■ 新・無職なら英語の勉強しようぜ! part-6 ■




新・無職なら英語の勉強しようぜ part-2

新・無職なら英語の勉強しようぜ part-3

■ 新・無職なら英語の勉強しようぜ! part-04 ■

■ 新・無職なら英語の勉強しようぜ! part-5 ■

2名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/07(土) 21:19:33 ID:um8IMx2r


3会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/07(土) 21:26:52 ID:kaFkBLdc
Dame Board is a microcosm.
Everything is here.
4名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/07(土) 23:31:54 ID:Oktda3+8

5会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/08(日) 16:42:20 ID:7fmb58Nd
I will listen a music for 10 minutes.
6会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/08(日) 17:14:35 ID:7fmb58Nd


7会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/08(日) 17:23:45 ID:7fmb58Nd
(´・ω・`) ?

I will retry the listening part problems which I could not
get correct answers.

8名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/08(日) 17:29:06 ID:1o9fAQfd
That's my best favorite one.
9会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/08(日) 20:24:15 ID:7fmb58Nd
Me too.

10暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/08(日) 20:45:39 ID:C/ye/fg7

His collar was fixed with a broken button.
Some stars are fixed but others are moving.
The time of the meeting was fixed by the committee.
He quickly got my broken clock fixed for me.

11会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/08(日) 21:33:14 ID:PnWP7gkc

I believe Huzer Inc. has connections with the organized
stalkers. Because workers of it sell real estates.
And Aneha lives in Ichikawa-Shi.(`・ω・´)???

We can pull their crimes as a vine. When we pull it strongly
like as we harvest sweet potatos, we can arrest many stalkers
and hired guns in Chiba. I hope they will be brought to under
the sun from under the ground.

12R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/09(月) 01:31:25 ID:FOQkNuCu
During this repeating process your listening ability really improves
because the words you could'nt hear will be identified .
Next time when you encounter the words ,You can recognize them
13会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/09(月) 13:40:04 ID:b+jQs0vH
Yes. That's right. Thanks.

If there is Japanese superimpose, I can understand what they say
in soap operas very clearly. But, without superimpose, I can get
some clear phrases and many noises.

14会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/09(月) 13:43:00 ID:b+jQs0vH
I will retry the listening part problems which I could not
get correct answers.

15名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/09(月) 18:53:54 ID:ekW1Ew2Q
It is influenced by this board and buys an
English book, and English uses Yahoo translation
like because I do not understand it and watches this board
16会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/09(月) 21:19:28 ID:JVM0K6xj
I have done.

Let's learn together.
17R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/10(火) 02:33:59 ID:BQ8yU+6j
It was Coming-of-Age Day yesterday .
It was damn day for me and special day for
those aged 20 years old or to be 20 years old this year .
Without checking the date ,you could see Coming-of-Age Day in my restraunt
where badly behaving girls wearing kimono and gang looking men in suit
and Hakama visit around noon .That is maybe after celebration celemony ,
that interests no guest . wrapped up .

They looked silly , stupid but they
really looked happy .I don't know what they are happy for ,
I am interested .

18R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/11(水) 01:22:03 ID:ePWADHv2
訂正後 They looked silly and stupid , but they
19会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/11(水) 02:05:07 ID:BuY++llv
Sorry. G'night.
20R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/11(水) 03:04:22 ID:ePWADHv2
I was supposed to got up at 10 am , but I got off bed around noon .
I got started late . I quickly cleaned up my clatterd room and did
washing . I must at least do washing because I run out of
socks in the middle of week if I missed out on laundry on holidays .
I really hate putting on the same socks twice . Anyway , I finished
both work and , then I begun to read novel till I would be hungly for
lunch . I have a habit of waiting to feel hungly before having food
because emptyness , I think , makes food more deliciou , even makes
undelicious food delicious .So I have dinner very late , around 11 PM .

Have a good night !
21今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/12(木) 01:49:59 ID:mHJbqQrm
'Cause they had got sex licences.

I had not experienced the Coming-of-Age Day Celemony.
When I was 20, I was far from home. If I was home, I might have got
a favor from a classmates of schoolhood after the celemony.

22今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/12(木) 02:10:45 ID:mHJbqQrm
You always do washing.
Old socks are my arms to attack impolite women and children
by smell. I can let them smell my socks. I can easily smell
up the room. And this is legal act.

I call this attack Smell Bombs.

23会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/12(木) 02:12:22 ID:mHJbqQrm
24会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/12(木) 14:00:54 ID:mHJbqQrm
(`・ω・´)Help me, Honyakuchan!



25翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/12(木) 14:19:09 ID:mHJbqQrm
(*´・ω・`*) Too difficult!

At first, we must know the memorial photos and the tablets.
26会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/12(木) 14:23:27 ID:mHJbqQrm
I will do some preparation of TOEIC exam.
27会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/12(木) 16:20:08 ID:mHJbqQrm
I'll take a break.
28会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/12(木) 17:44:40 ID:mHJbqQrm
I called JASSO(Japan Student Services Organization) to ask
for one years' grace period of repayment on scholarship
with tears.

I never have given myself up to gambling.
But I have been eaten up by underground people. I hate them.
I have got myself in debt.

29会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/12(木) 17:48:06 ID:mHJbqQrm
of repaymant? on repayment? for repayment???
30会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/12(木) 17:52:15 ID:mHJbqQrm
I will do some preparation of TOEIC exam.
31会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/12(木) 18:46:58 ID:mHJbqQrm
I have done.
32R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/13(金) 01:06:21 ID:3K2rbFoW
I borrowed a comprehensive elemental level Biology book from
in-house library , which is in company .The book covers almost
all items learned in high school Biology class . I could better
start with this book than any of specilized book .
I need the solid foundation on which I build knowledge .

Let it be !
How did they response to your plea for one year extention of
repayment ?
I have never known that you applied for scholarship . That
suprises me .
33R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/13(金) 01:11:10 ID:3K2rbFoW
I feel sleepy no matter how long I sleep last night .
Human nature commands that we feel sleepy in the morning .
34会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 15:00:32 ID:4nJIKH+Y
I will read a thin book of English grammar this year.
35暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 15:04:13 ID:4nJIKH+Y
I'll learn a part of poem of W.W. for a while.

36暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 16:26:35 ID:4nJIKH+Y
I have done.
37暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 16:31:06 ID:4nJIKH+Y

     These with the past,
Of vanish'd lands, of all the reigns of kings across the sea,
Old conquerors, old campaigns, old sailors' voyages,
     Joining eidolons.

     Densities, growth, facades,
Strata of mountains, soils, rocks, giant trees,
Far-born, far-dying, living long, to leave,
     Eidolons everlasting.

38翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 16:48:24 ID:4nJIKH+Y


     これらは かこのできごとだが
うみのむこうの うしなわれたたいりくの おうたちのちせいが
いにしえのせいふくしゃが いにしえのしんぐんが いにしえのこうかいが
     まぼろしと むすびついている

     みっしゅうし はんもし かりそめのはんえいをし
やまにあるちそうの つちやがんばんになった きょだいなきぎ
はるかなかこにうまれ はるかなかこにしに ながくいきたものたちが
     えいえんのまぼろしを のこした


39今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 16:56:19 ID:4nJIKH+Y

>I borrowed a comprehensive elemental level Biology book from
>in-house library , which is in company.

I'll read a chess book in English little while.

40まら騒ぎ ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 17:11:43 ID:4nJIKH+Y
Pawns are the heart of the game.
41今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 18:56:50 ID:NdJyu+M9
I have done.


There are sevral ways to keep track of the moves of a chess game.

Chess is played on a board made up of 64 squares arrayed in an
8x8 grid of alternately colored squares.(omitted)

A capture is described by naming the capturing piece and the
piece being captured, thus: 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 P-Q4 PxP 3 QxP, and
so on.

42会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 19:33:50 ID:NdJyu+M9

>How did they response to your plea for one year extention of
>repayment ?

They will give me a grace.

>I have never known that you applied for scholarship. That
>suprises me.

Without the scholarship, I never could go on to an university.
And I know there are many teens who needs it.
I will completely repay my debts of scholarship within next 5 years
for young.

43会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 19:39:25 ID:NdJyu+M9

When we sleep, we make adjustment to our brain.
44今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 19:58:35 ID:NdJyu+M9

45名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/13(金) 23:09:28 ID:BxO8VHiC
      /:::::;:、-i  ^ l ^  i‐- ;ヽ,
     /:::::;: '´‐-、`'ー''(´`)ー" ''゙´ ヽ;',
     i':::::/ , -─‐-   | ニニ ̄ }.i!
     {:::::i  i`''ー- 、..,,,,,___|__,,,,..、‐i゙ i
     .i::::!.  ',  ______       / /
    ,..., .ヽ::、  ヽ,´   `゙ヽ,  ,/./  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  i゙  iー"゙'ゝ、.,,_`'‐、.,,___,,...ゝ'",./  < 三田の大松寺の ゆかこでーす!
  `;ー''ゝ:::::::::::,二M=w-、‐=''"´      \_______
 / ○/:::::::::/´    ゝソ/\...,             
 '、__,..!,{::::::::::{  「`゙゙'''ー-、/`'(   )      
    `ヽ::::::::`::.,''ー--,/   `"´
46今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 23:12:25 ID:zMkceuNa
In 1736 at the age of 10, Francois-Andre was exposed to chess by the
musicians who played chess during spells of inactivity. Cards were
forbidden to pass the time, so chess was played. He learned the game
by watching the band members play. He later visited the Cafe de la
Regence in Paris and spent much of his time playing chess there.

47今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/13(金) 23:17:39 ID:zMkceuNa
Dick exposed poor-looking himself.
48今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/14(土) 01:32:26 ID:25ApQ/NX
49名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/14(土) 01:55:24 ID:W58PNw0C
英語勉強したいなぁ・・・今日からします  長続きするかどうか・・・
50R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/14(土) 02:22:09 ID:QngtrWzg
What did you study in university ?
I carry around hand-held size writing book with me .
51会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/14(土) 07:33:24 ID:25ApQ/NX
Economics. But I am an engineer now.

Ankichan is always with his English book.

52会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/14(土) 07:37:31 ID:25ApQ/NX
Chin up!

I will read a chess book in English for a while.

53 ◆5YOxrDJKew :2006/01/14(土) 07:41:40 ID:mZ3/Pa4M
My name is Ken Minami.
54◇5YOxrDJKew:2006/01/14(土) 07:43:29 ID:mZ3/Pa4M
55会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/14(土) 09:47:42 ID:25ApQ/NX
I'll take a break.

I guess you are famous Kotehan in English Board.

56会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/14(土) 17:57:22 ID:25ApQ/NX
I will take a TOEIC exam tomorrow.
I will do some listening practice from now.

57名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/14(土) 18:10:24 ID:SbAnC1TH


58会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/14(土) 18:32:56 ID:25ApQ/NX
I have done.



59会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/16(月) 00:00:01 ID:fRxj0U/3
I took a TOEIC exam today.
My target score is 550 this time. I may get 500 or above.
I have no reason to make haste without firm base of English.
First things first.

60会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/16(月) 00:01:08 ID:fRxj0U/3
(`・ω・´)Boobs! Boobs!


61R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/16(月) 02:44:08 ID:OuIGkHgA
I thought that you majored science or computer .
You gots interested in and study computer after graduating
from universiry ?
Could you please tell me how and why .

Good results follows hard work .
I hope you could reach the target and You are right .
Foundation work in building process is the hardest part of the entire process .
If the base is securely built , the rest of construction process go smoothly .
Flawed or improvised base sure slows down entire process and risk of collapase
at any time .
learning English .
62R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/16(月) 02:52:27 ID:OuIGkHgA
I saw one customer who stayed in workplace , family restraunt,
for about 14 hours from mid night through lunch time , meaning
he occupied 4 person seat half a day even during peak time
63R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/16(月) 02:57:29 ID:OuIGkHgA
I am going to bed soon . I love having sleep without setting alarm .
I can rest my nerve system that way completely forgetting
about work or anything
64会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/17(火) 00:10:07 ID:U9FtWLl+
When I was 34, I became a temp engineer with no knowledge of computers
and networks. I like computers and networks as equal as Politics, Econo-
mics, and Laws. There is no reason. I like hard problems.

65会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/17(火) 00:19:28 ID:U9FtWLl+

I know Japanese traditional way to men like him is to serve
green teas. They will aware what they are doing.

66会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/17(火) 00:19:59 ID:U9FtWLl+

67R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/17(火) 02:40:18 ID:oNvuE90L
It seems that you worked hard to learn
about Engineering from scratch by yourself while working .
>>64 reminds me of sentences from " Catcher In Rye :
"Once you find out where you want to go , you could'nt affort
minutes ."
68R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/17(火) 03:21:03 ID:oNvuE90L
I have met a close frined of mine and have quite chat over lunch .
When I asked him what he is doing to his dream , becoming a Japanese teacher , he got excited .
His mouse was running almost not-stop for an hour .
I know he is crazy about his dream , maybe looks narrow-minded or" crezy "to others .But he looks cool to me
than other guys who hopelessly live and work .
I saw light in his eyes burning when he is talking about how he is making effort
to make his dream come true . while listening to his struggle , I 've got
infected with his passion .

Enthusiasm generates enthusiasm like chain effects
69R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/18(水) 02:05:16 ID:9n1aO4rB
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said , " Enthusiasm begets enthusiasm."
I could understand the real meaning of this proverb .
I want to translate the proverb like this : A man with
unlimited enthusiasm attract a man of enthusiasm ; thus ,
the former could receive help ・・・・・・・・I don't know
It does'nt make sense .
All I can say is that , if you work hard to achive some
worty goal , you want to reach out and help someone with the same goal
as yours when you find him in trouble .
Backing up my assumption is that
I got so valuble advise from stranger at other thread , so that
I can't thank her .

I am mentally weak people , so even small matter or trouble ,which
others don't care about at all could
bother me . I have no guts to get over them .But I have equiped myself
in mind with alot of encouraging provebs to cheer me up . I recite
those words many times to get them ready before getting into trouble or
making big decision .
Here is the best proverb :All things are possible untill they proved
impossible - and even the impossible may only be so , as of now .

70会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/19(木) 00:57:12 ID:ob/WYR0C

>It seems that you worked hard to learn
>about Engineering from scratch by yourself while working .

Yes, that's right.
I learned three times faster than normals.

>"Once you find out where you want to go , you could'nt affort
>minutes ."

If we find out somethings much more fun than sex, we have happy lives.
71会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/19(木) 01:27:20 ID:ob/WYR0C

(`・ω・´)Umm…Everyone must become Edisons of his workplace.
Through his long effort, he will have known his calling.

72会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/19(木) 01:43:14 ID:ob/WYR0C

But if he has a blue bird in his heart, he can walk on
(with whistle) when raindrops keep falling on his head.


73R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/19(木) 03:36:57 ID:n34OJ/yY
What is your happy life ? How do you define " happy life ?"
I felt happy if I would do what I felt like doing .
74R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/19(木) 03:40:04 ID:n34OJ/yY
Half the area of my braine sleep or rest now , so
I can only write damn English now .
75会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/20(金) 00:41:38 ID:qGWaI71Y
Sorry. I'm lazy tonight.
76R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/20(金) 01:41:08 ID:LEJ1D5L3
OK , I don't care . I hope you sleep well .
I have to go to bed soon to get up eariler tomorrow .
So I write some crap very briefly and leave here .

I thind New York is a city of mystery and fascinates handful writers .
I've finished Catcher in the rye recently and begun to read New York
Trilogy by Paul Auster . The two works above have one thing in common in
contents : New York . Through reading I have the slight sense of New York ,
not much . I have never been there , so I have no idea what it looks like .
What I have about city come only from words used in books to interest
readers .

I guess・・・・・・・・・・・
77R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/20(金) 01:43:06 ID:LEJ1D5L3
I fear daylight drowsy at work
78R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/20(金) 22:14:12 ID:fP3tCvLD
I cried with joy for the first time in my life
79R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/21(土) 03:10:50 ID:NfuJYQd3
I sat down and talked with boss for half an hour
My boss knows I want to be independant translator and is very concerned about my future plan .
She said that It is hard to make ends meet and
support yourself as a freelance tranlator . I know she is really
concerned because she had never talked with me that long .
Contact with boss ends within 20 seconds usually .

She said she helps me become a translator ,assigns me to translating , and
make the best of this opportunity for study . She also will arrange that
my poor translation will be proofread by native checkers , so that
I can do follow-up study by comparing .
I don't know why she help me so much and never ask her so .
But I will never ask why she is so nice to me , what stupid question .

All I can do at the moment is thank her and study harder , I don't want
to let her down . Letting someone who is nice to you way down one of the worst thing
I can come up with now .It could kill me .

Boy, I have a really good boss . You can't be given such a good
boss in your life .
80R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/21(土) 03:13:13 ID:NfuJYQd3
i am exicted and I can't sleep .I
81名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/21(土) 03:14:36 ID:oO//1k0V
82会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/21(土) 03:27:21 ID:vTJpsPXG

I wanted to leave a masterpiece novel on the earth ten years ago.
But I've left masterpiece threads in Owarai Board.
My dream has come true yet.

I hope to own an old apartment as my coffin.
I need some money to buy hardwares and tech books.
I want to leave one or more good example designs and solutions
as footprints of my life.
And I will write Unko Otoko to inspire young engineers in far future.
When I pursuit these aims, I forget my unhappiness.

When I die at 100, two or three friends sobbing stamps in front of
my gravestone; I am a victor of my life.

83会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/21(土) 03:40:14 ID:vTJpsPXG

Your English has bright light and razor sharp edge.
84会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/21(土) 03:46:11 ID:vTJpsPXG
I appologize for you.


85会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/21(土) 03:57:23 ID:vTJpsPXG

I know there are many people wearing diapers at Central Park
at midnight of Dec 31 to celebrate New Year. There are so many
people that they can't go rest room. (´・ω・`)

86名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/21(土) 03:59:23 ID:OhjIJkVQ
I want to join.
87会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/21(土) 04:35:31 ID:vTJpsPXG

Congratulations! I regret my lazy night.
When you are happy, I am happy.
Your effort in rain or fine makes your fortune.
I and Boy empty a bottle of apple wine tonight.
We glad you catch the ponytail behind Goddes head.

88会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/21(土) 04:38:28 ID:vTJpsPXG

89会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/21(土) 04:41:48 ID:vTJpsPXG

90R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/22(日) 01:24:37 ID:b2pR9Fle
sorry . it is very conflicting . I just put down my thought one after
another without order .if predetermined , It would be easier to read .
That is funny . I don't think any connection between New year celebration and wearing diapers.
Thanks .
But It is too early to receive any of your complements .
It has just begins , it is very begining .
91R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/22(日) 01:37:12 ID:b2pR9Fle
It dumped heavy snow today . Heavy snow cloged some roads and delays railways in some
metropolitan area .
Snow trouble goes on tomorrow and real danger will come one day after snowy day :
Frozen streets and roads . They makes
you slip off and fall over . Riding bycycle on that
frozen ground cause more slip-offs .
92会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 03:07:50 ID:Mq4VnBTk
No. It begins at the beginning.

93会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 03:33:26 ID:Mq4VnBTk

I like large snow flakes in the air in unwindy weather.
They seems a lot of marine snow.
And I feel like in a submarine at the bottom of the ocean.
And guess Paul Simon wrote The Sound of Silence lyric on
snowy night.

94翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 05:22:34 ID:Mq4VnBTk
(*´・ω・`*) The Sound of Silence

Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
'Neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dare
Disturb the sound of silence.

95翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 05:23:24 ID:Mq4VnBTk
"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the sign said, "The words of the prophets
are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls."
And whisper'd in the sounds of silence.

96翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 05:24:26 ID:Mq4VnBTk
(*´・ω・`*) The Sound of Silence

やぁ、暗闇よ 昔からの友だちよ 今日もまた 話しに来たよ
だって、ある幻影が今日も忍び寄るんだ 僕が寝ている間に 幻影は種を残し
僕の脳内に植え付けられた幻影は 今でも見える 物音すらない 静寂の世界が
悪い夢の中で 僕は独りで歩いた 狭い石畳の通りを
街灯の にじむ灯りの下を 寒さと雪を防ごうと 僕は襟を立て
ネオンの輝きで 目がやられた時に 夜も弾け飛んだ そして静寂の世界となった

激しい光の中で 僕は見た 一万人 いやさらに多くの人たちが見えた
語りかけているのに 話していない人たちや 耳を傾けているのに 聞いていない人たちや
誰も勇気を出さない 地上の音を消さないようにと騒がない

97翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 05:25:47 ID:Mq4VnBTk
馬鹿者どもよと僕は言った わからないのか 癌は静かに成長するんだ
僕の言葉を聞きなさい 教えてあげよう 僕が差し伸べる手を握りなさい
でも、僕の言葉も 小雨が降るように穏やかで 誰も動かなかった
静けさを産み出す 中心地で

人々は頭を下げて祈る 自分たちが生み出したネオンの神に
ネオンライトはお告げの文字を光らせた 流れる光が 言葉となった
看板のネオンにはこうあった 予言者の言葉は 地下鉄の壁や
そしてネオンは瞬いた 音を立てることなく

(翻訳ちゃん 訳)

98会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 05:35:16 ID:Mq4VnBTk
(`・ω・´) Your translations are out of the translation.
      You write your own poems always.
      But thanks for your poems.


99翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 05:36:45 ID:Mq4VnBTk
(*´・ω・`*) グナイ

100会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 05:40:21 ID:Mq4VnBTk

×:Paul Simon wrote
○:Paul Simon has got

101暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 17:36:25 ID:Mq4VnBTk

 Exalte, rapt, ecstatic,
The visible but their womb of birth,
Of orbic tendencies to shape and shape and shape,
 The mighty earth-eidolon.

 All space, all time,
(The stars, the terrible perturbations of the suns,
Swelling, collapsing, ending, serving their longer, shorter use,)
 Fill'd with eidolons only.

 The noiseless myriads,
The infinite oceans where the rivers empty,
The separate countless free identities, like eyesight,
 The true realities, eidolons.

 Not this the world,
Nor these the universes, they the universes,
Purport and end, ever the permanent life of life,
 Eidolons, eidolons.

102暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 17:39:09 ID:Mq4VnBTk
(´・ω・`) Help me, Honyakuchan!
103会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 18:08:40 ID:Mq4VnBTk

×:They seems a lot of marine snow.
○:A lot of giant flakes falling very slowly come into focus
one after another. And I think they are marine snow.

104会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 18:15:55 ID:Mq4VnBTk

×:on snowy night.
○:on a snowy night like this.

105翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 19:00:22 ID:Mq4VnBTk


     ほめられ とくいになり うちょうてんでは
まぼろしをうむ しきゅうしかみえなくなる
いたるところで かたちづくろうとする
     ちじょうの まぼろしを

(ほしたちは こうせいのはげしいせつどうで
はちきれんばかりとなり はれつし しゅうえんする ちょうたんをとわず おのれのやくわりをはたしている)
     まぼろしだけで みちみちている

     おともなく いたるところで
むげんのたいかいが すべてのかわをのみほす
かいきゅうをわけられた じゆうなこせいをもつかぞえきれぬにんげんたちは みてのとおりのありさまだ
     しょうじきにいえば げんじつは まぼろしにとらわれている

これらはあるべきせかいではない まぼろしこそがせかいとされている
いとするもの めざすべきものは えいえんのせいをもつものなのに
     まぼろしよ まぼろしよ


106暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 19:20:35 ID:Mq4VnBTk
【暗記用】flag; flame

Every nation has a flag of a different design.
The rod was heated in the flame of the burning gas.

107暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 19:48:08 ID:Mq4VnBTk

>That is funny. I don't think any connection between New year celebration and wearing diapers.

The rumor says that is a true story. But some details are not correct.
Many persons wet their pants at that night. Because they can't elbow
their way through thousands men to the rest room.

108暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/22(日) 19:51:34 ID:Mq4VnBTk

109R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/23(月) 02:52:48 ID:SH8jGS1k
Writing requires planning and organizing thounght .
Don't simply write down in order in which thoughts occurs .
Setense should be as short as possible .

In other word, writing starts before put thoughts down .
preparation for writing is the important part of writing
110R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/23(月) 03:00:36 ID:SH8jGS1k
I will have lunch with my friends today and I have
mix feeling about the appointment. I could'nt afford it.
Eating out costs
alot more money than having two slice of bread at home .

However , I think " No money should be spared
for friendship ."
111会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/24(火) 00:57:44 ID:TJC6TaOA
Sorry. G'night.

112R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/24(火) 02:30:06 ID:nfNkCLxJ
Have a good night .

Let me report action of todays very briefly .
I got up 9:30 , much earlier wake-up on holidays , to take
care of my business ( cleaning , washing ,settlement ) before
lunch with my close friend at 1:00 PM .I feel sleepy , half-awaken , so
I wanted short napping before I left home . So in the middle of cleaning ,
I sent a text message to my friend asking If appointment would be delayed
one hour . I got answered within one minute saying" No" I gave up napping .
I decided to left home half-awaken .I got out and it is cold and windy outside.
Withdrawing into apartment came to me , scaring thought . I could'nt discard the appointment .

Talking about napping, napping , as prooved oversea ans already
implimented in some companies , is the most easiest way
to boost your productivity and efficiency at work .Unfortunately
this idea has'nt gain much acceptance in Japan .

113R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/24(火) 02:31:47 ID:nfNkCLxJ
Sorry I go to bet . I got up 7;00 . I will work on morning shift .
114会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/25(水) 02:12:32 ID:4kOftOy6

Sorry. I am busy till next Monday.

115R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/25(水) 02:29:06 ID:P1zyYLFD
We arranged to meet at Akabane station at exactly 1 :00 PM .
I arrived at the station 15 minutes early and there was 15 minutes
space . I entered the video shop just in front of the station
to kill time ,and I left 12:59 , thinking he would already
arrive . But a train accident delayed him few minutes .
I did'nt care . He was'nt to be blame .We had lunch and chat at
restraunt and spent 3 hour there .
Ok , no problem . prioritise your things .
Don't waste time here
116会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/26(木) 00:59:22 ID:KmgyBy1D

>preparation for writing is the important part of writing

Yes. That's right.

117会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/26(木) 01:19:58 ID:KmgyBy1D

I can feel your sadness. Yes, that's right. But we must know
why we are here. If we had friends at our offices, we might not
be in Dame Board.

So it is joyful expence for us.
118会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/26(木) 01:27:04 ID:KmgyBy1D

(´・ω・`) Ou…Ou.

Your whip hit my left ball.

119会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/26(木) 01:27:54 ID:KmgyBy1D
120R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/26(木) 03:06:59 ID:Cp1X3TYD
After all I had lunch with him and orderd the cheapest dish .That was very good moment .It was worth it .
but significance of money get over me . Money is needed from the beginning of your life
to the end when your family or relatives will hold funaral for you.
As in this case , certain amount of money is required to keep friendship
flowing well .' I can't afford it " is no excuse .

>>116 No effort should be spared to aid readers in reading our writing .
121名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/26(木) 03:35:29 ID:mRi04PLd
Can't get no sleep tonight.
I am interested in this board..I just want to study English.

I think, everything seems so far away ,and going wrong.....
so, i can't sleep......
I can understand few English and strange...if you can't understand, it is sorry.
122会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/27(金) 01:25:55 ID:U7l6uwrH
I'm very busy till next Sunday.
I may not go home at Saturday night.

Sorry. G'night.

123名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/27(金) 01:34:53 ID:2Md1ohYT
I read past log to study English.

good night..
124名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/27(金) 03:04:42 ID:nXd1IQSM

125会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/28(土) 01:16:25 ID:Dzsp7uyE

I don't know.
I will use let.

126会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/28(土) 01:19:47 ID:Dzsp7uyE
127R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/28(土) 02:17:09 ID:JWBhXiIP
I had many events yesterday .I can't absorb them all still .
I think "get O to infinitive verb " is OK .Usage above is incorrect .
I get it . even few English and limited words allows us to
communicate if propery used .
128R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/28(土) 02:35:35 ID:JWBhXiIP
Finding out a proper subject to put out here , I am thinking .

I think Happiness is something unobtainale ,rather felt
in the process of making effort toward noble cause or dream .
In other word , Happiness follows hard work or real effort made
, and attempts to achieve happiness , abstract goal , often
end in vein and makes you struggle more .
129R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/28(土) 02:43:17 ID:JWBhXiIP
The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it.
Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempest.
130名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/28(土) 13:56:05 ID:YcKNUUd1
My ability of grammar is difficult to understand your says perfectly.
Is it that happiness exists in the process of effort?
it = your thinking.
131R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/29(日) 01:40:38 ID:rNxhUarP
Don't care .>>128 is really confusing and hard to read for
everyone . and was written in poor English.
It is my own interpretation of happiness .
,and I agree with you that happiness exist in the process .
In other words ,having a dream and working hard for it makes you happy
132R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/29(日) 02:06:17 ID:rNxhUarP
Last night I
set alarm at 8:30 ,3 hours and 30 minutes space before
start of work at 12:00 .Getting up early,
I wanted to generate time to study .I got up at 8:30 . I struggled against
sleepiness .But I waved white frap and surrenderd to sleepness ,falling
into sleep again .I have regretted .
133名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/29(日) 02:15:10 ID:Ny9cnrN4
134名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/29(日) 03:52:25 ID:gFHh3Ivh
Thanks to paraphrasing.
Paraphrased sentence was easy to understand even for me.
I sometimes feel effort is hard.
Because I cannot find joy to effort.
When I thought so,almost thing is too far away to get result or joy.

Human's three major desire is eating, sleeping and sexual desire.
I think it is so hard to overcome.
However waking up setting time is important.
But I think that the fact of setting a alarm is important too.
Do you think so?
135会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/30(月) 01:45:43 ID:LGoiHxDr

Yes. We need some money for significant others.
When you eat lunch with your friend, you share the time and life
with others. And we need the rest time sometimes.

One and half years ago I worked at Shinagawa. My customers took me
out to have a lunch with me. We had a lunch at high class Chinese
restaurant. I questioned them, "Do you always have expensive lunch
like this?" They answered, "Yes." (´・ω・`)

I had taken lunch box with me after that. 'Cause I was a temp staff
at that time. I don't need to try to do more than I can do. But I
must to do it now. There are business chances at lunch tables.

136会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/30(月) 01:46:27 ID:LGoiHxDr
137会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/30(月) 01:49:40 ID:LGoiHxDr

×:must to do it
○:must do it
138名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/01/30(月) 03:18:51 ID:sKTuKou4
It was good, you were freed from busy.
and good night.

Excuse me, Does it mean that when you have a lunch with your customer,
you takes your lunch box?
139R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/01/30(月) 13:05:34 ID:cevYIE1Q
Yes it is .It is beginning of great effort . It starts with setting
alarm . But whether getting up to designated time is up to us .

They don't and ever try to understand financial situation of people like
us who live below standard level .When I eat out , I always check if
I have enough money and price of dishes offered there before entering .

Sometimes Situations don't allows you to decline having lunch
with customers or boss .business negotiations take place over lunch
and lunch with boss natures relationship with boss .

Considering reasons above ・・・・・・・・
140会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/31(火) 00:30:49 ID:7p7PfJFV

I know the reason why. We have the instinct which we make ties
with whom eating together. So we human beings can build couples and
family ties. Animals also build groups.

They Shinagawa guys were not ignorant. I belive they always mean like
that way. But I can't tell evidences I have to the world. 'Cause I
am engineers still now.

141会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/31(火) 00:31:19 ID:7p7PfJFV

142会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/31(火) 01:03:06 ID:7p7PfJFV

I know the reason why. We have the instinct which we bond our
friendships to whom eating together. So we human beings can
build couples and family ties. Animals also can build groups.

They Shinagawa guys were not ignorant. I belive they always
mean by mean of that way. But I can't tell evidences I have
to the world. 'Cause I am an engineer still now.

143会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/01/31(火) 01:09:51 ID:7p7PfJFV
144R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/01(水) 02:15:29 ID:gKGqg2YI
Having lunch togather is casual and better reason to spend time togather .
,but I am one who wants to have lunch break alone , reading books , and taking
naps .You can't those things if you would be with others .

my theory is :
Our ancestors had to form groups to protect against enemies .
We have inherited DNA from them , meaning we have also inherited
parts of thier characters . Great deal of time have passed but
their instinct to form group , which they relied on to fight against enemies ,
remains same at DNA level and expressed in our every day
situation . In other words ,out DNA dictates that we form group .
However some people feel unconfortable havging lunch with others
145名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/01(水) 02:22:29 ID:LTwYlIoL
Why are you so 流暢=taralent?
toeic ha nannten?
146名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/01(水) 05:25:02 ID:CQ3bkE58
I think they can speak English fluently because of needing or loving it.
my TOEIC score is about 380. But I study English since I found this board.

Why we makes a group. If this reason is from DNA, human will be being operated by DNA...
It has no dream. It has no meaning of alive for me.
I like lonelyness. Because comfortable. But formerly, I don't.
I hate lonelyness. I was scared to lonelyness. But I was lonely.
Then, I tried to love this loneliness to slip out of this lonesome hole.
After, i am not scared. But my life was changed to bad direction.

By the way. Was Kaiwachan passed CCIE?
147暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/01(水) 18:03:36 ID:xSEBqIiD
I have learn a portion of poem little while.

148暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/01(水) 20:04:02 ID:xSEBqIiD
I have done.
149暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/01(水) 20:05:06 ID:xSEBqIiD


150会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/01(水) 20:57:13 ID:xSEBqIiD

I must also save the time to read tech book.
I will read it 30 minutes a day on my lunch break.
I must do it. I must walk alone again.

151会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/01(水) 21:06:28 ID:xSEBqIiD

I can't speak English fluently.
My TOEIC score was 440 14 months ago. I took TOEIC exam this
month again. I think my score is over 500. I will get the
result soon.

152名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/01(水) 21:08:28 ID:KpVTjVxP
nani kono sure
153会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/01(水) 21:30:30 ID:xSEBqIiD

No, Boy. I can't pass the exams now. I know my skills I have now.
I've not taken the exams yet. That exam fee is very very expensive.
The rumors says it is 300,000 yen or 200,000 yen or 150,000 yen.
I don't know the truth. And I don't have Senpai I can question
'bout the matter.

154名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/01(水) 22:26:32 ID:3QIqPzEQ
Why do you think your score will be over 500?
155R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/02(木) 02:39:22 ID:vSVDEyrl
Your life goes in the right direction by give yourself freedom .

I have lived 23 years plus several months in this world and found that
what enrichs our lives is as follows :
・Good friends a close friends worth 1000 friends
・Purpose of life or dreams once you are finding out where you going
you can't afford mitutes .

Surely I will add other items to the list as I grow older . listed items
may be depends on indivisuals .
Having sex and changing partner one afther another is the best possible
candidates for the list for me .
156R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/02(木) 02:47:36 ID:vSVDEyrl
some are so devoted to helping others in need , poor , less
fortunes , the mad , and the disabled that they look like
they are helping themselves by doing good . they help others
for thier own good ; they find it pleasant to reach out and
help others . It does'nt count . whatever the reason behind the
kind acts , Some can reach helps they really need .
157R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/02(木) 02:51:11 ID:vSVDEyrl
wakewakame sorry
158会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/03(金) 02:45:08 ID:Lcrekv94

159名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/03(金) 04:17:31 ID:a0pZlvHt
Wow, that is too expensive.... I think even CCNA fee is expensive.
and CCNA license is limited 2 or 3 years.
If CCIE is too, I think CCIE is money thief.....
But, I want you to pass the exam, if you have a enough money and will.
I understand your says probably, if i don't wrong understand.
But I don't know "mitutes", what does this mean? sorry
My vocabulary is depend on Computerized dictionary...

Gnight all the people.
160R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/04(土) 02:22:53 ID:jXjpTAkd
I am glad that someone understood what I wrote half-sleep , half of brain resting
when I was writing .
mitutes", is simple incorrect spelling . I would more appriciate you
if you understood meaning of the miss-spelled word from sentence .
sorry . I am silly , demanding .Don't care . Thank .You took time
to read >>155>>156 ,comments of no substance , not worth reading .

Being Japanese help decipher pazzle-like>>155>>156 crop writings .
The way we think , write ,and read is close .We guess what Japanese
writers mean by being Japanese .
But I think" reading " is the art of understanding what is 'nt written , hidden
hehind sequence of words .
161R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/04(土) 02:24:01 ID:jXjpTAkd
マスターベーション was over . I go to sleep to be charged for
work .
162名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/04(土) 11:30:40 ID:UcnptPb8
Don’t you have to work?
163154:2006/02/04(土) 22:15:25 ID:3Xe33owg
My question was threw?
164会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 02:46:23 ID:9Pm1F/So
Sorry. G'night.
165会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 14:30:19 ID:3lHWthZv
Horiemon has connection with underground people.
I must purge evil engineers around him for myself.
There are rocks on my way to break to make a space
that I can pass through. This is my holly war.

166U*A*U ◆twNEETuaU6 :2006/02/05(日) 14:31:20 ID:lB1N12bV
I'm a born.
167会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 14:36:10 ID:3lHWthZv
Eigo thre.

I was born too.

168U*A*U ◆twNEETuaU6 :2006/02/05(日) 14:44:36 ID:lB1N12bV
I can't speak English.
169会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 15:11:18 ID:3lHWthZv

Yes. That's right.
But I know losers have experiences in the battles.
There is not any good chess player who has no lose game.
Bitter experiences make us stronger if we have never give up mind.
It looks like our lives.

170会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 15:12:32 ID:3lHWthZv
Me too.

171会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 15:42:19 ID:3lHWthZv

>The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it.

No. Sufferings come naturally to us.
So you don't have to run after them by yourself!

>Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempest.

We will fly above dark clouds in golden sunbeams someday.

172会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 16:04:09 ID:3lHWthZv
Wait a minutes.
173会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 17:23:49 ID:3lHWthZv
I'm back.
174会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 17:35:57 ID:3lHWthZv

A glass of beer after a hard day working makes me happy.
I love the tiny happiness.

175会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 18:09:43 ID:3lHWthZv

I get up at 5:30 every Monday through Friday.
Because my office is very very far.
I waste 4 hours a day in traincar. They want other engineers but me.
I need a survey job near my apartment. I will take night shifts.

176会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 18:21:06 ID:3lHWthZv

I ate with them once. After that I took my lunch box.
I couldn't get among them. They disliked me.

177会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 18:26:58 ID:3lHWthZv

○:had taken

178会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 18:34:54 ID:3lHWthZv

'Cause I answered a sham TOEIC examination. My score is over 500.
And my TOEIC score grows 100 a year.

179会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 19:07:20 ID:3lHWthZv

Sex is not the best thing of life. You will lose interest in sex.
But you are young now. I know your Magnum is full of bullets.
I advice you to buy sex. Lips at free has a trap inside.

180会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 19:43:44 ID:3lHWthZv

You are too rigid.
Those who give help to the poor in public are worthier than
doers of nothing to the poor.

181会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 19:50:57 ID:3lHWthZv

>But, I want you to pass the exam, if you have a enough money and will.

Thanks for your words.
I need higher skills than evildoers.

182会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/05(日) 20:06:29 ID:3lHWthZv

How many times do you do it? I feel I have a Jinkyo trouble,
so that I do it a few times a month. (´・ω・`)

Kaiwachan is here.

183ロムラー:2006/02/05(日) 23:56:20 ID:ClrAuHa6
184R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/06(月) 02:47:41 ID:BHlC0uwQ

what seemed to matter turned out to be a thing that did'nt matter ; thus
what don't matter no longer concerns me .
I feel I wasted energy worring about unimportan things .
I will spare energy and concentrate on things that matter really .
185今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/06(月) 23:50:25 ID:e1G4loYo
I can't speak English.
But I could teach foreigners how to get on Ginza Line.
"Ginza Line has yellow colors...Yellow circle band...downstairs..."

It's an easy task! (`・ω・´)カカカ

186名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/06(月) 23:54:43 ID:1TXvDR0n
187会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/07(火) 00:31:13 ID:hc1Jg/N2

That is because you are young. I also was.
Let it be. All or nothing thinking is rigid.
We can chose 3rd way.
Actors act on stages with shaking legs.

188会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/07(火) 00:46:33 ID:hc1Jg/N2

We do preffer wrong conversations than conversations about
how to learn English in Japanese.

189会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/07(火) 00:49:13 ID:hc1Jg/N2
△:wrong conversations
○:wrong conversations using poor English


190名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/07(火) 00:50:48 ID:93RXfuIg

191名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/07(火) 02:28:13 ID:CcTDEmrq
Союз нерушимый республик свободных
  Сплотила навеки Великая русь
  Да здравствует созданный волей народов
  Единый, могучий Советский Союз!

Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Пусти от победы к победе ведет!

  Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,
  И Ленин великий нам путь озарил:
  Нас вырастил Сталин-на верность народу,
  на труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил!

Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Пусти от победы к победе ведет!
192会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/08(水) 00:22:45 ID:xhXKSh5B

193R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/08(水) 02:08:49 ID:Qx/RJ372
Topics include how to study English in Japanese .
Yes ,We like to have conversation in informal , relaxed tone , so that
everybody interested in English join and leave comments here .
But I and Kaiwachan consume most of the space .

I can't decode>>191
194R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/08(水) 02:36:44 ID:Qx/RJ372
I woke up and reach out to my mobile phone to see what time it is then .
The watch on screen of the mobile phone read 12:45 . I had more than
9 hour sleep . I felt guilty for having more sleep than needed
to work my body . I laid down on bed again planning what I would
do today with eyes closed . Drowsy absorbed me . I sink into the
sea of sleep again . Second wake-up of today took place just past 2 PM .
I got up soon and Mr drowsy gone away then . I turned on PC to
check if I would receive E-mail responses to from Translation companies ,
to which I fill in requested info in disignated form on their HP
and E-mailed my resume as requested .NO reply so far now .
The more times passes by , the more chanse increases of discouraging outcome

I bought introductory book on bio-technology
I started with them
195名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/08(水) 03:00:21 ID:qwPHt/Nw
196会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/09(木) 00:56:21 ID:r1HTWoFp

197R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/09(木) 03:06:39 ID:H2ww0LQ8
Being sleepy disables my brain to work properly .
I feel sleeply now .

We have a woman pair of regular customer I feel odd about. One looks like a ordinaly girl
you can see everywhere ,and the other a man-looking girl with short hair and
man-like behivor . I realised that she , guy-looking girl , is woman when I cleaned up a restroom for
female , and then she came out without hesitation and go about her business in the female restroom .
girl and guy-looking girl with men's air have lunch ( date?) at our restraunt .
Do they love each other ?
One plays a role of woman and the others a role of man , then they disguise as a ordinary couple .

Anyway, there is no space between them other intervine with . They look happy being togather .

also enriches your life .
198会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/09(木) 23:18:34 ID:jZ4axw13

199R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/11(土) 02:29:19 ID:By7xsLk5
All of writing techniques ,rules , principal ,and structures ...etc
have one thing in common : help readers read materials easily .

When my English fluency reachs some points in which I am satisified ,
I want to learn Dutch . Philip Franz von Siebold , who visited Japan
, greately contributed to development of modern medicine in some field
saved lot of lives at that time , influence me very much to the degree in which I want to learn
Dutch as wrote above .
Don't forget that he is Germany , not Dutch , though he came from Netherlands for study in Japan .
200R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/11(土) 02:33:36 ID:By7xsLk5
sorry , i am not organized well .
201名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/11(土) 02:38:25 ID:EFE9WWW1
202会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 17:39:00 ID:4iVviVIk
I have took a nap.
203名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/11(土) 17:44:40 ID:ZbeeHMJf
nao? What is nap?
204会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 17:55:18 ID:4iVviVIk
That seems the lyric of the national anthem of the Soviet Union.

205会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 18:01:15 ID:4iVviVIk
What is nao? Nap is a short sleep. When you are tired,
nap comes over you.

206まら騒ぎ ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 18:04:29 ID:4iVviVIk
(English translation version)

Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics,
Great Russia has welded forver to stand.
Created in struggle by will of the people,
United and mighty, our Soviet land!

Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,
To Communism's triumph lead us on!

Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us,
Along the new path where great Lenin did lead.
To a righteous cause he raised up the peoples,
Inspired them to labour and valourous deed.


In the vict'ry of Communism's deathless ideal,
We see the future of our dear land.
And to her fluttering scarlet banner,
Selflessly true we always shall stand!


207まら騒ぎ ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 18:05:41 ID:4iVviVIk
(Official English lyrics)

United forever in friendship and labor,
Our mighty republics will ever endure.
The great Soviet Union will live through the ages.
The dream of a people their fortress secure.

Long live our Soviet Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our People, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

Through days dark and stormy where Great Lenin led us
Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above
and Stalin our Leader with faith in the People,
Inspired us to build up the land that we love.


We fought for the future, destroyed the invader,
and brought to our homeland the Laurels of Fame.
Our glory will live in the memory of nations
and all generations will honour her name.


208会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 18:23:24 ID:4iVviVIk

That is not Mayakovskii's poem.
I remember he has beautiful works for U.S.S.R..


209暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 18:51:27 ID:4iVviVIk

The baby's head is very flat at the back.
The road is quite flat till you get to the mountains.
I put the dress flat on the bed.
They are moving into a flat and letting their house.

210会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 19:12:54 ID:4iVviVIk
(´・ω・`) Cough! Cough!

I can't help stopping my stress coughs.
I hate the SEs who has connections to underground people.
Horiemon's troubles will kill one or two of them at least.
'Cause they have got Livedoor Stocks by evil money or by
evil methods. I believe it!

211暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 19:31:38 ID:4iVviVIk

    Beyond thy lectures learn'd professor,
Beyond thy telescope or spectroscope observer keen, beyond
       all mathematics,
Beyond the doctor's surgery, anatomy, beyond the chemist
       with his chemistry,
    The entities of entities, eidolons.

    Unfix'd yet fix'd,
Ever shall be, ever have been and are,
Sweeping the present to the infinite future,
    Eidolons, eidolons, eidolons.

    The prophet and the bard,
Shall yet maintain themselves, in higher stages yet,
Shall mediate to the Modern, to Democracy, interpret yet to
    God and eidolons.

212翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 20:08:40 ID:4iVviVIk


    かれら がくしきあるきょうじゅは せつめいできず
ちゅういぶかいかんさつしゃの ぼうえんきょうやぶんこうきでも はかれず、
          すうがくでも ときあかせず
いがくはかせも しゅじゅつできず せいりがくでも せつめいできず 
          かがくしゃの かがくも なにもできない
    まぼろしこそが じったいのなかの じったい

    こていされていないものは すでに こていされている
これからも そうだ かこにも そうだったし いまもそうだ
げんざいを むげんのみらいに はきだすのは
    まぼろし まぼろし まぼろし

    よげんしゃも しじんも
いまなお おのれをみがいている めざすたかみには まだとどいていないのだ
ちゅうせいから げんだいまで デモクラシーのじだいまで すでにかれらも 
    かみと まぼろしのかんけいも

213暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 20:11:50 ID:4iVviVIk

    And thee my soul,
Joys, ceaseless exercises, exaltations,
Thy yearning amply fed at last, prepared to meet,
    Thy mates, eidolons.

    Thy body permanent,
The body lurking there within thy body,
The only purport of the form thou art, the real I myself,
    An image, an eidolon.

    Thy very songs not in thy songs,
No special strains to sing, none for itself,
But from the whole resulting, rising at last and floating,
    A round full-orb'd eidolon.

214翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 20:40:32 ID:4iVviVIk


    そして きみよ わが たましいよ
たのしめ わざをみがけ はなたかだかになれ
ついには じゅうぶんな わざをえて きみのなかまに
    まぼろしにあう じゅんびが  ととのう

    きみのにくたいは えいえんにいきる
にくたいは きみのにくたいのなかに ひそんでいる
にんげんの にくたいの かたちは このわたし
    まぼろしに にせて つくられた

    きみの ほんとうのうたは きみのうたにはない
うたうべき ひとふしさえなく つまり からっぽだ
だが きみの すべてのさくひんから ついには みえてくる
    ぐるぐる まわっている まぼろしが

215暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 20:42:22 ID:4iVviVIk
(´・ω・`) You are great poet, Honyakuchan!

216会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 20:47:44 ID:4iVviVIk
(`・ω・´) Yes, you are good poet, Honyakuchan!
      But you are bad translator!
      You only sang your songs!

But thanks for your efforts.

217会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/11(土) 20:50:02 ID:4iVviVIk
Wait a while.
218名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/11(土) 21:52:47 ID:ZbeeHMJf
219R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/12(日) 02:12:23 ID:Wi6oDDCw
I slept at 2:30 last night and got up at 7:30 . 2 and half hour lie between get-up
and start of work .Spending one and half hour on commuting and breakfast and
dressing myself up , I have one hour at disposable . I study one hour in staff room where
I can be alone , where there is no interuption that time , otherwise , I would go to other place
I checked in 10:00 for work and worked through peak time into 2 PM .

plus occatinal visitors posting some messages .
220R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/12(日) 02:13:50 ID:Wi6oDDCw
I go to bed and spend tomorrow in the same way as yesterday
221今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/13(月) 00:46:01 ID:S/BnbGq1

222会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/14(火) 00:34:18 ID:PoJii1+3

223R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/14(火) 03:30:12 ID:hVRQUK64
It seems that Mr Kaiwa chan is so busy that he can't leave message here
except "Sorry " and" G'night" . I wish him good luck .
It is evident that he is needed at work . The mark of capable people
at work is busyness , keep work flowing to them , not stopped ,
because , I think , we ask able people to do job , and
as a result work concentrate around the cabable.
The reward of doing good job is more work .

There was a send-off party today for a full-time employee who I don't like
very much . I have crushed with him about something where I think it is right , but he thought
wrong many times , sometimes evolving into heated argument .The way
he works differs from mine . which is right or not does'nt matter.
What matter was to which step back , give his path , and let the other
do in his way . I and he did'nt realised that . even I hesited to admit it untill now.
back to main point . I thought I let him go ,It is none of my business ,
skipping the party .
But I feel deep inside me that I should do or give something
for him because I would never see him any more and working with him for 6 month
create add friendship between me and him .That allows me not to do nothing but sit down and pray
for him going out of my memory forever .
Finally ,I was compromised and
decided to buy him forever-good-by gift . I ask one of my friend who
attends the party to pass gift my ex-enemy on behalf of me .My gift would
suprise him , a gift from enemy , why ? timer bomb put inside ?

I concluded our relationship is over .

He is leaving our restraunt , where he was posted and work for
about half a year with us ,to become a manager and run one outlet of the restraunt.
This is promotion . His monthly salary would nearly doubles .
I have no clue wheather his restraunt goes well
224まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/15(水) 00:31:32 ID:VcWpseP1

I don't like women.
Also dislike men.
I hate myself with no mercy at the race.
Do let boobs slap in my face.

225会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/15(水) 00:38:23 ID:VcWpseP1

226R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/15(水) 02:03:21 ID:ZxB5Q7Ij
I sometimes find myself in despair about human-being when I work serving
badly-behaving customers , but I regain hope for human being when I serve
good ones and get pat on the back from them .Human-being is evil once
flipped over , they are no longer evil .
227R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/15(水) 02:12:45 ID:ZxB5Q7Ij
I was surround by women at work . Femail workers dominate, rule ,and grip the hold of
the floor on which I am .Men are minority . My boss is femail, and coworkers are women.
I have felt many times the kindness of women , something men are born without.
I don't know when I see the darkside of the women on the floor .
228名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/15(水) 02:32:19 ID:+X5q/vqg
I met American and become frends
I think I'll ask him to teach me English
English,,,English conversation,,?
I'll start Englishing life Anyway.
too busy ward.
I hate that ward.like dominnate,coworkers,stuff like that
make they easy,please.
229名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/15(水) 18:54:09 ID:pxNhoUeY
I hate mayself and I want to die by Kurt Cobain
230会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/16(木) 00:40:34 ID:pJinzDo9

No. I know at least 4 persons resident.
R-san old, R-san new, Boy, and I are here.

231会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/16(木) 00:57:53 ID:pJinzDo9

I waste for 4 hours everyday in traincar. I appologize to you
for my lazy. I expect your toleration.

I must go to bed.(´・ω・`)ショボーン

232会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/16(木) 01:00:59 ID:pJinzDo9
233R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/16(木) 01:21:06 ID:h9kgWleC
Sorry I don't mean to offend anyone . I should modify my writing style .
But , how ? How can I improve writing technique overnight . It is certainly
take time .

You should ask private English teachers , not him .Don't strain
the budding relationship .

If he want to learn Japanese, and you English , I think It is no
problem . Go with Give And Take .
234名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/16(木) 22:11:51 ID:Up3r8+GV
I really think this thread don't need be in 2ch. Because, there are 2 persons only.
235会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/17(金) 03:00:43 ID:LaEkrxM1

Don't say so sad words! We have no needed thread in Dame Board.
236R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/18(土) 02:24:36 ID:F4GpS2Un
OK , I don't care . come here at your convinience
I think this thread is open to everyone interested in English ,
to help folster improvement of your fluency of Enlish.
Even so, because two of us almost always stay here, keeping this thread more than a year ,
it could be look very closed to others , no space in conversation going between
me and Mr Kaiwa Chan for other to brake in , the way I would 'nt like it to be .
And that is the exact cause that no one but I and Kaiwa chan settle down here for a long and enough time
to form relation ship . Most write and go , never come back again .

I hope this thread keeps going in more harmoneous , relaxed , open tone than one in English board .
237名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/18(土) 10:14:38 ID:5oeIy2p4
238名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/18(土) 19:16:35 ID:ANET8Jh8
達哉 ◆kve1O/TN9c :2006/02/18(土) 19:06:42

239R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/19(日) 02:32:13 ID:1u0Ss+tg
For a long time , we have studed English to pass university examination , not for
use or practical purpose like business and communication .After examination , they begin to
wipe what they learned about English at remarkably rapid pace off their memories .
But whole picture begins to crumble , and little by little
English education system undergoes debates .

I have worked at the outlet of the restraunt one and half a year , becoming
one of the old guards .
I can now command others with less career here to do this or that .
, though I 'd rather" ask " them a favor very politely . I don't want to put on the air of the
being higher positon than where you are .

Longer you stay , more you feel confortable and attached to your workplace
240238:2006/02/19(日) 03:45:00 ID:GWGQ2oGt
241名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/19(日) 03:55:14 ID:uviNeG7l

242名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/19(日) 12:05:13 ID:cI0h339M

243暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 15:52:00 ID:3bscBlxu

For him I sing,
I raise the present on the past,
(As some perennial tree out of its roots, the present on the
With time and space I him dilate and fuse the immortal laws,
To make himself by them the law unto himself.

244暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 16:06:42 ID:3bscBlxu


(岩波文庫『草の葉』 酒本雅之さん訳)

245暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 16:15:54 ID:3bscBlxu
perennial tree; dilate; fuse;
246暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 16:31:05 ID:3bscBlxu

I learn poetic works of Walt Whitman by heart.
The complete poetic works of him is Leaves of Grass.
They are harder to memorize than the Mothergoose rhymes.

I will do it. Wait an hour.

247暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 17:54:07 ID:VVg2M+6e
I have done.

248名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/19(日) 18:46:51 ID:womqfgNY
249翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 19:31:54 ID:VVg2M+6e

" >>240

I advice you to make no effort to learn English if you think it is in vain,
but it is sure you will be a loser at school.
The entrance exams of Univ. or etc needs ultra effort about English,
which in vain and fed up, but only those who finished it get the academic career.
However strongly you make effort to claim the school English is useless, it makes
little or nothing effect to decrease the English learners for to enter the upper schools,
don't you? "

250会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 19:55:04 ID:VVg2M+6e

I also think it is nonsense.
If I were in Russia, I could speak Rissian easily after 3 years.
But I can't speak English still.
I think Russian is the most beauriful races.
But I also like English and American.

251まら騒ぎ ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 19:59:31 ID:VVg2M+6e

252会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 20:03:49 ID:VVg2M+6e

(´・ω・`) sonnnakoto kikunayo.

Listening - 225
Reading - 220
Total - 445
Percentile Rank - 29.9

253暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 20:12:49 ID:VVg2M+6e

You got 440 at Nov. 28, 2004.
You increase only 5 point plus 14 months later???

254会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 20:19:29 ID:VVg2M+6e
What is Realy? It is Really!



255会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 20:25:49 ID:VVg2M+6e

The more English skills grow the more it looks like Junior high English.

256名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/19(日) 20:27:36 ID:/fWOmOhX
I want to job
I think ,feel
257会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 20:36:07 ID:VVg2M+6e
No, I need you.
And you can't keep this thread without me.
We are like teeth and lips.

258会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 20:41:58 ID:VVg2M+6e

We are just playing with seriousness.
But we don't do serious thing without play.
This is important thing to keep it longer.

259会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 21:38:54 ID:VVg2M+6e
I'll make efforts to call native speakers here.

【 Kin Tobi 】

About 2700 years ago Emperor Jinmu, the first emperor, ruled the Kyushu
region. A golden kite laid on his bow and shone. This is the reason why
he could overcome natives and build the Japan(Yamato). He is a person
on legend. But Meiji government set it histirical fact.

To tell the truth, We Japanese's ancestors are drifters from south
China and south Asia and from Shiberia. We are hybrids. But Tenno's
and Kizoku's ancestors came from Kudara(百済). Kudara is Korea.
We call them Kikajin(帰化人). They had advanced skills and cultures.
This is the theory of Namio Egami. This must be the fact.


(To be continued)

260会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 21:41:36 ID:VVg2M+6e
Come to me.


261会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/19(日) 21:44:09 ID:VVg2M+6e


262名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/19(日) 23:05:18 ID:VmQbK75a
263名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/20(月) 00:45:21 ID:mfG+WC24


264R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/20(月) 02:51:41 ID:LP+NRrzQ
Reading can be like feeding your mind and short time trip to the
world ofimagination , where you can see everything , from real world
while reading , I feel detached from the real world .
265名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/20(月) 09:45:48 ID:2F8guW3J
266会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/21(火) 01:53:44 ID:YvF1xUlF
Reading looks like the sharpen stone.
Great books brush up our intelligence skills.
But too much reading polishes our swords out.
Be careful!

267会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/21(火) 01:54:54 ID:YvF1xUlF
No, I haven't.


268暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/22(水) 00:38:34 ID:HVRxe9B8
269名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/22(水) 17:14:30 ID:Us8g4iqR
270今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/23(木) 00:53:27 ID:g6x/kJSl
271R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/23(木) 03:06:17 ID:RAL8Z4EB
I think Human being is a changeable creature .We could change into one thing
after another , not stay in one form .Events we come upon and go through ,People or friends
we meet , any surroudings around you play a crusial role in forming you .For example If you meet
and make friends with kind people ,some parts of you become kind influenced by kindness given by
kind friends .

Applying my theory above , There is an another thing I can say :
We are parts of others : your friends , parents , boss , etc any people
you met , talk with , see .
272会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/24(金) 00:32:48 ID:Y1pJiaoJ
273R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/25(土) 02:15:28 ID:cPWE8HgJ
The other day I 've made a big purchase : a medical dictinary with price tag of
14000Yen .Though I had planed to buy it , I cringed at the price tag , wandering
through bookstore with the dictinary ,wondering if It was too much for me and more than I can cope with .
The indicision last till the very moment of the purchase . Anyway I managed to carry my foot in
front of the register and bought it .Now I think I made a right purchase because
If I failed to buy it , I could forever wonder about the dictionary. Only way to
put an end to it was purchase . I have'nt bought anything over 10000 yen.
I have to be the one I master it and It is up to me if it will be worth 14000yen or not .
274R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/26(日) 02:20:31 ID:WISiA1Pi
I study Genetic Engineering ,which I want it to be my edge .
I need to study GE to the extent that I can comfortably translate article on GE
from English to Japanese .
275名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/26(日) 02:35:23 ID:UNISDEpx
276名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/26(日) 20:51:01 ID:ESGR264m
Anglo-Saxons are the chosen race by God.
277名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/02/26(日) 20:56:06 ID:ESGR264m
Anglo-Saxons are the chosen race by God.
278今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/27(月) 00:02:19 ID:nqzcsYLL

279貴子 ◆0ot66QyBf. :2006/02/27(月) 02:57:05 ID:xOZBJI7f
I want to write English like you. (´;ω;`)
280会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/27(月) 22:48:14 ID:nqzcsYLL

Don't cry, lovely!
281暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/27(月) 22:57:41 ID:nqzcsYLL
【When I Read the Book】

When I read the book, the biography famous,
And is this then (said I) what the author calls a man's life?
And so will some one when I am dead and gone write my life?
(As if any man really knew aught of my life,
Why even I myself I often think know little or nothing of my
        real life,
Only a few hints, a few diffused faint clews and indirections
I seek for my own use to trace out here.)

282翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/27(月) 23:25:31 ID:nqzcsYLL

わたしがそのほんを ゆうめいなでんきをよんだときに
わたしはいった これをちょしゃは あるおとこのしょうがいとよぶのかと
ならばわたしがしんだとき だれかがわたしのしょうがいもかくのかと
(だれもが わたしのしょうがいの なにもかもを しっているようなかおをして、
このわたしでさえ わたしじしんの じんせいを ほとんど あるいは まったくしらないと
      しばしば おもうのに、
わずかなヒントや まばらにちらばっている かすかな てがかりとあんじを
わたしはさがしもとめる わたしじしんがここで わたしじしんをえがくために。)


283会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/27(月) 23:49:23 ID:nqzcsYLL
>Longer you stay , more you feel confortable and attached to your workplace

Yes. That's right.
But when boobs grow, girls feel breast pain.
Unconfortable thing also have virtue.
Confortable thing melts our backbone sometimes.
Japanese saying 艱難汝を玉にす is this.

284会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/28(火) 00:12:03 ID:z/+IOMzR

Yes, that's right.
But I am bad at forgiving others.
It will be very hard for me to get good friends at my office
than for a camel to go through the eye of needle.

285会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/28(火) 00:13:45 ID:z/+IOMzR
286R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/02/28(火) 02:21:52 ID:unrEumvF
I have just completed registration in The New England of Journal Medicine.
Being registered membered (not subscription ), I gain access to past articles
at least 6 month or older ,too valuable material for me .
I can't read latest news here , but I can read about thousand of abstracts and
full texts of medical news .

I think America is generous in disclosure of kind of material .
I found out several sites offering
free-of-charge access to archive of medical news and thesis but
,so far , I have'nt in Japanese sites , in which you are required
to pay some amount of money per articles or monthly subscription
287貴子 ◆0ot66QyBf. :2006/02/28(火) 11:23:16 ID:uhFMbX5D
I'm OK, thanks.

I can't speak and write English enough because I studied mainly by myself.
I really don't know what to say in English. ((´*ω*`))
But, I like to speak(even Japanese and English). I want to use freely.
288会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/02/28(火) 23:59:22 ID:z/+IOMzR

Your great purchase will push your back.
I think your strategy is very good. 'Cause there are more people
to work as the medician or nurse than students of Biology.

289会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/01(水) 00:08:50 ID:9gpncE7x

When you can speak English fruently, your boobs will be
rubbed by foreigners. This is mottainai.

290会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/01(水) 00:09:28 ID:9gpncE7x
291会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/02(木) 00:35:13 ID:AEYjJM1b
292R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/02(木) 02:33:50 ID:APl+AuhW
Having a friends at office rather than acquaintances is no easy
task .
I think one way to improve English is use English . Pose for a
while to think of the reason why you study English .If any decent
reasons don't come up , you should begin by finding something you
want to study using English .

I am goint to study gentics for a while before going to bed .
I moved to the section on chromosome .This section will explain
structures of chromosome and DNA
293会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/03(金) 00:04:47 ID:xmyi0z0I

294R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/04(土) 02:40:02 ID:ksZABYXj
March is a month of farewell .
Most of farewell parties for those who
leaving your workplaces concentrated in this period and you have to
say a number of good-by as many times as parties .
I really hate March for that reason , not for
farewell party costing me lot of money - I don't like saying good-by to
my friends because saying so leaves me sad ,especially on the way home
after attending farewell party , Feelings of sadness sweeps me over so furiously
that I almost cry .

I don't know why . But I think I like to love people more than to hate people
295R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/04(土) 02:52:15 ID:ksZABYXj
April does'nt matter for me ,
I Just don't like parting .
We can't keep friends at hand as long as we want .
When time come , We have to let them go . All we can do
is hoping that memories of us , a proof that we are friends,
stay alive as long as possible in their heads . I don't want
to be forgotten , reduced to debris of memories ,which
amounts to death , to be killed .But there is no way to
prevent that .

Note:I am writing crap (above ) under the influence of alchole .
296R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/05(日) 02:18:55 ID:Z0lL1fNf
I admit that money has a force which is more than it is defined in the
dictionary .
The force can change people's life for the better or worse .
My family has been turned into shatter by taking the brunt of the
force. They get divorced after hating and living apart for almost
a decade . I am living witness .
My parents have different characters from each other to the
point that I doubt why they tied knot in the first place .
But they have one thing in common , which I guess tied them togather ,
: love of money .Money served as a fragile bond between their relationship .
297会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/06(月) 00:45:37 ID:gFbGfo5H

298R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/06(月) 02:05:58 ID:2pclE73D
wakefullness is dribling out of me, and visin and mind is blur .
Being in the state of that condition , I should'nt write anything here .
299会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/07(火) 00:23:22 ID:yam+o9OF

300:2006/03/07(火) 00:29:18 ID:Jrh5HqcJ

301名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/03/07(火) 11:05:42 ID:NaFPnRZ5
Hi there!!!
This is the first time for me to come to this thread.
Well, actually I have nothing in particular to post.
You know I've just found that there are some who post in English,
Nothing couldn't be better than this.
It is kinda great, eh?
I mean you guys could practice your English skills.
Anyway I guess I've gotta ge goin'.
See ya.
302会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/08(水) 00:17:41 ID:BKU7siUH
303R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/08(水) 02:08:27 ID:/RqP8QlD
My ambition is far grater than my ability , grater distance between
where I stand and where I want to go ,and I feel frustrated .
Frustraion is piling up day by day ,and I can't hide it from other
people , bending anger on them .


Frustration is building up inside me to the point of taking controle
of me .The best word that represents my mental state is " struggling ".
I am seeking for the exit of darkness called " struggling " ,which
seems stretching far away , whole length of my life .
But I have to put my feet forward to shorten the distance from here to
there even though I could'nt land myself "there ."
304PMA:2006/03/08(水) 23:43:00 ID:PxPGI5Gd
I am lunacy. My god is psychiatrist.
I am egoist. I hate myself.
Tenderness tells me life's unfair.
Friendliness tells me life's no share.
and consist of hypocrisy,interest.
I am sorry to complain in this thread.
But I feel English makes my complaint gentle.
and English said my feeling correctly.

Can English change my life?
305R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/09(木) 02:12:25 ID:9zwGQZ8+
I also sometimes hate the world or society which alows
unfairness to happen and money to be unfairly dispersed and
lets the greed of human-being to take the controle of our lives .

I think that it is you that changes your life using English .
English surely helps you change your life for the better
if correctly used .

306暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/09(木) 23:57:37 ID:RLbuFsiB

When I read the book, the biography famous,
And is this then (said I) what the author calls a man's life?
And so will some one when I am dead and gone write my life?
(As if any man really knew aught of my life,
Why even I myself I often think know little or nothing of my real life,
Only a few hints, a few diffused faint clews and indirections
I seek for my own use to trace out here.)

307暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/10(金) 00:04:28 ID:T6wZBpEx


Ooops! I'm confusing.

308暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/10(金) 00:08:26 ID:T6wZBpEx

How they are provided for upon the earth, (appearing at intervals,)
How dear and dreadful they are to the earth,
How they inure to themselves as much as to any--what a paradox
        appears their age,
How people respond to them, yet know them not,
How there is something relentless in their fate all times,
How all times mischoose the objects of their adulation and reward,
And how the same inexorable price must still be paid for the same
        great purchase.

309暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/10(金) 00:21:37 ID:T6wZBpEx


(岩波文庫『草の葉』 酒本雅之さん訳)

310暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/10(金) 00:28:31 ID:T6wZBpEx
311PMA:2006/03/12(日) 01:34:01 ID:sZE8oDaK
Thanks to answering.
Time left me alone.
My friends are gone.
Nothing can see in my eyes.
I want something or don't want.
i don't know and understand. wakewakame.
I study English to cling.
I believe English makes me happy.
At first, I have to buy a TOEIC's textbook.
I think TOEIC is very difficult.
312PMA:2006/03/13(月) 01:13:22 ID:fy9yglv9
Textbook are too many at the bookstore.
I was confused. i couldn't buy a textbook after all.
I have to go hospital today.
After, I will buy a textbook.
Writing English is useful for me.
I took a sleeping pill. hitorigoto suman.
313会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/14(火) 00:59:35 ID:vdkHdARN
>>311 >>312

I'm here. I also study English.
But I can't overcome my lazy nature.
I'm sorry for you, my friend.
I will chin up tomorrow!

314会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/14(火) 01:00:11 ID:vdkHdARN
315R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/14(火) 01:53:45 ID:gnElsuW1
I have been absense here for about 3 days , only 72 hours if my
caulucalation is correct . I feel as if I was 'nt here for a long
time . During my absense , there was small , but good news that
a newcomer joined us .
316R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/14(火) 02:23:00 ID:gnElsuW1
These day I am in no mood for study and work , a periodical feeling of inaction that build up inside me

We are willing to lend a helping hand to you .
Ask us questions and we answer questions if we can deal with them .
I don't want to give you possibly wrong answers and implant
wrong knowledge .

There are so many texts for TOEIC available in shelf that
numerosity and diversity , almost filling one entire section of
shelf, could confuse you unless
you do some homework .
I think selection of that kind of
texts largely depends on level of your English , where
you stand now , more specifically , your TOEIC score .
If you were at 500 level and buy 900 level book ,
you would have severe indigestion as someone said
"Don't eat more than you can chew ."
Why don't you start with 470 level and make solid ground
for English grammer ? essence of grammer staffed into books of
that level . sorry for giving you worthless advice .

317名無し番長:2006/03/14(火) 16:51:15 ID:KYs/wvR/
last night , i am fucked up,man...
318PMA:2006/03/15(水) 01:29:46 ID:sX8oerkF
Thanks to advice.
I think your advice got point.
I bought TOEIC TEST 文法完全攻略.
But, I bought it auction. so I get this book 2-3 days after.
I wanted to buy TOEIC text. But I found a technological book.
I was interested in this book that is very expensive.
I bought it. So I couldn't pay TOEIC text.
Now my wallet is cold... Money is important.

Fortunately?, I have a English grammar textbook.
But not TOEIC textbook.
And it has no exercise.
I used to use it in high school.

I don't know my TOEIC score.
I think my score is 300-400.
Because almost I have to use dictionary to read and write.
Is it important to do 模試?
319会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/15(水) 01:37:08 ID:72WpaTDw
Nice to meet you!

I am a fatty. So I had ordered my suits before. But I am in poverty now.
I can't buy any suit this three years. When I jumped into commodity
futures trading business, I was in rags. And rags again now. I wear
worn out trousers! But I find myself being calm! When all what I have
become rags, I will put my rags! (`・ω・´)

320会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/15(水) 01:38:25 ID:72WpaTDw

321R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/15(水) 03:12:52 ID:PQu6M9c+
Good to see you here again .

Can you give me the author of that book you won in auction ?
If that is just the one I think it is , you would have a grate
weapon against TOEIC as proved in my case . I studies hard on the
same book I think you would won in action several yeas ago .
And you were quite right about purchase of technology book .
If I were you , I would do the same .
322今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/16(木) 01:08:09 ID:a86ZjAml

323R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/16(木) 02:03:39 ID:aD3ro7ex
I am back home just now , unusual time of homecoming , after change of
date , I left home for work today and was back home yesterday .
This rare late homecoming ,which happens only countable times , is attributed
to my attendance of Good-by party for two of my senior coworkers unfamiliar to me.
Honestly , I did'nt want to be present at the party because of money
that cost you for this night and travel time of about half an hour between the location
of reserved restraunt and my workplace of today .
I dislike anything involved in above factors .
These nastty factors were the first things that entered my heads
as I received invitation mail . But what choked me is the fact that
I actualy can afford money and time ,but I don't want to put up money and spent time for
them . I was poor , low-quality people .Besides mail , I was asked to join face to face by
boss .I could'nt put out momentary brave that moment and I was unable turn her down flat out ,
fearing that I would be marked as cold-hearted man .
I was poor ,low quality and don't have enough brave to express my opinion .

The party went in peacefull and harmonious atmosphere and end in perfect
situation imagenable in my mind . But my purse come closer to be dried up .
324PMA:2006/03/16(木) 06:08:14 ID:xGsvRN/9
Nice to meet you to 会話ちゃん
Author is 石井 辰哉.
Sorry I have to go.
325R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/17(金) 00:49:24 ID:YbEVZwv9
I did'nt mean him .But you can count on the book of this author .

I will test my bravery and soul tomorrow
326R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/17(金) 01:27:58 ID:YbEVZwv9
i feel as if i were a desparate man bound to the wall as fire squads point
thier gun , waiting for FIRE sign in the firing position .
327名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/03/19(日) 01:04:09 ID:ztSsBezB
do you mind?
328R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/19(日) 01:33:42 ID:eRrZm0AA
exhausted from hours of physical work , I can't write any more
329PMA:2006/03/19(日) 23:21:29 ID:iZLRvaLF

These days, my mental condition is not good.
So I could not write board.
I refused circle party.
probably, circle member think I am cold-hearted man.
Actually, I think it is true.
But I want to say my true feeling.
And I am introverted.
Introverted and cold-herted make me lonely.
Actually, I am not lonely.
but I feel lonelyness suddenly.
I think it is reason of mental disease.

I don't know what I wanted to say. sorry.
330会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/20(月) 01:14:46 ID:hIZWT22v
331PMA:2006/03/21(火) 00:24:32 ID:cOCwNQN1
I'm at a loss for what to do.
I'm like drowning in the sea.
It's not sad and not funny.

Sleeping pills bring me peace.
But,I want to quit using it.
Because it gives counterfeit peace.
And it deprive brain of memory.
332R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/21(火) 02:21:32 ID:fVMSYGCq
I got the sense of you want to say to us .
I could stand on your side and dislike attending events and party .
But sometimes suddeng outburst of lonelyness rises up , fills me ,and
make me want for human contact and affection .
Cause of this contradiction would be that we are human being , imperfect
cretures with emotion .

As of >>325 testing my soul , I sufferd a defeat : I did'nt do nothing,
braking promise made here . Whatever the outcome of test, this is the defeat for me .
I give myself , lost , defeated , battered soul , the last chance .
If I would 'nt again , I was marked as the defeated , disqualifed
human being for the rest ofmy life , living the decades with regret
of not accomplishing what I was determined to do from bottom of my
heart .
333会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/22(水) 01:17:49 ID:QqUm5l0q
334R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/22(水) 02:43:34 ID:UNwpupA2
I have a sleeping trouble .Source of trouble is not identified , but
I suspect stress or anxiety or mild dipression resulted in my sleeping
trouble Anyway
mental factors never come off the list of would-be causes of trouble ,not
just sleep deficiency . Resolving sleep deficiency is one of the easiest things
in the world , copying friend's answers for home work .

I bought a pack of sleeping pill several days ago to in order
to enjoy good , sound sleep at night and to make my days more productive .
It turns out that prescription from doctors is needed to buy some strong effect types.
Compromise is weak type of pill , which , it turned out , had really strong effects on
me , people with no history of taking sleeping pill and no resistance . Effect of the
medicine was significant enough to be one hour late for work tomorrow of that night.

Medicine is a temporary solution and long-term use have risk of being
addicted .
Wiping out root of the trouble is
335R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/23(木) 02:29:51 ID:NGtI5tBx
Medicine is a temporary solution and long-term use have risk of being
addicted .
Wiping out the root of the trouble is medicine . Causes of the sleeping trouble come in varieties raingin from
physical, mental to nerve problems .

I find myself becoming living dead , creature containing a rotten soul just waiting
for his life to end ,wanting time to pass by quickly , when I was work.
No progress , No setbacks No experience No lessons that benefit me counld be gained from the type of work
partly because I reject the work , partly because the job of serving people is much far away from the job I want to land .
If I could suceed in thinking myself into
336暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/24(金) 01:29:16 ID:Ryz1QhAT
AFAIK = as far as I know


337R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/25(土) 01:29:46 ID:2Eq5OjB4
Barely keeping up the thread
338R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/26(日) 01:29:01 ID:HO2GUkLz
possibility of death at any time even one seconds after
I finished this positing .
339PMA:2006/03/26(日) 23:37:04 ID:8g49fxvT
I don't take sleeping pill lately.
I know it is having danger of addiction.
Because, when I go to bed without take it, I feel anxiety.
Commercial sleeping pill may have strong effect recently.

I am at my parents home now.
I don't have to cook, wash and etc.
It is easy to live.
But, it is like NEET. It is corruption.
I am living dead now.

I need this thread to study English.
340暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/27(月) 00:41:59 ID:LywHPg9G
A draw is neither a win or loss for either player.


341暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/27(月) 22:41:32 ID:LywHPg9G

To the States or any one of them, or any city of the States,
Resist much, obey little,
Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved,
Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth, ever
afterward resumes its liberty.

342暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/27(月) 22:48:46 ID://DMFMgW


(岩波文庫『草の葉』 酒本雅之さん訳)

343暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/27(月) 22:54:44 ID://DMFMgW

On journeys through the States we start,
(Ay through the world, urged by these songs,
Sailing henceforth to every land, to every sea,)
We willing learners of all, teachers of all, and lovers of all.
We have watch'd the seasons dispensing themselves and passing on,
And have said, Why should not a man or woman do as much as the
        seasons, and effuse as much?

We dwell a while in every city and town,
We pass through Kanada, the North-east, the vast valley of the
        Mississippi, and the Southern States,
We confer on equal terms with each of the States,
We make trial of ourselves and invite men and women to hear,
We say to ourselves, Remember, fear not, be candid, promulge
        the body and the soul,
Dwell a while and pass on, be copious, temperate, chaste,
And what you effuse may then return as the seasons return,
And may be just as much as the seasons.

344暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/27(月) 23:12:04 ID://DMFMgW




(岩波文庫『草の葉』 酒本雅之さん訳)

345PMA:2006/03/27(月) 23:37:45 ID:MorLohHH
I am using WINDOWS98 now.
This PC has 450MHz CPU and 64MB memory.
It is fucking slow.

By the way, I like listening music.
I like English lyrics and Japanese singer, especially.
I am listening almost non-native singer's music.

Is listening non-native English useful to study English or not?
346会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/28(火) 00:46:41 ID:HLt28e5f

>If any decent reasons don't come up , you should begin by finding
>something you want to study using English .

I believed I might become an engineer of NTT Com or etc. So I had to
learn Eglish. When my ship was starting, my heart was full of joy.
But I've seen myself just a cheap labor. I had drifted and drifted
and drifted for along time. And drift ashore on the beach. Here are
some potatoes and sea weed. But I feel I have lost everything...

I have lost my object! (´・ω・`)

347会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/28(火) 01:29:16 ID:HLt28e5f
Do you know Godaigo?
Their lyrics polish our English.

I also like Japanese TV show with foreign songs by Japanese singers.
I think it gives me chances to know songs that I don't know.
I have found The End of the World on the program like it.

But I couldn't catch the song name.
And someday the song was on the radio. That song flowed out
from the radio. I heard a cool voice singing the song.
I don't like John Mellencamp. But his The End of the World
is very good. I bought the song CD by him.

348会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/28(火) 01:29:58 ID:HLt28e5f
349今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/29(水) 00:27:02 ID:YgB/aBHY

Here, take this gift,
I was reserving it for some hero, speaker, or general,
One who should serve the good old cause, the great idea, the
progress and freedom of the race,
Some brave confronter of despots, some daring rebel;
But I see that what I was reserving belongs to you just as much
as to any.

350今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/29(水) 00:35:04 ID:YgB/aBHY


(岩波文庫『草の葉』 酒本雅之さん訳)

351暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/29(水) 00:44:45 ID:YgB/aBHY
It is my job!
352R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/29(水) 02:02:14 ID:+jlw4JE1
I am really thankfull to her support and want to her to live happiely ,
but I can't give her back what she wanted the most . She is wasting her
precious time of early 20's . My presence surely ruins her life .
353会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/29(水) 02:07:46 ID:YgB/aBHY
You say goodbye and I say hello.

Spring has come. We are just like petals of blossoms, flying
in the wind. We have meetings and partings by chance.
Can we repeat ordinary days forever? Sad farewell to my dad
will come suddenly someday.

Life is in everyday life. So we must love others.
It is too sad to part with him without saying goodbye.

354会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/29(水) 02:19:48 ID:YgB/aBHY
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind,the answer is
blowing in the wind.


355R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/29(水) 02:42:16 ID:+jlw4JE1
What do you mean ?

Series of drink parties supress my finacial ablility .
If you were 'nt at present , you would come under fire of criticism , a target of
easy-to-attack with no means to fight back alone .
356会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/03/30(木) 23:43:49 ID:DhgKN17u
I think it is important to say no. Because you must owe the result.

357R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/31(金) 00:56:55 ID:Sz56hhHp
If I can let only a drop of courage and do what I should do now ,
there is a progress in this situation ; If I can't gather up
some courage and cringe , leading into inaction , there is a
defeat , a retreat .
I feel wedged between fear of making step in the wrong direction and retreat of regret , fear
of failure and regret of doing nothing when you know that action
is needed to take.
358R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/31(金) 01:05:53 ID:Sz56hhHp
fear is needed to be overcome to move forward even If end of the road
I move along is complete failure .
359R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/32(土) 02:25:50 ID:rSKqcdcL
I exerted courage and did my best , hoping for the best ,
thinking that my action was worth the best result .
However things made a unexpected , drastic , 180 degree turning
into the worst result I could think of .As loosing my ace card ,I could'nt think of what to do
,feeling at a loss , waiting for divine power to intervene in this
situation as if dogs who have just
lost their masters wait for strangers to hand him food at the street .
I was shattered into pieces and it takes a while to recollect and reconstruct piece of my broken
mind .

We only are responsible for what we did ; no one takes the responsibility
for our failure .
I am first-rate Dame person , a qulified person to represent
this board , and can't say " No " , fearing negative responses
would be offensive .
360R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/03/32(土) 02:29:54 ID:rSKqcdcL
lost my ace card です。

an unexpected blow to me who had expected the best
361今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/04/03(月) 01:42:22 ID:SfgAXOq3
Sorry. G'night.

362R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/03(月) 02:17:57 ID:Bf4BjO7h
Fatigue that gathered up over the week is bursting out of my body as
I let off my mental guard because tomorrow is day-off .
363会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/04/05(水) 01:49:58 ID:aISo+oG7
Sorry. G'night.
364R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/05(水) 02:11:34 ID:kMvLZbJ9
It seems that I was born with a gift : I can love to study English ( someone may not call it " gift )
However , gift of learning language was'nt implanted in me . I am slower to improve than others ,but
I could move forward a steadily ,3step forward and 2backward .
Not a single day passed when I study English from five yeas ago ( study include reading
English book?) At least I thought so .

Where is that motivation that rose up non-stop inside me ?
These day I am in no mood for studying English ,seeming like my gift of effort flower die or
dried up suddenly wanting for water . Water is rest , a short brake of study . I am watering now
, just waiting for me to get back into the state of being motivated once again
365名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/04/05(水) 02:56:03 ID:shNF8m8R
Can I have your name please
366R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/06(木) 02:20:51 ID:wfpHsiQV
depriving me of English , what is left of me ?
That would mean whole part of me would go away and turn into the
underdog , the hopeless , human-being with huge blanks inside body .
What is left could be suicide desire ,desperation ,and feelings of loss
, something desparete people would be gripped with as if a father is a only survivor of some tragegic traffic accident
in which his entire family would be killed except for him .

367R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/06(木) 02:22:44 ID:wfpHsiQV
would 2回目もいらね。
368R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/08(土) 02:05:13 ID:HhvHf7at
Hasitating to make up my mind , decision was take out of my hand , bounced
up into the air , never blown back into my hand .If I failed to conrole my destiny,
someone would do .That sounds bad ,but it is'nt so bad idea .Let others take controle of you and
they will take care of you . you don't need to worry about yourself .
369会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/04/10(月) 00:38:05 ID:37QVkTDJ
Sorry. G'night.
370A助@お兄やん:2006/04/10(月) 22:30:34 ID:TS7WETFS
this is a pen
371会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/04/12(水) 00:01:54 ID:JnBqdgpy
Sorry. G'night.
372今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/04/13(木) 00:16:32 ID:NJJteEwh
Sorry. G'night
373名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/04/13(木) 00:56:09 ID:XBY3xyBI
why are you always saying sorry when you say good night?
374R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/13(木) 01:29:29 ID:19ZgU/c5
The pharase" This is a pen" is a flawless perfect English sentence ,
,and plus applys three points that help readers understand your
sentence : easy , blief ,definite ( clear ?)
I can' t think of any easier English phrase than that .
375R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/13(木) 01:30:51 ID:19ZgU/c5
I want to work hard when my sprit don't push me
376R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/16(日) 01:56:07 ID:SAzvlWwE
Days gone without taking any action or even working out plans to
climb out of my dire situation , the bottom of my life as of now , where
I can't fall down , the end of dark , deep well ,
where youthfullness is sacrificed for a small amount of money used for
living .

I am asking for any advice from anyone who read through my crop English and
crank out some idea .
377R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/16(日) 02:01:21 ID:SAzvlWwE
I would let out crap English
378名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/04/16(日) 02:06:54 ID:AwN+2whZ
I forgot English. So I dont know this language
379名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/04/16(日) 23:43:28 ID:DHikP79w
みんなすごいね。 とりあえず、さっぱりわからんわ。
Everyone is great. For the present I just can't understand.
But this is very useful for English study, I think.
380nittho-komasen:2006/04/17(月) 00:10:16 ID:srPY6joH
I'm in jobless. I have been jobless since this month.
Until now I have been a junior high school teacher.
Needless to say, it's not English.
381会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/04/17(月) 01:17:44 ID:io1HYb4y
Sorry. G'night.
382名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/04/17(月) 08:59:44 ID:fPj//Lm6
383R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/18(火) 02:16:08 ID:QpKTIRym
We never live above clouds . I am just building and climbing up ladder of English everydays little
by little ,going up higher than I was yesterday .
Take a rest, refresh yourself with fresh air before standing up again and begin new career.
You have now access to the new world , a stress-free paradise where you can sleep ,eat ,watch TV , go out …etc
whenever you want to ,
Explore and enjoy the world with new eyses that you did'nt have when you worked
and were resricted to the chain of clock ;
you are not pressed with time anymore. Free from that chain and other
boring ,tiring duties as social member , you are free to do whatever you want to do if money and law
is permitted .

However , things don't go in the way I would like it to .
Japanese company are never ever generous with person with history of
long jobless period . I think jobless period of only half a year
is enough to ruin your future career .
The longer jobless period strech ,the more difficulties we have landing a suitable job .
384R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/18(火) 02:17:23 ID:QpKTIRym
I would blurt out crap English again .
385名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/04/18(火) 03:20:35 ID:p7YImkIp
大卒も多いし 英語できる奴はできる。

386英語できない:2006/04/18(火) 05:58:05 ID:UMs18phv


387英語できない:2006/04/18(火) 06:03:30 ID:UMs18phv
゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜


宛先 inquir * [email protected]
国連web http://www.un. * org/forms/feedback/english.asp

I boycott CHINA.
I demand to CHINA give up the permanent member of the Security Council.
in CHINA isn't any basic human rights.
CHINA damage to the image of the United Nations.

●boycotting Beijing 2008
●amnesty in china

゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜
388名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/04/18(火) 06:54:53 ID:p7YImkIp


389名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/04/18(火) 06:55:58 ID:p7YImkIp
390PMA:2006/04/18(火) 19:54:02 ID:C/OoB+Z8
Why don't I do my best.
391会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/04/19(水) 02:20:22 ID:leQ4siT1
Sorry. G'night.
392R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/19(水) 02:26:13 ID:3RDwy1my
I wonder if I could have courage to face squarely and bear
possible defeats . Possiblities of defeat is high enough to
force me to rethink and abandon my plan to ask her out to lunch .
However , what if I throw away the date plan and withdraw into my
inner shell ? I am sure what wait for me then is regret . I would regret
for the rest of lifetime .I am sandwitched between advance of going along with plan
and retreat of abandoning the plan . To advance I must overcome fear of failure .

Welcome here , I am glad to have you here .
I read through that thread you hang around and encorage others
people ,and I understand you are doing your best .

Doing one's best is to push oneself to the limit .
393PMA:2006/04/19(水) 02:59:06 ID:mGHSaS/M
These days, I feel this month is the turning point.
If I cannot study hard, I will have to quit college probably.

If I can study hard, I may be a graduate student.
And, I will get a job.

Anyway, I feel now is the turning point.
394PMA:2006/04/19(水) 21:43:19 ID:mGHSaS/M
Do you want to say "Please date with me."?
If it is true, great courage is needed.

If you have enough time and like proverb, I want you to search proverb.

I should always do my best.
If I do my best, I seem I get qualification of happy life.
I don't know If I have
395R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/20(木) 02:09:34 ID:F4bcfF1C

I believe that a good result always follows hard work

I love proverb and has collection of proverbs .
I believe in the wonder of proverb .

I learned somewhere on the net that comma must be used to set off direct and indirect
quotation . In other word , put comma right before quotation and period or
question mark with in closing quotation mark .
Example :Do you want to say ,"Please date with me?"
396R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/20(木) 02:13:14 ID:F4bcfF1C
>Do you want to say "Please date with me."?
>If it is true, great courage is needed.
Sure . Result is secondary issue . What matters to me is
whether I could put out grand courage in fron of her , then
a result will follow .
397PMA:2006/04/20(木) 12:53:09 ID:XP1t5eL9
I have the memory that I read here.
But I don't have the memory that I wrote here.
Why don't I have memory.
probably, because I was very sleepy.
398R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/22(土) 02:22:39 ID:EnVLm12Y
It seems that everything goes in the undisireble direction .
Things I tried turned out to be the worst results .
I was acting as if butterflies or other tiny ,powerless insects
trapped in the spider's web . The harder I struggle to release myself off
the web of a spider waiting for me to give up and offer my body as his
food with his month watering ,the more tangle I get with web ,
loosing my energy and spirit in vain.

I decide to wait for hard luck to pass , waiting for strong wind to
blow through the spider's web , rattling the web ,and freeing me off .
And then , I use left energy to fly away again , saving energy
to carry out what I should do at the right moment .

399R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/25(火) 02:04:58 ID:wu58XPdw
I hit the bottom .
Failure after failure , I have to bear sevaral failures in a short period,
about a week . I don't have enough gut to analyze causes of the failures .
Just energy is left in me for standing firmly on my foot , face squarely
against the failure ,and waiting for hard luck to pass by me .
400R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/25(火) 02:11:22 ID:wu58XPdw
Test my spirit , measure the limit of what I am capable of as of now
, and work out what I have to do now to escape from current situation .
where I bump into obstacles in all direction I choose .
  .//⌒___ \  +    。     +    。     *     。
 //_/    \\ \
          \\ \
  *     +  ((   |    イヤッッホォォォオオォオウ!
           |  ∩
   +    。  |  | | *     +    。     +   。 +
           |  | |
           |  / |   ._   +    。     +    +     *
      \ ̄ ̄~/   /~ ̄ .\
      ||\  ~^~^~^~      \    +    。     +    +     *
      ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
      ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
         .||              ||
401R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/25(火) 02:37:56 ID:wu58XPdw
As rule of time dictate , we can't go back to the past , even where we were
seconds before ,to correct failures that created current situation.
We have to live with what we did in the past ,taking total responsibility for
the past actions . Past can be turned into lesson that teachs you what not to do and
what you should do for the futher . It takes a great courage to look straight ,
analyze the failure ,and find out the solution instead of looking away from them and
waiting fot them to baried with time
402R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/26(水) 01:28:51 ID:+Jcz+0An
Now that I admit the failures , I pay the price for them and
when they are all settled , I will be free of debt and free to do
anything I want to do .
403R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/27(木) 02:14:25 ID:9NUAmGwF
It seems that no one is around here but me .
It was disappointing than even regulars has gone away and never
go back to leave any messages .
404R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/27(木) 02:15:43 ID:9NUAmGwF
See this thread : http://money4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/employee/1145106416/l50
and pose to think for a while .
405R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/30(日) 01:14:27 ID:COalL550
I had a terrible mistake
pause is correct
406R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/04/30(日) 01:21:46 ID:COalL550
I feel I have a duty to give back what I was given to others
in need .
407会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/05/01(月) 00:51:58 ID:DkgFU9X+
408R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/01(月) 01:57:40 ID:Eze+4yA9
I have a proble with having sound sleep .
409名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/03(水) 22:57:23 ID:O2UfFEp7
I want to travel somewhere, but I do'nt have money little.
So I would leave alone at home tomorrow.
410名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/03(水) 22:58:58 ID:1/D0xH8X
Don't mind
411名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/04(木) 15:32:10 ID:eI3FYbzy
Today, I think I absolutely dont' access the 2ch, but now ...orz
412R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/05(金) 01:41:48 ID:WWM8Lu5b
I have't travel since last year .
I also don't have enough money to take me where I want to go .
So I sit around at home , reading novel , taking naps .
413名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/05(金) 01:53:58 ID:8T9KCsB6
Let's travel somewhere with me !
414今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :2006/05/05(金) 02:00:38 ID:P8uXZVCC
Mushoku again.
415名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/05(金) 09:39:29 ID:Hq1T8dS7
Thanks to my strenuous, unflinching efforts,
I have finally got a translating job in Hachioji, Tokyo.
However, what worries me is that the rest of translators in the office are all women.
I cannot get on well with women.
How I wish I could!
416R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/06(土) 01:59:15 ID:OkBe7Aor
I wish you best .
What make me jearous of you is that you work with women , and you are
surrouded by women . I think that proportion of female translators against
men's is disproportionaly high .So if we decide to work as an in-house
translator , we have to be prepare for embracing female-dominated workplace .

Anyway , I am really jealous of you . You are paid for what you like to do .
I am poorly paid for what I don't really like to do .
417名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/06(土) 11:10:44 ID:jxja/3BH
I appreciate your kindest remark. What kind of job do you have?
Does it not have anything to do with foreign languages?

As I wrote, I cannot possibly get on the right side of women
because I take no interest in how I look or what I wear.
Some women tend to have an almost physiological hatred for me,
just as they respond to reptiles or something.

Alas (I could not care less about them either)!

418R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/07(日) 02:26:41 ID:3mtl2EJS
I have three different jobs. one sometimes requires speaking English to
deal with foreign costmers . The other two constantly demand English fluency .

I interpret from your response above that
"some" women have no hostile feelings to you while rest of them do .
why don't you get along with them ? And shrug off biased-mind women .

Finally let me give you a tip for putting you in harmonious workplace .
Don't hasitate to say hallo to your coworkers including the biased-minded .
A minor change can lead to big change .

Sorry if my English are confusing .

419名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/07(日) 02:32:36 ID:MIiXt6jZ

         ,.:.:−:.:-ー:.: ̄`:.ヽ:.、
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     l.:!/:.:.;;}:l:.:lYち::::!   ,`´,, レ⌒ヽ  , - 、   おじちゃんたち
    >'ヌヽf ハ:.lヽ `゙´  _.. ,     i   ! /   i     どうしてしごとしないの?
    Yl::|Yヽ、キi:l  '''  l  ノ   イ:! |l/ /  ノ
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     'yVノ_゙ゞッ.ヽ, /Fiヽ、人l  ’    ・ }
       }  `ヽキ Y゙イ |~i,_..ィ゙ ヽ、 x _ _.ノ
       〉   ゝメーイ卅 }  , '7` ー 'ェ ヽ

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       iべヾ :         ‥ ,ヘ     |  やかましいわ!!!
       l ・〉! i 二.._,.二 i !〈・ l   <
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420名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/07(日) 09:29:06 ID:AIYNs9Nz
You don't have to apologize because you have a good command of English to say nothing of kind nature.

I'II try to look on the bright side of things.
421ファウス痘:2006/05/09(火) 01:14:34 ID:ek0FzLjz
Not a chance buddy, not a chance.
422R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/09(火) 02:37:03 ID:9+80BAMC
thanks for your words , and I am sure you could .
I think you are on the right track .Don't derail the track
You stay in the workplace , bulid up career , and an experience as
translator . A few years later , you would find yourself a better qualifed
translator , a lot of ways paved in front of you .
423R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/11(木) 02:21:27 ID:L4oTJPKu
Nothing special has gone on these days ; yesterday resembled
the day before yesterday ;today resembles yesterday ; this week
resembles last week . it is as if I were going around the small circle
for the rest of life at the same pace as the last round .
424名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/13(土) 08:37:48 ID:+vnBcNbv
425ファウス痘:2006/05/13(土) 15:23:32 ID:tAstL+5i
426名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/13(土) 21:52:41 ID:So0Nmgmp
427名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/13(土) 22:15:57 ID:TcHGTuAL
1年後には、結構わかるようになってるといいな( ゚Д゚)
428名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/14(日) 08:34:51 ID:HYSveSbg
429名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/14(日) 17:56:08 ID:FrZjsUvs
430名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/14(日) 18:05:42 ID:6BglvmTh
431名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/14(日) 18:07:26 ID:pnsesxlF
432名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/14(日) 18:21:40 ID:6BglvmTh
433R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/15(月) 12:27:27 ID:7VZRGSxi
Just a 2 hour lessen was not enough to change my ways in the
right direction ,But I thought I was given the way to the right direction .
Life has'nt changed overnight in favor of me .It took years of effort and
struggle .
434R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/15(月) 12:30:08 ID:7VZRGSxi
I have an appointment with one of my close frineds this early afternoon .
Soon after I am finished here , I disconnect internet , pack my things , and leave home
435R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/18(木) 02:40:42 ID:O+7LThxc
The meeting with my close friends ended in slight bitterness ,
We spent about 3 hours togather , sitting down in a cafe and talking non stop about what was
happenning to the two of us between now and the last time we met , as if filling in the blank spaces .
As long as I remember the conversation never came to halt except for the
moment when he broke the news that stuned me up-side-down :
he is going to be married .

It turned out that I stay and he gone : nothing remarkable has changed in me but in him .
He is progressing , and I am not , as if cementing my ankles in the ground .

up to you
436名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/19(金) 16:27:49 ID:NDSVqCtu
A man's life consists of a succession of small events,
Nothing remarkable has changed in anyone who are progressing.
Only the man of standing in his disappointing stagnation
could see some amazing changes in others life with envy.
It depends on you.
up to you,i think.

・・・Sorry, i can't make any grand statements about others by right.
i have been in envy of someone's success for many years.
My daily life consists of a succession of my intense jealousy against others.
437名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/19(金) 17:22:15 ID:bIr0oRHe
438名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/19(金) 17:56:04 ID:IbQlJ7V0
439R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/20(土) 03:02:25 ID:5FoJv+ge
There are some ways to convert envy into inspirational power for you .

I wonder how I could get out of what you called " disappointing stagnation ."
The ever-largest salvage operation could be needed in my life time
I try to convice myself that"Now is the watershed , the life-turning point , next chance never comes ,
this is the last chance bistowed on me ."
up to you
go over again
I want to know more about you if you don't mind .
440Neulinger bei einer Firma:2006/05/21(日) 22:56:58 ID:6tBBylCC
Morgen muss ich zum ersten mal bei der Ueberzetzungsfirma arbeiten.
Wie ich schon geschrieben habe, mache ich mir Angst darum, dass alle andere
Frauen sind.
Aber ich mache das beste!

441436:2006/05/23(火) 17:15:58 ID:AAuSDao5
Oh, sorry to be late in replying.
Thanks for your advise.
But, you need not pay any mind to about me.
I'm a mere unemployed cipher.

My "disappointing stagnaton", eventually, is
due to my having an inferiority complex unsolvable.
I've made anything around me into
"disappointing stagnation" by myself.
Sure, i know i could also change it by myself.
But what opportunity to be who i could have been,
"the watershed" already seems to be in past whenever i see.
For instance, even if "the watershed"
i think is the life-turning point should happen to me,
it could only occur in tandem with my complex.
My complex beclouds the use of the watershed at that time,
beating me down on the sewage and dinning into my ears
"you can't make it" "you can't make difference".
Then i gradually lose my drive and be blind with despair.
Thus, each opportunty has gone before i come to myself for ever.

Now i'm stuck as if to be in the quicksand.
i'm at a loss...

Uh... my everlasting faintheartdness
might get you annoyed, i think.
Let it pass, please.
I've indeed lost my way,
but i'll be able to squeeze through.
442R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/26(金) 22:44:36 ID:KZhpSB3+
As a independant translator , I got the first translation work and
I was finished now . How is my first work accepted ?
443R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/26(金) 22:45:56 ID:KZhpSB3+

444R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/27(土) 02:25:08 ID:2jRYiyCm
I am glad to see you here again and no apology is needed .
You can come here and let out some complaints on any matters
whenever you want . And then I will listen seriously .

I feel I can grasp only a small scope of the dissappointing
stagnation . For my part there is nothing I can do to lift you
out of the stagnation .
But I have prepared poor recomendation , which was squeezed out of my poor wisdom :
Reading of 50 titles of books , any subjects allowed if peaking a small portion of your interets .
Different kinds of answers , some of which are unimaginable to think, lie within literary materials .
445R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/30(火) 02:03:46 ID:2jQ1F6p7
No one seems to be present here , a desert on a world map . That could
proves how little interest residents and visitors of this board have in English
or find it worthless commenting here .
I come to ask myself the significanse of maintaining this threat regularly
446名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/30(火) 02:08:36 ID:O3/WBBJo
I don't know, what to do?(/ω\)
447名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/05/30(火) 17:53:33 ID:Z4a5KjE8
I died.
Give me a birth again!
448R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/05/31(水) 02:37:20 ID:wS4eiaXe
do what you have to do right now or do what your body want you to do : sex or 072
You died
I have an interest in what is happening after death .
You died once and come back here , so you have gone through
the whole process .
449R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/06/02(金) 01:54:19 ID:9bcDRKdy
Letting go of the second chance , I was left with so much regret that
one cann't rise up and recollect oneself again .
450名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/06/02(金) 21:16:07 ID:vV92omXH
Hello!Guys.How do you do?
I'm not good at English.Of course I don't have confidence.
But I want to be able to speak and write English fluently.
Next year I want to go to US,and study about development.
My dream is to work at UN-organization.
I'll stake my life on acquiring skill of English for one year from now.
Now my challenge start...
451R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/06/03(土) 01:59:07 ID:neGYxZQ+
I think you are on the right track with future goal on one hand
and immediate goal on the other .
Setting a clear goal and dealline is crusial elements for
success , which makes us more focused . One who failed lack of
that elements , I think .

You want to study abroad and development on what ?

Can you please be more specific about it ?
452名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/06/03(土) 09:11:24 ID:o44iR+b6
Thank you for your res.
I couldn't understand some sentences.
What are dealling and crusial?

I want to support developing countries of all over the world.
Especially I think children who should not take any responsibility.
For this purpuse I should study English and take the high score on TOEFL.
So now I need to get English skill.
I want to be able to talk with native people in English.
I'll go to base at Yokosuka from now to get a part time job.
I believe its experience will bring good result for me.
453名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/06/03(土) 18:01:48 ID:1GxkT5B5
I'm hungry.
I always eat lunch and dinner at my home.
I live with my parents.I close to 30 years old.
I feel very sorry I don't find a job yet.
454R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/06/05(月) 03:24:45 ID:RXjImali
I meant having crystal-clear goal organaizes your thoughts and actions .
sorry for poor , confusing writing .

Acquiring higher command of English needs a few years of hard works and strugggles .
455名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/06/05(月) 04:44:38 ID:NXBn0LM8
456名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/06/05(月) 09:50:19 ID:zoWDQeGO
457R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/06/08(木) 02:05:05 ID:rx2+/ho6
She insisted that some form of therapy be started . On the other hand ,
My father ,a person rarely expressing one's opinion , turned into full-blown anger
, insisting that his child never need that stupid therapy ,turning
his face away from the reality .
He is elusive , absent person , never ever lived in reality .
458R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/06/12(月) 22:24:49 ID:8rAevJhA
Now one and half hours before the date will change.
I am recalling the day .
I was depressed thoughout the day .
But there was a new discovery :
I found me suitable sitting in the state of the deepest
of deep depression . The thought of no one caring for me and
nothing to lose oddly comfort me very well , giving me brave
to take actions .
459R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/06/15(木) 02:15:46 ID:v0GLY4ZM
There was nothing interesting for him but folding origami into Tusu
He made turus everyday around the day .The accumulation of cranes
climbed up to the celing . Repetaion of his routines continued
for almost 2 years : He folded ,and crane accumulated .and then
he shoved crane to the side .
Nothing but folding origami into turu drew interest to him as if
making turu occupied more than half parts of his life , a criminal
sentenced to life imprisonment serving his endless term in prison .
460R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/06/18(日) 02:56:06 ID:ZHr6lV7n
A month of my struggles turned out to be in vain , going straight down the
drain .Everything was settled behind the closed door . Once it was settled ,
nothing could break the settled . I struggled to put one foot forth and then another
"in the air" , in fact going nowhere , remaining where I had stood before .
461R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/06/23(金) 02:30:00 ID:w0VckMnq
All the effort I put in last month was for getting her heart , which had been already
taken by the others .It was too late , and there seemed to be no room I could fit in .
I begun to question myself wheather I should back down .

I decided to go ahead even though I know the end of the road
is failure . However , I could gain something valuable along the way to the end .
The point is ,I understand, how I would complete the road of failure .

The thought of nothing to lose or of having already lost comforts me ,
rob me of fear of the "inevitable" failure ,
and even give me the fuel to move forward : courage

462名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/06/25(日) 21:08:50 ID:MDSgQj0j
463R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/06/27(火) 02:54:20 ID:gSzt5lWX
I feel as if I am wandering in the cloud of uncertinity , not deciding
what to do next .Cloud is so thick that I can't see anything even one meter
ahead .This invisibility slow me down and bring about fear inside me .

464名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/06/29(木) 16:15:36 ID:4u3yLdGp
They are neetman.
But they learnd English.
OK? worker.
465名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/06/29(木) 16:27:44 ID:4u3yLdGp
You were acquired English. were not you?
466名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/06/29(木) 17:00:02 ID:rXweWtgZ
I read ROM sites.
467R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/06/30(金) 03:07:04 ID:ZUKWyxJY
I am too crezy about her .Thought of her occupys me
around the day and makes me unable to concentrate on anything but
her .Fact that she has her own lover is too much short of making me
abandon her .Morality dictates that I should back down ,forget
about her , and look for other women .But I can't turn around and go backward
even if I understand that what lays ahead in this struggle is enevitable outcome :
rejection .
Conclusion is that there is no choice left except overcoming fear of failure and
moving forward .

I could accept any intolerable humiliation for her .

When all things are done , I will , I promise , dissappear before her
and be never within her sight .
468名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/07/04(火) 02:31:57 ID:NAKxUQ6u
I am a few inch away from coming to the thought of giving her up .
I am wondering how could I fill the a few inchs distance and
come to the point .
469R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/07/06(木) 02:04:56 ID:hcNglr/i
It is easy to trust people who had done what you 've done.
470R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/07/10(月) 22:58:30 ID:p/Ph+5Id
fill me in
471R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/07/15(土) 02:39:28 ID:zE/NeTzP
I am writing with disorganized thought .

These days feeling of being lost haunts me from when I wake up
in bed to go to bed , a stray dog wandering aimlessly around the routine
course and looking for nothing .I know by myself that my depression and
dissatisfaction with me increase , build up one after another
rub me of energy to take action .
If any of you see this comments and feel something ,
please give me any advise .I welcome any advise

I realised that , when I was at work , I was not left even with
energy enough to form a smile , even pretended one .
472R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/07/20(木) 02:36:32 ID:kHwVmGVL
kara age
473名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/07/20(木) 23:05:59 ID:uxXTleGO
474マイケロ:2006/07/20(木) 23:08:53 ID:uxXTleGO

475名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/07/20(木) 23:25:22 ID:UroZicJu
476名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/07/21(金) 00:12:29 ID:mLZvlEQO
477マイケロ:2006/07/21(金) 10:02:10 ID:LEiku7sl




478R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/07/24(月) 22:59:50 ID:QhTQoX8h
479R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/07/25(火) 02:32:33 ID:9PF8DxB/
I feel lost these days . Feeling and thought of being lost
fill me up and leaves me unable to do anything .
I just want to sit around home , killing time ,waiting for night to come ,
the most confortable period during the day .
I know my quality of life is going down.
I know what I have to do right now . That strangles me ,meaning
I just run out of guts to carry out things that I have to do .
I want something or someone push my back forward .

480マイケロ:2006/07/25(火) 10:27:24 ID:r12YRB0b




481名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/07/28(金) 11:45:37 ID:2r3MIDoJ
Xcuse me
how old are you?
482R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/07/28(金) 13:27:55 ID:QPqyajT5
Intense rainfall is expected over the weekend .

483R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/07/29(土) 03:32:38 ID:HcLPWM+m
I want to change and start all over again to enjoy better life .
But I could'nt work out any idea . I was wandering through my mind
and searcing for any clues for several days . No piece of idea found
until today . I came to realization , while working ,that I would go opposite in
every aspect . if I spent
days in the same way I did , I would be the same person .
However , If I go opposite doing what I would'nt do ,not
doing what I thought was right ,
Some kinds of change for better or worse will be shaped .

Excuse : I put down my thoughts in the order in which my thoughts occured .
No plan before tapping keyboard .

484名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/07/29(土) 04:22:52 ID:6u15guqw
英語おぼえても職歴ないと アルバイトレベルしか仕事ないと思うが・・・

485マイケロ:2006/07/31(月) 21:16:03 ID:gv76Z5bC
486R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/08/03(木) 03:08:28 ID:cuvI15Ps
I read books not as a hobby or time-killing but as a matter of survival
Someone pick up books for taking their minds off the reality for a while .
You can turn your face away from anything but contents of the book while reading.

Sequences of words in the book grow up into a story which will be perceived in as
many ways as number of people .

487マイケロ:2006/08/04(金) 10:43:55 ID:g4Jf4Yr/
488R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/08/07(月) 03:51:19 ID:D2YgpJdD

I was no more than a grown-up child , doing things in the way
children tend to .

I need to trust in myself to improvise my life

Life is Trial and error .
Do what you think you have to do right now .
Only thing that satisifies yourself is not someone's advise but
something that strikes your head as right .
489R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/08/09(水) 02:58:19 ID:ecvHMLKk
I was awaken , more conscious of what I have to do than ever before
Let me back inside the road of challenge
490R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/08/12(土) 02:55:45 ID:yt5zI2Ff
While I was brosing 2ch , everyday practice which has a calming effect on me
One thought occured to me :
Japan is free country , where right to freedom (within boundary of law)
is granteered for every natinals born in Japan , and one may freely
excise the right of freedom if not crossing the law .
At the moment I realized that I would be given millions of options :
I am free to quit the work , I am free to love someone
I am free to make friends , I am free to work where and when I want to work ,
I am free to study anything I want …ete.
While indulgin myself in such a stupid thought ,I also felt regret
for wasting time , straining myself and not doing what I feel like doing .
491R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/08/15(火) 03:00:00 ID:w35ozQe2
I moved ahead by almost imperceivable degree .
492R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/08/18(金) 02:52:54 ID:gvzTXeHA
How many day does it take to realize importance of being young ?
maybe untill I would get old enough to recall these good old days .
493R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/08/19(土) 02:52:27 ID:0u0ORSKh
Take it as it comes . After I will done everything possible
to win her heart , I will let myself drift along the luck of the road .
494R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/08/20(日) 02:55:35 ID:eB7xvJnz
Don't be fooled by fear .
Don't let fear of failure intervent in .
Just let myself do what I feel like doing out of freewill
, and then wait and brace for the outcome .

Thought , expectation ,or pray , any of them , never ever lead
to the truth .Only taking action guides you to the truth , then
you find what you have to accept .
495:2006/08/23(水) 14:57:50 ID:SiznZZXa


496R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/08/24(木) 02:20:06 ID:614GMZU2

497:2006/08/24(木) 08:00:13 ID:f97eMN7+

「very very young girl」と書いたら

>I also love the very young girls, girls that are just developing tits and

でも大丈夫かな? わざと合わせておいて、あとでFBIにチクるとか、、、
498R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :2006/08/25(金) 02:31:14 ID:L6PN2IRV

I am on a sting operation .
I will hand your reply over to FBI as substantial evidence .
You will be round up in a few days .

499名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:2006/08/25(金) 20:58:00 ID:2inZ/xJT

500R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY
Hope turned out to be just an illusion , something artificial
created by the stupid like me .
I gave her up and abandoned the journey in pursuit of her .
The idea struke me in a split seconds that I should not pursuit her
I suddenly saw the end of the road a few inch ahead and
made a urgent stop when a thick mist was cleard by wind of dispair.

Her presence served for me as an anchor to the present workplace .
Now that the anchor was savered , what other things put me on hold ?