> We's got no paticuler theem, y'know. > So evitime somwon like ye com heer ta say like that, bot nowon > mayd a efort ta doo so, rite? > Wye donche show os sommat interestin' theem? > Or mayk a efort ta bee a maynstreem.
Why can't you understand that what you are doing makes any efforts helpless? If I write something in this way, then you will reply in that way. It's too tiring to keep on talking, because your way is not proper at all. You don't want anyone to join the chat, right? Otherwise you would not have written in such a stupid style, would you?
------- >>1 Indicate the previous thread when you start new one following. This is the common style of 2ch board. Otherwise, it is looked just as an waste.
Yo buss dis. Why kaint you understan' dat what you be doin makes any efforts helpless? If I write somethin in dis way, den you will reply in dat way, an shit. It's too tirin to keep on talkin, because yo way ain't propuh at all. You ain't want anyone to join de chat, right? Otherwise you would not has written in such a stupid style, would you? Sheeit!
Whuffo' kin't yo' unnerstan' thet whut yer doin' makes enny effo'ts he'pless? Eff'n ah write sumpin in this hyar way, then yo' will reply in thet way. It's too tirin' t'keep on talkin', on account o' yer way is not right at all, ah reckon. Yo' doesn't be hankerin' ennyone t'join th' chat, right? Otherwise yo''d not haf writ in sech a stoopid style, w'd yo'?
Uhhhhhhh, why can't you undehstand dat what you are doigg makes any eff'ts helbless, duh...uh...? If I write somedigg in dis way, den you will rep in dat way. It's too tirigg t' keep on talkigg, cuz your way is not propeh at all. Duh, you don't want anyone t' dgoin the, errr, chat, uh, rite, duh...uh...? Odehwise you wudd not habe wrote in such a sputid style, uh uh uh, wudd you, duh...uh...?
>4 Why does ye an yor companie allways use the word like "proper" or somthin'. Ye allways looks down on the person who speak broken or incorrect english, so I dared so. Got trauma or somthin'?
On the t'other han', Lads, dos ye think my stile of spellin' is less crasie than the formal, c'rect ways.
>16 Why do you and your company always use the word like "proper" or something? You always look down on the person who speaks broken or incorrect English as I dared so. Got trauma or something? On the other hand, Lads, do you think my style of spelling in less crazy than the formal, correct ways?
Hey fellow most of us (those who I assume have not been in english-speaking regions) are not used to broken english like the one youve been pooping out. We are not making fun of you at all but are just confused or maybe hoping you to use English, a communication tool, to some more common (among non-natives) and understandable degree.
Hi, mi-mi-mi, I agree with 4 to some extent. It's simply a bit annoying to read if you write like you talk. You could do this at an all-native site but here there is no point. Or if you really fond of that way of spelling for some reason and still want to chat with other people, why don't you show everybody how to do it and ask for using it??? That's more friendly and kind way isn't it?? Well you may not want to be nice here at all though....
The respectful minorities of the so-called offerings of a cetain tribe in the deep jungle forest of tazmania once said "keep the name of the red kind so that the year will be full of success and sand grains of the desert will turn to gold". Tsking this as an example for this thread why don't we all make up and respect each other's point of views. Please don' get me wrong as I am actually on the side of MI-MI-MI. i have no trouble understanding what he/she is trying to get across. I believe that the reason that the complaints are occuring due to the fact that people on this thread can not understand basic English thus still do not possess the ability to figure out bastardised-English.
4>16 Why do you have to use broken or incorrect English on purpose? I would like you to write your opinion in a 'PROPER' way, simply because it is much easier to understand. If you use 'on the t'other han'' instead of 'on the other hand', a beginner may not be able to look up the phrase in a dictionary. It's that simple. If you want more readers, you can change your way of writing.
They have great energy that is wanting to be expressed in their minds. But, as you know, they have no ability to do so. It's the expression of their energy.
When ur used to the way of native spaekers speak whatever language it might be, u would find ur language skill dropped suddenly. Been there done that!! But let's put it this way: may be making more gramatical mistakes than before but fluency and understanding of the language have massively increased!! No pain, No Gain!
Wye theer's many Pretending-to-stand-at-the-side-of-native-speaker-men. Jost chatter, if ye dosn't understan, easy, ye can ask. Don't know the ferst step of communication?
Mi can figur out "proper spellin" is common an evi won can easilly understan. Bot otherwise, No won can fors the other ta speek such a way, I think. Ferst, I jost kiddin ta write like this, bot then I com ta figur out theer's many stupi' fawk altime care about some won's langwige usage, jost like a pers'n teachin Jpn in primary scool.
Why you guys abreviate words like that way? for instance, (67) "stupi'" what is it? guess, you think native speaker won't pronounce last 'd' or what? Those abreviations do not make any sense at all. Those are even not pronoucial basis. This is why those articles are really hard to read.
For instance, "wuzup" makes sence. beside, "jost" doesn't.
Well, well, well, jolly good. How many time dos ye say that kind of things? Ye caan't live ani longer without native speeker? Altime, native dos so or native dos that or sommat. If ye caan't mayk ani sens, jost aask. Know'l'a meen?
Well, well, well, jolly good. How many time dos ye say that kind of things? Ye caan't live ani longer without native speeker? Altime, native dos so or native dos that or sommat. If ye caan't mayk ani sens, jost aask. Know'l'a meen?
You talk about communication. According to that, asking what those words stand is the communication. Ridiculous.
Ok, now, could you tell me how do you spell below words in ENGLISH? This is my question.
"Mi can figur out "proper spellin" is common an evi won can easilly understan. Bot otherwise, No won can fors the other ta speek such a way, I think. Ferst, I jost kiddin ta write like this, bot then I com ta figur out theer's many stupi' fawk altime care about some won's langwige usage, jost like a pers'n teachin Jpn in primary scool. "
>73 Mi'd like ta show you (or c'recters) theer's many variants. An How many time dos Mi hav ta show yoo wye...? Ferst, Mi's jost kidin, bot then Mi knew how many wanna-c'rect fawks heer, an thort 'em foolish, so dare speek like this. Mi think it can be social-linguistically meeninful. An...ye altime aask soch questions about som won's languige usage in a chatter? Caant beleev it...
Where the hell is THE intelligence here???? Still I do not have your point that writing words such a way, however if you say the way is your reason of being here, I'll just shut up.
Wye ye caan't aask more meeninful questies? Mi suggests yoo ta study social-linguistic befor ye study english. Bot if ye has ani questies about socio-linguistic, don aask mi rite? It's jost chatter, no need intelligens bot manners.
An ef ye wants no chatter, wye heer? Go the other thred an show how ye can write english weel, dosncha? Enlish bord must have over 200 threds, so ye can find thred suits yoo, cannew?
Your mistake is the title. People take this thread is where try to chat like English native speaker from the title. So people think you are pretend to be native speaker with your private language. That why I thought this thread is cheesey.
>105 Mi pretends to be native? Ye dos like native, doncha? Don care anithin, if ye wanta use c'rect won, do so. Wye dos ye like native or is altime afrayd of native? Ye can look down on the people who caan't use english well an keep up that mind. But heer, go som weer els.
Youro mistico es tho titlo. Peoplos takemos thiso threado es where trymos to chatar like Engliscos nativos speakros from tho titlo. So peoplos thincamos you esta pretendir to be nativo speakro with youra privata languaga. Thato why I havo thoughtato thiso threado es cheesio.
Your mistake ist das title. People taken disen thread ist were tryen to chaten glike Englisch nativer speaker fom title. So people thinken you sind pretenden to ben nativer speaker with youre privaten language. Dat ist why I have thought diser thread cheesey ist.
Eure mistique est la tîtle. Peuples taique le traid'est qui trì tou chatte like Englich native spikeur fron la tîtle. Sau peuples tinque eu suis pretend tou bi native spikeur wit eure privaitte lange. Tat est why I tautte tisse traide est chisí.
It's very very strange. It is getting easier and easier to read mi-mi-mi's posts recently. At the beginning, I also blaimed him/her for not being reader-friendly. I still don't like his/her way, though.
This thread always cracks me up! mi-mi-mi, you must get bored of all this bollocks but on the other hand you probably enjoy all the attention as well, right? i can understand your point of view more than the anti-mi-mi-mi so I must be on your side. However I shall try to stay neutral and join the fun here and now.
>123 No! I don't enjoy this situation, but...actually have got some kind of interest in their reaction. Some said "You look stupid", others "Dirty", and others said "Use correct or proper one". Some people pretend to be Englishman and said "As English native speaker I say your way is strange" or just "It's not good for native speaker". People who are interested in social linguistic might find this thread interesting, I mean we could find a part of English speaking Japanese's atitude toward English. Mmm, even this response is too long, sorry.
>>124 I saw their lies as well, especially the bloke who said that he was a native-Englishman. His use of the word resistance was completely wrong. Basically I think that you can't write like you do unless you can actually speak English anyways. But for them to understand that they have to be able to speak English like myself.
>mi-mi-mi I posted messages nos.4 and 23 of this thread.
All I wanted to say is that if one wants more readers (s)he should write in a simple way. However, you seem to take it amiss on purpose, I'm afraid. It is not likely that most of the people who replied to you look down on people who can't use proper English. Why they blame you is simply because it's difficult (or annoying or taking more time) to read your messages.
> I mean we could find a part of English speaking Japanese's atitude toward English.
What I can find is that the average level of English speaking Japanese is not good enough to read sentences written in a colloquial style. Not an attitude but ability matters, I think.
I admire your proficiency. But please be kind to others. Not everybody can speak English as well as you can.
Most of people don't look down on people who caan't use proper one? I don't think so. There's just A few people blame me 'cause it's difficult. Have ye read the argument before this? Almost all responces against my way of writing are emotional and way far from logical opinion. I can understand your opinion, I'd better in a simple way because it's hard to figure out. But Most of all are extraordinary.
Communication among people isn't allways easy, even if both speak same language. Now english is getting more and more worldwide, and there could be heavy accented grammertically incorrect one. But a few of the residents here seem not to be able to break free from the religion "English spoken by natives is only right (and except for it, all is never received and it's black english)"
An tayk it eesy. Now today, theer's many english speeker speeks english as secund languige. Then, craysy speling of english cood be eesily broak by them in neer feuture, I beleevs. we can be a pioneer. An heer's 2ch, go eesy, rite?
I told you already. People misread you pretend to be cool native english chatter from the title, despite your words are just wacked. People think you think your cool yourself. Because the title is "chatter in ENGLISH"
132, Ye must never have a conversaytion with un-naytiv english speeker. Caan't receive ani diversity of english? Especially, in a chatter, ye has no rights to fors the others use yor way. It's just conversaytion on a board, not official documents toward her majesty. DOS YE KNOW WAT I MEEN?
Oh, I coodn't hardly do ani thing to that child... Oh, well well, I can understand ye can speek english very well like native speeker, yes, in fact, I thort ye is native ferst, really, an I think here is not proper place for yoo, excelent speeker, no won dout. So get yor ars away from heer!
hi mimimi. we must agree that you are a good english speaker. no doubt about that. I was surprised that you wrote in legitimate eng above. But just allow me to say this, You have not enough sense to set up a thread here. no doubt about that too. this is that famous 2ch. www You know they say its like grafitti written on the wall of the toilet here, dont you? you stareted to come here what? like three months ago? this is not like yahoo board. this is filthy stinky 2ch. You are just too pop here.
Hi I dosn't meen to show ye how nice I cood speek english. So, I pleeses not that peeple accept my skill at all. Ye ses I has no sens, then wat is a sens to mayk a thred dos ye think? I thinks it's very suitable to 2ch. Grafitty on the toilet wall, just THEY ses, rite? Many different peeple heer, many different opinions heer, that is just 2ch, I think. Theer's no sens to join heer.
>>131 some of their attitude astounds me as well. they are obsessed with things that shouldn't affect their lives whatsoever. for example i never use capital letters when writing e-mails. i used to write-in like this before and i got crucified by the so-called defenders of this thread.
>>146 who are YOU to have the right to suggest such a rule? your comments in itself is the anti-2 ch school of thought. why don't YOU leave this thread?
oh gee they dont teach this at school lately? Don't be smarter than your teacher. anti 2ch school? what a hell is that? maybe U should get going first. just hope this is not mimimi. if so, i gotta get going 2.
>149 Yea, there's many pers'n who caan't receev a little differens to their way. Anihow, peeple has an authority is altime like so. >>151 Ye meen 150 is me? I says no, but caan't ploov it, cause heer is 2ch. Peeple caan't find out the things is a lie or not, better not to be in 2ch. Ye too naïve to be here in 2ch, I reecon.
sorry, i did start i admit it. yet there is something i want you to know. you are obviously in high school now. im not blaming you. people go to high school. About [school].. im sure its said "school=流派" in your vaca-buil book. did u ever use this in the real conversation? Just try and figure it out. ok? anyway, what i was trying to ask was what do you mean by "anti-2ch school of thought" I wan not talking about the definition of the word. About[what a hell]... sorry ask someone else. i dont have much patience.
and don't say harsh words that easily, its quite possible people doubt your intelligence.
ps Your English is really difficult to understand. Please write in your mother tongue or go back to kindergarden and restart your education. I really haven't got a clue what you are trying to say to me in your defence.
this place is getting a bit hairy huh? mi-mi-mi. everyone seems to be against everybody. not very healthy. let me in on the secret, mi-mi-mi, what's the way to enjoy this thread?
My name's Akiko Masumi, and I work for Nepthys, this ultra-secret intelligence agency you've never heard of. We're employed by different world powers to keep Min Sect (bad guys of the worst sort) from causing too much trouble. Less than a thousand people in the world know about us. We're way more secret than the NSA, so it's real 007 stuff. Kinda corny, but that's my job and I'm pretty good at it.
I wonder how I might have ended up if I'd stayed back in Shibuya with my grandparents. You see, I didn't choose to be a Nepthys operative, I was recruited. When I was little, I wanted to be an idol singer. As it happened, I came to California with my parents and went to college at UCLA. Before I could finish my upper grad work in Biochemistry, I was whisked away by a strange woman and trained in several schools of ass-kicking. I guess it was all for the best - if I was an idol-singer in Japan I'd be way past kawaii at twenty-five, I'd be out to pasture already. There are enough Namie Amuro's in the world. How many girls with my looks can sink a three-point jumper or handle an AK?
151 Do you know the term WANKER? Well that is I am afraid what you are and nothing more and probably a lot less. Your intelligence breaks my heart. God !!! I envy you!
>196 Oh, "wat the cool we are boy" comes again. Hi, How is ye? Writes here midilof wankin? Don wank too much, I suggests yoo. Wye dosn't ye pop back somtime?
>167 What is "what the cool we are"? It suppose to be "How cool we are". the element after "what" should be an noun. If you want to use an adjective, use "how".
I am 42 years-old salaly man from Tokyo, Japan. I work bely bely hard fpor my company until I die of KAROUSHI. I visit cabaret-clubs on friday nights with my boss and end up throwing up on the last train home to outer-Tokyo mansion.
>Nip-in-the-air A-ha, That's wye.... I...Aa...won thing I cood suggest yoo is just...I meens, I thinks it's lille bit way too...I meens, ye knows...say... Anihow, it's not so funny...I meens, I mees not to blaym yoo, ye knows wat I meens?
>223 Nip, ye so funny, ha-ha-ha. Aaa...wat? I meens wat shood I rive... I's not rived really so much in my life, y'know. So, I'll tell yoo if I has a oppotunity to rive.
>228 Runch...A-ha! Ranch ye mees? A-ha, Ni...Jpn peeple caan't recognise the pronouciaytions of "a" an "u" Wat shood I have for ranchin, rite? Hum, difficult...I's not ranchman ani way... Anihow, it's GATS, I beleevs.
JAP should respect Tenno-Heika and his family. Because we JAPs are babies of Tenno-heika. I am ready to die as a Heitai-san for him. This has been my dream since I was a child. Tennno-heika! Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!
Oh what i missed was english course in my university era. I really hate english. btw, actually what I really hate is chinese. they r all cheesy. They all smell like cheese. they rob money from japan. fact china govenment is robber. cheater. cheap ass. chinese stands cheese, cheater and cheap. white people hate chinese because of what i told u already.
chinese must be removed from the earth. cuz they stink. Get rid of polution from earth. they r rats. they breed like rats. and spread over the world and correct cheese. so they stink.
Ahh sooo ESL like Erectlic Right Orchestla huh? Japanese leally like to shorten things huh? may be because we are stupid! ha ha ha. not as stupid as other asians but pretty stupid huh?
I realized that only Japanese and european r the human being. Americans are close to human being but not exactly. Remaining livings are kinda apes. Rats are smart and clean than chinese.
We should reave poritics and things out of this thlead. This is a fun thlead. Not too selious is this thlead's motto. Except 267 made me cly. vely vely sad.
i know im a bit ugly but its ok cause its me when it comes to the other i just cant take it. i hate them especially when they say something to me. did u know they speak? its so horrible being spoken by them. gettin hard not to lose your consciousness. so everytime i just pass out. what can i do with that? gettin used to it? no way!
i have sympathy with aum and islam fundamentalists. I understand their points. of course i do not agree with genoside phase though. as history proved comunism didn't count human mind, aslike liberalism, democracy and captalism does not. fundamentalism. this is where human should go. only way to pour water into human mind. here is deep story in it. called post post structurism. you might already notice though...
>323 Do find german accent filter!(w >324 Sorry. 'Cause I really hasn't no interest in yor topic. >325 Dos ye know exactly wat "baka" meens in Jpn?(lol) >326 Jaimi epse...
thou guys actually do not know what a baka is. bin laden knows how human being suppose to be. cuz he is real smart guy. however his aspect as extremist have to be denyed.
im talkin things based on an epistemology not based on a religious science. i have a theory for it, but no possibility to produce counterevidence. I know 90% of peeps can not understand the theory. cuz they do not want to admit it.
k, here is my point. clever peeps do, even u want to disagree one point, they understand the point. baka peeps do, if u want to disagree one point, they can not understand the point. did u get the point? American peeps tend to be former one. japanese peeps tend to be later one. this is the differencial what i feel between japanese and american in national character.
Now, what is causing the differencial between both national? the causing is, difference between "Mura ishiki"=totalitarianism and indivisualism. totalitarian is sensitive for what majority around the one think. indivisualist is sensitive what the other against the one thinks.
here i defined what a real baka is.
do u know what communists in japan are? they use ignorant. this is their only strategy. simple but works well. unfortunatelly, ignorant have the right to vote. this is critical part of ignorant politics.
japan is going down and down and down. do not dream of honor in the last century. there is no way to stop the depression. on the other hand china is raising rapidily. they will eat japan near future. eat and screw japanese economy and moral. this is what japanese communist desire.
i towldue already im an paranish not skizish. u know why? im so hysteric those deis? cuz my girl friend is on a trip now. im so lonly. i miss her so much. cuz i luv her so much.
>>408 i just wanted to let u guys know that racism in states and nationalism between jpn and 3goku is totally different.u jpese have to have clear consciousness about it. otherwise jpn will be eten by 3goku. bringing confilict between nation and nation to indivisual relationship is not what i intended. do nut be a minion of communism especially if u do nut have sense of it. u suppose to have sence of jpnese critical sitiation,
>407 I got usetto it. I's red almost all save for some too long posts about politics >408 Don's blaym yorself. Tayk it eesy, boy. >409 Shut up, crap. >413 Hum.
mi-mi-mi On my lunch break. What did you have for lunch today? I was watching a programme hosted by TERRY ITOH yesterday night about HOSTS in KABUKICHO. Do you know how much they earn? They are between 20 - 25 years old. They earn between 10,000,000 - 15,000,000 Yen after tax deduction per month. So I've decided to quit my job and become a host.
hahaha, i wacthed that program too. and i was just worried what they are going to do after the Expiration as a host. i dont think all of them will be able to have their own club.
>>417 They were all from HOKKAIDO as well. By the time they are in their early thirties I think they will be washing cow-shit off their boots and complaining about their crop. But they had fun during their youthful days so they shouldn't complain. I would definitely like to know what they are up to in ten years time.
>418 ic. so maybe thy are just enjoying their twenties now. bu, do u think they are going back to hokkaido? (sorry to tell u the truth, i just had a look a part of the program when i was tunin channels. ) after what they got in shinjyuku, it must be hard to be in the country. at some points its kinda my dream too though. woriking in the city until retirement, then move to the rural.
Ooh, a nice atomosphere, I couldn't hardly beleave I'm at "Chatter in English"(w I didn't watch that programme(Oh, British spellin) at all. Ye will be A host, JK? I thinks host's world would be hard an way far from OUR world, I meens, ye will lose your common sense. And They's got spare time? I wants time betta than siller(money). An...I had pibim-bap for lunch.
Their sleeping pattern was non-human as well. Going to sleep at 1 PM and going to work at 8 PM. A very WATERY business. But the money!...Yeah, you are right. You will lose common sense and besides your CV ain't gonna be looking good with a WATERY past.
>421 Sleepin at 1PM afternoon? Gosh! If ye becom host, ye must suffer from that crayzy routine, and must look strange. To be host must cause irreversible damage to yor life, I meens. Or evi won can make huge siller easily, if it's easy. >422 I wants no siller I caan't use. But...yeah, I want much siller, too.
>426 Rite, it was a food for Hamburger miner, I remember so. Even it wouldn't be the same as today's. Just a sandwiched hamberg by two slice of breads, I think.
Sir Sandwich, the royal admiral or somethin'. >429 Really? What kind of artist was Carpaccio? Signor Carpaccio. È probabile che lui sarebbe stata una bella persona! A painter?
>>430 CARPACCIO was I think an Italian painter. His style of painting resembled that of a neatly laid out CARPACCIO (or vice versa) thus they named the dish after him.
>437 Oh, hello. I's got no jealousy, aniway. But you can keep your pride up like that, OK? >440 Oh! shite! Hey you crap! Thank you for your blessin. God bress you, too. >443 Never. I do not want to mention da kinda dirty word, you crap!
>445 So many comments...I am flattered. Before you start calling me names, why don't you go and stick your finger up your ass and spin. Your mother will be real proud. Alright you little fuck wit?
Hi,My name is Kitaro. I'm not a human-being. My father is an eyeball. I'm happy because I don't have to go to school nor take exams. All the insects in the grass are singing for me. So let's sing all together; Ge-ge-ge-no-ge! It's morning. Good night. ZZZ...
>>457 Hi Kita-chan. Then, who is your mother? How have your parents made you? By the way, you must sleep in the daytime. So, you'd better say, "Good day, zZZzz."
>455 Can se'that agayn. This thred's lost its momentum sins peece has been back. But it'll be boring, ef we do so on purpose. >456 Me too, an even who's him. >457 Gev best regurd to yor eyeball father. >458 From Midland, aye?
ok then ill tell u why many people left off this thread. cause people realized nothing has been talked here really. people who come to this board are mostly adults. and people with "some" intelligence dont like to stick around the place which cant fulfill their adult needs. plus it figures not so many people here speak eng for real.
>>445 Um....okay, white trash dude... you have more mental problems then the people you are bitching at first of all. And you obviously have no life! I think you just made yourself look stupid. I mean, if we are so awful then why are we making millions and you are still sleeping in your momma's basement jerking off to fake internet porn and dancing around in your sister's underwear pretending to be Britney Spears? Come on man, get a grip. And if your still serious about the penis thing, I will gladly supply the moving vehicle.
dear 483 お前のyourの使い方=典型的な馬鹿 スペルとかそういう問題じゃなくて・・・ よって、 I believe I am definitely smarter than you and your stupid ugly mother and your sorry-ass dumb-fuck father too
>487 Aye, ofcors I yuse english. Ma shpellin ish somthin ronga? >488 Langwidge's yused onli to communicayt wit fawks? Oh, gash, ye dosn't knoa much aboot langwige. >489 Nosso hard I think. It's veri eesi, now try!
now this is more like it back like the old days folks complaining about spelling! as if their petty little life depends on it. by the way! my spelling is british! would that be considered a spelling mistake? probably to those who don't realise that the yanks have no history on that little island of theirs
tha problem wit cha all is dat you guys don unrastan worra I mean cuz I'm a nigga right? well ya all can all go and suck ma dick cuz i'm sure glad dat I ain't no fuckin' gooky yello banana
hello guys ah, im ready. ah, im ready to, u know, im ready actually to, u know, ah... u know, im all naked in front of my computer to, u know, ah... my dick is completely outa my underware and, u know, i'll do my best to, ah.... to...okay just forget about this, sorry.
Hast thow mid little gerl an little chat? I sujest thee, that thow better "cute little gerl" not to usen had. Peeple think that thow an pidoafyl be wood.
Euro-English --------------- The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.
As part of the negotiations Her Majesty's Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5 year phase-in plan that would be known as "Euro-English".
In the first year, 's' will replace the soft 'c'. Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard 'c' will be dropped in favour of the 'k'. This should klear up konfusion and keyboards kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome 'ph' will be replased with the 'f'. This will make words like 'fotograf' 20% shorter.
In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkourage the removal of double leters which have always been a deterent to akurate speling. Also al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent 'e' in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.
By the 4th yer peopl will be reseptiv to steps such as replasing 'th' with 'z' and 'w' with 'v'. During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary 'o' be dropd from vords kontaining 'ou' and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to oza kombinations of letas.
After ziz fifz yer ve vil have a rali sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu anderstand ech oza. Ze drem of an united urop vil finali kum tru!
>614 You should go to the thread 'Let's talk in English' or something, I've forgot what it's titled exactly. Good luck! If you can't get used to there, you can come back here.
>641 Ahryt, I's got it. An ye cood aask yor other frend, he wood be gay or not. >642 Yessur! Ye cood eesili recognys me or inpersonayter. But if ye coodn't, don't care. Me, olso dosn't care.
あんましレスないのもつまらないが ここまで荒れると駄目じゃの でもまぁ大体どれがミミミか偽者かはわかるけどな 微妙に奴のスペルは真似しにくいのでな まぁなんだかんだ言いながら600以上レスついたし いいんでないかい? isn't that right mi-mi-mi? i guess this may be the right time for me to come out of the closet and let you know that "jap", "kraut", "jk" and "mu-mu-mu" are one and all yesiree ts right its the canny ol geordie man himself back in action ta let youse knaa that tings can finitely change the ards on this checker board ere man ya knaa worra meean like? how man mi-mi-mi gan und get us a packet of rizla an skin up a big un for me an my belly. spliff up and take tings as they come. respect
Evi won, long tym no see. Sorri, fogot to post heer. >656 Realli? Ye is the person wons was mu-mu-mu! Nys to meetchoo, agayn, wi's bin oftn holdin a comversaysion, howeva. An go an get yor "packet of rizla an skin up a big un" for yorself, yoo dull boi!(w >659 We cool be. >660 Good job! Thoa I's never spelld letter "z" for the sownd of "z". >663 Welcom bitch! >665 I's herd Ausee beer taysts like "maykin lov on a boat". >666 Realli? How nys. >667 keep goin?
how man ! divvan warry me pants off man been watchin the video for fatboy slim's weapon of choice worra canny greet video this is well recoimmended christopher walken cruising around a hotel lobby nice one spike jonze! skin yourself one up!
BTW, i met this bitch this morning at this thread she kiips postin such harsh messages lik Shine or some. and i tried to convince her no doing tha cause its kinda hurt me to kow young girl writz terrible comment like tha in the morning. eventually i failed to it she called me Hage for go' sake and just left. now im sure she was the ugliest bitch ive ever siin.
hey watch out! she is right down there! god, she must be soooo tired of her life n just idling away! its kinda pity that she has nothing better to do than stickin to this board n tryin 2 pick up fight! its just scary u know?
bleedin strokes mate fuckin strokes i taught they were gonna be remarkable but worra get instead bunch of shite man bunch of amateurs trying to copy pavement or someting what a waste of money and time that was. bunch of arse!
Blymi, I fogets to visit heer. Long tym no see. >671 Hi, how is ye goin? >672 Dosn't knoa much 'beut Fa'boy sleem. >673 Yea, mi-mi-mi is heer. >674 Nys to be back! Sit back, relaks an enjoi it. >675 That's not special, bitchs arownd aniweer in this bord. Don't be so difficult, boi. >679 He/she seemd to get nervus, don't care. >683 Must giv me a soovenir from hell. >684 Ah, aye, pishin tym an silver.
thats right man pissin time and silver away into the drainage system alreet mind ya i'm quite into tokyo ska paradise these days specially the one wit tammy okuda nice choon indeed
hey, i hab a question to ask. the other day i and my frined were talking about britney spears and one song named ...baby one more time came on the topic. and we been arguin for a while we could not reach the settlement. well its about the lyric of the song. "♪Hit me baby one more time" I think he never hit her for real cause its her heart to be hit but my frien think different way, her boy frined actually hit her but if you take this as this way, i guess this is going to be a song about domestic violence! no way! so i need hear your opinion here..
Aw, sorry 688, but I actually don't know the whole song (I mean poem). I only know a little of this song, but since since she sings "Gimme a sign~~, hit me baby one more time♪" like this, so I guess your opinion is right. Well, I'm sure that she intentionally made a song sounds a lil' sexual, though. But she meant "spank", not real HIT hit.
>692 Yeeep ! She did a breast-enlargement surgery a while ago. .....now a days, she's actually becoming uglier. She's tring to be like next Maddona. So she's acting like a sex symbol queen, but it's just....looks bad to me.
When she was singin' that song, she looked innocent and adorable, but now she's sayin' "I'm sooo look forward to loose my virsin!! (w/her boy friend,yeah 693, Jastin)" Talk about bitch!!! Too bad..... (T-T) "Bye Bye Bye", britney..
Ah, now in America, her movie, "Crossroads" just came. haha...
I dont care if girl's tits are real or fake. I simply like big boobs. >>695 You dislike sillicon breasts? You cannot watch porno video without seeing awesome fake tits, huh? Oh,sorry. it seems you are still virgin. Go home and suck your Mom's real boobs. lol
here we go again go on slag us off aboot our fockin spellin ya little bunch of time wastin hopeless wankers just ta let yous knaa that in order for me ta spell in geordie ya gota be pretty damn fockin fluent in ya basic language skills ya knaa worra mean i am salvador dali man! ya little fuckin shite! ahh by the way this response s specialli for you 709
that made me think for a while and the answer for ur question is no. why didnt u write somehtin in eng if you have somethin to say here.u dont have courtesy to take a look at the title of this thread nor guts to say some in foregin lauguage cause you are tooo scared to be made foool of. kids listen up, u wont go anywhere with that logic.
>>709 couldn't write english even if a dictionary hit him on the head he probably don't even realise that people are taking the piss out of him right now cos he don't realise that we's talkin' about him
naa divvan knaa man i was neva gud wit numbers anyways unless you a tnkin of becomin a rocket scientist better learn how to make friends and stuff instead of solving numerical riddles.
how man yas can gannin ta the math bbs then i'm jus lookin forward ta seeing eastern youth in april at quattro man should be some skankin muzik on the nigh my mate's a rocket scientist by the way (seriously)
There is something god here expesialy when you wanking. You can really do what to wank in front of god? Stop something wanking that you like so much! God is most perfect one than any other greatest people in all time like that is m's right outfieldplayer ichiro who got mvp in MBL last year as well as batting title ,base steal title,most hits,best clutching and many other best.You try being like him as possible as you can.If all people become like him, you would be big surprising, Don't say wanking just happening that we are human being.People who not control anything wanking are not human being.Repeat after me what all we want is to be like ichiro who's never had any wanking since he met with god. Pray it over and over to god for everything perfect. When you have been like his face,like his body,like his any thing,you would meet with god at last.iIt's end of the old world and start of new one.Good luck wanking man.
This contents is the best text of beating masturbation for yellow you. He have been my favorite hero over years.No matter how many times you masturbate in public place,he can help you get a handle on how must do.
Cick this link and do what he doing.Go ahead in future.
Theor is summat god heor expesialy when yee wanking. Yee can really dee what te wank in front of god? Stop summat wanking tha yee leik so much! God is myest perfect one than any other greatest fowk in aal time leik tha is m's reet outfieldplayer ichiro whee got mvp in MBL last year as well as batting title ,base steal title,most hits,best clutching an many other best.Yee try bein leik him as possible as yee can.If aal fowk become leik him, yee waad be git big surprising, Divvent syah wanking just happening tha wor human being.People whee not control owt wanking are not human being.Repeat affta me what aal wi want is te be leik ichiro we's nivvor had any wanking since he met wi god. Pray it ower an ower te god fre everything perfect. When yee hev been leik his face,like his body,like his any thing,you waad meet wi god at last.iIt's end o the aad world an stort of new one.Good luck wanking gadgie .
This contents is the best text of beating masturbation fre yellow yee . He hev been me favorite hero ower years.No matter hoo many times yee masturbate in public place,he can help yee get a handle on hoo must dee .
Cick this link an dee what he doing.Go ahead in future.
>765 Don't lie !! Naomi is coyote ugly !! If you can make love to Naomi, you must be a pervert. I believe Naomi was a Sumo wrestler when she was a student.
Aye man this thread'S really gan doon hill hasn't it. At the end of the day after all your dissing n shit this thread can't grow without mi-mi-mi. All your petty lil comments aboot spellin and stuff see what good that was? eh? probably not huh? shit for brains.
fuck all mother fuckin' fuckers who wanna pin your ass and put you in a fuckin drawer! fuck them all up the anus with a god damn shovel ! fuck all governments ! anarchy ! fuckin' fuck! FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK!
By the way, your translation is simple! You said mine sounds like a Shakespearean play. But I think yours would rather sounds like it than mine. Shakespearean plays have a lot of such words like "You, asshole!" or "Drop dead". (At first sight, I misread your expression as "Dies Irae"!!)
Hi everyone! I want to improve my English. I think one of the best way to improve English is to write English sentences every day. So, this thread is very good for me. Thanks.
the best way to get back at american big business is to buy a sex doll that looks like an alien that was made in a sweatshop in japan by some little kid.
What a pity, it's raining. I'm going shopping at the Maru Bldg. which reopened yesterday after a major renovation. I'm curious about the Maruzen bookstore, if it has changed any.
>>842 You live in the US? Highly doubtful. IN THIS CASE, people in North America wouldn't say "America". Preferably, "States", "the US", "the United States" or so on. It doesn't seem you really live in North America. You actually live in Japan, don't you?
Most Americans call themselves Americans and say they live in America. Most news organizations say "United States." Most limeys and their slaves in Australia say "The States"
I am just learning the nuances of 2ch speak, but I think the appropriate thing for me to write now is "YO!"
The empty in the 2CH was danced, and it rode on the wind in the 2CH, and has traveled from http://sports2.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/entrance2/1032376264/l50 It dances and the number of the threads which fell is 35th here. And I am waiting for thefollowing wind.
I'm sorry! I cannot understand English! It does not know whether English currently written now is right...(´Д`;) (I think absolutely that it is full of mistakes・・・)
>>898 When you open up a conversation with strangers, you'll find "weather" quite safe as its subject. You'd better avoid talking about Politics, Religion,etc.
I am a native English speaker trying to Learn Japanese so that I can communicate on 2ch.
Here is what I have learned so far:
死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね 死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね 死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね 死ね死ね死ね死ね死ねYO!DQN!ハアハア!キタ!クソスレ I want to grill you for about an hour... さいたま!!!!
Hey what`s new? Here, they putted on the air this new program where this very beautiful women take their clothes for every 3 bad jokes someone tells, and the most strange thing is that they pass it on tv at 6:00 pm so kids also see it. Strange huh?