This idea of reality may appear strange to us. We tend to believe that the world is made up of separate things. Yet, modern science suggests that things are somehow combined and that reality is not so clear-cut as we believe.
As judged from Talbert's apologetic demeanor, he had reached these conclusions himself, and to inform him openly of what he already knew would be to treat him like a child.
As far as the hippo vs. elephant debate goes, I saw a wildlife documentary on TV not long ago which showed an elephant with a ghastly leg wound. The narrator stated that the leg wound was probably caused by a hippo, and that the elephant would most likely die from it.
★お願い致します★ バスケットボールを見ているときの会話です Dr.J はスター選手 観客A You see how much they paying Dr. J.? 観客B How much? 観客A Can't be for one season. Ain't nobody makes a half a million dollars for playing basketball one year.
full payment advance or letter of credit and really is better if you send full payment advance and we will send your shipment documents direct in your office without bank involvement and with this way we both can save banking charges,
>>21 どちらも英文自体はいいのですが,日本語には対応してません。 What made you interested in Japan? じゃどうでしょうか? 2の文を過去にして, Why were were you intersted in Japan? でもいいです。 他の人の意見も参考にしてください。
We are on our last copy of the CD below whichi is also our display copy. The booklet has slight ware to it but the CD is otherwise new. Please let me know if you would like this last copy as it is now out of print and has been removed from our website. 何とぞよろしくお願いします。
I had a somewhat busy week.It's Friday night and I just wanted to stay home and relax.instead of going out with my friend.Actually the weather is bad and it night snow (it's rare here)so I think most peple are staying home tonight.
I still need to work hard.Actually today I had an oral performance test. kind of like an interview I got nervous and forgot a lost of things I don't idid very well on it
Week commencing Saturday, 14th February 2004 VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) Does something seem too good to be true? Are you not sure whether you can believe what you seem to be seeing? Neptune suggests that something truly amazing is now starting to take place. Jupiter implies that there may be more to this than meets the eye. You can't necessarily conclude though, that the hidden portion is problematic. Allow for the possibility of an exceptionally benign sky. Don't accept every offer without subjecting it to scrutiny, but at least be willing to consider some of the invitations that are starting to come your way. To hear how you can create a highly effective new plan
let the record be straight that you did not pay or bribe the police as you have offensively been putting it and of which I have patiently been trying to ignore.
The money was inter alia, purely for logistics to enable them carry out certain functions which they would otherwise been impaired from doing, because of their limitation and the bulk of other cases they are handling.
I work as a Portfolio Production Analyst (I analyse numbers all day and get paid some okay money) for a Life and Pensions company here in England - not much fun but it pays the bills. お願い致します。
This year with a friend we plan to launch a small, independent record label for a track I own the rights for and that has a remix commision in progress. It's US, soulful house music, there's a big scene in Tokyo, which is why i'd like to come over at some point to promote it, so I need to brush up on language, culture and genral info.
What exactly does a steering stabalizer do? I'm running 285/75/16 now and I saw single rancho steering stablizers were only 42 bucks, and I wasn't sure how much they'd improve or in effect what the actually do. Are they really for only off road use and my money would be better put towards sways bars or is it a worthwhile investment for a daily driving truck. お願いします
Nor in Western society, where equality of the sexes is regarded as fundamental, can we, or should we, tolerate the segregation and subjugation of women -- as happens in some Islamic countries.
There is a serious risk that business-as-usual will exacerbate the divide as the "haves' and have-nots' become entrenched among the 'knows' and 'know-nots,' those who know and those who simply consume. 旧態然の経済は、持てるものと持たざるものを分ける重大なリスクがあり・・ 後半の意味が解りません。お願いします。
文脈がないんではっきりしたことは言えないんだけど、 ・the divedeは、前の文脈で言及されている「分割」を指すものと解釈した。 ・as以下は、理由を表す節として解釈した。 ・those who know and those who simply consumeは、the 'knows' and 'know-nots,' の言い換え。
>>157 155です。確かに客観的に採点する立場として見たら 僕の訳ではペケでしょうね。日本語の意味が不鮮明ですし...。 でも、他の人から訂正&なんか納得いく解説が来るかなと思って 恥を晒してみました。 >>157サンの解釈のほうが自然のような気がしますが、 依頼主さんの通り even part of the timeの解釈がポイントのようですね。
When she received the prize, she said,with simple dignity, "I do not need the money myself. It belongs to the poor. I accept it only for them" よろしくおねがいします。。。
When we have a holiday in prospect, we make plans beforehand in order that when the time comes we may know exactly where we want to go, and what we want to do. If we do not do that, the holiday finds us unprepared and the greaterpart of it is wasted.
Her hair was a lovely shade of dark red and she had a distant smile on her lips and over her shoulders she had a blue mink that almost made the Rolls-Royce look like just another automobile. It didn't quite. Nothing can.
If a man's thinking leads him to call in question ideas and customs which regulate the behaviour of those they follow, it is almost impossible for him, if he is convinced of the truth of his own reasoning, not to betray by silence, chance words, or general attitude that he is different from them and does not share their opinions.
The conscious or unconscious view that many economists have of economics as a science comparable to physics tempts them to expect that it can aspire to explaining economic reality with the same precision and predictability that they believe physics has been able to achieve in explaining and predicting phenomena in the universe.
これを訳してください。特にaspire to explaining のあたりがよく わからないのですが・・・。お願いします。
Its fast-food business-serving a timeless concoction of scrumptious simmered beef atop a bowl of steaming rice-had all the makings of an everlasting cash cow.
Dear Hong Kong compatriots: Thank you for your enquiries on our product. We are that an advertisement in Shenzhen make the factory. Hope that the information can bring convenience for you!
Speciality of our factory: 1. Making of color poster by spray 2. Making of color page by printing Including all kinds of poster, outdoor and indoor Banner, etc.. Including all kinds of paper printing, catalogue, box, etc.. You can visit our home page for more information. Welcome your quotation inquiry!
イーベイでやりとりしているのですが、 発送方法の英文が今ひとつ飲み込めず、 2種類の方法でどちらとも送る事は可能ですか? って尋ねたところ、以下のような返事が帰ってきました。 これってどういう意味か、教えていただけますか? 宜しくお願いします。 I don't think either of these envelopes will work for these shoes. The shoes weigh about 2 envelope just won't work!
Carnegie was fortunate enough to live at a time when the oil lands of his state were just beginning to be developed, and when many railroads were being built.
A child's desire to be like others is encouraged by school policies. Japanese public primary education emphasizes uniformity and conformity. Although children are free to wear what they like, the school curriculum discourages individualism. Last year, Emma's third grade class performed on stage a well-known Chinese classic featuring a monkey with magical powers. As there are never enough roles to go around, students ahare parts. Each of the main characters was performed by two or three students. Everyone has to stay a few lines because school policy demands equal opportunities for all.
A child's desire to be like others is encouraged by school policies. Japanese public primary education emphasizes uniformity and conformity. Although children are free to wear what they like, the school curriculum discourages individualism. Last year, Emma's third grade class performed on stage a well-known Chinese classic featuring a monkey with magical powers. As there are never enough roles to go around, students share parts. Each of the main characters was performed by two or three students. Everyone has to stay a few lines because school policy demands equal opportunities for all.
Could'nt locate decompressor for format VP60 (unknown)
VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable.
It seems to me that there is some mix-up in measuring competitiveness in terms of its level and change. Certainly in Japan the growth rate has been dropping, deflation has been developing, and productivity increases have been decelerating,say, from three to four percent in the late 80s to only one percent now. So it is clear that there is something to be done to reverse the trend of productivity declines in Japan, but that does not necessarily mean that Japan's productivity and competitiveness are less than those for Thailand or Malaysia.
B.A.R returns to Spain next week for a three-day test in Valencia, beginning on Wednesday 18 February. Jenson, Takuma and Anthony will all be driving at the test, which will involve three cars on Wednesday and Thursday and two cars on Friday. お願いします
歌の歌詞なのですがなんとなくしかわかりません。 特にDon't need a fancy carのところが意味不明ですつД`)・゚・。・゚゚ ぜひ教えて下さい。
Baby you're the key to me Open up and you will see I'll always be right there You know I will,aud you know care Don't need a fancy car I like you just the way you are You know it's plain to see that you're the only one for me
Yet the evidence is overwhelming that the way in which we now live on the earth is driving its thin,life-supporting skin,and ourselves with it,to destruction. 長いですがお願いします
It is often point out that China has been growing so rapidly that Japan's competitiveness ranking should be declining compared to China and possibly to other Asian countries as well. That may be true, but we have to be careful about the evaluation of China's rapid rise in competitive rankings. In fact, that is a result of investments from multi-national corporations including Japanese companies. And there are off-shore production strategies adopted by multi-national corporations to take advantage of low production costs in China. That is not the same thing as the development process that advanced countries have been following. Therefore, there is a long way to go before China acquires the self-developed capability of R&D, design and other high-value added activities to increase the standard of living substantially.
So by using the traditional commonsense approach in economics, one can say that China is often overrated and Japan is definitely underrated in competitive rankings. It is needless to say that Japan has to do something about its decline in terms of change, and reforms are needed to reverse such a trend, as I already pointed out.
A message is encrypted by representing it as a number M, raising M to a publicly specified power e, and then taking the remainder when the result is divided by the publicly specified product, n, of two large secret prime numbers p and q. Decryption is similar; only a different, secret, power d is used, where e * d ≡ 1(mod (p-1)*(q-1)). The security of the system rests in part on the difficulty of factoring the published divisor, n.
Human life is an unbroken sequence of decisions made by the conscious individual.
Imagination is the ability to picture in the mind situations which are not present.
Another reaction on the part of the learner to his failure to understand what is said may be to think that perhaps what he learned in his own country was not ‘real’ English.
I think the Japanese agree in theory with the idea of holidays, but in reality I wonder how many Japanese people can stand three weeks without going to their offices and factories?
The claim would be that the use of this construction, in addition to showing honorification to the subject, also indicates that such honored people do not do things actively, but rather that the action occurs in the normal course of events.
この文の訳おねがいします。 語学についての文章です。 honorification to the subjectは主語に対する敬語法みたいな感じでいいです。 in the normal course of eventsは「自然の成り行きで」ですよね。
It is odd that you somehow believe some dishearing thing (人名)said over the things that i said to you.I did not lie to you ever besides about my age at first,and if i had not done that we would probably not know each other anymore.
(人名)was good person but im sfraid he says things that are odd sometimes.
But I liked him a little when other people didnt because I realised that he was just full of shit sometimes,and that did not make him a bad person.
But,I do realize that it is now even more difficult to assume this is a romantic relationship between us when I have not touched you or spoken to you in over a month.
But there is NO way I ever used you or was lying to you,and it does make me a little frustrated that you believed a person even you said you did not trust after you had met him. I think he was trying to sleep with you because you are very pretty which you dont seem to understand sometimes,and therefore he would first have to make me look-he is that type of person,but I forgive him and hope you can understand.
Each of the communities which went to compose the states of early modern Europe had what may be called a 'civil' or 'private' law of its own, [if in some cases it was not exclusively its own]: the Europe in which these states emerged was [a mosaic of laws, jurisdictions, and judicial procedures for the settlement of disputes about property and the transactions of everyday living]. [The ingredient of substantive law in these arrangements may sometimes have been small, but it was in these terms, more perhaps than any others, that such communities identified themselves].
My boyfriend came to Korea with me and he also visited Japan for 4 days. He absolutely loved it and is now thinking about possibly moving to Japan for a couple of years. May be to teach English.
Have I mentioned that Pedro is in a contract year? Same with Lowe and Nomar? Except for the occasional Mike Cameron, does anyone ever have a lousy contract year? It's human nature, isn't it? Just wait until I enter my contract year this spring -- I'll be putting up mailbags three at a time.
Testigo del correlato, no del crimen en sí, Alexis de los Santos, de 22 años, empleado de la radio (secretario, operador y locutor), dice: "Apareció Colombo. Julio estaba en el baño. Le avisé. En tres minutos, cinco como mucho, pasó todo. No creo que hayan podido hablar siquiera".
The glorification of independence served the general process of the nation as individuals have been willing to leave their hometowns ―the comfort of the familiar and familial ―to find opportuinity, get the best education, travel, work whereever they could find the best jobs or wherever their jobs sent them.
Ian came back, still entirely dressed much to Jason's dismay. He grabbed his towel and blotted the last of the sweat from his hair line while he drank up the last of his water. Jason watched intently. He had seen it work for moderately willing test subjects, but had fears if it would work on someone totally unwilling.
An additional performance setting in the FileSystem subkey, ContigFile AllocSize, can be used to change the size of the contiguous space that VFAT searches for when allocating disk space. Under MS-DOS, the file system began allocating the first available space found on the disk, which ensured a great deal of disk fragmentation and related performance problems. By default under Windows 98, VFAT first tries to allocate space in the first contiguous 0.5 MB of free space and then returns to the MS-DOS method if it cannot find at least this much contiguous free space. This optimizes performance for both the swap file and multimedia applications.
In some cases, you might choose to set a smaller value in the registry, as when you are not running demanding applications on the computer. A smaller value for ContigFileAllocSize, however, can lead to more fragmentation on the disk and, consequently, more disk access for the swap file or applications that require larger amounts of disk space.
There have always been people who have wished for more, who have wanted a state to be an integrated community set on a common course and pursuing a common purpose, and there have always been people who have feared the disintegration of the association and the self-alienation of its components if this were not the case, and we shall have later to consider these wishes and fears and their outcomes. But those who, under the spell of a supremely inappropriate analogy, have expressed their belief that more has already been achieved by speaking of the states of modern Europe as 'nation states', have confused their dreams with the conditions of waking life. All European states began as mixed and miscellaneous collections of human beings precariously held together, disturbed by what they had swallowed and were unable to digest, and distracted by plausible or fancied irredènta. And no European state (let alone an imitation European state elsewhere in the world) has ever come within measurable distance of being a 'nation state'.]
It was almost dusk when I was led up to the top floor of the building. Remembering its halls having always been filled with white officials, I walked out onto the balcony. A huge sea of people cheered, holding flags and banners, clapping ,and laughing. I raised my fist to the crowd. They responded with an enormoous cheer. It fired me with a new spirit of struggle. `power!"I called out.`The power is ours!" they responded. When the crowd had quieted down a bit, I started my speech. First of all, I told the people that I was not a prophet but their humble servant.And I thanked them for having helped me out of prison. I spoke from the heart. I wanted to show that I was a man who believed in democracy and knw the importance of not giving up the campaign against apartheid in South Africa. Telling the people that the and different form , I encouraged them to go on fighting until apartheid ended. I wanted them to unite and walk the last mile together with me. お願いします
It was almost dusk when I was led up to the top floor of the building. Remembering its halls having always been filled with white officials, I walked out onto the balcony. A huge sea of people cheered, holding flags and banners, clapping ,and laughing. I raised my fist to the crowd. They responded with an enormous cheer. It fired me with a new spirit of struggle. `power!"I called out.`The power is ours!" they responded. When the crowd had quieted down a bit, I started my speech. First of all, I told the people that I was not a prophet but their humble servant.And I thanked them for having helped me out of prison. I spoke from the heart. I wanted to show that I was a man who believed in democracy and knew the importance of not giving up the campaign against apartheid in South Africa. Telling the people that the and different form , I encouraged them to go on fighting until apartheid ended. I wanted them to unite and walk the last mile together with me 打ち間違いがありました!よろしくお願いします
It was almost dusk when I was led up to the top floor of the building. Remembering its halls having always been filled with white officials, I walked out onto the balcony. A huge sea of people cheered, holding flags and banners, clapping ,and laughing. I raised my fist to the crowd. They responded with an enormous cheer. It fired me with a new spirit of struggle. `power!"I called out.`The power is ours!" they responded. When the crowd had quieted down a bit, I started my speech. First of all, I told the people that I was not a prophet but their humble servant.And I thanked them for having helped me out of prison. I spoke from the heart. I wanted to show that I was a man who believed in democracy and knew the importance of not giving up the campaign against apartheid in South Africa. Telling the people that the campaign was not over for me but biginning in a new and different form , I encouraged them to go on fighting until apartheid ended. I wanted them to unite and walk the last mile together with me 結構抜けていました。たびたびごめんなさい。よろしくお願いします
I have not been, arrongant ( ) it may seem, content to walk in the steps of men much wiser than myself. But we are, much as we resemble one another, none of us exactly alike, and I have seen no reason why I should not, so far as I could, choose my own course. And yet at the same time when I look back upon my life I cannot but notice how much that vitally affected me has been due to circumstances that are what it is hard not to regard as pure chance.
一つ空欄補充付きなんですが、、なんか高校生くらいの青年が人生について思索してる様な 文なんじゃないかなぁとかまでは分かるんですが、抽象度が高すぎて訳出が難しいです。 どなたか、正確な日本語訳をお願いできますでしょうか? 特に分からない点としては、5行目のthatが何を指すのか。 6行目のthat are what it is は何を言っているのか。。です。
"Their habits are very peculiar." He kept pushing the float. "They lead a very tragic life," he said. "You know what they do, Sybil?" She shook her head. "Well, they swim into a hole where there's a lot of bananas They're very ordinary-looking fish when they swim in. But once they get in, they behave like pigs. Why, I've known some bananafish to swim into a banana hole and eat as many as seventy-eight bananas." He edged the float and its passenger a foot closer to the horizon. "Naturally, after that they're so fat they can't get out of the hole again. Can't fit through the door."
I just knew she would be on that Hollywood "actress diet," you know, three males a day. I was betting that once I met her, she'd be anything but shy and innocent. おねがいします
I realize they are all the rage right now and almost everyone has one. Plus, I was a new man now. Everything was different without Steff, so why shouldn't I be different too? よろしくお願いします
The behaviour of the electrical system in the brain is fundamentally different on several points from that to be found in computers.
Computers are even used to find compatible “dates” for boys and girls. Scientists seeking to learn more about the capabilities of computers have “taught” them to play checkers ( at a near-championship level ) and chess ( generally not as well, though computers have won games in tournament play ).
For example, it has been discovered that many adults --about six percent in Britain -- are unable to read and to understand the instructions on a medicine bottle, let alone those on how to use an electric machine such as a mixer, or those for a video tape camera.
It is always something of a shock in a country, which is well-equipped with the conveniences which sustain and protect the traveler, when one reads annually of some careless tourists in, say, the western states of the U.S.A., who perish in the desert as people perished a hundred years ago when they crossed the desert.
If you write only when absolutely necessary, when duty or responsibility demands, you are missing what can be one of the greatest personal enjoyments of life.
Now I'm starting to think I may have to take an inflatable date to Australia with me, but with my luck, her inflatable boyfriend would probably show up and beat me up! どなたかおねがいします
>>456 I just knew she would be on that Hollywood "actress diet," 彼女がハリウッドの「女優」ダイエットするっっていうの知ったばっかりなんだ。 you know, three males a day. 1日に3人とするってやつさ。 I was betting that once I met her, she'd be anything but shy and innocent. 彼女にあってすぐは恥ずかしがり屋で,ナイーブだと思ってたんだけどね。 他の人の意見も参考にしてください。
>>476 anything but の訳が間違ってました。 I was betting that once I met her, she'd be anything but shy and innocent. 彼女にあったとたん内気で純情だなんて程遠いとは思ってたけどね。 >>472>内気で純情とは程遠くなっているだろうって思ってたわ。 なっているだろうってという部分は違うと思う。
Well we shall see and take the opportunity if it's too cold to read and go to the cinema...Sorry I don't have your home address,i could have sent you a postcard. Anyway, take care...A bientot
和訳 お願いします。 住所を教えてくれと、言っているのですか。 また、最後の A bientotの意味は? 因みにフランス人です。
my PC have gone to mr hades,but he don't want to gave to him, 24h in more...... all of that because i take a new virus on the net , since 4 week finaly, i loose more than 145go of clips,jpop,visual rock and Japan tv show(gackt,mini moni,hide(ex xjapan)kamijo(lareine).... now, i have a new PC with a great firewall and 2go of ramboart.. i heart this's the snow party in Japan, fun,some mr freeze!! ok, now i must go,to write to my japanes suppliers, to said to them what i say to you!!!
Apologies for any inconvenience we have now sold out of the Ateam shirt so we will have to refund you the ○○.○○ GBP,This will be done in the next day or two. Please send the wrong item back to us with all the original tags and packing please also add a note to say what the problem is and we will either exchange it or refund you in full Apologies again Regards
Baby you're the key to me Open up and you will see I'll always be right there You know I will,aud you know care Don't need a fancy car I like you just the way you are You know it's plain to see that you're the only one for me
man crazy kick ass ep but i do agree that the animation sucked major ass in certain parts. Actually a different anime group did do thsi ep you can tell who did it in the ending creds. the ones that did the kickass naruto fight were nara animation in japan and the eps that alway look like crap are done by some animation group in korea liek this one. Damnit leave the animation to the japs!
The day of the competition came and through my suggestion to train as if training was as pleasurable as having sex with me his muscles became defined as if chiseled in stone and he won the competition hands down. By day nothings changed he's still straight Matt that works at the corner gas station but a week after the competition he quietly asked if he could move in with me claiming he got thrown out of his apartment. He told me he liked being around me because he felt comfortable and he could kick back and relax. He also said he'd like me to be his trainer. He calls it training; I call it great sex!
Look at the world in disbelief You used to follow - now you lead College has enlightened you And you are proud to be different And like different bands - different types You ain't nobody's fool It's like certain bands remind you of someone you hated 'Cause they didn't wear the right clothing And there's only one true fashion A lot of the bands on the college charts are great bands Until they get signed. Then you hate them It's such bullshit - you used to love them you hypocrite
The Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act requires unsolicited commercial e-mail messages to be labeled (though not by a standard method) and to include opt-out instructions and the sender's physical address. It prohibits the use of deceptive subject lines and false headers in such messages. The FTC is authorized (but not required) to establish a "do-not-email" registry. State laws that require labels on unsolicited commercial e-mail or prohibit such messages entirely are pre-empted, although provisions merely addressing falsity and deception would remain in place. The CAN-SPAM Act takes effect on January 1, 2004.
It was a time of legend. Great heroes wandered the earth,looking for glory. One such hero was Lord Nonesuch. He stole a crown and put it somewhere in his impenetrable castle. It was said that it was certain doom to look for the crown! Because of the man eating plants! But one hero... You... was ready to look for the crown. Be steadfast,young warrrior... for darkness has fallen upon the land. And although there are actually no man eating plants after all... there is........... Quest for the CROWN
へたれですみませんが教えて下さい。 These detailed instructions are overkill if you just need a general idea; then scan the pics. But if you're not yet at ease with trying it, read through everything and it'll be clear how simple it actually is.
Having explored the use of hyperstructure to navigate music, we consider a role for music in assisting navigation.
The size, variation and repetition in the topology of the hyperstructure can be interpreted from the music, with different subjective effects from one slow traversal to repeated fast traversals.
The bearings exhibit higher stiffness, improved thermal characteristics, and higher work zone accuracies compared to conventional oil hydrostatic bearings with the same dimensions. In addition, significant savings can be made on the energy required to drive spindle assemblies, due to a reduction in both the frictional resistance and fluid flow when using water as the lubricant.
Fukuzawa Yukiti was born in 1834 at the end of the Edo period. He was a son of a samurai in Kyushu. In his teens he studied Dutch very hard in Nagasaki and Osaka because in those days Dutch was thought to be the most important language. Yukichi studied it to learn Western science and medicine. It was very hard to learn Dutch at that time because books about Dutch were very few. In 1858 Yukichi went to edo to start a school for teaching Dutch to the younger samurai. Soon after he arrived in edo, he went to Yokohama to visit the place where foreigners lived after the Trade Treaties. He was surprised that his Dutch was not understood there. "I visited stores opened by foreigners, but they did not understand what I was saying, nor did I understand them. Moreover, I could not find any Dutch words in that area," he wrote in his notebook. He soon learned that the Dutch language alone was not enough to meet the needs of the times. He felt very sad to find that all his years of studying Dutch had been a waste of time. Yukichi thought, "They are speaking either English or French. And I have heard before that English is used all over the world." So the day after he got back from Yokohama, he made up his mind to study English. However, at that time there were few Japanese who could teach English. So Yukichi bought an English-Dutch dictionary. Every night he studied English by translating English into Dutch, Which he knew well. Then English became an important tool for him to learn about Western culture.
There hasn't been a single presentation where a young person, and usually many of them,hasn't come up afterward and thanked us and told us we are donig something very important and wonderful.
>>585>>595 それじゃ,やってみますが,こんなのは日本語の説明みたいなのがあれば 訳しやすいんだけどね。 それから,>の記号は2つ付けないとリンク先へいけないので,気をつけてね。 The bearings exhibit そのベアリング(複数)は以下のことを発揮します: higher stiffness, improved thermal characteristics, より高度の堅さ,改善された温度の特質 and higher work zone accuracies より高度の作業域の正確さ, compared to conventional oil hydrostatic bearings with the same dimensions. 同じサイズの今までの油性静水ベアリングと比べると/ In addition, significant savings can be made on the energy required それに加えて,以下のことをするのに必要なエネルギーを大幅に節約できます to drive spindle assemblies, スピンドル組み立て部品を操作するのに/ due to a reduction in both the frictional resistance and fluid flow 次の二つを減らすのが可能になったために/摩擦抵抗と液の流入・流出を/ when using water as the lubricant. 水を減摩財として使うときに/
I have send you one from the goods do you want. I have changed the cover. When the goods is arrived, please give me information. Is the goods not ok for you, I will give you your payment back.
Or maybe it's just that the dreams I've been having in the last week or so are different enough in some way that they set themselves apart from what I'm used to.
Sometimes the hands that feed must feed a mind with a sick need And the hands that clutch can be the same hands that touch too much Eyes that hungrily stare read in an access that's not there While eyes close to hide tears or look away in fear
Music, in its digital forms, has additional characteristics which favour its adoption in case studies for experimental hypermedia systems: for example it touches on similar challenges to textual content as well as those of temporal media.
すみませんが、以下の文の日本語訳をお願します。 We can also accept payment by US$ bank draft or Bank Wire Transfer, but no Eurocheque please.
The purchase of the right audio cables can be the most cost effective improvement to most hi-fi systems. We can also provide you with a broad range of audio components and accessories ...just ask.
On the way back from the show, I ran over something in the road, a tire, or wheel, or something, and tore the entire bottom out of my P.T. Cruiser. It had to be towed into Forrest City, Arkansas, and my son Brian had to drive seventy miles there to pick me up and bring me back to Memphis. よろしくおねがいします
“A queer case this,Joe,”said Inspector Kelly who had been listening to the conversation.“These moderns are a little too much for me!A man and woman living together after being divorced six months!”
We both did a lot of crying because we were both going through the same thing, but just having someone around so you wouldn't have to feel so alone was a tremendous help. よろしくです
Prime Minister Ariek Sharon sought Thursday to reassure theree American envoys that Israel did not want to abandon the US-backed peace blueprint known as the road map, but made it clear he was readying steps of his own should that effort fail.
最後の部分が分かりません。 >he was readying steps of his own should that effort fail. が仮目的語itで、それが明らかにされたようだけど、助動詞should に続くべき動詞も分からないし、、、
すいません。海外オークションの相手(ウクライナ)から突然こんな内容のメールが来ました。 日本について知りたいそうなのですが、 I`m very intresting about Japanees life and history. I read Murakami, and I don`t understand how much ppl in Japan as "BataKusaj"? Also please tell me how ppl which leave the old life stile?
I have not been, arrogant it may seem, content to walk in the steps of men much wiser than myself. But we are, much as we resemble one another, none of us exactly alike, and I have seen no reason why I should not, so far as I could, choose my own course. And yer at the same time when I look back upon my life. I cannot but notice how much that vitally affected me has been due to circumestamces that are waht it is hard not to regard as pure chance.
>英「Don't someone know the documents?」 >これは実際に知っているかどうかではなく場所を聞いているのだから >「Where Do anyone know the documents are?」 >になりませんか? 俺なら、Does anybody know where the ducument is? >日「この機械で本当に訳せるのかね」 >英「It cannot translate truly by this machine and is?」 >最後の"and is"がどういう意味なのかわからないのです・・・。 俺なら、Does this device work?
>日「日本で一番気に入った町はどこですか?」 >英「Where is the town No,1 pleased in Japan?」 >構文がおかしいと思うのですがこれも正しいのでしょうか? >私的には「Which town in Japan do you like best?」になると思うのですが・・。
702の英語でもいいかもしれんけど、俺なら、 Which town you've visited so far is your most favorite one?とかかな。
>>707 丁寧な解説ありがとうございます。 いえ、日本のジャンプで連載されている「こちら亀有公園前派出所」です。 新発明の自動翻訳機のネタでした。 Does anybody know where the ducument is?とWhere does anybody know the ducument is? ではどのような意味の違いがあるのでしょうか?文法的には間違っていないと思うのですけれど。 >Does this device work? 考え様によってはこんな簡単な英語で言い表せるのですね・・・。
誰か書類を知らんか? Don't someone know documents? この機械で本当に訳せるのかね It cannot translate truly by this machine. 日本で一番気に入った町はどこですか? Where is the town pleased most in Japan?
>「It cannot translate truly by this machine and is?」
Does anybody know where the ducument is?の方がいいと思う。 解説には自信ないけど、「誰か知ってるか?」というのを聞きたいんでしょ。 だから、まずDoes anybody knowが先にくる。
それで、聞きたい内容は、Where is the document?ってこと。二つの文を 足すと、Does anybody know where is the document?だけど、目的語に where,why, whoなどに導かれる節がくる場合、普通の疑問文の語順ではなくて、 主語と動詞が入れ替わるんだったよね。
Do you know + Who is he?= Do you know who he is? DO you know + Where is it?=Do you know where it is?
She had once thought about becoming a nouse,since her favorite aunt is one. She also does not know what she will do if she does not go to college,since she does not want to get a job and work right away. 誰か訳せますか?おねがいします
○, would you come to my house the day after tomorrow? You can stay here at least till early in the morning of the 27th. If you want to go sightseeing, please call me soon.
The cellular phone phenomenon has swept Japan like wild fire. A few years ago only a handful people had one. They were mostly businessmen and other professionals.
At first I thought I would never seed such an item. I do not think I am so busy that I need a cellular phone. I also thought that it was only a trend. But then I was given one as a present. I have since realized that it is a very useful thing to have. I use my celluler phone almost every day at least once or twice.
There are a number of situations where eye glances are optional. For instance, when a speaker asks a question of a large audience, each member of the group may choose to engage or avoid the glance of the speaker. The likelihood of being called on to answer is considerably greater if one looks at the speaker than if one looks away from him. In such a situation, nonverbal engagement is read as an expressions where eye contact is optional include cocktail parties, airplanes, trains, and many work situations, where one may choose to engage the looks of others or systematically avoid them.
Whatever musical event complies with that score by playing the notes it designates (or would designate if the work is not yet scored) counts as a fully authentic instance of the work.
Please Note! We are currently experiencing peak volumes. As a result, we are unable to give you final totals for shipping and tax. If you wish to complete your order, enter your payment information below and complete information about your order will be e-mailed to you.
When,fixing the price for products, we will need to add on the true cost of cleaning up the pollution caused in their manufacture and disposing of them safely afterward.
kiss me, girl, and your old one a tip you need, it is years till you're near this sound of the dead will she know she wants all to not really take cold caves know moon is with whom mad and dead
Your order may arrive earlier then stated below please look for you order as early as February 15th 2004.
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If we were married,I'd be real nice to you. もしわたしたちが結婚したら、あなたに優しくしたいわ。 I'd always get up in the morning before you! わたし、毎朝あなたよりも早くに起きるわね。 What for? なんのために? To fry your coffee! あなたのコーヒーをfryするためよ!
...I'll fry your coffee anytime.I love you わたしはいつも、あなたのコーヒーをfryします。大好きよ。
Changing the world involves a curious kind of doublethink. If we are to act effectively, the mind must buckle itself austerely to the actual, in the belief that knowing the situation for what it is is the source of all moral and political wisdom. The only trouble is that such knowledge is also desperately hard to come by, and perhaps unattainable in any complete sense. The difficulty is not so much the solutions themselves, but grasping the way it is with a particular bit of the world. If you get this right, it will intimate the kinds of solution you should look to. Answers are not the hardest thing.
「If we …… political wisdom.」の二文目の後半がよく分かりません。 どなたかお願いします。
but once he started singing, he became a different person, voice filing each song with tenderness. But even with his understated delivery, each phrase and nuance was delivered with admirable diction and enunciation, and in fluent English at that. しかし、いったん彼が歌いはじめると、別人になる。声は、やさしさにあふれた 歌。 But以下は、歌い方でなく、話し方のことを言っているのですか? それと最後の at thatの意味を教えていただけますか。
Nader said his candidacy would offer an altanative to Republican and Democrats but would focus on ousing the incumbent. butがわからない。「共和党・民主党支持者に選択肢を提供する」「政権を妥当する事に焦点を当てる」、どちらに重きがあるのでしょうか?
>offer an altanative to Republican and Democrats 「共和党・民主党支持者に選択肢を提供する」って、意味的に変な気もしたけど Republican・Democratって、名詞としては「党員・支持者」とあるのですが、 政権や議会にいる共和党・民主党のメンバーという解釈でいいのでしょうか?
>>797 なんどもすみません。タイプミスがあって原文は双方複数形だったので、共和党はブッシュひとりだしと思った次第です。 toが、「offer A to B」なのか「altanative to 〜」なのか、どちらにも取り得る気がして。 どちらにしても「二大政党以外の選択肢を提供する」という大意は変わりないのですが。 どうもありがとうございました。
>>811 >>813 レス有り難うございます。 情報不足ですみませんでした。 全文は We can book a trip to Fraser Island for you at our tour desk at our hotel. です。 お手数ですがお願いします。なんとなくは分かるような気もするのですが不安でして…
70歳近い(けれども、しっかりした)おばあちゃんが、赤ちゃんgurdian になるという話の一部です。訳とあと、文章の構造も教えていただけると うれしいです。 She knew not the first thing about babies, but that didn't worry her in the least.
If we put on one side such adventurers as Cesare Borgia with his private enterprise project of making a state out of the cities and territories of the Romagna (which came to nothing), a state as an assemblage under a Government of thitherto discrete territories and their inhabitants, or as the emancipation of an estate from feudal or imperial overlordship, was the work of persons who were already rulers; that is, of persons who were already recognized to have authority of some sort.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standard strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on Earth, God's work must truly be our own.
長くて申し訳ないんですが、訳していただけたらありがたいです。 1A major problem facing the people of many countries of the world,
since the end of the World War U,is that of keeping the air they breathe and the water they drink clean.
2We are likely to forget what we learn if we have no occasion to remember it over along interval of time.
The degree to which we forget a fact depends on how well it is memorized or noted in the first place and on how frequently it remembered or used mean while.
Some psychologists assert that we never forget anything the nerve cells of our cortex have ever "recorded."
Some parts I do not understand completely what your meaning. The part about children and their displeasure with you. They know of you and I know my children they would accept you. They would try to understand the conditions.
In this case I am quite confident that any exception would have to be granted by the top administration of the university. I do sincerely regret not being able to help you further in this regard.
Those who visit the United States for the first time may initially find the American system of education and the many possibilities it offers students difficult to understand.
For example,one of the major differences between the American educational system and system in a majority of other countries is that education in the United States is intended for everyone.
すいません、また謝辞からなんですけど People, who over the years lent me the encouragement and support needed to help me become someone even remotely worthy of having a book written about their life. おねがいします
But ruler who found himself responsible for the government of a state needed not only authority appropriate to his situation but also power, an apparatus of governing commensurate with his circumstances. Here also familiarity and novelty were mixed. [There were procedures and devices already being taken into use by kings and dukes (particularly the Duke of Burgundy) and the rulers of medieval republics which were to become, with considerable but diminishing local variations, the new and characteristic apparatus of governing a state.] Nevertheless, his situation called for continuous inventiveness.
Cash in with Google makes earning an affiliate income very simple. With step by step instructions and screenshots to follow you'll have all the tools you more emails please
Privatization of public services soared precisely when major corporations engaged in unfettered private self-dealing and one major religious group reeled from scandals, cover-ups, and mounting distrust among the faithful. This coincidence in timing should be all the reminder anyone needs of the vital role of public oversight and checks and balances.
よろしくお願いします。よく分からないのは、"unfettered private self-dealing"の意味と、 最後の、 the reminder anyone needs of the vital role of...のところです。
I think he was just trying to make a snappy comment about how devastating the knee was by remarking at how fast the guy disappeared from view when it happened.
How much time does arriving in Japan usually take? Please let me know the result of a check. Was the item already sent to Japan? Do item come by ship? Or does it come by the airplane? Am I able to Search item from an tracking number etc? It is praying that item arrive safely from the bottom of its heart. Goods have not yet arrived. Please input an tracking number to above-mentioned site. Can it ship to Japan using EMS? I want to surely purchase. お願いします。
why don't you tell me friend? make it know to me you don't have to shorlder all take it easy!! why don't you kiss me baby? i'm wait so long give me some more your smile don't give me sad look and... fight for myself fight for myself... at last dear my friends thank you for everything. 切り抜きなんですが意味がよくわかりませんよろしくお願いします
Very nice to hera yo like our music! We don't have any gigs planned in the UK for August. But you never know... We don't plan that far ahead, so we don't know anything about August really. If someone will invite us to go to Japan, we'll surely go! We'd love wishes
Sports cars were once the domain of men seeking a rush of adrenalin,the ultimate boys’ toys for wealthy professionals.But an increasing number of women are now developing a passion for speed,with many trading in their more practical vehicles for stylish,high-powered models,according to a study recently published.
Handpicked by Kawabuchi for the national job, Zico has failed to build on the success of his predecessor Phillipe Troussier, the Brazilian now having won just six games from his last 19 games in charge.
>>941 スポーツカーはかつて刺激を追求する「男」の領分に属していた。専門職に 従事している裕福な男達にとっての究極の「おもちゃ」だったのである。 しかし近年スピードに熱を上げる女性達がますます多くなっている。最近 発表された調査によると彼女らの多くは実用向けの車を下取りに出して スタイリッシュで馬力のある車種に乗り換えているとのことである。 注 : trade in 〜 (for) = 〜 を下取りにだす I traded in my car for a new one. 車を下取りに出して新車を買った。 (ジーニアス)
Your order will be shipped pending authorization of your credit card and the availability of your items. For any additional questions, hit us back with another email and we'll be happy to help.
Monitor does not act it around commodity the no more in the trade is available or out of the program was taken. In order that copy these Monitor to avoid, these were cancelled. It concerns here an original. Please they divide me with whether you the Monitor to keep would like.
An artsminded printing corporation arranged group's season brochure plus a welcome paid the bulk postage for two mailings to a list the bulk postage for two mailings to a list of 3 bulk postage for two mailings to a list of 3000.
>>977 have it behind me で、後ろにしたい、おきさりたい つまり、忘れたい主旨の言葉だと思うのだが それで2行目でwhen this will be overと言っていると 疑問なのはこの will がいらないのではというのとフと思った 訳は、「はやく次にすすみたいなぁ、つまりこれが終わるのを 期待してるんよ」てきな感じでは
前略- Pkistan may have helped North Korea test a plutonium-based nucler device in 1998. Citing U.S. intellogence officials, the paper said clues emerged following underground nuclear tests carried out by Pakistan in May 1998, in which Pyongyang possibly provided the plutonium.
とあるのですが、最後の部分は「そこで、北朝鮮がプルトニウムを供給したかもしれない」 で良いのでしょうか?話しの流れから、「北朝鮮は供給された」のような気がするのですが ここで was を省略するなんてあるのでしょうか?
---------------------------------------- Does North Korea have nuclear weapons? This is a matter of some uncertainty. The Central Intelligence Agency has reportedly said that North Korea had enough plutonium to make one or two nuclear weapons in the early 1990s, but there is no evidence that it has assembled a weapon. ...