I must undergo a medical examination because it is necessary for a student who failed college entrance examinations and is studying to take them more twice. I worry about failing my eyesight. It is said that "Health is better than wealth" and "A sound mind in a sound body". I agree with this. I think that a bright person would be able to take care of himself very well. From now on I won't only study hard but also take good care of myself.
>to take them more twice them は何を指してるの? college entrance examinations を指してます。辞書にのっていた用法です。 more twice は二回以上というつもりです。
>failing my eyesight 視力の低下
>It is said that "Helth is better than wealth" and >"A sound mind in a sound body". 諺でも言うように「健康は富より大切」「健康な精神は健康な肉体から」とある。 The proverb says "Health is better than wealth" or "A sound mind in a sound body". とした方が良いですね。
>7 I need to take check-up because it's required for students who failed entrance examinations more than twice. I'm worried about my eyesight that is getting worse. as proverb says, health is more important that wealth. healthy spirit stays in healthy body. i think it's true. I think wise people know how to take care of them well. From now on, I should take care of my body besides just studying hard.
独身女性板で荒らしが酷いので書いた文章です。 ↓ 低学歴専業主婦を撃退すべきです。 結婚をして男にぶら下がるしか生きる術が無く、結婚後も 何の展望もなく怠惰にダラダラと専業主婦をしている方が 独身女叩きのスレを乱立しています。 ジェンダーフリーが叫ばれて久しいこの現代に 化石のような固定観念で執拗に独身30女を煽るこの生き物を 更正させましょう。 (warning) We need to rid the single women board of the poorly educated house wife. Before she got married,she had no choice but to live by being fed by a man. After becoming a stupid wife of a pitiable man she has still found no hope . And as a result, she is now leading a life of laziness. Too many foolish thread speaking ill of single women have been built by such a queer house wife. The single woman board is full of terrible rebukes! We have to rethink the significance of the gender free . That matter has been took into consideration for many years . Therefore, there is a freak who tries to hurt single women by her old conception like fossils. Now it is high time we made her realize her ignorance.
>>7 >a student who failed college entrance examinations and >is studying to take them more twice more than twice を failed college entrance examinations の 直後に持ってこないと三浪以上という意味にはならない。 この名詞句をあえて解釈すれば、「一度大学入試に落ち、それを これから3回以上受けようと勉強しているもの」とでもなるかな。 あと、more twice とは言わないし、 more than twice だと2回以上じゃなくて3回以上になる。 2回以上なら more than once とか twice or more
というか、第一文は it is necessary for ... to ... の強調構文かと思った。
俺なら As a student who has failed his or her university entrance examinations twice or more and is taking them again, I need to take a medical examination. とか、出来る限り君の元の英文に近づけるなら I must take a medical examinaiton because any student who has failed the college entrance exam more than once and is studying to take them again must take one. とか、書くけどな。
>>10 よく書けてるんじゃない。荒らしの人は一人なんですね? 適当に単語を入れ替えて、 We've got to rid the single woman board of a poorly educated house wive. She could only survive by getting married to a man and letting this pitable man feed her stupid self, leads a life of laziness without any vison for the future and is now making a stupidly large number of threads speaking ill of single women. とかでも良いと思う。 こんなんでよければ、残りも俺なりに手直ししようか?
Today, I spended an uneventful day as usual. How did my life change after quiting university for entering another one? First,my lerning have taken place almost exclusively at home. I want to study in my way. Second,I haven't talked with others except my family. I feel very lonesome and want to escape from this situation soon. Well, I go to bed not to oversleep tomorrow. Begnning tomorrow, I will not write negative things.
Since I quited university to enter another one, My life has changed in two ways. Firstly, I have always studied at home. I don't want to be taught, but to study by myself. Secondly, I haven't talked with anyone but my family. I feel very isolated, and want to escape from this situation asap.
Well, I gotta go to bed now. I have to get up early tomorrow. I will write something more cheerful from tomorrow on.
Since I quit college to enter another one, my life has changed in two ways. First, I now study at home. I don't want to be taught; I'd rather study on myn own. Secondly, I haven't talked with anyone but my family. I feel very isolated, and want to escape from this situation asap.
Well, I gotta go to bed now. I have to get up early tomorrow. I will write something more cheerful from tomorrow on.
世界でただ一つの、猿と一緒にはいれる温泉だと聞いて、私は真冬にそこへ出掛けた。 頭に雪を積もらせながらじっと温泉につかっている一匹の猿は、まるで哲学者のように見えた。 人間と猿との違いは、私たちが思っているほど大きくないのでは…という気がふとした。 I had heard that there was a hot springs ,the soul one in the world, where I could enjoy together monkeys ,and I went off there in mid winter. The monkey with snow on his head stayed in there looked as if he was a philosopher. I felt that the differences between human and monkey was not so large as we thought it was.
Hi, (her name)! Thank you for your Christmas card. I'm realy happy with that. So, it's been half a year since you left Japan. Time flies like an arrow, doesn't it? I'm sure you are doing alright back in the States. Anyway, take care of yourself and do your best! I wish you a Happy New Year.
日本料理はフランス料理より身体に良いって、アメリカではこの頃とてももてはやされています。 These days Japanese food is very popular in the United States, because it is said to be better for the health than French food.
Thank you for your coming. I love "(既存の作品名)" too.I'm glad that you like my pictures. But my homepage contain descriptions of sex,so I hope children of 16 and under not to come my homepage.I'm sorry to caution you. If you cannot understand the meaning of this sentence,please come here when you become over 16 years old or when you can understand it.
・最初の文→Thank you for coming[またはvisiting us]. ・But my homepage contain→ But my website has ・descriptions of sex → some obscene images ↑あなたのサイトにあるのは「絵」ですよね。 descriptionだと「言葉による描写」の意味になることがありますので imageの方がいいと思いますよ。 ・children of 16 and under → children of 16 or under ・not to come my homepage.→ do not visit here and see them. ↑hopeの後は文のかたちにします。(hope 〜 to doは文法的には△。) 最後のthemはsome obscene imagesのこと。 ・I'm sorry to caution you. → I'm sorry but I have to warn you. ・If you cannot understand the meaning of this sentence,→不要です。 ↑「もしこの文の意味がわからなければ、16歳を過ぎてから来て」は意味がわかりにくい。 ひょっとして「この子が性的なものを見てないかもしれないから」という配慮なら、 If you didn't find any obscene thing on this site とした方がよいですが 書かなくてもいいような気がします。 ・please come here → Please visit us again [またはcome back] ・when you become over 16 years old → ? ↑over 16 years oldだと、「16歳ならオッケー」という意味ですよ。 「18禁」の内容なら when you get to 18 years oldでよいです。 ・or when you can understand it. → 不要。 itの内容がわからないので、書いてあると訪問者が混乱しそうです。
>>30 because it is said to be better for the health than French food. ↓ because it is thought to be better for the health than French food. でカンペキだと思います。