▲▼ To Translators ▲▼ Basically, it is your choice to answer the requests. If you don't like it, please just ignore it. You'd better NOT criticize them or pick on something unnecessary.
▲▼ To Questioners ▲▼ There are various levels of works because translators are all volunteers. So please be aware that you might not get the best translation(s) you need. However, if someone does work for you, you should show at least some appreciation. Unfortunately, not so many people can even say “Thank you.”
About a week before the last concert for second- term Tampopo at Yokohama Arena, one person wrote on a bulletin board in the internet, " I want to shine the whole stage with yellow lights." And after a while, another person responded "!t is good idea! Shall we do it?" "When Tampopo appears on the stage in the night of 23, let's shine our yellow penlights." This spread soon through the internet.
>24 But it was just a rumor. No one believed to come true. Anyone had pictured the scene that yellow lights were seen here and there. And, the concert day had come.
After this day's concert, Goto would leave the Morning Musume. There had been a strange atmosphere in the hall since morning. The first performance finished, the last one came to be given finally.
>>33 Although it has been 30 days since you have notified me of shipment, I have not received the item yet. I am puzzled because you had mentioned that it would be here in 20 days. Please let me know the tracking number if you have it so that I can put a trace on it. Also, we should discuss how we are going to handle the situation in case of the lost shipment. Thank you in advance for your quick response.
>24 Everyone called 'Gotchin' in the hall and the lighting of it turned off to be dark. The penlights of various colors were shiny. There was a fantasic scene much brighter than usual. The song had started, everyone were exiting and 13 of the Morning Musume ran around the stage.
>>65 Every day is a yucky day these days. My friend tells me tsuyu, Japanese rainy season, has ended already there. Here, it's still a long way for it to end so I'm in disbelief and envious of it.
No one believed this could be true. They thought it was just a rumor. Everyone expected to see some yellow lights in places in the stadium. Then it was the day of the concert.
It was to be the last performance for the Morning-Girls Ms. Goto. They called it as the Commencement Concert. Yokohama Arena, the concert hall, was filled with an unusual mood. The first performance has done. Then finally, the last stage was about to begin.
Entire hall was filled with cheering; people were shouting “Gottin.” In a meantime, the stage lights were turned down. We could see the small lights hold in the audiences’ hands, as if those yellow lights illuminated the entire concert hall. It was a fantastic moment. The music started, and the audiences were getting excited again. There were thirteen Morning-Girls on the stage. They were moving around though the stage, and the stage seemed not big enough for them.
It was about the middle part of the concert, the four girls, “the Dandelions,” shown up to the stage. It was also the last stage for them. After introducing their stage pieces, the four standing microphones were set on the stage.
Then the miracle has finally happened. Suddenly, the whole lighting systems in the concert hall were shut down. And then, the small yellow lights were getting on and on..... and on, through out the concert hall. Before we knew it, it filled the entire hall. It was like a field of dandelions. People lost the words at that moment. No one had expected to be in this fantastic moment. But still, people kept holding their small lights, illuminating in yellow, in their hands. They were holding their love toward the Morning-Girls, and the Dandelions at the same time.
>>24 そして、最後のメドレーが始まりました。みんな、泣いていました。タンポポの4人とみんなが、 1つの大きなタンポポ畑になった瞬間でした。 The last concert medley has started. Everyone was crying. It was the moment that the Dandelions on the stage, and the dandelions in the audiences became together.
曲が終わってステージのライトが消えると、そこはまるで何事もなかったかのように元の色とりどりの 世界に戻っていきました。 After the music ended and the stage lights were off, it was as if nothing happened. The world went back to the way it was before; with many colors from the yellows.
一輪のタンポポはその日、私たちの前から静かに姿を消しました。でも、その綿毛はまた別の場所で ひっそりと根付き、再び黄色い花を咲かせることでしょう。 A dandelion was vanished since that day, but its cluster of small tufted seed will be rooted somewhere we don’t know. It will then come back to be a yellow flower again.
>>79 The Japanese banana plants, used to flourish in the garden, were almost wilted. Like a hydrangea, Japanese banana plant usually blooms in the raining season. The hydrangea usually reminds me the raining season, while the banana plant reminds me the beginning of the summer. By watching those wilted banana plants, it reminds me the humid raining season again, which I’d almost forgotten about.
>>84 I have no choice because I have no talent. I have no choice because I have no knowledge. My expression is limited because of my Japanese. Only I can do is ….. To copy something else…….. There is no other choice……….
I thought that I would waste the days of my youth over nothing if I stayed in Japan. I asked my parents to let me study in the US to see another world which could be different from Japan.
>>94 SEIROGAN (gastrointestinal pills made from creosote and herbs) ear pick I was hard hit, I'm done for negative publicity, (he has been torn to pieces by the press, bad press)
日本語の「よろしく」に相当する英語の表現は無いので、普通言わない。 何を「よろしく」頼むのかを突き詰めて考えると、金もらってる分だけ、ちゃんと 教えろ、みたいなことになる。むしろ、授業の後や添削かなんかをやって もらった後に、Thank you. I enjoyed your class.とかThanks for your time. とか言ったほうが普通。
>>137 When you come to Tokyo by the Shinkansen from Nagoya, it is good to sit on the seat by the side of a left-hand side window if possible. If it is a left window side, you can see Mt. Fuji.
>>141 To Mr.○○ Should I do the WORD memorandum of this homework within the limits of in class? Since I knew nothing until now, I have done only what was investigated personally. I am waiting for your reply.
>>142 Thank you for sending a photograph. You seem to be fine as ever and I felt easy. Although I hear that you want me to send my photograph, since I am shameful, if I have some opportunities, I will send. It is convenient even if you forget my face. Since I am not a beauty.
>>154 My dream is becoming a rich man. With the money, I find a place quiet somewhere, and I buy a cottage, and I live there. And I want to travel around the world. I want to see and study much the custom and culture of various countries. Therefore, I want to speak well English which is a world common language. It is also one dream of mine to speak English well.
My dream is becoming a rich man. to become だろ、普通(w With the money, the はつけねえよ(ボケ I find a place quiet somewhere, なんでquiteが後なんだ?(寒い and I buy a cottage, and I live there. Iが多すぎ、うっとおっしい つうかwill使え(氏ね
>>165 I'm not >>163. I don't think you are right about the message you posted:areだろ、氏ね On what ground do you think so ? "the number of 〜" is used in the singular ?
I love the voice of the singer in the group. theが多すぎ、冠詞マニアですか?(ゲラ I often become a fan of a singer because I like his/her voice. his/her 笑わせるなあ フェミニストでちゅか?(w
You're funny. I don't like you , but I like the situation theじゃねえだろ、aだよ、なんとかしてよ、このオサーン in which someone like you say something wrong. in whichをみると、背筋が寒くなるの俺だけ?(藁
>>187 Please don't hesitate to talk to me, if you think we have common tastes. Please feel free to talk to me, if you think we have common tastes in music.
>>135 He suffered from a social disorder known in Japan as hikikomori when he was a student. Hikkikomori means to withdraw from school, friends and the entire society.
I can tell that a lot of people feel out of shape and are stressed out on daily lives. It is essential that they strike a balance the mind and the physical conditions to boost their natural healing capacities that everyone has.
>>171 Many people suffer from everyday stress and physical disharmony. It is important to balance the mind and body to enhance your natural healing power. (or to tap into your natural healing power)
>>210 Artificial light is fairly useful to be shed brightly on everything, but it does not have mildness nor soothe ppl's emotions. Flattering flame fascinates ppl's mind. Fire, however, also has various looks; at times violently and tenderly. I once got a sound scolding by parents that it would cause a fire, when I was adoring lamps and lighting one.
>>220 This assignment was extremely tough for me but I did my personal best. I will tackle the next assignment harder. This comment on the latest assignment was translated by a total stranger I asked to do it on a famous message board called 2 channel.
In fact,corporations refer employees as 'human resources'placing people on a level with other 'resources' such as machines or investment capital. Therefore,working people are driven to work longer hours and produce more results simply tokeep their jobs.
>>244 watchを使いたいなら、have you watched any interesting movies lately あるいは、have you seen any interesting movies lately, have you seen any good movies lately.
>>245 I was very busy while you were gone on your vacation. Thanks for sending me the photo via E-mail before you went off. Sorry for not responding sooner but the photo(s?) was(were) really cute and I really enjoyed it.
>>252 I'm concerned that you're flooded with queries from customers in Japan. If that's the case, we are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
>>258 I emailed you yesterday, but it got rejected because they said that your email account excess the storage limit. It looks like you are really busy by getting a lot of emails. You can reply me whenever you have time.
>>265 I went to Atami last weekend. The president seemed a nice guy, and his lecture/speech was very interesting. There were about 300 people including men and women from every age. There were even some women who worked for the nightclubs. But looking at myself, I was kind of a stranger as well.
>>271 I never imagined you experienced such a sad event in the past. I think you are a tough woman. I have the mom and older brother in my family. My dad passed away because of cancer. My brother lives in Tokyo. I used to live apart from my mom. But since my mom is getting older, now I live with her.
>>271 I’ve never imagined you had that kind of sad story. I think you are mentally strong woman. I have my mom and big brother, but my dad past away because of cancer. My big brother lives in Tokyo. I used to live by myself. But since my mom is getting old, I live with her now.
>>274 I would like to write to him but unfortunately I don't know his address. Do you mind if I write a letter to your address while he stays at 00? If you don't think that's a good idea, don't hesiatate to say so. Thank you.
>>274 I want to write a letter to him, but unfortunately, I don’t know his address. Do you mind if I mail it to your address while hi is in ○○? If you mind, please just say “No.”
>>275 We don’t get many vacations by working for Japanese companies. So, I decided to work as part time in order to travel. The places where I’ve visited were mostly the Asian countries. I’m planning to go to Russia and Eastern Europe next year. But this might be my last travel. I will stop traveling at the age of 30.
>>284 Of course, I’m so happy to receive some pictures. I have couple of email-friends/pen pals. But I don’t know how they look. It looks like most people don’t like to give out his/her own picture.
>>292 customer query, queries from customers are NOT claims. It could turn out to be claims but, you seem to have a limited understanding of the word "query"
>>294 Why did you join the Military? I’ve heard that the training in the U.S Military is very hard. My house is about 30 kilo-meter from the Yokota base. I don’t know if can imagine how far because they don’t use this measurement in the U.S.
>>295 If I can be your friend, I will be very happy. But I’m not good at English. I always have to use a dictionary when I email you. Do you speak Japanese?
>>295 If I can become a friend with you,I am very happy. I am not good at English and when I write a e-mail I ask someone on 2ch to translate it as I did this e-mail. Do you speak Japanese?
>>345 Last Friday, I hit my hand with my hammer. It was so hurt, and I almost cried. I went to the hospital, but the doctor said there was no problem with my bones. By the way, I will not work until September. I hope to work after I’m back.
Last Friday, I got a hammer on my hand. I almost gave a cry with pain. Then I saw a doctor and found my bone had no problem. By the way, I take a rest till September. After that, I would like to see you again.
>>353 When I was a high school kid, I was really into guitar. I didn’t really care about playing sports, and I loved to eat those junk foods such as hamburgers. I went to Mcdonalds very often. So, I used to have so many pimples. And I still have some marks on my face, and I’m mentally suffering from it. Do you have any problem in your life like me?
>>357 Could you do me a favor? Your script is little too hard to read, and I will appreciate if you write me in prints. We, Japanese, are not familiar to English alphabets, therefore I’m not so comfortable to read the scripts.
>>386 難しいね。挑戦してみるよ。 はしょるけどこんな感じでどう? I purchased 2 DVDs from you. They were delivered to me but the problem is the contents of the two were just identical; the disk A held the same contents as that of B though the package of A, as well as the print on the disk A, read it should be A. What's happening here? I'm now begining to suspect they are bootlegs. If not, could you explain what has brought this situation? Anyway would you replace the wrong A set deliverd to me this time with a complete, legally distributed one for free? Thank you in advance.
Don't bother to clean up your room, it doesn't bother me at all. これだと、itがあいまいだろうが。 汚くても平気 と 私が掃除してあげる の二通りに取れる。 398は、botherを2回使って、「カッコよく」訳せたぜ…。なんて 悦に入っていることだろうが。
I purchased the DVD, “A,” from you. But only the package of the DVD was for “A,” NOT the DVD DISC ITSELF!! I have bought the DVD, “B,” from you once. The one I just purchased this time, “A,” actually comes with the disc of “B.” I don’t know why it can happen. Could you explain to me why?
As I just told you, both disc A and B contain exactly the same thing. But only the disc LABLES, the labels printed on the disc, of A and B are not the same. What does this mean? Aren’t they the official version? Are they bootlegs?
>>403 In my college years, I used to travel around ○ countries especially in Europe and Asia. Of course, I visited your country as well, although it was only a couple of days. I’ve been pretty much parts of Japan such as Tokyo and Kyushu. But I haven’t been the furthest part in both north and south yet: Hokkaido and Okinawa.
I’m still interested in a lot of parts where I've never been to both Japan and rest of the world.
>>404 My closed friends are all from my high school. They are not married except one. I hang out with them pretty often during the weekend, such as shopping or watching movies. Probably, we are just like the girls in 20s in your country.
My friends love to check out something new; whenever the new stores or places come out. So, we just go there and see them.
When was this feel born? Fallin'in yous a few affairs to me I was confused at very first 'Cause maybe I`ve been keepin'some distanse to any,to any love
So why could I show my honesty? You smiled on me The tenderness was mine then I loved you But the strangest feelin'came to my heart Suddenly,suddenly came...
I don't know why Nothing began and any end didn't come to see us Nothing was changed Isn't that sweet kiss growin'up as time gose by? What's my wish?
To share the same feel,won't be one way,with you's my dream But if the last came up owin'to it I'd leave my love as it was If it did,I'd like to...
>>459 Lions are the "king of beasts." They are carnivorous animals of the feline family (又は They are feline carnivores). Lions live in the rocky or plains areas in the bushes of the savanna in groups called "prides." The male lion is between 2.6 and 3.3 meters in length, while lionesses are between 2.4 and 2.7 meters. Lion cubs have tan spots on their body. The pride consists of nearly 20 lions including one to four males, and 10 to 15 lionesses and cubs. Even in the wild, they often sleep or lie around during day in order to preserve their energy. The lion's average lifespan is about 15 years.
Lions, king of beasts, use their strength to protect their lives.
>>470 あ、そうゆうことなら I hope you had a good time, and please accept our apologies for any inconvenience we may have caused you. Hope you'll visit us again! (とか、hope to have you with us again!)
1行目は、I hope you enjoyed your stay with us でも。 あと、please accept our apologies if you felt uncomfortable in any way. なにか居心地が悪い点があったら、ごめんなさい。みたいな感じです。
He has less experience than his granpa when it comes to agriculture. My watch is much more accurate than yours. I might as well throw it away as to lend him money.
>>508 toならI am writing this to make sure what I have been wonderingだろ。 forを使うならI am writing this for making sure what I have been thinking is trueとかだな。
i'm afraid of getting tanned for now. i would often get tanned all over my body in the summer, when i was in the tennis club. the skin of my face even scraped off! i might ve looked a jock, which was embarrassing. getting tanned as hell was all the rage with young girls in japan a few years ago. we called them "gan-guro." they even looked spooky with a clumsy make-up on the browny face. i bet you ve seen one of them.
>>529 A friend of mine said like "this cannot be true" when I borrowed the book from him/her. So, I didn't believe the story. But, it can be true as you said. He might have taken it in a wrong way. If the story is true, that'd be great.
>>559 According to the confirmation mail for my order, you said that you would notify me a shipping fee soon, but I haven’t received it yet. Please notify me as soon as possible.
>>584 We have some antiques in our house such as a hanging scroll and Buddhist statue because my grandma, who’s past away, liked to collect those things.
They are not really valuable though. I will send some pictures to show you sometime. By the way, my grandma also liked to collect old stamps.
in our house such as a hanging scroll and Buddhist statue suchの前にカンマ入れろや。Buddhistのまえにもa入れとけや。 because my grandma, who’s past away, ハア? ただのpassed awayだろ
I will send some pictures to show you sometime. なにこれ?showの目的語がねえぜゴルア! By the way, って厨房の女が授業中にまわす色紙のメモかよっ!(w さむいんだよ
>>595 Hello, everyone! I'd like to take you on an iamginary trip. When I tell you this story, pretend you can see everything happening in your mind. Ready?
There are physically challenged people among famous artists and scientists. The reason I respect them is that they try to overcome their handicaps, work harder than the normally endowed people and, furthermore, help those in the same position.
>603 propertyだよね? concreteは単複両用なのか。とすると、 コンクリートは公的財産である。くらいか? >604 How are you getting along in this hot weather? 簡単に Do you enjoy this summer? でもよさそう。
Thanks for your teaching. Enjoy the life and study in America. I study English and music more harder in Japan. Next seeing, I wish we can play christmas songs together.
>616 Thank you for your teaching. Enjoy studying and living in America. I'll study English and music hander in Japan. Next time we meet, I wish we can play chrismas songs together. と、蛇足程度に直してみましたが、more以外は文法上問題ないと思います。 強調の場合はmoreでなくmuchを入れて下さい。
As Seen on NBC, CBS, CNN and even Oprah! The Health Discovery that Actually Reverses Aging while Burning Fat, without Dieting or Exercise! This Proven Discovery has even been reported on by the New England Journal of Medicine. Forget Aging and Dieting Forever! And it's Guaranteed! Click Here to Learn How you can Receive up to 2 Full Month's Supplies Absolutely FREE! Would you like to lose weight while you sleep? No dieting! No hunger pains! No Cravings! No strenuous exercise! Change Your Life Forever! 1. Body Fat Loss..................82% improvement. 2. Wrinkle Reduction.............61% improvement. 3. Energy Level.....................84% improvement. 4. Muscle Strength................88% improvement. 5. Sexual Potency.................75% improvement. 6. Emotional Stability.............67% improvement. 7. Memory.............................62% improvement. Get Your FREE 2 Month Supply TODAY! vk vsfwtocnvbgfa qfra おねがいします。
>618 "The improper remark trouble", Ayu made, at her concert on New year's Eve of 2001 in tokyo. I explain with the text: Seeing in the front of the audience, Ayu said "Don't sit, in the front of you." The camera switched to her, "How do you feel? There is a sitting person." She pointed at the person. "The person is sitting, though in the front, I'm impressed too bad!"
>>622 Having a look at people in front, Ayu said, "Keep on standing, front seaters!" The camera panned to her. "What do you think? He was seated," said Ayu. The footage shows her pointing at the person. "He was seated. He was in the very front. He sucks." The guy is pointing at another person on his left. "ha ha ha ha ha." Ayu laughed.
his move to real madrid has been a talk of the nation in japan as well. he is nice in that he is dedicated to Victoria, but i, for one, am not interested in soccer. i prefer baseball, if anything. what sports are popular in your country?
I’ve just listened to his/XX’s song recently because my friend recommended me to do this. OR My friend has recommended me to listen to his/XX’s song, so I just listened to it recently.
>YABUSAME, an art of shooting arrows on horseback,
>was done was doneはよくねえな、完全まちがいじゃねえけど、ニュアンスがちがう >as dedication to the shrine in the festival. いい感じだけと、asの挿入位置がへんだよ。日本語の語感とちがう 気をつけろよ、日本独自の文化を訳すときに、も前みたいに つっぱしってしまうのってよくみるはづかしいミスだから(w
>>663 He is a cartoonist whom I respect. He won the second prize of "...prize", and made his debut with the work called "..." in 1988. "A", "B", &c. are his major works. While more than ten years have passed since then, these works have been still fascinating a lot of people. He is very good at psycological description of the charcters in his cartoons. That's why I think he is wonderful. I like his works also because He is very skillfull in making use of serious scenes and those for entertaining readers. His works show us various aspects of one's life. I'd like to be a person like him inspiring and encouraging people.
>>678 I checked your website right after that. There were so many things and I couldn’t see some pictures, but I enjoyed it because I’ve never seen the real concert. People in those pictures looked so fun and being excited.
>>688 There are some famous scientists or artists who are handicapped. The reason why I respect them is that they work harder than those who are not handicapped; moreover, they try to help those people who are in the same situations.
>>608 There are a number of physically handicapped people among the famous artists and scientists. The reason why I respect them is that they try so hard to overcome their disability, and work even harder than healthy people (normal people). Furthermore, they try to help those who are in the same condition (position, plight ← 苦境) as themselves.
>>698 You said you’ve gotten countless emails didn’t you? She probably doesn’t reply you right away, but I think you will get it sometime. If I were you, I will be happy to get emails from bunch of people.
>>711 Oda Nobunaga is usually considered as a man who was wild, stormy, and suddenly vanished during the Warring States period. People often remember him as a ruthless, or perhaps a bad guy. But he was actually a very talented person who attracted many people. People still like him because of his image of a strong man.
>>721 Tourist spots in Tokyo? Let's see... How about Asakusa and Tokyo Tower? There is also a famous sightseeing bus called "Hato bus," you might want to take a ride on it. English guidance is also available. You can choose whichever you want to join from various number of different tours.
>>717 固定比率 fixed asset to net worth ratio // fixed assets ratio // fixed ratio // rate of net worth to fixed assets // worth and fixed assets ratio 固定資産回転率 fixed asset turnover // fixed asset turnover ratio // fixed assets turnover // sales fixed assets ratio // turnover of fixed assets 当座比率 acid ratio // acid test ratio // cash-to-current-liabilities ratio // liquid ratio // quick ratio // short-term liquidity ratio 流動比率 banker's ratio // current ratio // liquidity ratio // working capital // working capital ratio
>>745 Usually, I take the train arriving there at 2.51. If I miss it, I won't get there by 3.00. In the case you can't find me even after 3 o'clock, just leave it.
>>745 I usually arrive at 2:51-train. But if I miss the train, I will be there after 3 o’clock. So, if you don’t find me after 3 o’clock, that means I couldn’t catch the train.
>>748 Happy birthday to you. I know how hard your everyday long commute. I am sorry for all the trouble I had made and I appreciate your support. You make my life rich and happy. Take care of yourself. God bless you.
By the way, fuck me more or my pussy won't stop dripping.
>>760 When I was in elementary school, I didn't like music class very much. The reason is simple: I could't carry a tune. While everyone else was singing well, I was afraid that I might have been out of tune. When we sang together, I sang in a low voice. The music teacher said "Sing out loud. It doesn't matter if you are out of tune." But I was still ashamed. So I kept singing in a low voice all through my elementary school years.
>>759 We have a proverb about can-do spirit. If literally translated, it could be as follows;
If you do something, you can do it. If you don't, you can't. You can't do it, because you don't do it.
It is said that the phrase is of a feudal lord, Uesugi Yozan, of the Yonezawa domain (1751-1822). He saved his domain from a critical financial difficulty, and aided poor peasants. The phrase seems to be based upon his experience to restore his domain.
>>779 A post office near my home hasn't handled with any mail to your country before, so all the officers were looking into the manuals to find a clue. After keeping me waiting for hours, they asked me to write what was in in French.
>>790 Knight is "kishi" in Japanese. In Japanese we say "it is not good if you don't do" to say just "you have to". The phrase "if I don't" can be said "Na-I-To" in Japanese. so as a kind of pun, we say "do something Kight" to say "we have to do it!" or "no choice but do it!"
>>792 What's your purpose to go to Hong Kong in July. What are you going to do in Hong Kong during your visit in July. How long are you going to stay there?
As you said, we can find that type of remains in many places inside UK. A friend of mine lives (or lived near one of them and told me a lot about it. I have heard *** is the second largest festival celebrated in Northern Europe like Finland, but you don't have that festival in your country, do you?
As you say, you can see the legacies everywhere in Britain. My friend who lives near one of the heritages teach me many about them, I heard that O is the second largest festival in north Europe, including Finland. But can you celecrate in your country?
I saw him only in TV programs. They stayed in Japan only a few days. They seem to tour around other Asian countires. I was interested in their styles and fashon healthes rather than pesonaliries of them. Her nose was so cute.
>>810 I saw them only on TV. They stayed in Japan only for a few days and now are visiting other countries in Asia. I was interested in ***'s style and fashion rather than +++ himself. I think her nose is really cute. ベッカム?
>>773 As I entered middle school I wanted to start something new, and was interested in music. But unfortunately there were a lot of good singers around me and I kind of lost my confidence and sang in a small voice again.
But a movie changed my attitude. The story is simple but very touching and people at all age can enjoy. I haven't seen a movie so exciting in my life. It made me feel "there is nothing so wonderful like music" even my feeling about music wasn't very good.
>>775 It was fun when I found secrets of the magic that I didn't have a clue. I thought it was really tought for the magician to escape from a locked box? in water.
You seem to be a charming lady. if the picture shows real you. Of course it's e-mail we don't have to tell everything, but I prefer to write only true things even in e-mails. Because I need to do so to make a real friend. Sorry if you are really honest. Sometimes I am too skeptic.
いつもお世話になっております。 You always care for me, thank you sir, いつもマメに対応して頂きありがとうございます。 You always treat me like beans. 今日はよろしくお願いいたします Hello, nice to meet you,
I am happy to have you here today. Thank you for your closely working with our team and your always swift responses. I hope we can see further progress today.
Congratulations for the second wining place. It’s great to get into the National Team. Now Wimbledon is in the season. I think people in your country must be excited isn’t it?
>>924 You said you would pay by Paypal, but is this from your own Paypal account?
As I told emailed you before, I’m using a personal account so I can’t accept the credit card.
You said that you were going pay me the transaction fee by Paypal, but they would not charge any fee for receiving transaction fee for a personal account.
I will not intend to upgrade to the premium-account; therefore, I cannot accept the payment other than by paying from your own bank account. If it doesn’t workout, then please consider other paying methods.
You said you would pay ME by Paypal. But is this from your own Paypal account?
As I emailed you before, I’m using my own personal account, so I can’t accept YOUR credit card.
You said that you were going pay me the transaction fee by Paypal. But they would not charge any fee for receiving transaction fee for USING a personal account. I will not upgrade to the premium-account; therefore, I cannot accept ANY payment other than by paying from your own bank account. If you think it doesn’t workout, please consider other paying methods.
>>932 To leave gracefully someday mortal beings live in this world as flowers do and so men and women いつか優美に去るために 死すべきものはこの世で生きる 花がそうであるように。人も然り。 ちょい違うかなあ。。。
>>930 I have a Japanese mail friend who has exchanged mails with you and he told me about you. He seems that he didn't have a very good impression on you. (sorry for saying such a thing...) So I am a bit worrisome. ハラの探りあいみたいでコワイっすね。
>>929 what a bummerって 正月にインフルエンザになっちったよーサイテー。 誕生日にデートキャンセルして午前2時まで残業、 マジかよーみたいなんじゃないの。
メール書くなら Thank you for inviting me to your home the other day. It was dissapointing that I am too busy to go there this summer. But surely I would love to visit your country to meet you before long. くらい書いとけばだう。
>>952 At very this moment, here is ●●, and my message will be given to her. And most importantly, she will take a part of the game/competition in the August. This is almost like a dream.
>>964 I appreciated that you sent me to my house the other day while I was heavily drunk. Someone told me that I kept sticking on you, but I don’t remember anything because I was totally out of mind. On that day, I had some good news that I never expected. So, I was out of control, and little too excited. I apologize and it won’t happen again.
>>965 I am not being pesimisitic at all. You and I are apart from each other physically but I find myself enjoying doing what has something to do with you. I sure would like you to come over to my house with your baby next time you have a chance. By the way, I sent your package to you today. It was the first time for me to send stuff overseas so I think I learned a little about it.
>>965 But, I’m optimistic about this. Even though we are far away from each other, I always have great time with you. I strongly hope that you will visit me next time with your baby. By the way, I’ve sent out your packages today. It was good to learn how to send something oversea.
>>980 We are almost sure that you have some kind of ability that makes someone energetic. And now, I certainly feel that you are the one who able to entertain people so much.
>>982 As soon as the music started, some people started clapping, and I started singing, and dancing automatically. I felt so excited, and could no longer hold myself to be calm. By any means, it was so much fun. It was the moment that gave me great joy.
>>982 Once a tune was played I found myself clapping my hands and singing together. My body started moving to it and I really enjoy dancing. There's no reasons to it and I have my spirit high dancing.