A critical sociology of culture and cultural studies would also draw upon feminist approaches and a range of multicultural theories to analyse fully the functions of render,class,race,ethnicity,nationality ,sexual preferences,and so on which are so important in constituting cultural texts and their effects,as well as fundamentally constitutive of audiences who appropriate and use texts.
@Consequently at the end of the seventeenth century, when other builders were increasing the size and draught of their warships, giving them more guns and improving their sailing qualities, Dutch builders were making their warships more shallow and giving them flatter, broader bottoms, all in order to make it possible for them to enter and leave port.
AThe constitution of the Dutch Republic decreed that Amsterdam must have an admiralty shipbuilding yard even through there was a shallow at harbour entrance.
BIn the eighteenth century Amsterdam shipbuilders developed camel, a complex and expansive device for raising the skip in the water while it was being towed into port, to solve that problem.
CThat was enough, however, to overcome the inferiority of Dutch warships.
In that one bright red split second, I had snapped once again. Wasn't sure how I'd gotten loose, but I'd cost him some teeth. I had leaned forward enough and come firing back with my head. And then he let go with his legs and covered his mouth with his hands, and then I was up on him, all fury and feet. お願いします。
Temptation being as great and omnipresent as it is for these lowly paid and sorely tried men,there will always be a certain number who succccumb to it; this is undersandable,and statistically acceptable. It is only when crookedness is sewn into the very fabric of the police organization that the public has reason, and a right,to worry.
1,As for what kind of job I have here. I work for a ABC Law firm in Century City. I am in the office service department. Our company is very well known and has many famous clients. It is a good job and they treat there employees well.
2,If I can pull this trip together you will have to fill me in on want places I should visit and not miss this time. Maybe Kyoto or Osaka?
Because of the Supermacy Clause of the United States Constitution, the only issue before the Court is whether defendants' conduct violates federal law. The Court concludes that the federal government has established that it is likely that it does. As these lawsuits are brought to enforce a statute, namely, the Controlled Substances Act, irreparable harm is presumed and the injunction must be granted.
In today's improved life style, parents often expect their children to do better than they did. For example, they want them to find better jobs, to make money and to do all the things that they were unable to do.
1 He said that nothing a criminal does is as unjust as what society does to criminals,and conditions have not changed since he said that. But even if the moral argument falls on deaf ears,the practical argument is irrefutable−our system ofpunishment does not work.
2 There is always bound to be a few rotten apples in any barrel,he pronounces,with an air of profound philosophic discovery.This is supposed to excuse,if not refute,the ugly charges.But it misses the point.
Tell me that you'll never ever leave me. Then you go ahead and leave me What the hell is going on Tell me that you really really love me Then you go ahead and leave me How the hell do I go on
Elderly people were respected for their wisdom in the past, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become useless overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, which are separated by different skills and abilities.
The plain fact is that there are not enough internal or external checks on the integrity of the force.Part of this is due to the alliance between politics and the police,when privileges or promotions can be granted or withheld by powerful figures in the party councils.But even when this is not true−as in New York ℃ity under Mayor Lindsay−there still remains a stubborn obstacle to effective policing of the police. お願いします
It turned out that the girls at girls' schhols thought of little else but boys, and the boys at boys' schools thought of little else but girls.The subject becomes overemphasized through being de-emphasized;thelack of natural contact with the opposite sex leads either to a frantic overstressing or a grim denial−neither a wholesome reaction.
1 The life of every organism depends on the viability of the system of which it is a member. 2 Their very success dooms them to failure - just as a victorious war in the atomic age woulld be an unqualified disaster for the dying winner.
If it is not obtainable through the full spectrum of feelings and conduct, then they will grasp for it at the most transient,elusive and accessible level: the sex alone,which satisfies drives without serving real needs,and which by itself can move couples further apart,notcloser together.
Although nominally subordinate to the mayor and the city government,the police often operate as independently as the Pentagon-and are as resistant to direction or reform from the outside.
I would not be surprised if the next round of revolts moved from the college campuses to the nation's prisons.They are overdue for a thorough cleaning-out,and authorities will not reform them until they are forced to -if not by public opinion,then by a show of violence.
When was the last time you truly surrendered to love and really let go of inhibition and control? If it's been awhile, this weekend is perfect for letting your libido off the leash. Don't allow self-consciousness about figure flaws to interfere. You're a lot more appealing and dynamic than you give yourself credit for. すみませんが、占いの一文です。 お願いします。
The percentage of African Americans and Hispanics who are going online should soon match their representation in the broader population, according to Nielson/Net Ratings.
の文の特にshould match their representation のとこがわかりません。 宜しくお願いいたします。
i will arrive in narita airport tomorrow, and stay in tokio for 2 days. i know it is very short notice, but i only heard it from AAA.so i wanted to ask you if you will be in tokio aswell, so that we could meet up again? i will arrive on monday morning, and leave again in wednesday morning,so the best time for me to drive into tokio city will be on tuesday. let me know if you are in tokio, too, and have time as well.
Even the cautious and conservative American Bar Association last year endorsed a drastic reduction in criminal sentences,with five years the limit,except for the most serious crimes.If a man is not rehabilitated in that time,keeping him in jail longer is a cruel and stupid act of vengeance. よろしくお願いします
When in 894 Sugawara no Michizane (845・03) was appointed to be the next envoy, he persuaded the court to discontinue the practice on the grounds that China was in chaos
FUCKING RECALCITRANT YELLOW DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!!!!!!!!! SHIT!!!!!!!!!YELLOW'S ADVERSED TO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE EXCELLENT WHITEPOWER IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!! WHITEPOWER, HEIL HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT is a normal reaction,even if some of the underground papers themselves(at least the ones I have seen)are scarcely any more reliable than the organs they protest against.But everyone has a right to be partial-as long as that partiality is openly expressed as such,and not disguised as fact.
normal reaction 普通{ふつう}の反応{はんのう}[受け止め方] even if たとえ〜としても、〜とはいえ underground paper アングラ新聞{しんぶん} partiality 【名】 部分的{ぶぶんてき}であること、局部性{きょくぶせい}、えこひいき、不公平{ふこうへい}、偏愛{へんあい}
disguise 【他動-1】 変装{へんそう}[扮装{ふんそう}・仮装{かそう}・偽装{ぎそう}]させる ・ Sean disguised himself by wearing glasses. : ショーンはメガネをかけて変装した。 【他動-2】 〔事実{じじつ}・感情{かんじょう}などを〕隠す、偽る、隠蔽{いんぺい}する
A friend is someone who forgives you some of your faults, who knows both your strengths and weaknesses and accepts you for the kind of person you are. But there must be more than this for friendship. Probably most important for friendship is that friends must think alike about some rather important things. This doesn't mean they must never think independently or differently, but they must agree upon many things, such as what is fun, what is good, what is bad, what is interesting, what is right, what is wrong. There can't be much friendship unless there is a lot of agreement about a lot of these things.
For much the same reason−lack of normal,easy contact during the important years. We have narrowed the concept of sexuality to the physical,and ignored the psychological and social connotations of both the similarities and the differences between the sexes.
It has notworked well in England,on many levels,including the high incidence of homosexuality among the upper classes who sent their boys away at a vulnerable age.
If Jun was this far gone on her, she had to be pretty damn good-looking. Smart, too. Young, on her own, but determined to keep to the straight and narrow.
次の文を現在形は現在進行形に、過去形は過去進行形に書きかえて下さい。。。 @Did you ski with your friends? AThe children didn't write a story. BShe doesn't run very fast. CThey didn't cut down the tree. DWhere did the old man lie? EWhat does Ellen do in her room? FWho swam in this river then? GWhat did the boys push? HWhere did your brother make a bost? お願いします!
Many critics say that the generation gap is built into the system of our society and it will continue to be a feature of our society for some years in the future.
>>339 You would like to know how different "be made of" and "be made from" are, right? They are different in how the material is changed. You use "from" when you mention the material which is not like what is was. On the other hand, "of" is used when it retains the form it had. Consider some examples given below:
a. The drink is made of orange juice and water. b. Bread is made from flour.
Although some judge that in b "made of flour" could be grammatical, it is generally considered not to be much accepted.
To sum up, you use "of" when something you mention appears as it was after it is processed; You use "from" when something you mention doesn't appear as it was after it is processed.
# Let "Ω" be an open set in "C^n" and "f" a complex valued function defined on "Ω". We say that "f" is holomorphic on "Ω" if to every point "a∈Ω" there corresponds a neighborhood "U" and a power series "Σc_{α}(z-a)^α" which converges to "f(z)" for "z∈U".
Crisis-hit Blair receives warm in China. China's top leaders warmly embraced British Prime Minister Tony Blair as a major world statesman Monday, giving him a welcome break from his political crisis back home.
His love of a fishing was a problem because he could not be reasonable about it. Even when he had fished all morning, as soon as his lunch was finished, he would pick up his fishing pole and go off to try again.
3度の食事をきちんと量を量って作ってあげなきゃいけないので なれるまでが大変でした。 を英訳のところでお願いして I have to prepare meals three times a day measuring the quantity to a T, so I had a hard time until I got used to it. と訳して頂いたのですが, Tの意味がわからないので教えて頂けないでしょうか? 申し訳ないのですが、宜しくお願いします。
In fact the koffen were so economical to build and operate as well as being highly seaworthy, that in the late eighteenth century they made major inroads in shipping to the Baltic, long the preserve of the fluvt.
This is a short note to be sure that you understand how to write a journal for our class. First off, use a notebook for your journal. Second, you should write in good paragraph form. This includes small margins on the left and right sides, and on the top and bottom of each page. Be sure to double-space, so that there is room for corrections. You should also begin each entry by writing the date, and when you have finished you should write down the number of minutes you have been writing at the end of that particular entry. If you are unclear about any of these instructions you should ask your teacher to help. <長いですがお願いします>
sorry for the incovenient of 10 instead of 100, it's our fault we did a promotion and now promotion is over the price is 100 euro no credit card card mony order only at the moment
Ie certainly needs to. Japan's economic recovery, though welcome and probably assisted by a more expansionary monetary policy instituted by the man Mr Koizumi appointed in March to head the Bank of Japan, Toshihiko Fukui, risks petering out just as previous recoveries have done, especially if this week's rise in the yen proves long-lasting.
the foreign ministry of japan should ban the japanese people from visiting anywhere until they grow up! Nobody want or need their useless yen now anyways..and the groups taking pictures of everthing, and getting into everyone's way is getting annoying. It is indeed funny how they blame it all on "angry" Chinese...There was once a skit made by some of my less than sophisticated and insensitive fraternity brothers in college where they dressed up in kimonos, painted their eyes and faces, and simulated giving oral sex to a "happy" white tourist..the japanese students were up in arms over it. So I guess part of growing up would mean...1) dont do stupid things 2) do it, then better be ready to take it too. Bunch of whiny cultural coward would be a good way to summerize the whole japanese behavor in this matter. As for hiring prostitutes, the japanese are well known for their kinky sexual appetite, and the associated industries that it spawned. just go to any red light district and you can get a cheap 'geisha" for under $20 bucks...they trip over themselves when actual green back is offered instead of yen http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=news&cat=1&id=277739
But most users are confident that this new tool has become a beneficial and essential part of their lives. Other countries are still trying to catch up with Japan in regard to the Use of these new, high-capability cell phones. Key to the Japanese Companies’ success have been intensive product research and development, along with successful mass marketing and advertising campaigns. Now Japanese companies have an edge on the market in this field and they are In a good position to introduce this technology to other countries throughout the world. This story shows that even in difficult times there is always possibility for success in business.
お願いします。 I will you about our sense of time. I heard that people in Japan are very punctual and the trains are always on time. When you come to my country, you should be a little more relaxed. Some people here don't usually arrive on time, and they don't apologize for being late.
People rummage through the local thrift store for different reasons -- some for the ironic T-shirts, others for the well-worn jeans, and still others for a set of dinner plates. The truly brave, however, venture past the bowling shirts and gently worn khakis and head straight to the back of the store where the "art" resides.
You walk into the small, neat,neighborhood clothing store at 5408 West Norse Avenue, Chicago, and you realize that this is the awful news that never makes the paper. The news of what happens afterward.
You walk into the clothing store-it is called The Spot - and you see the owner standing near the cash register. His name is Kwang Nam Kim; he is forty-four years old, a true believer in the American dream. He came to the United States from Korea ten years ago, accompanied by his wife and two sons. Kim had been a tailor in Korea. But he wanted more for his family.
He was different than he had ever been,not empty and clear anymore but weighted with secrets and his lies,some told and some untold, but all of it disgusting enough to set him slightly outside his family, in a place where he could watch them now,and watch himself with them.
I feel like shit, I don`t think you know what that means. It means I have a broken heart. It is my fault, because I made you feel bad, but now I feel bad. I do, I said I was sorry, the last thing I want to do is make you feel bad.
No clear dividing lines separate the different stages of biography. Modern society has few,if any,of those"rites of passage"which,in many other human societies,mark the thresh-olds between clearly defined stages in the individual's progress through life. お願いします。
続きです。 So he brought them to Chicago. He got a job at Hart Scaffner & Marx ; his wife, Kyung Soon Kim, worked there too, as a seamstress. When he had saved enough money, he opened up The Spot in this West Side neighborhood, and he and his wife went into business for themselves.
On January 18, 1982, Mr. and Mrs. Kim were working alone in The Spot right after the store had opened for the morning. Two young men came into the store. They casually tried on some jeans and jackets. Then they announced that they were going to rob the Kims.
1 Being there would take the young people's minds off the sex and allow them to develop their skills and strengthen their characters more freely. 2 modern times made the whole notion obsolete,exposure to sexual stimulation was found on all sides at all times.
This can be done only when nations begin to recognize that what may seem to be in the national interest cannot be opposed to the common interest of mankind, or both the nation and mankind will die in this conquest. お願いします
Usually small things that are thought out from the heart. You know gifts that means something to you and the person who gave it to you. Could be a letter or just a car. スミマセンがよろしくお願致します。
The show did no go on, the 19th FAI World Grand Prix was cancelled. Alexandre is still in Intensive Care Unit but his general state is improving day after day in an unbelievable way. His broken right arm, right ankle and left collarbone have been successfully fixed, all his limbs are moving. He has all chances of becoming a very lucky pilot.
After World War U, when many Japanese houses were taken over by the Occupation forces, the new American residents often painted over the beautiful old wooden alcove posts. One American living in a Japanese house even brushed all the moss off a stone lantern in the garden. This story in particular indicates that many Americans are likely to think of moss as something undesirable, which helps explain their own interpretation of the proverb.
Masters's last act on earth had been of self-preservation. Trying to defend his good name, his honor I guess. If I put myself in his shoes, I guess I might have done the same. Hmm, if I was a rapist of drugged men, what would I do? Would my last act on earth be to hide the real truth? Would I do like the good doctor and zip up my fly? And like the good doctor, would the teeth of that zipper bite into my penis and rip off the tip?
My trusty lawyer then jumped in, in pursuit of justice and the spotlight. He launched a massive lawsuit, which he claims will bring me millions. But somehow the heroic acts of a football star drew more attention than the kid whose love letters went unsent. So whereas the coach got People and a movie, I got a lawyer on a talk show, where he was part of a panel about "not giving up a fight." He should have been an expert on "showing up twice a year and saying, 'Hey, you know things could be worse.'" おねがいします
Any Player who has already acquired eligibility to play for one Association but has another nationality imposed upon him by a government authority, is also entitled to change associations. This provision is not subject to any age limits.
Hideo, I'm glad that you enjoyed the beef jerky and if you send me your home address I will send you a care package to Japan :-) . I hope all is well with you and your family and if you would like anything from Northern California please let me know and I will include it in the package. thank you for your concern for Kathleen and our friends. I look forward to your response.
I am getting reacquainted with an old friend, Nat King Cole. Singing about the Savior's birth. A song that no longer triggers thoughts of empty cans and unwanted acts, but thoughts of happiness instead. Thoughts of Terri. Thoughts about what might have been, and thoughts of what may still be. One day soon I will look for her, and hope that destiny will lend a hand in turning over stones. But for now, I'm happy thinking. Thinking about that autumn night when she'd wanted me to kiss her.
和訳を教えて下さい。お願いします。 You decide how happy you are. Just be thankful to anything around you, and the world will change in your favor naturally.
Don't let a bad situation win over you! Challege it and grab the chance to overcome. Now you can change the bad situation into another solid ability to become better-you.
今精読しているペーパーバック(児童向け)の一文です。 海賊の財宝がありえるかどうか、というような話の流れです。 ちなみに King は彼女の family name です。
She herself had an old diary that painted a less than respectable picture of some of her enterprising King forebears - a picture she had done her best to suppress.
だいたいの感じは掴めるのですが、a less than にてこずっています。 少なからず、という風にとってよいのでしょうか? それとも、ほんのわずかながら、という感じでしょうか?
続きです。 Mr. and Mrs. Kim did exactly what the men told them to do. They did not resist, they did not try to call the police. The men ordered them into a back room and told them to lie on the floor, face down. They did. The men went back out front to steal whatever they wanted.
Before the men left the store, they went to the back room again. The Kims were still face down, still following orders. One of the men pointed a gun at the back of Mrs. Kim's head. He pulled the trigger. The bullet bored through her head and exited through her mouth. Then the men left the store with $100 and some clothing.
Turn the handle on the metal water reservoir. Turn left 2x. forward, right, forward 3x and turn right. Look close at pillar with a gauge. The red arrow is on 110. Turn right, forward 2x and turn left. Look at gauge and turn wheel on right to raise the arrow to 40. Turn right. Forward 4x and turn right. Look close at gauge and turn wheel to raise the arrow to 60. Back up, turn left and look close at gauge and turn the wheel on the right to raise the gauge to 10 - if it goes to 20, just turn the wheel in opposite direction.
Even the faintest smell of poop drifting from one of our little baby butts could set off an eruption of rage that included not only the throwing of objects but the whipping of those little baby butts, extreme verbal abuse directed at anyone in his path, and the occasional stinging backhand that left Auntie bruised and bleeding at intervals that became more frequent as time marched on. お願いします
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. The doctor advised me to go there for a change, which advice I took. This is a case where the government should take prompt action. He had been there for three years, where he was transferred to another branch. お願いいたします。
Picasso painted his pictures in whatever manner seemed best to him,without considering other people's opinions. Most painters discover a style of painting thatsuits them and stick to that, especially if people admire their pictures. As the artist grows older, his pictures may alter, but not very much. But picasso was like a man who ha not yet found his own particular satyle of painting. He was still struggling to find perfect expression for his own uneasy spirit.
Picasso painted his pictures in whatever manner seemed best to him,without considering other people's opinions. Most painters discover a style of painting thatsuits them and stick to that, especially if people admire their pictures. As the artist grows older, his pictures may alter, but not very much. But picasso was like a man who ha not yet found his own particular satyle of painting. He was still struggling to find perfect expression for his own uneasy spirit.
I once again have to apologize to you. We did order your Boots with a double mid sole. However when Blacks made them for you, they did not build them with a double mid sole. So I am going to send you two pairs of insoles at no cost to you. Again except my apologies.
これを、お願いします The insoles will ship out to you Monday November 3rd.
I once again have to apologize to you. We did order your Boots with a double mid sole. However when Blacks made them for you, they did not build them with a double mid sole. So I am going to send you two pairs of insoles at no cost to you. Again except my apologies. The insoles will ship out to you Monday November 3rd
If there ever was a time not to speak, it was then, for Vinnie was in full scumbag mode, and even though I was seated behind him and could not see his face, I could see the fat on the back of his neck twitching, a sure sign that he was about to prove his manhood by smacking a small child. おねがいします
Somebody tries to sell my Dj-Mixes here.(←ここにアドレス) I have contacted this person because i do not think it is right to sell my mixes through the internet. My Dj-Sets are only for promotion not for making money. 無断でdjmix売るなってことですか?
If their last favorite thing in the world was magic,closely followed by neighbors who cheated more than did on the hosepipe ban,people who heard voices were definitely in the bottom ten. お願いします。意味がわかりません。。
Not that I wasn't proud and in love and thanking my lucky stars on a nightly basis, but the smug smirks and snide comments were starting to get to me. お願いします
I would watch him as he taught his class in his own unique style: reading directly out of the textbook, head down, no eye contact, with his hulking physique stretching mightily at his two-sizes too-small silk shirts. おねがいします
He was like a big cat in that way, searching his class for weaknesses using whatever tools were at his disposal before pouncing, the more damage the better, as long as it got a laugh out of his players, who made up about half the class.
He began to wonder,suppose he just called her up and said he'd like to come over again and see her,without mentioning any puppies?He would have to tell only one lie,that he still had Rover and that the family all loved him and so on.He could easily remember that much.
I'm on my way out for the evening and just had a moment to say thank you again for your generousity and warmth...I see those qualities are ever present in you...as you think of me even now.
The incident might have gone unnoticed had Steff not heard me explaining my unique auditory circumstances to the shop teacher, at which point Steff, Iike a beacon in the sawdust, yelled out.
(イギリス中のウサギが死ぬ。 キツネは、十分な量の食料を得られなくなるので、農家の鶏を殺して食べる。 そこで、農家の人はキツネを殺す。 そうするとネズミの数が増え、農家の穀物を食い荒らしてしまう。) という文脈で、 The farmers ended up losing as much as they had lost to the rabbits. という英文が続きます。エキサイト翻訳を試してみたところ、 「農民はそれらがウサギに失ったのと同じ量を結局失いました。」 と和訳されましたが、どうもしっくりしません。 私の日本語力の問題なのかも知れませんが、どなたかこなれた和訳をお願いします。
In a presentation further explaining Sony's Transformation 60 restructuring plan, Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi showed one of Sony's first concept models for the PSP, its upcoming handheld game system. While the model isn't intended to represent the final product, it does show Sony's design ideas moving in some interesting directions. お願いします。
In the centuries up to the year 1000, economic activity remained essentially agricultural, centered on estates that gathered peasant (serf) households under the protection of a landlord. Serfs could not leave the land without permissions, but they also could not be forced off it or have their rents or labour obligations arbitrarily increased. They had a social status superior to that of a slave (thought the word serf is derived from the Latin word for slave, servus).
The landlords were ecclesiastical institutions and lay families. The lay landlords were bound up in a world of violence and military valour, with all the honour and plunder it provided. The Church, with its ceremonies and saints, with its scriptures and clergy, provided other forms of protection and of spiritual reassurance. A legacy of ideas and texts from the classical period, marked by the persistence of Latin as the language of learning, also knit together the interests and outlooks of medieval scholars and rulers.
As the goalkeeper on a team that was in dead-last place, he was easy pickings for a man whose football team was 6-0 and was steamrolling its way toward a third consecutive sectional title. お願いします
She didn't even like baseball, had only one or two friends on the team, was ostracized by her fellow cheerleaders for being a prude or a "CT," as they called her (a phrase that took me a while to decipher), and hated the coach's guts. おねがいします
The twentieth century is now over. It was a short century. It lasted seventy- five years---from 1914 (the outbreak of the First World War) to 1989 (the fall of the Berlin Wall). Its two main events were the two world wars. They were the enormous mountain ranges that dominated its entire landscape. The Russian Revolution, the establishment of Communist states, the leadership of the two world superpowers, the division of Europe and of Germany : all of these were the consequences of the two word wars, in the shadows of which we have been living.
Always being number one,robs the music of its fun. Ego trips get in the way of the goals we've set. Now the audience is split. We've worked too hard to watch it ALL FADE AWAY.
So now here it is, October, I put out a hell of a Halloween display, and Sugling, who last year didn't even buy candy for the kids, and then hid in his house with the lights off so no one would knock, decides one day before Halloween that he's the Great Pumpkin or some damn thing and tries to outdo me again.
Payment must be received within 7 days. If outside UK please e-mail seller for postage costs. I do not accept Pay pal unless the buyer is willing to pay an extra 4% to cover charges
As all of our stock is on our website it would be easier if you made your own selection via the website as it is very difficult for us to so for you. お願いします。
She's so lucky, she's a star But she cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking If there's nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night
First he'd talked about how he and I had "got back together," as if we were Simon and Garfunkel planning a reunion concert instead of a father and son who hadn't seen each other in seventeen years. おねがいします
We read and studied out of doors, preferring the sunlit woods to the house. All my early lessons have in them the breath of the woods-the fine, resinous odour of pine needles, blended with the perfume of wild grapes.
Sometimes I kind of envied the little world my father seemed to live in. A world where making a scarecrow was a bigger sin than nailing the next door neighbor's wife and where drinking behind the wheel was no good, but a one-handed kid with no license, spasming wildly while trying to drive along unlit back roads, was okay I thanked him for the suggestion and told him maybe I'd try, and he slid me the keys and wished me good luck. おねがいします
I thought about Shawn, and how she'd stayed so calm and strong on the outside even while boiling within. Then I thought about that wonderful smile, while she laughed and chased me with her breasts, and all of a sudden the thought of her holding her breasts while chasing me didn't seem so gentle or innocent. No indeed, it seemed pretty damn sexy, and I closed my eyes and imagined that same scene, except in this scene she was naked, and I wasn't running away. おねがいします
The nuns at the Petersburg Home for Boys had referred to it as "touching oneself in an impure way." One, Sister Fahey, had even tried to explain nocturnal emissions by likening our equipment to a kettle that just occasionally "boils over" as we sleep. I was thirteen at the time, and honestly had yet to touch myself in an impure way. To me, this boiling-over process sounded a little scary, and so I instantly concocted a solution that made a whole lot more sense, not to mention would ruin a whole lot less undies.
and so〜以降がよく分かりません。 ちなみに修道女が自慰行為について、説明している場面からの展開です。
There has been a long and heated debate over hand gun control in the U.S. Gun advocates are convinced that their right to choose whether or not to pick up a firearm should be protected. "Personal protection is your right.Your means of protecting yourself is your choice,"they argue. をどなたかお願いします。
>>514 ありがとうございます。 まだやってるんですがわからないとこがいっぱいで、、、 良かったらこちらもお願いします。 They say that guns can be obtained far too easily in the U.S. Even though firearms are supposed to be registered,many crimes are committed with unregistered or stolen guns.
The school shootings in Littleton,Colorado in 1999 inspired anti-gun groups to demand stronger law-enforcement. Such tragedies could be avoided if guns were not made so readily available to the public,the anti-gun lobby argues.
Neither of them are as popular as they used to be,so a bright topic like their marriage would be a great chance to get their names back in lights and I think we'll see a bit of asking and accepting going on from here.
もう一発お願いします。 Education is generally agreed upon by both sides of the debate as being a vital and urgent element in preventing gun accidents. Anti-gun organizations like B,the sponsor of this ad,are skeptical about the immediate effects of teaching children to stay away from firearms.
In the age of the Internet,it is becoming more and more difficult for parents to limit the exposure of their children only to harmless and useful kind of information. By making adult material more difficult to see,we may succeed only in making it seem more tempting. The same thing applies to the age-based restrictions on the purchase of tobacco and alcohol.
In a speech delivered to the Securities Industry Association, Mr. Greenspan said the Fed is still more worried that inflation will be too low than too high, but he also cautioned that "no central bank can ever afford to be less than vigilant about the prospects for inflation."
I am fin the fire far a way from me and all of my friends are safe a couple of them had there summer homes but down but they still have their near where I live
But of all the scientists, perhaps the ones doing the most important ―and most controversial― work are those who study nature and nurture, that aged-old question of how we come to be the kind of people we are.
When I heard that monsters were outside, I frew into a frenzy of fear! However, I suppose that as long as I have breath left in my body, I still have work to do around here. That's life for you, huh?
Neither of them are as popular as they used to be,so a bright topic like their marriage would be a great chance to get their names back in lights and I think we'll see a bit of asking and accepting going on from here.
It is generally agreed that europeans, having organized their thoughts, are better at conveying them to others, as well as better at presenting their culture to outsiders, than are the Japanese. Europeans have had a lot of practice at this, whose negative aspect has been mentiond repeatedly, namely, that too often they see themselves as teachers and take an arrogant attitude which prevents them from hearing what others are saying.In meetings between the a Europeans and a Japanese, the Europeans will often do 90 per cent of the talking and afterwards say, "Well, I think he understood what I was trying to tell him." If you ask him what he thought the Japanese was trying to say, you will be met by the quick and angry reply, "He did not seem to have very much tosay at all."
The owner has supported me in my decision to keep john at Tigers proving even further his intention to build for the future. I am now looking forward to seeing a continuation of the hard work and dedication from the player which, knowing John, I am sure I will get.'
thank you for your interest , but payment must be either a personal cheque in pounds stirling £ or postal orders made out in pound sterling,i hope this helps you out
John Lasseter,who directed box office hit Toy Story,is the creative consultant for the English version of Spirited Away. 'The story is very accessible to western audiences because it is framed from the point of view of a modern Japanese girl,'he said. He revealed that the film will be shown uncut in the USA.
so much so that if somebody were given only this translation he would, if he discovered those symmetries, rightly feel he had himself made an original contribution, that he had discovered a theorem, even if the theorem was interesting chiefly for aesthetic reasons.
It's a long road. When you face the world alone No one reach out a hand for you to hold. You can find love. If you search witin yourself and the emptiness you felt will disappear. Hero (Mariah Carey) の歌詞の途中一部なんですけど、お願いいたします。 一応最初の方も載せておきます。 There's a hero. If you look inside your heart. You don't have to be afraid of watch you. There's an answer. If you reach into your soul and the sorrow that you know will melt away. And then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive. So when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth. That a hero lies in you. ここから和訳していただきたい箇所がつづきます。もしお時間があればお願い いたします。
There's this girl I don't know. Comes by every year or so. And if I get the mail before my mom does than I'll stay out of trouble. She'll change every year, even pretty without beer. She doesn't care about my hair, my car,my tiny pee pee in the mirror. Whoo, Yehhh, She's finally here. she comes one time a year. Whoo, Yehhh, my playmate of the year. She moves me. She makes me grow. I'm so happy, and boy does it show. Now she's going to my head, I'm gonna make this milky clear, you're my, playmate of the year. Hello, how are you? It's great to see you too. Let's grab a sock, it's time to rock. And afterwards you never wanna talk. We always agree, who's in charge here is me. We never fight you know I'm right, it's always straight between you and me. Let me go down on this girl for a day. We can spin the bottle,everyone can hear her say. That I was the best that she's ever had. She can be my playmate, she can call me dad.
The fires were not very near our home this time. Most of the southwestern part of the US is desert climate and every year between September and November we have a weather condition where the winds blow across the desert and toward the sea.In our area, we call it the Santa Ana winds. Santa Ana was a Mexican General who was very strong and violent. He also swept across the countryside leaving death and destruction in his path so they name the winds after him. This makes the air very hot and dry. Following our hot and dry summer,the trees and bushes are also very dried out and so they burn very easy and very fast. Like Japan, many of these areas are steep mountains in which it is difficult to fight fires. We also have some crazy people who enjoy starting these fires and watching them burn. Most of us who live here fear the wild fires much more than we do the earthquakes. On the other hand,we love California and would not want to move to another place.I guess we are the ones who are crazy.
Others worry about health hazards related to stress in overuse of the thumbs and to the increasing trend toward staying indoors and not exercising the rest of the body enough. お願いします
Until the fifty years or so , it was generally said that “a woman’s place is in the home”---and not the workplace. This attitude is held in many parts of the world, but in most of the developed nations of the business world women have become an increasing presence and an important force for change. This change is related to the increasing of women, the efforts of the women’s liberation movement in changing peoples’ attitudes, and to need for the highly talented workforce that women can provide. Two major changes have come about along with the increase of women in the workplace. One is the struggle for establishing equal rights among men and women in the workplace. The other is the increased awareness of the problem of sexual harassment. よろしくお願いします。
However , while Japanese firms outsource the majority of their inputs , they rarely have true arm’s-length relationships with outside suppliers. 「しかし、一方で日本企業は投入物の大半を外部調達でまかない、<めったに外部サプライヤーとtrueアームズレングス関係を用いない>。」
The prevalence of alliances in Japan has prompted some scholars to refer to Japan as an “alliance economy” that relies on “alliance capitalism”. 「日本での<契約の流行>は日本を『契約資本主義』に頼る『契約経済』と<何人かの学者に言わしめた>。」
In fact , the ability of Japanese firms to create effective interfirm partnerships is key to their ability to coordinate in the development and production of complex products. 「実際、日本企業が<効率のよい企業内パートナーシップを創る能力>は複合製品の開発・製造の調整の重要な能力だ。」
My lodger is very happy that you are coming but is very good because she will never speak to you in Japanese, her English is sound and she has now been here for over 3 months.
>>647 > they rarely have true arm’s-length relationships with outside suppliers. 外部サプライヤーと真に対等の立場での関係を持つことはめったにない。
> The prevalence of alliances in Japan has prompted some scholars to refer to Japan as an “alliance economy” that relies on “alliance capitalism”. 日本での「契約の流行」により、日本を指して「契約資本主義」に頼る「契約経済」と言うようになった学者もいる。
> In fact , the ability of Japanese firms to create effective interfirm partnerships > is key to their ability to coordinate in the development and production of complex products. 実際、日本企業が持つ効率的な企業間の協力関係を創る能力は、複合製品の開発・製造を 調整するカギとなっている。
Goldthorpe and Lockwood concluded that there was little evidence to support the view that these affluent workers were breaking away to any signficant extent from the traditional working class.
I waited for a big laugh, and then a pat on the back to let me know that I'd been had. We would share a good chuckle over the whole thing, and then he'd tutor me on the lessons of love. Except he wasn't laughing. Or smiling. Not even a little. As a matter of fact, I'd never seen him quite this intense, not even when talking about the Dumas' scarecrow. おねがいします
>>670 1 Hardly had she gotten over her cold when she caught another one. 彼女は風邪を治してすぐに別の風邪にかかってしまった。 2 I had scarcely fallen asleep before I was awakened by a loud crash. 大きな物音がして目がさめた時、私はほとんど眠りについていた。 3 Not until we lose it can we realize the value of health. 健康でなくなるまで、私たちはその価値に気がつかない。 4 It will not be until I see a UFO myself that I will believe they exist. UFOは実際に目で見るまでは信じられない。 5 Mary goes to church often, but not every Sunday. メアリーはよく境界に行くが、毎週日曜日に必ず行くわけではない。 6 A nation need not necessarily be powerful for it to be great. すばらしい国家であるために強大である必要はない。
Our washer and dryer lived down there, where I did the family laundry once a week, making sure to wash his nasty sheets, all by themselves so that they wouldn't touch my undies.
My mind was starting to wander away from the collection, as magnificent as it may have been, and I found myself thinking about the book in the corner, wondering what it was. The increasing urgency in my father's tone brought me back. おねがいします
One issue regarding attachment of workers to the organization relates to multiplex commitments for workers whose roles demand responsiveness to the needs and interests of multiple parties - the firm, clients and customers, work group, and professional associations, for example.
Trust is tough. The reality is, however, that even the best recruiter and the best judges of character will get it wrong sometimes. When trust proves to be misplaced - then those people have to go. Where you cannot trust, you have to become a checker once more, with all the systems of control that involve.
Are you trying to play on a network that's being shared by many people? と I guess you should talk to someone with high bang access and see if your IP is fux0red up with someone else's ban (in which case you can probably get a banfree)
The UN decision will effectively stall the creation of an international framework to regulate human cloning, while rapid progress on the scientific front continues.
お願いします。 rapid progress on the scientific frontが主語で「科学の最前線に おける急速な進歩」が続く。 ということでしょうか。
Among the sample figures from prefectural capitals, the rate was the highest for Naha at 99.03 percent, ahead of Nagano at 70.78 percent and Yamagata at 57.86 percent
All sorts of major ideas about life and what it is like to be a human being, and stuck here on this particular planet, arise. All that might sound as if it could be slightly irritating, but it isn't at all because it's written with tremendous verve and vigour - really short, fast, vivid, colourful sentences. All sorts of extraordinary things happen, and they're done with such panache that you're carried along with it.
「子育ての責任を分担しなければならないのはよくわかってるよ」という内容の後で But I'm still afraid that when the time comes I might return to find my position, my nameplate and my desk all gone. という文があるのですが、訳をお願いします。それと質問なんですが 文末のgoneは過去分詞ですか?
It was not until the beginning of the twentieth century that it was recognised that certain substances were essential in the diet to prevent some diseases.
Many stamps illustrate the adventures of great voyagers or famous battles and other events in history. Others depict life as it is lived in many different countries.
The road to greater press freedom in China will remain long and winding despite its rapid modernization--and many editors accept as a fact of life they cannot change overnight. They believe that the ruling Chinese Communist Party has begun to relax grip over the media,but only a pace it is comfortable with.
Has he come to take over,or what? Come on,sit down,kid,take my chair,what the hell. They're bringing them straight out of the playpen, but then any fool can direct these days.
Other European states, jealous of the Ddutch shipbuilding industry, tried to develop their own industries. The English were leaders in giving protection to domestic manufacturers through direct subsidies and by prohibiting the import of ships. Some states also established training programmes relying on amore systematic understanding of ship design. That made the transter of knowledge easier and faster even if it was slightly less accurate. It helped to circumvent the Dutch advantage, based on a long tradition of personal training of skilled craftsmen by skilled crafsmen. The urban Dutch industry contracted in the face of Zeenstreek competition and the closing of foreign markets. The shipcarpenters' guilds, long a source of technical change and flexibility in the employment of human resource, became restrictive. They, like European states, required local merchants to buy their vessels from local shipwrights. Entrance to the guilds became more difficult. Where guilds had been confederations of equals, increasingly the organizations came to dominated by a small number of wealthy men. These men were great merchants, often involved in the wood trade, and landowners. They and their sons showed little interest in looking after the shipbuildings of ships, a task left to foremen. Responsibility for the economics and for the technology of shipbuilding became separated. Lesser masters, unable to compete, were reduced to doing only repair work. May no longer bothered to attain master status but remained journeymen all their lives. This further reduced the pool of highly skilled designers, men capable of making advance in the building of ship
I began to question whether I had made a mistake in raising my son, for him to steal her ring. But by absconding with the precious memento, a chain of events was set into motion that has lead us to this point. My son has made me proud. As have all of you.
You are to watch me for I will be visible to you toute autre supposition etant rejetee neither Women are naturally secretive and they like to do their own secreting Whytrop preter a rire aux Americains night and started for the Temple to see my husband We both thought the best resourcecontre sa prochaine apparition
Drama achieves its greatest effect when it is performed. Some critics even believe that a written script is not really a play until it is acted on a stage before an audience.
A:How do you do sir. B:A new young executive accountant,no doubt. Here to advice us humble artists on programme-making. A:I just wanted to say,sir.that I- C:As I mentioned,this is Adam. B:What is he doing here?Is this about the figures?Is that what it is? C:Figures? B:The audience figures.Is that why you're here? A:I'm sorry?
With the western philosophy of seif-interest in mind, the story is often told of the German who worked in a Japanese factory in Europe. After being sent to Japan for training, he refused to share the knowledge he'd gained with his workmates. His Japanese colleagues who had emotionally merged with, and were prepared to sacrifice for, those of the same culture with whom they worked, couldn't comprehend it. They didn't appreciate that the Japanese maxim;"As we as a team think, we perform", becomes in the West "As I as an individual think, I act." In America, accent tends to be on performing well, independently, as individuals.
>>758 1 Not listening to the teacher carefully, I was at a loss which passage to read. 先生の話をちゃんと聞いてなかったから、どの文を読むのかさっぱりわからなかった。 2 Having known him for more than twenty years, I could understand his feelings perfectly. 彼とは20年来の知り合いだったので、彼の気持ちが完璧に分かった。 3 Caught by the policeman, he was sent to prison. 彼は警官に捕まり、刑務所に送られた。 4 Taking everything into consideration, the event was remarkably successful. 全てを考慮に入れると、イベントは大成功だった。 5 A sound education does not mean that a boy or a girl leaves shool with his or her head filled with facts and theories. 音環境教育は生徒が事実や理論で頭を満たして学校を去ることを意味しない。 6 the moment the boy was carried into the emergency room, the doctors checked for broken bones. その少年が救急救命室に運び込まれると、医師は折れた骨の検査をした。 7 No sooner had we set off than we realized we'd left the dog behind. 家を出てすぐ、犬を置き忘れたことに気づいた。 8 It was not until the danger had passed that he began to shake with fear. 危機が去るとすぐに、彼は恐怖に震えだした。
People often have to give up some of their freedom when they think of the freedom of others. Since we are not Robinson Crusoes living on a lonely island, we are not always able to do as we like.
The healthy volunteers ate chocolate containing high and low amounts of procyanidin at separate times.
The researchers found that after two hours,plasma concentrations of a procyanidin metabolite increased by 20 times in those volunteers who had eaten the chocolate with high procyanidin levels.
Margaret graduated from college in 1923. She wanted to continue her education in anthropology,so she decided to go to American Samoa to study about young women there. Many people did not know about the culture of American Samoa. Margaret wanted to learn about Samoans so that the world could learn about them,too.
However,the contributions of the slowest components with a few 10ps lifetimes are much smaller compared with the most dominant and the fastest components with hundreds of fs lifetimes and those with somewhat smaller contributions and ps lifetimes. 日本人の書いた、化学の論文です。 「fs=フェムト秒」「ps=ピコ秒」という単位です。 よろしくお願いします。
@If these all had one thing in common, it was the tremendous advantage the size of the crew.
AIn fact the koffen were so economical to build and operate as well as being highly seaworthy, that in the late eighteenth century they made major inroads in shipping to the Baltic, long the preserve of the fluvt.
I am up really early because i just dropped my girlfriend off at the airport. our tour is just about over, we only have like 12 more days, which i think is gonna go really fast. i hope so at least.
By the middle of the eighteenth century any lead in technology which the Dutch might have enjoyed had been eradicated. Builders everywhere in Europe had learned not only to build ships of Dutch design but often how to improve on those designs. The Dutch industry was confined to building done in state-sponsored yards, those of Admiralties and the East India Company, or in the protected yards of the towns. The Zaanstreek industry began to decline from about 1700 and finally collapsed during the war with England in 1780 to 1783. The Dutch still could and did produce ships of high quality. They continued to enjoy a high reputation until the end of the eighteenth century, but by that time they had no advantage in technique or in price.
That gave them a precarious existence, so the shocks of wars against France and later against England usually ledto disaster. The failure to continue with the sustained technical advance of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries led first the loss of markets and then to their defence by restrictive and protectionist legislation. That legislation served to further stifle innovation and made it easier for other European industries to grow at expense of the Dutch. The shipcarpenters' guilds, a source of technical advance and vital to the growth of Dutch shipbuilding, failed in their task in the face of competition. In fact they further contributed to the regulation and restriction of Dutch shipbuilders. In the new circumstances of the years after about 1650 the structure of the industry changed and eradicated the source of development and implementation of better ship designs. It was technical superiority, the discovery of the advantages of specialization in design and the extensive exploitation of that discovery which had made Dutch shipbuilding successful. Despite what happened later, this superior technology made a significant contribution to the economic growth and prosperity of the Dutch Republic in its golden century.
The fires weren't exactly where we live but were only ten miles away.The smoke and ash were a burden and trouble but we weren't in danger of losing our home.It was dark all throughout several days.No children went to school for a full week.We couldn't go outside because of the air.The fires lasted for about a week.We do know people who lost their homes.We feel so grateful for all that we have.
More than anything I just wished none of this had ever happened. All of this could have been avoided if that one man had used a little more discretion and not done the things that he did.
When you land here from the Altar on Level 1, everyone takes damage, the gate to the south at (0, 13N) closes (and cannot be re-opened), the gate to the north at (0, 16N) opens, and the party is attacked by a Giant Serpent.
The dinning room was nearly filled with guests eating breakfast. They looked as though they expected the best of service and would grow annoyed should it fall short.
I don't know the place where you sometime Fix your eyes upon Why didn't you say Hi to me today? I don't know the place where you sometime Fix your mind upon Why didn't you say Hi to me today?
>>904 If it were not for.. -> Were it not for.. If I had known it -> Had I known it If it should fall short -> Should it fall short の3つのifの省略・倒置の形を覚えておけばいいでしょう。よく出てきますし。 Should you have any question, feel free to ask me about it. とかよく使いますよね。
Grandma had propped his head up. Grandpa's eyes were closed, and his arm was nearly black. Grandma had slashed his hand again and was sucking on it, spitting blood on the ground.
Me and my friends are OK after the fires.Where I live we had a lot of smoke,ash and campfire smells.They closed the freeways, and UCSD was closed for 3 days.On the 4th day of the fires, I had to fly away on business. By the time that I came home, the fires were mostly gone.I was travelling for a job interview. Now I am looking for a job, in preparation for graduation. But maybe I will not graduate until January or February. I also had a job interview with A, but it was in San Jose.It is an excellent place to work,there are a lot of smart people there. But I don't know if they'll offer me a job.
I want to go visit my friends there soon, but may have to wait, since we haven't been making that much money at work lately. Plus, I would rather come see you.
But informed sources say the state and the broadcasting industry need to temper their optimism, noting that the key to success will be depend on whether the new TVs are affordable and whether the programs are good, they said. お願いします。
My jaw was still locked, so Tietam kept the wisdom rolling without skipping a beat. "I'm thinking, I know what she's thinking, and I sure as hell know what I'm thinking." He gave me a wink and plowed right ahead.
But the sounds of this night were new, and a little bit sad, and I found myself missing the stability of my father's strange ways. In a way, it was the only constant in my life, a constant that was now replaced by the sound of high heels clumsily navigating the stairs and the spray of the shower in the bathroom down the hall. お願いします。
There are two kinds of simplicity,−one that is akin to foolishness, the other to wisdom. The philosopher's style of living in only outwardly simple, but inwardly complex. The savage's style is both outwardly amd inwardly simple.
What if the way we dress is simply a reflection of our hearts? What if our main criterion for beauty is what feels good on our bodies and reflects who we are? What if we wear colors because we like them and not because they are "our colors" or make us look thin? This way of thinking opens up all kinds of possibilities,doesn't it? をどなたかお願いします。
"If everything goes according to plan, the new car should be driven for the first time in the 48th week of the year," Mercedes chief Jurgen Hubbert was quoted as saying by Reuters.
The word "ma'am" is a simple one to say, and a short one as well, but somehow right in the middle of spitting out that short, simple word, the blonde caught me in midsyllable with her lips, and she momentarily explored the inside of my mouth with her tongue. 書き写し間違いではないのですが、in midsyllable ってのがよく分かりません。 どなたか教えてください。