But in consultation with doctors, Mike finally had to admit that he would never recover to the level needed to play top-flight baseball regularly.
"We were all hoping that he would get back, but speaking to medical people who've seen similar injuries they said it would be very difficult," Sam added.
"The fact that he's been able to get so near is really down to the strength of the man.
"Anybody with a lesser character wouldn't have been able to get so near - it was a terrible injury and even to get mobile from that was a big surprise to everybody."
How plainly he remembered how she had, with girlish shyness and coyness, at first hesitated, and murmured something to herself about "an old bald-beaded galoot," but when he told her that to him life without her would be a blasted mockery, she threw herself on to him and froze there with the tenacity of a tick on a brindled cow.
Irene lived in the house opposite us. She was in her late 60s, but she permed her hair and dyed it a luxurious silver colour to make herself look younger. She dressed very well and looked like a well-to-do lady, so I was quite impressed when I first met her. She and her husband had owned a newspaper shop, but he had died recently and so she had sold the business. 和訳おねがいします。
ハロウィーンの話です。 よろしくお願いします As you can see, Halloween night in Ireland long ago was puite enjoyable. Although people took care not to be caught by fairies and not to harm fairies, they really had a good time.It seems to have been a happy occasion. Then in the nineteenth century, there was a great famine in Ireland, and many people had to leave the country. Over 3 million Irish are said to have died, and about 2 million went to America. There Irish immigrants brought with them the tradition of Haiioween.
>>36 ありがとうございます! どなたかこれもよろしくお願いします The most interesting part of Halloween in Ireland was the traditional association with fairies and other creatures. People thought that fairies lived in ancient hills, and tried carefully not to disturb them, especially on Halloween.
>>38 ありがとうございます よろしくお願いします The fairies are said to have walked about on that night, searching for little children to live with. When a housewife threw out the dishwater after supper, she would about “seachain” , which meant “water toward you,” to alert any fairies that might be passing by. The fairies could then get out of the way. If they were splashed, they would often take revenge.
高校教科書です よろしくお願いします The fairies are also said to have played enchanting music to catch people. Or sometimes a weak light could be seen coming from the fairy’s treasure buried at the center of the fairy’s hill. In this case one had to hurry past, or the fairies forever.
Parkes concluded that "it is easier to talk of controlling such men than to do it',significantly adding: "More difficult to control than the Daimyous are their kerais or armed followers, who compel the Daimios to act according to their wishes'
ハロウィーンの話です。40共々よろしくお願いします In time they changed some parts of the tradition. In Ireland they had placed a lighted candle inside a carved-out turnip, and they had put it in the window to keep evil spirits away. In America, they came to use a pumpkin instead of a turnip. Now the pumpkin is the symbol of Halloween. As the day draws near, children are busy making “jabk-o'-lanterns” out of big pumpkins. Although the Halloween we know today is different from the Halloween the Irish celebrated, it is great fun and is loved by people in many countries. The next time you see a pumpkin with a frightening face, think of the Irish and their fairies long ago.
Cool to hear you sent your records today as I did the same! I'm not sure the registred mail is necessary but you wanted it that way so it's how I mailed my parcel.
I'll be brief. Enemy of the State is a good action flick with a lousy transfer to DVD. If you have a standard television, stop reading this review now: you won't notice what I'm talking about. If you are running a 16:9 TV then read on.
Like many before, this supposedly "wide screen" version is nothing of the sort. The DVD is encoded in a standard 4:3 image, with black bars matting the top and bottom. In other words, this is a non-anamorphic transfer. What that means is that the image you are seeing is lower resolution than a standard NTSC TV signal because of the fewer vertical lines present. On a 16:9 TV the image looks "squished" shorter and "stretched" longer. Most 16:9 TV's have a mode that can re-stretch the image to achieve the proper aspect ratio. The problem there is now the horizontal lines are clearly visible throughout the film.
I wish studios would stop the absurd practice of releasing "matted" widescreen transfers, and only call a DVD "Widescreen" if the transfer is anamorphic. But as long as they're doing it, hopefully enough people will protest to get the studio's attention.
James approached the bedside of his patient and laid his hand gently on this sick man's diagnosis. A shade of feeling passed over his professional countenance as lie gravely and solemnly pronounced these words: "---" お願いします。
Grant me such devoted love for my school that not even beauty's flame will detract from my faithful tenderness.
Grant that I may be successful in molding one of my pupils into a perfect poem, and let me leave within her my deepest-felt melody that she may sing for you when my lips shall sing no more.
Make me scorn all power that is not pure, and all duress that is not your flaming will upon my life.
>>91 逆です。相手の質問の形式に関係なく、 Noと答えるのは、返事のセンテンスにnotを入れた場合、 Yesと答えるのは、返事にnotを入れなかった場合と覚えれば 楽になると思います。 Q:Do you like pizza? You don't like pizza? No, I do not like pizza. Yes, I do like pizza.
During lunch his cell phone kept ringing and at one point he finally reached over and turned it off, letting all his calls go directly to voice mail. That one simple gesture made me feel like the time he was spending with me was important to him and his calls could wait. He was and is a perfect gentleman.
・There's more to say about our habit of buying things that look nice without thinking of the environmental cost. It allows the trade in fur and ivory to continue.
A man goes to the doctor and says: "Doctor, there's a piece of lettuce sticking out of my bottom." The doctor asks him to drop his trousers and examines him. The man asks: "Is it serious, doctor?" and the doctor replies: "I'm sorry to tell you but this is just the tip of the iceberg."
>>98 ・There's more to say about our habit of buying things that look nice without thinking of the environmental cost. It allows the trade in fur and ivory to continue.
The newly-weds are in their honeymoon suite and the groom decides to let the bride know where she stands right from the start of the marriage. He proceeds to take off his trousers and throw them at her. He says, "Put those on." The bride replies, "I can't wear your trousers." "And don't forget that" he replies, "I will always wear the trousers in this family!" The bride takes off her knickers and throws them at him with the same request, "Try those on!" He replies, "I can't get into your knickers!" "And you never will if you don't change your attitude."
After she found out I was university teacher, she would always change her pronunciation when she started speaking to me. She said things like, "Wwwelll, how nice to seeee yoouu. Oohh, it iiizzz a lovely day." But soon Irene would slip back into her usual style and say, "Burr intit'ot today, luv." 和訳おねがいします。
>>123 sticking out of my bottom(おしり)だから単にケツからレタスが はみだしている状態を思い浮かべて頂けるとよいのではないでしょうか。 >>122 すみません、iceburg lettuceは普通の中英和辞典ならたいてい載っていると 思いますがget into one's pantsは俗語的表現なので映画とかテレビでなんとなく 憶えたと思います、所謂俗語辞典等には載っているのでしょう・・・
It means that the passengers have to move quickly to get on and off in the pushing crowds ; there is little consideration in Japanese public life for strangers outside one's own particular group where there is sympathy and helpfulness.
There are few families that have not among their members one whom, if their neighbours permitted,they would willingly forget,and they are fortunate when the lapse of a generation or two has invested his vagaries with a romantic glamour.
A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?” The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?"
Thank you very much for the photo that you send it to me. It's very nice. Is English very difficult, try to study I think you will be good soon. How about Thai, I think you are fluent speak. For me I can speak little bit Japaness. I'll send you my photo later and plese wait a bit.
Hope you and your fimaly are fine, and I'm very well. I'm going to my hometown tomorrow for 5 days. I'm not work. It's holiday for Songkarn festival. It's Thai festivall. I think you don't know.
And when I'm at home I think I can't contact to you for a while. I think I'll have no time to e-mail you, because I have to stay with my parent and my family.
I miss you so much and please take care of yourself.
>>171 Sorry, your membership has been expired. Renewal fee is \200. Would you like to renew it? We're giving you valuable coupons as our welcome back offer now.
If some areas of the alloy become depleted in Cr, as can happen if carbides are formed at the grain boundaries, the regions adjacent to the grain boundaries become depleted in Cr.
I wonder what our time difference is. I am at +10GMT (i think that means 10 hours past watever time it is an greenwich). Do you know what your time thingy is?
Waste money on: pasta-makers, ice-cream machines or other culinary devices which will never use; books by unreadable literary authors to put impressively on shelves; exotic underwear, since pointless as have no boyfriend.
>>212 じゃ、もう一回だけ私の最後の出番ね。 Sinceは、察しのとおり接続詞で理由を表しています。 Asは、状態を表してます。ここでは彼氏がいない状態。 <品詞は詳しくないので、よく分からんが副詞?> 彼氏がいないため無意味なセクシー下着。です。 since pointless to have 〜はよく使われますよ。
1 "We better jump or the suction(吸引) will take us down,"his(Abelsethの) brother-in-law(義理の弟)urged. → 「ジャンプしないと吸引に吸い込まれるぞ」彼の義理の弟は叫んだ。 2 "No,"said Abelseth. → 「まだま」アベルセスは言った。 3 "We won't jump yet.We ain't got much show anyhow,so we might as well stay as long as we can." → 「まだ飛ばないほうがいい! ???」 4 "We must jump off!"the cry came again,but Abelseth held firm:"No,not yet." → 「早く飛び込まなきゃ!」再び叫んだがアベルセスは???」 5 Minutes later,when the water was only five feet away,the three men finalyjumped,holding one another's hands. → 数分が過ぎ水面が5フィートまでとせまった時3人の男達は手をつなぎついにジャンプした。 6 They came sputtering(水音をたてる) to the surface,Abelseth hopelessly snarled(もつれさせる)in some rope from somewhere. → 彼らは水音をたてて水面に???、アベルセスはどこからか流れてきたロープで絶望的にもつれていた。 7 He had to free his hands to untangle(ほどく) the line, and his cousin and brother-in-law were washed away. → 彼はロープをほどいて取り除かなければならなく、彼のいとこと義理の弟は波にさらわれる。 8 Somehow he got loose,but he said to himself,"I'm a goner." → 彼はなぜか開放されたが、「俺は落ちぶれ者だ」と言った。 9 In the maelstrom(大渦巻き)of ropes, deck chairs, planking(厚板), and wildly swirling(渦を巻く) water, nobody knew what happened to most of the people. → ロープやデッキの椅子、厚板、そして激しく渦を巻く水の中で、大半の人に何が起こっているのか誰も知る由も無かった。 10 From the boats they could be seen clinging like littele swarms(ミツバチの一群) of bees to deck houses,winches(巻き上げ装置) and ventilators(通風孔) as the stern(船尾) rose higher. → ???
11 Close in ,it was hard to see what was happening, even though ─incredibly─ the lights still burned, casting(投じる) a sort of murky glow(薄明かり). → ???、 明かりがまだ燃えていて、ある種の薄明かりを投げかけているのを信じられないにしろ何が起こってるのかは分かりにくい。 12 Seen and unseen,the great and the unknown tumbled(倒れる) together in a writhing(もだえ苦しむ) heap as the bow plunged(沈む) deeper and the stern rose higher. → ??? 13 The strains of "Autumn" were buried in a jumble(混乱状態) of falling musicians and instruments. → 「Autumn」の旋律は??? 14 The lights went out, flashed on again, went out for good. → 明かりが消え、再び明かりをぱっと照らして、??? 15 A single kerosene lantern(灯油ランプ) flickered(光が揺らめく) high in the after mast(後方のマスト). → たった一つの灯油ランプは高くの後方のマストで光がゆらめいていた。 16 The muffled(音を殺す) thuds(ドスンという音) and tinkle(パリパリという音) of breaking glass grew louder. → 音を殺したドスンという音やガラスが割れるパリパリという音は大きくなった。 17 A steady roar thundered across the water as everything movable broke loose(バラバラになる). → 絶え間ないとどろきは大きな音を立て??? 18 As the tilt(傾斜) grew steeper,the forward funnel(煙突) toppled over(ぐらっと倒れる). → 傾斜がきつくなってきたので前の煙突がぐらっと倒れた。 19 It struck the water on the starboard side with a shower of sparks and a crash(大音響と共に壊れる事) heard above the general uproar(群集のわめき叫ぶ声). → ??? 20 Greaser Walter Hurst, struggling(もがく) in the swirling sea, was half blinded by soot(すす). → 渦巻く海の中でもがいているGreaser〜氏はすすのせいで半分視界がさえぎられた。
21 He got off lucky ─other swimmers were crushed under tons of steel. → 彼は運を逃した??他の泳いでいる人たちは数トンの鉄鋼に押し潰された。 22 But the falling funnel was a blessing to Lightoller(二等航海士の名前),Bride(二等無電士の名前) and others now clinging to overturned Collaspsible(折り畳み式ボート) B. → しかし倒れてくる煙突はライトラー?やブライド、そして???にはありがたいものとなった。 23 It just missed the boat,washing it 30 yards clear of the plunging,twisting hull(船体). → それは???30ヤードボートを押し流す???
現在、白血病解析のソフトの日本語化をしています。 どなたか、ご協力願います。 1,Launch32 2,Setup 3,Initializing Setup... 4,Could not extract support files - setup will abort 5,Could not start the setup 6,The temp directory you specified on the command line does not exist! 7,Could not determine a temp directory name. Try running setup.exe <d:\dirname> 8,You must have at least 2MB of free space on your TEMP drive! 9,Unable to open archive file 10,Unable to allocate memory buffer 11,Could not find data segment 12,Unable to open output file 13,Error in compressed file - Bad CRC 14,Error
If you want to know what the deal is〜〜〜 I haven’t even been home yet. Is there something repellant about me? Let go of my hand Is there any chance that you’re rounding up?
Two?America and Britain?argue that they should only return if armed with robust new powers and backed by the threat of overwhelming military force should they encounter any Iraqi obstruction or backsliding.
Your friend is turning into jerky. Do you think there’s chance you could fix that radiator now? Turn the heat down please? We could have used that kind of thinking earlier What exactly does this job entail? How ‘d you male out last night 英訳お願いします
>>262 回答ありがとうございます。 should S V で仮定の意味(〜の場合、もし〜なら)のあることを辞書で見つけました。 (倒置ではないのですか?) またonly V if 〜で、〜である場合に限り、という意味もあるのですね。 が、 "if armed with robust new powers and backed by the threat of overwhelming military force" の部分がどのように 「圧倒的な武力を行使するとの威嚇に裏打ちされた場合に」 になるのかがよく分かりません。 よろしければこの部分、解説していただけませんか。
There's this girl I don't know. Comes by every year or so. And if I get the mail before my mom does than I'll stay out of trouble. She'll change every year, even pretty without beer. She doesn't care about my hair, my car, my tiny pee pee in the mirror.
・This is about more than just jewelry. ・I am not yours to save ・It’s an even thousand if you want me for the whole night ・You know what would be even sexier? ・Just a little while ago ・You deserve much better than me ・We’re kind of getting off the track here ・That’s how radio stars escape stalkers ・I kind of got the feeling that she was sort of coming on to me. ・We can discuss this over coffee.
As a result, both women and men often feel they are not getting sufficient credit for what they have done, are not being listened to, are not getting ahead as fast as they should.
>>272 feel@they are not getting sufficient credit for what they have done A(they) are not being listened to B(they) are not getting ahead as fast as they should
Even though we don't know what will happen, we need to carry on as best we can along the correct path. Even though we don't know what will happen, it is right that we take part in this struggle. お願いいたします
In a sense, when two people form a private relationship of love or friendship, the bubble of their interaction is a world unto itself, even though they both come with the prior experience of their families, their community, and a lifetime of conversations.
When someone has an illness from which he has no hope of recovering and which is bound to kill him soon,it is often suggested that medical intervention which goes beyond easing his pain or distress is not saving life but ‘prolonging the act of dying'. 訳して下さい!
It connnot act as a word processor for us, cannnot play germs with us. cannot heip without guide airplants into airports. A computer virus is an insuruction which tells the computer to do something we do not want it to do. It might say,“Make another copy of this instruction” or “The next time any body asks you for file X, erase it” or “When anything is typed on the keyboard, write the word ‘GO away .I am in holiday’on the screen.” お願いします・・・
>>269 ・This is about more than just jewelry ・私はあなたの「もの」じゃないの。 ・一晩中一緒にいてほしいなら1000は必要よ。 ・ほんのちょっと前 ・私よりあなたのほうがずっとふさわしいわ。 ・We ‘re kind of getting off the track here. ・そうやってタレント達はストーカーから逃げてるのよ。 ・なんとなく彼女に尾けられている気がしたのよね。 ・コーヒーでも飲みながら話しましょ。
>>284 "There's a weasel chomping on my privates" これってDave Barryのコラムに載ったジョークですよね?今読んできました。 でもさっぱりわかりませんでした(汗 この文章単体ではジョークになってないみたいなので サイトにあった例文(笑)をふたつほど載せておきますね。 賢者の降臨を祈りつつ。
"Why do elephants have big ears? Because there's a weasel chomping on their privates."
At the parade, the Colonel noticed something unusual going on and asked the Major: “Major Barry, what the devil's wrong with Sergeant Jones' platoon? They seem to be all twitching and jumping about.” “Well sir,” says Major Barry after a moment of observation. “There seems to be a weasel chomping on his privates.”
1.I saw a young lady in black at the funeral. 2.Are you ready for the worst? 3.Don't speak with your mouth full. 4.That's why he had to leave college and go to work. 和訳おねがいします。。
1.I saw a young lady in black at the funeral. 葬式で黒い服をきた若い女性を見た。 2.Are you ready for the worst? 最悪の事態への準備はできていますか? 3.Don't speak with your mouth full. 口に何かをほおばりながら、しゃべらないで。 4.That's why he had to leave college and go to work. だから彼は大学を辞めて働かなかなければならなかった。
Law, in its true notion, is not so much the limitation as the direction of a free and intelligent man to his proper interest, and prescribes no farther than is for the general good of those under that law. Could they be happier without it, the law, as a useless thing, would of itself vanish; and that hardly deserves the name of confinement which hedges us in only from deep streams and precipices. So that the end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all states of rational beings, where there is no law there is no freedom.
Beyond the fact that I'm goig to be praying five times a day which will take a few minutes here and there, that I'm a moral person who I believes in ethics, and that would benefit the newspaper---beyond that I don't think this has anything to do with anyone else.
この文章は、イスラム教徒の新聞記者が編集責任者の候補者になったときに、 責任者を選ぶ会議の場でスタッフから "So what effect is you being Muslim going to have on the job that you do here? " と言われ、それに答えたものです。説明不足ですいません。 この質問の文の訳は 「イスラム教徒なあなたがこの職に就いたらどんな影響がありますか?」 でいいのでしょうか?そもそもこの訳が間違っていたりして・・・。 重ね重ねすいませんが、よろしくお願いします。
-virtually the entire U.S. fleet based in Pearl Harbor was in the harbor on December 7, even though the usual practice was to deploy many of the vessels on patrol so that the fleet would not be congregated in any one place at any one time. But a practice that had grown during peacetime was to allow shore leave for as many men as possible over the weekend. In Hawaii this became an especially strong tradition because many of the officers and sailors had brougut their families to live in the nearby Honolulu area. ちょっと長いですが和訳お願いします。
@Confusion about what it means to own a book leads people to a false reverence for paper, binding,and type-a respect for the physical thing-the craft of the printer rather than the genius of the author. AThey forget that it is possible for a man to acquire the idea,to possess the beauty, which a great book contains,without staking his claim by pasting his bookplate inside the cover. BHaving a fine library doesn't prove that its owner has mind enriched by books; it proves nothing more than he,his father,or his wife,was rich enough to buy them. お願いします。
-He said that one could tell the sex of an unborn child by which of the mothers breasts became larger and on which side of the womb the fetus deveioped. -If a woman did not conceive but wanted to know if she was capable of becoming pregnant,she should be covered with wraps and perfumes burned underneath her. 訳お願いします
It's strange; all the .jp sites must be connected to eachother, but almost completely unconnected with the english sites, like a whole different web of sites.
Select and install a suitable CHINREST. Many teachers do not recommend the flat "Guarneri" style for young students, however usual among performers. An "edu" or "low Teka" gives better security and comfort. Avoid the waffle-grid types. For those few students whose chin straddles the tailpiece, a "Flesch model without the hump" is recommended. SHOULDER REST selection is best left to the player or teacher, but don't stock any that damage the instrument
shit id be like....you what up baby...and shed be like..."nuttin much sir"...and id me all over that shit... id be all like lickin it n'shit, and so u can get a finger in there at the same time... and id be on it like..."oohh, u little fuck"...and then she be like oh yea u sexy mexi....and the rest prints its self...its done... PRINT IT!....my new #1 book....im out....Gonzo....
Easy Catというトラックパッド(パソコン部品)は、私のTFT(液晶が面の) Macで使えますか?という質問をして、それに対する答えが下です。 (私の質問は、日本語を機械翻訳に通したものです。自信ないです。) 質問 Easy Cat- USB Touchpad for Mac Can it be used also with my TFT Mac(os x10.2)? 相手 This will work like a standard mouse. You will, however, not be able to use any of the special features. 質問「ドラッグをロックするキーは付いていますか?」 Does it come with the DRAG LOCK function? Isn't the button of Drag lock equipped as standard? Isn't the function of Drag lock a standard equipment? Sorry for my poor English. 相手 That is a special function that you can only get with the Drivers. Regards,
私はこのEasy Catというタッチパッドが新しいマックパソコンのシステム OS 10.2上で動くのか、そして動く場合には(私は指が不自由なので)この Easy Catの古いバージョンで使用出来たドラッグ状態をロックする機能が OS 10.2上でも使えるのか、それが知りたいのですが。
As stated in our winning confirmation, we cannot accept credit card, nor debit card payments through PayPal...only direct transfers, like if you have funds already in your PayPal account, or by e-check. If you want to make payment using your Visa/MC, you can do so through our own on-line "secure" order form, from our web site, which I've listed the link below:
Ideal conversation should be a matter of equal give and take,but too often it is all 'take'. The talkative person or chatterer goes on straight through the hours without giving anyone else,who might also like to say something,achance to do anything besides wait for the turn that never comes. Once in a while----a very long while-----one meets a brilliant person whose talk is a delight;or still more rarely a wit who handles every ordinary topic withgreat skill,to the delight of listeners.But as a rule the man who believes that he is a brilliant and interesting talker has become an egocentric pest.
>>386 we cannot accept <credit card>nor <debit card payments through PayPal> (We can accept)...only direct transfers, like <if you have funds already in your PayPal account> or <by e-check>.
As an advertising gimmick,this Mercedes-Benz factory near Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,has displayed the bodies of its new model from the wall of the factory. The factory produces 30,000 units of this compact version of its famous car for the South American market. Three huge car manufacturers─Japanese Toyota,American General Motors and German-American Daimler-Chrysler─dominate the automobile market in South America. Now that the economic troubles of the 1990s have been resolved for the most part,all three companies expect a surge in sales in the new millenium.
The factory produces 30,000 units of this compact version of its famous car for the South American market. これがなぜ「南アメリカのために、同社は同タイプの車を三万個製造している。」このようになるか分かりません。
compact version of its famous carってどこの訳の事言ってるんでしょう…? ごめんなさいバカ娘で...ι
Such price shall be the selling price - 55% Distribution of such records, net of all discounts (howsoever arising), but subject to the packaging deduction.
In calculating the number of records sold, the Licensee shall have the right to deduct returns and credits arising in the normal course of business and to make the reasonable reserves up to a maximum of fifteen percent.
Each such reserve shall be liquidated within the subsequent three accounting periods, but no less than 80% of the amount of each such reserve shall be liquidated within the first two accounting periods.
Unfortunately we will have to wait for conformation as to whether or not the order will be approved. Either way, you will receive conformation via post if the order has to be cancelled. お願いします。
The industry's regulator, the Financial Services Agency, insists that drastic intervention is unnecessary --- although economists and analysts say the crippled sector, burdened by widening losses in bank portfolios of loans and stocks, represents a growing threat to Japan's fragile economic recovery.
特に、bank portfolios of loans and stocks はなんて訳せばいいんでしょうか?
>>429 portfolios は、有価証券のことだそうです。新聞もテレビもろくに見ないバカなのであれですが、 損失を生む銀行の有価証券は、俗に「不良債権」と呼ばれているように思います。 そうすると、"losses in bank portfolios of loans and stocks"は、厳密さは損なわれますが、 「銀行の不良債権が生む損失」で、一般に通用しそうな気がします。 でも、ぼくは無知で馬鹿だから、違うかもしれません。
I'm so glad I ran into you because it's really been bothering me that I treated you badly those years ago and especially with that's going on, it's one of my real regrets in life and I wanted to apologize to you.
長くてすいませんが、お願いします。 特に、"and especially with that's going on〜〜"の部分はどう訳せばよいのでしょうか?
When I was young teacher at Cornell,I once had a debate about education with a profesor of psychology.He said that it was his job,as he saw it to get rid of the prejudices in his students.He knocked them down like tenpins in a bowling alley.I began to wonder what he replaced those prejudices with.He did not seem to have much of an idea of what the opposite of prejudice might be.I was reminded of the little boy sho,when I was four,solemnly informed me that there was so Santa Claus,and who wanted me to be impressed by his cleverness and truthfulness. Did this professor know what those prejudices meant to the students and how it would affect the students if they lost them?Did he believe that there are truths that could guide their lives as thir prejudices did?Had he considered how to give students the love of truth they would need to seek unprejudiced bliefs,or would he make them passive, unhappy,indifferent,and simply naive followers either of authorities like himself,or of the bestof modern thought?
The address you wrote to ([email protected]) is no longer in service. Please resend your email to us through one of the online webforms listed below. Using these forms will help us direct your email to the right department where we can quickly answer your question correctly and get it right back to you.
For General Support questions (billing, bidding, or selling concerns and technical issues, etc.) please use the following webform:
Once on the webform, what will really help us assist you further is if you choose the best topic for your question. Not only will this help us answer your question faster, but it will also give you the opportunity to read over the help pages. They contain answers to many questions and you may find your answer immediately.
We truly appreciate your assistance in this matter and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
i just seem to be able to understand numbers. haha, i really stuffed something up the other today.� I was working something out (�' 10.00 - 5.59 ' )�and i did it in my head and came up with an answer of "4.01"! Hahaha, I was thinking about it like a digital clock, with 60 minutes in an hour. O_o
Further improvements came with diets supplemented with vitamin E as an antioxidant, methionine to improve immune function, conjugated linoleic acids to improve feed efficiency and carcass quality, enzymes to improve digestion and remove antinutritional factors and toxins, antibiotics to optimize animal health and stabilize weight gain, prebiotics and probiotics to improve gut microflora, and growth hormones to improve feed efficiency. お願いします
A wide array of methods for producing these feed additives are used across the world, from fermentation to synthetic chemistry, and some already rely on the application of rDNA biotechnology. お願いします
>>384 の質問をした者です 日本語→英語スレで以下の文章を作ってもらいメーカーにメールしました。 質問 I'm the one who uses GLIDEPOINT as a touchpad. I would like to know whether this touchpad called Easy Cat would work on the new Macintosh OS X10.2, and if it works, I would also like to know if "the Drag lock function" would work on the OS X10.2, which you were able to use on the previous versions of Easy Cat.
ATTENTION: My fingers do not move very well, so I can't make the mouse move with pushing down the mouse button. Therefore I'm in need of "the Drag lock function". 相手からの返事 Thank you for your interest in our products.
The Easy Cat will work on your computer. However, the new drivers have not yet been released so you will not be able to use any of the special features. The Easy cat will use standard driver provided with your operating system.
For instance you will be able to click and drag but scrolling will not work. Please let me know how I may further assist you.
すみません、途中で送ってしまいました。 3行目からです。 the new drivers have not yet been released for Easy Cat. Do you plan to release such a driver, and if so, when? Will I be able to use the drag lock function with that driver? (note: this is in relation to Macintosh OS X10.2)
Now I would like to know whether you have any planning to develop a driver for the new version of Easy Cat to work with on Mac OS X 10. , and whether it has the "Drag Lock Fucntion" so that a user may do "Click and Drag" without keeping a finger on the click button.
If you have such a planning, I will also highly appreciate it if you could let me know its approx. release date.
お願い訳して The aquarium is a world;for,as in a natural pond or lake,indeed as all over our whole planet,animal and vegetable beings live together in biological equilibrium. The carbon dioxide which the animals breathe out is assimilated by the plants which, in their turn,exhale oxygen.Nevertheless,it is false to say that plants do not breathe like animals but"the other way round."They breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, just as animals do,but,apart from this,the growing green plant assimilates carbon dioxide; that is,it uses the carbon for the building up of its body substance:indeed,one might say that, independently of its breathing,the plant eats carbon dioxide.During this process it excretes oxygen in excess of its own breathing and,from this surplus,man and animals breathe.Finally, plants are able to assimilate the products of dead bodies decomposed by bacteria and to make them again available to the great cycle of life,which thus consists of three interlocking links: the constructors------the green plants;the consumers-------the animals;and the decomposers----the bacteria.
arranged 他動詞なのに目的語がない。 from bottom → the bottom じゃないとおかしいと思う。 getting cooler step by step この文章でstep by step は絶対におかしい。 take care your health → take care of your health またか take care of yourself
Spoken words are more exciting than words printed on wood pulp. In the past a great orator could reach,at the most,only a few thousand listeners.Today,thanks to applied science,a dictator with a gift of the gab is able to pour his emotionally charged evangel into the ears of tens of millions. What Mark Antony could do to the mob assembled round Caesar's corpse,his modern counterpart can do to the entire nation.Never have so many been so much at the mercy of so few.
(一部略) On the other hand,to be bored is a bad habit,and and one only too easy to fall into.As a matter of fact,it is almost impossible to meet anyone who has not something of interest to tell you if you are clever enough yourself to find out what it is.There are certain delightful people who refuse to be bored.Their attitude is that no subject has to be completely uninteresting,so long as it is discussd for the first time.Repetition alone is deadly dull.Besides,what is the matter with tring to be agreeable yourself?Not too agreeable. Unfortunately,it is true:"Be polite to bores and you will always have bores around you."Furthermore,there is no reason why you should be bored when you can be otherwise.To put it cynically,life is too short to waste and it is up to you to make it as interesting as possible.
教科書からなんですがよろしくおねがいします。 There are many special foods eaten on this night,and some of them have much to do with fotune telling. The most famous of these is barnbrack,an irish rasin cake which is a favorite throughout the country. It is something to look forward to,not only because of its good taste but also because of the special things hidden inside. If there is a coin or a bean, it means you will be rich. A button stands for bachelorhood, and a per for poverty.
Japanese were seated on one side of a large memorial-American general even read a statement that you had written for the occasion. But, President Reagan, I really think you should have been there to see what happened next. Japanese and American women, wives and daughters of the veterans, started embracing and exchanging scarves, jewelry, anything to let each other know how they felt. Man approached each other, at first shaking hands hesitantly, then embracing and crying. Some brought war souvenirs to return to their one-time enemies.
Once on the webform, what will really help us assist you further is if you choose the best topic for your question. Not only will this help us answer your question faster, but it will also give you the opportunity to read over the help pages. They contain answers to many questions and you may find your answer immediately.
We truly appreciate your assistance in this matter and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
The tax system did not discriminate; it did not differentiate between individuals. This example is contrived so we could have two commodities that are "essentially" identical. In practice, there are many examples where the tax system treats on hard liquor discriminate against those who prefer wine or beer. Individuals who prefer to spend their vacations in their own vacation homes are treated preferentially, compared to those who prefer to travel during their vacation.
If we say that the differences in taste are an important economic difference, which the tax system may well take into account, then we can say that the principle of horizontal equity does not apply here. The twins are not identical in all relevant respects. Carried to this extreme, the principle quickly becomes vacuous: no two individuals are ever identical. What are to be acceptable distinctions? Unfortunately, the principle of horizontal equity gives us little guidance on how to answer this question.
Each and every person on earth has two planes: a lower plane and a higher plane. The lower plane consists of the body, senses, mind and intellect. This is where most of the "soap operas of life" happen. The higher plane or higher nature is related to the in-dwelling power or spirit present in each of us. As the Universal Power sustains the whole universe, so does this Inner Power sustain what constitutes our lower nature. This power we have in us is free and infinite, yet it is only sparingly used. That is why we suffer from the debilitating effects of stress, anxiety, fear, attachment, hatred and anger, which are so detrimental to our inner peace, fulfillment and joy of life.
Why bother with life? Why bother with anything at all? Questions of personal meaning and significance trouble us all at some time in our lives. These are aggravated by many issues that face us in the nineties. Redundancy, job pressures, lack of discretionary time, shortage of money, marriage breakup, moral decline, increasing crime and violence in society, are symptoms of the pressured times we live in. What possible relevance to these issues is a collection of 2,000-year-old myths about a 'god'? Most religions seem to suggest that we try to live on a higher plane than these real-life issues, which is not much help to us in our personal struggles. Other popular therapies seem to present us merely with psychological coping techniques - not much better, because they are only as strong as the person trying to cope.
Remarkably contemporary and deeply resonant with the approaches taken by today's most successful business leaders, the lessons he presents point to a fresh approach that can enable both leaders and followers to maintain their integrity, live on a higher plane, and, ultimately, reach their personal and professional goals. Careful study of these lessons can change our thinking about leadership forever and provide valuable insights on how to promote a more constructive and compassionate world.
Having to put one foot in front of the other for several years until you feel cured is another thing entirely. Mr. Barrineau agrees with most of us that he and his wife became better people through the experience. I, too, came to the realization that, having survived cancer, I could live on a higher plane, not noticing daily annoyances. For 6 months after finishing chemotherapy, Ed and I lived somewhat mystically. But one day, I walked into the bedroom, stopped dead, and yelled at Ed, "Pick up those socks!" He kissed me, saying, "Welcome back."
I find God continually inviting people to step up and live on a higher plane, a level of spiritual understanding of relationship with Him. It's the essence of Jesus' earthly ministry, constantly teaching and inviting people to live in the light of His truth. (John 8:12) Most of Paul's letters deal with this one subject of no longer living the way you used to live (Ephes. 4:23,24, Rom. 8:5-9) Jesus called His friends to live a whole new life with the Holy Spirit of God within as Counselor. (John 14:16,17,26,27; 15:26; 16:13)
Investigators searching for a sniper terrorizing the Washington suburbs found a tarot card with the words, "Dear policeman, I am God," near a bullet casing outside the school where a 13-year-old boy was critically wounded, a source familiar with the investigation confirmed Wednesday. Police were also searching a wooded area behind a school in Prince George's County after reports Wednesday of a man seen carrying a long black bag. A woman driving in the area was detained for questioning. more
I went into needles yesterday,and talked to a psychiartist... I asked him if talking to a cactus was a sign I was going crazy... "No,"He said,"only if the cactus starts to talk back!" Please don't say anything.
This book is an introduction to logic, as contemporary logicians now understand the subject. It does not attempt to be a textbook, however. There are numerous such books currently available. The point of this one is to explore the roots of logic, which sink deep into philosophy. Some formal logic will be explained along the way.
We do not know when the new drivers are going to be released. We do not make this product. This is a product made by Cirque. They have not informed us that any new drivers are being developed.
She seized an axe that her husband was accustomed to keep by his bedside to mangle his servants with, and struck open her husband's cabinet containing his private papers, and with eager hands opened the document which she took therefrom. お願いします。
It is after all quite difficult to remember exactly what it felt like to be a small person when you yourself haven't been one for thirty or forty years. When you are young, you have not finished growing. You are therefore physically shorter than the grown-ups around you. If grown-ups really want to find out what it is like to live in a young person's world, let them get down on hands and knees and go about like that for a week. お願いします。
Admission to the program is limited. Applicants are required to possess a background in one or more areas of the arts and prior experience with a cultural organization. Expertise in an area of the arts is typically demonstrated by an undergraduate degree in music, theatre, art or dance, although other evidence of knowledge and competency may be offered. Prior experience in a cultural organization may include both paid and voluntary forms of activity. These requirements are in addition to the normal academic requirements of minimum grade point average established by the University. Prospective students should note that the program is such as to demand individual initiative and judgment and that, therefore, a significant degree of maturity is expected in those accepted.
(続きです…本当ごめんなさい。) Prior experience in a cultural organization may include both paid and voluntary forms of activity. These requirements are in addition to the normal academic requirements of minimum grade point average established by the University. Prospective students should note that the program is such as to demand individual initiative and judgment and that, therefore, a significant degree of maturity is expected in those accepted.
Then, with a wild, unearthly shriek that would have made a steam piano go out behind a barn and kick itself in despair, she fell senseless to the floor. お願いします
ハロウィーンと妖精の話です よろしくおねがいします Halloween also was a time to predict personal fortunes, marriage, good luck, and health. These traditions have continued to the present day. For example, just as young Japanese like to find out if they will be lucky by getting OMIKUJI, in Ireland young people have many ways to predict their future. One way is to name two nuts after a couple and place them by the fire
こちらもおねがいします If they jump apart, the couple will have trouble in their marriage. Another thing they do is to put four dishes on a table, one containing water, another a ring, the third clay, and the fourth salt. The boy or girl is blindfolded and has to touch one of the dishes. If he or she touches the one containing water, it means living in a foreigh land ; the ring marriage ; the clay bachelorhood ; and the salt prosperity
Some social time goes into growing the oats (and all the preceding agricultural investment and other preliminaries, and other preliminaries, and the subsepuent related manugacturing and retail activity) some more of the society's time goes in the shopping and the cooking, and finally, yet more of the society's time is spent eating the porridge; all to satisfy the 'want' for breakfast.
論文が終わらないです。 頼みます・・・ Two letters of recommendation from former employers, supervisors or advisors addressed to the Program Director are required. Interviews are by invitation after the initial review of applications. Applicants may apply at any time of the year but no later than March 1st of each year for once yearly admission in the subsequent Fall semester.
These chains of associated categories of time use might be constructed at varying levels of detail (e.g. 'all recreational activities' vs. 'musical consumption') and any particular want may be associated with alternative 'models of provision' (e.g. going to a symphony concert vs. watching a music video at home.)
bequeathing all his property to a scientific institution which should have for its object the invention of a means for extracting peach brandy from sawdust. お願いします。
the rise in joblessness was triggered by a slump that has hit domestic industries hard. the effects of the downturn have been particularly notable among large electronics manufactures,whose deteriorating performances have led them to announce job cuts on a massive scale.
★But the downturn alone cannot be held accountable for the job cuts that have been announced and those that have yet to be unveiled.
>>670 But <the downturn alone> cannnot be held accountable for <the job cuts that have been announced> and <those(=job cuts) that have yet to be unveiled> という風に解釈したけど問題あり?
>>634 >Then, with a wild, unearthly shriek that would have made a steam piano go >out behind a barn and kick itself in despair, she fell senseless to the floor
そのとき、まるでスチームピアノをgo out behind a barn and kick itself in despairさせてしまうような この世のものとはおもえない激しい叫び声をあげて、彼女は気を失って床に倒れた。
a barn=「納屋」 kick itself in despair「絶望して腹をたてる」だと思うんだけど まったく絵が浮かばないので訳せなかった。 誰かよろしくです。。。
First (my enumeration), Tocqueville favoured institutional checks and balances along American lines. He urged bicameral parliaments; independent judiciaries; and local-government authorities with wideranging powers and responsibilities. Second, he urged that political parties should be attached to constitutional principles and politically realistic ideas, rather than the extreme goals of French radicals or, as in the United States, the opportunist promoting of economic interests and searching for popular causes.
v1.3.0 Got weekend plans? Better cancel 'em! The new patch (v.1.3.0) is going to be made available today! And this isn't your garden variety patch! A new map (Mountain Pass), a new Combat Effectiveness Meter, a new Honor System, automatic weapon lowering, a new 'Hit the Dirt!' feature, 1st person spectating, ability to dive on grenades, and literally dozens more features. Weighing in at 28MB, this patch has more features than the Naval Academy football team has turnovers! Go get it!
He favored ,however, a large number of competing local and regional newspapers, as in the Unaited States, rather than, as in France, a small number of giant, semi-monopoly national papers located in the nation's capital.
there are, among the resources available to modern States, what we might think of as 'time-use policies': not just the short-term provision of maximum working hours and statutory holiday entitlements, the provision of ungendered parental leave and gender-blind tax and benefit policies, but also longer-term policies, for the provision of cultural and sporting and other leisure infrastructures, and the focusing of educational systems on the formation of the skills necessary for varied and enjoyable leisure as well as productivework. there is a political agenda that underlies everything that is written here, something positive to set against the excesses of unconstrained Wild-West capitalism.
The appropriate deployment of these time-use policies, which world at the margin provide some sort of steer to future trends of the sort described in the previous section (and indeed has to some extent in the past successfully done so within the core of the European Union), might both support future economic growth (by promoting the sorts of leisure consumption that also provides good jobs), and lead to less time-stressed and pressured, less unequal, and happpier societies.
女 They'll understand. 男 I got most of them coming back. 女 Jimmy, you are always gonna have kids coming back. 男 Not these kids. 女 It's Fart Fifth. ← 学校の名前です。
The day of my father's funeral had also been my nineteenth birthday. As we drove him to the graveyard,the spoils of injustice,anarchy,disconfant, and hatred were all around us.It seemed to me that God himself had devised a piece of music to mark my father's end:a most sustained and brutally dissonant coda.And it seemed to me,too,that the violence which rose all around us as my father left the world ha been devised as a corrective for the pride of his eldest son.I had declined to believe in that apocalypse which had been central to my father's vision; very well,life seemed to be saying,here is something that will cartainly pass for an apocalypse until the real thing comes along.Ihad inclined to be contemptuous of my father fo th conditions of his life,for the conditions of our lives.When his life had ended I began to wonder about that life and also,in a new way,to be apprehensive about my own. I had not known my father very well.We had got on badly,partly because we shared,in our different fashions,the vice of stubborn pride.When he was dead I realized that I had hardly ever spoken to him.When he had been dead a long time I began to wish I had.It seems to be typical of life in America,where opportunities,real and fancied,are thicker than anywhere else on the globe,that the second generation has no time to talk to the first.No one,including my father,seems to have known exactly how old ha was,but his mother had been born during slavery. He was of hte first generation of free men.He,along with thousands of other negroes,came North after 1919 and I was part of that generation which had never siin the landscape of what Negroes sometimes call the Old Country.
What would you say if I told you I was going to devote the rest of my life to making you happy? We'll go for long walks in the woods and romp around in the yard... You'll sit in my lap,and I'll scratch your ears ,and we'll watch TV and I'll give you cookies... What kind of cookies?
Throughout history people all over the world have gone to special places where mineral-rich hot springs flow from beneath the earth's surface. Countries with much volcanic activity such as Japan have many such hot springs and have established over time many customs related to taking baths in these special waters. But many other countries, especially in Europe, also have centuries-old traditions associated with visiting springs to cure certain types of illnesses. One of the oldest such places in the world is located in present-day Jordan and Israel. Actually, it is not a spring, but rather a sea, the Dead Sea. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote about the wonders of the Dead Sea 2500 years ago. It is also said that the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra used water from the Dead Sea to keep her skin beautiful. The Dead Sea, which has a 33 percent concentration of salts and minerals (compared to only 3 percent in ocean water), is located at the lowest point on Earth, 390 meters below sea level. Because of this unique location, certain atmospheric, thermal, chemical and optical characteristics are found which occur nowhere else in the world. Of course, no fish can live in the Dead Sea, but no one can drown there either. The high concentration of salt allows a person to float on the surface of the water and read a newspaper without getting it wet.
Police searching for a sniper were investigating a deadly shooting at a Virginia gas station Friday morning and were pulling over white vans on a nearby interstate after witnesses saw a van leaving the scene of the shooting.
In each of the main chapters, I start by taking up some particular philosophical problem or logical puzzle. I then explain one approach to it. Often this is a fairly standard one; but in some of the areas there is no standard answer; logicians still disagree. In such cases, I have just chosen one that is interesting. Nearly all the approaches, whether standard or not, may be challenged. I finish each chapter with some problems for the approach that I have explained. Sometimes these problems are standard; sometimes they are not. Sometimes they may have easy answers; sometimes they may not. The aim is to challenge you to figure out what you make of the matter.
You only have one chance to start your career right. Why not choose a company that values your voice and respects your vision from day one? Tha's why we offer you more programs and more room to grow. After all, our success depends on yours. Start your future right. It's your choice. One vision. Many Voices. Your choice.
Hiroshima was chosen as the site of the first atomic bombing because it had never been bombed during the entire war. That was because it had no military targets, no bases or significant war industry. The American military wanted a pristine target so it could clearly see the impact of the first atomic bomb. World War II marks the beginning of a consistent American policy of targeting civilians in times of war.
Modern logic is a highly mathematical subject. I have tried to write the material in such a way as to avoid nearly all mathematics. The most that is required is a little high-school algebra in the last few chapters. It is true taht ou will need the determination to master some symbolism that may be new to you; but this is a lot less than is required to have a basic grasp of any new language.
For purposes of macroeconomics,it is the aggregate consumption function,the relationship between aggregate consumption and aggregate income,that is of importance. tha amount by which consumption increases when disposable income increases by a whole,the marginal ptopensity to consume in recent years has been somewhere between .9 and .97. that is, of each extra dollar of income house holds receive,they spend on average between90 and 97 present. If aggregate income increases by $100billon, then aggregate consamption will increases by between $90 and $97 billion.
>>776 725 :名無しさん@1周年 :02/10/11 18:50 >>697 "my way or highway" 誰がそれをいってるかで二つ意味がわかれるね。 You must do it in my way or highway. か I shall do it in my way or highway. か
For purposes of macroeconomics,it is the aggregate consumption function,the relationship between aggregate consumption and aggregate income,that is of importance. And the measure of income, that is of important is disposable income, or what people have after plaing taxes. The relationship between aggregate consumption and aggregate income is given in Table 12.2,and the aggregate consumption function is despicted graphically in Figure 12.4B.
by a dollar is called ,the marginal ptopensity consume. For the USA as a whole, themarginal propendity to to consume in recent years has been somewhere between .9 and .97. that is, of each extra dollar of income house holds receive,they spend on average between90 and 97 present. If aggregate income increases by $100billon, then aggregate consamption will increases by between $90 and $97 billion.
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at gh150.mail.goo.ne.jp. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
the regime thus ultimately determines the patterns of stratification and differentiation in the society, through its influence on the numbers of paid jobs and the proportions of these that require different levels of skill (and hence earn different wage rates), on how much unpaid work there is and who does it (this is affected by working-time and other family-policy regulation), and on who gets how much leisure time, involving which sorts of consumption (shich is affected by both the paid work and the unpaid work distributions).
The political influence of the military stretches from direct assumptions of complete political control to complete subservience of the military to other political structures. 大学の政治学の文献なのですが、どなたかお願いします。
Given the poor international image of military coups, and the possible effects on international assistance, it is generally in the national interest for the military to exert influence indirectry. これも上記のと同じ文献にあった文章なのですが、どなたか片方だけでも結構なのでぜひお願いします。
すいません、これを訳していただけませんか。 サポセンにメールしたらこんなの帰ってきました。 This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE. Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.
The boy who had told me about Santa Claus was simply showing off, proving his superiority to me.He had not created the Santa Claus that had to be there in order to be disproved.Think of all we learn about the world from people's faith in Santa Claus and similar beliefs,and all that we learn about the soul from those who believe in them.By contrast,merely using a methodology to remove the essence of one's imagination-----the imagination that creates our philoscphy and our culture------gives us no insight into the soul;it just robs it of its life and power.
>>843 どの辞書にも載ってないのでググルで例文にあたってみました。 〇か×か、みたいな意味だと思う。 日本の〇×ゲームもX's and O'sっていうみたい。
I love litstening to him because he is X's and O's 「白黒はっきり言うからあの人の解説は好きだ」 Coaching Kids: It's More than X's and O 's, 「子供たちを教えることは、〇か×か教えるだけのような単純なものではない」
The first thing they will then discover is that all the other grown-ups in the room tower above them and they actually have to crane their necks to look at their faces. It is always like that with a small child. The child is surrounded by giants, and the trouble with these terrible giants is that they seem to spend most of their lives telling the child what to do and what not to do. The child does not understand why the giants have to do this, but it is the only way to bring ( ) a child properly.
The lengthy list of successful and South America, the Middle East, the new African states, Asia and several European countries since 1945 creates the impression that seizure of political control by the armed forces, or the military ensuring the replacement of one civilian government by another, has been the norm rather than the exception in modern political systems. 前回と同じ文献に記述されていた文章です。 一文が長すぎてもう私の手にはおえないのでどなたかお願いします。
And stores and businesses that are open every day of the week? just think it -they would immediately go from making money seven days a week to making money eight days a week. Seriously, the effects of this world be incredibly good. Simply by changeing the calendar.we would create anation of happy,contented people. You would put in five full days doing whatever it is you do for a living, as usual -and your reward at the end would be a three-day weekend, every time. Marrs(名前) provided proof to show that the calendar is not something that cannot be changed, but rather a variable guidepost that has been altered over the centuries.
>>877 【The lengthy list of <successful and South America>, <the Middle East>, < the new African states>, <Asia> and <several European countries>】 since 1945 【creates】 【<the impression> that (=) 〔seizure〕of <political control by the armed forces>,or <the military ensuring the replacement of one civilian government by another>, 〔has been〕 the norm rather than the exception in modern political systems.】
The debate on Iraq continues to focus on whether we should go to war. But a crucial question is getting little attention: What happens when the war has been fought and won, and American forces occupy a conquered land?
The past twelve years have gone much as Kaplan predicted. Recently, tensions between Germany and the United States have sprung not from Germany's militarism, but from its criticism of Bush's aggressive military policy toward Iraq. But today, on this Day of German Unity, German Federal President Johannes Rau sent out a message of friendship to America and the world. "We Germans, by ourselves, are not enough," he declared in a Berlin address. "We bring in our viewpoint, we make our contribution." Today's Germany may not be the Holy Roman Empire, but it is an impressive testament to reconstruction and unity.
Preserving the rich genetic diversity of Capulalpan's corn is a matter of more than sentimental significance. When disaster strikes corn anywhere in the world--disease, too much rain, not enough rain, a new pest--plant scientists traditionally come to this region, which stretches from the Sierra Norte Mountains down to the southernmost state of Chiapas and into Guatemala, for the germ plasm to rejuvenate beleaguered domestic varieties. Genetic diversity is what provides a hedge against unanticipated environmental changes. In the state of Oaxaca alone, corn grows in sixty different varieties, in shades of blue, black, purple and white, as well as the yellow that we have come to associate with our most widely grown crop.
うーむ・・なるほど。これはメーリングリストでの文章です。 辞書で調べると、MLのような場所で話題に上っている人を指す場合は、that が使えるようですね。 (実世界では that man とかになる) Even that's pushing it ↓ 代名詞を置き換えると・・。 Even Taro's pushing BBB
All history, the saying goes, is contemporary history. People instinctively turn to the past to help understand the present. Events draw our attention to previously neglected historical subjects. The second wave of feminism gave birth to a flourishing subfield of women's history. The Reagan Revolution spawned a cottage industry in the history of US conservatism.
Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make it a part of yourself is by writing in it. An illustration may make the point clear. You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher's icebox to your own. But you do not own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get it into your bloodstream. おねがいします
Sprinkle gelatin on cold water in 2-qt nonaluminum saucepan. Stir in Filling Mix until smooth. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and boils. Boil and stir 1 min; remove from heat. Stir about 1/4 cup of the hot mixture into yolks. Stir into hot mixture in saucepan. Boil and stir 1 min; remove from heat. Cover and refrigerate.
Heat margarine in 10" skillet over medium heat until melted. Stir in Ready-mixdeCrust and almonds.Cook 4 min, stirring.constantly, until mixture begins to brown and crumble. Reserve 2 tbsp mixture. Press remaining mixture firmly against bottom andaside of 9"glass pie plate, using back of fork. Cool completely.
Beat cheese and about 1/4 cup filling mixture (it may be warm) in medium bowl, using wire whisk,until smooth. Beat in remaining fillinf mixture until smooth. Stir in food color. Pour into crust. Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hr until set. Sprinkle reserved mixture over top. lmmediately refrigerate remaining pie.
At that time, the sky was filled with cumuli. てなことを書いたら、相手に filled with cum !!??God!! と返されました(メールで)。 たぶんスラングか何かで、冗談を言っているんだと 思うんだけど、cum って辞書になし。 この流れで cum って何?って相手に聞いたら更にバカでしょう… どなたか、意味を教えてください!
>>955 隠語辞典より 【cum】 1. v. The mis-spelling of come commonly used by the authors of reader’s letters in jazz magazines to describe male ejaculation or its (bell) end product.
Igot kind of a spotty record, and I gotta keep my grades up for college. 大学の成績を維持するために始めました Can you give us the namesof the other people there? この続きの文はなんて言ってるのですか?もし上の文で訳が まちがっていたら教えて下さい
>>965 I got kind of a spotty record 「ところどころひどい成績になっちゃった。」 I gotta keep my grades up for college 「大学のために(進学するもしくは退学させられないように) いい成績をキープしないと。」 Can you give us the names of the other people there? 「他にそこにいた人の名前を教えてくれない?」
In the club People use material things To increase their chances of a pick up Such as diamond rolexes, Prada bags And Versace outfits I guess it makes them feel special In Japan they just two to the one and two
john kyens stressed the primary role of curremt disaposable income in determining current consumption,and accordingly,the consumption function upon which this chapter focuses is sometimes referred to as the keynesian consumption function. But aggregate consumption depends on other factors besides current disposable income.
There have been improvements in detecting the presence of a significant hearing impairment, but many hearing-impaired children are two or three years old before their hearing loss is diagnosed.
I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good. Confusion about what it means to own a book leads people to a false reverence for paper, binding and type---a respect for the physical thing---the craft of the printer rather than the genius of the author. Having a fine library doesn't prove that its owner has a mind enriched by books ; it proves nothing more than that he, his father, or his wife, was rich enough to buy them. よろしくお願いします。