Fucking American!

kill American!
2maji:2009/05/21(Thu) 01:37:48 ID:ctgcoNJv0
I love Russian Girl!!
3maji:2009/05/21(Thu) 01:45:10 ID:ctgcoNJv0
4maji:2009/05/21(Thu) 03:28:55 ID:Cn7l3ALV0
5dickory dock:2009/05/21(Thu) 04:53:49 ID:a5+dZVWs0
6maji:2009/05/21(Thu) 08:57:31 ID:apYKum7j0
7maji:2009/05/21(Thu) 21:46:21 ID:5XH9MU2yO
thats too bad
8maji:2009/05/21(Thu) 23:23:16 ID:HHGQPce+0
I love USA
9maji:2009/05/22(Fri) 11:22:07 ID:CrkXEUHa0
10maji:2009/05/23(Sat) 14:08:44 ID:hBHI2YS/O
Hello,Pig Man
11maji:2009/05/23(Sat) 20:16:17 ID:RiH2ekgA0
USA-chan mofumofu kawaii desu ne
12maji:2009/05/26(Tue) 02:38:58 ID:vCa6JOBNO
Don't be afraid to fall in love with me.
13maji:2009/05/26(Tue) 09:53:25 ID:eKWO1znR0
14maji:2009/05/28(Thu) 10:38:36 ID:WF6xuO4q0
Datch Wife!
15maji:2009/06/11(Thu) 10:41:38 ID:BoAeKhi30
Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
16maji:2009/06/11(Thu) 22:48:55 ID:0RJKH9nn0
17maji:2009/06/12(Fri) 15:05:05 ID:EljJGfFO0
americans lend you money and made your country a great one
18maji:2009/06/12(Fri) 17:10:45 ID:f0RIlQ370
19maji:2009/06/12(Fri) 21:05:26 ID:v3wLgs7U0
America is the very good human . I like humburg in Natzi German ! She Have a nice submarine!
Supernatural science is Natzi techology.! Von Broun is Astronomy nature ! He is Space species !
He come from UFO!!!!!
20maji:2009/06/13(Sat) 00:49:39 ID:Pgk9ABAh0
troll ITT
21maji:2009/06/13(Sat) 11:14:16 ID:Xv2gfKrj0
Yankee GO HOME!
22maji:2009/06/15(Mon) 22:19:18 ID:56Jpzmrx0
Last night I said thees words to my girl.
23maji:2009/06/18(Thu) 14:23:43 ID:M8Vj9ddO0
Do u wanna kill american what? Coca Cola?
24maji:2009/06/18(Thu) 23:20:50 ID:FmimE/ua0
american is happiest when they eat a TOHU.
25maji:2009/06/27(Sat) 14:43:47 ID:JxVru4Je0
TOFU :-)
26maji:2009/07/05(Sun) 06:35:38 ID:FtFllzFU0
Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway

First Debriefing On 1995 Tokyo Subway Terrorist Attack

Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins
Natural and Selected Synthetic Toxins(Introduction in Japanese)

Before Murai was killed he said that, it's not Sarin.American Chemicalist can probe this.
I guess actually Aum also did something, but...Tabun, it's Tabun. it wasn't Sarin, it Maybe Zettai Tabun.

same as 911,all that incidents was inside job?
27maji:2009/07/05(Sun) 08:04:12 ID:w8BsQbdT0
9/11 wasn't an inside job, this I can assure you.
28maji:2009/07/06(Mon) 18:47:38 ID:fBbHAx+00
Because you did it.
29maji:2009/07/06(Mon) 19:33:24 ID:kO5+lKdf0
30maji:2009/07/07(Tue) 03:17:32 ID:jaLiO6tk0
eat TOHU.
31maji:2009/07/09(Thu) 00:17:26 ID:LFL4tYPr0
32maji:2009/07/16(Thu) 05:49:04 ID:rSHctY1q0
What's the Zettai?
33maji:2009/07/16(Thu) 06:36:23 ID:NSrRbNQp0
USA loves me.
34maji:2009/07/16(Thu) 19:40:40 ID:ONnUvpYW0
35maji:2009/07/17(Fri) 01:43:08 ID:J5fhI6Xz0
Ugh, those videos contain more factual inaccuracies than I can count.

In the first video alone, the former intelligence officer denies that a plane hit the Pentagon, based on the wreckage photos he has seen

However, there were hundreds of civilians at or near the pentagon on 9/11. They literally stood and WATCHED A PLANE FLY INTO IT.

I trust their accounts of the incident more than I trust the general's.
36maji:2009/07/17(Fri) 12:25:51 ID:ArY7UTAk0
I watched Pikachu wreck it. It's true.
37maji:2009/07/17(Fri) 15:46:25 ID:6rF0ge+u0
Do you know any internet forum in english where users can post anonymously?
i am seaching for an english internet forum like 2ch.
38maji:2009/07/18(Sat) 05:02:50 ID:mq91UQMc0
39maji:2009/07/19(Sun) 02:14:16 ID:mO9MqvSU0
>>47 but 4chan has only few users.
40maji:2009/07/19(Sun) 03:11:29 ID:K32o2PQC0
How many users do you want?
41maji:2009/07/19(Sun) 12:56:05 ID:xH0Lpjrj0
enough to have chat-like conversations.
western forums require registlation and having a fixed identity,
that is very dull.
42maji:2009/07/19(Sun) 18:15:16 ID:K32o2PQC0
4chan doesn't require registration. Although, 4chan has a BBS as well

43maji:2009/07/23(Thu) 01:33:01 ID:Ei9mOZwP0
4-ch is not part of 4chan. The 4chan text boards use domain dis.4chan.org
44maji:2009/07/23(Thu) 13:58:43 ID:Su0a8bPE0
4chan is a fagland?
45Japanese ;):2009/09/13(Sun) 23:37:24 ID:uJb0O6CmO
I love American Boy!!!
46w]:2009/09/25(Fri) 01:25:36 ID:PmF4VMPh0
I'll kill them all Americans from Osaka
Apple mean fruit
Mac mean Macintosh
Macdo mean M'cdonald
FUCK YOU ,I'm not Osakan.
47w:2009/09/25(Fri) 01:29:22 ID:PmF4VMPh0
if you are strong, come Osaka city
Osaka people kill all
48w:2009/09/25(Fri) 01:37:13 ID:PmF4VMPh0
Osaka is gratest city in America
49maji:2009/09/26(Sat) 06:55:43 ID:VWk5NXB80

hey,hybrid american.
i don't your future and killing soon!
go back america from ryukyu
we hate hybrid monsters. give back racial island!
will be growing up terrorism!
50maji:2009/10/11(Sun) 04:30:16 ID:G/sDoA6w0

American boy is KOJIKI.
51maji:2009/10/13(Tue) 14:33:57 ID:9Q1ILP5t0
52maji:2009/11/28(Sat) 21:06:34 ID:fBOhxtC50
Hey, you fucking asshole.
53maji:2009/12/02(Wed) 17:55:46 ID:lu51NqY00
54maji:2009/12/03(Thu) 02:10:40 ID:7adE+U1x0
Arkansas is best America!
55maji:2009/12/03(Thu) 11:09:48 ID:Ft9d6PTa0
Arkansas is terrible America...
56maji:2009/12/05(Sat) 16:16:48 ID:KL8M5nlI0

No way, dude. Arkansas licks scrotum.
57maji:2009/12/06(Sun) 09:24:37 ID:fnBwJhf40
Hi, I am a Canadian, do you hate me, or only Americans?
58maji:2009/12/06(Sun) 09:25:55 ID:PcStEpMm0
59maji:2009/12/06(Sun) 19:35:11 ID:3AdCpZr20
Americans are retarded faggots!
60maji:2009/12/06(Sun) 23:21:09 ID:gRSWpxP10
fuckin' asshole faggot.
61maji:2009/12/07(Mon) 00:33:58 ID:ZHCT+x6e0
SHUT UP! America is super awesome!
62maji:2009/12/07(Mon) 04:37:57 ID:NYBMR2RS0
I hate America not but American, and Canada is not bad country.
some of non Canadian thinks Canada is one of America thought...
63maji:2009/12/07(Mon) 07:52:22 ID:l+mM2BmL0
I am American and I hate America. It is an easy country to hate.
64maji:2009/12/07(Mon) 19:26:28 ID:F9XhgPiV0
>>48 Osaka is greatest city in Amrica. Osaka kills all.
65maji:2009/12/09(Wed) 16:53:20 ID:1BBL7Nsl0
Americans, you fucking retarded faggots!
66maji:2009/12/13(Sun) 04:39:29 ID:dT4Iz16UO
67maji:2009/12/21(Mon) 17:37:10 ID:8V0mM0Ex0
68maji:2009/12/22(Tue) 23:18:59 ID:ZesJI0AH0
lmfao..wtf r u talking about??
69maji:2009/12/24(Thu) 13:18:59 ID:xaPQw9Kw0
the fuck is going on here?
70maji:2009/12/24(Thu) 14:21:16 ID:sTEbx6Vt0
71maji:2009/12/24(Thu) 17:51:28 ID:pYY28o5s0
Many people in this thread do not like American people.
72maji:2009/12/28(Mon) 16:57:32 ID:2JIwMcfP0
hey,hybrid american.
i don't your future and killing soon!
go back america from ryukyu
we hate hybrid monsters. give back racial island!
will be growing up terrorism!
73maji:2009/12/28(Mon) 17:06:57 ID:EP/Dcjkf0
74maji:2009/12/29(Tue) 14:35:43 ID:wxjZAOs4O
75maji:2010/01/15(Fri) 21:49:16 ID:H1jTJC/B0
76maji:2010/01/16(Sat) 10:42:05 ID:bFTlf4NH0
77maji:2010/01/24(Sun) 15:24:53 ID:nL14YMA30
Fuck America, come visit krautchan.net/int, a board filled with many different nationalities including but not limited to Americans
78maji:2010/02/25(Thu) 23:45:15 ID:d3xW3KXh0
don't easy to telling.
please don't be bad language.
got it?
japen is more little then US.
sorry to I said to again.
79maji:2010/02/28(Sun) 15:13:48 ID:9wxGgGIy0
Hey, you fucking asshole.
80:D:2010/02/28(Sun) 18:20:27 ID:avkInID80
All people who are here are Koreans.
You does here because it becomes a problem if it does in the own nation.
I understand your character very well.
81maji:2010/02/28(Sun) 21:30:56 ID:9wxGgGIy0
Hey, you fucking asshole.
82maji:2010/03/04(Thu) 09:49:58 ID:qWPhsym/O
>>1Fucking kimuchi
83maji:2010/03/04(Thu) 21:36:35 ID:1UN14lQe0
84maji:2010/03/06(Sat) 13:26:03 ID:g9t8lFfW0
85maji:2010/03/13(Sat) 07:35:36 ID:RfyuwICr0
Yankee go to hell!
86maji:2010/03/28(Sun) 07:39:03 ID:/68lqKH+0
87maji:2010/04/14(Wed) 06:17:31 ID:LtRzJJz80
ugly american must be die
88maji:2010/04/21(Wed) 01:04:42 ID:N3x2qCXW0

KILL ALL YELLOW MONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
89maji:2010/04/21(Wed) 23:54:33 ID:q6FwipY80
you all american is ugly fat pig
90maji:2010/04/22(Thu) 21:46:47 ID:OxTUQDen0
Seriously, get out from Japan
American are really arrogance
Especialy Marine Force.
Shit Redneck should wiped out.
91golgolmois:2010/04/24(Sat) 07:23:53 ID:CUNGr8Am0
hey,hybrid american.
i don't your future and killing soon!
go back america from ryukyu
we hate hybrid monsters. give back racial island!
will be growing up terrorism!
92Me:2010/04/25(Sun) 12:53:52 ID:pWxn2/9nI
Calm down fools, don't make us bomb you again.
93maji:2010/04/26(Mon) 05:38:16 ID:hzsvDEEz0
America: The Grim Truth

You need notice American hate America.
94maji:2010/04/26(Mon) 15:47:13 ID:2ylQU6Pz0
ohayo foolish american
95maji:2010/04/26(Mon) 18:49:52 ID:5Hs/F6SL0
America is Best Friend of Japan.
Do not say such a terrible thing.
96maji:2010/04/28(Wed) 21:34:59 ID:oqE2zYz/0
we're not friends
97maji:2010/04/29(Thu) 00:38:19 ID:6nV2QzLV0
Maybe, you are. but i like America.
so, please do not disturb our relationship. okay?
98maji:2010/04/29(Thu) 20:47:31 ID:SYEK1gXEO
KETSUGE burger
99maji:2010/04/29(Thu) 22:55:44 ID:C4mNdKoI0
american pig oink oink
100maji:2010/05/02(Sun) 02:24:17 ID:hS50GxJj0
American's average weight is 200kg.
They are same as fugly pig!!
101Ano hito:2010/05/02(Sun) 10:42:52 ID:t2hFxhbYI
Dude kilograms are not the same thing as pounds.

Oh how heavy the burden of white man.

And yes that was a troll, if you want to get racist make sure you realize that we've been at it for while.
102maji:2010/05/03(Mon) 20:36:52 ID:iC5wya080
103maji:2010/05/04(Tue) 06:23:08 ID:yZnUPLIh0
US Army
Go away from Futenma Base.
Don't come to Henoko.

America always bash whaling.
But now, American are going to annihilate dugongs.
Huge destruction of environment & double standard & hypocrisy & egoism.
They think they are rule with selfish thinking.
They are always like this.

Just Go away.
Never come back here.
104maji:2010/05/05(Wed) 04:14:26 ID:PgJVkedi0
I agree with you there, good friend. Japan and Europe should unite and crush the abomination that is America. Burn them all.
105maji:2010/05/05(Wed) 04:54:57 ID:bwWDSD0O0
Yes, This is a good idea. We could get russia or china's help too, russia has a lot of nukes I hear.
106maji:2010/05/05(Wed) 07:25:27 ID:IYdSKbgQ0
Would it be that easy? I thought Japan tortured china and russia..?
107maji:2010/05/12(Wed) 12:20:47 ID:bB7GQR8h0
I like USA's culture. But I know it a little .
108maji:2010/05/18(Tue) 02:39:21 ID:U/uX3/Vb0
fuck americunts!
109maji:2010/05/18(Tue) 05:04:31 ID:6hz3qrGI0
Stupid American, eat a cheeseburger!
110maji:2010/05/20(Thu) 04:06:28 ID:hY+PG5+l0
I would like to eat a cheeseburger
111maji:2010/05/20(Thu) 16:06:27 ID:jPOfS1j/0
whyte ppl i hate u cuz

* 1. u all racist
* 2. u pale as hell
* 3. u fuckin stupid
* 4. u stereotype niggas cuz u all dumb
* 5. ur fat
* 6. u look like marshmellows
* 7. u look like gluesticks
* 8. u close minded
* 9. u jus straight up bitch
* 10. u make me sick
* 11. u all like fishin for sum reason
* 12. u all have dogs
* 13. u think u a good race when u aint even human
* 14.u look ugly as hell
* 15.u a disgrace
* 16. u think u know bout niggas so much when u dont
* 17. u all got faggot ass voices
* 18. u speak like british ppl
* 19. u all gay
* 20. u have no place in hiphop so u shud stop listenin to it
112maji:2010/05/20(Thu) 22:58:12 ID:R05nN/cv0
That ignorance, ok, you just being ignorant
113maji:2010/05/21(Fri) 09:10:32 ID:roBpKBk50

Laughed hard at the last one.

I have a feeling this is just someone trying to stir up some shit.
114maji:2010/05/22(Sat) 15:24:18 ID:9EZ3SwrK0
its copypasta, obviously
115maji:2010/05/23(Sun) 18:44:17 ID:eie/iOvm0
Why is it that Americans are faggots?
Explain in three sentences.
116maji:2010/05/30(Sun) 13:13:52 ID:nPlo1KGx0
nip bitch is easy
117maji:2010/05/31(Mon) 22:15:10 ID:su0VqkJe0
american bitch is pig
118maji:2010/05/31(Mon) 22:17:53 ID:0abZoYFdP
119maji:2010/10/05(Tue) 03:22:09 ID:RFmyTpwy0
American here:
I am sorry.
120blabla:2010/10/05(Tue) 08:06:04 ID:4y18lS660
*1.I don't give a shit about race
*2.Only when in front of my computer too much time
*3.I speak 4 languages and know more things that you will never know
*4.Again look at (1)
*5.I am 39kg and 19 years old
*6.I can not become bubbles over fire
*7.I can not glow in dark
*8.With all this idea you look also close mided (if not more...)
*9.Again look at (8)
*10.Buy some medics
*11.I donot know how fishing
*12.The only animals in my appartment are cuckroaches
*13.Again look at (1)
*14.It depend to who...
*15.Again (14)
*16.Just lame...
*17.When I speak in the phone the people think i have 40 years old (need to say more?)
*18.I don not even speak english (I am french)
*19.I have girlfriend (and you like even more close minded with that)
*20.I donot listen this shit.
But if you come to my country make a little pass in the suburbs (no little houses, big ruined concrete towers) and say all this to youngs with sweats and knifes.
Let see how long you will live...
121blabla:2010/10/05(Tue) 08:08:44 ID:4y18lS660
Oh, and I OK with you guys. America is pure big shit!!(but my country look every day more like america ;(
122maji:2010/10/05(Tue) 13:02:41 ID:QFe7wE8w0
U nko S hit A nal
123maji:2010/10/05(Tue) 19:00:51 ID:HMgKcgZb0
unko morasita no OMAEKA!!!!
124maji:2010/10/07(Thu) 13:23:07 ID:TWo33gEH0
all yankee guys are gay
125FOBnedxHprs:2010/10/16(Sat) 05:35:42 ID:0aEUcIY30
i have bookmarked for future referrence !. Greets from the Speedy DNS. I love <a href='http://speedy-dns.net/www/permanent/toki.2ch.net/'>toki.2ch.net</a>
126maji:2010/12/02(Thu) 02:36:54 ID:jqww5KZ40
hey i think my country is cool :/
127hSIPdQDaPLvPOkbi:2010/12/12(Sun) 16:50:56 ID:Tt39LNfh0
128egIRhBTOQOrRBcC:2010/12/12(Sun) 17:44:29 ID:Tt39LNfh0
129drYRpbRVBiJHHKejd:2010/12/12(Sun) 19:29:54 ID:Tt39LNfh0
130maji:2010/12/17(Fri) 11:13:41 ID:XPpQPlqgO
131maji:2010/12/18(Sat) 16:07:31 ID:BKh0VhK70
I'm living the U.S.
I like U.S. people. They are kind for me.
132maji:2010/12/18(Sat) 21:32:50 ID:ANhcSj8p0
de tte iu
133maji:2010/12/22(Wed) 04:41:45 ID:flH5Cr/x0
No matter
Easy problem
Kow Korea and
Oor country is poor
Dead or alive
And even if you are apes
I adore Korea
Super country is Korea
Unko eaters are Korean
Kick up your testicle
I hate net right
134maji:2010/12/26(Sun) 06:54:00 ID:rzW+eODVO
135maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 12:40:47 ID:Z4qGeKoZ0
my body is reggie
136maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 12:43:08 ID:jeE1dByE0
Mexico was here, America is a Faggot
137maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 12:44:16 ID:6zElmfo30
4chan /a/ reporting. I'm Chinese by the way.
138maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 12:45:14 ID:Fx+lg9jw0
Never mind.
139maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 12:50:23 ID:LruXB0Uk0
Jolly nice to hear you all hold similar viewpoints with regards to the yanks.
I would hope to assume that England is not ranked at the same level as those unfortunate colonials.
140maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 12:51:56 ID:lf4O1H2V0
I still love america
141maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 12:55:28 ID:/uA9roni0
I think you nips are just mad that we bombed you back to the stone age when you stepped out of line.
142Griffith:2011/01/02(Sun) 12:57:42 ID:xwvvGGIJ0
Hello, American here.

why the hate?
after ww2, we americans built Japan's economy and infrastructure from the ground up.
if it wasnt for america, your country would be a dead wasteland.
"never forget atomic bomb!" << bullshit. the bomb was merciful.
if it weren't for the bombs dropped to ensure your surrender, we would have had to invade.
i dont know if you know what i know... but i would prefer only a couple thousand deaths of the bomb over millions of deaths that would have been caused by an invasion.

grow up.
143maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 12:58:24 ID:iS+A0JFd0


144maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 12:58:25 ID:uYOfBw0o0
>mfw Japan is surely MAD.
145maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 13:00:15 ID:3HY1MYgy0
British gentleman here. How do you feel about us?
146maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 13:00:31 ID:l7RTNQrC0
and what is this?
147maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 13:02:08 ID:DIB+mNa00
I love america
148maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 13:04:12 ID:5+nlOxfx0
Guys, I'm pretty sure you scared all the Japs away.

You can stop now. Seriously. This shit is getting out of hand.
149maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 13:04:13 ID:xwvvGGIJ0
I loving america! america is best!!
150maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 13:06:36 ID:uYOfBw0o0
America daisuki desu.
151maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 13:06:54 ID:l7RTNQrC0
The nips can suck our dicks
152maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 13:09:29 ID:Fx+lg9jw0
>mfw 4chong cancer was fat near me
153maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 13:42:44 ID:n6cV+tv+0
I'm 12 and what is this?
154maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 13:44:50 ID:aLnmdk5W0
This shit smells of samefaggotry
155maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 15:52:58 ID:0mtMr7VP0
Deal with it, Japs
156maji:2011/01/02(Sun) 17:39:40 ID:13z3OQrN0
157maji:2011/01/03(Mon) 01:04:12 ID:GZLPwwh+0
All Americans must die!
Americans are shit-eating pigs.
158maji:2011/01/03(Mon) 08:35:53 ID:2/MUyPcn0
You guys hate america? oh noooooo, but i thought you liked canada and south america!!
159maji:2011/01/03(Mon) 08:38:52 ID:bFmpS+iO0
What does Japan think about Germany?
160maji:2011/01/04(Tue) 05:21:31 ID:P8xjTR8SO
161Vysh:2011/01/26(Wed) 14:40:23 ID:b5X30BNs0
What is with this?
162maji:2011/03/30(Wed) 02:13:24.89 ID:iGDSBqUw0
163maji:2011/03/30(Wed) 20:46:30.22 ID:LwA5VG/e0
The japanese I know always respect you.
Being so polite, Germans all love erection. I heard it.
164maji:2011/03/31(Thu) 14:18:41.02 ID:g7xA7CL6O
Yankee Go Home!

165maji:2011/03/31(Thu) 14:21:24.88 ID:g7xA7CL6O
166maji:2011/05/06(Fri) 15:36:08.99 ID:2pK6ZH2i0
I think your writing is a Murder is Announced .

So I report police .
167maji:2011/07/23(Sat) 21:50:35.41 ID:B/1ZdLpA0
yes. American boob is evil.
168maji:2011/07/23(Sat) 22:02:43.84 ID:tLe5IFWv0
169 忍法帖【Lv=3,xxxP】 :2011/07/25(Mon) 20:53:29.34 ID:w1uR9aQz0
170maji:2011/08/31(Wed) 16:30:29.19 ID:BVUsrbNC0
Oh god the amount of engrish in this thread made me laugh.Thanks, 2ch.
171Takeshi Kitano:2011/09/06(Tue) 12:49:36.76 ID:xEW/HJqZ0
I know "Fucking Japs", asshole!
(Fakkin jappu gurai wakaru yo, Bakayaro!)
172maji:2011/09/25(Sun) 06:36:25.54 ID:LyreptUi0
Most Americans like Japanese people! And a lot of American men think that
Japanese women are beautiful. Maybe that's why you're mad? Anyway, Koreans
are much worse than Americans. Let's work together to kill all Koreans.
173maji:2011/09/26(Mon) 01:39:25.59 ID:9dmMUT/w0
174maji:2011/09/27(Tue) 00:24:30.38 ID:reIMF9bM0
175 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 :2011/10/10(Mon) 23:58:27.91 ID:hwUgoy3g0
Ame-kou is rich.
176maji:2011/10/17(Mon) 07:23:04.82 ID:2Itw4fc30
amekou are satan.
177maji:2011/10/24(Mon) 20:14:45.78 ID:6ByeY1Y00
Die Ame-kou!
178maji:2011/10/25(Tue) 11:47:39.07 ID:9j3I4wpi0
There are too many guys who are out of order in U.S.A.
179 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 :2011/11/11(Fri) 11:09:03.58 ID:Y6c8m8h60
fuck usa.
180maji:2011/11/11(Fri) 23:56:43.08 ID:3jxtDWrW0
Therefore, I shall give you the bank contact and other necessary information in my next email if you will only promise me that you will not/never betray and disclosed this matter to anybody
because this money is the only hope i have for survival on earth since I have lost my parents.
Moreover I have the STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT and the DEATH CERTIFICATE here with me, but before I give you further information, I will like to know your full data such as:

1. Your names
2. Your contact and residential address.

Meanwhile, you can reach me by the help of the pastor, Rev. Simon Dickson, he is the pastor of the ( CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH ) in this orphanage home. So if you wish to speak with me,
call the phone number of the pastor (+221 -772- 533- 213 ). Just tell him that you want to speak with me, he will then send for me in the female hostel.
waiting to hear from you soonest.
From Florence
181maji:2011/11/14(Mon) 00:25:08.29 ID:+Cwkcmlq0
182maji:2011/12/20(Tue) 03:18:06.98 ID:yOCAZ4Q50
The american is the nigger in the world.
183maji:2011/12/20(Tue) 11:48:22.34 ID:ah5KQXE30

You're just jealous because we're the superior country.
184maji:2011/12/21(Wed) 12:00:25.49 ID:EgFrUag70
185maji:2012/01/05(Thu) 00:57:19.86 ID:xMLvfHGv0
Yo dick is too stinky smelling.
Get out from the Earth!
186maji:2012/01/06(Fri) 15:25:51.27 ID:5iLrM6FW0

Cry harder.
187maji:2012/01/09(Mon) 15:44:39.94 ID:YE/otCUc0
188maji:2012/01/09(Mon) 22:20:28.09 ID:K0tr5gDt0
Its just a parody of John Lennon/Yoko Ono song. On this song, nigger means slave.
189maji:2012/01/09(Mon) 22:22:24.98 ID:K0tr5gDt0
LOL questioner failed.
Why always chiebukuro users asking with long question?
Why not can't so simple question?
190maji:2012/03/29(Thu) 16:55:52.77 ID:a+N2WRLl0
you are not japanese
you are korean
191maji:2012/03/30(Fri) 12:59:23.78 ID:PTWxfTjq0
We love Billy Herrington
192maji:2012/04/05(Thu) 23:34:28.35 ID:xKM0Ju2b0
I admit that the US is surely strong.
However the US does not have a piece of fragment of
what's called dignity of the king either.
As it were, the behavior of the US seems to be a barbarian.
Therefore the US does not get respect from all over the world, I think.
193maji:2012/07/14(Sat) 13:56:07.44 ID:le0BISCA0
Just lurking around 2chan

I am confused by Nihon culture, but I love it.

194maji:2012/08/28(Tue) 05:49:46.69 ID:m/j1SIM1O
I'm not >>190,but I'd
like to say something
similar as one of the
Japanese to >>1.
Shame on you!
Think about the words
you are going to use,
before you use them.
You suddenly shouted
dirty words without the
explanation of your
emotion or aggression
against American people.
Your behavior is really
unacceptable unless you
are mentally brokendown
or deranged.
195 忍法帖【Lv=6,xxxP】 :2012/09/01(Sat) 10:29:29.40 ID:Gx4RxqdG0
196maji:2012/09/06(Thu) 01:05:13.52 ID:8mtyBTT70
I am homo
197maji:2012/09/17(Mon) 23:16:21.95 ID:ylLgs5fY0
An American Indian elder described his own inner struggles this way:
[Inside of me there two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil.
The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time.]
When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied,
[The one I feed the most.]
198maji:2012/09/21(Fri) 04:55:32.50 ID:fkcnKb9J0
Guys stop fighting! The Japanese are cool. Lets all be friends.
199maji:2012/09/22(Sat) 16:08:06.28 ID:/RMhhLQt0
I hate american so much
200maji:2012/09/22(Sat) 20:27:19.14 ID:c2TvSFaP0
Yeah, seeing you are one, it's for good reason.
201maji:2012/10/05(Fri) 15:18:43.81 ID:tOADG4PlO
I think American always battles each other for first-food on the restaurant.
202maji:2012/12/01(Sat) 10:21:57.25 ID:eXhtejCu0
Squint more, cry less.
203maji:2012/12/01(Sat) 16:57:49.14 ID:CTp7/oJg0
Ragtime Dance
Maple Leaf Rag
Pine Apple Rag
Easy Winner
The Entertainer
204maji:2012/12/13(Thu) 09:40:32.16 ID:8ulX2+O10
Really? John Lennon told me woman is the nigger of the world.
Western culture is less about formality. America embraces rebellion and individuality.
We are barbarians in Japan, but you are pompous in America.