前スレで質問したのですが、新スレが立ったのでこちらにも書かせていただきます。 Get ready for summer now! Come on down to J Mart today and save,save,save! You have got to hurry though, because this week only, all summer shoes will be 50 percent off! that's this week only! get them now! J Mart, the place to shop!
But every evening scores head out from the camp by foot or bus to test their luck as stowaways at the port of Calais or at the Channel Tunnel rail-freight terminal a few miles down the road.
これで一文なのですが、最後の行の(a few miles down the road.) 文法的な解釈の仕方がわかりません。 板違いかもしれませんが、どなたか説明をおねがいします。
if you buy 1 peice you have to pay 60 baht 12 peice price 260 baht 108 peice price 2340 baht
I think it is quit chap. It is about 7000 - 8000 yen. If you want then youhave to order, because you wnats a lot of quantity. Is your bussiness going good. Congratulation.
I think it is quit chap. It is about 7000 - 8000 yen. If you want then youhave to order, because you wnats a lot of quantity. Is your bussiness going good. Congratulation.
Please, don't let this feeling end It's everything I am Everything I wanna be I can see what's mine now Finding out what's true Since I found you Looking through the eyes of love
Now I can take the time I can see my life As it comes up shining out Reaching out to touch you I can feel so much Since I found you Looking through the eyes of love
And now I do believe That even in the storm We'll find some light Knowing you're beside me I'm alright
Please don't let this feeling end It might not come again And I want to remember How it feels to touch you How I feel so much Since I found you Looking through the eyes of love
>>15 I think it is quite cheap. It is about 7000 - 8000 yen. If you want then you have to order, because you wnats a lot of quantity. Is your bussiness going good? Congratulations! 結構タイポが多いのでちょっと訂正 「それはかなり安いと思いますよ。なにしろ7,8千円ですから。欲しいなら注文してください。 あなたは大量に要求してますし。仕事はうまくいってますか?おめでとうございます!」
Why are we letting two tiny countries like Norway and Japan dictate to the world they are going to kill whales while the majority of the countries are against whaling? The Japanese and Norwegians are killing our oceans. The whales play a vital part in the ocean ecosystem. If we let Japan and Norway get away with killing all the whales, they will not stop there, soon, other species will be vulnerable too. Stop the whaling now. What is going to happen to the billion dollar whale watching business? We environmentalists and animal activists have begun boycotting Norwegian and Japanese products here in the United States in protest to those countries whaling JC United States http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/talking_point/newsid_1998000/1998502.stm#say
Got your money order today - will try and ship the bear tomorrow. We have a national holiday on monday so it may not go out until Tuesday. I hate to say this but in the move, I lost your address and I must have left the stub from your money order at the bank. I'm sorry but I'm usually not this careless. Please give me your address again.
It is well ahead of the great nations of Western Europe and is advancing on the Soviet Union, despite the more than two to one edge of the latter in population and the sixty to one advantage it has in area.
Nothing is less memorable than an outdated statistic. Most numbers move quickly toward oblivion in the present age of rapid population and economic growth,magnified in the latter case by galloping inflation.
I first devised maps of this sort in 1964 in order to point out to the Japanese, who were still suffering from a gross underestimation of their country following their defeat in World War U, that Japan was indeed a relatively large country.
Well, if you were to say to a Navajo, 'My friend, you know my quarter horse that won all the races at Flagstaff last Fourth of July?' that Navajo would eagerly say 'yes, yes,' he knew the horse, and if you were to say, 'In the fall I am going to give you that horse,' the Navajo's face would fall and he would turn around and walk away. On the other hand, if you were to say to him, 'Do you see that old bag of bones I just rode up on? That old haybellied mare with the knock-knees and pigeon toes, with the bridle that's falling apart and the saddle that's worn out? You can have that horse, my friend, it's yours. かなり長めですけどどなたかお願いします。
Research on Japan and East Asia supports the view that savings could decline as populations age but that diminishing rates of investment will more than offset lower savings.
Research on Japan and East Asia supports the view that savings could decline as populations age but that diminishing rates of investment will more than offset lower savings.
To the author of the website. Will you please tell me how to create a submit button that sends email to the particular email address? I appreciate your quick response.
>>119 Oasis の曲"I hope, I think, I know" 収録CD=Be Here Now(検索しますた) And if I ever hear the names you call If I stumble catch me when I fall call one namesで「〜のことを悪く言う」という意味がありますが・・・ (自分のことを)君が悪く言っているのを聞くことがあったら・・・かな? 自分がつまずいて倒れたら助けて(つかまえて)くれと・・・ この2つの文に直接のつながりは無いのでわ?よくわかりませんが。 歌詞カードの対訳をご覧になったらいいと思います
Hello sexy woman I miss you and your sex! Can you still feel it? Do you still want it? HOW IS YOUR ASSHOLE FEELING!! I miss you and your p@#^** too こんなメールが彼女に着ました。最後のPてやっぱりあれですか・・・鬱
@Even the slight tipping of the earth on its axis toward or away from the sun makes enough differences in our weather to create the seasons. (ヒント tipping:傾き axis:軸)
A 1)If you wanted to make blood, you might start with some sea water diluted one to three parts with fresh water. 2)This will contain minerals in about the same proportions in which they are found in the blood. 3)This watery part of the blood is called serum after the blood has been allowed to clot. When blood thickens, as it does after it comes out from a cut, it is said to clot. (ヒントdilute:薄める one to three(parts):(海水対真水の割合が)1対3で serum:血清 clot:凝固する、凝固させる)
There is no new thing under the sun. Generations pass and generations come,but the earth endures for ever. The sun rises,and the sun sets;he returns to his place and rises there again. the wind blows towards the south and turns to the north; it whirls around and returns again in its circuit. All the streams run into the sea,yet the sea dose not over flow; the rivers return from whence they come. All things are wearisome; man cannot utter them all; the eye is surfeited withseeing,and the the ear is sated with hearing. The thing that has been is that which will be; and that which is done that which will be done; and there is no new thing under the sun.
The mountains of Japan are almost uniformly precipitous, being relatively young,but in most parts of the country they are to be measured only in hundreds or a few thousands of feet.
As noted, C4 plants such as corn are adapted to high light intensities and high temperatures. They adapt by using a CO2 concentration mechanism. At low CO2 concentrations, these plants have an advantage over C3 plants, making photosynthate more rapidly and growing faster (see Figure 6.11). It is not surprising that corn, for example, yields three times as much grain as wheat under similar conditions. Atmospheric CO2 levels would have to increase to over 700 ppm (0.07%) before C3 plants could do as well as C4 plants. お願い。誰か訳して。お願い。
There is only one relatively extensive plain in Japan― the Kanto Plain around Tokyo―which stretches a mere one hudred and twenty miles in its longest dimension.
@Even the slight tipping of the earth on its axis toward or away from the sun makes enough differences in our weather to create the seasons. (ヒント tipping:傾き axis:軸)
A 1)If you wanted to make blood, you might start with some sea water diluted one to three parts with fresh water. 2)This will contain minerals in about the same proportions in which they are found in the blood. 3)This watery part of the blood is called serum after the blood has been allowed to clot. When blood thickens, as it does after it comes out from a cut, it is said to clot. (ヒントdilute:薄める one to three(parts):(海水対真水の割合が)1対3で serum:血清 clot:凝固する、凝固させる)
Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end and hope that our hearts will blend. Now, I will stop forword to realize the wish. And who knows startings a new journey may not so hard or maybe it has already begun There are many worlds but they share the same sky- one sky,one destiny.
There is little of the ethnic divisiveness that persists in the British Isles, even though geographic barriers there are much less formidable than in Japan.
Since the beginning of time, people have looked for ways to preserve and to store food gathered during times of plenty so that it could be used during times of scarcity.
We have no records of how or when the first discoveries of food preservation methods were made.
ァ1 Mit dem herunterladen dieser Software stimmen Sie den Lizenzvereinbarungen zu. ァ2 Das Rom darf 24h getestet werden, danach muss es sofort gelcht werden, Ausnahme, du besitzt das Original. ァ3 F・ auftretende Sch臈en ist M.E.C. nicht verantwortlich. ァ4 F・ den reibungslosen download garantiert M.E.C. nicht. ァ5 Ab und an kann es sein, das der Download wegen Server・erlastung nicht startet. 頼みます
He uttered this lament: "It is hard not to feel discouraged about the state of our elementary and secondary schools these days…The performance of our very best students has been particularly depressing. In every subject, the scores required to make it into the top decile and top 5 percent [on the National Assessment of Educational Progress] are lower than they were in the early 1970's.
その次の記事の続きなんですが、 We have displayed a commendable concern for improving the educational performance of students from disadvantaged backgrounds in recent years, but at the cost of dumbing down the curriculum and making it less challenging for the academically gifted.
I could not but think what a terrible criminal he would have made had he turned his energy and sagacity against law, instead of exerting them in its defence.
This secondary processing of the genetic meaning may seem relatively trivial if we just take into account the miniscule amount of time it actually takes to perceive a genetic meaning as opposed to a male-specific reading. However,cognitively and socially the impact of this first male reading has important implications ── because it means we think male unless context or linguistic marking suggests otherwise. The problem with context as an indication of generic intent is that too often the reading can be both specific and generic. This means that there are many instances where an intended generic reading will be missed as the male-specific reading makes sense(since this is processed first and secondary reading will occur if no sense can be made). For example,'best man for the job',can easily read as male-specific,so any intended generic reading can disappear. The force of male-specific reading is well illustrated in the slogan that was carried on a march in Paris by women wanting to remind people that half the population was female:
One in two women is a woman.
Many men thought this was a statement that was questioning their masculinity.
Almost 30 % of the tickets which have already sold in Japan for upcoming World Cup finals have not reached the buyers yet. The reason is that the process of tickets printing which is supposed to be done in UK. has been delayed. So they are suffering the same kind of trouble in Korea. This is the second messy handling in succession of issuing tickets in World Cup finals. There were a lot of Japanese supporters who could not see the game at that time, even though they had gone all the way to France.
we've not received any your fax and your e-mail, we're sorry. our shop frorence told us about your briefcase d256 in colour 120, but we would like to inform you that its price is without strap. if you want to add the strap we can send addreses of our sale Points of japan. best regards.
we've not received any your fax and your e-mail, we're sorry. our shop frorence told us about your briefcase d256 in colour 120, but we would like to inform you that its price is without strap. if you want to add the strap we can send addreses of our sale Points of japan. best regards.
Concerning to your e-mail about the sending of your paper on 20th of May, to which address was the document sent to ? If the document was sent on 20th of May, it should be received by now. Because of the technical reasons the printing date is delayed that it is not a problem that your papers was received in the last days.
Certain customes (by which man show respect to animals) are このカッコでくくられたwhich節の訳し方を教えてください。本の訳では 「人間が動物に敬意を示すときの慣習は・・・」となっていたのですが、 by whichは「・・・するときと」訳して良いんですか? 「慣習によって人間は動物に敬意を表し・・・」のように前から訳す方法以外に、 うまい訳しかたや、普通はこうするなどの訳しかたがあれば教えてください。
I only meet her a few hours ago and we were already naked. She had such a sexy body with a huge pair of tits. We explored each other's bodies. She wanted more of my shaven pussy as I wanted her tits. I sucked on her nipples until they were hard while she sucked on my clit. After the foreplay we got out the box of toys and that's when the real sex started. More to CUM soon...
Nothing is so beautiful as Spring- When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush; Thrush's eggs look little low heavens, and thrush Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hearwwWWW him sing; The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.
What is all this juice and all this joy? A strain of earth's sweet being in the beginning In Eden garden.-Have,get, before it cloy,
Before it cloud, Christ, lord, and sour with sinning, Innocent mind and Mayday in girl and boy, Most, O maid's child, thy choice and worthy the winning.
The first scrible of childhood with a well-sucked crayon will as surely lead to the making of recognize shapes to represent `Mammy` as will his early enthusiastic claps to the rythm of nursery rhyme or popular song to the free-flowing steps of a yet unknown pop culture or the formal patternd of the traditional dance.
I have preferred for the most part to stick to broad numerical generalizations and comparative ratios,which are less likely to become rapidly out of date.
Premium Smokes at Less than Generic Prices.... American Smoke Shop ttp://glorybehosting.com/americansmokeshop Marlboro $18 Camel $17 Regal Blue $16 Salem, Winston and more ... The delivery is free! Check it out... Thank you
To purchase cigarettes on AmericanSmokeShop you have to be 18 years or older. We received your address from a public place. We apologies if this letter have reached you by mistake. We'll not disturb you any more. NB. This message is sent in compliance of the new email bill section 301. Under Bill S. 1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th US Congress. This message cannot be considered Spam as long as we include the way to be Removed, Paragraph (a)(c) of S. 1618. TO REMOVE: do not respond to this message.
Nothing is so beautiful as Spring- When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush; Thrush's eggs look little low heavens, and thrush Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing; The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.
What is all this juice and all this joy? A strain of earth's sweet being in the beginning In Eden garden.-Have,get, before it cloy,
Before it cloud, Christ, lord, and sour with sinning, Innocent mind and Mayday in girl and boy, Most, O maid's child, thy choice and worthy the winning
>>313 stay away from はまず素直にそのままの意味を覚えた方がいいんじゃないかな。 近づかないようにする、避ける、というような意味合いで。 で「〜を欠席する」という意味も場合によってはある、と覚えておいたら? stand byも文脈によって何通りか意味合いがあるよね。 そばに立つ、待機する、応援する、など。 stand up forは、応援する、見方をする、という意味だけだと思うけど。 というわけで「応援する」ということを明確に書きたいなら、こっちのがいいかも。 まぁstnadという言葉は色々な意味に使われるので一つの意味だけ覚えるん じゃなくて色々な意味があると覚えておいた方がいいんじゃないかな。
As for # being gay, I'm actually not sure, I suppose it's possible, but it's more likely the people who don't like him, actually a lot of North Americans call him @... As a fighter though I only feel that # is mediocre, I dunno, I guess it's just that he's getting a bit too old, he has a lot of problems keeping up with the younger fighters, and he really hasn't improved much either.
>>317>>320 お返事どうもです。構造はわかったのですが、a century of confusion っておかしくないですか?ofの使い方がよくわかりません。 和訳と照らし合わせてみてもズレがあるのですが。
文脈は、 At a quarter of mile from the point at which the highway issued from between the banks, was a stone post, marking the spot where three roads met and united in one. 倒置があって読みにくいかと思います。
I was born on August 25, 1949:four days later, the Russians successfully tasted their first atom bomb, and deterrence was in place. So i had those four carefree days, which is more than my juniors ever had
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誰か訳して。 Genes comprise the fundamental basis of all life, determine the properties of all living forms of life and are defined segments of DNA. Because DNA structure and composition of all living forms is essentially the same, any technology that can isolate, change or reproduce a gene is likely to have an impact on almost every aspect of society. Genetic recombination, as occurs during normal sexual reproduction, consists of the breakage and rejoining of DNA molecules of the chromosomes, and is of fundamental importance to living organisms for the reassortment of genetic material. Genetic manipulation has been performed for centuries by selective breeding of plants and animals superimposed on natural variation. The potential for genetic variation has, thus, been limited to close taxonomic relatives. 長いんですがお願いします。
It was Friday and it was almost lunchtime. Peter asked Etsuko if she was hungry. " Yeh, a little bit, " she replied. Peter looked in the cupboards in the Kitchen and then opened the door of the fridge and stared inside. His face looked blank, and he didn`t speak for some time. Eventually he said, " I know, let`s get some fish and chips. We can bring them back and have them here. What do you say to that? " " That`s fine. Anything is all right by me, " Etsuko answered . But she wasn`t too sure what he really meant.
>>インチキさん、アリガトウ^^They went out of the house and walked for about ten minutes to the shops, and there Etsuko saw a line of people waiting in front of one shop. She looked inside and found that the queue snaked round in a circle so the front of the line was just inside the entrance. They joined the slow moving queue. Inside the shop four assistants were busy behind the counter. One man with an oil-stained white apron was flying chips, while the woman next to him was dipping pieces of fish into batter, and then putting each into some very hot oil. Two other woman were making up the orders. The whole shop was a hot, steamy, oily, noisy place . Peter ordered fish, chips and peas, twice. Back home, they unwrapped their lunches and put them on plates. Peter put a huge amount of salt and vinegar on his food. " This is the best way to eat it, " he said
>>They went out of the house and walked for about ten minutes to the shops, and there Etsuko saw a line of people waiting in front of one shop. She looked inside and found that the queue snaked round in a circle so the front of the line was just inside the entrance. They joined the slow moving queue. 彼らが家から出て約10分歩いて店に着くと、えつこは店の前に人の行列 がみえた。店の中を覗くと行列が蛇のとぐろのようになってて、行列の 先頭でやっと入り口のなかだった。かれらもゆっくりと動いている行列に ならんだ。
>>Inside the shop four assistants were busy behind the counter. One man with an oil-stained white apron was flying chips, while the woman next to him was dipping pieces of fish into batter, and then putting each into some very hot oil. 店の中では4人の手伝いが、カウンターの後ろで忙しく働いていた。 脂のしみのついたエプロンを着けた男がフライドポテトを揚げていた。 その間、彼のとなりの女は、切った魚にバターをぬって、それからそれらを 一つずつ何かとても辛いオイルをつけていた。
I was born on August 25, 1949:four days later, the Russians successfully tasted their first atom bomb, and deterrence was in place. So i had those four carefree days, which is more than my juniors ever had
About this time the Princess Ostla, who began to feel better at the sight of her lover, slipped a piece of gum into her mouth and closed her teeth upon it, and even smiled a little and showed the beautiful pearls with which her mouth was set. Whereupon, as soon as the knights perceived this, 217 of them went over to the king's treasurer and settled for their horse feed and went home.
On the Princess Ostla's cheeks was a rosy flush; in her eyes the light of excitement vied with the soft glow of love; her lips were parted, her lovely hair unbound, and she grasped the arms of her chair and leaned forward with heaving bosom and happy smile to hear the words of her lover.
参照: http://www.villagevoice.com/vls/164/marcus.shtml Gertrude Stein, referring to her famous line "a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose," said that she meant to rescue the rose from overuse. By insisting on the roseness of the rose, a thing that resisted modifiers and would only be itself, she pushed for a renewed, innocent attention toward an object of beauty.
I have done a lot of checking on the internet about that herpes. I'm curious what kind of symptoms you are having. From what I read and saw it seems like it's a skin problem with sores and rashes. I've never had any of the symptoms or show any of the bumps or rashes they showed on the websites. Also the information says that a person gets this illness and then it goes away for a time and comes back periodically. I've just never had anything like that!!!! From what I saw, a person would definately know it if they had this disease and it's definately not something I want to get!!!! I'll still talk to my Dr. just to make sure because to tell you the truth I'm concerned.
Just a greeting to tell you how much I enjoyed your book, what an angel Gracie was. I had your book signed by the two of you thanks to my friend whom also is a dog lover! We too adopted a shelter dog and what a gift he is to us, isn't it strange how their spirit just bonds with us totally, thanks again, keep up the great work you do!
Did you know that some environmental groups are suggesting that there be limited whaling as they think that it will be impossible to have an outright ban: の"there be limited"のbeはなんと言う用法でどういう意味なんでしょうか。
また、これは例えば何人かにアンケートをお願いして、その返事に "I be the last one..."なんて書いてるのを見たんですがこれと同じですか?「返事遅れ ちゃって、俺が最後かも。。」みたいな意味かなと思ってたのですが
>>460 私の持っている本には、 it is sometimes used (中略) after words which express the idea that something is important or desirable(suggest, recommend, ask, insist, vital, essential , important, advice..) と書いてあるです
In order for us to process your international order, you must fax or e-mail a front & back copy of your credit card, valid ID, and signed copy of your order confirmation to 323/294-3542.
Discussing this today,eventually gets around to using the term "gang-bangers" to describe his friends, suggesting that, were it not for his father's none-too-subtle pushing into the world of sports, he could have been lured by the cycle of drugs, sex and crime that befell many of his pals.
A pounding of Pakistani posts along the LOC in Kashimir followed by a limited invasion to push it back a few kilometers and allow India to take and block passes used by millitants crossing into its territory.
Once again, we decided to put our readers to a wit test. Because Vitor is about to make his long awaited return to the Octagon, we pulled this photo out of our archives to celebrate. Beat our caption and win a prize!
If you make it a practice to talk about people, you will talk about their faults and their sins, their mistakes and their failures. And after a few years of that you won't be able to open your mouth without saying something uncomplimentary about somebody.
Shopping in England is a great national pastime but not an intellectual, only a social, activity. The English, to their great credit, are no intellectuals.
It is still a great pleasure to travel to a mountain town or a seashore spa and stay at an inn where the chief activities are taking a bath and eating a large and elegant meal featuring specialties of the area.
"When I started college, I wanted to be a vet," says Lauren. "But I also want to act and model so I can make enough money to build an animal-rescue ranch to take care of strays." When her nose isn't buried in a book, Lauren loves getting wet. "I'm so into boating, waterskiing, tubing, kneeboarding or any other water sport," she says.
I AM SERIOUS WITH THIS config i had a HUGE BOOST. but just in case here is some other tweaking i did AGP APETURE SIZE.. WAS 128mb... read the technical faq from rockstar... it recommended 4MB........so I CHANGED TO 4mb also. これを訳して貰いたいのですか、、どうかよろしくお願いします。
All major changes in our world have been achieved through violence and have been mistrusted. The contemplative, skeptical mood of philosophy ran counter to ancient morality, and must have been mistrusted. The best way to dispel this mistrust was to arouse fear, and Nietzsche sees the ancient Brahmins as paramount in this respect.
The first year students have yet to learn who the President is. 「1年生はまだ誰が学長かを知らない」という訳がついていましたが、 have yet to learn というのは、have to learn にyet が挿入された もので、「これから覚えなければならない」というような感覚でよいの でしょうか?
Once again, we decided to put our readers to a wit test. Because Vitor is about to make his long awaited return to the Octagon, we pulled this photo out of our archives to celebrate. Beat our caption and win a prize!
IN 1908,Arnold Sommerfeld presented a paper on hydrodynamic stability at the 4th International Congress of Mathematicians in Rome (Sommerfeld 1908).In the equation known today as the Orr-Sommerfeld equation,he introduced a number R is pure number ;we will call it tje Reynolds number." Theterminology introduced by Sommerfeld has not changed ever since,and the use of the expantion "Reynolds number "has spread into all branchas of fluid mechanics.
Actually Sommerfeld'swork is not foremost in one's mind when one thinks of the direct continiation of the ideasset forth by Obsborne Reynolds in 1883.This is probably the reason that Sommerfeld's use of the expression"Reynolds number" was generally forgoteen before von Karman(1954)drew attention to it in his book.He referred there to work by Sommerfeld from the year 1908 but did not mention the title and the place of publication.Von Karman returned to this subject in his paper published in the Albert Betz anniversary issue of the ZFF. Unfotunately the reference there is to Sommerfeld's(1904)paper on the Reynolds theory of lubrication,In that work the inertial terms are neglected,and the notion of the Reynolds number is neither needed nor used.While it is not difficult to reconstruct the facts by the use of von Karman's book,it may be useful,nevertheless,to have these sources collected and recollected here again.
The fact is that very few travellers really like travelling. If they go to the trouble and expense of travelling, it is not so much from curiosity, for fun, or because they like to see things beautiful and strange, as out of a kind of snobbery. People travel for the same reason as they collect works of art: because the best people do it. お願いします
A certain day and I went to the town together with Chinese him. I and he were attracted there to the charm there with a subtle and profound slack background. The beautiful woman appeared there and I have been eaten.
Neither out-of-towners nor New Yorkers seem able to resist stroking the deep brown coats of the bay geldings as they pause at street corners, swishing their tails. With the tourist season well under way, the horses haven gotten a workout. "A lot of people come to New York City looking for the mounted police because they've heard about it in Europe or wherever," said Captain Ryan... .
with the toursit season ,,,で始まる文章がよくわかりません。 騎馬警官は通常の職務だけでなく、観光の対象にもなっているって ことで「観光シーズンも始まり、、、、も活気づいてきた?」 って感じのようなきもするんですが。
Once again, we decided to put our readers to a wit test. Because Vitor is about to make his long awaited return to the Octagon, we pulled this photo out of our archives to celebrate. Beat our caption and win a prize!
In contrast, recombinant DNA techniques, popularly termed 'gene cloning' or 'genetic engineering', offer potentially unlimited opportunities for creating new combinations of genes that at the moment do mot exist under natural conditions. Genetic engineering can be defined as the formation of new combinations of heritable material by the insertion of nucleic acid molecules, produced by whatever means outside the cell, into any virus, bacterial plasmid or other vector system so as to allow their incorporation into a host organism in which they do not naturally occur but in which they are capable of continued propagation. In essence, gene technology is the modification of the genetic properties of an organism by the use of recombinant DNA technology. Genes may be viewed as the biological software and are the programs that drive the growth, development and functioning of an organism. By changing the software in a precise and controlled manner, it becomes possible to produce desired changes in the characteristics of the organism. 長くてすいません。お願いします。
Once again, we decided to put our readers to a wit test.
Because Vitor is about to make his long awaited return to the Octagon, we pulled this photo out of our archives to celebrate. Beat our caption and win a prize!
>>586 どうもありがとうございます!! これは格闘技の海外公式サイトに載っていたものです。 http://www.mmaringreport.com/index.htm Vitorは格闘家の名前で、オクタゴンはボクシングなどでいうリングのような ものです。説明不足すぎましたね、ごめんなさい… the other dark meat.…黒い肉…?
"our caption"とは、"Vitor, the other dark meat."をさしているのでしょう。 さらに、"Submit your caption to our staff"によって、"our caption"よりも "wit"に富んだcaptionを募集しているのです。 これが読者のcaptionが"our caption"を"beat"するということですね。 これが"wit test"なんでしょう。
Thus, in their comparison of written role-played responses, Cohen and Olshtain found that their sample of Hebrew speaking Israeli learners of English were less likely to accept responsibility for an offense or to make offers for damages they might have caused, and that the overall level of intensity with which they made their apologies was less than that of the control group of native American speakers of English. お願いします
Anabolic steroids are artificially produced hormones that are similar to testosterone. Testosterone (pronounced: teh-stoss-tuh-rone) is a natural male sex hormone produced in the human body. Although testosterone is a male hormone, girls' bodies produce smaller amounts of it as well. Testosterone promotes masculine traits that guys develop during puberty, such as deepening of the voice and the growth of body hair. Testosterone levels also affect how aggressive a person is and how much sex drive he or she has. Athletes sometimes take anabolic steroids because they can help to increase muscle mass and body strength. お願いいたします。
Dietary supplements that contain steroid often make claims that are false and very little is known about the long-term effects on the body of some of these substances. これもよくわかりません。どなたかよろしくおねがいします。
>>604 sex drive って性欲だったんですね。ありがとうございます!英語ってむずかしいいなぁ。。
Yesterday we were in class screaming to the classes who didn't know the score of Senegal - France. We brought in a radio and listened to the match till our teacher caught us and toke the radio with her.
Wow Do I have to turn in Fujiko's message by the end of this week? Just..a joke...Okay...I will send a message for Fujiko.Well, This bulletin board is a den of vice!! So am I...lol Ahhhhhh My English is terrible....like a baby...lol Well, I must say good-bye.
You're quite modest, aren't you? I aften tease Fujiko's English just because she's a bit "show-off". However, I should realize that I'm not so good in.
The newly-weds are in their honeymoon suite and the groom decides to let the bride know where she stands right from the start of the marriage. He proceeds to take off his trousers and throw them at her. He says, "Put those on." The bride replies, "I can't wear your trousers." "And don't forget that" he replies, "I will always wear the trousers in this family!" The bride takes off her knickers and throws them at him with the same request, "Try those on!" He replies, "I can't get into your knickers!" "And you never will if you don't change your attitude."
The nuclear industry estimates that new plants must be buit for less than $ 1,000 per kilowatt of electrical outpit to be economically pracrical. 「原子力産業の見積もりによると、新しい発電所は一キロワット出力あたり 1,000ドル未満で建設されなくては経済的に実用性がない」
このto be economically pracrical は to 不定詞の副詞的用法で、 直訳は「経済的に実用性を持つためには」という意味ですか?
All ages of people and many kinds of groups from the family to the class reunion or company trip use the onsen as a getaway from the rigidities of daily life.
We know who you did this summer, and we know where you did it, how you did it and the rest of the dirty details, too. We always figured summer was the best time for sex, and your responses certainly confirmed it. Whether it was hot Aussie chicks on the roadside in Greece, horny lifeguards on Cape Cod or curious coeds in Cancun, out for a little experimentation -- there was a bevy of booty to be had this summer. As if the summer air wasn't steamy enough....
>>671 They retain their distinctively Danish values and outlook. これはdistinctivelyに間違いないよ。 ちなみにdistinctiveだと、特徴的な(特有の)デンマークの価値観と見解(?)という意味。 distinctivelyだと、特徴的にデンマークの価値観と見解(?)、となる。
「特徴的」だと分かりにくいけど「典型的」という言葉だったら日本語でも 助動詞として使って「典型的にデンマーク風だ」みたいに言うじゃん。 英語でも同じ。 They retain their typically Danish values and outlook.と言えるし They retain their typical Danish values and outlook.とも言える。
A blonde is overweight, so her doctor puts her on a diet. "I want you to eat regularly for two days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for two weeks. The next time I see you, you'll have lost at least five pounds. When the blonde returns, she's lost nearly 20 pounds. "Why, that's amazing!" the doctor says. "Did you follow my instructions?" The blonde nods. "I'll tell you, though, I thought I was going to drop dead that third day." "From hunger, you mean?" asked the doctor. "No, from all that skipping." ジョークですが落ちが何なのか教えてください。
Thus, in their comparison of written role-played responses, Cohen and Olshtain found that their sample of Hebrew speaking Israeli learners of English were less likely to accept responsibility for an offense or to make offers for damages they might have caused, and that the overall level of intensity with which they made their apologies was less than that of the control group of native American speakers of English.
During his lecture he told an amusing story which went on for rather along time. At last he stopped to allow the interpreter to translate it into Japanese. To his surprise,the interpreter did this in a few seconds and all the students laughed instantly. を訳していただきたいのですができれば、一文一文がなに文型かということと この文章内にあるすべて熟語のいみを教えていただけたらうれしいのですが お願いします。。
Equality and a fair go for all are important ideals, but they must not be pursued in a way that robs individuals of incentive or diminishes the pursuit of excellence
The view that the privileged and the winners are no more worthy thatn the underprivileged and the losers is a basic lelment of true democracy.
Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had fallen and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove, and a small tape recorder.
A guy is outside in his front yard attempting to fly a kite with his son. Every time the kite gets up in the air, it comes crashing down. After this goes on for a while, his wife sticks her head out the front door and yells, "You need more tail." The guy turns to his son and says, "Son, I never will understand women. I just told her an hour ago I needed more tail, and she told me to go fly a kite!"
>729 south(slang): in or into a position of decreased value "a stock that went south shortly after he bought it" American Heritage Dictionary 4th edition マスコミなどでもよく用いられる表現です
ロングマン Web dictionaryより: go south American English informal if a situation, organization, or set of standards goes south, it becomes very bad although it was once very good:
Seems like all our moral standards have just gone south.
It was possible for the forty-niners to take several routes to California. Independence, Missouri, was the starting point for the travelers going by land. From here they could take the old route to SantaFe and continue across the deserts of New Mexico, Arizona, and California. By this southern route it took them over two months, and those who followed it sufered from heat and lack of water. Most of the forty-nineres followed the Oregon Trail as far as the Great Salt Lake and then on across deserts and mountains to northern California. These people ran the risk of being caught in the mountains by the winter snows. There were also routes by sea which the gold seekers might take. It was the safest but longest trip to go around Cape Horn and north to San Francisco. Because this route took from six to nine months, though, most of the forty-nineres chose a faster route by way of Panama, but many became sick from insect bites or died of fever when they crossed the Isthmus.
インドのガンディーの話の一部です。 Gandhi feared that there would be more trouble and for almost a year he stopped his practice of Satyagraha. He felt that India was not ready for it. However,Gandhi was not someone to give up easily. He developed his techniques of Satyagraha and was again challenging the British. He warned the people to devote themselves to the attainment of their goals. He told them, Your enemy is your foolish brother. Help him when he is hurt. Disobey him if he tries to hurt you. In the end no enemy is strong or cruel enough to resist the fire of love. Yoru battle will have been won when you have killed the hate in your enemy of heart.
これお願いします I find it most peculiar that these old women share their deepest secrets with a man who, but a few months previous, they would have shunk from in terror had they encounterd him on a streetcar.
but a few months previous のところがよくわかりませんでした。 ここんとこだけでもいいです
Satyagrahaとは The policy of nonviolent resistance initiated in India by Mahatma Gandhi as a means of pressing for political reform. [The American Heritage Dictionaryより]
After the baby was born, the panicked Japanese father went to see the obstetrician. "Doctor," he said, "I don't mind telling you, but I'm a little upset because my daughter has red hair. She can't possibly be mine." "Nonsense," the doctor said. "Even though you and your wife both have black hair, one of your ancestors may have contributed red hair to the gene pool." "It isn't possible," the man insisted. "We're pure Asian." "Well," said the doctor, "let me ask you this. How often do you have sex?" The man seemed ashamed. "I've been working very hard for the past year. We only made love once or twice a month." "There you have it!" the doctor said confidently. "It's just rust."
>>733 i might go do something it is only 9:08 here in the US. 「ここ」アメリカではまだ9時8分(だから)何かしに出かけるかも、と言ってるんでせうね。 午前か午後か知らないけど。。。 メール?を読んでいるあなたがいる日本(there)とは時差があるし対比させてるんですよ
The Afghanistans are going to try to bomb a Nueclear power plant Across the lake from us. I hope nothing bad will happen. I will tell you more about it when I get a chance. Well Looking forward to hearing from you.
Bearing in mind that it is likely your host family will have a different religious affiliation, how strongly do you feel about having access to structured religious services of your own faith? お願いします
The demand for firewood,the main source of fuel among the sky-high lodges where tourists stay,soared as increasing numbers of travelers required hot meals and baths. 訳をお願いしたいのですが。 あとasは文法用語で言うところの何に当たりますか? あとincreasingもわかりません。
In the northern part of Austin there once dwelt an honest family by the name of Smothers. The family consisted of John Smothers, his wife, himself, their little daughter, five years of age, and her parents, making six people toward the population of the city when counted for a special write-up, but only three by actual count.
>>797 The demand for firewood,the main source of fuel among the sky-high lodges where tourists stay,soared as increasing numbers of travelers required hot meals and baths.
>>799 In the northern part of Austin there once dwelt an honest family by the name of Smothers. The family consisted of John Smothers, his wife, himself, their little daughter, five years of age, and her parents, making six people toward the population of the city when counted for a special write-up, but only three by actual count. オースティンの北部に、スマザーズ家という正直な家族が おりました。ジョン・スマザーズ家には、ジョン・スマザーズ、 その妻、彼、5歳の娘、妻の両親。特別の記事のための市の人口調査に 6人申請したのに、実際には3人しか頭数に数えられなかった。
One night after supper the little girl was seized with a severe colic, and John Smother hurried downtown to get some medicine. He never came back. The little girl recovered and in time grew up to womanhood. The mother grieved very much over her husband's disappearance, and it was nearly three months before she married again, and moved to San Antonio. The little girl also married in time, and after a few years had rolled around, she also had a little girl five years of age. She still lived in the same house where they dwelt when her father had left and never returned. One night by a remarkable coincidence her little girl was taken with cramp colic on the anniversary of the disappearance of John Smothers, who would now have been her grandfather if he had been alive and had a steady job. "I will go downtown and get some medicine for her," said John Smith (for it was none other than he whom she had married). "No, no, dear John," cried his wife. "You, too, might disappear forever, and then forget to come back." So John Smith did not go, and together they sat by the bedside of little Pansy (for that was Pansy's name). After a little Pansy seemed to grow worse, and John Smith again attempted to go for medicine, but his wife would not let him. Suddenly the door opened, and an old man, stooped and bent, with long white hair, entered the room. "Hello, here is grandpa," said Pansy. She had recognized him before any of the others. The old man drew a bottle of medicine from his pocket and gave Pansy a spoonful. She got well immediately. "I was a little late," said John Smothers, "as I waited for a street car."
And then she remembered that this was the city in which she'd been born and bred,and in this city crazy things happened,and when they happened you tried to protect yourself. 日本語らしく訳せません。 おながいします。
I am wondering why any American would apologize for winning. Thats all we did,was win the war,and to win a war u have to kill the enemy. ーーーーーーーそれに対しのリプライーーーーーーーー Your god damn right the damn rice eater started teh war with us. The only thing that you should remember is hiroshima bitches. Your gay kamikazis shoul apologize to us you frieken rice eaters. Its no our fault that we kicked your rice loving pootananie selves in a war your suppose to try to win not make asian friends. By the way your cars suck fat kooter
EDITH Hello, dear. SYLVIA Have you come for your pomegranate? EDITH No, no. My husband's fed up with them now. Actually, I was interested in what you were saying to that young lady... about her wanting some money. SYLVIA But I didn't think that you could hear very well. EDITH Oh, I hear some things All right. Now, young lady, you say you want some money. VICTORIA Well, yes, I do. But what's it to got do with you? EDITH Well, dear, I'm quite keen on that coat of yours. How much do you want for it? VICTORIA My coat? I paid £400 for it yesterday afternoon. EDITH I'll give you £200. My granddaughter would look lovely in it. VICTORIA But it's worth £400. EDITH You said that you wanted the money. VICTORIA Well, I suppose... oh, All right.
JAPANタイムズから ですが・・・あっせん利得処罰法の記事です The opposition proposal differs from the coalition bill in that it calls for lawmakers to face punishment even if requests for favors or links to official duties -- requisite conditions for punishment stated in the current law -- are not proved.
>>818 >EDITH Hello, dear. エディス:こんにちは、お嬢さん > SYLVIA Have you come for your pomegranate? シルヴィア:ザクロでしょうか?(場面がよく分からないので意訳です) > EDITH No, no. My husband's fed up with them now. エディス:いいえ。夫はもうザクロには辟易してるから。 > Actually, I was interested in what you were saying to > that young lady... about her wanting some money. 実を言うと、私は貴女があの若い女性に言っていたことを…つまり、 あなたがいくらかお金を欲しいってことに気をひかれたんだけど。 > SYLVIA But I didn't think that you could hear very well. シルヴィア:あなたが聞き取れたとは思えないんですが。 > EDITH Oh, I hear some things All right. Now, young lady, you say you > want some money. エディス:ああ、よく聞こえますとも。さて、お嬢さん、いくらかお金が欲しいって 言ってたわね。 > VICTORIA Well, yes, I do. But what's it to got do with you? ヴィクトリア:ええ、はい、言いました。でも、貴女と何の関係が? > EDITH Well, dear, I'm quite keen on that coat of yours. エディス:お嬢さん、貴女のそのコートがとっても気になるんだけど。 > How much do you want for it? それ(を売るとしたら)いくら欲しいかしら? > VICTORIA My coat? I paid £400 for it yesterday afternoon. ヴィクトリア:コートですって?昨日の午後400ポンドで買ったのよ。 > EDITH I'll give you £200. My granddaughter would look lovely in it. エディス:200ポンド差し上げるわ。孫娘がそれを気に入ると思うの。 > VICTORIA But it's worth £400. ヴィクトリア:でもそれは400ポンドしたのよ。 > EDITH You said that you wanted the money. エディス:お金が欲しいって言ったじゃない。 > VICTORIA Well, I suppose... oh, All right. ヴィクトリア:ああ、それは…。分かりました。
>829 Maybe (it's because they lived) too comfortable a life after the last world cup and European cup. でしょう。 「この前のワールドカップとヨーロッパカップの後、お気楽すぎる生活を 送った(のんびりしすぎた)からかも。」
Monoclonal antibodies have now gained wide application in many diagnostic techniques, which require a high degree of specificity. Specific monoclonal antibodies have been combined into test kits for diagnostic purposes, in healthcare, plant and animal agriculture and in food manufacture. Monoclonal antibodies may also be used in the future to carry cytotoxic drugs to the site of cancer cells, while in the fermentation industry they are already widely used as separating agents to bind and purify expensive products. お願いします。
In the 20 years since the development of the first monoclonal antibody the methodology has development from a purely scientific tool into one of the fastest expanding fields of biotechnology and has revolutionized, expanded and diversified the diagnostic industry. The monoclonal antibody market is expected to continue to grow at a very high rate and in healthcare alone the anticipated annual world market could be several billion dollars by the year 2000. It is undoubtedly one of the most commercially successful and useful areas of modern biotechnology and will be identified in several chapters. お願いします。長くてすいません。
>>841 あってるよ、英文。 でもさ、1のほう、I was very near to my getting のmyはいらんアル。主語の一緒だからして。
1.I was very near to my getting a World Cup ticket last night but I failed. 2.I came very clse to getting a World cup ticket last night but I couldn't.
The paper concludes by examining some of the political issues raised by any attempt to widen the scope of security, setting the liberal case for narrowing secutiry as much as possible against the pressures to widen the security agenda that ironically arise from the contemporary success of the liberal project.
Let thy hand be strengthen’d and thy right hand be exalted, Let justice and judgment be the preparation of thy seat, Let mercy and truth go before thy face.
what about this? can you read the following below? あーーーー。 you know what, it happened to me too. when i was viewing your site i was not able to see the words in the text boxes with the scrolling bars. are there written in japanese texts? if you were using IE as your browser, you can try to go "view-encoding-japanese(auto-select)" or whatever.
anyway, you did such a wonderful and cool job on your pages. i have started learning Flash about 3mo. ago and i found out that flash pages that japanese people developed are the best of all! even my prof. and all other flash experts admire japanese-made flash movies. we hardly find any flash sites that are as cool as the japanese flash sites. i really want to show you my flash movies that i developed for my project, however, they are intended for the board of education and it might violate the copyright law if i disseminate them. so bad huh?
by the way, i remember that i wrote something like this.
were you able to read this time?
again, i really have to thank you for taking time to explain me step by step. you are such a nice person! i hope you'll keep in touch with me.
The scientist has a love of facts, even isolated facts, similar to the poet's love of words. But a collection of facts is not science any more than a dictionary is poetry.
By the time Columbus landed in the New World it was a very old world that already had seen entire civilizations rise and fall through the centuries. These linked continents were, by then populated by some 75,000,000 people who spoke 2,000 distinct languages よろしくお願いします
Diagram illustrating the formation of antibody-producing hybridomas by fusion techniques. Stage 1: myeloma cells and antibody-producing cells (derived from immunized animal or human) are incubated in a special medium containing polyethylene glycol, which enhances fusion. Stage 2: the myeloma spleen hybridoma cells are selected out and cultured in closed agar dishes. Stage 3: the specific antibody-producing hybridoma is selected and propagated in culture vessels (in vitro) or in an animal (in vivo) and monoclonal antibodies harvested. 長いんですが、お願いします。
The urban worker is exposed to noise, most of which, it is true, he learns not to hear consciously, but which none the less wears him out, all the more owing to the subconscious effort involved in not hearing it.
Twenty out of 20 students in Slavitt's writing class at the University of Pennsylvania didn't know where Lisbon is. With the requdiation of rote learning,Leithauser despairs, manychildren no longer learn poetly or multiplication tables. From Lopate's gloom over the way American films celebrate the brainless and makw intelligent folk look like idiots to perhaps the most shocking essay of all, in which Rosen equaters the Holocaust Museum in Washinton, D.C.,with a thema park, this is a volume that will proveke you and make you think.
the amount of one good a person must give up to purchase another good is determined by the relative prices of the two goods, and is illustrated by the slope of the budget constraint.
We need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way, not as contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is almost skilful in massacre, but by arbitration in accordance with agreed principles of law. お願いします。
Twenty out of 20 students in Slavitt's writing class at the University of Pennsylvania didn't know where Lisbon is. With the requdiation of rote learning,Leithauser despairs, manychildren no longer learn poetly or multiplication tables. From Lopate's gloom over the way American films celebrate the brainless and makw intelligent folk look like idiots to perhaps the most shocking essay of all, in which Rosen equaters the Holocaust Museum in Washinton, D.C.,with a thema park, this is a volume that will proveke you and make you think.
It's not the heat It's the inhumanity Plugged into the sweat of a summer street Machine gun images pass Like malice through the looking glass
The slackjaw gaze Of true profanity Feels more like surrender than defeat If culture is the curse of the thinking class If culture is the curse of the thinking class
ceiling unlimited world so wide turn and turn again (, turn again)
feeling unlimited still unsatisfied changes never end (, never end)
The vacant smile (*1) Of true insanity Dressed up in the mask of Tragedy Programmed for the guts and glands Of idle minds and idle hands
I rest my case - Or at least my vanity Dressed up in the mask of Comedy If laughter is a straw for a drowning man If laughter is a straw for a drowning man
ceiling unlimited windows open wide look and look again (, look again)
feeling unlimited eyes on the prize changes never end (, never end)
winding like an ancient river the time is now again
hope is like an endless river the time is now again
But recent data suggest temperatures could rise even higher as a worst case scenario shows four times as much emitted CO2 in the atmosphere from today's levels which Jenkins said is significantly higher than previously expected.
Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had fallen and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove, and a small tape recorder. Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles. Since they were going the same way, he helped to carry part of the burden.
上記の英文の Since they were going the same way, he helped to carry part of the burden. の部分と
He was having a lot of trouble with his other subjects
TOKYO (Reuters) - Party-pooping parliamentarians look as though they'll prevent Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi from cheering on Japan's World Cup soccer team in person in their showdown with Tunisia.
>>925 なんかアタマの構文が良くわかんないけど they'll prevent Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi from cheering on Japan's World Cup soccer team in person in their showdown with Tunisia. の部分だけだと、小泉首相がワールドカップの日本*チュニジア戦を個人的に 応援するのは阻止、見たいな感じ
He knew that the British government totally imposed political, economic and cultural systems on his country. One example of this was the Salt Tax. Under the law,it was illegal to collect natural salt. Everyone was forced to buy taxed salt from the government. In 1930 Gandhi organized his famous long march. He traveled 200 miles from Ahmedabad to the coast. As he walked he collected supporters,so that by the time he reached the sea there were thousands of marchers. When he arrived at the coast,he picked up a piece of natural salt as a symbolic action against the British law. The government was forced to arrest him,but they also had to arrest thousands of people who followed Gandhi's example. This was,of course,impossible. Within months,the Salt Tax was dropped and people were allowed to collect natural salt for personal use. India finally become independent in 1947 after a long struggle. But Gandhi's own life and work came suddenly to an end. On January 30 in 1948,he was killed in New Delhi while walking to a prayer meeting. A Hindu fanatic,who feared Gandhi's program for harmony between religions,shot him in the stomach. He fell to his knees as if in prayer,and died almost at once. However,Gandhi achieved what many thought impossible. He led his country of 400 million people to freedom without firing a shot. He also showed that a highly spiritual concept-non violence- can be a strong and practical tool for peace. Today Gandhi's principles of non violent protest are practiced all over the world and are a force for everyone of us. よろしくお願いします
We must realize that we cannot block diseases by closing borders, by signing or banning trade agreements,by national policies or bylocal practice. In many ways,we have brought these problems on ourselves. While we have arranged the natural world to suit our needs, increasingly our arrangements suit the convenience of our small enemies.
Hi! I couldnt understand your mail last one,it's not an English, so wierd, and I've emailed you yesterday, but there's something wrong,so I've got returned mail. anyways, how are u? I'm fine, I'm get ready to go Australia with working holiday visa next month,or the end of this month so there's so many things to do. I'm live with my friend's house now, cos I was move out お願いします。
In daily life, we assume as certain many things which, on a closer scrutiny, are found to be so full of apparent contradictions that only a great amount of thought enables us to know what it is that we really may believe.
The ceremony was meant to ridicule American Apolo Anton Ohno, who was awarded the gold medal in a short-track speedskating event at the Salt Lake City Olympics after South Korean Kim Dong-sung was disqualified for allegedly blocking Ohno with a half-lap to go. Kim crossed the line first.
The South Korean delegation threatened to boycott the Olympic closing ceremony to protest what they believed was biased refereeing. The incident provoked anti-American sentiment among South Koreans. http://www.sportsline.com/u/ce/multi/0,1329,5419703_71,00.html