>>52 I signed up for the Italian class becasue I heard that only five people had signed up to a 20-student class but when the class started, to my surprise, there were 10 student attending it!
>>40 Hello, how do you do? This is Tomoko -- Ken's mother. Thank you very much for letting Ken staying with you. I's happy to hear that Ken is enjoying having three little brothers since he has none at home. I hope Ken isn't causing you any trouble as the culture and life style must be new to him and his to yours.
I'm looking forward to meet you and your family someday. Thank you again and wishing you the best.
I dislike myself. Because when I'm blue I don't lead a good way myself. I can't clear nothing about my problems.... I dislike people too. Yes I'm a asshole jap, as everyone in this thread. You might be living in the boring life.... it's too bad each other.
>>40 >>60 でもまあいいんだろうけど、こんなんでどうですか? Dear Benedict Family, Thank you very much for your kind hospitality to my son. I'm glad to hear that Ken is enjoying staying with you, particularly with your three boys who has become his "little brother", which is a new experience for him. I hope his ignorance of the different culture is not causing any trouble to you, and if any, would like to beg your patience. I'm looking forward to seeing you some day. Best wishes, Tomoko
>>81 enjoying staying → enjoying the stay who has become his "little brother" → who have ... brothers and if any, would like to beg your patience → and would like to beg your patience if he is
>>88 I grew up only among sisters so we had nothing to do with Koinobori but I recall the next door had displayed it every year because they had a boy who I had been a friend with since we were little.
>>24 I sometimes feel nervous and under pressure before my speech but nonetheless I feel great to speek in front of a big audience. For I feel as if I'm dominating the time and filled with energy. I wish I could enjoy that feeling again, but perhaps not any more as it's too tough for me now.
>>93 Sorry for visiting you in such a late hour. It's so kind of you to see me though you were tired from work. I really appreciate it. Actually I had a lot of things to say, but as soon as I saw your face, I forgot all about them because I was so happy. I cannot speak English because I've just started learning it at a school, but I can understand what you say.
I have some requests about our meeting on June 1st. First, I would like to talk with someone from your management department, and have him demonstrate how your company's management system works, hopefully with samples. Second, I would like to meet with your risk-management specialist. And the last thing I may want is a quick-tour of your office after the meeting.
The meeting time, I am thinking, can be from 9 to 11. Is this a good time for you?
You can purchase ____ on the mobile web, but you can only buy regular products on the normal web site. The mobile web is only compatible with Docomo and Vodafone, and mine is AU. So I borrowed my borther's to place an order.
>>107 I am very disapointed in him. He has forgotten about us completely. Why do I know? Because I had to call him and beg him, just to get an email from him. Maybe he was never up to this thing from the beginning. Personally, I feel that I can no longer do any business with him.
>>131 I definitely don't want to get a sunburn. That's why I put an umbrella when going out in daytime. I also wear a hat, gloves, sunglasses and a mask. Of course, sun cream is a must. It's a pity that I'm seen as a kind of weirdo by those around me.
>>130 It seems that the person responsible for those postings on that issue was Ms. E. It came out she wrote her postings using other handles. I could feel sorry for her though, because we know everyone has shortcomings. Let's always recheck the handle and content before we make a posting.
>>144 What do you mean by "XX?" (What is "XX?") You mean VoIP? I would rather we just e-mail each other since I've never tried it before. If it's okay with you, please e-mail me back! とうのはどうでしょうか
>>147 Thank you for the picture. The next time I visit you, I would like to go to that island. The price does seem a little high though... の方がいいと思います。 さらに、148さんはもう少し英語を勉強した方がいいと思います。
>>146 XX has gone to Hong Kong just to see ○○ appear in some event. S/he will stay there for (two nights and) three days. That's what you call an "enthusiastic fan." I wish I had her (his) energy. 後半意訳です。すみません。 むずかしいですね。 I think I should be as enthusiastic as s/he is??
>>167 I have been to europe,but never been to your country. I am really interested in @@ museum,so someday I hope to visit there. I too hope you will tell me more about your country. I am looking forward to it.
>>171 They say my voice is somewhat different from what they've imagined to be. They imagine mine is high-pitched voice, so they are surprised when they talk with me face-to-face.
>>195 Seven of friends of mine have lived in A area. On that day, I was planning to drink with seven of them, but one of them could not come due to urgent business. After farewell to you, I went to his home and shared the lunch with him. Of course, I drank with other friends in the evening.
>>191 I found all the surroundings had been changed after 50 years of absence in home country. I was surprised to find Mr. Yone has been grown up. I have not been connecting with you recently. Is your family fine?
>>203 I was pleased to find that the baggages reached you in safe. I hope you will enjoy the trip. I am looking forward to hearing the episode of your trip. Spend your good time with your old friends.
>>206 This smiley's cute like a clown. I have received mails from foreign countries, but I haven't seen one like this before. I really love it. I should use it sometimes.
You are lucky to get your baggage safely. I hope you will enjoy your trip.I expect your enjoyable stories. Have a nice time with your long awaited friends!
You learned Japanese very well. How did you studied? I understand how hard to study Japanese by yourself. So please ask me on Japanese knowledge without hesitation.
>>212 Hey, isn't it amazing you know so many Japanese words? How are you studying it? I definitely understand the difficulty of learning Japanese on your own. So don't be shy! Ask me anything about Japanese words you want to know. なんとなくこんなこと言われたくないような気が。。。。
>>229 My (our) cat is a mixed breed. We took her (him) in (或いは We adopted her (him) ) when she (he) was about a year old, so I guess it makes her (him) five. >>231 hybridだと異種交配というニュアンスが強いかもしれません レオポンとか・・・
>>232 I think it's really great that you get to go travel to the United States on your business trip(s). As for me, I never get such an opportunity, working in the same old small office with my co-workers day in and day out...
>>278 That is fine with me. Although the business is not over yet, I have put in effort into this; so receiving a payment now for the work done so far would be great. Thank you and as you know, I will be hoping for our success.
>>295 I am very sorry that I had mistaken to tell you the date of the event on XX(the day of the week, or the month). You must have been disappointed when you went there and found nothing going on.
>>301 I was surprised to know that there was a party last night. If I had known that, I would have been there.. Is another party held again? Or is this the end?
Dinosaurs extinguished 65 million years ago The mechanism of climate change to the dinosaur extinction is unclear since the climate change was not drastic in fact although climate change theory is dominant in the academic field unlike the amateur dinosauer-phils. David Miller of the University of Leeds proposed a hypothesis that reduction in the female ratios extinguished the dinosaurs by the climate change. His hypothesis is based on the observation that sex ratios of incubating offspring are altered in a certain species of crocodiles as the same reptiles as the dinosaur, by changing the incubating temperature.
>>308 ぐぐったら It is a Chinese saying that "The people in Canton province will eat anything with four legs except a table and anything with wings except an airplane." というのがありました
>>341 I am your student, and I have paid tuition to take your lesson, which doesn't mean I have employed you. I want you to be strict with me when teaching.
>>336 Cram schools, unlike other schools, should provide good lessons because you pay extra tuition to them and they must give lessons which deserve the money you pay.
どなたかよろしければ>>369の添削をしてください。 I do remember we met yesterday,but I can't remember what we were talking. I was so drunk you know, Sorry if I was rude to you.
I would like to learn the practical English. My strong point is to read English, and weak point is to memorize. My regular work is sample sales of drinking beverage or food. I would like to visit Italy and China.
どなたかよろしければ>>369の添削をしてください。 I do remember we met yesterday, but I can't remember what exactly we were talking about. I drank very much, and I'm sorry if I have said something rude to you.
どなたか添削してください! 「私は経理部に所属して主に売掛金、現金管理、決算業務に携わっていました」 I belonged to an accounting Department, mainly being in charge with accounts receivablle, cash management and account settlement operations.
添削してもらう have corrected 先生に作文を添削してもらう have one's composition corrected by the teacher 添削する touch up 答案を添削する correct an examination paper 添削料 correction fee
I am very sorry to have told you a wrong e-mail address. The correct one is as follows. I am sorry having you troubled. Some day, we could see ourselves.
「私は経理部に所属して主に売掛金、現金管理、決算業務に携わっていました」 I worked in an accounting department, being mainly in charge of accounts receivables, cash management and operations regarding to account settlement.
こっちのほうがいいんじゃないかい?ど思う? Worked in an accounting department, being mainly in charge of operations regarding to accounts receivables, cash management and account settlement.
>>436 I couldn't understand why you e-mail me until now. I started to go to university since Apr., though my illness prevented me from university last year. Now I'm very glad to hear that you teach me in the seminar. Thank you for your help from now on.
>>436 At first I didn't understand why you emailed me, but I just understood. I rarely went to the college last year because I was ill. I'm fine and I go to college from April as before. I'm very glad to learn that you has become the adviser of my graduation thesis. I am very grateful to you for your continuous support.
>>447 The beauty of a river coupled with autumnal colors is beyond description. A lot of tourists are moved by the view and visit here again and again.
>>459 A lot of Japanese think the three were the members of left-wing organizations and they were sent as a part of left-wing campaign for the Jieitai's withdrawal and slso they willingly became hostages. Circumstantial evidences support this view.
>>434 By the way, raison d'etre is a french word meaning "reason for being." I do not take French but German classes for second foreign language requirement. I came across the phrase in the word list for Eiken, and used it as the account name for my e-mail address.
>>434 By the way, "raisondertre" is a French word whose meaning is the reason of exixstence. I have chosen German, not French , as an elective. I came across this word in a words book for the STEP test and decided to choose it as my mail address.
>>475 In my company we have 5 days off in a row that are, more specifically, Saturday, Sunday, and national holidays starting from May 1 and ending May 5. Many people have 7 days off from April 29. I'm a little jealous of them, but this year is better than the last.
>>434 By the way, "raison d'etre" is a French term whose meaning is "reason of life" I haven't taken German, not French as an elective at school. I came across the term in a word book for the STEP test and used it as my e-mail address.
>>499 Why are Americans so rude and arrogant? For example, I often see a company executive(the president in most cases) cross their legs on the desk and smoke a cigar. This is something unthinkable in Japan. It is against our common sense. I want to correct such bad behaviers of Americans. Would you cooperate on this?
>>502 Does it snow in your neighborhood yet? In Japan, the cherry blossom season is over and spring is coming to an end. It looks like summer is almost here.
>>500 連絡遅くなってごめんなさい。テストの総チェックをしていました。 でも、もう終わりましたから、今日は楽しいお酒が飲めそうですね。 Sorry that I took so long to reply to you. I was studying for the exam. But it's finally finished. So today, I'm all free to go out and have fun drinking.
>>495 当時はエリザベスアーデンでしたが、最近は調合してもらっています。 それ以外のものは全て友人に。 I used to get them from Elizabeth Arden. But now I ask someone to custom-make them. If that is not possible, I ask my friend to get me what she uses.
I have never seen such a person like you who seriously study Japanese. You are hardworker. I was very much impressed. You can do everything if you work on this way. Actually, your Japanese is very good.
Jim, on the other hand, does not seem to make effort on Japanese study. He worked very hard at the beginning of Japanese study.
It is a common problem that adolescent children in a certain age has a tendency to show aggressive and defiant attitude to the adult and the circumstances. Child violence has come to an issue sometimes in Japan although not so serious as in the United States.
>>526 You are envy of all the people to live near the Disney World. Disney sea, a newly built thema park has been opened in Japan a few years ago. My friends, who visited Disney world praised Orlando for its good climate. I hear that Orland is the place many visitors can enjoy the stay.
OrlandoにあるのはDisney Worldじゃないかな. Disney Seaが開園したのは2001年9月だから2年半前.数年,というのは 5〜6年をいうべきであるから,ここではa couple of years, あるいは a few yearsというのが事実にそった訳しかただと思う.
>>535 New onion, which is around lately, squeeze the bitter, then wash well in running water, squeeze dry and place in a sald bowl. Add shrimps and onion. Prepare vinaigrette with the vinegar, olive oil, sugar, salt and pepper and add to the salad bowl, smooth flow of blood.
>>569 Aが食いしん坊なのかい?英語では誰がデザート欲しがってるのか特定したほうが文が良くなると思う。 Everyone thought that it was only natural to want some dessert. Looking at A reminds me of a boy that I used to know.
>>584 Tonight, at the same time, same place? I'm not working overtime today. 1行目は特に口語っぽいので、文章で書くのでしたら、 Is tonight okay for you at the same time, same place? で良いでしょう。 the same time →our usual time same place → where we always meet だと、かなり細かくわかりやすくなります。(が、普通に言うのなら上でいいでしょう)
>>610 I've been slightly busy recently. Jude Law was in Tokyo to promote his latest film "Cold Mountain" and my sister in Hokkaido, being a huge fan of him, came to Tokyo to watch the premiere. She went home this morning though.
>>610 I have been a lttle busy these few days. Jude Law, who is starring "Cold Mountain," came to Japan for its promotion and my cousin in Hokkaido, who is his big fan, had come to Tokyo to attend his promotional meeting in a theater. She came back home this morning.
>>623 Quite a few primary school children go to night schools in order to increase their chances of entering a private secondary school. And once you get to secondary school, most students go to night schools, not necessarily because they want to learn more but because it's normal to do so - even to the extent that schools accept it too.
>>634 I've made a website to show my friends and relatives the pictures I took during my short holiday last week. Please drop by when you have some time.
>>630 It's great that you want to become a musician! I'm sure you'll make a great one as you seem to enjoy music a lot. I've got my fingers crossed for you!
継続の時間の長さについてはfor...とかfrom...until...とか副詞句が無ければ 解らない事です。 「現在」により近い方がhave been livingではなくて「現在でも住んでる」と言う 現時点での継続性を表現していると思います。つまり I am livingという状態が過去から現在まで続いているのです。 そしてingとする事で躍動的で本当に今でもingしているんだなと想像できます。 現在だけを切り取ってしまって捕らえるならば普通に現在進行形を使えば良いのです。 継続を表現するhaveと現在を強調するbe --ingを使うことで 「継続」の意味合いを強めていると思います。 そして現在を強調する事で未来への継続も暗示できるのだと思います。
>>638 I've been to xx. It's got a lot of stunning castles right? When I got there I really liked the fact that it was a city and yet somewhat retrospective.
>>650 I have been to XX. It's a beautiful city with great castles. I fell in love with the place as soon as I got there, the city is urban, but with nice old looks.
I very much appreciate your advice on Mr. A's personal interest. I believe it also influenced the reason the office relocated to Miami. I would like to keep monitoring with your advice on my mind.
>>659 Thanks for sending me some materials. I've already finished uploading them to our website. One thing to mind though - I think it's better to save web materials in GIF format rather than BMP. By the way, japanese swords have the same restrictions as guns do. If you carry them around without permission you'll get arrested.
>>642 After I tidied my room, I went out and rented the Kill Bill DVD. It was good. >>674 I noticed you attached a file to the email you sent me the other day, but I couldn't open it. It doesn't seem to be an image file so can you send it to me some other way (not as an attachment)? 勝手な感想:添付ファイルじゃないならどうやって送ってもらうつもりだ?ウイルスチェックしろよ。
>>669>>667 This is all the Chinese that I know. It's ridiculously little but don't be shocked.
>>677 That day, I was too busy with work from early in the morning to reply to my husband's email. When at last I found some time to respond to him, I felt it was quicker to call him instead. I called his work number, but it was already too late.
>>701 ほぉほぉーそういえばちゅーか料理のめにゅーにあーた。 八宝菜というのか、、、感謝感謝はるさめさん! >>699 Thank you for your assistance concerning virus softwares. It's convenient that I don't have to go to a store to get hold of one, but since it's a good chance to take a look, I think I'll go into the stores and check them out. 勝手なコメント:ウイルスソフトはネットで買えること、知らなかーたのか?! ノートンお勧めする。
>>672さん 彼女が席を外している間に、Aさんが私達に話しかけてきました。 私達とAさんが盛り上がって話しているのを見て、彼女は機嫌が悪くなったようです。 A spoke to us when she was away from the table. She got in a bad mood to see what we and A were enjoyed
あ、718君のチェックするならいいよ〜(ズル そしておまたせ。 >>672 えーstarted talking to me while she was away from the table. When she came back, she seemed crossed to find えーand I getting on well. 注:Aって書くとなんかまぎらわしいんで、「えー」ってかいた。
>>713 Thank you for visiting! I think that there may be many who know the beauty of flowers, but not so many who feel the beauty of flowers. I hope to let you experience the latter.
Put the Caspian Sea yogurt into the airtight container. Irrigate milk slowly, and mix with spoon. Do not cap tightly but just put the cap to cover, and keep as it is for 10-15 hours at the room temperature.
>>708 When I catch a cold and sick in bed, I feel lonely. I take everying, even just trivial things, bad way when I am not in good shape. I know it's not a good thing to think negatively but I can't help thinking that way. That's because I feel helpless. Catching a cold makes me feel grateful to my family's taking care of myself in sick.
>>724の長いあふぉめこれは不倫相手じゃないだろうな翻訳 I'm sorry you couldn't reach me on the phone the other day. I want to see you in the flesh too, but I'm tied down with work and it's hard to get out. Anyhow, I can always listen to your voice message so if I don't pick up, leave me a message or mail. I registered for a new cell phone today and it should be with me the day before my trip. I'll tell you my number as soon as I find out. That should get us in touch. I haven't sorted out where I'm staying yet, but I'm assuming that I'll be able to book somewhere once I get there. I can't wait to talk to you. If we can't get in touch for whatever reason, just make sure we stay in touch by email.
>>717 I thought about taking German class in university but in the end, I decided not to. Many universiry students choose to take German class as a second foreign language. Actually my two older sisters took German class when they were in university and can talk simple things such as greetings in German. I wish I could, too.
When I was a college student, I did not study German after long undecided struggle. There are many students who specialize German as the second foreign language. I have two sister who studied German when thier colleage days. They seems to speak German a little such as salutations. I am jealous of it.
>>757 この文のみをなおすと、 When I catch a cold and (become)sick in bed, I feel lonely. I take everying, even just trivial things, bad way(bad wayとはいわないだろう。あえていうならbadlyだけどこの場合ここにはあんま適切じゃないとおもわれ。) when I am not in good shape. I know it's not a good thing to think negatively but I can't help thinking that way. That's because I feel helpless. Catching a cold makes me feel grateful to my family's (family for )taking care of myself(me) (when I am sick)in sick.
>>708(今更、、、爆 私は風邪をひくと、どうも寂しくなりがちです。 具合の悪さが更に拍車をかけて、なにげないことも悪くとってしまいます。 ありとあらゆる出来事をネガティヴにとらえてしまうのは、よくないとはわかっていても、 心細いのでつい・・・ 看病してくれる優しい家族は大切だと思い知ります。 I seem to become (really/incredibly) lonely when I'm sick. Not only that, the feeling of unwellness aggrevates/worsens my negative outlook. As much as I'm aware that being pesimistic is not good, I can't help feeling that way because I just feel so alone. And that's when can I also appreciate my family for taking care of me when I'm poorly.
>>789 I checked your site the other day, hoping to read an update in the diary section and found out that your update this time even included a picture of yourself. After two months, I finally know you by sight. Now I'm afraid that the T-shirt I sent you before might be childish and not become you, despite you are kind and never fails to show your appreciation.
>>789 A while ago I checked out your homepage hoping to read any updated diary there might be, and pleasantly came across your photo! For the first time in the two months that I've known you, I discovered what you look like... and I got a little worried that the shirt I sent you the other day was maybe a little too childish-looking, although you've always been kind and appreciated my presents for you.
ウィルスソフトの件、どうもありがとうございました。 お店に行かなくても買えるのですね。でもいい機会なので 思い切って行ってみようかと思っています。 >>699 Thank you for the problem of anti-virus software. You said we can buy one without going to software shops, but I would like to go to buy since this is a good opportunity.
>>720それはあなたにお任せします。2人でも3人でも。 あなたに支払うべき費用さえ請求してくださればそれで結構。 I will leave it to you whether the number of people is two or three. I take it well if you bill me your cost.
>>721主催者側はもっと客が客同士、皆と話せるような会場になるように努めるべきだと思う。 今度あのパーティーがあっても、もう行きたいとは思わない。 The host of the party should have tried to have the guests talk together. I will not participate the next party.
>>831 How about renting a handyphone (or cellular phone, mobile phone) for you? ていねいにいうのなら How are you going to manage the issue that I will rent a handhyphone for you?
>>864 I am a daughter whom you have acquainted with in the plane the other day. My mother asked me to write a letter for her. I am going to send a picture of you that she took at that time. She told me about her acquentance with you in a happy look.
With a happy look on her face, she was talking to me about how she met you the other day. 直訳するとこうでしょうか? 母はあなたに先日どのように会えたかを、とても嬉しそうに私に話してくれました。 howの訳は、どのように。。。でよろしいですか?
英会話教室に来る時は、いつも、天候についての表現方法を考えながら来ます。 天気の話は、会話のウォーミングアップにいいから。 When I come to English class, I alway think how to express about weather. Conversation of weather is a good warm-up.
>>916 Sounds like that movie is really exciting. All the more because you told me that. I'm looking forward to its coming out. I'll tell you, after I see it.
You are sending me pictures of your city? I am very much looking forward to seeing them. It was a pity that you lost old streetscape by war, but I am sure that you rebuilt beautifully.
>>909 Just before I sent you the picture, I e-mailed you. Have you received it? I wrote what happened yesterday. Have you missed it?
>>919 My office hour is 9:00 through 17:00, seven hours (including one hour of rest). But the finishing time is delayed by overtime working. So I come home at different times. Overtime working in Japan is unpleasantly so much.
Chinese class has three courses, elementary, intermediate, and advanced. At the elementary course, they teach from the very beginning, for example, counting the numbers.
>>931 I feel blue without any reason. I am exhausted. I get very tired when I work in the PC room. I got more tired because I was searching the library for some materials I need. So I lay down in my room, and I slept till the evening. I'm wondering for what reson this day existed. Be careful about me when I am grumbling. I don't think very well, whatever thought it is. If I go out, I may seem very bad, and inflict trouble on othrs, I'm afraid. So sleeping is the best solution.
The boy was born lame in his legs and lived out of a wheelchair. When he came home from school he said to his mother, "Mom, today I played soccer with my friends." "Really? But how did you do it in a wheelchair?" "I could! Because I was a ball."
>>671 Where are you ? She said to me that you're having a great time this year as well. I envy you. I wanted to go. You always made me feel safe because of your stability beyond a certain line. Anyway, I'll brush up my English, I'll learn about differnt languages and cultures. and I want to live up there. I'll do my best.
>>671 Where are you now? She tells me that you are having a great year this year. Honestly, I wish I could have gone with you... Every time you made me feel that I was more than just a girl to you, I was overwhelmed, and conforted. Anyhow, I am thinking to study English more, so we can understand each other's language and culture. Then someday I can move to where you are. So see you then.
Neo-Latin is a gneric term for languages derived from Latin, which was the official language of the Roman Empire. This includes French, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.
>>971 Neo-Latin is a drivation of Latin which was the official language used in Ancient Roman Empire. It includes French, Spanish, Portuguese, and so forth.
>>971 Reo-Latin refers to the general term of languages derived from Latin which was once a national language of the ancient Roman empire. This includes French, Spanish, Portugese.
>>980 Thanks for teaching me Spanish. It was my very first time to learn a Spanish word. I am not sure about how to pronounce it, though... but, I really like it. I will try using it time to time.
>>977 I don't go out into a distant place during so-called Golden Week, but my schedule is quite tight. Half of it, I work. The other half, I'll see my friends and do BBQ.
>>983 Well, I spent a happy time in my bathroom after I came back to Japan. のハッピータイムとは、どうか とおもうので。。。いらない添削かもしれませんが、どうぞ。 Well, I came home and took a nice, soothing bath.
>>995 Most people in Japan learn Englsih almost six years from junior high through high school. But we can't acquire practical English at all because we don't have any chance to communicate in English. Recently the introduction of English started in elememtary school.