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Chatter in English (Part 2)

94:03/07/25 00:06
Thank you!

I'm 17 years old.I'm high school student.
I study English to stdy ablad!
which do you plan on, to study oversea or to work oversea?
by the way, I'm senior(大学四年) major in commercial science(商学) at one of Japan's private college.
oh, you probably mean study abroad... don't you?
do you plan on taking SAT, TOEFL or other required tests?
think back on my high school period, you 17 at high are in the middle of
very very crucial stage, (which probably you don't think so)
you have plenty of time now, and have good memory and tough body.
all of your age have great possibility,
so that I definitely say that, you sure can be what you think you want to be.
one important thing is set your aim at high stage,
no matter what it is, but it can be true when you truly wish for it and discipline for it in your full swing.
be ambitious for your life and be avaricious for your target.
find reliable adviser of yours and be in touch with him.
your life is for you, and future is yours, good luck chao.
How do you do?
174:03/07/25 17:17
thank you! do my best


Sorry I can't understund what you tell about. Japanese please
18_:03/07/25 17:23
1914訳:03/07/25 19:53

I suppose >14 follows>13 and written by same person as>13, doesn't it
204:03/07/25 21:49
thank you
My god!
Here's too difficult to me!
How can I get well?
22Good luck!:03/07/26 02:07
4 san,I`m proud of you that you made such a brave decision.
I was living in the States for about 6years and just came back!
I hope that you gonna have a blast(like me) and have an unforgetable
experiences!! here is my advice,if you really wanna be able to speak
English fluently,don`t hang-out with a lot of Japanese friends.
there are a lot of Japanese communities nowadays,almost everywhere....
try to create English-speaking-environment!! Good luck to yooooou!!
23名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 02:15
24名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 02:50
×Here's too difficult to me!
○Here's too difficult for me!
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 03:10
△ Here's too difficult for me!
○ English here is too difficult for me!
26名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 03:10
Is this the thread for chit-chatting in English?
27名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 03:48
Can I take my clothes off?
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 03:53
Yes, of course!

Anyway,may I go to bed?
29名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 04:00
Please come to my bed.
30a Kid:03/07/26 04:10

hey you!
why did you add the "the" !
its so strange you know
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 04:16
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 06:28
what? did i take any mistake??



Chatter in English (Part 2)


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