1は >>11 さんのっぽいですね。文法的なことも教えていただけないでしょうか?sit down to 〜で〜に取り掛かるという意味ですか? 2のAll rightの部分ですが 後の台詞の部分とのことを考えたら違うっぽいです。〜〜〜の部分は↓です。 2、"All right," I said to my grandmother with authority, "today we begin our first reading lesson."
CNNからです。よろしくです。 He added that the prosecutors from the seven jurisdictions where the sniper struck met throughout the day and they all "remain united" and are "breathing a collective sigh of relief that the two men who allegedly perpetrated the sniper shootings are now behind bars."
It presents the two contrary theses, that, in one view, work diminishes with economic development, leading ultimately to a 'leisure society', or that, in the derectly contrasting view, work progressively increases, and indeed leisure time itself becomes less leisurely.
I suggest that the reversal of the historic relationship between social status and work time (noted in the previous section) means that those who read and those who write about these matters misinterpret what has happened in their particular professions as a change in society as a whole. (And of course the issueis confused further, by the sorts of 'life-stage effect' in which individuals personally get progressively busier throughout their working lives, and also by the fact that the sorts of jobs done by the busiest people often have some leisure-like quality).
>>40 二つのの相反するテーゼが述べられている。 一つ目は、経済が発展するにつれて仕事の量が減りレジャー社会に到達するという論。 (1) work diminishes with economic development, leading ultimately to a 'leisure society' 二つ目は正反対の意見で、仕事が徐々に増えて余暇そのものがレジャーではなくなっていくという論。 (2) work progressively increases, and indeed leisure time itself becomes less leisurely
外国人からもらったメールの一部です。 最後の way too〜 の文章はどういう意味になるのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
I just got home from decorating the classrooms for the party tomorrow. I have to get up at 8. I think I might die. WAY too early for this little black duck!
Stem-cell technology is set to revolutionize medicine in the 21th century in the same way that antibiotics and vaccines did in the twentieth century. Although recent findings point to the existence of precursor or stem cells even in adult animals, the main interest lies in human embryonic stem cells. They have the potential to develop into every cell type found in the adult human boy. It appears that differentiated cells have only a limited capacity to regenerate themselves. Thus, as yet, it is not possible to grow organs from the differentiated cells of adults.
It seemed to me stealing a horse for a ride was not the same thing as stealing something else, such as money. For all I knew, maybe it wasn't stealing at all. If you were crazy about horses the way my cousin Mourad and I were, it wasn't stealing. It wouldn't become stealing until we offered to sell the horse, which of course I knew we would never do. Let me put on some clothes, I said. All right, he said, but hurry. I leaped into my clothes. I jumped down to the yard from the window and leaped up onto the horse behind my cousin Mourad. That year we lived at the edge of town, on Walnut Avenue. Behind our house was the country: vineyards, orchards, irrigation ditches, and country roads. In less than three minutes we were on Olive Avenue, and then the horse began to trot. The air was new and lovely to breathe. The feel of the horse running was wonderful. My cousin Mourad who was considered one of the craziest members of our family began to sing. I mean, he began to roar.
お願いします。 Kevin Addison, best known for his long-time role as Dawson on the popular television situation comedy "Family Limits," made his debut as a stage actor Thursday in Wesley Trader's unconventional staging of the musical tragicomedy "Living Legend" at the Evanston Theater.
The federal government musut assert a specific interst in the movement of people, displaced by technology or driven by poverty, from rural to urban areas, and also in the movement from densely populated central cities to suburban areas. Much of the present urban crisis derives from the almost total absence of any provision for an orderly movement of persons off the countryside and in to the city. The federal government made extraordinary, and extraordinarily successful, efforts to provide for the resettlement of Hungarian refugees in the 1950's and Cuban refugees in the 1960's. But almost nothing has been done for Americans driven from their homes by forces no less imperious.
Barayev next turned up in the videotape broadcast by Arabic satellite station Al-Jazeera that the station said was believed to have been taped Wednesday before the Chechens raided the theatre.
Moravec's vision outlined in his book Robot, takes the startling view that inttelligent machines, which will grow from us, learn out skills, and share out goals and value, can be viewed as children of our minds. Moravec then goes on to propose that by uploading ourselves into advanced robots, we will "become" our children and live forever. These predictions are either the ultimate science-fiction nightmare or autopian fantasy. They offer nothing less than a blueprint for how to shove the human race off center-stage in evolution's endless drama.
Moravec's vision outlined in his book Robot, takes the startling view that inttelligent machines, which will grow from us, learn out skills, and share out goals and value, can be viewed as children of our minds. Moravec then goes on to propose that by uploading ourselves into advanced robots, we will "become" our children and live forever.
The process of filtration out from dense center city slums can only take place if the housing perimeter, as it were, is sufficiently porous.
For too long now the production of housing has been a function not of the need for housing as such, but rather of the need to increase or decrease the money supply, or whatever.
Somehow a greater regularity of effective demand must be provided the housing industry, and its level of production must be increased.
I guess it was the time for the night shift or middle shift to arrive because a few people came in and punched the time clock, and an older oriental man said hello and we talked for a while about my just starting, and he said we could be friends and next time to go in the lunchroom and sit with him, and I felt better.
The process of filtration out from dense center city slums can only take place if the housing perimeter, as it were, is sufficiently porous.
For too long now the production of housing has been a function not of the need for housing as such, but rather of the need to increase or decrease the money supply, or whatever.
Somehow a greater regularity of effective demand must be provided the housing industry, and its level of production must be increased.
>>244 It all depends on things like the neighborhood they grew up in and the education level. A lot of second and third generation Americans talk with accent. >241 isn't that bad. A lot of "natives" talk like that. talk
Chapter 10 presents what is certainly one of the most powerful and robust solusions to the recognition of handwritten digits, tested on a large database collected from live mail.
1 'I never saw it again until I was seventeen. 2 I was leaning over the front of my hansom smoking a cigarette, and no doubt thinking myself very much a man of the world, 3 'Those dear friends and that clear atmosphere seemed very sweet to me, very fine but remote.
Somehow a greater regularity of effective demand must be provided TO the housing industry, and its level of production must be increased.
The housing industry must be provided with a greater regularity of effective demand, and the industry's level of production must be increased. と書き換えられる。
>>268 こう書き換えたのと同じ意味です。 Just as the bufflo is unique to the American prairie, the rattlesnake is unique to the American mountains and deserts. つまり、「バッファローがアメリカの草原だけに生息する動物であるのと同じ様に、 がらがらヘビはアメリカの山林や砂漠だけに生息する。」
I'm interested in GA music. So I turn on the radio right after I get home from school and listen to AM radio music programs, “PitaPita-Angel" until dinner.
And I useally listen to music CDs of GA while doing my homewark in my room after dinner. My homework is doing to SEX with my angel. How about you? Please tell me rihgt now!
One such desire is the wish to be admired by other people. This kind of appeal is made more powerful by hiring a famous person to support the product. For example, we are supposed to think:Everyone admires Jack Anderson, the great actor. He uses Buckworthy Bank card. If I use the same bank card as he does, everyone will admire me, too. Another powerful desire to which advertisers appeal is the desire for love. Bandages , for example, are unlikely to appeal to people through their quality or their low cost alone. Therefore, the advertisement may instead focus on a mother and her child. In the picture, the mother is tenderly taking care of hersmall child's cut finger. Next to the mother, you see an open box of Ouch Bandages. The company hopes that Ouch Bandages will become a symbol of love. Try looking through a magazine or watching an hour of TV. You will see many examples of these three main ways to advertise.
久々にメル友からメールをもらったのですが、文法が難しくてだいたいにしか読み取れません。 もうすこし伝わってくるような翻訳できないものでしょうか? お願いします。 Wow have I had a busy couple weeks with Executives from JAL! At times, this job is very busy, but it is also pretty fun. I'm in training most of this coming week, but shouldn't have any visitors for about two weeks. I need the break.
Hope you are over your cold. I got a flu shot this year to help ward off possible down time.
How was Korea? Haven't been there myself, but hope to someday soon.
Seems that I have had rice cakes before, but I don't know if it was called MOCHI?? I would like to try on my next trip there. I have been eating a lot of Sushi though... my customers like to eat at the Japanese restaurants. I do enjoy it - I always feel healthy after eating this kind of food.
Nice to hear from you again. I will wait for you next message.
>>305 Please read the README.TXT file on the CD to see any last minute recommendations pertinent to your problem. CDにあるREADME.TXTを読んで下さい。貴方のトラブルに関した最新の アドバイスが載っているかもしれません。
He balanced the tree against the house in such a way that unless he himself removed it, the slightest movement from the people within would cause the tree to crash through the walls crushing everyone inside. Throughout the night Tom proceeded to do the same thing to the house of all of those who had mistreated him. よろしくおねがいしますm( )m
>306 激しく遅レスで見てないかもしれないけど。 工程能力 process capability = average +/- 3σ 工程能力指数 process capability index = (規格値上限-下限)/6σ 客先名 Customer/Client 測定者 311のまま 上限公差(上限管理値のことなら) Upper Control Limit (UCL) = average + 3σ 下限公差 Lower Control Limit (LCL) = average - 3σ
Jean s brother, Steven and his wife are expected for another visit. As they are considered a rather dull couple by the Hardcastles, it is most surprising that they arrive via separate modes of transportation to announce that they are having a tiff
The Minster is made of pals, yellow stone. There is a big central tower, and two more towers at the west end. There are many tall, narrow windows. Some of the windows have stained glass, so when the sunlight shines through them, the interior of the church looks magical. It is a very old church. Almost 2000 years ago, the Romans made some buildings for their army here. Later, a church was made. The present building was begun in 1220, and this was extended and rebuilt several times. It took about 250 years to make the church that we can see today.
York Minster has had its fair share of troubles. In 1407, part of the central tower fell down because it was too heavy for its foundations. There have also been three serious fires. The last one was in 1984 when lightning struck the south part of the building. More than 4,000 people can sit in the church, and every year 2,250,000 visitors come to look at it. Why don’t you join them one day?
'If I'm right in that, I was about five years and four months old.'
And at the same time he had the clearest conviction that either it was unwise or it was wrong of him-he could not tell which-to yield to this attraction.
Free As A Bird, It's the next best thing to be free as a bird. Home, home and dry Like a homing bird I fly, as a bird on wings Whatever happened to the life that we once knew Can we really live without each other Where did we lose the touch That seemed to mean so much It always made me feel so Free as a bird, It's the next best thing to be free as a bird. Home home and dry Like a homing bird I fly--a bird on wing Whatever happened to the life that we once knew Always made me feel so free
>>279 He paused, checked by that English shyness that so often overcomes us when we would speak of moving or grave or beautiful things.
Now that I have the clue to it, the thing seems written visibly in his face. 彼はふと話をやめた。我々がよく感動的な話や重大な話、美しい話をする際に思わず感じてしまう、 あのイギリス人が感じる恥ずかしい気持ちにかられ、彼は話を続けられなかったのだ。
Back on Earth, we have drugs that cure disease, make us stronger, and help us live longer. Soon, we may have medicine that improves our memories and makes us smarter. These are big changes and they will have effects that we cannot begin to imagine.
Charlie from Bullseye TV here again. Can we get a phone number for you and get a Japanese friend to call you? That would be very helpful. Also could you please send the animation.
Moreover,although scrapping excess capacity would improve the return on capital and eventually help to boost growth, in the short term it would worsen deflation as unemployment rose. Much better that the government should clean up the banking sector,forming banks to write off bad loans,which would cause unprofitable firms to close down. Monetary and fiscal policy could then be used to cushion, not prevent,the painful consequences. Market rigidities may well blunt the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies. For japan,macroeconomic stimulus and microeconomic reforms are not alternatives:they should be used to complement each other. どなたか以下の文の和訳をお願いします
John then revealed his tremendous strength by removing the trees from the igloos of his former enemies.All of the people were awe-struck and his persecutors feared for their lives.Preparations were made to leave. However,to those who had been kind to him,John called out"You do not have to go. You helped me when I was weak.Stay here and my grandmother and my wife and I will stay here with you."And so they did. よろしくおねがいします
Can we get a phone number for you and get a Japanese friend to call you? That would be very helpful. この部分が訳しにくいです。 どういう状況から出てきた発言なの? 状況によって訳が違ってくる可能性があるので。
>>407 単語一つ一つを意識し過ぎだよ。 くずした英語を読む時には、近い意味の他の言葉をあてはめていいんだよ。 つまり、英文を英訳して、それから和文を引き出すということ。 例えば、getをhaveにね。ちなみに、>404は訳文としてあげたんじゃない。 こう解釈したら、素直に訳が出るのじゃない?ということ。 Can I have your phone number so I can have a Japanese speaking friend call you ...
>411 >Can we get a phone number for you and get a Japanese friend to call you? That would be very helpful. これを書いた人の英語力はかなりよわいので、この変な文について論議すること自体 ばかげてると思います。 「日本語の出来る友達に電話させるから番号よこせ」といいたいようですが。
With operational efficiency becoming a less powerful means of competitive differentiation, product innovation and customer intimacy have become the two most important areas of excellence for a corporation that wants to rise above providing commodities.
John then revealed his tremendous strength by removing the trees from the igloos of his former enemies.All of the people were awe-struck and his persecutors feared for their lives.Preparations were made to leave. However,to those who had been kind to him,John called out"You do not have to go. You helped me when I was weak.Stay here and my grandmother and my wife and I will stay here with you."And so they did. よろしくおねがいします
`If I'm right in that, I was about five years and four months old.'
And at the same time he had the clearest conviction that either it was unwise or it was wrong of him-he could not tell which-to yield to this attraction.
An expense of solid ice ran from the shore well out into the sea.One day when the weather was favourable a party of men set out,as was their custom, in search of the aglu,the breathing holes made by the seals in the sea ice. おねがいします
Most of your mistakes appeared as a reult of your excellent attempts to really challenge yourself to use a very wide range of great expressions. This is important at this level because in this way you can expand your knowledge and by exposing these mistakes you can learn very positively for the future.
When they were some distance from land,the ice suddenly spilt between the men and the land and a vapour as thick as smoke escaped from the crevasse.Some of the hunters who were closer to the shore had time to jump to the solid ice on the other side before it was too late.However the others who were further out on the ice did not sense the danger as they were concentrating on the aglu. もうひとつよろしくお願いします >>427ありがとうございました
These examinations, while in a sense very difficult, mainly test students' ability to remember facts or to solve problems. The main emphasis is on getting the right answer.
In the SkyDome in Toronto on October 8, 1993, Rickey Henderson looked up at the crowd near left filed. He saw the same "Hi, Rickey" sign he had always seen in Oakland. The person holding it was nine-year-old Erin States. She was his number one fan when Rickey was playing for the Oakland Athletics. Rickey smiled and blew kisses to Erin.
どなたか和訳をお願いします。 ・・・無知で御免なさい(ナキ Gilbert : The Japanese who become international that I see are very Japanese , in many ways,and they also understand other things. When I see a Japanese who’s trying to become an American , it looks fake , and he is “Murisiteru”. Somehow, it doesn’t ring true. Therefore, it doesn’t generate the kind of trust or respect that you need to have a good mutual understanding. Interviewer : Lastly, could you give a message to the Japanese studens hoping to become international citizens? Gilbert : In Japanese , I’d like to say, “Muri-sinai-de, my-pace-de, tanosin-de.” In English, I’d like to say : I hope that they will develop their full potential both as a Japanese and as a member of the world community. Interviewer : Thank very much.
Tell me how is life treating you baby you're stuck in there wasting time so long.Let me show the way to better another day. All you got to do is take a hit and bump your head to the sound around. You're gonna feel all right like dancing all, tonight.
>>448 There are two days every year when the numbers of hours in the day and night are equal. We call them equinoux. Such a day in the spring is called the spring equinoux, and the one in the autumn is called the autumn equinoux. There is a Japanese confection called Ohagi, which is traditionally eaten on the autumn equinoux. It's made by filling a small orange size ball of sweet red bean paste with pounded rice. Some people sprinkle sesame seeds and soy bean flour on Ohagi. Now, exactly the same confection is called Botamochi if it's made for the spring equinoux celebration. Isn't it interesting that two exactly same confections are called by different names depending on what season they are made in?
Are you seriously looking for serious relationship too!? If yes, write me about yourself in details and I will write you the same too!! Take care, yours,
When I see a Japanese who’s trying to become an American , it looks fake. と Somehow, it doesn’t ring true. の2つです。 意味は大体わかるのですが どうしてもうまく日本語にできません。 どなたかサラッとお願いします。
明日までに英字新聞3枚・・・ウツダ よろしこでつ! Yasuo Tanaka reclaimed the governorship he lost two months ago to conservative forces, as voters Sunday overwhelmingly approved the reformer's plan to end the prefecture's long reliance on public works projects.
When they were some distance from land,the ice suddenly spilt between the men and the land and a vapour as thick as smoke escaped from the crevasse.Some of the hunters who were closer to the shore had time to jump to the solid ice on the other side before it was too late.However the others who were further out on the ice did not sense the danger as they were concentrating on the aglu. おねがいします
It was only when one of the men,Ulukhaq,left his place in search of another aglu that the crevasse was noticed.Ulukhaq spotted the column of vapour and knew immediately what had happened. よろしくお願いします
For any given discrepancy of opinion between A and B, the strength of resultant force which an inducer A can exert on an inducee B, in the direction of agreeing with A's opinion, is is proportional to the strength of the bases of power of A over B.
>>489 on the other handなら常套句で「一方で」、「一方では」なんだけど on the other sideは、そのまま素直に「もう一方の側で」と考えたら いいと思いますよ。 ちなみに「地球の反対側」のことを 「the other side of the globe」なんて言い方をよくします。
依頼です。某ゲームのセリフなので前後はありません。 Did I ever tell ye about the time I came a across a ship named It whose tillerman, a bloke named Tajima, could crush a spirit with his barehands?
Your order has been successfully submitted and will be processed as soon as possible. You will receive an email shortly confirming your order and advising you of availability and shipping costs if applicable. Credit cards will not be debited until customers have confirmed acceptance of total costs not prior to one day before actual shipment.
Should you need to contact Inamotoya regarding your order please quote order ref 4649.
York Minster has had its fair share of troubles. In 1407, part of the central tower fell down because it was too heavy for its foundations. There have also been three serious fires. The last one was in 1984 when lightning struck the south part of the building. More than 4,000 people can sit in the church, and every year 2,250,000 visitors come to look at it. Why don’t you join them one day?
昨日携帯電話にきました。 MSNモバイル登録してあります。 You reached your maximum alerts for the month. To continue receiving Mobile alerts, raise your limit using the My Alerts page on the MSN Mobile Web site. よろしくお願いいたします。
Are you seriously looking for serious relationship too!? If yes, write me about yourself in details and I will write you the same too!! Take care, yours,
`If I'm right in that, I was about five years and four months old.'
And at the same time he had the clearest conviction that either it was unwise or it was wrong of him-he could not tell which-to yield to this attraction.
There are naturally all sorts of ways of describing tea. I always describe really strong tea as 'railway tea,' because that kind of tea used to be served at station buffets. In it, your spoon might stand up on its own without falling against the side of the cup!
Your order has been successfully submitted and will be processed as soon as possible. You will receive an email shortly confirming your order and advising you of availability and shipping costs if applicable. Credit cards will not be debited until customers have confirmed acceptance of total costs not prior to one day before actual shipment.
Should you need to contact Inamotoya regarding your order please quote order ref 4649.
There are naturally all sorts of ways of describing tea. 色んな言いかたがある。 I always describe really strong tea as 'railway tea,' 自分はすごく濃いのをいつも「駅のティー」と呼ぶ。 because that kind of tea used to be served at station buffets. 理由は昔駅の簡易食堂のティーがそんなだったからだ。 In it, your spoon might stand up on its own without falling against the side of the cup! スプーンを真ん中に立てるとそのままたっているみたいに、どろっとしたティー のことだよ。
>>544 Your order has been successfully submitted and will be processedas soon as possible. お客様のオーダーは正しく送信されました。早急に処理を行います。 You will receive an email shortly confirming your order and advising you of availability and shipping costs if applicable. まもなく、Eメールでご注文の確認と在庫状況及び送料をお知らせします。 Credit cards will not be debited until customers have confirmed acceptance of total costs not prior to one day before actual shipment. お客様から代金の合計金額了承の確認を頂くまで、更に出荷前日までは クレジットカードへのチャージは致しません。 Should you need to contact Inamotoya regarding your order please quote order ref 4649 本オーダーに関して連絡事項のある場合には注文番号4649を明示してください。
Your order has been successfully submitted and will be processed as soon as possible. You will receive an email shortly confirming your order and advising you of availability and shipping costs if applicable. Credit cards will not be debited until customers have confirmed acceptance of total costs not prior to one day before actual shipment.
Should you need to contact Inamotoya regarding your order please quote order ref 4649.
英語の書きと読みのルールの非論理的な点をついて、Cを全部Kとして 書いた物が昔雑誌かなんかにあったようです。 'Meanwhile the disorders of Kannon's Kamp went on inKreasing. He Kalled a Kouncil of war to Konsider what Kourse it would be advisable to taKe. But as soon as the Kouncil had met, a preliminary Kuestion was raised. The army was almost eKsKlusively a Highland army. The recent vKktory had been won eKsKlusively by Highland warriors. 以下省略
教科書からです。よろしくおねがいします The sun was just coming up. I was in my sleepingbag, still half-asleep, when I heard an animal approaching. I slowly lifted my head and looked over my feet. A female lion was coming, her head swinging from side to side. I wanted to wake my wife Delia but I was afraid to move, because we were now on the open plains of the Klahari. The lion walked past us and lay down next to a big male lion. Delia was Wide awake now, and whispered to me, “Mark, look at the scar on his leg.
教科書からです。よろしくお願いします Isn't he the lion we named Bones?” Yes, it was Bones. I had performed surgery on his broken leg a few years befose. I stood up and saw lions sleeping around us, nine in all. We were in bed with a group of wild lions! That was what happened in our fifth year on the Kalahari.
これもなんですがよろしくお願いします Delia and I were zoology students who had come to Africa to watch and study wildlife there. After months of searching for the right spot, we found the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana. We decided it was an ideal place to set up our base camp. Because of the heat and lack of water, much of the Central Kalahari had remained unexplored and unsettled. There were no villages near our base camp. We had to bring our water across the plains from a small town over 150 kilometers away. In an area larger than Ireland, Delia and I were the only human beings except for a few groups of native Africans.
York Minster has had its fair share of troubles. In 1407, part of the central tower fell down because it was too heavy for its foundations. There have also been three serious fires. The last one was in 1984 when lightning struck the south part of the building. More than 4,000 people can sit in the church, and every year 2,250,000 visitors come to look at it. Why don’t you join them one day?
Wallace mused before he went on telling me. 'You see,' he said, with the doubtful inflection of a man who pauses at incredible things, 'there were two great panthers there.... Yes, spotted panthers. And I was not afraid. There was a long wide path with marble-edged flower borders on either side, and these two huge velvety beasts were playing there with a ball. One looked up and came towards me, a little curious as it seemed. It came right up to me, rubbed its soft round ear very gently against the small hand I held out, and purred. It was, I tell you, an enchanted garden. I know. And the size? Oh! it stretched far and wide, this way and that. I believe there were hills far away. Heaven knows where West Kensington had suddenly got to. And somehow it was just like coming home. 'You know, in the very moment the door swung to behind me, I forgol the road with its fallen chestnut leaves, its cabs and tradesmen's carts, 1 forgot the sort of gravitational pull back to the discipline and obedience of home, I forgot all hesitations and fear, forgot discretion, forgot all the intimate realities of this life. I became in a moment a very glad and
wonder-happy little boy in another world. It was a world with a different quality, a warmer, more penetrating and mellower light, with a faint clear gladness in its air, and wisps of sun-touched cloud in the blueness of its sky. And before me ran this long, wide path, invitingly with weedless beds on either side, rich with untended flowers, and these two great panthers. I put my little hands fearlessly on their soft fur, and caressed their round ears and the sensitive comers under their ears, and played with them, and it was as though they welcomed me home.
In the SkyDome in Toronto on October 8, 1993, Rickey Henderson looked up at the crowd near left filed. He saw the same "Hi, Rickey" sign he had always seen in Oakland. The person holding it was nine-year-old Erin States. She was his number one fan when Rickey was playing for the Oakland Athletics. Rickey smiled and blew kisses to Erin. Their friendship began back in 1989, the year when Henderson started playing left field for the Oakland Athletics. On this great hitter's first day in Oakland, everyone in the stadium was excited, including little Erin. Erin's seat was near left field. She cried "Hi,Rickey!" as loud as she could, but her voice was not loud enough to reach him. So back home, she made a bright yellow sign that said "Hi,Rickey." The next time Erin went to the stadium, her sign caught Henderson's eye. He waved to Erin every time he saw it.
Golfers know that crows like to dive at golf balls and fly away with them. Sometimes several crows compete against each other to get to a ball when it is on the ground or even in the air. They cry loudly all the while. Are these crows playing rugby or soccer? Sometimes a crow will push a golf ball forward, hop after it, and then push it again. It enjoys golf in its own way. Just as we enjoy walking, crows enjoy flying. When a strong wind blows against a mountain side and causes a rising air current, they fly into the current and are carried high in the air. Then they glide back to the starting point where they can jump into the current again. They fly much better than people do on hang-gliders.
People living in other states can form no conception of the vastness and importance of the work performed and the significance of the millions of records and papers composing the archives of this office. お願いします。
海外ドラマのFriendsのシリーズ2の6巻目です。 RACHELが妹の卒業式に出席した後、帰ってきた所です。 良く分からないのが「It's a true」で始まる最後の行です。できるだけ 直訳風に訳して頂きたいです。 (日本語の音声では「お父様が車買ってやると言ったら奇跡を呼んだの」 と言ってます)
ROSS: Hi honey, how did it go?
RACHEL: Agh, it was the graduation from hell.
CHANDLER: Ya know, my cousin went to hell on a football scholarship.
RACHEL: Ya know, I mean this is supposed to be a joyous occasion. My sister's graduating from college, nobody thought she would. It's a true testament to what a girl from long island would do for a Celica. (スクリプト全体 http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/9151/222.htm)
People living in other states can form no conception of the vastness and importance of the work performed and the significance of the millions of records and papers composing the archives of this office. 他の州に住む人々は得られる業績の膨大さや重要性、そしてこの会社のアーカイブを構成する 何百万という記録や書類の重要性を理解できないでいる。
The building is stone with a coating of concrete; the walls are immensely thick; it is cool in the summer and warm in the winter; it is isolated and sombre; standing apart from the other state buildings, sullen and decaying, brooding on the past. お願いします。
I am ready for both sides of the bed to be warm again. But if you're gonna do this, you make sure you're doing it for the right reasons. because you're the one that's gonna have to live with it.
The first of these seems valid. Consider its conclusion. Logicians call sentences like this a disjunction; and the clauses on either side of the 'or' are called disjuncts. Now,what does it take for a disjunction to be true? Just that one or other of the disjuncts is true. So in any situation where the premiss is true, so is the conclusion. The second inference also seems valid. If one or other of two claims is true and one of these ins't, the other must be.
Now, the toruble is that by putting these two apparently valid inferences together, we get the apparently invalid inference, like this:
The Queen is rich. ----------------------------------------- Either the Queen is rich or pigs can fly. The Queen isn't rich. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Pigs can fly.
The micro constraint is in fact no more than that commonplace of microeconomics, that individuals have a choice between working longer hours, earning more money-- but then as a consequence they have less time to spend it in, and must therefore find intensively enjoyable consumption patterns--- or working shorter hours, earning less money in total, but with more time to spend it, and can thus pot for more extensively enjoyable leisure activities.
>>698 文脈と状況次第だね。 Would you just do this? いいから黙って、これやってくれない? または ちょっと、これやってくれませんか? という意味にもなるし。 Would you just press the button? The rest is automatic. ボタン押すだけでいいので押してくれませんか? 後は自動なので。 Would you just help me? ちょっと助けてくれませんか? という意味にもなるし。
one (1) practice per week for the entire session (November to January '03) will cost $175.00, two (2) practices per week for the entire session (November to January '03) will cost you $300.00. Each training session lasts 2 hours. If you play in a league (Under 19 boys ..mondays or Under 17 boys...saturdays) the cost will be $75.00 per league for the entire session (November to January '03). So, if you play in one league, $75.00, if you play in two leagues, $150.00.
Students in each league compete for the highest scores, while schools compete for the highest team score: the total of the top 5 scores in each school. These contests consist of 6 High School Contests each year, with 6 questions per contest. There are 6 score reports per year for each league, showing each participating school's team scores, high scoring schools and students, and students with a perfect score. Each score report is accompanied by a newsletter, which includes comments and alternate solutions from teachers and students. All high school students in accredited schools are welcome to compete.
Thankyou for your order online re 4649. Please note the cost of postage will be 」30.00 which is fully insured and traceable service. Please advise if this is okay?
There is speculation that the parent organization of the Giants, the Yomiuri media conglomerate, will sign a deal to broadcast Yankees games in Japan to continue marketing Matsui. Although the Giants would lose their best player, they could claim a small victory if Matsui ended up with the Yankees.
"The Giants are like the Yankees, Dodgers and Mets put together," said Robert Whiting, who has written several books on Japanese baseball. If Matsui "took an offer from the Kansas City Royals, it would be a big loss of face, but if he signed with the Yankees, that would be acceptable."
Thankyou for your order online re 4649. Please note the cost of postage will be 」30.00 which is fully insured and traceable service. Please advise if this is okay?
>>715 YOU are missing the point. 706 is asking whether or not "would have loved to" in the sentence "would have loved to have seen you" means the same as "would love to," perhaps asking if "would have loved to" is just the past tense of "would love to."
"I would love to 〜" is NOT exactly "未来に何々ができたら" anyway.
>>718 There is no "perhaps" about >706's question. He/she is asking asking if "would have loved to" is just the past tense of "would love to." Was >714 (your reply) responsive to this query? I don't think so.
>741 まず英語に直すね。 Why don't you write to your good friend any more? I have been waiting for your e-mail. Please write to me. I am waiting. What do you do during the weekend? I can't write any more. I am going out. Maybe I'm going to buy a new telephone.
Tax revenues in the first half of the fiscal year came to 13.03 trillion yen, down 17.3 percent from a year earlier, due to a decline in corporate and income tax revenues, the Finance Ministry said Friday.
Writing this letter brings to mind a talk you gave last year. I remember that you said it is difficult for us Japanese to imagine the size of the U.S. How true! 教えてください。お願いします。
One of these days, I hope it's soon I'll see you smiling the way you do Walking on splinters, somewhere unknown It's getting better, that much I know One of these days, one of these days I'm gonna love you on my mind One of these days, one of these days I'm gonna let the world go by
Changes in the reproduction,transmission,storage,and reception of information in the last twenty-five years have created an Information Revolution during the last decade of the twentieth century
Fix the car with these tools. It was fixed with these tools. I was helped by Mr. Smith. Press it with your finger.
ただし体の一部を使う場合でも、文章が受動態の場合には文脈次第で、 with, by、どちらも有り得る。 It was pushed with your finger. It was pushed by your finger.
それから行程すべて、あるいは行程のほとんどが人の手を借りず、 機械のみによって行われるような場合はbyを使う可能性が高い。 The whole thing was done by this machine. また You just press the button, and this machine will make good bread in an hour.なども言える。 しかし The car was fixed by these toolsとは言わないし、 These tools fixed the carとも言わない。 直したのは人間であって、道具が直したわけではないから。
カメラのような物だと、どっちを使うべきかちょっと悩む。 This picture was taken with this camera. This picture was taken by this camera.
Scents, glimpses, echoes that drifted or glimmered through her mind when she was walking the streets, or eating, or taking a break from the sensory assault of the neareals she had to partiss in, in the daytime, under the other sun.
This makes things a bit more compact; but not only that: if you think about it for a moment, you can see that the two particular sentences actually used in the examples above don't have much to do with things; I could have set everything up using pretty much any two sentences; so we can ignore their cotent. This is what we do in writing the sentences as single letters.
After that, Erin made a sign for every occasion. Her signs read, "Nice Catch!", "Great Home Run!" and so on. Henderson always looked for Erin in the crowd. For four years, Erin showed up at as many games as she could with a big bag full of signs for Henderson. On July 31, 1993, however, Henderson was suddenly traded to the Toronto Blue Jays. Erin was shocked. Toroto was very far away from the city where she lived. She wrote a letter to a local newspaper in Oakland.
>>798 ありがとうございました。 実は、まだ分からない分があるのですが・・・ This can't be right. Chaining valid inferences together in this way can't give you an ivalid inferences. If all the premises are true in any situation, then so are their conclusions that follow from these; and so on, till we reach the final conclusion. What has gone wrong?
I tried to find "partiss" in several dictionaries. I think it is borrowed from a Portuguese word meaning to leave. Judging from the context, it looks like the author is using a different meaning, "participate in", and she abbreviated the first syllable to partiss. Since it is science fiction, let your mind be open to creative usages of words. Don't get bogged down on each word.
Enjoy her style of writing as it flows across the page. For example, I noticed that the entire paragraph (from which this example was taken) is made of sentence fragments and not full sentences. She did this deliberately. It is as if she used a list of snapshot images and put them into a paragraph. It creates a feeling of looking at a photo album.
stand for (5) [否定文で] 《口語》 …を我慢する, …に従う, 黙従する I won't stand for such rude behavior. こんな無礼なふるまいは我慢できない. I wouldn't stand for being scolded by him. 彼からしかられて黙っているつもりはない.
New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th edition (C) Kenkyusha Ltd. 1967,1994,1998
Thankyou for your email. Your order will be despatched on Monday - Tuesday and should reach to you 5-7 working days. The only item is out stock is Moleskin cap which will be shipped out once in stock without any further charges on post.
By now it should be clear that the United Nations had been held back not just by the cold war and Soviet veto.The task of creating an effective world organization is in itself extremely difficult and frustrating what ever the political climate. During the post-cold war period, after two or three unex- pectedly successful operation, the UN has found itself once again in a sorry situation. 【While its slender resources are strained to the limit by new respon- sibilities】, it is being choked by criticism and doubt.
To give an orthodox answer to this question, let us focus a bit more on the detalis. For a start, let's write the sentence 'Pigs can fly' as P, and the sentence 'The Queen is rich' as q. 宜しくお願いします。
I am constantly being struck by the fact that people come to see me, and indeed insist upon coming to see me in matters which might just as well be taken care of by telephone or letter.
>>827 You would be so nice to come home to.何ですか? 確かに、よく状況がつかめないです。 It would be so nice of you to come home to Niigata. なんて、拉致被害者の親戚や友人が言ったりするのだろうか。 分からん。
またみなさんの力を借りたいと思い書き込みしました、 A/Dコンバータの論文の一部が読めなくて困っています、 長文で申し訳ございません、どなたか日本語訳よろしくお願いします。 A 10-bit A/D converter with a conversion frequency of over 100 MHz has been needed for the application of high-speed measuring equipment, medicalengineering systems, and HDVT systems. However, the maximum conversion frequency of 10-b A/D converters still remain in the order of 60-75MHz.
The parallel A/D conversion scheme is considered to realize the highest conversion frequency,however,it suffers from not only large chip size and large power dissipation, but also lower production yield due to large differential nonlinearity caused by the transistor Vbe mismatch.
this paper describes a 10-b A/D converter that realized an extremely high conversion frequency of 300 MHz and obtained a small differential nonlinearity of 0.4 LSB.
Logicians call these the truth conditions for negation. If we assume that every sentence is either true or false, but not both, we can depict the conditions in the following table, which logicians call a truth table:
Five men arrested over an alleged plot to kidnap Victoria Beckham are due in court on unrelated charges. They are appearing before Horseferry Road magistrates in London charged with theft and conspiracy to rob Sotheby's of valuables.
The charges mainly relate to the alleged theft of a jewelled turban, valued at 」60,000, belonging to the auction house.
All five have also been bailed to return to police stations on November 18 over the kidnap allegations.
A police spokesman said inquiries into the alleged conspiracy to kidnap continue.
この英文なのですが・・・ The first of these seems valid. Consider its conclusion.Logicians call sentences like this a disjunction; and the clauses on either side of the 'or' are called disjuncts.
What of disjunction, ∨? As I have already noted, a natural assumption is that a disjunction, a ∨ b, is true if one or other(or maybe both) of a and b are true, and false otherwise. We can record this in the truth conditions for disjunction.
Thus, we see that nonveral behavior can contribute to misunderstanding across cultures in two ways. First, there may be gestures or movements that are unfamiliar to members of another culures. Second, familiar gestures may be interpreted differently across cultures.
Now, what does it take for a disjunction to be true? Just that one or other of the disjuncts is true. So in any situation where the premiss is ture, so is the conclusion. The second inference also seems valid. If one or other of two claims is true and one of these isn't, the other must be.
B Look, some of the guys figure, the way the team's pushing your story and all, that… (途中で切れてます) A What? Do they think I'm some Kind of publicity stunt? Is that what they're thinking? They think I'm taking somebody's spot?
What of disjunction, ∨? As I have already noted, a natural assumption is that a disjunction, a ∨ b, is true if one or other(or maybe both) of a and b are true, and false otherwise. We can record this in the truth conditions for disjunction.
If you have not received it yet I do apologize, as this contradicts what we had been informed. I would like to offer a gift to you, if you would like to have us rush and replace your original order, together with an additional (商品名) consisting of any tee design from the site. Just select the design you would like and mail me a note with your request. If you would like this, please e-mail back your gift selection and take a moment please to confirm your shipping address.
Hello, How are you this lonely evening!? I am male from Toronto living in Tokyo! I saw your message. Are you seriously looking for serious relationship too!? If yes, write me about yourself in details and I will write you the same too!! Take care, yours,
>>932 >How are you this lonely evening!? これがちょっと侮蔑的なニュアンスを含んでる。 >Are you seriously looking for serious relationship too!? seriousが二つも重なってるところを見ると、あなたを馬鹿にしてますね。 返信すれば、もてあそばれる可能性大。
He numbered among his followers John Austin, professor of jurisprudence at University College,London, who had studiwd in Germany and had there been much impressed by the early Pandectists (to be met in Chapter 16).
>>931 The results were a bit different in another study which comared adopted children from both "good" and "bad" parents in the United States. 米国で「良質」と「悪質」の生みの親を持つ貰い子達を比較した もう一つの調査とは、多少違った結果であった。
> > last night, I became acquainted with > > the Aussie at the arcade of my town. > > he talks very fast for me. > > almost i can't understood his talk lol It is true that the Spoken English is very funny to listen to. Australians are very relaxed people.
Gilbert : The Japanese who become international that I see are very Japanese , in many ways, and they also understand other things. When I see a Japanese who’s trying to become an American , it looks fake , and he is “Murisiteru”. Somehow, it doesn’t ring true. Therefore, it doesn’t generate the kind of trust or respect that you need to have a good mutual understanding. Interviewer : Lastly, could you give a message to the Japanese studens hoping to become international citizens? Gilbert : In Japanese , I’d like to say, “Muri-sinai-de, my-pace-de, tanosin-de.” In English, I’d like to say : I hope that they will develop their full potential both as a Japanese and as a member of the world community. Interviewer : Thank you very much.