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>>39 or fear (that,《文》lest)... …することを恐れて,することのないように(in case, lest) I went out in disguise, for 〜 someone should [might] recognize me. だれかに見つかってはまずいので変装して出かけた((1)《略式》ではthat, lestを省略することが多い.lest節の中では仮定法現在も用いる.(2)×for fear to doとはいわない).
Arabesque is a progressive metalband with two female singers. In the past we played with a lot of bands(As suport act or at a festival) ao: Dream theater, satriani, within temptation, Spocks beard, Zero hour, jenniffer batten, Firkins, Vandenplas, evergrey, after forever, Arena, opeth, Malmsteen, Flower kings and more....
Our new Album will come out at the 21th of June At the Lion Music label. At the album you will find 11 songs (Almost 80 minutes) You can download two songs from the upcoming album at our website: <A HREF="www.arabesque-site.com">www.arabesque-site.com</A>
This is just a one time mail so your not in a mailinglist. If you already received this message, I'm verry sorry. This is the only way to let the people know that the new album is ready. so please, don't be mad at me (( - : Marc
>73 それは、駄目だ。こんなのでどう? Send the original B/L and e-mail us the EMS number. We pay the extra remittance charge caused by the mistake of the bank account you pointed. We will pay the reminder after we get the original B/L. Is that okay?
>>74=75さん、76さんありがとう 速レス感謝します。 Send the original B/L and e-mail us the EMS number. We pay the extra remittance charge caused by the mistake of the bank account you pointed. We will pay the reminder when we get the original B/L. Is this fine with you?
"Press me no more Mr. Snooper," said Gladys Vavasour-Smith. "I can never be yours." "You have led me to believe different, Gladys," said Bertram D. Snooper. The setting sun was flooding with golden light the oriel windows of a magnificent mansion situated in one of the most aristocratic streets west of the brick yard.
Tell what it is like to do a particular kind of work. Your purpose in this essay may be to persuade people that this would be a terrific career or to avoid this work at all costs. (However, avoid directly addressing the reader, "you,"). Whatever work you tell about, be sure to describe it so that your audience can picture exactly what the job involves. このエッセイの中でつまるところ何を言えってことなのでしょうか。 付随してくる効果でしょうか、それとも仕事そのものの醍醐味でしょうか。 よろしくおねがいします。
William, a poor but ambitious and talented young lawyer, had just lost his first suit. He had dared to aspire to the hand of Smith, the beautiful and talented daughter of one of the oldest and proudest families in the county. The bluest blood flowed in her veins. Her grandfather had sawed wood for the Hornsbys and an aunt on her mother's side had married a man who had been kicked by General Lee's mule.
God said, No. I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No. Patience is a by-product of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is earned. I asked God to give me happiness. God said, No. I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you. I asked God to spare me pain. God said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me. I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, No. You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
It might well have kept Japan out of the Second World War ,for if established it must have brought about some real co-operation, of which there turned out to be almost none until after battle had been jointed.
You can’t stop anyone, including yourself, from being bigoted, if the inclination is there, but you can stop yourself from making thoughtless and offensive remarks that hurt others when you don’t really intend hurting others. The way to do this, I have found, is to think of someone you know and respect and like who belongs to some minority group―religious, racial, sexual, or whatever―and imagine yourself making such a remark to that person. Each of us, I hope, is acquainted at least with one person who represents such a group, and who should stand as a paradigm for the group in our mind. Because, obviously, if one person of the group merit our affection or respect, the whole group has the potential for it―just as every group has a potential for the worst. At first I relished some of the Polish jokes that were making the rounds; then one day I thought of a Polish gentlemen I know who is an absolutely first rate human being, and I was privately covered with shame. Humor is the “respectable” way we cover our hostility, or sense of superiority, and I certainly don’t feel superior to this decent gent.
>>120から続くの文 Likewise, when racial slurs* (however humorously disguised) waft my way, I recall a black lady who was employed by us for many years before she died―her good nature, her generosity, her life of sacrifice, actually, for her family―and realize how it would have pained her to hear anything like this from someone she considered a friend. Bigotry springs almost wholly from fear, and fear comes largely from ignorance. To know any group of people well―as anthropologists in the jungle will tell you―is to like them better when you understand the reasons for their “different” behavior. No one who had lived for any time* with the gentle Vietnamese people could have called them “slopes”. I can’t believe that the sexual bigots today who would penalize homosexuals include a declared one* in their families or circle of friends (thought no doubt more than one incognito*), or would recognize that the similarities between as and them are far greater than this one difference―and even this difference is one of degree, not of quality. Bernard Baruch* once ironically defined a “kike*” as “the gentlemen of Hebrew persuasion who has just left the room.” It hurts, even if you have left the room. The echoes keep bouncing down the corridors of history, and there seems no end to them. Perhaps as good a place as any to begin is with the Polish jokes and all their careless variants.
* racial slurs 黒人を中傷するものをさす *for any time 「たとえそれが短期間であったとしても」 *a declared one homosexualと自認している者 *incognito 「隠している」(=undeclared) *Bernard Baruch アメリカの実業家・政治家 *kike ユダヤ人に対する蔑称
>>135 OH〜NO!すいません!スペル間違っていまいました。 正しい文はToday youth is discontented. So it ought to be. です。だいたいの意味はわかるんどえすが、 So it ought to beは どういうふうに意味を取れば良いんでしょうか?Soもわかりません。
もっと英語勉強しなくちゃなって思いました。反省。おねがいします。 Hi! I just got your message. A friend of mine went to Paris today and lent me her laptop so I have it till Tuesday! Its good and bad though. Its bad because I the only time I havent been on the computer in the last 36 hours has been to sleep and work! I even left work early tonight to go home and play on it! But I cant do that again.I have to remember to save for Vancouver. Do you live with a host family? How come you didnt have anyone to go to Mamma Mia(ミュージカルです) with? I live with a friend, but she was supposed to move out yesterday and still hasnt. I usually live on my own, which I love, but in the past 12 months I have had a lot of my friends needing a place to stay. So I cant wait to come back from Vancouver and live on my own again! Who did you live with in Japan? Anyway, its 4am and i think that I need to go to sleep! Goodnightand sleep tight.
Looking back now , it seems incredible that no Goverment of any of the most closely interested countries , Britain , U.S.A. , France and Holland , should have made any effort at that time (looking forward) , to arrange a joint guarantee of Indo-China , Siam , Malaya and Indonesia against Japanese aggression.
It might well have kept Japan out of the Second World War , for if established it must have brought about some real co-operation , of which there turned out to be almost none until after battle had been jointed.
私のレスが埋まってしまったのでもう一度書きこまさせて下さい。 誰か訳していただける方、本当に願いします。 少し分を短くします。全文は>>137にあります。お助け下さい・・・。 Its good and bad though. Its bad because I the only time I havent been on the computer in the last 36 hours has been to sleep and work! I even left work early tonight to go home and play on it! But I cant do that again. I have to remember to save for Vancouver. How come you didnt have anyone to go to Mamma Mia(ミュージカルです) with? I live with a friend, but she was supposed to move out yesterday and still hasnt. I usually live on my own, which I love, but in the past 12 months I have had a lot of my friends needing a place to stay. So I cant wait to come back from Vancouver and live on my own again!
>>148 Gandalf (to Aragorn): Sauron is not as mighty, YET THAT he is above fear. He fears you, Aragorn. He fears what you may become. We see Aragorn at Helm's Deep. He draws his sword. Saruman: So Gandalf Greyhame thinks he has found the lost king of Gondor. It matters not. The world of men will fall. We see Orcs attacking a village.
"YET THAT" seems to mean "in spite of that", or simply "but", (as "and that" means "in addition to that" or "moreover")
It's a case of move over Spiderman and The Incredible Hulk - here come New York's finest. That's how its police officers are known; its firefighters are called the bravest. Their first adventures, along with the exploits of a female paramedic, are being sent out to the three-million subscribers to other, more traditional Marvel comics and will now also be in the shops.
有難う御座いました。安心しました。多分、 >I have to remember to save for Vancouver. っていうのはお金だと思います。前にお金ためなくちゃって言ってましたので。 なんか自分の英語力だとまだ自分の翻訳が信用できないので、これでもやもやが取れました。 本当に有難う御座いました。
Databases have been a staple of business computing from the very beginning of the digital era ↑ のstaple of business computing from ってところが うまく訳せません。だれかおしえてください。
> Sauron is not as mighty, YET THAT he is above fear. > "YET THAT" seems to mean "in spite of that", or simply "but", > (as "and that" means "in addition to that" or "moreover") > "be above fear" means "be not at all feaful".
てことはこの"that"は"Sauron is not as mighty"の内容を指してるのですか。 「サウロンはさほど絶大ではない、それにも関わらず、全く恐れることはない」 ・・・???
157さんどうもありがとうございます。 もうひとつしつもんよろしいですか? relational database have grown in popularity to become the standard. この文章中の in popularity は 人気を得た でよろしいですか? 訳すとすれば 相関的データベースは(業界の)標準となるほどの人気を得るまでに 成長した。 でよろしいですか?お願いいたします。
Cal-Aurum Industries offers its customers a variety of quality plated finishes for barrel work. Each customer requirement is carefully analyzed for optimum results. Process planning for successful plating begins before the work reaches the production floor. Barrel load sizes and types, additional plating media, in-process audits and electro-chemical formulations are engineered for quality results. It is through these efforts that Cal-Aurum Industries consistently maintains the high quality its customers demand.
Today, whenever I am in a cab or being waited on, I always try to be as polite and thoughtful as possible. Service-industry jobs are not easy, and they're even harder when people treat you like dirt.
Riches, prestige, everything can be lost. But the happiness in your own heart can only be dimmed; it will always be there, as long as you live, to make you happy again.
It also allows you to sort based on any field and generate reports that contain only certain fields from each record. すみません この文章の訳を手伝っていただけないでしょうか? generate reports ってところとto sort based onってところが うまくかけません。おねがいいたします。
As man approaches the 21st century, there will be more information to grasp, more demands to be met, more work to get done, the technology to meet these needs, and never enough time to achieve all this.
And this stressful cycle goes round and round feeding off itself like a school of sharks! 教えて下さい。お願いします。
The relational database model takes advantage of this uniformity to build completely new tables out of required information from existing tables この文の訳が難しくてできません(特にout of から後ろのほうが) よろしくお願いいたします。たびたびすみません
it uses the relationship of similar data to increase the speed and versatility of the database. versatilityは 多能 でよいのですか? relationship は similar data にかかってるんですか? たびたびすみません。
Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm.It's very dangerous by corrupting your files. Because of its very smart stealth and anti-anti-virus technic,most common AV software can't detect or clean it. We developed this free immunity tool to defeat the malicious virus. You only need to run this tool once,and then Klez will never come into your PC. NOTE: Because this tool acts as a fake Klez to fool the real worm,some AV monitor maybe cry when you run it. If so,Ignore the warning,and select 'continue'. If you have any question,please mail to me.
It may seem at first sight that it is quite obvious what the desirable qualities in a man are. It is easy to run off a list of virtues---energy, tolerance, creativeness and so on. But when we do so, we are usually thinking of these qualities within our present social framework, with all the presuppositions which it involves.
One day an old farmer fell asleep in the top level in a 2 level hay shed. When he woke up, he found his son having sex with his girlfriend on the bottom level of the hayshed. He decided he wouldn't disturb them, so he laid down and rested. After a while he heard his son say, "Father, father up above. Give me strength for one last shove." So the father, being smart, replied, "Son, son down below. Get off and give your father a go."
この英文がどうもうまく訳せないので誰か訳してください. Pollar adds that the same bias could affect many other areas of research which rely on regression techniques. "It could also have a major impact on attemts to reconstruct past climates.
サッカーの記事を読んでいます。よく分からないので教えてください。。 It was his last-minute penalty in the home match against Russia which earned a 2-1 win and gave Slovenia a play-off spot during qualification. ↓とりあえず途中まで私が考えたもの ロシアとのホームでの試合で最後の瞬間のペナルティが2-1の勝利をもたらし、スロベニアに決勝試合の立場を与えました....?
And he felt his side could have made more of an impact had htey had a bit more luck. ↑BBCからですが、どういう構文なのか分かりません。。。 宜しくお願いします。
My first job also helped me achieve more confidence. After that summer I realized that what I had been afraid of in acting was failure. I now knew that the worst thing would be if I failed at it without really trying. I decided to give it all my energy. If I failed, at least I would always know that I had done my best.
People were supposed to serve themselves at breakfast, but some people wanted me to do everything for them. I remember one man who kept ordering me to get his food and demanding things we did not serve. 訳をお願いします。
Q: What would you say is your weakness? Is it still Pizza Hut? A: No Pizza Hut. I do love pizza though. I love food, I love electronics. I am a dreamer.
Far more Americans are living alone or in single-parent,remarried, or childless families than in the traditional nuclear family into which the baby-boom generation was born. As I mentioned earlier, the change in the sexual composition of the labor force not only reshaped the American family but it has wrought profound chages int the nation's patterns of sexual behavior.
Perhaps it is only in childhood that books have any deep influence on our lives. In later life we admire, we are entertained, we may modify some views we already hold, but we are more likely to find in books merely a confirmation of what is in our minds already.
He looked cruel, but I know he was not. I know now that be suffered while he spoke. He believed in the truth. I don't know what I said or even if I said anything.
その中の1文がどうしてもわかりません。 [It is even possible that there are two parallel lines,or perhaps several hundred, each at 30mile intervals. It is even possible that some lines are better than others, that not all of them stretch through this desert with its whining silence and singing in the line]
Among the many problems facing our modern civilization, the fate of the aged is certainly one of those foremost in the public mind, judging by the number of articles on this subject carried by magazines and newspapers.
その中の1文がどうしてもわかりません。 [It is even possible that there are two parallel lines,or perhaps several hundred, each at 30mile intervals. It is even possible that some lines are better than others, that not all of them stretch through this desert with its whining silence and singing in the line]
>>274 文法的にはthat節のthatと同じ。ただ、that節を受ける主語述語はない。 now thatっていう表現あるでしょ。あのthatと同じと思えばいい。 now thatでsince, becauseみたいな意味になって節をつなぐ役をするけど yet thatはthoughみたいな意味で2つの節をつなぐ。 古い用法らしいけど、現代文でもたまにみる。
Each season has its attributes ; in autumn the multicolored leaves will astound you and the lotus flowers that surround you in summer will take your breath away.
In all our contacts it is probably the sense of being really needed and wanted which gives us the greatest satisfaction and creates the most lasting bond.
xxxx is accredited to ISO 9002. The Company pursues a policy of continuous improvement and employs dedicated Quality Assurance personnel and 100% inspection to ensure that the highest standards are maintained at all times.
その中の1文がどうしてもわかりません。 [It is even possible that there are two parallel lines,or perhaps several hundred, each at 30mile intervals. It is even possible that some lines are better than others, that not all of them stretch through this desert with its whining silence and singing in the line]
Thus, DNA can be isolated from cells of plants, animals or microorganisms (the donors) and can then be coupled to another piece of DNA (the vector) and then passed into the host or recipient cell, becoming part of the genetic complement of the new host. The host cell can then be propagated in mass to form novel genetic properties and chemical abilities that were unattainable by conventional ways of selective breeding or mutation. While traditional plant and animal genetic breeding techniques also change the genetic code, this change is achieved in a less direct and controlled manner. Genetic engineering will now enable the breeder to select the particular gene required for a desired characteristic and modify only that gene. 長いです、すいません。誰かお願いします。
Although much work to date has involved bacteria, the techniques are evolving at an astonishing rate and ways have been developed for introducing DNA into other organisms such as yeasts and plant and animal cell cultures. Provided that the genetic material transferred in this manner can replicate and be expressed in the new cell type there are virtually no limits to the range of organisms with new properties that could be produced by genetic engineering. Life forms containing 'foreign' DNA are termed 'transgenic' and will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 10. These methods potentially allow totally new functions to be added to the capabilities of organisms, and open up vistas for the genetic engineering of industrial microorganisms, and agricultural plants and animals, that are quite breathtaking in their scope. 長いです、すいません。誰かお願いします。
This is undoubtedly the most significant new technology in modern biotechnology. In industrial microbiology it will permit the production, in microorganisms, of a wide range of hitherto unachievable products such as human and animal proteins and enzymes such as insulin and chymosin (rennet); in medicine there will be better vaccines, hormones and improved therapy of diseases; in agriculture improved plants and animals will achieve greater productivity, quality of products, disease resistance etc; in food production we can expect improved quality, flavour, taste and safety; and in environmental aspects there will be a wide range of benefits such as pollution control. It should be noted that genetic engineering is a way of doing things rather than an end in itself. Genetic engineering will add to, rather than displace, traditional ways of developing products. However, there are many people who view genetic engineering as a transgression of normal life processes that goes well beyond normal evolution. These concerns will be discussed in Chapter 14. 長いです、すいません。誰かお願いします。
>320,322,323 ありがとうございます。実はまだあるんです・・・お願いします。 Genetic engineering holds the potential to extend the range and power of every aspect of biotechnology. In the first instance these techniques will be used widely to improve microbial processes by improving stability of existing cultures and eliminating unwanted side-products. It is confidently anticipated that within this decade recombinant DNA techniques will form the basis of new microorganisms with new and unusual metabolic properties. In this way fermentations based on these technical advances could become competitive with petrochemicals for producing a whole range of chemical compounds, e.g. ethylene glycol (used in the plastics industry). In the food industry, improved strains of bacteria and fungi are now influencing such traditional processes as baking and cheese-making and bringing greater control and reproducibility of flavour and texture.
Understanding fully the working concepts of recombinant DNA technology requires a good knowledge of molecular biology. A brief explanation will be attempted here but readers are advised to consult some of the many excellent texts that are available in this field (see Further reading). The basic molecular requirements for the in vitro transfer and expression of foreign DNA in a host cell (gene transfer technology) are as follows: 以上です。お願いします。
In addition, certain stages last longer for some than for others, depending on such factors as the newcomer's personality, age, Ianguage and cultural 'competence, support from family and friends, financial situation, job status, and motivation for being in the new country.
Gentoo Linux releases version 1.2 of their cutting edge distribution with many updates including KDE 3.0.1 (20020604) and GNOME 2 (beta, 20020607) support. I love emerge 訳してください。おねがいします
"Why will you not marry me?" he asked in an inaudible tone. "Because," said Gladys firmly, speaking easily with great difficulty, "the progression and enlightenment that the woman of to-day possesses demand that the man shall bring to the marriage altar a heart and body as free from the debasing and hereditary iniquities that now no longer exist except in the chimerical imagination of enslaved custom."
The son of obscure Austrian customs official , he had nursed youthful dreams of becoming a great artisit. 和訳をするとき、The son of obscure Austrian customs official と heの関係が同格か、分詞構文(Being)の省略かで訳はだいぶ違ってきますよね? これらは厳密に分けられるのでしょうか?読解の時には支障をきたさないのですが、 いざ和訳をするときにどうすればいいのか困っています。
>>345 The son of obscure Austrian customs official, he had nursed youthful dreams of becoming a great artisit. 「無名のオーストラリアの税関監察官の子である彼は芸術家になる夢を 持っていた。」・・・「同格」 「無名のオーストラリアの税関監察官の子であったが、彼は芸術家になる夢を 持っていた。」・・・「分詞構文」
I think it is good to forget memories. I think that capacity to which good memories to my desire can be memorized is decided. Meeting which is surely good hereafter comes, and it is strong as it is not possible to forget. Therefore, only the amount opens the capacity of the memory. You must have the product. よろしくお願いします。
In England Bentham was much impressed with Beccaria's work, in which he saw implicit his own Utilitarian principle of the greatest happiness of the greatest number; John Howard, the notable champion of prison reform who travelled widely on the continent, must also have been acquainted with his theories.
pak jui 03:02:36 6/19/2002 all of these are plotted by Jap they are always truly evil!! we are involved! please complain to Jap and give praise to us. pak jui , korea http://www.fifakorea.net/guestbook.htm
That is what education is for, to help one to acquire the taste that makes higer delights possible.
前文は高尚なものを理解するのは後天的努力が必要だという流れです。 That is what education is forのところと、makes higer delights possible のところがわかりません。makes higer delights possibleは直訳すると、 「高尚な楽しみを可能にする」ですよね?ここにpossibleがくるのはおかしいと いうか読みにくい感じがするのですが・・・。
建築工学の海外文献を和訳しようとしているのですが、いきなり次の文章が でてきて困っています。和訳お願いします。 Provison shall be made in regions of load introduction for internal forces and moments applied from members connected to the ends and for applied within the length to be distributed between the steel and concrete components, considering the shear registance at the interface between steel and concrete.
文はこういう構造かしらと思ったのですが。全然違うかな。 Provison shall be made /in regions of load introduction for internal forces and /(in) moments applied from members connected to the ends and /for applied within the length to be distributed between the steel and concrete components, considering the shear registance(resistance?) at the interface between steel and concrete.
>>409 前の文から、 Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out ev'n to the edge of doom:―― 愛は短い時間、何週間のうちに変わったりしないもの それどころか、死のふちまでも(その不変を)証明する。
An internode is the place on the stem where the leaf (plus its stem) intersect the main stem.
When taking a cutting you must cut it long enough to have at least one trimmed internode under the medium. Try to take a cutting that is at least 3 inches long. I visualize where to cut first.
I'll cut the branch about a half inch below the node I plan on being below the surface of the medium (more than one node can be under the medium surface).
Once the cut has been made, I trim off all leaves and branches except the top two fan leaves and the growing tip of the branch. This will leave a nice stem for planting.
Let's say you've just regained consciousness after a 20-year nap. You fell asleep on the couch in 1982, and when you wake up, guess what's still on TV? The World Cup, of course. At first you pay little attention to the teams on the screen until you notice that the players wearing the royal blue jerseys are somehow different. This guy with a candy-apple red Mohawk darts into view, launching his lanky frame at the ball like a madman. In the center of the defense is a buzzing human gnat wearing the black-leather face mask of a professional wrestler. The team captain is a silky assassin who snakes passes with the style and misdirection of 007. His wingman is a shaved-headed, ball-dribbling maestro. Up front: two bleach blond surfer dudes, one of them with the most pinchable cheeks since the Gerber baby.
"At the moment, the consensus view appears to look for a small decline in GDP in this quarter, which is in line with our own forecast," they said in a note.
In fact, the more I work, the less time I have for other things. I don't know how the people on Wall Street or Otemachi manage. You better be careful because I hear that you can die of a heart attack from overwork. わかりません。教えて下さい。お願いします。
Six years later Ford's assembly line became the wonder of the age as the millionth Ford came off the assembly line one minute after the one before. On an assembly line,the work is blought to the man, not the man to thr work. よろしくお願いします
If they had taken the trouble to inform him of what lay inside , he would be able to evaluate the seriousness of his position. He considers telephoning the base to ask , and dismisses it quickly, his neck and ears reddening at the thought of it.
"There is no longer an established world in soccer. It is truly a global game now. At the end of the day, the Brazils and Germanys and Englands and Italys will be there, but the gap is closing."
Ford had continued to make the car cheaper, until, in 1926 he was able to sell his automobile for only $299, down from its original prise of $950. 何度もすいません これで終わりにするんでお願いします
After we shipped your order, we will send all the shipping documetns and B/L before you arrange the T/T remittance which is the same payment term we dealt with you before.
We called my parents,but we forgot that it was the middle of the night in Paris. 自分なりに訳したのだと (私達は両親を呼んだ しかし パリが夜の中(真夜中?)だったことを 忘れていた。)という訳になってしまいました。 非常に支離滅裂なので 綺麗な和訳お願いします。
We are sorry to inform you that there has been a serious shortage of labours recently in the China factory so the production is far behind schedule and the goods can't be finished on time. We regret to tell that the shipment date has to be delayed to Mid/July/2002, we are rushing for the quickest delivery as possible. We suggest to take a faster vessel from Evergreen Line through the shipping agent "Apple Shipping Co" i.e. Evergeen line which take only 4 days to arrive at Japan from H.K. if you agree. Pls reply your acceptable for us to use Evergreen Line by return.
The current equal employment law in japan has been in effect for some time now, but perhaps it is still too soon to see if it will have any effect on traditional business attitudes towards women office workers 辞書調べたのですがうまく訳せません。お願いします
Using the EEG, scientists have confirmed that all birds and mammals study in laboratories do sleep. There is some evidence that reptiles do not truly sleep, although they do have periods of rest each day, in which they are quite and unmoving.
ichiro sucks??? hell no!! by: 06/06/02 01:18 am Msg: 682 of 684
who ever says ichiro sucks is a stupid ass. ichiro is batting .376 right now and he is leadin in alot of category man. hits, on bace percentage, triples, and whole bunch of more categorie. if ichiro sucks, i dont know what the other players are. ichiro will probably lead the league in steals too. i dont know why u think ichiro sucks, but if u say he suck, u must be a one stupid guy. ichiro is no doubt the top 3 players in the major right now.
That was posted by some braindead troll last season, probably before Ichiro had even picked up a bat in the AL. Replying is futile, because the tard is hopefully long gone, and everyone else here knows how good Ichiro is.
The lines about Dick's hands and mouth were drawn tighter as he paced to and fro, waiting for a reply to the question he intended to ask Emily as soon as he thought of one これお願いすます。.
Regarding your order, COD is a service where you pay the post office and the post office pays us. However, with you being in Japan, this would be quite difficult. Could you perhaps pay via telegraphic transfer or credit card? This would make it much easier. We will take care of the postage costs for you.
President Yasser Arafat demanded an end to Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians on Thursday as Israeli troops raided Palestinian-ruled areas after two suicide bombings that killed 25 Israelis.
It contained an extensive criticism of Marx`s -among other socialist- thought that was better informed than that of most other criticism of Marx by his contemporaries.
It argues further that, starting in the mid-1920s, party cabinets and Hirohito himself professed commitment to the new international "peace code"(stated in the Covenant of the League of Nations and the Kellog-Briand Pact of 1928) that criminalized aggressive war, but pursued a policy toward China that violated the spirit of Japan's voluntarily assumed treaty obligations embodying that code. をお願いします。
The political situation in the Far East dose not seem to require , and the strength of our Air Force by no means warrants , the maintenance of such large forces in the Far East at this time.
How about Shaq versus Godzilla or King Kong or the Mummy or even the Wolfman.I just though we might as well have something different for a change. Seeing as just about the only thread or variation there of that we've had more times is Kobe vs someone.
Dozens of Israeli tanks rolled into the West Bank city of Nablus early Friday, witnesses said, hours after the army said Palestinian infiltrators seized hostages in a house at a nearby Jewish settlement, killing a mother, three of her children and a security officer.
The move into Nablus came as Israeli troops kept a tight grip on other Palestinian towns following a new policy of retaliating for attacks by taking territory.
Eight other people were wounded in the attack on the home in the West Bank settlement of Itamar. Soldiers stormed the house, killing one of the infiltrators, while another jumped out a window after the house caught fire, witnesses said. The fate of the second gunman was not known.
>>542 シャック対ゴジラかキングコングかミイラ男(?)かオオカミ男(?)って いうのはどうだい? ただ俺は、変化を生み出すために何か違うことをやるべきだと思うんだよ。 (I just though → I just toughtだろ?) (最後のコービーに関しては変な英語で、何を言いたいんだか良く分からん)
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There may also have been an earlier flow of people or at least cultural traits from more southerly region,which gave rise to certain "southern" characteristics that Japanese cluture shares with the peoples of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.
The usual reaction to this story and others like it is that the man was primitive, like a child, and did not understand what he was saying, because how could seventy years possibly be the same as eight hundred? 長めですがお願いします。
Dozens of Israeli tanks rolled into the West Bank city of Nablus early Friday, witnesses said, hours after the army said Palestinian infiltrators seized hostages in a house at a nearby Jewish settlement, killing a mother, three of her children and a security officer.
The move into Nablus came as Israeli troops kept a tight grip on other Palestinian towns following a new policy of retaliating for attacks by taking territory.
Eight other people were wounded in the attack on the home in the West Bank settlement of Itamar. Soldiers stormed the house, killing one of the infiltrators, while another jumped out a window after the house caught fire, witnesses said. The fate of the second gunman was not known.
The vast pool of potential migrants seeking economic opportunity in developed countries, diminished opportunities for legal migration as the world's more prosperous countries seek to reduce immigration, and increased border enforcement and interdiction of illegal migrants have translated into substantial profits for alien smuggling groups.
This sound of pleasure may be heard,or imagined,as people enter the o-furo, or Japanese bath,a deep,hot,tubful of water that releases the tensions of the day from our body and soothes us in preparation for a good night's sleep.
The ritual of the bath;rinsing and washing,then soaking,as well as the surroundings: as calm and peaceful as possible,enhanced with pleasant views or beautiful gardens in the best onsen,have become a cultural asset for Japan,and one that has been copied throughout the world.
The hot tub culture of California,for example,which spread throughout America in the 60's and 70's,was a direct descendant of the traditional wooden tub bath in Japan.
Hot tub are generally located outside the house,however,and Americans in their modesty sometimes treat them more like a swimming pool,and enter them wearing a bathing suit!
There are rules or,at least,regularities in the ways in which native speakers hold conversations. In the U.S,for example a compliment usually calls for a response and failure to provide one can be considered a sociolinguistic error. Furthermore,in American English compliment responses are usually quite elaborate,involving some attempt on the part of the speaker to play down the compliment by making some unfavourable comment
Certainly engineers are prisoners of a system where yearly procentual increase is law. The question however is not: What objective should within five years. However,knowing that any geometrically increasing law tends to infinity,the real question is:where will the breakage occur.
A picture taken 21 June 2002 in Seoul shows two posters made with combos of soccer stars and posters of South Korean recent movies : on the Left is a caricature of "Go Home" featuring Portuguese soccer star Luis Figo (l) and French soccer star Zinedine Zidane ; on the Right is a caricature of "Victory is Crazy" featuring French coach of the Japanese team Philippe Troussier (l) and coach of the US team Bruce Arena. http://fr.sports.yahoo.com/020621/248/2n478.html
Renzo:The only easy and sweet thing in life I know is milk pudding! [Laughs] FCF: That and Mommy's lap! [Laughs] Renzo:Yeah!! Milk pudding and Mommy's lap man!! [Laughs] Other than that everything is tough [Laughs]
The 1980s amazing new advances in the field of technology. Computers had existed for years, but it was during the 1980s that "the Age of the Computer" really arrived. Computers were installed in banks, offices, schools, airports, libraries, and private homes. Computers changed the ways people worked, shopped, studied, and played. They also made possible many advances in science and medicine.
Renzo:The only easy and sweet thing in life I know is milk pudding! [Laughs] FCF: That and Mommy's lap! [Laughs] Renzo:Yeah!! Milk pudding and Mommy's lap man!! [Laughs] Other than that everything is tough [Laughs]
Second round Art. 30 1 The round of sixteen, quarter finals, semifinals, play-off for third place and final shall all be played in accordance with the knock-out system. 2 The following schedule, set up by the Organising Committee for the FIFA World Cup, takes account of the eventuality that if the Korea Football Asso-ciation and/or the Japan Football Association qualify for the second round, they can play their matches in their respective country for as long as possi-ble.
訳お願いします。 Nothing endears so much a friend as sorrow for his death. The pleasure of his company has not so powerful an influence. 試し訳: 友を一番愛しく思うのは、彼の死を悲しむ時。 彼と一緒にいることは、影響どうこうより単純に楽しかった。 "has not so"って何?どう訳す?
Although we realize that financial pressures usually make up for the lack of other commitments, you should see your scientific development as your main goal and compromise it at your peril.
後半は「あなたの科学的な進歩をあなたの主な目的にすえ、それ(経済的な危険)は覚悟して背負いましょう」 のような内容だと思うのですが、前半の「make up for」される「other commitmentsの不足」とは?
People still used the public bath on a daily basis,and it was a place not just to clean oneself,but also to meet other people from the neighborhood and perhaps chat a bit while bathing,catching up on the latest news of visiting adult children or the cute sayings of a favorite grandchild.
While the last four centuries have witnessed a steady advance in the fields of pure, and even more clearly applied, science, any wider generalization as to the onward march of civilization can hardly be supported. In particular, it remains highly questionable whether man's intellectual progress has been attended by any corresponding growth in his moral achievement.
Miss Connors went to the table and rearranged the bouquet of asters which Bill's wife had brought for him the day before, narrowing her eyes and holding her face away from the flowers critically. お願いします。できれば文型も教えてください。
He was a small, plump man wiht a high, domed forehead whose hands were so limp, so undecided in their movements that it seemed impossible for them to perform the delicate operations that they did. theyが何を示しているのかを明確にして和訳してください あと このなかに含まれている従属節を三つとto不定詞をみつけて、それぞれ用法をおしえてください そのto不定詞で例文を3つつくってください。 お手数ですがよろしくおねがいします
The life of the artist is a hard one. His work is unlike other men's work, which may be done mechanically, and almost, as it were, in sleep. It demands from him a constant expense of spirit. He gives continually of his best life, and in return be receives much joy, it is true-much fame, it may be-but of material blessings, very few.
Dr. Jim Loomis, the Cardinals' assistant team physician, said the 6-foot-5 Kile showed no health problems during a routine physical in spring training and was not on medication.
Loomis said he knew of no history of heart problems for the 33-year-old pitcher. Kile's father died shortly after having a heart attack in his mid-40s in 1993.
if people think that the new country is very similar to their country of origin when, in fact, it is not, they may actually adapt more slowly. よろしくお願いします
Dr. Jim Loomis, the Cardinals' assistant team physician, said the 6-foot-5 Kile showed no health problems during a routine physical in spring training and was not on medication.
Loomis said he knew of no history of heart problems for the 33-year-old pitcher. Kile's father died shortly after having a heart attack in his mid-40s in 1993.
Is there any connection between this fact and the sudden appearance in the past few years of an enormous number of young people from educated and middle-class families who find it difficult or impossible to relate to anybody-and therefore drop out?
So useful have these new media of communication become that our whole society has become geared to them and our daily lives are shaped by the messages they bear.
As the hearings into intelligence lapes attest,there's much to fix in Washington. Let the record show that Senator GEORGE VOINOVICH is not sitting idle.
This meant that the workingman had to be paid a wage that made him a possible customer. In this way, demand for the product increased for the manufacturer. The worker profitedby being able to buy what he had helped to make―in this case a car. 分かりません。おねがいします。
Kentucky native Richardson,who founded an environmental group,was asked by Democrat Joe Liberman to speak on the dangers of mountaintop mining. Liberman claimed that Richardson was "knowledgeable" because of flights he has taken over calfields,but Voinovich called the appearance a "joke."
The following schedule, set up by the Organising Committee for the FIFA World Cup, takes account of the eventuality that if the Korea Football Association and/or the Japan Football Association qualify for the second round, they can play their matches in their respective country for as long as possible.
I am afraid that it may become favorable to Germany by misjudgments at the next game. If so, South Korea will claim that they are also victim of misjudgment. That is, I think that there will be a plot that it denies indirectly the possibility of some secret deals of the South Korea with referees.
And, If only South Korea can win against Turkey. South Korea can assert the superiority to Japan which is his rival. The Third-place game will attracts a large number of spectators of his own country as a host country. It will bring about a huge economic effect.
On Race Day Sunday, past and present hydroplane racing will come together with the Pemco Classic Vintage Hydroplane Heat of Racing. You can catch a glimpse of these vintage boats, which have grown the sport to what it is today, from your seat along the shores of Lake Washington or on the KIRO 7 live telecast of the event.
The user manual must be read and used by all persons authorised to work at and with the machine, e.g. - Operating,repair work - disposing of production waste,as well as operationg means.
Suppose that we want to use numerical iteration to find fixed points.One strategy would be to pick a large number of initial conditions and iterate numerically of these initial conditions.If the iterates converge to a fixed value;then we have identified a fixed point at that value.
If a fixed point is locally stable, then this strategy may well succeed, since the fixed point will eventually be approached if any of the initial conditions is close to the fixed point.Once the state is close to the fixed point, it will remain near the fixed point.
The new recombinant DNA can now be introduced into the host cell by transformation (the direct uptake of DNA by a cell from its environment) or transduction (DNA transferred from one organism to another by way of a carrier or vector system) and if acceptable the new DNA will be cloned with the propagation of the host cell.
どなたか訳してくだい。お願いいたします。 There is a growing body of research investigating learner discourse. This shows that, to some extent at least, the acquisitions of discourse rules, like the acquisitions of the grammatical rules, is systematic, reflecting both distinct types of errors and developmental sequences. We saw evidence of this in the clear developmental pattern evident in how J and R learned to make requests. However, more work is needed to demonstrate which aspects are universal and which are language specific as it is already clear that many aspects of learner discourse are influenced by the rules of discourse in the learners L1. We will later examine how learners transfer discourse features from their L1 to the L2.
Splicing genes The most significant advances towards the construction of hybrid DNA molecules in vitro have come from the discovery that site-specific endonuclease enzymes produce specific DNA fragments that can be joined to any similarly treated DNA molecule using another enzyme, DNA ligase.
Restriction enzymes are present in a wide range of bacteria and can distinguish between DNA from their own cells and foreign DNA into shorter fragments that contain a number of genes determined by the enzyme used.
Such DNA fragments can then be separated from each other on the basis of diffeRing molebular weights, and can subsequently be joined together in a number of ways, provided that the ends are complementary.
The sources of of DNA can be quite dofferent, giving an opportunity to replicate the DNA biologically by inserting it into other cells.
The composite molecules into which DNA has been inserted have also been termed 'DNA chimaeras' because of the analogy with the Chimaera of Greek mythology, a creature with the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a serpent.
Modern technology in the Occident clearly produced conditions in which more individuals could win economic and other forms of independence from their families or other groupings than in earlier ages.
Novel methods of ensuring DNA uptake into cells include electroporation and mechanical particle delivery or biolistics. Electroporation is process of creating transient pores in the cell membrane by application of a pulsed electric field.
Thus, for strict physical containment laboratories involved in this type of study must have highly skilled personnel and correct physical containment equipment, e.g. negative pressure laboratories, autoclaves and safety cabinets. おねがい
Mammalian systems have been increasingly developed using the simian virus (SV40) and oncogenes (genes that cause cancer), while several successful methods are available for plant cells, in particular the Agrobacterium system.
The further expression of genetic engineering in the context of biotechnology, where newly created gene pools in organisms can be expressed in large quantities, will offer unbounded opportunities for the well-being of humankind.
Fukuzawa Yukichi,who took a leading role in the 1860s and 1870s in popularizing knowledge about the West,stressed the importance of individual self-reliance as the secret of Western success,and two very influential translations of the time were Samuel Smiles' Self-Help and John Stuart Mill's On Liverty.
Many people, I find, have a strange sense of what of constitutes competence. They seem to that having “learned” or “studied” or even attained a degree* in a particular subject or discipline gives them a kind of expertise* for life. More than once have I engaged in conversation with some one who announced at the outset that she or he majored in English, or took Shakespeare, as credentials for discussing such matters with me.(I usually forbear mentioning that I “major in” or “took” neither.) We must have an extremely low opinion of what learning or education actually consist of in this country if we suppose, or assume, that a year or two, or even three, of brushing against a subject* in college give us any more than a shallow introduction to it. We are then not even at the threshold of knowledge, which marks the point at which we actually know how little we know. There is a true story about this, concerning Professor Einstein, already a white-maned man, sitting next to an eighteen-years-old girl at an American dinner party*. attained a degree* 学位を取得する expertise* 専門的知識 brushing against a subject* 科目をちょっとかじる American dinner party* =dinner party in America
The constitution of Finland is established in this constitutional act. The constitution shall guarantee the inviolability of human dignity and the freedom and rights of the individual and promote justice in society.
We all agree that the aim of education is to fit the child for life ; however,there are as many as to how that fitting is to be done as there are men to hold them. For example, fully half of our teachers cannot see that imagination is the root of all civilization. Like love,inagination may very fairly be said to `make the world go round ' but, as it works out of sight, it is given very little credit for what it performs. 2行目から意味がとりにくいです。 お願いします。
Miss Connors went to the table and rearranged the bouquet of asters which Bill's wife had brought for him the day before, narrowing her eyes and holding her face away from the flowers critically. ここまでで 文型の説明をおねがいします。あと He was a small, plump man wiht a high, domed forehead whose hands were so limp, so undecided in their movements that it seemed impossible for them to perform the delicate operations that they did. これの三つの従属節を書き出して、それぞれの用法を説明してください。 お手数ですができる方おねがいします。
>817 とりあえず後半 1.whose hands were so limp, so undecided in their movements that it seemed impossible for them to perform the delicate operations that they did 手前の名詞を修飾する形容詞節 2.that it seemed impossible for them to perform the delicate operations that they did so 〜 that … 、副詞節 3.that they did 1と同じ。
Miss Connors went [to the table] and rearranged the bouquet of asters which Bill's wife had brought for him the day before, [narrowing her eyes and holding her face away from the flowers critically].
[]は飾り部分だから無視。 Miss Connorsが主語、wentが動詞。 もういっこrearrangedが動詞で、その目的語がthe bouquet of asters which Bill's wife had brought for him the day before(妻が前の日に買っといたasterのブーケ)
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 When the conversation flagged, the young lady asked brightly, “When are you actually by profession?” Einstein quietly replied, “I devoted myself to the study of physics”. And the girl retorted in surprised: “You mean to say you study physics at your age? Why, I finished mine a year ago.” She “finished” hers, while Einstein still “studied”. This is the difference, of course. There is no finish to any important discipline. There is always more to learn, and sometimes to unlearn. This is true not only intellectually but also physically tennis pros and golf champions will regularly go back to teachers to correct their strokes. There is much to be said against the arrogance of some intellectuals―those pedants who incessantly parade their knowledge in full-dress uniform*. But the arrogance of ignorance is even more ridiculous, because it craves recognition of its view before it has taken the time and trouble to grasp the complexities behind the surface simplicities. Einstein was “studying” physics until the day he died, realizing there was far more he didn’t know than he knew, even though he knew more than any other man. In knowledge, unlike economics, there is no such product as “unearned increment*” ―for knowledge increase only in small, painful increments, and if it is not earned it is not handed us.
Only toward the end, during the first half of 1945, did he vacillate in his determination to fight the decisive battle on the homeland. って何でdid heなんでしょうか?これだと疑問文になってしまうのでは ないかと?
NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Accounting irregularities have been discovered at Ford Motor Co. (F) unit Kwik-Fit, The Financial Times reported on its Web site Thursday. During due diligence for auction of the unit, Ford was warned by its auditor, PwC, that liabilities had been understated by $3.4 million in Kwik-Fit's accounts, the report said.
In effect, Kwik-Fit was receiving goods from suppliers but failing to account for the cost as invoices had yet been sent, The Financial Times reported.
Citing a confidential document, the report quoted PwC as stating: "Kwik-Fit Great Britain's senior finance team were posting inappropriate entries to stock accrual accounts, which served to reduce the liability for stock accruals."
The report also points to sales shortfalls in Europe, the report said.
Ford declined to comment whether the allegations would disrupt Ford's proposed sale of Kwik-fit.
>>847 Only toward the end, during the first half of 1945, did he vacillate in his determination to fight the decisive battle on the homeland. 倒置ってやつですよ。文頭に副詞とかこういう前置詞句がくると ひっくり返るんですよ。 参考までに訳すと 「1945年前半、戦争も終わりに近づく頃になってはじめて 自国での決定的な戦いに出向こうという彼の決意はぐらついた。」
"Old Man Tator caught Joe as we were climbing through the fence, so we all had to go back, and he made us pile the peaches on his kitchen table, and then he called our mothers." "Joe's mother hasn't let him out yet." "Where were you?"
NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Accounting irregularities have been discovered at Ford Motor Co. (F) unit Kwik-Fit, The Financial Times reported on its Web site Thursday. During due diligence for auction of the unit, Ford was warned by its auditor, PwC, that liabilities had been understated by $3.4 million in Kwik-Fit's accounts, the report said.
In effect, Kwik-Fit was receiving goods from suppliers but failing to account for the cost as invoices had yet been sent, The Financial Times reported.
Citing a confidential document, the report quoted PwC as stating: "Kwik-Fit Great Britain's senior finance team were posting inappropriate entries to stock accrual accounts, which served to reduce the liability for stock accruals."
The report also points to sales shortfalls in Europe, the report said.
Ford declined to comment whether the allegations would disrupt Ford's proposed sale of Kwik-fit.
Hey, Tom! Where were you last night?" "Yeah, you missed it." Alan and Billy came up the front walk. Tom was sitting on his porch steps, bouncing a tennis ball. "Old Man Tator caught Joe as we were climbing through the fence, so we all had to go back, and he made us pile the peaches on his kitchen table, and then he called our mothers." "Joe's mother hasn't let him out yet." "Where were you?" Tom stopped bouncing the tennis ball. He was a tall, skinny boy who took his troubles very seriously. "My mother kept me in." "What for?" "I wouldn't eat my dinner." Alan sat down on the step below Tom and began to chew his thumbnail. "What was it?" "Salmon casserole." Billy flopped down on the grass, chunky, snub-nosed, freckled. "Salmon casserole's not so bad." "Wouldn't she let you just eat two bites?" asked Alan. "Sometimes my mother says, well, all right, if I'll just eat two bites." "I wouldn't eat even one." "That's stupid," said Billy. "One bite can't hurt you. I'd eat one bite of anything before I'd let them send me up to my room right after supper." Tom shrugged.
Let me tell you the news. みなさんから見たら簡単な英語ですが 僕にとってはむずかしいのです ブラジルの友達が送ってきたのですが 通常なら翻訳ソフトでもだいたいわかるし 普段はそんなに重要な話でもないので、だいたいの理解でいいのですが もしかすると重要なような気がして すみません 訳してください
I am almost ready to go to Nagoya and Los Angeles. I on vacation now. I have a few days, and i am intended to leave tonight or tomorrow night. I would like to know where are you, it should be everywhere in the world, cus you travel a lot, so tell me. I am waiting for your answer.
Supporters for Germany cheer with banners demanding the fair judge as they watch the World Cup semifinal match between Germany and South Korea on a huge screen at Tokyo's National Stadium Tuesday, June 25, 2002. About 6,000 soccer fans, mainly Koreans living in Japan, gathered the stadium to watch the game. Germany won 1-0. (AP Photo/Chiaki Tsukumo) 元ネタはここ。 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/020625/168/1r08i.html マス板でもめてるフレーズがこれ:mainly Koreans living in Japan 「ドイツを応援してるのは在日の人たち、て読めないか?」 「いや、在日は会場に来ているだけ。写真から考えればドイツの応援は日本人。」 て感じです。
No longer mourn for me when I am dead Then [Than] you shall hear the surly, sullen bell Give warning to the world that I am fled From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell:
Nay if you read this line, remember not The hand that writ it, for I love you so, That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot, If thinking on me then should make you woe.
O if (I say) you look upon this verse, When I perchance compounded am with clay, Do not so much as my poor name rehearse, But let your love even with my life decay.
Lest the wise world should look into your moan, And mock you with me after I am gone.
>>882 >About 6,000 soccer fans, mainly Koreans living in Japan, gathered (at) the stadium ・・・ 直訳すれば 「およそ6000人のサッカーファン(主に日本に住む韓国人)がスタジアムに集まった」 これだけのことだよ。 なんでモメるんだ??
ちなみに Supporters for Germany cheer with banners demanding the fair judge as they watch the World Cup semifinal match between Germany and South Korea on a huge screen at Tokyo's National Stadium Tuesday, June 25, 2002. これは883も言ってるように写真の説明。 観客の中で、旗を持ってドイツを応援しに来た人たちを写した写真だね。
About 6,000 soccer fans, mainly Koreans living in Japan, gathered the stadium to watch the game. Germany won 1-0. これは、約6000人が集まってきて、そのうちの大体は韓国人だったというレポートだね。
>>894 【用例・1】 God knows what she'll be up to next. : 次に何をしでかすか分かったもんじゃない。 / He must be up to something. : 何か企んでいるに違いない / I know exactly what you're up to. : 腹の内は分かっている。 / See what he is up to? : やつが何を企んでいるか調べろ。 / What have you been up to lately? : 最近は何をやっているんだい。 / What is the IRA up to? : IRAは何を計画しているのか。 / What're you up to? : 何を企んでるんだ?、《挨拶》何やってるの? / You're up to something. : 何か企んでるでしょ。 / What are you up to this weekend? : この週末は何をする予定ですか? / What have you been up to? : (久しぶりだけど)どうしてた? /
I wanna be able to love without any verval nonsense; I don't wanna hurt anybody don't wanna be hurt. I don't want to be a victim but who is acting like a victim all the time?
It is meaningless to think how important you are in your tiny little world. After all you are just 'you for them' not for you. If you try to face yourself with no relationship or any practical bullshit can you justify your existence? Thank you for being so sweet but it makes me feel I am such an incomplete being. Where do I want to go? I wanna go deep inside of myself and curl up with my lost soul. Then....
I don't need any intelligence or logical explanation. I just need to know where I am at and where you are at. One step at a time...
Just stop thinking how cute you are or how impressive you are to others. Try to grab something fundamental with your hands wide open.... but how can we know that is for us without ego?
We do not keep any of our queries in pending so we are sending you this email with the proforma in this week only. Sorry if this caused you any inconvenience.
Two great stones were brought before Powhatten : then as many as could dragged him (Smith) to them, and thereon laid his head, and being ready with their club, to beat out his brains, Pocahontas, the King's dearest daughter, got his head in her arms, and laid down her own (head) upon his to save him from death : whereat the King was contented he should live.
I think it's a real shame how people are going to war over foolish reasons. I'm surprise Russia got involved in Afghanistan. They ended up getting dragged into another Viet Nam. Where do you think this Iran-Iraq conflict is heading. Explosive unless their governments see the light. It scares me to think what the consequences would be if we weren't. わかりません。教えて下さい。お願いします。
What is a dish towel? A simple weave of cotton fabric. That means it has long protoplasm-filled tunnels winding within it,with minerals, proteins and soluble fats sprinkled on, and a nice sugary-based cellulose gridwork to hold the whole thing together. Bacteria would munch happily on that by itself, but since it's a dish towel there are two other additions mixed in.
3つ目の文は簡単には、 It has tunnels and a gridwork. ですね。 niceはframeworkの方にかかっているのでしょう。 That meansは、「つまり」とでも訳せば自然になります。 919さんの訳を生かせば、 「つまり、ミネラル・たんぱく質・水溶性の脂肪が散らばっている 長い、原形質で満たされたトンネルが内部を曲がりくねっており、 また、全体を繋ぎ止めているシュガー基質のセルロースの枠組があります。」
turn the other cheek getting all up in arms let it roll off your back can not stomach have a heart to heart giving her the cold shoulder jumping down her throat got a bone to pick racking my brains biting her head off get cold feet mouth off knuckled under fell head over heels for? paid through the nose!
Escherichia coli, a bacterium extremely prevalent in the intestinal tracts of warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals as well as in humans, is the most widely used cloning agent.
The fungal partner of a mycorrhiza grows on the surface of the root, but in addition its hyphae can extend far into the soil between the soil particles, as well as into the root cortex growing either between the cells or even into the cells.
Because fungal hyphae are so thin and can extend into the soil much farther than root hairs, they can draw nutrients from a larger volume of soil particles than a root can by itself.
I think it's a real shame how people are going to war over foolish reasons. I'm surprise Russia got involved in Afghanistan. They ended up getting dragged into another Viet Nam. Where do you think this Iran-Iraq conflict is heading. Explosive unless their governments see the light. It scares me to think what the consequences would be if we weren't. 単語を調べたのですが、文章がつながりません。 和訳を教えて下さい。お願いします。
>970 本当にありがとうございます。 礼儀作法が欠如していたら、どうもすいませんでした。 そうすると、I want to be with you. は、「お付き合いしてください。」と言う意味にとって いいのでしょうか? 英語圏では、普通の「つきあいたい。」「交際したい。」の場合 インフォーマルにはどんな表現を使うのかご存知の方は ぜひ教えてください。
Escherichia coli, a bacterium extremely prevalent in the intestinal tracts of warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals as well as in humans, is the most widely used cloning agent.
Two receivers are currently being tested; one allows for faster i-mode service, while the other is a card that plugs into PCs for high-speed data transmissions.
It must be discussed within a context of changing Japanese perceptions ofthe lost war, and judgement as to how that war came about and about its true nature.
"She had walked away from a party," Maggy recalls, "and decided it was too late to bother the friend that she was going to see, so she curled up on the sidewalk and went to sleep. Whereupon she was awakened by a very huffy policeman and taken to the Coral Gables jail, where she proceeded to play 'Shave and a Haircut' on the plumbing until we came to get her."
Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell told abc news: "Clearly the people at the Melbourne Mint as it was in 1919 were years ahead of their time in thinking outside the circle, and looking at a very practical solution to the problem of old bronze coins wearing holes in people's pockets."
In the adult world, such punishment as mura-hachibu (ostracism by the villagers,) disowning, expulsion, disallowing a person from association with kinfolk-all are based on the principle of expelling a person from the group.
After all this time and sending so many people to resort over the years I was careful to arrive without any expectations - I wanted to see the resort fresh thru my eyes and no have anything from what past guests have told me over the years. Well I was impressed and found everything far exceeded anything I had been told.
Its Ok that u took sooo long to reply I understand Theres another Japanese friend I have who doesn't even wanna know me ,He hasn't replyed for two months So it O.K