Short Essayを書いて俺が判定するスレ

・題はフリーだが、Persuasive, Informative, Entertainmentのいづれかを選択。
Appropriate Word Choice(ワードチョイスの良し悪し)
One of my pet peeves happens in a motel a couple of days ago. To pop out my sleepy mind,
I felt like I would like to get a cup of joe. So as I usually do, came up to a bending machine,
inserted coins, pushed the buttons, and the coffee was pouring down.
But a cup did NOT come out. I couldn't help to imagin like machine administrators occasionally
make us to drink coffee without a cup, or by scooping up the scolding coffee with our hands.
Then it pissed me off, though.
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/22 17:21
Short Essayを書いて俺が判定するスレ

【 Goog-bye Mr.Ikariya (informative) 】
When I was a kid, I'd watched the TV show "8時だよ!全員集合" every Saturday night.
Had you been doing so? Was it Saturday night? Aren't you a Japanese?
For Japanase "8時だよ!全員集合" is equal to "Saturday Night Live" for Americans.
ザ・ドリフターズ(The Drifters) welcomed guest singers every week, and this variety show went on.
Don't you know The Drifters is more famous than The Beatles in Japan.
Mr. Ikariya is the leader of The Drifters. He has gone without saying good-bye.
Here lies a good comedian who was good at train members and many kids.
He loved African good earth. He was loved by African good people.
The LORD has taken his soul away over the top of mount Kilimanjaro.

6Hanzer:04/03/24 06:07

>"8時だよ!全員集合", "The Drifters"
such proper nouns shoule be restated and explained in english that english people
would figure out. Drifters exactry means like beggars or dead person.

>"Had you been doing so? Was it Saturday night? Aren't you a Japanese?"
the question is a little confusing, but question is one of the good introduction
to attract reader's attention.

>ザ・ドリフターズ(The Drifters) welcomed guest singers every week, and this variety show went on.
you better to alternate 'welcomed' with like invite or have in because it's not an apropriate word.

>He loved African good earth. He was loved by African good people.
i have no idea what you are saying here. please clarify what is African good people?
even it indicates "good African people," it's still necessary to be explained concisely.

>The LORD has taken his soul away over the top of mount Kilimanjaro.

Hr(Humor) -- 7 not bad, but you should be able to make it more attractive.
Wd(Word Choice) -- 14
Im(Impact) -- 11 need some more materials startling the readers
Hc(Hunch) -- 10
Gr(Grammar) -- 18 good.
Total: 60 pts.
> such proper nouns shoule be restated and explained in english that english people
> would figure out. Drifters exactry means like beggars or dead person.

8Hanzer:04/03/24 06:58
which is a comedian group in Japan. 位の説明は欲しい。
それよりもほとんどのアメリカ人は "8時だよ!全員集合" を読めないのを留意して欲しいが。

まず第一に、対象になっているのは"The Drifters"であり、"Drifters"ではない。

> また、Beatles程世界的に有名ならともかく、Driftersに何の説明もないのは多少無理がある。

Saturday Night Liveさえ知っていれば、"The Drifters"がコメディアングループだ

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│ ヌケド   | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|O;;;;;;;|;;;;|;;;;;;;;!
>>9よ、"be humble. that's why you were rated at 60"という言葉を知らんのか?
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│ ヌケド   | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|O;;;;;;;|;;;;|;;;;;;;;!
>>9よ、"be humble. that's why you were rated at 60"という言葉を知らんのか?
127=9:04/03/24 10:22
13Hanzer:04/03/24 15:26
>Here lies a good comedian who was good at train members and many kids.


Wd - 16
Total: 62
Thanks a lot for your recorrection, Mr. Hanzer.
And for your cheering, Mr.7.
I want to write my essay Japanese realia to the world.
(`・ω・´)I try again.
Sorry for over 10 lines.
On last 3 lines, I want to write a rhyme like a epitaph.
But I can not.(´・ω・`)
【 Goog-bye Mr.Ikariya (informative) 】(´・ω・`)wee-weee-wee
When I was a kid, every Saturday night I'd watched the show "8時だよ!全員集合(はちじだよ!ぜんいんしゅうごう)
(It means "Let's together every Saturday night") " which one of the most popular variety TV programs in this 5 decades
on Japan that continued for 16 years, and the audience ratings of it recorded over 50% 8 times.
Had you been doing so, too? Because it was Saturday night! Why not? Aren't you a Japanese?
For Japanase "8時だよ!全員集合" is equal to "Saturday Night Live" for Americans.
ザ・ドリフターズ(The Drifters) famous comedians' group had been a host on that show, and welcomed guests popular singers
in that days every week, and played sitcoms together.
Don't you know The Drifters is more famous than The Beatles in Japan.
Mr. Ikariya is the leader of The Drifters. He has gone without saying good-bye.
Here lies a good comedian who was good at train members and many kids.
He loved African good earth, African people, and he was loved by African people, too.
The LORD has taken his soul away over the top of mount Kilimanjaro.

an epitaph
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【 The sorrow of having hemorrhoids (Entertainment)】(´・ω・`)タノモー

My father had been having piles 20 years.
And you, too, my younger brother! (´・ω・`)
For Japanese having piles is very shameful.
Being a piler is must be musked because it means losing his(her) MENTU in Japan.
He(She) who has piles has little sympathizer.
Japanese has pilers in derision in spite of they are in ill.
I remember my father's back spreading a chemical on a soft cloth, and saying,
"when it rains, I fell VERY pain."
And your father, too!
We must be filial.

more than が抜けてしまいましたので訂正させて下さい。

【 The sorrow of having hemorrhoids 】(´・ω・`)
My father had been having piles more than 20 years.
And you, too, my younger brother! (´・ω・`)
For Japanese having piles is very shameful.
Being a piler is must be musked because it means losing his(her) MENTU in Japan.
He(She) who has piles has little sympathizer.
Japanese has pilers in derision in spite of they are in ill.
I remember my father's back spreading a chemical on a soft cloth, and saying,
"when it rains, I fell VERY pain."
And your father, too!
We must be filial.


masked を musked と打ってしまいましたので、訂正させて下さい。
【 The sorrow of having hemorrhoids (Entertainment) 】(´・ω・`)タノモー
My father had been having piles more than 20 years.
And you, too, my younger brother! (´・ω・`)
For Japanese having piles is very shameful.
Being a piler is must be masked because it means losing his(her) MENTU in Japan.
He(She) who has piles has little sympathizer.
Japanese has pilers in derision in spite of they are in ill.
I remember my father's back spreading a chemical on a soft cloth, and saying,
"when it rains, I fell VERY pain."
And your father, too!
We must be filial.

【 The cherry blossoms (Entertainment) 】(´・ω・`)タノモー

The Japanese has liked cherry blossoms.
We see the ephemerality that we are like a mayfly, so we really knows they are beautiful.
Do you know the waka poetry? On it "花(flowers)" means not any flowers but cherry blossoms.
It is a springly day. You should go out to see sakura(cherry blosssoms) to a near park.
Many Japanese persons maybe drinking beer and sake and looking sakura on spreaded blue sheets.
They are having ohanami. Do you want to join them?
You should breathe the air of spring in, and make greeting to them,
"Hi, we came from overseas. (コンニチワ。外国から来ました。)"
It is a spring day. It showers cherry blossoms' petals on you.





32名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/17 15:51
"Give me the fortune, keep the fame," said my man Louis
I agreed, know what he mean because we live the truest lie
I asked him why we follow the law of the bluest eye
He looked at me, he thought about it
Was like, "I'm clueless, why?"
33Hanzer:04/04/19 05:23

>The Japanese has liked cherry blossoms.
has liked -> like でいいです。
>We see the ephemerality that we are like a mayfly, so we really knows they are beautiful.
>Do you know the waka poetry? On it "花(flowers)" means not any flowers but cherry blossoms.
"Japanese-poem says"とか"In accordance of tanka"の方がリズムが良くて分かりやすいと思います。
あと文頭でon itは使いません。
>It is a springly day. You should go out to see sakura(cherry blosssoms) to a near park.
"On a spring day,"です。
>Many Japanese persons maybe drinking beer and sake and looking sakura on spreaded blue sheets.
"Many Japnaese people may be"です。may beと違ってmaybeはconjunctionですからこういう風には使えません。
"drinking beer and Sake, and looking"とコンマを入れて文の繋ぎをハッキリさせる必要があります。
>You should breathe the air of spring in, and make greeting to them,
>"Hi, we came from overseas. (コンニチワ。外国から来ました。)"
"breath in the air of spring"です。コンマで一回切る場合、", and should make"という風に
原則的にshouldや, may, mustを含めた動詞全てを書きます。
>It is a spring day. It showers cherry blossoms' petals on you.
"It is a spring day"は要りません。"Fluttering petals shower on you"です。

Hr(Humor) -- 10
Wd(Word Choice) -- 9
Im(Impact) -- 13
Hc(Hunch) -- 8
Gr(Grammar) -- 12
Total: 52 pts.
34名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/19 05:38
【 Horseradish (Informative) 】(´・ω・`)タノモー ttp://

Did you jump into that website? There is a beautiful image of a water mill of DAIOU WASABI FARM.
Have you ever watched the Kurosawa picture [ Dreams ]?
At that farm Kurosawa pictured beautiful scenes.
Do you know WASABI? WASABI is horseradish.
We like SUSHI. We like SASHIMI. So We like WASABI!
The flowers of horseradish are tiny and white.
They are in full bloom now.
And wild horseradishes are in the clear running stream.
It is chilly yet and your trousers cuffs maybe get wet,
and maybe you feel the stones in the stream bed are round and smooth.


Thanks for your kindly advices!

関係ないが advice は不可算じゃなかったか?
tips ならいいと思うが。
確かに、辞書をひいたら [ U ] となっておりました…。
ちゃんくす あ ろ。


42名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/09 16:15

このスレは、[ 文法は厳しくは問わず ] だもん。(ウインク
でも、kindly doctor で検索すると、hit しますよ。

【 The dust (Informative) 】(´・ω・`)タノモー

I have discreation to say to the boy lost his grandpa that he is
easy going in heaven.
I will encourage him.
But, honestly say, I think that heaven that there is nowhere.
We shall return to dust or smoke. Is there life after death? NO!
I think when someone dies, it was left the power which curse on others;
and it wanders around.
But I think heaven is nowhere.
There are heavens and hells in THIS real world.
So we must be out of fear to change our world.


46Hanzer:04/05/13 09:41

I have (discreation to say to)?? the boy lost his grandpa (that he is
easy going in heaven)??.

>>I think when someone dies, (it was left the power which curse on others;
>>and it wanders around).
only the power of curse is left that will be invoked and sweared at

Humor: 10 面白いといえば面白い?
Appropriate Word Choice: 6 どっかの日本人中学生が書いた英文があったかと思えば、
Impact,Enthusiasm: 10
Hunch: 6
Grammar: 15
Total: 47 全体的にあんまり言いたい事が伝わってきません。ナチュラルに自分の言葉で言いたいことを書けばいいよ。
47Hanzer:04/05/13 10:15

>>(Being a X) piler (is X) must be masked because it means losing his(her) MENTU in Japan.
>>He(She) who has piles has little sympathizer.

>>Japanese (has X)lie pilers in derision in spite of (they are in X)their ill.

I remember my father's back spreading a chemical (on X)underneath a soft cloth(,X) and saying,
"when it rains, I fell VERY pain."
And your father, too!

>>We must be filial.
We must honor our father.かもしくは We must do our filial duty.

Humor: 12
Appropriate Word Choice: 15
Impact,Enthusiasm: 14
Hunch: 14
Grammar: 10
Total: 65 ちょい分かりにくいとこありますが、そこまで悪くないと思います。


51お願いします。:04/05/22 15:04

I used to have a dog and take him for a walk at night.
Since I tried to be efficient and make the most of the time during
walking with him, I listented to English recorded on MD by Walkman.
I would mumble english as I walked. When I was bored with listening
to English, I would sing a song aloud. One night, I was singing Enka,
which could be equivalent to country & western at the top of my lungs.
Singing Enka around my age is uncommon and is never considered to be
cool in any way. That's when a cute girl with her dog popped up from
nowhere in the dark giving me a dirty look. That was the most
embarrasing moment in my life. (10行)
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/22 16:26
My son is very short and equipped with leather on it.
And which is worse, It has no stamina and easily going.
How should I train it to be more tough
53 :04/05/22 21:37
Japanese Food

I really like Japanses food. When I was in Tour, France there was no
Japanese food, so I had to go to Paris to get the Japanese food. In
Paris, there are two Japanses grocery stores. That is, Kyoko and
Zyuziya. By the way, Zyuziya open 10 am and close 10 pm. It reminds
me of seven-eleven. Go bcak to story, I used to go to Zyuziya cause
they also serve Japanese foods such as Onigiri, Karaage. However, the
price of the food is surprisingly high. Nissin Raou, for example,
cost 500 yen. Can you believe it? It was outrageous! Despite high
price, many Japanese seem to go there and buy something. I really
hope that new Japanese grocery store. (10行です)
5453:04/05/22 21:39
最後の行に、coming つけわすれた・・
5651:04/06/14 08:40
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/06/27 12:51
58名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/06/27 14:55
59名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/07/04 15:22