To succeed in this world you must Increase your STRENGTH, INTELIGENCE, MAGIC, and HP. Your basic goal is to get a Hina girl and gain as much money and experience as possible.
However, how you achieve this is entirely up to you. You can gain money and items by working, contests, passing exams, extra games and more!
just thought i'd share that with you for a little intro. we figured it out while driving around the country, where what should have been a 4 hr journey seemed to, and did, take 8.
did i tell you guys about alcatraz?! it was the one place and thing to do recommended to me by my friends in america.."you're going to san fran? you must go to alcatraz!" not only did i manage to get a ticket and go, but i scored as ticket for one of the night tours.. a very eery' place. funny how you can visit a place which housed violent criminals and be impressed.. and also be impressed with their stories of escape. one of the most interesting things i discovered was that several prisoners who escaped in the late 60's,never caught again, no one even knows whether they made it across the bay through the cold waters (about a 2km swim).. but considering some of them did, being aged 30-32.. its very conceivable that some of these people are at this moment living a life somewhere in the US, no one ever knowing who they really are.could have been the same old guy who sold me my lunch that afternoon??
As an eBay seller, we have a couple of things that we cover for postage charge. First of all, we have our PayPal fee and eBay fee. Secondly, we have handling charge and lastly, we have to pay outside insurance for goods that are shipped overseas. When you add these costs up, it'll add up to a substantial amount and we as eBay seller always try to cover them on the postage we charge our customer.
Moreover, the shipping charge is posted clearly on our auctions and customers have the choice to either purchase and be obliged to the shipping charge or not purchase at all.
I thank you for your kind understanding on this matter.
not only did i manage to get a ticket and go, but i scored as ticket for one of the night tours.. ただ切符を手に入れて行ったんじゃなくて、ナイトツアーの一つの切符を ものにして行ったんだ。 (score なんとかして〜手に入れる)
a very eery' place. funny how you can visit a place which housed violent criminals and be impressed.. なんか不気味な場所で…凶暴な囚人が収容されていた場所をわざわざ 訪れて感心するなんてヘンな感じだ…
but considering some of them did, being aged 30-32.. i しかしそいつをやったのが、年齢は30から32だったことを 考えると、
be aged 「年齢が〜である」 しかしこの文はちょっとネジレている。 but considering (the fact that) some of them being aged 30-32 when they did it とかなんとかしたほうがよい。
I swallowed hard. "We really can't just leave him to die, can we? He's in some distress now, but it will soon be an awful lot worse. Don't you think it would be kindest to put him to sleep? After all, he's had a good, long innings." I always aimed at a brisk, matter-of-fact approach, but the old cliche had an empty ring. The old man was silent, then he said, "Just a minute," and slowly and painfully knelt down by the side of the dog. He did not speak, but ran his hand again and again over the grey muzzle and the ears, while the tail thump, thump, thumped on the floor.
If you graduated from a university within the last 5 years, include a list showing individual coursework completed and grades received, as well as the overall grade average.
This award is presented to one contest group at the festival who expressed anexceptional spirit of cooperation and understanding in the preparation and execution of their performance at the festival.
Your order will ship within approximately 24 hours (Monday - Friday) upon payment approval for in-stock items. Customized items will take 2-3 weeks for delivery. We cannot cancel your order once placed for in-stock or customized items. Backordered items will be listed below and will ship once received into stock. You will not be billed for any backordered items until the product has shipped to you. If your item is not listed below, it is no longer available and you have not been billed for it. 長文ですがお願いします。
The reseachers’achievement shocked leading scientists who had said it could net be done.
In theory, researchers said, the same techniques could be used to take a cell from an adult human and use the DNA to create a genetically identical human.
よろしくおねがいします The Japanese Parliament cleared the way Tuesday for the country’s first organ transplant in 30 years with legislation that broadens the legal definition of death.
The bill recognizes the end of brain functions as legal death, allowing the removal of an organ only when the donor is tested and confirmed to be brain-dead by two or more doctors.
>>62 ありがとうございます。よろしければ全文訳していただけませんか? いまいち意味がわからないので、宜しくお願いします。 May be you have 2 players issue shirts i am informed by NIKE that the 1 i sold you was player issue.
The above-mentioned scientists are experimenting with a plastic that can be made without harmful substances. They call their product 'bioplastic.' They say it would use carbon dioxide and enzymes, which are proteins made by calls. Most plastics are made of oil-based chemicals. They are not easily used again, because they produce poisonous gases or substances when broken down.
i have just spent the past few days hanging around the rainforest, riding flying foxes over the rainforest canopies, and woke up yesterday morning to the sight and sound of the most active volcano in central america, volcano Arenal, erupting.. as it does every hour or even more often.. what a sight..i sat on my bungalow porch and wrote some things down, and just was in awe of this amazing moving mountain(growling every few minutes!) ! when nature pulls one off like this, you cant help but feel a little humbled.
When you give your word, you mean what you say. As you know from bitter experience, this is not the case with everybody. At the moment, however, it’s you who might have to make some changes in arrangements. Don’t worry what others will think. In fact they’ll be relieved that you suggested them.
Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
I belong to nobody today, but I am looking. I have friends, some friends from the past that I occasionally talk to... and that, my dear, should not be a reason to turn away from me just like that. You ask a lot.. I know that.. but asking someone not to have friends is asking too much.
The ultimate reason for the acceptance of the first two,and the commands,statements and prohibitions found in them as infallible sources of the law is a metaphysical reason resting on a speculative belief held with regard to them.
A shortcut variation of the logo can be used where the context is clearly recognized, and a reference to all of this school activities at the Event is required.
Many people belive there's some secret that makes a person a good speaker. My "secret" is simply that I think of public speaking as no different from any other from of talk. It is a way to share my thoughts with others. In one sense it's easier than social conversation because you can control what to talk about, and how to talk about it.However, this also means that you have to have something to say.The first key to being a good speaker,therefore, is to talk about something you know well enough you'll be in a difficult situation because: 1.Your audience may be bored if they know more about the topic than you do. 2.If you are not at ease in the subject, you may be illat ease in your way of speaking. So choose a topic that you know well , and start with your own experience.Then you'll be more comfortable, and your audience will find it more interesting.すいません。めちゃ長文ですがどなたかお願いします。 本当にお願いします。
My sperms stuck to my pubic hair and dried out. Besides it stank. I swear not to jerk off (fuck myself) with one hand in my trousers' pocket in front of a shop clerk at a convinience store any more. I now realise that I am such a freak, pervert, asshole and knob end as to ask this kind of question here.
I took a Okinawan history course justt to help me understand the place and culture and what I was seeing around here. I got to admit I am loving this place and some of the poems and things I get a chance to read.
i was traveling with a bunch of random people i met the first morning in the hostel.. i was making friends quickly as my backpack was left in los angeles, so i was wondering about the hostel all the morning waiting for my bag and being my general friendly self.
Separation of Powersについてかかれた文章なのですが The belief in the value of individuality proved to be an extremely powerful motivating force both for severing relationships from a domineering authority and also for establishing a new system of social organization. この部分と One way to explain it would be to say that each American finds common cause in a passionate desire for individual freedom. この部分のthatより前の訳仕方がわかりません。 どなたかお願い致します。
It was bad enough that he kept revisiting the graveyard in his nightmares, without dwelling on it in his waking moments too. お願いします。 dwelling on it が良くわかりません。
In his announcement in the House of Common, the U.K. finance minister set out "major reforms" designed to bring the country into the 12-nation eurozone at some point.
>>219 isは間違って入ってるだけでしょう。 Not only did i find it, but it's so beautiful. 本を見つけたというだけでなく、それはとても綺麗なんだ。 did i find = i found です。Not only のあとはこうやって書くというだけです。
i was traveling with a bunch of random people i met the first morning in the hostel.. i was making friends quickly as my backpack was left in los angeles, so i was wondering about the hostel all the morning waiting for my bag and being my general friendly self.
歴史的かって? うん、その通り。 おもしろい? 確かに。 じゃ、野球の歴史に残る記念碑的大記録なの? いいや、違うね。 イチローの記録はシアトル・マリナーズのファンには大事件だった。だって、今年は他にいいことがなにもなかったもの。 野球の歴史の中では、シスラーの1920年の安打記録「257」は記念碑的な数字というわけじゃない。イチローが今シーズンに 何本打っても、それは同じこと。 ベーブ・ルースの714本塁打は記念碑だ。ハンク・アーロンの755本塁打もそうだ。マーク・マクガイアのシーズン最多本塁打記録 70本、バリー・ボンズの73本の記録、それにウィリアムズの打率.406、ジョー・ディマジオの56試合連続安打もまたしかり。 イチローをけなしてる訳じゃないよ。今彼ほどの選手は他にいないし、見ててすごくおもしろい。でも、彼は脇役クラスの選手だ。 打線が貧打の場合(今年のマリナーズの場合ね)、この安打記録なんか綿菓子みたいなもんだ。 He doesn't get himself to second or third enough to make a significant difference. おめでとう、イチロー。これはレコードブックの一つの記録だ。だけど、丸々1ページを割いて乗せるほどの記録じゃないんだよ。 ところで、さっきの質問の答えは? 215本打ったヴァーノン・ウェルズ。 またウィリアムズが打率.406を記録したシーズンの最多安打選手は、218本打ったワシントン・セネターズのセシル・トラビス。 思い出せるかい? 知らなかっただろ?
He doesn't get himself to second or third enough to make a significant difference. これだけ訳せない。文の意味はわかるけど、なんのこと言ってるのかわからないでし 誰か教えてちょーよ
どなたか和訳お願いします!! Here the silhouette in paint of a man mowing a lawn. Here, as in a photograph, a womwn bent to pick flowers. Still farther over, their images burned on wood in an instant, a small boy, hands flung into the air; higher up, the image of a thrown ball, and opposite him a girl, her hands to catch a ball which never came down. 全然わかりませんでした。どなたか助けて下さい。
They argue few waves will reach the bottom of the building since the antenna is located on top of the tower and electromagnetic signals travel horizontally. この英語のだいたいの意味はわかるんですけど、文法がよくわからな くて訳せません><どなたか訳していただけますかっ???
>>245 「彼らは・・・と主張する。」 ・・・はfew waves will reach the bottom of the building 「わずかの電波しかその建物の下に届かないだろう」 since以下にその理由が2つ示されてる ひとつはthe antenna is located on top of the tower 「アンテナは塔のてっぺんにある」 もうひとつはelectromagnetic signals travel horizontally 「電磁波は水平に飛ぶ」
1、She was working for poor people (as hard as ever). 2、She is (as) great a writer and poet (as ever) lived. 3、This book is (as) easy (as any) book on biology I know. 4、Are you going to pay (as much as) 50,000yen for the shoes? 1、彼女は、貧しい人々のもとで相変わらず熱心に働いていました。 2、彼女はこの上なく偉大な作家そして詩人です。 3、この本は、私が知っている生物学についての本と同じくらい簡単です。 4、くつに50,000円も払うつもりですか。 ( )内の語句に注意して英文を訳せという問題なんです。 訳はあってるでしょうか?間違ってたら訂正していただけないでしょうか? お願いします。
文章の一部で、the constitution preempting from ordinay democratic politics too large a share of the political choices a country may expect to face ある国が直面することを予期する政治的選択の大部分を 通常の民主政治から防止する憲法っていうことでいいんでしょうか? preempt from とtoo large a share of がわかりません。 和訳のアドバイスおねがいします。
I applied myself to the perusal of our writers; and noting whatever might be of use to ascertain or illustrate any word or phrase, accumulated in time the materials of a dictionary. (Johnson)
A young schoolteacher from Yokohama who looked in for 15 minutes one evening brought a bottle of whisky as a calling present, and dismissed my protests by saying that he had hundreds more at home- the parents brought one every time they came to discuss their child’s progress.
they had hired a car.. 2 girls from serbia, 1 girl from the US (who turned out to be a pain in the arse.. get to that later), and 2 aussies..(and i simpy was invited to join them.. when 5 girls ask a guy to join them, not many guys would decline the offer would they?!) and it was a strange experience.. i got on very well with the 2 serbian girls.. we met and left on such a whim'.. but one girl in particular(the american girl) just took a disliking to me and i was really upset.. because i didnt understand.. i had done nothing. she was just someone who thinks she is always right and better than others..she wouldnt respect what i had to say or what i wanted to do, or my opinions etc.
It's time you got smart enough to realize that you can't outsmart the guy who knows your fledging days. Jimmy Jones never did that, instead he wanted my direction in case of technical difficulties especially when he faced the same situation as you did. Smart guy. Good guy. He left. I miss him. We saved the committed deliveries and the business was successful. Those were the days.
the selfishness of the setting sun which burns a cheek -- if the order of the east where influence of the west where the air boy who melts and dies to a lukewarm temperature forgets normal temperature and reality, three will be counted in if the cat of eye green a girl makes a dream intently cries, and the inside darkness of darkness and heat are mixed is trivial turns away its eyes seen if it wakes up [ of the true transitory world of the nothingness which begins to be out of order ], it is useful, and it does not have お願いします
At the check-in counter, a ticket agent looks at the air ticket and the passport, and the baggage is checked in. The check-in desk displays the name of the airline, and possibly also lists your flight number over it. A stand-by passenger is a potential passenger who appears at the check-in counter of an airport and waits for a last-minute seat availability. 宜しくお願いします。
When I find my self in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom Let it be And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom Let it be Let it be, let it be, Let it be,let it be Whisper words of wisdom Let it be And when the broken-hearted people Living in the world agree There will be an answer Let it be And when the night is cloudy There is still a light that shines on me Shine until tomorrow Let it be I wake up to the sound of music Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom Let it be お願いします。
You think your a man but your only a boy, You think your a man but your only a toy, You think your a man but you just couldn't see, You Weren't man enough to satisfy me.
The final phase of training is with the dog's new owner,who must learn to work with dog as a team.Training the new owner an essential part of succesful match between dog and master. 訓練の最後の段階は、チームとして働くことを学ばなければ ならないその犬の新しい犬のオーナーと一緒だ(?)。 新しい主人を訓練することは、犬と主人の成功的な組み合わせ(?) にとって不可欠だ。
>>313 自分で教科書を写したつもりだったんですが、 2行目 with 'the' dog as a team.Training the new owner 'is' the とis が抜けてました、すみません。 >>314 一行目の訳、だいぶ違ってたんですね。 ここ確認してよかった。 どうもありがとうございます。
He said he hoped a combination of cloning and genetic engeering would enable such benefits as producing the clotting factor needed by hemopfiliac patients, and the widespread removal of animal organs to be put into humans.
>>335 He got a nice reception coming out, but (he) hardly (got) a superstar's ovation. と考えれば良いのかな? とすれば、 「彼は出てきたとき気持ちのよい歓迎を受けたが、 スーパースターへの熱烈な歓迎、というほどでもなかっ た」でどうですか?
I am preparing your new order minus your last credit regarding 30% discount on last order. Please also note that we received an order back from you with 8 SLOGAN T Shirts. Do you want us to send them back to you again with your new order ?
>>364 > We have the same sense of humor, that East Coast sort of thing. > I will be sitting on-set, reading my lines, > and he'll just give me the finger.
Dear Penis, I don't think I like you anymore. You used to watch me shave, Now all you do is stare at the floor. Oh dear Penis, I don't like you anymore.
It used to be you and me, a paper towel and a dirty magazine. That's all we needed to get by. Now it seems things have changed, and I think that you're the one to blame. Dear Penis, I don't like you anymore
(He sings)
Dear Rodney, I don't think I like you anymore. 'Cause when you get to drinkin', You put me places I've never been before. Dear Rodney, I don't like you anymore.
Why can't we just get a grip On our man-to-hand relationship And come to terms with truly how we feel?
If we put our heads together, We'd just stay home forever. Dear Penis, I think I like you afterall. Oh and Rodney, while you're shaving, shave my balls.
Just as a helicopter can perform feats that put ordinary planes to shame,so hummingbirds can fly rings around other birds‐forward,backward and even upside down.
下記文の日本語訳をお願い致します。 There are two views on higher education: "nice' non-work' if you can get it, paid for by those who can't," or "a productive investment for the country benefiting the educated and uneducated alike." 2行目からの訳がわかりません。 宜しくお願い致します。
I have had applied for an other job within AA company, and had to make a lot of preparation for the interview. My husbond did the same. He das luckily get a job at a advertising company. Ihave applied because Iam little bit tired of my job now. But next year when I will not get this job I will start fly partime. 75% And the other reason is a that I need a new goal and chalange in my work.
How many times have you looked up the definition of a certain word? Ideally, you shouldn't have to look up the definition of a word more than once--that is, if you memorize the definition.
The examinations were open to most men in Chinese society; excluded were members of certain occupation and, hardly surprising given the patriarchal nature of traditional chinese society, women.
given the patriarchal nature of あたりがうまく訳せず全体の文意も差別してるのか逆に すべての人が受け入れられてるのか分からなく… どうぞよろしくお願いします。
Do we visit that famous beach on this sightseeing tour of the city? Hydrofoil boats give a good service between Hong Kong and Macao. For the boarding procedures, international flight passengers are requested to pass through customs, passport control and security checks.
If they invoke cause at all, it is only when high correlations are involved;but we want to base causal inferences on procedures that reduce the uncertainty about connections even thoug this uncertainty can never be reduced to zero.
Do not rob yourselves of the opprtunity which you might otherwise have had to gain knowledge, wisdom, and experience, by hearing those whom you silence by your impertinent talking in their presence.
●From the viewpoint of environmentalists,the earth is under a twofold attack from human beings―the excessive demands and wasteful habits of wealthy populations of developed countries ,and the billions of new mouths born in the developing world who very naturally hope to increase their own consumption levels. ●This in turn has led a number of environmentalist voices―the Worldwatch Institute,Greenpeace,the United Nations Population Fund―to describe the entire issue as a race against time. ●In their view,if we do nothing to stabilize the world's total population,restrain the wasteful use of energy,foodstuffs,and other raw materials ,and control damage to the environment,as soon as possible,then before very long we will have so overpopulated and ruined the earth that we will pay a heavy price for our collective neglect. 3つの文です。すごく長いんですがお願いします。
>>436 such that 構文で、 まったく互いに身に知らないあつまりだったので〜 といった風に訳す方が適切と思われ。
また、sees a ghostは、次のopportunityと対になっており、
idiomのghost of chanceといった意味だと思いますよ。
ghost of chanceは、AHDのイディオム辞書では次のように説明してあります。
ghost of a chance. (or Chinaman's chance) An extremely slim chance, a hopeless undertaking. Both versions are most often put negatively, as in He hasn't a Chinaman's chance of finishing the work in time, or They haven't a ghost of a chance to get as far as the playoffs. The first term, now considered offensive, dates from the late 1800s when many Chinese immigrants came to work in California and were resented because they worked for lower wages. Its precise allusion is unclear. The variant, which relies on the meaning of ghost as an insubstantial shadow, dates from the mid-1800s. [AHD Idioms]
Since the Civil Rights Movement did not live up to all it promises, tension continued among the two racial groups. The whites still used unflattering names such as nigger, jig and spade for the blacks, while the blacks retorted with whitey, honky and ofay.
●Similar changes have been observed in many parts of the world as the availability of N fertilizer has helped to facilitate a profound change in cropping patterns. ●This has lead to a shift from mixed and multiple-cropping systems with relatively closed and self-sustaining N cycles to intensively managed monocultures with large N inputs in the form of synthetic fertilizers. ●However, in some low-income developing countries this shift has also been welcomed, in that the cycle low-input low-output technologies that are perceived to perpetuate human drudgery with the ever present risk of hunger is broken.
Q- Is there any chance you can get one of your interns to record one of your & Brett's upcoming shows and send me a CDR of it? I promise I don't bootleg, and in exchange I'd use my tangential talent for wordiness to write blisteringly positive promotional reviews. cos quite frankly i cant be arsed and if my princess of doom found me doing that kind of stuff on a subday afternoon she'd get me a job
Some Japanese also contrast the international turmoil of the contemporary world with the strict peace and order of Tokugawa times, forgetting the harsh personal suppression which accompanied this earlier system. To them peace and tranquility seem more attainable through the avoidance of international contracts in so far as possible. Internationalization, therefore, is a dubious and slightly repellent term, But they are grossly mistaken in there concepts. Japan is like a creature that has become muth too large for its old protective.
August 10 I arrived at Christchurch in the morning. My host mother, Jane, met me at the airport. ★On our drive home, she asked me many questions about my life. She was very kind and had an outgoing personality. I was looking forward to staying with her and her husband for ten days. Jane is a librarian and her husband, Paul, is a high-school teacher. When we arrived at her house, Jane first showed me to my room. It was her son's room, who was away at college. ★While I was unpacking, I heard Jane call me to lunch. The lasagna she served was delicious. After lunch, Jane and Paul told me about the history of Christchurch. ★According to Paul, the four trees standing beside the cathedral in the center of the town symbolize the four ships in which the original settlers came to Christchurch. Chosen be the Church of England, about 800 settlers arrived at the end of 1850. I wish I had studied the history of Christchurch more thoroughly before I came.
Unable under modern conditions to grow a new and bigger shell, it must devise new means to protect itself. Internationalization is obviously the only means Lapan has to continue its prosperity and survive in peace.
>>473 ★On our drive home, she asked me many questions about my life 車で家に向かう途中、彼女は私の生活についてたくさん質問をしました。 On our drive homeはon one's way(〜へ行く途中に)の変形。
★While I was unpacking, I heard Jane call me to lunch 荷ほどきをしている間、ジェーンが昼食のため(「昼食ですよ」と)私を呼ぶ声が聞こえました。
According to Paul, [the four trees]<= (standing beside the cathedral in the center of the town) [symbolize] [the four ships]<= <in which the original settlers came to Christchurch.>
Unable under modern conditions to grow a new and bigger shell, it must devise new means to protect itself. Internationalization is obviously the only means Japan has to continue its prosperity and survive in peace.
There are few records of Newton's personal life. He avoided publicity, and evidently would have been content to have lived and died without communicating a single of his discoveries. Whenever he was persuaded to speak or white of them he became involved in argument and dispute, which he hated strongly.
>>467 >>477 で意味はおおむねよい。ただ最後の1行は間違い。 Japan is like a creature that has become muth too large for its old protective. 日本は古い保護的な殻に対してはるかに大きくなりすぎてしまった生物のよう なものだ。 (古い殻から脱皮する時期だ、という主張)
>>437の続きなんですが、お願いします。 This viewpoint,which challenges the assumption that growth is desirable andeconomic output is the most useful measure of a country's material success,has provoked counter-attacks from many economists. In the optimists'opinion,natural resources are not an absolute amount thatis steadily being depleted;rather,many resources are created through humaninventiveness and lavor,and technology has an infinite capacity for producting new resources. The scarcity of a commodity,such as petroleum,leads to the search for and discovery of fresh stocks and the creation of alternative forms of energy,alarm at the levels of world food production leads to significant increases in agricultural productivity from breakthroughs in biotechnology,and so on. お願いします。
however, the 2 people i really got on well with, and one in particular,really made the trip worthwhile and i learnt a lot from them.. the world is an amazing place, and they told me some amazing stories and experiences from their home in serbia.. now living in the US.. and have many things behind them.. they really impressed me by noticing all the beauty around them. they would stop in the trails and point out things such as butterflys, dew on the leaves, snails.. all the little things we so often walk right by. they were very passionate about nature, and had come to costa rica partly for that very reason.i loved the hard rocky pot-hole filled roads we had to travel.. it was very hard on our car,but serves the purpose of limiting damaging tourists.. no tour bus larger than a 4x4 would make it anywhere near here!.. keeping the nature as it is for a long time i hope.
Stereotypes can be helpful or harmful, depending on how they are used. Effective stereotyping allows people to act appropriately in new or unfamiliar situations. They are helpful when we want to make generalizations about a group. However, we should never judge a person based on stereotypes. We must be open to gaining more specific information and be ready to modify the stereotypes as we interact with individual people.
Finally, here is a humorous list of "Minimum Qualifications" for overseas employees of a multinational firm. The employee must have the:
1. Precision of an Italian 2. Generosity of a Dutchman 3. Humility of German 4. Charm of Soviet 5. Linguistic ability of an American 6. Ready-wit of a Scandinavian 7. Internationalism of an Englishman 8. Road manners of a Frenchman 9. Diplomacy of an Israel 10. Culture of an Australian 11. Decisiveness of a Japanese 12. Impulsiveness of a Chines
What justification might there be for a series of introductions to language study? After all, linguistics is already well served with introductory texts: expositions and explanations which are comprehensive and authoritative and excellent in their way.
This is the house in that our teacher lives.の文でthatがwhichになるらしいんですが、なぜかわかりません。あとThe pen I lost it yesterday was new.で、lostの後にwhichが入り、itがなくなることを説明したいのですが、これも分からないのでどなたか教えてください!!
>>532 本当はスレ違いで、中高質問スレに行ってほしいんだけども、しょうがないので。 前置詞のあとに関係詞が生じることがあるんだけど、その時関係詞thatは使えません。 <lostの件>関係詞を用いた文を作るときの基本ですね。 The pen; I lost it(=the pen) まず、二番目に出てきた指示代名詞は適切な関係代名詞に置き換えます。 I lost which 関係詞は疑問詞と一緒で、節(I lost it全体)の先頭に持っていかなければなりませんので、 which I lostとします。後は、これをもともとのthe penの後に置いてやればいいわけです。 The pen which I lost (yesterday) was . . .
What justification might there be for a series of introductions to language study? After all, linguistics is already well served with introductory texts: expositions and explanations which are comprehensive and authoritative and excellent in their way. Generally speaking, however, their way is the essentially academic one of providing a detailed initiation into the discipline of linguistics, and they tend to be lengthy and technical: appropriately so, given their purpose. But they can be quite daunting to the novice. There is also a need for a more general and gradual introduction to language: transitional texts which will ease people into an understanding of complex ideas. This series of introductions is designed to serve this need.
THREEPIO: Well, I'm not going that way. It's much too rocky. This way is much easier.
Artoo counters with a long whistle.
THREEPIO: What makes you think there are settlements over there? Artoo continues to make beeping sounds.
THREEPIO: Don't get technical with me. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Artoo continues to make beeping sounds.
THREEPIO: What mission? What are you talking about? I've had just about enough of you! Go that way! You'll be malfunctioning within a day, you nearsighted scrap pile!
get tough with a person 人につらく当たる,厳しくする. get ratty with a person 人に腹を立てる. get savage with a person 人に激しく腹を立てる. get smart with a person 人に対して生意気に振る舞う[口答えする] get [or be] fresh with a person. 人になれなれしくする. Don't get familiar with me! なれなれしくしないでください. Don't get funny with me, young man! おい若いの,でかい態度を取るんじゃないよ.
Taro is high school student visiting England for the summer. Because of his interest in the environment,he visits the Millennium Seed Bank in Sussex. A guide talks about the project.
how many of you have seen the movie Jurassic Park? IT is an exiciting movie about what happens when some scientists bring dinosaurs back to life. The dinosaurs have been extinct for millions and millions of years,but they are brought back to life by using their DNA. DNA is a molecule with a code that contains everything needed to build a living thing. Some scientists believe that if you have its DNA,you can make a living thing that has become extinct. But up until now,no one has been able to bring an extinct animal back to life. Jurassic Park is science fiction. What would you think if I told you that living things that have become extinct can be brought back to life? What if I told you that this is not science fiction but science fact? Would you believe me. Look at this plant. Would you believe that this plant was once extinct and that it has been brought back to life? Well, it is true
He does not consider that the other experiences a benefit as well, from having the chance to add to a drawing fund of social capital available at a future time of need.
もちろん辞書は引いたのですが、分からなかったのでこちらで聞いてみました。 一応、リーダーズ、ランダムハウス、ジーニアスは引いたつもりです。しかし、 get with を引いても適切な日本語訳には行き当たりません。get 単体でも 同様です。 >>562 の一連の例には、get を引いても辿り着くことはできず、 get XXXX with の XXXX 部分の語を引かなければいけないのでは? ですので、>>560 さんがおっしゃる、「下地」がないとダメ、にはなるほど、 と思ってしまいました。
however, the 2 people i really got on well with, and one in particular,really made the trip worthwhile and i learnt a lot from them.. the world is an amazing place, and they told me some amazing stories and experiences from their home in serbia.. now living in the US.. and have many things behind them.. they really impressed me by noticing all the beauty around them. they would stop in the trails and point out things such as butterflys, dew on the leaves, snails.. all the little things we so often walk right by. they were very passionate about nature, and had come to costa rica partly for that very reason.i loved the hard rocky pot-hole filled roads we had to travel.. it was very hard on our car,but serves the purpose of limiting damaging tourists.. no tour bus larger than a 4x4 would make it anywhere near here!.. keeping the nature as it is for a long time i hope.
Instead, they argue that some companies pay higher wages than others for equivalent workers because unions restrict competition, or because managers find it desirable to share profits with workers, or because paying relatively high wages increases worker productivity and loyalty. 和訳お願いします
すいませんがこれも良く意味が分からないので和訳をお願いします…↓ Economists used to think that monopsony power went out with company towns, but an expanding line of research, thoroughly summarized in a recent book by Alan Manning called "Monopsony in Motion" (Princeton University Press, 2003), shows that monopsony power can exist even when there are many employers in a market, if workers are immobile or imperfectly informed about alternative job offerings.
For example, pilgrims traveling in traditional covered wagons or on horseback from Seville for this month's annual midsummer festival at the town of El Rocio were warned not to take their usual route across the Guadiamar. Instead they had to take the main road to avoid the layer of toxic waste which still covers the banks of the river.
相手 : i tried installing, but my computer was full 相手: i have to fix it ↑、この、一文がわからず…知りたいのです。 上は、容量がいっぱいっていっているのかな、と 思って、以下の返信をしました(英語変かもですが、ごめんなさい。) 私: it mean,,,The capacity of your computer is insufficient.?? 相手 : yes, possibly, i had to delete a lot of things
相手の反応から、とりあえず、意味は通じてるようですが、 i have to fix itが、わからないままです。
たくさん容量あけるために、ファイル消さないとっていってるとおもって、 無理させてもいやだから、無理ならいいよっていいたくて、以下の文を打ちました。 私: i see.... Is it serious that you do a game to me? Does it say, if impossible? 私: Probably, you have some which are erased and troubled.
相手 : my computer just ran low on space and it did not install is all
…この返信もわからなくて、結局相手が再インストが困難なのか 判断がつきませんでした。
しばらく別の会話があって、英語の単語についてわたしが 聞いた返事が以下ですが、全くわかりませんでした。 相手 : i shall look the meaning up in a little bit
わからないと言ったら言い直してくれたのが以下ですが、 それでも私はわかりませんでした…。 相手 : meaning, i shall look at the meaning, momentarily (in a little while)
>>613 相手 : my computer just ran low on space and it did not install is all おいらのマシン、空き容量少なくて (and 以下不明)
相手 : i shall look the meaning up in a little bit 相手 : meaning, i shall look at the meaning, momentarily (in a little while) look up 検索する、look at 調べる、ってな意味だから、 単語の意味についてちょっと調べてみるよ、ってことでない?
Reviewers did not suggest that the book was young adult literature, or that it belonged in adolescent collections; perhaps that is why no one mentioned the book's language or violence.
When an individual asks a favor from another, thus incurring an obligation, he does so because it brings him a needed benefit. He does not consider that the other experiences a benefit as well, from having the chance to add to a drawing fund of social capital available at a future time of need.
Reviewers did not suggest that the book was young adult literature, or that it belonged in adolescent collections; perhaps that is why no one mentioned the book's language or violence.
however, the 2 people i really got on well with, and one in particular,really made the trip worthwhile and i learnt a lot from them.. the world is an amazing place, and they told me some amazing stories and experiences from their home in serbia.. now living in the US.. and have many things behind them.. they really impressed me by noticing all the beauty around them. they would stop in the trails and point out things such as butterflys, dew on the leaves, snails.. all the little things we so often walk right by. they were very passionate about nature, and had come to costa rica partly for that very reason.i loved the hard rocky pot-hole filled roads we had to travel.. it was very hard on our car,but serves the purpose of limiting damaging tourists.. no tour bus larger than a 4x4 would make it anywhere near here!.. keeping the nature as it is for a long time i hope.
however, the 2 people i really got on well with, and one in particular,really made the trip worthwhile and i learnt a lot from them.. the world is an amazing place, and they told me some amazing stories and experiences from their home in serbia.. now living in the US.. and have many things behind them.. they really impressed me by noticing all the beauty around them. they would stop in the trails and point out things such as butterflys, dew on the leaves, snails.. all the little things we so often walk right by. they were very passionate about nature, and had come to costa rica partly for that very reason.i loved the hard rocky pot-hole filled roads we had to travel.. it was very hard on our car,but serves the purpose of limiting damaging tourists.. no tour bus larger than a 4x4 would make it anywhere near here!.. keeping the nature as it is for a long time i hope.
今STニコライの本を明後日協会で子供たちに見せたいため 絵本を必死に訳してます。どうしても分からないところがあるので 教えてくださいお願いします In the land of lycia a long time ago to blest Nonna and Theophanes did god show His love in giving to them a son ----- Saint Nicholas,who is known to everyone.
however, the 2 people i really got on well with, and one in particular,really made the trip worthwhile and i learnt a lot from them.. the world is an amazing place, and they told me some amazing stories and experiences from their home in serbia.. now living in the US.. and have many things behind them.. they really impressed me by noticing all the beauty around them. they would stop in the trails and point out things such as butterflys, dew on the leaves, snails.. all the little things we so often walk right by. they were very passionate about nature, and had come to costa rica partly for that very reason.i loved the hard rocky pot-hole filled roads we had to travel.. it was very hard on our car,but serves the purpose of limiting damaging tourists.. no tour bus larger than a 4x4 would make it anywhere near here!.. keeping the nature as it is for a long time i hope.
'"Living in Toronto at the head of a fine research laboratory given to him by the people of Canada in recognition of his truly great contribution to humanity in the discovery of insulin, Dr Frederick A. Banting became curious about royal jelly. He requested his staff to do a basic fractional analysis..."'
どなたかお願いいたします 訳してくれたらチンコ晒す I thought that just getting 200 hits was unbelievable, but for this guy to go get 250-something hits, that's unheard of," said Yankees slugger Gary Sheffield.
"To go out and get that many hits, you have to be a free swinger," Sheffield said. "Your hand-eye coordination has to be good, and he uses his speed. It's something I can't comprehend
It was at my coming-of-age ceremony for a Jewish boy that I made my first speech. I was thirteen years old.At first, I didn't know what to talk about. Finally, I decided to talk about a topic I knew very well - my father. He had died three years before. I recalled my walks and talks with my father down Howard Avenue to Saratoga Park. There he would buy me ice cream and say "But don't tell your mother. She might think it's too close to dinner" Having ice cream in the parl with my father was very nice, but for me, it was our talks that were more important. He'd often talk to me about the Yankees' great players.He'd ask me what I learned in Hebrew school that day. I shared these memories with my audience, and I told them that when I thought of my father, I always remembered our talks in Saratoga Park. Some of the audience said nice things to me after I finished my speech, and I was glad I had shared my memories with them.
どなたかお願いいたします I thought that just getting 200 hits was unbelievable, but for this guy to go get 250-something hits, that's unheard of," said Yankees slugger Gary Sheffield.
"To go out and get that many hits, you have to be a free swinger," Sheffield said. "Your hand-eye coordination has to be good, and he uses his speed. It's something I can't comprehend
Natasha visited Japan for concerts in 1996 and 1998 as a member of Chervona Kalina. The group was invited by the Chernobyl Children's Fund, Japan, headed by Hirokawa Ryuichi, a photojournalist. They were a great hit. In 1999, Natasha visited Japan again and went on to give many solo performances. The money raised at the concerts was used for the sick children.
Natasha visited Japan for concerts in 1996 and 1998 as a member of Chervona Kalina. The group was invited by the Chernobyl Children's Fund, Japan, headed by Hirokawa Ryuichi, a photojournalist. They were a great hit. In 1999, Natasha visited Japan again and went on to give many solo performances. The money raised at the concerts was used for the sick children.
Indeed, when the spokesmen of the friendly societies tried to oppose the introduction of state old age pensions, fearing this would rival their own system, the bulk of the members defied them and voted in favour. をどなたかお願いします。
Until about 500 years ago, most people belived that supernatural forces controlled nature. If something happened, the cause was said to be controlled by God or gods, or some kind of magical force.Then in the 16th century, early scientists began to question this belief. They claimed that reality could be explained by observing, experimenting, and reasoning.
Socrates had this to say about death: "To fear death is nothing other than to think oneself wise when one is not. For it is to think one knows what one does not know. No one knows whether death may not even turn out to be the greatest blessings of human beings. And yet people fear it as if they knew for certain it is the greatest evil." お願いします。
"If I lived a billion years more, in my body or yours, there's not a single experience on earth that could ever be as good as being dead. Nothing." お願いします。
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教授からのメールなんですが・・・ You should explain in the instructions EITHER that the answers can be different in different blanks in the same question OR that the answers must all be the same.
In the first, a separate team of experts(the B team) was established to review evidence concerning Soviet strategic developments and determine if it supported conclusions other than those of the writers of the previous year's national intelligence estimate(the A team).
アメリカの通販を利用したらトラブルです。 結局キャンセルしたのですがお金が中々返ってきません。 「my bad, you are the wrong person I refunded. I will get it straight once I get the shipment back from customs」 これってなんて言ってきてるのでしょうか?悪口の様に見えるのですが。 翻訳機を使うと、習慣を直線で。と出るし・・・?意味が良くわかりません。
White took the lead in drafting a Treasury Department proposal to extend a large, thirty-five-year, low-interest loan to Moscow and to grant it half of the proposed German war reparations of twenty billion dollars.
A long long long time ago the Northlands were much colder than they are now. It was so-o-o cold that ー you may not believe this ー even thoughts froze. If you thought,"How cold it is!" for example,letters of ice appeared above your head and everyone could read your mind. So in the cold Northlands everyone tried not to think; everyone was afraid that everyone else might read their thoughts.No bears, no penguins,no sealsーnobody thought anything.
A long long long time ago the Northlands were much colder than they are now. It was so-o-o cold that ー you may not believe this ー even thoughts froze. If you thought,"How cold it is!" for example,letters of ice appeared above your head and everyone could read your mind. So in the cold Northlands everyone tried not to think; everyone was afraid that everyone else might read their thoughts.No bears, no penguins,no sealsーnobody thought anything.
I have been able to meet my great friend monique here in costa rica.. just by chance we happen to be in the same place along our corresponding travels. The past night i was staying at her house.. she was traveling through central america and just decided to stop here and has just started renting a room in an apartment.. hoping, though not too hard, to find a job.. and then stay for a few months.
Thus, an emphasis on knowledge of foreign societies and cultures is an important corrective to this error. Expertise can be fostered by a study of the language and history of a country,by an awareness of its religious and cultural traditions, and so forth.
There are many reasons why I love this story. It shows how somebody brought the things he learned from his experience abroad back to Japan, it shows how persistence and determination pay off. お願いします。
Approach pedestrians sporting the OGF colours, and target them with the R1 button. You are given an option, select 'up', or 'down' on the D-Pad, and if the recruit returns your offer with a gang symbol, they're now a part of your team. The new system allows you to target your recruits with R1, and you have the ability to make them defend you, attack opponents, or simply follow you.
The rapidity with which they can give up what was recently adopted suggests their coolness in dealing with foreign cultures --a coolness that seems to hide beneath the exterior of change the constancy of their own culture.
The cat,playing with the mouse before it suddenly kills it, is behaving as it would with any small moving object which gives an opportunity of exercising its skill in catching and pouncing.
We recently received the application and your refinance request was approved with $598 sav i ng compared to your current montly payment. The application is pending your approval - at the moment If you are authorize the complition of this application please enter additional information using secure link below Next =>
The same solution―for example,competitive analysis―may be helpful or harmful, depending on whether the system suffers from too much conformity with the conventional wisdom (in which case a strong, unified intelligence voice may be necessary to bring international realities to the fore).
I have been able to meet my great friend monique here in costa rica.. just by chance we happen to be in the same place along our corresponding travels. The past night I was staying at her house.. she was traveling through central america and just decided to stop here and has just started renting a room in an apartment.. hoping, though not too hard, to find a job.. and then stay for a few months.
these past two weeks have sucked royaly. I had the first three midterms for Sociology, Accounting, and Japanese last week, followed by an uber emotional fall break. First off, thank you so much for talking with me Kristen, I am feeling a whole lot better. But it looks as though I am going to break it off with jen at some point. I'm not sure when or how that will happen (have you ever tried breaking up with a nice guy?? It sucks, all ill feelings lie on you), and the language barrier is definately not helping. I also got into some situations with Jun, that I probably shouldn't have seeing how I have a boyfriend. And then on top of all that, Sarku Japan man has reentered my life, and I am so having impure thoughts. Gah, jen needs to live closer, then I wouldn't have any problems. My main concern is that the thing about a long distance relationship, is that eventually it stops being long distance at one point. But between me and jen, we have very different futures. I want to live in America, and he wants to live in Japan; I want to speak Enlgish, and he will speak Japanese. hmm. I donno what to do. Its hard to bring this up with him because my japanese lacks any sort of finesse so I'm not sure how to approach this subject without hurting him. I'll probably end up calling him after writing myself a speech.
One day,Wal-Rus was lying on his own special piece of ice.His eyes were closed. He was just thinking,”Well,Well..."And these letters were floating over his head. Suddenly E-El put her head up out of the sea."Hey,Wal,you Know what?"she said "Uh?what?"he answered slowly."I've just come back from the Southlands. It's hot there!So hot that your thoughts don't freeze." "Is that right?" "Yeah.It's true!So,even if someone looks at you and thinks to himself that you have a very big bottom, you can't read his thoughts. It's too hot for the letters to freeze."
cd is in very good condition (cd shows some surface wear, though plays PERFECTLY; WRITING on NON-PLAY side of cd and on FRONT INSERT.....5 STAR seller!! 1700+ happy customers....ships fassst!!
Our home, the things we did, the kinds of summer trips we took were much like those of our friends. But my brother and I provided our selves with many of the things our friends' parents provided them with, eventually even paying most of our own way through college.
The Faraday Packaging Partnership supports companies looking to enhance packaging in the food and drink,personal care,household, healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors. We provide insight and R&D effort focused on: increasing consumer value improving pack usability and functionality integrating emotion and other senses enhancing brand communication All leading to the ultimate in consumer value - the 'wow' factor.
Perhaps you can read this slightly better, I cant be sure, Anyways, I have no problem with japanese either, My cousin is half japanese, She was born in Kawasa
通りすがりの者です。 おとりこみちゅうすいませんが、いかの英文を訳してください。 できなければ無視して結構です。 A solid oxide fuel cell stack includes a fuel cell unit consisting of a fuel cell framed by a cell holder plate and upper and lower cushioning elements. The fuel cell unit is stacked with flow field seals and solid flow separator plates. The fuel cell thus floats without direct contact with rigid stack elements.
This item belonged to a radio station and has the call letters written all over the disc and artwork. However this does not affect the playability of the CD.
These are also examples of ad hoc devil’s adovocates, established to look at one particular problem and motivated by an already-existing sense that the previous understanding of it had been flawed.
As a man and musician, Liszt's aim was not to try to portray the precise story or plot in musical terms, as Berlioz had so valiantly achieved in his 'Symphonie fantastique'. This was rather an expression of the subject matter, as far as Liszt was concerned, and intimate friends, like von Bulow, conductor, composer and pianist, or his mistress, the Princess Sayn-Wittgenstein, as well as other people, had provided their own personal descriptions, which devalued Liszt's achievement. "An expression of an idea, whether literary, humanistic, dramatic, or atmospheric" as Liszt's late biographer, Humphrey Searle, describes it, is far more important, and much more original. If today's audiences wish to read their own story into the music, when listening, it is a matter for them. よろしくお願いします。
The Faraday Packaging Partnership supports companies looking to enhance packaging in the food and drink,personal care,household, healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors. We provide insight and R&D effort focused on: increasing consumer value improving pack usability and functionality integrating emotion and other senses enhancing brand communication All leading to the ultimate in consumer value - the 'wow'factor.
I have been able to meet my great friend monique here in costa rica.. just by chance we happen to be in the same place along our corresponding travels. The past night i was staying at her house.. she was traveling through central america and just decided to stop here and has just started renting a room in an apartment.. hoping, though not too hard, to find a job.. and then stay for a few months.
The information they contain is rarely the reason for our interest in them; the source of their fascination is the eloquence and angle of vision of the lecture. What makes such presentations worthwhile is the opportunity they afford of seeing, and asking questions about, how another human being perceives the world.
You know, I used to wish that terrible things would happen to me so I could get...experience. To have incredible things happen to me while I was still young. So I'd have these great stories to tell. But nothing ever did happen to me. I guess all this is now a part of my experience.
In traffic signs, green, the color of nature and harmony, is used as the opposite of red to mean "safe to go". Perhaps because we associate darkness and "the night" with death, clothes at funerals are black to acknowledge mourning, whereas at carnivals we put together as many bright, primary colors as possible.
Child needs to know what ideals are important in order to make choices that will shape his life and view of the world.
It had been years since I had worked as a waitress,bat the idea of a job that would keep me so busy I wouldn't have time to think of my heartache appealed to me.
>>963 アメリカの「ミランダ告知」 1. You have the right to remain silent. あなたには黙っている権利があります。 2. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. あなたが言うことは何であれ法廷であなたに不利に使われるかも しれません。
1, This river is (widest) here. 2,This river is (the widest) in this country. 3,The car can run 150 kilometers per hour (at best). 4,Sweet potatoes are (at their best) in winter. 1,この川はここで最も広い。 2,この川はこの国において最も広い。 3自動車は、最高の状態でもしぜい時速150キロしかでません。 4サツマイモは冬に最高の状態になります。 ( )内に注意して訳せという問題ですがあってますでしょうか? 添削よろしくお願いします。
I have met some very friendly costa rican people. the people running the place where we were staying for a couple nights in monteverde basically gave us the run of the place..I think they felt outnumbered .. we were 6. one evening, Tina decided to have a craving for mulled wine, being a cold and wet evening (its rainy season.. and every afternoon and evening it has usually been raining.. although the other night I slept outside on a hammock and it didnt rain..lucky)...mulled wine not being a specialty of costarica, they had no idea what we were asking them, but asked us to come into the kitchen and show them. So we made mulled wine together and got merry' in the restaurant with the whole staff after cooking' up another few bottles.
Our appologies on this. The payment copy we had only showed a 100 payment and we did not think that shipping was included in that price since normally they are seperated. We will ship her out on Tuesday. Again, our appologies on this mixup.
How important is it to pray to the Virgin Mary? How, in specific and real terms, could I live each moment knowing who I am and who I want to be? If I ask to be wealthy, how do I act first? Thanks a million! お願いします。