(参照CF.1) ●an ace in the hole取って置きの切り札 ▲トランプより Don't tell them that we have that information, that's our ace in the hole. その情報をもっていることをやつらに言うな。われわれの取って置きの切り札なんだから。
●pass the buck責任逃れをする ▲buckトランプ、ポーカーの親の印 Don't expect Nick to assume responsibility for makeing a decision. He is famous for passing the buck. ニックに物事を見目留責任をとるなんて期待してもムリだ。やつは責任逃れをするので有名なんだから。
●be behind the eight ball(障害にぶつかって動きがとれず)困っている ▲ビリヤードより Our company is really behind the eight ball. We have a huge debt to pay but can't borrow any more money. 当社は本当に困っている。巨額な借金の返済を迫られているが、もうこれ以上金を借りられそうにない。
●turn the tables 形勢を一変させる when the printer's union threatened to strike, the niwspaper turned the tables by shutting down the presses. 印刷組合がストライキをすると脅かしたら、新聞社は工場を閉鎖し、形勢を一変させた ▲昔チェスなどで一方的なゲームを面白くするために、途中でテーブルを半回転させた事に由来
that is very fun Ah, ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ah, ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
「これ、終わらせないと」というときに、日本語的には、 I have to finish this. と言いそうだが、英語らしくするためには、 I have to get this finished. I'v got to get this done. と言った方がよい。 応用として、 「これ、6時までに終わらせないと」は I'v got to get this completed by 6 o'clock. 「来週までにやってくれる?」 Can you get it done by next week?
「それ、やってみたほうが良いと思うよ」なんていいたい時、日本人的には、 had better(した方がいい)にしようか、should(すべき)にしようか、 でも、had betterはきつい表現だなんていう話もあるし、といって困ってしまうが、 こういう時に、ネイティブはなんて言うか。 You might want to do that. って言うのが、一番ニュアンスが近いのでは。この中のmightは mayでもいい。 応用ですが、 「やんない方が良いと思うよ。」この場合は単純に You don't want to do that. といえます。
「ちょっと質問があるんだけど」って軽く言いたい時にどうしたらいいか。日本人的には、 There is a question. I have a question. ちゃんと教わった人なら、May I ask a question? なんてのが思い浮かぶと思うが、ネイティブはどういうか。大抵は I have a question for you. I'v got a question for you. 或いは、頭を省略して、Hey Mike,(a) question for you.「ねマイク、質問なんだけど」 と言います。このfor youってのが味噌で、これで、「特別君に訊きたい」 といった感じの親しみ感が出ます。 同じように、「何々してあげる」の「あげる」の部分の感じをだすのにもfor you が使われる。例えば、 Don't worry. I'll take care of it for you.「心配するな。俺が何とかしてやるよ。」 応用で Can you give this to Prof. Sato for me?「これ、佐藤教授に渡してくれる?」 の「くれる」の部分がfor meとなる。
穴の開きかけた靴を履いている友達に、「良い靴を買ったら?」 というとき、日本語的には、Why don’t you buy a nice pair of shoes? が頭に浮かぶ。それでもいいのだが、もっと英語的には、 Why don’t you get yourself a nice pair of shoes?
同様に眠そうな顔してる人に向かって、「コーヒーでも飲んだら?」 というとき、Why don’t you drink a cup of coffee?でも通じるが、 Why don’t you get your self a cup of coffee? の方が、英語らしくなる。
Guidelines for the Use of Taxis Disbursement of travelling expenses using taxis is possible on demand within a month accomponied by the evidence of the cost such as a receipt when the taxi is used either of those conditions: - later then 21:30 with permission of a superior - carrying more than 5 kilos of business materials - emergency situations
>>83さん、すれ違いですよ。でもとりあえず。 >>85さんの結構いいんだけど、幾つか間違えが。 Disbursement->reimbursment the evidence->evidence 書き直してみます。 The reimbursement policy for taxi use. The company will pay for a taxi fare as long as one of the following conditions apply: - it is later than 21:30 and you have permission from your supervisor in advance - you are carrying more than 5 kg of work related materials - an emergency situation (injury, health or family related) For reimbursment, a claim has to be filed within a month of the event. The claim has to be accompanied by evidence of expense such as a receipt.
>>83,86 私の試訳です。86さんの訳を参考にさせていただきました。 The company will reimburse you you the taxi fare you have paid under any of the following conditions: -- You leave the office later than 21:30 with your supervisor's advance approval to use a taxi. -- You are carrying business luggage heavier than 5kg. -- In case of emergency (injury, health or family reasons) The expense report must be submitted within a month accompanied by vouchers.
evidence of expense such as a receiptは簡単に vouchersでいいと 思います。
Over 15 years after I met you, I think I realize what love is. Yes. I loved you, I still love you and I will always do. I now understand why the love became the hatred and how the hatred returns to the love. At that time, I was entrapped and forced to prostitute, and the plebs embarrased me. I thought that Ok, you made a fool of me and that you knew what it would result in. The result was, as you know, to turn on you, although I should have turned you on. And I became insane, exhausting my own heart and brain. Actually, there have been a lot of chances to have sex with beautiful girls and ladies who include cute Japanese high school students, an attractive British, a sexy Fin, a good Korean and a nice Chinese. I have missed them. I myself didn’t know why. Now I know the reason. This is the love of you. This is not logic. Deep in my heart is the love of you, still. I have never thought love has such strong a power. Can you understand me? I expect yes, because we aggressively loved each other, at least once. We thought our two hearts were the same, at least once. I believe that you can grasp reality. Whatever it is, I wish you could contact me.
Bend your elbows with right angle and heave them up to the horizontal line of your shoulder. Then swing them revolving around shoulder. In the early phase of your neck stiff, you’d better practice these kinds of exercise to warm up the blood and improve its smooth flow