 破壊と人間の苦しみの筆舌に尽くしがたい惨状をはっきりと示している」 と語った。
[ Kiki ] I guess I never gave much thought to why I wanted to do this. I got so caught up in all the training and stuff. Maybe I have to find my own inspiration. But am l ever gonna find it ? And is it worth all the trouble ?
1行目→なぜ飛びたいかなんてあまり考えたことなかったと思う 2行目→(飛べなくなった事は)これまでの魔女の修行や何かにとても影響を受けたんだわ "get (wrapped/caught) up in…" は、「何かに影響されている」と訳しましたがいいのか・・・ 3行目→多分私は自分のインスピレーションを見つけなければならないだろう 4行目→でも、いったいそれを見つけられるだろうか? 5行目→そしてそれは全ての困難に値するだろうか?
[ Ursula ] Well, for example, there were quite a few times... when I thought of painting something over that painting. そうね、例えば私がその絵よりも優れた何かを描こうと思った時、しょっちゅうある事よ
In recent years, some people have questioned whether the marketing concept was an appropriate organizational philosophy in an age of environmental deterioration, resource shortages, explosive population growth, world hunger, and poverty and neglected social services.
The question is whether companies that do an excellent job of sensing, serving, and satisfying individual consumer wants are necessarily acting in the best long-run interests of consumers and society.
The marketing concept sidesteps the potential conflicts between consumer wants, consumer interests, and long-run societal welfare.
But I haven't shown you that. Instead I turned into the s tereotypical guy who can't handle the fact that his girlfriend has a better job than him. I hate that guy.
The Redbirds Mailbag returns after a week's hiatus due to the Winter Warm-Up. Hopefully many of you were able to make it to downtown St. Louis for the Warm-Up, and hopefully you were able to check out StLCardinals.com's booth at the event.
The Redbirds Mailbag returns after a week's hiatus due to the Winter Warm-Up. Hopefully many of you were able to make it to downtown St. Louis for the Warm-Up, and hopefully you were able to check out StLCardinals.com's booth at the event.
aloud 【副】 声を出して、声に出して ・ He was reading aloud. 彼は声を出して読んでいた。 【レベル】3、【発音】эla'ud、【@】アラウド、【分節】a・loud read aloud a written message 書かれたメッセージを読み上げる There are bunch of drunken students singing aloud in public. 公衆の面前で酔っぱらった学生の集団が大きな声で歌っている。 thinking aloud method 発話思考法{はつわ しこう ほう} read ~ aloud over and over again 〜を何度{なんど}も何度{なんど}も音読{おんどく}する read aloud telegrams of congratulation 祝電{しゅくでん}を披露{ひろう}する read aloud to someone for __ minutes a day 毎日{まいにち}_分間{ふんかん}(人)に読み聞かせをする read a poem aloud with expression 表情豊かに詩を朗読する
すみません。お願いします。 These situations called for a new concept that revised or replaced the marketing concept. Among the proposals are “the human concept,” “the intelligent consumption concept,” and “the ecological imperative concept,” all of which get at different aspects of the same problem. We propose calling it “the societal marketing concept.”
The societal marketing concept holds that the organization’s task is to determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and so desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumer’s and the society’s well-being
前にも書いたのですが、長文で大変申し訳ありません。和訳をどなたかお願いします。 The societal marketing concept calls upon marketers to balance three considerations in setting their marketing policies, namely, company profits, consumer want satisfaction, and public interest. Originally, companies based their marketing decisions largely on immediate company profit calculations. Then they began to recognize the long-run importance of satisfying consumer wants, and this introduced the marketing concept. Now they are beginning to factor in society’s interests in their decision making. The societal marketing concept calls for balancing all three considerations. A number of companies have achieved notable sales and profit gains through adopting and practicing the societal marketing concept.
Here is an example: Giant Food, Inc., a leading supermarket chain in the Washington, D.C., area, took the initiative during the consumerist era in the seventies and introduced unit pricing, open dating, and nutritional labeling. The company assigned home economists to its stores to help consumers buy and prepare food more intelligently. It invited Esther Peterson, formerly the president’s adviser on consumer affairs, to join the board of directors and provide guidance on consumer-oriented retailing. According to a spokesman for the company, “These actions have improved Giant’s goodwill immeasurably and have earned the admiration of leaders of the consumer movement.”
Science gives us powerful tools, but we must use them carefully and thoughtfully. We are on the verge of an era in which we will learn much about the biology of disorders of mood, language, learning and intelligence, giving us great hope for treating them.
特にthe biology of disorders of mood.のところが解らないので、 できたらここの部分を訳すしたときに「」をつけていただけないでしょうか
In buying a portable computer, consumers are faced with a constant balancing act between functionality and physical size. Laptops can have all the important features and capabilities of a much larger desktop PC, but even the smallest models are too large to fit in a pocket. PDAs, like Palms and Pocket PCs, can fit in a pocket, but can't run full-fledged PC programs or hold much data. But what if you could get the functionality and file storage of a real computer in a hand-held device? What if you could buy something almost as small as a PDA-smaller than any laptop-than could run all your real PC programs, and hold all your data? Recently, my assistant, Katie Boehret, and I have been testing just such a product, the OQO model 01 "ultra personal computer." It's an almost impossibly small Windows PC with a 20-gigabyte hard disk, a one-gigahertz processor, 256 megabytes of memory, a sharp screen and a tiny built-in keyboard. Its maker, a San Francisco start-up company called OQO Inc., bills the device as "the world's smallest and most versatile PC." 長文ですがお願いします。ちなみにまだ文は続きますが・・・
Mr Wiesel said he witnessed torture, death and loss of human dignity -- scenes he wished he had never seen. He asked how "intelligent, educated men, or simply law-abiding citizens, ordinary men could fire machine guns at hundreds of children every day and read Schiller and listen to Bach in the evening."
He asked how〜はMr Wieselが聴衆に尋ねている、訴えかけているってことなのでしょうか? お願いします。
Some of the front-page pictures showed naked Iraqi prisoners appearing to be forced to simulate anal and other sexual acts, while in another a soldier had his fist raised above a bound detainee who had a net over his torso.
The advisory panel to Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi met for the first time on Tuesday at the prime minister's official residence.
この to Prime Minsiterですが、Exciteだと小泉総理への諮問委員会がはじめて会合しました となりましたけど、諮問委員会と小泉総理がはじめて会合しましたでいいでしょうか? それか別の意味があるのでしょうか?Exciteのだとちょっとおかしいと思ったのでよろしくお願いします。 The advisory panelは女性天皇を認めるかどうかの諮問委員です。
When you're on the move, the OQO can be used as a hand-held computer, and you can type on it with your thumbs. It has built-in Wi-Fi wireless networking for internet access. Back at your desk, you can plug the little gadget into a standard monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer, and use it like any Windows PC. There's no need to transfer or synchronize file, because your mobile device and desktop PC are one and the same machine. In our tests, the OQO performed well at a variety of tasks, but there are significant downsides, mostly stemming from the cost of miniaturizing PC components and the compromises needed to cram a Windows computer into a hand-held package. The biggest draw -back is price. The OQO goes on sale today, at www.oqo.com, with a starting price of $1899, or about 1540Euro, more than many larger, but perfectly portable, laptops. (A spokeswoman says OQO plans to eventually launch in Europe; no word on dates or pricing, though.) The computer industry has talked for years about producing a really small PC like this, but many firms passed on the project because of the difficult engineering, the likely high price, and the possibility that Americans might find a tiny PC too cramped. Evwn some very small laptops-larger than the OQO- have failed in the U.S. market after doing well in Japan, where small PCs are more popular. But OQO's makers think they can find a market, even at high prices, among early adopters, gadget freaks, and people who are tired of carrying laptops or of moving data around between devices. In addition, the company is hoping to sell the product to companies that might use it for specialized tasks where small size is valued but full PC power is needed. >>412の続きです。お願いします。
Playing guiter with them was fun if a little difficult at times because they often were fighting among themselves but that happens in all bands. They were very professional when they recorded, always worrying about money and time, not like the hellstars who wasted tons of time and money recording.
うまく訳せません。お願いします。 The fast-food hamburger industry offers tasty but not nutritious food.
The hamburgers have a high-fat content, and the restaurants promote fries and pies, two products high in starch and fat.
In satisfying consumer wants, they may be hurting consumer health.
The American auto industry traditionally catered to the American demand for large automobiles, but meeting this desire resulted in high fuel consumption, heavy pollution, more fatal accidents to those in small cars, and high fuel consumption, heavy pollution, more fatal accidents to those in small cars, and higher auto purchase and repair costs.
The soft-drink industry has catered to the American desire for convenience by increasing the share of one-way disposable bottles.
However, the one-way bottle represents a great waste of resources in that approximately seventeen bottles are necessary where formerly one two-way bottle made seventeen trips before it was damaged; many one-way bottles are not biodegradable; and these bottles often litter the environment.
The detergent industry catered to the American passion for whiter clothes by offering a product that polluted rivers and streams, killed fish, and recreational opportunities.
I'm single for Valentein's day too. I'll have a thought for you on this day, cause we'll both be lonley, but don't worry, i'm sure you'll find someone soon.
They say the number of good points for having such a language is far greater than the number of bad points. 彼らは、このような言語を持つことの長所は、短所よりもはるかに多いと言う。 でおkですか?
>>455ありがとうございました。 A second company, Vulcan Inc., is working on a similar minicomputer, the FlipStart. It's a bit larger than the OQO, and looks more like a traditional laptop. The FlipStart is expected to ship next year for under $2000. The OQO is a stubby rectangular metallic box, in gunmetal gray, whose top surface is dominated by a screen that measures 12.7 centimeters diagonally. The computer weighs about 400 grams, and is just 12.4 centimeters long, 8.6 centimeters wide and 2.3 centimeters thick, but it runs Window XP and all popular Windows programs. The screen is touch sensitive, and the OQO has a stylus you can use to launch programs, scroll through documents and Web pages, and navigate Windows. There is no handwriting recognition. Built-in USB and FireWire ports allow you to plug in some peripheral devices, like iPods, camera and thumb drives. For typing, the screen slides up to reveal a keyboard, with an embedded cursor-control pad and buttons that simulate those on a mouse. The keys are all circular and have a decent feel to them. There's also a thumbwheel on the bottom edge of the device, which can be used to launch programs, scroll or adjust sound. The OQO has no speakers, but you can plug in headphones. I installed various programs onto the OQO, including iTunes for music and the Firefox Web brouser, and used Microsoft Office (a $300 option) that was preinstalled on our test model. All worked fine. I was able to surf the Web and do e-mail. With a standard monitor, keyboard and mouse connected, the OQO couldn't be distinguished from a much larger Windows PC, expect when I glanced at my desk, where it occupied so little space. さらに続きです。お願いします
More than once he sold human blood by obtaining the conviction of the innocent,but,on the other hand,he brought murderers to justice with no worse motive than the hope of gain. お願いします
so whats new about you? i mean maybe there is something interesting stories you want to share with me...if you do, maybe we can share it together..thats all i think for today... 宜しくお願いいたします。
He had come home from 第二次世界大戦 with heart disease and high blood pressure. At the end of that week in 1961 when we finally became closer as father and son, he suffered a heart attack.
He himself effected the arrest of Joseph Blake,known as Blueskin the companion of the Jack Sheppard,both of whom had renounced his leadership,and was seriouslly wounded by Blake as he stood in the baildock 彼自身ジョセフブレクの逮捕に影響された、知っての通り青い肌仲間というジャックシパードは お互いが彼のリーダーシップを断念した。そして本気で傷つけたブレクの証言台の証言によって
>>379 >I got so caught up in all the training and stuff. ここは get caught up in 〜 で「〜に没頭する、熱中する」という熟語。 一行目とあわせて「自分は修行やらなんやらにかかりっきりで 他のことを考える余裕がなかった」という感じになるんでしょう。
>there were quite a few times... when I thought of painting >something over that painting. ここの when は関係副詞なので訳を訂正すると 「私がその絵よりも優れた何かを描こうと思った時がしょっちゅうあった」
Garbage is piling up everywhere. At home, I sigh whenever I take out our household garbage, which gets hauled off to the dump several times each week. But how many of us realize that the lifestyle that produces so much waste is a very recent thing? In Japan, we take care to sort our garbage, separating organic wastes, newspapers and magazines, cans and bottles. In spite of our best efforts, if we burn some of these wastes without care, we may produce some poisonous chemicals. They pollute our environment, or these poisons may be gradually building up in our bodies. A process moving toward the end of the Japanese race has already started, as chemicals are cutting the sperm count of Japanese males. Other nations are poisoning themselves in similar ways, but we produce far more garbage per person than Europeans. It is clear that we are the leading consumers of the earth's resources.
I think the excitement is building for the moment when the big blimp...appears in our skies. So, we're gonna go to Scott--live-- as he reports in from Freedom Base One.
Dr.White works at a center for boys with learning problems. He struck the door a heavy blow. Scientists have much more to learn about environmental issues.
The agency is also compiling a chart to show the amount of time it will take for a tsunami wave to hit the coastline after a quake in the Indian Ocean.
compiling a chart to show ですが、津波が海岸に達する時間を表示する海図(機械仕掛けの) か 津波が海岸に達する時間を明らかにするため、(正確に)海図を編纂する かどちらでしょう?よろしくお願いします。
He was carving the protection of the Earl of Dartmouth against the persecution of magistrates,who had encouraged several thieves to swear against him,and in another letter he begged to be allpwed to procure the restoration of property of which the earl had been robbed on the highway
But I haven't shown you that. Instead I turned into the s tereotypical guy who can't handle the fact that his girlfriend has a better job than him. I hate that guy.
A second company, Vulcan Inc., is working on a similar minicomputer, the FlipStart. It's a bit larger than the OQO, and looks more like a traditional laptop. The FlipStart is expected to ship next year for under $2000. The OQO is a stubby rectangular metallic box, in gunmetal gray, whose top surface is dominated by a screen that measures 12.7 centimeters diagonally. The computer weighs about 400 grams, and is just 12.4 centimeters long, 8.6 centimeters wide and 2.3 centimeters thick, but it runs Window XP and all popular Windows programs. The screen is touch sensitive, and the OQO has a stylus you can use to launch programs, scroll through documents and Web pages, and navigate Windows. There is no handwriting recognition. Built-in USB and FireWire ports allow you to plug in some peripheral devices, like iPods, camera and thumb drives. For typing, the screen slides up to reveal a keyboard, with an embedded cursor-control pad and buttons that simulate those on a mouse. The keys are all circular and have a decent feel to them. There's also a thumbwheel on the bottom edge of the device, which can be used to launch programs, scroll or adjust sound. The OQO has no speakers, but you can plug in headphones. I installed various programs onto the OQO, including iTunes for music and the Firefox Web brouser, and used Microsoft Office (a $300 option) that was preinstalled on our test model. All worked fine. I was able to surf the Web and do e-mail. With a standard monitor, keyboard and mouse connected, the OQO couldn't be distinguished from a much larger Windows PC, expect when I glanced at my desk, where it occupied so little space. 和訳お願いします。
But I haven't shown you that. Instead I turned into the s tereotypical guy who can't handle the fact that his girlfriend has a better job than him. I hate that guy.
While many of the boys said they enjoyed the use of the computer itself, the girls tended to value the computer for how it could help them do something.
I almost made up my mind to begin collecting all the insects which I could find dead, for on consulting my sister, I concluded that it was not right to kill insects for the sake of making a collection. すみませんがよろしくお願いします.
He was then indicted again for having received a reward for restoring the lace,and,being found guilty,was sentenced to death 彼はそれから非難を受けた、報酬を受け取ったことで、レースを修復した そして有罪を見つけられ、死刑の判決を受けた
We grew coffee on my farm. The land was in itself a little too high for coffee, and it was hard work to keep it going ; we were never rich on the farm. But a coffee-plantation is a thing that gets hold of you and does not let you go, and there is always something todo on it : you are generally just a little behind with your work.
It is not easy to imagine any practical motive for studying language. To study arithmetic brings immediate rewards by increasing the ability to carry out arithmetical operations. But to study language does not necessary increase the ability to speak, since we know how to speak without instruction.
>>589 ▼□p□ck □p [自] (1)((略式))〈病人・病気が〉回復する, 立ち直る, 〈天気・成績などが〉よくなる. (2)(話などを)また始める, 続ける‖Let me 〜 up where I left off.中断したところから話を続けます. (3)〈活動が〉活発になる;〈商売・経済などが〉好転する(improve);〈スピードが〉あがる;〈エンジンが〉かかる;〈音楽が〉テンポが上がる, 速くなる;〈風が〉強まる.
The bizarre cable makes the OQO awkward and ugly to use on a desk. And the lack of multiple USB ports means you have to buy a USP "hub" in order to plug in multiple USB devices, like a keyboard, mouse and printer. If it had a lower price, longer battery life, better Wi-Fi and a well-designed desktop cradle, the OQO might be worth a look for some average users . But, in its current form, it isn't very practical for most people. お願いします。。
訳してくださいぉねがぃしますm(__)mIt has gained a great deal of experience in landmine clearance all over the world over the last 12years and is in a position to develop even further its program to clear landmines from the whole world.
Apparently when mens' partners get pregnant it does happen in some cases. He then opened his jacket to reveal a slight pot belly which we're sure has more to with over-indulgence at Christmas than a phantom pregnancy.
His assistance was invoked by one Johson,the captain of his sloop,who had been arrested. John came at the call,and provoked a riot,enableing Johnson to escape. An information was laid against him for rescuing Johnson,and,after he had hidden for three weeks, he was on 15 Feb arrested at his house and committed to Newgate. while he remained there an information of eleven articles was laid against him,but he continued to carry on his business,and,among others,received the cisit of Catherine Statham,who paid him ten guineas for procuring the restoration of some lace of which she had been robbed. 長文ですがよろしくお願いします
What trade he has driven here we shall not meddle with,the Man being yet alive and as we are not writing his story,but that of his elder brother, so we are not willing to enter into any thing that may be prejudicial to particular persons on any account whatever 古典の英文なのですごく訳しにくくて困ってます どうか訳をお願いします
His assistance was invoked by one Johson,the captain of his sloop,who had been arrested. John came at the call,and provoked a riot,enableing Johnson to escape. An information was laid against him for rescuing Johnson,and,after he had hidden for three weeks, he was on 15 Feb arrested at his house and committed to Newgate. while he remained there an information of eleven articles was laid against him,but he continued to carry on his business,and,among others,received the cisit of Catherine Statham,who paid him ten guineas for procuring the restoration of some lace of which she had been robbed. マルチですが他のところでやってくれなかった場合はありでしょう お願いします
the wretched subject of this history,was born at Tokyo,and to do justice to his original,his parents,tough mean,had the repute of honest and industrious people
mean 【2-形-1】 劣った、みすぼらしい ・ It's no mean job. そいつは簡単なことではないぞ。 【2-形-2】 ひきょうな、卑劣{ひれつ}な、意地悪{いじわる}な、不親切{ふしんせつ}な、人につらく当たる ・ You're so mean to me! 意地悪! 【2-形-3】 〈主に英〉けちな、けちけちする、物惜しみする 【2-形-4】 ささいな 【2-形-5】 〈米話〉(馬などが)御しがたい、(人が)扱いにくい
ドラえもんの話です。お願いします For many yeas now the japanese have given us all snazzy machines and elegant styles. But none of japan's cultural exports, it could be said, has the warmth, the companionable charm or the zany humanity of the 22nd century cat who has a gadget, if not quite an answer, for everything.
特に、if not quite an answer, for everything. の部分が分かりません。
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have to do with 〜と関係{かんけい}[関連{かんれん}・かかわり・つながり・付き合い・取引{とりひき}]がある、〜に関与{かんよ}[関連{かんれん}]している ・ A lot of the trouble has to do with the new communication system. トラブルの多くは新しい通信システムに関係がある。
Many seem convinced that it is useless even to try to make friends with foreigners because of the difference, and Japanses society as a whole tends to emphasize the ways in which foreingners and Japanese differ, rather than the possibilities of enriching one's life with friends from abroad.
Things don't always have to work out that way, I mean look at us. After all that's happened. If we weren't, you wouldn't have given me this, and I wouldn't be sitting here telling you to do whatever your heart tells you to do.
The life and times of the famouse GOEMON are largely apocryphal,and the same must be said of the numerous biographies which apperaed shortly after GOEMON's execution 日本語訳をどうかお願いします
Marsh had joked that England captain David Beckham would not leave his Spanish side Real Madrid for English Premier League club Newcastle United because of what the "Toon Army" -- the nickname for Newcastle's fans -- had done to southeast Asia.
〜 who has a gadget (if not quite an answer) for everything で has a gadget for everything というつながり。 if not は「たとえ〜ではないとしても」 省略を補えば if it does not have quite an answer for everything 。
>>654 こうするとわかりやすいかな? Marsh had joked that David Beckham would not leave Real Madrid for Newcastle United because of what the "Toon Army" had done to southeast Asia.
nVidia: 1. Unplug nic card or modem from net or disconnect 2. Remove nvidia from add/remove programs 3. Reboot into safe mode (F8 during boot up) 4. On reboot into safe mode WinXP SP1/SP2 will auto detect and install drivers. Just let it do its thing. If you can cancel out of the auto install hardware wizard then skip the rest and run Driver Cleaner! If you can NOT cancel out of auto detect wizard then... 5. Navigate to device mgr->display adapters->highlight nVidia and click uninstall or remove but don't reboot 6. Disable any AntiVirus Software (If you don't disable is than it could give trouble) 7. Run Cab Cleaner (not needed, but recommended) 8. Run Driver Cleaner 9. Empty recycle bin and reboot 10. Install the new drivers
One month in since the tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean, the international community has extended massive emergency aid, but has yet to figure out the most efficient way to help tsunami victims in the long run.
His assistance was invoked by one Johson,the captain of his sloop,who had been arrested. John came at the call,and provoked a riot,enableing Johnson to escape. An information was laid against him for rescuing Johnson,and,after he had hidden for three weeks, he was on 15 Feb arrested at his house and committed to Newgate. while he remained there an information of eleven articles was laid against him,but he continued to carry on his business,and,among others,received the cisit of Catherine Statham,who paid him ten guineas for procuring the restoration of some lace of which she had been robbed. 長文ですがよろしくお願いします
This is to certify that ichiro an agent of eiichi , president of kabusikigaisya Kawakami, has stated in my very presence that said eiichi acknowledged himself to have signed and sealed to the attached document.
あと10分でこれお願いします! He was carving the protection of the Earl of Dartmouth against the persecution of magistrates,who had encouraged several thieves to swear against him,and in another letter he begged to be allpwed to procure the restoration of property of which the earl had been robbed on the highway 10分後みてなかったら諦めます泣
I apologize for the delay. I have been off from work for the last few days. I am back today and I am getting the prices for the peices you need. The office should have those for me today and I will give you the total as soon as they tell me. Again, I apologize. I will be in touch with you later today. Thank you.
689さん、ありがとうございます。 えっと、ちなみに、his hair was black, so black it had blue lights, but, instead of being dark all over to match it, like wriggly Terens(人の名前です),he was alot whiter than me and his eyes were a most piercing blue. です。お願いしますぅm(_ _)m
But the worst feature of the OQO is the awful way it's used on a desktop. It has a sort of docking cradle, but the cradle lacks the array of ports and connectors familiar on laptop docking cradles. Instead, the OQO comes with a very long, stiff, weird cable that has various ports and connectors embedded in it. You plug the cable into the cradle. This cable, which looks like something a high-school AV club might have soldered together, contains connectors for a monitor, for the separate power cord, for headphones and Ethernet networking. There are also USB and FireWire connectors, though only one of each. お願いします。
1. Unplug nic card or modem from net or disconnect 2. Remove nvidia from add/remove programs 3. Reboot into safe mode (F8 during boot up) 4. On reboot into safe mode WinXP SP1/SP2 will auto detect and install drivers. Just let it do its thing. If you can cancel out of the auto install hardware wizard then skip the rest and run Driver Cleaner! If you can NOT cancel out of auto detect wizard then... 5. Navigate to device mgr->display adapters->highlight nVidia and click uninstall or remove but don't reboot 6. Disable any AntiVirus Software (If you don't disable is than it could give trouble) 7. Run Cab Cleaner (not needed, but recommended) 8. Run Driver Cleaner 9. Empty recycle bin and reboot 10. Install the new drivers
The OQO's Wi-Fi reception was weak in my home, something fading if I moved the PC from one side of a table to another. At around three hours, battery life was pretty good for such a small computer, but too little to last for a full workday or a lengthy flight. Extra batteries are $99 each. You can also plug it into the wall with the included AC adapter. In addition, the OQO's USB port is the old, slow variety, and the keyboard layout is odd - the ENTER key is on the bottom row and the @ symbol shares the W key. Not only that, but the OQO becomes hot to the touch after it runs for a while. In my tests, it wasn't burning hot, but it was uncomfortable.お願いします。
どなたか、訳をお願いします。 Elderly Rnick(人物名です)swept sourly in before Lewin(名前です) had finished speaking. "The law defines a heg as one with human form who is not human. Medical evidence of brain pattern or nerve and muscle deviations is required prior to execution, but for a first hearing it is enough to the establish that tha subject can perform one or more of the following: mind-reading, kindling fire or moving objects at a distance, healing or killing by the use of the mind alone,surviving shooting, drowning or suffocation, or enslaving or otherwise afflicting the mind of a beast or human." 長いですがぜひお願いしますm(__)m
He ordered the construction of warships '...nearly twice as long as those of the Danes, and swifter and steadier and higher, some with sixty oars, some with more; not built after the Frisian manner nor after the Danish, but as seemed best and most useful to the king himself.'
He praises the Meiji era translators who were able to create kanji images to convey Western concepts and ideas, a challenging intellectual tradition carried into the 20th century. 移動しましたよろしくお願いします。
Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself.
Thanks to the regulations of the railway companies, unless I am crazy enough to hang around the smoking areas of platforms, I do not have to suffer from air pollution.
I'm writing to ask for your advice. I finally told my parents about my dream to study in the U.S. next year in order to become an English teacher in Japan in the future. You know how exsited I've been about this, but my parents are against my idea.
Now, there is no doubt that in a modern society there is no enough meaningful work to make it possible for most people to derive the meaning in their lives from the work they do to earn a living.
Different materials conduct heat differently. A flying pan with an iron handle soon gets too hot to be touched. This is because iron allows heat to pass through it very quickly. We prefer pur frying pans to have wooden handles since wood is a poor heat conductor.
You have to remember that life is short and you must make the most of it while you're here. I know leaving relationships are very difficult, as is leaving ○○ for me, or anything else you put a lot of time and effort into. But life goes on, and new opportunities bring excitement back into your life. I'm sure you'll find some new excitement soon. But this is something you have to work on yourself. You have to make things happen, and I'm sure you will. See you soon
Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had fallen and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove, and a small tape recorder. これを宜しくお願いします。
I'm offering a brother's opinion, okay, and, as your brother, I can firmly tell you... That is not a leaving-the-house kind of outfit. That's like the bottom layer of something that will become a leaving-the-house outfit when you put on a sweater or something. どうかよろしくお願いします.
>>716 Thanks to the regulations of the railway companies, unless I am crazy enough to hang around the smoking areas of platforms, I do not have to suffer from air pollution. 鉄道会社が規制を設けてくれたおかげで、自らプラットホーム内の喫煙区域 の付近をうろつくような身の程知らずなことをしない限り、(タバコの煙で)汚 れた空気を吸わされるようなことはなくなった。
In the gutters under the eaves and between the shingles of the roofs, a white granular powder still showed a few patches; some weeks before it had fallen like snow upon the roofs and the lawns, the fields and streams.
The Major Symbols in Medea Euripides is a master of language and technique, as is evident in his tragedy Medea. Many techniques are used to help propel the story forward. Unlike many audiences today, those in ancient Greece went to plays such as this one already completely informed about the plot. Euripides’ Medea, like other Greek tragedies, begins in medius re (the plot already well underway) because t he audience already knows the introductory and expository information. The audience already knows who will live and who will die. Therefore, it is the way in which the story is presented, not the details of the plot, that decided the quality of a theatrical experience. Euripides skillfully utilizes the use of symbolism in his telling of the story Medea. The children in this play are symbols of Medea’s power and deceitfulness; the sun and light are also important symbols in Eurpides’ play.
The children in Medea are not fully fleshed-out characters, but rather a tool used by the characters within the play, as well as by Euripides to convey the story as it is written. The children are actually symbols of Medea’s power, or lack thereof. The children are the heirs of Jason’s family name and bloodline, and Medea’s power to have continuation of their legacy. The children are, however, oblivious to their importance. In this way they also symbolize the irresponsibility of Medea and Jason. “ The children personify Jason and Medea’s neglect of the household and their abandonment of responsibility for their past and present actions” (Tagle) Medea and Jason ignore the children and abandon them into the care of their nurse while passionately ranting at each other. To Medea, however, the children are just symbolic reminders of what went wrong between Jason and her, calling them “Children of a hateful mother.” (Euripides 112)
The children are additionally symbols of the deceit that Medea practices. Medea uses her children as tools in her plan to take revenge. Medea uses her children to appeal for pity from the king who is concerned for the children’s well-being, therefore buying herself enough time to slaughter all of her pending victims. Medea also uses her children by having them deliver poison in the disguise of gifts, as no one would expect the children to have ill intentions. The children present the gifts as a request to let them avoid banishment, but in reality the gifts have been sent not to aid the children’s situation at all. Throughout the play Medea acts like a puppet-master using the children to get her goals accomplished without being detected. They are the perfect cover.
In addition to the children being used as a symbol, Euripides also harnesses the use of the sun as a symbol in Medea. The sun is a symbol of the “light” of reason and civilization, in a contrast to Medea’s darkness and barbaric nature. Two sun gods, Apollo and Helios, are both used in Medea. “Apollo is the god of order, of art, of moderation and civilization. Helios, on the other hand, is the deity of the older age of the world, the god of wild Nature and barbarism.” (Hlabadie) The sun is a dual symbol. Through the appearance of Apollo, the sun is representative of Greek culture and controlled behavior. Through Helios, the sun is the force of nature which both creates as destroys, like Medea herself who is from a barbarian island and both birthed and killed her children.
Symbols play an important role in Euripedes’ Medea because they fuel the drama of the story. The children are used as a symbol of Medea’s power and deceitfulness, as she harnesses them to accomplish her plot of revenge. Euripides also introduces the sun as a dual symbol of both civilization and nature, which are competing forces in this play.
これでまだ、5分の1だ。とりあえずこれよろしく。 できるか?だいじょうぶか? 俺は2chの英語力を信じてるぞ。 お題は、explain Medea's speech to the woman of Corinth. これはリサーチペーパーだし、本とか読まなくても大丈夫だぞ。 何か、間違えや改正点とかがあったら教えてくれ。
>>813 The children in Medea are not fully fleshed-out characters, but rather a tool used by the characters within the play, as well as by Euripides to convey the story as it is written.
but の前の, は必要ないよ その後がincomplete sentence だから
The children in Medea are not fully fleshed-out characters but rather a tool used by the characters...
>>823 the audience already knows the introductory and expository information; in other words, the audience already knows who will live and who will die.
For this price, you get 120 min worth of videos you choose. Doesn't matter how many you pick as long as the total length would be 120 min or less. E-mail me what you want and how you want them compiled before sending the payment. Feel free to ask if you need more infos or have any questions on the videos.
In typical scenario, we have an outcome measurement, usually quantitative (like a stock price) or categorical (like heart attack/no heart attack), that we wish to predict based on a set of features (like diet and clinical measurements). お願いします。
The ministry attributes the decline to falling prices of personal computers, home appliances and car insurance premiums, which helped to counter the effect of the rise in gasoline prices.
If you call any large cinema looking for times for films, you will undoubtedly be forwarded to an automated system that tells you when each film is on. お願いします。
Nobody mentioned it,not he nor any of the doctors,but he knew that they were afraid that he had picked up one of those new hospital-bred wild varieties of bacteria.
Every hood we go through All the gangstas around know my whole crew (Nigga what) We hold it down like we supposed to Nigga you can front if you want, we be poppin’ them thangs.
I broke up with my ex 3 months ago, aftera relationship of one year and 3 months‥ But the decision was from me, so it's ok. But I can understand what you're feeling. Don't worry, you'll find the right guy foryou.
What does all this suggest for the future? One idea is that religious and supernatural ideas will continue because they have their own power. Even though they are mostly false, they are so powerful that they reproduce themselves in each new generation.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
煉瓦職人の手記です、お願いします。 My job could be done by machines and often is by concreting techniques. For a good many years now I have sold my skill,if it can still be called that,to whoever pays highest.
If grown-ups really want to find out what it is like to live in a young person's world, let them get down on hands and knees and go about like that for a week. The first thing they will then discover is that all the other grown-ups in the room tower above them and they actually have to crane their necks to look at their faces.
It is always like that with a small child. The child is surrounded by giant, and the trouble with these terrible giants is that they seem to spend most of their lives telling the child what to do and what not to do.
Now there is in America a curious combination of pride in havig risen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend upon manual labor for a living and genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with his hand.
Now there is in America a curious combination of pride in havig risen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend upon manual labor for a living and genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with his hand.
Fuck off! Get out of it, you wankers ! Go on, you gaelic fucking gaelic-breath tossers Piss off ! Get in here and say that, mate ! Come on !Fucking come and have it ! You fucking beep ? ! We'll beep. you bastered, all over your fucking nose ! Fuck off ! Go on, you French basters ! Fuck off !
Still, The PC has some major downsides. Its hefty price doesn't include DVD or CD drive, so you can't install most software programs unless you buy such a drive. There's also no PC card slot, common on laptops, so you can't plug in things like cellphone modems or memory card readers.お願いします。
>>944まだ残ってました But OQO's makers think they can find a market, even at high prices, among early adopters, gadget freaks, and people who are tired of carrying laptops or of moving data around between devices. In addition, the company is hoping to sell the product to companies that might use it for specialized tasks where small size is valued but full PC power is needed.これもお願いします。
When you signed up you received an email from CCBill confirming your password verifying your membership. CCBill is the company that handles all the credit card transactions, so you can cancel through them or by sending me an email, as you have done.
Spring is the season of frerh beginnings in Japan.The arrival of new faces in schools and workplaces can often lead to drinking binges called welcoming parties. It is common for senior students and employees to forse newcomers to down large drinks but Hitoshi Kaku leader of a Higashi Osaka based group against reckless drinking says what they are doing is a violation of human rights. お願いいたします_(._.)_
The ikki nomi Boshi Kyogikai has launched its annual campaign to stamp out alcohol harassment for example to make somebody drink against their will,to force a person to down a large drink at one go, or to insult people who can't or don't want to drink. At least 55 students have died as a result of acute alcohol poisoning due to reckless drinking since 1986 and although the number of deaths from alcohol poisoning is on the decline, there are still people losing there lives. 長くてすいません…
The group said party organizers have to make sure of three things that nobody will be harassed in any way during a party that people aren't made to ゙party till they puke", and that if a drinker collapses, ensure that he or she won't be left alone. ゙Japanese society has been too tolerant for misbehavior during parties. ゙Those who force people to drink against their will don't realize how much they are hurting people both mentally and physically", Kaku said.
But I haven't shown you that. Instead I turned into the s tereotypical guy who can't handle the fact that his girlfriend has a better job than him. I hate that guy. すいませんお願いします。
All golfers dream that they might、 miraculously、achieve a hole in a golfer's life、、、though in Japan、it can be painfully unforgettable. You can end up spending more than 5万ドル!
Businessman Sato's dream came true last November.it was at the 15th hole of a course in Chiba Prefecture.The wind was pushing、and he chose a 7 iron for his tee shot at the 158yard hole. ごめんなさい
He knew he struck the ball well in terms of its direction and carry.Then、he saw it drop on the green、bounce--and roll into the cup. 何度もすいません_(._.)_ お願いします!
これ訳してください。 Airbus and Boeing have an intense 35-year rivalry. In 2002, Airbus overtook Boeing for the first time as the world's largest airplane manufacturer and maintains a slight lead in aircraft delivered.