英文の相当部分 http://www.asahi.com/english/opinion/TKY200404090200.html It is the Aug. 13 visit that led to Wednesday's ruling by the Fukuoka District Court. The court said the visit violated the constitutional separation of church and state.
「政教分離」の英訳は正しいけど、靖国は church なんだろうか? ネイティヴが読んだら違和感はないのだろうか?
http://www.asahi.com/english/opinion/TKY200404140117.html This page recently carried two editorials arguing against the Tokyo metropolitan government's effort to force publicly run high schools to hoist the ``Hinomaru'' Rising Sun flag on the stage during graduation ceremonies and for teachers to stand and sing the ``Kimigayo'' national anthem.
http://www.asahi.com/english/opinion/TKY200404230147.html The slogan sounds like an incantation that distracts people's attention from the complexity of the actual world and draws them into a dangerous gamble. What is now required is wisdom to prevent a chain reaction of terrorist acts.
http://www.asahi.com/english/opinion/TKY200404300102.html Only a few days ago, opposition leader Naoto Kan roundly rebuked three Cabinet members, including Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Shoichi Nakagawa, for failing to pay contributions to the state pension system for a certain period, dubbing them the ``three nonpaying brothers.'' But on Wednesday, the payment record of the chief of Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan) was also found to be blemished.
「未納三兄弟」は "three nonpaying brothers" か。可もなく不可もないな。
それにしても、日本の事情に詳しくない人がこれを読んだら、 opposition leader Naoto Kan と the chief of Minshuto とが 同一人物であるとは、判りにくいのではないだろうか。
【形-2】 扱いにくい、やりにくい、厄介{やっかい}な、困った、間が悪い、ばつの悪い、きまりが悪い、気まずい、場違い{ばちがい}の、落ち着かない、不適当{ふてきとう}な、苦しい、ややこしい、まずい、不愉快{ふゆかい}な ・ The atmosphere in class was a little awkward. : クラスの雰囲気が少し気まずかった。 ・ "I feel very awkward when I'm wearing a polo shirt at work." "I know what you mean! I feel like I'm doing a bad thing!" : 「職場でポロシャツ着てると、すごく落ち着かないんだ」「分かるよ、それ!なんか後ろめたいんだよな!」