In the name of all the competitors I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, committing ourselves to a sport without being korea, without doping and without drugs, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams.
>17 イギリスの高級紙デイリーテレグラフが韓国批判をしてます。 Warning: do not cheer for South Korea. They have no right to be in a World Cup semi-final. Spain should be playing Germany in Seoul. The records say that the Koreans knocked out Spain in a penalty shoot-out in Gwangju on Saturday. The records are a lie and this tournament has descended into farce. 警告:韓国を応援するな。彼らは、W杯準決勝の資格がない。スペインが、ドイツとソウルで プレイすべきだ。記録上は、土曜日に、韓国がスペインをPK合戦でうち負かしたことになっている。 この記録は、嘘であり、今大会は茶番と化した。 This is the moment to declare oneself a temporary German and pray that South Korea are ejected tomorrow night. 今は、一時的にドイツ人となり、韓国が明晩の試合で負けることを祈るべきだ。 Disgracefully, Korean TV airbrushed out the many outrages from Saturday's match, and kept their cameras fixed instead on the disturbing smirk of Guus Hiddink, South Korea's coach. Their coverage was more appropriate to communist North Korea, and was an apology for TV journalism. Yesterday morning, the Korean daily, Chosun Ilbo, chirped: "How can we forget these moments and these feelings. It is no longer a miracle." You can say that again. 恥ずかしいことに、韓国のテレビは、土曜日の試合で怒る(スペイン選手たち)を、写さず、 カメラを、韓国コーチ・ヒデッイグの困惑した笑みに固定し続けた。この報道は、 共産主義の北朝鮮にふさわしいもので、TVジャーナリズムへ謝罪が必要だ。 昨日の朝、韓国の日刊紙、朝鮮日報は、「どうやったら、我々は、この瞬間とこの気持ちを 忘れられようか。もはやそれは、ミラクルではない」。 イギリスのデイリーミラーも、韓国の陰謀と非難してます。 It should have been the story to gladden our hearts and captivate our souls. それ(アジアのチームの準決勝進出)は、我々の胸にぐっとくる出来事のはずだった。 But South Korea's march to the last four is not a romantic's dream and nor is it a fairytale. しかし、韓国のこれまでの4戦は、ロマンチックな夢でもなければ、おとぎ話でもない。 Because the reality is that South Korea's survival in this tournament is a giant con trick. It's larceny on a grand scale. A trick of the light. A mote in the eye. なぜなら、韓国が今大会で勝ち残ったのは、巨大な陰謀によるものだ。 大がかりな窃盗だ・・・。 The cynicism has already taken hold. German journalists at the Senegal v Turkey quarter-final were being teased they'd have to score at least eight against South Korea to get past the co-hosts. シニシズムが広がりつつある。セネガル対トルコ戦を取材していたドイツ人ジャーナリストは、 ドイツは少なくとも8点は得点しないと(その大部分は取り消されてしまうので)、 韓国に勝てないだろう。 There's a stench about this that won't go away. Until South Korea get knocked out of the World Cup. Again. 消えない悪臭が漂っている。韓国が、うち負かされるまでは。
Nazis's key cross mark [ -- the banner of German vs South Korea and the Nazis -- withdrawal] (2002. 6.25) ■ What the banner into which the Nazis's key cross mark hung up over the stand before the game went by the German vs South Korean game of the World Cup semifinal currently held in the World Cup stadium of a soul was removed for by the defense person in charge became clear. The banner was regarded as having been prepared by South Korean supporter " Red Devils", and before German players appeared in the ground, it was removed. FIFA (International Federation of Football Associations) has forbidden all the political and racial and religious propagandas in a stadium. - It is the shame of 10/21n94of seek/up/img-box/img20020625225930.jpg South Korea for the time being. Germany does not often get angry -- "Hitler's sons need to go away [!!
>>58 please don't do that. you will make people sick. and also the Japanese with conscience and better command of English have to bear the full brunt instead of thoughtless superidiots like you.
案外スラングとして普及するかも>be korea of 〜=ズルをする 買収する ブラジルでは(ポルトガル語だけど)、日本語・日本人を表すジャポネーゼって単語に 「サッカーが下手なやつ」っていう意味がある。用法は、たとえばサッカーやってて トラップミスしたとする。そのとき、ミスした奴が自分で「ウッ、ジャポネーゼ」
Confession of one 17 old girl: Yesterday, on my way to home, I was koreaed by some Korean chongs. They came north korea me in their van with Hyundai emblem and koreaed me very strong like a korean over and over......
ネタかと思った。ゴメソ。>>110 The allegations against her involve Japan-based painter Yao Hsu-teng (???°?O) and his friend, a Korean businessman residing in Japan, who is identified by his Japanese name as E. Tokuhara (?w???a??)
The Ring (2002) [ Back to Movie Info Page ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Previous | Next > [ First | Last | Msg List ] | Msg #:
lots of scary moments, lots of suspense>>> perfect shock executions
Not to much blood and gore, nor was there really any anti-religion or Devil force element to the movie, just a lot of good shocking moments. Other movies i liked: Blair Witch Project 2, and disliked Blair Witch Project 1. Just to let y'all know, this movie was originally made in Korea, then remade in Japan, and finally it has been remade here...
世界中にばら撒かれている映像 原文 hi friends,hope you all co-operate in eradicating this evil thing. whth regard to what you are goning to witness here is a fact, don`t get scared! It`s Japan`s..... hottest food.... In japan, dead babies or fetuses could be bought at \10000 to \12000 from hospitals to meet the high damand for grilled and barbecued babies... what a sad state!! please forward this message to as many people au you can so that it can be seen by the world and someone takes action on the same. it is a thing against human race and unless we people of the world put hand to hand to eradicate this custom. this will not end. even the world impossible say im possible. so friend hope you spread this message as far as you can.
彼がハワイのレストランで飯を食っていたところ、隣の旅行者 集団がものすごくうるさくてマナーも悪いのよ。ニダ語を喋りながらね・・・・ そしたら、給士さんがスプーンを滑らしてニダの飲みかけのスープに落ちたらしく 飛び跳ねたらしいのよ。そしたらその集団がいきなり怒り出して、 「WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! I AM ZAPANEASE!」 と叫びだして給士を取り囲んで指さして謝らせようとしたのよ。 周りの外国人達も「Oh〜 」 と言っていたので、日本人の彼が「Are you Japanease really?」 と言って連中が持っているハングル本を指さして「Why do you have Korean book? If you are Japanease. Speake Japanease now! I am reall Japanease. Mr.Korean] と言ったらとたんに周りは大爆笑の渦、他の日本人もその”ザパニーズ”を問いつめたら なにやら喚いて出て行った・・・・
Topic 1 : Why Japan doesn't apology to neighbor countries for Japan's illegal invading, Sexual Slavery & 731?? If Japan apologize to neighbors with sincere & honest mind, neighbors have a enough warm mind to accept it.
Topic 2 : Is it necessary to expand military money of Japan? Actually, their investing amount for military is 2nd in the world. Next to U.S.A. And larger than Korean annual GDP.