>>6 >>16 It seems likely to rain.は、いかにもクドい。 言うなら、It seems to rain. か It's likely to rain. また、これらは「今、降りそうだ」という意味としては不自然で It seems to rain tomorrow/in the afternoon. とか It's likely to rain tomorrow/in the afternoon. のように使う。
Life is the most precious thing of all There is nothing so[as] precious as life. nothing is so[as] precious as life. There is nothing more precious than life. Time is more precious than anything else.
The student of a country other than his own can hope to know comparatively few of its inhabitants, nor with the diofference of language and of culture will he even after many years become intimate with them.
This is too good a chance to lose. I can't let you go on a trip alone. You never read a good book without being the better for it. I congratuate you on winning first prize in the speech contest.
But when this principle is pushed to the length of not requiring them to learn anything but what has been made easy and interesting, one of the chief objects of education is sacrificed.
>>47さん。ありがとうございます。 ちなみに、前文は It is, no doubt, a very laudable effort, in modern teaching, to render as much as possible of what the young are required to learn, easy and interesting to them. となってます。 ここも、ワードのイメージからなんとか・・・ってレベルなんですが、 繋げて和訳するとどのようになるでしょうか??
74=76でしょうか? どうも根本的に勘違いされてるようです 江川英文法に挙がってる例文は次の通り。 He is not so busy that he can't go for a walk now and then. これは、He is so busy that he can't go for a walk now and then.の否定。 The fish is not so fresh that you can't eat it. これはいったい何の否定でしょう? The fish is so fresh that you can't eat it.でしょうか? そうすると意味的におかしな文になります。 The fish is so fresh that you can eat it. これが元になる肯定文です。これを否定するのだから、 The fish is not so fresh that you can eat it.が正しい形となります。
>>77 江川本のHe is not so busy that he can't go for a walk now and then. の訳は「彼はとても忙しいが、時おり散歩に出るくらいの時間はある。」です。 「結果」のso〜thatだとすると、決してそんな訳は出来ないですよね。 「様態」みたいに捉えて、「時々散歩に行けないほど忙しくはない」とすると 何とか理解出来ます。 従って「食べられないほど新鮮でないことはない」でcan'tとなりますか。
江川だかなんだか知らないけど、↓こんな英語は不自然で使えないっての。 He is not so busy that he can't go for a walk now and then.
He is so busy that he can't go for a walk now and then. を否定文にすると 上のような文になるとか理屈をこね回しても 実際には、He is not so busy that he can't go for a walk now and then. なんていう英語は不自然で、こんな英語は使えない。
ちなみに↓も不自然で、変な英語。 The fish is not so rotten that you can't eat it.
言うなら、これ。これなら自然な英語になる The fish is so rotten that you can't eat it.
そして、これも不自然で変な英語。こんな英語は使えない。 The fish is not so fresh that you can eat it.
これも、なんとなく不自然だが、まぁ意味は通る。 The fish is not so fresh that you can't eat it.
>>113 「その魚は食べられるほど新鮮ではない」 That fish is not fresh enough to eat. That fish is not too fresh to eat. 「その魚はあまり新鮮ではないので食べられない」 That fish is not fresh so that I can't eat (it).
>>117 >「その魚は食べられるほど新鮮ではない」 > That fish is not fresh enough to eat. 大丈夫だとおもいます。 >>114 >その魚はあまり新鮮ではないので食べられない I can't eat that fish because it's not (very) fresh. 大丈夫だとおもいます。 >>88 >The fish is so rotten that you can't eat it. 自然ですが、意味はちょっと違います。 この魚はそんなに腐ったので、食べられない >これも、なんとなく不自然だが、まぁ意味は通る。 >The fish is not so fresh that you can't eat it. 通じないよ。
Unlike Abner Doubleday,the man often credited with the invention of baseball in 1839,40-year-old Burton has become a very wealthy man from snowboarding, a sport he is largely responsible for creating over the past 15 years.
Skiers generally don’t like snowboarding for the way they look and the way they scrape the snow off a slope, exposing the ice beneath.
The number of skier visits has been flat since 1979,and the skiing population is aging.
Aunt Nancy and Caroline Priest were wont to colour their grey days with the remembered crimsons of old, long-past delights and merrymakings, but they went further than this and talked over any number of old family histories before Emily with a total disregard of her youth.
>>170 The manager said me to refrain from smoking in the office 1. said (-> told) The sales manager discussed her excited new marketing idea 3. excited (-> exciting)
>>140 > Do you know the town ( ) he visited last week? Do you know the town? He visited (the town) last week. →Do you know the town (???) he visited ○ last week. →Do you know the town which he visited last week.
※関連文法事項 ☆visitの語法 1.visit X Xを訪れる 2.visit in/at X Xに訪れる
☆不完全文を取る関係詞 who/whoever which/whichever what/whatever that as
☆完全文を取る関係詞 whose how/however/the way when/whenever where/wherever(スペル) why, if, whether, that, as
1 If it were not for air, nothing could live. →( ) ( ) air, nothing could live. 2 Without your help, I couldn't finish the work. →( ) it ( ) for your help, I couldn't finish the work. 3 If we judge from the look of the sky, it is going to rain this afternoon. →( ) ( ) the look of the sky, it is going to rain this afternoon. 4 She is so honest a girl that she is loved by everybody. →She is ( ) ( ) honest girl that she is loved by everybody. 5 She had only two dollars. →She had ( ) ( ) than two dollars
Those who find the practice unacceptable for themselves should not try to impose their view on others. この文では第五文型なのでfindは「分かる」と訳すべきだと思うんですが そうすると何かしっくりきません どう訳したらいいでしょうか?
『英語は絶対勉強するな』から、夫婦の会話部分の和訳をお願いします。 ニュアンスは何となくわかるんですがスッキリ訳せません。 How about a bagle and cream cheese? No problem. It'll be ready before you are. Don't be so sure. Why wouldn't I be? You haven't beaten me yet. True. But there's a first time for everything.
In spite of everything Dr. Hall could do or say, Florence put the nurses to work at once, scrubbing the floors, washing the bedclothes, and making the wounded men comfortable.
Florenceは、Dr. Hallに可能だった行動や発言には一切耳を貸さずに、 看護婦を床の掃除・寝具の洗濯・(making the wounded men comfortable)といった 仕事に従事させた。
1 He said he would come and he [ ] come. ア.did イ.had ウ.ought エ.would 2 I remember [ ] the old man somewhere before. ア.see イ.seeing ウ.to see エ.seen 3 Tom as well as his parents [ ] present at the P.T.A. meeting. ア.were イ.be ウ.was エ.being 4 I will tell him the news when he [ ] home. ア.will come イ.has come ウ.comes エ.came 5 When a child, I [ ] to go fishing in the river. ア.use イ.was used ウ.used エ.would 6 It doesn't matter [ ] he will approve this plan or not. ア.that イ.whether ウ.which エ.who 7 We'll meet you tomorrow after you [ ] your work. ア.finished イ.have finished ウ.will finish エ.will have finished 8 Susan gave up her job, so she has a lot of time to [ ] . ア.keep イ.lose ウ.save エ.spare どなたかこの問題をお願いします。
ポールさん,これを要約しなきゃならないんだけど手伝ってもらえます? In the second half of the twentieth century, oral history has had a significant impact upon contemporary history as practised in many countries. While interviews with members of social and political elites have expanded the range of existing documentary sources, the most distinctive contribution of oral history is that it includes within the historical record the experiences and perspectives of groups of people who might otherwise have been ' hidden from history '. Although such people may in the past have been written about by social observers or in official documents, their own voices have only rarely been preserved usually in the form of personal papers or pieces of autobiographical writing. Through oral history interviews, working-class men and women, and members of cultural minorities, among others, have added their experiences to the historical record, and offered their own interpretations of history. Moreover, interviews have documented particular aspects of historical experience which tend to be missing from other sources, such as personal relations, domestic work or family life, and they have resonated with the subjective or personal meanings of lived experience.
>>396 Why didn't she turn and smile and call to me, saying "Don't you like my company?" If she did, I would smile faintly and approach with eyebrows questioningly raised.
>>396 I wish she turned around to say with a smile[smilingly], "Let's go together." If she did so, I would smlle casually in turn and approach her with my eyebrows raised as if to say, "Hi, how are you doing?"
昨日英語でしゃべらナイトを観ていたら、 Is this really what life is all about.人生ってこんなものかなあ という英語が出てきたのですが、(少し英文間違っているかもしれません・・・) もう少し文法っぽく直訳してもらえませんでしょうか? いまいちなぜこのような訳になるのかがわからないんです。
>>421 すいませんでした。 これはハリーボッターの話の一部なんですが この文の前は箒による飛び方を教えている場面です。 直前の文章は以下になります。 「Don't move your brooms, rise a few feet and then come straight bacd down by pushing your body forward a little.On my whistle-three-two-」 この文章もイマイチ意味が分からないのですが・・
>>413 The book is about X. その本はXに関するものである。 このXをwhatにおきかえて疑問文にすると What is the book about? その本は何に関するものであるか? → その本は何が書いてあるの? その本はどんな本なの? これを名詞節にするとwhat the book is about その本がどんなものか よって what life is all about 人生がどんなものであるか (allは強調)
This book helps newcomers get started with a look at the basics of network programming as they relate to C#, including the language is network classes, the Winsock interface, and DNS resolution.
>>430 It has snowed for a week. が現在完了形で、 It has been snowing for a week. は現在完了進行形だね。 ご指摘の通り「今までずっと〜し続けている」という意味だから、 「降り続いている」と訳すのが正確だと思う。 ただ、今やっと雨がやんだという状況だったら「降り続いていた」 と日本語で訳してもいいかも。要するに日本語の感覚の問題だ。
1) She was (crane, the, through, part, carelessness, the, on, killed, operator, of, the). 2) Jane (bring, to, tired, husband, life, hard, her, to, back). 3) I was somewhat (casual, her, to, suffering, attitude, human, at, shocked).
>>433 1 She was the part of the operator killed through the crane on carelessness 2 Jane tired to bring her hasband back to hard life 3 I was somewhat shocked at her casual suffering to attitude human
>>433 1) She was killed through the carelessness on the part of the crane operator. 3) I was somewhat shocked at her casual attitude to human suffering.
>>432 説明もしておこう (1)イ do me a favor お願いがあります (2)ア spend X 〜ing 〜しながらXをすごす (3)ウ A as well as B Bと同じくAも 動詞はAに合わせる (4)ア ifの条件節中の動詞は現在形でよい(willは使わない) (5)ウ 「他の誰よりも」
>>432 イイウアウ do me a favor 熟語(写し間違ってない?) spend A on B 熟語 A as well as B の動詞はAに一致 言いたいのは my brother であり、I はおまけと考えるとよくわかる (私が英語教師なのは既知だということね) 逆に not only A but (also) B では言いたいのはBだから動詞はBに一致 I will have to buy a coat. までで文として成立(SVO)するから if 以下は副詞節 時や条件を表す副詞節の中では未来形を現在形で代用する。 any other person としたいところだがないので anyone else ちなみに any person だと当のマイクより背が高いことになり矛盾する
どうやら間違ったかw spend A on B じゃなく spend 時間 (in) Ving の用法だな(in は省略可能) spend 金 on Ving ならあるんだが Ex. spend one's money on betting at the race track (競馬にカネをつぎ込む) >>457が正しいようだ
If you arrange things in some way, you put them in order, usually to make them look attractive or tidy. という文で @「usually to make・・・・」のtoが何を表してるtoか A「usually to make・・・・」のusually前にどうしてコロンがあるのか がわかりません。よろしくおねがいします。
>>442 5. come 多くの英単語がラテン語に由来する。 もし僕の辞書を偶然見つけたら僕に送ってくれ。 6. last 彼は週末に旅行を計画していたが最後の最後にキャンセルしなければならなかった。 残念ながらこの悪い天気は明日まで続きそうです。 7. way 彼にはいつも自分のやり方がある。 彼はハワイ経由でニューヨークに行った。 8. with 青は白と(色として)調和する。 キミ新聞読み終わった?
>>507 でしょ? まあ>>487が和訳を与えてくれてたらもう少し絞れ(ry とにかくこの整序問題はひどすぎる。 結局 ever の位置はどっちでも間違いとはいえないみたいだし。 >>508 at any time に置き換えられるらしい。 つまりは時間を表すt軸上を過去から未来へと動く点Pだと考えればいいわけだが。 でも定義からじゃふさわしい語順までは導けないしね。
the biggest ever offensive against the rebels だと「反乱軍に対するかつてない大規模の攻撃」 the biggest offensive ever against the rebels だと「(建国)史上最大規模の攻撃が行なわれ、その相手が(たまたま)反乱軍だったこと」 となって、後者は現実にありそうな話だ。 したがって混同を避けるために前者を使う。
これに対して the oldest ever man to cross the Pacific だと「太平洋を横断する史上最高齢の男性」 the oldest man ever to cross the Pacific だと「史上最高齢の男性が存在し、その人が(たまたま)太平洋を横断すること」 となって、後者の解釈は明らかにありえない。 となると共に前者の意となるから、意味が変わらないのなら 形式上、後者が好まれることになると。
Professor Asano will depend on his research assistants while he will take a level of absence nexy year. 1.will 2.reserch assistants 3.will take 4.absence
As no local films can supply the product, you will have to contact with possible suppliers abroad. 1.no 2.supply 3. product 4.contact with
いきなりですが仮定法の文中の助動詞について,wouldは〜だろう,couldは〜できるだろう、 Ifを用いる通常の仮定法は理解できるんですけれどwishを使うとき〜できればなあでは I wish S could 動原、〜であればなぁではI wish S過去となりますけど後者について wouldと単なる過去形を用いる違いはあるんですか?
2) What's the different between "I wish I had a dog" and "I wish I would have a dog"?
2) The second sounds wrong, uneducated, even moronic to me. That is unless you really mean that you wouldn't have a dog but wish that you would. This hardly makes sense.
彼は名案を思いついた。 He [ ] upon a good idea. 私に関する限り、計画に何の異議のありません。 So [ ] as I am [ ] , I have no objection to the plan. 彼画40代であるはずがない。 He cannot be [ ] his [ ]. あなたは新しい法案に賛成ですか反対ですか。 Are you [ ] or [ ] the new bill? どうにか終電車に間に合った。 I [ ] to catch the last train.
1 A:"May I have some more coffee?" B:"( ) not" ア.Sure,why イ.Am I ウ.Oh,do エ.May I have 2 A:"Please say hello to her for me." B:"( )" ア.I'm sorry to hear that イ.OK,I will ウ.No,she doesn't エ.Yes,please 3 A:"Won't you stay a little longer?" B:"I'm afraid ( )." ア.I will イ.I am ウ.you won't エ.I can't 4 A:"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting long." B:"( )" ア.That's all right イ.You're welcome ウ.No,thanks エ.That's very kind of you 5 A:"Could you reach the salt?" B:"( )" ア.No, I don't need it イ.Yes,it's close to me ウ.Yes,here it is エ.Yes,I can reach the pepper
Because nearly every object contained in a Unix system is defined as a file, the file descriptor can be used to send and receive data that has many objects across the Unix system. お願いします>日本語訳
>>672 日本人は理由を聞くために why を使うのが好きだが、 why は「なんでそんなことお前が知ってんだよ?」というニュアンスにも なりうる強い語だから他人を相手に使うときには注意が必要。 Why do you know that? は誤りだと言い切っているネイティブもいる。 http://www.enat.org/~aribob/pt.send.ans.html > This is one of those little mistakes I hear very often in Japan. > If you are surprised that somebody knows something, > the question to ask is, "How do you know that?" not "Why do you know that?"
ニュアンスの違いが出ている英文。詰問口調に注目。 How do you know he stopped signing autographs? I thought you hated him and didn't care about anything that had to do with him, so why do you know that? (彼がファンにサインするのやめたって、どうやって知ったの?あなたは彼を嫌ってて、 彼に関することなんか全然気にもしてないんだと私は思ってた。それなのになんで知ってるわけ?)
第三世界では子供が犠牲になっている云々という記事なんですが How much are we willing to sacrifice the children of other countries to give our children what they do want? うまく日本語で表現出来ません。お願いします(;´Д`)
すんません… 文章が足りませんでした All of which raises the question, once the news appears on the front page: How much are we willing to sacrifice the children of other countries to give our children what they do want? でした。お願いします (。・x・)ゝ
調子に乗ってもう一文を… In fact, that tactic worked so well that last week the lobby Made in the U.S.A took advantage of the NBA finals to remind consumers that Michael Jordan reportedly earns $20 million a year endorsing Nike sneakers - more than the total annual payroll for the thousands of Indonesians who help make them. 来年受験だってのに…このくらいの訳もとれないってヤバイですよねぇ(;-д- )=3長文ムリポ
>>693 実際、その戦略が非常にうまくいったので先週、the lobby Made in the U.S.A は、マイケル・ジョーダンがうわさによるとNikeのスニーカーを宣伝(推奨)する ことによって、年間2千万$を稼いだ(それらスニーカーの生産に貢献している何千万 というインドネシア人の1年間の給料を上回る)ことを消費者に思い出させるために NBAの決勝戦を利用した。
1)「plenty of 〜」について。 これは、「可算名詞」にも「不可算名詞」にも使える。 ○ plenty of books ○ plenty of water ところで、「plenty of 〜」が「可算名詞」を修飾する場合、当然「複数」 になる。したがって、「plenty of 単数」は誤り。 2)対応する動詞について 「plenty of 〜」に続く「名詞」に対応する 3)不可算名詞と対応する動詞について 不可算名詞は「単数扱い」となる
以上より、 Threre is plenty of [単数 or 不可算名詞] →Threre is plenty of [不可算名詞] Threre are plenty of [複数名詞] →OK
"These handkerchiefs,"I said more to myself than to my mother, "they weren't handkerchiefs at all.They were a hundred beautiful memories that Grandma wanted to share with me. はどう訳せばいいですか? 分かりにくくてごめんなさい。
"These handkerchiefs,"I said more to myself than to my mother, 「このハンカチは・・・」と私は話しかけていた母に向かってではなく 自分に言い聞かせるように言った "they weren't handkerchiefs at all.They were a hundred beautiful memories that Grandma wanted to share with me. 「・・・ハンカチじゃないんだ。これは祖母が私と分け合った 何百個の美しい想い出なんだ」
Students who don't study hard shouldn't criticize their teacher. Students don't study hard by nature, but they shouldn't criticize their teacher. って合ってますか?
1. Now that (time, you, hobby, up, more, you, a, have, take, should). 2. The plane made (flames, engines, an, landing, into, emergency, the, after, burst). 3. The politician was (house, obsessed, should, the, keep, that, idea, fixed, women, with).
>>737 1. Now that you have more time, you should take up a hobby 2. The plane made an emergency landing after the engines burst into flames. 3. The politician was obsessed with the fixed idea that women should keep house.
>>735 下の文は何か不自然だね。 by nature は、生まれつき、生来、というような意味だから この場合、Most students(大抵の生徒は〜)とかの方が良いのでは? Most students don't willingly study hard... (大抵の学生は自分から進んで勉強したりしないもんだ)とか。 そうすると上の文と意味がちょっと変わってくるけどね。
(1) He became a great artist. 第2文型 (2) She bought a bottle of Spanish wine. 第3文型 (3) My grandfather is walking my dog. 第3文型 (4) Everyone felt sorry for her. 第2文型 (5) The fire killed ten people. 第3文型 (6) The curry and rice smells good. 第2文型
CEO looks very great. Many of there body like pig, but corporation's are supreme responsibility a person in charge. Many of CEO is very rich. See them understand!!
> 771 pig のところを big fat pigs にするとか、 manage their companies を take full responsibility for the management of their companies にするくらいしか思いつかんな。 しかし元々の日本語が品良くないなー。
Flying through the air like birds has been referred to as "'mankind's earliest dream and latest reality."Indeed,ancient Egyptian paintings showing men provided with wings offer concrete evidence of this desire. The Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus offers still further evidence.
Having managed to gather a large amount of feathers, he used wax to fasten them together in the form of wings, which,when completed,resembled the wings of giant eagles. ↓ 『多量の羽を集め、彼はそれらを羽の形に固定するためワックスを使い、 それは完成したとき巨大なワシの翼に似ていた。』
「【he】 used wax to fasten them together in the form of wings, which」 ★関係詞の前に「,」を置くと「継続用法」になる。その場合、意味の取り方は (1)カンマで切る (2)カンマを訳す(and / but / because) (3)関係詞を訳す とマニュアル化できる。 (訳) (1)「【彼】はそれらを羽の形に固定するためワックスを使った」 (2)「そして(しかし/なぜなら)」 (3)「それは、〜」
「,when completed, resembled the wings of giant eagles.」 ,」 ★カンマで挟まれた部分は、原則として「副詞」である。 ★「副詞節」の主語が主節と同じで、述語が「be動詞」なら、 その「主語+be動詞」は省略できる。 ★主節はカンマで挟まれた部分の外側である。その点を明確にして訳せばよい。 (訳)「(それが)完成されたとき、巨大なワシの翼に似ていた」
>>805 I've got to wake up tomorrow morning. = I have to wake up tomorrow morning. have to (=must) は「しなくちゃならない」と言う意味で 今「明日の朝に〜しなくてはならない状況にある」と考えて下さい。 もし、君の考え方をするなら must や have to はすべて will が必要になります。 ちなみに、 You will have to ... なら「君は〜しなくてはならなくなるだろう」 という「未来の状況」を示すことになります。 get to については、 have got to のことなら×です。have got = have の関係です。
He grew up to be a doctor. ○「彼は成長して、そして医者になった」 ×「彼は医者になる為に大人になった」 という言い方がありますが、こういうのが一般的に通るならば、例えば、 「私は(ぶらりと)本屋に出かけ、(たまたま目についた)英語の本を買った」 I went to the book store to buy an English book. などと、特に意図しない行動をただ時系列で追うのにtoを使うのは間違いではないでしょうか?
>>809 意図しないという意味はあまり入らないと思いますよ。このtoはただ目的を表すのです。 I went to the bookstore to buy an English bookは単に「英語の本を買いに本屋に行った」。 また、I read books in English to raise my English levelは「英語能力を高めるために英語の本を読む」など。
can の後は動詞が来ると思っていましたが、下記の文章を発見しました。 どうしてcan の後にtoがきているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
I'll do what I can to support him.私は彼を支援するためにできることをするつもりだ。 We need to do everything we can to teach children peace.子供達に平和を教えるために全力を尽くす必要がある。 I want to be as close as I can to you.できるだけあなたのそば[近く]にいたい。
Japan and the U.S.formally agreed Monday that the U.S.military will vacate more than one-fifth of the land it currently occupies in Okinawa Prefecture and return a key airfield withhin five to seven years. The accord was (1) in a final (2) by a special bilateral panel on U.S.bases in Okinawa that was (3) up in the wake of the (4) of a local schoolgirl by U.S. (5) in September,1995.
1(No, Not) knowing the way, he was soon lost. 2There (being, be) no bus service, we had to find a hotel. 3(Seeing, See) from the airplane, Mt.Fuji was extremely beautiful. 4Weather (permitting, permitted), we will start off tomorrow. 5She could not make herself (understood herself, herself understood) in German. 6Would you mind (to shutting, shutting) the window? 7Where did you have your radio set (to mend, mended)? 8I lay on the grass, watching the (floating, floated) clouds. 9The soccer game was very much (excited, exciting). 10I don't feel like (to take, taking) lunch.
1(No) knowing the way, he was soon lost. 2There (being) no bus service, we had to find a hotel. 3(Seeing) from the airplane, Mt.Fuji was extremely beautiful. 4Weather (permitting), we will start off tomorrow. 5She could not make herself (understood) in German. 6Would you mind (shutting) the window? 7Where did you have your radio set (mended)? 8I lay on the grass, watching the (floating) clouds. 9The soccer game was very much (exciting). 10I don't feel like (taking) lunch.
1.時計を持っていれば、君に時間を教えてあげられるのだが。 , I could tell you the time. 2.君が来る事を知っていれば、ケーキを焼いておいたのに。 If I had known you were coming, . 3.新聞にもっと楽しいニュースが載っていればなあ。 I wish in the papers.
1(Not) knowing the way, he was soon lost. 2There (being) no bus service, we had to find a hotel. 3(Seeing) from the airplane, Mt.Fuji was extremely beautiful. 4Weather (permitting), we will start off tomorrow. 5She could not make (herself understood) in German. 6Would you mind (shutting) the window? 7Where did you have your radio set (mended)? 8I lay on the grass, watching the (floating) clouds. 9The soccer game was very much (excited). 10I don't feel like (taking) lunch.
>>836 1.時計を持っていれば、君に時間を教えてあげられるのだが。 If I had a watch, I could tell you the time. 2.君が来る事を知っていれば、ケーキを焼いておいたのに。 If I had known you were coming, I would bake cake. . 3.新聞にもっと楽しいニュースが載っていればなあ。 I wish happy news was more in the papers.
分詞構文を節に直す問題です。 よろしくお願いします。 I ran all the way, arriving just in time. Feeling very cold, she shut all the windows. Seen from a distance, it looked like an ape. The last bus having gone, we had to walk home. Turning to the left, you'll find the museum on the right. Admitting what you say, I still don't agree with you. Taking all things into consideration, I can say that he was a man of character.
I ran all the way, and I arrived just in time. Because she felt very cold, she shut all the windows. When it was seen from a distance, it looked like an ape. As the last bus had gone, we had to walk home. If you turn to the left, you'll find the museum on the right. Even if I admit what you say, I still don't agree with you. If we take all things into consideration, I can say that he was a man of character.
<1>She kept me to wait more than two hours. <2>The sweater needs washing. I’ll have it wash. <3>Yesterday I received from her in Paris a postcard writing in French. <4>A drowned man will catch at a straw. <5>Comparing with her sister, she is not so beautiful. <6>Having not finished her work, she was obliged to stay at the office to finish it. <7>Waving to the driver, the taxi went by without noticing it.
財産があるのに彼は不幸だ。 ( ) all his riches,he is unhappy. 彼を見て彼女は急に笑いだした。 Seeing him,she burst ( )( ). たばこをやめたらどうだい。 ( )( ) you give up smoking? 彼はそこでかなりの人と友達になった。 He made friends with ( ) a few people there. 気をつけろ!車が来るぞ。 Look ( )! There's a car coming. どなたかお願いします。
1 I have not heard ( ) him recently. (〜の消息をきく) 2 Honesty pays in the long( ).(結局) 3 You will understand me ( ) time.(やがて) 4 He is now independent ( ) his parents.(〜から独立している) 5 She insisted ( )my going there.(主張した) 6 You must learn this poem by( ).(暗記する) 7 We look ( ) him as a great leader.(〜とみなす) 8 I am on good ( ) with him.(仲が良い) 9 She takes pride ( ) her son.(〜を自慢する)
正しい文章が一つあります。 ○がついているものは、自分でやってみて正しいと思った文章です。 お願いします。 (1) 1.He may object to use the room at night. 2.He may object to be used the room at night. 3.He may object to used the room at night. 4.He may object to using the room at night.○ (2) 1.Seen under a microscope, a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape. 2.Sees under a microscope, a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape. 3.Seeing under a microscope, a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape. 4.To see under a microscope, a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape. 5.Having seen under a microscope, a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape. (3) 1.I feel bored and sleepy in Mr.Brown's lessons, since he is always using the same material.○ 2.I feel boring and sleepy in Mr.Brown's lessons, since he is always using the same material. 3.I feel interested and sleepy in Mr.Brown's lessons, since he is always using the same material. 4.I feel interesting and sleepy in Mr.Brown's lessons, since he is always using the same material. (4) 1.At the end of the party, Nancy found her did the dishes alone. 2.At the end of the party, Nancy found herself to do the dishes alone. 3.At the end of the party, Nancy found she doing the dishes alone. 4.At the end of the party, Nancy found herself doing the dishes alone.○
>>894 続き (5) He avoided to give a definite answer. He avoided giving a definite answer. (6) Seeing a hawk hovering in the sky, the young birds stopped moving. Seeing a hawk hovering in the sky, the young birds stopped to move.○ (7) I can't help but to laugh to see the clown's funny face. I can't help but laugh to see the clown's funny face.
・「もし私がお金を持っていたら、この夏イギリスに行くでしょう」 の訳は、If I have money, I will go to England this summer.でいいですか? moneyの前に何かいれたほうがいいんでしょうか。
・書きかえの問題です。 (1)She didn't do her homework which she had been given the day before. →She didn't do her homework which had______________________________the day before.
(2)He was making a speech at the party. I heard it. →I heard ______________________________at the party.
(3)Her uncle gave her a watch, but she lost it. →She lost the watch ____________________________________________________.
1.We heard an American speaking Japanese well. 2.He had his bag stolen. 3.If I had had money yesterday, I would have bought it. 4.I have lost my umbrella, so I must buy one. 5.You had better go home before it gets dark. 違うかも
(1)She didn't do her homework which had been given the day before. (2)I heard a speech made at the party. (3)She lost the watch which was givven by her uncle. (4)millionとbillionを辞書でひいてみればすぐわかるのでは?? 数字は自分で書けるようになるとかなり理解が深まるはずです。
>>882 この本をもとに戻しなさい。 Put back this book where you found it. 彼女は戦争で一人息子を失った。 The war deprived her of her only son. 彼は学者というよりむしろジャーナリストだ。 He is not so much a scholar as a journalist.
上下の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように 1 I think it would be better to save money than to spend it on a trip. I ( ) ( ) save money ( ) spend it on a trip. 2 It makes little difference. It is ( ) little importance. 3 You can borrow most of the 10,000 books in this library. There are 10,000 books in this library, ( ) of ( ) you can borrow.
引き続きお願いします(>_<) 並べ替えです。 1彼女が勤勉なのか怠惰なのかまだわからない。 We don't know yet (is/whether/lazy/industrious/she/or). 2自動車は走る凶器になることがある。 A car (be/murder/a/weapon/moving/can/should).一語不要 3私の友達が私に中古車をくれたが、それを修理するのにたくさんのお金がかかった。 (my/gave/a/used/friend/car/me), but it cost me a lot to have it repaired.
>>895 訂正 (7)は、選択肢が3つでした。正しい文章が一つだけです。 お願いします。 (7) 1. I can't help but to laugh to see the clown's funny face. 2. I can't help but laugh to see the clown's funny face. 3. I can't help but laughing to see the clown's funny face.
>>941 英辞郎によれば、helpはcan またはcan't と用いられるとき 「抑える」「避ける」という意味を持つようになる。 I can't help it. で「どうしようもない」とか。 またbutは「しかし」以外にも「−を除いて」と言う意味が ある。 だから I can't help but laugh to see the clown's funny face. は I can't help but (I can) laugh to see the clown's funny face. と考えてド直訳すると 「私は道化師の変な顔を見て笑うことはできるけど、それ以外は どうしようもない」 ということになり、 「私は道化師の顔を見て笑うしかなかった」 となる。
The C# programming language allows programmers to easily prototype applications in a short amount of time and lets them design robust network applications that take advantage of the Windows networking features. お願いします。>訳
すみません。 もう一つ質問です。下の三つの文章の中で正しいのは、どれでしょうか? go on to , go on -ingに関することだと思うんですが、わかりません。 お願いします。 She insisted on to go to the theater. She insisted on go to the theater. She insisted on going to the theater.
>>946 前者のSだVだというのは良く分からん。 後者は状況による。 例えば、仕事とかで 「おい、あのレター書いたか?」 と聞かれた時に、まだ書いてなかったら I'm writing. とか言ってごまかすことはよくある。 また例えば友達が近寄ってきて 「ナニやってるの?」 とか尋ねられたりしたときは I am writing a letter. まで言う必要があるでしょう。 加えてその友達が手紙の相手を知ってたりなんかしたら I am writing a letter to 誰某. と言う必要もある。
( )に適当な一語をあてはめる問題です。 1 There is ( ) telling when he will return. 2 I don’t feel ( ) eating this morning. 3 It is no ( ) complaining of his laziness. 4 What do you say ( ) going to the movies? 5 I don’t like ( ) treated like a criminal. 6 ( ) her appearing on the stage, the audience stood up and cheered. 7 The army gave ( ) searching for the missing soldiers.
Stonehurst, as the home was appropriately named when built, was the first home in Brown County to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
上記の文章を品詞分解してもらえないでしょうか? 特に1行目のas、whenと2行目の built to be listedを文法的にどのように考えればいいのでしょうか?約は下のような感じでいいのでしょうか?