http://science6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/denki/1129119217/150 Q. 時間と周波数以外をX軸にするには、どのようにしたらよいのでしょうか
Help → Waveform Viewer → Axis Control
When you move the mouse cursor beyond the data plotting region, the cursor turns
into a ruler. This tries to indicate that you are pointing at that axis' attributes.
When you left click you can enter a dialog to manually enter that axis' range and
the nature of the plot. For example, for real data, if you move the mouse to the
bottom of the screen and left click, you can enter a dialog to change the horizontal
quantity plotted. This lets you make parametric plots.
For complex data, (以下略)
"ruler" って "グラフの目盛りの領域部" とでも表現しておきましょうか。