■■■■■■■ Phrasal Verbs ■■■■■■■


Phrasal Verbs(動詞句)についてのスレッドです。

21:02/10/15 12:59
get to

get toには、

When I heard he collapsed, I knew that
these past events must have gotten to him.

If you let her get to you personally, you won't last a week.
3名無しさん@1周年:02/10/15 13:00

ごめんね〜 駄スレageちゃって♪  
   ( 、                ☆
  (⌒ソヽ       ∧ ∧
  ⌒ヽ< \   //(  ゚Д゚) 月に代わってあっひゃっひゃ ☆
     \ 'ヽ──<\__/>ヽ、
       ゝ─── (\/)∧ ヽ    ☆
        / |  |(∧)| 〉 〉
        ( (.  |====|<\/         ☆
        ) ) / |  \ぅ     +
       <ノ <∧/_ ハゝ       ☆
            /  /
            (  <|    +
             |\ノヽ     ☆
             | |) /
4名無しさん@1周年:02/10/15 13:55

51:02/10/16 11:15

826 :789 :02/10/15 20:24
linking verb(「連結動詞」と呼ばれます。)というのは第二文型に分類される動詞と考えていただいて結構です。
Phrasal verbは「句動詞」と呼ばれます。(おそらくわかってらっしゃって書き間違えたのでしょう。)
give upを例にすると、重要な点の1つとしてはphrasal verbの場合は動詞が前置詞と結びついて
ひとつも意味をなすということです。give up=あきらめる。give(あげる)の意味はありません。
連結動詞のlookは名詞が来るときにlook likeとlikeが必要になりますが、lookの意味は
           (いわゆる「五文型」を考える より。)

linking verb(「連結動詞」。よく知らんかった。
6名無しさん@1周年:02/10/16 18:39

50 名前:1[sage] 投稿日:02/02/13 00:11
Prepositional Verb と Phrasal Verb は

Prepositional Verb は後ろに Preposition が来るわけですから、
そのさらに後ろには Preposition Objectが来ます。

# I worry about you.
  I   <- Subject
  worry <- prepositional verb
  about <- preposition
  you.  <- preposition object

51 名前:1[sage] 投稿日:02/02/13 00:11
Phrasal Verb は後ろに Adverb が来ます。
Direct Object を取るとき、文型的には、
 a) I looked up his address. (S V Adverb DO)
 b) I looked his address up. (S V DO Adverb)
ただ、personal pronoun の場合には、b)の形になります。
 c) I looked it up.

52 名前:1[sage] 投稿日:02/02/13 00:11
で、これらの文章をさらに Adverb で説明する場合
(Circumstantial Complement >>20)、Prepositional Verb
は、V と Preposition の間に Adverb を置ける
(They looked (anxiously) each other.)けれども、
Phrasal Verb は V と Adverb の間に Adverb を挟めません。
(She Turned up (unexpectedly)).
7名無しさん@1周年:02/10/16 21:57
adverb って何ですか。副詞以外の意味があるのでしょうか。
phrasal verb の次は目的語が来るのではないですか?
8名無しさん@1周年:02/10/16 22:31

phrasal verbの定義によるのですが、>>6にはある種のphrasal verbと単なる動詞+前置詞句

phrasal verbの例としてlook upを単なる動詞+前置詞句の例とlook atを使います。
1) I looked up his address. あるいは I looked his address up.
2) I looked at his adress.

しかし、代名詞のとき(例えば it)では、次のようになります。

3) I looked it up (I looked up it.とはいいません).
4) looked at it. (I looked it at.とはいいません)



9名無しさん@1周年:02/11/01 01:30
10名無しさん@1周年:02/11/03 15:14
11名無しさん@1周年:02/11/23 02:00
12名無しさん@1周年:02/11/24 01:10
Phrazal verbに関しては簡単に定義されていますね。もともと

ちなみに私の持っている「Vocabulary in use -intermediate」
(Chambridge University Press)によれば、

Phrazal verbs are verbs that combine with a particle
(an adverb or a preposition) and occasionally with more
than one particle.

と記載しており(参照p.36)、別のページでは、verb + adverb
and/or preposition としか書いていませんでした。

として、phrazal verbと分けて記載しているようです。ただアメリカ
idiomを勉強しようと思って購入した本は、内容は完全なPhrazal verb
だけでした。それは、「Pratical idioms」というアメリカのNational
Textbook Companyが出版したもので、アマゾンで見る限り、日本では取り


13名無しさん@1周年:02/11/24 07:30
14名無しさん@1周年:02/12/22 02:30

15名無しさん@1周年:02/12/22 17:46
keep out of 〜
keep off 〜 (または keep 〜 off)
keep away from 〜 (または keep 〜 away from)
stay out of 〜
stay off 〜 (または stay 〜 off)
stay away from〜 (または stay 〜 away from)
16山崎渉:03/01/11 04:05
1715:03/02/21 09:47
18名無しさん@3周年:03/03/03 15:46
1. flip somebody off
flip off somebody

to give someone the finger, a rude sign.

ex) The youth flipped the police officer off.
ex) He flipped off the cop.
ex) Did you flip me off?
ex) The other driver turned to look at him and promptly flipped
him off and accelerated away.
19名無しさん@3周年:03/03/03 16:09
2.zone out / zone somebody out

to daydream, become oblivious to one's surroundings

ex)I was still recuperating from surgery and had pain pills that kinda zoned me out.
ex)He's the most boring teacher I've ever had. Whenever he talks I just zone out.
ex)I was still recuperating from surgery and had pain pills that kinda zoned me out.
ex)We listened to my CD in the car and it zoned me out.
20名無しさん@3周年:03/03/03 16:33
3.clean up on somebody or something

to make a large profit from someone or some business activity

ex)We are really going to clean up on this product.
ex)We will clean up on Tom. He is buying everything we have.
ex)Bookies Cleaned up on the Super Bowl.
ex)The company cleaned up on bogus bills.
21名無しさん@3周年:03/03/03 16:47
4.mooch off (of) someone

to beg and get something by asking someone to give you it, instead of paying for it

ex)If you start out letting this guy mooch off of you, he will mooch off of you forever.
ex)I was forced to lie and jack up the prices of all my bills and once again mooch off my parents.
ex)If he's rich, then I'm gonna mooch off him. If he's not then he'll mooch off of me and I'll mooch off of my genius engineer brother.
ex)I don't want any handouts. I don't mooch off anyone.
22名無しさん@3周年:03/03/03 18:53
5.knock someone up

to get someone pregnant

ex)If she doesn't stop sleeping around, she's gonna get herself knocked up.
ex)She doesn't know for sure who knocked her up.
ex)When some slick male dog tricked her, and knocked her up, she had 5 puppies.
ex)I'll just have to get another shotgun marrige done if I knock her up.
23名無しさん@3周年:03/03/03 19:43
6.beat someone off

to masturbate / to stimulate someone in the genitalia with a hand job

ex)I think I almost passed out again just from the site of her mouth on my very hard very thick cock! She sucked on the head hard while she beat me off.
ex)He was so fucking hot for her that he wanted to shove her down to her knees, whip out his dick and beat himself off in her face.
24名無しさん@3周年:03/03/03 22:10
7. wise someone up

to make someone realize the unpleasant truth about a situation

ex)It gives deep insights into problem solving and certainly wised me up to why I haven't been catching as many winter fish as I ought to.
ex)Can you wise me up on this nagging subject?
ex)He was trying to wise me up about what was going on at Wal-Mart and other nationally advertised PC suppliers.
ex)I talked to his new girlfriend and wised her up the fact that he had been two-timing them.
25名無しさん@3周年:03/03/03 23:05
8. bowl someone over

to surprise, please, or excite someone very much

ex)We were absolutely bowled over by the Parthenon.
ex)The shear number of birds all gathered together simply bowled me over.
ex)The one which really bowled me over was 'Mr Dante Fontana'!
ex)It bowled me over when I first read it...and when I re-read it for this programme I was bowled over all over again.
ex)I'm sure I bowled him over with that repartee.
ex)I bowled him over with my greater strength and size.
26名無しさん@3周年:03/03/03 23:59
9. wig out / wig someone out

to make or become wildly excited, enthusiastic, or crazy
to flip out / to flip someone out
to freak out / to freak someone out

ex)He wigged out and yelled "What happened!?!"
ex)He kept asking me why I was turning him down, so I whispered to him that I was a lesbian and he wigged out.
ex)I'm worried how Buffy will take this, she wigged out bigtime when she found out about me and Tara.
ex)She wigged out at the thought of spending her life with this guy who was capable of insulting her in the most educated and civilized tones imaginable.
ex)I quite enjoyed it too... originally. But then it started to wig me out a bit. It's all Jack's fault really.
ex)I think I can stand most things, but those liposuctions they do on TV really wig me out! That's so gross to watch!!
27名無しさん@3周年:03/03/04 00:39
10. slack off

to make less of an effort than usual or be lazy in your work
to abate, let up, die away, become less in amount or intensity

ex)Finally the rains slacked off, and we could go outside and walk around.
ex)When business slacks off a bit, we have a sale.
ex)Don’t slack off; you’ll seriously regret it when you don’t get in to your 1 st choice college.
ex)When a few employees slack off, the rest are motivated to slack off as well.
ex)One of the Harvard legends was that, the cool thing to do was to slack off on classes for most of the semester and try and see how well the student could do at the end.
ex)In tenth grade, you can't slack off like you did in ninth grade anymore.
ex)Ignore him for a few days, and he's likely to slack off in the housekeeping department, letting weeds spring up and cockroaches take over.
28名無しさん@3周年:03/03/05 00:03
11. freeze someone out

to deliberately prevent someone from being involved in something, by making it difficult for them, being unkind to them etc

ex)You've got to stop freezing me out of the decision-making.
ex)It's unclear how much of their discussion he hears, but Jamie seems pretty crushed when the two backbiters freeze him out.
ex)Perhaps we can freeze him out that way,we can let him know that he’s not wanted.
ex)"Fucking Japs," Nick thought in his delerious mind. Not only had they bombed Pearl Harbor they were going to freeze him out too.
ex)He didn't react to my assertion and I figured he was trying to freeze me out.
ex)Damn! They're trying to freeze me out of the competition.
ex)If I had chosen someone they didn't approve of, they would have mentioned it to me, but they wouldn't do anything childish like freeze me out of the family.
ex)You have to remember that she is still your aunt! Obviously she hurt you very much, but it will be impossible to freeze her out of your life permanently
ex)The danger to smaller businesses in Japan and elsewhere in Asia is that major suppliers can freeze them out of the system if they think the small firms are undercutting their pricing standards.
29名無しさん@3周年:03/03/05 01:08
12. pay someone off

to bribe someone
to pay someone to keep quiet about something illegal or dishonest

ex)The top-ranking government official denied that he had been paid off by foreign lobbyists branding the newspaper report as "totally groundless."
ex)Don't try to pay the police officer off if you get pulled over for speeding.
ex)If you want to see the flamingos we had to pay him off!
ex)He paid them off for voting for him in the election.
ex)And the church made a pact with the victims back when they basically paid them off for keeping their silence, that they would not release their names.
ex)She left a message on his answering machine threatening to inform the police about his drug dealing unless he paid her off.
30名無しさん@3周年:03/03/05 01:20
13. crack up / crack someone up

to burst into uncontrollable laughter
to laugh a lot at something, or to make someone laugh a lot

ex)One look at the outlandish outfit Sid was wearing and we all cracked up.
ex)All the students cracked up when the big dog jumped onto the teacher's desk and began to lick him in the face.
ex)The announcer's pants fell down and the audience almost cracked up.
ex)I just about cracked up when I saw the stunned look on their faces.
ex)His jokes always crack me up.
ex)They crack us up! ... Which side of the chicken has the most feathers?" "The outside."
31名無しさん@3周年:03/03/05 01:46
14. pick on someone

to bully, harass or bother someone, usually unfairly

ex)Stop picking on me! I'm tired of it.
ex)You shouldn't pick on the cat.
ex)The frequently picked-on child was always nervous.
ex)Don't bring expensive stuff or lots of money to school. Bullies pick on kids who bring things they can take.
ex)Most people pick on me when they find out about my illiteracy.
ex)I was always picked on when I was a kid.
32名無しさん@3周年:03/03/05 02:52
15. work someone over

to hit someone hard and repeatedly all over their body
to give someone a hard time
to skin someone alive

ex)I saw him beating the hell out of her. He was working her over big time.
ex)Don't let anything slip by you cause it'll come around and work you over later.
ex)The debris was out of control, completely unpredictable. A swim in that flotsam would work you over; kill you even, possibly, maybe, hopefully not.
ex)Shut up, or I'll work you over with a cheese-grater.
ex)I received death threats. People expressed a deep desire to meet me alone in a darkened corner so they could work me over with a baseball bat.
ex)It was like a crazed pack of road-worn truck drivers, dressed in quasi-zoot suits, chasing me down to work me over with musical instruments.
33名無しさん@3周年:03/03/05 03:41
16. shake someone down

to get money from someone by using threats

ex)She is trying to shake him down over a few photos she took during a video shoot last year.
ex)A band of ragamuffins accosts him, trying to shake him down for money.
ex)Goetz says he fired in self-defense when approached by four menacing muggers who tried to shake him down for $5 on a New York subway in 1984.
ex)I was $2 shy of the amount, so I was going to shake somebody down for it when we get to the beach.
ex)The five previous suits against Jackson, Modabber said, "were all frivolous," filed by "people who were trying to shake him down for money.
ex)The neighborhood thug is always looking to shake somebody down for cash.
34名無しさん@3周年:03/03/05 23:39
35名無しさん@3周年:03/03/06 02:24
17. carry on

to behave in a silly, excited, uncontrolled, crazy, or anxious way
to get upset / to blow one's cool / to lose one's head / to act up

ex)When the girl couldn't get her way, she started carrying on.
ex)The children have been carrying on all day, and have completely worn me out.
ex)My mother is always carrying on about my clothes.
ex)You won't get any more visitors if you carry on like this!
ex)Let them carry on like a bunch of anachronistic, out-of-touch, reptilian brain Neanderthals. Why should any of the rest of us care?
ex)I'm not taking this opportunity to whinge and whine and carry on like a bad loser, but trying to show that there are different circumstances that help.
ex)It is also immensely discomforting how the leadership of the world’s sole super power can carry on like a loose canon.
ex)She carried on like a banshee.
36名無しさん@3周年:03/03/06 03:42
18. play up something

to make something seem more important than it really is
If you play up something, you emphasize it and try to make people believe that it is important.

ex)She played up her experience during the job interview.
ex)A resume has clear purposes: to highlight your credentials, play up strengths; play down ego, lack of experience.
ex)You will learn how to put together the perfect resume: one that will play up your experience, play down your liabilities, and at least improve your chances at eventually acquiring your dream cubicle.
ex)That community newspaper is extremely local-minded. It plays up every event in the neighborhood as though it were national news.
ex)They've been married for over twenty years, but he still plays up his wife so much that we get tired of it.
ex)This tendency to play up the news of crime with such sensational and inflated details, while it may seem ridiculous, actually proved to be relatively profitable to the struggling presses.
37名無しさん@3周年:03/03/07 04:47
19. size someone up / size up someone
size something up / size up something

to look at or consider a person or situation and make a judgment about them

ex)It only took a few seconds for her to size up the situation.
ex)Before you enter a cab, talk to the driver and size him up. Tell him where you are going and ask him to estimate the cost.
ex)The other boys tried to size him up, asking what drugs he takes and what he's in for.
ex)He didn't speak either. He was letting me size him up. I could have walked out and found another lawyer, but how could I trust them?
ex)I simply think the public has had a chance to size him up over the years and has decided he shouldn't be President, unless there is nobody else around.
ex)The interviewers took one glance at the applicant and sized him up instantly.
ex)The burglar sized up the house.
ex)Sometimes it's a mistake to size people up too quickly. First impressions aren't always right.
ex)Bob tried to size her up: she seemed fairly intelligent, quick-witted, good with people.
ex)Sizing her up as an easy lay, he puts the moves on her, but she has something more ambitious in mind. She plans to insure her husband and take the money.
38名無しさん@3周年:03/03/07 11:01
例文が多くてPhrasal Verbsを覚えるのに適していますね。

39名無しさん@3周年:03/03/08 22:45
20. lay into someone

to attack someone physically or with words
to scold, rebuke sharply. (boro-kuso-ni-iu)
to attack physically; beat up.

to let someone have it
to bawl someone out
to chew someone out
to tell someone off
to rag on someone
to jump all over someone

ex)He laid into me with a string of insults.
ex)The stepmother laid into Cathy simply because she had forgotten to sweep her room.
ex)The manager laid into a couple of people for trying to leave early.
ex) "You BITCH!" "Satan's concubines! I mean, you BITCH!" Monica and Rachel lay into each other while Phoebe tries to pull them apart.
ex)The next thing she knew, she was crouched on the floor as her mother laid into her; hitting her and kicking her hard, and screaming and crying in rage.
ex)The sounds and music are mind-blowing, with loud crunches, clangs, and screams as the players lay into each other.
ex)He said it was always useful to have a 'fall guy' in rehearsals. Choose someone who was fairly resilient and really lay into him mercilessly.
ex)That night I laid into her with questions about her behavior, challenging her, accusing her and pulling no punches.
40名無しさん@3周年:03/03/10 22:45
21. pull down

to draw (money) as wages (usually to earn a hefty salary)

ex)The highest paid player in the NBA, Shaquille O'Neal, this year pulls down $17.4 million.
ex)The rewards are substantial: Barbara Walters pulls down $10 million per year; Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw $3 million and $2 million respectively.
ex)"I wonder how much he's pulling down." "I dunno, but he must pull down at least ten million yen a year."
ex)Until last year, life for the Browns was comfortable. Mr. Brown was pulling down $600 a week plus twice-a-year bonuses, but this year the family budget plunged into the red due to skyrocketing prices.

41世直し一揆:03/03/10 22:48
42名無しさん@3周年:03/03/10 22:56
43山崎渉:03/03/13 13:00
44名無しさん@3周年:03/03/17 04:08
22.feel someone up / feel up someone

to touch, grope or fondle (someone) for sexual pleasure

ex)There are some nasty men who feel up women in crowded trains.
ex)When a teenage boy has been allowed to feel up a girl during wrestling practice it is near impossible for him to understand why he cannot do the same while on a date.
ex)And he's enjoying the hell out of it, feeling up the girl's tits and squeezing the guy's ass. He told me once how much he likes to dance like that.
ex)It shows the studs feeling up the woman's firm breast with his rock hard dick that is pulsating against her body.
ex)He was feeling up the woman's body on a JR train running between Yokohama and Totsuka stations at about 9 p.m. on Thursday, so she started filming his actions with a camera attached to her mobile phone, Totsuka Police Station officers said.
ex)I told her it was a hug, actually I was feeling her up.
ex)She never knew what was going on when he started feeling her up and fucked her. He remembers the first day he took her to his place.
ex)Tim had her tits out of her dress and two other guys were busy feeling her up and rubbing her nipples.
ex)One day Jill's dad caught us cuddling on her bed. I had my hand up underneath her sweater, but I was just tickling her back, not feeling her up.
ex)Joan's hand went to Ann's crotch, feeling her up through the fabric of her pants. They were very tender and secure. "I wanna get on top of you," whispered Ann.

45名無しさん@3周年:03/03/17 04:24
46名無しさん@3周年:03/03/31 04:43
47山崎渉:03/04/17 10:02
48山崎渉:03/04/20 04:45
  (  ^^ )< ぬるぽ(^^)
49山崎渉:03/05/21 22:44
50山崎渉:03/05/28 15:22
ピュ.ー (  ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
  =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕
  = ◎――◎                      山崎渉
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/07 22:23
53山崎 渉:03/07/15 12:42

 |(  ^^ )| <寝るぽ(^^)
 \ |⌒⌒⌒~|         山崎渉
   ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
55名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/08 11:49
come by = obtain = 手にいれる
come by = obtain = get
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/19 12:12
knock out (separable): make unconscious.

"The boxing match ended when one boxer knocked the other one out."

"That medicine really knocked me out. I slept for 14 hours straight!"

60名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/02/01 17:43
jot down メモする
free up 都合する
polish up ペロッと平らげる
64名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/04 03:02
65名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/04 03:58
get something over with
66名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/04 03:59
get it on
67名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/04 04:00
get ahead
68名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/04 04:00
get along
69名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/04 04:07
get over
fasten on to , fasten onto
mess with

fool around
72名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/14 09:46
英語の中でもこのphrasal verb というのが
結構 苦手なんです。
73 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/11 12:32
put about
Someone's been putting it about that you plan to resign.

put across/over
She's not very good at putting her views across.

put aside
They decided to put aside their differences.

put at
The damage to the building is put at over $1 million.

put away
I'm just going to put the car away.
She has a few thousand dollars put away for her retirement.
He must have put away a bottle of whisky last night.

put back
If you use something, put it back!
The meeting has been put back to next week.
Poor trading figures put back our plans for expansion.
Remember to put your clocks back tonight.
74 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/12 09:35
put down
He put down in a field.
Put that knife down before you hurt somebody!
It's a great book. I couldn't put it down.
She put the phone down on me.
The meeting's on the 22nd. Put it down in your diary.
We put a 5% deposit down on the house.
to put down a rebellion
The military government is deterimned to put down all opposition.
We had to have our cat put down.
Can you be quiet - I've just put the baby down.
to put down a motion / an amendment
I'd put them both down as retired teachers.
Put me down for three tickets for Saturday.
They've put their son down for the local school.
What do yo put her success down to?
75 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/14 02:32
put forward
Can I put you / your name forward for club secretary?
We've put the wedding forward by one week.
Remember to put your clocks forward tonight.
to put forward an argument / a plan / a suggestion

put in
Who will the voters put in this time?
We're having a new shower put in.
Could I put in a word?
'But what about us?' he put in.
The company has put in a claim for damages.
She often puts in twelve hours' work a day.
He's putting a lot of work into improving his French.
He's put all his savings into buying that house.
They put in at Lagos for repairs.
Are you going to put in for that job?

put into
He put as much feeling into his voice as he could.
76名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/06/14 03:48
bang away 「ぶっ続けに性交する」
bang up 「を妊娠させる」
jerk off 「オナる」
suck off 「フェラする」
ちなみにsuck off は「クンニする」の意にもなる。
79 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/14 18:13
put off
It's too late to put them off now.
She's very clever but her manner does tend to put people off.
Don't be put off by how it looks - it tastes delicious.
Don't put me off when I'm trying to concentrate.
The sudden noise put her off her game.
I asked the bus driver to put me off at the station.
He was put off science by bad teaching.
The accident put her off driving for life.
We've had to put off our wedding until September.
He keeps putting off going to the dentist.

put on
Hi, Dad - can you put Nicky on?
Hurry up! Put your coat on!
She's just putting on her make-up.
I'll put the kettle on for tea.
She put on the brakes suddenly.
Do you mind if I put some music on?
She looks like she's put on weight.
He must have put on several kilos.
The city is putting on extra buses during the summer.
The local drama club is putting on 'Macbeth' at the Playhouse.
He put on an American accent.
I don't think she was hurt. She was just putting it on.
The government has put ten pence on the price of tewnty cigarettes.
I've never put money on a horse.
I put $5 on him to win.

put onto
What first put the police onto the scam?
Who put you onto this restaurant - it's great!
80 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/15 18:32
put out
Please don't put yourself out on my account.
I hope our arriving late didn't put them out.
He looked really put out.
These pills should put him out for a few hours.
to put the rubbish out
to put the garbage / trash out
Have you put the cat out?
Have you put out clean towels for the guests?
to put out a candle / cigarette / light
Firefighters soon put the fire out.
The plant puts out 500 new cars a week.
Police have put out a description of the man they wish to question.
A lot of the work is put out to freelancers.
The rise in interest rates put our estimates out by several thousands.
She fell off her horse and put her shoulder out.
to put out to sea
We put out from Liverpool.

put through
We managed to put the deal through.
You have put your family through a lot recently.
He put all his children through college.
Could you put me through to the manager, please?

put to
I hope we're not putting you to too much trouble.
Your proposal will be put to the board of directors.
The audience is now invited to put questions to the speaker.
81 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/16 18:05
put together
to put together a model plane / an essay / a meal
I think we can put together a very strong case for the defence.

put towards
Here's $100 to put towards your ski trip.

put up
They surrendered without putting up much of a fight.
The team put up a great performance.
to put up an argument / a case / a proposal
We can put you up for the night.
The Green Party hopes to put up more candidates in the next election.
to put up a flag
She's put her hair up.
to put up a building / fence / memorial / tent
to put up a notice / a poster
They've put up the rent by $20 a month.
A local businessman has put up the $500,000 needed to save the club.
We put up at a motel.
She is putting up for election to the committee.
Some of the older boys must have put him up to it.
I don't know how she puts up with him.
I'm not going to put up with their smoking any longer.
82 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/17 18:14
run after
He's always running ofter younger women.

run around
She's always running around with older men.

run at
He ran at me with a knife.

run away
He ran away from home at the age of thirteen.
Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away.
You can't just run away from the situation.
Her imagination tends to run away with her.
She ran away with her boss.
She and her boss ran away together.
I don't want you to run away with the impression that all I do is sign cheques all day.

run back
I'll run back over the procedure once again.

run down
The battery has run down.
British manufacturing industry has been running down for years.
If you leave your headlights on you'll soon run down the battery.
The company is running down its sales force.
He's always running her down in front of other people.
She finally ran the professor down in the library.
83 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/18 22:07
run in
Whatever system you choose, it must be run in properly.

run into
We ran into thick fog on the way home.
Be careful not to run into debt.
to run into danger / trouble / difficulties
Her income runs into six figures.
The bus went out of control and ran into a line of peole.
He ran his car into a tree.

run off
Could you run off twenty copies of the agenda?
The heats of the 200 metres will be run off tomorrow.
The treasurer had run off with the club's funds.

run on
The meeting will finish promptly - I don't want it to run on.
84 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/19 15:19
run out
Time is running out for the trapped miners.
We ran out of fuel.
Could I have a cigarette? I seem to have run out.

run over
Two children were run over and killed.
She ran over her notes befoe giving the lecture.

run through
An angry murmur ran through the crowd.
Thoughts of revenge kept running through his mind.
A deep melancholy runs through her poetry.
He ran through the names on the list.
Could we run through your proposals once again?
Can we run through Scene 3 again, please?
She ran through the entire amount within two years.

run to
The book runs to nearly 800 pages.
Our funds won't run to a trip abroad this year.

run up
How had he managed to run up so many debts?
to run up a blouse
The government is running up against considerable opposition to its tax reforms.
set about
She set about the business of cleaning the house.
We need to set about finding a solution.

set against
She accused her husband of setting the children against her.
Set against the benefits of the new technology, there is also a strong possibility that jobs will be lost.
to set capital costs off against tax

set apart
Her clear and elegant writinng sets her apart from other journalists.
Two rooms were set apart for use as libraries.

set aside
She tries to set aside some money every month.
Let's set aside my personal feelings for now.
The verdict was set aside by the Appeal Court.

set back
The bad weather set back the building programme by several weeks.
The repairs could set you back over $200.
The house is set well back from the road.

set down
Passengers may be set down and picked up only at the official stops
The standars were set down by the governing body.
86 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/21 18:57
set forth
The President set forth his views in a television broadcast.

set in
The rain seemed to have set in for the day.

set into
a plaque set into the wall

set off
We set off for London just after ten.
A gang of boys were setting off fireworks in the street.
Opening this door will set off the alarm.
Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling.
That blouse sets off the blue of her eyes.

set on
I opened the gate, and was immediately set on by a large dog.
The farmer threatened to set his dogs on us.

set out
They set out on the last stage of their journey.
She set out to break the world record.
They succeeded in what they set out to do.
We'll need to set out some chairs for the meeting.
Her work is always very well set out.
He set out his objections to the plan.
She set out the reasons for her resignation in a long letter.
87 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/22 10:47
set up
A bank loan helped to set him up in business.
The break from work really set me up for the new year.
He denied the charges, saying the police had set him up.
The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city.
She set up her stereo in her bedroom.
I've set up a meeting for Friday.
to set up a business
A fund will be set up for the dead men's families.
The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world.
She took out a bank loan and set up on her own.
After leaving college, he set himself up as a freelance photographer.

take after
Your daughter doesn't take after you at all.
I was afraid that if I started running the man would take after me.

take apart
We were simply taken apart by the other team.
In his speech he took the opposition apart.

take away
I was given some pills to take away the pain.
Two burgers to take away, please.
I don't want to take away from his achievements, but he couldn't have done it without my help.
88 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/23 05:42
take back
The smell of the sea took him back to his childhood.
That song takes me back 30 years.
OK, I take it all back!

take down
to take down a tent / fence
Workmen arrived to take down the scaffolding.
to take down your trousers / pants
Reporters took down every word of his speech.

take in
to take in lodgers
He was homeless, so we took him in.
She took me in completely with her story.
Don't be taken in by his charm - he's ruthless.
Fish take in oxygen through their gills.
This dress needs to be taken in at the waist.
The tour takes in six European capitals.
I generally take in a show when I'm in New York on business.
He took in every detail of her appearance.
She took in the scene at a glance.
Halfway through the chapter I realized I hadn't taken anything in.
89 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/24 07:12
take off
The plane took off an hour late.
When he saw me coming he took off in the opposite direction.
The new magazine has really taken off.
Her singing career took off after her TV appearance.
He was taken off after twenty minutes.
to take off your coat / hat / skirt / glasses
He took off my wet boots and made me sit by the fire.
I've decided to take a few days off next week.
The show was taken off because of poor audience figures.
The hairdresser asked me how much she should take off.
The explosion nearly took his arm off.
The officer leading the investigation has ben taken off the case.
After three days she was taken off the ventilator.
The manager took $10 off the bill.
That experience took ten years off my life.
Doctors recommended that the slimming pills should be taken off the market.

take on
to tkae on new staf
She was taken on as a trainee.
to take somebody on at snooker / tennis / chess
The rebels took on the entire Roman army.
The chameleon can take on the colours of its background.
His voice took on a more serious tone.
I can't take on any extra work.
We're not taking on any new clients at present.
The bus stopped to take on more passengers.
The ship took on more fuel at Freetown.
90 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/25 06:20
take out
They took out two enemy bombers.
How many teeth did the dentist take out?
to take out an insurance policy / a mortgage / a loan
to take out an ad in a newspaper
The police have taken out a summons against the driver of the car.
The fine will be taken out of your wages.
OK, so you had a bad day. Don't take it out on me.
She tended to take her frustrations out on her family.

take over
Try not to let negative thoghts take over.
It has been suggestd that mammals took over from dinosaurs 65 millions years ago.
The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest continues.
CBS Records was taken over by Sony.

take through
The director took us through the play scene by scene.

take to
The rebels took to the hills.
I've taken to waking up very early.
She took to tennis as if she'd been playing all her life.
I took to my new boss immediately.
He hasn't taken to his new school.
91 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/26 06:23
take up
The band's new album takes up where their last one left off.
The table takes up to much room.
I won't take up any more of your time.
Her time is fully taken up with writing.
This skirt needs taking up.
They've taken up golf.
She has taken up the oboe.
He takes up his duties next week.
to take up the chorus / song / cry
Their protests were later taken up by other groups.
She took up the story where Tim had left off.
I'd like to take up the point you raised earlier.
I took up my position by the door.
to take up a challenge
She took up his offer of a drink.
I must take you up on that point.
Thanks for the invitation - we'll take you up on it some time.
They decided to take the matter up with their MP.
She's completely taken up with preparing for her exams.

take with
We were all taken with his girlfriend.
I think he's quite taken with the idea.
92 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/27 17:31
turn against
She turned against her old friend.
After the divorce he tried to turn the children against their mother.

turn around / round
Turn around and let me look at your back.
I turned my chair round to face the fire.

turn away
Hundreds of people were turned away from the stadium.
They had nowhere to stay so I couldn't turn them away.

turn back
The weather became so bad that they had to turn back.
We said we would do it - there can be no turning back.
Our car was turned back at the border.

turn down
Why did she turn down your invitation?
He has been turned down for ten jobs so far.
He asked her to marry him but she turned him down.
Please turn the volume down.
He turned the light down low.
93 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/28 21:36
turn in
Her feet turn in.
It's late - I think I'll turn in.
She threatened to turn him in to the police.
He decided to turn himself in.
You must turn in your pass when you leave the building.
They turned in a petition with 80 000 signatures.
Only a few guns have been turned in so far.
I haven't even turned in Monday's work yet.
The champion turned in a superb performance to retain her title.

turn off
Is this where we turn off?
The jet began to turn off the main runway.
I couldn't understand the lecture so I just turned off.
People had been turned off by both candidates in the election.
to turn off the light / oven
They've turned off the water while they repair a burst pipe.
Please turn the television off before you go to bed.

turn on
The dogs suddenly turned on each other.
Why are you all turning on me?
Much turns on the outcome of the current peace talks.
The discussoin turned on the need to raise standards.
Jazz has never really turned me on.
She gets turned on by men in uniform.
He turned her on to jazz.
to turn on the light / heating
I'll turn the television on.
He really knows how to turn on the charm.
94 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/29 21:56
turn out
A vast crowd turned out to watch the procession.
Despite our worries everything turned out well.
You never know how your children will turn out!
If the day turns out wet, we may have to change our plans.
Her toes turn out.
It turned out that she was a friend of my sister.
The job turned out to be harder than we thought.
The house they had offered us turned out to be a tiny apartment.
The factory turnes out 900 cars a week.
Remember to turn out the lights when you go to bed.
to turn out the attic / a drawer
She turned her toes out.

turn over
If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep.
The car skidded and turned over.
The smell made my stomach turn over.
The company turns over $3.5 million a year.
Brown the meat on one side, then turn it over and brown the other side.
She kept turning over the events of the day in her mind.
A supermarket will turn over its stock very rapidly.
Burglars had turned the house over.
Customs officials turned the man over to the police.
He turned the business over to his daughter.
The factory was turned over to the manufacture of aircraft parts.

turn to
She has nobody she can turn to.
95 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/06/30 21:44
turn up
Don't worry about the letter - I'm sure it'll turn up.
We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned up.
He's still hoping something will turn up.
Could you turn the TV up?
The music was turned up loud.
Our efforts to trace him turned up nothing.

break away
The prisoner broke away from his guards.
The people of the province wished to break away and form a new state.
She broke away from the pack and opend up a two second lead.

break down
The telephone system has broken down.
We broke down on the freeway.
Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.
Her health broke down under the pressure of work.
He broke down and wept when he heard the news.
Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows: wages $10m, plant $4m, raw materials $5m.
Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside.
to break down resistance / opposition
to break down sb's reserve / shyness
Attempts must be made to break down the barriers of fear and hostility which divide the two communities.
Break your expenditure down into bills, food and other.
Each lesson is broken down into several units.
Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.
96 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/02 02:21
break for
She had to hold him back as he tried to break for the door.

break in
Burglars had broken in while we were away.
to break in new recruits
The young horse was not yet broken in.
She longed to break in on their conversation but didn't want to appear rude.
'I didn't do it!' she broke in.

break into
We had our car broken into last week.
As the President's car drew up, the crowd broke into loud applause.
He broke into a run when he saw the police.
Her horse broke into a trot.
I had to break into a $20 to pay the bus fare.
They had to break into the emergency food supplies.
The company is having difficulty breaking into new markets.

break off
The back section of the plane had broken off.
He broke off in the middle of a sentence.
She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.
Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations.
They've broken off their engagement.
97 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/03 00:10
break out
They had escaped to America shortly before war broke out in 1939.
Fighting had broken out between rival groups of fans.
Fire broke out during the night.
Several prisoners broke out of the jail.
She needed to break out of her daily routine and do something exciting.
Her face broke out in a rash.
He broke out in a cold sweat.

break through
Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.
Demonstrators broke through the police cordon.
The sun broke through at last in the afternoon.
He had finally managed to break through her reserve.

break up
The ship broke up on the rocks.
Their marriage has broken up.
The meeting broke up at eleven o'clock.
When do you break up for Christmas?
He was breaking up under the strain.
Woody Allen makes me just break up.
The ship was broken up for scrap metal.
Sentences can be broken up into clauses.
They decided to break up the partnership.
Police has called in to break up the fight.
She's just broken up with her boyfriend.
98 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/03 15:36
bring about
What brought about the change in his attitude?

bring back
Please bring back all library books by the end of the week.
He brought me back in his car.
The photographs brought back many pleasant memories.
Most people are against bringing back the death penalty.
What did you bring the kids back from Italy?
I brought a T-shirt back for Mark.

bring before
The matter will be brought before the committee.
He was brought before the court and found guilty.

bring down
The scandal may bring down the government.
He was brought down in the penalty area.
We aim to bring down prices on all our computers.
The pilot managed to bring the plane down in a field.
Twelve enemy fighters had been brought down.
He brought down the bear with a single shot.

bring forth
She brought forth a son.
trees bringing forth fruit

bring forward
The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May.
Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting.
A credit balance of $50 was brought forward from his September account.
99 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/04 14:01
bring in
Local residents were angry at not being brought in on the new housing proposal.
Experts were brought in to advise the government.
Two men were brought in for questioning.
They want to bring in a bill to limit arms exports.
We need to bring in a lot more new business.
The jury brought in a verdict of guilty.
His freelance work brings him in about $20 000 a year.
How much does she bring in now?

bring off
It was a difficult task but we brought it off.
The goalie brought off a superb save.

bring on
He was suffering from stress brought on by overwork.
I have no sympathy - you brought it all on yourself.

bring out
She's a shy girl who needs friends to bring her out of herself.
A crisis brings out the best in her.
That dress really brings out the colour of your eyes.
The band have just brought out their second album.
The heat brought him out in a rash.

bring round
Bring the famly round one evening; we'd love to meet them.
He didn't like the plan at first, but we managed to bring him round.

bring together
The loss of their son brought the two of them together.
100 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/05 06:05
bring up
She brought up five children.
He was brought up by his aunt.
a well / badly brought up child
They were brought up to respect authority.
I was brought up a Catholic.
He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving.
Bring it up at the meeting.
to bring up your lunch
Click with the right mouse button to bring up a new menu.
Working in the slums brought her up against the realities of poverty.

come about
Can you tell me how the accident came about?

come across (come over)
He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn't really come across.
She comes across well in interviews.
He came over as a sympathetic person.
I came across children sleeping under bridges.
She came across some old photographs in a drawer.
I hoped she'd come across with some more information.

come along
When the right opportunity comes along, she'll take it.
I'm glad you came along.
Your French has come along a lot recently.
Come along! We're late already.
Come along! It's easy!
101 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/06 05:57
come apart
The book just came apart in my hands.
My whole life had come apart at the seams.

come around/round
Your mother hasn't yet come round from the anaesthetic.
My birthday seems to come around quicker every year.
Do come around and see us some time.
He'll never come round to our way of thinking.

come at
She came at me with a knife.
The noise came at us from all sides.
We're getting nowhere - let's come at it from another angle.

come away
The plaster had started to come away from the wall.
We came away with the distinct impression that all was not well with their marriage.

come back
You came back very late last night.
The colour was coming back to her cheeks.
United came back from being two goals down to win 3-2.
Long hair for men seems to be coming back in.

come before
The case comes before the court next week.

come between
I'd hate anything to come between us.
102 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/07 05:57
come by
She came by the house.
Jobs are hard to come by these days.
How did you come by that scratch on your cheek?

come down
The ceilling came down with a terrific crash.
The rain came down in torrents.
We were forced to come down in a field.
The price of gas is coming down.
Gas is coming down in price.
The committee came down in support of his application.
Her hair comes down to her waist.
Don't come down too hard on her.
Ther courts are coming down heavily on young offenders.
The name has come down from the last century.
What it comes down to is, I get more money or I leave.
I think I'm coming down with flu.

come forward
Several people came forward with information.
Police has asked witnesses of the accident to come forward.

103 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/08 06:20
come from
She comes from London.
Where do you come from?
Much of our butter comes from New Zealand.
This wool comes from goats, not sheep.
This poem comes from his new book.
Where does her attitude come from?
Where's that smell coming from?
He comes from a family of actors.
She doesn't try hard enough.' 'That's rich, coming from you.'

come in
My horse came in last.
Long hair for men came in in the sixties.
We're still waiting for copies of the book to come in.
I understand the plan perfectly, but I can't see where I come in.
The train is coming in now.
News is coming in of a serious plane crash in France.
She has over a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments.
Would you like to come in at this point, Susan?
The government's economic policies have come in for a lot of criticism.
If you want to come in on the deal, you need to decide now.

come into
She came into a fortune when her uncle died.
I've worked very hard to pass this exam - luck doesn't come into it.

come of/from
I made a few enquiries, but nothing came of it in the end.
That comes of eating too much!
104 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/09 05:47
come off
Does this hood come off?
That mark won't come off.
Did the trip to Rome ever come off?
They had wanted it to be a surprise but the plan didn't come off.
I thought they came off very well in the debate.
to come off your bicycle / horse
When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off in my hand.
A button had come off my coat.
Come off it! We don't have a chance.
I've tried to get him to come off tranquilizers.

come on
Owen came on for Fowler ten minutes before the end of the game.
The project is coming on fine.
Come on! We don't have much time.
Come on! Try once more.
Oh, come on - you know that isn't true!
I can feel a cold coming on.
I think there's rain coming on.
It came on to rain.
What time does the news come on?
Set the oven to come on at six.
When does the heating come on?
I'd like to come on to that question later.
105 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/10 08:48
come out
The rain stopped and the sun came out.
The daffodils came out early this year.
When is her new novel coming out?
The full story came out at the trial.
It came out that he'd been telling lies.
The photos from our trip didn't come out.
Her best qualities come out in a crisis.
I tried to say 'I love you,' but the words wouldn't come out.
He came out against the plan.
In her speech, the senator came out in favour of a change in the law.
This nail won't come out.
These ink stains won't come out of my dress.
Will the colour come out if I wash it?
The total bill comes out at $500.
Hot weather makes her come out in a rash.
It was when she started drama classes that she really came out of herself.
The book came out of his experiences in India.
Rock music came out of the blues.
He came out with a stream of abuse.
She sometimes comes out with the most extraordinary remarks.

come over
I suddenly came over all shy.
He came over well in the interview.
Why don't you come over to England in the summer?
Her grandparents came over from Ireland during the famine.
A fit of dizziness came over her.
I can't think what came over me.
106 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/11 05:59
come through
A message is just coming through.
With such a weak heart she was lucky to come through the operation.
We were worried she wouldn't be able to handle it, but she came through in the end.
The bank finally came through with the money.

come to
The idea came to me in the bath.
It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong all along.
The bill came to $30.
I never expected those few items to come to so much.
The doctors will operate if it proves necessary - but it may not come to that.
Who'd have thought things would come to this?

come together
Three colleges have come together to create a new university.
Bits and pieces of things he'd read and heard were coming together, and he began to understand.
What heading does this come under?
The head teacher came under a lot of criticism from the parents.
All her students came under her spell.
107 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/13 02:35
come up
The daffodils are just beginning to come up.
We watched the sun come up.
I'm afraid something urgent has come up.
We'll let you know if any vacancies come up.
The subject came up in conversation.
The question is bound to come up at the meeting.
Her birthday is coming up soon.
Her divorce case comes up next month.
'Is lunch ready?' 'Coming up!'
Why don't you come up to Scotland for a few days?
He came up to me and asked for a light.
We expect to come up against a lot of opposition to the plan.
She comes up for re-election next year.
His contract is coming up for renewal.
The water came up to my neck.
His performance didn't really come up to his usual high standard.
Their trip to France didn't come up to expectatoins.
She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.
How soon can you come up with the money?
108 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/13 03:37
get across
Your meaning didn't really get across.
He's not very good at getting his ideas across.

get ahead
She wants to get ahead in her career.
He soon got ahead of the others in his class.

get along
It's time we were getting along.

get around (get about)
She gets around with the help of a stick.
News soon got around that he had resigned.

get at
He's always getting at me.
She feels she's being got at.
The files are locked up and I can't get at them.
The truth is sometimes difficult to get at.

get away
We're hoping to get away for a few days at Easter.
I won't be able to get away from the office before 7.
Thieves got away with computer equipment worth $30 000.
He was lucky to get away with only a fine.
Don't be tempted to cheat - you'll never get away with it.
Nobady gets away with insulting me like that.
109 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/13 03:39
get back
What time did you get back last night?
She's got her old job back.
I never lend books - you never get them back.
I'll find a way getting back at him!
I'll find out and get back to you.
Could we get back to the question of funding?

get behind
I'm getting behind with my work.
He got behind with the payments for his car.

get by
How does she get by on such a small salary?
I can just about get by in German.

get down
Did you get his number down?
Let's get down to business.
I like to get down to work by 9.
It's time I got down to thinking about that essay.
110 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/13 03:43
get in (get into)
The train got in late.
What time do you get into Heathrow?
The Republican candidate stands a good chance of getting in.
She first got into Parliament in 1997.
She's got into Durham to study law.
to get the crops / harvest in
Remember to get in some beers for this evening.
I got in an hour's work while the baby was asleep.
She talks so much it's impossible to get a word in.
He's hoping to get in on any discussions about the new project.

get into
I can't get into these shoes - they're too small.
What's the best way to get into journalism?
I got into conversation with an Italian student.
to get into a fight / an argument
Don't let yourself get into bad habits.
You should get into the routine of saving the document you are working on every ten minutes.
How did she get into drugs?
I'm really getting into jazz these days.
I haven't really got into my new job yet.
He got into trouble with the police while he was still at school.
Three people were rescued from a yacht which got into difficulties.
She got herself into a real state before the interview.
111 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/13 03:46
get off
Get off me, that hurts!
We got off straight after breakfast.
He got the children off to school.
I had great difficulty getting off to sleep.
They couldn't get the baby off till midnight.
Could you get off (work) early tomorrow?
Please can we get off the subject of dieting?
I couldn't get him off politics once he had started.
I must get these letters off first thing tomorrow.
She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises.
He was lucky to get off with a small fine.
A good lawyer might be able to get you off.
Steve got off with Tracey at the party.

get on (get along)
He's getting on very well at school.
Parents are always anxious for their children to get on.
We can get on perfectly well without her.
I just can't get along without a secretary.
The heating isn't working; I'll get on to the landlord about it.
He had been stealing money from the company for years before they got on to him.
It's time we got on to the question of costs.
She's never got on with her sister.
She and her sister have never really got on.
We get along with just fine together.
I'm not getting on very fast with this job.
Be quiet and get on with your work.
Get on with it! We haven't got all day.
112 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/13 03:49
get out
If this gets out there'll be trouble.
Will we get the book out by the end of the year?
She managed to get out a few words of thanks.
You ought to get out of the house more.
We promised we'd go - We can't get out of it now.
I wish I could get out of going to that meeting.
I can't get out of the habit of waking at six in the morning.
The police finally got a confession out of her.
She seems to get a lot out of life.
He always gets the best out of people.

get over
She can't get over her shyness.
I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.
He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll get over it.
He didn't really get his meaning over to the audience.
I'll be glad to get the exam over and done with.

get round / around
She knows how to get round her dad.
A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause.
I meant to do the ironing but I didn't get round to it.
I hope to get around to answering your letter next week.
113 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/13 03:51
get through
We got through a fortune while we were in New York!
Let's start - there's a lot to get through.
She got all her students through the exam.
They got the bill through Congress.
Thousands of refugees will die if these supplies don't get through to them.
I tried calling you several times but I couldn't get through.
Moya has got through to the final.
I find it impossible to get through to her.

get to
The pressure of work is beginning to get to him.

get together
I'm trying to get a team together for Saturday.
We must get together for a drink sometime.
Management should get together with the union.

get up
The class got up when the teacher came in.
He always gets up early.
Could you get me up at 6:30 tomorrow?
She was got up as an Indian princess.
We're getting up a party for her birthday.
We got up to page 72 last lesson.
What on earth will he get up to next?
She's been getting up to her old tricks again!
114 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/14 00:24
give away
The bride was given away by her father.
He gave away most of his money to charity.
Check out the prices of our pizzas - we're virtually giving them away!
The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day.
They've given away two goals already.
She gave away state secrets to the enemy.
It was supposed to be a surprise but the children gave the game away.
His voice gave him away.

give back
Could you give me back my pen?
Could you give me my pen back?
I picked it up and gave it back to him.
Give it me back!
The operatoin gave him back the use of his legs.

give in
The rebels were forced to give in.
The authorities have shown no signs of giving in to the kidnappers' demands.
Please give your work in before Monday.

give off
The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume.

give on to / onto
The bedroom windows give on to the street.
This door gives onto the hall.
115 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/14 02:58

Phrasal Verb Demon
116 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/15 04:28
give out
After a month their food supplies gave out.
Her patience finally gave out.
One of the plane's engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.
Her legs gave out and she collapsed.
The teacher gave out the exam papers.
The radiator gives out a lot of heat.

give over
Give over, Chris! You're hurting me.
Give over complaining!
The gallery is given over to British art.

give up
They gave up without a fight.
She doesn't give up easily.
I give up - tell me the answer.
There you are at last! We'd given you up.
We hadn't heard from him for so long, we'd given him up for dead.
Why don't you give him up?
She didn't give up work when she had the baby.
We'd given up hope of ever having children.
You ought to give up smoking.
I gave up my weekend to help him paint his apartment.
We had to give our passports up to the authorities.
He gave up his seat to a pregnant woman.
After a week on the run he gave himself up to the police.
His teachers seem to have given up on him.
117 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/16 04:51
go about
Despite the threat of war, people went about their business as usual.
You're not going about the job in the right way.
How should I go about finding a job?

go after
He went after the burglars.
She left the room in tears so I went after her.
We're both going after the same job.

go against
The jury's verdict went against him.
He would not go against his parents' wishes.
Paying for hospital treatment goes against her principles.
His thinking goes against all logic.

go ahead
I'll go ahead and tell them you're on the way.
The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planed.
'May I start now?' 'Yes, go ahead.'
The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans.

go along
He made up the story as he went along.
Things are going along nicely.
I don't go along with her views on abortion.
118 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/16 18:32
go around / round
to go round in a circle
There aren't enough chairs to go around.
She often goes around barefoot.
It's unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues.
There's a rumour going around that they're having an affair.
I went round to the post office.
I'm going around to my sister's later.

go at
They went at each other furiously.
They went at the job as if their lives dependend on it.

go away
Just go away!
Go away and think about it, then let me know.
They've gone away for a few days.
I'm going away on business.
The smell still hasn't gone away.

go back
Dave and I go back twenty years.
She doesn't want to go back to her husband.
This toaster will have to go back - it's faulty.
Of course we want to go back some day - it's our country, our real home.
Can I go back to what you said at the beginning of the meeting?
Once you have made this decision, there will be no going back.
Their family goes back to the time of the Pilgrim Fathers.
He never goes back on his word.
The kids go back to school next week.
She's decided to go back to teaching.
119 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/17 20:00
go before
The present crisis is worse than any that have gone before.
My application goes before the planning committee next week.

go beyond
This year's sales figures go beyond all our expectations.

go by
Things will get easier as time goes by.
The weeks went slowly by.
That's a good rule to go by.
If past experience is anything to go by, they'll be late.

go down
She tripped and went down with a bump.
A glass of wine would go down very nicely.
The price of oil is going down.
Oil is going down in price.
The neighbourhood has gone down a lot recently.
The system is going down in ten minutes.
She went down (from Cambridge) in 1989.
It all goes down in her notebook.
He will go down in history as a great statesman.
Italy went down to Brazil by three goals to one.
They've gone down to Brighton for a couple of days.
Our youngest boy has gone down with chickenpox.
120 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/18 07:36
go for
She went for him with a knife.
What I said about Peter goes for you, too.
They have a high level of unemployment - but the same goes for many other countries.
She's gone for some milk.
She goes for tall slim men.
I don't really go for modern art.
I think I'll go for the fruit salad.
Go for it, John! You know you can beat him.
It sounds a great idea. Go for it!

go in
Let's go in, it's getting cold.
She's going in for the Cambridge First Certificate.
She doesn't go in for team games.
My brothers are opening a garage and they want me to go in with them.

go into
The car skidded and went into a tree.
The plane went into a nosedive.
to go into the Army / the Church / Parliament
to go into teaching
He went into a long explanation of the affair.
We need to go into the question of costs.
More government money needs to go into the project.
Years of work went into researching the book.
121 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/19 15:28
go off
She went off to get a drink.
The gun went off by accident.
The bomb went off in a crowded street.
Suddenly the lights went off.
The heating goes off at night.
Hasn't the baby gone off yet?
Her books have gone off in recent years.
Jane seems to be going off Paul.
I've gone off beer.
He went off with his best friend's wife.
He went off with $10 000 of the company's money.
122 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/19 15:30
go on
She doesn't go on until Act 2.
Cole went on in place of Beckham just before half-time.
Suddenly all the lights went on.
She became more and more talkative as the evening went on.
What's going on here?
This cannot be allowed to go on.
How much longer will this hot weather go on for?
We can't go on like this - we seem to be always arguing.
She hesitated for a moment and then went on.
'You know,' he went on, 'I think my brother could help you.'
Go on! Have another drink!
Go on - jump!
You go on ahead - I'll catch you up in a few minutes.
The police don't have much to go on.
He went on and on about how poor he was.
She does go on sometimes!
She goes on at him continually.
That's enough for now - let's go on with it tomorrow.
He said nothing but just went on working.
Let's go on to the next item on the agenda.
The book goes on to describe his experiences in the army.
After her early teaching career she went on to become a doctor.
123 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/20 13:07
go out
She goes out a lot.
He goes out drinking most evenings.
Have the invitatoins gone out yet?
Word went out that the director had resigned.
She went out of the tournament in the first round.
Those skirts went out years ago.
All the fight seemed to go out of him.
The heat has gone out of the argument.
Tom has been going out with Kate for six weeks.
How long have Tom and Kate been going out together?

go over
Go over your work before you hand it in.
He went over the events of the day in his mind.
He went over and shook hands with his guests.
Many Irish people went over to America during the famine.
We are now going over to the news desk for an important announcement.
Two Conservative MPs have gong over to the Liberal Democrats.

go through
The deal did not go through.
I always start the day by going through my mail.
She went through the company's accounts, looking for evidence of fraud.
Let's go through the arguments again.
Could we go through Act 2 once more?
Certain formalities have to be gone through before you can emigrate.
She's been going through a bad patch recently.
He's amazingly cheerful comsidering all he's had to go through.
The boys went through two whole loaves of bread.
She decided not to go through with the operation.
124 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/21 06:25
go to
Proceeds from the concert will go to charity.
All her property went to her eldest son.

go towards
The money will go towards a new car.
Part of my pay cheque went towards buying a CD player.

go under
The firm will go under unless business improves.

go up
New offices buildings are going up everywhere.
The whole building went up in flames.
The price of cigarettes is going up.
Cigarettes are going up in price.
She went up (to Oxford) in 1989.
When are you next going up to Scotland?
We went up to Landon last weekend.

go with
A car goes with the job.
You're offering $500? I think we can go with that.
Does this jacket go with this skirt?
Those colours don't really go (together).
Disease often goes with poverty.
Disease and poverty often go together.

go without
There wasn't time for breakfist, so I had to go without.
How long can a human being go without sleep?
She went without eating for three days.
125 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/22 06:48
hold back
The police were unable to hold back the crowd.
Do you think that mixed ability classes hold back the better students?
to hold back information
She just managed to hold back her anger.
He bravely held back his tears.
She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible news.
I wanted to tell him the truth, but something held me back.

hold down
It took three men to hold him down.
The people are held down by a repressive regime.
The rate of inflation must be held down.
He was unable to hold down a job after his breakdown.
Hold it down, will you? I'm trying to sleep!

hold in
to hold in your feelings / anger

hold off
The rain held off just long enough for us to have our picnic.
We could get a new computer now or hold off until prices are lower.
Could you hold off making your decision for a few days?
She held off all the last-minute challengers and won the race in a new record time.
126名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/07/22 12:57
◆.wPHje0CRE さん、すごい。
127 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/23 15:19
hold on
Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.
Hold on! This isn't the right road.
They managed to hold on until help arrived.
Can you hold on? I'll see if he's here.
These nuts and bolts hold the wheels on.
The knob is only hold on by sticky tape.
Hold on and don't let go until I say so.
He held onto the back of the chair to stop himself from falling.
You shold hold on to your oil shares.
She took an early lead in the race and held onto it for nine laps.
I'll hold onto your mail for you until you get back.

hold out
We can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out.
The rebels held out in the mountains for several years.
Doctors hold out little hope of her recovering.
I held out my hand to steady her.
He held out the keys and I took them.
The union negotiators are holding out for a more generous pay settlement.

hold over
The matter was held over until the next meeting.
The movie proved so popular it was held over for another week.

128 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/24 06:46
hold to
The league leaders were held to a 0-0 draw.

hold together
A political party should hold together.
It's the mother who usually holds the family together.
Their case doesn't hold together when you look at the evidence.

hold up
She's holding up well under the pressure.
An accident is holding up traffic.
My application was held up by the postal strike.
She's always holding up her children as models of good behaviour.
His ideas were held up to ridicule.

hold with
I dont't hold with the use of force.
They don't hold with letting children watch as much TV as they want.

keep at
Come on, keep at it, you've nearly finished!
He kept us at it all day.

keep away
Keep away from the edge of the cliff.
Her illness kept her away from work for several weeks.
129 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/25 07:18
keep back
Keep well back from the road.
Barricades were erected to keep back the crowds.
She was unable to keep back her tears.
He kept back half the money for himself.
I'm sure she's keeping something back from us.

keep down
Keep down! You mustn't let anyone see you.
The people have been kept down for years by a brutal regime.
to keep down wages / prices / the cost of living
Keep your voice down - I don't want anyone else to hear.
Keep the noise down, will you?
She's had some water but she can't keep any food down.

keep from
She could hardly keep from laughing.
I just managed to keep myself from falling.
I hope I'm not keeping you from your work.
The church bells keep me from sleeping.
I think we ought to keep the truth from him until he's better.
She could not keep the dismay from her voice.

keep in
He could scarcely keep in his indignation.
The money should keep him in cigarettes for a week.
130 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/26 07:42
keep off
I'm trying to keep off fatty foods.
It's best to keep off politics when my father's around.
They lit a fire to keep off wild animals.
Keep your hands off me!

keep on
The rain kept on all night.
Keep on until you get to the church.
He does keep on so!
I'll do it - just don't keep on at me about it!
The sign said 'Ministry of Defence - Keep out!'

keep out
Keep that dog out of my study!
That child seems incapable of keeping out of mischief.
Keep the baby out of the sun.

keep to
Keep to the track - the land is very boggy around here.
Nothing is more irritating than people who do not keep to the point.
to keep to an agreement / an undertaking / a plan
She's nearly 90 and mostly keeps to her room.
Nobody knows much about him; he keeps himself very much to himself.
I'd be grateful if you kept this information to yourself.
Kindly keep your opinions to yourself in future!

keep under
The local people are kept under by the army.
131 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/27 05:51
keep up
The rain kept up all afternoon.
Slow down - I can't keep up!
I can't keep up with all the changes.
Wages are not keeping up with inflation.
How many of your old school friends do you keep up with?
She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.
If you do not keep up with the payments you could lose your home.
I hope we're not keeping you up.
The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up.
The enemy kept up the bombardment day and night.
We're having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments.
Well done! Keep up the good work / Keep it up!
They sang songs to keep their spirits up.
to keep up old customs / traditions
Do you still keep up your Spanish?

look after
Who's going to look after the children while you're away?
I'm looking after his affairs while he's in hospital.
Don't worry about me - I can look after myself.
He's good at looking after his own interests.

look around / round
People came out of their houses and looked around.
We're looking around for a house in this area.
Let's look round the town this afternoon.
132 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/28 05:46
look at
Your ankle's swollen - I think the doctor ought to look at it.
I haven't had time to look at the papers yet.
The implications of the new law will need to be looked at.
Looked at from that point of view, his decision is easier to understand.

look back
to look back on your childhood

look down
She looks down on people who haven't been to college.

look for
We shall be looking for an improvement in your work this term.

look forward
I'm looking forward to the weekend.
We're really looking forward to seeing you again.

look in
Why don't you look in on me next time you're in town?

look into
A working party has been set up to look into the problem.

look on
Passers-by simply looked on as he was attacked.
She's looked on as the leading authority on the subject.
They looked on his behaviour with contempt.
133 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/29 06:06
look out
Look out! There's a car coming.
You should look out for pickpockets.
Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work.
I'll look out for you at the conference.
We should look out for each other.
I'll look out those old photographs you wanted to see.

look over
We looked over the house before we decided to rent it.

look round
She looked round when she heard the noise.

look through
She just looked straight through me.
She looked through her notes before the exam.

look to
We are looking to you for help.
We need to look to ways of improving our marketing.

look up
At last things were beginning to look up.
She looked up from her book as I entered the room.
Do look me up the next time you're in London.
Can you look up the time of the next train?
I looked it up in the dictionary.
134 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/30 07:07
make for
Constant arguing doesn't make for a happy marriage.

make into
We're making our attic into an extra bedroom.

make of
What do you make of it all?
I can't make anything of this note.
I don't know what to make of the new manager.

make out
How did he make out while his wife was away?
I could just make out a figure in the darkness.
I could hear voices but I couldn't make out what they were saying.
She's not as rich as people make out.
He made out that he had been robbed.
She makes herself out to be smarter than she really is.
He made out a cheque for $100.
The doctor made out a prescription for me.
How do you make that out?
I can't make out what she wants.

make over
He made over the property to his eldest son.

make towards
He made towards the door.
135 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/07/31 18:27
make up
Women make up 56% of the student numbers.
He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick.
I told the kids a story, making it up as I went along.
You made that up!
We need one more person to make up a team.
Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?
We made up the bed in the spare room.
They made up a bed for me on the sofa.
Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.
After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time.
Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience.
How can I make up for the way I've treated you?
I'll make it up to you, I promise.
Why don't you two kiss and make up?
Has he made it up with her yet?
Have they made it up yet?

pick at
He tried to undo the knot by picking at it with his fingers.

pick off
Snipers were picking off innocent civilians.
Pick off all the dead leaves.

pick on
She was picked on by the other girls because of her size.
He picked on two of her statements which he said were untrue.
136 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/08/02 00:12
pick out
She was picked out from dozens of applicants for the job.
He picked out the ripest peach for me.
See if you can pick me out in this photo.
We couldn't pick out any familiar landmarks.
He picked out the tune on the piano with one finger.
Read the play again and pick out the major themes.
a sign painted cream, with the lettering picked out in black
The car lights picked out a car running across the road.

pick over
Pick over the lentils and remove any little stones.
I picked over the facts of the case.

pick up
Trade usually pickes up in the spring.
The wind is picking up now.
Sales have picked up 14% this year.
Let's pick up where we left off yesterday.
All I seem to do is cook, wash and pick up after the kids.
I'll pick you up at five.
The bus pickes up passengers outside the airport.
A lifeboart picked up survivors.
He goes to clubs to pick up girls.
He was picked up by police and taken to the station for questioning.
Try this - it will pick you up.
She went over to the crying child and picked her up.
He picked up the phone and dialled the number.
We were able to pick up the BBC World Service.
to pick up bad habits
Here's a tip I picked up from my mother.
She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico.
137 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/08/02 00:14
Scientists can now pick up early signs of the disease.
I picked up my coat from the cleaners.
We managed to pick up a few bargains at the auction.
I seem to have picked up a terrible cold from somewhere.
I picked up $30 in tips today.
to pick up the scent / trail of an animal
We can pick up the motorway in a few miles.
He pickes up this theme again in later chapters of the book.
I picked up the faint sound of a car in the distance.
Will you pick up all your toys?
to pick up a room / an apartment
She failed to pick up on the humour in his remark.
If I could just pick up on a question you raised earlier.
I knew he would pick me up on that slip sooner or later.
He just picked himself up and went on running.
She didn't waste time feeling sorry for herself - she just picked herself up and carried on.
138 ◆.wPHje0CRE :04/08/02 00:55
OALD 6thから適当に選んだ動詞のPhrasal Verbの例文、合計1162文でした。

break, bring, come, get, give, go, hold, keep, look, make, pick, put, run, set, take, turn


当初の目的は、Phrasal Verbの副詞/前置詞に着目して覚えたい、

Good job.
お疲れ様。いやぁ すごく勉強になった。(半分も覚えていないけど Orz)
141名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/22 07:00
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150名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/10/14 13:14:27
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152名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/10/15 00:38:48
やっぱりみんなcome off とか come into とかの使い方で混乱するんだ、と
153名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/11/10 13:03:25
154名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/12/24 01:48:45
155名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/15 14:36:07
156 ◆.wPHje0CRE :05/01/23 21:13:43

Phrasal Verb Page

Phrasal Verb Review

Phrasal Verb Daemon
157名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/18 21:27:05
158名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/03/25(金) 06:34:54
159名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/03/25(金) 19:16:44
160名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/04/28(木) 13:04:06
☆ チン     マチクタビレタ〜
       ☆ チン  〃 ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        ヽ ___\(\・∀・) <  まだ〜?
            \_/⊂ ⊂_ )  \_____________
          / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /|
       | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
       |  愛媛みかん |
161名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/07/23(土) 16:27:20
162名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/08/24(水) 13:39:27
163名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/02(金) 01:52:33
164名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/23(金) 17:26:37
165名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/28(水) 05:34:44
166名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/01(土) 01:56:03
167名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/10(月) 20:26:04
168名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/10(月) 20:30:02
169名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/12(水) 15:25:24
170名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/19(水) 10:56:37
171名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/19(水) 11:43:09
wear away
wear something away

To become or make something thin,
or to disappear or make something disappear completely,
through rubbing or weathering, etc.
172名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/10/19(水) 11:46:51
work out

transitive senses
1 a : to bring about by labor and exertion
<work out your own salvation -- Phil 2:12 (Authorized Version)>
b : to solve (as a problem) by a process of reasoning or calculation
c : to devise, arrange, or achieve by resolving difficulties
<after many years of wrangling, worked out
a definite agreement -- A. A. Butkus>
d : DEVELOP <the final situation is not worked out with
psychological profundity -- Leslie Rees>
2 : to discharge (as a debt) by labor
3 : to exhaust (as a mine) by working

intransitive senses
1 a : to prove effective, practicable, or suitable
<how this will actually work out I don't know -- Milton Kotler>
b : to amount to a total or calculated figure -- used with at or to
2 : to engage in a workout <works out regularly at the gym>
173名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/11/09(水) 22:26:04
174名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/11/23(水) 19:16:35
175名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/12/03(土) 02:47:11
176名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/02(月) 23:15:51
177名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/19(木) 17:26:03
178名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/02/01(水) 03:18:34
179名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/14(火) 23:43:57
180名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/06/14(水) 18:07:26
181test:2006/07/14(金) 01:03:41
182名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/07/18(火) 19:56:42
183名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/09/29(金) 15:17:03
get to
184名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/03(火) 15:02:41
猫は少女の腕から逃げ出した。The cat broke away from the girl's arms.
その州は脱退して独立した。The state broke away and became independent.
塀を取り壊すbreak down a wall
すべての反対を抑圧するbreak down all opposition
大きな仕事はやりやすいように小分けしてやるようにしなさい。Learn to break down large tasks into manageable units.
私の自動車は幹線道路で故障した。My car broke down on the highway.
エンジンが故障した。The engine has broken down.
交渉は失敗に終わった。The negotiations broke down.
働きすぎで彼の健康は参ってしまった。His health broke donw from overwork.
戦後古い道徳が地に堕ちた。The old morality has broken down since the end of the war.
その悲報を耳にしたとき彼女は泣き崩れた。She broke down (in tears) when she heard the sad news.
水は水素と酸素に分解する。Water breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen.
185名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/04(水) 07:45:12
仕事を中断してお茶にする。break for tea
学校は7月10日から休みに入る。School breaks for vacation on July 10th.
ドアへ走って逃げる。break for the door.
その強盗たちは寝室の窓から押し入った。The burglars broke in through a bedroom window.
彼は口を挟んで論評した。He broke in with a comment.
馬を調教する。break a horse in
新しい靴を履き慣らす。break in a new pair of shoes
この車はよく使い慣らしている。This car is pretty well broken in.
人の話に口出しするのは失礼だ。It's impolite to break in on a comconversation.
その店は昨夜泥棒に入られた。The store was broken into last night.
わっと泣き出す。break into tears.
どっと笑い出す。break into laughter.
彼は急に走り出した。He broke into a run.
低い騒音が突然荒々しい雷鳴となってとどろき出した。The low rumble broke suddenly into a loud peal of thunder.
人のくつろいでいるところの邪魔をする。break into a person's leisure.
彼は私たちの会話に割り込んできた。He broke into our conversation.
運賃を支払うのに20ポンド紙幣を崩した。I broke into a 20-pound note to pay the fare.
われわれは非常用の食料と水に頼らなければならなかった。We had to break into our emergency supplies of food and water.
186名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/05(木) 05:15:42
婚約を解消する。break off an engagement
彼女は彼との関係を絶った。She broke off her relationship with him.
彼らは交渉をやめた。They broke off negotiations.
数分仕事をやめて休息した。We broke off for a few minutes and had a rest.
彼女と交際を絶った。I broke off with her.
昨夜近所の店に火事があった。A fire broke out in a neighborhood store last night.
流感がその地方全体にはやっている。Flu has broken out all over the district.
バルカン諸国で血なまぐさい戦闘が起こった。Bloody fighting broke out in the Balkans.
汗が彼のひたいに吹き出た。Sweat broke out on his forehead.
彼の顔に発疹が出た。His face broke out in a rash.
彼らは脱出した。They broke out.
彼らは急に笑い出した。They broke out in smiles.
敵の戦列を突破した。We've broken through the enemy's lines.
彼は人ごみを切り抜けて通った。They broke through the crowd.
太陽が雲の隙間から現れ始めた。The sun is breaking through the clouds.
187名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/05(木) 06:31:15
あ、なんかすごい。勉強になる。 >>184-186
188名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/06(金) 05:04:28
遠慮がちにしている彼女をくつろがせようと努めた。I tried to break through her reserve.
ついに太陽が見えてきた。At last the sun broke through.
箱をばらばらにしてたきぎにする。break up a box for firewood
古船を解体する。break up an old ship for scrap
単語を音節に分解する。break up a word into syllables
仕事を数人に分配する。break up a piece of work among several people
デモ隊は警官によって解散させられた。The group of demonstrators was broken up by the police.
もうパーティーをお開きにしてよいときだ。It's time to break up the party.
彼が浮気したので二人の結婚は破綻した。His unfaithfulness broke up their marriage.
彼の悲惨な死に彼女はすっかり取り乱してしまった。His tragic death broke her up.
その話を聞いてわれわれは皆笑い転げた。The story really broke us all up.
雲は散り散りになり始めた。The clouds began to break up.
パーティーは10時に終わった。The party broke up at ten.
4年目に彼らの結婚は破綻をきたした。In four years their marriage broke up.
我々の学校はその種の終わりに夏休みに入った。Our school broke up for the summer holidays at the end of the week.
天気が崩れかかっていた。The weather was breaking up.
旧友と絶交する。break with an old friend
昔からの習慣を絶つ。break with old habits
どもです。Thanks. >187
189名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/07(土) 06:32:23
核兵器は人類の絶滅をもたらすかもしれない。Nuclear weapons may bring about the annihilation of man.
私はヘンリーを連れて行った。I brought along Henry.
私はピクニック用の昼食を持っていきます。I'll bring along a picnic lunch.
気付け薬で彼女は意識を取り戻した。The smelling salts brought her around.
熱いコーヒーを飲めば元気が出るよ。A cup of hot coffee will bring you around.
彼らは私を説得して自分たちの考え方に従わせようとした。They tried to bring me around to their point of view.
君の言葉を聞くと色々と思い出がよみがえってくる。Your words bring back many memories.
その手紙は彼女にすべてのことを思い出させた。The letter brought it all back to her.
本は明日お返しします。I'll bring you back the book tomorrow. I'll bring the book back to you tomorrow.
転地したおかげで彼の健康は回復した。The change of air brought him back to good health.
政府を打倒する。bring down the government.
そのライオンを一発でしとめた。I brought down the lion at a shot.
物価を下げる。bring down prices
失業率を3%まで引き下げる。bring unemployment down to 3%
値切ってセールスマンにもっと安い値をつけさせる。bring a salesman down to a lower price.
...という話が私の家に代々伝わってきている。It has been brought down in my family that...
人の怒りを招く。bring down a person's anger on one's head
190名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/08(日) 05:16:02
卯月の驟雨は皐月花を咲かせる。April showers bring forth May flowers.
会議の時間は午後2時に繰り上げられた。The meeting brought forward to two in the afternoon.
ある件を会で提案する。bring a matter forward at a meeting
一人の専門家の参加を依頼する。bring in an expert
彼らに助力するよう依頼された。We were brought in to assist them.
彼の地所から年10万ポンドの収益が上がる。His lands bring (him) in 100,000 pounds a year.
この定期預金には5分5厘の利子がつく。This deposit account brings (me) in 5 1/2 per cent.
有罪の評決を答申する。bring in a verdict of guilty
うまくやり遂げられますか。Can you bring it off?
著者は最新作によって目覚しい成功を収めた。The author has brought off a signal success with his latest book.
登山者たちはその斜面から救助隊に救い出された。The climbers were brought off by the rescue party.
彼の家庭教師はかなり早く彼の英語力を上達させた。His tutor has brought him on rather quickly in English.
彼の新著は来週出版される。His new book will be brought out next week.
彼らはウェディングケーキを運び出した。They brought out the wedding cake.
そのドレスのために彼女の青い瞳が引き立って見える。The dress brought out the blue of her eyes.
その危機を経て彼女の一番素晴らしい面が表面に現れた。The crisis brought out the best in her.
陽気がいいのでハナミズキの花が早く咲いた。The warm weather has brought the dogwood out early.
人を説得してある運動に参加させる。bring a person over to a cause
彼らは忍耐により困難な時勢を切り抜けた。Patience brought them through the difficult times.
彼は母親の辛抱強い看護によって一命を取り留めた。He was brought through by his mother's patient nursing.
彼女は気付け薬を嗅がせて彼を正気づかせた。She brought him to with smelling salts.
彼は船を止めた。He brought the ship to.
191名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/09(月) 08:18:48
共通の趣味で二人は心が通い合うようになった。Common interests brought them together.
(彼の立場に対する)あなたの理解で彼は元の気持ちに立ち直るだろう。Your understanding should bring him to himself.
反乱者を鎮圧する。bring rebels under
調査結果は5項目にまとめることができる。The findings can bring under five heads.
あなたの娘さんたちはよくしつけられていますね。Your daughters have been well brought up.
彼女は礼儀正しく振舞うように育てられた。She was brought up to behave politely.
その問題を次の会合に持ち出すことに決めた。They have decided to bring up the question at the next session.
彼は信号で車を停車させた。He brought up the car at the traffic light.
銀行はすでに閉まっているという彼の言葉に私ははたと立ち止まった。His reply that the bank was already closed brought me up (short).
大きな困難に出くわした。We were brought up against great difficulties.
その証拠は彼にとって不利な材料として持ち出された。That evidence was brought up against him.
192名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/10(火) 05:27:59
どうして彼は辞職を求められることになったのですか。How did it come about that he was asked to resign?
その事故はどんな具合に起こったのですか。How did the accident come about?
彼は通りを横切って私の立っているところへ来た。He came across the street to where I stood.
あの書店でとても面白い本を見つけた。I came across a very interesting book at that bookshop.
彼の講義は十分理解された。His lecture came across well.
彼は私に全く変人だという印象を与えた。He came across (to me) as (being) an extremely strange person.
彼女は彼に借りていた金を出した。She came across with the money she owed him.
彼は銃を持って私を追いかけてきた。He came after me with a gun.
193名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/11(水) 07:36:59
こちらへおいで(一緒に行こう)。Come along this way.
彼は私と一緒に来た。He came along with me.
現れてくるすべての好機を利用せよ。Take advantage of every opportunity that comes along.
研究はうまくいっていますか。How are you coming along with your work?
患者は順調だ。The patient is coming along well.
ティーポットを接着剤でくっつけたが2,3日で壊れてしまった。We glued the teapot together but it came apart in a few days.
今晩訪ねてきたまえ。Come around and see me this evening.
彼は私の意見に同調してくるだろう。He will come around to my opinion.
うるう年は4年に1度やってくる。Leap year comes around once in four years.
彼は気絶したが、まもなく意識を取り戻した。He fainted, but soon came around.
彼は銃を持って私に向かってきた。He came at me with a gun.
我々は記録を詳しく調べることによってその事実を見つけることができた。We came at the facts by looking through the records.
手に握った柄がぽろりと取れた。The handle came away in my hand.
彼は上機嫌で会議から出てきた。He came away from the meeting in excellent spirits.
彼は悲しい気持ちで去った。He came away with a feeling of sadness.
その名前が彼の頭に浮かんできた。The name came back to him.
ミニスカートがまたはやりだした。Mini skirts have come back.
彼は私にひどい言葉で食ってかかって来た。He came back at me with bitter words.
その問題は委員会に提出された。That question came before the committee.
その事故があってからジェーンと私との間が幾分か冷たくなった。After the accident some coldness came between Jane and me.
その画家の絵を手に入れるのは難しい。Paintings by that artist are hard to come by.
その目の周りの黒あざはどうしてできたの。How did you come by that black eye?
彼女が訪ねてきた。She came by for a visit.
194名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/12(木) 05:53:40
朝食に降りてくる。come down to breakfast
雨が激しくなってきている。The rain is coming down harder.
物価はめったに下がらない。Prices rarely come down.
彼女のスカートは足首のところまで届く。Her skirt comes down to her ankles.
...を支持することに決意する。come down on the side of ...
ロンドンからドーセットへやってくる。come down from London to Dorset
この前会ってから彼は落ちぶれた。He has come down in the world since I saw him last.
上司は出勤が遅れたことで私たちをひどくしかった。The boss came down on us for coming to work late.
税金滞納といって彼らは彼に1万ドルを払えと要求した。They came down on him for 10,000 dollars in back taxes.
結局は戦争か平和のどちらかひとつを選ばなければならなくなった。It (all) came down to a choice between war and peace.
これらの古書は私の曽祖父から受け継がれてきたものだ。These old books came down to me from my great grandfather.
はしかになる。come down with measles
なんの目的で来たのですか。What have you come for?
彼女は誰を迎えに来たのですか。Who has she come for?
彼は議院に自分から進んで立候補した。He came forward as a candidate for Congress.
どうぞお入りください。Please come in.
交通事故のニュースが今入ってきた。News of a traffic accident has just come in.
列車は10番ホームに到着します。The train will come in at platform ten.
ビルは3着に入った。Bill came in third.
ロングスカートがはやりだした。Long skirts have come in.
私の立場はどこにあるのか。(私のなすべきことは何なのか。私にとってどんな利益があるのか。)Where do I come in?
これは物入れに役立つことがあるだろう。This will come in useful (to us) for keeping things in.
お金がじゃんじゃん入ってくる。Money is coming in hand over fist.
ちょうどカキの季節になった。カキがちょうど入荷したところです。Oysters have just come in.
労働党が政権を取るだろうか。Will Labour come in?
そんなことをしたらしかられますよ。You'll come in for reprimand if you do that.
195名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/13(金) 10:22:19
彼は我々の計画に加わった。He came in on our plan.
彼は私より前に入社した。He came into the company before me.
財産を受け継ぐ。came into a fortune
時計から秒針が取れた。The second hand came off my watch.
大量に入荷すれば単価あたり10ドル安くなるだろう。Ten dollars will come off the unite price, if you bu in quantity.
そのストライキは行われなかった。The strike did not come off.
その実験は予想通りうまく行った。The experiment came off as expected.
その芝居はうまく行った。The play came off well.
彼はその競技で優勝した。He came off best in the fight.
彼は勝者になった。He came off (a) victor.
さあ行こう;さあ急ごう;さあ来い。Come on (now)!
ねえ、やめて!Come on, stop it!
家々に一つまた一つと明かりがついた。Lights came on one by one in the houses.
作物のできはよい具合だ。The crops are coming on nicely.
彼もうんとうまくなってきた。He is coming on well.
彼は2幕目に登場します。He comes on in the second act.
新しい連続ホームコメディーが今夜8時から放映されます。A new situation comedy comes on tonight at 8.
悪寒がやってくるのを感じる。I feel a cold coming on.
嵐がやってきた。The storm came on.
雨が激しく降り出した。It came on to rain hard.
公判が一両日中に迫っている。The trial is coming on in a day or two.
強引に言い寄る。come on strong
さっさと下に降りてきてお客さんを迎えなさい。Why don't you come on down and see your gests?
星が一つまた一つと現れた。The stars came out one by one.
彼の本は来春出版される。His book will come out next spring.
彼がその殺人犯であることがわかった。It came out that he was the murderer.
196名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/14(土) 06:52:14
彼の言うこと一つ一つに彼の性格が出ている。His character comes out in everything he says.
真意が伝わらない。come out all wrong
その写真は写っていなかった。The picture didn't come out.
彼女はこの写真ではあまり引き立たなかった。She didn't come out well in this photo.
結局うまくいく。come out right in the end.
あんなによい成績をとれるとは夢にも思わなかった。I never expected to come out as high as I did.
料金は4ドル50セントとなる。The fare comes out to four dollars and fifty cnets.
そのしみは抜けません。The stain won't come out.
何度か洗濯した後は色があせ始めた。After a few washings the colors began to come out.
印刷工は賃上げを求めてストライキに入った。The printers have come out for higher pay again.
赤い斑点が彼女の顔に出ている。She has come out in red spots.
部屋から出てくる。come out of a room.
各新聞はその記事を第一面に出した。The newspapers came out with the story on the front page.
ぐずぐずしないで言ってしまいなさい。Come out with it.
深い暗黒がその土地を襲った。A deep darkness came over the land.
どうしたの。What has come over you?
彼女の両親は英国から渡ってきたのだった。Her parents had come over from England.
家へ来て一杯やらないか。Won't you come over and have a drink?
彼らは戦争中我々の味方についた。They came over to our side during the war.
彼女は急に悲しい気分になった。She came over all sad.
私はここへ来る途中その町を通りました。I came through that town on my way here.
彼は苦難を立派に切り抜けた。He came successfully through the ordeal.
ハンブルクからあなたに電話がつながっています。A phone call has come through to you from Hamburg.
彼は私たちに約束した情報を提供してくれた。He came through with the information he promised us.
197名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/15(日) 07:15:47
人の影響を受ける。come under a person's influence.
ミルクとチーズは酪農製品の部類に入る。Milk and cheese come under the heading of dairy products.
その新しい少年を見るために彼女は近づいてきた。She came up for a look at the new boy.
その問題は来週審議される。The issue will come up for discussion next week.
同じような事件が数年前にも起こった。A similar case came up several years ago.
4時47分に太陽が昇った。The sun came up at 4:47.
これらのひなぎくは春が来るたびに芽を出す。These daisies come up again every spring.
私の番号が当たった。My number came up.
出世する。come up in the world.
彼は先月ニューヨークにやってきた。He came up to New York last month.
シャツは洗濯してすっかりきれいになった。My shirt came up quite beautifully.
我々は大掛かりな大衆の抵抗に直面した。We came up against massive popular resistance.
出かけて程ないところに一人の老人に出会った。I had not gone far when I came upon an old man.
不幸が彼を襲った。Misfortune came upon him.
彼は「ハロー」と言うために私のそばまでやってきた。He came up to me to say "Hello."
水は彼の腰のところまで達した。The water came up to his waist.
その劇は我々の期待したほどの出来栄えではなかった。The play didn't come up to our expectations.
彼の仕事は会社の標準に達しない。His work does not come up to company standards.
彼は我々の抱える問題の一つの解決法を見出した。He came up with an answer to our problem.
彼女はそのアルバムを探し出してきた。She came up with the photo album.
政府がその金を出すだろう。The government will come up with the money.
「君は数学はまるでだめだね」「君からそんなことを言われることはないよ」"You are hopeless at math." "Coming from you, that's a bit much."
「ハムエッグ上がり!」とカウンターの後ろのコックが叫んだ。"Ham and eggs coming up!" the cook behind the counter called out.
198名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/16(月) 08:41:22
...といううわさがまもなく広まった。The story soon got about that...
その言葉は彼女に通じなかった。The words didn't get across to her.
その歌手の今度の歌はヒットしなかった。The singer's new song has failed to get across.
軍隊に川を渡らせる。get an army across a river.
私は私の真意を彼女にわからせることができなかった。I couldn't get my meaning across to her.
その芝居を成功させることができなかった。They could not get the play across.
妻は新しいドレスを買うようにと私にせがんでいる。My wife is getting after me to buy her a new dress.
算数でビルに勝る。get ahead of Bill in arithmetic.
仕事の具合はどんなですか。How is your work getting along?
199名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/17(火) 08:13:01
英語のはかどり方はどうですか。How are you getting along with your English?
彼はもう年だ。He is getting along (in years).
うまくやっていく。get along well.
具合が悪い。get along poorly
こんな少ない金ではやっていけない。We can't get along with so little money.
こんな少ない収入ではやっていけない。We can't get along on such a small income.
彼女なしではやっていけない。We can't get along without her.
彼とジムは仲が良い。He and Jim get along well together.
彼は細君との仲はどうかね。How is he getting along with his wife?
もうおいとましなければならぬころです。It's time for me to be getting along.
ついに彼の小説を読む暇ができた。I finally got around to reading his novel.
上段の本に手が届かない。I can't get at books on the top shelf.
その真相を知ることはできない。It's impossible to get at the truth.
何を言おうとしているのか。What are you getting at?
彼はいつも私をいじめる。He's always getting at me.
その法律を変えるために買収された政治家がいる。Some of the politicians have been got at to let the law be changed.
5時に会社を出る。get away from work at five.
そのことは否定できない。There is no getting away from it.
その事実を認めないわけにはいかない。You can not get away from that fact.
人を田舎へ連れ出す。get a person away to the country.
ごまかしてそのままうまく通す。get away with cheating.
単なる謝罪だけですむ。get away with a mere apology.
暗くならないうちに帰る。get back home before dark
200名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/18(水) 05:44:43
はじめの問題に戻る。get back to the original question.
そのことについてはまた連絡します。I'll get back to you on that.
その金は戻らなかった。I didn't get the money back.
人を家に送り届ける。get a person back home.
ひどく仕事が遅れてしまった。I've got terribly behind with my work.
通してください。Please let me get by.
わずかな給料で何とかする。get by on a small salary.
片言のフランス語で切り抜ける。get by in French.
遅い車を抜く。get by a slow car.
彼はどんなことにも気づく。He doesn't let a thing get by him.
人をかばって警官のそばをすり抜ける。get a person by a policeman.
四つんばいになる。get down on all fours.
ひざまずいて祈る。get down on one's knees.
気がめいる。get down in the dumps.
がっかりする。get down in the mouth.
201名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/19(木) 05:54:16
はしごから下りる。get down a ladder.
箱を棚から下ろしてください。Please get me the box down from the shelf.
失業率を下げる。get unemployment down.
物語を紙面に書き取る。get a story down on paper.
雨の日にはいつも気がめいる。Rainy days always get me down.
トランクを階段から戸口に下ろしなさい。Get the trunk down the stairs to the door.
地面に下りる。get down to the ground.
取引の話にかかろう。Let's get down to business.
つきつめれば。when you get down to it.
彼は出世するだろう。He'll get far in life.
彼の研究はまだはかどっていない。He hasn't got far with his research yet.
二人の間に入り込む。get in between two people.
強盗は窓から侵入した。The burglar got in through the window.
列車は何時に到着しますか。What time does the train get in?
彼はチェスター区選出の議員に当選した。He got in for Chester.
悪い連中と付き合う。get in with a bad crowd.
討論に加わる。get in on a discussion.
車の中に入る。get in a car.
202名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/20(金) 05:40:02
医者を家に呼ぶ。get a doctor in.
一言言葉を挟んでもよろしいでしょうか。May I get a word in?
あの試験の成績なら彼女は入学するだろう。Those exam results should get her in.
彼は足にとげが刺さった。He got a splinter in his foot.
ベッドに入り込む。get into bed.
車に乗る。get into a car.
いい会社に入る。get into a good company.
新しい商売を始める。get into a new trade.
ドレスをどうにか着る。get into one's dress.
かっとなる。get into a rage.
借金する。get into debt.
やっかいなことになる。get into trouble.
交通渋滞に巻き込まれる。get into a traffic jam.
仏教に興味を持ち始める。get into Buddhism.
彼があんなことをするのはどういう考えからかわからない。I don't know what has got into him.
彼は私をただで映画館に入れてくれた。He got me into the movie for free.
車に5人乗せられます。I can get five into my car.
そのバスでロンドンに正午に着いた。The bus got us into London at noon.
子供に新調の服を着せる。get one's child into a new suit.
困った立場になる。get oneself into trouble.
次の駅で降ります。I get off at the next station.
学校へ出かける。get off to school.
旅に出かける。get off one's journey.
スタートが順調である。get off to a good start.
彼は罰金で放免になった。He got off with a fine.
たいしたこともなく済んだね。You've got off cheaply.
ひどい罰も受けずに済んだね。You've got off easy.
仕事は何時に終わりますか。What time do you get off (from work)?
203名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/21(土) 05:32:51
赤ん坊はやっと眠った。The baby at last got off (to sleep).
どの駅で地下鉄を降りましたか。What station did you get off the subway at?
芝生から出なさい。Get off the grass.
その話はやめよう。Let's get off that topic.
早く退社する。get off work early.
オーバーを脱ぐ。get one's overcoat off.
手を離しなさい。Get your hands off.
子供たちを学校に送り出す。get one's children off to school.
速達で手紙を送る。get a letter off by express.
ロングパスを送る。get off a long pass.
弁護士の力添えで罰金だけで放免となった。His counsel got him off with a fine.
赤ちゃんを寝かしつける。get a baby off (to sleep).
エンストの車を道路から除く。get a stalled car off the road.
私から手を離しなさい。Get your hands off me.
飛行機から乗客を降ろす。get passengers off a plane.
この切符はビルから入手した。I got the ticket off Bill.
彼はゴルフに夢中になっている。He gets off on golf.
彼は女性をいじめるのに快感を覚える。He gets off on teasing women.
204名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/22(日) 06:08:46
バースで(バスに)乗る。get on at Bath.
あなたのお仕事の進み方はいかがですか。How is your work getting on?
彼の研究ははかどっている。He is getting on with his studies.
真夜中になろうとしている。It's getting on toward [英for] midnight.
彼はそろそろ70歳だ。He's getting on for [toward] seventy.
お母さんはどうしておられますか。How is your mother getting on?
ご近所とのお付き合いはいかがですか。How do you get on with your neighbors?
商売(の話)を続ける。get on with business.
商売が繁盛する。get on in business.
急げ、早く。Get on with it!
屋根にのぼる。get on a roof.
同じ駅で地下鉄に乗る。get on the subway at the same station.
彼はブーツをはいた。He got his boots on.
ふたをする。get a lid on.
生徒の成績を上げさせる。get pupils on.
彼女を電話に出しなさい。Get her on.
彼は妹を(助けて)自転車に乗せた。He got her on her bicycle.
205名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/24(火) 07:23:00
彼は私の肩の上に上ってきた。He got onto my shoulders.
このバスにどこで乗りましたか。Where did you get onto this bus?
人に爪をきれいにするようにうるさく言う。get onto a person to clean his nails.
彼にゴルフの話をさせた。We got him onto the subject of golf.
出て行け。Get out!
32番通りで降りる。get out at 32nd Street.
その秘密はとうとう漏れてしまった。The secret got out at last.
本を出して10ページを開けなさい。Get out your books and turn to page ten.
ここから出て行け。Get out of here!
起きろ。Get out of bed!
どけ。Get out of the way.
ぬれた服を脱ぎなさい。Get out of those wet clothes.
車から降りる。get out of a car.
見えなくなる。get out of sight.
契約から手を引く。get out of signing a contract.
悪い癖を捨てる。get out of a bad habit.
彼は宿題をせずに済ませようとした。He tried to get out of doing his homework.
私をここから出してくれ。Get me out of here.
図書館から本を借り出す。get a book out of the library.
それを忘れることができない。I can't get it out of my mind.
講義から多くのことを学ぶ。get a lot out of a lecture.
彼は病気になって彼女に会わなくても良くなった。His illness got him out of having to see her.
子供に親指をしゃぶる癖をやめさせる。get a child out of the habit of sucking his thumb.
生垣を乗り越える。get over a hedge.
困難を乗り越える。get over a difficulty.
風邪を治す。get over a cold.
息子の死のショックから立ち直る。get over (the shock of) the death of one's son.
ジェーンのあつかましさにはまったく驚くよ。I can't get over Jane's cheek.
その事実を否定することはできない。We cannot get over that fact.
彼らは全行程を10時間で踏破した。They got over the whole course in ten hours.
向こう側へ渡る。get over to the other side.
彼女は子供に柵を越えさせた。She got the child over the fence.
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/25(水) 05:16:29
事の重大性を彼にわからせることができなかった。I couldn't get the importance of the matter over to him.
今その仕事を片付けよう。Let's get the job over quickly.
今その仕事を片付けよう。Let's get the work over with now.
大学を出る。get through college.
本を一晩で読み上げる。get through a book in one evening.
運転試験にパスする。get through a driving test.
デザートを平らげることはできなかった。I couldn't get through the dessert.
ジャックは落第したが、妹は合格した。Jack failed but his sister got through.
決勝に進出する。get through to the finals.
彼には話がわかってもらえないようだ。I just can't seem to get through to him.
窓越しに箱を入れる(出す)。get a box through a window.
ぶどう酒を税関でパスさせる。get wine through customs.
法案を議会で通させる。get a bill through Congress.
指を通す。get one's finger through.
彼女は英語の力で合格できた。It was her English that got her through.
ロンドンにつないでください。Please get me through to London.
...ということを彼にわからせられない。I can't get (it) through to him that...
仕事を始める。get to work.
私はあの懐かしい昔を思い出し始めた。I got to remembering those good old days.
電話で連絡が取れますか。Can I get to you by phone?
その悲劇は私の心に響いた。The tragedy got to me.
クリスマスに集まる。get together for Christmas.
いつ集まろうか。When will we get together?
207名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/26(木) 07:49:00
起きなさい。Get up (out of bed)!
どうぞ座っていてください。Please don't get up.
彼はいすから立ち上がった。He got up from the chair.
屋根に上る。get up on the roof.
彼女は私の後ろに乗った。He get up behind me.
外では風がひどくなっている。There's a strong wind getting up outside.
はしごで屋根に上る。get up a ladder to the roof.
あす6時に起こしてください。Can you get me up at six tomorrow?
彼は私を起き上がらせた。He got me up.
ピクニックを計画する。get up a picnic.
...のために拠金を行う。get up a subscription for ...
彼女は晴れ着を着て飾り立てた。She got herself up in her best dress.
彼は変装して船乗りの身なりをしていた。He was got up as [to look like] a sailor.
その本は印刷製本ともよくできている。The book is well got up.
速力を増す。get up speed.
彼は階段を上がれなかった。He couldn't get himself up the stairs.
先週はどこまで進んだか。Where did we get up to last week?
気温は80度まで上がった。The temperature got up to 80°.
あの子らは何をもくろんでいるのか。What are the boys getting up to?
208名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/27(金) 07:53:11
10ドルではくれてやるようなものです。At $10 I'm practically giving it away.
マーガレットは父親から花婿に引き渡された。Margaret was given away by her father.
秘密を漏らす。give a secret away.
彼の訛りでお里が知れた。His accent gave him away.
その本を彼女に返しなさい。Give her back the book. Give the book back to her.
侮辱に侮辱をもって応酬する。give back insult for insult.
さあ答案を私に出しなさい。Give in your (examination) papers to me now.
わかりません。答えは何ですか。I give in. What is the answer?
彼はいつも私に従った。He always gave in to me.
これらの植物はひどい悪臭を放つ。These plants give off a terrible smell.
209名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/28(土) 05:43:18
彼が死んだという発表があった。He was given out to be [as, for] dead. It was given out that he was dead.
食料も尽きた。The food gave out.
車のエンジンが止まってしまった。The engine gave out.
彼女は足が動かなくなってしまった。Her legs gave out.
にっこり笑って見せる。give out with a smile.
その地域全体が工場に向けられている。The whole region is given over to factories.
酒におぼれる。give oneself over to drink.
彼はギャンブルにふけっている。He is given over to gambling.
口笛をやめろ。Give over whistling!
やめろ。Give over!
喫煙をやめる。give up smoking.
彼はその問題をあきらめた。He gave up the problem.
この考えは捨てなければならない。This idea must be given up.
希望を捨てるな。Don't give up hope.
彼らは彼女は助からぬものとあきらめた。They gave her up for [as] lost.
トムはまず来まいと思っていたところへ突然現れたんだ。We had almost given Tom up, when he suddenly walked in!
彼は友達との交際をやめるのを嫌がった。He hated to give up his friends.
要塞は敵の手に渡った。The fort was given up to the enemy.
彼は物思いに沈んだ。He gave himself up to melancholy.
(四球で)二人を歩かせる。give up two walks
わかりません、答えは何ですか。I gave up. What's the answer?
彼は見込みなしだ。I've given up on him.
この問題はあきらめないぞ。I won't give up (trying to solve) the problem.
210名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/29(日) 08:19:48
彼は意気込んで仕事を始めた。He went about the job with enthusiasm.
自分のことをしっかりやれ;おせっかいをするな。Go about your business!
他人を批判して回る。go about criticizing others.
向かいの店へ行く。go across to a store.
それをすることは常識に反する。It goes against common sense to do that.
私はパーティーは彼と一緒にいった。I went along with him to the party.
事は順調に運んでいる。Things are going along smoothly.
やりながら確認する。I check as I go along.
計画に賛同する。go along with a plan.
この問題ではあなたの考えに従いましょう。I'll go along with you on this issue.
靴をはかずにに歩き回る。go around without shoes on ((貧困などで靴がもてないため、の意になることもある))
文句ばかり言って過ごす。go around complaining.
昨日彼のところによってみた。I went around to see him yesterday.
...といううわさが流れている。There's a story going around that...
みんなに行き渡るだけ飲み物がない。There aren't enough driks to go around.
分針は1時間で1回転する。The minute hand goes around once an hour.
悪い[良い]ことをすればその報いがある;チャンスは忍耐強く待てば巡ってくる。What goes around comes around.
月は地球の周りを巡る。The moon goes around the earth.
そのベルトは彼の腰には合わないだろう。The belt won't go around his waist.
彼は全力を出してそれに取り組んだ。He went at it for all he was worth.
避暑に出かける。go away for the summer.
学校へ戻る。go back to school.
中に戻る。go back inside.
教職に戻る。go back to teaching.
(忘れた)お金を取りに戻る。go back for some money.
211名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/30(月) 05:43:47
家族のところへ帰る。go back to one's family.
変更[後戻り]はできない。There's no going back.
席に戻りなさい。Go back to your seat.
彼の先祖はピルグリムファーザーズまでさかのぼる。His family goes back to Pilgrim Fathers.
私の記憶ではそんな昔までは思い出せない。My memory doesn't go back so far.
あなたと私は昔からの知り合いだ。You and I go back a long way.
約束を破る。go back on one's word [ a promise].
先人たち。those who have gone before us.
それは単なる笑い事ですまなくなっている。That's gone beyond a mere joke.
人々が通り過ぎるのを見ている;(世間の面倒なことにかかわりを持たず)平穏な生活を送る。watch the world go by.
彼は侮辱を無視した。He let the insult go by.
過去の経験からすれば。if past experience is anything to go by
彼はこの道を通って降りていった。He went down by this route.
この辺りは10年の間に落ちぶれてしまった。The neighborhood has gone down in the last ten years.
彼は群集に全然認められなかった。He didn't go down at all well with the crowd.
足の腫れが少し引いた。The swelling in my foot has gone down a bit.
ひざまずく。go down on one's knees.
(サッカーで)イングランドはスペインに2対1で敗れた。England went down to Spain 2-1.
英雄として歴史に残る。go down in history as a hero.
このケーキはとてもおいしい。This cake goes down very well [nicely].
階段を下りていく。go down the stairs.
流感にやられる。go down with flu.
212名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/10/31(火) 05:27:29
パン1個では十分ではない。A load of bread doesn't go far.
彼は成功するだろう。He will go far.
彼は彼女が大好きだ。He goes for her in a big way.
彼らは民主党を支持している。They're going for the Democrats.
あなたは有利なものをお持ちですね。You have everything going for you.
その靴はこの箱に入る。Those shoes go in this box.
彼女は大きなイヤリングをつけるのが好みである。She goes in for wearing big earrings.
ピクニックに田舎へ出かけた。We went into the country for a picnic.
実業界に入る。go into business.
この本の完成には長年の研究がかけられた。Years of work went into the book.
問題を深く探る。go deeply into a question.
彼は詳しくは説明しなかった。He didn't go into details.
彼の車が塀にぶつかった。His car went into the wall.
花火がずどんと爆発した。The fireworks went off (with a) bang.
ピストルが暴発した。The pistol went off by accident.
毎夜10時にヒーターがとまる。Every night at ten the heater goes off.
興行はうまく行った。The performance went off well [fine].
リサイタルはいかがでしたか。How did your recital go off?
213名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/01(水) 05:31:49
赤ん坊は寝入った。The baby has gone off (to sleep).
コーヒーが嫌いになる。go off coffee.
ダイエットをやめる。go off one's diet.
仕事を続けたい。I want to go on working.
物価の上昇が続いている。Prices go on rising.
仕事を続けなさい。Go on with your work.
何が起こっているのか。What's going on?
さらに大学へ進む。go on to college.
彼は続いてそれを説明した。He went on to explain it.
彼はペットのことを喋りまくった。He went on (and on) about hist pets.
彼女は夫に帰宅するようにがみがみ言い続けた。She went on at her husband to come home.
そんな態度をとり続けるのはよせ。Don't go on like that.
コンサートは何時間も続いた。The concert went on for hours.
かれこれ2時だ。It's going on two o'clock.
彼は10歳だが、じきに11歳になる。He's ten(,) going on eleven.
規定食を使い出す。go on a diet.
12時に近づいている。It's going on for twelve.
飲みに出る。go out drinking.
彼は通りへ出た。He went out into the street.
今夜外へ食事をしに出るつもりだ。We're going out for dinner tonight.
二人は1年半付き合っている。They've been going out (together) for eighteen months.
すぐ気を失う[眠り込む]。go out like a light.
ロングスカートの流行は廃れた。Long skirts have gone out.
彼らは賃上げを要求してストに入った。They went out (on strike) for higher wages.
彼は彼女が息子をなくして気の毒に思った。His heart [sympathy] went out to her when her son dies.
214名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/02(木) 05:48:06
フットボールチームに入部を志願する。go out for football.
部屋から出る。go out of a room.
討論に熱気が見られなくなった。The heat went out of the debate.
廃業する。went out of businessl.
すたれる。went out of fashion.
絶版になる。went out of print.
試験前にノートを読み返した。I went over my notes before the exam.
彼女は床をモップで拭いた。She went over the floor with a mop.
買いに来た人は家を慎重に調べた。The prospective buyers went over the house very carefully.
芝居は大成功だった。The play went over well [big].
ローマカトリックに改宗する。go over to Rome.
ここでニューヨークに切り替えて...を聞くことにしましょう。Let's go over to New York to hear...
手術を受ける。go through an operation.
苦難を体験する。go through hardship.
彼は机の引き出しの中を全部調べてみた。He went through every drawer of his desk.
提案はしかるべきルートで承認される必要がある。Proposals have to go through the proper channels.
3ヶ月に1足はきつぶす。go through a pair of shoes in three months.
ある場面を3回稽古する。go through a scene three times.
いくつかの手続きを取る。go through a few formalities.
大学を卒業する。go through college.
彼は改札口を通り抜けた。He went through the ticket barrier.
ある考えが彼の頭に浮かんだ。An idea went through his mind.
その本は3刷を重ねた。The book has gone through three printings.
議案は大差で承認された。The bill has gone through with a big majority.
215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/03(金) 05:29:23
計画を貫徹する。go through with one's plan.
富と幸福は必ずしも両立するとは限らない。Wealth and happiness don't always go together.
このネクタイとお洋服とはよく合います。This tie and your suit go well together.
二人は2年間付き合っている。They have been going together for two years.
聴衆から歓喜の声が上がった。A scream of delight went up from the audience.
彼女は眉を吊り上げた。Her eyebrows went up.
9月にオックスフォード大学に入る(戻る)。go up to Oxford in September.
彼は両親についてフランスへ行った。He went with his parents to France.
貧困にはしばしば病気が付きまとう。Dissease often goes with poverty.
その仕事につくとこの家屋が与えられる。The house goes with the job.
大勢に従う。go with the crowd[ the tide, the times, the stream]
その点では君に賛成だ。I go with you there [on that].
忙しいときは昼食抜きにする。When I am busy, I go without lunch.
彼女が優れたピアニストだということは言うまでもないことである。It goes without saying that she's an excellent pianist.
食べ物がないとき話で済ました。When there was not food, we went without.
216名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/04(土) 05:43:48
品物を市場に出さずに押さえておく。hold back goods from market.
箱にテープを張る間はねぶたを押さえてくれ。Hold down the flaps while I tape the box.
彼らは経費の抑制に失敗した。They failed to hold costs down.
怒りを抑える。hold in one's temper.
給料日まで集金人を寄せ付けないつもりだ。I'll hold off the bill collectors until pay day.
船は嵐が収まるまで海岸に近寄らぬようにした。The ship held off from the coast until the storm died down.
ちょっと(するのを)待って。Hold off for a minute.
もう少し我慢できますか。Can you hold on a little longer.
(電話を切らずに)そのままお待ちください。Hold on, please.
その子供は彼の上着にすがりついた。The child held onto [on to] his coat.
あなたのハンドバッグを預かってあげましょうか。Shall I hold onto your purse for you?
彼女は彼にサンドイッチを差し出した。She held a sandwich out to him.
その会社は勤勉な若手社員に昇進を約束している。The company holds out the promise of promotion to hardworking young people.
217名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/05(日) 05:29:31
彼らは1ヶ月の間敵の攻撃に抵抗し続けた。They held out against the enemy attackes for a month.
罷業者たちは賃金値上げを要求して頑張った。The strikers held out for higher wages.
私に隠し事をするのはやめなさい。Stop holding out on me.
彼らは給料を減らすぞといって我々に脅しをかけた。They held the threat of a salary cut over us.
決意は貫くようにしなさい。Hold to your resolution.
それはにかわでくっついている。It's held together with glue.
共通の危険が彼らを団結させた。Their mutual danger held them together.
出納係はその100ドル紙幣を明かりにかざしてみた。The cashier held up the $100 bill to the light.
人を笑いものにする。hold a person up to ridicule.
彼女は他の従業員に彼を敏腕課の模範として挙げた。She held him up as a model of efficiency to the other workers.
交通は事故で停滞した。Traffic was held up by an accident.
ガソリンスタンドを襲う。hold up a gas station.
彼の理論はまだ有効だ。His theory still holds up.
彼女はその圧力に耐えた。She held up under the pressure.
その提案には賛成ではない。I don't hold with the proposal.
218名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/06(月) 18:48:23
人に部屋を掃除するようにうるさく言う。keep after a person to clean his room.
彼は競争相手より一歩先んじていた。He kept one step ahead of his rivals.
彼らには続けて仕事をやらせるつもりです。I'm going to keep them at their task.
続けてやれ、がんばれ。Keep at it!
何の用で昨夜あなたは来られなかったのですか。What kept you away last night?
子供たちがいるところにマッチを置かないようにしなさい。Keep the matches away from the children.
私の娘に手を出すな。Keep away from my daughter.
脂っこい食べ物はやめておきなさい。Keep away from fatty foods.
暴徒は警察によって制圧された。The mob was kept back by the police.
くしゃみを抑えることができなかった。I couldn't keep back a sneeze.
友人のために切符を取っておく。keep back some tickets for a friend.
彼は給料からいつも10ドルを取っておく。He always keeps back 10 dollars from his wages.
彼は私に何か隠しているのではないかと思う。I suspect he's keeping something back from me.
火から離れていなさい。Keep back from the fire.
暴徒を抑える。keep down a mob.
彼女は興奮を抑えることができなかった。She could not keep down her excitement.
余計な出費を抑える。keep down extra expenses.
有能な人を抑え付けておくわけにはいかない((有能な人は必ず頭角を現すものだ))。You can't keep a good man down.
その患者は何も受け付けない((みな吐いてしまう))。The patient can't keep anything down.
219名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/07(火) 05:46:57
牛乳が沸騰してこぼれないようにしなさい。Keep the milk from boiling over.
なぜ彼女をまだ助けてやっていないのですか。What is keeping you from helping her?
彼女は泣かないではいられなかった。She could not keep herself from crying.
なぜ手間取ったのだ。What kept you (from coming)?
君は私に何か隠し事をしているね。You are keeping something from me.
彼女は泣かないではいられなかった。She could't keep from crying.
酒を控えなさい。Try to keep from alcohol.
私は憤りを抑えることができなかった。I could not keep my indignation in.
火を燃やし続けろ。Keep the fire in.
よしその調子でがんばれ。Keep it up!
その犬を近づけるな。Keep off the dog.
手を触れるな。Keep your hands off.
彼女は目をそむけた。She kept her eyes off.
汚い手で私に触らないで下さい。Keep your dirty hands off me.
彼は歩道の雪をいつも取り除いておく。He keeps the snow off the sidewalk.
医者は彼にタバコをやめさせた。The doctor kept him off cigarettes.
もし雨がこのまま降らなければ...。If the rain keeps off, ...
芝生に立ち入らぬこと。Keep off the grass.
強い酒を控える。keep off hard liquor.
微妙な問題を避けようとする。try to keep off a ticklish subject.
彼は仕事の話をしゃべり続けた。He kept on about his job.
彼女は同じ間違いをし続けた。She kept on making the same mistake.
彼の息子は彼に新車を買えと売るさくせがんだ。His son kept on at him to buy a new car.
犬を中に入れない。keep a dog out.
窓をみんな閉めて冷たい空気が入らないようにしなさい。Keep the windows and keep the cold air out.
危険。立ち入り禁止。Danger! Keep out!
垣根のおかげで犬が庭に入らない。The fence keeps dogs out of our garden.
ブラインドで陽光が部屋に入らない。The blinds keep the sun out of the room.
その植物を日に当てないで下さい。Keep those plants out of the sun.
彼は自分の名が新聞に出ないようにした。He tried to keep his name out of the papers.
彼女は子供が彼の仲間に加わらないようにした。She kept her child out of his group.
220名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/08(水) 07:00:57
私室に入らない。keep out of a private room.
日なたを避ける。keep out of the sun.
彼の邪魔をしないようにしなさい。try to keep out of his way.
この道に沿っていきなさい。Keep to this road.
(病気で)寝ている。keep to one's bed.
発言を最小限に抑える。keep one's remarks to a [the] minimum.
人に約束を守らせる。keep a person to his word [promise].
クリスマスカードをひとまとめにしておく。keep Christmas cards together.
私たちは団結して反対しなければならない。We must keep together in our opposition.
彼はその金を独り占めした。He kept the money to himself.
彼は自分の意見を人に言わないことがよくある。He often keeps his oppinions to himself.
バカな話など聞きたくない。Keep your silly remarks to yourself.
やっとのことで火の勢いを抑えることができた。We managed to keep the fire under.
宝石を錠をおろして厳重に保管する。keep one's juwelry under lock and key.
容疑者を絶えず監視する。keep a suspect under constant surveillance.
水中で体を浮かせておく。keep onself up in the water.
(最後まで)気力を失うな。Keep up your spirits.
体面を保つ。keep up appearances.
同じ歩調を保っていく。keep up the same pace.
攻撃を続ける。keep up an attack.
ドイツ語の勉強を続ける。keep up one's German.
大きな家を維持する。keep up a large house.
その騒音で夜遅くまで寝付けなかった。The noise kept me up till late.
物価は下がらないだろう。Prices will keep up.
天気が続けば...。If the weather keeps up...
老人が時勢に遅れずについていくことは難しいことだ。It's rather difficult for an old man to keep up with the times.
221名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/09(木) 06:32:22
彼は何が起こったのかとあたりいったいを見回した。He looked all about to see what had happend.
あちこちと仕事を探して回る。look about for a job.
外出中赤ちゃんを見てあげよう。I'll look after your baby while you're out.
大丈夫です、ご心配なく。I can look after myself.
お大事に。お体に気をつけて。お元気で。さようなら。Look after yourself!
私たちは彼女を見送った。We looked after her.
10年先のことを考える。look ahead ten years.
ただ見て回っているところです、何を買うか決めていないので。I'm just looking around. I haven't decided what to buy.
見物してみませんか。Would you like to look around?
私たちの予定表を見なさい。Look at our schedule.
そのホテルは見たところたいしたものではない[あまりぱっとしない]。The hotel is not much to look at.
彼は雨が降ってくるのを眺めた。He looked at the rain coming down.
いるかがジャンプするのをごらん。Look at the dolphin jump.
外見からは彼が百万長者だとは決して思えないだろう。To look at him, you'd never think he is a millionaire.
医者は彼ののどを診た。The doctor looked at his throat.
あらゆる面から問題を考察する。look at a problem from all sides.
彼らは競争相手とみなされている。They are looked at as competitors.
彼は私の提案には一顧も与えようとはしなかった。He wouldn't look at my proposal.
ジョンを見て、彼は過労で死んだんだよ。Look at John. He worked himself to death.
222名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/10(金) 09:45:26
彼は学生時代を懐かしく追憶した。He looked back fondly on his school days.
ここまで来て後に引いてはいけない。You must not look back at this stage.
あの時以来その会社は決して後退したことがない。Since that time the company has never looked back.
彼女は当惑してうつむいた。She looked down in embarrassment.
彼女は自分の靴を見下ろした。She looked down at her shoes.
彼らはそんなことをしたので彼を馬鹿だと軽蔑した。They looked down on him as a fool for doing it.
そこからは村を見下ろすことができる。From there we can look down on the village.
職を探す。look for a job.
彼女はバッグをあけて家の鍵を探した。She looked in her bag for her house key.
彼らは興奮の種を求めている。They're looking for excitement.
そんなに車を飛ばすと厄介なことになるぞ。You're looking for trouble if you drive that fast.
2時ごろお待ちしています。I'll look for you about two o'clock.
おばあちゃんは赤ちゃんの生まれるのを楽しみに待っている。Grandma is looking forward to the new baby.
お会いするのを楽しみにしています。I'm looking forward to seein you.
明日オフィスに私を訪ねてください。Please look in on me at my office tomorrow.
彼は店のウインドーをちょっと覗いてみた。He looked in the shopwindow.
「彼の住所は?」「電話帳を見てごらん」"What's his address?" "Look in the phone book."
警察はその件を調査すると約束した。The police promised to look into the matter.
店のウインドーを覗き込む。look into shopwindows.
彼は私の目をじっと見入った。He looked deep into my eyes.
君たちみんなでやりたまえ、ぼくは見ている。You all play and I'll look on.
一緒に見てもいいよ。You can look on with me.
彼を詐欺師と考えている。We look on him as a impostor.
彼はいつも物事の明るい面を見ている。He always looks on the bright [sunny] side of things.
彼女はわたしのことを心配そうに見た。She looked on me with apprehension.
書斎は庭園に面している。The study looks onto the garden.
223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/11(土) 07:25:27
危ない、木が倒れるぞ。Look out! The tree is falling.
かぜを引かないように気をつけてください。Look out that you don't catch cold.
窓のところから外を見る。look out at the window.
外の景色を見ていた。I was looking out at the view.
その部屋は海に面している。The room looks out on the sea.
彼女はバザーのために古着を選んだ。She looked out some old clothes for the bazaar.
わにに気をつけろ。Look out for crocodiles.
駅で彼を探す。look out for him at the station.
窓から外を見る。look out (of) the window.
新しいキャンパスを視察する。look over a new campus.
人の肩越しに[振り返って]見る。look over a person's [one's] shoulder.
提出する前に書類に目を通してください。Please look over the papers before you submit them.
望遠鏡でのぞく。look through a telescope.
彼女は私を見て全く知らん振りをした。She looked right through me.
もう書類を調べてしまったのですか。Have you looked the papers through already?
彼の援助を当てにしている。I look to him for help [to help me].
道具に気をつけなさい。Look to your tools.
その間違いを二度としないように注意しなさい。Look to it that you don't make that mistake again.
南向きの温室。a hot house that looks to the south.
城のほうを見る。look toward the castle.
東に面している窓。a window looking toward the east.
あらゆる兆候から見て経済が活況を呈する年になりそうだ。All the signs look toward a good year for the economy.
星を見上げる。look up at the stars.
空を見上げる。look up into the sky.
彼は仕事から目を上げた。He looked up from his work.
その語を辞書で調べてごらん。Look up the word in your dictionary.
ニューヨークに来たら訪ねていらっしゃいと彼女は言ってくれた。She told me to look her up if I came to New York.
皆彼を指導者と仰いでいた。They all looked up on him as their leader.
224名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/17(金) 16:06:35
あ、止まっちゃいました? 勉強になるんで、時々見ていたんですが・・・
225名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/11/17(金) 20:22:34