ちょっと 仮定法についての質問です。 こんなときどう答えればいいのかわかりません。 Do you have a pen? Answer If I had, I could lend you it.???? あと Did you finish an essay?? If I did, I ・・・・・・ こんなかんじで MIXED UPしてます。 誰か教えてください。
This is a very controversial commercial for a popular alcoholic beverage in Japan. The beautiful girl who is advertising it is Keiko Yamada. She is a famous swimsuit model who never did anything nude before, but she was offered a huge sum of money to do this commercial. Aside the fact that she is completely nude, she even fakes an orgasm!
It's about time you decided what career path to take. (そろそろどんな進路に進むか決め手も良い頃だ。) なのですが、what career path to take っていう部分が理解できません。 careerもpathも名詞なのに繋がっているし、 そもそも、to takeが何故この場所にあるのか理解できません。 文の解析説明をお願いします。
As long as I understand, the way Japanese school teaches the English to their students seems to be the mother of all mistake! They almost teach English the same way they do in Math.
>>34 As far as I can tell, the way the Japanese schools teach English to the students is the mother of all problems. They use virtually the same approach in teaching English as they teach mathematics.
He has never hesitated to be a pen, because he believes that a pen could be more precious than an insensible man. Copy machines can replicate his traces, and people may find what he has done. Chatting, thinking, imaging, dreaming, or reasoning by himself are all publishable, because he records his way of doing everything very clearly. The oldest enemy, erasers may wipe out all of his story, but they usually help him to cover up where he loitered.
御嬢様系4大英文学科卒ですが 先日会社にアフリカ人が来た時… Please be seated yourself, and just a moment. I'll take him(←himとはボスの事です) と言いました。 とても丁寧にThank you very much≠ニ言っていただけたのですが 何か変な所、なかったでしょうか?
Japan is aging. In the future, there will be a lots of retired person who still have aspiration to work. They have various experiences and can contribute to their companies in a different way from the younger workers.
Dodecylsulphamide could participate in the interlayer surface-complexation to some quasi-crystalline sesquioxide-othomolybdate compounds above its critical micelle temperature, but surface-sensitive Raman scattering spectroscopy studies have suggested that the D-H exchange coefficients in the hydrated sesquoxide compounds retard to zero during the innersphere complexation of dodecylsulphamide. These facts were confirmed by ab initio MO calculation with the STO-3G basal function sets, except for the radial distribution function neighboring molybdate of the exchange complexes. Therefore, we concluded that structural molybdate of the exchange complexes does not affect the conformation of dodecylsulphamide in intercalation.
タクシーをのるときに、どれくらいかかる?って聞くのは、 How long does it take? で、途中まで乗ってて、あとどのくらい?って聞くのは、 How much longer does it take? って習ったんだけど、How much longerのどこに、 あとどのくらいって意味が含まれるのですか?
そもそもHow much longerってなに??って感じです。 文法的には、どういうことになるのでしょう???
You should not get my dick! Between a dementia and schizophrenia. Get see significant other side of getting away with sex. Without must be tainted was seen. Charlotte is vicinity and neighborhood. This is un irony but cynical radical fuck'in greatful fool. Victim said [Screw you!!!!] Oh my really going back to do. Seem then. Now and then.
Stonehurst, as the home was appropriately named when built, was the first home in Brown County to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
上記の文章を品詞分解してもらえないでしょうか? 特に1行目のas と when built、2行目の to be listed〜を文法的にどのように考えればいいのでしょうか?約は下のような感じでいいのでしょうか?
>>120 先行詞は Stonehouse です。元の独立文を作るとすれば The home was appropriately named Stonehouse when (it was) built. 分かりにくかったら as を which で考えてみて。as は非制限用法で which より軽い感じになります。
I can't think of anything to do about it. (それについて私にできそうなことが何一つ思い浮かびません。) みたいに、「何かのアイディアを思い付く」ときに使う。 He never thinks of me when he's on a business trip. 彼の頭の中では私の事なんか存在さえも思いつきもしなかったわけだ。
それに大して「think about」はもともと存在する何かについて、考察をするという意味で使う。 He never thinks about me when he's on a business trip. これだと、私の存在は意識してるけど、私について考えなかったことになる。
彼が私の関係について考えるなら、 He thinks about me. 彼が私のことを思い出すなら、He thinks of me. 彼が旅行中にふと私のことを思い出しおみやげを買ってあげようとするなら、He thought of me and bought something for me.
「位置を初期化する文字列中に違法文字が含まれていたため位置を初期化する中でエラーが発生した。」 という意味のつもりで書いたのですが以下の英文はあってますか? An error occur in position initializing,as words initialize position contains word of illegal.
>>135 The error occurred while initializing the position because an illegal character had been included in the character string to initialize the position. エキサイト翻訳ページより www.excite.co.jp/world/english/
>>136 Canは許可を表す言葉。でもMayよりもっと軽い感じの許可。 で、Be able toは能力があることをアピールするもの。 たとえば I am able to read and write. は読み書きができる で、You can read the book. その本を読んでもいいよ〜、みたいな。
>>143 俺が何をした?っていうのは What did i do? と、"DO"に重みをおいたほうが意味が深く出るようなきがします。
>>1 Are you gonna write a new novel titled "I am a pen" ? That's good ! then I'll substitute for you and write it.
I am a pen. yet still don't have my name. I'm not sure Where I was born . If my memory serves me correctly, Iremember that I was meowing at a gloomy ,watery place.....
謎の詩検証スレ http://hobby7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/occult/1148480871/ 1 名前:本当にあった怖い名無し[] 投稿日:2006/05/24(水) 23:27:51 ID:Lh9GyJUf0 The world is encompassed by a big surprise on May 24, 2006. 2006年5月24日、世界は大きな驚きのうちにあります。 The world will become silent with big sadness on the 25th the next day. 翌25日の大きな悲しみによって、世界は静かになるでしょう。 A new royal family will be born from the Far Eastern island. 新しい王室が極東の島から誕生するでしょう。 The oldest lineage will be made and new order be made for the leader. 最古の血統/部族と新しい秩序が指導者(=↑↑「新しい王室」)のために作られるでしょう。 The city in seven places becomes a base on the Far Eastern island. 7つの場所にある都市は、極東の島の基盤になるでしょう。 Nine great men will correctly lead the Far East. 9人の偉人が極東を正しく導くでしょう。
Nine great men's sons will teach. 9人の偉人の息子達が教えるでしょう。 A true history of the country. その国の、本当の歴史を。 And, it is likely to live in the age at the time of which it is severe, and is reposeful. そしてそれらは、厳しく、安らかな時代に生きるでしょう。 The kingdom that consists of four islands will rule the continent that revives from bottom of the sea. 4つの島から成る王国は海底から蘇る大陸を統治するでしょう。 The continental ruins will teach a true appearance of the Far Eastern island. 大陸の跡は極東の島の真の外観を教えるでしょう。 This doesn't end, and be a start. これは、終わりではなく、始まりです。 It is a start of the history of Far Eastern royal family and the sons' islands. 極東の王室とその息子達の島の歴史の始まりです。 Hope starts east though sadness comes from the west. 希望は、悲しみが来ますが、東から西から始めます。