That was five years ago,and i now have more company among the vicitimized than I ever imagined possible. According to the Justice Department,500000 to 700000 Americas a year have their identities stolen. When thieves succeed in extracting money, the average loss in $18000, though banks and credit-card companies usually reimbuse anything over $50, then pass along the cost in higher interest rates and other fees. The average amount of time needed to straighten out the situation:a year and a half. The Federal Trade Comission says that identity theft is now its No.1 consumer complaint, accounting for an astounding 42 percent of all reports of fraud. お願いします!!
Reading The student should read teh foreign language easily and without conscious translastion. He should be able to read books and periodicals appropriate to his age level(biography, history, geography, science, novels, short stories, poetry, other nonfiction). He should read rapidlly for the sense of the story and more deliberately for fuller understanding.
Writing The student should be able to write descriptions, reports, and informal letters with clarity and correctness. For example, he should be able to communicate in writing anything he can say: write simple dialogues and compositions dealing with his own experience or with other topics that interest him and are based on materials previously learned.
We just descended on this unsuspecting club owner.
It had all this garbage on the walls, shovels and wagons wheels and stuff. It was a shithole, but it wasn't a worse shithole then the Bobby's Bar. I still find it hard to believe he actually served lunch there during the day.
We brought in a bunch of lights we made out of wood. We used to take it pretty seriously. He always treated us like big stars, although on the side, he said the only reason people came in was the drinks were cheap and we didn't charge a lot at the door.
お願いします。 In witness whereof, ABC Trading Co.,LTD. have hereunto set their hand on the 1st day of April, 20..., and XYZ, Inc. have hereunto set their hand on the 10th day of May, 20...
During my fourth year as a reporter, I was transferred from Okayama to Osaka and posted at a police station, Where Yoko Uemura, a newspaper reporter and younger brother of Shiba's wife, was working. お願いします
>>26の In witness whereofは「その証拠として」 hereunto set their handは「この文書に署名する」 the 1st day of April, 20...,は「20XX年4月20日」 the 10th day of May, 20... は「20XX年4月20日」ですよ。
Ideally, the common law would be siginificantly predictable-not because it is the handmaiden of the dominant elite's ideology, but because it is grounded in a common well of values, a widely shared sense of justice and fairness, and dedication to elaborating a pragmatically-oriented, empirically-based working legal order that insures stability through steadfast adherence to core principles.
I came to a large, bowl-shaped nest in which I saw the head of a small sea turtle sticking half an inch out of the sand. As others joined me, we heard something moving in the brush behind us. It was a Hood mockingbird. “Just be quiet and watch,”our young Ecuadorean guide said as the mockingbird moved close to the hatchling's head.
・She handed me to you in the yellow blanket. ・I looked at the long dirt road that crawled across the plains. ・I have never been married, though I have been asked. ・She will come for a month's time if we wish her to. ・We saw the dust from the wagon first, rising above the road, above the heads of them.
・It took three whole days for me to love him, sitting in the chair by the fire, Papa washing up the supper dishes, his tiny hand brushing my cheek. ・He'd raised from a colt. ・If you should still care to write, I would be interested in your childre. ・She had grabbed our hands and we were running through the fields, ducking under the fence to the far pond. ・She clucked back to them. ・They followed her, shuffling and scratching primly in the dirt. ・He sent me with an axe to begin chopping up the tree.
>>26の In witness whereofは「その証拠として」 hereunto set their handは「この文書に署名する」 the 1st day of April, 20...,は「20XX年4月20日」 the 10th day of May, 20... は「20XX年4月20日」ですよ。
これは元を見たらApril 20, May 20となってる。まだオチがあって 英訳の方で依頼が出ててこっちも5月20日となってる。
today we got up early, to try and be one of the early birds at the national park.. the cataratas! the main attraction, the lizards..well, no, actually the butterflys (Mitty!), no, seriously, the galanta del diablo, the devils throat.. is a giant wall of water falling of the end of the earth. to me it looked like the floor of a mighty river simply fell out from under it. cant comprehend the amount of water which goes over that thing..and its only one of the falls.
Reprisals consist of action in response to a prior unlawful military attack, aimed not at defending oneself against an attack as it happens, but rather at delivering a message of deterrence against the initial attack being repeated.
Theory, which attempts to construct mathematical models of the universe, and experiment/abservation, whose task is to test theories and to determine the kind of universe we actually live in.
Potential applications for CSCW cover wide areas in which communication technology is used to coordinate activities by keeping participants advised of what awaits their attention, to help reduce the need for meetings, and to provide a shared information space.
flicker 【レベル】10、【@】フリッカー、【変化】《動》 flickers | flickering | flickered、【分節】flick・er 【1-名】 揺らめく炎[光]、フリッカー、ちらつき、点滅{てんめつ}ライト、揺らぎ ・ We read a book by the flicker of candlelight. 私たちは、揺らめくろうそくの明かりで本を読んだ。 ・ I get so excited when I see flickers of light on a Christmas tree! クリスマスツリーのチカチカする光を見るとワクワクする! 【1-自動-1】 揺らめく、点滅{てんめつ}する、徐々{じょじょ}に消える 【1-自動-2】 ぴくぴく動く 【1-他動-1】 (炎を)揺らめかせる、明滅{めいめつ}させる 【1-他動-2】 ぴくぴく動かす 【2-名】 《鳥》ハシボソキツツキ
A computer simulation works like this: the laws that govern the behavior of a physical system are reduced to a set of equations fed to a computer , along with the numbers taht describe the present state of that system.
a set of equationsは「ひとまとまりの方程式」らしいです。 長いですがお願いします。
Sveral years ago,certain sientists developed a way of inbestigating the nature of the atmosphere of the past by studying air caught in the ice around the North or south pole. According to their theory,when snow falls, air is trapped between the snowflakes. The snow turns to icewith the air still inside.Over the years more snow falls on top,making new layers of ice. But the trapped air, these scientists believed,remains exactly as it was when the snow originally fell.
Yes, we're full of great ideas around here...we can't lie. To prove it, here's our greatest concept ever. It's part of our new 'get rich quick' marketing strategy. Everybody has a mom and eveybody wants a picture of their mom's butt on a shirt. badda bing badda $$$. let's start production on these things.
today we got up early, to try and be one of the early birds at the national park.. the cataratas! the main attraction, the lizards..well, no, actually the butterflys (Mitty!), no, seriously, the galanta del diablo, the devils throat.. is a giant wall of water falling of the end of the earth. to me it looked like the floor of a mighty river simply fell out from under it. cant comprehend the amount of water which goes over that thing..and its only one of the falls.
・なんか見つけた。あすこに穴があいてるぞ? フタをあける前に、誰か大物が隠れているのはわかってました。 ・うわ、70万j! 隊員ひとり頭4500jになるな ・さて、俺たちが見つけたのは誰でしょう? マイケル・ジャクソンじゃねーぞ ・Col. Hickey and the Loot! Yes, I would be posing to. ・なつかしい家に戻ったサダム ・ほんとに本人? なんか疑問をめぐっての会議みたいに見えます ・フン、俺をとうとう捕まえたな。なにも言うこたねぇよ
訳はこれで合ってますか? また 「 Col. Hickey and the Loot! Yes, I would be posing to.」はどう訳しますか?
today we got up early, to try and be one of the early birds at the national park.. the cataratas! the main attraction, the lizards..well, no, actually the butterflys (Mitty!), no, seriously, the galanta del diablo, the devils throat.. is a giant wall of water falling of the end of the earth. to me it looked like the floor of a mighty river simply fell out from under it. cant comprehend the amount of water which goes over that thing..and its only one of the falls.
The rediscovery of the body is also a reaction against some of the Puritanical values that have influenced America. 身体の再発見はまた、長らくアメリカ社会に影響を与えてきた、ピューリタン的価値観に対する反動でもあります。
The Anglo-American conception of the rule of law seems capable of integrating a certain number of formal elements, a workable amount of predictability, a certain sense of fairness, and certain contexual elements, such as relative integration as opposed to unbridgeable fragmentation, and a cultural predilection for a procedurally-based array of individual rights available against the state and legislative majorities.
Other studies have focused on the relationship between longevity and how much control people feel they have over their lives and between longevity and mindfullness or how aware people are of their environment and how they react to it. People who live shorter lives tend to be comparatively more depressed,hostile and anxious than others.
Perhaps brooms,like horses, knew when you were afraid, thought Harry; Neville's broom could hear in his voice that he did not want to fly on the broom, he just wanted to keep his feet on the ground.
もう一つ訳お願いします。 “Don't move your brooms, rise a few feet and then come straight back down by pushing your body forward a little. On my whistle-three-two-"
sure!! I know this!! but I didn't know it was used for wishing "good luck" as well. in Italian is "buona fortuna", don't worry for the pronounce, if you'll say it in a "Japanese way" it will be ok but never say it in a "English way".....or it'll be wrong!
Her collars and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet. お願いします。解るような解らないような…イマイチ日本語にできません(泣
Break seal around the edge with knife to allow characteristic blue veining to grow. Prior to serving remove any surface crust or mould which may have developed.
today we got up early, to try and be one of the early birds at the national park.. the cataratas! the main attraction, the lizards..well, no, actually the butterflys (Mitty!), no, seriously, the galanta del diablo, the devils throat.. is a giant wall of water falling of the end of the earth. to me it looked like the floor of a mighty river simply fell out from under it. cant comprehend the amount of water which goes over that thing..and its only one of the falls.
わからんちんorz In the interim, we have included troubleshooting steps below on clearing cache and cookies. Please follow the steps for your specific web browser and Operating System. Please note, if your specific browser is not listed below we suggest that you use the 'Help' section of your browser or contact their customer service center.
The first thing you will want to do is make sure that you are accessing directly rather than through a Bookmark or Favorite. You can then follow the instructions below to clear your web browser's cache and cookies (Temporary Internet Files).
"I have mixed feelings and am torn between personal desires and concerns for the environment," she said. Under the Kyoto Protocol, Japan must reduce greenhouse gases-90 percent of which are from CO2-during 2008-2012 by 6 percent from the 1990 level. よろしくお願いします
Well there are two sides to this question, one is not really a question but something like, hey Japan is good but we are as good or better.
The second more interesting question is, who are the dangerous Japanese players to look for and must be covered perhaps doubled up by our defence? What are the tendencies of their pentalty kickers? Which side of their defence is weaker, left right center? What are their offensive players tendencies? How many goals have they scored in the air? From sides or center? The more information about each Japanese player is discussed and the better to make this topic more useful. What friendlies have been scheduled between now an Feb for Japan?
The computer is then asked to use the equations to tell how the system will look one time step into the future , then repeat the process for the next step, and so on.
Sorry. The list is not of items for sale but was just displayed for illustrative purposes. It also includes items that are sold out or we do not stock. At the moment we do not support online mail order or sell to customers abroad. (Although there are plans for such in the future.)
A dove is a glove That I wear in my heart 平和(鳩?)は手袋で、僕は心にそれを着けている And though I like to dress smart それでも、僕は服をかっこよく着るのが好き It doesn’t have any part of the world of fashion それは上流社会(?)とは関わりないんだ
And you’re there to put me down 僕を貶そうと、君がそこにいる And I’m sick off the frowns that follow me around 僕はしかめっ面にあちこちつけ回される病気にかかってる(?)
I would like the sky but there’s no reason why なぜかわからないけど空が欲しいんだ She’d say to this world with the nose of a girl 彼女は女の子の鼻先で世界に向かって言う
Turned up so loud that it rings sings the cloud 雲に向かって大音量で歌が鳴り響く(?) I’ve never been here and though you’re physically here 僕はそこに居た事なんてない、それでも君は物理的にそこにいるんだ You’re pushing me away to decay like the day that I loved 君は腐敗へと僕を押しのけたろ 僕が愛していたあの日みたいに
ショップのアカウントに入れなかったので下の文を送りました There is no account of mine. Forgot your Password? It came out and confirmed. The right address was inputted. It was useless. Did my account disappear? これを2回送ったら返ってきたのが Thank you for your e-mail. A new ticket has been created. Please allow 1-2 business days to receive a response. Sincerely 二回とも上の答えが帰ってきました お願いします
My little sister's laugh brings memories to life. Making mud pies in Mom's garden and building forts that we slept in. We dressed in costume clothes and danced and sang songs to our Cabbage Patch kids.
Ever since he learned to read at the age of two and a half, Alan Kay has been accustomed to doing things his own way and letting the rest of the world catch up later.
went for a 6km walk, ran into some monkeys, was hoping to meet some big cats(no luck), found lots of mosi's, and some ants as big as small anteaters! went swimming at the end of the macuco trail under a waterfall.went for a speedboat ride, right under some of the falls (nearly).. you get wet right through in an instant.. just as if you had jumped overboard! next time i am leaving the shoes at home! will pass on some pictures of course in due time so hold your toes.
A rich Athenian was on a voyage with other passengers, when a violent storm blew up and capsized the ship. All the rest tried to swim ashore, but the Athenian kept calling on Athena and promising her lavish offerings if he escaped.
A dictionary is really a record of what people "say," of the pronunciations, spellings, and meanings that they give to words. For this reason our term dictionary comes from the Latin word dictio from dico, "say" or "speak."
None of the teams below are dirtier than a huge crapload of European teams. If you actually watched Italy vs Korea or Spain vs Korea you would have seen the European teams were out on a mission to maim the Koreans. The Italians were the worst.
They're like the proverbial miners' canaries, silent alarms whose message in the case is that living species of animal and plants are now vanishing around the world on thousand times faster than at any time in the past 65 million years. この意味を教えてください。お願いしますm(_ _)m
We exchange or refund any unwashed or unworn merchandise with a copy of your receipt or invoice. Without a proof of purchase, you will receive the last known value in the form of a Merchandise Credit Card. If you are returning merchandise purchased in a store, we will credit you with a Merchandise Credit Card. For all other returns, we will credit you using your original payment type.
*Merchandise Credit Cards are sent via USPS within 2 weeks to the address above. *All exchanges are sent out without any additional costs for shipping. *For questions, email [email protected] or call 1-888-856-4480 or 1-614-219-5380 (International).
We exchange or refund any unwashed or unworn merchandise with a copy of your receipt or invoice. Without a proof of purchase, you will receive the last known value in the form of a Merchandise Credit Card. If you are returning merchandise purchased in a store, we will credit you with a Merchandise Credit Card. For all other returns, we will credit you using your original payment type.
*Merchandise Credit Cards are sent via USPS within 2 weeks to the address above. *All exchanges are sent out without any additional costs for shipping. *For questions, email [email protected] or call 1-888-856-4480 or 1-614-219-5380 (International).
Since British soldiers and policeman have a similar tradition, as had the "strong,silent man"of the American frontier,this is clealy no"racial"inheritance.
1.To what extent you can be accurate on details will depend upon your experience and insight.
2.your work requires you to learn a new language. You may feel that your time for learning languages is past, thus shutting yourself in a compartment marked´age´; or that you cannot take the time from tennis to study, thus shutting your work into one compartment and your play into piano.
This will prepare you for the fact that self-knowledge must be social knowledge. Your knowledge of yourself is inextricably bound up with the knowledge of others. We only begin to know ourselves after we have acquired measurements and standards from observation of others.
We were advised by our distribution center that the magazine was available while stock last. Please advise whether you have started to receive the subscriptions as yet.
レストランで食事している女性を見ながら、友人に一言。 「Isn't she the one that died in a plane crash?」
部分的に解釈すると、 Isn't she the one (彼女はoneではないよね?) died in a plane crash (飛行機事故で死んだ) 【全体】(彼女は飛行機事故で死んでないよね?) となるのですが、生きていることを確認してるのに こんな事いいませんよね。 正しい訳をご教授お願いいたします。
Our records indicate that your order 1234 is released for shipping. You will be receiving a confirmation email shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please reply to this email to assist you further. Again, thank you for writing We appreciate your business.
thank you so much for all this pictures from okinawa beach rock 69 but im sorry i cant read you message because i hafe an europe computer here in germany and cant read japanese sings. so i send you a nice picture from us in niigata so we want marry next year and you and your wife are welcome to our wedding party, but at the moment we dont know wher we wan marry so we tell you later thankssss so much jan
While ABC and its affiliates understandably would have liked to know the program was in bounds before proceeding, the precedent of submitting programming or scripts for government review borders dangerously on censorship. アメリカのメディアについての記事ですがこの部分が良く分かりません。 どなたか和訳お願いします。
comprehension 【レベル】5、【発音】kα`mprihe'n∫n、【@】コンプリヘンション、【変化】《複》 comprehensions、【分節】com・pre・hen・sion 【名-1】 理解{りかい}、知識{ちしき}、包括{ほうかつ}、了解{りょうかい}、理解力{りかいりょく}、読解力{どっかい りょく} ・ Her comprehension of French was better than that of English. 彼女のフランス語の知識は英語の知識よりも優れていた。 【名-2】 包含{ほうがん}
North Korea says it's a plot. Japan stands by its DNA tests. North Korean Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Tuesday that the cremated remains handed over to Japan ARE those of Japanese abductee Megumi Yokota.
【句動-3】 〜を援助{えんじょ}する、〜の力になる、〜に力を貸す、〜を支持{しじ}する ・ I will stand by you, no matter what happens. どんなことがあっても、私はあなたを支持します。 ・ I was hoping you would stand by her. あなたが彼女の支えになってくれると思ってた。 ・ I'll stand by your decision. 私は君がどんな答えを出そうとも、それを応援する
We are having problems getting the shipping with enough insurance from the website so I will have to email you tomorrow after we've been to the post office and talked to real people.
Saint-Saëns even proposed to adopt Godowsky if he would take his surname, an offer which Godowsky declined, much to the older man's displeasure. お願いします。
oh, the other attraction is the sheraton hotel..(thanks for the tip O Sheas's!).. for the view, but more for the fact that we got to the balcony,had a chance to take off our wet shirts, hang them over the sheraton balcony, helped ourselves to some cold drinks which were being poured for 'guests', and relaxed in comfort for a wee' while! until, of course, we were asked what room we were staying in.. hmm.
b …に〈…を〉しつこく求める〈for〉, 〈…するよう〉せきたてる〈to do〉. ・They are after me for a contribution. しつこく寄付を求めてくる. ・She was after him to fix the leaky roof. 雨漏りする屋根を修理するようせきたてた.
By Kato's standards that's good money; it sure beats the $7 an hour he earned busing tables in a cheap pasta joint and restocking shelves at 7-Eleven ――― two of many part-time gigs he took to bankroll meandering treks through Europe and Asia.
Major corporations recruited at top universities, where male students willing to trim their hair and don three-piece "interview suits" had their pick of careers inside Japan Inc.
hi taro! your news makes me very sad! : ( is it because of the type of music i play? i am just curious to know if my type of music is even popular in japan....
i sent a message to hanako's phone but i never heard back...maybe i should write her again?
thank you so much for trying for me!! : ) i have been very happy to make contact with you again!
If you have an order in now it would really speed the process if you send your name and address to my e-mail address.
please put your name in the heading of the email , we can not answer email from this email address it is strictly for address confirmation, address changes or notice that you will be away .
People whose actions are inadequate and partical see life as a disconnected series of fragments which are put into separate comapartments marked work,religion,education,social life and so on. It is possible to "live" in any one of these compartments,but at the cost of becoming a prisoner in it. and eve in that compartment,itself,you cannot act with the efficiency and the power of awhole person.
Many mistakes of the modern world can be traced to quick reactions of an unorganaized kind, the reactions of a part to a part instead of as a whole to a whole.
Oh,I'm surprised at your existence. You can still play PC!! I reported your behavior to Hiroyuki. So I thought that you must have been in prison. I see. Please wait. The time will come that a letter lead you to court. Please wait. Don't escape.
One key responsibility of an application manager is to predict how changes in its allocated resources would affect the environment’s ability to meet its goals.We have written applicationmanagers for typical web service requests directed to a set of servers by a workload driver or by IBM’s WebSphere Edge Server, for applications parallelized through IBM’s Topology Aware Grid Services Scheduler, and for our own test applications.
it sure beats [the $7 an hour he earned busing tables in a cheap pasta joint and restocking shelves at 7-Eleven] 括弧でくくった部分がみーーーんなbeatの目的語です。 それと、ここのハイフンは関係代名詞の非制限用法と同じ働きをしてます。
I swear that the teacher had it out for me the minute I walked into that room. It became a joke just how badly he ignored me when I asked a question or made a comment.
But it's all about rich, greedy people complaining about how many millions of dollars a year they should make. They just dont have any sense of reality anymore--they've lost touch and let greed and pride take over. You can't negotiate in that state of mind. --they live and die by it, I'm not even kidding.
Political Correctness (PC) is the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s. It was a spontaneous declaration that particular ideas, expressions and behaviour, which were then legal, should be forbidden by law, and people who transgressed should be punished.
From the tears and the pain and the fears and the rain From the dark to the light you were once shining bright Put your hand in my hand Put your hand in my hand Let me show you the way
Put your hand in my hand Let me show you the way and you will understand I will show you the way
The legislative branch consists of the Congress and five administrative agencies.Congress is devide into Senate and the House of Representatives. をお願いしますです
The judicial branch includes the entire federal court system. These courts decide cases that involve the Constitution and federal laws. The highest court in the United States is the Spreme Court. The president appoints its justices, who hold office for life.
They say the 41-year-old man, who used to head the regional traffic and transport management office, embezzled public funds and funds of local freight companies that were left in his custody. どうかよろしくお願いします were left in his custody 関連がうまく訳せません<(_ _)>
>>634 同じ要領でやったら出来ない? [1] That [2] is not correct. [2]は正しくない。 [2] that that [3] is correct [3]が正しいということ [3] that that is followed by that あれがあれに続いているということ *[2]のthat、一個多いような気がしますが…
Do give the Filipinos a way out of a situation so they can save face. If you have to correct, do it privately through a third party. Embarrassing someone will cause 'hiya' or loss of face, a very strong value for Filipinos. This could be an obstacle to effective communication with them.
We would appreciate it if you took a few minutes to fill out this customer satisfaction survey. Beyond Consulting is an independent research company. We are doing this research for an English Language school in uk. We want to research the opinions of students who are finishing or have finished an English course in uk. The main purpose of this on-line survey is to understand (i) why you decided to study in uk and (ii) why you chose your school. We will use the information to improve services for international students. It will only take 15 minutes to do the survey. You must complete the survey by January 2005.
To answer most questions, please click the button next to your answer. For most questions, only 1 answer is needed. For some questions you may need to click 2 or more answer buttons. Please read the instructions next to the questions in the survey. Please ANSWER ALL questions.
We will only report group results of the survey to the school. We will not give your name so your answers are confidential.
It is your choice to do the survey. If you complete the survey, you will go into the draw to win a prize (see below), by filling out your contact details at the end of the survey.
We will now go into the reasons why I believe projection via the dream state is a fairly easy affair. First, the element of fear in relation to the separation of the physical body isn't present as when the trance condition is used. 二行目以下をお願いします。
We will now go into the reasons why I believe projection via the dream state is a fairly easy affair. First, the element of fear in relation to the separation of the physical body isn't present as when the trance condition is used. 二行目以下をおねがいします。
We will now go into the reasons why I believe projection via the dream state is a fairly easy affair. First, the element of fear in relation to the separation of the physical body isn't present as when the trance condition is used.
the fire wire connector is an international standard 6-pin connector. before installing, please make sure your auxiliary housing add-on card of fire wire is a 6-pin connector
Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda told reporters on Thursday that he believes China finds political meaning in the visit by Mr Lee,whom he called a completely private individual