She is being prepared to marry and have children. She is already helping her mother about the house when she gets home, whereas her brother is rarely asked to do anything except perhaps run an errand. The girl has learnt to give way to a boy, and this will continur till she gets married, when she will come to have power in the home unless her husband's mother lives with them; this may happen when she has marrid an eldest son and is most girls' idea of Hell. the marriageable age for a Japanese girl is about twenty-three. About this time, if the girl herself has not thought of it, her parents will be sounding her out in subtle ways. The western style of marriage, what the Japanese call a 'love-match', has increased over the years, but even today at reast 40 per cent of marriages are arranged-which means that there is a 'go-between'. Obviously the figuues can never be accurately known, because even in a love - match there may still be a go-between.
The argument in this book differs from the cultural explanations of the NDP's weakness in several respects. First of all, and most importantly, this study is guided by the assumption that political parties are able to exert influence on their direction or potential bases of support. It supposes that political parties and elites can and do play an important role in determining the parameters of political debate in a country, highlighting those cleavages which they view as pre-eminently important (and of benefit to their electoral performance) and playing down those with the opposite qualities.
下から3行目のcleavagesを何と訳したらよいでしょうか。「割れ目」とかでは うまくないように思います。 NDP=New Democratic Party
There has always been a division between North and South in English history. The North used to be much poorer then the South, because the South had the best farmland. But in the eighteenth century, the situation changed, when the Industrial Revolution took place in the North and not in the North. The Industrial Revolution gave the North many factories and a lot of money, but government stayed in the South--in London. Many Northerners, therefore, said: [The North makes the money, but the South spends it!] Perhaps this is one of the most important reasons for the North feeling different; because no matter how rich the North becomes, power stays in the South. The Queen, the Government, the civil service and company headquarters remain in the South, no matter what the economic situation is. The North likes to think that it is tougher and stronger than the South. Northerners hate it if their soccer teams are beaten by Southern teams, and Northerners always say that beer in the South tastes like water! On the other hand, many Southerners often say that the South is more cultivated and civilised. One important point in this respect is that Southern English is close to BBC English--or official English, whereas Northern English and is several dialects are "outside". But the 1990s may see a big change in the way the North sees itself. The North is picking up economically. Northern cities have more pride and energy. At the same time, the problems of the South have because obvious--high prices and overcrowding.
"I guess the thing for young pitchers to learn is that you don't want to get ahead of yourself," Johnson said. "I mean, on DeRosa's groundball to Kata -- he made a great play -- so I was fortunate to get to that point, no doubt."
A love-match presents greater difficulties to the parents. If they are worried about the character of the opposite partner, they may employ a private detective to find out about him. The detective makes inquiries at his place of work, among standing and habits. The girl's mother may also do some spiritual detection through a fortune-teller. But the love-match always has the element of uncertainty about the future, because there is no one person who has taken responsibility for the success of the marriage, and so there is no one to step in if it fails. Grown-up people in Japan have a great sympathy for the young, Knowing how difficult it is going to be for them to fit into the restrictions of Japanese life, Girls are taught to repress expression of their feelings; when these suppressed feelings do on occasion burst out, the girls sometimes become hysterical.
But the love-match always has the element of uncertainty about the future, because there is no one person who has taken responsibility for the success of the marriage, 【and so there is no one to step in if it fails】. 【 】部分もbecauseの節に含まれるから、日本語もそうしないといけないと思う。 それと、ifを「〜かどうか」と解釈してるけど、「もし〜」と解釈すべきだと 思う。 「しかし、恋愛結婚は結婚を成功させることに責任を持つ人はおらず、もし うまくいかなくても、仲裁に入る人がいないので、常に将来について不確実性を 持っています。」
Although I am not disposed to maintain that the being born in a workhouse is in itself the most fortunate and enviable circumstance that can possibly befall a human being I do mean to say that in this particular instance it was the best thing for Oliver Twist that could by possibility have occurred. The fact is that there was considerable difficulty in inducing Oliver to take upon himself the office of respiration --a troublesome practice but one which custom has rendered necessary to our easy existence; and for some time he lay gasping on a little flock mattress rather unequally poised between this world and the next: the balance being decidedly in favour of the latter.
At the same time they have been struggling to absorb and keep up-to-date with European and American culture, the Japanese have been very anxious to insist upon their difference from the West.
The Japanese seem thoroughly Westernised and to have lost touch with their own traditions.
The Japanese seem uniquely interested mainly in insisting on the differences truly understanding the Japanese language or culture.
The continuation of health, education, and other social programs leads some writers to conclude that, despite the efforts of neo-conservative governments, the welfare state is 'largely intact'. Richard Gwyn has said, 'it would be too strong to say that Canadians are entering a post-welfare state era. Medicare and unemployment insurance will be reduced, but they will always be with us. We've gone through the "sound barrier" of the near-depression of the early 1990s with our egalitarian ideal, and a fair amount of its substance, still intact.'
最後の文の We've gone through the "sound barrier" of the near-depression of the early 1990s を訳してください。
自衛隊とイラク戦争について外国人教官と議論になったので自分の見解をメールで送りたいんですが以下の英文は正しいでしょうか? JSDF had told your eyes that it was visible to an army by the lesson of this week. and they said that it was not a military but just a self-defense organization, and I denied them. they are the existence which must not be a military force. so as for us in any cases, they cannot be called army. just "SELF DEFENSE" it is our the crime with which we are charged. from the atomic bombed day. and our government, our people, western countries, and japanese communist made this crime. they are also afflicted by the crime. in cold war days, NATO countries afflicted for japan not to participate in the war. japanese communist started hysterics to send JDSF in the iraq war. on the north korea problem, the government was able to afflict for military strategy for rescue not to be held.
I think how many persons die in Iraq, it is not related for me. it is because I think that this Iraq war is the first step of a war of independence for us. it is the breakaway from the penal servitude more than a half-century. by having participated in this war now, Japan is divided into two and is doing the large dispute. it touches on having considered as the taboo until now, and opinions are exchanged. this is action for getting the national rights. probably, the United States thinks that it is the dog which accustomed the thing of Japan well. this is wrong. we are loosening the chain little by little. do you think that a handful of people is applied even to others on a its mind at its thing? I don't think so. it is from such reasons to have said that the right thing had not been wrong to war, either.
To build seejpeg, first obtain the library for v6 of libjpeg. This ought to be available from the same place that you obtained seejpeg. Having installed this first, type make seejpeg
If compilation or linking fails and you did not compile libjpeg v6 yourself, I recommend doing that before filing a bug report.
After building the binary, to install it, type make install to install seejpeg in /usr/local/bin and the manual in /usr/local/man/man1
what's up? は元気?とはすこし違いますね。元気?はhow's it going? how're you doing?でこたえるときにはpretty goodとかnot bad でももしwhat's up?とかwhat's going on? と聞かれたらnot much or nothingと答えるのが普通です。 what's up? は少し変ですけど”なんかある?なんかかわったことはある? みたいな感じだと思います。
以下の文のout of whichの辺りの訳し方が分かりません。どなたか教えて頂けないでしょうか Therefore, if the parameter of the AddToScope service consists of n Web artifacts, out of which m are new to the scope, there will be m instances of each of the rules r1-r5 in the transaction log.
Tom waits for donor organs to become available for transplant. をお願いします。 for transplantは何処に掛かるのでしょうか? become availableの意味は辞書に載ってるので解るんですが、それがどう掛かっているのかがわかりません。 transplant:(臓器)移植 donor organ:ドナー臓器
We stared wildly at each other for a long moment, in a kind of terror : The world had disappeared and we were falling through space. The abyss might be narrow, but it was bottomless.
Some sociologists insist that American society has become a pot of stew where the individual“ingredients”keep their flavor. And perhaps they are right. The small community where I grew up offers a good example of this change. Twenty years ago,all the shop owners in the local plaza spoke perfect English,and looked as American as everyone else.Today they come from every corner of the world ―india,korea,Iran,China,Greece,Italy,Lebanon,south America.Because ethnic variety is a part of everyday life,it is impossible to describe a typical American. 長文スマソ・・・おながいします
there's no wrong way to fuck a girl with no legs just tell her you love her as she's crawlin' away. there's no wrong way to fuck a bitch with no faith. now you'll never be sad again.
lovin' you are the two best things in a world that's skipping town. reaching blind into the deepest mouth in the brownest place around.
how is it going in japan so far? It's going OK here in Canada. School is almost over for me,in June. For you, school just started right? Glad to be back in Japan? Do you ever plan on coming back to visit? What kind of music do you listen to? Have you heard of The Billiant Green? I think they are a Japanese group. I have only heard one song so far and it's pretty good!! Any way I better go now! Right back!!!
Freud was one of the great explorers of our time. But the new worlds he explored were inside man himself. For the unconscious mind is like a deep well, full of memories and feelings. These memories and feelings have been stored there from the moment of our birth - perhaps even before birth. Our conscious mind has forgotten them. We do not suspect that they are there until some unhappy or unusual experience causes us to remember, or to dream dreams. Then suddenly we see a face we had forgotten long ago. We feel the same jealous fear and bitter disappointments we felt when we were little children. This discovery of Freud's is very important if we wish to understand why people act as they do. For the unconscious forces inside us are at least as powerful as the conscious forces we know about. Why do we choose one rather than another? Why does one story make us cry or laugh while another story doesn't affect us at all? Perhaps we know why. If we don't, the reasons may lie deep in our unconscious minds.
長文でごめんなさい(;´Д`) これ、GREAT PEOPLE OF OUR TIMEって本のフロイトって人の紹介?みたいなヤツで 全文訳そうとしてるんだけど、この部分でストップしてるの。 訳お願いします。
金融政策はビハンドザカーブの意味がわからずつっかえています 賢者の方、助けて下さい。おながいします。 Second, however, concerns that that monetary policy is "behind the curve" may not fully take into account a point I made earlier, that the level of the federal funds rate by itself does not fully describe broad monetary conditions
If you tell a story that is just a little bit too good to be true, someone will say "There is something fishy about that." こーゆうjustがいまひとつ訳だしできないんですけど、お願いします。 このjustと同じだと思うのですけど ほんとに,実(際)に(actually);まったく(quite) I'm just starving. 腹ぺこだ. Progressive English-Japanese Dictionary, Third edition ゥ Shogakukan 1980,1987,1998/プログレッシブ英和中辞典 第3版 ゥ小学館 1980,1987,1998
The samples subjected to small preshearing developed less pore water pressures and shear strains on both sides of triaxial compression and extension -------------- 点線部に気をつけて訳すとどうなるのでしょうか?
I didn't have anything better to do so I decided to drop you a line. Hey, no offence ;-). Just delete it after you're through. How's it going, studying for the exam?
Five watches each have the conventional 12 hour faces. None of them work. You wish to move forward the time on some of the watches so that they all show the same time and so that the sum of the times (in minutes) by which each watch is moved forward is as small as possible. How should the watches be set to maximise this minimum sum?
Also, a read lock acquired by a user retrieval transaction results in aborting tr1 should a repository update transaction acquire a conflicting lock. お願いします。
I set 5 watches, then you move some of them forward so that they show the same time, and add up the intervals through which you moved each watch. How large can I force this sum to be, no matter how you manipulate the watches?
One merit the writer may at least claim: -that of calling forth the passions and engaging the sympathy of the reader by means hitherto unemployed by preceding authors. Puerile superstition and exploded manners, Gothic castles and chimeras, are the materials usually employed for this end. The incidents of Indian hostility, and the perils of the Western wilderness, are far more suitable; and for a native of America to overlook these would admit of no apology. These, therefore, are, in part, the ingredients of this tale, and these he has been ambitious of depicting in vivid and faithful colours. The success of his efforts must be estimated by the liberal and candid reader.
By 1700 there were nearly 2000 coffee houses in London. Famous philosophers and scholars such as Newton and Halley went there for discussion. We must not forget that the conversations that took place in these coffee houses influenced the political, social and business life of those times. There were no telephones, and post offices were not so efficient as they are now. The surest way of getting news was face-to-face communication. The coffee houses were sometimes called "Penny universities" because a person could buy a cup of coffee for one penny and learn more at the coffee house than in class! When some coffee houses asked that custom of giving "a tip" was born. For many years, only roasted coffee beans had been brought into Europe. Arabian countries wanted to protect their special drink and product, so exporting a coffee plant was forbidden. However, around 1690, Dutch traders secretly took some coffee plants and started to grow coffee in Ceylon and Java. It became a very good business for them.
よろしくお願いします。 Ethnographic judgments, whether rendered by a layman or by an anthropologist, reflect an intermingling of the culture being described and the culture doing the describing . Thus statements by American preschool parents and staff about a Chinese preschool have something to teach us about both American and Chinese beliefs and values
The rapid growth in mobile phone subscribers comes from various factors such as improving technological infrastructure, the development of smaller, cheaper and lighter mobile phones and ease of access to the Internet. The digital divide or the information gap caused by not being able to access the net is decreasing.
Additionally, with Internet-accessible mobile phones, users can get and exchange any information they wait in an instant and can do so whenever and wherever they like. In effect, the mobile phone, in combination with i-mode technology, is working to reach out to people on the weaker side of the digital divide. The rapid technological changes in mobile phones, however, could eventually create a new type of divide.
Mobile phones are used individually and only by those who feel the need to have one. In addition, rapid advances n mobile phone technology continuously add new functions in so many ways that even those who began using mobile phones at an early stage cannot keep up. Therefore, it is essential that manufacturers continue to find way to make their products accessible, especially for electronics beginners.
From the time I woke up on the morning until the time I went to bed at night, I was unbearably miserable and seemingly incapable of any kind of joy or enthusiasm. Everything--every thought, word, movement--was an effort. Everything that once was sparkling now was flat. I seemed to myself to be dull, boring, inadequate, thick brained, unlit, unresponsive, chill skinned, bloodless and sparrow drab. I doubted, completely, my ability to do anything well. It seemed as though my mind bad slowed down and burned out to the point of being virtually useless. The wretched, convoluted, and pathetically confused mass of gray worked only well enough to torment me with a dreary litany of my inadequacies and shortcomings in character and to taunt me with the total, the desperate hopelessness of it all.
The uranium that is not rapidly excreted deposits in various organs. In particular, about 10% deposits in the kidneys. Since the kidneys are relatively small (about 300 g in an adult), the concentration will be higher than in other organs. However, most of the uranium deposited in the kidneys does not stay for long. By 3 months, the amount retained is only about 0.1% of the original uptake to blood. About another 15% deposits in bone, but since the mass (5000 g) is much greater than that of the kidneys, the concentration is lower. Uranium does stay much longer in the bone, so there will still be a few percent left after 5 years, and about 1% after 25 years.
Microsoft Network, commonly known as MSN, is a Web-based online service that offers news, information, special-interest topics, forums, chat rooms, and entertainment. For a monthly fee, you can become a member and sing on to MSN at any time. MSN content appears in a simplified version of the Internet Explorer window. Within this window you can go to any Web site, inside or outside of MSN, without having to switch to different browse software. To use MSN, you install the latest version of the software that Microsoft provides for all members, and you run a sign-up program designed to elicit your account information-including your name, address, and credit-card number. You choose a local phone number for accessing the service, and you devise a name to identify yourself in online activities. This name becomes your email address, as in [email protected]. You also create a password to protect your account. When these steps are complete, you can begin exploring MSN. For convenience, MSN site are divided into major content areas. For example, On Stage contains several channels of news, cultural features, and entertainment; Essentials is a collection of practical sites for addressing the issues of everyday life; and Communicate provides one-click links to email, forums, chat, and the new Friends Online feature. This chapter is a very selective survey of some of the most important and interesting MSN features. You'll learn how to use the handy Quick View menu to make your way around the network, and you'll visit a few of MSN's most popular sites.
I thought what I'd do was. I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes or should I? You know what I'd like to be? I mean if I had my goddam choice, I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all.
Whatever was expected had to be against your deepest nature, until death did us kill being no state to live in, the black hole too close even then to tolerate, and so the irreversible step was taken, and he ran from the living death of marrying the girl he loved. He opted fpr liberty, of looking for a refuge from himself and bever finding anything he could recognize as a final haven.
Japan, like other countries, faces problems of the disposal of garbage. Garbage not only destroys our environment but space to dump it all remains severely limited. According to Kataoka, 43, head of one of two waste disposal units in Minato-ku, Japan’s garbage problem has worsened over the past years. Many Tokyo officials are particularly concerned about the increasing amount of “sidaigomi,” large bulky articles such as refrigerators, that cannot be thrown out with the usual day-to-day trash.
In 1989 alone Tokyoites discarded about 72,000 tons, or 2.6 million articles, of sodaigomi. It’s an 11 percent increase from the year before. At little or no charge, units like Kataoka’s collect your unwanted trash. As long as the amount does not exceed 200 kg, you can get rid of, say, your outmoded refrigerator quite easily. In Minato-ku you simply call up the waste disposal unit in the area and explain in detail what it is you wish to throw out. The office then sends out a truck the very same day to pick it up. Should you garbage exceed the 200 kg limit, there will be a small charge of \19 per kg. Your fridge will be taken to a temporary dumping site in Minato-ku. Here it is thrown into a garbage truck alone with other unused items and crushed first before being transported to Tokyo Bay, off Haneda. At Tokyo Bay everything is once more broken down into even smaller pieces. Any steel and wood is filtered out in the process. The wood will later be burned; the steel, recycled and resold. What is left is dumped into the ocean and becomes reclaimed land.This is the end of your fridge.
Kataoka feels that it is a shame that so much goes to waste.
Among large-bodied animals, organized cooperation appears to be unique to humans and may well be the source of our distinctive mental abilities, including language. どうかお願いします
The reason for that being the fact that scope transactions are initiated by the designer without any previous Web site updates. よろしくお願いします。thatが2つあってわけが分かりませぬ(´Д`;)
ATTENTION ***@**** a virus was foud in an Email message you sent. this e-mail scanner intercepted it and stopped the entire message reaching its destination. the virus was reported to be:Worm.SomeFool.Q please update your virus scanner or contact your IT support personnel as soon as possible as you have a virus on your system. your message was sent with the following envelop: MAIL FROM:***@***** RCPT TO:++++@+++++++ ....and with the following headers:
MAILFROM:***@***** Received: from unknown( by with SMTP:20 May 2004 16:05 28 - 0000 FROM:***@***** TO:++++@+++++++ Subject:Sever Error(+++@+++++++) DATE: Fri.21.May.2004 01:07:00 +0900 MIME-Version:1.0 Content - Type:multipart/related: type="multipart/alternative"; boundary="-----=_Next Part_000_001B_01C0CA81.7BO15D10" X-Priority:1X-MSMail-Priority :High 以上です。ヨロシクお願いします
One merit the writer may at least claim: -that of calling forth the passions and engaging the sympathy of the reader by means hitherto unemployed by preceding authors. Puerile superstition and exploded manners, Gothic castles and chimeras, are the materials usually employed for this end. The incidents of Indian hostility, and the perils of the Western wilderness, are far more suitable; and for a native of America to overlook these would admit of no apology. These, therefore, are, in part, the ingredients of this tale, and these he has been ambitious of depicting in vivid and faithful colours. The success of his efforts must be estimated by the liberal and candid reader.
And the immediate replacement of wartime co‐operation with the cold War made the collective security system envisaged by the Charter impossible to achieve.
'What,' said the questionnaire, 'finally decided you to specialize in your particular field? Chance or clear-cut decision?' Then, very casually laying a trap: 'Money or what?' The 'or what' one imagined was the camouflaging leaves over the pit...'Would you,' it continued jovially, 'have actually preferred a different job' and then, pinning on down suddenly, 'And if so, what?'
1、Father came home in a shower with his coat dripping and his feet soaked. 2、Talking of cars, more and more students use them without any idea of where to leave theirs. 3、The bridge having been washed away by the flood, we had to make a detour.
>>277 Japan, like other countries, faces problems of the disposal of garbage. Garbage not only destroys our environment but space to dump it all remains severely limited. According to Kataoka, 43, head of one of two waste disposal units in Minato-ku, Japan’s garbage problem has worsened over the past years. Many Tokyo officials are particularly concerned about the increasing amount of “sidaigomi,” large bulky articles such as refrigerators, that cannot be thrown out with the usual day-to-day trash
This site is managed by the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of State.
counterterrorism bill (Public Law 107-56, also known as USA PATRIOT). The new law strengthened enforcement tools and made improvements to the last major terrorism bill, the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. The USA Patriot Act also created a Terrorist Exclusion List (TEL) with immigration consequences for groups named therein. Designation on the TEL allows the US Government to exclude or deport aliens
These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion whether, in all material respects, the financial report is presented fairly in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and other the mandatory professional reporting requirements and statutory requirements so as to present a view which is consistent with our understanding as represented by the results of the Company's financial position and performance as represented by the results of its operations and cash flows.
Mets principal owner Fred Wilpon spent much of the winter professing that his club would be playing "meaningful games" late into the 2004 season. Well, for New York to be playing those types of games in August and September, it will have to take care of business in games just as meaningful in May and June.
I can tell I'm gonna love you By the way I love you now And it's your little little kick down below Makes me feel the strength of a hundred forces I never felt the power of a love this befor
好きな曲の歌詞なのですが 3行目の kick down belw のあたりがさっぱり意味が分かりません 歌詞カードにピリオドがなかったので、念のため前後の行も書いてみました。 よろしくお願いします。
Becky smiled at me until she forced me to smile back. "Someday",she confided,"you're going to find a girl so wonderful you'll konw she's the right one for you. Then,you'll forget all about me. I promise you," "May I help you?"the ceramic-shop man repeated a bit more firmly. "Is becky in?"I muttered finally. "Are you a friend of hers?" he shot back suspiciously.
おかしいだろ。 2006年まで有効なら:My driver's license is valid till 2006. My driver's license expires in 2006. My driver's lisence doesn't expire until 2006. 2006年から有効なら:My driver's license is not valid until 2006.
The faculty of Law is not a pound of raisins, as we say (not a very pleasant thing). So I guess I shouldn't waste your time with rare messages from time to time as I w on't be able to spend a lot of time writing letters. Sorry.
Whatever their hopes or dreams, encased in the same situation, they were far from familiar, and he too was as different from anyone as it was possible to get. Since childhood, school, factory, active service, he had been set apart from friends, brothers, parents --- everyone. He was different now, but the difference came as a revelation because the other thirty bods were reduced to such similarity by the state in which they lived that he had been forced into realizing his absolute difference, not better, or worse, but different in a way that it was a matter for rejoicing rather than regret.
ながくてすみません。 特に2行目の意味は、彼らがそれぞれ違う人間である、ということでしょうか? それとも、ここでの"he"にとって"far from familiar"ということなのでしょうか。 よろしくおねがいします。
The recruitment of foreign labour did not merely fill the gaps in the labour market; it also offered several other advantages to capital and the state. Among them were following. First, in a receiving social formation, capital and the state could avoid the reproduction costs of foreign workers who left their families behind and who were expected to return home themselves once the need for their labour subsided.
She was never still, kissing or being kissed, and he was divided from himself, looking on at her, viewing them both, her features lost as if she was being devoured, and wondering nevertheless whether she also felt separate from him. He used nothing to prevent consequences, no division of the flesh. He loved her, as near as he could get to believing it, words and thoughts burned clean. Only by belonging to her and to this room could he be one with himself but, as on the slopes of Mt. Everest, it was exhaustion that finally told him who he was.
Received: We are waiting on information needed to complete the processing of this item. Should we require additional information from you, you will be contacted by a customer service representative.
A MAN had a Wife who made herself hated by all the members of his household. Wishing to find out if she had the same effect on the persons in her father's house, he made some excuse to send her home on a visit to her father. After a short time she returned, and when he inquired how she had got on and how the servants had treated her, she replied, "The herdsmen and shepherds cast on me looks of aversion." He said, "O Wife, if you were disliked by those who go out early in the morning with their flocks and return late in the evening, what must have been felt towards you by those with whom you passed the whole day!"
It decreased because foollish human being erased. That foollish is the lump of suspicion. I was almost troublesome. Since it canot allow, it kills. It strikes, whenever it sees that fellow's text.
Please do not com, if you do not want to see. Since it does thoroughly・・・
Tamura ryoko began judo when she was seven years old. She practiced very hard. "You need to practice three times as much as bigger people,'' her coach said. "If you take a day off, you`ll need three days to make up tor it. You must not look away from your opponent. never give up.'' She listened to every word of his advice. Four months after she began judo, she joined a tournament held in ashrine in Hakata. She won out over five boys and got the first gold medal of her life. Itwas so bright and heavy for such a little girl ! judo became the most important thing to her and she began to dream of getting a gold medal at the Olympic Games.
She got it in Sydney. "I slept with the gold medal beside my pillow. I woke up this morning to find I was still excited,'' she said the next day. It was the third time she had joined the Olympic Games. She had ended up with silver medals in both Barcelona and Atlanta. She has a great record of many victories, dut she has also had a lot of difficulties. Even when she was injured, she had to fight on in tonrnaments. She was under great pressure. Everyone expected her to win all the matches. It was alsodifficult for her to stay in top condition. yawara-chan be- lieves in luck. Red is her lucky color,so she wore a red ribbon in Sydney. before flying to Sydney she was very happy when she bo ught four MDs at a shop in Narita Airport and the total came to a lucky number:\11,111.She kept the receipt in her bag and boarded the plane. Her fighting spirit has never failed. Even now, after the Sydney Olympic Games, she says, "I love to try for new records." The Japanese are looking forward to seeing her smile again.
I recall staring down into that miserable,tiny abattoir and shuddering and trying to understand that in a few seconds on a gloriously sunny day in an otherwise happy time,a friend had been murdered; a President assassinated; a political movement.
※ When we'll begin? The way you taught us So many chances passed Tears of blue moon Swallowed all of the game we play When will be all the flowers flourish the way they want to be yet The dance has done go around The dance we've done go around In blue moon sea
The stone did try to run away From heavy rain Of all the pain Can't even recall what it's all about anymore
There is no aboriginal stuff or quality of being , contrasted with that of which material objects are made , out of which our thoughts of them are made ; but there is a function in experience which thoughts perform , and for the performance of which this quality of being is invoked.
発展途上国での、児童労働から子供達を解放させようって言う感じの文章からです。 “We must be the change we want to see,"Gandhi(ガンジー) said. that change starts within each one of us and will not end until all children are free to be children. よろしくお願いします。
Whatever the link between TAKESHI and AYUMI,AYUMI in 1718 published a 3d. pamphlet denouncing TAKESHI,The Regulator;or a Discovery of Thieves,Thieve-takers,and Lock's. TAKESHI in a published reply,professed to expose AYUMI's blackmailing practices,and claimed to have been AYUMI pupil.
“People want to prepare for it by getting rid of all their junk. It is also a time when many company employees transfer offices.”
Made of light material they are easily scratched or broken and just as readily disposed of. Lack of living space, as well forces people to get rid of unnecessary clutter to make room for newly acquired goods. But, basically, Kataoka feels that: “People are greedy and apparently not as concerned about waste as they should be.”
No recycling system has been established yet, although the unit in Omori did set up a garage sale type operation which went into effect this April.
People may not be as conscious of waste as in the past, but it is important that they learn to be, say Kataoka. For the disposal of garbage problem is one that concerns us all; it is our environment that is at stake. According to Karaoka, it is not enough that officials from above tell people what and what not to do. Despite the waste, he claims his job is to dispose of all these unwanted articles, not to recycle them for future use.
[The school is an immense two-storey wooden building in European style, painted a dark gray-blue. It has accommodation for nearly three hundred day-scholars.] [It is also much handsomer, is painted snowy white, and has a little cupola upon its summit. There are only about one hundred and fifty students in the school,but they are boarders.]
The world's profligate burning of fossil fuels - coal, oil and natural gas - is releasing so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that the resulting "greenhouse effect" could produce a dramatic and disastrous warming of the earth. Some scientists even warn that in the next century the polar ice could melt, with the oceans rising and coastal cities flooding. よろしくお願いします。温暖化の話、というのは理解できました…。うーん。
Apart from that, I have been in touch with a (seemingly) nice Chinese girl by means of the internet. I am looking forward to meet her. It could be nice if we were attracted to each other. I never believed that I could meet a girl thanks to the internet because I thought it was un-romantic but now I want to be optimistic and see what happens. Who knows? Perhaps nothing happens (and I would have lost nothing) but perhaps something could happen, so I will be patient and see.
01.The GOD bites own lip in chagrin 02.Sheep Will Sleep(,if you become fatigued) 03.Exceptional Routine Work 04.Drunkard Does Make Wise Remarks 05.Riches In Me 06.Drumhead Pulsation 07.Home Sweet Grave 08.The Irony Of Chaste 09.Lady Fascination 10.Push A Bush 11.Kill DOG As A Sacrifice To DOG 12.The Cat Attached To The Rust 13.Hunt A Soul 14.Confrontation 15.Might Is Right But Tight 16.Calculating King 17.Lost My Holdings 18.Peep 19.Hurry Somebody Up 20.The fellow
The same technique was used to help some American astronauts prepare for a night launch. The astronauts were plased in brightly lit surroundings for three night. これは、光と人の健康に関する文章で、 techniqueというのは、普段寝ているような時間に、強い光を当てるということを繰り返すと、 そういう時間に、日中のような行動を取るようになる、という技術です。(日本語で説明が出来ていませんが・・・) よろしくお願いします。
Here's my perspective as an American who moved to Japan when her children were 5 and 8. One of the big advantages of living in Japan is that you can let your children run free. It's perfectly normal here for first-graders to commute to school on their own.
DrE maintained that new scientific theories are "free creations of thought" ,but,as Holton points out,if that were really the case, there would be an infinite number of different axioms from which to chhose,most of them useless, and success would come only by a lucky accident or fluke,as the scientist in his boundless freedom happend to make a leap to exactly the right axioms.
I need to go on a trip vacation myself but it does look like I'll be doing some traveling this summer ..we'll see what this tour in the future holds. 訳してください!!
,most of them useful,はan infinite number of different axiomsと同格 というところまではわかったのですが from which to choseの「そこから(科学理論に役立つ公理を)選択」 が良くわかりません・・・ 「選択したところから」という訳語なら理解できるのですが そう訳しますと日本語がおかしくなりますし・・・
>>549 from which to chooseは関係節の省略として、例えば、次のように考えること。
there would be an infinite number of different axioms, from which (it is necessary) to choose (the right ones), (because) most of them (are) useLESS, and ...
なお、most of them uselessは、an infinite number of different axiomsと同格と考えるより、 most of them (being) useless という分詞構文の分詞beingが省略されたものと考えた方がよさそう。
It had been ordered that the execution should take place in the garden of the yashiki. So the man was taken there, and made to kneel down in a wide sanded space crossed by a line of tobi-ishi, or stepping-stones, such as you may still see in Japanese landscape-gardens. His arm were bound behind him. Retainers brought water in buckets, and rice-bags filled with pebbles; and they packed the rice-bags round the kneeding man. -so wedgeng him in that he could not move. The master came, and observed the arrangements. He found them satisfactory, and made no remarks. 途中のところは、 「彼の腕は後ろで縛られた。家来達は水の入った桶と、小石が入った米袋を持ってきた。そして彼が動けないようにくさびとめにした。」 と、訳せたんですが、前後が理解出来ないので、分かる方、よろしくお願いします
It had been ordered that the execution should take place in the garden of the yashiki. So the man was taken there, and made to kneel down in a wide sanded space crossed by a line of tobi-ishi, or stepping-stones, such as you may still see in Japanese landscape-gardens. His arm were bound behind him. Retainers brought water in buckets, and rice-bags filled with pebbles; and they packed the rice-bags round the kneeding man. -so wedgeng him in that he could not move. The master came, and observed the arrangements. He found them satisfactory, and made no remarks. 途中のところは、 「彼の腕は後ろで縛られた。家来達は水の入った桶と、小石が入った米袋を持ってきた。そして彼が動けないようにくさびとめにした。」 と、訳せたんですが、前後が理解出来ないので、分かる方、よろしくお願いします
<About show and tell> In next week's class, we will have a Show and Tell. What is 'Show and Tell'? It's simple; you bring something to SHOW the class, and TELL the class about it.
Here's what you should do;
First, find something to bring to class. It should be an OBJECT that is important to you. Bring something large enough for the class to see. Some example; a favorite book, a toy, a necklace, a poster, etc. Small picture are not good, because they're hard to see.
Second, write about your object in your notebook. Explain what it is, and why it is important to you.
Third, come to class with your object and your notebook. Show the class your object, and tell us about it.
That's all! I look forward to seeing what you bring!
I have a bit of bad news. I your book as been sent without airmail, and is now lost in the post. I have sent a search for it through royal mail and they said it might take a couple of weeks to return it to me. I will refund you your full amount and when i receive it back ill post it out to you free of charge. sorry for the inconvenience.
I have a bit of bad news. I your book as been sent without airmail, and is now lost in the post. I have sent a search for it through royal mail and they said it might take a couple of weeks to return it to me. I will refund you your full amount and when i receive it back ill post it out to you free of charge. sorry for the inconvenience.
I have a bit of bad news. I your book as been sent without airmail, and is now lost in the post. I have sent a search for it through royal mail and they said it might take a couple of weeks to return it to me. I will refund you your full amount and when i receive it back ill post it out to you free of charge. sorry for the inconvenience.
I have a bit of bad news. I your book as been sent without airmail, and is now lost in the post. I have sent a search for it through royal mail and they said it might take a couple of weeks to return it to me. I will refund you your full amount and when i receive it back ill post it out to you free of charge. sorry for the inconvenience.
If one mom gets spooked about her daughter walking to ballet class, other moms will be forced to worry. Gee, maybe only bad moms let their daughters walk to ballet class! And when fewer kids are out, the streets feel less safe. Pretty soon we've got another society where kids can't go anywhere without a parent.
The point of this story, which describes our change from hunter-gatherers to factory farmers over the past five hundred generations,is to illustrate how far we have moved away from a natural way of feeding ourselves. A more important point, however, is the extreme degree to which humans believe that the world is animals exist only for human exploitation. Other than food, we use leather and fur products without a thought for the pain and suffering of the animals whose skin made our shoes, coats, or wallets.
They are different ways that the mind, or personality, works. They are not different parts of the brain. Here, in simple terms, is how the personality is put together.
I did some research and learned that communities all over Japan are buying personal security alarms for school kids, creating a huge shortage. Demand surged at the end of last year after a man approached a sixth-grade girl walking home from school and tried to make her go with him. That case, in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward, generated sensational news coverage and prompted schools to implement new security measures, such as parent-based safety patrols.
Alice was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a moment: she looked up, but it was all dark overhead; before her was another long passage, and the White Rabbit was still in sight, hurrying down it. There was not a moment to be lost: away went Alice like the wind, and was just in time to hear it say, as it turned a corner, `Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!'
Avril Lavigne knows her image: a moody, teen rock star with an acidic tongue, steely stare and tough-girl attitude. "I have been labeled like I'm this angry girl -- I'm like, this rebel, I'm like, punk, and I am so not any of them. It's so funny, and I'm actually really shy," the petite, Canadian-born Lavigne says in typical teenspeak, sitting on a hotel bed wearing a black hooded sweat shirt, grayish pants, boxy shoes and socks bearing the message "boys are dumb." Lavigne the one-dimensional angry rocker chick is just one misconception she hopes to dispel as she releases her second album, "Under This Skin," on Tuesday. It's the follow-up to her hugely successful debut, 2002's "Let Go." どなたかお願いいたします。
No one knows what it's like, to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes. No one knows what it's like to be hated, to be fated, to telling only lies But my dreams, they aren’t as empty, as my conscience seems to be. I have hours. only lonely. My love is vengeance that’s never free No one knows what it’s like to feel these feelings, like I do, and I blame you No one bites back as hard on their anger None of my pain woe, can show through.
Wales and Scotland have one important thing in common. It was the mountainous geography of Wales and Scotland which made them different from England and which often kept Wales and Scotland safe from England attacks. Wales still feels different from England, and quite a lot people in Wales would like Wales either to have a more independent government or become a completely independent country. The roots of Wales are Celtic, whereas the roots of England are Anglo-Saxon. Half a million of Wales's three million people speak Welsh, which is a Celtic language. The Welsh word for Wales, for example, is Cymru. All official notices and signs in Wales are written in both English and Welsh. School children in Wales can choose to be taught in English or Welsh-speaking schools. Geographically, Wales can be divided into three parts--the South, Mid-Wales and North Wales. Mid-Wales and North Wales have the most Welsh speakers and are also the most rural. The South of Wales is largely English-speaking and has most large cities including Cardiff, the Welsh capital. Everywhere in Wales (North, Mid and South--Welsh and English-speaking), there is a great tradition for singing. Both the Welsh language and the Welsh accent of Welsh people speaking English are thought to be very musical.
There is also a great tradition in Wales for playing rugby, which is the country's national game. Often rugby and singing go together, as Welsh spectators sing to encourage their team, especially during international matches.
2つ質問させて頂きます I couldn't have asked for a better going away present. と You said to me once that commanding a starship was what you were meant to do. のwtat〜をうまく訳せません
I think the guy who's under the radar screen is Hideki Matsui, with some unbelievable grinding at-bats,'' Rodriguez said. ロドリゲスは「注目すべきはバットがうねるような非凡なスイングを見せるヒデキ・マツイだ」と評した。
grindingの形容詞としての意味が辞書によると、 a bad situation that makes your life very difficult and unhappy, and never seems to improve とありました。 松井の評価がnever seems to improveだとダメダメな印象なんだけどなあ。
長文ですが、宜しくお願いいたします、、、(>_<) Werner Siemens(1816-92) not only built the greatest electric concernin in Germany, he also concerned himself deeply with the enactment of the German Patent Law (1877). It is because he himself was an inventor-ent repreneur and recognized the significance of patents. He stated "the main reason of the rapid growth of our factories is that our products resulted mainly from our own inventions." In his company,Siemens and Halske & Co. in 1873 an unprecedented com- troversy came about. That is, the upper. engineer Hefner-Alteneck(1845-1904) who invented an epoch-making dynamo stated that he wanted to retire with the invention and set up his own company.
The Yankees spent their free-agent money on starting pitching. They put together a lineup of pure professionals, not superstars. They now have gone three years without a championship, largely because the new lineup -- although higher-paid -- does not produce the same grinding at-bats late in October games.
Torre was also giddy over Giambi's at-bat. "That's the grind," Torre said. "If we're going to beat good pitching, we need grinding at-bats. I know it's boring sometimes. But a grinding at-bat will give you a home run when you're not thinking about it.
野球英語にも詳しいであろう吾妻さんに質問ですが、 和訳スレで以下のような英文があり、誰かが回答もされていました。 ---------------- 657 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :04/05/28 17:23 "I think the guy who's under the radar screen is Hideki Matsui, with some unbelievable grinding at-bats,'' Rodriguez said.
The Yankees spent their free-agent money on starting pitching. They put together a lineup of pure professionals, not superstars. They now have gone three years without a championship, largely because the new lineup -- although higher-paid -- does not produce the same grinding at-bats late in October games.
Torre was also giddy over Giambi's at-bat. "That's the grind," Torre said. "If we're going to beat good pitching, we need grinding at-bats. I know it's boring sometimes. But a grinding at-bat will give you a home run when you're not thinking about it.
Now Let's look at how this ethnic,racial,and cultural diversity has impacted American society.First of all,it has given the country a more international look.In schools across the USA,children of all races study and play side by side.In colleges and universities, young people of different races study,socialize and go out together. Mixed couples are common,as are children born from these unions. Since families adopt children from diffrent ethnic and racial backgrounds,it is not unusual to see parents with children who look different.Once upon a time ,Americans stared at such differences,but now looking differrent is normal. 長文ですみません・・・訳お願いします
With the enforcement of the "Food Recycling Law", major corporations which could denounced as main culprits will make every effort to tackle food loss reduction and effective utilization. It is along the line of the Expanded Producer Responsibility(EPR) and so is deemed desirable in itself. However,the more successful the measure to solve a food loss issue at the exit is (with expertise involved which is likely to assure good results),the more likely consumers' involvement at the entry may reced to the background. To the extent that experts accomplish achievements, consumers as non-experts become less important,so that there is no growth in chances for solving the food less issue at the level of food buying behavior and dietary life. As long as consumers stay as always right consumers, the fundamental solution of the issue is postponed.
How come most Japanese children,unlike most American ones,grow up into normal,well-adjusted members of society without either being spanked by their fathers or taken by the mother to a psychiatrist?
Japanese youngsters, especially the ones lucky enough to attend the best high school in the world(which Mr.○○ founded in the Meiji period), are blessed by Heaven with a pure heart and a truly superior intelligence. Unlike America, which is only slightly over 200 years old, Japan has a culture dating back over 1,000 years. By the grace of Korea, and especially China, Japan has a superior culture with a high moral standard; hence, Japanese boys assimilate this precious legacy by means of a "psychological osmosis." Thus they generally develop into superior human beings with a good sense of what is right and wrong. They have no need either of spankings nor of psychiatrists, for they can use their common sense and make the correct choice without being coerced or medicated into a condition which comes naturally to them, thanks to their heritage.
IED/LEAD-China takes as a goal to empower all the environment stakeholders and general public, especially disadvantaged groups. We aim to create platform for free and equal dialogue, negotiation and participation in search of the path for the sustainable development. We are committed to the capacity building exercise through education, research, and information & knowledge dissemination applying information and communication technology
The younger generation lives in 'real-time', seeing the day as having 24 hours in which to eat, sleep, work, relax and play, a kind of student ordering of time writ into the rest of one's life!
Spatial-carrier fringe-pattern analysis and its applications to precision interferomertry and profilometry: An overview
Abstract. The principle of the spatial-carrier heterodyne technique is described with emphasis on fringe-pattern analysis. Characteristics of the spatial-carrier technique and the temporal-carrier technique are compared, and the relationship between the two techniques is clarified. Recent developments in the spatial-carrier fringe-pattern analysis techniques and their application areas are reviewed.
確かに文法がとりにくい構文だが、とりあえず、 seeing the day as having 24 hours in which to eat, sleep, work, relax and play と a kind of student ordering of time writ into the rest of one's life の両方を分詞構文として解釈してみた。
A: Was it a girl or a boy? B: A girl. She's eight pounds and very healthy. A: When will they come home from the hospital? B: I'm going to bring them home tomorrow. A: You'll have to come for a visit. What a nice change for the neighborhood!
>>700 >ただ、文法的解釈としては、a kind of student ordering 〜 life は >前の having 〜 play と「同格」なのでは、という気もします。
同格の解釈も考えたんですけど、前の分詞節が(比喩的であるにせよ)「一日」の捉え方 についての話なのに、後のa kind of ...以下の部分が「一生」の捉え方の話なので、むしろ、 別々の副詞(分詞)節と考えた方がわかりやすいのではないかと考えました。
ちなみに、私の解釈では、a kind of student ordering of time writ into the rest of one's life はa kind of student ordering of timeを主語とする過去分詞writの独立分詞構文としているので、 >>699さんの解釈とは少し異なります。
>>703 とりあえず、seeing の 〜ing はどなたも分詞構文であることに異論は ないと思います。 自分の解釈は see A as B = A を B として見るの as は通常補語をみちびく as と説明されておりこの B の部分を名詞とみなして[having 〜 play] と [a kind of 〜 life] が「同格」関係、というものです。
>後のa kind of ...以下の部分が「一生」の捉え方の話なので、むしろ、 >別々の副詞(分詞)節と考えた方がわかりやすいのではないかと考えました。 「一生」の捉え方になっているのは writ into 〜 の部分で、その前の a kind of student ordering of time (一種、学生の時間の振割り方) の部分に自分は重点をおいて考えたので「同格」という考え方をした のですが。 でも、これ以上文法的なことを詮索する気はあまりありません。^^; ていねいなレスありがとうございました。 もう寝なければ。
Few people on the face of globe can truely be called untrained. Being brought up among other human beings,of whatever class or culture, is in itsef a process of training,education,and organization. The uniformities of a spoken language,of eating,sleeping,and doing,which the growing individual experiences, serve to develop his nervous tissues into mind.
"He's gone through a couple of mini-streaks, but he hasn't gone through one like he did last year during Interleague play," said manager Joe Torre. "During that, he was the only guy scoring for us in low-scoring games."
The problem with trying things in the united states is there are many foods that cannot be served because of national laws. Many restaurants serve food that is close, but not really authentic.
Is it possible for people to live on other planets? Should we try to make a colony on Mars? Akira has written a report to try to answer these questions.
>>776 Is it possible for people to live on other planets? Should we try to make a colony on Mars? Akira has written a report to try to answer these questions.
my head is falling off my head and i dont want to see clear again everyone is talking about jesus everyone is talking about jesus everyone is talking about jesus everyone’s fucking my princess
goodnight to my new dead wife goodnight to my nazi friend i’m standing on the tip of my stinking ship
Suddenly the condemned man cried out to him: - "Honored Sir, the fault for which I have been doomed I did not wittingly commit. It was only my very great stupidity which caused the fault. Having been born stupid, by reason of my Karma, I could not always help making mistakes. But to kill a man for being stupid is wrong, - and that wrong will be repaid. So surely as you kill me, so surely shall I be avenged; - out of the resentment that you provoke will come the vengeance; and evil will be rendered for evil."... 昔の日本が舞台で、一人の男が処刑される場面の話なのですが、訳をうまく理解できません。 途中の「突然死刑囚の男が叫んだ」「だが 私を殺せば、私も同じく必ず仕返しをする」 「そして不運は不運で返される」だけ分かったのですが、理解できる方、よろしくお願いします。
・In four hours a space shuttle launch will light up the sky. ・The spotlights shining on the space shuttle light the last part of our route. ・We are trying on our backs as we face the nose.
since they have some objective distance on the United States and at the same time an intense interest in what happens here, they tend to form overall impressions about us that are widely shared. Based on my years of traveling to Asia and writing this column, here are a few of them.
Reagrding your email, we would like to inform your that for diamond members the continental breakfast is included. Because our hotel is a "Park Hyatt" we do not have any regency club.
Thank you verry much for the interest you have shown for our property. We remain at your diposition for any further queries. Yours sincerly
Asians are beginning to wonder when Americans will wake up and decide that their current president is not exactly a John F. Kennedy. Polls in the region show a higher level of negativity toward Bush than America in general, a judgment reached well before the Iraq prison abuse scandal.
Maybe the saddest unintended consequence of the homeland security measures in the U.S. is Mother Liberty flashing a stop sign in the face of young Asians wanting to school here. Asian moms and dads are getting antsy about whether their children will be able to get into Harvard. Be patient, Asia: We won't always be so uptight with our visas. This, too, shall pass. を教えていただけると助かります。よろしくお願いします。
"Its Publication followed close enough on the American Revolution to satisfy an almost insatiable demand for things American and confirmed, for most readers, a vision of new land, rich and promising, where industry prevailed over class and fashion."
よろしくおねがいします(m_m) 前文は、LETTER FROM AN AMERICAN FARMER appered in 1782 and was an immediate success. Crevecoeur found himself a popular hero when the expanded French edition(dated 1784) appeared. です。
And what a wonderful place anime turns out to be ! Who would have guessed what was going on behind those dark business suits and tightly wrapped kimono! It is so easy to think of Japanese simply as warkaholics, economic animes,and imitators. But if you watch your first anime or read your first anime, you will realize that Japanese,inheriting an ancient culture from East Asia,grow up to produce something that surprises even its immediate neighbors.
if you are in this movie and you are mad because I did not get your permission, then go and fuck yourself! もし、この動画の中にお前が出演していて、俺がお前の出演許可をとってないから ってんで怒ってるなら、あっちいってマスでもかいときな!
To seek such chance from experts' commitments (emphasizing objectivity or backed up by objective) or enlightement thereby will shun a breakthrough,won't it?
As the importance of meals in the household economy lessens (or in other words "as convenience-seeking in dietary and other aspects of life proceeds" as suggested by the spread of microwave ovens), it is feared that consumers' dietary consciousness may be confined to a safety issue, and that their concern for other issues may fall. In the future, too, the food system will be urged to solve many tasks and problems. Efforts will be made to solve many of them through managerial and technological innovations on the part of food business, but without collaborative involvement of consumers it will be difficult to solve problems efficiently and effectively.
This is the Form of the Hexagram of solomon, the figure whereof is to be made on parchment of a Calf's skin, and worn at the skirt of thy white vestment, and covered with a cloth of fine linen white and pure, the which is to be shown unto the Spirits when they do appear, so that they be compelled to take human shape upon them and be obedient.
This is the Form of the penteagram of solomon, the figure whereof is to be made in Sol or Luna(Gold or Silver), and worn upon thy beast. having the Seal of the Spirit required upon the other side thereof. It is to preserve thee from danger,and also to command the Spirits by.
It is publication followed close enough on the American Revolution to satisfy an almost insatiable demand for things Ametican and confirmed, for most readers, a vision of new land, rich and promising, where industry prevailed over class and fashion.
お願いします(m_m) 前文は、"LETTER FROM AN AMERICAN FARMER appeared in 1782 and was an immediate success. Crevecoeur found himself a popular hero when the expanded French edition appeared." です。
If any person be killed while feeling strong resentment, the ghost of that person will be able to take vengeance upon the killer. This the samurai knew, He replied very gently. - almost caressingly: - "We shall allow you to frighten us as much as you please - after you you are dead. But it id difficult to believe thst you mean what you say. Will you try to give us some sign of your great resentment - after your head has been cut off?" >>558>>792 の後の文章なのですが、理解できる方よろしくお願いします。 昔の日本が舞台で、一人の男が屋敷で主人に処刑される場面の話です。
When I started working from home, it was very easy to get distracted... Watch TV etc. But after a while, its no different than working in an office building. Occasionnally when i want to socialize and see coworkers, I'll work in the sony office. I do that once every 2 months maybe at most.
but it was not these worlds of fantasy―bought into our two-bedroom cottage in the Allegheny Mountains courtesy of schholibrary or the bookmobile―that diverted me from what had seemed my destiny. よろしくお願いします。
Compression loads occur in a wide variety of material applications, such as steel building structures and concrete bridge supports, as well as in material processing, such as during the rolling and forging of a billet.
>>892ですが、下記の部分だけでいいので、 お願いしますm(__)m To seek such chance from experts' commitments (emphasizing objectivity or backed up by objective) or enlightement thereby will shun a breakthrough,won't it?
In the village of petepom, Ghana 10-years-old Dilys Amponsah is different from many of her friends. She loves school and even dreams of being a teacher. The situation is not the same with every child. At least five of her friends no longer attend school,because their parents continue to have a bias against educating girls. They think that girls do not need education. "My friends would be interested in school if they were able to come," Amponsah says. "We see films that show our parents that girls should go to school to grow up to be what they want to be." Girls can realize their dreams through education.
翻訳よろしくお願いします。 Dude gets an ingrown hair. It gets infected, now he has a boil.Ought to go to the doc and get it lanced, but he doesn't. Weeks pass. The boil grows, eroding downward toward his skull. Ought to go to the hospital in a jiffy, but he doesn't. Weeks pass. The infection reaches his skull. Bone, once infected, presents little barrier to spread of infection to contiguous bone, and so it spreads within his skull. Ought to spend a good long time in the hospital, but he doesn't. The bone dies, and begins to erode. Weeks pass. At some point, the smell attracts flies, which begin to lay eggs in his festering wound, and maggots take hold. Weeks pass. The infection breaches the inner layer of his skull, and reaches the meninges. Weeks pass. Though their tensile strength is impressive, the meninges are quite thin, and the infection breaches them. Now, infection and maggots set to work on his brain. Your brain just isn't supposed to be on your outside, and presents almost no barrier to anything when exposed. Infection and maggots get to work on his brain. This makes him feel a little wobbly on his feet, and so, what do you know, he decides to see the doctor. He walks in to the Stanford ER, where these photos were taken, just as you see him here.
I have heard that "English is the most popular language in the world."But,now,it is'nt true everything. The other day,my brother,who has been studying French,said to me "English is not a universal word any longer." I don't believe what he said then.He continued "If you speak to French in Europe in English,they probably say nothing.Insted,they think “If you wants me to answer what you said,speak in French.”" This is probably show that the power of the USA is getting weak step by step.What do you think?
Managers holding incentive options also have an unusual incentive to substitute share repurchases for a portion of the dividend payout,since the direct effect of such a substitution is to increase the value of the managers' options.
There is nothing surprising about the poll's findings. The U.S. primed Iraq with a "shock and awe" bombing campaign, then invaded, and is attempting to impose our concept of democracy at the point of a gun.
The U.S. [primed~] and {is attempting~]という解釈でOKでしょうか。 訳をお願いいたします。
competion intrument sang boobies dude liposuction replied ewww yay seduced braclet stole weezer albert slutty sir albert slutty herpes manilow bum-bum salivate scarred certified
Humans always strive for stability. We constantly seek permanence in a world and existence that is fundamentally transitory. We convince ourselves that permanence is possible, while evidence to the contrary floods all around us on an overwhelming level. We do whatever we can to make the concept of tomorrow as nice and as secure as we can, but while we do that we ignore the beauty of today as it goes by unnoticed. If we could come to terms with the natural transistasis of the universe, how amazing things might be.
When Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980,so too was a Republican Senate,the first since 1948. In 1994,the House went to the Republicans as well. Sensing the changed public attitudes that had elected them,these lawmakers were much more pro-business than their Democratic predecessors. This change in Congress has boosted public confidence in the stock market,because of a variety of controls that the legislature can exert over corporate profits and investor returns.
Many Japanese people have communication problems. This is a HUGE issue. One of the results is sexual frustration. T hat is why Japanese read so many pornographic mangas and about 80% of all films produced in a year are porn. And then, have you noticed how stupid the TV shows in Japan are? The jokes are often dirty and "geinoojin" (TV entertainers) amuse the equally stupid audience by teasing, or even abusing each other.
Also, have you noticed that TV show directors show a face of a geinoojin in a corner of a screen so that the infantile TV viewers would be able to distinguish when to laugh and when to make a surprise gasp.Doesn't is show that Japanese have difficulty making up their own mind?
Most of the Japanese obey rules too strictly. For Japanese, rules are everything. Japanese lack critical thinking and they would blindly follow the rules no matter how ridiculous they are