English Only

Exclusive Thread For English-Speaking People Only!!
2Yuko:01/11/02 01:58
3934:01/11/02 01:58
Thank you,Yuko.
I was wating for you.
4名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 01:59
we made two threads at the same time!!
5Yuko:01/11/02 02:00
It's a funny phenominon,
6934:01/11/02 02:00
I was not able to get 2.
7名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:01
I bought 'Advanced Grammar in Use' several months ago,
but haven't opened yet. Is there anyone who has read
this book? How is it?
8 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/02 02:01
Topics form the thread "English only again"

Too fast going. I can't to give back to all.

>>981 I've not been studied abroad so far.
>>983 「やさしいビジネス英語」, the most interesting radio English studing program.
>>984,986 I don't think I'm English nerds. I know I'm not good English speaker.
    But I admit I'm another kind of nerds. games, voice acters, etcetra
I don't get what you really want to say to me.
Something like a box that shorten one's nose like pug doggy?
What the meaning of it phlase?
9kai:01/11/02 02:02
i used nards intentionally.its kind of conscience.
youve ever heard of DQN Voke wota etc.
here is channel 2. you understand?
10Yuko:01/11/02 02:02
it was upside down
11934:01/11/02 02:03
oh i see>9
12名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:03
I actually bought that text too.
but i just did the half of it.
Guess good text book but isnt it English-English
they are handling in that text book?
13Yuko:01/11/02 02:05
I think u should use the word the relevant word "geek"
in order to express DQN
14Yuko:01/11/02 02:06
of course nerd is another good way to expresss dqn
15名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:07
DQN is good word.
We should keep up this torch of 2CH.
16Yuko:01/11/02 02:09
or using the word "imbecile" is
very effective on some occasions.
17名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:09
By any chance are you using Dream Cast or some
to do internet??
18934:01/11/02 02:10

Do you know Shinjo who is playing baseball in America?
Can you speak English?
19934:01/11/02 02:11
sorry cah he speak......
20 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/02 02:12
>English Grammer text book
Sorry I don't have the one. And I've not seen it.
>nerds, geeks, DQN
So you guys telling me I'm the one, huh?
I don't mean I'm English nerds. As my hobbies, just for my fun.
Not has to do with English.
21名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:13
He declered clearly he was not going to learn
any of English at a press conference.
22Yuko:01/11/02 02:14
well, I was just listing the words and
not taling about you, don't worry

23 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/02 02:14
I don't know about that. But the CM his singing American's national song was famous.
24934:01/11/02 02:15

He said he was learning English.
25 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/02 02:15
>>22 Oh, excuse me.
26名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:16
Well, does anybody know if Ichiro
can speak English at all?
27名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:17
NO, I am not afraid to admit im a totally english nerd
or geek or whatever. I don't care the other might think of
me. People here ( in this board) they surely wanna be
a good English speaker but at the same time they find
fault with the others. Especially the solidarity which they believe
they should be the same comes first. It offends me
28名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:18
sorry >>27 was to >>20
29934:01/11/02 02:19
I think Ichiro can't speak English.
30名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:21
I supposed so too
31名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:21
well honestly I dont care the others English too.
32934:01/11/02 02:22
I think Shinjo can speak English a little.
33kai:01/11/02 02:23
sorry to interrupt you guys.
>>11 excellent!you are so smart.
>>13 still misstaking
i used changed word "nards" as nerds.thats all.so simple.no geek.
by the way,934,i think shinjo was doing very well.
ballpark figure>player
34 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/02 02:24
I'm not kind of such person like >>27 says.
People should be vearious kind of.

I've not seen Ichiro's English so far.
35名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:25
Let me ask you something.
Why do you care so much about the others English?
I see there are many threads about celebritys English.
Could you tell me why?
36kai:01/11/02 02:26
if you say "can he speak..."its insult.
you bettter say "does he speak engli.."
37 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/02 02:32
Does >>35 means like 「How is the ○○'s English?」 threads?
I don't know much about that but, I think they have something they want to talk about him.
They may love, or hate him.
38名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:37

      ∧ ∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜′ ̄ ̄( ゚Д゚ ) < u better off away
 UU ̄ ̄ U U   \_______________
39名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:37
I am not realy sure but
Is this kind of thinking way peculiar to the Japanese?
Because those threads remind me of an english class in jr
high school. I remember we all tried not to speak english
sound english. We all just were afraid to be different from
others I think.
40Yousuke:01/11/02 02:38
That's it for today? I've been watching all this, and I think no more than three persons
are posting here. Am I right?
41名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:39
( ゚Д゚ ) < ok then im leaving too. you English nerds! night!
42名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:41

      ∧ ∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜′ ̄ ̄( ゚Д゚ ) < u may as well kick the bucket
 UU ̄ ̄ U U   \_______________
43名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:48
urgent age
44Yousuke:01/11/02 02:55
Trust me, Yuko is HHG!!!
45名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:56
is anybody still here?
46名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 02:57
47Yousuke:01/11/02 02:57
Yes, I am!
48名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 03:01
qestion what do you guys usually talk about here? i'm here as a first time
49 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/02 03:03
You, From North American life board, should never think that thread were build by
normal residents on this board. He is just inciter. Probably he won't read this thread though.
I've just looked your board, which was fairly interesting.
Any way, I have to go to bed now. Thank you for today.
50名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 03:09
i will also hit the hay..

see u all guys
51Yousuke:01/11/02 03:18
well, Ive been trying to answer your question>>48
All I can say is what you see is what you get.
52名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 09:49
urgent age
53名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 10:47
yo, i was called "jap" today on street by black homeless.
so i kicked his ass and he just ran away from me. has any of
you had a experienced like this.
54名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 10:50
he has a reason. HA HA HA
55名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 10:53
it's cool.
56プーさん:01/11/02 12:15
57プーさん:01/11/02 12:16
I have to go now.

58beginner:01/11/02 12:18
59名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 12:19
( ゚Д゚ ) < Morning. I'm bored. Is any ass around?
60名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 12:20
You will kick the bucket>>57
61ass:01/11/02 12:21
fuck my ass
62名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 12:22
( ゚Д゚ ) < Ok I will and yours too.
63名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 12:23
( ゚Д゚ ) < you were there ass. it surely stinks here.
64名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 12:24
let me know real dirty slung
65名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 12:26
why english speaking like ass, shit,....
66プーさん:01/11/02 12:27
Stop fucking talking. ←real dirty slang
67名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 12:30
what do you do, poo
68名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 12:33
( ゚Д゚ ) < Im sick and tired of people who speak bad English.
especially when they are not even capable to
speak normal English. People like you, get yourself
packed in the suitcase and get out of my country.
69プーさん:01/11/02 12:38
my physical condition?

I'm down with a cold.
70北米版住民:01/11/02 12:48

Your sentence is incorrect.

they are not even capable to =x
they are not even capable of =o
71名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 12:51
( ゚Д゚ ) < damn! you noticed. yeah yeah I knew that when I
pushed ENTER botton. thanks anyway.
72名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:01
Good luck my son!
73北米版住民 :01/11/02 13:01

You are truly welcome. Good luck with your English.

ps. botton =x the button =o
74名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:06
( ゚Д゚ ) < I am not the son of you bitch. >>72
Oooops I did it again. >>73
Ok, I can make some tea for you.
Houji-cha would be ok?
75名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:08
hello! could you let me write bad english here? アヒャヒャ
76名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:08
( ゚Д゚ ) < NO
77名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:10

Thank you for letting me in.
So...what is the wild topic here right now?
78名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:11
i will irritate you by my bad english アヒャヒャ
79名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:14

Please stick you fingers into my brown eyes!
80名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:16
( ゚Д゚ ) < now we were discussing why people from hokubei
thread come down here to bad mouth.
and why they dont have any English thread like this one.
81北米版住民 :01/11/02 13:21

Oh, that would be nice.
I need to take rest for a while since I have been working whole day—11 hours already….
Are you wondering around this index usually?
Please visit the North America sled when you fed up with English.
We have quite unique guys.

Well, I need to go home.
Take care and talk to you to soon.
82名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:22
( ゚Д゚ ) < is anybody still around?
83名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:28
( ゚Д゚ ) < I don't need sweet words. I just wanna find myself
on top of you. You are not guy aren't you?
84名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:29
( ゚Д゚ ) < meant 'are you?'
85( ◎Д゚ ):01/11/02 13:30
86北米住人:01/11/02 13:31
87名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:32
88名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:33
( ゚Д゚ ) < could you tell me good one if you know any?
89名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:35
( ゚Д゚ ) < I was talking to you >>86
90名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:35
Can you scratch my ass?
91名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:37
Is that so?
I'v never heard that thing.
92名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:40
( ゚Д゚ ) < are you able to exchange the words with real people?
or your major is speaking to yourself without anybody in the room??
93名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:41
( ゚Д゚ ) < was directed to >>86
94名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:43
( ゚¥゚ ) < ?????・・・
95名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 13:44
96名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:30
well, i've got to do something
to discourage u silly guys from loitering on 2ch
even in the day time..
97名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:32
who are you talking to? yourself?

oh i got it
98名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:33
i was telling u, 97
99名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:35
oh you were, now you are telling urself huh
100名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:37
( ゚Д゚ ) < Got 1oo !!
101名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:37
shulup sucker
102名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:37
okok, i guess u've lost your job recently, 99
103名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:38
you know what? stupid kim made me feeling sucks
104名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:42
Go off and hang yourself, u cock sucking chink!
105名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:43
you fuck off 104
106名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:44

      ∧ ∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜′ ̄ ̄( ゚Д゚ ) < U BETTER OFF AWAY
 UU ̄ ̄ U U   \_______________
107名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:47
off away? huh
funy chinglish sucker
108名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:51
don't u even know collquial english?
look it up on a more expensive dictionary
than ur cheap paperback one.
109名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:54
well, what the collquial mean?
seems you know it well huh?
why don't you explain it?
110名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 15:56
oh, i should say please

please explain the comical word to me airhead
111名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 16:00
hello~ Mr. arihead >108
are you there?
112名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 16:01
very jerky english
113rubberneck:01/11/02 16:02
What's happening here?
114名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 16:22
whassup. guys??
anybody sucking yourself here,right now
115名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 16:23
answere me, somebody.
i got fuckin' bored, man.
116名無しさん@1周年:01/11/02 17:00
I think you are fuckin' boring, man.
117名無しさん@1周年:01/11/03 00:56
( ゚Д゚ ) < No no no no no!! You nyo ! Me nyo!
118名無しさん@1周年:01/11/03 11:05
you muthafuckin bitches don even know english so shut your fuckin nasty mouths.
go suck yo mama or dada's dick whores.you muthca fuckers must be real ugly and
nerd like typical japanese exchange student, always hunging around with
same nerds evry fuckin day, being talked shit by racics because of your
ugly faces and fuckin skinny bodies.how poor yall are.
anyway have a fun.
119名無しさん@1周年:01/11/03 11:45
( ゚Д゚ ) < I highly recommend you to study English over from scratch.
120プーさん:01/11/03 12:12
This thread tends to be boring.Why?
121名無しさん@1周年:01/11/03 12:36
I want to lick Rie's vagina.
She is a Howdy receptionist.
122名無しさん@1周年:01/11/03 17:54
( ゚Д゚ ) < cause you sucking people are not able to write any of alphabets.
Keep talking in your lettle Japanese. OK?
123hellout:01/11/03 18:58

>you muthafuckin bitches

How can a bitch fuck her mother??
it's impossible for a woman
to fuck another woman!!!!
124名無しさん@1周年:01/11/04 00:16
( ゚Д゚ ) < this thread is already dead isnt it?
125名無しさん@1周年:01/11/04 00:37
y'all shitty asshole
126名無しさん@1周年:01/11/04 00:42
( ゚Д゚ ) < somebody called me??
127名無しさん@1周年:01/11/04 03:19
FUCK ( ゚Д゚ ) <
128LMF:01/11/04 03:58
It truly pisses me off how people can be so racist sometimes.
Why can't we just get along like that nigger Rodney King said.
The slanty-eyed Jap weasels are not trying to fuck the white-trash honky bad-dancing idiots at all.
It's the sleazy money-hungry Jews that are really the cause of these problems by killing the fanatical terrorist Arabs.
Why can't we follow the example of the greasy & lazy mexicans and just stop with this whole racism thing?
Please - let's not discriminate anymore
129ASAP:01/11/04 06:54
Dear. my 2ch friends

I love you very much :)

130言いすぎ:01/11/04 07:46
whats typical japanese exchange student?you are really sick!
im not sure your real sheenie or jap cuz some jap hate their fellow
jap.oddly enough.but im quite sure your real racist anyway.
you better piss off now or it would be curtai?s for you kid haha.
131sage:01/11/04 12:25
132名無しさん@1周年:01/11/04 19:58
( ゚Д゚ ) < WHOA, WHOA!!
well, we should be more relaxed..

mata-ri ikou yo!
just take it easy!
133名無しさん@1周年:01/11/04 20:59
( ゚Д゚ ) < Dont fuck with me. you dig what im saying?
134名無しさん@1周年:01/11/04 21:01

( ゚Д゚ ) < I want to dig your asshole
135名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 08:28
just looking
136プーさん:01/11/05 13:34
come on everybody!
137名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 13:37
did u call me?
138プーさん:01/11/05 13:38

What's up?
what are you doing now?
139名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 13:38
what a quick response!!

well, i have just eaten lunch now
140プーさん:01/11/05 13:41
What did you eat for lunch?
141名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 13:44
i just ate an apple.
I'm on diet now
142プーさん:01/11/05 13:49
only one apple? really?
143名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 13:59
so how about u?>>142
144プーさん:01/11/05 14:03
I ate katudon and oranges.
145名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 14:09
oh, katudon..

i prefer mikan to orange
146名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 14:09
Yesterday, I ate a couple of pussies at a Chinese massage parlour.
It cost me 10,000 yen each.
147プーさん:01/11/05 14:11
Is a mikan different from an orange?
148名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 14:17
Mikan contains huge amount of dioxin while
oranges does not.
149名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 14:21

mandarin orange = mikan

the orange is totally different from that.
u can distinguish them at a glance, u know
150プーさん:01/11/05 14:23
I don't know the difference between a mikan and an orange.
An orange is bigger than a mikan?
151名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 14:27

the peel's thickness of an orange and mandarin orange is
totally different.
152プーさん:01/11/05 14:31
So, generally is an orange bigger.........?
153名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 14:35
haven't you eaten an orange yet? >>152
154名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 14:43
well, I have an american friend.
and sometimes I do think its good for me to meet him up
to just hung around because it would be a good opportunity
to use my english but at the same time i feel like im using
him for selfish reason. I dont like to make use of the others.
I wanted to ask people who hung around with foregin friend
in japan. "What usually are you doing with them?" because
if meeting me was a benefit for him too,
maybe we could call it even so... For your information,
im not a girl so its not about a man and woman relation.
155プーさん:01/11/05 14:43
Probably I have eaten an orange.
hmmmmm, but I didn't know the fact a mikan has dioxin.
156terumin:01/11/05 14:48
Hey, Mikans never contain dioxin, u imbecile!!
157terumin:01/11/05 14:49
sorry i should be more careful of my words..
158プーさん:01/11/05 14:54
I gotta go now. see ya
159名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 14:57
you never know
he might like to suck a few cocks after a game of tennis
160名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 16:16
I love domestic mikan which farmers pours a lot of energy and
affection into.
161名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 18:24
面白くともなんともないし 意味無い事書いてるだけじゃん?
あい わんだぁーあうと うえあーゆーかぇんと C さん!
162名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 18:30
I am hungry.
163名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 18:45
Your ASS belongs to ME!!
164名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 19:06
165プーさん:01/11/05 19:20

Hey don't use Japanese.
166名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 19:25
Pooh my ass.
167プーさん:01/11/05 19:32
168名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 19:36
英語できねえ〜くせにdon't use Japaneseじゃね〜よアホ。
Fucking brainless little fuck!
169プーさん:01/11/05 19:41

fucking you 166=168
fuck you 166=168
170名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 19:48
171プーさん:01/11/05 19:50

Hey don't use Japanese. Can you understand?
172名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 19:59
I don't wanna hear "fucking you"
I hate your using such terrible words,stop using
173cubic-u:01/11/05 20:00
hey, what's up in here?
174名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 20:02
Ah....Pooh your English suck!
175名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 20:03
fucking you?

sort your grammar right will you?
176名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 20:07
177名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 20:08
I don't wanna hear "fucking you"
I hate your using such terrible words,stop using

Your knowledge of English completely astounds me.
Please , please, please go back to school.
178名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 20:10
そもそもfucking youとは使わないことも知らないアホ。
179cubic-u:01/11/05 20:25
It seems a fucking nanashi is grumbling something nonsense
180名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 20:34
181名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 20:36
I'm afraid it's not just A NANASHI.
You wouldn't be able to figure that out
I suppose with the size of your brain.
182cubic-u:01/11/05 20:37
Then why not speak English?

Put your money where your mouth is.
183名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 20:40

184名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 20:42
Cubic, how about if I put a boot in where your mouth is.
185高2:01/11/05 20:47
Hello! Are there any high school students here?
186T:01/11/05 20:47
Im going to take a dump!
187高2:01/11/05 21:24
The don't know the meaning. In other words?
188名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 21:30

189cubic-u:01/11/05 21:30

He or She is probably living by picking up

..but ok real meaning is that he or she is going to
the rest room to shit
190cubic-u:01/11/05 21:31
Please abide by the rules of this thread or
just get out of here>>188
191高2:01/11/05 21:36
>>188 That's the meaning! They never teach it at school.
You must be taking the dump now!!
192プーさん:01/11/05 21:38

You are crazy.
193found you:01/11/05 21:39
460 :cubic-u :01/11/05 15:01
hey i can speak english !!

who do u think i am!?
194高2:01/11/05 21:41
It will soon be ten. It's the time for me to take,,,,, and
stop the PC before my dad will come home.
195cubic-u:01/11/05 21:42

You can also say like this:
1. I'll go to the rest room to poo.(poo=shit)
2. I have the call of nature.
196cubic-u:01/11/05 21:44
Don't forget to delete the histories
of your web browser!
197高2:01/11/05 21:44
>>193 You don't use any uppercase characters!
198高2:01/11/05 21:46
Thank you for your kindness.
199cubic-u:01/11/05 21:48

Gee, you are a real hawkeye!!!
200cubic-u:01/11/05 21:49
201プーさん:01/11/05 22:03
Let's talk!

Arashi is gone.
202cubic-u:01/11/05 22:04
well, I'm now watching a TV drama..
I'll be back later!
203名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 22:06
Are you American-Japanese??
Your english is perfect, I guess, but with a lot of slangs.
Sometime, I do not understand what you wanna say.

Anyway, what meand by cubic-u? Musican name?
I have heard it somewhere.......
204LMF:01/11/05 22:15
you can not stop us.
We have this anthrax.
Are you afraid?
Death to america.
Death to israel.
Allah is great.
205えしゅろん:01/11/05 22:16
<!--I hate e is ECHELON-->
<!--Belgian Power,bl0w team,Dutch Threat,F0rpaxe,#feed-the-goats,FL3M,gezondheid,gH,HcV,Hackers in Paradise,INDIANhackers,irc.psychic.com,Keebler Elves,KpZ,Level Seven,Pentaguard,Pakistan Hackerz Club,Pulse Width-->
<!--r 1 3 9,Stonehenge Crew,United Loan Gunmen,Uneek Technologies,ダイオキシン,公害,暮らし,原子力,核爆弾,水爆,電子,陽子,核廃棄物,ウラン,プルトニウム,FBI,米連邦捜査局,CIA,米中央情報局,NSA,米国家安全保障局,IRS,米国税庁-->
<!--ATF,アメリカ教育連盟,BATF,米アルコール・タバコ・火器局,DOD,米国防総省,WACO,ウェーコ,RUBY RIDGE,ルビーリッジ,OKC,オクラホマシティー,OKLAHOMA CITY,MILITIA,米国民軍,GUN,銃器,HANDGUN,拳銃,MILGOV,軍事政府,ASSAULT RIFLE-->
<!--ARKANSIDE,IRAN CONTRAS,イランコントラ,OLIVER NORTH,オリバー・ノース,VINCE FOSTER,ビンス・フォスター,PROMIS,MOSSAD,モサド,イスラエル,NASA,米航空宇宙局,MI5,英国諜報部,ONI,海軍情報部,CID,ロンドン警視庁刑事部,AK47,旧ソ連製突撃銃-->
<!--M16,米軍突撃銃,C4,爆薬,MALCOLM X,マルコムX,REVOLUTION,革命,CHEROKEE,チェロキー,HILLARY,BILL CLINTON,ヒラリー,ビル・クリントン,GORE,ゴア,GEORGE BUSH,ジョージ・ブッシュ,WACKENHUT,TERRORIST,テロリスト-->
206名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 22:19
right on.
207名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 22:19
208名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 22:26
does echelon really exist?
well if it does this thread is gonna be watched by a lot of people.
209名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 22:27
Poor "white" people. You people for centuries killed, colonized, and massacred Asians, Arabs, Africans, Aboriginies, American Indians, etc...all over the world.
If you didn't want to mix with them, you should never have meddled in their affairs or invaded their land.
You get what you give. Payback is due.
210203:01/11/05 22:31
sorry, I have many spelled miss words...

What is the echelon? Is that related to terrorists?
211名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 22:32
I thought that Bin Laden was after all non-Islamic nation.
This means more than just caucasians.
Would it not include a lot more than white people?

Also, what the hell is echelon?
212名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 22:35
too difficult to translate

213white trash:01/11/05 22:36
1. Classic buck teeth with a large gap.
2. Drives a beat up pick up truck
3. Believes whites have never done anything wrong(i.e. killing your 5 kids)
4. Hides behind something when exposing their ignorant racist beliefs.
5. Hates themselves.
6. May be semi-educated, but lacks common sense.
7. Tries to put other races down to achieve social worth.
8. Uses name calling and stereotyping as tools of showing how stupid they can be.
9. Generally is a loner, fat, and has a sticky keyboard.
10. Looks to insult people as a way to hide the fact that no one likes them.
11. Generally was picked on in school because of their overall asshollish behavior.
214cubic-u:01/11/05 23:35
Thanks but i'm just a Japanese girl living in Osaka.
cubic-u..is a nickname of Utada Hikaru
215名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 23:37
You ain't invited bitch!
216名無しさん@1周年:01/11/05 23:44
This thread seems to always attract arashi.
217cubic-u:01/11/05 23:49
arashi is still better than none
218プーさん:01/11/05 23:55

Do you like Hikaru utada?
What do you think about Utada's english ability?
219名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 00:48
220名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 03:38
whassup??? anybody here?????
221名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 04:20
222SECURITY :01/11/06 05:15
223 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/06 05:28
Ten minutes have past. This board is still here.
By the way >222, isn't it the famous line from the game "Evils in the House"?
224名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 11:46
I think it is personnel, not participants
225名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 13:01


226名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 13:18
i'm not sure, but i thought it was "residence evil(?)" (バイオハザード)

how come everyone here is obssessed with utada's english ability?
is that what you think about all day long?
227名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 14:32
how come everyone here is obssessed with utada's english ability?
is that what you think about all day long?

I guess some ppl love finding irony of celebrities.

i'm not sure, but i thought it was "residence evil
Yes, it is Resident Evil.
228プーさん:01/11/06 15:14
cubic come on

you are a very able girl.
you are the very best person in this thread.
229名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 15:33
I don't understand what you are trying to say.

you are a very able girl.
230プーさん:01/11/06 15:48
231名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 16:02
very able girl???

That doesn't make any sense
232cubic-u:01/11/06 16:16
Thanks for calling me but I'm not a capable girl..
233プーさん:01/11/06 16:20
What should I say?
234プーさん:01/11/06 16:23

Why do you know a lot of English words?
You have lived in America or so?
235名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 16:24
>Yes, it is Resident Evil.

thanx for correcting my mistake.
somehow i've been thinking "residence" instead of "resident".

>I guess some ppl love finding irony of celebrities.

sadly, that seems to be true.
i feel so sorry for those people who don't have better thing
to do other than criticizing others.
236名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 16:26
cubic you are very fuckable.
237名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 17:16
thanx for correcting my mistake.
somehow i've been thinking "residence" instead of "resident".

Sorry, but it is Resident of Evil, I actually own this game and I know that
238名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 18:19
what ?
239 名無し:01/11/06 18:34
What sort of Jaded game?
240名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 18:52
I'm pretty sure that there is no "of"
in the English language version of BIOHAZARD
i.e.: resident of evil
I'm pretty sure it is just resident evil and not resident "of" evil.

But hey, it really doesn't bother me so what the fuck.
241tomioka mike:01/11/06 18:59
Surely there must be better topics to
discuss on this thread rather than
the English title of BIOHAZARD, wheteher or not if Hikaru Utada
can speak English or not and the difference between
a mikan and mandarin!!!
242名無しさん@1周年:01/11/06 19:25
yeah you are right, i just messed up with my typing. I knew it is Resident Evil not Resident of Evil.
ty for correcting it.
243cubic-u:01/11/06 23:28
Hi, guys!
How are you?
244 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/06 23:57
I watched TV Gachinko. The final battle for getting the shop-cartain.
Do you think the program was real thing? I doubt. I think it must be all-made-up story.
But it was interesting anyway.
245名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 00:38
i'm dead tired right now and i really wanna go to bed, but i have to study for my finals.
and i have to work on my senior thesis too.
i just came here to brag on about my bullshits.
is there anyone here right now?
246cubic-u:01/11/07 00:40
I'm also gonna be sleepy real soon
247名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 00:47
I dont stop you>>245. go ahead and brag about your bullshits.
248名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 01:45
249名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 01:52
found myself still at work at this time.
250名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 02:03
i bet all those dramas are fake in GACHINKO.
but i can't stop watching that damn TV program!
251名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 02:09
why is that?
252:01/11/07 02:11
>250 that's what they expected for the people watching it.i'm also
the one enjoying that program.
253名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 02:12
why what?

why do i think it's fake?
or why i can't resist watching it?
254名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 02:23
i know!!
only thing i don't like about that program is
that they do so much of flash-back scenes.
i don't want to see the same thing over and over
every single week.
i also don't like how they insert so much narrations.
but overall, i like that program.

well, i'm taking off...
255 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/07 03:09
So some of people on this board are found of it.
It's like a posting serious massage to some jorking reces at here cause it's interesting
to do that. Even if it was just joking.

Fifteen hundred yens of debts. How one could possibly payback?
I can't imagine.

256プーさん:01/11/07 08:01
257プーさん:01/11/07 12:59
What are you doing now?
258プーさん:01/11/07 13:14
cubic has not come here today.........
259名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 14:52

I'd rather see good baseball in 28 cities than bad baseball in 30 cities. I feel bad for Twins fans because they didn't deserve to lose their team, unlike either Florida team. As a baseball fan, however; and not a twins fan i like contraction.
260cubic-u:01/11/07 14:53
sup, all
261名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 14:57
not much.
i didnt go to school again today.
Could i join your hikky party?
262名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 14:59
What like Utada?
263名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 15:01
its a double meaning word.
hikky1 = utada
hikky2 = hikikomori
264名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 15:02
265名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 15:07
I know I was only teasing.
Thanks anyways 263.
So this thread is full of HIKKIES then?
And I don't mean HIKARU.
Get a life HIKKIES.
266名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 15:07
im not her.
so dont fuck me would you?
267名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 15:10
268名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 15:16
Utada Sucks
269プーさん:01/11/07 15:21
I like utada too>cubic
270名無的発言者:01/11/07 17:25
hallo i am midolle age doqun man.
and alldays said japaniese.
about englishis difucalult for me.
271270:01/11/07 17:28
and spelle is buroken.
i‘m sorry.
272名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 17:35
I think that everyone definitely would kick your candy ass !!!
273プーさん:01/11/07 19:02
274高2:01/11/07 21:10
Whould you tell me what is my "candy ass"?
Is that something sweet?
275名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 21:34
fucking yank.
276名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 22:00
277名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 22:17
UTADA has a nice mustache
278名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 22:30
so does your mother
279名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 22:32
Utada sucks big dick
280名無しさん@1周年:01/11/07 23:03
My dick is very small.
281 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/07 23:30
collection >>255
Fifteen hundred yens of debts. ⇒Fifteen million yens of debts.

When I was DQN college student, I thought my one would grow as I'd age.
But it wasn't right. My one has not grown for these ten years or so.
282名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 00:09
at here false
here correct ,
Ithink…don't worry!
283名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 00:35
what is the whitney houston?
am i weird or is it just me?
284 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/08 00:49
Her songs are good. I used to enjoyed listening them.
But those times I listend her songs, I wasn't able to understand the meanings of lines.
I've not heard foreign musics thease days...
285thease→these:01/11/08 00:50
286名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 01:36
I like to meet up in the lobotomy area of Mr Parkinson.
Would you happen to happen?
The foie gras on the table is very slippy or was it just born that way.
287 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/08 01:54
Could anyone reply to >286?
I'm not good enough to understand what >286 want to say.
288名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 02:02
I can't understand what (s)he wanna say....
289名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 02:46
Your words have some relation of underworld's song," born slippy " ?
290社長:01/11/08 03:02
hey any of you know what song BORN SLIPPY is about?
291名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 03:29
uu..i'm sleepy but have to be awake for the test coming an hour later

huh, sigh
292名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 03:40
I know you've been waiting for me.
293名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 03:49
not really, but wanna talk to someone
294名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 03:52
you know i'm not ready for the test and still playing at here

wanna fuck me up by myself haha (sigh
295名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 03:53
296名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 03:56
Test? what kind of test?
297名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 03:56
hu~, got go

sigh, don't want to see my score next week '_`
298名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 03:57
programing, chao~
299名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 03:59
Go! Be gone for ever!
300名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 04:02
Time's up! I'm off.
301名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 04:08

302cubic-u:01/11/08 10:24
Good morning, guys!
303名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 10:36
God moanning, gays!
304プーさん:01/11/08 10:39
cubic I love you!!

I am real poosan.

These days someone fake me.
305名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 13:23
fake orgasm
306名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 14:35
No, the "Candy ASS" is not as sweet as you might think.
The "Candy ASS" is the ass whre a lot of shits still are
sticked around your asshole.
307名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 15:15
       ∧∧    /
       /⌒ヽ)  <   I offer you two tickets for britneys live if you promise never come back here again.
      (___)     \
     ''" ""''"" "''      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
308むしょっかー、金と仕事をくれよ:01/11/08 15:26
>>290,mr.or mis. president
That song was very very big hit in the world(not underworld!)
In Japan,lately The Mitsubishi Moters tied up this in a car's CM.
Didn't you know that?

this is lyrics of born slippy .please refer

Born Slippy.NUXX
drive boy dog boy dirty numb angel boy in the doorway boy
she was a lipstick boy she was a beautiful boy and tears boy
and all in your innerspace boy you had hands girl boy and steel boy
you had chemicals boy ive grown so close to you
boy and you just groan boy she said comeover comeover
she smiled at you boy drive boy dog boy dirty numb angel boy
in the doorway boy she was a lipstick boy she was a beautiful boy
and tears boy and all in your innerspace boy you had hands girl boy
and steel boy you had chemicals boy ive grown so close to you
boy and you just groan boy she said comeover comeover
she smiled at you boy let your feelings slip boy
but never your mask boy random blonde boy all high density
rhythm blonde boy blonde country blonde high density
you are my drug boy youre real boy speak to me and boy
dog dirty numb cracking boy you get wet boy
big big time boy acid bear boy
babes and babes and babes and babes and babes
and remembering nothing boy you like my tin horn boy
and get wet like an angel derail you got a velvet mouth
youre so succulent and beautiful shimmering and dirty wonderful
and hot times on your telephone line and god and everything
on your telephone and in walk an angel and look at me your mom
squatting pissed in a tube hole at tottenham court road
i just come out of the ship talking to the most blonde i ever met
shouting lager lager lager lager shouting lager lager lager lager
shouting lager lager lager lager shouting lager lager lager
shouthing mega mega white thing mega mega white thing
mega mega white thing mega mega shouting
lager lager lager lager mega mega white thing
mega mega white thing so many things to see and do
in the tube hole true blonde going back to romford
mega mega mega going back to romford
hi mom are you having fun and now are you on your way
to a new tension headache

309むしょっかー、金と仕事をくれよ:01/11/08 15:42
The underworld is a very famous techno unit.
my another favorite song is " uhum.........skyscraper i love you.","rez".........etc
if you have never heard , you should do! i guarantee to pay.
310名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:15

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < Damn... eventually i didnt study at all today again..
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < what are you looking at??
  ./  |    \__________
311名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:17
312名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:24
(,,・д・) < honestly I think your face is funny.
313名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:26

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < Damn... I failed enken 1 kyuu again..
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < what are you looking at??
  ./  |    \__________
314名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:27
at enken boy
315名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:28

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < personaly I think natti is the best in all of them.
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < what are you looking at??
  ./  |    \__________
316名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:32
I hate Nacchi's English.
317名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:34

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < I went to yoshinoya knowing the possibility of nikukopu-n.
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < what are you looking at??
  ./  |    \__________
318名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:35
You are already infected.
319名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:37

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < I had a dream that Britney comes over me last night.
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < what are you looking at??
  ./  |    \__________
320名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:42

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < Im sick and tired of studying english without any opportunity using it..
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < Dont you think?
  ./  |    \__________
321名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:43
I liked Brito of Seven-Eleven
322名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:48

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < I dont even have any plans for christmas this year..
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < Im not alone here right?
  ./  |    \__________
323名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:51
Then you can be a Santa
324名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:53
What's nikukopu-n?
325名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:53

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < I know they all are around. They try and find a chance to make fun of me, i bet.
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < まけないもん。(you are not gonna beat me this time.)
  ./  |    \__________
326名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:55
I hate bees.
327名無しさん@1周年:01/11/08 23:57
They try and find a chance to make fun of me.

They are trying to find a chance to......

328名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:00

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < I live on bees. I am in favor of them.
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < was my closing. ..your honor.
  ./  |    \__________
329名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:01
330名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:05

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < I hate those english nerds. They deserve to die.
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < which I think is nor fair to say.
  ./  |    \__________
331名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:07
332名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:10

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < I can see some retards here.
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < don't worry i will embrace you too. i am nice guy.
  ./  |    \__________
333名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:12
I knew it
334名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:14
  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < as they already noticed im not so good at using (in)definite particles..
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < since when are you standing there??
  ./  |    \__________
335Tim:01/11/09 00:18
I am from England. I teach English in Japan. I have been reading these messages
and have noticed that the quality of your English is terrible. I believe
that this is because most of you didn`t study properly at school, or
is it because your teachers were shit too? WHY are you obsessed with
learning my language? When do you ever need it or use it?
You should get a life? I think that the majority of you are socially
336名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:20
Thank you Timmy of your advice
337名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:21
      (    ) I think flaming ppl at 2ch is pretty lame but..
      (⊃ ⊂)
      | | |

      ( ・∀・ )彡 I do that all the time♪
     ⊂    つ
       人  Y
      し (_)
338名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:24
I will give amen to you
339cubic-u:01/11/09 00:31
What's up?
340名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:32
Have you ever thought about why you can earn money in Japan?
341cubic-u:01/11/09 00:36
Who r u speaking to? >>340
342名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:38
343名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:39
344名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:41
345cubic-u:01/11/09 00:46
Although I have to admit your opinion is partly to the point,
you should show us examples of wrong usage
346名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:47
">>1" hear. This is the story which is not in the relation with this thread.
I went at "Yoshinoya" in the neighborhood yesterday. "Yoshinoya".
I could not sit, Because there were a lot of persons.
It is seeing that The bottom of the banner,
and It is made "a 150 yen pull" and written.
I saying "Are you fool?","Are you crazy?".
Everybody Don't come to "Yoshinoya" which doesn't usually come by the 150 yen pull. Shit!
It is 150 yen, 150yen.
there is a parent and child companion too.
Came it to "Yoshinoya" at family ? Congratulations!
Dad will order "tokumori". It was saying. It isn't possible to see already.
Empty the seat because it gives by 150 yen.
"Yoshinoya" must be bloodier.
It isn't strange whenever the quarrel begins with the fellow who sat on opposite side of the table in the form of U.
Does it kill or is it killed? Such a feeling is good.
Go home women and children .
After that.
I thought that it sat barely.
The person in neighborhood was saying "Please, Ohmori Tsuyudaku".
I was very angry.
Hey! you, "Tsuyudaku" isn't popular now. Shit!
You have a good face. What say "Tsuyudaku"?
Do you want to eat really?
I wants to ask you.
I ask a question closely.
I ask a question closely at one hour and down.
Want you say "Tsuyudaku" only?
If say from me of the master of "Yoshinoya".
Now, The latest popularity among the master of "Yoshinoya" is "Negidaku".
this is a decision.
"Please, Ohmori Negidaku and Gyoku".
This is the way of the order of the master of "Yoshinoya".
"Negidaku" is many Negi.
Instead of it. the beef is little. This.
And "Ohmori Gyoku(The egg)" This is The strongest.
But If Order this menu. Next time, Becomes the danger to be marked from a man of shop.
This is The sword of the blades.
I don't recommend to beginner.
The beginner eat "Gyusyake Teisyoku".
347名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 00:47
Hey you, waccha name ?
-Hey U Bruce- song by Left Tonpei
348名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:11
349cubic-u:01/11/09 01:14
What drove you mad?>>348
350名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:15
351名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:15
Drag did
352cubic-u:01/11/09 01:15
353名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:16
354cubic-u:01/11/09 01:17
I have no idea what u r talking about>>353
355名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:19
356名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:19
      (    ) I feel guilty to ppl like >>348..
      (⊃ ⊂)
      | | |

      ( ・∀・ )彡 because I'm growing weeds♪
     ⊂    つ
       人  Y
      し (_)
357名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:21
growing weedsってなに?
358名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:22
359名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:25
360cubic-u:01/11/09 01:25
You certainly are a persistent rogue.
361名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:28
362名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:28
      (    ) 358 is a typical 2ch flamer...
      (⊃ ⊂)
      | | |

      ( ・∀・ )彡 In short , he is a chubo♪
     ⊂    つ
       人  Y
      し (_)
363名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:31
Yap he's tube all
364cubic-u:01/11/09 01:31
i know nobody is listening to this imbecile>>361
365名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:42

what's up
366pubic-u:01/11/09 01:54
367名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 01:56
Well I'm hungry, hungry and your pussy looks so good
I wanna suck your asshole, wanna piece of...?
I don't even care if your on the bloody rag
I'll eat you buttplug, come on sit on my face
I wanna eat you out, baby eat you out
Open up your legs baby, I wanna eat you out
Eat you out, baby eat you out
I don't care if it's runny and I don't care if it smells
Eat you out, baby eat you out
I wanna stick my tongue in you and suck your cunt juice out
Don't wanna finger fuck you, stick my dick inside of you
I'd rather?
Fat or ugly it looks like you don't care
If your young or old, you gotta cunt? I'll lick you there
I wanna put my tongue so far inside of you
Drink your piss and cum and you can drink mine too
Wanna eat your shit, you can eat my diarrhea
Wanna... bring your cunt right over here
368pubic-u:01/11/09 01:58
369名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 02:00
hey, it's all about puff puff give!
can i get a dime bag of hydro?
370名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 02:02
fuck no
371名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 02:03
you can suck my dick and fuckin' like it!
372名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 02:05
why not!?
ok...then can you roll a blunt of northern light?
i don't want any shwags...
373名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 02:06
374名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 02:09
aiiight. i guess i can do licky licky stuff.
but you know? i'm expensive. i'm a proffessional hoe!
375名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 02:13
 │               .|
 │  キチガイ警報!  │
 │               .|
          (  へ)
376名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 02:15
i give you two dollaz
I dont want no skanks
377名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 02:28
Listen up Guys!

I've got "Ally Mcbeal" DVD and it's boost my listening ablity up!
If you wanna progress your english, just see or listen in which you're
interested. Don't focuns on only NHK programs. Anyway, I'm really
fucked up caz my first going to abroad is coming soon.

↑Please correct my terrible English.....
378& ◆KTOGwaYk :01/11/09 02:58
ohhh, mannn.
i'm so bored.
does anybody wanna talk to me now?
379名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 03:09
oh shit.....
my dick so small....
380名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 03:11
I am >>1's mother. (((The following is omitted
381激しくヘタレ:01/11/09 03:12
I'm here.
382名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 04:31
383 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/09 04:51
How come this thread gets rough so often?
Oh, well.
384cubic-u:01/11/09 09:11
385名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 09:15
386cubic-u:01/11/09 09:21
You mean.. 'mourning'?>>385
387名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 09:28
Are you a student?>cubic
388cubic-u:01/11/09 09:50
um..maybe yes. but I'm also teaching English to
high school guys.
How about u?
389名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 09:53
I am doing nothing.

I am hanging around.
390’†& ◆i5CKwRZQ :01/11/09 09:55
This is not a chat room, guys.
391Yuko:01/11/09 10:14
Well, it's been long since I came here last.
I hope you won't fight with each other, and
enjoy speaking English.
392名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 12:09
  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < I see many people join this thread by copying the others message..
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < be original ! damn it.
  ./  |    \__________
393Timpo:01/11/09 12:20
TIM does your TIM stand for TIM in ティムポ?
TIM why did you go to school at all?
You don't seem to have to use your brain at all
to make a living in your sad little country.
Are you on the dole? Like the rest of your incestous family?
Does your girlfriend have a beard like your mother?
394名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 12:23
  ∧ ∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < I have nothing to say particularly.
  ./  |    \__________

   ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < I just wanted to use this character.
  ./  |    \__________
395名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 12:33
  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < before pushing the enter botton...
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < use your brain as a filter!
  ./  |    \__________
396名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 12:53
  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < My chara is a little disagreement
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < why is it?
  ./  |    \__________
397名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 13:58
                 | |
                 | |
        ∧_∧   | | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ( ´Д`)//< Sir, I got a quesiton!
      /       /   \
     / /|    /       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  __| | .|    |
  \   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  ||\             \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
     .||              ||

Why are these English natives who come to this board
are either perverts, sociopaths, flamers and so on?
We need some decent English speakers here.
398名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 14:01
                 | |
                 | |
        ∧_∧   | | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ( ´Д`)//<  I agree.
      /       /   \
     / /|    /       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  __| | .|    |
  \   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  ||\             \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
     .||              ||
399名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 14:04
I get 400
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄       (´´
     ∧∧   )      (´⌒(´
        ̄ ̄  (´⌒(´⌒;;

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄      (´´;;
     ∧∧           (´;;
    (゚Д゚ ,)⌒ヽ

I got mess on me.
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ポ  ∧∧  ポ
  ン  (゚Д゚ ,) . ン
   (´;) U,U )〜 (;;).
(´)〜(⌒;;UU (´ )...〜⌒(`)
400名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 14:06
What's a flamer?
401名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 14:07
I get 400
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄       (´´
     ∧∧   )      (´⌒(´
        ̄ ̄  (´⌒(´⌒;;
402401:01/11/09 14:09
It was a momentary mistake.
403401:01/11/09 14:10
Fire worshipper?
404名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 14:12
405名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 14:13
                 | |
                 | |
        ∧_∧   | | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ( ´Д`)//< Sir, I need to go to pee
      /       /   \
     / /|    /       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  __| | .|    |
  \   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  ||\             \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
     .||              ||
406名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 14:20
Frediie Mercury
was a gay zoroastrian.
407名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 14:42
Fuck yourself ! Go TO HELL !!
408名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 18:42

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < one wise man told me You are not what you think you are but what the others think of you..
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < remember that ! kids
  ./  |    \__________
409名無しがお伝えします:01/11/09 19:22
I got up just now.
Is this sentence right?
410名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 19:27

I just got up.
411名無しさん@1周年:01/11/09 19:43
I gotta eat out, byebye fuckers
412 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/10 00:31
I take the word "flamer" would stand for inciter or stormer, who slur the others
for fun.
413名無しがお伝えします:01/11/10 00:47
Thank you.
414名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 02:44
415名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 02:56
I've been horrible these days. Hardly go out, smoke pot, be on the internt all night....
Hate myself.
Anybody feel like bitching, bitch at me, I can handle it.
416 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/10 03:05
That's none other than the way I've been spendeng these days so what?
417名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 03:07
Heeeey welcome to my world!
418 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/10 03:11
(w; I'm not good at fast writing so give me certain thing to talk about.
419名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 03:28
Yesterday, I watched Survivor:Africa and am Sooo happy to
see Silus voted out!! I bet he is kinda sneaky and
manipulative person. Can't be trusted at all.
420 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/10 03:48
Is it world news? I don't know about Silus's purge.
What I watched yesterday were "Morning daughters." sorry.
In what country have the incident occurd? The republic of South Africa?
421名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 04:01
Don't worry about 419. "Survivor" is a cheesy TV show.
You don't even have to know about it.
422名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 04:09
r u'all rich?
423 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/10 04:11
But I've not heard "cheesy."
Is it an adjective stands for "horny,""fishy,""uninteresting"or something like that?
424名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 04:14
I don't have a job!
I got only $600 in my bank account.
425 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/10 04:40
Have you tried to be a Japanese teacher at there?
You must be from Northern American board, right?
426424:01/11/10 04:54
Right I'm in NY.
I already got a degree in something different, and I don't wanna be teaching Japanese.
Isn't it exactly like being those jerks teaching at NOVA in Japan?
Anybody in fashion industry in NY, need help?
Paid internship is OK, too!
427名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 05:26

what have you studied in college?
what do you know about business?
why don't you start your own business?
well, there is a lot of boring paper work to own your company in NY
428 :01/11/10 05:27
An oddball but appealing Japanese indie pop act,
observed by some to be "an oriental Parliament',
Dreams Come True released their first English-language album in 1997 after a decade of popularity in their native country.
Masato Nakamura (bass), Miwa Yoshida (vocals/lyrics) and Takahiro Nishikawa (keyboards) formed the band in 1988,
releasing nine albums in the ensuing decade and amassing a sales tally of over 25 million units.
The Swinging Star (1992) broke all Japanese sales records to become the best-selling album in the country's history.
The band enjoys unprecedented popularity as a live act,
and are regulars on Japanese television shows, domestic films and video game soundtracks.
The band's music, built on Western influences ranging from classic soul to R&B, and from rock 'n' roll to disco and funk,
became omnipresent in Japanese cultural life throughout the 90s.
By 1998 they had moved from long-standing label Sony to Virgin Records,
who were keen to promote the band to an international market,
especially America. The move was hailed as the first time a major Japanese band had moved from a domestic imprint to an American-owned record label.
The band confessed to frustration at Sony's insular marketing regime,
although Dreams Come True had previously collaborated with American star Maurice White of Earth,
Wind And Fire (for the single "Wherever You Are") and appeared on "Eternity",
the theme for the US animation feature The Swan Princess.
Following the disappointing reception received by other Japanese pop acts such as Toshi Kubota and Seiko Matsuda,
Virgin were taking a major gamble on their new act (who reportedly cost them million to sign).
They believed that Dreams Come True could follow the success of more left field or avant garde Asian artists such as Pizzicato Five,
Buffalo Daughter and Cornelius.
429名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 05:41
>>428 miraiyosouzu U ga suki.
430424:01/11/10 05:46

>what have you studied in college?
Fashion design.
>what do you know about business?
Interned for a couple of well-known labels.Ready to get a position in entry-level design field.
>why don't you start your own business?
'Cause I don't have money, there's nobody possibly want to sponser,
a college grad(worse, I'm also a god damn foreigner), and not quite ready to start my own label.
>well, there is a lot of boring paper work to own your company in NY
Like I wrote currently I am unemployed! I really don't have a job!

Thanks for being interested, though. Are you in the US as well?
431427:01/11/10 07:07
>well, there is a lot of boring paper work to own your company in NY
i meant that IRS work. to make your own campany, you have to do some paper work
with Internal Revenue Service. i heard IRS in NY is a bit strict compare to others

i don't know anything about field you interested in, can't help
Do you have GC? if so, you still have a lot of chances

i'm in southern parts of US studying MIS now
432424:01/11/10 08:18
Ah, I see. Those paperwork. I don't really know but it wouldn't matter if I am ready to satrt my own business.
It would be nothing hard to compare with making money!
But no, I can't start my own business right away, my visa status is
Plactical Training. And there's nobody who would possibly sponser me.

Sorry but I don't know what MIS stands for.
433427:01/11/10 08:26
Management Information System

study of combining computer and business work
it's goot to make money i think
434 :01/11/10 08:30
this is a pen.
435名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 13:18
>>434 I think she is a girl.
436maezono27 ◆UpmG9.1. :01/11/10 13:26
konoitatte eigowo douyatte gakusyuu surukato
gakusyuuheno kateino yaritoriga ooi kiga simasita.
437名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 13:28
I am a gay.I wanna suck ya cock
438名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 15:47
suck your dick
439名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 16:46
I'm so bored right now...
I know it's a Friday night and should be out having
fun and all. But I just had a serious argument with
my boyfriend and don't really feel like doing nothing.
He's sleeping behind me on our bed..
440名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 17:23
suck his dick deeply
441名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 18:46
very deeply
442名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 20:31
do u mean autofelatio?
443名無しさん@1周年:01/11/10 22:09
mother fuckin' go!!!!
444 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/11 00:17
In case of that >>439sann's posting was serious one, I want to give a comment.
I don't know the content of argument so I won't be able to write critical things but
To avoid misunderstandings, you'd better to talk with him honestly more.
I know sometimes just one conflict can make the relationship into terrible one but
as long as you keep sane while you talk with him, you could keep the relationship
with him also. And, please don't be selfish and try to find a good compromise plan
between two of you.
445ワンタンの皮:01/11/11 00:23
Birth control and protector lubricated both sides.
Safe sex.
Thank you!
446 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/11 00:42
Was that what she ment? Are you serious?
                            ・・・May be so.
447名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 01:11
Go out!
Get out of here!
don't like you, don't wanna see you writin',
Fack off >>all
448名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 01:48
comment allez vous?
449名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 01:49
That's French !
This is "English Only Thread".
450名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 01:51
451名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 01:53
I don't understand what you mean !
Speak English or die.
452名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 01:57
453名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 02:02
I think that's Spanish.
Actually I want to learn Spanish because I need to speak
Spanish to talk to prostitutes in Ookubo.
Ookubo is close to Shinjyuku. Do you know it?
It's really exotic.
Have you ever been there?
454Elmonosuke:01/11/11 02:08
Je vais tres bien. Et vous?

Am I right so far?
455Elmonosuke:01/11/11 02:16
Hey! Ookubo! That's exactly where I live!
Yes prostitutes, I know what you're talking about.
Those around Hyakunincho, right? It's rather Shin-Ookubo.
456名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 02:47
I normally go to AKASAKA and IKEBUKURO and SHINJUKU for my
girls. IKEBUKURO is best but the cab fare home costs as much as the girls.
457名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 02:48
Really? You live there?
What do you do for a living?
Are you a prostitute or a friend of her?
458名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 02:50
Are there any prostitutes in Akasaka?
I've seen them in Shinjyuku and Ikebukuro.
459名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 02:54
they are massage parlours
but if you are wiling to pay that little extra...
460名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 02:59
Are those like "韓国マッサージ”or something ?
461名無しさん@1周年:01/11/11 03:03
462Elmonosuke:01/11/11 03:18
I just live there. I don't buy sex.
Good morning everyone!
I just got up.
464名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 02:19
Good morning everyone!
I just stayed up all night.
465名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 02:31
I am going to sleep now.
466名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 04:37
"I'm going to bed." is better.
I have to get some sleep. That's OK.
467名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 05:41
468名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 05:54
469名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 12:09

"I'm going to sleep now" is ok.
nothing wrong with it
470名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 13:47
I ate チキン南蛮定食 at noon.
Tell me how do you say that in English, asshole !!
471名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 16:22
I ate Subu-tei as lunch. They gave me a service ticket of Gyoza.
It may be chicken southern barbarian table d'hote. But, don't believe me.
472名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 18:27

Cajun chicken lunch prefix???
473名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 21:12
Subutei is subuta-teishoku.
474名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 21:24
southern barbarian....
warata yo!
475名無しさん@1周年:01/11/12 21:31
Since the ancient Chinese people were calling Portuguese southern barbarian.
You may be right.
476307:01/11/15 06:56
477320:01/11/15 07:00
Make me come!
478320:01/11/15 07:09
Osama Bin Laden makes me come.
479307:01/11/15 07:18
you like beards? w
480307:01/11/15 07:20
Clinton makes me horny
481320:01/11/15 07:22
Yes, I do.
I wanna come on his beards and AK-47 in front of the big rock..
482307:01/11/15 07:22
well, you are simly sick 320
483307:01/11/15 07:23
484320:01/11/15 07:24
So am I!
I like his cigar play!
The Starr Report is my bible.
485320:01/11/15 07:27
Yes, I'm definately sick.
I need your help!
486307:01/11/15 07:27
damn! i'm tired of editing my stupid paper
487320:01/11/15 07:33
Forget the paper, and jerk off!
I'll have something to eat.
See you later, sweet cigar.
488307:01/11/15 07:41
i got turn in this shit today

oh, life sucks
489元気だま:01/11/15 11:10
I've now got the habit of cutting the classes.
I knouw I should, but laziness keeps me away from the univ.
490名無しさん@1周年:01/11/15 13:49
491名無しさん@1周年:01/11/17 02:23
I wanna fuck えなりかずき like an animal!
492名無しさん@1周年:01/11/17 03:01
you sick
493名無しさん@1周年:01/11/19 00:16
Can you see the shooting stars from your room?
Look outside.
Leonid meteor showers can be seen.
Don't miss it.
494名無しさん@1周年:01/11/19 00:26
Show me your company
Come and tell me who you be
I'll try and take thing easy
I'll be loose, I'll be carefree
495名無しさん@1周年:01/11/19 00:33
good night
496名無しさん@1周年:01/11/19 00:35
u to
497名無しさん@1周年:01/11/19 23:02
You wanna fuck はしのえみ like an animal!
498名無しさん@1周年:01/11/19 23:23
Do you like はしのえみ?
That's incredible for me.
I don't sense a woman from her.
She is not sexy.
But she is funny. She is a comedian. She is good as a comedian.
I don't kike to make love to her.
499名無しさん@1周年:01/11/19 23:24
I don't like ...に訂正
500名無しさん@1周年:01/11/19 23:35
five hundred!!
501名無しさん@1周年:01/11/20 23:51
I know you just wanna stick your dirty little cock into はしのえみちゃん's
smelly old twat.
502名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:00
I don't kike to make love to her.
503まりこ:01/11/21 00:01
Good night!
504名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:02
I kove you
505名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:05
502, "Kike" is a derogatory term to refer to Jewish
506名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:06
You don't have to refer to that kind of thing.
Everybody knows it for sure.
507名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:08
I'm waiting for your message.
508名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:13
Everybody knows it for sure.

=>I am sure everyone knows it.
509名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:15
You don't have to refer to that kind of thing.

=>You don't need to preach us, fool.
510名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:15
I wanna join your chat ,but I don't know about
this bulletin board well.
Is there any local rule witch I must follow?
Tell me about my question, prease.
511名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:15
I'm waiting for your message.

=>I am waiting for your response.
512名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:18
Is there any local rule witch I must follow?

=>Is there any local rule by which I must follow?

=>Is there anything I should know to join you?
513名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:19
514名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:19
Tell me about my question, prease.

Not that I know of.
515名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:20
516名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:21
517名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:21
This guy is an idiot.
518名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:21

It's a sense of humor. If you didn't get it, you have
no sense of humor. Period.
519名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:23
This guy is an idiot.

↑You must define who "this" is because there are a bunch
of idiots here.
520名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:23
It's not funny at all, anyway.
521名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 00:25
Neither am I.
522510:01/11/21 00:28
Oh I'm sorry!
I made a lot of mistakes!
As my English vocablary is so poor,
I can't read your letter and respond without dictionary!
I had better to go to the lounge!
523loose takin':01/11/21 01:35
No,you don't hane to.
You can join us as your way.
I caught your phrase,i understood what you want to say.
524loose talkin':01/11/21 01:38
I got miss typing.
First line,please correct hane to have.
525名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 01:59
What in the world are you guys talking about in this Thread??
I believe it's not funny talking in English in 2ch......
Hey guys, ITTE YOSHI!!!
526名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 02:07
527loose talkin':01/11/21 02:12
What is the main topic?
528名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 02:14
about a nasty American politics.
529名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 02:14
If you really think so, you should better reply
to 522 and 523 with your own humor.
I believe it's not funny 525 talking in English in 2ch......
Hey you, go to hell!!!
530名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 06:05
531緑茶。 p0287-ip01kagawa.kagawa.ocn.ne.jp:01/11/22 23:37
( ´_ゝ`).。oO(フーン・・・・)
532LMF:01/11/26 05:05
Yo, Let me tell you something ">>1" This story has nothing to do with this thread though.
I went to "吉野家" near my house the otherday. "吉野家".
I could n't find any place to sit, because there were too many goddamn customers.
Just because the "吉野家" lower the price of that stupid beef bowls.
Then I shouted "Who the fuck you think you are!?","Are you out of your fuckin' mind!?".
Not many people come to "吉野家".
Just because of the 150 yen price cut. Shit!
You know, It is only150 yen, One-Fifty-Yen. What a big deal!
There are parents and children companion sitting in there too.
Coming into "吉野家" with family ? Congratulations!
Dad is ordering "特盛り!" with smile on his face and showing his buck teeth with a large gap.
I will give you 150 yen so will all of you leave here now, please?
The atmosphere in "吉野家" has to be bloody, you know.
It's not stange whenever the fight begins with the fellow who sat on opposite side of the table in the form of "U".
It's all about beat up or get beat up. Such a feeling is intense.
Chicks and kids must back off.
After that.
I saw a person who sat barely.
The person in neighborhood was saying "大盛りつゆだくplease".
It totally pissed me off.
Yo! Dick head, "つゆだく" aren't cool anymore. You piece of shit!
You seem to be a nice person. Why say "つゆだく"?
Do you really want to eat that?
I wanna ask you.
I wanna ask a question closely.
I wanna ask you a question closely at one hour and down.
I know you just want to say "つゆだく".
I, the "吉野家" master will give you an advice.
Now, The latest popularity among the "吉野家" masters are "ねぎだく".
This is how we order.
"大盛りねぎだく and ぎょく, please".
This is the way "吉野家" masters order.
"ねぎだく" means lots of spring onions.
Instead of them. the beef is little. This.
And "大盛りぎょく(eggs)" This is the best.
But If you order this menu. Next time, Becomes the danger of being marked by a manager of the store.
This is The 諸刃の剣.
I don't recommend this to beginners.
For all you beginners, go eat "牛鮭定食".
In conclusion,
eat shit and die!
533名無しさん@1周年:01/11/26 05:22
I can tell >>532 knows everything. Where the thread is, how this yoshinoya
should be, the number of the people who had translate it in English,,,

What I want to say here, is >>532 is just a stuff to fish. Right?
534名無しさん@1周年:01/11/26 07:44
呑んでしまった。 酒は絶とうと思っていたのに、なかなか
うまくいかないもんですね。 はぁ。
535名無しさん@1周年:01/11/26 08:03
I suppose you should go and post at
雑談しようよ!!!!!!!!part 3
in Japanese.
oops, teleho time has over. I gatta drop.
536名無しさん@1周年:01/11/26 11:00
where's everyone at?
537532:01/11/26 12:58
Go fuck yourself
538名無しさん@1周年:01/11/26 14:37
539名無しさん@1周年:01/11/26 14:55
You ain't shit!
540名無しさん@1周年:01/11/26 14:59
Eat shit and die,fucker!
541LMF:01/11/26 20:48
So, you like this phrase huh?
542名無しさん@1周年:01/11/26 20:52
I am a pen.
543元気だま:01/11/26 21:45
I would like to know if any of you are students.
If so, how do you feel about your English classes?
Do you find them interesting? And are you satisfied with the way
of teacing?

As for me, the class is boring and monotonous:we students is
supposed to read the text beforehand.First the teacher reads it by
himself(we don't),and then he makes us translate into Japanese in turn.
The text "On human being" as such is difficult but worth reading,
benefitial for me.For most students , however, it seems difficult to
understand, for few of those appointed can translate sufficiently,
in which case the teacher himself does.We can't know whether the
words we come across are important or less important,either.

Is this style true of yours,too? Or some other styles?
And what do you think is desirable in my case?Or am I wrong?
Tell me.
544名無しさん@1周年:01/11/26 21:52
So, what is your point?
545エルモのすけ:01/11/27 10:23
English classes every where in Japan are just like yours.
If you really want to learn English and want to become good at it,
you shouldn't expect too much of what you learn or how you learn
at school even though there are some good parts and good teachers .
Why? The reason for that has already been discussed again and
again on this message board so I'm not going to repeat that again here.
One thing you should remember is that what you learn at school isn't 'English'.
It's '英語'. You know what I mean by that.
546元気だま:01/11/27 17:31
So,I should study English on my own,expecting little from Japanese
universities,shouldn't I?
Then how about any other country whose mother language is not English
like Japan ?What's the difference?
547名無しさん@1周年:01/11/27 21:04
Sorry for interrupting.
I would like to ask you guys some help.


This is a thread about World Cup 2002.
It's an action against somebody who uses "worldcup.com" domain name
for its political purpose
Also,these websites seem just trying to humiliate japanese people.
Please imagin, somebody on the earthe wants some info about world cup 2002 and
then, they found a porn site(japanese female) or nothing to do with soccor(politkcal).

His original text is here.

Its translation's below.

please check and correct.
It has to be precise and formal.
548エルモのすけ:01/11/28 02:50
I was just going to tell you should take the matter to
a more appropriate thread like '2ch翻訳スレッド',
and you seem to have already done so.

At least you can learn to read and write English at college and
there is no argue that it is also very important for English study.
But when it comes to speaking English, yes, you have to find your own way,
and you can see why there are so many 英会話学校s around everywhere
and so many people spending a lot of money for it.
I don't know much about how English is taught at schools around the world.
A few years ago, I saw on TV an interview to a college student in Poland
who was taking Japanese classes. The time was just after the Cold War had
ended, so he had no chance to come to Japan or even speak with a Japanese.
It's totally different from how we can now be easily in touch with
English stuffs like English books, movies, interenet and so on.
What surprised me was that he answered to every qustion in Japanese
very fluently as if he had lived in Japan for quite a while.
He didn't mention how he learned that Japanese so it remaind as a mystery on
what difference there is between their method of studying a language
and ours.
Maybe I'm the one who wants to know why there is such difference
more than you do. (笑)
549質問:01/11/28 06:04
550 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/11/28 08:00
I won't say like "Tresure your own caracter." It's not good.
In that case "Have your own self-esteem" would be better.
551元気だま:01/11/28 23:50
In fact , I'm of the opinion that the poor English ability of Japanese
may be in part due to the lack of motivation of studying it.
One project team JACET once examined the English ability of Chinese,
Korean,Japanese by using a test like TOEFL.The examinees were chosen
from various universities,who majored in various fields.The result is
shown at the table below.

examinees hearing expression vocablary reading total
CHINA 482 47.9 80.4 64.1 64.2 63.6
KOREA 547 40.6 61.9 66.9 56.5 55.8
JAPAN 752 33.7 52.8 50.7 36.0 42.9
(The figures are average.Full score of each section is 100)

Japanese have been said to be poor at listening ,but good at reading
and wrighting. However , judging from this result, Japanese are no
good at reading and wrighting!The two abilities are of coarse acquired
by studying.
552エルモのすけ:01/11/29 11:25
The lack of sense of purpose for studying maybe one strong
reason for the Japanese poor ability in English. I agree with that.
But as you may guess, I don't think that will explain the whole
story because most Japanese sudents are forced to study English
very hard and they really do so and do quite well during their
school days and 受験勉強. So once again we come to the question
of what is wrong with Japanese English teaching method.
Now it came out that Japanese are neither good at English reading
and writing according to the result you have shown,
I think it's quite a serious problem that someone has to
find a clue and do something about it someday.
553e/t:01/11/29 13:22
I think so,too.I'm a college student,so i've learnt English for eight years.But i don't speak English well.
I can read,but i can't hear!At my school,we studied only grammer and reading.
I did'nt have a chance to talk with someone. I do think it is important to speak.
554549:01/11/29 13:29
Thanx. i appriciate your kindness.
555名無しさん@1周年:01/11/29 16:08
556名無しさん@1周年:01/11/29 19:05
我々は、己の信ずるところに拠って毅然とした態度で臨むのみだ! それを諸君、心して理解せよ】



208 :207本人だ。上に続ける。 :01/11/22 10:19 ID:baikByGa

557名無しさん@1周年:01/11/29 19:11
that's chilling me.
558名無しさん@1周年:01/11/30 00:39
        ( ´∀`)
      \ /,   つ
BRRRR! (_(_, )
      /  しし'
559名無しさん@1周年:01/11/30 00:43
My ass can fart in English.
560名無しさん@1周年:01/12/04 17:09
You want that AGAIN?

Japan is a country which is full of massive popularity chasers.
It is really doubtful that people use their brain as a fulter to
distinguish what they need from what they dont.
English, which from time to time comes to the first issue of Japanese
Globalization, seems like one of them.
Its said that the third english-learning campain is coming to japan now
but people are enough blind not to realize that they are just back on
the same truck they used to be again. The idea they need English badly
also brings up its counterpart that they don't and then I am sure they are
going to settle on the idea they dont need because they are economically
strong. Some might start to say learning the other laungage is nothing
but giving in to its cultural invasion.
Here people end up passing the same old issue to the next generation.
If you say this time its different from the past, here is something
you must consider "how". Most teachers (if you can call them teacher),
they are not capable of. I mean they don't speak nor write English.
How can they possibly teach how to speak or how to write?
There is only few teachers available. That's devastating as sad that is.

|For your information, this is the original message so if you have something
|to say just respond. I am looking forward to it.
561名無しさん@1周年:01/12/05 16:33
562名無しさん@1周年:01/12/05 17:58
Globalization is the term which typical Japanese people
would adore. They like its sound and a vague image which
the word evokes.
We also can find the word "international" in the inventory
of Japanese peoples favorite English words.
Those words have similarity in Japanese yearning for the world.
In brochures of universities, now the phrase "the faculty for an international
person" is the catch. People who are willing to enter these universities,
they are not only country kids in Japan but also seem country kids
in the world. After enrollment they are possibly permitted to be a member
of so called the "International -PersonS society" which of course doesn't exist.
Where this ridiculous idea is coming from?
The ignorance for the world must be one reason.
Japanese people believe their country is something in the world,
however, someday they go abroad to find out they are not that popular
in the world. Some might bump into an American who believes
Japan is a part of China. Maybe some say that is an extreme example.
It's true some might run into an American geek who knows lots about Japan
instead of flight attendant who keeps talking to you in Chinese but
it's also true there are lots of Asian people who don't know even their
country is supported by Japan financially.
We are so generous to let people receive money without knowledge
whose money that was. On the other hand we are so damn to believe an "international person"
truly exists. I just want to ask those people who want to be an international person
what the definition of an international person is.
Those stupidities are some aspects of Japanese Globalization.
I'm sure we are not going to anywhere with this.
563名無しさん@1周年:01/12/06 22:06

??how could you come here without an ability of English you all??
564名無しさん@1周年:01/12/06 22:35
take your essays and shove it up your arse
they are boring me
565名無しさん@1周年:01/12/07 16:38
Subject: What are disadvantages of cellular phones?
Write 50-100 words.
566.:01/12/07 21:20
Hello Banana!
567このスレ:01/12/07 23:49
anchor house long suke
(いかりや ちょうすけ)
568 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/12/08 00:22
I have seen your postings on gamesalon board.(おおps
You might be the same kind of person with me.
I laughed. Your response is very interesting. I'll answer to your question.
For me, To be the international person means to be the one who can make
mutual will trading with world's people, using English as world language.
But ofcourse just gainning English skill never makes him into such one.
As studying English, such guy have to learn many things. I can't sums up each
of them though.
569 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/12/08 00:48
I don't have mobile phones and its knowledges.
570名無しさん@1周年:01/12/08 01:25
On my way back home tonight, i found a little chick on the street.
she wore a leather-made short skirt and boots, which really turned me on.
I just came for the bitch to fuck her.
Grabbed her hair, got her down, and gave her a coupla slaps.
I din't give a shit about her fuckin loud cry. Hehehe...
My cock was already grown up to be a boner like a cannon then.
In sec, I ripped her skirt and under-ware. "Hehehe..looks so tasty."
I jammed my finger up her pussy and stirred the cunt to get it wet.
"Can't hold it"I thought and rammed my dick straight up her pussy.
The pussy was fuckin tight all the better it wasn't wet enough.
I rammed and rammed like shit her fuckin pussy.
"Ohhh thats fuckin good. I'm cummin!!"
I cummed inside her cunt, not givin a fuck if she'd get pregnant.
That was too damn fuckin good pussy...hehehe...beyond description.
I left the bitch on the street with no care, and ran away.
Did I do a fuck and run? Yeah, damn right.
571 ◆2HxEU4S. :01/12/08 01:35
(・∀・)Excellent ! demands more stories strongly.
572 :01/12/08 01:38
Wow !!
573Quinton McLeod:01/12/08 09:39
Uhhh... Where is this topic going? It's extremely perplexing. I mean, the English
here seems to be very good. I'm a native English speaker and the English spoken here
is fluent. However, some ppl love vulgar and they sound..*ahem* "Funny".
Those who wish to use profanity should learn the language a bit more to
save yourself from humiliating yourself. The rest of you sound great. Keep it up.
574567:01/12/08 14:36
sorry, never been to your game-salon BBS.
must have the wrong guy/girl/gay/lesbo/whatever
your english need a bit of work though
don't give up the day job.
575名無しさん@1周年:01/12/08 23:38
Japanese Logic

People prone to think through their own cultural logic whatever they realize
that or not. In many studies it is already pointed out sometimes this
could be a fatal in meetings with people from different cultures.
Consciously or subconsciously you use your own cultural logic while thinking.

Thinking about speaking foreign language, you might have an experience feeling
uneasy in order that you dont know what you are supposed to say or do in one stuation.
This is because you don't know a required comment or behaving in that context in another culture.
How could we get over this difficulty? Just trying and fail does not seem logical.

Here is one suggestion, observing your logic first would work.
In this phase, most Japanese people realize they didnot think much about
logic until now. and they even realize they are not trained to say their thinking logically.
Honestly, they donot have any 'logic' in Japanese.
Taking a glance at many Japanese bbs(serious ones) on the web makes you realize
what they are doing in the name of argument is scattering their 'feelings'
along with their emotion. In terms of this, I think we can cotegorize Japanese people
as "an emotion oriented logic based thinking" people.
576名無しさん@1周年:01/12/08 23:51
I say we turn him over to them.
Oh, I take it back. You do have a sence of humor. A dreadful one at that.
I'm serious.
Of cause, You knew this would happen, didnt you.
One can never antisipate thim.
There're very intelligent, but very flighty.
Yes, but You must have so many enemies.
Certenly, You knew that if once you became mortal, Some of them might look you up.
It had occurred to me.
Mm hmm, and For all your protectations of friendship, Your real reason for being here is protection.
You're very smart.
577名無しさん@1周年:01/12/08 23:56
578名無しさん@1周年:01/12/08 23:57
Do you have a problem in your speech area?
579名無しさん@1周年:01/12/10 14:38
580Mr.k:01/12/12 13:03
581名無しさん@1周年:01/12/12 20:56
Yo, Let me tell you something ">>1" This story has nothing to do with this thread though.
I went to "吉野家" near my house the otherday. "吉野家".
I could n't find any place to sit, because there were too many goddamn customers.
Just because the "吉野家" lower the price of that stupid beef bowls.
Then I shouted "Who the fuck you think you are!?","Are you out of your fuckin' mind!?".
Not many people come to "吉野家".
Just because of the 150 yen price cut. Shit!
You know, It is only150 yen, One-Fifty-Yen. What a big deal!
There are parents and children companion sitting in there too.
Coming into "吉野家" with family ? Congratulations!
Dad is ordering "特盛り!" with smile on his face and showing his buck teeth with a large gap.
I will give you 150 yen so will all of you leave here now, please?
The atmosphere in "吉野家" has to be bloody, you know.
It's not stange whenever the fight begins with the fellow who sat on opposite side of the table in the form of "U".
It's all about beat up or get beat up. Such a feeling is intense.
Chicks and kids must back off.
After that.
I saw a person who sat barely.
The person in neighborhood was saying "大盛りつゆだくplease".
It totally pissed me off.
Yo! Dick head, "つゆだく" aren't cool anymore. You piece of shit!
You seem to be a nice person. Why say "つゆだく"?
Do you really want to eat that?
I wanna ask you.
I wanna ask a question closely.
I wanna ask you a question closely at one hour and down.
I know you just want to say "つゆだく".
I, the "吉野家" master will give you an advice.
Now, The latest popularity among the "吉野家" masters are "ねぎだく".
This is how we order.
"大盛りねぎだく and ぎょく, please".
This is the way "吉野家" masters order.
"ねぎだく" means lots of spring onions.
Instead of them. the beef is little. This.
And "大盛りぎょく(eggs)" This is the best.
But If you order this menu. Next time, Becomes the danger of being marked by a manager of the store.
This is The 諸刃の剣.
I don't recommend this to beginners.
For all you beginners, go eat "牛鮭定食".
In conclusion,
eat shit and die!
582名無しさん@1周年:01/12/13 14:53
is my impression everytime i take a look at this thread.
whats yours?
583名無しさん@1周年:01/12/13 15:42
I don't understand why they have to use English
at the level like that.
If they really want to improve their English,
I guess they should find a better way to practice their English.
If they keep using such strange English
with no one correcting them,
they will never be able to write comprehensive English.
I strongly agree with you.
584名無しさん@1周年:01/12/13 15:47
i want to study English.but I must do work ,so I cant study so much.
585名無しさん@1周年:01/12/13 15:55
Oh, come on. People don't come here to practice their English.
They just find a thread that's written in English and
write English for fun. That's all.
586名無しさん@1周年:01/12/13 16:01
There is no opportunity to use English in Japan.
587自由のペンギン ◆VZ1iQi/A :01/12/13 16:02
thats a fucking excuse dude
if you think you gotta do it, just do it
stop telling us what you dont have
we have no interest in your personal matter
588583:01/12/13 16:04
I was just trying to give you an advice.
People here always take things wrong.
589名無しさん@1周年:01/12/13 16:06
youre pathetic son of a bitch you know that?
step away from your computer and get a fucking life dah
590hou about my essay below?:01/12/13 16:06
" It must be a dream....."
In front of a display, 1 touches his keyboard carefully and fearfully.
He has been moved to tears,and exhausted. He wants to put an end to it. But...he cannot.
Was it so critical to him that he was pointed out his weakpoint by his audiences?
Did he feel sad that they treated him coldly?
Nobody knows trueth, neither does he.
But....his hands just move against his will.
He continues to put words on BBS to condemn them.
What forces him? To whom have his hand or fingers belonging?
And then, he finds words denouncing him, again.
Tears don't stop. Sobbing does not stop, too.
"Why? Why do I have to be treated this way...."
Honestly speaking, he wanted to laugh, and wanted them to laugh at him together.
" I wanted them to be...my... friends ...."
Moved by his emotion, he pounds the display.
" I cannot acknowledge it to be true. I would deny it! Because when I do so...,
I will not be what I am...."
" I am no gonna to be a... cool guy..."
591名無しさん@1周年:01/12/13 16:12
Many grammatical mistakes.
Doesn't sound natural.
But it's a good try.
592自由のペンギン ◆VZ1iQi/A :01/12/13 16:12
despite some gramatical errors, your essay is damn good
at least i understood what you meant to say
just a bit more effor, your essay will be fine
remember, you tend to use wordy sentences
just omit some descriptive words you think less important
593590:01/12/13 16:27
I am always told by my teacher that I have a lot of grammatical mistakes in my essay.
As a result, I will get C in my English class.
By next spring semester I want to correct at least grammatical errors and waffle sentences.
( She says my contents are good.)
594自由のペンギン ◆VZ1iQi/A :01/12/13 16:31
why not take your paper to writing center for editing?
i suppose every college has one
595creme de la creme:01/12/13 16:48
yo, i'm really jealous on you guys 'cause you can have a
real talk, man. i gotta chill out to be a part of you.
596名無しさん@1周年:01/12/13 17:06
597名無しさん@1周年:01/12/13 18:32
Why don't you switch to "direct interput"?
598名無しさん@1周年:01/12/14 00:11
599名無しさん@1周年:01/12/14 16:35
yall ignorant bitches sound so pathetic
600自由のペンギン ◆VZ1iQi/A :01/12/14 16:52

Hello I am from Buenos Aires.
Someone wants to chat with me?
601名無しさん@1周年:01/12/14 18:15
No way!! Fuck off!
602名無しさん@1周年:01/12/14 18:38
Does anyone know about the Cambridge Languege Exam?
It's british exam,,, but I don't know where I can prepare for
it in Japan, Tokyo.
if you know a good school, Please tell me, sorry for being
603名無しさん@1周年:01/12/15 13:46
[believe me you been looking trouble.]
604緑茶。 p0173-ip01kagawa.kagawa.ocn.ne.jp:01/12/15 14:20
zisu izu a pen.
605名無しさん@1周年:01/12/15 15:14
I like udon noodles very much.
606名無しさん@1周年:01/12/15 15:26
I want to lick Rie's vagina. She is a Howdy receptionist.
607名無しさん@1周年:01/12/15 15:29
I've never seen her vagina. I want to examine it before
I make love to her.
608緑茶。 p0173-ip01kagawa.kagawa.ocn.ne.jp:01/12/15 15:53
609名無しさん@1周年:01/12/15 18:49
Do you mean "Cambridge first certificate of English"?
I took the exam in England 9 years ago, and I've passed it.
Acording to my memory, the exam is held twice a year in Briten.
Anyway, I think you have to visit Briten to take the exam.

Although I live in Tokyo at the moment,
I have no idea about school or something like that
to prepare for the exam in Tokyo...sorry.

I think the best way is larning at language school in Briten as I did.

Good luck.
610please:01/12/15 19:16
Let's talk with me in English!
611名無しさん@1周年:01/12/15 19:39
Buzz off!!
612名無しさん@1周年:01/12/15 19:41
Rie is coyote ugly!
613名無しさん@1周年:01/12/15 19:48

you are strongly required to GET LOST
614名無しさん@1周年:01/12/15 20:11
Have you ever seen Rie? I think she is nice.
I want to lick her vagina.
615名無しさん@1周年:01/12/15 20:48
Ta! for your answer. Yes, i meant it was the FCE.
I think I have to study on my own.and in England FCE is held three times
a year. Only reading and use of English are quite difficult,
thanks anyway.
616名無しさん@1周年:01/12/15 23:02
Did you know it is taught in
NZ and Australia?
And I'm not trying to pick on you,
but it's Britain, not Briten.
FCE is not very useful in Japan.
If you want Cambridge English exam for
the carrier, you'd better get CPE.
617616:01/12/15 23:04
FCE is not very useful in Japan.
If you want Cambridge English exam for
the carrier, you'd better get CPE.

618609:01/12/16 10:03
Not at all. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Thanks for telling my mistake.
Since I haven't had enough oppotunities to use English for a long time,
I made such a basic mistake.(*・_・*)/

utsuda shinou...
619名無しさん@1周年:01/12/16 10:41
I didn't do anything wrong.
Why are you very hard on me?
Try to see it my way.
I can't stand it.
What should I do?
I don't know .
620名無しさん@1周年:01/12/16 13:26
621名無しさん@1周年:01/12/16 16:08
I feel depressed.
Im gonna die.
622名無しさん@1周年:01/12/16 17:45
Who are you talking to?
623名無しさん@1周年:01/12/16 17:57
I want to lick Rie's vagina. She look nice.
I want to have sex with her.
624名無しさん@1周年:01/12/16 17:58
fuck you>623
625名無しさん@1周年:01/12/16 18:33
Get a life
you fuckin idiot!
626名無しさん@1周年:01/12/16 18:36
I love Rie. She is a Howdy receptionist. She looks nice.
I want to lick her vagina. I wanna have sex with her.
627名無しさん@1周年:01/12/16 23:38
COPIPE is annoying
629名無しさん@1周年:01/12/18 21:07
fill it up!
630名無しさん@1周年:01/12/18 21:21
631名無しさん@1周年:01/12/18 22:54
When carrying out the fart, feces also came out.
What do you think?
632dear 631:01/12/18 23:35
carrying out?
where were you going to take your fart to?
for a walk?

if you want to piss people off
at least get your grammar right
you fucking hopeless case

go fuck yourself and die quietly
by smacking your head on a corner of a TOFU
633please:01/12/18 23:41
634名無しさん@1周年:01/12/19 22:30
you smell like my grandma's fart
635名無しさん@1周年:01/12/20 21:45
Ive been dropping at this thread almost one year
and lately I am beginning to think you all are not
good at english at all other than some people who
can answer questions DQNs gave.
and this is the message to those who are seemingly
English retards including people who are only able to
make a mess with some phrases in English.
It's such a pity that you are making fool of yourself
by just coming here.
and I can see what you will do next. I bet you are going
to move your little fingers and send a little contribution
full of coarse words which now no one but legitamate retards can do.
Go do that morons! At least I have sence of humor.
636名無しさん@1周年:01/12/20 22:49
637some body correct this:01/12/21 16:14

Knowing the man is species which make the same old mistake,
it seems giving them third chance is difficult.

Japanese not so famous comedian, Tashiro Masashi got arrested
in a charge of an offense against the misdemeanor again.
This time, it was turned out he possessed illegal substances
in his home too. This reportedly terminated his life
in this industry. Last time after releasing from the police station,
he held a press confrence where he claimed what he was doing was to
shoot a brief film about "mini ni tako" which could be a smash hit
among japanese people in his head. and He had not meant to hurt anybody,

This time it was shortly after he came back in the industry after long term
disappearnce from his regular programs. What he came up during
unwilling break doesn't seem to have made him any good.
Some of his close friends said he is completly out of his mind.
The shop clerk of a reatal video shop which he went often,
he testified last time he saw Tashiro, he is obviously getting stoned.
and He was furious that a porno titled "Mini ni tako" released without his permission.

After all, he is in mental disorder. He has a fetish for womens legs.
Doen't he have a right to claim he should be excused from
charges because he is ill?
He is ill. You can't blame somebody who can't handle themselves.
Maybe he should be hospitalized but who knows.
What if he would be the first Japanese comedian who is officially
identified to have sexual desire for womens legs? Are we really that upset?
Why don't we give him the third chance? That's the word "mercy" for.
He deserves it.
638637:01/12/21 16:24
and evaluate it, would you?
639mi-mi-mi:01/12/21 18:03
I want to join this thread to develop my English skills.
I've been looking for somewhere I can join and write in
English, but foreign boards are totally boring, some of
them are called forum or sometin', fulled with bloody
tiny arses who always altime discuss sammut stupid, mind
numbing, spirit crushing things nobody care for.
I think, I mean, I wantta write somethin' in English to
get uset to write somethin' in English at any rate.
Thank you very much indeed!
640名無しさん@1周年:01/12/21 21:17
verbal diarheaなら他でやってくれ
641mi-mi-mi:01/12/21 21:41
642名無しさん@1周年:01/12/21 21:47
>verbal diarhea
643名無しさん@1周年:01/12/21 22:00
(;´д`) < if you have something to say just say it in English damn it.

644lisa:01/12/22 10:22
ok,ey yo'll everybody,listen up.let's talk in English.

about the man who was peeping up-skirts,president George W. Bush
,anything is ok.let's not afraid of making mistakes.
645Tashiro:01/12/22 10:46
I wanna lape you!!!Shall we enjoy licking each other?
646Tashiro:01/12/22 10:50
Needless to say,I wanna peep you!!!
647Tashiro:01/12/22 10:51
648Tashiro:01/12/22 10:55
By the way,do you know me?
649Tashiro:01/12/22 11:01
My hobby is to watch men and women!Very exiting!
650Tashiro:01/12/22 11:03
I shall return,good bye!
651mi-mi-mi:01/12/22 14:36
I don't care what the people say〜〜♪
Every one, hello, hello, hello and hello.
Mi name is mi-mi-mi.
I have totally no interest in the t'other threads in this
board, however.
Me just wantte write English senteces, yeah!
To write in English ist total geil!!!
Seee you next time!
652名無しさん@1周年:01/12/22 14:37
fuck out my sight!
653mi-mi-mi:01/12/22 16:53
It's A matter for congratie that you're selected to be on
the cover of Time as Man of this year.
You're gonna be a world famous voyeur ever.
We, Japanese fellows will be always proud of you for ever
and ever.
That was some kind of divine hattrick.
654名無しさん@1周年:01/12/22 23:25
no way! mam!
655名無しさん@1周年:01/12/22 23:29
Tashiro, u fuckin'cool!!!!!
i hope u return
656名無しさん@1周年:01/12/23 02:29
2ch is very fun!!!
657名無しさん@1周年:01/12/23 08:38
I hate you.I don't like Japanese people who often use words like
"gonna" "wanna" or "kinda"
Especialy "〜,you know?"
Sheat! shut! up!
658mi-mi-mi:01/12/23 14:33
Y'know, Basically, I don't use da kinda expression, I mean,
basically, y'know what I mean?
Y'know, you be basically lille bit nervous, ancha?
I'm kinta get along wicchu, basically.
659名無しさん@1周年:01/12/23 14:58

660名無しさん@1周年:01/12/23 15:39
You look like idiot. Use formal English.
661mi-mi-mi:01/12/23 16:22
Ey, don't be so diffecult, mate.
Formal or idiot I don't care.
However English þou likest is þe English
like þat, I am about to use like this.
662名無しさん@1周年:01/12/23 16:47
Where on earth do you come from?
663mi-mi-mi:01/12/23 16:58
Mummy's kitty-chan.
664mi-mi-mi:01/12/23 17:08
Anyhow, Let's chatter something!
665名無しさん@1周年:01/12/23 17:23
>Where on earth do you come from?

Is it "AORI"?
666mi-mi-mi:01/12/23 17:32
Is not?
Mi thinks so, but if it would be not, I'm terribly
sorry about my swearing answer.
It's to'ally nonsence at all.
667名無しさん@1周年:01/12/23 18:06

I get it. I'm mistake it.
I find that there is like phrase "Where hell do you come from? "
that's mean "どこのボケじゃ ゴルァ"
Do you know that?
668名無しさん@1周年:01/12/23 18:10
You need "the" btwn "where" and "hell" normally.
"da" works also in some areaes. lol
669名無しさん@1周年:01/12/23 18:15
You need "the" btwn "Where" and "hell" normally.
"da" works also in some areaes. lol
670名無しさん@1周年:01/12/23 18:16
sorry i made it twice somehow
671mi-mi-mi:01/12/24 01:23
Yeah, 668-669 twins' already said, you need "the".
Or you can use also "Where the fuck", but I swear you'd
better use "the hell".
And "Whatta hell!"=”なんじゃこりゃああああ!!”is another
famous American expression that American President allways
672名無しさん@1周年:01/12/24 01:27
If you do not use correct and formal English,
please get out of here. Such you.
673sage:01/12/24 02:38
Although this thread is not for correcting grammar but for having conversation,
Most people can't make out too casual English.
674667だが:01/12/24 02:40

いらん ツッコミいれてスマンかった。
675mi-mi-mi:01/12/24 03:52
What is correct?
If you could explain evidently what "correct English"
means, I might use FORMAL, SNOBBY English.
Kind of, Oh, Ma'am, You look pretty well.
Where did you purchase this shoes, really fine!
Eu, really? super! super!
The words "go" or "home" should be pronounced "geu"
or "heum", right?
You can say that again.
You really sage.
Yeah I just want to hold a conversation, so
I'll try to use more not-too-casual English.
Don't care about that.
676名無しさん@1周年:01/12/24 10:23
mei thread death ne
677NNW:01/12/24 10:51
Hi guys!
Could I join you?
If you were try to make this thread more enjoyable, making local rules does not work.
And let’s not be so nitpicky on grammar.
678名無しさん@1周年:01/12/24 11:06
hey guys, dont even be like the childish >>672,
lets go mataaly, rite?
679mi-mi-mi:01/12/24 14:06
I think it's no problem.
There would be no qualification or something to join a thread.
680名無しさん@1周年:01/12/24 23:03
Anybody here〜?
681 :01/12/25 01:12
nothing happened in 2000 and looking back on this year
on the chrismas day...
what a year. sept 11th attack, BSE, ongoing recession etc.
only the good news was Princess Aiko :)
682 :01/12/25 01:23
im staying up late so i can capture
Santa and get all the goodies :)
683mi-mi-mi:01/12/25 03:26
If you capture him/her, show me, then set him/her
684word up!:01/12/25 04:07
Question... who can answer this correctly ???
--- fill an appropriate word in the following blank

See the stone set in your eyes, see the thorn twist in your side
And I wait for you, slieght of hand and ( ) of fate..
685word up!:01/12/25 04:16
Come on Everyone!!! you see.. literally Everyone in US and UK
not to mention Ireland can answer this though!!!!
686名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 04:22
its 4 am here in japan and any idiot who can
search the web can answer that.
687word up!:01/12/25 04:30
LOL.. are you saying the ones who can answer that are nuts???
bet you are not familar with music scenes going on in the western world at all?
688名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 04:39
i dont know if are drunk. i was saying any idiot who
can use a search engine would be able to answer that question
if he/she knows the lyrics or not.
like i didnt know the song :P
689word up!:01/12/25 04:50
ok.. so what shall be the answer if i may sincerely ask?
and i'll just apologize for casting a doubt on you.. and
just lay you off and leave behind the question of.. if one decides to
search it on the web, they are automatically idiot or not..
690名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 04:59
baka ha search suru -> nono
baka demo search dekiru -> ○

>lay you off
im unemployed ;(

i'm replaying kanon on chrismas. how nice!
ayuchan moe~
691word up!:01/12/25 05:10
hey.. 1st. look up a dictionary for the meaning of "lay off"
and secondly, i don't think being able to answer not so easy-to-answer a question
means the answerer's an idiot.
692word up!:01/12/25 05:12
anyway..this is getting outta hand.. i'm gone astra bye bye
693名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 05:17
alright. call me idiot but listen.
this is nothing to do with your question but...

ayu chan kawaii~!!!

694名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 05:29
ok. byeヘ(^^ヘ)(ノ^^)ノ
695名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 07:37
Hey, are all you guys writing from any part of Japan?
If so, I'm so embarrased. Do not use any 'short-for' words.
696名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 12:03

yah man!
skin up!
let the peeple join sum fun
get those tins of tango out and shake your booty
nah, I tink I'll take a nap until tomorrow mo`
697Ice ◆uDTL7QKI :01/12/25 12:27
sap dogz!I gatta Christmas dinner with crack tube.
I am kindna scarf out and tank up. I will get flake downsoon,
man. Anyway how's a fuckin' Christmas?
698mi-mi-mi:01/12/25 15:13
Got it, bye!
Ai, I...Of course, I want to eat a tinned tango.
Anyway, respect!
Nothing special.
Are you alright?
Don't eat too much, in spite of your season.
699名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 17:16
me fella
not tinned tango!
tins of tango man!
divvan't cha knaa what aam tarking aboot?
700mi-mi-mi:01/12/25 18:21
Totally not!
Whit kin o dialect leid is at?
701名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 23:14
aaa sarry maan
i taut yuz wer a skinning-up kinda fella from geordie-land
divvan maind man
merry christmas
soo where are yuz from then?
702mi-mi-mi:01/12/26 00:45
Ah...yah, fancy suite is that?
Ah, A aan't kin o skin-putting lad, anywey.
A frae next tae tabaco-shop on the courner really.
Juist next tae tabaco-shop.
703mi-mi-mi:01/12/26 00:49
Man from London or somewhere...?
704名無しさん@1周年:01/12/26 01:40
uncool, really uncool
705名無しさん@1周年:01/12/26 04:00
Hah,funny English.(strow
706mi-mi-mi:01/12/26 15:19
Hmm...no one but no-name...
707mi-mi-mi:01/12/26 16:15
Not English(w
708名無しさん@1周年:01/12/28 11:59
oi, mi-mi-mi fella man,
me fella, next time yuz arr passing by
fech me some rizlas from yuz corner shop
and a bottle of lucozade n pint of milk man
cheerz laddee
how man, what arr yuz duingg tis festive eve
are yuz plannin any canny events?
709mi-mi-mi:01/12/28 18:26
Hello, mate.
Even ef I could buy 'em, I couldn't gev'em to ya, I totally
caan't understan' whotchoo want save for the pint milk however.

Festive eve?
You mean, the laast day of lis year?
I've got no plan, but I might be climing up a moutin to see
the ferst sun-rise.
710Kero:01/12/28 22:23
Hey guys! Hav'you done NewYear cards out,yea????????
711名無しさん@1周年:01/12/28 23:06
ahhh divvan wanna bee climing op no mountain
xept te greet mountain
tis la symbol of purity and charity
ya knaa wat ara mean like?

and also if ya can get a packet of rizla from yoz corner shop
make it an orange one alreet
checkit out on te net under rizla and lucozade
they doo xist cha knaa
anywayas i'm ganning oot to toon now
to chase a few skirts and all
but before me fella i jus gat to go and skin up first
see ya man
712名無しさん@1周年:01/12/28 23:07
713名無しさん@1周年:01/12/28 23:13
我 是 学生。
714名無しさん@1周年:01/12/28 23:14
我 不 去 中国。
715名無しさん@1周年:01/12/28 23:16
716名無しさん@1周年:01/12/28 23:17
kinda, an', o' etc that you are always using
are sound like quite black people. Why do you use these
words all the time??

I know, black people speak like these sound, but
they usually write english with correct spells.

Why are you trying to look like so stupid??
I do not understand such a Japanese boy at all.
717名無しさん@1周年:01/12/28 23:31
718名無しさん@1周年:01/12/28 23:36
Yes,no hair.
719名無しさん@1周年:01/12/28 23:48
Ya, I also guess that's no point accusing gramatically erronous messages;
So ridicurous to see such GENTLE or gramatically RIGOROUS ones here....;-<
720純日本人:01/12/28 23:50
>>712 に激シク同意
新しいスレ作れば? English Only じゃなくて、{「正しい」英語だけ}とかで。
721mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 03:50
You must study Japanese more.
Your Japanese can be very good, but native feel little bit
Good luck!
722名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 04:01
If you want to learn to speak English you must find or create a situation where you can use English.
It doesn't matter whether your English is perfect or not.
I respect those who are trying to get the most out of the given situation or opportunity to achieve whatever they want to achieve.
But I guess the question is what are we going to talk about?
723mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 04:22
It's coming back to me now...
What should I...
You don't want?
Yeah, bit hard , but it's right fine to see the ferst
sunrise on the top o' the mountin.
And...a riddle?
greet mountin...purity and charity...
Totally caan't get it.

A'rite, a'rite, I'll gettem and sendem to you with e-mail.
Then, you've got the skirts latchoo wan'?
An' you allweys "skin up", but I don't know whot i' mean.
Anihow, see ya.
724mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 04:38
Don't be difficult, my boy.
Wo bu shi xiansheng.
Wo qu-guo Tai-wan.
Mi ain't no black people at all.
I guess you would be racist or be brought up in that sort
of eviroment da kinda expression always be associated wit
black people, woodn'cha?
That's all.
725名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 04:43
mi-mi-mi お前は何なんだ??その英語はすっげぇムカつく!!
kinda、 ain't は黒人のお決まりの発音だろうが!!


726mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 04:44
Oh, my baby boy!
Cheer up!
727名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 04:46
728名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 04:47
Hello, evrybody! This is funny! I mean it!
729mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 04:54
Mi too stupid to understand what is c'rect.
And have no interest what is c'rect.

By the wey, I'm not BLACK-PEOPLE-WANNA-BE o' summat.

I simply write here like what I speak.
730mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 04:57
Simple question.
'Cause I want to write somning in English.
You mean it?
731mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 04:59
Warashi nihongo no jouzu nai dakara, nihongo kaku...
kaku...nai yo.
732TAKAKO:01/12/29 05:31
Anybody here?
733留学生:01/12/29 05:51
>731 その英語って本当にあってるの? あなたは何人?

yo,dog. the english you are speaking is correct? which nationality do you have?
probably, it's black english you are speaking.
i've been in the us for a year and half. but still, i can't figure out what black people say when they speak in their own language.
734nookie:01/12/29 06:33
I guess...I came in a wrong site...I was looking for
nice company here who speaks English on the daily basis.
guess ain't enuff real English speakers here to keep me
735名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 07:28
What's a real japanese thread in 2ch, so is english?
As one says, "shall go!"
736mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 08:00
737名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 08:06
Are you OK?
738mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 08:12
Do you understand my English?
If you couldn't do it, you'd better go back to Japan ASAP.
You're wastin' your time in the US. Go home and fu*k yourself, dog.
739留学生:01/12/29 08:32
740名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 08:44
741名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 08:47
hara hell here jucked ass jaggle jaggle shaggy babe, come shit with me,
742TIM:01/12/29 09:14
743名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 09:20
744名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 10:53
Hmmmmm, here may be a site for "Karaoke of English."
You'd be allowed to speak anything you want in your favorite style.
Aber never expect your words heard by right ears.
....They are so busy on finding their next words ;-p
745名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 13:05
soo where are yuz tinking o' ganning
to check oot the first sunrise in the mo' of yuz
blessed next season o' life?
where ever yuz are tinkin' better be well geared up
coz iz ganna be tight cold man.
by te way my night oot in te toon was quite
reckoned wit success. s'right gat myself a canny 22-year old
skirt right up my path. ganning be seeing her again on te 2nd of
te new month.
ya divvan knaa te term as known as skin up?
tis yuz knaa like, okay okay another clue ten,
yuz skin up with rizla man
tat's why I've been askin' yuz to grab a hold of a packet of rizla
from yuz corner shop. ya knaa worra'mean? like.

by te way yuz seem to be gerrin' a whole load of hassle n bustle upstairs
like. never mind te amateurs man.
I divvan knaa wot accent yuz 'av but tey should realise tat
this black ting that they seem to tink you are mimickin'
do they knaa tat there are plenti o' white-looking people
in te west-indies heavenly speakin' wot tey are callin' black eenglish!
ha ha ha. ignorance iz bliss huh?

take care man
746名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 13:35
sarry boot te long response above
i tink i gorra bit carried haway.
747mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 14:44
Way da heck eviwon say so?
Mi hav neva taud to black people, an' Mi English 'as to'ally
nothin' to do wit black english, I think.
Anyway noice to meetchoo.
You can sey that ageen.
Oh, you've got same name as mi!
748mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 15:01
How did you find out?
Ey, someone's gonna pull the monkey out of hes/haa aas.
I don't know the hell you mean.
You mean...you love karaoke, rite?
749mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 15:44
Um...I caan't tell you exactly where, but little
bit famous mountin, not paaticulaly famous as Mt.
And right, tight cold an' much danger, 'cause it's
before sunrise, y'know, too dark to see anithin'
around won's feet, path is icy, slippry.
I thort you mean you went town to get some skirts,
hee-hee, but you min went there to catch a bird,
don't yu?
Yu meat 'er at the next day of the new yea's day?
Good luck.

Mmmm...Don't know wha' you mean.

Mi busy, mate, answer the rest of these aafter.
750mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 15:46
maet her...hee hee.
751名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 16:29
aye man nice lil' double-entendre as tey say.
meat her
i'm gannin somewhere near te six-trees for me
new yer's do man, knaa worra mean like
six-trees (六本木)
i'll be gerrin sum ale down me neck for the festive eve man
hopin' tat i don' see too much pavement pizzas
by te way, i'm tinking of namin' myself so yuz don' gerra me
mixed op wit someone else, any recommendations?
752mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 16:51
Yeah, I don' care what they say.
Mi didn' mean to use "kinda" or somening like that,
but ev'veone too much care about grammatically
c'rect English or somening, so I dare speak wit that
kinda accent, y'know.
I hate that kinda idea and THEY allways take an
attitude like "Your English is not proper, isn't it?"
or "I can speak correct English, but unfortunately
yours is...", depressing.
That kinda idea allways piss me off.
753mi-mi-mi:01/12/29 17:07
Pavement pizza(w
New yea's do means kinda "first princess" in Japanese?

I never mix you up witti others, bu' nice, you have
a name.
've got no recommendations, my name itself has got
no meaning.
Anything you want.
754(´д`):01/12/29 18:14
You are probably right about people who care so much about grammar & word
usage maybe they never will be able to speak or even just say what they
want to say. But i also got this impression which you are not so smart
from style you used in your contribution.
You must know people might be judged by words, phrases,or style they use in public.
Forgive my honesty.
755mu-mu-mu:01/12/29 18:20
ow aboot tat ten!
kinda horiginal doncha tink? hee hee.
actually i ave a 先輩 rom when i was teeny weeny boyee
called むむむ but opefullee e won' mind.
also jus been realisin' tat me accent is gerrin' totally
mixed up. i tink i started off as a geordie but am soundin'
like a trinidadian over te last few responses.
heniweys, am gannin' oot to a 忘年会 wit me friends now roun'
西麻布交差点 'll catch up later.

by te way first princess わからなかった
hatsu-hime = hatsu-yume?
if tat's te right anser, ten yuz can be te king of だじゃれ
756名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 18:28
  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ,,) < My chara is a little disagreement
  ./  |    \__________

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (,,゚Д゚) < why is it?
  ./  |    \__________
757名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 18:57
758名無しさん@1周年:01/12/29 19:00
759名無しさん@1周年:01/12/30 02:26
why the hell do the people here care about their grammar here?
760名無しさん@1周年:01/12/30 02:42
When I heard the word "sperm" for the first time, I couldn't
understand what this word means at all. Because, I think almost all
Japanese people recognize the pronounciation of the word
"sperm" as "superuma". However, English people pronounce this
word diffirently. I tried to use dictionary! What's a shame!!
761英文オタク医学生:01/12/30 02:46
you had better eliminate the latter [here].haha
762Pooh:01/12/30 03:32
Today I feel depression.
Why don't you understand my real feeling?I told you it in my
mails and here many times until now.I firmly believed that
you must give me an answer without fail.But you always get
away.And you worry me.Your behavior is not gentle but
indecision.I wanted to know your feeling honestly.
Could you please tell me that your aim is my body. If you can
confess it,I can hate you and forget our kiss.I think you
probably read this message and then you give me any answer.
If you don't reply, I can't stop chasing you here.I wanted to
solve our problem during this year.I really loved you for 4 months.
I wanted to devote my soul faithfully.

763mi-mi-mi:01/12/30 03:34
Hee hee, nice name.
You mean that wos nick name of your sempai?
Wosn' that tricky to say, wos tha'?

Ah, your a'sent is Trinidadia now.
Means Trinidad Tobago?
That is to say, your a'cent is from about West-Indian?
I thort somewhere in UK.

Bounenkai, right nice.
Don' make pizza.
Good luck.

And...I mean "hime-hajime" or first intercourse of the
See ya.

Mi too don't understan'
I don' think Jpn people pronounce the word "sperm"
Superuma would be a borrowed word directly from
Latin or German.
May be latin, 'cause German call that "Samen".
764TAKAKO:01/12/30 04:37
Hi, I have just come back home from one of, so called, THE-YEAR-FORGETTING
parties. I was exhausted by drinking and chatting all night long.
Now, I stay up all night.
765名無しさん@1周年:01/12/30 04:55
way to go, 764. And don't worry, people here are
all somewhat rowdy and slurring just as if they
were lushed up like some scavanger drunkard.
766TAKAKO:01/12/30 05:04
I bet I'll definately be suffering from a hangover today.
Sorry but I feel sick, I'm about to throw up right now!
7672pac:01/12/30 06:18
fuck you niggaz!!!!
768TAKAKO:01/12/30 06:24

Please calm down!
Will you please knock it off?

I hope everything is going well for you.
See you around!
769名無しさん@1周年:01/12/30 06:36
Name the title of following song
God said He should send his one begotten son to lead
the wild into the ways of the men...
I ain't a killer but don't push me!
revenge's like the sweeetest joy next to getting pussy!
770TAKAKO:01/12/30 08:55
Hi, again.
What's your plan today, guys?
771名無しさん@1周年:01/12/31 00:04
aye me accents in a serioos trinidadian mode teese teys
ya knaa.
but me horiginallee tarted off as a geordie-man from north of te
islan' known as heenglund.
but never fear cos at te end of te day i am what i am wot eva
tat ees.
am tinkin' boot chenjin' ta a little red stripe accent in te near fuchure

i finalee cot wot chure tryin' ta sey wit' HIMEHAJIME
aye opefulee i'll MEAT er in te new year
oops one more dey ta go!
772むむむ:01/12/31 00:05
sarry me fellas
i forgot to use me new handle-name!!!
773mi-mi-mi:01/12/31 00:45
I told lis before, but I crimb the mount.
Um? Not exa'tly today?
I'll only sleep tolay.
Ah, aaye, I undastan'.
Ulstar-scots, or I shud say 'descendants of them', rite?
Lovly to hea' tha'.
Mi to'ally avn' got no sleep, ev'n a wink.

Yaeh, man, dats da speret!
Do inject a bit piece of your meat inta 'aa.
Good *uck!

And eve'one even gu' luck to da nesst yie!
774ネタバレ:01/12/31 13:31
775むむむ:01/12/31 14:19
wod dyaa mean NETABARE???
i've been sayin' tat i've gorra a mixed op accent between
geordie man and a trinidadian
and for those of yuz who still don unrastan
a geordie is a man from newcastle upon tyne, uk
n a trinidadian s from trinidad, tobago, west indies
knaa worra mean like
NETABARE my sweet potatoo ass man
776名無しさん@1周年:01/12/31 14:26
Are you DQN English speaker?
Spell only proper English
777mi-mi-mi:02/01/01 00:12
A 'appie noo yea, and 'appie 777.
778名無しさん@1周年:02/01/01 00:22
Happy new year!!
779名無しさん@1周年:02/01/01 00:33
Fuck your ass!!
780名無しさん@1周年:02/01/01 00:38
781名無しさん@1周年:02/01/01 00:56
>> 775, 777
782名無しさん@1周年:02/01/01 23:04
It says English only. Ask your questions in english
even though this thread seemingly rejects any form
of communication.
783名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 01:28
784むむむ:02/01/02 01:54
This thread, as with others, has reached the point at which
it doesn't interest me anymore.
So I'm gonna make this my last response.
Take care. Bye.
785 :02/01/02 02:23
This board is ghey anyways, especially if you're
a real advanced English learner.
786名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 05:10
Fucking American!
787名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 05:13
788名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 05:16
Thanks for reminding me to empty my trush bin!
789mi-mi-mi:02/01/02 05:41
I feel very sorry indeed about this.
I'm not sure I could figure 'em out, I mean I could
not figure out all of your responces, but very fun
to read 'em, feeling like read some other lunguage.
Thank you.
790名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 06:12
I bet these two are actually the same person.
The both parties' ways of talking including
the mistakes they make are notably similar, and
the messages they're sending out are characteristically
sleezy. The guy thinks these two handle names which he
thinks are cleverly disguised as two different persons
are making a great impression on the podium.
Funny how your very effort to disguise as two different
persons REVEALS how screwed up your mushed brain is .
791名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 08:14
Happy new year, bitches! If you are learing English, you know
Hiroko Grace, right? She is by far the most beautiful celebrity
in japan. Come to this thread to get/post pics of her. k thx.
792mi-mi-mi:02/01/02 09:12
No-name allways talks such a nonsence like that.
793名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 09:18
My Favorite Grace is Kumiko Grace, not Hiroko.
She does a real good job on your thing.
794名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 11:27
in and out of grace
795名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 11:29
needs circumcision
796790:02/01/02 11:34
797Tracy:02/01/02 11:46
Never mind.
Make yourself at home and let's enjoy verbal-fucking!
798mi-mi-mi:02/01/02 11:47
You can say that again.
ah, so.
799mi-mi-mi:02/01/02 11:48
Ah so.
800武藤:02/01/02 11:50
801Tracy:02/01/02 11:51
I am not an ass hole!
I am very fond of ass and ass-fucking, that's all!
802武藤:02/01/02 11:54
>801 シャイニングウィザード!!!to your bunghole.
803mi-mi-mi:02/01/02 12:03
Ah, so.
804蝶野:02/01/02 12:09
>ALL Come on, Come on, Come on!!!!
805名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 12:46
arse hole
806加藤:02/01/02 12:59
Harrow my name is KATO
I rive in Tokyo, Japan.
I berry berry rike to eat lice.
I have a kamela.
I rike to take nudy photos of my wife.
807名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 13:06
808名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 14:35
809名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 15:01
810808:02/01/02 15:09
hmm.. that site is meant to be funny.
811名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 15:11
archived locallyって書いてあるから
812名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 15:18
Archival of the "I Liek Milk" page which was taken
down from Geocities for an unknown reason, well
my theory is they have no sense of humor.
813808:02/01/02 15:26
Heh, that site was cracking overseas frinds of mine though.
Dont you really get the funny part of it??
814808:02/01/02 15:27
cracking ->cracking them up
815811:02/01/02 15:39

816名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 19:39
817名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 19:50
818名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 23:40
819名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 23:54
820名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 00:19
821みみみ:02/01/03 01:27
822Tracy:02/01/03 01:51
Forget about grammar, and surrender to us unconditionally.
Because you guys already did so about a half century ago.
You'd better know your place, "The Occupied"!
823mi-mi-mi:02/01/03 02:13
Yea, Mi's gottan idea.
Eve'time Mi looks a' dis thred, Mi looks here wi' da encord
"West-Yuropian", den Mi doesn' si any stupi' res here, kind
like de res fom de fawk to'al caan't rites doun no Englis,
o' de blody Englis nerds (Sure, ye can keep'on kessin de
natives' arses).
Dats awl der'is.
824名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 02:14
825mi-mi-mi:02/01/03 02:25
Mi feels foine!
Eve'won, see mi!
Mi declars hea, O lord, bless mi! Mi tries ta yuise gramm'rous
c'lectionallee Englie, yeah!
826Tracy:02/01/03 02:26
Just open your ass wide open, and you'll feel free.
No matter what you do, someday, da big eagle gonna get ya.
827mi-mi-mi:02/01/03 02:26
Tee-hee-hee, Mi cun see nothin!
828Tracy:02/01/03 02:40
I want to see the big eagle and fire again.
I intend to play the ass-kisser role everywhere in Japan.

I shall see the Rising Sun shortly.
In order to see it, I'll keep on doing the opposite.

This rapid westernization will piss you guys off, soon.
829名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 02:50
English Only Movementの事かと思った
830名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 09:31
Ideuchi looks like a slut.
831Tracy:02/01/03 09:35
Minna de ikkai "Kachikujin YAPOO" ni narou!
Ochiru tokoro made ochita hou ga iiyo.
"Shizunde koso ukabu se mo are" desuyo.
832名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 13:47
(´д`).。oO(Why is it that ・・・?)
833名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 14:00
All of you're very vulgar.
Let's chat more meaning themes.
834名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 14:01
don't call me vinegar
835名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 14:29
don't call me burger
836Tracy:02/01/03 16:14
Will you please show me one of your meaningful themes, please?
Please name one.
837名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 16:22
Oh, Ah, yesssss! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!
I'm cumming! Oh! I'm almost there! Oh, Ah...YESSSSSS! That's it!
I've cum!
838名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 16:37
Are New year's TV programs boring,aren't they?
839名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 17:35
Yeah,I think so too.
840名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 18:07
Did you see TASHIRO with マルシア?
841mi-mi-mi:02/01/03 18:21
Whot kinda thiem, ye wonts?
Ye cun se' da' ageen.
Mind mumbin' praugrems.
Wit' whot?

Mm, Me seems ta catch a col', demi'.
842833:02/01/03 19:14
I'm afraid many of you use crude words like four letters words
too much.
I mean,you have not to use crude jokes absolutely(I like them
a little),
but I think this cite has a little too much lewd,crude words.
Please control yourselves.
If you mind,I'll disappear.
843mi-mi-mi:02/01/03 19:24
Bot how didje do dat?
Ye's got sommot ta com op wit?
Eve' c'rect-grammer men, does nothin' bot says "yuse c'rect won".
844mi-mi-mi:02/01/03 19:26
Mi, tuck mistake, hee, haa.
How woodje do dat?
is C'RECT, hee-hee.
845名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 19:48
Crude, four-letter words are part of 「REAL ENGLISH」.
Don't expect all your life to be full of
「Who is Helen?」
「Does Helen have a pen?」
「Is Helen's pen a good pen」
846名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 20:14
Do you have a pen?
847名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 22:49
This is a pen.
848mi-mi-mi:02/01/03 22:58
Japanis fawk shoo like quession 'boot pen.
849名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 23:04
850名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 23:11
she sells sea shells on the seashore.
851名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 23:13
852名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 23:17
tongue twisterで検索して見れ
853空耳アワー:02/01/03 23:27

IKEA, a boat, U2, sweet tea, Andy Won, tea (no sugar),
butter, vest, for you so take care of yourself
854空耳アワー:02/01/03 23:27
I care about you too sweety and I want nothing, but the best for you so take care of yourself
855名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 23:35
Hyoko pyoko pyoko mi pyoko pyoko
Awasete pyoko pyoko mu pyoko pyoko.
856名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 23:35
Busu basugaido, basu gasu bakuhatsu.
857名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 23:36
Kanda kajicho kado no kajiya no Kanbei-san ga kachiguri katta ga katakute kamenai kamisan ga kanshaku okoshite kari-kari kandara kari-kari kameta.
858mi-mi-mi:02/01/03 23:36
Dea's too moch fawks caant rite no Inglish, bot won ta say
859mi-mi-mi:02/01/03 23:37
O, stupi' persn aboot mi.
860これでどうだ!:02/01/03 23:38
Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and
thistles thumped and thundered threatening the three-D
thoughts of Matthew the thug - although, theatrically,
it was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and thorns
through the underneath of his thigh that the thirty year
old thug thought of that morning.
861名無しさん@1周年:02/01/03 23:39
so mutters Queequeg.
862もう勘弁してくれ:02/01/03 23:39
How much wood could Chuck Woods' woodchuck chuck,
if Chuck Woods' woodchuck could and would chuck wood?
If Chuck Woods' woodchuck could and would chuck wood,
how much wood could and would Chuck Woods' woodchuck chuck?
Chuck Woods' woodchuck would chuck, he would,
as much as he could,
and chuck as much wood as any woodchuck would,
if a woodchuck could and would chuck wood.
863mi-mi-mi:02/01/03 23:40
Gush, too tricky for mi(w
864mi-mi-mi:02/01/04 12:39
Mornin' lads n lassi.
865SE7EN:02/01/04 17:08
>Guis who more than 860.
What are you saying?
Which language do you speak?
866SE7EN:02/01/04 17:10
Oh, I mistook.
It was:>Guys who more than 860.
867mi-mi-mi:02/01/04 18:09
Yah, Mi doesn' figuar em ou',too.
Reely, Doble Dotch, y'now.
868 :02/01/04 21:41
No entiendo, tonto.
869名無しさん@1周年:02/01/05 00:23
bonieta cabrona!
870mi-mi-mi:02/01/05 02:30
O, dies days dea's moch Spanish fawks aboot 'ea.
871名無しさん@1周年:02/01/05 05:52
Are there someone here?
Were you sleep already?
872SE7EN:02/01/05 11:47
I see. Spanish!?
!Buenas tardes! amigos! y !Feriz ano nuebo! Soy SE7EN!
By the way, there is an apostrohpy in spanish, again?
873SE7EN:02/01/05 11:50
Sorry! I mistook again!
874名無しさん@1周年:02/01/05 12:06
Hay chicas chachareras que chacotean con chicos chazos.
Y un chico mete al chillón de la chepa un chichón por
chirrichote, y el chiste, y lo chocante, es que la chepa
se le ha chafado con la hinchazón del chirlo.
875名無しさん@1周年 :02/01/05 12:22
Hi! My name is Jun. I'm a shop clerk 24 yeas old.
I'm vigorous and have too mush sperm!
I like making love very well.
Would you please suck my cock and be inserted with my big
876SE7EN:02/01/05 12:25
I can't understood long sentences in spanish.
I never know spanish words.
877名無しさん@1周年:02/01/05 12:55
Yeah I'd love to put you in a mini cat woman-like outfit
with your both arms clamped with chains.
And I'd roll you over and have you let me enter you every
centimeter up your rear love canal like a lion on his bitch!
878名無しさん@1周年:02/01/05 12:59
suck my dick
879mi-mi-mi:02/01/05 16:08
How aboot 'opside-doun quesion maak'?
880名無しさん@1周年:02/01/05 20:42
¿Estás loco?
881mi-mi-mi:02/01/05 20:52
¿How dedjoo doo dat?
882名無しさん@1周年:02/01/05 21:17
Désolé. Je ne vous comprends pas.
Qu'est-ce que vous voudrez dire?
883名無し#:02/01/05 21:29
I can't make heads or tails of spanish sentences,either.
So, I can't participate in the discussion.
884すいません(880):02/01/05 21:38
885名無しさん@1周年:02/01/05 21:40
Il était une fois,
un homme de foi qui vendait du foie dans la ville de Foix.
Il dit ma foi,
c'est la dernière fois que je vends du foie dans la ville de Foix.
886名無し#:02/01/05 21:56
887SE7EN:02/01/05 22:40
It's a mean that everyone would like to use inverted question, isn't it?
888mi-mi-mi:02/01/05 22:40
Mi understan pas Frain&ccidil;ais total.
Yea, ye mins ye caant shou mi how.
Ey, can ye get da word "English onlee", aye?
Betche, caant ge' no English.
889mi-mi-mi:02/01/05 22:42
Aye, mistick, Frainçais.
Pervert inquision?
890名無しさん@1周年:02/01/05 22:55
Its my first time here and I was looking forward to some decent conversation but by reading some of the previous messages I can see that
it probably isnt possible. What a waste of time!
891名無し#:02/01/05 23:03
>890 Then, what about making a new theme on your own?
892:02/01/05 23:29
Did you really expect to spend some quality time
on Channel 2?
Surely not!
Everyone comes here to tease one another and get rid of their
stress factor.
Just relax and do whatever you want to do! and if you
don't like it you can always go and CHAT on MSN or something where
you can find every geeks and nerds (オタク) with no sense of humour.
I know Channel 2 is full of geeks and nerds (before you ツッコム).
But at least we have a sense of humour.
Do you really think we come here for serious discussion?
serious conversation?
serious opinions?
I don't think so.
Most people here discuss matters with tongue in cheek.
Ofcourse some morons tend to take things a bit further
(such as ラットキラー, who tried to fend off police by DRINKING amyl
nitrate in SHINJUKU on Christmas day or eve)
but most of us here are students and salary-man aged between
early teens and early 40s who just come here for a bit of a giggle.
And if you don't like it you can fuck off and die by smacking your
head on a corner of a 豆腐.
893>>891:02/01/05 23:29
I like four-letter words.
let's say FUCK together!
894名無しさん@1周年:02/01/05 23:30
He is said to have taken part in the battle.

895名無し#:02/01/05 23:43
>893 That's no theme!
896名無しさん@1周年:02/01/05 23:47
DESK is a four-letter word
897>>894:02/01/05 23:51
Go to the thread below.

898名無しさん@1周年 :02/01/05 23:54
I can say many four-letter words!
cock, suck, dick, clit, book, etc...
899mi-mi-mi:02/01/05 23:54
Aa-ha, See yoo!
Mi feels blody fine, ye giv up yor borin' conver.
Aha, ye can say da' agane an agane an agaen.

Hirohiko Araki looks fine, den.
900:02/01/06 00:00
901:02/01/06 00:00
What ever happened to 宇土まんぶ.
902mi-mi-mi:02/01/06 00:05
Evi crect English men an sofisticaytid dicussion wimen, makes not
effort ta make di other undastan wot dey mins.
903mi-mi-mi:02/01/06 00:07
I can see notin' but ALFABET, y'know.
904名無しさん@1周年:02/01/06 00:24
905Tracy:02/01/07 14:44
Surrender as ordered.
906名無しさん@1周年:02/01/07 15:04
I want to sink the korean penis.
907906:02/01/07 15:07
× penis
○ peninsula
908mi-mi-mi:02/01/07 16:34
Ye wants ta die in Koria, rite?
909mi-mi-mi:02/01/07 17:04
Lovly dais, isni?
910mi-mi-mi:02/01/07 17:44
An hoo maiks nest won?
911名無しさん@1周年:02/01/07 19:08
There are some enormous turds floating up in the water.
912名無しさん@1周年:02/01/07 20:16
Kill you !
913名無しさん@1周年:02/01/07 21:06
Suck you !
914mi-mi-mi:02/01/07 22:02
Let em back ta yor asol.
Got da lic'ns, aye?

No won makes nest won?
915名無しさん@1周年:02/01/08 03:01
I want to go to soapland.
916mi-mi-mi:02/01/08 03:47
Just, go.
Just, go.
917名無しさん@1周年:02/01/08 22:15

Speaking English in this WEB site is a real native English?
Contents are maybe good・・・
918UNIX様 万歳!:02/01/08 23:29
919名無しさん@1周年:02/01/09 14:18
920名無しさん@1周年:02/01/11 21:12
eat shit
921mi-mi-mi:02/01/11 23:28
Eet yors.
Ani'ow, lon' time no see, keds.
922名無しさん@1周年:02/01/11 23:38
Er... excuse me, 921, but what's "keds"?
Men, whaddaya talkin' 'bout?
I dun' understand, dude.
923mi-mi-mi:02/01/12 00:40
Mi meens "kids", sorree.
Or Mi shood'av sed, "lads"?
Ani'ow, Welcom bie heer!
924mi-mi-mi:02/01/12 12:36
deer's no won heer?
Anibodi home?
925名無しさん@1周年:02/01/12 20:08
Never native often writes in japanese,included kanji.
926名無しさん@1周年:02/01/12 21:33
Oh, you still hangin' round here, mi-mi-mi San!
Gotta autism? Take care.
927名無しさん@1周年:02/01/12 22:42
928mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 00:27
Mi's got no mate like yoo, no-name.
Ye wood bee c'rect-gramma man, woodncha?
Take ceer 'boutchor a lofe o' bred.
929No-Name:02/01/13 00:46
Hi, mi-mi-mi, thanks a lot oder Danke schoen!
You are kind enough to give me the nice handle-name,
"No-Name". I really like it.
930mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 00:50
Et g'fellt dir?
Freut mi.
Ah, wiaklik geil, hee-hee.
931929:02/01/13 00:53
You must be a Martian or something.
932mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 00:54
Oda, Wers mittm Nam "Peiper"?
Seea goud, denk'k.
933mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 00:58
Ye's da persn upseer speek Espanish, rite?
Ye altime wontta show how manee leid ye can yus.
(An eech no so good)
934mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 01:00
Aa, Mi gots it!
Ye altime ses "yus c'rect won", cause Mi speek wit
a'sent ye caan't yus anee transratie-site, rita?
935mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 01:01
Ey? Weer is ye, heffer?
936929:02/01/13 01:13
Entschuldigung. Ich verstehe Sie nicht.
937名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 01:13
speak english!
938mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 01:20
Och, wolln we ons dutn?
Han Se 't verstandn?
Un dein Nam? Net "No-name"?
Se han gseit, et Jenen g'fellt...
Jo, jo, so mak'ek.
939名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 01:23
how man!
dis canny lil' threads still doin' greet wit' mi-mi-mi
a few more responses until the miracle number huh?
still no particular theme ta taak aboot huh?

man, i taught i'll have a peek'n'all ta see if this threads got
any better, but may be not, huh?
940mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 01:23
To'allee, mind nummin'.
An hie time te go bed.
941929:02/01/13 01:28
Would you please be kind enough to tell us
what kind of language you are speaking?

I first thought that you were mocking, but
I do not think so now,
942mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 01:32
What kind of language?
943929:02/01/13 01:41
A dialect of English or something.
In addition, your "English" appeares to be
a foreign language, which I appreciate.
Please teach me about that.
944mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 01:45
Ey, don't be so diffecult, mate.
Formal or idiot I don't care.
However English þou likest is þe English
like þat, I am about to use like this.
945929:02/01/13 01:51
One more question only:
what is your nationality or ethnic background?
I don't think you are Japanese.
946mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 01:55
947929:02/01/13 03:06
u'd better answer my question SERIOUSLY!
948名無しさん@1週年:02/01/13 03:39
If the postings in this thread were written in more proper
way, I could join the discussion...
949mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 06:42
Mi's not kind inuf ta show yoo wat.
We's got no paticuler theem, y'know.
So evitime somwon like ye com heer ta say like that, bot nowon
mayd a efort ta doo so, rite?
Wye donche show os sommat interestin' theem?
Or mayk a efort ta bee a maynstreem.
950mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 06:56
Waw, Over 950...
951名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 07:49
952mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 07:57
wo ye ri ben ren.
Residens heer English bord sure has no tarent of other
953名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 08:10
954名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 08:12
955名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 08:14
>952 君の英語読むのに疲れる。ちゃんとやろうよ。
956mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 08:44
English pleese!
Mi caant see nothin'.
957mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 08:48
Wye theer's stil peeple caan't say nothin' in English aboot heer...
I bet thay dosn' know the words "English onlee"
958mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 08:51
If this thred is over, Mi'll mayk di other won titeld "Chatter in English"
959mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 09:00
Mi's moovd.
Mi joynd heer at the nomber aboot 634 way far upstayr fom heer.
Then oll the way ta this far, throo the hassl has linguisticallee
no meenin' or Me cood ses them's rubbish.
960mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 12:03
961名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 12:09
its kinda tradition. you just cant change the title
just because you dont like it.
962名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 12:16
oh, you already did...

everybody today i have some bad news.
this guy, who keeps posting grafitti for a long time
he or she just blew off the candle of tradtion on this
board. i cant take such an immoral hostility.
today I declare to leave this board. people who share
this hollow with me, please join.
963名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 12:43
964名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 13:17
c ya cunt!
965mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 13:19
Oh, really?
Oh, this is a very moment that tradition has been broken!
Three cheers!!
966mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 13:23
Wye dos the residensis o' this thred cares aboot tradtion(lol)
oh sommat, so moch like that?
Is heer reallie 2ch?
967mi-mi-mi:02/01/13 13:25
An doin' nothin' bot complaynin'.
Is ye a chewdren, oh sommat?
Do sommat wat ye wants.
968H:02/01/13 15:22
I can not understand these stupid coversations.
969名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 16:12
no I don't understand these COVERSATIONS either.

970名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 19:05
Let's warehouse this sorry thread!
971Prep@Berkeley:02/01/13 19:13
972名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 19:18
you aren't makin any sense dude
973名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 20:09
974名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:05
What do you mean, Kink?
975名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:17
what's say yes
my name was top
but however my cup of coffee has arrived in me
please go back again
i don't was here
976名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:18
It's almost 1000 ! Let's count down. 24
977名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:19
Twenty three! 23
978名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:19
Twenty two!22
979名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:20
Twenty One. 21
980名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:21
So far as I know, nobody wants to get 1000 without me.
981名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:21
How can I get to the station?
982名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:22
You can take this bus.
983名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:23

How do you know that ?
984名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:23

I can't tell.
985名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:26
The TV doesn't work in my room.
986名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:27
What room are you in?
987名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:27
Room 696.
988名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:28

We'll send someone up to there.
989名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:28

Thank you.
990名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:29
991名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:29

I want to go to sleep with Rie.
992名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:29
993名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:29
We are almost there!
994名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:30
995名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:30

I want to get 1000.
996名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:30
997あぼーん:02/01/13 22:30
998名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:30
999名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:31
1000名無しさん@1周年:02/01/13 22:31
