In the long run, we are all dead. while rational expectations may be relevant in the long run,they are not in the short run.So for extended periods of time, the aggregate supply curve may be nonvertical,and shifts in the aggregate demand curve have significant effects on out put, There may be extended periods of time during which wages fail to adjust to clear the labor market;unemployment may be persistent.
このMost people tend to think of Greece as a country where democracy and philosophy originated and flourished, but of Rome as a country whose history was marked by tyranny and warfare.って訳はたいていの人々はギリシャを 民主主義と哲学が生まれてさかえた国として考え、 ローマはその歴史が圧制と戦争によって特色付けられた 国と考える傾向があるのです。 たいていの人々はローマを民主主義と哲学が生まれて さかえた国として考え、ギリシャはその歴史が圧制と戦争に よって特色付けられた国と考える傾向があるのです。 どっちでしょうか?
Koizumi and the rest of the Diet squabble endlessly over the various iterations of bank proposals recommended by Financial Services Minister Heizo Takenaka.
最初の行、we are all dead がわからないんです。 統計あるいはある種の数量的計算がバックグラウンドにあるのでしょうか。 「長期的には我々はみんな死んでいる(?)(非活動と言う意味か?) 合理的な期待値は長期的には妥当であっても、短期的には妥当ではない (適切な数値となって返って来ないと言う事) しがって、長い期間を考えたとき供給総数曲線は非垂直であるかもしれないし、 需要総数曲線における移動は総量に大きな影響を与える。 賃金が労働市場をクリアするように調節しないような長期の期間があり得るし、 失業もなくならないかもしれない」
1.I eat in a lot of restaurants during the course of a year,and the tip I leave the waiter ore waitress very seldom bears any relationship to the quality of serivce I get. I leave the same tip for good service as I do for bad. Occasionally when service is really terrible, I'll that. I'm a coward when it comes to tipping.
2.A young man wrote to me the other day lamenting his ignoranceand requesting me to tell him what books to read and what to doin order to become learned and wise. I sent him a civil answer and such advice as occurred to me. But I confess that the more I thought of the matter the less assured I felt of my competence for the task.
3.Soon Cornelia, their mother, came down the walk to speak with them. She was simply dressed in a plain white robe. Her arms and feet were bare, as was the custom in those days;and no rings nor chains glittered about her hands and neck. 長いですが宜しくお願いします。
People tried other methods of telling time besides using the sundial. One method used a rope with knots in it. The space between each knot was the same.The rope was set on fire at one end.Each knot that burned stood for another hour gone by. How well do you think that worked? A better idea was the use of a candle marked in pieces from top to bottom. Each marked piece that melted stood for an hour. 前半はわかるんですが、Howからがいまいちわかりません。誰かお願いします。
続きです。 4.If in understanding the signals the receiver attaches the same meaning to the words as the speaker had in mind when he used them, then the communication is a success. Usually it dose not work out this perfectly.
5.The impact of the automobile on American life has been tremendous. American automobile manufactures now sell eight million new automobileseach year, with larger sales in prospect. No such startling change in the habits of a people as the automobile has brought could thake place without having far-reaching effects. これも、済みませんが宜しくお願いします。
The test facility should be adequate to readily provide the required pressure during the test. Leakage from flamepaths can be reduced by the use of gaskets or O-ring.
The pressure gauge should be calibrated, of suitable resolution and range, and located such that its location does not invalidate the test (e.g. due to pressure drop down pipelines).
It was the anticipation of price changes that led wages to change in tandem with price,so that changes in the price level had no effect on aggregate supply.
文法が理解できないので組立られません。どなたかお願いします。 curing<硬化>, which should include; curing period, any relevant environmental factors<環境条件>, provision<対策> to ensure product is undisturbed<影響を受けない> during the curing period.
Languages are composed of phonological patterns worn smooth. The patterns are people-friendly and, through long use, have become easy-to-recall aids in assembling speech and in understanding the speech of others.(I describe speech rather than writing because writing is a comparatively recent adjunct to speech and reflects speech only imperfectly.)
このような内容です。それと最後の方にあるrecent adjunct to speech〜の、 recentもどう訳すのかわかりません。
After two days in New York,I feel like I'm on a perpetual roller coaster. Thousands and thousands of people of all shapes,sizes and races. 上手く訳せません。教えてください。
One of my high school teachers once told me that I should not be a laborer, but a worker. He meant to say that I should do work which I could be proud of. In those days, I agreed with him completely and thought that I would engage ina a sophisticated profession of which I could be proud and, at the same time, one which would make other people look up to me. But now I have changed my mind. Of course, it is very disirable for people to love their jobs. But I wonder whether it is good to have pride in one's job. I also deubt that We should look up to someone because of his or her job. I think there are some serious ploblems that occur when people try to find pride or value in a job.
One of my high school teachers once told me that I should not be a laborer, but a worker. He meant to say that I should do work which I could be proud of. In those days, I agreed with him completely and thought that I would engage in a sophisticated profession of which I could be proud and, at the same time, one which would make other people look up to me. But now I have changed my mind. Of course, it is very desirable for people to love their jobs. But I wonder whether it is good to have pride in one's job. I also doubt that We should look up to someone because of his or her job. I think there are some serious problems that occur when people try to find pride or value in a job.
Well I had a serious crush on Steve for years. But he was married back then, though that didn't stop him... I never heard that he slept with Linda. That's the name of the Linda who was the waitress at the CAT CLUB. She also had a magazine it was called 'SPIN'. But Steve was just obssessed with writing songs about sex!! So Linda probably rhymed with whatever else he wanted to say about sex! In fact, I think that song was written before Linda was around.
>>33>>36 >Languages are composed of phonological patterns worn smooth. >最後のworn smoothをどう訳すのかわかりません。お願いします。 (長年)使われることによって滑らかになっている
>I describe speech rather than writing because writing is a comparatively recent adjunct to speech and reflects speech only imperfectly. >recent adjunct to speech〜の、recentもどう訳すのかわかりません。 最近。 「文字というのは言語と比較すると最近登場している 言語への付属物であるので、ここでは、文字ではなく言語の話をしている。」 」
この文を There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendidfuture behind him;and maybe that is where the real problem lies. 老人と若者の間には1つの差だけがあります。 若者は未来にに輝かしい将来があります。 また、老人には彼の後ろに輝かしい将来があります。 また、多分それは実際の問題が位置する場所によるものです。
If you wish to avert the intimacy of mosquitoes on a summer evening, all you have to do is put a blue light where you are not going to be and a red light where you intend to be.
>>76 あ、レスきた!ありがとうございます。 おっしゃっているとおりの訳でOKなのですが、ワタシがここを「どんな環境においても」と 訳すとチェックしてくれた人が、このanyは「各環境」と訳んじゃないの?と 議論になりました。各環境なら” each か par を使う”というのがワタシの主張なのですが どう思いますか?
Never have I had such a strong fish nor one who acted so strangely. Perhaps he is too wise to jump. He could ruin me by jumping or by a wild rush. But perhaps he has been hooked many times before and he knows that this is how he should make his fight. He cannot know that it is only one man against him, nor that it is an old man.
よろしくお願いします。 The way lifetimes are going these days,you still have quite a long way to go,though,and it's my feeling that those of us who have reached that age ought to push on to acquire new memories instead of sitting back to consider the old ones.
Americans-undoubetedly the best-equipped people in the world- prepare constantly against the possibility of shortage. They seem to need a lot of stuff. That's why, when they find something they like, they buy "in multiples" -that is, several of the same thing in different colors.
The impact of the automobile on American life has been tremendous. American automobile manufactures now sell eight million new automobileseach year, with larger sales in prospect. No such startling change in the habits of a people as the automobile has brought could thake place without having far-reaching effects.
おねがいします。 上手く訳せません It was the anticipation of price changes that led wages to change in tandem with price,so that changes in the price level had no effect on aggregate supply.
as we have seen, It is not crear what it means to have rational expectations concerning events that happenbut once or twice in a lifetime.What inferences were to be made about the future consequences of the decline in the stock prices that occurred in October with earier periods are at best just that:anlogies.There have been enormous changes in the institutions of the economy and its structure since the last major crash of the stock market,in October 1929.
While almost all Japanese have studied English in school, few students can even read English with sufficient speed and accuracy to make English reading more than a painful process of decipherment.
The number of Westerners who have scrambled from their side far enough across the language barrier to be able to engage in intelligent discourse in Japanese may not much exceed a thousand.
Many recognized the difficulties facing Yamada and seemed to feel that there but for the grace of God went they. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ このthat以下はどう訳せばいいのでしょうか? wentの主語は何なのでしょうか? but forは「神の恩寵が無かったら?」 ああわからん。
Many recognized the difficulties facing Yamada and seemed to feel that there but for the grace of God went they. but=onlyで、 seemed that they went there only for the grace of God
as we have seen, It is not crear what it means to have rational expectations concerning events that happenbut once or twice in a lifetime.What inferences were to be made about the future consequences of the decline in the stock prices that occurred in October with earier periods are at best just that:anlogies.There have been enormous changes in the institutions of the economy and its structure since the last major crash of the stock market,in October 1929.
もう少し「きちんと」やると、 bet は、「賭ける」って意味。 that would be nice は「それは素晴らしいだろう」って感じ。 wouldとなっているのは仮定法で、この文では if 節が省略されている。 if 節がどんな内容かは文脈がないと分からないけど、まぁ「試したとするならば、やってみたらば」とかだろうね。 で、「僕はそれが素晴らしいだろうって賭けてもいいよ。」
専門用語が入ってますので、そこは英語のままでも良いです。おねがいします。 For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision.
As we have seen, It is not crear what it means to have rational expectations concerning events that happenbut once or twice in a lifetime. What inferences were to be made about the future consequences of the decline in the stock prices that occurred in October with earier periods are at best just that:anlogies.There have been enormous changes in the institutions of the economy and its structure since the last major crash of the stock market,in October 1929.
After two days in New York,I feel like I'm on a perpetual roller coaster. Thousands and thousands of people of all shapes,sizes and races. お願いします。上手く訳せません。教えてください。
The japanese attitude to nature is not simply a matter of love,for it is tinged with a deep fear of the sudden forces it can release. It is worshipped,yes,but only after it has been reshaped by human hands. 長いですがお願いします。
>>204 英文の形を整えてから投稿して欲しいな…。カンマ、ピリオドの後にはスペース一つ、って何度も言ってるのに。 The Japanese attitude to nature is not simply a matter of love, for it is tinged with a deep fear of the sudden forces it can release. It is worshipped, yes, but only after it has been reshaped by human hands. 自然に対する日本人の姿勢は、「親しみ」では決してない( or 単なる「親しみ」では無い)。 なぜなら、日本人は突然に解放されうる自然の力に対する果てしない恐怖と常に隣り合わせだからである。 確かに自然崇拝の心はある、しかしそれは人間の手によって形を変えられてしまった後の話である。
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. And it's an unreliable guide to the future. What seems to be the perfect business plan or the latest technology today may soon be as out-of-date as the eight-track tape player, the vacuumtube television, or the mainframe computer.
Unfortunately , progress in the form of normal economic and technological development is not only an idea which thinkers can support or oppose. お願いします。
Suppliers providing a product, process, or service that can affect the product's compliance with the EC type examination certificate shall only be selected after an evalution has demonstrated that they have the capability of ensureing compliance with all specificed requirements;
Companies investing in interactive networks should try to avoid repeating the mistakes made in the computer industry over the past twenty years. I think most of these mistakes can be avoided by looking at a few critical factors : negative and positive spirals, the need to initiate rather than follow trends, the importance of software as opposed to hardware, and the role of compatibility and the positive feedback it can generate. You can't count on conventional wisdom, which makes sense only in conventional industries.
>>234 Suppliers providing a product, process, or service that can affect the product's compliance with the EC type examination certificate shall only be selected after an evalution has demonstrated that they have the capability of ensureing compliance with all specificed requirements. 本製品のEC式検査認定に影響を与える可能性のある部品、プロセス、 或いはサービス供給者は、全ての要求スペックを満足する事が検証 された後に選定される。
お願いします。 Historically,Britain'srecord of accepting immigrants has been very successful--after all,what are the British but a race of Celto-Roman=Scandinavian-anglo-Saxon-Norman-Asian-Caribbeans!
>>267 了解。名前も名乗らないのはちょっとね。 Hey there 「やあ、こんちわ」です。 hey, you のほうがきつく聞こえる。「おい、おまえ」は初めての人にはまずいでしょ? He is our man この man は ヒーローっぽく考えたらいいと思います。 彼は俺たちの英雄なんだ、の少し弱い感じかな?日本語になりにくいけど。
Some call these men the greatest entertainers on earth, flying without wings, define physical limitations. But the risks these men take are great. Bodies had been battered, necks broken, careers ended in instead. Yes, this is entertainment, but the hazards are real. No matter who you are, whatever you do, please don't try this at home.
>>273 じゃぁ、大文字のとこを勝手に付け足して訳してみるね。 A casting THAT is recovered by welding it will become subject to the requirements applicable to fabricated enclosure. 溶接により修復された鋳造物には、エンクロージャーに課せられる 要求事項が適用される。
The first problem connected with having pride in or attaching special value to one's work is that such an attitude gives rank or social status to work which was originally just a means of earning money.
No explicit requirements in XXX related to the concept of "YYY". As a consequence, references this book to the requirements of ZZZ exclude this concept.
長いのですが、この文、 文法的に間違ってるor意味不明な部分がありますか? Please become calm! He merely wants to cause a disturbance. This is the problem of a relative sense of values. Therefore, it's a foolish act that he's going to force his idea on other men, just because he can't understand their fascination. 日本語的には、 冷静になって下さい! 彼は単に騒動を起こしたいだけです。 これは相対的価値観の問題ですから、 彼がいくら彼らの良さが理解できないからといって 他の人に自分の考えを強要するのは愚かな行為です。 という意味にしたいのですが..。
With a fresh start, the feeling and focus is more clear and the vision that I embark on is much more within my reach is how I feel, but of course reality kicks in as the week progresses.
>>294 (With a fresh start,) [(the feeling and focus is more clear) and {the vision (that I embark on) is much more within my reach}] is how I feel, but of course reality kicks in as the week progresses.
Although conspicuous ownership and status-seeking may have a great deal to do with pet owner ship and the pet industry-whether you have a mutt or a Shar Pei, a Siamese or an alley cat-economics and display are only part of it.
He was so afraid of Robert and his friends that for a long time he belived his life to be in danger. He never lay down to sleep, even in his palace surround by his guards, without having a sword at his bedside.
kathy and Rick invite you to come to their new house on Dogwood Lake. Come as early as 2:00 on the afternoon of Saturday, september 9, and stay as late as you like. (We have extra beds if anyone wants to stay overnight.) We will be having a barbecue for dinner at around 6:00.Dress casually and comfortably. We would suggest that you bring your swimming suit, but the water is a little too cold at this point. We do ask that you call us and let us know if you are planning to come.
Go south on the Barley Expressway for about 10 miles past the city limits.Take the Chapel Road exit. Go left on Chapel Creek Road, but stay on this road for only half a time. The road curves strongly to the right. Look for the sign for Dogwood Lake and turn right at the sign. This puts you on Lakeside Road. Stay on this road for about three miles. You will pass a small grocery store with a house right beside it. The entrance road to our house is on your left, immediately after the grocery store.
1)Not everything big and dead is a dinosaur. は、「大きくて、かつ死んでいる全てのものが恐竜というわけではない。」 でよろしいでしょうか。あと、 2)Dinosaurs are a specific subgroup of the archosaurs, a group that includes crocodiles and birds. のsubgroupとかgroupの訳の仕方が分からなくて困っています。どなたか全訳をどうかよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m
Like their low-tech predecessors, they killed civilians just as effectively as they showered death on iraqi soldiers, who shivered in their bunkers drier, but probably no less fearful than the soldiers in world war I.
>>313 生物学的な専門用語は分からないので恐縮ですが、 subgroup = sub + group です。 sub とは、「下位の、補佐の、準」などの意味があります。 ですから a specific subgroup とは archosaurs という group の下位の(に属する)ある group と言うことになります。 生物学では「類」、「綱」、「目」などいろいろな分類用語がありますが、それを適当に当てはめて下さい。
With a fresh start, the feeling and focus is more clear and the vision that I embark on is much more within my reach is how I feel, but of course reality kicks in as the week progresses.
All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer shall be documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written policies, procedures and instructions. The quality system documentation shall permit a consistent interpretation of quality programmes, plans, manuals and records. The manufacturer shall facilitate an arrangement whereby "the US" may audit aspects of the suppliers operations that affect the type of protection.
Like their low-tech predecessors, they killed civilians just as effectively as they showered death on iraqi soldiers, who shivered in their bunkers drier, but probably no less fearful than the soldiers in world war I.
>>319 このスレを覗くたびにお目にかかるようで、不思議な御縁です。 時間的なものでしょうか。 ご提示の訳はいいとこまでいってますが、 この作者はなるべく簡潔に書いて「けむにまこう」としているようです。 they would if they had anticipated the changes. 彼等が変化を予期していたなら(実はできなかった)そうしただろうに という仮定法の文ですね。 だから 「同様に、価格の変化を完全には予測できないから、予測できていたら 必要であったであろう量以上に生産するように”騙されている”」 です。
>>309 湖畔でゆっくりはいかが kathy and Rick はDogwood Lake の新居にあなたを招きます。 9月9日(土)午後二次以降、どうぞ好きなだけ夜遅くまでいらして下さい。 (おとまりになりたいのでしたら、エキストラベッドもあります) 夕方6時頃からバーベキューの予定です。 どうか楽なカジュアルな服装でおいで下さい。 水着ご持参をでどうぞですが、水は少し冷たくなってきましたね。 もしこられるのならその旨をお電話でお伝え下さい。
Barley Expressway を南に10マイルほど走り、市境を越えます。 Chapel Road 出口をでて左に Chapel Creek Road にはいりますが、 そんなに長くはこの道を走りません。道は右にかなり曲がっています。 Dogwood Lake の標識を見つけたらそこを右へ曲がると、 Lakeside Roadにはいります。この道をまっすぐ3マイルほど走ります。 すると小さな雑貨屋とそのすぐ脇の家を通り越したすぐの左側に 我が家に続く道があります。
Well, I'm older than ever. Sometimes I see myself on TV or in something, as I am now. The question is whether I am a little too old to be doing this. How is it possible that I can still hold young fans? But I find if you question too much, things fall apart. It's better just to do it.
The classical economists drew a very strong conclusion from the long-run vertical supply curve. Since the long-run level of output in the economy is effectively determined by aggregate supply, which is inelastic, trying to manipulate aggregate demand at most simply changes the price level,as was shown in Figure 15.13.
Thais, for instance, have an equally strong and valid belief that they are controlled by forces greater than themselves, and so it is difficult, if not impossible, to make social changes.
The question is whether I am a little too old to be doing The question is whether I am a little too old to be doing this. How is it possible that I can still hold young fans? But I find if you question too much, things fall apart.
>>351 一つ前の文から見ると、この question は インタブの質問ではなくて、 「考えなきゃ行けないことは」と言う意味でしょう。自問自答と言うか。 だから、 But I find if you question too much, things fall apart. しかし、いろいろ(自分に)質問し過ぎたら(=考え過ぎると)、 かえってグジャクジャになるんだとわかったんだ。 が正しい。 したがって>>345 の意訳で良いと思われ。
>>359 anything ( that / which ) you looked at the station this morning. a famous artist whom ( this ) ( town ) ( invites ) Look at what he is doing. That house whose roof is red is mine.
<構文> 1文目は理解できてるようです。 2文目 主語は 「trying to manipulate aggregate demand at most」 全体 この後半部を訳してから、改めて前半部を見ると、関係が分かりやすいと思う。 Since 以下は従属節「〜なので」 which is inelastic この which は aggregate supply <訳> drew a very strong conclusion そのまま訳す inelastic 弾力性がない effectively determind 事実上決定付けられている。
>>373 この英文は主語が抜けていない? 主語(不明)would be cause for concern to anyone who feels thatは、 主語(ふめい)はthat以下を感じるanyoneにとって心配の原因となるだろう、 、かな。 あと、keepを訳す必要がある。維持する、継続する、など
>>291 Please stay calm. He just wants to make trouble. The issue here is what we value the most, and even if he does not understand what is good with them, it's still stupid of him to force his liking on the others.
Although conspicuous ownership and status-seeking may have a great deal to do with pet owner ship and the pet industry-whether you have a mutt or a Shar Pei, a Siamese or an alley cat-economics and display are only part of it.
>>400 Criticalityという言葉の誤用っぽい。意図はcritical importance みたいな事じゃないですか。そうだとすれば、 the product, process or service の重要性(欠けたり、正常に機能 しなかったりすると決定的な不具合が起きるという意味で)でいいと思う。
誤用ではないよ。critical の名詞形。 <critical> 3) a point to become disastrous; at point of crisis; decisive importance 4)relating to, or denoting a point of transition from one state to another. (of nuclear reactor or fuel) self sustaining chain reaction.... (New Oxford Dictionary of ENGLISH) この 3 と 4 の意味のときの名詞形が criticality だと書いてあるから、 「限界」の方がマニュアルとしては収まりがいいと思う。
>>395 時間が足りなくて発表までにここをチェックできなかったんですが、 とっても嬉しいです。ありがとうございました。 抜かして訳しても注意されなかったんで、よかった…。 ask over to って、overをつけなくても通じると言われました。 overをつけることによって、分かりやすくなる程度の効果しかないんでしょうか?
The release of the ship, the So San, appeared to defuse a potentially explosive situation in a region where tensions have been high since the United States made clear it was prepared to go to war with Iraq over its suspected weapons of mass destruction.
チケットの購入をしたいと思っています。 subject to a handling〜とstating〜のあたりがよくわかりません。 簡単な質問ですがどうかよろしくお願いします。
Ordering tickets Ticket prices are subject to a handling/ postage charge of ? 2.50 (Germany, Europe), ? 5.00 (non-European countries). Payment may be made by bank transfer on receipt of booking confirmation, stating your customer reference number (exempt recipient from charges)
snobbishとget laidはそれぞれどういう意味ですか? ちなみに全文はこんな感じです。 She hasn't graduated yet. She's one class below me and let me tell you she's pretty but rather snobbish. But then again all the girls here are so it's not easy to get laid. Thank God for the clubs around here....
機械設計の安全性、「曲げ( Windings) 」の章です。得意な方、いらっしゃいますか? Windings a) impregnation's are free of voids; b) insulation materials are to the stated specification; c) security of conductors; d) where protective advices (e.g.thermal cut-outs) are specified in the EC type-examination certificate, they should be of the type and in the location specified.
I know that this past semester, our meetings have been very few and far in between due to my own inconsistency, and what you told me about you focusing on your books and your clothing line, and in my attempts to meet with you during this past semester it was very difficult to do as a result. I hope your break is going well, and I look to speak with you over the break.
For many years now some liberal thinkers among us have insisted that it is wrong to punish criminals severely, that instead we should try to remake them into good citizens through kindness and understanding. ↑お願いします。
Some Americans who can speak Japanese will pretend that they cannot in certain situations. This is especially effective when one has to deal with policemen. It is always better to speak only in English when a policemen stops you for ignoring a red traffic light or for some other violation. お願いします。
私たちは、地球が太陽の周りを回っていることを知っている we () () the earth () () the sun 駅に着いたら電話をください call me ()()() atthe station それを明日までに終えられるかどうかわかりません I am not sure ()()()() it by tomorrow. 着かて居たので、昨晩は早く寝ました I went bed to early last night ()()() very tired. 父は私が朝、目覚める前に家を出ます My father leaves home ()()()() in the morning.
私たちは、地球が太陽の周りを回っていることを知っている we (know) (that) the earth (orbits) (around) the sun 駅に着いたら電話をください call me (when)(you)(arrive) at the station それを明日までに終えられるかどうかわかりません I am not sure (if)(I)(can)(do) it by tomorrow. 着かて居たので、昨晩は早く寝ました ←疲れて? I went bed to early last night (because)(I)(was) very tired. I went to bed early でしょ? (since ) 父は私が朝、目覚める前に家を出ます My father leaves home (before)(I)(wake)(up) in the morning.
>>476 私たちは、地球が太陽の周りを回っていることを知っている we (sure) (know) the earth (rounds) (by) the sun 駅に着いたら電話をください call me (if)(you)(are) at the station それを明日までに終えられるかどうかわかりません I am not sure (whether)(I)(can)(make) it by tomorrow. 着かて居たので、昨晩は早く寝ました ←疲れて? I went bed to early last night (coz)(I)(felt) very tired. 父は私が朝、目覚める前に家を出ます My father leaves home (before)(I)(get)(up) in the morning.
Yesterday, i was bored and started making a little forum. Just fooling around, but it came out ok. Its still very new, so a lot of changes need to be made. I havent gone public yet, so i just wanted to tell u about it first. But if u want, u can register and test the forum out. Its pretty kool! Let me know how it is. Thanks
I especially liked the character arch of the Princess, who discovers things about the lottery the King and his wealthier subjects would rather keep quiet, and the ahead-of-it's-time sidestory concerning an opportunistic Christian missionary who tries to exploit the Dragon situation to gain new converts.
The Full Moon is taking place in precisely the part of the sky that is now occupied by Saturn. As this part of the sky is contained within the sign of Gemini, we can read a great deal into this. It is as if you are now being asked to take a good close look at a fear or a problem. You can no longer ignore its existence. You have to ask yourself why you keep avoiding a certain person or situation. What is it about the past that makes you feel uncomfortable? How is this, in turn, impeding your ability to create the happy future you so richly deserve? Get ready, this season, to give yourself the greatest gift of all. Understanding.
The experimental apparatus was shown in Fig. 1. Diamond syntheses were undertaken using a hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) reactor. Diamond films were deposited on (100) silicon substrates that had been scratched with diamond powders and then rinsed. The deposition parameters were kept unchanged for all the diamond films synthesized in this paper as shown in Table 1. In order to reduce the effect of the variation in the power of the laser beam on our measurement, a He–Ne laser beam at wavelength =632.8 nm was divided into two equal intensity beams by a beam splitter. The light intensity It of one beam was directly detected by a photocell with a He–Ne laser line filter. Another beam fell on the substrate through a reactor window approximately at normal incidence. The reflected light intensity Ir from the surface of the growing diamond thin film was detected by another detector. Meanwhile, the light emitted from the hot filament was filtrated by the He–Ne laser filters. After subtracting the reflection effect from the both sides of the reactor window, the ratio Ir/It was considered as the measured reflectivity R of the growing diamond surface.
Poetry is as univarsal as language,and almost as ancient.The most primitive peoples have used it,and the most civilized have cultivated it.と Women are just as capable as men of forming an opinion about facts, they have at least much time to spare,and their point of view is as essential to justiceの和訳をお願いします。
also foreign bidders are allowed to bid on my auctions. but shipping in foreign countrys is more expensive then shipping in Germany. from your email address, I can see, that you come from Japan, is that correct? or where do you come from?
Poetry is as universal as language,and almost as ancient.The most primitive peoples have used it,and the most civilized have cultivated it. 詩は言葉と同じように普遍的で、しかも同じくらい古い。詩は最も原始的な人類が使ってきたし、 最も文明的な人類が洗練させてきた。 Women are just as capable as men of forming an opinion about facts, they have at least much time to spare,and their point of view is as essential to justice. 女性は事実について意見を形成することにおいて、男性とちょうど同じくらいの能力がある。 女性はすくなくともたくさん暇があり、その視点は男性のものと同様に、正義に不可欠である。
505 :名無しさん@1周年 :02/12/19 10:33 I especially liked the character arch of the Princess, who discovers things about the lottery the King and his wealthier subjects would rather keep quiet, and the ahead-of-it's-time sidestory concerning an opportunistic Christian missionary who tries to exploit the Dragon situation to gain new converts. プリンセスのお茶目なキャラが特に好きだった。王様との出会いや富の事は黙ってた方がよかった。 そして、その後のサイドストーリーで病気のキリスト教伝道師がドラゴンの場面で 改宗者になるために悪者になるところとか。
It's just gone 7 A.M. now, and I still haven't got that computer fully sorted. I've been up for just under 3 hours. I think that 1 card is causing all the problems, but unfortunately I don't have a spare one handy. I will probably have to buy another card for it, just to see whether that works any better.
In years past too much laxity prevailed in its management, and the files were handled by all corners, simply on their request, and returned at their will, or not at all. お願いします。
"This finding means that we need to take a look at the theoretical models of the structure of matter," says James Stone, professor of physics at Boston University and U.S. co-spokesman for the project. "It may shed light on some of our basic questions about the nature of the universe, including the question of the composition of 'dark matter' which has been proposed to account for the predicted total mass of the universe." The announcement was made today at "Neutrino '98", an international physics conference underway in Takayama, Japan.
The laws governing them, to the locating of surveys made by illegal certificates, or improperly made, and otherwise of no value through non-compliance with the statutes, or whatever flaws his ingenious and unscrupulous mind could unearth.
Motherly love for the growing child, love which wants nothing for oneself, is perhaps the most difficult form of love to be achieved, and all the more deceptive because of the ease with which a mother can love her small infant. But just because of this difficulty, a woman can be a truly loving mother only if she can love. 長いですがお願いします。
上の部分は自己解決しました。 しかし続きの文がわかりません。 The woman who is not capable of love in this sense can be an affectional mother as long as th child small, but she cannot be a loving mother, the test of which is the willingness to bear separationーand even after the separation to go on loving. 最後の部分がよくわかりません。 お願いします。
In this paper we reported the study on the growth of CVD diamond thin films by in situ reflectivity measurement. Oscillations and attenuation of the reflectivity were observed as the film grew. SEM pictures of the diamond thin films, deposited under the same growth condition but in different growth stages, were compared with each other. The results show that the attenuation of the reflectivity was related to the evolution of the surface morphology.
Letter writing campaigns may also be directed at government officials. Sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols are most effective when the force of the community and the law is behind them. In states where sobriety checkpoints are currently not allowed, a letter writing campaign can help your government officials understand their effectiveness.
Now, in vote by Web page"Person of the Year" of your company, the tool for carrying out continuation vote is developed and distributed with the Japanese bulletin board. It is developed to vote"Yasser Arafat". "" -- It contacts in this place and strategy is kneaded.
The Matterhorn remained to be conquered. Long after far loftier peaks had been successfully scaled, the Matterhorn still defied all attempts to conquer her. We may well use the word "defy," for the Matterhorn, with her flanks half-covered with snow and ice, rears her haughty head against the sky like a cry of defiance.
One of the most important historic spots in Okinawa is Shuri Castle. It is located on the hill in Naha City, and overlooks the city and the sea. In the past, Okinawa or Ryukyu, was completely independent of Japan. Shuri Castle was the place where the successive kings of the Ryukyu Kingdom lived. It was also the center of poritics and religious ceremonies. The Ryukyu Kingdom was founded by a king named Sho in 1429. This Kingdom became richer and richer through trading with China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asian countries. The cultures of these countries influ-enced the Kingdom as it established.
続きです。 Simazu, the leader of Satsuma,was very interested in the trading profit of the kingdom. In 1609 the kingdom was invaded by Satsuma, and was put under the rule of the Tokugawa Shogunnate. Heavy taxes were imposed on the people. Finally, in 1879 the Meiji Govern-ment made the kingdom a part of Japan by force, and named the islands Okinawa Prefecture. Shuri Castle was given up to the Meiji Government. Unfortunately, Shuri Castle was destroyed in the Battle of Okinawaduring World War U. The Castle was restored to its former state in 1992. お願いします。
すみません。和訳お願いします。 type of protectionと particular protection types of protectionは同じ ---> 防爆構造
This annex provide type of protection on those aspects that the quality system needs to address with respect to particular protection types of protection.
>>628 どうもありがとうございました。やはり変ですか。 他のみなさんもありがとうございました。629さんの具体的な指摘はありがたいです。 それで、下記もお願いして良いですか?続きです。長かったら出来るとこだけでも 良いですので。よろしくお願いします。 This annex provides examples of how to meet the requirements of this European Standard, recognising that other methods which achieve the same objectives are equally acceptable; and draws attention to aspects of requirements that may not be readily apparent to those unfamiliar with quality systems for products intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Examples of other types of protection including non-electrical equipment may be introduced as necessary in the future.
>>651 Q:What do you usually do the night before a big competition? A:Prepare my mind for the switch into the zone. Q:What is your diet while you are training? A:Depending on how intense, I try to eat a balanced meal.
>>664 文脈にもよるけど、 let something out let out something は何か秘密を漏らすとか、 (なかなか言おうとしない奴に対して)はかせるとかって いう意味もあります。 ほいでもって、(これも文脈によりますが) badはスラングで、最高にいかす、素晴らしいとかでたまに 使われます。(もちろん若者達でしょう) Go let something bad out! は お前ちょっとあいつんとこ行って何か言い情報聞き出して来い! てな感じになる場合もあります。くどいようですが文脈次第。
i can see nobdy but you are my sunshine across the universe all my loving my little sweet bridge over the troubled water I can't live water without you my little sweet please stand by me,darl…
I can see nobdy but you are my sunshine across the universe all my loving my sweet bridge over the troubled water I can't live water without you my little sweet please stand by me,darl…
The Daily Yomiuri Dec 12, 2002 最終面、 スポーツライター Jim Allen氏の記事より、冒頭の抜粋です。 和訳をお願いします。
Back down and you are finished. As important as physical strength, flexibility, smarts and speed are to success in baseball, the courage and confidence to do battle can often make or break a player, says Chiba Lotte Marines manager Yamamoto.
The notion that with grain one can produce flour, from which pasta can be made by hand, seems to have occurred to almost no one, not even when confronted with evidence of imports of hard grain destined for the fabrication of dried pasta in a pasta cutter.
>>690 Back down and you are finished. / As important as physical strength, / flexibility, smarts and speed / are / to success in baseball, / ここまで従属節 the courage and confidence to do battle /←これが主節の主語 can often make or break / a player, / says Chiba Lotte Marines manager Yamamoto.
先生:Who can tell me the difference between a college and a university? 高校生:You can only go to a college for four years,but a university has graduate schools,so you can go there for a master's or doctoral degree. 先生:Correct!
先生:Who can tell me the difference between a college and a university? 「誰がカレッジとユニバーシティーの違いを説明できる?」 高校生:You can only go to a college for four years,but a university has graduate schools,so you can go there for a master's or doctoral degree. 「カレッジは4年制のみ、ユニバーシティーは院があるので、 修士、博士課程にも逝ける」 先生:Correct! 「その党利」
>>725 おはようございます。さてご提示の文はクリスマスソングの最初の 2行をもじったものですから、正確に訳す必要がなければ、 ハハーン、シャレだな、と思っておいていいと思います。 元歌はこちら。 Ding Dong! merrily on high In heav'n the bells are ringing Ding, dong! verily the sky Is riv'n with angel singing Glo-o-o-o-oria, Glo-o-oria Hosanna in excelsis
If you want one of those I can add it, if not let me know if you want to wait until we get them in or if you still want us to send what you had previously ordered.
掲示板で返事をもらったのですがよくわかりません。 意訳おねがいします。 This is indeed interesting. Seems someone from japan is running a bot to revote arafat... Nothing to do with plaestinians support.
This is a snithe exite-translated page (japanise to english):
In る, the TASHIRO festival was created last year in my two. "TIME Person of the Year" vote. However, TIME is the person who can cast his vote about whether a lesson was learned from the vote last year. It appeared in the method of setting up beforehand. This is not silent. my two -- the person whom they the Americans want to disregard most by the power of - Let's use Chair "Yasser Arafat" Arafat as a cover!!
Vote is ↓ from from [ here ]. (It is heavy.) A check is put into the screen lower right and "Yasser Arafat." Its vote can be cast if the "VOTE" button is pushed. (Please perform revoting after deleting Cookie) It is >>2 for details. -
In addition, this page is being link to from several japanise sites and draws a considerable attention. I would be happy if one of the many visitors from Japan will explain the interest of so many japanise in thiss subject.
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi may dissolve the House of Representatives for a snap general election in the closing days of the regular Diet session next year.
すみません、ここに出てくる(for a snap)の意味が解からなくて訳せません。 どなたか教えてください
なんかよくわからんことになってるようですが、 Dr.Johnson's much quoted definition, which as far as I can make out he never wrote, "an extravagant and irrational entertainment", is perfectly correct; and at first it seems surprising that it should have been brought to perfection in the age of reason. 長いですがお願いします。
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi may dissolve the House of Representatives for a snap general election in the closing days of the regular Diet session next year.
>>750 すいません。なぜand at first it seems surprising that it should have been brought to perfection in the age of reason. がここまで早く定義が完成されたのは驚くべきことだ。 と訳せるのかがわからなかったんです。
It has always been the Chairman's aim to develop the best possible stadium facilities for the future but, since the project to re-develop the stadium first began the cost has spiralled out of all proportion.
「忍耐」ということについての文脈で、 Little children think you have arrived at your destination when you stop for the first stoplight. A short wait in the doctor's office is unbearable. という文の後に、出てくきた会話なんです。↑の例として挙げた会話だということは 解っていたのですが、どうもしっくりこなかったので・・・やっと解りました、 ありがとうございました〜。
Manufacturer(製造業者)についての説明です。 "location or locations" のところとか、意味が今一つ不明です。 おねがいします。
「An organization, situated at a stated location or locations, that carries out or controls such stages in the manufacture, assessment, handling and storage of a product that enables it to accept responsibility for continued compliance of the product with the relevant requirement and undertakes all obligations in that connection.」
Inoue said traditional religious organizations have also opened their own Web sites to counter criticism of them on the Internet, such as that on the "2 Channel," where nonreligious people and religious organizations bitterly discuss fundamental issues about religions, including whether they are needed.
1) the evaluation shall be made by one or more of the following methods; 1) 下記1つ、またはそれ以上の条項により評価されなければならない。
-a documented site assessment to ensure that all relevant controls are available, documented, understood and effective. −文書化された現場評価を確実にする。全て関連する機器は可能で、文書化且つ理解でき影響される。
NOTE The evaluation should take the following into account; 注)評価は下記を考慮に入れる
-criticality of the product, process or service; −製品の危険度、工程及びサービス
-degree of difficulty, or variability in the manufacturing process; −精密度、製造工程における変形
-location of the supplier and hence the effectiveness of communications; −供給者の所在地及びコミュニケーションの有効性のその後
-does the supplier, in turn sub-contract the product, process or service;
At 62, I'm old enough to apply for Social Security and am going to try to do that today via the Internet. It's cold here too which means I have to buy more kerosene soon.
聴くと自殺すると言われている「暗い日曜日」という曲の歌詞です。 よろしくお願いします。 Sunday is Gloomy,My hours are slumberless, Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless Little white flowers will never awaken you Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you Angels have no thought of ever returning you Would they be angry if I thought of joining you Gloomy Sunday Sunday is gloomy With shadows I spend it all My heart and I have decided to end it all Soon there'll be flowers and prayers that are sad, I know, let them not weep,Let them know that I'm glad to go Death is no dream, For in death I'm caressing you With the last breath of my soul I'll be blessing you Gloomy Sunday Dreaming I was only dreaming I wake and I find you Asleep in the deep of My heart Dear Darling I hope that my dream never haunted you My heart is telling you how much I wanted you Gloomy Sunday
You'll find telephone conversations going smoothly if you give your caller every chance to finish tell- ing his story. If you're handling a complaint, this is esps- cially important, sincere "Thank you" and "You're wel- come" helps make friends. A good reputation is founded on a pleasant and helpful attitude. Be a good listener and remain calm and friendly. Avoid blaming someone else taking the matter personally. Apologize for mistakes, as "I am sorry that happened." Be ready to volunteer information and to offer assistance.
There's a door here,but it will not break There's a stone there,but it won't remain Up there a heaven now,but it will not wait And the lies there,the scent of it,just too much So should you,
Sow it once and make it grow,the sweet clematis Let it flower,and paint it all of the colors bold Instantly things fall and fade,return to silence Why oh why,why does it all feel so sorrowful? Dreams of what is real
(続き) There's a breath here,but it will not break There's a face there,but it won't remain Up there a heaven now,but it knows no name And the stain is the color of red through red And thus,
You cannot cry ,cofuse the lies,try to remember When you ries,you take your steps with a strong desire Time goes by,a breath it comes,like something given Why oh why,why have these nightmares not long expired The real is but a dream
From now on, Should it grow and open full, the sweet clematis Flower bold,but there's no need for rejoicing more Precious life,this life,just once, it comes just one time Keep it close,keep it from ever just leaving you Crying tears cnfusing fears they are no longer When I stand I know I'll never be down again Nothing that I need now,once it comes just one time Somehow,somehow,someone,ah Entry Number One
I have recently parted with a... very dear friend, under circumstances I do not wish to discuss with strangers. We had been adventuring together for many seasons, and the loss has touched me rather hard, as you can tell. Time will cure all wounds, I suppose. So here I am, waiting for time to toss me a boon.
As requested, please note our pleasure to set p services for you. Yet, we would like to inform you that the operation could be done only after the initial examination show that you appear as a right candidate for LASIK. Therefore, the first appointment should be arranged for the consultation.
In case, we would require further information including your full name and date of birth for the registration as a new patient before having an appointment. Also, certain date and time of your convenience would be helpful for appropriate arrangement. Payment can be made by cash or any major credit card.
As a Japanese, we are pleased to recommend our Japanese interpreter who should be ready for assisting you during the procedure.
If any further assistance would be of use, please feel free to contact us.
1.The managing director's reference to the forthcoming sales conference was a red herring. He just wanted to get off the subject of this month's poor sales figures.
2.Don't mention the present government in front of my father; it's like a red rag to a bull.
3.By the way,Joyce, my husband was tickled pink at your asking him to judge the flower show.
4.I think I'll go and stretch my legs.I've been sitting down all morning and I'm feeling a bit stiff.
5.There's something wrong somewhere. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly, but something just doesn't feel right.
6.The cruel way some owners treat their pets makes my blood boil.
7.You'd better be careful what you say to Samantha. You know how sensitive she is to criticism―she takes everything to heart.
8.I think there's going to be trouble at the meeting tonight; I can feel it in my bones.
9.David and the new boss seem to have got off the wrong foot. Poor David! There go his chances for promotion.
>>893>>902 私にも有料のように見えます。ただ有料だと書いてないからね、はっきりとは。 Hidden Extra と言うことでしょうか? 既に雇われていると言うよりはいざとなれば当てがあると言うのではないか。 プロの通訳なのか、日本語できる現地人なのかで、サービスの質は全然違うでしょうが。 Medical English は門外漢にはとても太刀打ちできないからね。
>894に関してですが、 「at that time」って「その時」の状態を述べる意味ということは過去の状態を表すと思うのですが are full of ... と ...talking baseball.のようにここは現在形。 これを和訳すると、時制が入り乱れるのは英語を和訳するのに基本的に無理があるって ことなのでしょうか。
>>914 文を分解してみましょう。 the lesson of all this までが主語 =(ア)とします is が動詞 that internal processes may figure in the explanation. これが that 節(〜と言う事)=(イ)とします するとこの文は <(ア) is (イ)> の文となりますね。 こうしておいて、(ア)と(イ)の中をそれぞれ訳してから、上の式に 当てはめればいいのです。 すいませんなんか数学のような説明で。
Turn to the dictionary to find the meaning of unfamil- iar words and to check on their correct pronunciation. Study the way words are marked in your dictionary, and be sure to pronounce the words correctly in conversations or in discussions. お願いいたします。
...In fact, as I remember, it is all I have been doing these last few months. Constant regret, the neverending sorrow of events long gone... you were right. I do need to move on, to look at today and tomorrow. And if I happen to find a way to atone for the events of the past, all the better.
There's a door here,but it will not break There's a stone there,but it won't remain Up there a heaven now,but it will not wait And the lies there,the scent of it,just too much So should you,
At night he used to make the fire for the bath in the inn next door. Becoming a good friend of Daikichi, the son of the innkeeper, he often took a bath and studied with him. In the bath Hideyo would sit in the steaming hot water with his Reader set up on the edge of the bathtub and study English. He and Daikichi took turns scrubbing each other's back. "Now it"s your turn to scrub mine," said Daikichi one evening, and Hideyo began to scrub without taking his eyes off the textbook. "OUCH!" cried Daikichi. Hideyo had taken a stone for a piece of soap!
This procedure was a simple statistical analysis routine consisting of a letter-by-letter comparison of pairs of succeeding words in the alphabetized list.
Have you ever seen people change dramatically, all of a sudden? One day you know them good and true, then the next... Well, sort of makes you wonder if someone switched them with an evil twin in their sleep?
Yes, of course she is, but she is also happy that people like me, especially because she knows that I'm hers.
I prefer sports and casual clothes and my favourite fashion brands are Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci. I like going shopping but I prefer it when Yuki, my girlfriend, is accompanying me.
toledo's assumption of the presidency seals the former shoeshine boy'sremarkable rise and completes peru's return to democracy after a decade of authoritarian rule by disgraced former president alberto fujimori.
同じくとれど大統領の記事です。 he accepted the red-and-white sash relinquished by interim president valentin paniagua, the former head of congress who assumed the presidency eight months ago after lawmakers voted to remove fujimori on constitutional grounds of moral unfitness .
I've been depressed more than five years. And I worried to death lots of times. My heart stopped pumping all the time. Why it worries me so much. Should I be more selfish, without paying attention to you, and other people, and indifferent to such awuful accidents? If there are things cruel, I don't see any reasons I call it cruelty. Dou you say all I can do is weep over my fate alone?
I am worse at any points than I used to be. I never laugh, never be happy and feel like lightness in myself is disapearing. I am worst in the world, and only waiting for my death is my life.