>>962 私がその商品にお支払い出来る金額は$200です。 また、一週間後でなければ私はお金を用意することが出来ません。 ご期待に添えず申しわけありません。 The price I can afford for that product is $200. Also I need a week to prepare that money. I am sorry that I cannot meet your expectations.
>>973 For A to control B, A must be able to touch B. Therefore the place where B could be used is limited. Due to this B, if it is possible to use the ability of B by C〜」 最後の部分は他の人に頼みます。 あとBとCが何を示しているのかいまいちわからない為正確ではないと思います。
>>967 How was your break/ holiday? Did you go someplace nice? I myself didn't go on a vacation or anything; I just took a few one-tank trips. (one-tank tripというのは車のガソリンタンク一杯分で 行って帰って来られる程度のちょっとした遠出です・・・) 或いは"just took a few day trips"? (「国内」はあえて訳さなくてもいいと思いました、すみません)
>>973 Area of operation is restricted/ limited for B since one(A) must be physically present at where B is located (that is, one must go directly to B's location) for maneuvering. Substituting the use of B with C resolves this problem.
>>986 Would you like to take a trip on the Shinkansen in March? On certain days, you can go anywhere in Japan for just 12,000 yen. Will you think about it?
For the user to use the pen-touch input system(ちょっと違うかもしれません), the user must be able to touch the equipment directly with the provided pen. Therefore, the area of the screen which the pen-touch equipment could be freely used is limited. If it is possible to replace the system on a touch pannel(rather than the pen), there would be no need to consider the kind of limitation which the pen-touch input system has.
The Japanese "Godzilla" was remade in Hollywood(America) but it wasn't that impressive. It differed from the Japanese version dramatically. Not only movies, but originals seem to be the best(in my opinion) in anything.