▲▼ To Translators ▲▼ Basically, it is your choice to answer the requests. If you don't like it, please just ignore it. You'd better NOT criticize them or pick on something unnecessary.
▲▼ To Questioners ▲▼ There are various levels of works because translators are all volunteers. So please be aware that you might not get the best translation(s) you need. However, if someone does work for you, you should show at least some appreciation. Unfortunately, not so many people can even say “Thank you.”
>>9 A golden opportunity for the students to view the world around them from a different perspective. Being able to understand English may become an advantage in studying certain topics. Makes it possible for the neighboring countries to have a better understanding of our people and country. Reduction of misconceptions and prejudices will create an atmosphere wherein the peoples of the entire world have a chance to better understand each other.
私はいつも遅くまで寝ていて、遅いブランチを食べます。 I always sleep late and hava a late brunch. 彼は7時より遅くまで寝ていることは無いです。 He never sleeps late after 7. 彼はたいてい早く起きて早い朝御飯を食べます。 He usually gets up eary and has an eary breakfast.
多分聞きたい事と違うんだろうが、sleep late だと、遅く寝る、つまり夜遅く就寝すると聞こえてしまうので、 sleep until late の方がいいのでは?あとブランチのスペルはbrunch。 というわけで、俺的にはこんな感じかな? 1: I always sleep until late and have a late brunch. 2: He never sleeps until after 7am. 変形バージョン:He sleeps until no later than 7am. 3: そのまま
Computers are extremely useful tools and the role they play in the modern society is undoubtedly enormous. However, we must not forget the dangers of over-reliance on computers.
>>40 The Japanese national team will play a goodwill match with the Paraguay team. I'm going to go watch it with my friends. But, the weather forecast is for a rain again. Last Sunday, Japan played and lost big to Argentine.
>>37 I find the Japanese professional baseball games getting less and less exciting each year. The reason is the large number of good players going over to the MLB, without a doubt.
>>39 I've a cold now and my throat hurts. The doctor said my tonsils are swollen. I can't stop coughing, even at night when I'm trying to sleep so I'm also suffering from the lack of sleep a little.
>>38 I took this picture with a remote shutter so it came out funny. The fact that the dog didn't stay still didn't help either. Don't laugh too much at my photographic skills, O.K.?
>>40 Japan's national football team faces Paraguay in a goodwill match tomorrow. I'm planning to go again with my friends, but the weather forecast expects another shower. Last Sunday, Argentina trashed Japan.
通りすがりだけど、原文を、おそらく最も会話で言われているように、簡潔に訳せば・・・ I have to tell you something. I think you depend on your (elder/big) brother too much.
みたいな感じになるだろう。だから>>31の訳で基本的に問題ないと思う。この場合 depend on 〜 too much で「いろいろな面で頼り過ぎている」と言う意味になる。 various situations や in several aspectsをつけても別にいいけど、むしろ 不自然じゃないかな。不自然な直訳よりも自然な意訳のほうがいいのでは?
>>83 Some among the famous artists and scientists are physically challenged. What make me respect them are that they have worked harder than the the normally endowed people to overcome their handicaps and, furthermore, that they try to help others that are similarly challenged.
>>83 There are physically challenged people among famous artists and scientists. The reason I respect them is that they always try to help those in the same position not only try to overcome their disadvantages.
>>85 There is a classic Japanese novel by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, titled Spider's Web. It's a story about a man, who is being punished in hell for all his misdeeds in his life, being helped by a spider he once saved. The spider drops a line of web to try to let the man climb out of hell into heaven.
カナダのアルバータ大学のウェブページに丁度いい例がでている。 単数・複数両方が続いてみられる。 Among other things, what makes this program of research unique is its application of recent developments in moral theory in exploring contemporary managerial problems. What make it significant are the particular examples of moral failure it seeks to investigate. http://www.per.ualberta.ca/mmauws/SSHRC1/
>124 I want to see you once more. Just to see, and nothing more than that. I want to see you right now, but it takes a while as I am working in Japan now. You move around so often that I can't contact you. Please, tell me your address in Canada. I won't bother you, trust me. 信じてもらえるとは思えないが。
>>126 I would like to be with you again. Just be with you. Nothing more. I would come at once if I could but I'm at work now. So it'll take some time. You keep skipping out on me as you are in the states. I have a hard time keeping track of your whereabouts. I'd love to find out your Canadian address. I won't be no trouble. Please trust me.
>>137 I know you are struggling to make ends meet. I would help as much as I can. You said you'd leave the states in June but would you stay longer if you could? Please first let me know your address in the states as well as in Canada if that's the case.
>>148 He/She told me that he/she had divorced before. But in fact, he/she was still married, and said that he/she lived separately with his/her wife/husband.
I don’t know if he/she was telling me the truth. I don’t care anymore. I can’t trust anyone, and want to be alone for a while.
Japanese are very poor at listening to English sentences. That we are not used to liaisons is one of the reasons. My German friend told me that he doesn't find any difficulties to guess what words make the liaison without any special training. This story makes me sigh over how inept we are at learning English.
I saw a film on a monkey which used his own food, bread to entice and catch fish. It seems like the monkey came up with this idea when he drop his food into the fish tank by accident. I learned in a book that some Gorge W. Bush's brothers were conversing with human with pictorial symbols.
>>156 To understand English in listening is often hard for Japanese people.
One of the reasons is that we are not familiar to the English sounds connected by the words. My friend, who is German, told me that even if the words are connected, it was not hard for him to understand if he knew the word orders. So, he said that he didn’t really need to practice to understand them.
It even discouraged me because it showed those Japanese peoples’ weaknesses. We are not even familiar to the word orders. So, listening English sounds is still hard for us. Sigh.
>>175 I teach you a few of Japanese slang words. Maji--- You kidding/Are you serious; used among close friends. Dasai --- Geeky/ not cool; used among friends. Mukatuku --- Ticking me off/ Pisses me off; used very frequently. I use it often too. Irairasuru --- Irritated, aggravated, unsettling, being annoyed, being bothered Yabai --- Disastrous situation. Disaster lies right ahead. Oh shoot! Baka --- Idiot, stupid; Used in variety of situations; Similar to “FUCK” in English (バカの訳としてはFUCKは強すぎるし、使われる状況がちがう。) These words are used in everyday conversation.
How are you? It’s been such a long time since last time [I wrote you]/ [we spoke with each other]. How have you been? Last week, the movie “the Matrix Reloaded” was released in Japan also. But since I’m bothered by Japanese subtitles, I’m thinking about renting a video when it comes out. Have you seen that movie OO?
>>182 これは難しいね。 I cannot wait to see these seedlings grow and produce new crop of rice. Onigiris (rice balls) made with steamed rice hot out of the pot, with an umeboshi (pickled plum) inside and wrapped in nori (then sheet of seaweed) are so delicious.I guess, It must be only Japanese to think that’s all you need to make a good meal. おかずという概念も英語で説明が必要だね。 Traditionally, a Japanese meal constitute a main dish and side dishes, where the main dish being a bowl of steamed rice and the side dish being everything else that you eat the rice with. The side dishes are referred to as okazu. Okazu can be as simple as pickled cucumber or as heavy as sukiyaki or tempura or a combination of those and other dishes.
>>171 I can't wait till this young rice plant grow and become "shin-mai" (new rice). Rice balls made from new rice, just cooked is really delicious. We put pickled plums and wrap the rice ball with seaweed, and it's called "Onigiri." Simple food like onigiri without any side dish is just as good as anything, but I suppose that's a very Japanese kind of feeling.
>>223 tとdは次の音が子音だとリエゾンされます。 TOEICの別冊の発音強化に詳しく書いてあります。 リエゾンができないと、 Take Me out to the Ballgame. が歌えないので 知っておいたほうがよいです。 これが歌えないと、メジャーリーグの野球中継すら 見てはいけないという法律があります。
>>223 It is not easy for Japanese to follow English. One of the reason is that we are not used to "assimilation" of sounds and/or elision in rapid connected speech. According to my German friend, he finds it quite easy to tell where the word break is and the words that are connected. When I hear comments like this, I can't help but think that the Japanes are not suited for English listening.
>>240 I thought the international game would be held at only ○○ stadium, but didn’t know it would be at XX stadium as well. Do you know which stadium is bigger? Do you know where the September’s game will be?
I am sorry to wtite this message to the different board and/or the different thread. We are joining the festival, in which we vote for Kawasaki, Chunich, for the all-star baseball games. We want to place him to teh top of the list.
According to the June 11th's announcement, the difference between him and the player in the first place is 26,000 votes. However, we have lessened the difference by 6,000. Please help us to obtain the posision.
Japanese schools usually start in April because it’s a season for cheery blossoms. Japanese people all love cherry blossoms. They like to start a new semester with a refreshed mood in a beautiful season.
The Japanese school year begins in April. The reason is because April is the season of cherry blossoms. Japanese love cherry blossoms and we'd like to welcome the new school year with bright and happy feelings.
>>215 You paint pictures very well. Japanese school year starts in April. That's because April is the time of year when cherry blossoms bloom. Japanese people love cherry blossoms. Everybody wants to start their new school year cheerfully in spirits
Japenese have difficulty following spoken English. Among the reasons is that we are not used to the assimilation of sounds occuring in a rapid speech.My German friend says he does not have a hard time telling a word from another even in a rapid speech though he has never gone through any specific training.Hearing that,I can not help thinking Japanese are not cut out for English listening.
>>273 I guess only excellent students can enter universities in your country. In Japan, less excellent students can also enroll in universities, because there are so many universities.
>>275 Classified by the malt ratio, more than 67% is called “A rank,” more than 50% is “B rank,” more than 25% is “C rank,” and less than 25% is called “D rank.”
As the malt ratio gets lower, the lower liquor tax they get.
Hi! ○○ is writing to you. I'm afraid if my letter has safely arrived. I visited your shop (?) several times. Did you notice me??? Good luck for your (something).
>>302 My town is an industrial city and has a lot of factories. But almost no buildings can be seen except that factories. There is a big park near my house and on holidays, many people get together to have a barbecue party.
>>299 I think she was drunk at that time. In her suddently changed personlity, induced by alcohol, she probably cursed at him harshly. \>>300 Here are two tickets to Tahiti. They were probably going there for their honeymoon.
>>324 (1)Come back home early so that we may eat dinner together. (2)She was so tired that she could not walk another step. (3)They worked hard so that the cathedral might be finished in time.
(1)come home early so that we may eat dinner together. (2)she was so tired that she could'nt walk another step. (3)they worked so hard that the cathedral might be finished in time.
>>314 Japan tied with Paraguay. Japan couldn't score today either, but its overall performance was better than the previous match, I think. Japanese national team has not won in the home ground since the Worldcup last year.
>>333 It is said that human takes advantage of just 10% of their brains' ability. I was astonished to know this fact before. One theory insisits that memories accumulated from ancient time occupy 90% of their brain and they come into consciousness on cue unknown. If you take full advantage of this 90% of your brain, which is not used, you might be able to develp immeasurable talents.
>>343 Next time I chat with you, I sure will bring my laptop with me and enjoy chatting with you while I have someone unknown translate what I wanna say on 2ch.
>>349 Your band's tour in Japan was amazing. I am really sorry for your live performances cancelled on this tour. I myself spent extremely exciting moments with you on your live and I want to join more. I enjoyed wonderful time with you. I am expecting you to come back to Japan. I am looking forward to it.
>336 What is your best favourite in (Italian/Chinese/Russian or whatever) food? Mine in Japanese food is called NATTO. Natto is soya-beans fermented with a kind of bacteia called Natto-kin. It has a sticky texture and a peculiar smell. The majority of the Japanese like Natto, though some do find it unattractive. As for non-Japanese, most would not like to eat it. Probably its strong smell puts them off plucking up the courage to try. Still, I suggest you give it a try once when you have a chance to come to Japan.
>>355 Girls tend to like fortunetelling and holoscope, but I usually don't believe them because they are unscientific. However, I am interested in personality traits tests and I have taken one. According to the result, I have a somewhat androgynous personality tendency with both the masculine,logical thinking pattern and the feminine, affectionate and caring side. I don't know whether this is really true, but I think the test gave me a chance to take a good look at myself.
>>359 It's a nice thing to go on a trip with family. Many talk less with their own family as they grow up. But they, especially parents, are the only ones who are always there for us no matter what, and parental love is forever.
the card is sold at 2000 yen in japan. but i dont know if people outside japan are willing to pay for it at the price. i think that its not reasonableto for it to be sold at that price.
>>365 The current average price of the card in Japan is around 2000 yen. I don't know whether foreign buyers would pay that much for it. I personally think that 2000 yen may not be a competitive pricing.
>>373 1. This is (name of the restaurant). (your name)’s speaking. How may I help you? 2. What day, and what time would you like? How many people? 3. May I ask your name, and phone number? 4. Here it’s all set Mr./Ms (customer’s name). We’ll see you soon. Thank you for calling (restaurant’s name). Have a nice day. Good bye.
>>372 I have a very bad sore throat and cough and am having a hard time talking. It might be because I got caught in the rain yesterday. I've got to go to the doctors.
>>373 1. Yoshinoya, yamada speaking. May I help you? 2. When will you like to reaserve seats for how many? 3. May I have your name and phone number please? 4. Thank you and we'll look forward to seeing you. bye,
>>372,377 I have no voice today due to a severely sore throat and a bad cough. Probably it's because I got caught in the rain again yesterday. I should go to the hospital.
Tomorrow we are going to watch a volleyball game to cheer our company's team. We'll definitely have to win the match, because that's our CEO's order. とか。
It's said that the brain works differently in men and women. I don't know about the details but I've heard that the part of the brain which works when processing things is diffent depending on your sex. とか。
>>406 I saw the new stadium on TV the other day and was surprised to see the stand placed right over the fence. Why on earth did they do that? I felt that it was a huge damage to the attractive appearance of the stadium.
I am writing regarding my recent order via internet. I paid by credit card, but it has not been charged by the credit card company, which I have already mentioned in my previous e-mail. I wonder how the payment has been proceeding. I could send a remittance (cheque? postal order? どういう方法か分からないので特定した方がよいかも) if my debit slip cannot be found/ the payment has not been recorded.
>>430 In foreign country language, in order to be able to take satisfactory, I regard communication as appropriate efforts and appropriate patience being required.
>>422,442 (1)その川はひどく汚れていたので魚が死んでしまった。 <The stream was so polluted that the fish died> (2)石につまずかないようにゆっくり歩きましょう。 <Let's walk slowly lest we should stumble over stones.> (3)彼はあまり長い話をしたので聞いている人は居眠りを始めた。 <He spoke such a long time that people began to fall asleep.>
>>422 (1) The stream was polluted so that the fish died. (2) Let's walk slowly lest we should stumble over stones. (3) He spoke such a long time that people began to fall asleep.
友達が急に国に帰ることになってしまった時のヒトコト。 「私はもう一度君にあえると信じていました。 とても残念です。でも私たちは素晴らしい時間をたくさん過ごせましたね」 を自分で訳すと I believed I will see you one more time. It's too bad. But, we had a great time right? これよりもっと素敵な表現はないものでしょうか?
traveling with a family is a good thing. young people seem to avoid talking to their parents just as much as they did when they were kids. however, parents are always by your side supporting and caring about you no matter what. so i think that the love of parents is something that wont change forever.
Sometimes I have no choice but to sing, but I feel so embarrassed that my face blush like mad, because I know I can't sing well. All those supportive handcraps make it even worse.
間違え早々で非常に恐縮なのだが・・・。471さんの言っているコメント は当たっていると思いますなー。これは動詞になるのでじゃないと、正しい 文面にならないかと。なんつーか・・・・。I am going to sing a songって 言うよね?誰もI am going sing a songって言わないし。to sing, to talk, to walk, to go, 等等。とりあえずtoは必要だと思いますが。
Making a family holiday is nice. We tend to be distant from our own family members once we become grown-ups. However, only parents give their children 100% support at the hardest time. I think parents' love is one thing that never changes.
Yeah そうそう Yes, indeed. そのとおり It is. だよね Right. ほうほう OK. ふむふむ Definitely そうだよね Is it? I didn't know that. そうなの?知らんかった Is he? Does he? Is she? Does she? Are you? Did you? etc. へー、そうなの?
All the creatures on the erath exist as a part of nature. Then , they have evolved ,repeating ebb and flow . Of course , mankind is also part of nature . however , there are no other animals ecept human beings in that they can laugh .
>>503 I heard that he is playing that role in blond wig, and the movie came out to be completely different from the original. To be honest, I don't like his performance very much.
>>500 「大きな目標をたてるだけじゃ挫折しやすいから、まず小さい目標をたてて 少しずつ大きな目標に近づくのがいいよ」 Goals that are too far or too high tend to frustrate you. It is best to set more reasonable goals or intermediate goals and move one step at a time.As you achieve these small goals, you raise your bar and eventually you will reach the ultimate goal.
>>502 Every creature on Eearth exist as part of nature.Every species has evolved out of the endless cycle of ebb and flow. Human beings are also part of nature, yet we are the only creatures who are capable of laughing.
>>509 They say that a short sleep during the afternoon is equivalent to 2-3 hours sleep in the night. So when you feel tired, take a break and have a nap.
>>522 About the parcel you shipped via US airmail on May 3rd we have inqiured both the Japanese customs and the post office, but they just said that it's difficult to trace the parcel without tracking number. Would you please advise us of the tracking number by return, thank you.
Would you please advise us of the tracking number by return, thank you.
ofはいらないかも。ううむ、そうやって考えるとたしかにAdvise usは 微妙だな。どうしてもつかいたいなら Please advise us the parcel number for the tracking... っとかにしたほうがいい。なるたけ頭からつぎの単語にかかっていく感じの文章 にしたほうがだれが読んでも判ると思う。 inquireとかじゃなくてaskとかもっと簡単な単語を使ったほうが 英語の文章ってのは相手に伝わりやすいように感じます。 もちろんダメじゃないし、伝わらないこともないんですがね
>>548 461さんがふっかつすることを願ってぼくが叩かれそうなことを言うと recieveよりGotのほうが一般的、っていうか楽な気がします。 ぼくはほとんどgot take fuckでほとんどいけると思っているタイプです。 もちろんRecieveでもぜんぜんok。しゃれた感じすらしますね、recieve。 i was givenっとか言うのもいいですね。神の意志、見たいな雰囲気になります。
461氏 はじめにno choice but to singと書いたものです。 突っかかってるわけではなく、no choice but +to無し原型動詞 が文法的にあってるかどうか知りたいのですが・・・・ ご教授いただけないでしょうか? 英英辞書で調べたところ(英版なので通じないということはないとおもいます) I've no choice というのしかなく、後に動詞を伴う例がのってないもんで、 今これ以上分かりません。
>>559 The movie which intrigued me most of all the films is "Not because of color." In this movie, the author insists that the cause of the race discriminations is not the color of skin. His point is that White Puer Toricans are under severer discrimination than African-Americans in the U.S.. He adds that racial discriminations never ends.
>>556 Real Madrid and FC TOKYO will play a game in Tokyo on August 5th. I am not sure if I can get a ticket to tha game, but I want to the game in the stadium.
>>556 August fifth,Great Exisibition match against FC Tokyo will be whisled at Tokyo. I'm not sure to get this platinum ticket, but really wanting it from bottom of my heart. >>559 My best interest thing is [Not because of color]. This article indicate the reason of discrimination is not from Color. Because Puertorican who lives in America have been getting harsh attacking or incredible indignation,some say,Humiliation. And this artist saying racial prejudice matter is ever thing on his glooming tongue.
>>551 Ariyoshi Sawako is one of the most prominent writers in Japan. She wrote lots of novels whose themes are diverse raging from women's life, family issue, care for the elderly to environmental problem and scars of war.
>>561 I all forgot lending you my CD. I have a chance to go near your workplace for my business around 5pm tomorrow. What do you say to returing it to me on that occasion tommorrow.
>>572 Recentry,more and more we getting hotter. Japanese summer is so humidity. The start of the rainy season in july in japan. June is a rainy month and it keep raining. Ending(After) this term,then Summer come us.
>>566 Even if racial discrimination vanished, people would judge other people in another different discriminating way. That's because people instinctively want to set levels which they consider lower than them and look down on them. If they didn't, people would feel restless and couldn't live.
>>575 I'll drop on at to your house tomorrow. then let's talk.(Why dont you meet and talk?) >>576 I knew(thought) i should send the(a) gift(present) soon...but....
>>585 i cant believe its come from ancient time. It is 600-year-old buliding???? Almost ppl lived at here treat is as so gently,well of course, this base and foundation is very solidity one. Treat something with great love is a best simply concept,I think. Great number of people prefer anything to something anew. And almost ppl really want to dream alive in brand-new-construction.
I cant believe it was built 600 years ago I see that this is build so tightly and you live with so much care its great to treasure things most people like brand-new house and dream to live in them
>>566 Even if racism was wiped out, humans would invent yet another scale of discrimination to see others. We are designed to consider ourselves being superior to the rest of the world, by viewing them as inferior. Only that way can we feel confortable with ourselves, and then we can go on.
Eggs is called eastern-egg among people in christian counties and it is the object that symbolizes revice it is really interesting to me,from buddism country
おもうんだがみんな文法とかにとらわれすぎじゃないだろうか? かなり微妙な表現でも通じます。はい。これマジデス。 I've no choice but to... これは定型文です。このまま間違いなく使えば通じます。でも緊張すると i have not choicing...i've no choose but to このへんになってくると外人さんは???な顔をします。 彼らにとって慣用句ってのはちょっとでも違ってると判断にこまるのです。 日本人からすればたいした違いでは内ですがアメリカ人とかにとって言語は音です。 ちょっとでも紛れがあるときになってしまうのでは?っと思っています。 イディオム系は便利ですが使うなら絶対間違えないように使わないと自信なくします。
i have no choice but to これだときけんですので have no choice だけを意識して覚えると発展します。 but のあとにToが来てもing系がきてもhave no choiceさえしっかり伝われば あとはキアイでいけると思うです。
i have not choicing...i've no choose but to 誤解のないように書きますと???な顔されても通じないことないです・・・笑い。 ちゃんと通じるです。とくにchatとかだったらあいてがわからなかった場合、 たぶんその人は英語が母国語じゃない人たちだと思います。あとは・・・
>>598 Eggs is called eastern-egg among(the)people(s) in christian countries and it is the object that symbolizes [revive](revise). it is really interesting to me,from(for) buddism country.
工房氏。 貴殿本当に高校生かい?すごいとおもうよ。
( ゜д゜)ハッ >eggs is called eastern-egg
eggs are called eastern-eggs これは最初のままでいいと思うよ。ハイフンつかうと単数になるから eggs is called eastern-egg 問題なし。
it is really interesting to me,from(for) buddism country. 直前にto meがありますよね?っでカンマで受けてforとした場合、 For以下はmeの修飾っぽい感覚になって、 ”それは私にとって興味深い。その私である仏教国にとって。” ってニュアンスになります。もちろん ”それは私にとって興味深い。その私は仏教国出身である。” ってことにもなります。
The former president of the United States couldn't figure out the issue between Palestina and Israel in the past. It , in retrospect , may be an error . How would the incumbent president bring the area the lastingpeace ? Will the roadmap he's made up make it peaceful ?
>613 figure out the issue → settle down the conflict It , in retrospect , may be an error . → It was a total failure in a retrospective view. How would → How could bring the area the lastingpeace → bring peace to the region
Will the roadmap he's made up make it peaceful ? → Will the roadmap he's made up can make it possible?
618 it is like a harb in the way that contains lots of foison
619 I will tell you some Japanese greetings that are often used
こんにちわ(Hello)-greeting used all day but is also used in the beginning of mails
こんばんわ(Good evining)-used after sunset
ご機嫌いかが(How are you?)-greeting to know how the other is feeling
お久しぶりです(Long time no see;Its beeb alongtime;I havent seen you for a long time) -to say to people who you havent seen for along time, also used in mails Hello and Chao,which means Hello in italian are used among the young people(teenagers)
Greetings of parting
さよなら(Good bye!)-used when people are leaving normally but is also used when people laeve forever.In this case, that meams people who left will never see each other you better not to use this in mails.
また今度!(see you later!)-that means Lets meet again.in the case that you use, its better than Good bye
ばいばい(bye-bye)-it comes from Good bye.Informal word in close relations
620 I always care about doing something I have to do completely and responsiblly But now if you ask me this work is the one I have to do through my life for me my asnswer is NO. However, there must be the time that everyone has to balance something
>>632 What a kind person you are! You are the very person who i must appreciate too much. How come you can be like that keep a great and heartful mind in your way?
自分のやるべき事を責任をもって完璧に成し遂げるように心掛けている。 でも今のこの仕事が自分にとっての一生をかけるべき物か 本当にしたかった事かとは別問題です。でも、誰もが何かに折り合いを 付けないといけない時がある。 I am keeping in mind that what I do my bit with responsibility.
>>663 i always try to complete what i should do with responsibility. but there is difference between this job is worth doing through whole of my life or not and i have really wanted to do this job or not. but ,sometimes everybody must compromise .
it was nothing but pretend laughter . Not like smile. nothing was fun, but I could'nt help laughing when I reminded I must not to laught now in this scene. Maybe you can't belive but I'm not kidding. and it made me laugh when I played recorder in music lesson, chorus contest and so on. My sorruoudings scolded me... and I cryed alone in my room. For a period of time, I laughed just because I thought I feel my friend's eyeshot on me when I met my friends in the morning. then they said "you are rude!!" to me. also, in the dinner time with family, I laughed because there are family's face in front of my face.. and they said "what are you laughing at?"....
>>693 どれも大体あってるんじゃないかな? 僕には687がダメな理由がわからないよ・・・。 one of my colleague(s) had been in rural university in Canada. he is good at skiing very much. How about you?
If a war between America and North Korea takes place now, the possibility that Japan gets involved and becomes battleground is strong becouse there are many American military bases, moreever, many North Korean spies have already irrupted. it is now discussed that Japan Self-Defence force should go to Iraq or not in Diet
>>702 When we express “You're still pretty wet behind the ears,” or “You're naive!”, we say “You are still green.” We call it “Sei-Nen,” which means “Green-Aged.” It refers to young people who are not mature like “Green Apples.”
>>703「ファッション雑誌にこの服が流行るって書いてあったんだけど 本当かは知らないよ。日本の流行は変化が激しくてついて行けないから。」 A fashion magazine said that this close will become popular, but I'm not sure if that'll be the case. The fashion trend changes too fast in Japan for me to follow.
>>728 I can teach you Japanese; I can translate whatever you write in English, and answering your questions whatever you want to know about Japanese. So, I hope you can teach me German as well.
>>728 私はあなたに日本語を教えることができます。 I can teach you Japanes. あなたが英語で書いた文を、私が日本語に訳します。 I will translate what you write in English in to Japanese そして、日本語や日本に関する質問も受け付けます。 I will answer questions regarding the Japanese language and Japan. だから、あなたは私にドイツ語を教えてください。 So Please teach me German. よろしくお願いします。 Thank you.
>>733 I brought my kids to the famous place for fireflies. There were numerous fireflies flying in front of us. It was beyond the river, and the trees were the background.
It was like huge Christmas trees decollated by uncountable number of illuminations. I’d never seen such a fantastic view in my life. They were flying just around us that we almost could reach. My kids were going crazy.
>>733 I went to a place known for fireflies with my kid.I was amazed by the sight of millions of fireflies flying around.Accross the river was a wood.It looked as if it was a big tree decorated with a countless number of neon lights.I had never seen such a misterious scene. Since they flew right above our heads and within our reach, my kid was all excited.
>>745 close > clothsのつもりでは? その通り。このままではまずい。 ただ、this type of clothes/clothingってすると、「この類の服」って意味に なってちょっと違うよう。 these clothesではどうかな。 普通英語では、these dresses, these shirtsとか具体的に言うと思う。
>>742 The raining season has started from 11th. It would probably last until middle of this July. So, I play some sports. The damp feeling turns into fresh.
新たに設立された競争力の弱い企業に、国や地方自治体などが技術、人材、 資金の各方面からてこ入れをすること。for a country or local independent body to help an enterprise that has founded recently and is weak in competition from all aspects such as art, talent, and capital
世論指導者。世論の形成に影響力を持つ文筆家、学者、ジャーナリストなど。 a leader of public opinion; a writer, scholar, or journalist who influences formation of public opinion
患者が主治医以外の医師に意見を求めること。for a patient to ask a doctor except for his or her family one for a opinion
生産工程から排出する廃棄物を、他の産業の原料として利用する完全循環型 の生産システム。the production system of perfect-circulation type that used waste that discharged by a manufacturing process as raw material of other industries
測定器の統一性を保ち信頼性を高めるため、すべての測定器を国家基準など の適正な基準の体系に切れ目なく位置づけること。To set proper criteria of all measuring instruments in order to maintain uniformity and raise reliability
関税引き下げ方式の一つ。高い税率は大幅に、低い税率は小幅に下げる方式。 One of the systems to lower tariffs; the system that make deep cuts in high tax rate and slightly cuts in low tax rate
視力障害者や高齢者が容器を間違えないようにした商品。例えば目の不自由 な人が誤用しないようにシャンプーとリンスの容器を変えたり、住宅に段差 や仕切りがなく移動しやすくしたりしたもの。Goods for the visually impaired and the elderly not to take wrong; for example, to differentiate container of shampoo and rinse for the blind to abuse, to move easily by removing steps and partitions in a house
高級住宅の老朽化に伴い居住者が他に転じ、より低い所得階層の人がそこに 住むようになること。For more low-income earner to come to live there because high-end housing had been old and in bad condition and its residents left
追跡調査。同じ調査対象に対して時間による変化などを知るために行う調査。 follow-up; an investigation to know changes by time on the same subject
>>749 The assistance by a country or local government in the areas of technology, human resources, and finance, targeting fledgling enterprises that still don’t have the strength to stand competition.
>a leader of public opinion; a writer, scholar, or journalist who >influences formation of public opinion who以下をwho has influence over public opinion.
> for a patient to ask adoctor except for his or her family one for a opinion for a patient to ask an opinion of doctors other than his/her primary doctor.
>the production system of perfect-circulation type >that used waste that discharged by a manufacturing process as raw >material of other industries
A recycle-oriented production system, in which the waste from a manufacturing process is used in other industries as a low material. >To set proper criteria >of all measuring instruments in order to maintain uniformity and >raise reliability To seamlessly integrate all measuring instruments in a system of standards (such as the national standard) in order to ……
>>750 >One of the systems to lower tariffs; the system that make deep cuts >in high tax rate and slightly cuts in low tax rate
One of the systems -> One of the schemes the system-> a method make deep cuts->makes deeper reduction in high tax rate -> for higher tax rates slightly cuts in low tax rate -> more modest reduction for lower tax rates.
>Goods for the visually >impaired and the elderly not to take wrong; for example, to >differentiate container of shampoo and rinse for the blind to abuse, >to move easily by removing steps and partitions in a house Goods to help the visually impaired and the elderly to recognize the right container. For example, by changing the shape of the containers for shampoo and conditioner to make it easier for them to differentiate, or removing steps and partitions in the house so that they can move around easily.
> For more low-income earner to come to live there because >high-end housing had been old >and in bad condition and its residents left because …..-> as the aging of the high-end housing pushes its residents out.
follow-up; an investigation to know changes by time on the same subject A tracking study. To find out how a certain aspect of the subject changes over time, follow the same subject for a long period of time.
816 this is the photo of me wearing a kimono. i was 20 years old at this time. a guy wearing a white shirt with OO symbol is you, isnt he. you have a good sense of fashion for real. thats exactly what i expected you to be like. im sorry if im talking about a wrong guy.
>>816 The picture where I am in KIMONO was taken in my 20's. You are the man wearing in white marked with ○○ , aren't you? You look so cool and exactly as nice a guy as I have pictured in my mind. But please excuse me if I'm wrong.
i have no hole.cuz my office only got a lot of dicks. so then, we cant be satisfied.no hole and many erects all around here. by the way, my ass hole got a bit larger than before i came to here... and now i think "Itz my way.and feel so happy YA." itz awesome.priceless!
>>837 Are there many video rental stores in Canada? There are a lot of video rental stores in Japan. Most of videos are American movies. When I have nothing to do, I usually watch those movies by renting the videos.
一応自作文ですが...なんかイマイチです。 An eddying occurs by the ebb and flow of tide, and it was said that big one has a diameter of 20 meters. Its strong seaview makes me feel be sucked down it. The contrast between the white of the blue and blue of the sea was impressive.
>>845 そんな事より1よ、ちょいと聞いてくれよ。スレとあんま関係ないけどさ。 このあいだ、近所の吉野家行ったんです。吉野家。そしたらなんか人が めちゃくちゃいっぱいで座れないんです。で、よく見たらなんか垂れ幕下がってて、 150円引き、とか書いてあるんです。もうね、アホかと。馬鹿かと。お前らな、 150円引き如きで普段来てない吉野家に来てんじゃねーよ、ボケが。150円だよ、 150円。 Hey 1, do you know what happed? Oh, by the way, this is nothing to do with this thread. I went to Yoshinoya the other day. YOSHINOYA! And there were so crowded and I couldn’t even find a place to sit. Then, I found the advertising saying “150 yen off!.” Oh my goodness. Wasn’t it ridiculous? Hey bastards! How come you are all coming, and sitting at Yoshinoya for just “150 yen off?” Just fuckin’ 150 yen off?!?
>>845 なんか親子連れとかもいるし。一家4人で吉野家か。おめでてーな。 よーしパパ特盛頼んじゃうぞー、とか言ってるの。もう見てらんない。 I even say some families. Like four of them, in whole family, were in Yoshinoya. Someone’s saying that “All right, your dad is ordering an extra large bowl.” Oh boy. What a pathetic!
お前らな、150円やるからその席空けろと。吉野家ってのはな、 もっと殺伐としてるべきなんだよ。Uの字テーブルの向かいに座った奴 といつ喧嘩が始まってもおかしくない、刺すか刺されるか、そんな雰囲気 がいいんじゃねーか。女子供は、すっこんでろ。 Hey you bastards. I can give my 150 yen away. So, just give me a break alright? Yoshinoya should be a deadly, lifeless, and spiritless, place as dry as dust. There should be a fighting between jerks facing on each other against “U shaped table,” and one of them can be stubbed to death by any chance. Then, Yoshinoya is a place to be. Do you all understand? This is not a place for fuckin’ women and kids.
>>845 で、やっと座れたかと思ったら、隣の奴が、大盛つゆだくで、とか言ってるんです。 そこでまたぶち切れですよ。あのな、つゆだくなんてきょうび流行んねーんだよ。 ボケが。得意げな顔して何が、つゆだくで、だ。お前は本当につゆだくを食いたいのかと 問いたい。問い詰めたい。小1時間問い詰めたい。お前、つゆだくって言いたいだけ ちゃうんかと。 I finally found a place to sit. Then, the guy next to me was ordering a large size with putting extra juice on it. That pissed me off once again. Hey bastard! Putting extra juice on a bowl is not the way we do today! Jerk! What a stupid you look, with ordering extra juice with your goofy looking face! Do you really want to eat a beef bawl putting extra juice on it? I really want to ask you, question you, interrogating you for an hour. Don’t you just want to say “putting an extra juice!?”
>>845 吉野家通の俺から言わせてもらえば今、吉野家通の間での最新流行はやっぱり、 ねぎだく、これだね。大盛りねぎだくギョク。これが通の頼み方。ねぎだくってのは ねぎが多めに入ってる。そん代わり肉が少なめ。これ。で、それに大盛りギョク(玉子)。 これ最強。 As a professional Yoshinoya customer, I would rather order “extra chopped scallions.” This is the coolest way. That’s it! Ordering a large size with putting extra chopped scallions is the most elegant way you can do today. You get more scallions, and less beefs. This is it! Moreover, it would be the best if you put a raw egg on it. No one can beat this.
しかしこれを頼むと次から店員にマークされるという危険も伴う、諸刃の剣。 素人にはお薦め出来ない。まあお前、1は、牛鮭定食でも食ってなさいってこった。 But you have to be careful because if you order this way. The Yoshinoya employees gonna put you on their black list. This can be dangerous, like a risk of using a double edged blade. I don’t recommend the beginners to do this. Well, 1, you should rather order some ordinary boring set menu instead.
>>845 Hey 1, do you know what happed? Oh, by the way, this is nothing to do with this thread. I went to Yoshinoya the other day. YOSHINOYA! And there were so crowded and I couldn’t even find a place to sit. Then, I found the advertising saying “150 yen off!.” My goodness! How come you are all coming, and sitting at Yoshinoya for just “150 yen off?” I even say some families. Like four of them were in Yoshinoya. This guy’s saying “All right, your dad is ordering an extra large bowl.” What a pathetic! Hey you bastards. I can give my 150 yen. So, just give me a break! Yoshinoya should be a place where people are fighting like two jerks facing on each other against “U shaped table,” then one of them can be stubbed to death by any chance. This is the way Yoshinoya should. This is not a place for women and kids. I finally found a place to sit. Then, the guy next to me was ordering a large size with putting extra juice on it. That pissed me off once again because putting extra juice on a bowl is not the way we do today! What a stupid he looked: ordering extra juice with his goofy face! Do you really want to eat a beef bawl with extra juice on it? I really want to ask you, interrogating you for an hour. Don’t you just want to say “an extra juice!?” As a professional Yoshinoya customer, I would rather order “extra scallions.” This is the coolest way. You get more scallions, and less beefs. This is it! It would be the best if you put a raw egg on it. No one can beat this. But you have to be careful because if you order this way, the Yoshinoya employees gonna put you on their black list. This can be so dangerous, like putting you on the risk of using a double edged blade. I don’t recommend this to the beginners... 1, you should rather order some ordinary set menu instead.
Im an usual and female contract employee,so works are very normal there are periods that I like my job and I dont.To be honest Im trying my best because I want to be accepted people around and of satisfications that I achieve,it is not because I like my job
so sometimes I get enviable when I see people who realize what they want, just like you many people, including me actually desire to be like you
>>848 A swirling current occurs by tuning of the tide. Some of them have 20 meter of their radiuses. They looked so impressive, and I felt as if I was almost being swallowed, but had clear view of the contrast between blue and white of its sparkling drops.
>>855 I’m a just an ordinary office worker as a contract. So, what I usually do is just ordinary works; sometimes it’s fun but sometimes it’s not. To be honest, I try to accomplish something that others people can see, rather than do what I want. Therefore, I often envy someone like you, who know what he/she wants and what he/she likes. Including myself, many people would admire you, and they want to be like you. I really hope that your dream comes true.
>>855 I'm just a contract worker. So my duties are very simple. I like this job but someitmes not so much. Honestly speaking, I'm hanging there for my satisfaction in achievement and the approval by other people rather than the contents of my job. I feel envious when I find somebody who knows what to do as clearly as you do. Not only me, but everybody desire to be like you. I really wish your dream will come true.
We can measure the distribution of temperature and velocity distribution. To integrate the distribution with assumption of constant pressure give us the flow rate.
>>864 Form measured temperatures and velocity distributions, we can determine a current distributions by the Assumption of Constant Pressure. By integrating the current distributions, we can find a fluid flowing.
Besides, the free email service site which I'm using seems to have been renewed, and all of received and sent mails has been vanished when I logged into the service. My address book escaped from the disaster. It has shocked me a lot that all the emails you have sent to me have been lost.
>>878 ♪♪♪ Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on Once more you open the door And you`re here in my heart And my heart will go on and on
>909 The movie "Sen to Chihiro" won Academy Award for being the best animation this March. I believe it is now showing in the US under the title of "Spirited Away". Have you ever heard of it?
909 The movie, "Sen To Chihiro" won the long animation prize of the Academy Awards in America this March! I think that "Sen To Chihiro" has been released under the name of "Sprited Away" in America. But have you heard of it?
The movie "Sen to Chihiro" カンマがない! won Academy Award for being the best 定冠詞がない、まどろっこしい! animation this March. Lastがよい I believe it is now showing in the US under believeよりthink, is showing 不適 Have you ever heard of it?Didの方がいい
In Japan, when you call the name of a male friend or the younger boy, you add "Kun" after the name. It seldom uses for a woman in everyday life. "Mr. -" is the way of speaking which is used also for a woman and is most often used also for a male. At the time of the relation which is not necessarily extremely [ in being the person who met for the first time ] intimate It is the safest way of calling. "Mr. -" seldom uses in conversation. It is used when sending a letter. "My -" may be used when female friends and a male call a woman. I think that it is how with familiarity to call.
日本では、「〜君」は友達の男性だったり年下の男の子を呼ぶ時に使います。 日常生活では、女性にはあまり使いません。 >>929 "Kun" can be added after a first/last name of mostly a male friend or a younger male person. Usually, it is seldom used to address females.
On the other hand, "San" is most frequently used, either for males and females. Unless you are very close to someone, calling someone with "san" is the safest option.
"Sama" is hardly used conversationally. It is used in written forms, such as letters. Also, men sometimes address women with "Chan". It expresses friendliness to the person who is called.
>>949 It's been raining for ages! I can't be bothered going to school when it rains in the morning...
Yeah, but if we didn't have plenty of rain in this rainy season, we may not have enough water in summer.
If it happens, we can only use water for limited time of a day, can't we? It must be a nightmare...we'd have to save water as well...
That's right. Well, still, even it doesn't happen, I think it's improtant we try to husband water...not only water, electricity, gas, and oil...everything.
Oil for instance, it'll dry up in a few decades time, won't it? I can't imagine the world without oil.....
Exactly. I never use water and electricity more than neccessary. I think if everyone in the world put a bit of effort into save natural resourses, there will be an enormous effect, even if we can't see the immediate result of my individual action.
You're absolutely right! From now on,I'm going to think more about saving natural resourses myself.
>957 ちなみに、 This Saturday Greg "Bubble" Wright is running a session on downwind sailing. A briefing will begin at 9.15 am sharp (note this is earlier than normal due to the resail of races which is happening this weekend). Bubble will run through some videos of downwind sailing, including some video snippets of each of you sailing off the wind at the Worser Bay regatta. He will then provide some coaching support during the racing and we will 【revideo】you guys in action. There will a debriefing after the racing to discuss what you need to work on. Bubble will then continue the session for an hour or so after lunch with those who are keen. という文が訳したいのですが・・・ よろしくお願いします。