Hi, minasan. Hajimemashite

Hi, I'm a half Japanese and Korean living in the U.S. I'm learning Japanese at school now.
fuck out will be said by >>3
3名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/24 14:52
??? what do you mean?
4名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/24 14:56
Assuming that you didn't start this thread as a tease, I must
warn you that you are in for a big disappointment.
Just don't forget, this is 2ch and it in no way represents Japan
or 99.999% of its people.
5名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/24 14:58
This is my first time to post on this board.. Heard this is the biggest message board site.
I'm not sure I came in a wrong thread.. hope not..
But what do you mean by this board not representing Japan?
Frankly speaking, you've got W-R-O-N-G site.
7名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/24 15:06
A good number of the 0.001% use this board as the forum to
trash everything and everybody.
And they think anonymity gives them license to engage in hate
talk. Just don't get baited into meaningless arguments.
8名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/24 15:08
>>7 is for >>5
96:03/08/24 15:16
Your saying is presumably correct.
I suppose that's the reason of >>4's warning.
And, I mean no harm...

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雑談しようよ!!!!!!!!part 7

Chatter in English (Part 2)

