The music industry is ruled by stereotypes: whites rock, blacks rap and croon soul, and few dare to cross the color line. There are hardly any Asian pop acts of prominence in the U.S. (no wonder some see Hikaru as mysterious). Hikaru is mounting a challenge to the status quo. On Blow My Whistle, her voice is more resonant than on her Japanese-language songs, and the track boasts beats that are more forceful. She leaves no doubt: she's got Mary J. Blige, 125th Street-type soul. There's another twist. The credits bill her as "Hikaru Utada"?using the Western custom of listing the surname last. Says Hikaru: "I just figured it's a good way to separate my English and Japanese personas." After the interview, she sends a follow-up e-mail that begins, "This is Hikaru Utada. (Or is it Utada Hikaru...oh, whichever!)" She's still a freshman. She'll work things out.
quoted from
it's a good way to separate my English and Japanese personas. persona 【発音】pэ(r)so'unэ 【変化】《複》personas personae 【レベル】6 【名-1】 《ラテン語》ペルソナ、人、個人{こじん}、マツダの車名 【名-2】 仮面{かめん}、表に現れる仮の人格{じんかく}
At last, a transmitter for every football fan's shouts. Dutch club EVV Eindhoven and TV producers ID&DTV will give fans the chance to e-mail or text message tips while watching their team live on TV. The Real Manager seris lets fans sound off on team selection, substitutions and penalty takers. The real manager gets the last shout,though.
Saturday, Sep. 15, 2001 The rhetorical use of the word war is familiar and powerful. The war on poverty. The war on cancer. The war on drugs. But the literal use of the word war ? as President Bush has been using it, as well as the media ? is something we're not used to. It's almost too strong, too raw, too primal.
But the President's use of the word war is rhetorical as well, although he would probably choose to disagree with that assertion. For the war of which he is speaking is not World War or Vietnam or "Saving Private Ryan" ? struggles that we understand and that he seems to be talking about. It is not war in any traditional sense.
For terrorism is war by other means. As many have noted, terrorism is not an enemy with a border or a government or an air force. Terrorism is not an army, but armed propaganda. It is not about force, but a show of force. It is not about mass destruction, but the destruction of will and spirit.
What concerns me is that President Bush may have set the bar too high, and that he is talking about war in the conventional sense, not in the 21st century vocabulary of Osama bin Laden. Generals always fight the last war, as the saying goes, and if we conduct this fight against terrorism as though it were the Gulf War revisited, we will be greatly frustrated. The president's formulation of this war as a fight between good and evil is not only too simplistic but potentially injurious to ourselves. There is a large percentage of the planet who think of the U.S. as something other than a beacon of goodness, and more like a source of maleficence. We are defeated if we distort the nature and the values of American life in order to combat terrorism These are not people who would pilot a plane into a building , but they are people who will see the U.S.'s crusade against terrorism as something less than righteous. If we are truly to defeat terrorism, we must convert those people around the world to the idea that America is indeed a force for good. No one is born a terrorist; they are created and then bred. Only when we eliminate the breeding grounds of terrorism will we defeat it.
Generals always fight the last war, as the saying goes, and if we conduct this fight against terrorism as though it were the Gulf War revisited, we will be greatly frustrated.
as the saying goesとありますが、 これは「ことわざにもあるように」ってことですか? そうだとしたらどんなことわざですか?ひょっとしてこれ?↓ Generals always fight the last war.
Generals, it is said, are always preparing to fight the last war-the one they know how to fight. When examining the responses to recent virus outbreaks adopted by organizations and antivirus vendors, one could conclude that they are fighting the last war, too.
Wednesday, Sep. 19, 2001 The trap the terrorists left for us looks remarkably like normality. Its sinister purpose ? scaring us away from our daily lives ? only reveals itself when we give in to our fear.
The legacy of September 11
My morning commute felt blissfully ordinary. It was only when I stepped off the subway and walked past a nondescript man nervously clutching a large bag, shifting from one foot to another, that my heart rate, which had slowed almost to normal pace for the first time in a week, picked up again. This guy, I thought to myself, panic rising in my throat, this guy could be carrying anything in that bag. The horrible possibilities danced though my head: A beaker of Anthrax, an explosive device, a gun. My blood pounded in my ears. I could die right here, with absolutely no warning.
1) Its sinister purpose ? scaring us away from our daily lives ? only reveals itself when we give in to our fear. この文は What is its sinister purpose ? Is the purpose scaring us away from our daily lives ? It only reveals itself when we give in to our fear. をぶつ切りしやがったってことでいいですかね?タイム野郎、かっこつけやがって! わかりにくいじゃねえかったく!
2) This guy, I thought to myself, panic rising in my throat, この文は この男、ひょっとして、then panic is rising in my throat, って感じですか 構文どうなってますか?
It was only when /I stepped off the subway and walked past a nondescript man nervously clutching a large bag, shifting from one foot to another, / that my heart rate, (which had slowed almost to normal pace for the first time in a week,) picked up again.
こういう長い構文を読むときには、初めにIt was only whenをみたら それに対応する節を予測しながら読むといい
Anxiety during pregnancy can double the risk of having a hyperactive child, possibly owing to exposure to the stress hormone cortisol, say reseachers at London's Imperial College. Children's behavior is usually attributed to genes or parenting, the researchers say, but this study suggests there is a chemical component as well.
CAMPUS ENCOUNTERS Relationships between college students tend to fall at one of two extremes, concludes a study by the conservative Institute for American Values. Either the couple is “joined at the hip”so clingingly as to exclude others, or the pair is merely “hooked up” ―connected only for a onetime physical encounter, involving anything from kissing to intercourse, with no expectations at all. Forty percent of students reported having“hooked up.”
学生の男女交際は、2つの極端のうちのいずれかに陥りがちであると、 保守系の研究機関「Institute for American Values」は結論づけている。 2人は、他の人たちのことは目に入らないほどの「べたべた」状態であるか、 あるいは、キスにせよセックスにせよ、その場限りの肉体的なつながりだけを持ち、 後あとの事に期待はかけない「ひっかけ」状態かの、どちらかだというのである。 学生のうち40パーセントは、「ひっかけ」状態の交際をしていると報告されている。
SAYING OF OSAMA Over the years, bin Laden has laid out his views and proclamations.
“Terrorism can be commendable kind for it is directed at the tyrants and the aggressors and the enemies of Allah.” ――to journalist John Miller
“Being killed for Allah's cause is a great honor achieved by only those who are the elite of the nation. We love this kind of death for Allah's cause as much as you like to live. We have nothing to fear for. It is something we wish for.” ――from a CNN interview, 1997
“Youths only want one thing, to kill you so they can go to paradice.” ――in a fatwa issued in 1996
The True, Peaceful Face of Islam (by Karen Armstrong)
There are 1.2 billion muslims in the World, and Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion. If the evil carnage we witnessed on Sept. 11 were typical of the faith, and Islam truly inspired and justified such violence, its growth and the increasing presence of Muslims in both Europe and the U.S. would be a terryfing prospect. Fortunately, this is not the case.
The very word Islam, which means "surrender", is related to the Arabic SALAM, or peace. When the Prophet Muhammad brought the inspired scripture known as the Koran to the Arabs in the early 7th century A.D., a major part of his mission was devoted precisely to bringing an end to the kind of mass slaughter we winnessed in New York City and Washington. Pre-Islamic Arabia was caught up in a vicious cycle of warfare, in which tribe fought tribe in a pattern of vendetta and contervendetta. Muhammad himself survived several assassination attempts, and the early Muslim community narrowly escaped extermination by the powerful city of Mecca. The Prophet had to fight a deadly war in order to survive, but as soon as he felt his people were probably safe, he devoted his attention to building up a peaceful coalition of tribes and achieved victory by an ingenious and inspiring campaign of non-violence. When he deied in 632, he had almost singlehandedly brought peace to war-torn Arabia.
it would be as grave a mistake to see Osama bin Laden as an authentic representative of Islam as to consider James Kopp, the alleged killer of an abortion provider in Buffalo, N.Y., a typical Christian or Baruch Goldstein, who shot 29 worshipers in the Hebron mosque in 1994 and died in the attack, a true martyr of Israel. The vast majority of Muslims, who are horrified by the atrocity of Sept. 11, must reclaim their faith from those who have so violently hijacked it.
もう一つ最新号から。 Many large flagmakers in China have stopped producing People's Republic ones in order to meet the skyrocketing demand in America for the Stars and Stripes. だってさ。
India's health Minister has announced a novel family planning policy : subsidized TV sets for the poor to offer them something to do at night besides procreating. (September 10,2001)
Slammed by animal-rights activists for plans to bring cheetahs onstage, she totes a snake instead. Like, who knew reptiles were animals ? (01 9/17号)
The Custard Factory, a British art gallery, shocks with a show displaying, well, nothing at all. The empty walls are titled “Exhibition to Be Constructed in Your Head.” (2001 4/2号)
Slammed by animal-rights activists for plans to bring cheetahs onstage, she totes a snake instead. Like, who knew reptiles were animals ? (01 9/17号) これって裏の意味が何かあるんですか?
“SHALLOW MEN BELIEVE IN LUCK”Ralph Waldo Emerson famously wrote, but World Trade Center employees who happened to miss work on sept.11 must think him a fool. We heard these stories all week, and they gave us a national case of goose bumps : the bus from Staten Island missed for the first time in four years, the car that needed repairing, the long-debated trip to Israel taken last week that proved safer than staying home. Even the most rational person lists toward superstition after hearing the stories. Was there a reason ? Is God making choices ? Why me ? The qusetions haunt the fortunate. Rob Garrard, 45, worked for IBM on the 97th floor of 1 World Trade Center. According to his hometown paper in Plymouth, England, Garrard's sister said he escaped death by“sheer fluke … He was late leaving home because he had to make some calls, then he took the bins out and had to catch a later train.” Such are the mundane“run of events,”as Garrard later called them, that change fate. He arrived at work an hour and 10 minutes later than usual and was waiting for the elevator when Flight 11 crashed. Few people who worked as high as 97 survived. “He lost a lot of friends,”says his wife Bridgette. “He's completely devastated.”(つづく)
(152のつづき) But any blessings from Sept.11 should be cherished, as the Marisa Family knows. Shortly before 9 a.m., Kurt Marisa, 42, called his dad Rudy to ask if he had heard from Kurt's brother Kent, who worked in the American Express building across from the Trade Center. Rudy said Kent was fine, so Kurt returned to his duties ― at the Pentagon. Whithin minutes, of course, a second plane would crash into the south tower ; a third would hit the Pentagon. Now Rudy and his wife Jacquelyn couldn't reach either son. Rudy, a basketball coach, gamed out grim odds. “There was a good chance Icould lose at Least one.” It was around that time that Rudy heard about a fourth plane. It had slammed into Somerset County, Pa., only two counties away from his home in Waynesburg. Today all the Marisas are grateful to be alive. As they know, it is only shallow men who discount luck. (おわり)
>>152 An author says "Believe in luck." Is there any difference between luck and casual coincidence? He suggests it was brought out by some power. Is this kind of religious report? The US is really a country of God!
As a divorced woman over 35, I'm well aware that my chances of marrying again are roughly equal to the probability of being bitten by a shark. O.K., I know that statistic has been debunked, but from where I sit, it still feels true. Ten years after my divorce, I'm beginning to think I might actually prefer swimming with sharks to any more dating. "so," I'd say to Mack the Knife, "you come here often?"
Dating the second time arond can be awkward and painful, especially when you're reduced to asking your three-year-old, "Do these pants-make Mommy look fat?" I'd like to blame my dates, of course, but their only crime is that they show up. I'm the one with the problem. I have become ridiculously picky and demanding-- I once rejected a guy just because he used Cremora in his coffee.
(from Time Magazine, October 8,2001 issue, page 61)
>>169さん スバラシッス! つうと , I'm beginning to think I might actually prefer swimming with sharks to any more dating. "so," I'd say to Mack the Knife, "you come here often?" は もう私はいくらデートしても、結婚まで行き着けないので、 その少ないチャンスを追い求めてデートを続けるぐらいなら ”ナイフ野郎マック”にでてくるように、さめに食われる確率を 追い求めたいぐらいよ
i am very sorry. i wasn't thinking. please xpress my postal money order back and i will xpress your international money order at the same time,$163 + $4 for registered + $4 extra for the trouble of xpressing the postal money order back to me. i hope this isn't too much trouble. i will send $ tommorow.thanx
Kids in foster care should be reunited with their biological families when possible. That's been the prevailing wisdom. But a study spanning six years published in the journal Pediatrics sees reason for caution. Researchers found that kids reunited with their families had higher levels of risky behavior and substance use and were more likely to drop out of school or be arrested than kids who remained in foster care. A possible explanation : the problems that led to the child's initial removal were still unresolved. (2001 8/6 号)
Poisoning your enemy's well is an ancient tradition, but would-be terrorists would find it extremely hard to inflict widespread casualties through our water supply. Chlorine in treated water kills most microbes, and huge quantities of chemical toxins would have to be dumped into a reservoir to make many people sick, let alone kill them. (A estimated that it would take 10 tons of potassium cyanide.) Drinking water might be threatened locally, however, if someone managed to tap the pipe going into a building or neighborhood or infiltrate a water-treatment facility. With this threat in mind, municipal water authorities have stepped up security. (2001 10/8号 p21)
Thursday, Oct. 04, 2001 Our world has become a terrifying place, but sometimes the terror is purely accidental. Although a Russian chartered airliner that crashed in the Black Sea Thursday with 77 people aboard appears to have been brought down by an explosion, early reports of possible terrorist involvement may have been premature.
Although the cause of the crash remains to be determined, U.S. officials have reportedly suggested that the Tupolev TU-154 that went down off Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula may have been hit by a surface-to-air missile accidentally fired by a Ukrainian air defense battery during a military training exercise being held nearby.
Still, capping a 24-hour period during which a Greyhound bus crashed in Tennessee after a Croatian man slashed the driver's throat, and Indian commandos stormed a grounded airliner in New Delhi only to discover that its 'hijacking' was a hoax, it's hardly surprising that the Black Sea air disaster raised fears of terrorism. After all, the flight originated in Israel and most of its passengers were Israeli. The crew of a nearby Armenian Airlines plane reported seeing an explosion aboard the doomed plane, before it spun down into the sea. And Russian and Ukrainian media have been reporting for some time that ethnic Tatar villages in the Crimea had been giving shelter to rebel fighters from Chechnya, and that some Tatar Islamists had even volunteered to fight in Chechnya. Russia's President Vladimir Putin immediately expressed suspicions of terrorism.
Still, capping a 24-hour period during which a Greyhound bus crashed in Tennessee after a Croatian man slashed the driver's throat, and Indian commandos stormed a grounded airliner in New Delhi only to discover that its 'hijacking' was a hoax, it's hardly surprising that the Black Sea air disaster raised fears of terrorism.
書き換えることはとてもよいことです。後々応用がきくので。 capping..の書き換えでは、 92氏の with capping .. (恐ろしい事件のおきた締めくくりとして) や beause it capped.. as it capped などと 接続詞と主語を補えば、分詞構文の書き換えができます。
In Pakistan we are expecting strong and potentially violent anti-western demonstrations by the fundamentalist Islamic groups in the wake of the attack. Already some prominent mullahs have condemned the American actions. In an apparently prophylactic move earlier today, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, one of the most prominent fundamentalist Muslim clerics who heads Jamiat-i-Ulema Islam, and who is one of the most vocal supporters of the Taliban in Pakistan, was put under house arrest by the Pakistani police. In the last two weeks Rehman had been travelling the country inciting crowds to demonstrate against America, and he was clearly seen as a threat to stability on the streets of Pakistan. This suggests that the Pakistani authorities had been informed that the airstrikes were imminent. But it remains to be seen whether the Pakistani security forces can — or are willing to — crack down on fundamentalist pro-Taliban demonstrators.
Put out an album titled FOREVER, and you're just setting yourself up. Four months after releasing that eternity-promising flop, the SPICE GIRLS may have been struck a fatal blow. Last week Melanie Chisholm revealed that while she will“always be a Spice Girl,”she doesn't actually want to be in the Spice Girls. “It doesn't really feel that natural to me anymore,”said Chisholm. The Spice Girls weathered the loss of Geri Halliwell in 1998, but Chisholm is believed to be the group's best singer ― faint praise, perhaps, but when you're an act more critically reviled than 98°, you take praise where you can get it. Chisholm released a solo album in 1999 and plans to begin another in May. A spokesman for her former bandmates said,“There are no Spice Girls plans at the moment. I think they will sit down and take a view at the end of the year, although there is no date in the diary.” (TIME 2001 3/19号 p54)
The Kano sisters flog style, glamour and attitude, making them two of Japan's hottest commodities
On a balmy evening in Tokyo, the city's glamourati are sipping champagne at an outdoor bash promoting Jaguar's new XKR convertible. In glass cages, go-go girls in cat costumes undulate in time to a disco beat. There is an air of anticipation預nd it's not for the party's black, 250-km/h centerpiece. Suddenly, amid a mob of paparazzi, two women prance in wearing body-clinging leopard-print dresses. As the crowd shrieks, Kyoko Kano, the elder of the slinky duo, dismisses the dancing girls with a flick of her green contact-lensed eyes. "They're the kittens," she purrs, "and we're the big cats."
fancy red ooze rash (a rash schemeというのが辞書にありました)などの 解釈が少しだけ異なるみたいですね。oozeは命が抜けていくと出血していく の掛詞かなと思いました。 やっぱりOh the line forms on the right. が分からないです。 (彼女達は)右側にずらっと並んでるよ//ああ、至るところで事件がおきる。 どうも、細かい事ばかりが気になる性格で申し訳ありません。ほらよさんのよう にどんどんやっていくほうが伸びると思います。仕事が理系の研究関係なもので 細かいのだと思います。お気を悪くなさらないで下さい。 じゃあこの件は終わりですね。みなさんご迷惑おかけしました。
>>285さん どうも on the right のところが、よくわからなかったので U.S.Yahoo chatのカントリー音楽の部屋できいてみたとところ 以下のような答えをいただけました。 この方は実際にこの曲のファイル(mp3?)をもってて 聞いたことがあるそうです
ほらよWhat is"Oh the line forms on the right,dear" ネイティブ line (women) forms on the right to have fun with mack the knife ほ Then what is"on the right"? -from right side or -just on the line? ネ on the line
SOME NERVE! Besides the immediate worry over whether they will be cured, men who undergo prostate-cancer surgery invariably fear they'll lose the ability to have spontaneous sex ― which can happen if doctors need to cut nerves that send arousal signals to the penis. Now researchers report that they've salvaged sexual function in more than 100 men by rewiring the penis with a nerve taken from the ankle. The procedure is still experimental,however,and the grafts are not as good as the original. (TIME, MAY 21, 2001 p.60)
BATTLE OF THE SEXES No surprise here, but adolescents who watch wrestling on TV are more likely to engage in risky and violent behavior, like using drugs, fighting and even packing a gun. A study of high school kids shows that while fewer teenage girls than boys watch wrestling, those who do are twice as likely as young male wrestling fans to hit, punch and otherwise pick a fight with their dates. Time to turn the channel. (TIME, MAY 21, 2001 p.60)
> The Kano sisters flog style, glamour and attitude, making > them two of Japan's hottest commodities スタイル、グラマー、attitudeを売りにするカノ姉妹、日本のホットな商品になる。
> On a balmy evening in Tokyo, the city's glamourati are sipping > champagne at an outdoor bash promoting Jaguar's new XKR convertible. あったかい東京の夜、ジャガーXKRコンバーチブルの宣伝活動パーティーで glamouratiはシャンペンを飲んでいる。
> In glass cages, go-go girls in cat costumes undulate in time to > a disco beat. glass cagesでは、猫コスチュームのゴーゴーガールがディスコビートに 合わせて踊っている。
> There is an air of anticipation and it's not for > the party's black, 250-km/h centerpiece. 何かを予感させる空気がある。それは250キロでる黒のジャガーからのものではない。
> Suddenly, amid a mob > of paparazzi, two women prance in wearing body-clinging leopard-print > dresses. 突然、パパラッチの中から、豹がらで身を固めた二人の女性が現れる。
> As the crowd shrieks, Kyoko Kano, the elder of the slinky > duo, dismisses the dancing girls with a flick of her green contact-lensed > eyes. 熱狂の中、slinky duoの姉kyoko kanoは緑のコンタクトレンズで一瞥し、 踊っている彼女達を追い出す。
>"They're the kittens," she purrs, "and we're the big cats." 「あの人達は子猫です。」彼女は言う。「私達は大猫です。」
Never in Islam's history have the actions of so few of its followers caused the religion and its community of believers to be such an abomination in the eyes of others. Millions of Muslims who fled to North America and Europe to escape poverty and persecution at home have become the objects of hatred and are now profiled as potential terrorists. The nascent democratic movements in Muslim countries will regress for a few decades as ruling autocrats use their critics and dissenters. ( 以下略 ) (2001,10/15号 p.49)
一部英文が抜けてます。 The nascent democratic movements in Muslim countries will regress for a few decades as ruling autocrats use their critics and dissenters. は The nascent democratic movements in Muslim countries will regress for a few decades as ruling autocrats use "their participation in the global war against terrorism to terrorize" their critics and dissenters. ""内が抜けている箇所。
Deadly Delivery Germ attacks--and false alarms--in two cities trigger new safeguards and a massive whodunit
For most of last week, it seemed as though the nation's anthrax outbreak was going to be limited to South Florida--indeed, to just a single building. The hot zone, the headquarters of tabloid publisher American Media Inc. in Boca Raton, had already been sealed off, and its employees and their families were undergoing tests for the dread bacterium. By midweek, one death and two exposures had been reported, but they appeared to be the only casualties. Despite false alarms in Ohio, upstate New York and Hawaii, it looked as though the worst was over.
Re: Way to go! by: chich_60 (F/Guilford,Indiana) 10/15/01 12:13 pm Msg: 10 of 17
We may have trained the selfish,spineless,cowardly jerk, but when has it been known to outdo the teacher. This will not happen in this case either. They claim the real war will begin when our troops are on the ground, what ground?They mean what rubble is left. They are blowing off at the mouth once again.To have a war with them is impossible,as it looks,they can't back themselves up. They sneak and kick ya when you're not looking and snicker about that.Then when they have dished it out,they sure don't know how to take it.I believe they bit off more than they can chew.
bin laden by: jay_graff2001 10/15/01 12:27 pm Msg: 12 of 17
put him in jail with the 'booty bandit' (prisoner in pelican bay who has a habit of raping his cellmates), put 5 webcams in the cell, charge $1.00 to watch, take live requests over the web for what he should do to bin laden, and finance the war effort.
Good start? by: ywatlac (73/M/Laconia, IN 47135) 10/15/01 04:18 pm Msg: 17 of 17
Round up every Arabic student and kick them OUT. Then use sense when admitting new students. Many here now as students are terrists. A clean start with ways to keep track of them.
Time magazine is not necessarily a good item for English study. First they use too many difficult idioms. Second they assume you have no difficulty to understand those words and idioms. Finally, if you find too many complicated sentences you gradually lose your interest in the articles.
Asahi Evening has been still the best English written item so far to me.
But some people say English papers sold in Japan have linguistic mistakes in their sentenses because they are written by Japanese writers. Can we count on them to study English? >356
3/4日のP58、PEOPLE左下のバービー人形の記事11行目の "It's whatever a girl wants to see in it," said a Barbie spokesperson, who explained the doll's introduction as the company's attempt to offer dolls that reflect the racial mixture girls now see at school or the park.
ここの文の構造がよく分からないです。 最後は girls now (we can) see と省略されているんでしょうか。 最初の"It's whatever a girl wants to see in it," は意味がよく 分からないです。誰か教えてください。
The challenge in the women’s market concerns image. For men, Nike can snag Michael Jordan, tack his name onto a shoe and watch as pair after pair fly out of Athlete’s Foot stores everywhere. For women, designers have to find another way to generate sales. (以下略)
という図式が成り立つわけです。 よって問題の部分の試訳は 「一つには、(有名人による)保証宣伝の部門で何百万ドルもの費用を節約することができる」 問題の部分のパラフレーズは For one thing, there are millions of dollars that can be saved in endorsements. となります。
"The reason the British monarchy has lasted as long as it has is that it's adapted to its time, while retaining core elements of continuity and tradition," says the Queen's energetic press secretary Penny Russell-Smith.
どうしても意味がよくわかりません。特に as long as it has is that のところの構文がよく理解できないので教えていだける方が いらっしゃれば助かります。 that it's adapted to its time,
Why India and Pakistan Aren't Backing Away From the Brink Despite the nuclear danger, neither side sees much gain in standing down BY TONY KARON AMAN SHARMA/AP Indian soldiers train at a camp near the Pakistan border
TIME: On the Brink
CNN: 'Nuke War Would Kill Millions'
Friday, May. 31, 2002 Walking India and Pakistan back from the brink of nuclear war ought to be easy, since — as the old adage goes — nobody wins a nuclear war. But the challenge facing the U.S. and other Western mediators derives from the fact that both sides appear to believe they can fight a limited war without going nuclear, and that both sides fear the consequences of backing off right now. Mediation is further complicated by the limited leverage available to Washington to restrain both sides from marching into what, the best intentions notwithstanding, could turn out to be more than just a "limited" engagement.
Monday, Jun. 10, 2002 Back in the dark, scary days of autumn, top law-and-order men like John Ashcroft and Tom Ridge pinned little silver sheriff's stars to every American chest and told us to be vigilant, form neighborhood watch groups and report anything suspicious. The 911 lines promptly jammed, local cops chased flocks of wild geese, and no one felt much safer. Too much information, it turns out, is sometimes not much better than too little — especially if the information ends up in the hands of a federal agency that doesn't know what to do with it, an agency that hates embarrassment above all things. So it was extraordinary to see last week what it takes to bring an agency like the FBI to its knees, make it admit defeat and promise — yet again — to mend its ways. Minneapolis, Minn., agent Coleen Rowley's blistering 13-page memo, first published by TIME, detailed some warnings that had been ignored and the opportunities that were missed even when the FBI agents working on the strange case of suspected terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui implored headquarters to act before something really bad happened.
When Japanese office workers need to get through another day of doing virtually nothing, they reach for genki drinks, supposedly stuffed with traditional well-being ingredients like ginseng or viper tincture.
のanother day of doing virtually nothingって箇所がなんのこと言ってる のか分からないので、教えてください。
Thursday, Jun. 06, 2002 Megiddo is where the end of the world begins, according to Christian prophecy. It looked a little like that Wednesday, when a Palestinian sent by Islamic Jihad pulled his car alongside a bus loaded with Israeli passengers there, and detonated a bomb that turned it instantly into a flaming hulk, killing 16 aboard. Israel retaliated by sending tanks back into the West Bank city of Jenin and the offices of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Hours later they left, after blowing up three buildings in the compound. And while it may be premature to interpret the Megiddo attack as the opening volley of an Armageddon, the carnage there, and the response it triggered, serves as a sharp reminder that the violent impasse that forced the Bush administration reluctantly off the sidelines in April has yet to be resolved.
Friday, Jun. 07, 2002 There's one job no one in America wants, and Robert Mueller's got it. And as the occupant of the hottest seat in the nation, he is our Person of the Week. Clouds have been gathering around the FBI for months, even years, but it's only over the past few weeks that the storm has moved in. Tragedy and disaster have given the FBI Director, who took on his new post six days before 9/11, an unenviable ubiquity. Now, as the hearings into intelligence failures continue on Capitol Hill, Mueller is under a very large microscope in a very public place. And everyone who's got anything negative to say about U.S. intelligence gathering wants to be sure that Mueller, who nods soberly from beneath hooded, fatigue-darkened eyes, hears every last word.
want to be sureのところは私もすごく自信なしです。何となくは分かるの ですが、すっきりくる和訳が思いつきません。でも、大意はtimerさんが 仰るとおりだと思います。賛成です。every last wordは、「肝心なこと」 って訳しちゃっていいですか? 私もその誘惑に駆られて辞書を見たんです が、ジーニアスでは、「every last 最後まですべての」、というのしか 見つからなかったので、何となく腑に落ちないながら上のように訳しました。
Reimagining England Well. We'll have to rethink that England side won't we? For the first 20 minutes, I thought they were going to get skinned alive, real men-against-boys stuff. Then you started to see what was going on; Ferdinand and Campbell were holding the line, and Scholes and Butt were closing down space in midfield. The turning point, I thought, was Owen's shot against the post, which forced the Argentines to play a little deeper than they may have liked. Then came the penalty, followed, in the second half, by one of the best 15 minutes play I can remember from any English team.
>>542 Well. We'll have to rethink that England side won't we? For the first 20 minutes, I thought they were going to get skinned alive, real men-against-boys stuff.
1. TIME sent author Robert Whiting to find out Seattle Mariner Ichiro Suzuki's take on Japan's player drain, the future of U.S. baseball and his own hyped-up image.
はじめ take を動詞かと思い文法的に理解できなかった。
2. Fans saw me play here for a long time, then go play in the big leagues.
米口語では go の後に現在時制の場合 to なしの原形がくることがある。 [ファン達は僕が日本で長い間プレーし、メジャーリーグでプレーするために行くのを見た]
3. Why is it that so many Japanese stars are leaving Japan and going to the States to play?
[Why is it that節 ?] で [that節なのはどうしてですか?] という意味なのだろう。この表現はあまり見たことがなかった。
4. he's got to construct an environment, a place where he can feel comfortable and at peace.
[he has got to] は [彼は着手している] という意味らしい。 意味としてはこの文章の中ではあまり通らないので、別の意味があるのかも。
1. There is 主語 at work でよくあるパターン。(主語)が働いている、作用している の意。 確かに本文中に at workが無くても意味は通じるが、あったほうが文に「動き」、「進行中」のニュアンスが出る。
2. 印刷ミスと思う。
625.3. いわゆる強調構文「it is 〜that」で疑問詞を強調する場合は、通常強調したいものをit isとthatの間にはさむが、疑問詞については、例えばIs it why that〜? とはならずにWhy is it that〜?となる。大学受験参考書にも載っている。What is it that〜?もよく見かける形。
4. have got to=have to 〜しなければならない 辞書を引けば載ってる。気の利いた受験参考書ならこれももう載せているはず。
Whiting: There are a lot of scouts from the States who have been watching baseball in Japan for quite some time now and most of them say the same thing about the talent here, that there are about two to three dozen players who could make it in the States. What's your take?
このtakeは(私の説が正しいとしての仮定ですが) something that is takenという意味から様々な意味が 派生しているようです。 手元のコビルドでは詳しく書かれていません(1987)。 研究社新英和大辞典(古い版ですが)では やや触れられていますがピンとくるのはしんどいです。 (大元の考え方をとばしているため) American Heritageの大きい方にはさすがにあります。 (Collegeでない方)
a distinct or personal point of view, outlook, or assessment <was asked for her take on recent developments>; also : a distinct treatment or variation <a new take on an old style>
8. Informal An interpretation or assessment, as of an event: The mayor was asked for his take on the judge's decision.
Cong Qihua,a former farmer who migrated from inpoverished Anhui province to seek a better life selling vegetables from a stall in the outskirts of Shanghai, is, in his own way, upwardy mobile.
同記事(Hard Cell)でもう1点分からないところがあります。 "Out with the old, in with the new,"she said recently as she examined a sleek new phone to replace her older model. 彼女のセリフが分かりません。どういうことでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
In the last decade man drowned many of the forests behind vast new dams, cut down what timber remained and hunted to extinction the wild deer, boar and sheep.
>>669 語法: "What" can be used as a determiner with a noun in a nominal relative clause. 使用例: What money he has comes from his family. I'll give you what help I can. (= I'll give you any help I can.) (引用 P.E.U. 476.3)
3/10号The Politics of Islamより、 One worried man, huddled with Nik Aziz on a dusty sofa, recounts that a mystic, using black magic, cast a spell on him, forcing him to hand over more than $10,000.
I found it!!! Dark Days Since leaving school, the class of '89 has endured nonstop bad news—and has seen Japan's mood turn morbid を、クイーク。右にスクロールするとTV celebrity Masashi Tashiro is...がありまーす。
このPSPは、新規格UMD(ユニバーサルメディアディスク)というディスクを利用しており、そのサイズは直径6cmととても小さい(CDの半分程度)。 容量は1.8GBとなっている。 画面は4.5インチのTFT液晶で、480px x 272px(16:9)。MPEG4の再生やポリゴンも表示可能。外部端子として、USB2.0とメモリースティックコネクタが用意されているという。
Pale Shade of Blue Two writers try to explain what made Miles Davis' classic so special.
They make a near perfect mutch, from their virtually simultanious publication this fall to their tripping-over-each-other titles. In one corner, The Making of Kind of Blue: Miles Davis and His Masterpiece by Elic Nisenson; across the ring, Kind of Blue: The Making of the Miles Davis Masterpiece by Ashley Kahn. The winnner? Well it's playing in the back ground right now, the smoky, seductive and timeless music Davis and his legendary sidemen.
It began in the summer of 1997 with the haze: Indonesian forests were burning, and Malaysia and Thailand choked in their smoke, a story the satellite news networks transmitted to the world in apocalyptic images, as they would the calamities that followed.
You say as Hillary "Bill and I debated whether we should attend a ceremony in Tiananmen Square, where Chinese authorities had used tanks to forcibly suppress pro-democracy demonstrations in 1889." and then I'll ask you "Then, what did it become ?"
WASHINGTON (AP) - The FBI began a full-scale criminal investigation Sept. 30 into whether White House officials illegally leaked the identity of an undercover CIA officer. The CIA officer in question is the wife of former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson. There is speculation that her name was leaked in an attempt to punish him for having accused the administration of manipulating intelligence to exaggerate the threat from Iraq. U.S. President George W. Bush has declared his support for the investigation and ordered his staff to cooperate with the first major probe of his administration. Democrats have, however, demanded the appointment of a special outside counsel instead of Attorney General John Ashcroft, who they claim is too close to the White House to conduct an impartial investigation. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said, "If there ever was a case for the appointment of a special counsel, this is it." Bush resisted. "I'm absolutely confident that the Justice Department can do a good job," he said.
BEFORE THE NOVEMBER ELECTION produced constitutinal contortions unseen since 1876,we were considering a variety of candidates for Person of the Year.We have often chosen a new President-elect,but not always:neither John F.Kennedy nor Richard Nixon was selected the year he won.
Last Update: Friday, October 17, 2003. 9:46am (AEST) French magistrate tossed off the bench A French magistrate allegedly caught masturbating during a court session has been locked up and placed under investigation.
Justice officials in the south-western city of Bordeaux say police have requested a psychiatric evaluation of the magistrate.
The justice ministry has also been asked to temporarily suspend the magistrate, while the matter is being investigated.
A local newspaper reported the magistrate discreetly lifted up his robe while a lawyer was presenting final arguments, undid his pants, and "engaged in gestures that left nothing to the imagination". TIMEを読めるなら、これくらいは余裕だよな?