Heroes are hard to come by at the best of times. When I found myself sitting across a table from not one but four of them, I knew I was privileged. The married couple from Ethiopia and the two young sisters from Kenya had bucked the burden of centuries of tradition to say "No" to the practice of female genital mutilation.
However, countries differ in deciding which parent passes on nationality and whether it is necessary to be born in that particular place and have a parent of the same nationality or not. たびたびすみません。訳をお願いします。
ご指摘の通り。下の例のような「いくら高く評価しても評価しすぎることはない」の 意味でしたな。 次のレスに目が行ってうっかり...とか言い訳(汗 It is difficult to overrate the importance of international work in this area... Governments must ensure that such programmes continue
No, the in the account instruction is list that there is additional shipping for the method of US GLOBAL EXPRESS MAIL which was 29.00 it has already been paid. You always have two credit card charges one for product and one for shipping the $6.66 was deducted from the total shipping fees and the result was $29.00.
>>23 英辞郎にイディオムがありました。 take the bull by the horns 勇敢に正面から攻撃する、勇敢に正面から難局に当たる、困難に立ち向かう、勇気を出して〜する、イニシアチブをとる ◆【直訳】牛の角を捕まえる◆【類】have [hold] the wolf by the ear
many more adults are living alone and greater social acceptance of homosexuality has led to more gay couples- bouh male and female-living together in stable,long-term relationship
>>24 言葉が足んかったたらスマソ。関係詞やら倒置やらでめんどい文は もとの二つの文にもどすと理解も訳もしやすくなることもあるって ハナシでござりまする。例文でいえば > Among the agencies through which this wish was to be realized were the United Nations, >the forces of occupation,and,at a different but still important level,education. を This wish was to be realized through several agencies. Among them were United Nations etc.... と二つに分解すると、さっと頭に入るでしょ?ならはじめからそう書いとけや、VOKEが、と ツッコミが入れたくなるわけで(w
>>39 Lux Veritatis ==真理の光 下の例を見れ。(カリック教会の方の正式な訳語は知らんが) Lux Veritatis, translated as "the light of truth," is a webpage dedicated to finding the connections between the Church doctrine and philosophy
>Take the bull by the hand, and don't mix metaphors.
take the blind by the handというのは比喩的な意味で用いられると 思うのですが、どうでしょうか。背景にはJesus took the blind (man) by the hand ...というマルコ福音書の話(ここではとくに啓示の比喩として 用いられている)があると理解しています。それで比喩を混ぜるな、 と言ってるんだと思いますが、勘違いだったらスマソ。
Take the bull by the hand. という表現をググって見ましたが、 問題の"Take the bull by the hand and avoid mixing metaphors." 以外には出てきませんでした(かなり出てきたので全部調べたわけでは ないですが)。 「ところによっては」というのは本当ですか? やはり二つの比喩を混ぜた 表現と見るのが正しいと思うんですが。
機会でやってみたのですが、いまいち意味が・・・ よろしくお願いします。 We would like you to know that we are delighted that you have such as stock and we are really glad to deal with your company.
一応手元にある辞書(Collins CobuildやWebster、リーダーズなど) で調べてみたんですが、"Take the bull by the horns"という表現しか ありませんでした。"Take the bull by the hand"という表現が載っている 辞書って、たとえばどれですか?
Mice to meet you. This is my first mail on this ML. My name is Hiroki@Waseda Univ. (However, for some reasons I am going to college in Texas, though.) I have a big major problem rught here. Therefore, I would like to ask you give me your each opinion about it.
Before talking about it, I think I have tell you why I am
the following is an excerpt from a memo written by the head of a governmental department. "Neither stronger echics regulations nor stronger enforcement mechanisms are necessary to ensure echical behavior by companies doing business with this department. We already have a code of ethics that companies doing business with this depatment are urged to abide by, and virtually all of these companies have agreed to follow it. We also know that the code is relevant to the current businss environment becuse it was approved within the last year, and in direct response to specific violations committed by companies with which we were then working -- not in abstract anticipation of potential violations, as so many such codes are."
I don't know why & I don't know how to explain to you, because I know it would make matters worse. But if you have this thinking of me, I have nothing to say, I can't change how you feel & I can't defend myself & I feel I don't have to but it hurts. This is who & what I am.
大体の意味は分かるのですが、I feel I don't have to but it hurts. This is who & what I am.の意味がよくつかめません。よければ英訳お願いします。
That's a good thing that we have each other on our minds, knowing that we just met each other and it seems like I have know u for a long time. U give off good vibes to me.お願いしたい!
I would like to tell you little about the "mailing" process I went through. While I have shipped internationally on occasion, it always involved a bit more substantial sums of money, and everyone understood that freight and shipping is considerably higher especially with insurance. When I saw where this case was going to, I shuddered at the prospect of telling you to send me $18 for mailing, when the item cost you $21!!! That would be because I normally would put everything into a carton, and the increased weight and the fact it was a carton......makes the difference. Why am I telling you this? Well, your item was mailed (very well, do not worry), but in a large envelope in which everything inside was paced with bubble wrap and more bubble wrap. After all, a leather case is not really "breakable". So I am telling you all this so that you will not be in shock when the package that should come to you will look like a loaf of bread. Anyway, thanks for your interest, and please let me know how it turns out.
His deep voice rolled out powerfully as spoke about self-respect. "For many years we have shown amazing patience.We have sometimes given our white brothers the felling that we liked the way we were being treated.But we come here tonight to be saved-ssaved from patience that makes us patient with anything less than freedom and justice." People started to stamp their feet and cheer. "Tell it to them,Doc!"one voice called."Amen!"another shouted.
海外にペンパルを募集したら最後に P.S. If you are interested, my friends and I are starting a comic book business and we are looking for Japanese critics. We could use all the input we can get! とありました。 二文目は「私たちの得る全ての入力を使えた」…って訳分からないんですが どーいう意味なのでしょうか。お願いします。
I like for women to take control, cause it lets me know what they want, because I'm pretty much down for whatever to a certain point. I like women with soft sexy lips,like yours.お願いします!
‘Let the story be known’ これに最適な日本語訳を考えるのに四苦八苦しています。 よく裁判所のシーンなんかで ‘Let the truth be known’と言いますよね。 こっちは「真実を明らかにしたいと思います」くらいでいいのでしょうが 冒頭のは、ずっとみんなにこの話を広くしらしめていこう、みたいな 意味なのです。でも↑この文は不自然。 何か簡潔で的確な訳はないでしょうか...。
I am a single dude working in a foreign Bank in Tokyo looking for a friend who is not shy and pretentious and bold enough to accept things in life . have been in Japan for 4 years and was in the US, NY before. I like to see movies ,play pool and travel to different countries. What I seek is a well mannered and direct person who knows what she wants.
@The sheer scale of 2ch is impressive for an independently run site. このsheerはなんという意味ですか?
AWhich brings us to an interesting feature of 2ch, namely that it allows anonymous viewing of and posting to the message boards. このwhichは何者なのでしょう、先行詞を含む関係代名詞、それとも疑問詞? 主節の動詞は省略されてるんでしょうが、省略されなかったらどういう文になって いるのでしょう?
You think prison reforms people? You want to try to know me better?? YOU WANT TO TRY TO UNDERSTAND ME?!? Normally, I wouldn't bother myself with a bunch of drunken, Scotting bisexuals... But for YOU GUYS, I'll make an exception!
>>183 1 sheer = 意味は強調。訳語は文脈による。 「2chの(巨大な)規模それだけでもたいしたものだ」 2 関係代名詞の非制限的用法。前の文全体が先行詞 ....to bar minors from participating, which brings us to ... とおなじこと。 「アダルト板への未成年のアクセスを強制的に排除するメカニズムはない。 このことから次のような2chの興味ある一面が見えてくる」
>ここでいう for the Oscars の for は、“引き換え”“影響”という意味あいです。 >the results are in の in は、“具体的になる”“ある状態になる”という感じ。 > >つまり、アカデミー賞の影響で具体的数字があがる、という意味です。具体的というのは >客が増えることですよね。だから、上のような訳になります。 > >それからオスカーがよくみると複数形。『千尋』が候補になっているのはひとつなのになぜ >複数なのか。これ、ちょっと嫌味はいってんですよみなさん。いくつオスカー獲っても『千尋』 >では客は来ませんよ と言っているのです。 > >英語って奥が深いねっ。 http://tv.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/movie/1044790162/211
For example, all persons are morally bound not to harm others, and to be helpful where it is important and within our capacity. The rhetoric of hate violates both these duties by promoting attitudes and social climates in which those who are hated are refused help and often harmed.
I'm afraid I don't really know anything about 'The Eye' my friend told me that is was good, I haven't seen it. Apparently it is about a person born with out any eyes but that is all I know about it.
And when nobody can say that you hate, But then your story made the store right now And when you started to say that you hate You’re coming down to the start up gown. And then this party, you just stay that you hate, You’re coming down to just start running down And when nobody you’re just shredding his head, You’re coming down to the start up gown. Spinning down alone, spinning down alone, Spinning down alone you spin alive. When it’s down alone, when it’s down alone, When it’s down alone you spin alive. It’s down, breaking down where it’s all alone, But it’s the dying. The down breaking wall where it’s all tonight, It’s down, breaking down where it’s all tonight, But just the dying, oh yeah.
Coming down to this speeding life, You’re coming down to this waiting goal, Making down to this speeding life, I’m breaking down to this walking goal.
Coming down to this speeding life, You’re coming down to this waiting goal, Making down to this speeding life, I’m breaking down to this walking goal. Breaking down, you know, speaking down, you know, Waking down, you know, you spin alive.
As a matter of fact although of course I always knew that paederasty was a disgusting custom of many ancient nations I never heard of homosexuality as an actual instinct till I was over thirty . . . which beats your record! It is possible, I think that this perversion occurs more frequently in some periods than in others owing to obscure biological & psychological causes. Decadent ages when psychology is unsettled seem to favour it. Of course in ancient times the extent of the practice of paederasty (as a custom which most simply accepted blindly, without any special inclination) cannot be taken as any measure of the extent of actual psychological perversion.
I understand that the recipient of this order will be responsible for any customs duties or import taxes changed by the recipient's country. I understand that if this order is refused by the recipient or deemed undeliverable by the carrier that the package will be abandaned and the buyer will not be credited back for the order and it will only be resent at the buyer's expence.
A college freshman with no declared major, Todd took online courses in psychology and philosophy in the fall. This spring, he's planning to take 10-week courses in biology and chemistry.
Asked about Yuki's advice that he invest in a house instead of buying a sports car, the young man sounds downright dad-like. ''We'll have to see about that one,'' he said.
In its rush to pass a giant federal spending bill, Congress is within an inch of overturning years of national forest protection without debate or public consideration. Doing the bidding of the Alaskan timber industry is Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Working behind the scenes, Stevens attached several add-ons to the bill that would win him big hugs from the industry if his congressional colleagues were inattentive or irresponsible enough to let them ride.
お願いします。 My friends and I are trying to make our comics as close to the quality of native Manga as we can. We'll probably have an issue ready for reading at the end of February or March.
The bar is a drunken train wreck waiting to happen by night. 「このバーは当然のことながら夜は酔っ払いたちの溜まり場」 ということでしょうか? It is an accident waiting to happen. 「それは起こるべくして起きた事故だ」 を参考にしたのですが・・・。
お願いします。 ほぼ連日決まったように英文のメールがきており、 一度「意味がわかりません」と日本語で返信したのですがそれでもきます。 文字化けしているところがありますが、よろしくお願いいたします。 長いので要点だけでも結構です。 Well we致e given you bits and pieces of what MegaOpp will have to offer you. We池e finally going to reveal the whole enchilada this Saturday and Sunday on our MegaList2003 conference call! You DON'T want to miss it! MegaOpp is almost here. You get first shot at it! And now you値l know everything about it and why YOU are so fortunate to be on this list! We will be giving you a peek at the website if you池e in the chatroom and if you call in we値l give you the URL. The conference call times are: Sat. 1:00 PM EST. and Sun. 1:30 PM EST.
To access the chatroom http://www.orbitalk.com/room/Connect.asp?Name=CCIChatroom Your Name: put in your name Access Code: guest Conference Phone #: 865-362-4450 pin 7326# Tell everyone you know to be here Saturday or Sunday to find out why they need to get on this all important list! You can only get the 24 hour advantage by being on the list. If you are not on it, you cannot sign up or be placed by someone who is. If your name doesn稚 match up to the list at sign up, it will not be accepted by the sign up software! Looking forward to talking with you, Bob Slater ou or someone using your email address signed up at http://www.megalist2003.com . By doing so, you opted in to receiving emails from MegaList2003. If you do not want to receive emails from MegaList2003, please go to the following link and follow the instructions: http://www.megalist2003.com/cancel.asp?ref=14210&ccode=G6060GGGG Thank you.
>>317 If you do not want to receive emails from MegaList2003, please go to the following link and follow the instructions: スパムだが良心的な方だ。一番最後にちゃんと解除のやり方がついてるだろ。 「このメールリストから外してほしければ次のリンクをたどって画面の指示に したがってください」って書いてある。そうしろ。
And when nobody can say that you hate, But then your story made the store right now And when you started to say that you hate You’re coming down to the start up gown. Spinning down alone,Spinning down alone you spin alive. When it’s down alone, when it’s down alone, When it’s down alone you spin alive. It’s down, breaking down where it’s all alone, But it’s the dying. The down breaking wall where it’s all tonight, Coming down to this speeding life, You’re coming down to this waiting goal, Making down to this speeding life, I’m breaking down to this walking goal. Breaking down, you know, speaking down, you know, Waking down, you know, you spin alive.
I also have sequenced some BOF5 midi, Let's exchange our score to make them more perfect I can't type in Japanese, but I suppose you can identify what they're
Well I'll be watching the same-day tape-delay show that evening on broadcast TV, so I'll write something up if no one else here has plunked down the cash for the live pay-per-view.
Different cultures place varying values on loyalty to the employer. In some countries, most notably in Asia, there is a high degree of loyalty to one company. 仕事についてのエッセイなんですがこの部分だけわかりません お願いします
Big chains run local stores out of business all the time. Sometimes they are genuinely better. Other times they simply market themselves better and undercut prices. Customers aid and abet these changes -- priding themselves on individuality but seeking conformity, switching stores to save a few pennies, then mourning the loss of a neighborhood institution.
It was a... a being that was not clear. I did not see it come, but saw it as it drew the life from me. I felt myself dying with every touch, and I... I... I feel my life waning as we spea...
>403 Customers aid and abet these changes -- priding themselves on individuality but seeking conformity, switching stores to save a few pennies,の部分を私も訳してみます。
But we pay a price for their truthfulness, for in their efforts to show "the whole person", they tell us more than we really need to know about private lives.
aight dude...i dumped that whole directory too...its crappy anyway. Whatd'ya think of my set? the 8x8 needed help, and i figured that out after i submitted the set :-/ anyway, jam on!
To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd.
However, countries differ in deciding which parent passes on nationality and whether it is necessary to be born in that particular place and have a parent of the same nationality or not. しかしながら、親に国籍を与えるか、また特定の場所で生まれることが必要かどうか、親が同じ国籍かそうでないかなど、国によって決定が異なる。
The New Rochelle Rotary Club history |goes back to 1919. And all these years,we only seen a hand full of deserving gentelman inducting slide tie membres.
It's an honor that there is in 57 names intraing on the wall banner
although you are not really old until you are about 35 years old really... but I think you are only as old as you feel. so If you act young and have fun, who cares about age !
One more 9/11, one bad Iraq war that ties America down alone in the Middle East and saps its strength, well, that may go over well with the cold warriors in the People's Liberation Army, but in the real world — in the world where your real threat is not American troops crossing your borders but American dollars fleeing from them — you will be out of business.
の前半、,butより前がわからないです。,well that mayのthatは関係詞じゃない のでしょうか?coldの意味は?たすけて鞍配。 おながいします。
You have seen Loki, so it is time to tell you of Morgana, the little black cat who is 'the bad' in 'the good, the bad and the ugly'. Morgana is named after the bad witch in the story of King Arthur. She is a very agile little cat who has a habit of getting into places where she should not. She follows people to the shops and is not even a little shy!. The local security people even have photographs of her sitting on peoples motorbikes and we are sure she goes to other houses as well for food, but she always spends the night at our house.
ロキとのご対面はすませたわけだから、今度はモルガナのことを話さな くっちゃね。モルナガは「The Good, The Bad and The Ugly(続・夕 日のガンマン)」の「ワル」そのものの小さなクロネコなの。モルガナ の名前はアーサー王の物語に出てくる悪い魔女の名前をとってつけたの。 彼女はとても身軽な猫で、逝っちゃいけないところに逝ってばかりいる の。誰にでもついて逝っちゃうし、ほんとに恥知らずなんだから。近所 の警備員なんて彼女がよその人のバイクの上にすわっている写真を撮っ たりしてるし、よその家に食べ物をねだりに逝ってるに決まってるの。 でも、毎晩ちゃんとうちに帰ってきて寝てるとさ。
Cliches become such mainly because they're true, and few Superstars can attest more strongly than Noble what a world of difference it makes to be working for a sports-entertainment company that actually cares about the product.
すいません。間違いました。ごめんなさい。ただしくは If my indivisual view of history is to be made at all illuminating, or inndeed intellgible,it must be presented in its origin,growth,and social and personal setting.
It's hard to build a better nation with defferent nation When every day we're at war with newly faces No godly love ,but there is always a daily grace And nothing could erase each night's horrible traces
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Copyright notice. All material on MP3.com is protected by copyright law and by international treaties. You may download this material and make reasonable number of copies of this material only for your own personal use. You may not otherwise reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, or create derivative works of this material, unless authorized by the appropriate copyright owner(s).
When I think about ceremonies and holidays in different cultures, I like to think how there are similar things in the cultures that my ancestors came from. In England and Ireland, there are many old ceremonies that are centered around the idea of chasing away evil spirits, many of them originally were from ancient Pagan rituals. Even as Paganism was driven out by Catholics and other Christian sects, many of these rituals and ceremonies continued on. When I look at these ceremonies and ceremonies in other cultures, like Setsubun, I find it interesting to see the similarities and differences between them.
Graeco-roman history is visible to us in perspective and can be seen by us as a whole,because it is over --in contrast to the history of our own western world,which is a still-unfinished play of which we do not know the eventual ending and cannot even see the present general aspect from our own position as momentary actors on its crowded and agistated stage. 明日までの宿題です…泣きそうです。
>>588 in the meantime 【1】その^間[合間](に)、その間だけ、一時的に、当面の間、今のところ(は)、当座は、とりあえず、ひとまずは、差しあたり、同時に 【2】そのうち(に)、とかくするうちに、そうこうするうちに、そうしているうちに、それまでは、それまでに、その時まで、先頃 【3】その一方で(は)、他方、(さて)話(は)変わって、ところで ↑「英辞郎」より
1.Success implies overcoming an obstacle, including, perhaps, the thought in our minds that we might not succeed. 成功は障害に打ち勝つことを暗に意味し、おそらく、その考えには我々は成功できなかったのかもしれないという思いが含まれている。
2.What we fail to do today, we, or someone, may do tomorrow. 今日、私達が失敗したことは、明日、私たちか他の誰かができるかもしれない。
3.More to the point, perhaps, we should see that failure is honorable and constructive, rather than humiliating. 要点の大半はおそらく私達が、失敗は屈辱的なものというより、むしろ正しい建設的なことであると知るべきだということだ。
I currently find myself without any manner of significant other, so I spent the day alone. Honestly, I've never really liked Valentine's Day, but then I probably wouldn't mind it at all if I hadn't been spending it alone every year for about as long as I can remember. Oh well, I'm sure things will change in years to come.
これらもどなたか採点お願いできますか? 4.The way to make children feel good about themselves is to give them things to do that are so easy that they can't help but do them. 子ども達が彼ら自身についてよいと感じるようにするその方法は、簡単で、彼らが手伝いなしにできるような、やるべき事を与えることである。 6.The joy is in the act itself, the walking or the riding, not in some idea of success. その行動自身にある楽しみは、歩くこと、もしくは乗ることにあり、成功のいくつかの意味にあるのではない。 7.It is only when pleasing adults becomes important that the sharp line between success and failure appears. 成功と失敗の間の境界がくっきりあらわれるのは、ただ大人が喜ぶことが重要になったときだけだ。
あと、これはどうしてもうまく訳せないので、訳を教えてください。いくつもすみません。 5.The point now want to make is that "success", as much as "failure" are adult ideas which we impose on children.
In general, the notion of of mutual recursion means a system of arbitrarily many interwoven structures, each of which is defined in terrms of one or more members of the system (possibly including itself).
We're in the middle of a huge snow storm right now and it's bad enough that classes are cancelled tomorrow and people aren't even allowed to drive on the roads right now because it's so dangerous. However, with all the snow, there's been a lot for me to photograph over the last day or so. I've never seen so many people in their 20's building snowmen, having snowball fights, and generally just playing without a care in the world. It's a lot of fun, but it certainly is cold!
I just like to be able to speak a little, to begin with, so phonetics should be ok. But if you know how I could have japanese fonts, plz tell me :-D お願いします…。like to ってどーやって訳したら適切でしょうか。
The best plan for people in your position is to have a direct deposit plan. This way, your IRA fund takes a small contribution from every paycheck. Most investors don't even notice the difference after a few paychecks and watch as their retirement funds slowly build up.
テニスプレイヤーが試合に勝ってコメントしたそうですが、わかりません。 お願いします。 It’s just all about momentum – She was on this game last year and you just get the confidence that puts you in the zone and it all comes together.
>>659 こんなかんじ。 What's up boys? So what are you guys gonna do today? do you wanna crash the mall?←怪しい all right OK このあとショッピングモールに行く様子がでてくるので たぶんmallはあってる?
I don't even know how long it's been since I last saw the stars out shining. They're so beautiful and it feels so peaceful to sit and look at them on a clear night.
no event has occured with respect to the property that constitutes, or with the passing of time or the giving of notice would constitute, noncompliance with teh terms of any environmental permit.
You are a beautiful young lady and you have a future,just keep thinkin postive and a nigga like myself may come by and sweep ya off ya feet. 単語はわかるけど組み立てられない…
"Chris, David and Alex all took part in the test with all three on hand for the last two days." 多分、これだけでは文脈が少ない過ぎたのかもしれません。もう少し広げますと、以下のようになりますので 5人(>>670,>>671,>>672,>>676,>>683)の皆さま、もう一度検討願います。 (タイプが面倒だったので、"Chris, David and Alex"にしましたけど、本当は、以下の名前。) While several of their rivals were busy testing at Valencia over the course of the past week, the Mercedes powered McLaren squad conducted a three day session at the Paul Ricard Circuit in France alongside the Panasonic Toyota team. Kimi Raikkonen, David Coulthard and test driver Alex Wurz all took part in the test with all three on hand for the last two days. Alex was busy concentrating on tyre testing for partners at Michelin while David and Kimi were both undertaking long runs, also evaluating the tyres in the process.
When I stayed at my friends house, his wife gave us a roll like this and we had to take the first bite whilst facing one direction for good luck. But I can't remember the name of the festival.
we are passmark holdings as we source for product supply to the federal government of nigeria on commision basis. therefore we are interested to supply your goods to the ministry of works and torisim. if you can supply to the ministry cosmetics and perfumes. please do not hesitaite to contact me おねがいしまつ。
Oooh. Bob's got a kick in the works, huh? Sounds interesting. The "Climbing Beast". Sounds more like a stomp than a kick...? I kind of lost track of things once they started marching the k-1 girls out on stage... yoiks!
1.Restore BOOT.INI Backup Maked Before Installing BootXP (Use This Option If You Haven't Installed Another OS After Installing BootXP) 2.Remove All The References To BootXP In BOOT.INI (If You Have Installed BootXP In More Than a Operating System This Option Will Make BootXP Don't Work)
以下はWashington Post の記事。(倒置になってるが、so much .... that の構文) John Wayne was a walking illustration of the rough fit between image and reality, ideology and practice, that is so much a part of the American character. ぐぐると、so much a part of はWP紙だけで26ヒット、全Webで49,800ヒットある から問題なく標準的な表現と思われ。
Experts estimate that there are about million British adults unable to read, write or add upp the level they would need to communicate in the world of buisiness.
thatは最後まで掛かります。 add up the level they would need to communicate in the world of buisiness. は 「ビジネスの世界でコミュニケーションするのに必要とされるだろうレベルを上げる」ということです。 add upはread、 writeと同じ働きです。 unableで否定の意味なのでandがorになっているのです。
His first bout, in some accounts, was a knockout of Piano Mover Jones in 1935. Others say it was a knockout of the Poco Kid in 1936. He continued to fight and built a fine record, fighting mainly as a middleweight, but could never get a shot at the title in an era in which black boxers faced formidable impediments.
>>757 訳は>>760がよい。ただし構文としては add up ではなく、up the level they would ... =in the level they would .... unable to read etc. add up /the level ... では>>757が尋ねているとおり、 the level 以下がつながらない。 このような up の使い方はアメリカ英語ではマレだが、イギリス英語ではとき おり見かける。
Experts estimate that there are about million British adults unable to read, write or add upp the level they would need to communicate in the world of buisiness.
Experts estimate that there are about seven million British adults unable to read, write or add up to the level they would need to communicate in the world of business.
I know what you mean about learning the basics but it has to be done if you want to improve. It is the same with learning anything I suppose. I wish I could play a musical instrument but I'm not a very musical person.
BBSへ海外からの書き込みです。 女性 10代の 学生 Hi! My name is Eva and I came from Canada. Anyways, I love this site and so does the greatest anime of all times, INUYASHA!!!!!!! I really like Kagome, she's a sweet, caring girl just like me!!! Yukino Satsuki, I really like ur voice for Kagome!!! Ur da best! LOL Anyways, I really think that INUYASHA and KAGOME should be TOGETHER FOREVER!!! Aren't they KAWAII???? I have seen some pictures of the second movie of Inuyasha and I know that Inuyasha and Kagome will KISS TOO!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!! LOL
This revised version has been putting in some very strong times in recent testing and reliability is strong, two aspects that leave the Woking squad full of hope that their goals will be achieved.
>>814 どこから中国系が出てくるのかはヒジョーに疑問ではありますが、 caringは思いやりのある。 lolはlaughing out loud、あはは。 Anywaysはどーでもいいけど、みたいな感じ。 Kagome will KISS [TOO]!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!! LOL は カゴメ[も]キスするんだって!!!!イエイッ!!!!あはは。
○○ won't be out there fighting to reclaim his honor in a sport that is nationally acclaimed in Korea. I still fume everyday at the lack of recognition the Number One Football player in the World receives in his own country _________________
that's so sad but true. They only want to talk about the troublemakers and criminals. They're not interested in class and pure talent. Shame
add up のところは本当にtoは入っていませんでした。 実はこれは入試問題だったんですが、今手元にあるのを見てもadd up the levelです。 (ということはこの大学の先生が引用するときに…。汗) しかも計算という意味だと思っていたので何がなんだか分からなかったんですが 「レベルをあげる」なんですねえ!
about と millionの間には確かにsevenが入っていました。 引用ミスをしてしまい申し訳ありません。m(__)m 皆様本当にありがとうございました。フカブカ
これを、お願いします。 Me husband is the man to ask. Just over there he is, but remember 'ansome, he ain't always there. Feel free to pop in when he's off mining and Faith'll show ya the ropes.
A mysterious self-cloning female crayfish, popular with German aquarium owners, could pose a threat to native European species if it were released into the wild, scientists said on February 19, 2003.
>>860 I was joking all along but I guess you didn't get them at all. I'm a little shocked. I guess the right spot for humor is different for different countries.
Finally,whether you are citizens of America or citzens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward,with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on Earth, God`s work must truly be our own.
A blue bird rose screaming from its nest and circled over the dunes, and three spotted birds rustled through the coarse grey grass and whistled to each other.
とあるCGIの、インストール方法からの抜粋なんですが、 This new file must be stored in - /etc/opt/awstats or /etc/awstats or /etc or same directory than awstats.pl (so cgi-bin) for Unix/Linux users.
In order to sleep, to wake up more and to conquer this world once again, the machine of that tradition hides new power on the body, and revives again...
After sinking pirates for several years, the first chance you let your guard down is gonna be the last time. Pirates would pay big money to have the captain and I assassinated, but it is unlikely that rogues would try to take me down since I have my magic and all. They would have hired war wizards to deal with me.
The Club is always happy to be involved with brands that share its drive and passion with a commitment to the things that are important to the development of the club
Southern California Edison's fumbled plan to move a decommissioned nuclear reactor from San Onofre to a nuclear waste burial site in South Carolina does the Keystone Kops proud.
So far the script includes environmentalists threatening legal action to keep Edison from trucking the huge unit along the beach to an awaiting barge; Panama ruling the 950-ton device too heavy to pass through its canal; a risk-averse railroad refusing to carry the nuclear corpse; and, in an age of terrorist attacks, a port that has long welcomed nuclear-powered U.S. Navy ships closing its doors to the radioactive shipment. Edison already missed one legal window for towing the unit up the beach; a lot of issues need settling before the next window in November.
>933 Star Wars freak? よくぞ名づけた??? 'Moniker' is a word with an interesting background and history. It seems to be Irish in origin, and not just ordinary Irish, but from the language of the Irish travellers, the tinkers, called Shelta. It is a deliberate deformation from the Irish word for 'name', ainm, which is pronounced something like 'ahnm'. The tinkers liked to use a secret language
The America's Cup draws yawns from sports fans who watch NASCAR for the wrecks, the NHL for the fights and the NFL for the officiating. Sailors last rocked the media boat in 2000 when America made history by failing to qualify for the series. The biggest upset was a decade ago when Australia dashed the New York Yacht Club's string of 24 straight victories and spirited the Cup down under.
Now the world of oceangoing sailing is poised to make waves by turning the America's Cup over to Switzerland, which, the last time we checked, was still landlocked. That unlikely ascendancy invites speculation about what could follow: say, Greenland dominating beach volleyball or Holland hosting mountaineering finals.
ディスカッションの議題なのですが、 This discussion will have two steps. First we need to identify the process of “othering” as it states in the article. Look at these two quotes (found on page 25 of the course kit) Homi Bhabha theorizes that とありまして、otheringってのはアーティクル中の造語だと思います。 で、以下の分がいまいちよくわからないので、 分かりやすく訳してもらえないでしょうか。 “colonial social relations are enacted largely through a ‘regime of visibility’ in which the look is crucial both for identifying the other and for raising questions of how racist discourse can enclose the mirrored self as well as the other within itself.” ちなみに、アーティクルの論点は、ポストコロニアリズムと 写真(ナショナルジオグラフィックのようなドキュメンタリー) を結びつけるものです。
↓すいません、続きがありました。できればこちらも・・・。 Foucault: “The crucial role of photography in the exercise of power lies in its ability to allow for close study of the Other…”
>996 tightened restrictions on communication between death-row inmates and the outside world limited Haga's contact with him. 厳しくなった規制のため、死刑囚と、刑務所の外の世界とのやりとりが制限され、長谷川の彼との接触は制限された。