You may say that their activities are not play but an exrcise for getting food or surviving. Crows' gymnastic skills help them to hunt insects. Their ゛rugby" may be helpful in training their skills to compete for food. Gliding in the air is clearlyrelated to their hlying skills. Once Johan Huizinga, a Dutch professor, said play was an activity whose goal lies only in the activity itself. He considered that such intelligent acts were only possible among humans. He called our species ゛Homo Ludens,"(Man of Play). When people play games, what they seek is nothing more than the pleasure of such activities. Do you think that crows find the same pleasure in sports that humans do? お願いいたします。
"If one side stops honoring its obligations, it will become difficult for the other to continue honoring its own obligations," the spokesman said. お願いします
This seems to indicate that addiction to tobacco may be partly genetic because identical twins share the exact same genes, while only 50% of the genes of fraternal twins are the same.
It also allowed Japan to focus on the postwar reconstruction of its peacetime industries in a region where historical resentment and suspicion of any Japanese military power still remain strong. お願いします。自衛隊の話です。
Everyone has a friend or relative who seems to be able to eat anything they want and still stay thin.Then there are others who seem to struggle with their weight all of their lives.
As time passes, scientists may discover the exact way that our genes control our behavior and may be able to help those whose genes are causing them unhappiness or harm.
Fisher said, 'No bothering about the racing on the telly then...' 'Nah, better no --- I've got a couple of things to do. The maw as well Tam, I've got to see her.' 'Aye how's she keeping? I dont see her about much.' 'Aw she's fine, keeping fine.'
All of our herbs are cut and sift unless otherwise noted, this means that all of our herbs are air dried and then sifted through and cut into smaller pieces, but not powdered. If an herb is powdered than it will say so either online or in the catalog, otherwise it is the herb in it's original form although it's dried and cut into smaller pieces than the whole leaf. As for the November specials, I believe that they are already posted online, so order away. I hope this clears up any confusion you may have had, and please feel free to contact me if I can be of further assistance. 長くてスミマセン。英語が苦手です、と書いてメールしたのに難しくて困っています。 解るところだけでもいいので教えてチャンです。
Oh I am what I am I'll do what I want But I can't hide I won't go I won't sleep I can't breathe Until you're resting here with me I won't leave I can't hide I cannot be Until you're resting here with me
>>80さん 前の文が he's back in that strange and wonderful land called minor-league baseball, なので、マイナーリーグの説明っぽいのかな?とも思います。 snortの意味が「荒い鼻息」しかなかったので、 bull snorts smoke でなんか成句なのかな?とも思ったのですが、 このまま使用してよさそうですね。 'BULL DURHAM'もググッた時にヒットしたのですが、 ここまでは分かりませんでした。 色々とありがとうございました。
The hunters stopped to quench theirthirst.The pure snow that they now put into their mouths confirmed in the minds of the men that the salt-saturated snow was behind them."There is no doubt that we have arrived.This is old,solid ice;it is land!"They shouted with joy as they ate the snow;they laughed and they cried. お願いしますm( )m
One man was outside re-coverning his house in order to make it warm.It was he who heard the noise made by the returning men.As soon as he recognized the men he started to jump with joy as one would rejoice.Everyone emerged from their houses and let loose a joyous howl.They had believed the men lost for good.Some of the women had even taken new hashands.But now that the men had returned safely everyone was overcome with happiness. どうかよろしくお願いします。
Toys "R" Us is remaking itself,after two lackluster years. This year it has matched or beaten analysts' forecasts for the first three quarters. It's aggressibely buying back its stock,and changing its stock of goods. And investors are responding: Toys "R" Us is up nearly 37% so far this year, although it's still down more than 16% over the past 5 years.
We are going to have a very strong year,because we have done the hard work of making sure we are going be in stock. 長いですけどよろしくお願いします。
the boards agree to quickly commence deliberating differences identified for resolution in the short-term project with the objective of achieving compatibility by identifying common, high-quality solutions.
both boards also agree to use their best efforts to issue an exposure draft of proposed changes to u.s.gaap or ifrss that reflect common solutions to some ,and perhaps all ,of the differences identified for inclusion in the short-term project during 2003.
As part of the process, the iasb will actively consult with and seek the support of other national standard setters and will present proposals to standard setters with an official liaison relationship with the iasb ,as soon as is practical.
Of cource, the present discounted value of an individual's consumption over his lifetime must be equal to the present discounted value of his income (if we ignore bequests and inheritances). よろしくお願いしますー
No reference is made to the employees. No more faithful, competent and efficient force of men exists in the clerical portions of any government, but there is--or was, for their day is now over--a class of land speculators commonly called land sharks, unscrupulous and greedy, who have left their trail in every department of this office, in the shape of titles destroyed, patents cancelled, homes demolished and torn away, forged transfers and lying affidavits. お願いします。
You see them all up and down this coast at this time of year. They cover themselves eith oil and lie up there on the sand and boil themselves until they burn completely. 誰かこれの翻訳してくれ〜。 解答もらってないからサパーリ。 おながいしまつ。
The importance of genetic polymorphism detected by 'microsatellites' is now well established in mammalian genomes. Sequences with a CA repeat, specific to sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., were found by screening a genomic library in M13. After amplification, some polymorphism was detected on these sequences
お願いします。 within a sample of cultivars and populations.
You said go, you said stay Got so confused I tried to do both So I broke out in a sweat Cashed my check And I spent it to death And it's hard to compete And it's hard to eat When you're beating your teeth On the ground and it's rude Did you ever even think about The first impression that you gave To the pigs, to the kids With the hazardous waste And their wine and their eyes And their gasoline hormones Accessories accessorizing
there were deep hollows in the limestone slabs, worn by the countless feet that daily trod uneasily through its echoing corridors, pressing from file room to business room, from commissioner's sanctum to record books and back again. お願いします。
"What's that doing on your computer!" If You Read Nothing Else... READ THIS! Your Privacy and Way of life are in Danger... "Your Computer Records Your Every Move" What would someone find?? Who has access to your pc? Kids? Your spouse? The FBI?"
>>135 I thought such a man could not be bloodthirsty, and he wasn't; he made sure the October Revolution was bloodless. 私にはこのような男が流血を好むとは思えなかった。実際その通りで、 彼は十月革命を無血で成功させる事に力を注いだ。
Please E-mail back to me if you think maybe a 30x50 will work for you. We have a big sale right now and I can get you in a building this size b/w 9-12 thousand U.S.$.
Someone told me that 'windy' didn't refer to the climate,but to the fact that the people are long-winded. Mile after mile of exclusive boutiques. The dog wasn't feeling too well. 分かりません。教えてください。
>>202 書き込みの最後に「ONE」なんて書く習慣は別にないですよ。 少し話はずれるけど「君こそ僕の探していた人だ」、「君こその僕の理想だ」 という意味で、よく使われる表現で「you are the one」というのがあって、 もしかしたら、その「ONE!」は「(you are the) ONE!」と意味で 言ってるのかな。
あと、これも推測だけど、その彼はかなり興奮状態であなたを 口説こうとしている状態で Let me be the first to tell you "I love you"(とか "you are the one")とかいう意味で言ってるとしたら、 なんかつじつまが合ってくるきますね。笑
>>205さん ありがとうございます。 うーん、バンドのメンバーとファンがやりとりしてる場所で その彼(メンバー)の書き込みにはよく最後に「ONE!」って書いてあるんです。 あ、あと残念ながら205さんの推測は・・・ない!!!ですw Let me be the first to tell you...の後に「レコーディングは最高だった」って書いてあって。 「レコーディングはどうだったの?教えてよ!」と話をふったのは私なんですが。 「Please tell us」って書いたから「to tell you」のyouはファン全員を指してるのかも。 一応私の投稿に対するレスになってるけど。
Where are the IA-64 processors? It took intel / HP 6 years to come up with an implementation that by their own admission pretty much sucks.
Itanium failed all the expectations for the "latest and greatest" micro-processor, the 'next generation CISC machines' and all these Holywood like smokes and mirrors.
It needs a 128bit bus to feed the beast with data / instructions fast enough. And as a matter of fact even the 400MHz BUS is not enough! From their own performance tests their older generation processor is faster.
Wy would a major UNIX vendor, who also manufactures microprocessors, invest resources for a "future" and still immature product?
Have SUN (or any other UNIX vendor) had the resources Intel has, UltraSparc would be among the fastest processors around.
As a matter of fact, it is good enough: can oneconnect 64 Itaniums together in a multi-processor setting? What kind of monstrous memory subsystem would one need to feed these block hungry beasts?
Marketing is not engineering, so if one listens to marketing and not engineering, then he deserves what he gets.
I am assuming you want to know the Air Mail shipping charges, which would be $11.00. If you really mean you want the shipping charges for UPS let me know. お願いします。
>>258 No need to get excited. "Guy where" is not the question. The question is whether or not "where" in that sentence should be interpreted as "for whom." You seem to know the language well, so may I suggest that you think about how the words "where" and "when" are used loosely in casual (and sometimes not so casual) writings?
Always work from a copy of your original tape and keep the original safe : it's irreplaceable!! Use a sheet of lined paper and draw a margin if there is not already one. In the margin put the counter readings of your playback machine, at least at the top and the bottom of each page. If your machine doesn't have a counter, use a watch with a second hand and record the time elapsed from the start of the tape at the top and bottom of each page.
this is more complicated than audio transcription because the picture as well as the sound has to be noted down. Videos nearly always have very accurate counters so that you can easily log the different movements or changes of picture. A commonly used way of transcribing video date is to divide the page into two columns and use one for picture, the other for sound. Hint.don't describe the picture in more detail than necessary. Before including details, convince yourself you need them.
But the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee decided to play some crass politics with the award by publicly portraying it as a "kick in the leg" to the Bush administration's Iraq policy. お願いします。
お願いします EXPLOYMENT HISTORY: Apr. 1997 - Present: Senior Account Manager, PRIDE Inc. Managed all aspects of public relations for major clients including ExTorChemical Corp. and WestPac Airlines.
Apr. 1997 - Present: Senior Account Manager, PRIDE Inc. Managed all aspects of public relations for major clients including ExTorChemical Corp. and WestPac Airlines.
1997年4月:Senior Account Manager, PRIDE Incは,ExTorChemical Corp. とWestPac Airlines.を含む主要な顧客のための公の関係のあらゆる局面を 管理した。
This one is possible, I pulled it off this morning but it took around 1.5 hours using some major AI abuse. If nobody can do it by midnight pst, I will give the pass to KosmikPanda for improving on the wisp strategy.
To think of Furi Kuri is to think more of a masterpiece, a work-of-art, rather than an anime. The animation quality is super and the art style direction is strange and always surprising with new twist. The characters are immediately loveable, or hateable like that damn nurse, and the storyline is good too. Having Rock and Roll BGM gives the show a distinctive atmosphere from other series. Gainax has never failed to always amaze me. When you think, "That is it! They can never top this", they do. Well, still wish it was longer.
In every form of artistic production, in painting and architecture, for example, schools arise; each of which seems to embody some kind of principle, and develops and afterwards decays, according to some mysterious law.
However,the fact is,if all the supercomputers around the world were hooked up,they would probably not even come close to matching a small child in terms of recognizing the physical world and making the decisions and judgments that we make so casually. 長いですがお願いします。
It has become about as hard to get a decent, healthy meal of reasonable proportions in this country as it is to locate a thriving five-and-dime. Worst of all, few people seem to have noticed.
An Italian doctor and two otherscientists,speaking Tuesday during a contentious meeting of a U.S. science panel,defended their plans to create cloned human babies amid charges by experts in animal cloning that safe cloning technology does not exist.
In 1999, just over one in four (26.8%) U.S. workers earned poverty-level wages−the wage required to lift out of poverty a family of four headed by a full-time, full-year worker (about $8.19 per hour in 1999) . 「the wage required to lift」以下の意味がよくわかりません。 最近のアメリカの労働市場の変化に関する本の中の一文です。
He was in the process of trying out his kayak when a herd of caribou suddenly appeared on the opposite shore in front of him.They seem to be ready to enter the water in order to cross the river.Tomas prepared his kayak to chase them.His knife was his only weapon and he was frightened.Dispite this,he approached one of them and killed it. よろしくお願いします。
While eating meat,he looked at the shape of the bones and wondered what he could make from them.He took a shin bone,hammered it with a stone and split it lengthwise.With one half of the bone he made a sharp weapon which he mounted on a piece of wood.Now when the bear arrived on the opposite bank of the river he was not afraid for he had in his possession a solid,pointed spear.
Download the drivers from the link above to a temp directory on your hard drive. In Explorer, navigate to the temp directory. Double click on the "w9x3220_full.exe" file to extract the drivers. Remove your current Vortex sound card drivers by going to Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs and selecting Aureal Vortex AU8810. Reboot your system when asked. When Windows restarts, it will detect new hardware. When it asks for drivers, point it to temp directory you unzipped the files to in step 2. These drivers do contain the latest A3D Drivers, so there is no need to download them.
He set out in his kayak for the far side of the river with the intention of allowing not a single caribou to escape.In fact,through skillful use of his gun,he killed them all,one after another.None of this game was wasted.The meat and the skins were put out to dry.The marrow and tongues were preserved in bags made from the stomachs of the first animals.Nothing was thrown aside. おねがいいたします。
分かる方お願いします 「U.S President John F.Kennedy warned the Soviets that any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against a nation in the Western Hemisphere would be considered “an attack by the Soviet Union”」
おながいします Republicans recaptured control of the Senate and expanded their majority in the House on Nov. 5 as GOP candidates rode on the back of President George W. Bush's popularity and turned a competitive midterm campaign into an election that defied the odds of history.
The fact that it has sold so widely gives testimony to the hunger in people to make friends and to get along with associates smoothly and without friction. We do not need such evidence,however,to be convinced of the importance of being able to adjust easily to people to be likable,poised,self-confident,and effective in social relationships-for we need only to think of how necessary such abilities are to good living to be impressed with the value of good social adjustment.
Pakistan on Sunday blasted Indian Deputy Prime Minister Lal Krishna Advani for blaming its premier intelligence agency ISI for acts of terrorism in India, saying the world does not take his `extremist` comments seriously.
`The world is quite clear that Advani is an extremist Hindo leader that's why it does not take seriously what he says about Pakistan,` President Pervez Musharraf's spokesman, Lt.Gen.Rashid Qureshi,said.
Adovani on Saturday called on the international community to view Pakistan's ISI in the same way it does Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda net work.
On the 21st August 2001 we encountered, for the second time in our short history, a database corruption which caused us to loose all of our member sites. Therefore, in re-launching this service we have taken the time to ensure that our new setup is considerably more robust. Unfortunately, this does however mean that all previous members will have to re-apply and replace the old html code with the new code provided.
Planet Teddy Bear and Teddy Bear Club International would like to apologise to all previous members for any inconvenience caused.
Come jogging with us.について 聞き間違いではありません。 テキストにもそう記載されています。 私の浅はかな文法知識では理解できなかったのです。 それから皆さんに確かめたいことがあります。 NHkラジオ英会話の14日分に出てくるのですが、 Wow,what a difference a couple of days make. 感嘆文なので最後は!だと思うのですが 現在の英語では!ではなく.を使うと言うことがあるのかしら?
>>431 come とか go のあとに分詞を使って 「〜しながら来る・行く」という表現があります。 A bird came flying through the window.「飛んで入って来た」 He went whistling down the street. 「口笛を吹いて行った」 Come jogging with us. ジョギングで一緒について来い、ということでは。
これらの結果から推測できるのは、jogという動詞だけでは「ジョギングする」という意味に捉えにくいから(一方、joggingという名詞は一般的)、そこで本当はCome jog with usというべきところをあえて、Come jogging with usという言い方をしたんだろうね。 とは言っても検索結果が6件だけだから一般的な表現とは言いにくい。 しかし本来は「Come 現在動詞」や「Let's go 現在動詞」のように言うべきで、「Come 〜ing」という言い方は極めて特殊と覚えておいた方がいいと思うよ。 実際、Come have lunch with us.(Come to have lunch with usも言える)やLet's go have lunchという言い方をするもので、Come having lunchやLet's go having lunchなんて言い方は完全におかしいです。
Now,he tells resaerchers what he wants by pointing to the right symbols on the bord or by using a special keybord. Kanzi's biggest achievement has been to show that he understands grammatical concepts such as word order. E.Sue Savage-Rumbaugh,a researcher who works with Kanzi,led an experiment comparing him with a two-year-old girl named Alia. お願いします。
That same night people came to his camp.He had built himself a low-walled shelter from stones and turf,and when he saw these people in the distance he wondered who they could be.He continued to watch them from his shelter. よろしくお願いします
We know that Islamic women wear veils but do not know how they live. We have the image that they have much less freedom than we do. And we also think that they are forced to do hard work or live without a voice in family life. However, a book by Dr.Motoko Katakura, Daily Life in Islam, about the role of Muslim women, challenges these stereo-types.
続きです。 Consider the dark abaya that Muslim women in Arabia wear, for instance. This might lead you to believe that these women's lives are dull and rigid. But as Dr.Katakura pointosout the colorful clothes these women wear under thair abaya suggest their lives are more complex than we imagine. The more we know about their lives, the more difficult it is for as to hold to our stereotyps about them. お願いいたします。
よろしくお願いします Now people are arguing about the benefits and dangers of wolf recovery in the Scottish Highlands. They will help you to form your own opinions on this issue. Wolves will soon be roaming through Scottish forests once again, three centuries after they died out, if a campaign by British environmentalists succeeds.
[Ecclesiastes, 3:1,8] For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.
[Koran, II:190] Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors.
外人とオークションでこんなメール来たので略してください。おながいします。 ちなみに商品は、”A”って事にしてください。相手のメルアド晒せないので [email protected]に書き換えました。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Hi I am in England and I would like to buy this ”A” Please e-mail me [email protected] I am also interested in all bit char g cars and accessories. I am look in for a new supplier
>>471 ありがとうございます。 You seemed to have lost your way これは「今まで上手く書けていたのに今回はどうしたの?」みたいな ニュアンスにとれますか? a little wit this sentence. これは? wit sentence の意味を知りたいのですが。
A child under joint guardianship of parents living separately, who lives alternately with either parent, the parent with whom the child is living when falling ill is entitled to temporary child-care leave.
That same night people came to his camp.He had built himself a low-walled shelter from stones and turf,and when he saw these people in the distance he wondered who they could be.He continued to watch them from his shelter. よろしくお願いします
An overzealous tabloid press can create a self-feeding cycle of sensationalism of the kind that has left the dignity of Britain's royals in tatters at their feet. マスコミについてです。うまく訳せません。お願いします。
Just before I sat down to write this letter, I called the circulation department of your newspaper and canceled my subscription. However, I am not an irate reader who is dissatisfied with your editorial policy. While I could offer some criticisms of the paper, in general I feel that you cover news and sports well. And I also enjoy many of the special features that you provide, particularly the in-depth stories concerning local affairs.
My problem is of a different nature entirely. Namely, someone often steals my newspaper. I live in an apartment complex, and it is the habit of the carrier to leave the paper on my doorstep each morning. For the last three months, not a week has gone by without my paper being stolen at least once. My carrier has assured me that he did not forget to deliver it on any of these occasions. Also, since the opening to my mailbox is small, there is no simple alternative to leaving the paper by my front door.
sometimes some people get me wrong when it's something I've said or done sometimes you feel there is no fun that's why you turn and run but now I truly realise some people don't wanna cpomromise well I saw them with my own eyes spreading those lies and well I don't wanna live my life too many sleepless nights not mentioning the fights i'm sorry to say lady I'm walking away from the troubles in my life Well I'm so tired baby things you say you're driving me away whispers in the powder room baby don't listen to the games they play girl I thought you'd realise I'm not like them other guys coz I saw them with my own eyes you should've been more wise and well I don't wanna live my life too many sleepless nights not mentioning the fights I'm sorry to say lady 歌詞なのですが、よろしくお願いします。
The 1990 Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC)set the legal minimum age for recruitment at 15, while an Optional Protocol to the CRC on armed conflict outlaws the involvement of children under age 18 in any hostilities and set strict atandards for the recruitment for those under 18.
大変申し訳ありません。以下の和訳お願いできませんか? Orwellからの抜粋です。 (1)There is no question about the inequality of wealth in England. It is grosser than in any European country,and you have only to look down the nearest street to see it. (2)But at the same time the vast majority of the people feel themselves to be a single nation and are conscious of resembling one another more than they resemble foreigners.
That same night people came to his camp.He had built himself a low-walled shelter from stones and turf,and when he saw these people in the distance he wondered who they could be.He continued to watch them from his shelter. よろしくお願いしますm( )m
This compact disc is the properly of the applicable record label and is being provided for promotional use only. Resale is unlawful and may be punishable under federal and state laws.
He took the rabbit skins,which he had set aside to soak in the water,and stretched them over the kayak frame.He sewed the skins together with the thin straps made from the loon.His kayak was ready. おねがいします
Language, when it is used to convey information about facts, is always an abbreviation for a richer conceptualization. We know more about objects, events and people than we are ever fully able to express in words. Consider the difficulty of saying all you know about the familiar face of a friend. The fact is that your best effort would probably fail to convey enough information to enable someone else to single out your friend in a large crowd. This simply illustrates the fact that you know more than you are able to say.
皆さん有り難うございます。 Please note: the Postal Service does not guarantee Express mail shipments. The buyer assumes the risk when shipping is necessary. Be advised, however, than I have shipped literally over 100 shipments and have never lost a bird. ってなっています。
They were hungry,and hunger had driven them back to John and to the river they knew to be filled with fish at this time of year.Moreover they were curious to see if he was still aive. よろしくお願いします。
(1)The popular image of urban homicide is one of urban gang battles and drive-by shootings. But half the people who kill each other also know one another. Many are members of the same family. Jelly Gliden is director of the Chicago Crime Commission, a non-profit organization that monitors why people commit violent crimes. (2)They have a lot of pressure on them, put on them by various agencies- whether it's probation or social work or the landlord or the police or whoever. (3)And if the wife goes out and does something, or if the husband goes out and gets drunk and there's a big argument, and then sometimes one of them will wait till the other one goes to sleep and shoot them or stab them. (4)The gangs-it's over street turf or to show just how tough they are.
some people don't wanna cpomromise well I saw them with my own eyes spreading those lies and well I don't wanna live my life too many sleepless nights not mentioning the fights i'm sorry to say lady
things you say you're driving me away whispers in the powder room baby don't listen to the games they play 527です。わからない部分を抜き出したので、どなたかよろしくお願いします。
Hotel California の翻訳をおながいします。 意訳になるところはできるだけ説明をおながいします。
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself, 'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell' Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place Such a lovely place (background) Such a lovely face Plenty of room at the Hotel California Any time of year You can find it here
Her mind is Tiffany twisted She's got the Mercedes benz She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys That she calls friends How they dance in the courtyard Sweet summer sweat Some dance to remember Some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain 'Please bring me my wine' He said 'We haven't had that spirit here since 1969' And still those voices are calling from far away, Wake you up in the middle of the night Just to hear them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely Place Such a lovely face They're livin' it up at the Hotel California What a nice surprise What a nice surprise (background) Bring your alibies
Mirrors on the ceiling, The pink champagne on ice And she said 'We are all just prisoners here, of our own device' And in the master's chambers, They gathered for the feast They stab it with their steely knives, But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember, I was running for the door I had to find the passage back to the place I was before 'Relax' said the nightman, We are programed to recieve. You can check out any time you like, But you can never leave!
The policy change had one quite dramatic consequence - those obtaining legislative divorces before 1816 could remarry, while those securing relief during the following decade could not.
Plato has written about the windows that open into the mind and it is a very true image. The mind of youth is a room without an escape:there is perhaps a dim inner light,and an endless succession of picture flicker on the walls. Then suddenly,on one side,the shutters are drawn and through an open space the youth looks out onto the light and landscape of the real world.Some time after,another window is opened,and the world is seen from another aspect.T he process should continue until there are windows open on every side of the mind,and the whole universe is visible to the enquiring eye.
ぶんつー相手とのやりとりなのですが、 「私はテレビでフランス語講座を見ました。」というつもりで、 I watch TV in The French conversation Program. と、書いたのですが、その返事は、 So you watch French programs ? It is strange because I used to watch Japanese conversation programs few years ago !
This whole Rally Monkey thing completely mystifies them. Every time the video people cue up Ray-Mo on the scoreboard, fans greet his appearance with utter silence.
"That's the biggest difference between baseball in America and Japan," Twins center fielder Torii Hunter said. "They don't have a monkey that jumps up and down."
The last piece fell into place Nov. 6 when Missouri fell to the Republicans after Missouri Democrat Sen. Jean Carnahan conceded defeat to former Rep. Jim Talent, a Missouri Republican. Talent's victory secured a new GOP majority in the Senate, an outcome that had appeared almost out of reach to party leaders a day earlier and that left Democrats dispirited and looking for scapegoats
Republicans also picked up a Senate seat in Georgia, maintained control of two crucial open seats in North Carolina and New Hampshire, and held on to Colorado and Texas. Democrats gained a seat in Arkansas but could not turn t he other competitive races in their direction. おながいします
>>659 すんません。 Baseball is a little different in Japan. For one thing, the balls themselves are slightly smaller. For another, the games can end in a tie (well, that's usually different than it is in America). ↑こんな具合で始まり
↓へと続いてるのですがいまいちよく分かりません。 And for another, this whole Rally Monkey thing completely mystifies them. Every time the video people cue up Ray-Mo on the scoreboard, fans greet his appearance with utter silence. "That's the biggest difference between baseball in America and Japan," Twins center fielder Torii Hunter said. "They don't have a monkey that jumps up and down."
He spread the newspaper (over,above) the table. どちらも間違いとは言えないけど文脈からoverの方がピッタリくる The water rose (above,over) my waist. 同じくどちらも間違いとは言えないけど、aboveがピッタリくる (腰を曲げて前かがみになっていたところを、その上を水が超えていったのならover)
女:Where is the best place to get a business loan these days? 男:The savings and loan is the easiest, and they're willing to accept risk, but the bank has better rates. 女:I need to borrow a lot, and haven't much to go on, so I suppose I should try the S&L.
女:Where is the best place to get a business loan these days? 事業資金を借りるのにどこが一番良いですかね? 男:The savings and loan is the easiest, 貯蓄貸付け組合が一番借りやすいし、 and they're willing to accept risk, リスクも喜んで受け入れる(つまりちょっと怪しい貸出先でもお金を貸す) but the bank has better rates. でも(借りるときの返済)利率は銀行の方が(借りる側に取って) 有利です(つまり利率が低い) 女:I need to borrow a lot, and haven't much to go on, 借りる額が多いのと手持ちが少ないので so I suppose I should try the S&L. やっぱり貯蓄貸付け組合にすべきなのかしら
He stood amazed at Josephine's piercing cry; at Richards' quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife. But Rchards was too late. When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease-of joy that kills.
>>673 あの、この最初の文の前に文があると思うんですよね。神とキリストに関しての文が。 それはわかったんでしょうか。その部分とこの And the Holy Spirit in one God, could be represented as a triangle. は一体の文だと思うんですが 違うでしょうか? とりあえず訳しますが そしてひとつの神における聖霊は三角形としてあらわす事ができる それからこの理由から金曜日とか13日には結婚式を挙げない人がたくさんいる なぜか。いくつかの説が考えられる
Never made it as a wise man I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin' Tired of livin' like a blind man I'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling
This is how you remind me of what I really am
It's not like you to say sorry, I was waiting on a different story This time I'm mistaken for handing you a heart worth breaking I've been wrong, I've been down, been to the bottom of every bottle These five words in my head scream "are we havin' fun yet?"
It's not like you didn't know that I said I love you and I swear I still do And it must have been so bad Cause livin' with me must have damn near killed you
特にわからない所 I was waiting on a differnt story の on handing you a heart worth breaking been to the bottom of every bottle "are we havin' fun yet?" の yet
Activation of LAP kinase in response to light was associated with tyrosine phosphorylation of the kinase, and treatment of the kinase with protein tyrosine phosphatase abolished its activity.
Courageous are those who would argue with the idea that knowledge management is one of the most ramified topics in the business lexicon. Much of this amplitude can be attributed to the number of fields that lay claim to the idea, or some part of it.
There is a huge online message board in Japan called “2-channel.” It has been addicted a lot of people. They have been wasting their time spending whole day playing with 2-channel. It might destroy some people’s lives. There were some reports that some employee were being fired because there are playing with 2-channel while their working hours. And there are huge amount of number students grades were going down because of 2-channel, rather spending thier time for studying.
>686 2行目の It has been addicted a lot of people. はおかしくないですか? ちょっと気になったもので。 これだと It(2ちゃんねる)がたくさんの人に夢中になった じゃないでしょうか A lot of people has been addicted to 2ch.じゃないかと思ったんですが 未熟者ですので、どなたかお願いします
「〜するとき」「〜しながら」「〜したとたんに」 when,while よりも同時性が強い。 Mary often hums a tune as she works in the kitchen. (メアリーは台所で仕事をしながらよく鼻歌を歌う) I finished my composition just as the teacher said, ‘Pens down.' (「ペンを置いて」と先生が言ったちょうどそのとき,私は作文を書き終えた) A hush spread over the spectators as the teams took their places. (両チームが位置につくと観衆はシーンとなった) [注] 「時」と「理由」の as: 「時」を表すasの場合は As a child 〜=When I was a child, 〜であって,As I was a child, 〜とすると「理由」を表すことに注意。
1.Where_________? [city , did , go , high , in , school , sightseeing , were , when , you , you] 2.What_________? [do , famous , place , to , tourism , visit , want , you] What do you want to visit famous place? (←答えに自信がありません)
As licking the woman high school thigh that was crude and was exposed,sniff at a scent of socks,lick a bottom of a leather shoes,rape you as it is,it is a dream of my lifetime to take out a spermatozoon inside a woman high school crude vagina to scream.
>>725 NEW! Gotta Blaze Syndrome A [Dark Angel] fic [phenomenon] where the author has Max say "gotta blaze" *every* *single* *time* she leaves. Not "goodbye," "see ya," or even "gotta bounce". It's *always* "gotta blaze". A particularly severe symptom of this is when she says it after *ahem* boinking Logan.
I keep telling myself that I'm only 24 so whatever I choose provided it's a wise decision financially won't have too huge an impact on my life but then again maybe it will.... Arrgghh why am I forced into such decisions so frequently I really do wonder, they always seem to be for the best but having somewhat of a normal life would truly be lovely.
It has come to my attention that there are a number of ex members of Kamms cult that are not particularly happy with some of the things I have said or implied about them
The fathers of today’s small children have considerably better possibilities than their own fathers had to discard the traditional gender role behaviour and to introduce a new kind of fatherhood, enabling the development of an early and close relationship between fathers and children.
>>751 It's not like you to say sorry, I was waiting on a different story This time I'm mistaken for handing you a heart worth breaking I've been wrong, I've been down, been to the bottom of every bottle These five words in my head scream "are we havin' fun yet?"
yetは疑問文では「まだ」っていう意味になるのは、どの辞書にも載っているはず。 stillとyetは、同じ「まだ」でもニュアンスが違いますよ。 yetは「まだだけど、これから変わるかも」という意味。 stillはただ単に、ある状態が続いているのを表しているだけ。 Are we having fun yet? は、「もう楽しくないかもしれないけど」という控えめな感じが出ている。 わかりにくいかなあ。
Microsoft's own Xbox, for example, is really pretty much outside the scope of this. Now, that's good in the sense that that's an area where there is a lot of competition, a lot of innovation, but anything that we might think Microsoft might do based on past behavior, they may very well try in these other spaces as well. That's really very much to be seen.
The micro constraint is in fact no more than that commonplace of microeconomics, that individuls have a choice between workinglonger hours, earning more money ---but thenas aconsequence they have less time to spend it in, and must therefore find intensively enjoyable consumption patterns--- or working shorter hours, earning less money in total, but with more time to spend it, and can thus opt for more extensively enjoyable leisure activities.
What is rather less familiar is the vitally important macroimplication of this: the goods and services that each individual combines with his or her consumption and unpaid work time enbody the paid work time of other people.
At the same time, Microsoft would argue that the reason the PC industry is as open to many entrants as it is is because there is the common platform, and that rather than buying a package of software with one disk of software and ten disks of the different interface software you would need to talk to many different operating systems, now you can pretty much write for that one platform, the Windows standard, and that the social benefit of that should be considered as outweighing whatever tactics they may have employed.
Please review the portion of the Shipping Policies section of the website which explains our policy on shipping hazardous/flammable materials by air or ocean.
Several of the oils you ordered fall under the hazardous category and will require special documents prepared at a minimum cost of $65. To this we must add shipping/insurance charges plus whatever the air carrier will charge for handling a shipment of hazardous materials.
The oils are: Chamomile Roman, Frankincense, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Lavender (French); samples of Carrot Seed, Clary Sage and Helichrysum.
Please let us know if you want this order processed with all the oils included or if we process the order without the hazardous oils.
Bastard is a child that is born to unmarried man and woman. A woman who bears illegimate child is commonly referred to as a bitch. Therefore, a bastard can be equated to a son of a bitch.
Go ahead and have fun with it all night if you wish.
In the USA the right to receive informed consent wasn't expressed until 1957, when the California Supreme Court introduced the theory in the case which involved a patient who had a problem with blood circulation in his legs.
In Japan, informed consent is a relatively new concept and it is not as commonly practiced as it is in the United States.
Spiderman, Spiderman Does whatever a spider can Spins a web, any size Catches thieves, just like flies Look out! Here comes the Spiderman! Is he strong? Listen, bud! He's got radioactive blood Can he swing from a thread? Take a look overhead Hey there, there goes the Spiderman!
In the chill of night, at the scene of a crime Like a streak of light, he arrives just in time
Spiderman, Spiderman Friendly neighborhood Spiderman Wealth and fame, he's ignored Action is his reward
To him, life is a great big gang-up Wherever there's a hang-up You'll find the Spiderman!
Shake you shake you baby. Team "Honey honey love" I'm gonna shake it up. you plain day it's nice. Coming for a dream. In funny funny dice. It's no a love sense to make a nice tonight uh... Don't you make me fly.I never leave you alone. For your love depend anything.Jive on me again! show me love show me love can't you feel my love, baby? no, no, darlin'come up'n show me up your love show me up show me love want you feel my love, baby?no, no, darlin' come up'n take my lover, you so sweet, so nice, my love お願いします
In the USA the right to receive informed consent wasn't expressed until 1957, when the California Supreme Court introduced the theory in the case which involved a patient who had a problem with blood circulation in his legs.
In Japan, informed consent is a relatively new concept and it is not as commonly practiced as it is in the United States.
If the government did something they did not like, students showed their displeasure by holding meetings and demonstrating on campuses and in the streets. Government leaders came to realize that they could not act without taking into consideration the feelings of students.
Perhaps the emotional skills we recognize most readily are "people skills" like empathy, graciousness and the ability to read a social situation. Researchers believe that about 90% of emotional communication is nonverbal. People who are more sensitive to these signals tend to more successful in their work or in school,even when their IQs are quite average. Like other emotional skills,empathy is a natural quality that can be shaped by experience. Babies as young as three months old show empathy when they are unhappy at the sound of another crying. Even very young children learn by imitation; for example,by watching how others act when they see someone in trouble, they acquire sensitive responses.
RAY SUAREZ: On whose behalf were they suing,あたりから、要約でも結構ですので お願いします
ANDREW GAVIL: Well, they did win some concessions out of the court. In a sense, she approved the federal settlement, and then in the second case, the state's ca se, she supplemented it with some additional provisions. But they didn't get ver y much.
So the choice they're facing right now is the decision whether to appeal, whethe r to take on the basic philosophy that is reflected in the judge's decision that an adequate remedy was at hand, that more drastic kinds of solutions were not w arranted, and that the states failed to establish by evidence that they were war ranted.
So they have a hard decision on their hands. These sorts of situations where the district court has a lot of discretion are very, very difficult to challenge on appeal. But there are some specific legal technicalities and legal bases that s he relied upon that I think do provide some basis for appeal. It will be very in teresting to see if they continue to pursue the case.
RAY SUAREZ: On whose behalf were they suing, those nine states and the District of Columbia? They're major purchasers of computer products themselves, but it wa sn't on their own behalf, was it?
ANDREW GAVIL: No, it was in their capacity as representatives of the people in t heir states that they were suing.
近大の今年の入試問題なんですが、少し分からないところがあるんですが・・ There are a couch, a TV, and a small table beside the window, which has curtains ( ) pretty pink and blue flowers to match the walls. この( )の中の選択肢は ア.at イ.put ウ.for エ.with どれでしょうか・・教えてくださいm(_ _)m
die bankってなんですか? die bank inventoryとか、 The die bank, located between the front and back-ends of the semiconductor supply chain, operates to protect against variability in the front end. などと出てきます。 半導体関連の用語なのでしょうか?辞書を引いても出てこず、困っています。
On whose behalf were they suing, those nine states and the District of Columbia? They're major purchasers of computer products themselves, but it wa sn't on their own behalf, was it?
教えていただき、ありがとうございます。まだあるんですが、 The students need a good reason for not coing to class. The students must have an acceptable explanation to miss class. 上の文と下の文は意味が近いでしょうか・・・お願いします。
1.A good image in class is necessary for the students. 2.Only the intelligent students are allowed to stay away from the class. 3.The students need a purpose to come a class. そしてさっきの英文です。
(問) 次の日本文に合うように並び替えよ。 試合は土曜日に行われ、最後の講義の後に始まる。 The games are played on ( )( )( )( )( )( )the last lecture. ア、after イ、and ウ、begin エ、of オ、Saturday カ、the end です。
>>952 例1 The games will be played on a Saturday in December. The date will be announced later. (試合は12月の土曜日に行います。日にちは追って発表します。) 例2 The games will be played on Saturdays, beginning on December xx. (試合は12月xx日から毎土曜日行います。)
>>960 ポールは、列車に間に合うように駅に着けばいいなと思った。 Paul hoped (he )(could )(reach )(the )(station )(in )(time)to catch the train. ア.could イ. he ウ. in エ. reach オ. the station カ.time
>>969 (問)どうして私を一人でアフリカ旅行にいかせてくれないのか分からない。 I don't see ( why)(you )(won't )(allow )(me )(to go ) on a trip to Africa by myself. ア.allow イ.me ウ.to go エ.why オ.won't カ.you
You are so impertinent! Keep a civil toungue in your head. Who do you think are you talking to? They say "Ignorance is bliss", you know. But behave yourself.
長文の一部ですが、It is important to improve communications between Mars and Earth. NASA scientists want to have communications satellites around Mars. When they are in position, they will help scientists to send and receive signals from the exploration probes more easily. これを和訳していただきたいのですが・・・