Time magazine reports that dozens of SARS patients were removed from isolation wards in Beijing to deceive WHO officials inspecting city hospitals, and it quotes hospital staff as saying the mortality rate from SARS in China is far greater than official statements indicate.
訳して下さい。 Prior to industrialization most couples were married through the intervention of parents who arranged their relationships. Romantic love may have existed in pre-industrial societies (and in many cases it was the basis for extramartial relationships), but it did not become the primary basis of marriage until after the Industrial Revolution. This change first took place in England,the center of industrialized commercialization. As the extended family declined in significance, important decisions such as selection of a marriage partner were increasingly made by individuals rather than by families.
This proverb originary means the time has passed never come back, so we should treat time as important things. But I think this proverb means there is not good reason wasting time do nothing. If we have a free time, we can everything we want. But when we have some tasks, it is difficult to do so. We have another proverb, "Time passes like a allow."(光陰矢の如し) This is also means time is so placeless for us. I think it is not good to be restricted because of time, but it is important to think about the time restriction.
the Indians shoved it off and one of them got in to row. Uncle George sat in the stern of the camp rowboat. The young Indian shoved the camp boat off and got in to row Uncle George.
>>69 This proverb originary means the time that has passed will never come back. So we should treat time as important things. But I think this proverb means there is not good reason wasting time doing nothing. If we have free time, we can do anything we want. But when we have some tasks, it is difficult to do so. We have another proverb, "Time flies like an arrow."(光陰矢の如し) This is also means time is so priceless. I think it is not good to be restricted by time, but it is important to think about the time restriction.
She need not have come here by the appointed time.と同じ 内容を示す英文を下より選びなさい。 1.She had to come here by the appointed time,butshe didn't. 2.She didn't need to come here by the appointed time,but she did. 3.She would have come here by the appointed time.
1.If Tom knew Alice's address,he(would written) a letter to her immediately. 2."What would you like to be if you (would been)a man,May?" 3.If Cleopatra's nose (would been) a little shorter, the history of the world might have been different. 4.If I had had to do it,I (would have done) it at that time. 5.If you had worn a raincoat,you (had not been) in bed now with flu. 6.Although I am her elder,she treats me as if I (would have been) her servant. 7.I wish I (had been)at the theater last night. 8.Don't you think it's about time you (have got)married and settled down?
次の文を( )内に指示された語句で始めて書き換えてください。 1.The accident happened because the train driver ignored a warning light.(If) 2.We're sorry we can't stay for dinner.(We wish) 3.I wish I had been there.(I am) 4.Without my inherited wealth,I would not start my business.(Were) 5.Without his timely rescue,I should have been swept away by the big wave.(If it) 6.Thanks to your directions,we could safely get out of the forest.(But)
question:次の各組の文がほぼ同じ文意味になるように、( )内を並び替えなさい。 ただし余分のものがいくつかある。 1.*If you heard him talk, you would take him for a man of importance. *(if,with,to,him,he,talk,here),you would take him for a man of importance. 2.*I missed the train by a minutes. *How I(wish, missed,had,I,left,would,a,minute)earlier. 3.*Without our cooperation,the whole plan might have blown up. *(if,it,hadn't,we,cooperated,been),the whole plan might have blown up.
次の英文の名詞の間違いを正しく直しなさい。 1. More than a thousands brain cells are lost every day 2. The brain contains between 10 trillions and 100 trillions neurons. 3. Nerves impulses travel to the brain very quickly.
次の英文中の間違いを見つけ、訂正しなさい。 Our brain cannot replace the brain cell it loses.
Every night, after she came home from the theatre, it was her custom to leave delicacies on the table for Sydney and me to find in the morning with the understanding that we were not to make a noise in the morning, as she usually slept late.
以下の文の目的語を尋ねる疑問文を作りなさい、という問題です。 I study English. He received a letter yesterday. They protect Izu National park. ↓ What do you study? What does he receive yesterday? What do they protect? で良いでしょうか? お願いします。
1.If Tom knew Alice's address,he(would written) a letter to her immediately. 2."What would you like to be if you (would been)a man,May?" 3.If Cleopatra's nose (would been) a little shorter, the history of the world might have been different. 4.If I had had to do it,I (would have done) it at that time. 5.If you had worn a raincoat,you (had not been) in bed now with flu. 6.Although I am her elder,she treats me as if I (would have been) her servant. 7.I wish I (had been)at the theater last night. 8.Don't you think it's about time you (have got)married and settled down?
質問です。 soap oneselfってどうやって訳せばいいでしょうか? それと下の訳をお願いします。 We must also make good use of information available from the situation, our background knowledge and assumptions, and information about cultural differences.
次の文を( )内に指示された語句で始めて書き換えてください。 1.The accident happened because the train driver ignored a warning light.(If) 2.We're sorry we can't stay for dinner.(We wish) 3.I wish I had been there.(I am) 4.Without my inherited wealth,I would not start my business.(Were) 5.Without his timely rescue,I should have been swept away by the big wave.(If it) 6.Thanks to your directions,we could safely get out of the forest.(But)
Q:次の各組の文がほぼ同じ文意味になるように、( )内を並び替えなさい。 ただし余分のものがいくつかある。 1.If you heard him talk, you would take him for a man of importance. (if,with,to,him,he,talk,here),you would take him for a man of importance.
2.I missed the train by a minutes. How I(wish, missed,had,I,left,would,a,minute)earlier.
3.Without our cooperation,the whole plan might have blown up. (if,it,hadn't,we,cooperated,been),the whole plan might have blown up.
>>139 1. If the train driver had not ignored a warning light, the accident would not have happened. 2. We wish we could stay for dinner. 3. I am sorry not to have been there. 4. Were it not for my inherited wealth, I would not start my business. 5. If it had not been for his timely rescue, I should have been swept away by the big wave. 6. But for your directions, we could not have safely got out of the forest. 訂正求む。
>>139 1. If the train driver (列車の運転手はtrain engineer)hadn't ignored the warning light, the accident would not have happened. 2. We wish you could stay for the dinner. 3. I am not there. 4. Were you married to me? 5. If it had been a calm day, there would have not been a big wave. 6. But I like to stay in the forest/
同じ内容を示すものを、1〜3より選びなさい A,You might have invited her to your house. 1.If you invited her to your house,she would come. 2.It's my regret that you did not invite her to your house. 3.You asked her to come but she refused your invitation.
B、This is all I have left to do. 1.I have only this to do. 2.I have nothing more to do. 3.I have much more to do.
>>151 suggested that prove that beauty to the street confessed to him that I had complain about your life apologize to her for my ... tell me why hope for peace approach the building consider her age explained to me how answer the phone
>>167 たとえば、「What are you going to do after graduating from high school?」 「I'm joining the Navy」とか「Stop dilly-dallying and anser my question!」 「I am answering your question now」なんていう会話を想像しました。
仕事時間を短縮するために色んな努力が行われてきた。 Efforts have been to made reduce working hours. 其の問題は今政府で検討している The matter is being looked into the government. 圧倒的大多数の日本人は現在の生活水準に満足してると報じられてる An overwhelming majority of the Japanese people are reported to be satisfied with their present standards of living.
>>175 仕事時間を短縮するために色んな努力が行われてきた。 Efforts have been made to reduce working hours. 其の問題は今政府で検討している The matter is being looked into by the government. The government is looking into the matter.
>>181 Do some of them speak..? でもいいけれど Do any of them speak Japanese ? が求めている答えかも・・・ ちなみに any は単・複のどちらの扱いもOK よって Does any of them speak Japanese ? も可 疑問文で speaks はありえないデス
wow your illustration is still fantastic *loves he* I have he. A question, in the japanese TV, is there YU-GI-OH yet? (in germany we only have the first YU-GI-OH on tv )
すみません、 「あなたは、彼のダンスがいつ終わったか知っていますか?」 を英語にすると、どうなるのでしょうか? 終わるに「be over」を使うようです。 「Do you know when was over his dance?」とかでしょうか… あと、「ケンはジョンに面白い本を一冊貸しました」を英語に直すと どうなりますか?
and even when he did anything, it didn't prevent him from grumbling, losing his temper, and swearing. "彼が何かやった時でさえ、それは彼が不平を言う事、機嫌をそこねる事、 罵る事を妨がなかった。”と訳しましたが、 何かマシな訳ありませんか?
The traditional belief that a woman's place is in the home and that a woman ought not to go out to work can hardly be maintained in present conditions. It is said that it is a woman's task to take care of the children, but families today tend to be small and with a year or two between children. The mother's role as chief educator of her children finishes when they start going to kindergarten or school. Thus,even if we agree that a woman should stay at home to look after her children before they are of school age, for many women this period would this period would extend only for about ten years.
次の文の誤りを正してください 1.Some mothers may horrifi at the idea of a young girl living alone or going on a holiday without a friend to accompany her. 2.In ancient times nothing was known what comets were and how they moved. 3.His letter turned out to have delivered to Mr.Sato by mistake. 4.The city is consisted of five distinct sections,and there has been some talk about dividing the northern one. 5.The ground was scattered by leaves from the previous night's storm.
1.もし結婚してるのを知ったならば、私は彼女の前に姿を現さなかっただろう。 ( )( )( )that she was married,I wouldn't have presented myself before her. 2.たとえ太陽が西から昇っても、僕の決心は変わらない。 ( )( ) the sun ( ) ( ) rise ( )the west,I would never break my resolution. 3.彼はまるで服を着たまま泳いでいたかのようにずぶ濡れだった。 He was as (well) (as) ( )he ( ) ( ) swimming with all his clothes on. 4.君は疲れてるようだ。数日間休暇を取ってもよい頃だ。 you looked tired;it ( ) about ( ) ( ) ( ) a few days off. 5.私はすぐに出かけた。さもなければその列車に乗り遅れただろう。 I left at once;(or)I should(have) (miss) the train.
>>224 1. can be judged by people he/she associates with. 2. Children should [ought to] be taken care of by their parents. 3. When 4 or 5 years old, he was so fascinated with how beautiful the mountain was that he decided to walk there. 4. Haven't we been brought up to receive the idea?
>>225 1. horrifi→be horrified; 2. known→known about 3. have delivered→have been delivered 4. is consisted→consists 5. scattered by→scattered with; fromはいいのかな?byかも。
Food's that taste better,have a better texture and don't get ripe too early are on the way. という文なのですが、 texture と on the way の意味がよく分かりません。 どなたかよろしくお願いします。
The traditional belief that a woman's place is in the home and that a woman ought not to go out to work can hardly be maintained in present conditions. It is said that it is a woman's task to take care of the children, but families today tend to be small and with a year or two between children. The mother's role as chief educator of her children finishes when they start going to kindergarten or school. Thus,even if we agree that a woman should stay at home to look after her children before they are of school age, for many women this period would extend only for about ten years.
A letter you would write to your best friend asking him or her to lend you some money would be quite different from a letter to a bank loan officer. The two letters would probably include different expressions and have a different tone.
A: On a separete piece of paper, write a letter to your best friend asking to borrow money.
B: Then write a letter to the loan officer at a bank asking to borrow money.
C: Compare your two letters and answer the following questions. 1. Which letter was easier for you to write? Why? 2, In which letter did you use a more formal style?
>>262 A. Dear Abby, I'm short on bread. Will you send me some money? Please? Pretty please? Bye!
B. To whom it may concern: This letter is to request a loan for the amount of $20000. The money will be spent for purchasing drug for my personal consumption. Thank you for your consideration.
1. Neither. I can't stand lowering myself to borrowing money from anyone. 2. B.
「彼は私に公園へ一緒にいってもらいたいと思っている」 を英語にするとどうなりますか?語群は {wants,go to,with,the park,me,him,he,to}です。 あと、「私はどろぼうがその家から出て行くのを見ました」 は「I saw the thief went out from that house」でいいですか? すみません、教えてください。
( )内の整序で、 関係詞(what、which、that、who、whose、whom)のいづれかを選び、加えなさい。 という問題です。 一応やってみましたがあんまり自身アリません。訂正よろしくお願いします。 1.There is (no one which doesn't long) for world peace. 2.The film is (about a spy friend whom) betrays him. 3.Kyoto is the (many plases which I have visited many times). 4.This is the (paper which contains the news only). 5.He has changed. He's puite different from (what he used to be). 6.A large proportion (of English-speaking people who watched on TV) is of Amelican origin. 7.Soseki Natsume is a famous novelist (about many books whose have) written. 8.He tried to lift the stone, (what he found impossible). 9.In our university there're about twelve thousand students, (most of that live) in our town.
Q、( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1.The day will come (when) her father will change his attitude toward her. 2.There was a traffic jam;that was (why) he was late for the meeting. 3.This is the (how) we came to know each other. 4.He returned to his native village, (where) he spent the last few years of life. 5.欠点を持たない人はいない。 There is no one (what) has some faults. 6.彼はそのアクセントから明らかのように外人である。 He is a foreigner (whom) is evident from his accent. 7.どっちのケーキでも好きなほうから箱を取っていいよ。 You can take (whichever) cake you like from the box.
いきなりですがお願いします↓ He did not give a thought to how sad his mother would be to find nim gone. なんですが・・・・ give a thought to 〜 で、〜ということを考えてみる ですよね? それで、どうしてto のあとに感嘆文がきてるんですか?
>>291 1. on one that doesn't long 2. about a spy whose friend 4. paper which only contains the news でも可 6. who is watched とかでないか?7. about whom many books have been written とかではないか?8.which he found impossible 9. most of whom live
The individual fork dates from about the sixteenth century; it spread from northern Itary,though not very quickly. A German priest condemned the fork as an evil luxury: he argued that Got would not have given us fingers if he had wished us to use such a tool. とここまで訳したら・・・ 「独自の民衆は16世紀からはじまる。すなわちそれは北イタリアから拡がったが とても速く拡がったわけではなかった。ドイツの司祭はよこしまに贅沢な民衆を非難してた。 彼はもし私たちにこんな道具を使うことを願っているなら、神は私たちに与えていなかっただろう。」 となったんですが、これが間違っていれば訂正してください。
あと、以下を訳して下さい。 In English the use of forks at meales did not become general until as late as 1750. The continued use of fingers for eating explains the huge number of napkins given to guests during a meal, and the custom of washing the hands several times during a feast.
good readers vary their way of reading according to why they are reading.being clear about the reason for reading helps you to focus on what you need to understand.
Let's examine what manners really are. Are they not simply kindness to your fellow men? You start with “thank you,”probably the most universally used good manner in the world, and another nice one,“you're welcome,”automatically follows.
The individual fork dates from about the sixteenth century; it spread from northern Itary,though not very quickly. A German priest condemned the fork as an evil luxury: he argued that Got would not have given us fingers if he had wished us to use such a tool. In English the use of forks at meales did not become general until as late as 1750. The continued use of fingers for eating explains the huge number of napkins given to guests during a meal, and the custom of washing the hands several times during a feast.
Japanese are now as familiar with Western music as with their own, and they probablyhave as great a mastery of it as do most of the peoples of the West.
Foreign cultual influences, such as Chinese painting and Western literature, have greatly enriched Japan and have certainly made it culturally as international as any nation in the world.
Q,( )内の日本語を英語に直しなさい 1.Can you imagine(もし電気がなかったら暮らしはどうなっているか)? 答え; If it were not for electricity in our life?
2.If (私がこのドレスを着たら、魔女の感じがするかもしれない)who could fly on a magic broom. 《witch,magic broomを使って》 答え;I wear this dress,it may feels like a witch
3.(もしあの交通事故に遭っていなかったら、 そしてあの長いつらい入院生活を経験しなかったら、今のような作家になってなかっただろう。) 《painful、life in hospitalを使って》 答え;If you didn't have a traffic accident,and if you haven't been long and painful life in hospital, you weren't as writer as today.
>>362 むずかし。。 Can you imagine what our life woule be if it were not for electricity. If I put on this dress I would feel I am a witch who .... If you hadn't had a traffic accident and if you hadn't got through the experience in the hospital you wouldn't have been a writer like you are now.
Q,次の各文の( )内に誤りがあれば正しなさい。 1.ア(I wonder) what イ(would have happened) if Japan ウ(had won) the war. 2.If I ア(would have expected) the consequences of イ(my) actions, I ウ(would not have behaved) the way I did. 3.If you ア(had been) here, I イ(can have received)ウ(the prize from) the director. 4.ア(If) Linda イ(didn't leave) Singapore last night, she ウ(would) not エ(be) in Hiroshima now. 5.He requested that she ア(updated) the file イ(on the experiment) ウ(every two weeks). 6.We know he ア(doesn't know)イ(anything) about the matter, though he ウ(talks) エ(as if) he オ(knows) everything.
という問題で、一応やってみました。 1-わかりません 2- ア,had expected 3- イ,could have received 4- わかりません 5- わかりません 6- ア,didn't know ウ,talk オ,know 全部違うと思うので訂正よろしくお願いします。
1.There will come a time when you'll be sorry( ). a.what you've said for b.for what you've said c.what for you've said d.for what have you said 2.( )money he made went chiefly in supporting his family. a.How much b.What c.How many d.Which 3.The speed ( ) increases with the advance of science. a.whose nature is destroyed b.at which nature is destroyed c.which nature is destroyed d.which is destroyed in nature 4.Books should be interesting,( ) is more,imoportant and useful. a.it b.that c.what d.which 5.I wouldn't read that book ( ) who recommends it. a,which b.however c.no matter d.whatever
The thing we should think about is how we can live well. この文を訳し、また下の文のカッコに入る単語を答えなさい(to不定詞用いた文にする場合) The things (ア) us (イ) think about is how we can live well.
a, I'm very thirsty. Give me cold something to drink. b, Absent people from the meeting were great many. c,The sitting boy in the front row is my nephew. d,There are some American bases in Japan proper.
無理やり解いてみました。 1.He has never been heard from, when we complete the high school course. 2.I have read this book formerly, but I don't remember when I read it. 3.I have learned English for five years, but I can't speak well. 4.I noticed that I had forgeted the wallet after I took a bus. 5.the sun has seted when we arrive the hotel. どれも香ばしさがプンプンです。ご指摘よろしくお願いします。
>>432 パソコンの臭いしかせんかったけど。 1. I haven't heard from him since I (he) left school. 2. I have read this book before, buy I can't remember when. 3. I have been studying English for five years, but I can't speak it well. 4. When I got on the bus this morning, I found that I had forgotten my purse. 5. When we arrived at the hotel, the sun will have set.
むずい英単語はできるだけ使わないこと。 3. は I have studied English のほうしか習っていないかな。ならよし。
問題文なのですが、 「いじめを防ぐ速効的な手段はないとしても」 という箇所があったのですが 「速効的な手段」を私は immediate and effective way としたのですが、解答は immediate mesures/quick way となってるんです。解答だと「速」は訳せていても 「効」が訳出できてないと思うのですが、どう思われますか?
It is also dangerous to use "either-or" when we deal with two possibilities in dndiscussing qualities which may exist in different degrees, as in statements about human conduct
We would rather accept this evidence than take the more difficult step of trying to find out for ourselves what the applicant is really like and what is potential. 訳お願いします。
Because she likes children the way she does, Sue should become a teacher. = Liking children the way she does, Sue should become a teacher.
分詞構文はほぼ副詞節(when 〜、because 〜など)と同等の意味になる。 作り方は When he saw a policeman, he ran away. を例に取ると まず接続詞を取る。 he saw a policeman, he ran away. 次に副詞節と主節の主語が同じ場合はこれも取る。 saw a policeman, he ran away. 次に動詞を見て主節の動詞の時制と同じならそれを〜ing形にする。 (受身の場合は過去分詞にする) Seeing a policeman, he ran away.
>>482の関連質問。もしよろしければどなたかお教えください。 (1)likeを分詞構文で使うことはめずらしいことではないんですか? (2)the way she does は、この文中で「彼女が子供を好むそのやり方(程度)→あれだけ、あんなに」 と副詞的にとらえていいんですか? ひょっとすると訳し方がおかしいですか?
like って普通進行形にはしないから違和感あるんだと思うけど、 例えばNot knowing what to do, なんていう分詞構文は参考書等で 頻繁に見るでしょ?それと同じで文法的にはOK。 ただし、分詞構文、特に文頭に持ってくる分詞構文は口語的には あまり使われないこともあって見慣れないんだと思う。 実際に俺もあまり聞いたり見たりしたことがないよ。
それからthe way she does だけど、これはもともと in the way she does の in が省略 されたもの、って考えればいい。 で、ほぼ意味的には接続詞の as(〜のように)と同じになる。 だからthe way she does は「彼女が実際にそうする(=好きである)ように」 って言う意味で、実際にそうなんだってことを強調した言い方になってる。 このdoesは代動詞のdo って言われるものね。 ちょっとわかりにくかったかな? もしわからなければ他の人も教えてくれると思うから質問しておくといいよ。 じゃ、頑張って勉強してくださいね。
>>487 貴重なお時間を割いてわざわざありがとうございます!! そっか。たしかにNot knowing what to do,〜って言いますね。いっしょですね…。 ほんとにツボにはまるご説明で感謝です。 the way 〜は in this way in that way の発想ですね。後ろのshe does がthe way を修飾、 doesは代動詞と。ここはokです。 またなにかあったときにはまいりますのでよろしくおねがいいたします。
>520 His latest book which was published last week is about his adventures in Africa. It was last week when his latest book about his adventures in Africa was published. His latest book was published lask week, which is about his adventures in Africa.
I was about to leave, when there was a knock on the door. There was a knock on the door when I was about to leave.
( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1.Try to make friends with ( ) ( ) people ( ) ( ). 2.( )is( ) beautiful as the stars twinkling in the winter sky. 3.He is more diligent than ( ) ( ) student in his class. 4.Frank is ( ) to me ( ) arithmetic.
第4文型から第3文型に書き換えるときに、<人>を表す間接目的語を 前置詞を使って書きますよね。 そのとき使う前置詞には to と for があり、動詞は、どちらを使うかで give グループと、buy グループに分けられるということを参考書で読んだのですが、どう違うのかよく分かりません。 どなたか教えてください。
>>576 1. This is the SECOND highest building I've ever seen. 2. NO country in the world enjoys freedom of speech more than modern Japan 3. The more civilized we get, the MORE opportunities there are for us to commune with nature. 4. They have NO more than four TV channels. in Spain.
1.Iron is ( ) useful of the two metals. アthe more イmore ウthe most エmost 2.They thought Mary was ( ) than beautiful. アpretty イmore pretty ウprettier エprettiest 3.( ) Japanese eat rice at least once a day. アAlmost イMost ウMost of 4.I was all the ( ) nervous because I couldn't see what she was doing. アbetter イquite ウso エmore
1.私が昨日受けた入学試験は思っていたよりはるかに難しかった。 The entrance examination I took yesterday was (more difficult far than I had expected). 2.スポーツのうちで野球ほど人気のあるものはない。(1語不要) No (other sport is no popular as baseball).不要なのはthan 3.外国人と接する機会が増えれば増えるほど、外国語を習うことがますます必要になる。 The more opportunities we have to meet foreigners,(it becomes the more necessary to learn foreign languages). 4.彼と同様、私は彼の成功を疑っていなかった。 I was (no doubtful of his sucess more than he was). 5.彼らが批判しているのは彼の言うことよりもむしろその言い方である。 It is (not so much what he says as the way he says it).
<現在完了・過去完了>の問題らしいです。 「私は前にその小説を読んだことがあります。」は、 I have read the novel before. 「私が映画館に入った時には映画は始まっていた」は The movie has started when I'm entered to the movie theater.
>>583 changeの意味は「変える」ですが、 exchangeの意味は「交換する」、つまり 2人いないと出来ないような両替とか物々交換等の際に使われます。 fishの単数形・複数形の問題ですが、 many fishesでも特に間違いではありませんが、通常は複数でも many fish あるいは a lot of fish のような言い方をします。
>>605 It appears で始まる場合は「現在(過去のことを)そう思える」 It appeared で始まる場合は「過去に(さらに過去のことを)そう思えた」 ってな意味になります。 間違いではありませんが意味が多少違いますよね。 It appeared で始めるなら It appeared that there had been a lot of・・・と、 後に続く文の時制が過去完了にかわるはずです。
>>578 buy the book for herで考えてみるに、これは、 「買う」ことと、それが「彼女のため」であることとは直接 のつながりがなくて、別のことなんだ。1店で買って、2彼女のところに もっていく(とか)というふうに二重になっているでしょ。 この場合はfor。 逆に give the book to herはね。 「あげる」という行為は、あげる相手を切り離して考え られないんだ。こういうときはto。いっかいきりの行為なんだ。
No doubt the discipline of scientific research does produce a common type of intelligence and even a common type of character, but so did the older professional disciplines, so that there is a considerable similarity between staff officers(参謀将校) or drill sergeants(曹長) in the armies of the different great powers.
People differ in the way they perceive things. と言う分があるのですが、 the way と theyの間には、関係副詞が省略 されている、とのことですが、the way以下は同格と考えても間違いではないと おもうのですが、どうでつかね?おねがいしますた。
this means having a very specific question in mind and looking for the answer quickly, ignoring all the other information. For example, you may want to search a book just to find out the date of birth of a famous person,in the same way that you search a dictionary for the meaning of a particular word. 先生から和訳してこいといわれたのですが、 まるっきりわかりません泣 といってもわかる部分はあるんですが、 もう滅茶苦茶語になっちゃいます。 教えてください!文法の開き方もできれば。。
>>623 this means /S+V having a very specific question in mind /O and looking for the answer quickly, /O(↑と並列) ignoring all the other information. //分詞構文 For example, you may want to search a book /主節S+V just to find out the date of birth of a famous person,/不定詞(目的) in the same way /(訳:同じ方法で) that you search a dictionary/(何と同じ方法か説明) for the meaning of a particular word.//(search と相関関係のFOR:何を探すのかの説明)
ありがとー!! takeなのですね。覚えます! もう1ついいかな? The thing we should think about is how we can live well. The thing ( ) us ( ) think about is how we can live well. これも同一内容にしたいのですが、括弧2つに それぞれ何が入るのかな???
They are not likely to lead to an understanding of the basis of the principles of justice,not at least as principles of justice. それらは、正義の諸原理どころか、 正義の諸原理の基礎の理解にすら導きそうにない
この英文の「not at least as principles of justice.」がなぜ、 「それらは、正義の諸原理どころか」と訳されるのかよく分かりません。
I have time, to ride my bike. × I have time to ride my bike. ○ 形容詞的用法 I want time, to ride my bike. ○ 副詞的用法 I want time to ride my bike. ○ 形容詞/副詞的用法 どっちでも。
>684 They are not likely to lead to an understanding of the basis of the principles of justice,not at least (understanding of the basis) as principles of justice. それらは、正義の諸原理(の理解)どころか、 正義の諸原理の基礎の理解にすら導きそうにない
>710 困ったね。これでわかる? the basis of the principles = the basis on which the principles is established the basis as principles = the basis (of the ideal world, for instance) which is called (or which serves as) principles
>>694の説に同意します。 They are not likely to lead to an understanding of the basis of the principles of justice,not at least as principles of justice. こんま以下は、「They are not likely to 〜」に対する一定の留保ないし 制限付けと読んだらいい。コンマ以下のnotは、They are not likely to leadうんぬん を省略したものだとおもうよ。 だからこんなふうな感じで読むとわかりやすい。 They(at least as principles of justice) are not likely to lead to an understanding of the basis of the principles of justice.
すみません。日本語訳を教えてください。 1,「The story must not be a true one.」 2,「But the king said it was possible for any of the stories to be true, and the prize was not given.」
すみません。訳してください。 The primary task of technology,it would seem, is to lighten the burden of work people have to carry in order to stay arive and develop their potential. It is easy enough to see that technology fulfills this purpose when we watch any particular piece of machinery at work-a computer,for instance, can do in seconds what it would take clerks or even mathematicians a very long time to finish, if the can do it at all.
( )内を英訳してください。 1.I know (君の言ってることを) 2.(世界の天候が変わる時が来るだろう)due to the loss of the tropical rain forests. 3.(私は本を二冊買ったが、まだどちらも読んでない。) 4.外国の町を旅すると、たいてい一度くらいは本屋に寄り、読めもしない本をバラバラと捲ってみる。 (するとその国の人たちが心の中で何を考えているかが、少しわかるような気がする。)
>>728 1. I know what you say. 2. We'll have the world weather change 3. I bought two books, neither of which I have finished. 4. It makes me feel I can understand what people there think in their mind
>>729 The primary task of technology,it would seem, is to lighten the burden of work people have to carry in order to stay alive and develop their potential. だと思うよ。
a computer can do in seconds what it would take clerks or even mathematicians a very long time to finish, if the can do it at all. 事務員や数学者なら(仮にもそれを最後までやりとおせるとしての話だが) 長時間かかってしまう処理を、コンピュータなら数秒で終わらせることができる。
Q、それぞれ2つの( )内に入る最も適当な組み合わせをa〜dより選んでください。 1.Our sucess depends on the degree ( ) ( ) he will help us. a.of/which b.on/what c.on/which d.to/which 2.( ) ( )has common sense will do such a thing? a.That/who b.Who/what c.Who/that d.What/that 3.The principal of the school I went to didn't talk like the teacher ( ) all the students ( )was best. a.who/thought b.whom/thought c.whom/he d.who/he 4.Give it to ( ) really ( ) it;it little matters to me now whose it will be. a.whoever/wants b.whomever/wants c.whoever/is wanted d.whomever/is wanted
>>731 > The primary task of technology,it would seem, is to > lighten the burden of work people have to carry in order to stay alive > and > develop their potential. > だと思うよ。
なるほどぉそういう解釈かぁ。でもさぁ、それなら、 tasks are to ....... and to ....... という形になるのが普通じゃない?
それと、意味的にも lighten the burden of work people have to carry in order to stay alive and develop their potential. の方がよさげのような気がしるが。。
Students need to locate information about outstanding features of the landscape of Europe, including mountains, forests, vineyards, fiords, and places of scenic beauty.
>>740 ”His task is to talk to local entrepreneurs and show them what the Internet and e-business could bring for them.” などという文はよくあります。taskが二つでもisを使うみたいよ。
あと、740さんの解釈だと、stay aliveの主体がthe taskになっちゃうよ。
in order for them to stay aliveとなっているなら740さんのでokとおもう。
( )内の語句を正しい時制にしてください 1.Jenny said that she (be) making her own dress. 2.When I got home, I found that I (lose) my watch. 3.I didn't expect I (can enjoy) such a fine view. 4.She said she (want) to be a pianist since she was a child. 5.who first said that the earth (be) moving around the sun? 6.Ken wishd he (go) abroad more often in his youth.
>>797>>798 Ken wishES he had gone abroad more often in his youth. (彼は若いときにもっと外国へ行っておけば良かったと[今]思っている) Ken wishED he had gone abroad more often in his youth. (彼は若いときにもっと外国へ行っておけば良かったと[過去に]思った) wish の後の節は仮定法になるので主節の時制には影響を受けません。
「彼は途中で事故にあったに違いない。」 を英訳する問題なんですが 私は、 「He must have some accident on the way.」と書いたのですが、 解答には 「He must have had some accident on the way.」となってます。 なぜ現在完了を使うのですか?ぜひ教えてください。
>806 1. He and I are of an age, but have little in common. We had a serious argument over something trivial the other day. 2. Japanese students go to college without their own firm opinions. Who is responsible for this?
Keiko said to me, " I wish I could speak English better." Bob said, "I had never eaten such a big meal until then." この二つを間接話法に書き換えるとどうなりますか? よろしくお願いします。
すみません、おしえてください。準動詞の問題です。 日本語に合うように【 】内から適語を選んで( )内にいれてください。 1.窓を開けるには取っ手を右へ回しさえすればよいのです。 If you want to open the window, all you have to ( )( )( )( )( )( )to the right. 【is/to/do/turn/the/knob】 2.その老人達は何か生きがいが欲しいといってました。 The old people said that they wanted( )( )( )( )( )( ). 【to/have/for/to/live/something】 3.健康維持のためには適当な運動が必要です。 Moderate ( )( )( )( )( )( )health. 【maintaining/to maintain/our/necessary/good/exercise/is/need】 4.目を覚ますと母が私のそばに座っていました。 I( )( )( )( )( )beside me. 【to sit/sitting/my mother/awoke/find/found/to】 5.雅子は日記を毎日つけることを忘れないでおこうと決心した。 Masako ( )( )( )( )( )a diary every day. 【didn't/to keep/keeping/not/decided/to/forget】
do is to turn the knob to have something to live for exercise is necessary to maintain our good awoke to find my mother sitting decided not to forget to keep
( )内の動詞を適当な形に直してください。<m(__)m>おねがいします。 1.This evening we ate some fish (catch) in this lake. 2.His enemy came (rush) towards him like a mad bull. 3.Parents feel (tear) between work and family obligations. 4.This symphnoy is a real masterpiece. I think it's worth (listen) to over and over again. 5.When the lake is clear, we can see the mountain (reflect) in it. 6.The newspapers keep us (inform) of events going on in the world.
By performing all kind of tasks for their owners, such as pulling wheelchairs, opening and closing doors, and turning lights on and off, these dogs provide their disabled owners with inpedence from human help.
>>863 do is to turn the nob to have something to live for exercise is necessary to maintain our awoke to find my mother sitting decided not to forget to keep
uncover one line or one paragraph at a time and try to guess what will be said in the next line or paragraph before you uncover it. 本(読書のテクニック)について話しています。 ここでは次の一行、段落を予想しながら・・・と あるのですが理解できません。 翻訳お願いいたします。
1.彼はさよならも言わず急いで去った(2語) He hurried away (saying,say,and,without,to)good-bye to me. 2.私は彼がこの時計をくれたのを思い出した。(3語) I(remembered,reminded,give,giving,he,his,to)me this watch. 3.その歌手は入院中ファンレターの返事を書くのにずっと忙しくしていた(4語) The singer(busy,to,answer,answering,herself,kept)fan letters while she was in the hospital. 4.庭の花に水をやる必要がある。(2語) The flowers in the garden (be,want,watered,watering).
一応といてみましたが、よくわかりません・・・。 1.without saying 2.remembered he give 3.kept herself to answer 4.want watered
>>855 I will cherish best that I met you. 8語 (cherish が中3レベルか疑問) I will value more than anything that I met you. 10語 I will hold dear best that I met you. 9語 I will prize that I met you more than anything. 10語
1.お金で何でも買えると思うのは間違いである。 (it,money,everything,to,that,can,with,think,is,buy,wrong,you) 2.彼は何人の子供を相手にするのかわかっているのだろうか? Does he (to,children,with,many,know,deal,how)? 3.ボタンを押し間違えぬように気をつけなさい。 (button,careful,wrong,the,not,be,push,to). 4.彼女はその事故には全く関係が無いといった。 (in,the,denied,accident,she,being,involved)at all. 5.十分に言いたいことが言えるように、英語の勉強を続けなさい。 Keep studying English(well,fairly,you,can,make,understood,yourself,so,that).
比較の問題です。( )内の日本語を英語に直してください。 1.(私達は以前よりずっと知識が増えている),but it doesn't mean that we have become wise. 2.(エイズ【AIDS】は人類にとって最大の脅威の一つである。) 3.(だんだん寒くなってきましたから、体に気をつけてください。) 4.(世界中の乗り物でロンドンのタクシーがおそらく世界で一番安全な乗り物ではないだろうか。)
>>938 1. We have much more knowledge than we did. 2. AIDS is one of the geatest threats to human being. 3. It's getting colder. Take care of yourself. 4. London taxis are probably the safest vehicle in the world.
>>938 ぁぃョ We have more knouledge than ever AIDS is the biggest THreatning for humanbeing As it grows colder and colder,you shouid take care of yourseif. I supporse London taxi is the most safety vehicle in the world.
すみません。日本語に訳してください<m(__)m> It is a fixed idea that the world is growing smaller. It may be only partially true, for while one can travel halfway around the world from Tokyo to Rio de Janeiro in less time than one used to require to travel from Edo to Kyoto, one is also more aware of how much there is to learn once one arrives. The longer people stay in another society, the more they realize how much more there is to discover and how very little they really know. In that sence, the more we travel the more we find that the world is growing larger and larger.
1.Mr.Brown hasn't traveled abroad so much as his wife. a.Neither Mr.Brown nor his wife traveld abroad very much. b.Mr.Brown always travels abroad with his wife. c.Mr.Brown as well as his wife did not travel abroad. d.Mr.Brown has traveled abroad less than his wife has.
2.This is the least important thing of all. a.This is as important as anything else. b.Nothing is more important than this. c.This is no less important than anything else. d.This is not as important as the rest.
1.お金で何でも買えると思うのは間違いである。 (it,money,everything,to,that,can,with,think,is,buy,wrong,you) 2.彼は何人の子供を相手にするのかわかっているのだろうか? Does he (to,children,with,many,know,deal,how)? 3.ボタンを押し間違えぬように気をつけなさい。 (button,careful,wrong,the,not,be,push,to). 4.彼女はその事故には全く関係が無いといった。 (in,the,denied,accident,she,being,involved)at all. 5.十分に言いたいことが言えるように、英語の勉強を続けなさい。 Keep studying English(well,fairly,you,can,make,understood,yourself,so,that).
>>945 1.お金で何でも買えると思うのは間違いである。 (it,money,everything,to,that,can,with,think,is,buy,wrong,you) It is wrong to think that you can buy everything with money.
2.彼は何人の子供を相手にするのかわかっているのだろうか? Does he (to,children,with,many,know,deal,how)? Does he know how many children to deal with.
3.ボタンを押し間違えぬように気をつけなさい。 (button,careful,wrong,the,not,be,push,to). Be careful not to push the wrong button.
4.彼女はその事故には全く関係が無いといった。 (in,the,denied,accident,she,being,involved)at all. She denied being involved in the accident at all.
5.十分に言いたいことが言えるように、英語の勉強を続けなさい。 Keep studying English(well,fairly,you,can,make,understood,yourself,so,that). Keep studying English well so that you can make yourself fairly understood.
>>984 Global warming is a phenommenon that became a very important issue not only for scientists but also for general public. What we have to ask now is why it happens and how we can prevent it.
>>984 Global warming is the phenomenon which became not only a scientist but a serious point of argument also for the general public. The problem is how it happens or how to be able to prevent it.