“For the second time in 108 years, Greece stands before you as host country of the 注:「greatest celebration of humanity」,” said the games’ chief organizer, Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki. “ http://msnbc.msn.com/ID/5686391/ Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki President, Athens 2004 Organizing Committee http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_23/b3886187.htm http://www.sankei.co.jp/news/040814/kok021.htm 北朝鮮からの脱出者を支援するドイツ人医師ノルベルト・フォラツェン(Nobert Vollertsten)氏(46)と、日本と韓国の非政府組織(NGO)のメンバーら約10人は13日、 中国政府が脱出者を北朝鮮に強制送還しているとして批判し、2008年の北京五輪をボイコットするようアテネ五輪の開会式会場前で訴えた。 The general secretary of the Asian Football Confederation, Mr Peter Velappan of Malaysia, raised the issue of the 2008 Olympics in a searing criticism of Chinese manners. 'This is not sportsmanship,' he said. 'Chinese people have great culture, education and history but the behaviour here today...well, I'm not so sure that Beijing can host a good Olympics.' http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/commentary/story/0,4386,266804,00.html
Why are there so many Chinese criminals in Japan; but not anywhere else?
In Japan,Chinese often do bank jobs,rob businesses and homes. They also form gangs and roam the Japanese countryside looking for new hiests to pull.
It seems pretty well known that the Chinese as a group are responsible for a pretty large chunk of the crime committed by foreigners in Japan. Also a large percentage are here illegally.
Strange thing is that in other countries the Chinese are known for starting restaraunts or studying hard to become engineers or accountants... but not in Japan.
Shut Up, China !!! Our Prime Minister can vist Yasukuni Shrine if he wants to.
Who the hell are those Chinamen think they are for telling us what to do ? If our Prime Minister wants he can visit Yasukuni Shrine everyday. It may be against the law in Germany to honor their war criminals but our soldier who died in world war 2 are great heroes who gave up their lives to protect our homeland from Yankee invasion and they should be respected. If China doesn't like the idea of our Prime Minister visiting the Yasukuni Shrine every year then that is too bad because we don't give a shit what China likes or not.
Why does China keep asking Japan to apologise over and over again ????
Many China people talk about "apology". But few are specific about how, where, or by whom Japan should apologize to China about WW2. So, here's your chance.
What would make you happy? What apology would be enough?
My opinion is that Japan owes China nothing. Enough politicians have apologized. Plus, Japan has been giving money to China for years. in 2000, Japan gave China more than 214 BILLION yen. For what?
Asia Times Online has been running a three part series on Tibet and in Part 1 they examine the effects of the forthcoming Beijing Olympics on human rights negotiations concerning Tibet but which would also hold true for the Uygur
US gymnast accuses Japanese judge, Olympic update: ATHENS (AFP) - American gymnast Blaine Wilson accused Japanese judge Sawao Kato and Olympic gymnastics technical director Adrian Stoica of cheating after last-minute notification of reduced credit for a favored US release move. Wilson's comments will add spice to Monday's men's team final in which qualifying leaders Japan and the United States will try to dethrone reigning Olympic and world champion China.
US team officials were told Wednesday by Stoica and Kato, the high bar head judge, that the Stadler Hop Full would be scored lower than world championships in recent years by as much as two-tenths of a point.
After changing his high bar routine to add more difficulty and offset the change, Wilson fell on his new release move in men's qualifying Saturday and was so dizzy that he was unable to compete afterwards on the pommel horse.
Wilson noted that several US men performed the move at last year's World Championships in Anaheim, California, without a reduced difficulty rating.
"It's cheating," Wilson said several times.
US men's team director Ron Galimore told the Chicago Tribune that he and USA Gymnastics president Bob Colarossi met Saturday with Stoica and were told the new system should have been used last year in Anaheim even though it was not.
"You don't think mistakes like this can happen," Galimore told the newspaper. "When you do something for two world championships in a row and your team places with a silver medal, you assume if something is out of the ordinary someone would (say something)."
Regarding Wilson's cheating claim, Galimore said, "He didn't mean it like it sounded."
But Galimore thinks the controversy will add to American motivation to defeat China and Japan for gold. The US men lost to China in the world team final last year but edged third-place Japan.
"They will be motivated by it," Galimore said. "That's the way Blaine uses it. That's the way they all use it."
Fair play to those Japanese athletes who have worked their socks off and acheived a feat that none of us writing on this board will ever achieve. I don't want to take anything away from them, but the coverage of the games on JTV has been insulting and rude to other countries. The Japanese media completly misundertstand the meaning of the Olympic Games. What about love of sport for its own sake or sport as a vehicle for bringing countries together. All I see in the media here, both TV and printed media is "nippon, gambari nippon, nippon kachimashita". The focus on japan is absolute! It's as if the rest of the world doesn't exist! When Japan wins a medal you can't see the flags of the other countries when the three athletes are on the podium. Typical Japan! Small minded, nationalistic and very naive.
>>97>>103 在日は、スレがキムチ臭くなるから書き込むなよ 日本人がやる理由が、全くないだろが糞チョン! Tim Daggett氏が放送中に一言ボソっと喋ればオオノのオリンピック後の件も有るし、 視聴者は直に納得するし糞チョンの陰謀なんて軽く崩壊するんだよ。 http://www.time.com/time/sampler/article/0,8599,261114,00.html Five months ago, in an incident barely noticed in the U.S., Kim Dong Sung, a Korean short-track speed-skater was disqualified at the Salt Lake Olympics. It was American Apolo Anton Ohno who took the gold instead of the Korean. The incident inflamed millions of Koreans, who claimed that Ohno's play-acting unfairly got the Korean DQed; many Koreans still believe the race was fixed since the Americans were skating on home turf. Even weeks after the Olympics were over, the final moments of the contentious race were replayed over and over on Korean TV; Ohno was voted the most hated foreigner by Koreans. ↑今年は誰かもう決定したんだろ? 本当低俗な民族だな
"Zapanese" are Korean who speak well of Korea and ill of Japan,US,UK,China,Vietnam,etc・・・, as if ther were Japanese and they say "We are liberal Japanese !"
The origin of the name is Koreans' pronunciation. When Korean comiit crimes in foreign countrys, some of them shout "I am Zapanese ! ". ・・・・Yes, some of Japanese think that Korean cannot say "Japanese" and may say "Zapanese". So, Korean who pretend to be Japanese are called "Zapanese".
You had better know this problem. Please remenber "Zapanese"!
"Zapanese" are Korean who speak well of Korea and ill of Japan,US,UK,China,Vietnam,and etc・・・, as if they were Japanese and they say "We are liberal Japanese !"
The origin of the name is Koreans' pronunciation. When Korean comiit crimes in foreign countrys, some of them shout "I am Zapanese ! ". ・・・・Yes, some of Japanese think that Korean cannot say "Japanese" and may say "Zapanese". So, Korean who pretend to be Japanese are called "Zapanese".
You had better know this problem. Please remenber "Zapanese"!
3) Japanese girls love ONLY white people, and they are nice to ONLY white ppl
4) All Japaneses are rpoud of WWII. May be they are brainwashed by their education, but ppl are so simple-minded that they believe everything they are taught at school.
5) Living expenses are too high
6) tokyo Yokohama are too dangerous places
7) There are so many crazy things in Japan ushc as cults
8) Many Japanese ppl talk too loudly, and they don't care about others.
http://www.jref.com/forum/showthread.php?p=116021#post116021 After WWII, germany officially apologized to Jewish and to the world about assasination of Jewish. However, Japaneses still committed equally degrading crimes in the past, but never never apologize at all.I heard there are so many hatred and racism against foreigners in Japan. They are nice to ppl with light skins and discriminate other people with drk skins. I simply don't get it. Many Japaneses want to be white, and it really sounds funny
Sunday, 9 September, 2001, 03:09 GMT 04:09 UK Japan apologises to WWII victims The Japanese Foreign Minister, Makiko Tanaka, said Japanese action had left "incurable scars on many people".
Japan has repeated its apology to victims of its military aggression during World War II. Six years ago the former Japanese Prime Minister, Tomiichi Murayama, apologised for Japan's military aggression against its Asian neighbours
You shouldn't hide behind a German flag. The drift of your post becomes clearer after having established that you are obviously from Korea (not implying that all Koreans share your views on Japan!).
PS: I have updated your country flag in order to reflect your location.
>>203 結局元々はただの粘着だっただけじゃん、最初はハム選手の跳馬の得点が高過ぎると言う因縁付けていて、 それで文句を言ってる間に、チョンの平行棒での減点方式の最初の難易度を含めた評価点を低く評価した3人の誤審にも気が付いて、 後から正当な文句を言っただで、元々の動機は、だだの粘着イチャモン。 http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-olypenner22aug22,1,7813788.story August 22, 2004 ATHENS — And the cry has gone up in the homeland of Apollo: Ohno, here we go again! all of South Korea has short-track speedskating on its mind as it stares cross-eyed at this Gymgate controversy and sees, once more, the specter of Apollo Anton Ohno, taking away from Korea and giving to the United States. Athens is a long way from Utah, except in the minds of angry Koreans, who believe it's right around the corner. In their view, it is happening again: Korean athlete rightly wins the Olympic gold medal, then loses it to the American because of a suspect judging decision.
Korean officials believe Hamm's vault score of 9.137 was too high for such a blatant mistake. Then they learn Yang's start value for his parallel bars routine was under-scored by 0.1 朝鮮新聞でもそう言ってるし、結局全てただの粘着で始っただけで、チョンの性格が良くでた一件って事だね。 http://english.donga.com/srv/service.php3?bicode=070000&biid=2004082098968 Yang Tae-young (Gyeoungbuk Sports Council), who was competing in the same event, said, “I predicted a score in the eight point range. The score was too high.”
>>215 Al Jazeeraの英語サイトもまともに捜せず、誤爆する朝鮮人が何言ってるの? 訳わかんねー
Koreans flood wrong Web site on hostage South Koreans bombarded an English-language "Al Jazeera" Web site on Tuesday to urge Muslim militants not to behead a South Korean hostage, but the site did not belong to the Arabic television station of that name. http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/internet/06/22/iraq.korea.internet.reut/
>>216 Sorry if I caused your fit of the Hwanpyung!! But what I said was true! And the truth really hurt, doesn't it?? Anyway, take care of yourself! bozo!
>>228 チョン得意のファピョリで全然違うAl Jazeeraと言う名前の会社のサイトを誤爆、 また全く関係無い人達に迷惑をかける。 これだからチョンは馬鹿だって世界中で言われるんだよな http://olm.blythe-systems.com/pipermail/nytr/Week-of-Mon-20040621/002622.html Ignorance and incompetence with a keyboard: South Korean script kiddies decide for some reason that al Jazeera is a legitimate target for their rage against the Iraqi resistance, and then compound their error by hitting the wrong domain
今回のような誤審は体操界では頻繁に有る事で、韓国人もそれは知ってるはず。 どっかでプラスになって、どっかでマイナスになるので普通は誰も騒がないのが当たり前。 その証拠に、ビデオで韓国選手の演技をみたら、誤審で評価以上の点が付いてた演技を発見 チョンの誤審で減らされたと言う言い分が通ったとしても、そっちを引けば結局金は貰えません。 毎回毎回騒げばなんとかなると思ってるチョンの品度は最低だな。 he found mistakes in Yang's routine that should have cost him two-tenths of a point, but were not made. And they pointed out that the Koreans knew the rules. In team competition, the Koreans had contested a score properly.
馬鹿チョンファピョッテ反感買い捲くり 謝罪するニダ! 金メダル返せ! 本当馬鹿だね。 一見釣りとも思える程馬鹿な書き込みなんだけど、 真剣にファピョッてるだけなんだろね、本当毎回笑わせてくれる連中だな! USA(PAUL HAM AND THE JUDGES) STOLE GOLD MEDAL AT GYMNASTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! APOLOGIZE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOEVER CAN KNOW THAT PAUL HAM DIDN'T DESERVE TO GET THE GOLD MEDAL!!! AMERICANS STOLE KOREANS' GOLD MEDAL SECOND TIME (FIRST WAS FUCKN ANTON ONO AT SHORT TRACK) GIVE GOLD MEDAL BACK TO KOREA AT GYMNASTICS!! http://forums.espn.go.com/espn/thread?threadID=407909
I've never threatened anyone's life over the U.S losing a medal and them gaining it. I've never called for fellow Americans to flood anyone's email because I'm ticked. I'm NOTHING like those Koreans.
>>284 217 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :04/08/23 18:45 >>215 Al Jazeeraの英語サイトもまともに捜せず、誤爆する朝鮮人が何言ってるの? 訳わかんねー
Koreans flood wrong Web site on hostage South Koreans bombarded an English-language "Al Jazeera" Web site on Tuesday to urge Muslim militants not to behead a South Korean hostage, but the site did not belong to the Arabic television station of that name. http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/internet/06/22/iraq.korea.internet.reut/
They've have obviously decided that some people will believe anything, no matter how fictional or how far-fetched, if they just repeat it often enough. That's how Koreans and Chinese run their nations.
2004-08-28 / Taiwan News, Staff Reporter / By Hungfu Hsueh
There might be only a handful of people in Taiwan who realize that the Dutch colonial regime in 17th century Taiwan left a more positive memory upon Taiwan's aboriginal people than other colonial regimes in Taiwan's past 400 years history. The lost memory of the Dutch colonial period was represented in a docudrama entitled "Tales of Dutch Formosa" and produced by Radio Taiwan International.
Tibetan protesters and police officers briefly scuffled at the main Olympic stadium complex Sunday, just hours before organizers of the 2008 Beijing Games were to receive the Olympic flag at the closing ceremony. After passing through a security checkpoint, six activists from the International Tibet Support Network unfurled a black flag with five bullet holes replacing the Olympic rings, and they began marching toward the main stadium. They were stopped by about two dozen police and security guards who seized the flag in a brief scuffle. Olympic rules forbid political banners at competition sites. The police also searched the protesters' bags, confiscating several T-shirts and stickers with the same logo and copies of a report on human rights in Tibet. Rights groups like Amnesty International have accused China, which invaded Tibet in 1951, of widespread human-rights abuses. (AP) Copyright 2004 The New York Times Company http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/30/sports/olympics/30notebook.html
the International Tibet Support Network According to our Chinese source, the action at the women’s 10-meter springboard final was broadcast on Chinese TV. The banner with the slogan "FREE TIBET" in Chinese was prominently displayed. http://www.2008-freetibet.org/
>>360 Many dislike China far more than yankees....actually the vast majority of us. could care less about China. We are not pre-occupied with you like you are with us. To us, you are just another developing nation in search of self image.
http://www.forbes.com/2004/09/01/cz_rm_0901china.html Chinese Miracle Busters Robyn Meredith, 09.01.04, 11:45 AM ET 2004 Forbes.com Inc The two most likely disasters China would face are big increases in unemployment that spark social unrest, which would lower China's annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth by up to 0.8% a year, and a dramatic increase in the number of HIV/AIDS carriers, which would lower growth by up to 2.2% a year, said Charles Wolf Jr., Rand's senior economic advisor and corporate fellow in international economics, speaking recently to the Asia Society in Hong Kong. Unemployment is a big one. Officially, China's unemployment rate hovers around 4%. But Wolf and other China experts believe the real unemployment rate is 23%. There's near certainty that China's AIDS crisis will worsen, Wolf says. Because the number of infected people is increasing by 20-30% per year, there could be between 11 million and 80 million carriers by 2015. What else could go wrong? Already bad corruption could get worse, further crimping economic growth. Environmental problems like worsening pollution and water shortages in North China could crimp growth by up to 1.9% per year. There's more. China's fragile banks, with their massive levels of non-performing loans, could face runs or otherwise crash, which could slow China's growth by 1%. And if the spigot of foreign direct investment were turned down, China would face a slowdown. http://www.rand.org/publications/MR/MR1686/ http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0833033441/qid=1094072420/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/104-0241485-7943108?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 Fault Lines in China's Economic Terrain
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!! Nine Korean nationals held in human smuggling case Nine Koreans, ages 18 to 52, have been arrested near this Canadian border town in a crackdown on human smuggling, authorities said. Since late 2002, there have been at least three other apparent human smuggling incidents involving Koreans in the sparsely populated northcentral Washington county. Last fall Byong Suk Kim, 32, was sentenced to one year and 10 months in prison for vehicular homicide the death of Song Hui Yim, 38, one of 11 Koreans in a rented van that overturned near Oroville with Kim at the wheel as he was fleeing from Border Patrol agents. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/aplocal_story.asp?category=6420&slug=WA%20Human%20Smuggling
UNGEGN内の9つの実務委員会のうち、海の名称に決定的影響を及 ぼす地名委員会を率いるイスラエル出身のキャッドマン委員長は8日、 VANK(www.prkorea.com)に支持を表明するメッセージとともに 自身の説得によりイスラエル最大の地図製作会社のイェブリー・パブ リッシングハウスが現在発行している 世界地図に「韓国海」(Yam Korea. Sea of Korea)を「日本海」(Yam Japan. Sea of Japan)と併記したという事実を知らせてきている。
Korean mothers who gave birth in U.S. held September 14, 2004
LOS ANGELES ― In an apparent crackdown, U.S. authorities have arrested 10 Korean mothers who traveled to the United States to give birth so that their babies would be eligible for American citizenship. The women were held on visa violations, charged with having come to the country for reasons other than stated on their entry permits. U.S. immigration authorities also detained a Korean broker operating here and charged the person, who was not immediately identified, with arranging the trips for the mothers-to-be.
>>512のリンク切れてたので、これが新しいリンク http://joongangdaily.joins.com/200309/20/200309200222462009900090409041.html The practice by Koreans has been ongoing for years, but now the U.S. government is making an effort to stem it. According to the U.S. officials, 結構色んな米国の掲示板にこの記事使ってアメリカ人煽ってたから、 成果が有ったかな?と思うと嬉しいニュースだった。 代わりに在日のフリして日本に来られても困るんだけど。
it can be very annoying when a Korean adult wanting to practice his or her English, sits down next to you and starts a conversation. Such behaviour shows a serious lack of consideration for the other person. Korean men often spit in the street, a habit that westerners find disgusting. It is a strange fact of life here that, upon reaching the age of thirty or thereabouts, most Korean women metamorphose into a completely different life form. Not that Korean voices are particularly melodic to start with. What's far worse is that mentally they change from simpering seductive sirens to self-centred bull dozers. They press on regardless with scant regard for anything or anyone in their way. Many a westerner has felt threatened by this plague on civilized society. http://wagin.yourguide.com.au/detail.asp?class=news&subclass=local&category=general%20news&story_id=336267&y=2004&m=9 Click here to have your say http://wagin.yourguide.com.au/addopinion.asp?class=your%20say&link_story=336267&fromcl=News
>>586より Dear Sir or Madam Recently I visited your organization's website and was quite surprised to find your maps of Korea and Japan still describe Korea's East Sea as Sea of Japan which is incorrect. Such an error in a well known website as yours comes as a surprise since we regard you as one of the world's best. For your reference, the world's largest commercial mapmaker, National Geographic, and the travel guidebook, Lonely Planet Publication promised us that they would now use the name East Sea. In addition, lycos.com is already using the name, 'East Sea' in their website after we pointed out the error. Using a proper name for the body of water between the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago is not simply a question of changing the name of a geographical feature. It is rather a part of national effort by the Korean people to erase the legacy of their colonial past and to redress the unfairness that has resulted from it. So, I urge you to use East Sea to describe the body of water in question or both Korean and Japanese designation simultaneously (e.g. 'East Sea/Sea of Japan') in all your documents and atlases. Once Korea and Japan agree on a common designation, which is in accord with the general rule of international cartography, we can then follow the agreed-on designation. Thank you, and we would appreciate your favorable consideration. Respectfully, VANK, Voluntary Agency Network of Korea, consisted of 4500 Korean voluntary students
They are less inclined to play the roles assigned to them by Confucian tradition, but they find it difficult to find men willing to break with that tradition. http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=3922343
September 16, 2004, 5:21 PM EDT Korean man held for sex trafficking Hyun Goo Kang, 40, was ordered held without bail after his arraigment in Brooklyn federal court on a four count indictment accusing him of obstruction of justice, kidnapping, peonage and sexual abuse.
次はここを攻撃するニダ!と言ってるような記事です。 パナゾニックとコロンビア大と米教育省GoodJob!! こんな事は、本当は害務省がやらなきゃいけない事なのにな。 物凄く良い話しで真実が書いて有るので必読、多分今頃チョンに攻撃されてると思うから、応援メールを送れる人は送って下さい! 翻訳出きる方は、翻訳して、色々なスレで、激励メールを送るように日本人に言って下さい! 朝鮮新聞が問題にしてるコロンビア大のサイトを覗いてみると、日中の歴史学のサイトなんだけどね、 半島は相手にされて無いのにね・・・・・・・ An initiative of the East Asian Curriculum Project and the Project on Asia in the Core Curriculum at Columbia University, Asia for Educators (AFE) is designed to serve faculty and students in world history, culture, geography, art, and literature at the undergraduate and pre-college levels. [email protected] http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/ http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/webcourse/key_points/kp_11.htm
Japan's Panasonic Foundation Leading Korean History Distortions http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200409/200409190018.html The foundation, along with the U.S. Department of Education, is giving mass support to the “Asia for Educators” website established within the homepage of Columbia University. The site supports and publicizes certain distortions of Korean history, ★★★such as justifications of Japan's colonial rule of Korea, to teachers and educations teaching students around the world. The site explains, “This 35-year period [of Japanese colonial rule] was the time when many feature of modernity appeared in Korea, including rapid urban growth, commerce, industry,
Japan encouraged true economic development and industrialization in Korea without any evil intention, justifying Japan's imperial rule over Korea.
http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/12.05.96/hostess-bar-9649.html The men who go to Bernardo's may be particularly vulnerable to flattery from strangers. Sun Ah told us that most of the customers are businessmen from Korean-owned companies, who speak little English. They have been assigned here for only one or two years before they return to Korea, and have difficulty developing a social life here.
BBC 中国スレ Tuesday, 21 September, 2004 He's a factory worker called Wang from the southern province of Yunnan and tells me that if not for the opening up policies he would not be visiting Beijing. It's his first time and he's impressed by the many tall buildings. China will soon be richer than Japan and the West, he thinks. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3675374.stm
I am a Chinese and come from Guangzhou. Both of my parents, and my grandparents, are communists. We, including me, believe Communist Party of China (CPC) is the greatest party in the history of China. I don't appreciate Mr Luard's articles at all.
China's false start http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,1297873,00.html My arrest violated Beijing's much-vaunted new Olympic spirit; It felt as though China had broken its Olympic promises on day one. In securing the bid for Beijing to host the 2008 games, the city's representatives pledged that the world media would enjoy full freedom to report all aspects of China. Yet less than 24 hours after the Olympic flag was handed to Beijing's mayor last Sunday, there I was the Guardian's China correspondent, detained and harassed for covering a peaceful demonstration that challenged the government's position on Tibet!! My press pass was confiscated, and I was led away for questioning, accused of conducting an "illegal interview". My colleague, Sami Sillanpaa, a Finnish journalist, had the memory card of his camera seized, erased and made permanently unusable.
>>622 CPC did make some mistakes, and some mistakes hurt millions of people, or even more than millions of people, including my family. But my family still firmly believe in communism.
WASHINGTON - A South Korean embassy official who met with John Kerry fund-raisers to talk about creating a political group for Korean-Americans was in fact a spy for his country, raising concerns among U.S. officials that he or Seoul may have tried to influence the fall presidential election.
>hyun kim Mar 12, 2004 10:49 PM >you americans are all fat and stupid. the japanese put crap into this stupid >unhealthy thing and just because it's from japan you call it delicious. >you are really dumb morons. don't you guys have any pride in your OWN culture???? てめぇらアメ公はデブでアホばかりだな。 日本人はこの不健康な食い物にくそ詰め込んでやがるんだぜ。 てめぇらはそのくそを"日本から来た"ってだけでおいしいと言って食べてるんだよ! ほんとに間抜けな能なしどもだな。自分たちの文化にプライドはないのか?
Foreign CEOs and senior officials residing in South Korea believe government officials here are gradually becoming less corrupt but remain crooked by international standards, according to a survey released by the Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption (KICAC) Thursday. http://times.hankooki.com/lpage/200409/kt2004092317090210440.htm
Many Korean Officials Corrupt, Foreigners Say A survey showed Thursday that about 50 percent of foreigners residing in Korea, including chief executive officers of foreign companies here, believe that public officials in Korea are corrupt. According to the Korea Independent Commission against Corruption survey of 204 foreigners living in Korea from July 27 to Sept. 12, 50.5 percent of respondents answered that Korean public servants are corrupt.
在米朝鮮人の屁理屈と、図々しさは流石だな。 だたったら日本酒とかスコッチとかウォッカは? 日本人やスコットランド人やロシア人にか欠かせないんじゃ? 自分達だけが特別と思ってる所が流石チョン、認めないと、朝鮮人に対する差別ニダとか騒いだんだろうな? シュワチャンに、これはおかしいとメール出そうかな? Email the Governor Schwarzenegger http://www.govmail.ca.gov/
Because of a 1999 state law pushed by Korean restaurant owners, Soju has a unique exemption among distilled spirits in California, and spots such as Mutt Lynch's are taking full advantage. (New York has passed a similar measure.) Lawmakers granted 【Soju its exemption because of its status as the "social and national" drink of the Korean community,】 explained Pat Deasy, a regulator with the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. http://www.montereyherald.com/mld/montereyherald/business/9738950.htm
>>654 焼酎仲間にされてる所がムカツク。 pushed by Korean restaurant owners と 【Soju its exemption because of its status as the "social and national" drink of the Korean community,】 が、書いて有るからまだマシだけど・・・・・・・・
Korean Companies Do Not Spend Enough on R&D BOK(The Bank of Korea) reported Friday that the ratio of R&D spending to its GDP stands at 1.43 percent in 2000, which is only half the average 2.63 percent of G-7 industrialized economies. http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200409/200409240046.html
Hey, everyone! Careful about anger - a Japanese person would never write with the kind of rudeness and hostility expressed by that earlier person with the screen name kim. As I learned later in life, many chinese and koreans hate all things japanese, and can't be objective about anything -- even something as simple and joyous as a cream puff!
ttp://www.voanews.com/article.cfm?objectID=7EC0565C-D13F-43D6-A3D6352E8B1C44ED&title= South%20Korean%20Company%20Accused%20of%20Exporting%20Nerve%20Gas%20Components%20to%20North %20Korea&catOID=45C9C78B-88AD-11D4-A57200A0CC5EE46C&categoryname=Asia%20Pacific South Korean Company Accused of Exporting Nerve Gas Components to North Korea Government officials in Seoul say a South Korean company exported to North Korea more than 100 tons of a toxic chemical that can be used to make deadly nerve gas.
"Zapanese" are koreans who speak well of korea and ill of Japan,US,UK,China,Vietnam,and etc・・・, as if they were Japanese and they say "We are liberal Japanese !"
The origin is koreans' pronunciation. When Korean commit crime in foreign countries, they often shout "I am Zapanese ! ". They may think it ease their punishment. ・・・・Yes, some japanese think that Korean can't pronounce "Japanese" and should do "Zapanese". So, Koreans who pretend to be Japanese are called "Zapanese".
Please notice this problem. Please remenber "Zapanese"!
Byung-Hyun Kim Pitcher's Finger Mars Sox Victory http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/10/05/entertainment/main576569.shtml "I was standing right next to him. I was personally embarrassed," said Timlin, who pitched three perfect innings. "He's a man. He's got to control his actions... I was embarrassed for myself and for the Red Sox."
>>693 The USOC, which staunchly supports Hamm and has agreed to pay for all of the expenses connected to his case, says in its CAS submission that the Koreans did not make an inquiry in a timely or proper manner. In fact, the USOC says, the Koreans didn't protest until after the medals were handed out, while the judges were in the parking lot waiting for buses to take them to their lodging.
なんだこれー(,,゚Д゚) Sadao Maekawa, 30 don't believe North Korea is aiming a missile at us or even conducting a missile engine combustion test. I believe the U.S. is just telling us a big lie to start another war. http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=popvox&id=517
英文でも江沢民の素性は紹介されているね。 http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200308/14329p.html Jiang Zemin's father Jiang Shijun was a traitor to China. During the period when the Japanese army occupied Jiangsu Province, he was a high-ranking official of the Japanese army’s anti-Chinese propaganda department 江沢民の実父江世俊は日本が江蘇省を占領していた時期に日本軍の反中国宣伝機関の高官であり、売国奴であった。
確かこの新聞社って朝鮮資本だったよね? 統一教会? こんな法律有ったの??? だったら何で食ってるんだ?? Group urges S Korea to protect dogs http://washingtontimes.com/upi-breaking/20040928-113439-3958r.htm http://www.idausa.org/news/currentnews/korean_language_ad.html "South Korea has a law prohibiting the consumption of dogs and cats and another that considers dogs to be 'domestic pets' (but) the law is ignored and the government blithely ignores offenders," dog butchers in South Korea often claim the adrenaline rush dogs experienced as they are beaten to death enhances the virility of their human consumers. The group also claimed cats are commonly boiled alive by the butchers so that their "juices" can be extracted for health tonics to alleviate the symptoms of rheumatism.
イタリア金払ったんだってね。 チョンが首切られて処刑されたのって、単にケチっただけじゃねーの? これって、元を辿ると3馬鹿が原因じゃない?↓ 表に出て無いけど、日本も億単位で身代金払ったんじゃ? Italy may have inspired a whole new phase of kidnapping in Iraq, sending a message to criminal gangs that western hostages are worth millions of dollars. The Arabic-speaking women said Wednesday they had been treated with utmost respect and rarely feared for their lives. Their kidnappers gave them sweets, cakes, and several English language copies of the Koran by their captors. Colleagues said they even appeared to have put on weight. Ms. Parretta said she believed her captors were a religious, nonpolitical group, probably Sunni muslims
Amid reports that at least $1 million was paid for the release of Simona Pari and Simona Parretta Gustavo Selva, chairman of parliament's foreign affairs committee, confirmed that the two women were saved by cash. "So we paid," said a business woman in Rome. "If we hadn't ... the girls would have come in pieces inside a box." http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0930/p06s01-woeu.html
South Korean Consumer Confidence Holds at a Four-Year Low South Koreans are spending less after a credit binge left many unable to meet their debt payments. One in 13 of the nation's 48 million people were three months or more behind on interest payments in August. http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000080&sid=a4AiiUQ2uD9c&refer=asia
Senate approves Korean human rights bill The bill, the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004, would give federal financial support to non-profit, non-governmental human rights and democracy-building programs along with increased U.S. broadcasting efforts into the communist country. The president would also be required to appoint a human rights envoy to the country, a move that has not been made since the Korean War in the early 1950s. http://washingtontimes.com/upi-breaking/20040929-110602-7067r.htm
Uri Criticizes NK Human Rights Bill Uri Party Chairman Lee Bu-young expressed his ``grave’’ concerns Thursday over the U.S. Senate’s passage of the North Korea human rights act, while a number of the ruling party members requested the White House exercise its exclusive rights to veto the bill. http://times.hankooki.com/lpage/nation/200409/kt2004093017110311970.htm
中国こんな事して良い訳? またHuman Rightsで叩かれるのに、北京オリンピックは、やりたく無いみたいだね? China wants refugees handed over China has asked Canada to hand over a group of 44 people, thought to be North Koreans, who stormed the Canadian embassy in Beijing on Wednesday. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3702770.stm
テコンドーもうだめぽ China, which hosts the games in 2008, has been lobbying hard to get the Chinese martial art of wushu recognized as an Olympic sport instead of taekwondo.
>>741 >>742 John Kerryスピーチ 中鮮がやってる事だと思うけど、ブッシュにも当て嵌めてます。 "They've obviously decided that some people will believe anything, no matter how fictional or how far-fetched, if they just repeat it often enough" http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/08/24/kerry/index.html 効果が有るのは確かだと思う、 じゃなきゃ、「レイプ・オブ・南京」を事実だと信じてる欧米人が大勢居る理由の説明がつかないでしょ?
Russian NTV and some Internet sites have reported that Sharapova received US$300,000 to simply play in the Hansol Korea Open, earning more than the grand prize of US$140,000 being offered at the tournament. The press also noted that the competition is only at the 4th tier in international competition. it would be hard to find a 20th ranked player at the games, which makes it surprising that 8th ranked Sharapova is here. http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200409/200409300048.html
The first law Anyone, including national company and individual, cooperates with Korea will lose. 第一法則 国家間から企業、個人に至るまで、韓国と組むと負ける。
The second law In the first law, only Korea lose when Korea steal a march on cooperation. 第二法則 第一法則において、韓国が抜け駆けをすると韓国のみが負ける。
The third law In the first law, you can avoid the law when you are hated by Korea. A connection between the degree of being hated and the rate of avoidance is in a direct proportion. 第三法則 第一法則において、韓国から嫌われると法則を回避できる。 この時、嫌われる度合いと回避できる割合は正の相関関係にある。
The fourth law In the first law, you can void the law when you cut a connection with Korea. 第四法則 第一法則において、韓国と縁を切った場合、法則を無効化出来る。
The fifth law In the first law, the law isn't exercised when you do an one-side business. 第五法則 第一法則において、一方的に商売をする場合は、法則は発動しない。
The sixth law In the third and fourth law, you can expect a sudden recovery of fortune, sales results and all other things as well as a rising trend. 第六法則 第3・第4則において、半島と手や縁を切った場合、 運気や業績その他、全ての面に置いて急激に回復、若しくは上昇傾向が期待出来る。
The first law Products which are invented in Japan and get popularity will be made to be as South Korean products or Korea peninsula's products. 第一法則 日本で発明され、人気を博した物は、数十年(又は数百年)後に、 韓国製又は半島製にされる。
The second law People who has popularity or talent in Japan is always acknowledged as ethnic Korean in Japan. However, they can always avoid the acknowledgement if they are being hated by Korean. 第二法則 日本で人気や才能が有る人間は、必ず在日認定されるが、韓国か ら嫌われていると、必ず回避出来る。
The third law On TV programs in Japan, an exposure of Korea peninsula and a decline rate of popularity are in direct proportional relationship. (On TV programs in Japan, an exposure of Korea peninsula and a popularity degree of program are in inverse proportional relationship.) 第三法則 日本のTV番組は、半島の露出度と番組の人気下降度が正比例の関係に有る。 (日本のTV番組は、半島の露出度と番組の人気度が反比例の関係に有る。)
The fourth law There is high possibility of the people who introduce themselves as Japanese in spite of they aren't asked their nationality in foreign country or Japan is not Japanese. 第四法則 海外や国内で、聞かれてもいないのに自らを日本人と名乗る人間は、 本当の日本人で無い可能性が高い。
The fifth law To shift a responsibility for all of inconvenient matters for their country onto foreign country. 第五法則 自国に都合の悪い出来事は、全て外国に責任転嫁する。
The sixth law The president (administrator) of Korea walks the miserable last day. Because some trouble is brewed at the end of his term. 第六法則 韓国の大統領(為政者)は、任期末期になると騒動が持ち上がり 悲惨な末路を歩む。
The seventh law A Japanese man of power who meddles with Korea is ruined during two generations. 第七法則 朝鮮に手を出した日本の権力者は二代のうちに破滅する
The eighth law Power of law is tend to getting extreme strong in 60 years period. 第八法則 法則の威力は60年周期で非常に強まる傾向にある
The ninth law Even if s/he is Korea peninsular, the law is exercised if her/his mind is Japanese. 第九法則 たとえ半島人であっても心が日本人なら法則は発動する
The tenth law Even if s/he is Japanese, the law isn't exercised if her/his mind is to be Korea peninsular. 第十法則 たとえ日本人であっても心が半島人と化したなら法則は発動しない
191 名前:マンセー名無しさん 投稿日:04/09/30 12:30:37 SKa3Oyb1 First law: Anyone who cooperates with Korea, ranging from individuals to companies and nation states, will always lose.
Second law: In the cases where the first law applies, only Korea will lose if Korea cheats you and goes off by themselves.
Third law: You could evade the application of the first law if you are hated by Korea. The probability of evading the first law and the degree of Korean hatred are in direct proportion.
0.「第一法則において」は「In the first law」では多分通じない。 4. 縁を切った場合--disassociate yourself from Koreaのが良いと思われ。 5. 発動--come into effectのが良いと思われ。 6. recovery ofよりrecoveries inのが良さげ。 回復、若しくは上昇傾向なら--recovery or rise in 業績--sales performance。その他--and the rest。 S1. 人気を博した--become popularまたはgained popularity。 韓国製にされる--will be alleged by Koreans to be made-in-Korea 数十年以内に--within several decades.
Japan's Panasonic Foundation Leading Korean History Distortions http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200409/200409190018.html The foundation, along with the U.S. Department of Education, is giving mass support to the “Asia for Educators” website established within the homepage of Columbia University. The site supports and publicizes certain distortions of Korean history, ★★★such as justifications of Japan's colonial rule of Korea, to teachers and educations teaching students around the world. The site explains, “This 35-year period [of Japanese colonial rule] was the time when many feature of modernity appeared in Korea, including rapid urban growth, commerce, industry,
Japan encouraged true economic development and industrialization in Korea without any evil intention, justifying Japan's imperial rule over Korea.
http://www.time.com/time/asia/news/magazine/0,9754,108848,00.html Joji Obara was born in 1952 to an impoverished Korean family in postwar Osaka. His father had been a scrap collector, then a taxi driver who worked his way into owning a fleet of cars and a string of pachinko parlors from which he amassed a fortune. young Obara—then known by his Korean name Kim Obara's company reportedly became a front for the Sumiyoshi yakuza—branded Japan's second-largest organized crime syndicate by the national police
これも凄い記事だな、これがOKなら、 在日や在日を装う不法滞在チョンを半島に強制送還しても何も問題無いだろ? 韓流とか言って騒いでる馬鹿連中は、こう言う所を是非とも韓流にして欲しいものだ。 http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200410/200410030003.html http://japanese.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2004/10/03/20041003000034.html Illegal Residents Engaging in Anti-Korean Activities to Be Deported The Ministry of Justice has judged that anti-Korean activity, focused on illegal foreign residents, is on the rise, and accordingly, will punish those involved under the National Security Law or criminal code and forcefully deport them. The justice ministry shall regard the following as anti-Korean activities: denying the Korean system (i.e. government) or policies, or stressing the negative aspects of Korea; terrorism conspiracies or threats; leading or inciting demonstrations against national policies; and criticizing government measures while making political claims, and propagating those claims 海外の主要国に不法滞在している韓国人は米国が18万2621人(66%)と最も多く、 日本(5万5100人)、フィリピン(1万7500人)、カナダ(7000人)、オーストラリア(5694人)の順だった。 http://japanese.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2004/10/03/20041003000002.html
theFrog tell me any other country in the world where you have a population of almost 1 million chinese and koreans that were "imported: as slaves almost 70 years ago, most of them cannot speak chinese or korean anymore (only japanese) but they are still considered chinese and korean .
>>815 Jimmy Fallon SNL面白いよな、Will Ferrellのブッシュのものまね似過ぎ、この豚キムネタが最高だった。 http://snltranscripts.jt.org/02/02ikim.phtml So let me warn the gun-slinging bucaneer George Bush and his henchmen, Jimmy Carter and Wolf Blitzer, I am not some petty chieftain to be easily intimidated. I am extremely unstable and highly irrational, and, for your information, quite completely insane. At age three, I was diagnosed as psychotic, sociopathic, and suffered from both Manic Depression and Acute Pediatric Schizophrenia. I was a chronic bed-wetter. Not only my own, but the beds of others. As a consequence, I developed Anxiety Disorder, Disassociative Disorder, and general dysphoria. In addition, I am delusional. I have difficulty distinguishing reality from my fantasy world. When I was first informed of the aggressive actions of the United States, my first response was violent anger. Then a lengthy crying jag, followed by sudden deep sleep for about two days. Then several hours of frantic masturbation, punctuated by more crying jags. Afterwards, I burned my thighs with matches.
オマエ一辺氏ネ! Tony Laszlo, director of an anti-discrimination organisation in Tokyo. トニー・ラズロ(Tony Laszlo) 「一緒企画ISSHO」代表。フリー・ジャーナリストとして英語と日本語で記事を書く傍ら、 女子栄養大学、清泉女子大学で非常勤講師を務める。
殆中国と朝鮮に行く不法就労者の稼いだ金は、違法行為で稼いだ物なので、差し押さえ出きる法とか作るべきだな。 Takashi Kadokura, senior economist at Tokyo's Dai-ichi Life Research Institute Inc., estimated in a study last October that $5.5 billion is sent annually through unofficial channels by illegal foreign workers in Japan, primarily Chinese, Koreans and Filipinos.
日本がよく世界からよく叩かれる性的外国人労働者は、実は在日が斡旋してると言う事が良く解る記事。 Authorities close in on human-smuggling operation Wednesday, October 06, 2004 http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002055254_smuggling06m.html Federal authorities are closing in on a human-smuggling operation involving South Korean immigrants preying on and profiting from other South Koreans. The smugglers ferry their human cargo from Canada through Washington state to Los Angeles and elsewhere, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Seattle. Recruiters court victims through newspaper ads in South Korea and in the U.S., generally charging from $6,000 to $12,000, promising them better lives Brokers in South Korea, Mexico and Canada then arrange international flights to bring the people over from South Korea, the prosecutors said. Drivers pick up "loads" at the borders and bring them into the country. Other brokers arrange temporary housing, or locate jobs: Men often drive taxis; women work as hostesses in "room salons," that is, bars catering to South Korean businessmen. Being a hostess sometimes means providing sex, according to prosecutors. And since these are money-making operations, loan-shark systems are set up for those who need to pay off their smuggling debts, known as "il sunoh ri" in Korean, the attorneys said. In North Central Washington, human smuggling most often has involved South Koreans. "I've noticed a lot lately," said Frank Rogers, sheriff for sparsely populated Okanogan County. Just last month, nine South Koreans, ages 18 to 52, were detained by Border Patrol agents in Oroville. "It was a terrible year," he said. "They were women, for the most part, destined for the sex trade in Southern California, responding to ads saying they'd get them in the country and get them a job for $10,000."
糞JT氏ネ! japantoday > quote of the day "Even Koreans have a hard time figuring out why he's so popular — there are better and better-looking actors." Byung Hun Park, the Korean owner of Tokyo's largest Korean bookstore, on the phenomenal popularity in Japan of "Winter Sonata" actor Yong Joon Bae. http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=quote&id=1193
http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200410/200410070028.html U.S. to Invest US$75,000 to Prevent Piracy in Korea In order to help U.S. companies in Korea combat piracy on the Internet and of printed materials, the U.S. government disclosed Wednesday that it would invest US$75,000 or W86 million in anti-piracy initiatives in the country. The state department calculates the total cost to U.S. companies in Korea as a result of piracy at US$737 million for 2002
http://sify.com/finance/fullstory.php?id=13584554 US plans $1.19m fund to combat IP theft The United States has released $1.19 million to fund training programmes to combat intellectual property theft in Pakistan, Brazil, Korea, Malaysia and Panama.
Seoul - About 2 800 prostitutes wearing face masks and sunglasses to shield their identities marched on parliament on Thursday to protest against a police crackdown on South Korea's sex trade.
この部分何かは、バッファローで、日系人が攻撃されたケース バッファロー事件は、何十年前とかじゃなくて全て5年以内。 The organization has dealt with several high-profile cases such as when students were attacked at SUNY Bingamton, SUNY Buffalo, and at a Denny's restaurant. http://modelminority.com/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=815
この事件も、その馬鹿Debito Arudoの出身地の近所、日本の事件は大騒ぎしても、地元の事件はスルーかよ? last April 11, a group of mostly Japanese and Asian American Syracuse University students went to eat in the early morning hours at the Denny's restaurant on Erie Boulevard East just outside of campus. The students charge that they were denied seating, asked to leave the restaurant, and then were attacked by a gang of white patrons shouting anti-Asian epithets in the restaurant's parking lot. According to the students, the incident began when their group was forced to wait for nearly a half-hour. After watching white patrons who arrived after them be seated first, one of the students, Li Chiu, went to complain to the hostess about the discriminatory treatment. She replied, "Don't even go there!" A manager then asked the students to leave, and they were escorted outside by two armed security guards who were also off-duty deputy sheriffs, pushing and shoving two of the students, Derrick Lizardo and his white friend Sean Dugan, in the process. Outside the restaurant as they were approaching their cars to leave, the students say a group of white men who had been eating inside the restaurant came outside yelling racial slurs and, without provocation, attacked Yuya Hasegawa. As Lizardo and Dugan tried to come to their friend's aid, they too were attacked. Meanwhile, they charge, the two security guards watched without intervening as the attack continued. They also charge that one of the guards used pepper spray against Lizardo during the attack and threatened to use it against some of the others as well.
"I stood by and watched as two armed and uniformed security guards began shoving my friends for no apparent reason. But what was even worse, when we were attacked by a large group of white males, clearly outnumbered and out-muscled, the security guards did absolutely nothing to stop the attack," Yoshika Kusada tearfully told reporters at a press conference last month at the offices of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the New York-based advocacy group that is representing the students. "I begged the security guards for help--'Do something, why aren't you doing anything?'--over and over." Kusada said she was knocked unconscious after trying to pull an attacker off of one of her friends. She said the fight only stopped when two black students, who were in a separate party, intervened to end the fight. Kyoko Hiraoka, one of the Japanese students, said, "I think that in this country there is no justice. I'm so disappointed that this report didn't tell the truth. I now have to live in fear of being attacked again because they're free." The district attorney's report contradicted the findings of a report by a federal Civil Rights Monitor who recommended that the manager who ordered the students to leave the restaurant be fired and the hostess be suspended without pay. The monitor also recommended that the deputies, who are no longer Denny's employees, not be rehired. The monitor found that the employees had not received necessary nondiscrimination training and recommended that Denny's develop a new video-based training program. http://www.asianweek.com/091997/dennys.html http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=2nd&navby=case&no=009015v2&exact=1 http://www.expressindia.com/ie/daily/19970606/15750843.html http://maps.yahoo.com/dd_result?ed=xTowJeV.wimQQVd6MsEKU7USFw--&csz=Geneva%2C+NY&country=us&tcsz=Syracuse%2C+NY&tcountry=us
Korean woman pleads guilty in prostitution ring A federal judge accepted the guilty plea Friday of a Korean national who is accused of managing a brothel hidden in a Lisbon Falls massage parlor. Doo Ri Kim, 39, was arrested in June by police and federal immigration agents investigating complaints of a prostitution ring that employed illegal immigrants. Kim and three other women were found at the Asia Acupressure Therapy Center. According to court records, Kim entered the country illegally in 1998, and lived in Flushing, N.Y. She moved to Lisbon Falls in January 2004. http://news.mainetoday.com/apwire/D85K1CPO1-282.shtml http://pressherald.mainetoday.com/news/state/041009kim.shtml
Japan-Based Korean Democracy Fighters Visit Seoul A total of 146 members of a Japan-based group of Korean residents advocating democracy for South Korea on Sunday visited their motherland to pay respect to victims of civil uprisings and call for the unification of the divided nation. All of the group's members have arrived with official passports, implying the Korean government recognizes their contributions for democracy in the country, they said. http://times.hankooki.com/lpage/nation/200410/kt2004101017354411990.htm
人材コンサルタント業経営 在日コリアンの辛淑玉氏のお話2 Most of those who appear to be right-wingers, she says, are just frustrated people feeling the same sense of isolation that minorities such as herself feel. Many, in fact, are Koreans, she said. 「右翼と思われる人たちの大部分はフラストレーションを抱え、 マイノリティ(彼女自身もそうだが)が感じているのと同じ孤独感を 感じている。実際、その多くがコリアンだ」と彼女は言った。
サモアでもチョンが犯罪を犯してます。 human trafficking victims Mosaic is helping 26 women from Honduras who were taken to Fort Worth in a sex-trafficking scheme, and another group that was trapped in forced labor by a Korean factory operating in American Samoa. http://www.borderlandnews.com/stories/borderland/20040925-172796.shtml
反日記事 Many Koreans, mostly from Jeju island and Gyeongsang province in what is now in South Korea, came to Japan either ★as migrant laborers before the war, or involuntary conscripts in the Japanese Army during World War II. After Japan was defeated, ★most Koreans went home, but others stayed. The zainichi now number about 650,000, the vast majority being second or third generation. 気付ぬ内に、あなたの隣に居るのが在日。 Born Haruhiro Sai, he decided to change his name when he was 21, after a close Japanese friend casually asked him, "So, who are you going to vote for in this coming election?" He answered, "I can't vote, because I'm a foreigner. I'm a zainichi." His friend was surprised, having no idea that Mr. Choe wasn't Japanese. http://joongangdaily.joins.com/200409/29/200409292207200179900091009101.html
Oprah Winfrey's Negative Remarks about Korean Women Spark Storm http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200410/200410130018.html During a recent episode of her talk show "The Oprah Winfrey Show," Winfrey was discussing women's image and fashion culture around the world when she disparaged Korean women, saying they have "an obsession with plastic surgery." The program dealt with content that suggested Korean women have a unique preference from plastic surgery and an ◎inferiority complex in which they would like to have Western features. Because of this, the Korean-American community is harshly criticizing the program, and fallout is spreading as some Korean expatriate groups demand a public apology(謝罪するニダ<丶`∀´>!). One Korean student studying in the U.S. said, "The Oprah Winfrey Show is a program with a lot of viewers worldwide, and for it to deal with Korea negatively like this is a big problem.
太っ腹で番組を見に来てた視聴者全員(何故か白人が多い)に、新車あげたんだよな。 日本で言えば、「いいとも」を観に来てる視聴者全員に、新車あげたような物。 CHAT show queen Oprah Winfrey celebrated the opening of her 19th season on US TV today by surprising each of her 276 audience members with a new car. http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/hi/news/5030558.html
The program dealt with content that suggested Korean women have a unique preference from plastic surgery and an inferiority complex in which they would like to have Western features. http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=262&id=1150872003 Korea turns to plastic surgery to speak English That is the hope that recently drove one mother to take her six-year-old son for surgery aimed at ridding him of his Korean accent when speaking the language of choice in global business. Driven by a desire to give their children an edge in an increasingly competitive society, a number of South Koreans have turned to the knife in a drastic attempt to help their offspring perfect their English.