男の事務職の道 5

男の事務職の道 4 まだ終わらんよ
2名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2012/11/12(月) 11:02:42.22 ID:Kn8zwfxh
I am Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, your Senior Get>>2 Instructor.
From now on, you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last
words out of your filthy sewers will be "Sir!"
Do you maggots understand that?

>>1 Bullshit! I can't hear you. Sound off like you got a pair.
>>3 You are nothing but unorganized grabasstic pieces of amphibian shit!
>>4 I'll P.T. you until your assholes are sucking buttermilk.
>>5 You had best unfuck yourself or I will unscrew your head and shit down your neck!
>>6 Holy dogshit! Gunma! Only steers and queers come from Gunma!
>>7 You're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece!
>>8 I'm gonna rip your balls off so you cannot contaminate the rest of the world!
>>9 You goddam communist heathen, I'm gonna stomp your guts out!
>>10 Hell, I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister.
3名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2012/11/13(火) 23:12:40.80 ID:9sFg8NKr
男の事務職の道 4 まだ終わらんよ

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