日本語訳おねがいします。 文の構造が良くわかりません。 The considerable degree to which man's propensity for social living is shared by other animal forms is not generally realized.
The techonological revolution that will prevail for the remainder of this century will create jobs and professions that as little as five years ago were nonexistent. These newly developed markets will demand of workers an understanding of sophisticated technical communications systems as well as an increased technical expertise. By the year 2001 basic skills that once were vital to business will be rendered obsolete.
The form of nursery rhyme is usually very simple. The rhyming is often primitive. However,the vocabulary isquite extensive,and there are sometimes old or local words. 和訳お願いします。
The notion that it is acceptable for young men and women to live together without getting married is one American social trend that has yet to be widely imitated in Japan. During a visit to Japan in late 1980,I asked a young Japanese woman of avowedly feminist views how she felt about "living together";her modernism forced her to declare that she approved of the idea in principle, but it was clear that she had no intention of entering into any such arrangemet herself
I miss you alot, want to see your face, How are you doing? and how is your family? I'm fine, I'm sorry did not mail you yesterday, I was busy. You can speak many thai word already, so good.
My parent have seen your photo already. they said you are good looking and cute. when you called me last time and asked about Tattoo, do you want to have one. what would like to have? it hurt you know? please don't cry.Do you want to go there? I will take you there.
I wait to see you again. Please take care of yourself.
Thank you for your last letter, And thankyou very much for the gift you sent I got it last week. Im sorry I have been sooooooooo busy. I am off tomorrow to japan. I hope to write to you as much as I can over the next few years, But please understand ,it will be harder now without my teacher to read your letters. ( I am going to be away for three years. Maybe Yes one day both your english and my Japanese will be good enough to talk. But for now It would be easyer for me if you could write in Ramagi. This is because I don't know if were I am going has Japanese font. I'll right again soon.
The notion that it is acceptable for young men and women to live その考え−つまり、若い男女が結婚することなく一緒に住むことを together without getting married is one American social trend 受け入れること−はひとつのアメリカの社会のトレンドであり、 that has yet to be widely imitated in Japan. それは、まだ日本では広く受け入れられてはいない。 During a visit to Japan in late 1980,I asked a young Japanese 80年代後半に日本を訪れた時、私はある若い女性に尋ねた − woman of avowedly feminist views how she felt about その女性は男女同権論者を自認していた − "living together";her modernism forced her to declare that 「同棲」をどう考えるかと。女性の現代的な考えは次のような答えを強いた she approved of the idea in principle, 「おおむねその考えに賛成だ」。 but it was clear that she had no intention of entering into しかし明白だったのは、その女性自身がそうした関係を結ぶ気は any such arrangemet herself さらさらないということだった。
>>3 blown out of propotion (元の意味などを、歪めた形で)拡大解釈されること e.g. This whole issue is being blown out of propotion. (良い例ではないかもしれないが「ちびくろサンボ」が黒人差別を助長した悪書だと主張することとか・・・)
non-issue 重要でないこと、関係ないこと e.g. Environmental protection is a non-issue for President Bush.
訳してください。よろしくお願いします。 If everybody had an ocean Across the U.S.A. Then everybody would be surfin' Like California You'd see 'em wearin their baggins Huarachi sabdals too A bushy,bushy blonde haired SURFIN' U.S.A You'll catch 'em surfin' at Del Mar Ventura County Line Santa Cruz and Tressels Australia's Marabine All over Manhattan And down Doheny way Everybody's gone surfin' SURFIN' U.S.A
@A furry, brown animal that has a broad, flat tail and webbed hind feet to help it swim. It lives in or near the water in a house built of branches, stones, and mud. It protects its house from the water by building a dam of these same materials. (注:furry毛皮でおおわれた webbed:水かきのついた hind foot:後ろ足)
AA sea bird whose feathers are black or gray on the back and white on the chest. It cannot fly. Its wings look like flippers. It lives in and near Antarctia. (Antarctia:南極の)
BA hand tool with a sharp blade that sticks out from the bottom. It is used for smoothing wood and making it flat. One used in America is all made of metal.
CEither of two organs in the body that are shaped like a bean. They are found in the abdmen. They filter out waste from the bloodstream and pass it out the form of urine. (organ:器官 abdomen:腹部 waste:老廃物 urine=waste liquid which collects in the bladder(袋状組織)and is discharged from the body)
DA large engine on wide, heavy rollers. It is used to press down and smooth out the material used in making roads. (作業に使う車の一種)
EA particle found in the nucleus of an atom. It has a positive electric charge that is equal to the negative charge of an electron in the atom. (particle:微粒子 nucleus=the central part of an atom)
To pay me quickly and securely with your credit card or checking account, please click the button below. If you have already sent payment for this item (via PayPal or other means), please disregard this notice. For more information on my shipping, insurance, and other policies, or if you would like to pay for this item with a method other than PayPal, please see this auction listing for details.
Lance, just graduated from high school, joined up in November. He provided an anchor on bass that enabled John and Larry to soar on double guitars and the brother blend created a distinctive vocal sound.
CDライナーノートからの抜粋ですが、 the brother blend の部分の意味 が曖昧です。どなたか解説して頂けませんでしょうか???
He could be a typical father of a 3 year old, racing around NY on what is mostly an off day, running errands and taking meetings while dressed in an old white T-shirt.
彼は典型的な3才児の父親で休みの日にはNY周辺を走ったり しているらしいのですが、running errands and taking meetings とはどういう意味なのでしょう?
∧,,∧ >>59 ミ,・∀・彡 ahh at last!! i've found this game ^^ (ミ ミ) あはー ついに!このゲームを見つけた! ミ ミ thx a lot... どうもありがとう。 ∪ ∪ i'll manage to make it work on non-japaneze systems なんとか日本語環境じゃないシステムで動作するように してみるよ。
To adjust to these chemicals would require time on the scale that is nature's; it would require not merely the years of a man's life but the life of generations. And even this, were it by some miracle possible, would be futile,for the new chemicals come from our labaoratories in an endless stream;almost five hundred annually find their way into actual use in the USA alone. どなたか和訳おねがいします。
How different from the people of the Middle East with whom it is pointless to make an appointment too far in advance, because the informal structure of their time system places everything beyond a week into a single category of "future," in which plans tend to "slip off their minds." 和訳おねがいします
91と合わせてどなたかお願いします。 Yet think how important it is to know how much time is required to prepare people, or for them to prepare themselves, for things to come. Sometimes lead time would seem to be very extended. At other times, in the Middle East, any period longer than a week may be too long.
こんなチェーンメールが来ました。 一体どういう意味なんでしょうか。訳して下さい。 お願いします。 >> > >> >The last time I did this it worked for me too. I wished for a >>baby, >> > >and >> > >> >you all know what happened (approx. 2 months later). >> > >> >I had to give this a shot... >> > >> >Don't laugh at this! Just do it! >> > >> >My best friend just did this, this morning, wished for her >>promotion >> > >and >> > >> >just got a call and she got it. >> > >> >I'm SO sorry about this, but I had to keep it going. The last time >>I >> > >> >sent this exact e-mail out, I got a new job and now I'm >> > >superstitious. >> > >> >Start thinking about something you really really want, cause this >>is >> > >> >astounding... the person that sent this to me said their wish came >> > >true >> > >10 >> > >> >mins after they read the mail so I thought what the heck. >> > >> > ****** >> > >> > ****** >> > >> > ****** >> > >> > ****** >> > >> > ********** >> > >> > (,)(,) >> > >> > >> > >> > *.....* >> > >> >You have just been visited by Dr.Suess's Cat in the Hat. He will >> > >grant >> > >> >you >> > >> >one wish. >> > >> >Make your wish when the count down is over. >> > >> > 10.. >> > >> > 9.. >> > >> > 8.. >> > >> > 7.. >> > >> > 6.. >> > >> > 5.. >> > >> > 4.. >> > >> > 3.. >> > >> > 2.. >> > >> > 1.. >> > >> >MAKE A WISH >> > >> >Send this to 10 people within the hour you read this. >> > >> >If you do, your wish will come true. If you don't it will become >>the >> > >> >opposite.
>>103 ∧ ∧ 休暇用リゾート地で出くわしたり、街の公園でぶらついてるのを ミ,,゚ー゚彡 見かけたりする他の人たちは皆、カメラを持っています。 〜ミ___ 彡 Every other person が主語、carriesが動詞です。 Every other person who is encountered 〜 by me or Every other person who is seen strolling(5文型の受身) こう書けばわかる?
If you tell others they were hostile or insecure,they may feel accused and may not know what you are reacting to.But if you say you reacted to how they said what they did,and you can pinpoint which aspect of the way they spoke you reacted to,they can see what was there and address it.
People often say,spontaneously, "It's not what you said but the way you said it," even if they can't put their finger on just what it was about the way you said it that they reacted to.
In the United States if you telephone someone early in the morning, while he is shaving or she is having breakfast, the time of the call usually signals a matter of utmost importance and extreme urgency. The same applies for calls after 11:00 P.M. A call received during sleeping hours is apt to be taken as a matter of life and death, hence the rude joke value of these calls among the young. お願いします
The whole process of spraying seems caught up in an endless spiral. Since DDT was released for civilian use, a process of escalation has been going on in which ever more toxic materials must be found. this has happened because insects, in a triumphant vindication of Darwin's principle of the survival of the fittest, have evolved super races immune to the particular insecticide used, hence a deadlier one has always to be developed ─ and then a deadlier one than that. It has happened also because,for reasons to be described later, destructive insects often undergo a `flareback',or resurgence,after spraying,in numbers greater than before. 長いんですがよろしくおねがいします。
It were not for books,for the written record of man's most profound thoughts,his loftiest achievements,each generation would have to rediscover for itself the truths of the past,with only the inadequate help of oral
>>91+>>97 How different from the people of the Middle East with whom it is pointless to make an appointment too far in advance, because the informal structure of their time system places everything beyond a week into a single category of "future," in which plans tend to "slip off their minds." Yet think how important it is to know how much time is required to prepare people, or for them to prepare themselves, for things to come.Sometimes lead time would seem to be very extended.At other times, in the Middle East, any period longer than a week may be too long.
The plants in Figure 5 were on a continous drip system, where nutrient solution is constantly being pumped into the medium. This tends to keep the entire root system completely saturated. A better way would be to periodically feed the plants, say for 1/2 hour every 2-3 hours. This would give the roots a chance to get needed air to them, and prevent root rot and other problems. Don't be throw off by the fact that the plants in Figure 5 are sitting in still water, this is actually an H2O2 solution used to try and correct the problem. Adding an airstone to the tub would also help add O2 to the solution.
as a part of the efort,the united states urged pakistan to close its border with neifhboring afghanistan.where bibn laden operates ,and to cut off funding for terrorist groups.
How strange it was that the creative instinct should seize upon this dull broker,to his own ruin,perhaps,and to the misfortune of such as were dependent on him!
The natives of one of the islands had been having a difficult time getting their white supervisors to hire them in a way consistent with their traditional status system. どなたかお願いします。traditional status systemって伝統的な資格制度でいいんでしょうか?
The rapidity of change and the speed with which new situations are created follow the impetuous and heedless pace of man rather than the deliberate pace of the nature. だれかよろしくおねがいいたします。
Have you better from the sickness, I have been worry about you so much. do you rent the apartment? I have been think you live in your own house. I will be support you , please try your best with working. I will do the same, I will be your best girlfriend. どうしてもわかりません・・・ お願い致します。
If we reflect upon the subject of language at all,we shall soon realize that even our own English which we know so well,and use so readily,thought familiar is yet mysterious.
105と106は2,3年前の京大オープンに出てた問題すね。 次の英文、意見が割れたんですがお願いします。 戦場のメリークリスマスの原作の冒頭部分で,お互い日本兵に囚われの身だった、私、と、ローレンス が再開している場面です。 I stole a quick glimpse of him. The suit of pre-war tweeds, which still fiited him perfectly sat on his tall broad frame more like service uniform than becoming country garments and he was walking like a somnambulist at my side, with an odd unconscious deliberation, and puoposefulness, a strange tranced expression on his face. His large grey eyes, set well apart under that fine and wide brow in a noble head, were blue with the distance between us. Even the light of that contaracting December afternoon, receding from the day like the grey tide of the stilled sea from a forgotten and forlorn foreshore fuming silently in the gathering mists of time, glowed in his eyes not like a light from without so much as the fading tone of a frozen wintry moment far back in some calender of his own within. 最後のeven the lightから始まる文の訳をお願いします。
>>154 contaracting=contracting calender=calendar ですよね?細かくは訳しませんが、 平たく言えば彼の瞳に宿った光は12月の午後の明かりを反映するというよりはむしろ 彼が内に秘める暦の色褪せたはるか昔の冬のひと時を映すようであったと… "without so much as"でひと括りではなく"not...so much as..."で "light from without"と"his own within"を対比させているんですよね?
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with Track and Confirm inquiries. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience.
As one might expect, the American plant manager, who understood neither the local language nor the culture nor what the hullabaloo was about, thought he had a riot on his hands and called out the Marines. It simply never occurred to him that the parts of the day have a different meaning for these people than they have for us. 長めですが和訳お願いします。
Fw: A special powful tool <VIRUS??> From: Roger Helbig ([email protected]) Date: 01/29/02 Next message: [email protected]: "vidElex - Problems - Explanation" Previous message: Stacey L Gordon: "NYT Index (fwd)" Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
I would suspect this is a virus - I am sure not about to find out!
----- Original Message ----- From: "BHill" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:37 AM Subject: A special powful tool
Hi,This is a special powful tool I hope you would enjoy it.
Myslisz o otworzeniu wlasnego sklepu internetowego? A moze o wynajeciu stoiska w wirtualnym pasazu? W Centrum e-biznesu mozesz miec jedno i drugie. Juz od 290 zl za rok. Wybierz: e-witryne lub e-sklep. http://handel.getin.pl/
If you tell others they were hostile or insecure,they may feel accused and may not know what you are reacting to.But if you say you reacted to how they said what they did,and you can pinpoint which aspect of the way they spoke you reacted to,they can see what was there and address it.
I would suspect this is a virus - I am sure not about to find out!
----- Original Message ----- From: "BHill" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:37 AM Subject: A special powful tool
Hi,This is a special powful tool I hope you would enjoy it.
---- -- Myslisz o otworzeniu wlasnego sklepu internetowego? A moze o wynajeciu stoiska w wirtualnym pasazu? W Centrum e-biznesu mozesz miec jedno i drugie. Juz od 290 zl za rok. Wybierz: e-witryne lub e-sklep. http://handel.getin.pl/
If you tell others they were hostile or insecure,they may feel accused and may not know what you are reacting to.But if you say you reacted to how they said what they did,and you can pinpoint which aspect of the way they spoke you reacted to,they can see what was there and address it.
"You know what it could be,〜"とは?を聞いたものです。 全文はこうです。 Hi again, you know what it could be, her hair is real, and has been packed for so many years, it went straight.
The discount was on the product that you kept. We gave you your money back for the SimplyProtein Complete Whey and charged you 25% less for the Whey Protein, 5 Plus 1 that you kept. Below is a copy of the credit of $67.50 that was applied to your credit card. をお願いします。
>>224 ここじゃスレ違いだが、ちょっとだけ。 little(manyやmostも同様)の後にofを付けて、その後に単純に名詞は置けないんだよ。 例としては、 little of 固有名詞 little of the 〜 little of what you need などの場合はofを付けるんだが、little of strainとかは言えないの。 もっと詳しく文法的なこと聞きたかったら他のスレで聞いてみそ。
追加。 たとえば、 He has seen little of life He knows little of human beings とかは確かに言える。 けれど、そういう使い方は特殊な例だと思って。 ittle、many、mostなどはofを付けるのは固有名詞などが続く場合だけというのが原則。 一般名詞が続く場合は、ofは付けられない。 たとえば little of strain は間違い。 little of the strain(that I had yesterday)とかなら、ofを付ける。
We all, in the first place, matter enormously to ourselves, and will bother about our writing if we feel ourselves to be somehow at stake or on show as we write.
We can never, of course, display at any one time the entire complex of characteristics that makes us what we are.
Writing of different sorts brings different parts of our personalities into play: a job-application will present a different persona from that revealed in a declaration of love, while any subsequent letters of resignation will reflect yet further facets of our elusive essence.
But there must be something of me in everything I write, otherwise my writing degenerates either into plagiarism or into callous and deliberate insincerity.
We used to mix Hen' with Bacardi Dark And when it, kicks in you can hardly talk And by the, sixth gin you're gonna probably crawl And you'll be, sick then and you'll probably barf And my pre-diction is you're gonna probably fall Either somewhere in the lobby or the hallway wall お願いします。
A....I'm actually 5 8 1/2 and I'll you guys a little secret.... I had to bend down a little cuz our ○○ is a little shorter than me! I would say he's 5 7 1/2
I'm not here now, but if you have files to share keep trying and I'll set you up if I can when I return. I'm on the east coast USA. If you don't share don't bother.
From the directors of THE TRIPS, the adventure begins with the odyssey of a mystery Canadian "Loonie" (our gold-like dollar coin). This dollar gives power to the biker. Through the movie, bikers will, one at a time, have the dollar and will be under the influence of it's power.
While creating links between the bikers' parts, this magnificent loonie will travel all over the world and each time it is given to someone, that biker explodes as one of the best on the rocks. In order to bring an artistic view of what's climbing is all about, this dollar is the incarnation of climbing's magnetic influence and power over the youth of today, looking for adrenaline and fun.
With reference to Your shipment. We are sorry to hear Your order has still not been delivered after a period of 9 weeks (45 working days) from dispatchment date.
Since the requested method of shipment - 'Regular Shipment' is not a traceable shipment service, we have no definite possibility to find out the exact status of the shipment. If Your order has suffered any delays due to customs inspection, an acknowledgement or any other notice from Your customs agency should normally be sent out within 2-3 weeks after confiscation date (even though it has in several cases taken up to 4 weeks and more for certain customs agencies to confirm), or part of the order not containing any controlled substances should be released for delivery.
If the shipment becomes confiscated and You do not receive a notification, please bear in mind that customs does not always issue notifications due to high costs of sending thousands per month, and in certain cases where prohibited substances have been imported. To verify the shipment has been confiscated after the 45-day period, You may need to contact customs directly.
We could at this point, offer You a reshipment of Your full order (despite of our regular policy and what is stated in our disclaimer) at the additional charge of 50 % of the original order amount. The reshipment would be sent through another shipping point, meaning the package would be coming from another country and entering the final destination country through another customs area than Your original order. In most of the cases a second shipment, dispatched another date and through another shipping point, eliminates the factor that made the original order be detained and/or confiscated in the first place. Another solution we could offer You, is to reship *30% (an estimated one third) of Your original order at the only cost of S&H-charges. This way You would not have to face any further expenses, than those minimal for a reshipment. *only available if order can be divided.
Please, don't hesitate to contact our Customer Service should You have any further questions regarding this matter.
Do you really want to make tattoo? It is not too hurt. It's ok. Cost is depend on size. If you want to make big one and difficult to do, then must be high cost. If you want to make small one and easier, then cheaper. If expensive that mean you will get good one to make for you. You must have a look his work, how is his work? Because tattoo will be on your body forever.
The Japaness's song that you like. Right now I try to sing. I think you will hear it on phone soon.
We quickly followed behind her. She talked with him some and got his autograph. He seemed much nicer the second time around, although it was short lived because he received a call on his cell phone, to which M replied,"I totally dig your phone!" A replied, "You like it? Cool." Then we got the pic of which you see me, A and M.
The plants in Figure 5 were on a continous drip system, where nutrient solution is constantly being pumped into the medium. This tends to keep the entire root system completely saturated. A better way would be to periodically feed the plants, say for 1/2 hour every 2-3 hours. This would give the roots a chance to get needed air to them, and prevent root rot and other problems. Don't be throw off by the fact that the plants in Figure 5 are sitting in still water, this is actually an H2O2 solution used to try and correct the problem. Adding an airstone to the tub would also help add O2 to the solution.
How much additional paper work would I have to do? For last time I sent something overseas I had to fill out about 3 pages worth of stuff and it took me almost an hour to do that.
How about your work? CD the one you like. Is the cover say Japaness oldsongs special 1 and it is say Broken hearted woman. Right now in Thailand is so hot. But I think Japan is still cold right? Please let me know when is your birthday?
he has a pre-race ritual: he HAS to put his left sock on first, then his right. - Does he have any goals he hasn't accomplished in his sport? "Yeah, tons. OH YEAH. [Being content with a gold medal] would take all the fun out of it. I'm in it for the challenge." (I think he was genuinely surprised by this question. Obviously, yours truly has been worrying needlessly that he would be leaving the sport for show biz.
After centuries had passed,more and more of the splendid successes of the ancient world began to be rediscovered in Europe. What had been accomplished in that world seemed so amazing that for a long time teachers were content to do little more than pass on to each new generation of scholars the conclusions arrived at by leading Greek thinkers. There was little scientific progress beyond that of the Greeks until around the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
和訳お願いします。 あと文法と言うか構文で @What had been accomplished〜のwhatはどこまで支配するか? Aso amazing that〜のthatの用法 Bpass on 〜の目的語 Carrived〜の用法 Dbeyound that of〜のthatの用法
@What had been accomplished in that worldまでが主語 Aso ... that 〜。あまりに...なので〜だ。 Bthe conclusions arrived at by leading Greek thinkers 主導的ギリシャ人哲学者が到達した結論 Carrived atで他動詞的に使い、受身に。 Dthat=scientific progress of the Greeks
>>338 名詞として扱うって言うか、herselfは名詞そのものじゃん。 意味としては、 but it was clear that she, herself, had no intention of entering into any such arrangemet または but it was clear that she had no intention of entering into any such arrangemet by herself のいずれか。
I don’t think we can explain the *recurrence of war *on a political or economic or social basis. These elements make war possible but; however they don’t make it inevitable. But war has been *as certain as death and taxes in human history. It has long been my conviction that deep irrational impulses are at work in the promotion and perpetuation of war, in every century, in every society, in every part of world. We can see it most clearly now, in the atomic age. Atomic war has been proclaimed “unthinkable,” but we are far from giving up thinking about it.
* recurrence 「再発、くり返し」 *on a 〜 basis 「・・の基準(原則,方式)で」 *as certain as death=just as unavoidable
The bell engineering staff presented a proposal to the Air Froce calling for the design and construction of twenty-four copies as an interceptor incorporating in- flight variable-sweep wing capability.
これを訳してくださいお願いします。 This is an unscientific, informal survey for the interest and enjoyment of TIME.com users, and may not be indicative of popular opinion. Results updated every few seconds. Computer-generated votes will be removed without notice.
those are propably the two most exciting match. have looked my files if there is anything you would like to download, I don't remember what I have download from you so I tell them all now.
>>398 どうなんでしょうね…'Anonymous'って「名無しさん」みたいな響きがありますね、このひとちゃねらーなんでしょうかもしかして… Second postって(このトピックを掲示するのは)2度目ってことだと思いますけど。 このメッセージ自体が独立していて、あるスレッドへのレス2番めげっとという意味ではないと思う・・・のですが・・・ この人のトピックを経営人が載せてくれないからこれが2度目のトライということなんでしょうか? 単刀直入に"What do you mean by 'Second post?'"とレスしてみることをおすすめします
Nothing ever gets done, (仕事とかが)何も片付かない、完成されない This time I think I'm getting through. 文脈によります、今度はうまくいく・たどり着ける・わかってもらえる等々と思う It's funny how, it's funny how when you do. (君が、又は、一般的に)なにかしょうとするとき・・・なのがおかしい when you doのあとに・・・にあたる文が続くと思います Especially when your hands are tied. どうしょうもない時・手が出せない時・動きがとれない時とくに (tie one's hands:行動を封じる) youは誰かを特定して「君」というより一般的に「たとえばあなたが・・・するとしよう」みたいな使われ方をすると思います (文脈によるけど)
Born on a different cloud / 異なった雲の上に生まれる From the ones that have burst 'round town / 町の周りを破壊させたものから It's no surprise to me / それは俺にとって驚くようなことじゃない That you're classless, clever and free / おまえはどの階級にも属さなくて、利口で、自由
Loaded just like a gun / 銃に弾丸を詰め込むように You're the hero that's still unsung / おまえは世には知られていない英雄 Livin' on borrowed time / 残りの人生を生きること You're my sun and you're gonna shine / おまえは俺の太陽 そして、輝こうとしている
Talkin' to myself again / 俺は再び自問する This time I think I'm getting through. / 今度はうまくいくと思う It's funny how you think, / おまえがどう思ってるかは疑わしい It's funny how, it's funny how when you do. / ??????????????
Lonely soul, / 孤独な魂 Busy working over time. / 長い時間働き続けて、もう精一杯なんだ Nothing ever gets done, / 何も成し遂げることができない Especially when your hands are tied. / 特におまえの動きが封じられているときに
Lonely soul, / 孤独な魂 Breaking up your mother's pride. / おまえの母親の誇りの上に壊れて Nothing ever gets done, / 何も成し遂げることができない Not until your war's won. / おまえの戦争はまだ勝っていない
No man is so foolish but he may give another god counsel sometimes,and no man is so wise but he may easily err,if he will take no other's counsel but his own.
Talkin' to myself again / 俺は再び自問する This time I think I'm getting through. / 今度はうまくいくうまくやってのけてやる It's funny how you think, / どれほどおまえにバカにされようが It's funny how, it's funny how when you do. / 奇妙に思われようが、おまえに疑われているときにでも
>>415 Ben Jonsonですね、正しくは"another GOOD counsel," "no man is so wise THAT he may easily err"だと思います 結びがHe that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master. どんな間抜けな人間でも時には良い助言をすることがあり、 他人の助言を聞き入れずにいて間違いをせずにいられるほど賢明な人間はいない 自分以外の教師を持たない人間は馬鹿だ・・・みたいな意味だと思います
It is certainly depressing to be bidden to a party where there is no one but has one foot in the grave.Fools don't become less foolish when they grow old,and an old fool is infinitely more tiresome than a young one.
To a naive speaker of but one language,and especially to an adult but uneducated speaker,everything but his own tongue is likely to strike him as somehow unreasonable.
thanx to your ask. Scotland = UK? then, I can send this you. It cost 2800 or 3250yen without successful bid price. How long period takes Postal money order?
I think you should to be tried . I try to called you by phone but I can't . I don' t know do you have some problem with connetion of your phone. Do you smoke ? You promise me 1 box for 1 day . I worry about you so much .
???文法間違え? 訳せないっす・・・ すみませんがわかりやすくお願いします。 Please tried to rest and you will srong . Don't for got to sent picture to me .
I am sorry unskilful English.4 days OK!Please wishing to enter my auction.Welcome to your bid.Tsutanai English de sumimasen.4 days zenzen OK desuyo!Nyuusatsu kangei itashimasu.Otoiawase thanx deshita!
As to disease,it is so rare in wild animals or in a large majority of cases s quickly proves fatal,that,compared with what we call disease in our species,it is practically non-existent.
Latest Developments Israel Bans U.N. Mission to Jenin (AP) - Israel's Cabinet decided Sunday not to allow a U.N. fact-finding team to come to the region to look into the battle in the Jenin refugee camp, a Cabinet minister said. Communications Minister Reuven Rivlin, briefing reporters after a lengthy Cabinet meeting, said that the United Nations had gone back on its agreements with Israel over the team, and so it would not be allowed to arrive. More... (Reuters photo)
One thing Nakata is not, however, is tall. Ichiro is the lankier of the two, at 1.8m to Nakata's stocky 1.75m. That is part of their appeal. Endowed by genetics with standard equipment, they excel at pursuits that tend to favor more formidable types.
We recognize that language usage is sensitive, and so we apologize to any Americans not from the United States, such as Mexicans or Argentineans, who might find this application of the term offensive.
As for Nakata, he burst into Japanese consciousness by engineering the country's first trip to the World Cup in a 1997 victory over Iran. And what's up with his tresses? Nakata changes hair color more often than most men chnage channels.
メル友からきたんですが、全く意味がわからないです… 前後の文なしにこの3行だけでした。 これどういう意味ですか? ------------- Baby monkey asked: why we look ugly like this? she said u've to thank godthat you look like who is readin massage..... hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
I have always been very focused on the emotional and intellectual relationships with women -- I think you can see that I am very caring and sensitive and 'sweet' as you said. But now, as I am coming to my later 30's in age I am becoming a little more interested in another special part of love that I have not known so well -- oh, I don't know how to talk about it! I am so shy. I am just curious about your feelings as you get older, but I know that maybe it's the opposite of mine... anyway, maybe it's best not to talk of these things.
外国人の彼女に、日本語への翻訳を依頼されました。以下の文です。 I don't know why I wanted to travel By a train. Now I'm off the train And nowhere to go. 翻訳する事は簡単なのですが、一体誰の詩なんでしょうか? その人の書いた詩が最も適当な訳だと思うからです。 どなたか教えて下さい。
That=Is it any wonder that〜 よって That this sphinx should teach us too to ask questions? ↓ Is it any wonder that this sphinx should teach us too to ask questions? ↓ このスフィンクスが我々も問いをかけるよう(我々を)諭しても、全く不思議ではなかろう?
Not only did Ichiro, 28, amaze as the first everyday player and hitter, (but) he gave U.S. fans fresh appreciation for baseball executed with precision, intelligence and discipline.
すいません。 下記の英文を分かりやすく日本語に訳して下さい↓ This is the Postfix program at host svan27.sannet.ne.jp. I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned below could not be delivered to one or more destinations. For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster> If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the message returned below. The Postfix program <[email protected]>: host mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp[] said: 550 Unknown user: [email protected]
But then, if there is a true feeling of love, maybe it's OK to have touching and kissing and some times even 'making love' as we say in English.... I am only a little experienced with these things, not very much, so it's hard to talk about. But, I think I want to enjoy this part of loving in my life because I did not have it before.
Do you know what I mean? Oh, you're going to think I am a terrible person-- please understand that I am only curious about how you feel as a woman at a similar age to me. I am not trying to say or do something impolite...
Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm.It's very dangerous by corrupting your files. Because of its very smart stealth and anti-anti-virus technic,most common AV software can't detect or clean it. We developed this free immunity tool to defeat the malicious virus. You only need to run this tool once,and then Klez will never come into your PC. NOTE: Because this tool acts as a fake Klez to fool the real worm,some AV monitor maybe cry when you run it. If so,Ignore the warning,and select 'continue'. If you have any question,please mail to me.
失礼します。 Can you tell me when your father (come) back? 高校英語の問題で、動詞を適当な形に直しなさい という問題なのですが、 解答では、when以下は名詞節なので、will come となっています。 しかし、「あなたの父が帰ってきたときには、教えてくれますか?」 というふうに副詞節になって、comesではだめなんでしょうか? スレ違いかもしれませんが、どこで聞けばいいか分からなかったので。 スレ違いでしたら、誘導をお願い致します。
Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm.It's very dangerous by corrupting your files. Because of its very smart stealth and anti-anti-virus technic,most common AV software can't detect or clean it. We developed this free immunity tool to defeat the malicious virus. You only need to run this tool once,and then Klez will never come into your PC. NOTE: Because this tool acts as a fake Klez to fool the real worm,some AV monitor maybe cry when you run it. If so,Ignore the warning,and select 'continue'. If you have any question,please mail to me.
Yes, he sells fireworks, adorns postage stamps, blinks as a cursor on Sony PCs and appears in movies about the Dorabian Nights. よく意味がわかりません。どうか訳お願いいたします。
From his stylized yoga warm-up routines to his diving, take-no-prisoners catches to his unorthodox batsmanship, Ichiro seems to have tweaked the game to give himself a half-step advantage. Although his persona is unassuming compared with the big egos and bigger mouths of some U.S. players, he carries himself with confidence that translates back home into attitude.
特に、 take-no-prisoners と translates back home into attitude のところがわかりません。
Having Mom Over For Dinner One day, John decided to invite over his mother for dinner with him and his roommate, Julie. Julie made a great dinner, but John's mother started to suspect more than friendship. The next day, Julie told John that the soup ladle was missing. This is the letter he wrote to his mother: Dear Ma, I'm not saying you did take the soup ladle, but I'm not saying you didn't. But the fact remains, It's missing. Love, John This was her response... Dear John, I'm not saying you did sleep with Julie, But I'm not saying you didn't. But the fact remains that if she were sleeping in her own bed, she would have found it by now. Love, Mom
The largest breed of dragon, the Ironbelly has been known to achieve a weight of six tonnes. Rotund and slower in flight than the Vipertooth or the Longhorn, the Ironbelly is nevertheless extremely dangerous, capable of crushing dwellings on which it lands. The scales are metallic grey, the eyes deep red and the talons particulaely longs and vicious. Ironbellies have been subject to constant observation by the Ukrainian wizarding authorities ever since an Ironbelly carried off a (mercifully empty) sailing boat from the Black Sea in 1799.
A conjugate of a calicheamicin hydrazide derivative attached via hydrazone formation to the oxidized carbohydrates of the anti-CD33 murin antibody P67.7 had been chosen for use in AML(Acute Myeloid Leukemia) prior to humanization of this antibody.
I know the last number of Pi... by: themanonthemoon666 (18/M/Right behind you...) 12/17/99 12:24 am Msg: 1 of 134
What, you didn't think I would actually tell you what it was did you?? But, since I am such a nice guy, I will give you a clue. It is alot easier to find than everybody makes it out to be. But there is a twist at the end...
The equivalent of our "three cheers!", the word banzai is shouted three times in unison to the accompaniment of raised arms when someone wins a contest or when a party is being wrapped up. Or indeed at the completion of chapter one of Five Live’s Chancer’s Guide to the Far East. There are more Japanese cliches explained in the run-up to the World Cup. But next week we shed light on a subject that forever fascinates us here in the West - love and sekkusu in Japan (yep, that’s Japanese for "sex"). Don’t miss it. Banzai!
With insurance for 200.00 and sending it air mail (4 to 7 days) it would cost around $20.00. In order to calculate UPS I would need your address with zip code type number and I assume it would be somewhat similar. The reserve is set low at $150.00 because the listing fees start getting expensive if you set them high.
@She is one of those people that you either love or hate. AHer moods kept changing---now happy,then filled with despair. BIf,on the one hand,the Athenians were superior in number,the Spartants, on the other hand,were unmatched in prowess. CSometimes we went to the beach and at other times we sunbathed on the patio. DDogs are more faithful than cats;these attach to places and those to persons. E''What did you talk about?'' ''Oh,this and that.'' お願いします
seems like eyemme is seriously not here anymore...
"The message your eyes showing me caused my heart to sink... part forever with the century that you love me... freeze all the memories that contain you and destroy hopes for the future... drift away from the heaven of love and pain. After we are apart, how will I be able to face the thousand years that's yet to come. Everyday, I miss you more and more. Say good bye to the world of dreams..."
高2クラウンのレッスン3なんですが Proverbs, by stating basic rules of common sense and conduct, have become an essential part of daily speech in all societies. Very often the rules of conduct of one culture are rules of another, for they are a product of common experiences. Each language has its own proverbs. The phrasing is unique and contributes to the color of the language. But whatever the differences of expression, many proverbs convey similar meanings with some Japanese proverbs you know well. Would you like to check how they would go in Japanese? pharasing「表現の仕方;言い回し」 の訳よろしくお願いします。 あともし高校時代にクラウンを使っていた方がいたらぜひ全訳載せてほしいのですが・・・
But then, if there is a true feeling of love, maybe it's OK to have touching and kissing and some times even 'making love' as we say in English.... I am only a little experienced with these things, not very much, so it's hard to talk about. But, I think I want to enjoy this part of loving in my life because I did not have it before.
Do you know what I mean? Oh, you're going to think I am a terrible person-- please understand that I am only curious about how you feel as a woman at a similar age to me. I am not trying to say or do something impolite...
Lewis Gates is a heavy-drinking tracker who is called to sober up and hit the backcountry to find three murderous fugitives from the local prison. For him it is a routine assignment. But then a strange thing happens.
There are threads in our lives. You pull one, and everything else gets affected. When they were children, Sean Devine, Jimmy Marcus and Dave Boyle were friends. But then a strange car pulled up their street.
Manata started to weep tears of dispair. "Go back!" she pleaded, "It's useless!" But then a strange thing happened. The girl's tears fell onto the rope and as they touched it the rope melted and broke away!
>>703 訳じゃないけど What the fuck are you saying? Cock sucking cunt with an ever limp dick. You corny motherfucker. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? I don't have time replying to this shit. So fuck this!
Basically what Paul said, using split DNS is the way forward, NAT is not supposed to work from two directly connected LANs, you will go up your fw port, to the external, back down to the DMZ then try to route back via the internal.
(※) split DNS , NAT , DMZ は、そのままです。 fw port = firewall の port のことです
>>718さん、さっそくお返事ありがとうございます。 つけたしで質問なのですが、 これって、例えば We have a time. のときは Don't you think so ? で We don't have a time のときは Do you think so? になるのですか?付加疑問文みたいに。 もし分かりましたら、引き続きアドバイス願います。
>731 ありがとうございましたm 申し訳ないですけど、Along with noise pollution we must also note that solid wastes like plastic bags,bottles and containers pile up and will become permanent garbage. も教えて下さい。お願いします。
Thinking she was in difficulties he hastened towards her, but in doing so slipped himself and wrenched his ankle. As it turned out,she was not in difficulties at all, but was merely signalling to a friend farther down the mountain
Along with noise pollution we must also note that solid wastes like plastic bags,bottles and containers pile up and will become permanent garbage. 教えて下さい。お願いします。
Mountaineering is different in many points from other forms of activity to which men give leisure. In the first place, it is a sport and not a game. T here are no man-made rules, as there are for such games as golf and football.
I went to see your latest film. It was great! I enjoyed it three times 'cause it was really fun. I found the first part really horrible(I'm so timid I don't like to see horror movies), so I thought I shouldn't have come to see this film. As the movie went on I was reveted by it because of the heartwarming, thrilling and touching scenes.That's why I enjoyed it 3times. To tell you the truth, I didn't like adventure movies very much. What impressed me most is your smile your frowning face in trouble, sorrowful face and everything lovely about you. (I didn't know anything about your charm before this film,sorry) I'm an enthusiastic fan of you now! I long to directly see your smile, not in the picture. I would like you to write me back. You might think I am crazy,foolish, but I really hope you will reply! thank you very much for reading my this long fan letter.
Hello Jonny.I am a Japanese girl and 20 years old. I went to see your latest film. It was great! I enjoyed it three times 'cause it was really fun. I found the first part really horrible(I'm so timid I don't like to see horror movies), so I thought I shouldn't have come to see this film. As the movie went on I was reveted by it because of the heartwarming, thrilling and touching scenes.That's why I enjoyed it 3times. To tell you the truth, I didn't like adventure movies very much. What impressed me most is your smile your frowning face in trouble, sorrowful face and everything lovely about you. (I didn't know anything about your charm before this film,sorry) I'm an enthusiastic fan of you now! I long to directly see your smile, not in the picture. I would like you to write me back. You might think I am crazy,foolish, but I really hope you will reply! thank you very much for reading my this long fan letter.
Science puts nature to use, but nature, to be put to use, must be comprehended, and this comprehension must be of nature as t is and not as human desire would like nature to be.
it is not possible for your child to live here exactly as she has in your house. here she is one of many. it is true that she will be individually cared for, watched and taught,but she can not behave as though she were the only child. なんとなくはわかるのですが正確に訳せません。 誰かたすけて。
>こんばんわ。 > >Sorry about sending letter late。 >Because I have to wait for my father go to Japan。 >Than I can know if I got the thing。 >So maybe it will take a long time。 >But as soom as I got the thing in Taiwan,I will write you >an e-mail 。 >Thank you!! >
Criticism of Yanagisawa: A television pundit in Japan has claimed that if he was in charge of Antlers,Atsushi Yanagisawa would have to improve his performances significantly. Manager Toninho Cerezo told the press that Yanagisawa is valuable member of the squad.
Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin.
It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it.
And then he feels that perhaps there isn't.
Anyhow, here he is at the bottom, and ready to be introduced to you. Winnie-the-Pooh.
If woman did possess such a remarkable faculty, it would go hard with my sex; but as it is, she possesses it not, and so too often life goes hard with her.
I have shipped to Japan once before with no problem but it was a very small item. I make allowances to foreign bidders who contact me before the auction closes. If you agree to pay actual shipping cost and realize the shipping stated in the auction will not apply, please feel free to bid. We can work this out.
I know a LITTLE about it, and I am very good at making a woman's body feel *very nice*, so I would like to learn a little more about this. この意味って、女性を感じさせるのがうまいって意味ですか? どなたか教えてください。直訳しかできなくて。。。 よろしくお願いします。
One Allegro moderato section in 5/8 metre features the pianist's hands apparently a semiquaver out of synchronization, while another presents a humorously distorted bass-line.
また、スレ違いかもしれないんですが、 To know that the bakery Ed is managing is not doing very well is sad. ベストセラーのBig Fat Catに出ていた英文で、 (エドの経営する焼き菓子屋さんがそれほど売り上げが良くないのを知ることは悲しい) と訳されてて、isが二つあったり、なんか変な感じがするんですが、これは正しい文でしょうか。
I know a LITTLE about it, and I am very good at making a woman's body feel *very nice*, so I would like to learn a little more about this. どなたかどうぞよろしくお願いします。。。
特に変だと思うのは、 I am very good at making a woman's body feel *very nice*, の部分。 これだと、女性の体そのものの触り心地を良くするという意味になっちゃう。 おそらく、 I am very good at making women feel *very nice*, と言いたいのでは?
>>760 Science puts nature to use, but nature, to be put to use, must be comprehended, and this comprehension must be of nature as it is and not as human desire would like nature to be.
After what seemed to him a suitable period he let it be known that he would like to call on the minister who was his counterpart. 簡単そうで訳せません。どなたかお願いします。
I read an article that said that ○○ was getting scared when he read a story his friend sent him online. he said it was all about him and booze and pushing sex on a girl. he was freaked out and said it was nothing that he would ever do. he said whoever was writing it, its not true. that's what i read. he said (and i quote) "top ten reasons i have security: 1.) people writing flasities." uh-oh to whom ever is writing it. tata for now.
Hello Jonny.I am a Japanese girl and 20 years old. I went to see your latest film. It was great! I enjoyed it three times 'cause it was really fun. I found the first part really horrible(I'm so timid I don't like to see horror movies), so I thought I shouldn't have come to see this film. As the movie went on I was reveted by it because of the heartwarming, thrilling and touching scenes.That's why I enjoyed it 3times. To tell you the truth, I didn't like adventure movies very much. What impressed me most is your smile your frowning face in trouble, sorrowful face and everything lovely about you. (I didn't know anything about your charm before this film,sorry) I'm an enthusiastic fan of you now! I long to directly see your smile, not in the picture. I would like you to write me back. You might think I am crazy,foolish, but I really hope you will reply! thank you very much for reading my this long fan letter.
When she said to me that she just had to leave, my baby knew that she needs a change and it could not stay the same. But I wanna make her feel so good. Nothin' I can do till she wanna do for me, and it makes me shout. My baby's gonna make me feel it.
Make the most of every sense;glory in all the facets of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you through the several means of contact which Nature provides.
There is a need to use correct terminology, and environmentally relevant test procedures to meet regulatory,legal,and research objectives. The procedures given below allow measurement of biological responses to known and unknown concentrations of materials in both fresh and saline waters. There toxicity tests are applicable to routine monitoring requirements as well as reseach needs.
★The old bullet In 1893 Henry Ziegland,of Honey Grove,Texas,left his sweetheart, who killed herself. Her brother tried to avenge her by shooting Ziegland, but the bullet only grazed his face and buried itself in a tree. (The brother, thinking he had killed Ziegland, committed suicide.) In 1913, Ziegland was cutting down the tree (with the bullet in it.) (It was a tough job so he used dynamite, and the explosion sent the old bullet through Ziegland's head, killing him.)
和訳よろしくお願いします。 Minuk wondered what effect low to moderate alcohol consumption would have on the liver's ability to heal it self. ''We knew that heavy alcohol consumption could harm the liver and its ability to recover,''he says. ''But we had no idea what the effects of low alcohol consumption were.''
>870 I can ship there, however shipping will be a lot more than what was sent to you. Please send that money, and I will e-mail after it is shipped, and let you know. How much more it was.
One of the most reliable, though not necessarily most distinguished, accomplishments of economics is its ability to accomodate its view of economic process, instruction therein and recommneded public action to specific economic and political interest. Craftsmen, sometimes of no slight ability, are regularly available for this service.
Psychiatry is a rudimentary medical art. It lacks easy access to proof of its proposals even as it deals with disorders of the most complex features of human life - mind and behavior. Yet,probably because of the earlier examples of Freud and Jung, a belief persists that psychiatrists are entitled to special privileges - that they know the secret of human nature - and thus can venture beyond their clinic-based competencies to instruct on nonmedical matters: interpreting literature, counseling the inferiority complex, prescribing for the splendid future.
As the summer drew to a close I found myself, to my delight,once more without a tutor. Mother had discovered that, as she so delicately put it, Margo and Peter were becoming'too fond of one another'. As the family was unanimous in its disapproval of Peter as a prospctive relation by marriage,something obviously had to be done.
>>897 Psychiatry is a rudimentary medical art. It lacks easy access to proof of its proposals even as it deals with disorders of the most complex features of human life - mind and behavior. Yet,probably because of the earlier examples of Freud and Jung, a belief persists that psychiatrists are entitled to special privileges - that they know the secret of human nature - and thus can venture beyond their clinic-based competencies to instruct on nonmedical matters: interpreting literature, counseling the inferiority complex, prescribing for the splendid future.
精神病療法というものは医学の上では未発達な技術である。 人間の生活の上での最も複雑な特徴である精神と行動に関わる不調について扱う時でさえ 'proof of its proposals'をたやすく手に入れることができないのである。 しかし、おそらくFreudとJungによる初期の例のために、精神病医は特別な権利、つまり 人の性質という秘密を知る権利が与えられていて,それゆえ臨床上の能力を越えて、 文献の翻訳やコンプレックスについての相談、素晴らしい未来のための指導といった医学とは 関係のない問題をあえて教えることができるのだという思い込みが根強く残っている。
We design protocols or mechanisms whereby a set of relatively autonomous software modules can,through interaction and run-time allocation of resources, achieve some desirable aggregate behavior using available system resources. Whereas this second approch is more flexible,it presents the problem of how we might determine at design time how well the various possible configurations of agents and available resources will achieve our desired results.
長文です。すみません at design timeは一つの単語ですのでそのままで大丈夫です。 抜き出した文なので背景がわからなく やりずらいと思いますがおながいします。
>>896 の下の文だけど、 Craftsmen, sometimes of no slight ability, are regularly available for this service. 職人のようにこうした能力が全くない人々も、恒常的に経済学が提供するこう したサービスを享受できるのだ。
Peter Parker was once just an average boy, but after he was bitten by laboratory spider, he become a superhero!!!
Swinging from building to building, and fighting crime,SPIDEY should be on top of the world, but the newspapers are against him, the GREEN GOBLIN is after him, and his best friend is dating the girl of his dreams.
Relive SPIDEY's exciting adventures as he fights the mysteriousGREEN GOBLIN!!!
As i tried to say in my original piece on [Japan's trap],the deflationary pressure we actually see in Japan represent an economy that is trying to achive the inflation it needs,by reducing current price compared with expected future levels,the reason the economy is depressed is that such deflation does not come quickly and painlessly.
I mean im not as sprung on him as i was when he was first noticed! what can happen between an average "14" y/o girl and a famous 19 (soon to be 20) y/o (HOT)
The point is simple,but apparently hard to grasp.Supose that the equilibrium real interest rate―the rate at which saving and investment , including net foreign investment , would be equal at full employment ―is negative.(As i have tried to explain,in[Japan;still trapped],that is what a liquidity trap all about).And suppose also that price do not fall quickly in the face of unemployment.
Another question that remains about life on Earth is whether it is unique. We have learned that if certain conditions exist, life may begin naturally. Surely in our enormous universe, which has more stars and planets than there are grains of sand on every beach and desert in the world, there must be another planets or moon with these same conditions.On the other hand, in over four billion years of our planet's existense, only one type of life has formed. Our very specialized form of life, which is made up of twenty amino acids put together in an incredibly complex arrangement, may mean that life is very rare. In such a long peliod of time, why haven't other forms of life appeared? Perhaps they have, but we have seen no evidence of them.